JCC Wins ‘Scandal of Year' Title The story of the shocking stag party staged by the Junior Cham­ ber of Commerce convention May 14 on Maui was broken wide open this week by Robert McElrath, ILWU radio reporter, who said his information came from Maui po­ HONOUMVi^UCOR!) lice sources. The Newspaper Hawaii Needs The girls who stripped for the assembled Jaycees at a Wailuku clubhouse became the subject of Vol. 6, No. 46 SINGLE COPY, 10 CENTS Thursday, June 17, 1954 police investigation, according to the ILWU radioman, when they “opened up for business” in two rooms of a Maui hotel after the show. At least two of the girls were reported being treated for “a so­ cial disease.” The rooms, identified by num- Lone Picket Arrested (more on page 7) Gonsalves Blames KAUAI NOTES Caminos Paroled; Served Ben Rush; Dailies Kauai Judge Is Stockholder in New Blackout Story Collection Agency; Methods Draw Fire 2 ltrs. On Graft Conviction Clarence Caminos, tire only po­ The reluctant attitude of lolani Though it’s under a blackout Palace sources left the Impression by the daily press, a question im­ lice officer convicted and sent to I-, Z5, prison as a result of the police that possibly officialdom fears the portant to organized working peo­ graft cases of 1947, was paroled storm of criticism that was evoked ple throughout the Territory has recently and left Oahu Prison by a move by some members of the been raised in a strike that in­ parole board to grant Caminos a volves only five workers—the “Lit­ about a month ago without notice .e attic Oh J, 19H. in the daily press. parole a couple of years ago. tle Five,” as they call themselves. Interviewing a small cross-sec­ That question is this—can peace­ Questioned about a “pardon” .-rrmre fbr ettl ' cy g / 195A Caminos was rumored to have re­ tion of the public Wednesday, how­ ful pickets advertise their side of ever, the RECORD found few who a labor dispute on public property? ceived. secretly from Gov. Sam . ^cocurZ ef H, fcs Lanes" . King, official sources at lolani Pa­ knew much about the Caminos On one side of the dispute is case who had any criticism. Some Henry Gonsalves,* head of the lace were evasive, though one did indicate that a “commutation” or felt it was wrong , that Caminos Drivers, Helpers, Warehousemen was “the only one” of the indicted, & Construction Division, Local 1, parole was more likely. Checking further, the RECORD policemen who had to go to pris­ (Ind.) and he has been arrested on. Others hoped the' parole indi­ twice for picketing. discovered that a parole had, in­ deed, been given Caminos and that cates an attitude of clemency in Ben Rush, HTP Oppose he had left prison May 19. (more on page 7) ' On the other side are two par­ ties, Hawaiian Tuna Packers,, Ltd., and Ben Bush, engineer of the. Territorial Board of Harbor Com- Should a judge sit on a case in cases involving the new Kauai "Scrap of Paper" Is Teves' Name For missionfrs, who have been res­ which he has a financial interest Credit Adjustors, Ltd., a collection ponsible for the arrest. in one side? .It’s a question being agency. Somewhere in the picture is the asked in Kauai where it is report- Shiraishi, according to an ex­ Resolution on Jobless; Passes 7-0 attorney general’s office, which ise(i that Judge Clinton Shiraishi hibit filed with the Territorial “A scrap of paper!” was the term (more on page 7) has failed to disqualify himself in Treasurer, owns 500 shares of stock Sup. Nick Teves had Tuesday for in the company, has pledged pay­ n resolution introduced by Sup. ment of $5,000, and has actually Noble Kauhane to request the leg­ paid in $500 of that amount. islature to reconvene for the pur­ Data on Frizelle Given U.S. Atty.; Other stockholders of the com- pose of alleviating unemployment. (more on page 2) Teves, arguing against the meas­ Charge 1917 Draft Discrepancies ure, indicated he thought the move had little meaning. But his fel­ Fred R. Frizelle, head of the DPI the draft June 5, 1917, Westropp Contract Negotiations low Republican, Sup. Miltbn Bea­ division of private schools, is the charges, Frizelle described his sta­ mer who often votes with Teves, object of a new attack this week tus as "alien,” avoiding the proper Expected Soon Between thought differently and said so. by Harold Westropp, retired lient. heading on the draft blank, which “I don’t think it’s a mere scrap commander of the U. S. Navy, who was “Have you declared your in­ Nakahara Stores, ILWU of paper,” said Beamer, “when charges that irregularities in Fri- tention (specify which)?” there are thousands of unem­ zelle’s documents should be sub­ “Avoided A-l” By Correspondence HAWI. — Contract negotiations ployed.” jects for prosecution. Because of the “alien” status, ' Teves voted for the resolution Westropp charges, Frizelle “thus between the ILWU and M. Naka­ Westropp made his charges in hara Stores are expected to open along with the other supervisors, a letter to William A. Barlow, U. S. avoided A-l draft classification.” the tally being 7-0, but he did not A few months later, Nov. 8, 1917, shortly. District Attorney. Nakahara has asked the union sign it. The complaint alleges that Fri­ Frizelle volunteered for the British Wilson To Sign Royal Flying Corps (which later for about two weeks to prepare for zelle, a native of Ireland, “did not the talks. The resolution, .which Mayor make a truthful answer” in regis­ became the Royal Air Force) was Wilson has indicated he will sign, tering for the draft in World accepted and served for the re­ Recently 22 employes of four SUP. TEVES War I. mainder of the war in Canada and (more on page 3) (more on page 7) Wouldn’t Sign for Jobless According to Westropp’s com­ England, the records show. plaint, accompanied by photostatic Became Citizen 1922 evidence, Frizelle declared his in­ But after the war, Frizelle re­ tention of becoming a U. S. citi­ turned to Hawaii and, as Westropp zen Oct. 16, 1916. Registering for (more on page 7) Army Used Guns On Okinawan Farmers; HRT Still Not Paying C-C License Fee; Land Seized, Workers Paid $27 Per Month From behind a curtain of army farmers that the army had taken voted with the leftists when the censorship two weeks ago came their land- without agreement and legislature convened.” Legal Opinion Awaited Nine Months one of the most detailed stories without payment. • In a recent election to choose of present day life on Okinawa • That every Okinawan political the mayor of Naha, Okinawan Nine months ago C-C Treasurer be legally collected by his office. given the Honolulu public. It was Lawrence Goto instituted action to That was last September and the party, including the “pro-Ameri­ (more oh. page 2) ■ brought by Dr. John Stalker, can” Democratic Party, wants the collect from the Honolulu Rapid answer hasn’t come yet. speaking on a. program sponsored Transit Co. the $250 license fee return of Okinawa to Japan. Other ■ Movement Slow by the Mutual Telephone Co. parties, the People’s Party and the for outdoor- advertising which is a Malihini Roasted For regular charge by the C-C gov­ C-C Attorney James Morita says Stalker quoted no sources, but Socialist Masses Party, seek im­ ernment. he’ll have to reassign it. Formerly he reported as facts the follow­ mediate departure of the Ameri­ it was part of the assignment of cans while the Democratic Party Hitting AJA's With The HRT, which had not paid Deputy Charles Taniguchi, but Ta­ ing: wants eventual return to Japan. for 17 years, at first agreed'to pony niguchi resigned and went to the • That the U. S. Army ‘ used • In latest elections for the Oki­ Gimmick; Apologizes up, then changed its mind and de­ Mainland several weeks ago. tommy guns and bayonets in sup­ nawan legislature, the People’s Tire manner hr which a malihini cided it would stand on its fran­ Submitting its figures when it pressing what it called a “Com­ Party (which ..Stalker calls “a got a lesson not long ago from chise under the public utilities last appealed for an. increase in munist uprising” last Dec. 5 of straight Communist Party line or-, the directors of the 442nd Club is commission and fight in court. bus fares, the HRT said it expect­ unarmed Okinawan peasants. ganization”) won two seats; the something that is talked about in So Goto asked the C-C attor­ ed to realize $72,500 from adver­ • That uprising, whether led by Socialist Masses 12 seats, the some circles, but has until now ney’s office for an opinion on tising during the coming year— Communists or not, was brought Democrats 12, and one Independ­ never been published. And maybe, whether or not the $250 fee should (more on page 7) on by the complaints of Okinawan ent was elected “who promptly (more on page 3) ' Page Two THE HONOLULU RECORD Thursday, June 17, 1954 Okinawans Said 100 Per Cent For More On Kauai Big Boys Boost Astronomical Salaries; (from page 1) Returning To Japanese Government pany include the following: Many Already Get More Than "Ike" (from page 1) If an Okinawan doesn’t want his Fumiko Shiraishi: 450 shares, With thousands of layoffs in the an active vice-president, got $401,- $4,500 pledged and $500 paid. capital, the People's Party got 44 land to be taken, there isn’t a automobile, steel and other indus­ 300, coming from $376,200 in 1952.
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