2009 OEFFA Livestock OSP

2009 OEFFA Livestock OSP

<p> For Office Use Only Date Received OEFFA Livestock Organic System Plan Date Reviewed Reviewer Cert #</p><p>Please fill out this form if you are requesting organic certification of livestock. A separate Organic System Plan for Producers must also be filled out. Use additional sheets if necessary. You must sign this form.</p><p>SECTION 1: General Information Name Date</p><p>Type of Livestock Operation (check all that apply): Dairy Laying Operation Animals for Slaughter Animals for Fiber Other______FOR DAIRY ONLY: OEFFA must inspect all dairy herds within three months of conversion end date. If your conversion end date is outside the normal inspection season, you will need a winter conversion inspection in addition to your annual inspection (requires an additional fee).</p><p>I am in my 12 month conversion for my dairy herd which I began on ______(date you began feeding 100% organic feed) I am planning to start my dairy conversion on______( date you plan to begin feeding 100% organic feed) My dairy herd is currently certified organic.</p><p>SECTION 2: Organic Livestock Operation Profile</p><p>List animals requested for organic certification (O), conventional (C), or in conversion (IC-for dairies only):</p><p>LIVESTOCK NO. FEMALES NO. MALES NO. CASTRATED MALES NO. YOUNG STOCK TYPE O CIC O CIC O CIC O CIC Dairy</p><p>Beef</p><p>Hogs</p><p>Buffalo</p><p>Sheep</p><p>Goats</p><p>Deer</p><p>Horse</p><p>Other types</p><p>List type and number of poultry requested for organic certification (O) and conventional (C) per year:</p><p>POULTRY NO. HENS NO. ROOSTERS/TOMS NO. CAPONS TYPE O C O C O C Laying Hens</p><p>Meat Chickens</p><p>Turkeys</p><p>Ducks</p><p>Geese</p><p>Other types</p><p>SECTION 3: Source of Animals NOP § 205.236 Page 1 OEFFA Livestock Organic System Plan—January 2010 A. LIVESTOCK (FOR POULTRY, SEE SECTION B BELOW) Do you purchase any livestock? yes no If yes, give specific information on purchased livestock: TYPE OF LIVESTOCK IDENTIFICATION NO./ DATE OF PROJECTED OR REAL PURCHASE CERTIFIED BY PURCHASED NAME PURCHASE BIRTHING DATE SOURCE WHAT AGENCY?</p><p>B. POULTRY NOP requires poultry or edible poultry products to be from poultry that has been under continuous organic management beginning no later than the second day of life. Do you raise your own chicks/replacement egg layers on-farm? yes no Do you purchase your chicks/replacement egg layers? yes no</p><p>If you purchase chicks, how old were they at time of purchase? ______Please give specific information on purchased poultry: TYPE OF POULTRY FLOCK DATE OF PROJECTED SLAUGHTER/ SOURCE, ADDRESS PURCHASED NUMBER PURCHASE EGG PRODUCTION DATE PHONE NUMBER</p><p>1 OR 2 DAY OLD CHICKS: Not applicable Describe your management plan for raising chicks (heating, space allowed, etc.)______</p><p>SECTION 4: Livestock Feed and Feed Supplements NOP § 205.237</p><p>Page 2 OEFFA Livestock Organic System Plan—January 2010 NOP Rule requires a total feed ration composed of agricultural products, including pasture and forage, that are organically produced and, if applicable, organically handled. Non-synthetic and synthetic substances allowed under § 205.603 may be used as feed additives and supplements.</p><p>Page 3 OEFFA Livestock Organic System Plan—January 2010 A1. FEED: Feed ration table: Dairy / Slaughter / Fiber Animals (see next page for poultry) LIVESTOCK LIST FEED RATION INGREDIENTS AND PERCENT OF RATION [EXAMPLE: GROUND CORN, 10%] FOR DAIRIES IN CONVERSION: PLEASE WRITE (T) NEXT TO ANY FEED THAT IS YOUR OWN 3RD YEAR TRANSITIONAL FEED Females</p><p>Males</p><p>Castrated males</p><p>Young stock</p><p>Other</p><p>Do you purchase any feed? yes no Describe purchased feed: No purchased feed TYPE OF QUANTITY PURCHASED/ DATES CERTIFIED BY CURRENT PURCHASED FEED TO BE PURCHASED PURCHASED SOURCE(S) WHAT CERTIFICATE AGENCY? ON FILE?</p><p>Do you pasture any livestock? yes no If yes, what months are livestock pastured?______Do you process feed (mix, grind, roast, extrude, etc.) on-farm? yes no If yes, is the equipment also used to process conventional products? yes no If yes, how is equipment cleaned prior to processing organic feed to prevent contamination?______What is your plan for emergency feed supplies?______</p><p>A2. FEED: Feed ration table: Poultry LIST FEED RATION INGREDIENTS AND PERCENT OF RATION [EXAMPLE: CRACKED CORN, 40%] Chicks</p><p>Page 4 OEFFA Livestock Organic System Plan—January 2010 Pullets</p><p>Hens</p><p>Roosters/Toms</p><p>Capons</p><p>Other</p><p>Do you purchase any feed? yes no Describe purchased feed: No purchased feed TYPE OF QUANTITY PURCHASED/ DATES CERTIFIED BY CURRENT PURCHASED FEED TO BE PURCHASED PURCHASED SOURCE(S) WHAT CERTIFICATE AGENCY? ON FILE?</p><p>Do you process any feed (mix, grind, roast, extrude, etc.) on-farm? yes no If yes, is the equipment also used to process conventional products? yes no If yes, how is equipment cleaned prior to processing organic feed to prevent contamination?______</p><p>______</p><p>What is your plan for emergency feed supplies?______</p><p>______</p><p>B. FEED SUPPLEMENTS AND ADDITIVES: No supplements used List all feed supplements and additives, including silage inoculants, preservatives, etc.:</p><p>FEED SUPPLEMENT/ SOURCE AND/OR OEFFA PRE- OMRI REASON FOR ADDITIVE/PRODUCT MANUFACTURER APPROVED? LISTED? USE NAME</p><p>Page 5 OEFFA Livestock Organic System Plan—January 2010 C. FEED STORAGE: Describe your feed storage locations: STORAGE TYPE OF FEED TYPE OF CAPACITY ORGANIC (O), TRANSITIONAL (T), ID# STORED STORAGE CONVENTIONAL (C), BUFFER (B)</p><p>How do you control rodents in organic feed storage areas? No rodent problems ______</p><p>SECTION 5: Water What are your sources of water for livestock use?</p><p> on-site well municipal river/creek/pond spring other______</p><p>If you have had your water tested for coliform bacteria and/or nitrates, give the date of the last test: ______</p><p>If you use additives in the water, list them and state reason for use: No additives used</p><p>Describe any water contamination problems in your region: No contamination problems</p><p>If livestock have access to a river, creek, or pond, how do you prevent bank erosion? No access</p><p>SECTION 6: Housing NOP § 205.239 NOP Rule requires that the manager of an organic livestock operation must establish and maintain livestock living conditions which accommodate the health and natural behavior of animals.</p><p>Page 6 OEFFA Livestock Organic System Plan—January 2010 What type of housing do you use?______Describe sizes (length x width) and number of animals per housing unit:______Describe type(s) of bedding:______How often is housing cleaned out?______How is housing cleaned? ______</p><p>______Describe sanitation or cleaning products used:______What source(s) of light is used in animal housing?______Is day length regulated using artificial light? yes no What outdoor areas other than pasture do animals use?______How long are animals indoors (hours per day)? ______spring ______summer ______fall _____winter Do you confine your animals? yes no </p><p>If yes, please describe the reason and indicate the length of time. ______</p><p>SECTION 7: Health Management NOP § 205.238 NOP Rule requires livestock producers to establish and maintain preventive livestock health care practices. When preventive practices and veterinary biologics are inadequate to prevent sickness, a producer may administer synthetic medications: Provided that such medications are allowed under § 205.603. General Information: Identify the general components of your animal health management program: selective breeding raise own replacement stock isolation for purchased/diseased animals culling vaccinations good sanitation access to outdoors dry bedding good ventilation in housing good quality feed pasture rotation nutritional supplements probiotics other:______</p><p>A. List health or disease problems in the last 12 months. Please include all products given or intended for future use. No problems List all treatments (including hormones, antibiotics, parasiticides, vaccinations, etc.)</p><p>Page 7 OEFFA Livestock Organic System Plan—January 2010 HEALTH ANIMAL PREVENTION AND NAME OF PRODUCT OR PRODUCT APPROVED (A) PROBLEM/ ID MANAGEMENT TREATMENT MANUFACTURER RESTRICT DISEASE (S PRACTICES USED/PLAN TO USE ED (R) ) PROHIBIT ED (P)</p><p>Name and phone number of your veterinarian:</p><p>B. FLY CONTROL: No problems Please describe your methods of fly prevention and control. ______</p><p>C. PARASITE CONTROL: No problems Please describe your methods of parasite prevention and control (for both internal & external parasites).</p><p>______</p><p>D. PREDATOR CONTROL: No problems Check which predators you have problems with: hawks feral cats raccoons/skunks rodents dogs foxes coyotes other______Describe how you handle predator problems in this table (include poisons used): None used PREDATOR CONTROLS PRODUCTS APPROVED (A) PROBLEM USED USED RESTRICTED( R) PROHIBITED (P)</p><p>Page 8 OEFFA Livestock Organic System Plan—January 2010 E. SURGICAL PRACTICES: NOP requires any physical alterations needed to promote the animal's welfare must be done in a manner that minimizes pain and stress.</p><p>Describe surgical practices you use: Not used SURGICAL AGE OF REASON METHOD PRODUCTS USED? (MUST BE PRACTICE LIVESTOCK PRE-APPROVED BY OEFFA) WHEN USED Castration</p><p>Dehorning</p><p>Tail docking</p><p>Other:</p><p>SECTION 8: Manure Management NOP § 205.239 (c)</p><p>NOP requires that manure must be managed so that it does not contribute to contamination of crops, soil or water.</p><p>What forms of manure do you use: liquid semi-solid/piled fully composted If manure from your livestock is used on your fields, describe how it is used: Not used ______Acres of land available for manure application:______</p><p>List ingredients/additives (example: bedding, ag lime, inoculants, preservatives)______During what months do you apply manure/compost?______Describe your composting method(s): Composting not used</p><p>______</p><p>SECTION 9: Milk Handling</p><p>What type of milk handling system do you use: We are not a dairy operation pipeline automated step saver hand milking parlor tie stalls stanchions other______How are you licensed? Grade A Grade B other______Describe cleaning cycle for milking equipment (water temperature, number of rinses, etc.):______Name of detergent used:______Name of acid cleaner used:______Name of sanitizer used:______Do you have a problem with high somatic cell counts? yes no If yes, level:______</p><p>Page 9 OEFFA Livestock Organic System Plan—January 2010 List products used to clean animals: None used pre-dip/udder wash______post-dip______How often do you change inflations?______How many animals do you currently milk?______What is your average pounds of milk production per month?______</p><p>SECTION 10: Handling for Slaughter</p><p>Meat processing facilities must be certified for meat to bear an organic label.</p><p>Please check all that apply: We do not sell animals for meat (skip this section) We market our meat as conventional (skip this section) We sell live animals only (skip this section) Our animals are slaughtered on-farm and we market the meat as organic (please complete this section & on-farm handling form) Our animals are slaughtered off-farm (please complete this section) Describe slaughter and meat processing procedures: ______Name, address, and phone number of facility where your animals are slaughtered:______Contact person______Is the facility certified organic? yes no By what agency?______How are animals loaded?______What form of transportation is used?______How long does transportation take?______Are animals provided with food in transit? yes no Water? yes no</p><p>If yes, how do you ensure this feed is certified organic? ______Where are animals kept after delivery to slaughter facility but before slaughter?______How many hours from loading until time of slaughter?______Are organic animals kept separate from non-organic animals? yes no Describe the method of slaughter:______</p><p>SECTION 11: Egg Handling and Packing Facilities that handle organic eggs must be certified for eggs to bear an organic label.</p><p>Name, address, and phone number of facility where eggs are washed, graded and packed: on-farm ______Contact person______Is the facility certified organic? yes no By what agency?______Do you or the facility have an egg handler’s license? yes no</p><p>SECTION 12: Animal Identification NOP § 205.236 (c) Page 10 OEFFA Livestock Organic System Plan—January 2010 NOP standards require records sufficient to preserve identity of all organically managed animals and animal products. Animals that have been treated with prohibited products must be identified and separated from organic animals.</p><p>Please attach a list of all animals you would like to certify with their identification numbers/names. Please indicate animals that are organic from the last third of gestation.</p><p>Describe your identification system: ______Please indicate how animals are identified, or would be identified, if treated with prohibited substances (even if you have not done so before).______If an entire flock of poultry is treated with prohibited materials, what changes do you make to insure that this flock is not sold as organic?______</p><p>SECTION 13: Recordkeeping NOP § 205.103 Documentation should be kept of purchased animals, breeding records, feed sources, health records and sales of animals and animal products. Your records must be available for review by the inspector or the certifier.</p><p>Check types of records you keep: documentation of purchased animals breeding purchased feed/feed supplements feed labels health somatic cell/plate count milk production sales feed storage shipping/transportation slaughter other______</p><p>SECTION 14: Marketing</p><p>TYPE OF MARKETING: (check all that apply) farmers market direct to retail CSA/subscription service on-farm retail wholesale wholesale to processor contract to buyer other______</p><p>Please indicate the milk company you contract with (if applicable):______</p><p>Do your product label(s) contain the phrase “Certified Organic by OEFFA” or a similar phrase? yes no no labels used</p><p>Attach examples of all organic product labels if applicable. The use of the OEFFA and/or USDA logo(s) is voluntary and both are available from the office in electronic & print form.</p><p>SECTION 15: Livestock pasture/outdoor history NOP § 205.239 (a)(1) and (a) (2) Page 11 OEFFA Livestock Organic System Plan—January 2010 NOP Rule requires animals to have access to the outdoors, shade, shelter, exercise areas, fresh air, and direct sunlight. Ruminants must have access to pasture.</p><p>Pasture fields must also be included on your field history and farm map.</p><p>PASTURE ACRES TYPE & NUMBER OF ANIMALS NUMBER(S)</p><p>SECTION 16: Affirmation</p><p>I affirm that all statements made in this application are true and correct. If any of this information changes, I will notify the certification office in writing of these changes. No prohibited products have been applied to any of the organically managed pasture or feed production areas for the last three years. I understand that my operation may be subject to unannounced inspection and/or sampling for residues at any time as deemed appropriate to ensure compliance with the NOP regulations. I agree to follow the NOP regulations.</p><p>Signature of Operator ______Date ______</p><p>I have attached the following: A list of all animals I would like to certify with their identification numbers/names. Any labels for feed additives, supplements, and health care products not previously reviewed by OEFFA.</p><p>Page 12 OEFFA Livestock Organic System Plan—January 2010</p>

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