
<p> HARDING TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION, 34 Lee’s Hill Road, New Vernon, NJ 07976 The Regular Meeting of the Harding Township Board of Education was held on Monday, March 21, 2016, Middle School Building, at 7:30pm. The meeting was convened by Mr. Gjivoje at 7:32pm</p><p>MINUTES</p><p>Mission Statement</p><p>The Harding Township School provides a strong educational foundation which inspires students to achieve academic excellence. Our dedicated faculty stimulates intellectual growth using a challenging curriculum within a supportive learning environment. We encourage students to become self-directed, lifelong learners who are well prepared for the academic and social challenges of the future. 2015-2016 District Goals 1. To gather and analyze data from the school’s performance and use the data to guide the instructional process and practices of the district. A. PARCC B. MAPS C. Data Dashboard</p><p>2. To ensure that the district has the technology to meet the needs of the school community A. District’s website B. Secure site for sharing of Board documents such as Google Docs C. Hardware, software, and infrastructure needs D. Professional development support</p><p>3. To create/adopt and implement district-wide assessments in Reading, Math Facts, and Writing to measure progress (Math Facts and Writing) and establish a baseline score (Reading) for future assessments. A. To create/adopt and implement a district-wide reading assessment that shall be administered to all K-3 students in the spring. B. Ninety percent (90%) of students in each grade, K-5 shall pass, with 90% accuracy, a timed grade level “Math Facts Assessment.” This “Math Facts Assessment” shall be aligned to the Common Core State Standards and will assess students on the four core mathematical functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). C. Ninety percent (90%) of students in grades K-8 shall improve one point (one quintile) on the District Writing Assessment. This assessment shall be administered in the fall and in the spring. Students scoring a 5 in the spring shall be counted as having met the goal.</p><p>I. Call to Order</p><p>II. Presiding Officers Statement/Sunshine Statement In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq., adequate notification of this meeting has been provided to the Daily Record and the Observer Tribune on January 28, 2016 and posted on the bulletin boards of the New Vernon Post Office, Green Village Post Office, Harding Township Municipal Building, Harding Township Elementary School and Harding Township Middle School on January 28, 2016.</p><p>III. Pledge of Allegiance Page 1 of 9 HARDING TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION, 34 Lee’s Hill Road, New Vernon, NJ 07976</p><p>IV. Roll Call </p><p>BOARD MEMBER PRESENT ABSENT Mr. Gjivoje (Davor) X Mr. Flynn (John) X Mrs. Macaulay (Kim) X Mr. Singh (Abi) X Dr. Kotkin (Howard) X</p><p>Attendance: Mr. Matthew Spelker, Superintendent of Schools Mr. Robert Brown, Interim SBA/Board Secretary</p><p>V. Approval of Board Minutes Be It Resolved, that the Harding Township Board of Education, approves the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on March 7, 2016.</p><p>Mrs. Macaulay motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting that was held on March 7, 2016. Said motion was seconded by Dr. Kotkin and carried by voice vote. Mr. Gjivoje abstained.</p><p>VI. Discussion/Presentations A. Tentative Budget – M. Spelker-Mr. Spelker gave a presentation on the proposed 2016-2017 budget. Several questions were asked by board members and members of the audience. The budget will be submitted to the county office on March 22, 2016. B. HIB Report-Mr. Spelker reported that there was one investigation. </p><p>VII. Hearing of Public Regarding Agenda Items Comment (Policy 0167)</p><p>Lou Lanzerotti asked about the resolution concerning the budgeted amount for travel in the 2016- 2017 budget. Mr. Brown responded.</p><p>VIII. Reports A. Superintendent-Mr. Spelker gave a report on future upcoming events. A public hearing on the final budget for the 2016-2017 school year will be given on April 25, 2016. A presentation on online curriculum will be given on April 11. Mr. Spelker congratulated everyone who was involved in the recent school play of Beauty and the Beast. The HTS marking period will end on March 29, 2016. Report cards will be sent home prior to Spring vacation. The HTS Spring Break is April 4-April 8, 2016. The Senior Citizen breakfast will be held on March 30, 2016 in the cafeteria. B.Business Administrator-Mr. Brown mentioned that he will be submitting the 2016-2017 budget to the County office on March 22, 2016.He also said that bid specs will be drawn up for the milling and repaving project in the HTS parking areas by HQW Architects. The project will go out to bid. Page 2 of 9 HARDING TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION, 34 Lee’s Hill Road, New Vernon, NJ 07976 C. Curriculum and Instruction-Mr. Flynn reported on the most recent Curriculum and Instruction Committee meeting that was held on March 10, 2016. PARCC initial results were discussed. The district received grade level scoring per question with comparable data to the state and other PARCC takers. Administration and teaching staff are going through to identify HTS outliers to start a discussion at each grade level concerning C & I. The committee talked about the results received from the Madison High School survey. A reminder has been sent out but there have been a number of good responses. Teachers are still piloting iReady but the results are good. The district is looking to roll out before summer to allow students to have targeted summer enrichment specifically designed for them. HTS may be using iReady which is common core aligned instead of PARCC worksheets in the next year. Last, the committee discussed the presentation made by Mrs. Donohue concerning the three year initiative the DCC has embarked upon. D. Facilities and Finance-Dr. Kotkin gave an update on the most recent Facilities and Finance Committee meeting that was held on March 10, 2016. He mentioned capital projects that the Committee is considering, including repaving the parking lot. The project will go out to bid in April and work will be performed this summer. He also talked about getting cost estimates to provide air conditioning in the Elementary School, Middle School, and Gymnasium. Presently, the only school area that is air conditioned is the third floor of the Middle School. A Long Range Facilities Plan will be developed and the projects will be prioritized in order of urgency. The Elementary School bathroom project has been completed and final payment will be sent to the contractor when close out documents are received. We are still waiting on them. E. Personnel and Management-Mrs. Macaulay reported on the most recent Personnel Committee meeting held on March 16, 2016. The committee discussed the recent hiring of an additional guidance counselor and the feedback that has been received. The non-tenured teaching staff was discussed. Last, the Business Administrator position, available July 1, 2016 has been advertised. Responses are currently being received. F. Madison Board of Education-Mr. Singh reported that the tuition agreement between HTS and Madison was finalized and approved. On March 22, 2016 the Madison School District will have their 2016-2017 budget presentation. Last, the Madison Robotics team made it to the Super Regional Round of competition. G. Morris County School Boards Association-No report H. Morris County Educational Services Commission- Mrs. Macaulay reported on the most recent Board meeting of the Educational Services Commission of Morris County held on March 2, 2016. The Committee did a budget presentation of the 2016-2017 budget. Bills were approved for payment. Bids were awarded to Peggnet for technology services and Apple for computer products. Various personnel items were approved, including the termination of two employees and medical leave. Last, joint transportation agreements were approved for both Morris County Districts and out of county districts. I. Culture and Climate Committee-Mrs. Macaulay reported on the most recent Culture and Climate Committee meeting that was held on March 2, 2016. The committee discussed the success of Family Fun Night recently held. A day of service requirement for HTS students was discussed. The committee talked about their role in promoting de-stressing over state testing. Last, a possible HTS garden-partnership with the PTO and/or the HTEF was discussed.</p><p>IX. Resolutions A. Committee of the Whole 03-047-16 Approve HIB report 03-048-16 Approve 2016/17 Joint Transportation Agreement with ESCMC Page 3 of 9 HARDING TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION, 34 Lee’s Hill Road, New Vernon, NJ 07976</p><p>03-047-16 Be it Resolved, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the HIB report for March 21, 2016.</p><p>03-048-16 Be it Resolved, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the 2016/17 Joint Transportation Agreement with Educational Services Commission of Morris County, to provide transportation for its public, special education, and nonpublic school students for each school session day during the school year, effective July 1, 2016 thru June 30, 2017, fees in accordance with the provision of the payment policy.</p><p>Committee of the Whole Resolution: 047 thru 048 MOTION: Mrs. Macaulay SECOND: Mr. Flynn YES NO ABSTAIN ABSENT Mr. Gjivoje (Davor) X Mrs. Macaulay (Kim) X Mr. Singh (Abi) X Mr. Flynn (John) X Dr. Kotkin (Howard) X</p><p>B. Facilities and Finance 03-049-16 Approve 2016/17 Preliminary Budget (Policy 6220) 03-050-16 Travel and Related Expense Reimbursement 2016-2017 03-051-16 Approve Financial Reports for month ending February 29, 2016 03-052-16 Approve Certification of Funds 03-053-16 Approve payment of Bills and Claims 03-054-16 Approve February 2016 Budget Transfers 03-055-16 Authorize HQW architect to provide construction documents and prepare bid specifications</p><p>03-049-16 Be It Resolved, that the Harding Township Board of Education, County of Morris, approves the Preliminary 2016/17 School Year Budget as follows: </p><p>Current General Expense (Fund 11) $10,774,876 Capital Outlay (Fund 12) 79,241 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $10,854,117 Special Revenue (Fund 20) 97,538 Debt Service (Fund 40) 495,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES and APPROPRIATIONS $11,446,655 and</p><p>Be It Further Resolved, that the GENERAL FUND tax levy $9,905,421 is approved to support the 2016/17 school year budget; total tax levy increase of $303,536 includes the Use of Available Banked CAP from 2013/14 of $52,401 and an Adjustment in Health Care Costs of $59,098. The additional funds are Page 4 of 9 HARDING TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION, 34 Lee’s Hill Road, New Vernon, NJ 07976 included in the base budget and will be used to pay for the additional increases in health benefits due to the Affordable Care Act, as well as the maintaining of all existing programs and class sizes at all grade levels. The district has fully exhausted all eligible statutory spending authority. </p><p>Be It Further Resolved, that the Harding Township Board of Education requests the approval of a capital reserve withdrawal in the amount of $76,457. The district intends to utilize these funds to help pay for the renovations of bathrooms at the Harding Township Elementary School. </p><p>03-050-16 WHEREAS, the Harding Township Board of Education recognizes school staff and Board members will incur travel expenses related to and within the scope of their current responsibilities and for travel that promotes the delivery of instruction or furthers the efficient operation of the school district; and</p><p>WHEREAS, N.J.A.C. 6A:23B-1.1 et seq. requires Board members to receive approval of these expenses by a majority of the full voting membership of the Board and staff members to receive prior approval of these expenses by the Superintendent of Schools and a majority of the full voting membership of the Board; and</p><p>WHEREAS, a Board of Education may establish, for regular district business travel only, an annual school year threshold of $150 per staff member where prior Board approval shall not be required unless this annual threshold for a staff member is exceeded in a given school year (July 1 through June 30); and</p><p>WHEREAS, travel and related expenses not in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23B-1.1 et seq., but deemed by the Board of Education to be necessary and unavoidable as noted on the approved Board of Education Out of District Travel and Reimbursement Forms; now</p><p>THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves all travel not in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23B-1.1 et seq. as being necessary and unavoidable as noted on the approved Board of Education Out of District Travel and Reimbursement Forms; and</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves travel and related expense reimbursements in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23B-1.2(b), to a maximum expenditure of $ 45,000 for all staff and board members.</p><p>03-051-16 Be It Resolved, that the Harding Township Board of Education, approves the Board Secretary’s (A148) Report and Treasurer’s (A149) Report for the month ending February, 2016.</p><p>03-052-16 Be It Resolved, that the Harding Township Board of Education, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c) certifies that no major account or fund has been over-expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of fiscal year 2015/16.</p><p>03-053-16 Be It Resolved, that the Harding Township Board of Education, approves the payment of bills and claims, March 21, 2016, in the amount of $1,020,531.78.</p><p>03-054-16 Be It Resolved, that the Harding Township Board of Education, approves the following Budget Transfers for the month of February 2016, in the amount of $ 78,108.69</p><p>Salaries-Substitutes Services-Home Instruction 11-190-100-106-000-000 11-150-100-320-000-000 $2,623.14</p><p>Page 5 of 9 HARDING TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION, 34 Lee’s Hill Road, New Vernon, NJ 07976 Health Benefits Salaries-Preschool 11-000-291-270-000-000 11-105-100-101-000-000 $4,175.22 Salaries-Resource Room Salaries-Instructional Aides 11-213-100-101-000-000 11-213-100-106-000-000 $3,249.16 Salaries-Resource Room Salaries-Multiple Disabled 11-213-100-101-000-000 11-212-100-101-000-000 $273.39 Health Benefits Salaries-Grades 1-5 11-000-291-270-000-000 11-120-221-106-000-000 $6,133.66 Health Benefits Salaries-Grades 6-8 11-000-291-270-000-000 11-130-221-106-000-000 $16,382.57 Health Benefits Salaries-Guidance 11-000-291-270-000-000 11-000-218-104-000-000 $17,360.82 Utilities-Natural Gas Maintenance-Overtime 11-000-262-621-000-000 11-000-262-100-100-000 $1,517.00 Management Fees-Transportation Salaries-Transportation 11-000-270-350-000-000 11-000-270-100-000-000 $445.60 Business Office Supplies Misc Exp-Business office 11-000-251-610-000-000 11-000-251-890-000-000 $700.00 Legal Services Architect Services 11-000-230-331-000-000 11-000-230-334-000-000 $547.50 NJSBA Membership Dues Misc. Expense-Superintendent 11-000-230-895-000-000 11-000-230-890-000-000 $2,563.00 Legal Services Communication Expense 11-000-230-331-000-000 11-000-230-530-000-000 $3,000.00 Architect Services Communication Expense 11-000-230-334-000-000 11-000-230-530-000-000 $16,000.00 Transportation-Aid in Lieu Management Fees-Transportation 11-000-270-503-000-000 11-000-270-350-000-000 $1,514.49</p><p>Salaries-Resource Room Salaries-Speech 11-213-100-101-000-000 11-000-216-100-000-000 $123.14 Salaries-Extra-Curricular Supplies-Extra-Curricular 11-401-100-100-000-000 11-401-100-610-000-000 $1,500.00</p><p>03-055-16 Be It Resolved, that the Harding Township Board of Education authorizes the superintendent at his discretion to engage the HQW architects to provide construction documents and prepare bid specifications to provide milling, repaving, and striping of the existing parking and roadway areas of the HTS Middle School and Elementary School. The cost of these services shall not exceed $8,500. </p><p>Facility and Finance Resolution: 049 thru 055 MOTION: Mr. Singh SECOND: Dr. Kotkin YES NO ABSTAIN ABSENT Mr. Gjivoje (Davor) X Mrs. Macaulay (Kim) X Mr. Singh (Abi) X Page 6 of 9 HARDING TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION, 34 Lee’s Hill Road, New Vernon, NJ 07976 Mr. Flynn (John) X Dr. Kotkin (Howard) X</p><p>C. Curriculum and Instruction 03-056-16 Approve curricula format revisions to Rubicon 03-057-16 Approve 2016-17 School Calendar 03-058-16 Approve field trip</p><p>03-056-16 Be It Resolved, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following updates to curricula format: Quest/Enrichment and Library/Media into the Rubicon program</p><p>03-057-16 Be It Resolved, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the school calendar for 2016-17.</p><p>03-058-16 Be It Resolved, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following field trip: Gr. 3, Sterling Mining Museum, Ogdensburg, NJ- April 1, 2016</p><p>Curriculum and Instruction Resolution: 056 thru 058 MOTION: Mr. Flynn SECOND: Dr. Kotkin YES NO ABSTAIN ABSENT Mr. Gjivoje (Davor) X Mrs. Macaulay (Kim) X Mr. Singh (Abi) X Mr. Flynn (John) X Dr. Kotkin (Howard) X</p><p>D. Personnel and Management 03-059-16 Approve Extended School Year for faculty assignments</p><p>03-059-16 Be It Resolved, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following extended school year program for faculty assignment: (1) Teacher – Self contained classroom, 4 hours/day, 20 day program (+ 2 prep hrs), approx. $3500 (2) TA’s – Self contained classroom, 4 hours/day, 20 day program, approx. $1200/TA (1) Teacher - Reading remediation, 6 hours/week, 4 week program (+ 2 prep hrs), approx. $1100</p><p>Page 7 of 9 HARDING TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION, 34 Lee’s Hill Road, New Vernon, NJ 07976</p><p>Personnel and Management Resolution: 059 MOTION: Mrs. Macaulay SECOND: Mr. Flynn YES NO ABSTAIN ABSENT Mr. Gjivoje (Davor) X Mrs. Macaulay (Kim) X Mr. Singh (Abi) X Mr. Flynn (John) X Dr. Kotkin (Howard) X</p><p>X. Items for Further Action 1. Item: MHS Freshman Survey, Who: C & I Committee, in close cooperation with and under guidance of the Administration; What: Survey of “ How HTS students are transitioning into MHS” When: Sending Winter 2016. {Survey sent}</p><p>XI. Old Business/New Business</p><p>Mr. Flynn asked about the opportunities that will be available to review the personnel files of non-tenured teachers that will be up for renewal.</p><p>XII. President’s Comments April 11, 2016 1. Rubicon Atlas, Mrs. Donohue</p><p>Further to prior discussions with the board, Mr. Gjivoje stated that the “annual Board of Education Goal” has now been met via the use of the current BOE drop box technology set up. He asked that this completed BOE milestone/goal be reflected in the March 21st minutes, as is the case here.</p><p>XII. Hearing of Public Comment (Agenda and non-Agenda Items- Policy 0167)</p><p>Dev Modi said that the Harding Township Environmental Committee would like to work with HTS to build a Science Garden.</p><p>Kris Dietsch asked about the Madison High School Survey, if it was going to be a one shot deal. Mr. Spelker responded. She also asked if the proposed day of service to be performed was going to be for all grade levels.</p><p>Page 8 of 9 HARDING TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION, 34 Lee’s Hill Road, New Vernon, NJ 07976 Lou Lanzerotti asked about the repaving project in the school parking lot. Mr. Spelker responded. Lou also asked a question concerning the personnel resolution.</p><p>XIII. Board Information</p><p>XIV. Board Correspondence</p><p>None</p><p>XV. Adjournment</p><p>Mr. Flynn motioned to adjourn at 8:46pm. Said motion was seconded by Mrs. Macaulay and carried by unanimous voice vote.</p><p>Respectfully submitted,</p><p>Robert Brown Interim Board Secretary</p><p>Page 9 of 9</p>
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