<p>Library Ÿ COLLEGE at FLORHAM Ÿ FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON UNIVERSITY Selected Recent Acquisitions Ÿ October 2003</p><p>PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY, RELIGION B2949 .M4 S64 1969 – GIFT Soll, Ivan. An Introduction to Hegel’s Metaphysics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969.</p><p>BD21 .V56 1969b – GIFT Vivian, Frederick. Thinking Philosophically: An Introduction for Students. New York: Basic Books, 1969.</p><p>BP40.5 .B86 2003 Bunt, Gary R. Islam in the digital Age: E-Jihad, Online Fatwas and Cyber Islamic Environments. Sterling, VA: Pluto Press, 2003.</p><p>BR1070 .B25 2003 Bailey, Betty Jane & J. Martin Bailey. Who Are the Christians in the Middle East? Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2003.</p><p>BT736.2 .J64 1997 Johnson, James Turner. The Holy War Idea in Western and Islamic Traditions. University Park: Pennsylvania State U. Press, 1997.</p><p>BX1406.3 .G53 2003 Gibson, David. The Coming Catholic Church: How the Faithful Are Shaping a New American Catholicism. San Francisco: Harper SanFrancisco, 2003.</p><p>CB357 L.T64 1992 Toulmin, Stephen. Cosmopolis: The Hidden Agenda of Modernity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.</p><p>HISTORY (Outside Western Hemisphere) D15 .H63 A3 2002 Hobsbawm, Eric. Interesting Times: A Twentieth-Century Life. New York: Pantheon, 2002.</p><p>D137 .H43 1991 – GIFT Heather, P.J. Goths and Romans, 332-489. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991.</p><p>DA145 .B914 1989 – GIFT Brodribb, Gerald. Roman Brick and Tile. Wolfeboro, NH: Alan Sutton, 1989.</p><p>DG285 .C53 2003 Champlin, Edward. Nero. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard U. Press, 2003. DK510.76 .M44 2003 Meier, Andrew. Black Earth: A Journey through Russia after the Fall. New York: W.W. Norton, 2003.</p><p>DK510.763 .S445 2003 Service, Robert. Russia: Experiment with a People. Cambridge, MA: Harvard U. Press, 2003.</p><p>DS126.6 .A67 R83 2003 Rubin, Barry M. and Judith Colp Rubin. Yasir Arafat: A Political Biography. New York: Oxford U. Press, 2003.</p><p>DS281 .C66 1993 – GIFT Cook, J.M. The Persian Empire. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1993.</p><p>DS480.84 .P65 2000 Damodaran, Vinita and Maya Unnithan-Kumar, eds. Postcolonial India: History, Politics and Culture. New Delhi: Manohar, 2000.</p><p>DS485 .K23 B67 2003 Bose, Sumantra. Kashmir: Roots of Conflict, Paths to Peace. Cambridge, MA: Harvard U. Press, 2003.</p><p>DT14 .G385 1999 – GIFT Gates, Henry Louis. Wonders of the African World. New York: Knopf, 1999.</p><p>DT168 .W3 1993 – GIFT Warmington, B.H. Carthage. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1993.</p><p>DT433.545 .M33 T87 1992 – GIFT Turle,Gillies; photographs by Peter Beard. The Art of the Maasai: 300 Newly Discovered Objects and Works of Art. New York: Knopf, 1992.</p><p>DU115 .H78 1987 – GIFT Hughes, Robert. The Fatal Shore: The Epic of Australia’s Founding. New York: Knopf, 1987.</p><p>HISTORY – UNITED STATES E98 .A63 K46 1994 – GIFT Kennedy, Roger G. Hidden Cities: The Discovery and Loss of Ancient North American Civilization. New York: Free Press, 1994.</p><p>E814 .T8 1973 – GIFT Truman, Margaret. Harry S. Truman. New York: William Morrow, 1973.</p><p>F1234 .B52613 1970 – GIFT Beteta, Ramón; John Upton, tr. Jarano. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1970. G1260 .A86 1989 [Ref.- Oversize] – GIFT Cuff, David J. The Atlas of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Temple U. Press, 1989.</p><p>G1261 .S1 C6 1989 [Ref.- Oversize] – GIFT Muller, Edward K., ed. A Concise Historical Atlas of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Temple U. Press, 1989.</p><p>GA213 .D44 1985 – GIFT Dilke, O.A.W. Greek and Roman Maps. Ithaca, NY: Cornell U. Press, 1985.</p><p>GE56 .H47 H37 2003 Harris, Lis. Tilting at Mills: Green Dreams, Dirty Dealings, and the Corporate Squeeze. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2003.</p><p>GN281.4 .E43 2001 Eldredge, Niles. The Triumph of Evolution, and the Failure of Creationism. New York: Holt, 2001.</p><p>GR280 .A67 2001 [Oversize] – GIFT Abrahamian, Levon and Nancy Sweezy; Sam Sweezy, photo ed. Armenian Folk Arts, Culture, and Identity. Bloomington: Indiana U. Press, 2001.</p><p>SOCIAL SCIENCES HB849.4 .G73 1996 – GIFT Grant, Lindsey. Juggernaut: Growth on a Finite Planet. Santa Ana, CA: Seven Locks Press, 1996.</p><p>HB883.5 .G73 2000 – GIFT Grant, Lindsey. Too Many People; The Case for Reversing Growth. Santa Ana, CA: Seven Locks Press, 2000.</p><p>HD60 .R525 2001 Richter, Judith. Holding Corporations Accountable: Corporate Conduct, International Codes, and Citizen Action. New York: Zed Books, 2001.</p><p>HD70 .J3 Y596 1997 – GIFT Yoshimura, Noboru and Philip Anderson. Inside the Kaisha: Demystifying Japanese Business Behavior. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1997.</p><p>HD4904.25 .C37 2003 Carlson, Allan. The Family in America: Searching for Social Harmony in the Industrial Age. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 2003.</p><p>HD4904.6 .S36 1993 Schor, Juliet B. The Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline of Leisure. New York: Basic Books, 1993. HD4905 .C58 2000 – GIFT Ciulla, Joanne B. The Working Life: The Promise and Betrayal of Modern Work. New York: Times Books, 2000.</p><p>HD9725 .F56 1999 – GIFT Fingleton, Eamonn. In Praise of Hard Industries: Why Manufacturing, Not the Information Economy, is the Key to Future Prosperity. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1999.</p><p>HD9765 .M47 1998 – GIFT Meiggs, Russell. Trees and Timber in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Oxford: Clarendon Press, OUP, 1998.</p><p>HF5549.5 .M3 G8 1998 – GIFT Gubman, Edward L. The Talent Solution: Aligning Strategy and People to Achieve Extraordinary Results. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998.</p><p>HF5386 .P576 1998 – GIFT Pfeffer, Jeffrey. The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1998.</p><p>HN460.5 .A8 N48 2000 Flockton, Chris; Kolinsky, Eva and Rosalind Pritchard, eds. The New Germany in the East: Policy Agendas and Social Developments since Unification. London; Portland, OR: Frank Cass, 2000.</p><p>HQ1240.5 .M628 W67 2003 Doumato, Eleanor Abdella and Marsha Pripstein Posusney, eds. Women and Globalization in the Arab Middle East: Gender, Economy, and Society. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publ., 2003.</p><p>HT384 .I652 T446 1998 – GIFT Madanipour, Ali. Tehran: The Making of a Metropolis. Chichester, West Sussex, England; New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1998.</p><p>HV6763 .E44 2002 Elliott, A. Larry and Richard J. Schroth. How Companies Lie: Why Enron is Just the Tip of the Iceberg. New York: Crown Business, 2002.</p><p>HV8141 .M23 2003 MacDonald, Heather. Are Cops Racist? Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2003.</p><p>POLITICAL SCIENCE JC423 .Z35 2003 Zakaria, Fareed. The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad. New York: W. W. Norton, 2003.</p><p>JN231 .C624 2003 Coxall, Bill; Robins & Robert Leach. Contemporary British Politics. Houndsmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. JZ1318 .M36 2001 – GIFT Simmons, P.J. & Chantal de Jonge Oudraat, eds. Managing Global Issues: Lessons Learned. Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2001.</p><p>LAW KZ1181 .U7413 2003 – GIFT Ushimura, Kei. Beyond the “Judgment of Civilization”: The Intellectual Legacy of the Japanese War Crimes Trials, 1946-1949. Tokyo: International House of Japan, 2003.</p><p>KZ3140 .K45 B34 2002 Bagnall, Joseph Albert. The Kennedy Option: Pursuit of World Law. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2002.</p><p>EDUCATION LB2338 .S83 2004/2005 [Ref.] UNESCO. Study Abroad 2004-2005; Études à l’étranger; Estudios en el extranjero. Paris: UNESCO, 2003.</p><p>LB2847 .L37 2002 Lauer, Larry D. Competing for Students, Money, and Reputation: Marketing the Academy in the 21 st Century. Washington, DC: Council for Advancement and Support of Education, 2002.</p><p>MUSIC ML424 .M275 G8 2003 [Oversize] Gura, Philip F. C.F. Martin & His Guitars, 1796-1873. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2003.</p><p>FINE ARTS NA2542.8 .L58 2002 [Oversize] Livingston, Morna. Steps to Water: The Ancient Stepwells of India. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2002.</p><p>NK2795 .K45 1930 – GIFT Kent, William Winthrop. The Hooked Rug: A Record of Its Ancient Origin, Modern Development, Methods of Making, Sources of Design, Value as a Handicraft, The Growth of Collections, Probable Future in America, and Other Data. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1930.</p><p>NK3653 .S6 1972 [Oversize] – GIFT Springer, L. Elsinore. The Collector’s Book of Bells. New York: Crown, 1972.</p><p>NK3745 .C3 S53 2002 [Oversize] – GIFT Sharp, Rosalie. Ceramics, Ethics & Scandal: Stories of Social Life in 18 th -Century England as Context for the Sharp Collection of Pottery and Porcelain. Toronto: RWD, 2002. LANGUAGE and LITERATURE PA3201 .I97 1992 [Oversize] Izenour, George C. Roofed Theaters of Classical Antiquity. New Haven: Yale U. Press, 1992.</p><p>PG2989 .H4 M3 1975 – GIFT Mathewson, Rufus W. The Positive Hero in Russian Literature. Stanford, CA: Stanford U. Press, 1975.</p><p>PG5038 .C3 A23 2002 Čapek, Karel. Cross Roads. North Haven, CT: Catbird Press, 2002.</p><p>PJ3771 .G5 E5 1993 – GIFT Ferry, David. Gilgamesh: A New Rendering in English Verse. New York: Noonday Press, 1993.</p><p>PJ7828 .M14 A3313 2003 Hamad, Turki. Adama. St. Paul, MN: Ruminator Books, 2003.</p><p>PL2672 .L5 1969 – GIFT Liu, James J.Y. The Poetry of Li Shang-yin: Ninth-Century Baroque Chinese Poet. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969.</p><p>PL2687 .L8 A28 1973 – GIFT Lu Yu; Burton Watson, tr. The Old Man Who Does As He Pleases: Selections from the Poetry and Prose of Lu Yu. New York: Columbia U. Press, 1973.</p><p>PN761 .S28 1993 – GIFT Said, Edward W. Culture and Imperialism. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993.</p><p>PN1136 .P3 1976 – GIFT Paz, Octavio; Lysander Kemp, tr. The Siren & the Seashell; and Other Essays on Poets and Poetry. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1976.</p><p>PN4874 .F38 A313 2002 – GIFT Fallaci, Oriana. The Rage and the Pride. New York: Rizzoli, 2002.</p><p>PQ2605 .A3734 E8553 1969 – GIFT Champigny, Robert J. A Pagan Hero: An Interpretation of Meursault in Camus’ The Stranger. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1969.</p><p>PQ9697 .M18 1977 – GIFT Machado de Assis; Jack Schmitt and Lories Ishimatsu, tr. The Devil’s Church; and Other Stories. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1977.</p><p>PR508 .N3 G54 1994 – GIFT Gifford, Terry. Green Voices: Understanding Contemporary Nature Poetry. Manchester, UK: Manchester U. Press, 1994.</p><p>PR4147 .B5 1970 Bloom, Harold. Blake’s Apocalypse: A Study in Poetic Argument. Ithaca, NY: Cornell U. Press, 1970. PR6001 .U4 Z636 1981 Carpenter, Humphrey. W.H. Auden: A Biography. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1981.</p><p>PR6023 .A66 H5 1974 – GIFT Larkin, Philip. High Windows. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1974.</p><p>PR6045 .O72 Z47 1985 Woolf, Virginia and Jeanne Schulkind, ed. Moments of Being. San Diego: Harcourt, 1985.</p><p>PS323.5 .S4 1975 – GIFT Donoghue, Denis, ed. Seven American Poets from MacLeish to Nemerov: An Introduction. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1975.</p><p>PS3503 .E744 D7 1969 Berryman, John. The Dream Songs. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1969.</p><p>PS3566 .L27 Z75 1976 Kroll, Judith. Chapters in a Mythology: the Poetry of Sylvia Plath. New York: Harper & Row, 1976.</p><p>PS3566 .R697 S4 2001 Proulx, Annie. The Shipping News. New York: Scribner, 2001.</p><p>PT405 .G457 1993 Keith-Smith, Brian, ed. German Women Writers, 1900-1933: Twelve Essays. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 1993.</p><p>SCIENCE QH442.2 .P73 2002 Kass, Leon R. Human Cloning and Human Dignity: The Report of the President’s Council on Bioethics. New York: PublicAffairs, 2002.</p><p>S494 .H83 2001 Hubbell, Sue. Shrinking the Cat: Genetic Engineering Before We Knew About Genes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001.</p><p>TECHNOLOGY T16 .L36 1978b – GIFT Landels, J.G. Engineering in the Ancient World. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978.</p><p>TA16 .D4 1990 – GIFT De Camp, L. Sprague. The Ancient Engineers. New York: Dorset Press, 1990.</p><p>TR140 .C26 O47 2003 Olsen, Victoria. From Life: Julia Margaret Cameron & Victorian Photography. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. TT920 .S78 1978 – GIFT Williams, Gerry; Sabin, Peter and Sarah Bodine. Studio Potter Book. Warner, NH: Daniel Clark Books, 1978.</p><p>TX641 .E18 2003 – GIFT Jacobs, Marc and Peter Scholliers, eds. Eating Out in Europe: Picnics, Gourmet Dining and Snacks since the Late Eighteenth Century. Oxford; New York: Berg, 2003.</p><p>MILITARY and NAVAL SCIENCE U264.5 .K3 K85 1997 (Oversize) Kuidin, IUrii. Kazaakstan Nuclear Tragedy. Almaty: Fond “Feniks”, 1997.</p><p>BIBLIOGRAPHY Z665.2 .S65 K37 2002 Karetzky, Stephen. Not Seeing Red: American Librarianship and the Soviet Union, 1917- 1960. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2002.</p><p>Z2014 .P7 K8 1962 – GIFT Kuntz, Joseph M. Poetry Explication: A Checklist of Interpretation since 1925 of British and American Poems Past and Present. Chicago: Swallow Press, 1962.</p><p>N O N – C I R C U L A T I N G C O L L E C T I O N S [Sp. Coll.] F124 .C36 1936 – GIFT Carmer, Carl; sketches by Cyrus LeRoy Baldridge. Listen for a Lonesome Drum: A York State Chronicle. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1936.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.] PR6025 .A86 T5 1946 – GIFT Maugham, W. Somerset. Then and Now: A Novel. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co, 1946.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.] PR6027 .I47 E5 1925 – GIFT Niven, Frederick. Ellen Adair. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1925.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.] PR6045 .O53 H4 1933 – GIFT Wodehouse, P.G. Heavy Weather. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1933.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.] PR6045 .O53 L85 1936 – GIFT Wodehouse, P.G. The Luck of the Bodkins. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1936.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.] PR6045 .O53 T5 1934 – GIFT Wodehouse, P.G. Thank You, Jeeves! Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1934.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.] PS2972 .C55 1928 – GIFT Tarkington, Booth. Claire Ambler. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1928. [Sp. Coll.] SK285 .B82 1912 – GIFT Bradley, Cuthbert. Fox-Hunting from Shire to Shire, with Many Noted Packs. London; New York: George Routledge and Sons, Limited; E. P. Dutton and Co., 1912.</p><p>Florham Estate Collection [Sp. Coll.-FlorMad] NA8450 .S47 1990 – GIFT Sharpe, Steven and Janet A. Strombeck et al. Gazebo Study Plan Book: A Beautiful Getaway in Your Own Backyard. Delafield, WI: Sun Designs, 1990.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-FlorMad] SB413 .D3 D3 1954 – GIFT Davis, Ben Arthur. Daylilies and How to Grow Them. Atlanta: Tupper & Love, 1954.</p><p>Douglas Lloyd Kahn Collection on the History of Film and Photography [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] AP2 .T94, vols. 3-16 – GIFT Norman, Dorothy. Twice a Year: A Book of Literature, the Arts and Civil Liberties. New York: Twice a Year, 1938-1948.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] BX3708 .L3 1956 – GIFT LaFarge, John & Margaret Bourke-White. A Report on the American Jesuits. New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1956.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] D743.22 .Z85 1980 – GIFT Brostrom, Jonas et al. Der Zweite Weltkrieg im skandinavischen Film. Schondorf/Ammersee: Roloff & Seesslen, 1980.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] DD880 .B47 1981 – GIFT Kiersch, Gerhard et al. Berliner Alltag im Dritten Reich. Dusseldorf: Droste, 1981.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] DK18.5 .A56 1986 – GIFT Mrázková, Daniela and Vladimír Remeš. Another Russia, Through the Eyes of the New Soviet Photographers. New York: Facts on File, 1986.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] DK267 .A35 1935 – GIFT Abbe, James E. I Photograph Russia. London: George G. Harrap, 1935.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] DS135 .R93 L27 1971 – GIFT Bobe, Mendel. The Jews in Latvia. Tel Aviv: Association of Latvian and Estonian Jews in Israel [1971].</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] DS777.55 .C446729 1988 – GIFT Jenner, W.J.F., ed. China: A Photohistory, 1937-1987. New York: Pantheon Books, 1988.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] DS796 .H7 C76 1999 – GIFT Crow, Dennis George. Historic Photographs of Shanghai, Hong Kong & Macao. Los Angeles; London: Dennis George Crow, 1999. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] DS811 .B37 1967 – GIFT Beny, Roloff and Anthony Thwaite; intro. by Herbert Read. Japan in Color. New York: McGraw-Hill, [1967].</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] DS897 .K843 A87 1988 – GIFT Asano, Kiichi. Shiki, Kyo no machi = The Splendors of Kyoto through the Year; Her Town. Kyoto-shi: Kyoto Shoin, 1988.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] F128.68 .G8 L3 1949 – GIFT Abbott, Berenice & Henry W. Lanier. Greenwich Village Today & Yesterday. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1949.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] F387 .P53 1998 – GIFT Stout, D.J. & Nancy McMillan, eds. The Pictures of Texas Monthly: Celebrating Twenty-Five Years of Award-Winning Photography. New York: Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 1998.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] F1788 .A764 2002 – GIFT Silvestri-Levy, Alessandra. Les années Cuba. La Tour d’Aigues: Éditions de l’Aube, 2002.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] GV1803 .S46 2003 – GIFT Sloan, Mark. Wild, Weird and Wonderful: The American Circus 1901-1927; as seen by F.W. Glasier, Photographer. New York: Quantuck Lane Press, 2003.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] HS2509 .S55 1976 – GIFT Slavin, Neal. When Two or More are Gathered Together. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1976.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] HV4505 .S3 1993 – GIFT Schatz, Howard. Home less: Portraits of Americans in Hard Times. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1993.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] N6559 .O755 A4 2001 – GIFT Orozco, Gabriel. From: Green Glass; To: Airplane: Recordings. Amsterdam: Artimo Foundation / Stedelijk Museum, 2001. </p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] N7618 .S44 1985 – GIFT Billeter, Erika. Das Selbstportrait im Zeitalter der Photographie: Maler und Photographen im Dialog mit sich selbst; L’autoportrait à l’âge de la photographie; Peintres et photgraphes en dialogue avec leur proper image. Bern, Switzerland: Benteli Verlag, 1985.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] NA725 .S39 2000 – GIFT Scott, Quinta. Along Route 66. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2000.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] PN1993.3 .C56 1938 – GIFT Kokusai, Eiga Kyokai et al. Cinema Year Book of Japan 1938. Tokyo: Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai / The Society for International Cultural Relations, 1938.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] PN1997 .R5757 1986 – GIFT Trotta, Margarethe von & Christiane Ensslin. Rosa Luxemburg. Nordlingen: F. Greno, 1986. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] PN1998 .A3 C36 1982 – GIFT American Film Institute. Frank Capra: The Tenth Annual American Film Institute Life Achievement Award, March 4, 1982. [S.l. : The Institute? 1982?]</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] PN1998.3 .M3385 T87 2002 – GIFT Tupitsyn, Margarita. Malevich and Film. New Haven: Yale U. Press, 2002. </p><p>[Sp. Coll-Kahn] PN2287 .H724 A3 1989 – GIFT Howard, Jean. Jean Howard’s Hollywood: A Photo Memoir. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1989.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR1 .B6 nos. 17-24 – GIFT Blind Spot. New York: Lexington Photo Labs, 1993–.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR9 .M6 v.1 & v. 2 – GIFT Stubbs, S.G. Blaxland et al., eds. The Modern Encyclopedia of Photography: A Standard Work of Reference for Amateur & Professional Photographers. Boston: American Photographic Publishing Co., [1938?].</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR15 .H563 1989 nos. 40, 41,42 Delpire, Robert & Michel Frizot et al. Histoire de Voir: De l’Invention à l’Art Photographique (1839-1880). Paris: Centre nationale de la Photographie, 1989.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR15 .L4 1945 – GIFT Lécuyer, Raymond. Histoire de la Photographie. Paris: Baschet et Cie., 1945.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR28 .L86 1995 – GIFT Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (México). Luna Córnea; Número 8, 1995. México, D.F.: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, [1993– ].</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR43 .H58 2000 – GIFT Alexander, Abel et al. Historia de la Fotografía en Chile: Rescate de Huellas en la Luz. [Santiago, Chile]: Centro Nacional Patrimonio Fotográfico, 2000.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR57 .H49 1979 – GIFT Heyert, Elizabeth. The Glass-House Years: Victorian Portrait Photography, 1839-1870. Montclair, NJ: Allanheld & Schram, 1979.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR65.4 .S56 H73 2002 – GIFT Hrabušicky, Aurel & Václav Macek. Slovenská Fotografia, 1925-2000: Moderna, Postmoderna, Postfotografia = Slovak Photography, 1925-2000: Modernism, Post-Modernism, Post-Photography. Bratislava: Slovenská Národná Galéria, 2001.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR139 .R3 1957 – GIFT Rayfield, Stanley. Life Photographers: Their Careers and Favorite Pictures. [Garden City, NY:] Doubleday, [1957].</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR140 .B614 B38 1996 – GIFT Bovis, Marcel. Promenades Parisiennes. Lyon : Editions La Manufacture, 1996. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR140 .C67 R83 1999 – GIFT Ruby, Jay. The World of Francis Cooper: Nineteenth-Century Pennsylvania Photographer. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State U. Press, 1999.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR140 .D64 A3 1986 – GIFT Doisneau, Robert. Un Certain Robert Doisneau: La très véridique histoire d’un photographe racontée par lui-même. Paris: Chêne, 1986.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR140 .J64 A36 1979 – GIFT Johnston, Frances Benjamin. Frances Benjamin Johnston, Women of Class and Station: An Exhibition organized by the Art Museum and Galleries and the Center for Southern California Studies in the Visual Arts, California State University, Long Beach, February 12-March 11, 1979. Long Beach, CA: California State University, 1979.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR140 .W45 W55 1998 – GIFT Wilson, Charis and Wendy Madar. Through Another Lens: My Years with Edward Weston 1st ed. New York: North Point Press/Farrar Straus and Giroux, 1998.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR145 .A25 1941 – GIFT Abbott, Berenice. A Guide to Better Photography. New York: Crown Publshers, 1941.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR620 .T456 2001 – GIFT Thomas, Ann. No Man’s Land: The Photography of Lynne Cohen. New York; Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada; Thames & Hudson, 2001.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR642 .A25 1983 – GIFT Adams, Ansel. Examples: The Making of 40 Photographs 1st ed. Boston: Little, Brown, 1983.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR642 .A33 1979 – GIFT Bunnell, Peter C., ed. The Aesthetics of French Photography: Two Studies. New York: Arno Press, 1979.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR642 .A27 1981 – GIFT Adams, Robert. Beauty in Photography: Essays in Defense of Traditional Values. Millertown, NY; New York: Aperture, 1981.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR642 .K695 1994 – GIFT Král, Petr. Fotografie v surrealismu. Praha: Torst, 1994.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR646 .G42 B46 1988 – GIFT Moderings, Herbert. Fotografie in der Weimarer Republik; Stationen der Fotografie 2. Berlin: Verlag Dirk Nishen, 1988.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR646 .G42 C67 1986 – GIFT Bara, Tina et al. Fotograpfie in der Kunst der DDR. Cottbus: Die Kunstsammlungen, [1986].</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR646 .G72 L6628 1988 – GIFT Gouvion Saint-Cyr; Lemagny, Jean-Claude & Alain Sayag. 20th Century French Photography. London; New York: Rizzoli, 1988. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR646 .S92 Z8385 1990 – GIFT Stahel, Urs & Martin Heller. Wichtige Bilder: Fotografie in der Schweiz. Zürich: Museum für Gestaltung, 1990.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR646 .U6 N4837 1982 – GIFT Naef, Weston J. & Joan Morgan. Counterparts: Form and Emotion in Photographs. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1982.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR646 .U6 S366x 1976 – GIFT Thomas, Lew. Photography and Language. San Francisco: Camerawork Press, 1976.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR646 .U6 O15 1990 – GIFT Sachs, Sid et al. Southern Visions III: Photography in Southern New Jersey; June 10 through September 9, 1990. Oceanville, NJ: The Noyes Museum, 1990.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR647 .A43 2001 – GIFT Algaze, Mario & Malin Barth. Mario Algaze: Cuba, 1999-2000. New York: Throckmorton Fine Art, 2001.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR647 .B325 2002 – GIFT Bamberger, Bill. Boys Will Be Men. Flint, MI: Flint Institute of Arts, 2002.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR647 .B68 1995 – GIFT Brake, Brian. Brian Brake: China, the 1950s. Wellington, N.Z.: Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, 1995.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR647 .C35 F67 2003 – GIFT Ford, Colin. Julia Margaret Cameron: 19 th Century Photographer of Genius. London: National Portrait Gallery, 2003.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR647 .C38 1983 – GIFT Chargesheimer & Evelyn Weiss. Chargesheimer 1924-1979: Fotografien = Photographs. München: Goethe-Institut, 1983.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR647 .C42 1993 – GIFT Chambi, Martín. Martín Chambi: Photographs, 1920-1950; foreword by Mario Vargas Llosa. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR647 .E9 2002 – GIFT Evans, Walker & Jeff L. Rosenheim. Walker Evans: Polaroids. Berlin; New York: Scalo; Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2002.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR647 .G495 1987 – GIFT Gibson, Ralph. Tropismo: Fotografie di Ralph Gibson. Firenze: Alinari, 1987.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR647 .G76 1987 – GIFT Kismaric, Susan. Jan Groover. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1987.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR647 .I87 1996 – GIFT Ishimoto, Yasuhiro et al. Yasuhiro Ishimoto: Remembrance of Things Present; 14 February-30 March 1996; National Film Center. Tokyo: National Museum of Modern Art, 1996. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR647 .M365 M3 1987 – GIFT Mapplethorpe, Robert. Robert Mapplethorpe. Tokyo: Parco, 1987.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR647 .M66 1998 – GIFT Moon, Sarah & Robert Delpire. Sarah Moon. Paris: Nathan, 1998.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR647 .M667 2002 – GIFT Moriyama, Daido. ’71 – NY. [New York]: PPP Editions, 2002.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR647 .S89 1996 – GIFT Sudek, Josef et al. Růže pro Josefa Sudka, 1896-1976 = A Rose for Josef Sudek; [catalog of an] exhibition [for 100 th anniversary of Sudek’s birth]…held under the auspices of the president of the Czech Republic, Václav Havel. Praha: Správa Pražského: Umĕleckoprůmyslové museum v Praze, 1996.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR647 .W383 K57 1994 – GIFT Kirsh, Andrea & Susan Fisher Sterling. Carrie Mae Weems. Washington, DC: National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1994.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR647 .W458 1989 – GIFT White, Minor. Minor White: The Eye that Shapes. Princeton: Art Museum, Princeton U., 1989.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR650 .K534 – GIFT Klein, William. Photographs: An Aperture Monograph. Millertown, NY: Aperture, 1981.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR650 .L45 1965 – GIFT Levitt, Helen & James Agee. A Way of Seeing: Photographs of New York. New York: Viking Press, 1965.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR652 .V6 1998 – GIFT Bibliothèque Nationale & Societé de Géographie. Les Voyageurs photographes et la Societé de Géographie, 1850-1910. Bibliothèque nationale de France, 1998.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR653 .I28 1999 – GIFT Stepan, Peter. Icons of Photography: The 20 th Century. Munich; New York: Prestel, 1999.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR653 .N37 1973 – GIFT Causey, Andrew. Paul Nash’s Photographs: Document and Image. London: Tate Gallery, 1973.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .B596 2002 – GIFT Carver, Antonia. Blink. 100 Photographers, 010 Curators, 010 Writers. London; New York: Phaidon Press, 2002.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .B85 1985 – GIFT Burden, Shirley C. Chairs. New York: Aperture, 1985. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .C45 1998 – GIFT Birgus, Vladimir & Miroslav Vojtĕchovsky. Česká fotografie 90. let = Czech Photography of the 1990s. [Prague]; New York: Kant; Available through D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers, 1998.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .D67 1981 – GIFT Donnels, Johnny. Johnny Donnels: A Selective Vision. New Orleans, LA: Intophotography Press, 1981.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .D833 1987 – GIFT Dufek, Antonin. Černobílá fotografie. Praha: Odéon, 1987. </p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .F58 1974 – GIFT Presse Informations-Agentur. Fotografen aus der USSR = Fotografy iz SSSR = Photographers from the USSR. Baden-Baden: Presse Informations-Argentur, 1974.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .F58 1974 – GIFT “Sovietskoye Photo” editors. Foto 74: snimki sovetskikh fotomasterovi fotoliubitelei = Foto 74: Photos by Soviet Professionals and Amateurs. Moskva: Izd-vo “Planeta”, 1975.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .F58 1978 – GIFT “Sovietskoye Photo” editors. Foto ‘78: snimki sovetskikh fotomasterovi fotoliubitelei = Foto ‘78: Photos by Soviet Professionals and Amateurs. Moskva: Izd-vo “Planeta”, 1980.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .G55 2000 – GIFT Gilden, Bruce. Go. Caterham [England]; [London]: Trebruk; D.A.P., 2000.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .H294 1989 – GIFT Haas, Ernst. Ernst Haas Color Photography. New York: Abrams, 1989.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .K343 2002 – GIFT Brudna, Denis & Norbert Bunge. Clemens Kalischer. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 2002.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .L23 1995 – GIFT Lagerfeld, Karl. Karl Lagerfeld: Off the Record. Zurich; New York: Scalo, 1995.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .M46733 1992 – GIFT Mihailovskis, Vilhelms. Veltījums Rīgai = Posviashchenie Rige = Devotion to Riga. Rīga: Avots, 1992.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .M62 1999 – GIFT Moderní Litevská Fotografie = Moderná Litovská Fotografia = Contemporary Lithuanian Photography = Litauische moderne Photographie. Vilnius: Lithuanian Photoartists’ Union, 1999.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .S697 1997 – GIFT Staller, Jan & Luc Sante. On Planet Earth: Travels in an Unfamiliar Land 1st ed. New York: Aperture, 1997. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .T865 1997 – GIFT Turbeville, Deborah. Studio St. Petersburg. Boston: Bullfinch Press, 1997.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR675 .C43 2000 – GIFT Musée d’Elysée (Lausanne, Switzerland). The Century of the Body: Photoworks, 1900-2000. London: Thames & Hudson, 2000.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR659 .B42 2002 – GIFT Becher, Bernd & Hilla; Susanne Lange. Bernd und Hilla Becher Festschrift Erasmuspreis 2002. München: Schrimer/Mosel, 2002.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR659 .F734 1996 – GIFT Birk, Melanie, ed. Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fifty Views of Japan: The 1905 Photo Album. San Francisco: Pomegranate Artbooks, 1996.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR659 .H357 2001 – GIFT Hamann, Horst. New York Vertical. New York: teNeues, 2001.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR659.5 .L47 1999 – GIFT Leśniak, Janusz. Smuga stońca = A streak of sunlight. Krakow: Artemis, 1999.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR660 .A55 1931 – GIFT Allgeier, Sepp. Die Jagd nach dem Bild: 18 Jahre als Kameramann in Arktis und Hochgebirge. Stuttgart: J. Engelhorns nachf., 1931.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR660.5 .A345 1989 – GIFT Adams, Robert. To Make it Home: Photographs of the American West. New York: Aperture, 1989.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR660.5 .B67 2003 – GIFT Bosker, Gideon and Lena Lenček. Pilgrimage: The Spirit of Place. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2003.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR660.5 .B75 1997 – GIFT Bridges, Marilyn. This Land is Your Land: Across America by Air. New York: Aperture, 1997.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR660.5 .C874 1996 – GIFT Cuvelier, Eugène and Ellen Shultz, ed. Eugène Cuvelier: Photographer in the Circle of Corot. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1996.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR660.5 .K655 2000 – GIFT Kleinhans, John. Woodstock Landscapes: Photographs. Woodstock, NY: Golden Notebook Press and Precipice Publications, 2000.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR660.5 .M583 1992 – GIFT Misrach, Richard & Susan Sontag. Violent Legacies: Three Cantos. New York: Aperture, 1992. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR662 .H48 1983 – GIFT Hewitt, Mattie Edwards. Portrait of an Era in Landscape Architecture: The Photographs of Mattie Edwards Hewitt; September 15-November 30, 1983, Wave Hill, 675 West 252 nd Street, Bronx, New York 10471. Bronx, NY: Wave Hill, 1983.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR672.5 .L32 2000 – GIFT Lacombe, Brigitte & Prada. Challenge for America’s Cup: Luna Rossa. Milano: [s.n.], 2000.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR675 .C43 2000 – GIFT Ewing, William A., ed. Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne. The Century of the Body: Photoworks 1900-2000. London: Thames & Hudson, 2000.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR675 .Z33 1985 – GIFT Zafiropoulos, Simoni. Mirror Images: Greek Women Through Time. Athens: [s.n.:] 1985.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR679 .B34 1997 – GIFT Bassman, Lillian; Harrison, Martin & Catherine Chermayeff et al. Lillian Bassman. Boston: Little, Brown, 1997.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR679 .F371 2000 – GIFT Chermayeff, Catherine, ed. Fashion Photography Now. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2000.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR679 .H5713 1988 – GIFT Hirokawa, Taishi. Sonomama Sonomama; High Fashion in the Japanese Countryside. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1988.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR680 .O65 1998 – GIFT Ortiz Echagüe, José; Ferreira, Titto & Alberto Anaut. Ortiz Echagüe: Photographs, 1903-1964. Madrid: La Fábrica; TF Editores, 1998.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR680 .T75 1989 – GIFT Guagnini, Elvio & Italo Zannier. La Trieste dei Wulz: Volti di un Storia, Fotografie 1860- 1980. Firenze: Alinari, 1989.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR681 .F28 S54 2001 – GIFT Sills, Vaughn; foreword by Robert Coles. One Family. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2001.</p><p>[Sp. Coll-Kahn] TR681 .F3 R57 1992 – GIFT Ritts, Herb. Notorious. Boston: Little, Brown, 1992.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR681 .F3 S76 1988 – GIFT Stone, Janet. Thinking Faces: Photographs, 1953-1979. London: Chatto & Windus, 1988.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR681 .O74 2002 – GIFT Kemp, Cornelia and Susanne Witzgall. Das Zweite Gesicht: Metamorphosen des fotografischen Porträts = The Other Face: Metamorphoses of the Photographic Portrait. München; London: Prestel, 2002.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR685 .H64 1979 – GIFT Holtfreter, Jürgen. Politische Fotomontage. Berlin (West): Elefanten Press Galerie, 1979. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR708 .B87 1998 – GIFT Burns, Stanley B. A Morning’s Work: Medical Photographs from The Burns Archive & Collection, 1843-1939. Santa Fe, NM: Twin Palms Publishers, 1998.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR780 .M64 1971 – GIFT Moss, George H. Double Exposure: Early Stereographic Views of Historic Monmouth County, New Jersey and their Relationship to Pioneer Photography. Sea Bright, NJ: Ploughshare Press, [1971].</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR790 .A77 1988 – GIFT Livingston, Jane et al. The Art of Photography at National Geographic. Köln: Evergreen / Benedikt Taschen, 1988.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR810 .G4713 1986 – GIFT Gerster, Georg. Below from Above: Aerial Photography. New York: Abbeville Press, 1986.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR820 .M93 1985 – GIFT Mydans, Carl. Carl Mydans, Photojournalist. New York : Abrams, 1985.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR820 .S242 1986 – GIFT Salomon, Erich. Erich Salomon: Fotografien, 1928-1938. Berlin: Berlinische Galerie, Fotografische Sammlung, 1986.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR820.5 .A468 2002 – GIFT Amberg, Rob. Sodom Laurel Album. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina in assoc. with the Center for Documentary Studies, 2002.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR849 .M87 M3 1972 – GIFT MacDonnell, Kevin. Eadweard Muybridge: The Man Who Invented the Moving Picture. Boston: Little, Brown, 1972.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR850 .O64 1953 – GIFT Opfermann, Hans Carl. Die neue Schmalfilm-Schule: ein Lehr- und Nachschlagebuch für Berufs- und Schmalfilmer, Kameramänner, Regisseure und den filmtechnischen Nachwuchs. Seebruck am Chiemsee: Heering, 1953.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] U768 .F63 1996 – GIFT Florio, Giorgia. Legio Patria Nostra. Paris: Marval, 1996.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] UB360 .G55 1920 – GIFT Gilbreth, Frank B. & Lillian Moller Gilbreth. Motion Study for the Handicapped. London: George Routledge & Sons, 1920.</p><p>[Sp. Coll.-Kahn] Z987 .C6 1937 – GIFT The Colophon: A Quarterly for Bookmen, Volume II, Number 2. New York: Pynson Printers, 1937.</p>

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