<p> ANNEXURE -I </p><p>Paper Publication List: TOTAL: 81, National: 68, International: 13</p><p>1) F.V.Manvi, P.M.Dandagi, A.P.Gadad, V.S.Mastiholimath and T. Jagadish “Formulation of a Transdermal Drug Delivery System of Ketotifen Fumarate” Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences; 2003, 65 (3), 239-43. 2) P.M.Dandagi, F.V.Manvi, A.P.Gadad, V.S.Mastiholimath and B. P. Wagh “Development and Evaluation of Ketorolac Tromethamine Ocular Films” Indian Drugs, June 2003, 40 (6). 369-71 3) P.M.Dandagi, F.V.Manvi, M.B.Patil, V.S.Mastiholimath and R.Rathod “Development and Evaluation of Ocular Films of Cromolyn Sodium” Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences; 2004, 66 (3), 309-12. 4) P.M.Dandagi, F.V.Manvi, M.B.Patil, V.S.Mastiholimath, A. P. Gadad and V. Balamuralidhara “Microencapsulation of Verapamil HCl by Ionotropic Gelation Technique” Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences; 2004, 66 (5), 631-5. 5) P. M. Dandagi, F. V. Manvi, M. B. Patil, V. S. Mastiholimath, S.A.Sreenivas and A.P. Gadad “Taste Masked Ofloxacin Mouth Disintegrating Tablets. Indian Drugs 2005, 42 (1) 52-5. 6) P. M. Dandagi, F. V. Manvi, M. B. Patil, V. S. Mastiholimath, Ruchi Sharma and A.P. Gadad “Development and Evaluation of Theophylline and Salbutamol Sulphate Sustained Release Matrix Tablets”, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sept-Oct 2005, 62 (05), 598- 602. 7) Dandagi PM, Manvi FV, Mustiholimath VS, Hiremath SP, and Thomas PT. Formulation and in- vitro evaluation of Diltiazem hydrochloride buccal films. The Indian Pharmacist, 2005 July; Vol-IV, No.37: 59-62 8) P. M. Dandagi, S. A. Sreenivas S. T. Bhagavati, M. B. Patil, S. P. Hiremath, V. S. Mastiholimath and A.P. Gadad “Orodispersible Tablets: New-Frangled Drug Delivery System” Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Oct-Dec2005, 39 (05), 04, 177-181. 9) P.M. Dandagi, V. S. Mastiholimath, M. B. Patil and M. K. Gupta “Biodegradable Microparticulate System of Captopril” International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2006, 307 (01), 83-8. 10) Sreenivas S. A., Gadad A. P., Dandagi P. M., Mastiholimath V. S. and Patil M. B. “Formulation and Evaluation of Ondansetron HCl Directly Compressed Mouth Disintegrating Tablets” Indian Drugs, January 2006, 43(1) 35-7. 11) V. S. Mastiholimath, P. M. Dandagi, F. V. Manvi, M. B. Patil, V. K. Chandur and A.P. Gadad “Formulations and Evaluation of Ornidazole Dental Implants for Periodontitis”, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2006, 68(1), 68-71. 12) A.P. Gadad, V. S. Mastiholimath, P. M. Dandagi, F. V. Manvi, and M. B. Patil.,“Non Chewable Antacid Formulations: Effect of Different disintegrating agents on their Acid neutralization properties”, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2006,68(2), 269- 73. 13) P.M.Dandagi, F.V.Manvi, V.S.Mastiholimath, A. P. Gadad and Prabhu Halakatti. Rapidly disintegrating Domperidone Tablets, Indian Drugs, 2006, 43(7) 594-7. 14) V. S. Mastiholimath, P. M. Dandagi, Samata Jain, A.P. Gadad and A.R. Kulkarni, "Time and pH Dependent Colon Specific, Pulsatile Delivery of Theophylline for Nocturnal Asthma" International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 2007, 328(2), 49-56. 15) P.M.Dandagi, V.S.Mastiholimath, A. P. Gadad and S. R. Iliger “Mucoadhesive microspheres of Propranolol HCl for nasal delivery” Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2007, 69(3), 403 - 8. 16) P. M. Dandagi, M.B.Patil, V.S.Mastiholimath, A. P. Gadad, A. R. Kulkarni and S. S. Jalalpure “ Antiulcer activity of extracts of Cyperous rotundus rhizome in pylorus ligated rat model. Advances in Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2007, 8(3), 117 – 22. 17) V. S. Mastiholimath, M. B. Patil, P. M. Dandagi, A.P. Gadad, Yuvaraj Singh Pol and A.R. Kulkarni, “Antihypertensive activity of seeds of Mucuna prurunes in dexamethasone induced hypertension in rats” Advances in Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2007, 8(3), 59 – 62. 18) V. S. Mastiholimath, M. B. Patil, P. M. Dandagi, A.P. Gadad, Yuvaraj Singh Pol and A.R. Kulkarni, “Antidiabetic activity of fruits Punica granatum and seeds of Mucuna prurunes in alloxan induced diabetic rats”. International journal of Pharmacology and Biological Sciences, 2007, 1(3), 29-32 19) V. S. Mastiholimath, P. M. Dandagi, Rashmi Mathews, A.P. Gadad and A.R. Kulkarni, "In vitro in vivo evaluation of ranitidine HCl ethyl cellulose floating microparticles” Journal of Microencapsulation, 2008 Mar 13; 1-8 20) P. M.Dandagi, M.B.Patil, V.S.Mastiholimath, A. P. Gadad and A. R. Kulkarni “ Antiulcer activity of extracts of Calotropis gigantean” . International journal of Pharmacology and Biological Sciences, 2008, 2(1), 127 – 32. 21) P. M. Dandagi, M.B.Patil, V.S.Mastiholimath, A. P. Gadad and R. H. Dhumansure “Development and Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Polyherbal Formulation Containing Some Indigenous Medicinal Plants” Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2008, 70(2), 265-8. 22) V. S. Mastiholimath, M. B. Patil, P. M. Dandagi, A.P. Gadad, Yuvaraj Singh Pol and A.R. Kulkarni, “Antidiabetic activity of flower buds of Hibiscus rosa sinensis and leaves of Moringa olefera in alloxan induced diabetic rats” Advances in Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2008, 9(2), 99 – 103. 23) A. P. Gadad, M. B. Patil, A. R. Kulkarni, V. S. Mastiholimath P. M. Dandagi, and V. P. Chauahan, “Design & Evaluation of bilayer floating gastroretentive tablets for the controlled delivery of Clarithromycin” International journal of Pharmacology and Biological Sciences 2009, 3(1), 27-34. 24) A. P. Gadad, M.B. Patil, V.S.Mastiholimath, P.M.Dandagi, A.R. Kulkarni and A.J. Mali J, “Floating bilayer tablet for drug delivery system containing Cefpodoxime proxetil for prolonged gastric residence” Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical sciences Jan – Mar 2009, Vol. 2 (1) 38-44. 25) A. P. Gadad, M.B. Patil, V.S.Mastiholimath, P.M.Dandagi, A.R. Kulkarni and Suma N Naduvinamani, Sodium alginate polymeric floating beads for the delivery of Cefpodoxime proxetil” Journal of Applied Polymer Science November 2009, Volume 114 (3), 1919-22. 26) P.M.Dandagi, S.S Kerur, A. P. Gadad, V.S.Mastiholimath and A.R. Kulkarni, “Polymeric Ocular Nanosuspension for controlled release of Acyclovir: In vitro release and Ocular distribution” Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2009, Vol 8 (2) 79-86. 27) P.M.Dandagi, A. P. Gadad, V.S.Mastiholimath, A.R. Kulkarni and B. K. Konnur. “pH- Sensitive Mebaverine microspheres for colon delivery” Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2009, 71(4), 464-8. 28) Praful Balavant Deshpande, Panchaxari Dandagi, Nayanabhirama Udupa, Shavi V. Gopal, Samata S. Jain, Surenalli G. Vasanth “Controlled Release Polymeric Ocular Delivery of Acyclovir” Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 2010, 15(4), 369-78. 29) Sujatha Muchalambe*, Dandagi PM, Yogesh HS, Ravindra R, Gopalakrishna B.Preparation and evaluation of Sparfloxacin Dental Implants for treatment of periodontal diseases. International Journal of Pharm Sciences, 2010 2(2), 606-11 30) Panchaxari Dandagi*, Punit Patel, Pravin Patil, Vinayak Mastiholimath, Anand Gadad. Development and Characterization of a Particulate Drug Delivery System for Etoposide”. Indian Journal of Novel Drug delivery Jan-Mar, 2011, 3(1), 43-51. 31) P M Dandagi, M L Upadhyay, A P Gadad and V S Mastiholimath. Design and Evaluation of Aceclofenac Loaded Microsponge for Topical Delivery. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Clinical Practice, Apr-June 2011; 1(2):90-101 32) Phanchaxari M Dandagi *, Sumit Kaushik, Shaktish Telsang Enhancement Of Solubility And Dissolution Property Of Griseofulvin By Nanocrystallization, Int. J. Drug Dev. & Res, April- June 2011, 3 (2): 128-39 33) Panchaxari M. Dandagi*, Navik V. Koradia, Anand P. Gadad, Vinayak S. Mastiholimath and Mayank M. Sanghavi. Oral osmotic drug delivery system: An update. Int. J. Res. Ph. Sci., 2011, 2(2), 225-36. 34) Anand Gadad*, Chirag Naval, Krunal Patel, Panchaxari Dandagi And Vinayak Mastiholimath. “Formulation and Evaluation of Floating Microspheres of Captopril for Prolonged Gastric Residence Time”. Indian Journal of Novel Drug delivery Jan-Mar 2011, 3(1), 17-23. 35) Panchaxari Dandagi*, Punit Patel, Pravin Patil, Vinayak Mastiholimath, Anand Gadad. Development and Characterization of a Particulate Drug Delivery System for Etoposide”. Indian Journal of Novel Drug delivery Jan-Mar, 2011, 3(1), 43-51. 36) P M Dandagi, Sandeep Kumar, Mayank Sanghvi, V S Mastiholimath, A P Gadad, Design and Characterization of Clotrimazole Nanoparticles: An APPROACH TO Controlled Drug Delivary. Inventi Impact: NDDS 2011, Vol 1, 22-6. 37) Dandagi Panchaxari*, Mohite Shashank, Gadad Anand, Mastiholimath Vinayak, Shukla Pankaj Formulation And Evaluation Of Metoclopramide Rapidly Disintegrating Tablets, Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics; 2011, 1(2): 10-14 38) Patil AS, Dandagi PM, Masthiholimath VS, Gadad AP, Nanjwade BK. Development and characterization of chronomodulated drug delivery system of captopril. Int Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 2011; 1, 227-33. 39) Anand Gadad*, Aman Soni, Panchaxari Dandagi and Vinayak Mastiholimath. Simvastatin- loaded PLGA Nanoparticles for improved oral bioavailability and sustained release: Effect of formulation variables. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics, April-June 2011, 5(2), 57-64. 40) Anand Gadad*, Aman Soni, Panchaxari Dandagi and Vinayak Mastiholimath. Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery: A Review. Indian Drugs, November 2011, 48(11) 05-16. 41) P. M. Dandagi, A. Singh, F. V. Manvi & A. M. Belekar Formulation And Effect Of Viscosity And Concentration Of Methocel On Release Characteristics Of Trimetazidine Matrix Tablets, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2012, Vol 4, Issue 1, 230-5 42) V.S.Mastiholimath*, P.P.Gupte*, V.S.Mannur, P.M.Dandagi, A.P.Gadad, A.Patil1, RVSR Bhavyashanthi Development and Validation of U V Spectrophotometric and RP-HPLC Methods for Moexipril Hydrochloride In Pure Form And Pharmaceutical Dosage Form. The Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 2012: Vol 16 No 3 202 – 12. 43) Panchaxari M. Dandagi*, Navik V. Koradia, Anand P. Gadad and Sowjanya P Fabrication And In Vitro Evaluation Of Porous Osmotic Pump Based Controlled Drug Delivery Of Metoprolol Succinate, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2012 Vol 4, Issue 3, 697-704 44) Panchaxari M Dandagi, Punit D Patel, Anand P Gadad, Anil Kumar Aravapalli. RES and brain targeting Stavudine-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles for AIDS therapy. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics, April-June 2012, 6(2), 116-23. 45) Pankaj Shukla, Panchaxari M Dandagi, Rini Thomas, Sharath Chandra P effect of verious superdisintegrants on the drug release profile & disintgration time of metaproterenol sulphate orally disintegrating tablets. International journal of biological & pharmaceutical research. 2012; 3(1): 169-76. 46) A.P. Gadad, P. Sharath Chandra, P.M. Dandagi and V.S. Mastiholimath. Moxifloxacin Loaded Polymeric Nanoparticles for Sustained Ocular Drug Delivery. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nanotechnology, 2012; 5(2), 1727-34. 47) Anand Panchakshari Gadad, Annapureddy Dasaratharami Reddy, Panchaxari Mallappa Dandagi, Vinayak S Masthiholimath. Design and characterization of hollow/porous floating beads of captopril for pulsatile drug delivery. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics, April-June 2012, 6(2), 137-43. 48) Kottu P. K, Gadad A. P and Dandagi PM. "Method Development & Validation for the simultaneous Estimation of Pioglitazone and Glimepride- A UV spectrophotometric approach". Indian drugs November 2012, 49(11) 30-5. 49)Gadad A.P.*, Vannuruswamy G., Sharath Chandra P, Dandagi P.M and Mastiholimath V.S. "Study of Different Properties and Applications of Poly Lactic-CO-Glycolic Acid (PLGA) Nanotechnology: An Overview". Indian Drugs, Dec. 2012, 49(12) 05-22. 50) Dandigi M Panchaxari, Sowjanya Pampana, Tapas Pal, Bhavana Devabhaktuni2 and Anil Kumar Aravapalli Design & Characterization of diclofenac diethylamine transdermal patch using silicone & acrylic adhesive combination. DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2013, 21:6. 51) Panchaxari Mallappa Dandagi, Amit Manohar Belekar, Vinayak Shivamurthy Mastiholimath, Anand Panchakshari Gadad, Vivek Wamanrao Sontake An Improvement of the Efficacy of Moxifloxacin HCl for the Treatment of Bacterial Keratitis by the Formulation of Ocular Mucoadhesive Microspheres. Scientia Pharmaceutica 2013; 81: 259–280 52) S. Pankaj, J.Rini, and P.Dandagi. Formulation and evaluation of proniosome based drug delivery system of the antifungal drug Clotrimazole. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nanotechnology.2013; 6(1):1945-51. 53) Panchakhari Dandagi, Alok Singh, Fakirappa Manvi, Amit belekar Formulation of trimetazidine matrix tablet using methocel and effect of different parameters on drug release from matrix tablet Turkish Journal of Pharm Sciences 2013,10 (2), 287-302. 54) Gadad A.P.*, Vannuruswamy G., Vijaykumar S.V, Dandagi P.M and Mastiholimath V.S. "Nanofibers: Fabrication, Characterization and their biomedical applications". Indian Drugs, August 2013, 50(08) 05-19. 55) P.M. Dandagi, Dhople Nagratna, A.P. Gadad, C.K. Pandey and V.S. Masthiholimath Formulation and Evaluation of Itopride Hydrochloride Floating Beads for Gastroretentive Delivery International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nanotechnology. 2013, Vol 6; Issue 4 : 2225-39 56) Dandagi P.M.*, Dhople N.G., Dessai G.A. and Gadad A.P. Recent advancements & developments in floating drug delivery system- An approach for Gastroretention. Indian Drugs 2013, 50(12), 5-20 57) Mastiholimath V.S., Dandagi P.M., Gadad A.P., Murali Krishna N.V.and Mannur V S Method Development and Validation of Olanzapine in Pure and Pharmaceutical Dosage form by RP-HPLC Method, Indian Drugs 2013, 50 (02), 20-6. 58) Panchaxari Mallappa Dandagi, Chirag Prakashbhai Patel, Rohit Sharma, Anand Panchakshari Gadad, Vinayak Mastiholimath Studies on formulation & evaluation of osmotically controlled DDS of carbimazepine, International Journal of Pharmacy & Pharm Sciences 2014, 6(2), 239-50 59) Panchaxari Mallappa Dandagi, Suryasri Lavanya Adavi, Seeprarani Rath, Anand Panchakshari Gadad Formualtion & In vivo evaluation of poorly soluble Deferosirox dispersible tablets by HP beta Cyclodextrin complexation, International Journal of Pharmacy & Pharm Sciences, 2014, 6 (2) 251-6 60) Gadad A P, Singh R, Darbha N S and Dandagi P M. Isolation and charecterization of Exopolysaccharides from lactic acid bacteria and its use in formulation development, Indian Drugs February 2014: 51(02), 39-46 61) Panchaxari Mallappa Dandagi*, Gayatri Anant Dessai, Anand Panchakshari Gadad, Vaibhav B. Desai Formulation and evaluation of nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC) of Lornoxicam International Journal of Pharmacy & Pharm Sciences, 2014, 6 (2), 73-7 62) P. M. Dandagi, Rohit Sharma, A. P. Gadad and V. S. Mastiholimath “Thermosensitive gels containing carbamazepine microspheres for intranasal brain targeting”. World journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 3 (9) 716-30. 63) P. M. Dandagi, Seeprarani, A. P. Gadad and V. S. Mastiholimath Taste masked quinine sulphate loaded solid lipid nanoparticles for flexible paediatric dosing. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education & Research 2014, 48(12 suppl.) 93-9 64) V. S. Mannur, Pandya Aadit, V.S. Mstiholimath, K.K. Hullatti, P. M. Dandagi and A. P. Gadad, Simultaneous estimation of Rabeprazole Sodium and Lafutidine in Bulkand Pharmaceutical dosage form by RP-UPLC Method, Int. J. Drug Dev. & Res, 2014, 6(4), 84- 92 65) A.P. Gadad*, S.V. Vijay Kumar, P.M. Dandagi, U.B. Bolmol and N. Pavani Pallavi. “Nanoparticles and their Therapeutic Applications in Pharmacy”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nanotechnology, July–September 2014, Volume 7(3) 2509-19. 66) V.S. Mastiholimath, Geetika Gupta, P.M. Dandagi, A.P Gadad, V.S Mannur, and V. R. Pai “Development & validation of a stability indicating method for paliperidone in paliperidone depot injection using RP-HPLC”. International journal of Pharmaceutical & Chemical sciences, Oct-Dec 2014, Vol 3(4), 905-14. 67) P. M. Dandagi & Sangamesh taranalli Development of hollow/porous floating beads of metoprolol for pulsatile drug delivery. Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet . 2015 Jun; 40(2): 225-33 68) Wagle. S.S, Gadad. A. P, Dandagi P. M & Patil A. S. Formulation and evaluation of Oxiconazole B-cyclodexrtin complex incorporated topical gel. Indian drugs, 2015, 52(06), 11-7. 69) Gadad A.P., Sharma Vani, Darbha N.S., Dandagi P.M., Singh Renu. “Isolation and Purification of Exopolysaccharides and Exploring its Potential as an Excipient in the Development of Suitable Formulation”. Int. J. Adv. Pharm. Biotech, 2015; 1(2): 1-8. 70) Sheetal Chouhan, Uday bolmal, Panchaxari Dandagi & Ajit Singh. Design and Evaluation of transdermal patch of Filodipine. Indo American Journal of pharmaceutical Research. 2015, 5(09), 3035-43. 71) Arti pednekar*, Panchaxari Dandagi, Anand Gadad, Vinayak Mastiholimath. Formulation and characterisation of meloxicam loaded emulgel for topical application. Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, 2015, Vol 7, Issue 11, 216-222. 72) Kanekar R.*, Dandagi P. M. and Gadad A. P. Formulation And Evaluation Of Fast Dissolving Oral Films Of Prochlorperazine Maleate. INDIAN DRUGS December 2015, 52 (12) 23-33 73) Ambhore n. P*, Dandagi P. M., Gadad A. P. And Reddy N. H. S. Determination of Bimatoprost in Bulk and Ophthalmic Dosage Forms: Development And Validation Of An RP-HPLC Method. INDIAN DRUGS December 2015, 52 (12) 49-55. 74) Nitin Prabhakar Ambhore & Panchaxari Mallapa Dandagi, Formulation and comparative evaluation of HPMC and water soluble chitosan based Sparfloxacin nanosuspension for ophthalmic delivery. Drug Delivery and Translation Research, 2016, 6(2), 48-56. 75) Dipiksha Sawant, Panchaxari Mallappa Dandagi and Anand Panchaxari Gadad, Formulation and evaluation of Sparfloxacin emulsomes loaded thermosensitive insitu gel for ophthalmic delivery. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2016, 77(3), 654-65. 76) Nitin Pandurang Gurav, Panchaxari Mallappa Dandagi and Anand Panchaxari Gadad and Vinayak Shivamurthy Mastiholimath. Solubility enhancement of Satranidazoleusing self- emulsifying drug delivery system. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 2016, 50(3), S68- S76. 77) Andrea. M. R. Dandagi. P. M. and Gadad A. P. Formulation and Evaluation of Fast dissolving buccal films of Dimenhydrinate, Indian Drugs, 2016, 53(09), 34-41. 78) Gadad A.P., Patil A.S., Sariki V.K., Dandagi P.M. and Mastiholimath V.S. “Design & Characterization of biodegradable Tizanidine NPs for improved oral bioavailability”. Indian Drugs, March 2016, 53 (03), 57-59. 79) Anand Panchakshari Gadad*, Padmaja D. Wadklar, Panchaxari Mallappa Dandagi and Archana Patil. “Thermosensitive In situ gel for Ocular delivery of Lomefloxacin”. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research Apr-Jun, 2016,, 50 (2) (Suppl.) S96- S105. 80) Anand Panchakshari Gadad*, Sneha Shripad Naik, Panchaxari Mallappa Dandagi and Uday Baburao Bolmal. “Formulation and Evaluation of Gastroretentive Floating Microspheres of Lafutidine”. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Apr-Jun, 2016, 50 (2) (Suppl.) S76-S81. 81) Anand P. Gadad, Swetha G. Tigadi, Panchaxari M. Dandagi, Vinayak S. Mastiholimath & Uday B. Bolmal. Rosuvastatin loaded Nanostructured lipid carrier: For Enchancement of oral bioavailability. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Oct-Dec 2016, Vol 50 (4), 605-611. 82)</p>
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