<p> Mandatory Disclosure </p><p>I NAME OF THE INSTITUTION Government Polytechnic, Nilokheri. Address including telephone, Fax, e-mail. o Phone No. 01745-246002 E-Mail: [email protected] II NAME & ADDRESS OF THE SH. S. K. Goel PRINCIPAL Address including telephone, Fax, e-mail. Phone No. 01745-246002 E-Mail: [email protected] III. NAME OF THE AFFILIATING 1. State Board of Technical Education, UNIVERSITY Haryana IV. GOVERNANCE Members of the Board and their brief Governing Body background Members of Academic Advisory Body Advisory Body Frequency of the Board Meetings and Two to three meetings annually. Academic Advisory Body Organizational chart and processes Organizational Chart – Annexure-II-A Nature and Extent of involvement of faculty The faculty are involved in and students in academic various activities including affairs/improvements teaching, continuous assessment of students. Students are free to interact with their Teachers / Course Co-coordinators any time. during teaching days or through e-mail, regular SRC meetings, implementing student feed back mechanism. The different academic activities are carried out by the faculty members through various committees in close coordination with the students. some of the key committees are: Placement team Corporate Relations cell Alumni Cell Use of audio visual aids. Mechanism/Norms & Procedure for Regular feedback from students. democratic/good Governance Proper counseling of students by the Tutor and Head of the Deptt from time to time. Explanation by faculty members for the marks scored by students & guidance to students for further improvement. Encourage by Faculty to participate in competitions/ event management. Teachers evaluation by students.</p><p> Student Feedback on Institutional Feedback about faculty is taken by the Governance/faculty performance Students from time to time & faculty members are informed about the shortcoming. Regular meetings with the Principal on fortnightly basis are done to discuss academic matters. Grievance redressal mechanism for faculty, Grievances if any are invited through a staff and students. written application from the aggrieved party/person & staff welfare committee & students welfare committee headed by senior staff members have been constituted to listen the aggrieved party/person & suggest corrective action. V. PROGRAMMES Name of the Programmes approved by the 3 years Diploma course in AICTE Electronics and communication Engg. Mechanical Engg. Electrical Engg. Civil Engg. Computer Engg. Instrumentation & Control Name of the Programmes accredited by the NBA team has visited for assessment of the AICTE institute on 10/11/12 Nov.06 For each Programme the following details Annexure-III are to be given: Name Number of seats Cut off mark/rank for admission during the The State Board of Technical Education, last three years Haryana, gives admissions; on the basis of ranking obtained by the candidates in the Diploma Entrance Test (DET) conducted by the S.B.T.E. Fee Annexure-IV</p><p> Placement Facilities Yes Campus placement in last three years with Batch %age Max Avg. minimum salary, maximum salary and average (Rs.) (Rs.) salary 2014-15 Placement 2015-16 Record 2016-17 Annexure- VII Name and duration of programme(s) having N.A. affiliation/collaboration with Foreign University(s)/Institution(s) and being run in the same Campus along with status of their AICTE approval. If there is foreign collaboration, give the following details: Details of the Foreign Institution/University: N.A. Name of the University/Institution N.A. Address N.A. Website N.A. Is the Institution/University Accredited in its N.A. Home Country Ranking of the Institution/University in the N.A. Home Country Whether the degree offered is equivalent to N.A. an Indian Degree? If yes, the name of the agency which has approved equivalence. If no, implications for students in terms of pursuit of higher studies in India and abroad Nature of Collaboration N.A. Conditions of Collaboration N.A. Complete details of payment a student has to N.A. make to get the full benefit of collaboration. For each Collaborative/affiliated N.A. Programme give the following: Programme Focus N.A. Number of seats N.A. Admission Procedure N.A. Fee N.A. Placement Facility N.A. Placement Records for N.A. last three years with minimum salary, maximum salary and average salary Whether the Collaborative Programme is N.A. approved by AICTE? If not whether the Domestic/Foreign Institution has applied to AICTE for approval as required under notification no. 37-3/Legal/2005 dated 16th May, 2005 VI. FACULTY Branch wise list faculty members: Annexure-V Permanent Faculty Visiting Faculty Adjunct Faculty Guest Faculty Engaged as and when necessary Permanent Faculty: Student Ratio 1:17 Number of faculty employed and left Employed Left during the last three years</p><p>IX. ADMISSION Number of seats sanctioned with the 2014-2015 720 year of approval. 2015-2016 720 2016-2017 600 2017-2018 600 Number of students admitted under Annexure-VI various categories each year in the last three years. * Number of applications received 2015-2016 2016-2017 during last two years for admission N.A N.A under Management Quota and number admitted. X. ADMISSION PROCEDURE Mention the admission test On the Basis of merit of the Qualifying being followed, name and address of the Examination. Test Agency and its URL (website). Number of seats allotted to NA different Test Qualified candidates separately [AIMCET/CET (State conducted test/University tests)/Association conducted test] Calendar for admission against As per Prospectus released by State Board of management/vacant seats: Technical Education, Haryana Last date for request for applications. - DO - Last date for submission of application. - DO - Dates for announcing final results. - DO - Release of admission list (main list and - DO - waiting list should be announced on the same day) Date for acceptance by the candidate - DO - (time given should in no case be less than 15 days) Last date for closing of admission. - DO - Starting of the Academic session. - DO - The waiting list should be activated - DO - only on the expiry of date of main list. The policy of refund of the fee, in case - DO - of withdrawal, should be clearly notified. </p><p>XI CRITERIA AND WEIGHTAGES FOR ADMISSION Describe each criteria with its respective weightages i.e. Admission Only admission test Rank./ marks in Test, marks in qualifying qualifying EXAM prepared Rank examination etc. Mention the minimum level of acceptance, if any. As per the procedures published by Mention the cut-off levels of the State Board of Technical percentage & percentile scores of the Education, Haryana in its candidates in the admission test for information bulletin ,every year. the last three years. Display marks scored in Test etc. and Each and Every Data available on in aggregate for all candidates who deptt. Site were admitted. www.techeduhry.nic.in Item No I - XI must be given in information brochure and must be hosted as fixed content in the website of the Institution. The Website must be dynamically updated with regard to XII–XV. </p><p>2. XII. APPLICATION FORM Downloadable application form, Please refer the Prospectus, of State Board of with online submission Technical Education, Haryana published every possibilities. year available on site www.techeduhry.nic.in. 3. XIII. LIST OF APPLICANTS List of candidates whose Centralized admission made by Deptt of applications have been received along Technical Education , Haryana with percentile/percentage score for each of the qualifying examination in separate categories for open seats. List of candidates who have applied along with percentage and percentile score for Management quota seats.</p><p>3. XIV. RESULTS OF 4. ADMISSION UNDER MANAGEMENT SEATS/VACANT SEATS</p><p> Composition of selection team for admission under Management Quota with the brief profiles of members (This information be made available in the public domain after the admission process is over) </p><p> Score of the individual candidates admitted arranged in order of merit. N.A. List of candidates who have been offered admission. Waiting list of the candidates in order of merit to be operative from the last date of joining of the first list candidates. List of the candidates who joined within the date, vacancy position in each category before operation of waiting list. 5. XV. INFORMATION ON INFRASTRUCTURE AND OTHER RESOURCES AVAILABLE LIBRARY: Number of Library Books –68687 books/Titles/Journals available Titles-16085 (programme-wise) Journals/magazines-15 List of online National/International No Journals subscribed. E-Library facilities No LABORATORY: For each Laboratory Annexure-I & Annexure-II List of Major Equipment/Facilities List of Experimental Setup COMPUTING FACILITIES: Number and Configuration of 200 Nos. and I3, 4GB RAM, 500 GB HDD Systems Total number of systems 200 connected by LAN Total number of systems 200 connected to WAN Internet bandwidth 128 kbps (24 hours) / Lease Line 4 Mbps Major software packages -Annexure-VII available Special purpose facilities DLP Projectors, Visualizer, Scanning & available Printing etc. Games and Sports Facilities Yes Extra Curriculum Activities Yes Soft Skill Development Facilities A language lab. is being established Number of Classrooms and size of 8 size 81 sqm./100 Sq.Mt. each Number of Tutorial rooms and size of 6 size 75 Sq.Mt. each Number of laboratories and size of 46 average 110 Sq.Mt. each Number of drawing halls and size of Drawing hall- 4 size 210 Sq.Mt..each each Number of Computer Centres with 10 capacity of each Central Examination Facility, 14 rooms capacity 40 students each. Number of rooms and capacity of Examination hall with capacity of 600 each. students. Teaching Learning process Curricula and syllabi for each of Available at site www.techeduhry.nic.in the programmes as approved by the University. Academic Calendar of the Technical Education Department calendar University –do- Academic Time Table Time Table for each semester. Teaching Load of each Faculty 18-22 Internal Continuous Evaluation Yes, institute level System and place Students’ assessment of Faculty, Yes, institute level System in place. Note: Suppression and/or misrepresentation of information would attract appropriate penal action.</p><p>Annexure-I LABS OF THE INSTITUTE A. CIVIL ENGG. DEPARTMENT Name of Lab No. of Rooms available in the Carpet Area of each room Institution available in the Institution (Sq.Mtrs.) 1. CT Lab 1 89 2. WSSE Lab 1 107 3. SOM Lab 1 107 4. EM Lab 1 100 5. HE Lab 1 73 6. BC Lab 1 51 7. RC Lab 1 135 8. Survey Lab 1 59 Total 8 721</p><p>B. MECHANICAL ENGG. DEPARTMENT</p><p>Name of Lab No. of Rooms available in the Carpet Area of each room Institution available in the Institution (Sq.Mtrs.) 1. Metrology Lab 1 137 2. RAC Lab 1 105 3. Material Science Lab 1 168 4. Hydraulics Lab 1 138 5. Thermal Lab 1 277 Total 5 825</p><p>C. ELECTRICAL ENGG. DEPARTMENT</p><p>Name of Lab No. of Rooms available in Carpet Area of each room the Institution available in the Institution (Sq.Mtrs.) 1. Electrical Machine Lab 1 179 2. SE Lab 1 116 3. BE Lab 1 80 4. EMMI Lab 1 94 5. Electrical Workshop 1 116 1 145 6. Civil Lab 1 135 Total 7 730</p><p>D. ELECTRONICS & COMM. ENGG. DEPARTMENT</p><p>Name of Lab No. of Rooms available Carpet Area of each room in the Institution available in the Institution (Sq.Mtrs.) 1. Electronics Lab 4 62.50 2 75 2. Ec. Workshop 1 70 Total 7</p><p>ANNEXURE – II</p><p>WORKSHOP</p><p>A. NEW WORKSHOP BLOCK</p><p>Name of Workshop No. of Rooms available in the Carpet Area of each Institution room available in the Institution (Sq.Mtrs.) 1. CNC 1 179 2. Wiring Shop 1 94 3. Electroplating 1 51 4. Welding Shop 1 94 5. Advanced Fitting Shop 1 94 6. Modern Machine Shop 1 94 7. Sheet Metal Shop 1 82 8. Turning Shop 1 176 9. Machine Shop 1 246 10. Fitting Shop 1 75 11. Painting Shop 1 55 Total 11 1240 B. OLD WORKSHOP BLOCK</p><p>Name of Workshop No. of Rooms available in the Carpet Area of each Institution room available in the Institution (Sq.Mtrs.) 1. Auto Engg. Lab 1 852 2. Carpentry Shop 1 263 3. Painting Shop 1 35 4. Welding Shop 1 52 5. Smithy Shop 1 157 6. Sheet Metal Shop 1 75 7. Foundry Shop 1 124 8. Garage 1 135 Total 8 1693 Annexure-V</p><p>*Faculty Position for the existing programme(s) (Programme-wise)</p><p>DETAILS OF FACULTY AVAILABLE Nature of Appointment Name of the Total Total Programme Sanctio number (UG & PG) ned of Intake Faculty require d as per norms (colum n 2 divided by 15) HoD) Sr.Lect Lectur Total Total Total number urer ers Other number of of faculty on s/ faculty adhoc visitin Permane basis g nt & facult Approved y by University 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10</p><p>Civil 120 13 1 0 05 06 07 06 - Electrical 60 07 1 01 05 07 - 07 - Mechanical 120 13 1 02 10 13 - 13 - Ec.& Comm. 120 13 1 01 06 08 05 08 - Computer 120 13 - - 12 12 - 12 - IC 60 07 - - 02 02 05 02 - TPO 01 1 - - 01 - 01 - Programmer 01 - - - 01 - 01 -</p><p>Applied 16 - 03 07 10 06 10 - Science Annexure-IV</p><p>Fee Structure of the Institution</p><p>CET quota Management quota Being Being Fixed by the Fixed by the S.No. charged by charged by Category State Fee State Fee the the Committee Committee Institution Institution 1. Admission Fee 200 200 - - 2. Tuition Fee 3000 3000 - - 3. University fee 400 400 - - (Examination fee, Registration fee etc.) 4. Hostel fee (Rent etc.) 1800 1800 - - 5. Laboratory fee - - - - 6. Library fee 1000 1000 - - Development Fund 7. Any other Student 1200 1200 - - Fund Total Fee 7600 7600 - Annexure-VI</p><p>AICTE Approved Intake during last 4 years 1st Year of 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Status of Courses approval by Accreditati AICTE (give on approval ref. (Validity no. & date) period) Sancti Actual Sanct Actu Sanct Actual Sanct Actual oned admiss ioned al ioned admiss ioned admiss intake ions intak admi intak ions intak ions e ssions e e Civil 120 119 120 115 120 118 120 102 NBA team Electrical 60 58 120 118 120 117 60 54 has visited for Ec.& Comm. 120 117 120 115 120 109 120 98 assessment of the Mechanical institute Dip.(FT) 180 176 180 179 180 176 120 108 on I & C 10/11/12 60 54 60 52 60 53 60 44 Nov.06.Fin Computer al report 120 113 120 101 120 115 120 101 yet to be Mechatronics 120 114 0 0 0 0 0 0 received Production 60 59 0 0 0 0 0 0</p><p>* J&K QUOTA + OTHER STATE SPONSORED Annexure-III</p><p>SANCTION INTAKE</p><p>DIPLOMA (FULL Civil 3 YEARS 120 TIME) Electrical 3 YEARS 60 Ec.& Comm. 3 YEARS 120 Mechanical 3 YEARS 120 Computer 3 YEARS 120 I & C 3 YEARS 60 Annexure-II A</p><p>Organizational Chart of Govt. Polytechnics.</p><p>PRINCIPAL</p><p>WORKSHOP OFFICE SUPDT. HEAD OF DEPTT SUPDT</p><p>SENIOR FOREMAN LECTURER INSTRUCTOR OFFICE STAFF</p><p>WORKSHOP LECTURER INSTRUCTOR Annexure-VII</p><p>Total no. of students placed by the Institution through its Placement Cell (Discipline wise) </p><p>SNO Discipline Total no. of students placed through placement cell (last 3 years)</p><p>2014-15 2015-16 2016-17</p><p>Mechanical 82 142 74 1 2 Electrical 10 09 23</p><p>Ec.& Comm. 11 13 15 3 4 Computer 12 13 03</p><p>5 Civil 09 NIL 23 6 Instrumentation & Control NIL NIL 01 7 PRODUCTION 08 31 10</p><p>8 MECHATRONICS 03 27 01 TOTAL 135 235 150 Annexure-VII</p><p>1. Application Software 06 2. System Software 06 3. Electronics Workbench 4. ORCAD CKT markes 5. Programmable Test Zig 6. LR packages in Electronics & Communication Engg 7. LR package in Mech. Engg 8. FPGA software 9. Computer based 8085 software 10. Circuit maker DOS based 11. STRUDS 12. T.E.C.S. 13. CM 14 Auto D&K for Civil Design supplied 15. Auto CAD-2000 16. Auto cad land development Desktop supplied . 17. Inventor 8 18. Page maker 6.5 19. Office 97 20. 3-D Studio 21. Work Star 7.0 22. DOS 6.22 23 LR packages in Electrical Engg. 24 LR packages in Civil Engg. 25 LR packages in Computer and I.T. Discipline 26 Language lab package </p>
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