<p>According to the Article 12. of Law on Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina («Official Gazzete of B&H», number 30/2001), The Assembly of Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the session held on May 22, 2002., adopted the following</p><p>THE S T A T U T E</p><p>OF FOREIGN TRADE CHAMBER OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA</p><p>1. GENERAL PROVISIONS</p><p>Article 1.</p><p>The Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: Chamber) is an indipended, non-govermental, non-political and non-profit public-legal association of economic subjects and associations (members) from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Chamber´s functions are directed towards development and improvement of economic relations of B&H economy with abroad, including partnership relations and representation of members´ interests against competent B&H bodies and in appropriate associations abroad. The Chamber has a qualification of legal person with rights, obligations and liabilities determined by the Law and this Statute.</p><p>Article 2.</p><p>The title of the Chamber is «Vanjskotrgovinska komora BiH» or «Spoljnotrgovinska komora BiH». English translation of the title: «The Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina». The seat of the Chamber is in Sarajevo, Branislava Đurđeva Street, number 10.</p><p>Article 3.</p><p>Thr Chamber has a sign (logotype), which shape is determined by Resolution of The Chamber´s Board of Directors. </p><p>Article 4.</p><p>The Chamber has a round stamp, on which the title and address of the Chamber in all languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina is written, in concentrate circles. The Chamber has a round stamp on which the title of the Chamber in English language is written. If deemed necessary, the Chamber may have stamps in different foreign languages. Board of Directors may determine, by its resolution, that stamp, that is, stamps consist Chamber´s logo too. Article 5.</p><p>The Chamber is managed by members who have their representatives in the bodies of the Chamber. </p><p>Article 6.</p><p>Members of the Chamber are: companies, banks, insurance companies and other legal- economic persons registered for performance of business with abroad on the territory of B&H. They are automatically members on the basis of their membership in chambers of commerce and on the basis of the Law of The Federation of B&H, Republic of Srpska and Brčko District. Members of the Chamber are: The Chamber of commerce of Federation of B&H, The Chamber of commerce of Republic of Srpska (hereinafter: entity chambers) and The Chamber of commerce of Brčko District B&H as collective members. Chambers of commerce organized on territorial and professional principles, specialized and similar associations are the members of the Chamber under the condition that competent managing body passes the Resolution on membership in Chamber, and in this way accepts rights and liabilities of collective member of the Chamber. Members of the Chamber may be: scientific-research and educational institutions; associations of citizens that registered itself for economic activities; unions; associations of interest; fonds; foundations and other organizations undertaking activities of importance for economy, as well as individual and collective members. In the cases laid down in paragraph 3. and 4. of this Article, Board of Directors passes the Resolution on acceptance in membership of the Chamber.</p><p>Article 7.</p><p>Authorities of the Chamber are:</p><p> a) Membership and representation of economy interests (members) in international chamber and professional associations, that is, organizations (ICC, Eurochamber, EAN, FIATA, IRU, activities related to ATA and TIR carnets), b) Representation of the interests of Chamber's members in abroad, directly through its own representative network or through diplomatic and consular network and authorized representatives of Chamber, c) Performance of public authorizations determined by special regulations, acts and resolutions of the competent state bodies, d) Cooperation and coordination of cooperation between chambers of commerce and associations in the country, especially with entity chambers of commerce and Chamber of Commerce of Brčko District in order to equalize economic position of Chamber's members as well as preparation and realization of projects of mutual interest for foreign trade management, e) Promotion and coordination of educational programs of interest to Chamber's members, f) Development of bussines and information system in line with international data bases (international chamber network, C.E.I. , Internet, etc.), also including supply and demand network as well as harmonization of information chamber network in B&H, g) To affect, through partnership relation with the competent state bodies, on creation of economic system, h) Promotion and coordination of economic data providing and market analyses from the field of economic relations with abroad (preparation of the periodical analyses on market trends and overlooking of relevant data can be implemented individually and in cooperation with the competent bodies and organizations), i) Promotion and organization of the international fairs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and official participation in fairs abroad. Those activities are related to coordination, harmonization and organization of the mutual appearance of the BH economy at the fairs abroad and at international fairs in the country, what can be implemented individually and in cooperation with the entity and regional/cantonal chambers of commerce, j) Maintaining of the register of foreign trade organizations with the seat in Bosnia and Herzegovina based on data provided by cantonal/regional chambers, entity chambers of commerce and Chamber of Commerce of Brčko District.</p><p>The Chamber, in partnership relation with the official bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina, affects on:</p><p> a) Development and improvement of foreign trade policy (stimulation of export, export-import regimes, long term production cooperation, services trading, national treatement, protection measures, foreign investments, bilateral cooperation with the state level chambers of other countries, multilateral cooperation). b) Development and improvement of the custom policy and tariffs (customs area, cross-boarder turnover, custom declaration, customs tariffs, types of the customs, custom documentation, etc.). c) Development and improvement of the international finances (cooperation with the international finance institutions, refund of the old credits, new credits, succession of the former Yugoslavia, etc.), d) Coordination of the process of revival and reconstruction with the entities (plans and programs of the revival, donation conferences, coordination of revival in the field of economy and infrastructure), e) Development and improvement of the international transport and communications (cooperation with other countries, revival plans for the international transport, communications, air traffic control, regulation of the inter-entity transport, and similar).</p><p>Apart from the activities laid own in paragraphs 1. and 2. of this Article, the Chamber performs the following activities: activities determined by the regulations of the competent bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina, individual consulting services for Chamber's members, foreign organizations and third parties. During the performance of activities reffered to in paragraphs 1. , 2. and 3. of this Article, the Chamber always provides the promotion of BH economy both in country and in abroad. PUBLIC AUTHORIZATION ACTIVITIES</p><p>Article 8.</p><p>The tasks from the area of the public and proffesional authorization, reffered to in Article 7. paragraph 1. , item C. of this Statute, mostly are related to:</p><p> a. Organization of the activities of international numeration of articles and services –EAN B&H, b. Assignment of export and import goods contigents in accordance to the particular regulations, c. Issuing and attestation of the export-import documents in accordance to special regulations, d. Harmonization and registration of the international and inter-entity bus- lines in accordance with special regulations, e. Assignment of permits in international transport of passangers and international freight road transport in accordance to the special regulations, f. Activities reffering to the detachments based on the signed international agreements between Bosnia and Herzegovina and other states in accordance to the special regulations, g. Issuing of financial standing certificates for firms, banks and other organizations as well as educational certificates for professional staff that will implement certain activities in accordance with the special regulations, h. Other authorizations determined by the regulations and resolutions of the competent bodies.</p><p>The process of implementation and maintaining of the activities from the field of public authorizations is determined by the adequate regulations, resolutions and directions of the competent bodies. Unless they are determined by the particular act, the evidence, procedure, content and outlook of the certificates are determined by the special acts of the Chamber. On the basis of the particular resolutions of Board of Directors, the Chamber shall implement operative-technical activities from the field of public authorizations in cooperation with chambers of commerce organized at the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. While performing those activities the Chamber shall take into consideration an efficiency and rationality of performance of those activities, all in the interest of the companies, banks, insurance companies and other legal persons who are members of the Chamber. II RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE MEMBERS </p><p>Article 9.</p><p>The members of the Chamber are equal in their rights, obligations and responsibilities in the Chamber. The rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Chamber´s member are following ones: - managing of activities and appointment of the bodies, - active participation in the implementation process of the Chamber´s activities, - encouraging of the initiatives and proposing of measures necessary for passing of the regulations and measures by the state bodies in the field of foreign trade, customs, monetary system, international finance and insurance as well as in the field of improvement of functioning of international transport and communications and inter-entity road transport, - in accordance to one´s interests, a member uses professional assistance and other services that Chamber and its professional associations provide and perform in the process of implementation of activities, - providing of informations needed for successful accomplishment of the determined Chamber´s activities, - settlement and mediation in disputes through Courts in and at the Chamber, - establishing of cooperation with the bodies and organizations of Bosnia and Herzegovina through the Chamber, particularly in settlement of one´s interests in the field of the ordinary Chamber´s activities, - permanent paying of the membership fee and other determined liabilities to the Chamber, - abiding of the Statute´s regulations as well as other acts and resolutions of the Chamber. </p><p>III COOPERATION WITH STATE BODIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE</p><p>Article 10.</p><p>The Chamber, on the basis of the activities laid down in the Article 7. of this Statute, cooperates with competent state bodies and institutions of B&H, entities and Brčko District of B&H ,and particularly, it cooperates in all activities with Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H. The Chamber through its bodies and bodies of its specialized associations accomplishes the adequate contact with bodies and institutions from the previous paragraph. The Chamber also leads the dialogues with the state bodies on behalf of all its members providing clear information regarding implementation of the Law, measures, development strategy, explanation of the services´ standards as well as changing and passing of new laws in accordance to the general interests of its members. Article 11.</p><p>The partnership relation with the state bodies includes the Chamber´s participation in: - the professional cooperation in drafting of laws and other regulations from the field of foreign trade and customs policy, transport and financing, - providing of its opinion regarding the agreements, contracts and other documents related to trade and investments, being signed with other countries.</p><p>Article 12.</p><p>According to the range of its activities and the request of its members, the Chamber will intiate dialogues with competent state bodies and institutions when it is of general economic interest. </p><p>Article 13.</p><p>The Chamber in all its activities cooperates or agrees with: a) The Chamber of Commerce of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, b) The Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Srpska, c) The Chamber of Commerce of Brčko District.</p><p>The Chamber also cooperates with regional, cantonal, professional and specialized chambers of commerce. In order to accomplish mutual work cooperation between chambers of commerce, the Inter-Chamber Council, coordinating activities, is organized in the Chamber and it supervises activities and determines joint tasks and types of coordination. Members of the Inter-Chamber Council are Presidents of the chambers laid down in the paragraphs 1. and 2. of this Article. The Chairman of Inter-Chamber Council is a President of the Chamber.</p><p>Article 14.</p><p>The Chamber co-operates with the chambers of commerce and other professional institutions in abroad through its competent bodies, professional or specialized associations in the way jointly determined. In order to develop cooperation with abroad, the Chamber signs the agreements on cooperation with the chambers of other countries, opens new Joint Chambers, joins to international chambers, participates and represents the interests of BH economy in the regional and world chambers´s associations. IV. PUBLIC PERFORMANCE OF ACTIVITIES AND INFORMING OF THE MEMBERS</p><p>Article 15.</p><p>The public performance of activities is being achieved by the public sessions of bodies or other organizational forms of the Chamber, reporting about their activities individually or through the chamber´s magazines or newspapers as well as by cooperation with public media.</p><p>Article 16.</p><p>When the interest is shown, the Chamber will, absolutely or mutually with other chambers of commerce, in accordance to the Act on mutual cooperation, provide informing of the members regarding participants´ work on mutual cooperation. </p><p>V. BODIES AND ORGANIZATION OF THE CHAMBER</p><p>Article 17.</p><p>The bodies of the Chamber are: -Assembly -Board of Directors -Supervising Board -President and two Vice-presidents</p><p>The bodies of the Chamber have a mandate in duration of 4 years. The elections for the bodies of the Chamber are not public. The eminent business people and scientific experts from the field of economy are being elected as members in the bodies of the Chamber.</p><p>ASSEMBLY</p><p>Article 18.</p><p>The Assembly of the Chamber is the highest body of the Chamber´s management. The Assambly is consisted of the representatives of the Chamber's members under the following criterion: a) companies, banks, insurance companies and other legal persons – members of the Chamber, referred to in Paragraph 1. , Article 6. of this Statute, elect 70% of the total number of Chamber´s representatives, b) Chamber of Commerce of Federation of B&H, Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Srpska, Chamber of Commerce of the Brčko District as collective members, chambers of commerce organized on professional and territorial principle, specialized and similar organizations, scientific research and educational institutions, associations of citizens registered for economic activities, unions, associations of interest, fonds, foundations and other organizations undertaking activities of importance for economy-members of the Chamber referred to in paragraphs 1. , 2. and 3. of the Article 6. of this Statute, elect 30% of the Chamber's representatives.</p><p>The Assembly has 60 representatives , out of which 38 representatives from the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 19 from the Republic of Srpska and 3 from the Brčko District, accepting criteria needed to achieve adequate territorial, professional and national representation. The electorial units and criteria for elections as well as other issues related to the representatives' election are determined by the Resolution on schedule of election passed by the Assembly.</p><p>Article 19.</p><p>The mandate of the Assembly's representatives terminates before the expiration of the period on which they have been elected only in the case of: - cancellation, - revocation, - if the representative terminates his/her work in the company that is a member of the Chamber.</p><p>In the cases from the previous paragraph the process of representative's substitution is being undertaken by the electorial base, which has delegated the representative in question.</p><p>Article 20.</p><p>The Assembly of Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia nad Herzegovina has the Chairman and two Vice-Chairmen, who are elected among the representatives on the First Genaral Assembly on the reciprocal base of 3 constitutive nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The President and Vice-Presidents rotate on the function every 16 months according to the determined schedule. The Chamber's Assembly operates through the sessions scheduled when deemed neccessary and at least once a year. The Chairman presides the session. It is necessary to invite representatives of the state bodies to participate in the session. The President, Vice-Presidents and General Secretary of the Chamber are obliged to participate at the session and they could take participation in debate, submit reports on the item of agenda and give their remarks considering the requests of the representatives. The Assembly's operative work is described in details in the standing operational orders.</p><p>Article 21.</p><p>The Assembly of the Chamber: -passes the Statute of the Chamber, -passes the Directions for the long-term Activity plan of the Chamber, -passes the Annual Operational Program, -adopts the Annual Financial Plan and Annual Balance Sheet, - adopts the Operational Report of the Chamber, -passes the Resolution on membership fee, -passes the Resolution on schedule of election for the Chamber's bodies, -elects and restracts the President and two Vice-Presidents of the Assembly, -elects and restracts the members of the Board of Directors, -elects and restracts the President and the members of the Supervising Board, -elects and restracts the President and two Vice-presidents of the Chamber, -discusses the reports of bodies that are elected and restracted by the Assembly, -passes other resolutions, conclusions and recommendations according to its competence.</p><p>In order to perform certain activities from its competence, the Assembly may found permanent and temporal working bodies. The number of members, and appointment of members, are determined by the Resolution on foundation as well as competence of the Chamber and other issues relevant for functioning.</p><p>Article 22.</p><p>The Assembly can make valid decisions only in the case that 2/3 of the total number of representatives are present as well as that representatives are reciprocaly represented from all 3 constitutive nations. The Assembly of the Chamber passes the Statute by the majority of 4/5 of the all representatives. In all other cases the decision is valid if more than half of the number of the present representatives have voted for it, but only in the case that minimum 1/3 of the total number of representatives from each constitutive nation have voted for the same. The Assembly's operative work is described in details in the standing operational orders.</p><p>Article 23.</p><p>The Assembly nominates the Commision for election and nominations, consisted of 9 members, as a permanent body of the Assembly, that initiates procedures and proposes the candidates on functions that are elected or nominated by the Assembly. The process of Commision's functioning is determined in detail by the standing operational orders.</p><p>Board of Directors</p><p>Article 24.</p><p>The Board of Directors is a managing body of the Chamber and an executive body of the Assembly. The Board of Directors is consisted of 9 members, where 6 of them are appointed among the most successful businessmen (2 from each constitutive nation-3 from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2 from the Republic of Srpska and 1 from Brcko District). The other 3 members are already appointed on functions of President and two Vice- Presidents. The Board of Directors has the president and two Vice-Presidents elected from members' base and who rotate on the function by the determined schedule. The General Secretary of the Chamber participates in the operational process of the Board of Directors in the same way as it is determined for the Chamber's Assembly.</p><p>Article 25.</p><p>The Board of Directors performs the following activities: -prepares and proposes the Statute, resolutions, programs, plans and other acts passed by the Assembly of the Chamber, -prepares annual acts of the Chamber, -determines the stands and propositions for partner dialog on passing of systematic legislative according to its competence, -determines proposals and measures for harmonization of economic position of the Chamber's members, -occasionaly agitates certain issues and problems which are of the general interest for the members of the Chamber, -passes the resolution on concluding of the agreements and contracts on bilateral and multilateral cooperation with the state-level chambers of other countries, -passes the Resolution on joining into international and chamber's associations, mostly with the aim that BH economy be presented at the foreign markets, -passes resolutions, regulations and criteria for organizing of the representative network in abroad in order to mutually represent the BH economy, -passes mannuals, rules and other acts, -passes the resolution and other acts on the way of performance of the public authorizations, -develops the cooperation with adequate bodies of the entity chambers and Chamber of commerce of the Brcko District, -founds its permanent and temporal bodies, -nominates and restracts the General Secretary and Deputies of General Secretary, -performs other functions determined by the special acts.</p><p>Article 26.</p><p>The mandate of Board of Directors members can be terminated before the expiration of the mandate as in the case of the Chamber's Assembly. </p><p>Article 27.</p><p>The Board of directors operates through the sessions scheduled when the need arises. The session of the Board is considered as valid one if there are at least 7 members present. The president of the Board of directors presides on the session and, in case of his absence, and with his/her authorization, one of the Vice-Presidents of the Chamber presides on the session. Article 28.</p><p>The Board of directors passes the decision with majority of the votes of the total number of members. The decission is considered as passed if at least one representative of each constitutive national group, who is not a member of the Board by function, voted positively. The way of functioning of the Board of directors is closer regulated by the standing operational orders.</p><p>SUPERVISING BOARD</p><p>Article 29.</p><p>The Supervising Board of the Chamber controls functioning of the Chamber, especially its material and financial activities. The Supervising Board is consisted of the President and two members appointed among the successful economists and lawyers from the three constitutive national groups. The members of the Supervising Board cannot be nominated among the representatives of the Assembly and the Board of Directors.</p><p>Article 30.</p><p>The Supervising Board is obligated once a year to perform a control of the material and financial business running. The Supervising Board considers the Annual Operational Report of the Chamber and the Annual Balance Sheet and submits its report to the Chamber's Assembly. By expiring of the business/calendar year, the Assembly or the Board of Directors will not take into consideration or adopt the Annual balance Sheet without special report of the Supervising Board. The functioning of the Supervising Board is regulated by the standing operational orders.</p><p>OPERATIONAL AND OTHER BODIES</p><p>Article 31.</p><p>In the frame of the Chamber and on the base of the functional principle, boards, councils, commissions and other bodies can be found with aim of expertee elaboration, discussing and determination of opinions connected to the systems and mechanism of foreign trade, customs, free zones, promotions, faires and etc. The Assembly or the Board of directors passes the decision on founding of the bodies from the previous paragraph. By the decision on founding, laid down in paragraphs 1. and 2. of this Article, number of members, mandate and frame of work are being determined. Article 32.</p><p>The Boards, councils, commissions and other bodies, according to its own competence, determine acceptable programs for export-import policy, promotion and presentation of BH economy in abroad, standards and calendar of international fairs in the country and presentations at the fairs abroad, and also determine suggestions, propositions and opinions on positive legal regulations and submit those in form of proposal to the Board of Directors. Operative organization and procedure of preparation, consideration, determination of solutions, proposals and opinions from the field of competence and other important issues are regulated by the standing operational orders. </p><p>VI PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENTS AND GENERAL SECRETARY OF THE CHAMBER</p><p>Article 33.</p><p>The Chamber has a President and two Vice-Presidents, appointed by the Assembly based on the principle of representation of constitutive nation groups. The President and two Vice-presidents rotate on the function of President every 16 months in the way determined by the decision on election. The Chamber's Assembly can decide, by the Resolution on nomination, weather the president and Vice-presidents should perform their activities on the volunteer base. </p><p>Article 34.</p><p>The President of the Chamber represents the Chamber in the country and in abroad, manages its activities and performs the decisions and conclusions of the Chamber's bodies. The President and Vice-presidents of the Chamber perform activities in mutual cooperation. The President of the Chamber consults the Vice-presidents and General Secretary regarding the important decisions and activities which are within his competence. </p><p>Article 35.</p><p>The President and Vice-presidents are elected among the successful businessmen with the adequate education, knowledge of at least one foreign language, experience and knowledge needed for performing of the Chamber's activities. According to the Resolution on nomination, the Board of Directors of the Chamber, that is, General Secretary signs the special agreement with the President and Vice-presidents that determines mutual rights and obligations. Article 36.</p><p>The Chamber has a General Secretary and two deputies of the General Secretary appointed by the Board of Directors on the proposal of the President and Vice-Presidents. The General Secretary organizes the operational process of the Chamber's activities, manages the work of the professional services in the Chamber, overlooks the financial managing and he is also responsible for the legality of the Chamber's functioning. For the General Secretary can be nominated a person with the high educational level, economist or lawyer, with the professional references in managing and organizing of the activities and with the knowledge of a foreign language. For a General secretary deputy a person with high level education having professional references in managment and organization of activities as well as knowledge of a foreign language may be nominated. Deputies of the General Secretary are being nominated according to the same criteria as the General Secretary. According to the Resolution on nomination of the General Secretary and his Deputies, the Board of Directors can determine the way of rotation on the function of the General Secretary according to the determined rotation schedule.</p><p>VII PROFESSIONAL AND OTHER TYPES OF UNITING OF THE CHAMBER'S MEMBERS</p><p>Article 37.</p><p>According to the free choice and their interest, the members of the Chamber can freely organize their professional and specialized associations with or without characteristic of the legal person, within the Chamber. Within the Chamber, Employer Associations (or of managers) can be found in order to represent their interests regarding the cooperation with the state bodies and workers' unions ,especially considering the employment and social policy.</p><p>Article 38.</p><p>The professional and specialized associations, reffered to in Article 37. of this Statute, are founded on the base of approximate elements, criteria and foundation procedures of professional and specialized associations in the Chamber that have to be passed by the Board of Directors. In each particular case the Board of Directors estimates the interest of the Chamber as a unit in foundation of the association within the Chamber. Article 39.</p><p>The professional and specialized associations determine, by the Act on foundation, the procedure of their functioning as well as bodies and other issues relevant for functioning. The Act on foundation of the professional and specialized association in the Chamber cannot be oposit to the Statute and other Acts of the Chamber.</p><p>VII ARBITRATION AND COURT OF HONOUR</p><p>Article 40.</p><p>The Court of Arbitration, organized in the Chamber, is competent for settlement of disputes of domestic and foreign legal and natural persons regarding their reciprocal relations in the field of rights and obligations for which they took responsibility. This is valid only in a case if it is not regulated in other way by the law or some other act according to the law, determing that regular courts are competent for this type of disputes. The judgement of the Court of Arbitration is final and has the same validity as the judgement of the regular court. The Board of Directors passes the Operational standing orders, which regulate the issues of organization, functioning, selection of judges, procedure and other issues relevant for functioning of the Court of Arbitration.</p><p>Article 41.</p><p>The Court of Honour is founded in the Chamber. Passing of judgements in a case of breaking of good business norms and acts of the Chamber, when the involved parties are economic subjects from both entities, is under the Court's competence. The organization, functioning, list of judges, procedure and other relevant issues are regulated by the rulebook passed by the Chamber's Board of Directors.</p><p>ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES</p><p>Article 42.</p><p>The professional, financial, administrative-technical and other services for the Chamber are provided by the Chamber's Administration. The Chamber's Administration is organizationally divided into centres, sectors, offices, sections and other organizational units depending on needs and possibilities of harmonization with the members' interests as well as on current and long-term Chamber's tasks and activities. The internal organization, range of activities, lines and operational process, coordination and other issues relevant for the functioning of the Chamber's Administration are determined by the special act passed by the Chamber's Board of Directors. The scheme of the internal organization together with the systematization of employees in the Chamber's Administration is determined by the General Secretary of the Chamber, according to the act reffered to in the previous paragraph. The Chamber can allocate, based on an agreement, the part of professional or other works to the adequate specialized organization (agency, center, institute), which founder or co- founder is usually the Chamber. By a rule, the employees structure should be compatible to the national structure in Bosnia and Herzegovina.</p><p>Article 43.</p><p>In order to fulfill its tasks and activities the Chamber can, according to the law, organize companies, agencies, institutes and other legal persons registered in competent courts. The Chamber's Board of Directors, in accordance to the law, passes the Resolution on founding of indipendent organization reffered to in the previous paragraph.</p><p>Article 44.</p><p>For the purpose of performing of scientific-research activities, the list of experts from different scientific fields is determined in the Chamber. The experts for the determination of the list are engaged on a purpose for resolving individual professional problems and programs needed for the Chamber and its members. The Board of Directors of the Chamber determines needed criteria for the list. The experts can be engaged individually or as a commission of experts depending on tasks that have to be resolved. </p><p>FINANCIAL MEANS FOR THE CHAMBER'S FUNCTIONING</p><p>Article 45.</p><p>The financial means needed for the Chamber's functioning are gained through the membership and participation fees paid by its members as well as from the consulting and other professional services, sponsorship and donations. The individual members of the Chamber pay the membership fee, as it is laid down in the paragraph 1. of the Article 6. of this Statute, and collective members pay the participation fee. The payment of services is determined for the individual professional and other activities that Chamber performs for its members and the other legal and natural persons. The special projects and programs are financed from the sources founded for that purpose on the base of contract between interested parties. Article 46.</p><p>The Chamber's Assembly determines the participation and membership fees as well as the ways and terms of payment. The Chamber's Board of Directors determines the tariffs for the consulting and other services. The membership and participation fee are determined annually by Financial Plan/Budget for the next year.</p><p>Article 47.</p><p>Every year the Board of Directors submits to the Assembly a proposal of financial plan/budget for the next year as well as Annual report and Balance sheets for the last year with written elaboration. Annual reports and Balance sheets for the last year should be preliminary revised by the Supervising board. Drafts of financial plan/budget, annual report and all attaching documents are to be filled in Accounting service of the Chamber and they are at disposal to every member of the Chamber. Informations on those documents are being published, at least 14 days prior to their consideration in the Assembly, in «Official Gazette of B&H» and in at least three daily newspapers covering the territiry of Bosnia and Herzegovina. </p><p>TRANSITIONAL AND CLOSING PROVISIONS</p><p>Article 48.</p><p>In accordance to the Article 27. of the Law on Foreign Trade Chamber of B&H, the assets of the Chamber of commerce of B&H will become the assets of the Foreign trade Chamber of B&H as a public-legal association of the economic subjects and associations- members from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Transfer of the assets, rights and liabilities from the Chamber of commerce of B&H to the Foreign Trade Chamber of B&H is to be done within 90 days, following the date of constitution of the Chamber's Assembly. Usage of real property will be defined by the contracts between the Chamber and other chambers of commerce and professional associations. Contracts are being approved by the competent body of the Chamber. General acts adopted by bodies of the Chamber of commerce of B&H, that are not contrary to the Statute, remain valid until new acts are adopted.</p><p>Article 49.</p><p>Existing bodies, functionaries and other emplyees of Chamber of commerce of Bosnia and Herzegovina continue to work until the election of the bodies of the Chamber. They are obliged to do all preparatory work and to adopt adequate Decisions and Acts regarding transfer of assets, rights and liabilities of Chamber of commerce of B&H to the Foreign Trade Chamber of B&H, within the term laid down in the last article.</p><p>Article 50.</p><p>Emplyees of the Administration of Chamber of commerce of Bosnia and Herzegovina continue with work according to provisions of existing Acts, until adoption of new General acts. Positoning of the employees at working posts, established by the new Act on systematization, is going to be done in the way and under the procedure prescribed in the new Act.</p><p>Article 51.</p><p>The Statute enters into force on the date of its adoption, and is to be published in «Official Gazette of B&H».</p><p>Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina</p><p>CHAIRMAN OF THE ASSEMBLY</p><p>Huso Hadžidedić</p><p>Number: 1-5/02 Date: June 25, 2002.</p>
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