Tone2 Gladiator 2 Electronic Expansion

Tone2 Gladiator 2 Electronic Expansion

Tone2 Gladiator 2 Electronic Expansion © by Congratulations on your Purchase of the Electronic Expansion for Gladiator 2. The 'Electronic expansion' is a preset and feature expansion pack for Gladiator 2. Designed by the professional sound designers Markus Feil, Bryan 'Xenos' Lee and Bastiaan van Noord, 'Electronic' is a collection of more then 300 sounds and new add-on features. Impressive arpeggiator sequences, resonant basses, groovy drumlines, vocaloid sounds, cutting leads, chiptune sounds, techno stabs, rhythmic trancegates, deep housechords, atmospheric pads and ambient textures are among the many types of electronic sounds featured inside this expansion. A must have if you're looking for new sounds or if you want to expand Gladiator with more features. Expansion highlights: ● 300+ inspiring, unique presets aimed at miscellaneous genres of electronic music ● Stereo Trancegate: Featuring no less then 22 patterns for rhythmic gate effects ● Reverb Ultra: Reverb Ultra uses a new high-quality reverb algorithm, its soft and diffuse sound make it especially suitable for larger rooms and sculpting the proper ambience. ● Three new early reflection effects: Early reflection, reverse reflection and gated reflection ● Aliaser: A LoFi retro-effect that works by mirroring the signal's spectrum at the cutoff frequency ● Stereo Enhance: A stereo width effect, equipped with a High-Shelf filter to expand the stereo field while keeping the lower frequencies intact. ● Three additional skins as free bonus content: Black, Gold and Red skin Installing the expansion 1) Install Gladiator 2.1 or higher 2) Click on the expansion slot within Gladiator and select the keyfile 'gladiator2exp1.t2k' that you have received from ShareIt or Tone2. 3) Restart the plugin Manual installation (PC) 1) Install Gladiator 2.1 or higher 2) Copy the keyfile 'gladiator2exp1.t2k' to your VST directory. The default VST directory for Cubase is "C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins". 3) Restart the plugin Manual installation (Mac) 4) Install Gladiator 2.1 or higher 5) Copy the keyfile 'gladiator2exp1.t2k' to /Library/Audio/Plug-ins/ . 6) Restart the plugin Accessing the new sounds Click on 'Category' within Gladiator. The new sounds can be found in 'Electronic 1-3'. Accessing the additional effects Click on Effect->Type and select the desired effect type. The new ones can be found on the bottom of the list. Accessing the bonus skins There are three additional skins as free bonus content: Black, Gold and Red skin. There are some technical restrictions that you should be aware: – Some buttons like 'vocoder' and 'resynthesis' are reserved for future content. – The color of some displays on Mac is blue and not grey. 1) Open the VST directory (PC) or '/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/' (Mac). 2) Open 'gladiatorskin.txt' with a text Editor. 3) Enter 1 for the default skin, 2 for the red skin, 3 for the gold skin or 4 for the black skin. 4) Save the file. 5) Restart Gladiator. Electronic 1: Sounds 1-128 AR Alterna BN.glp AR AnaloxARP BN.glp AR Chilled MF.glp AR Curvedloops BN.glp AR Disharmonic MF.glp AR Doublekey MF.glp AR Druckwelle MF.glp AR FilthySchranz XS.glp AR Glasstrip MF.glp AR Hurrican MF.glp AR LoungeRhythmics BN.glp AR NotAVirus XS.glp AR OneKeyJam XS.glp AR Overdrives BN.glp AR Phasorgate MF.glp AR Pzzsine BN.glp AR RoughDrag BN.glp AR Runaway MF.glp AR Sitomaioa MF.glp AR Smalltalk BN.glp AR Splitplug MF.glp AR Splitsquare MF.glp AR Supersaw MF.glp AR TheSewers XS.glp AR TickledPink XS.glp AR Trancemaster MF.glp AR Trazeptor MF.glp AR Turnbackx BN.glp AR UniLoops BN.glp AR WakeUpCall BN.glp AR Ybox180 BN .glp AR EnigmaMF.glp AT Atlantis XS.glp AT FoulMist XS.glp AT HRGeiger XS.glp AT NotOfEarth XS.glp AT NuclearWinter XS.glp AT Shamen XS.glp AT TheSwarm XS.glp AT Wastelands XS.glp BA 2ndLine XS.glp BA 80sHybrid XS.glp BA AcidJazz XS.glp BA Apydia MF.glp BA Bassgear BN.glp BA BloodDrop XS.glp BA Bwaaah XS.glp BA BzzGuitar BN.glp BA C64Saw XS.glp BA ChorusBass BN.glp BA ClickBass BN.glp BA Cyanide XS.glp BA D Mode 1 XS.glp BA D Mode 2 XS.glp BA D33pBass BN.glp BA DarkSun XS.glp BA DigiAna XS.glp BA Diztorted BN.glp BA DnAlight BN.glp BA DnBPulsewidth XS.glp BA FallBass BN.glp BA Flatout BN.glp BA Fm Bass BN.glp BA FormantSaws XS.glp BA FrogAcid BN.glp BA Gimmoo BN.glp BA HappyGirl XS.glp BA HardKikz BN.glp BA HardTekno 1 XS.glp BA HardTekno 2 XS.glp BA HateBounces XS.glp BA HCMBass3 XS.glp BA Hitman XS.glp BA IceHits XS.glp BA imPulse BN.glp BA ItsHere BN.glp BA JungleBells XS.glp BA KungFu XS.glp BA Massive BN.glp BA NanoBass BN.glp BA NotAVirus MF.glp BA Notebass BN.glp BA NuFlange XS.glp BA OilSpill XS.glp BA PhasMD BN.glp BA PunchySub XS.glp BA PyroBass BN.glp BA Rave FM XS.glp BA RezzzBazz BN.glp BA RohnBass BN.glp Ba RoughMooglie BN.glp BA SchmatzbassMF.glp BA Shakeee BN.glp BA SIDClassic XS.glp BA Stomper XS.glp BA Switchblade BN.glp BA TechnoSub XS.glp BA ToughGuy XS .glp BA Wammy BN.glp BA Wavetable XS.glp BA Whysman BN.glp BA WobblyEnds BN.glp DR Alienbeats.glp DR CrushedRhytm BN.glp DR Cymbal01 BN.glp DR EvilBD XS.glp DR EvilSN XS.glp DR fmRhythm BN.glp DR JungleTrack XS.glp DR SchizoBeat160 XS.glp DR Schranz160 1 XS.glp DR Schranz160 2 XS.glp DR Schranz160 3 XS.glp DR Simplllooop BN.glp DR Tekknoloop2.glp DR TekknoloopX XS.glp DR TRcowbell BN.glp EP BrightBell BN.glp EP Darkhalf BN.glp EP eTronic BN.glp EP Jazzedup BN.glp EP Leo BN.glp EP MoFeelin BN.glp FX 33To45 BN.glp FX BarberPole XS.glp FX ChaosBeat XS.glp FX ChiptuneJam XS.glp FX CyberDreams XS.glp Electronic 2: Sounds 129-256 FX DemonicCat XS.glp FX DoomMachine XS.glp FX DubHits2 XS.glp FX Eccentric XS.glp FX eva BN.glp FX Evilator MF.glp FX GhostWind XS.glp FX Hallucite BN.glp FX High 'N' Dry BN.glp FX PlayChords XS .glp FX PoliceSirens XS.glp FX Rainy Days BN.glp GT ArabianNights XS.glp GT FantasyLute XS.glp GT SynthMandolin XS.glp LD Ablaze XS.glp LD Analog2PWM MF.glp LD AnalogPWM MF.glp LD AngryRadical XS.glp LD Apydia MF.glp LD BigBooty XS.glp LD Bigscience BN.glp LD Cobalt XS.glp LD CoolNES XS.glp LD DigiSaws BN.glp LD EdgySID XS.glp LD Fellow MF.glp LD Frostbite XS.glp LD HCMShred XS.glp LD Heatwave XS.glp LD Heavydetune MF.glp LD HeavyDuty XS.glp LD iDentified BN.glp LD ILuvAnalog XS.glp LD Lucky13 XS.glp LD Mentasmic XS.glp LD Orange XS.glp LD OutOfSync XS.glp LD PunchyTrance XS.glp LD ResDive BN.glp LD Stackman MF.glp LD Supersaw MF.glp LD Supersquare MF.glp LD Teal XS.glp LD ToughTalk XS.glp LD TrancePWM XS.glp LD Vampyre XS.glp LD Vanilla Shake BN.glp LD VintageBeauty XS.glp LD Wavecode BN.glp LD WhiteHot XS.glp LD XenoSchranz XS.glp LD TerminatorMF.glp NA Accordeon BN.glp NA Boxed Dreams BN.glp NA Rosebowl BN.glp NA Stacked Bell BN.glp OR 90s DanceChord BN.glp OR Blue Morning BN.glp OR ElectrOrgan XS.glp OR HouseTrax XS.glp OR Main Ingredient BN.glp OR MrOrgie BN.glp OR RotaryPWM XS.glp OR Spinal Chords BN .glp PA aChordMess BN.glp PA Aftermath XS.glp PA Analogstack MF.glp PA Attackmode BN.glp PA BlueElephant XS.glp PA Clock cycles BN .glp PA Corrosive XS.glp PA Cytosis XS.glp PA CZynthStrings XS.glp PA DarkPlanets BN.glp PA DeepsideChord BN.glp PA Delusions XS.glp PA Desolate XS.glp PA DigiSwell XS.glp PA DX7Pad XS.glp PA Entrophy XS.glp PA Fluorine XS.glp PA Gattedsync MF.glp PA Ghosts BN.glp PA GrungyAna XS.glp PA Hallucinations XS.glp PA Hydra BN.glp PA Industrial XS.glp PA JXVox XS.glp PA Keypad BN.glp PA Liquid Paths BN.glp PA Lowdown BN.glp PA Manon BN.glp PA MeltingClocks XS.glp PA NewDay XS.glp PA Nikki C BN.glp PA Offset BN.glp PA PartII BN.glp PA Perfections BN.glp PA Ripples XS.glp PA ShadeDays BN.glp PA shadowWarriors BN.glp PA SinFM BN.glp PA Stardock XS.glp PA Sunny Shadows BN.glp PA SunRays XS.glp PA Turonian BN.glp PA Woodoow BN.glp PA Xploid BN.glp PD DeadZone XS.glp PD Downtempo95 XS.glp PE PolarBells XS.glp PI ClaviHCM XS.glp PI Heavenly XS.glp PI NeoClassical XS.glp PI OutInSpace MF.glp PI PiBell BN.glp PI Synclavs BN.glp SP Trance Split XS.glp ST Soulina XS.glp SY 5thHits XS.glp SY Affected BN.glp SY Analog Brass XS.glp SY BellLike XS.glp SY ColoursStab BN.glp SY DigiLoFi MF.glp SY DirtyMinor XS.glp SY DnBKordMaj9 XS.glp SY eekHohrn BN.glp Electronic 3: Sounds 256-302 SY FrogBells XS.glp SY HipHopBrass XS.glp SY Kasper BN.glp SY MajChordHit XS.glp SY Memento BN.glp SY MinChordHit XS.glp SY Morphology BN.glp SY OrganHits1 XS.glp SY popstaB BN.glp SY RaveKord XS.glp SY Resonator MF.glp SY SIDArpStab3 XS.glp SY SIDKeys1 XS.glp SY SIDKeys3 XS.glp SY Sun Rayes BN.glp SY Synced MF.glp SY TechStab BN.glp SY TranceKeys XS.glp SY Travels BN.glp SY Virii mOOg BN.glp SY WetChord XS.glp TG 1000SawsPD MF.glp TG Active XS.glp TG AdamVanBaker.glp TG Ambrosia.glp TG Fairlane MF.glp TG Hackovertone MF.glp TG Holymoly MF.glp TG Logo MF.glp TG Magicman MF.glp TG Mellotonaut.glp TG Minority MF.glp TG Newsynthesis MF.glp TG Organic MF.glp TG Paradance MF.glp TG Silker MF.glp TG Superahh MF.glp TG Synopia MF.glp TG Trancemaster MF.glp TG TranceTalks XS.glp TG Unstable XS.glp TG VeryBusy XS.glp TG Vokaloid MF.glp TG Wanderer MF.glp TG Xenophopia.glp TG Xenos.glp VO Whispered XS.glp.

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