<p> AN ACT relating to the minimum numbers for social security numbers to date for Sections 2, 5, and 7 until wage. identify state employees, and to prohibit January 1, 2009. Senate Bills Amend KRS 337.275 to increase the the public disclosure of employee HFA (1, B. Farmer) - Amend Section 1 state minimum wage to $5.85 an hour on personal identification numbers; amend to exempt HVAC installation done in Includes opposite chamber sponsors the effective date of this Act, to $6.55 an KRS 18A.0551 to conform. conformance with licensed engineering where requested by primary sponsors of hour effective July 1, 2008, and to $7.25 drawings or plans. substantially similar bills in both an hour effective July 1, 2009; and (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) chambers and jointly approved by the increase to the federal minimum wage (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Committee on Committees of both rate if that rate exceeds the state Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on chambers. Opposite chamber sponsors minimum wage rate. State Government Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee are represented in italics. Jan 2-introduced in Senate on Licensing and Occupations (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Jan 4-to State and Local Government Jan 2-introduced in Senate SB 1 - See Introductions on February 6, (S) Jan 4-to Licensing, Occupations & 2007. Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on Administrative Regulations (S) Labor and Industry SB 10/LM (BR 152) - G. Tapp, D. Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st SB 2 - See Introductions on February 6, Jan 2-introduced in Senate Boswell reading, to Calendar with Committee 2007. Jan 4-to Economic Development, Substitute Tourism & Labor (S) AN ACT relating to heating, Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Introduced Jan. 2, 2007 ventilation, and air conditioning and for passage in the Regular Orders of the SB 6/LM (BR 121) - T. Buford making an appropriation therefor. Day for Thursday, February 15 Create new sections of KRS 198B.650 Feb 15-3rd reading, passed 33-3 with SB 3 (BR 28) - D. Kelly AN ACT relating to horses. to 198B.689 to require a permit for the Committee Substitute Create new sections of KRS 257 to installation of initial HVAC systems; Feb 16-received in House AN ACT relating to names. define terms, including "horse flesh", establish requirements for permit; create Feb 21-to Labor & Industry (H) Amend statutes to prohibit person "human consumption", "slaughter", and exemptions from permitting process; Feb 26-posting waived convicted of specified crimes from "transport"; ban slaughter and intrastate grant the Office of Housing, Buildings Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st changing name without prior consent of commerce in horse flesh for human and Construction the authority to reading, to Calendar trial court. consumption; establish regulatory promulgate administrative regulations for Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules requirements; set penalties for violation; HVAC permitting process and impose Mar 5-floor amendment (1) filed SB 3 - AMENDMENTS allow for exceptions. fees to fund permitting process; grant Mar 7-posted for passage in the SCS - Amend to change crimes local authorities the right to act as the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, specified in the bill. (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) agent for the office, enter into March 8, 2007 contractual relations to act as agent, and Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 61-37; (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on fix compensation of local inspectors; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by Agriculture and Natural Resources require HVAC inspectors to have at least each presiding officer; delivered to Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on Jan 2-introduced in Senate six years' experience; forbid local Governor Judiciary Jan 4-to Agriculture and Natural authorities from establishing additional Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Jan 2-introduced in Senate Resources (S) permitting or inspection programs for 86) Jan 4-to Judiciary (S) HVAC; establish an agency trust and Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, SB 7 (BR 213) - E. Worley surplus account for the fees to fund the SB 11 (BR 252) - D. Harper Angel to Consent Calendar with Committee HVAC permitting process; define the Substitute AN ACT relating to electric utilities. powers of HVAC inspectors to include AN ACT relating to the designation of Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules Amend KRS 278.280 to direct the "stop work" authority; allow county, city, the Louisville Orchestra as the official Feb 12-posted for passage in the Public Service Commission to require or Commonwealth's attorneys, or the state orchestra. Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, electric utilities to assign at least one full- Attorney General, to represent the office Create a new section of KRS Chapter February 12, 2007; 3rd reading, passed time service restoration employee in or its agents; grant the Circuit Court 2 to designate the Louisville Orchestra 34-0 with Committee Substitute each county in which the utility has 500 where a violation occurs and the as the official state orchestra. Feb 13-received in House or more customers. Franklin Circuit Court concurrent venue Feb 16-to Judiciary (H) and jurisdiction for criminal action, and (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) grant the Franklin Circuit Court appeals SB 4 (BR 29) - D. Kelly jurisdiction for criminal action; grant Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee Nov 9-To: Special Subcommittee on aggrieved parties administrative on State Government AN ACT relating to domestic relations. Energy hearings in accordance with KRS Jan 2-introduced in Senate Amend various sections of KRS Jan 2-introduced in Senate Chapter 13B; amend KRS 198B.650 to Jan 4-to State and Local Government Chapter 403 to require transfer of Jan 4-to Agriculture and Natural define "initial heating, ventilation, or air (S) domestic violence protective order case, Resources (S) conditioning system," "major repair," and after issuance of emergency protective "permit"; amend KRS 198B.990 to SB 12 (BR 241) - J. Denton order, when divorce is pending in SB 8 (BR 239) - J. Westwood include infractions of the HVAC another county, and permit transfer of permitting process within the fines and AN ACT proposing an amendment to case when divorce action is AN ACT relating to concealed deadly punishment section; create a Sections 30 and 31 of the Constitution of subsequently filed in another county. weapons. noncodified section to allow the initial Kentucky relating to elections of the Amend KRS 527.020, relating to funding of the program from existing General Assembly. (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) carrying concealed deadly weapons, to agency trust and surplus accounts; Propose to amend Sections 30 and 31 permit carrying a concealed deadly require repayment of these accounts of the Kentucky Constitution to extend Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on weapon in a motor vehicle in any within two fiscal years; EFFECTIVE July the terms of State Representatives from Judiciary compartment or box regularly installed in 1, 2008. two to four years and State Senators Jan 2-introduced in Senate the vehicle by its manufacturer, from four to six years beginning in 2008; Jan 4-to Judiciary (S) regardless of whether the compartment SB 10 - AMENDMENTS submit to voters. Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, or box is locked, unlocked, or has no SCS/LM - Retain original provisions; to Consent Calendar locking mechanism. amend Section 1 to notwithstand KRS (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules 198B.030; include Uniform State Feb 12-posted for passage in the (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Residential Code in inspection Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, requirements throughout; amend Section on State Government February 12, 2007; 3rd reading, passed Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on 2 to delete provision allowing inspection Jan 2-introduced in Senate 34-0 Judiciary to be scheduled within 7 business days Jan 4-to State and Local Government Feb 13-received in House Jan 2-introduced in Senate of notice; amend Section 3 to provide (S) Feb 16-to Judiciary (H) Jan 4-to Judiciary (S) that all fees collected by an authorized Feb 20-posted in committee local government permit office shall be SB 13 (BR 146) - D. Roeding SB 9 (BR 256) - J. Carroll retained by that local government; SB 5/LM (BR 148) - E. Scorsone, W. amend Section 6 to delete references to AN ACT relating to the Kentucky State Blevins Jr, D. Boswell, J. Carroll, P. AN ACT relating to the identification of the Franklin Circuit Court; amend Board of Hairdressers and Clark, D. Harper Angel, D. Mongiardo, state employees. Section 7 to allow refusal to approve Cosmetologists. G. Neal, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, D. Amend KRS 18A.030 to require the work in instances where the property Amend KRS 317A.090 to correct Ridley, T. Shaughnessy secretary of the Personnel Cabinet to owner refused to allow an inspection; terminology; amend KRS 317A.110 to substitute personal identification amend Section 12 to extend the effective grant the board the discretion to locate its principal office, meet, or conduct any Amendments & Intergovernmental local government has approved the construction, sewer and water projects of its business at any place in the state; Affairs (H) operation; propose to amend Section administered under the Kentucky direct the Division of Occupations and Mar 1-posted in committee 226 of the Kentucky Constitution to Infrastructure Authority, the Kentucky Professions to give cooperation and Mar 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, provide that the new section is an veterans trust fund, the state road fund, technical support to the board only if to Calendar exception to the prohibition against the budget reserve trust fund, and the requested by the board; amend KRS Mar 7-2nd reading, to Rules lotteries and gift enterprises; submit to equine industry program trust and 317A.120 and 317B.035 to allow written Mar 8-posted for passage in the voters; provide ballot language. revolving fund; establish the examinations without board members or Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, disbursement of funds to the Kentucky board employees present if a board- March 9, 2007; floor amendment (1) filed (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) municipal public safety fund and the approved testing service conducts the Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 97-1 with Kentucky county public safety fund; examination; require the presence of two floor amendment (1) ; received in Jan 2-introduced in Senate establish the disbursement of funds to board members, a board member and Senate; posted for passage for Jan 4-to Appropriations and Revenue the Kentucky horse racing industry; board administrator, or a professional concurrence in House floor amendment (S) prohibit licensure of certain people under testing organization for all other (1) specific circumstances; establish the examinations; permit the board to set the Mar 26-Senate concurred in House SB 17/LM/CI (BR 3) - D. Boswell expenditure of moneys from the time and location of examinations. floor amendment (1) ; passed 37-0; municipal public safety fund and the enrolled, signed by each presiding AN ACT relating to gaming and county public safety fund; establish a SB 13 - AMENDMENTS officer; delivered to Governor making an appropriation therefor. wagering tax at a rate of 35% of SCS - Retain original provisions, Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Establish KRS Chapter 239 to adjusted gross receipts received and except delete new language allowing the 133) authorize gambling at horse racing reported monthly by the licensee obliged board to conduct non-written tracks and casinos; create numerous to pay the tax; establish the terms of all examinations for all types of licensees in SB 15 (BR 408) - G. Neal, D. Harper definitions; create the Kentucky Gaming licenses regarding gaming operations; the presence of only a professional Angel, J. Pendleton Commission; establish the duties and require the commission to promulgate testing organization approved by the responsibilities of the commission; administrative regulations to prescribe board. AN ACT proposing an amendment to require the commission to determine the procedures for gaming licensees Sections 145 and 150 of the Constitution occupations related to casino gaming regarding the effective control over their (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) of Kentucky relating to the restoration of and the qualifications for an occupational internal fiscal affairs; require periodic civil rights for felons. license; establish the application financial reports from gaming licensees; Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee Propose an amendment to Section procedures for a casino, racing require annual audits of the financial on Licensing and Occupations 145 of the Kentucky Constitution, association gaming, manufacturer's, and statements of gaming licensees; define Jan 2-introduced in Senate pertaining to persons entitled to vote, to supplier's license; establish the and limit gambling games and devices; Jan 4-to Licensing, Occupations & require automatic restoration of civil requirements and qualifications for all address how money deposited into the Administrative Regulations (S) rights, under specified circumstances, gaming-related licenses; prohibit a compulsive gamblers assistance fund Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st for persons convicted of felonies by licensee from transferring or assigning will be expended; require the State reading, to Calendar with Committee distinguishing the requirements therefor the license without prior commission Auditor to perform an annual audit of the Substitute based upon the length and completion of approval; permit a licensee to conduct commission; require gaming licensees to Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted prison sentence; propose an gaming operations from a temporary compile a list of persons to exclude or for passage in the Regular Orders of the amendment to Section 150 of the facility under certain conditions; require reject from licensed gaming Day for Thursday, February 15 Kentucky Constitution, pertaining to racing association licensees to make establishments; require the commission Feb 15-3rd reading, passed 23-11 disqualification and exclusion from certain requests to the Kentucky Horse to notify a person placed on an exclusion with Committee Substitute office, to require automatic removal of Racing Authority regarding the number or ejection list; permit the commission to Feb 16-received in House the disability of certain felons to serve in of racing days the licensee will have take disciplinary action if a gaming Feb 22-to Licensing & Occupations public office, under specified scheduled during a year; create an licensee knowingly fails to exclude or (H) circumstances, by distinguishing the exemption to allow facilities development eject a person on the list; establish requirements therefor based upon the for gaming activities regarding zoning; penalties for persons placed on the list SB 14 (BR 90) - D. Roeding length and completion of prison provide that other zoning and building who enter premises of a licensed sentence. codes still apply; establish the position gaming establishment; provide that the AN ACT relating to elections and and the duties of the executive director transport of gambling equipment and declaring an emergency. (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) of the commission; establish that certain supplies into the state will not be a Amend KRS 117.255 to create an job classifications are to be established violation of federal laws; define the term exception to the two-minute time period Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee by agreement of the parties to a "cheat" and establish penalties for allowed for each voter to occupy a voting on State Government collective bargaining agreement; require persons who cheat; create the booth for disabled persons. Jan 2-introduced in Senate that before a gaming license is issued, compulsive gamblers assistance fund; Jan 4-to Judiciary (S) the governing body in the jurisdiction establish how expenditures from the SB 14 - AMENDMENTS where gaming operations are proposed compulsive gamblers assistance fund SCS - Retain the original provisions of SB 16 (BR 2) - D. Boswell must first enact an ordinance to permit will be utilized; require the commission the bill to provide an exemption from the casino gaming; require a gaming to prepare an annual report detailing two-minute voting rule for individuals AN ACT proposing to create a new licensee to post bond and to maintain activities and expenditures of the with a disability. section of the Constitution of Kentucky specific types of insurance; limit the compulsive gamblers assistance fund; HFA (1, D. Owens) - Amend KRS and amend Section 226 of the number of gaming licenses to five racing encourage gaming licensees to 118.215 to provide that during a Constitution of Kentucky, relating to association gaming licenses and four cooperate with local business and presidential election year, the Secretary casinos. casino licenses; establish criteria for community organizations to stimulate the of State shall certify the nominations no Propose a new section of the gaming operation locations; require economy through tourism; require later than the Monday after the Friday Constitution of Kentucky relating to certain information from applicants gaming licensees to pay the salaries of following the first Tuesday in September; casinos; allow the General Assembly to seeking a gaming license; establish the certain commission employees; require amend KRS 118.365 to conform. permit the operation of casinos, which fees for applications, licensure, and gaming licensees to make office space may include casinos at horse racing renewal for all licenses; create the available for certain commission (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) tracks; provide, if General Assembly Kentucky gaming fund, the Kentucky employees; prohibit a person under 21 authorizes casino gaming, for agency of municipal public safety fund, the from placing a wager or being in an area Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee state government to be created to Kentucky county public safety fund, the where gambling games are in operation; on State Government regulate casinos by special law Kentucky horse racing equity fund, and establish that commission members, the Jan 2-introduced in Senate notwithstanding Section 59 or 60 of the the Kentucky thoroughbred claiming executive director, and commission Jan 4-to State and Local Government Constitution, establish qualifications of fund; require that certain amounts of the employees are subject to the executive (S) individuals and entities authorized to gaming fund support administrative branch code of ethics; limit the Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st operate casinos, limit number and operations of the commission, and other administrative fine to $50,000 per reading, to Calendar with Committee location of casinos, define types of amounts from the gaming fund be offense; establish that administrative Substitute lotteries, gift enterprises and gambling dispersed to the Kentucky compulsive review under KRS Chapter 13B is Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules games to be permitted, provide for other gamblers assistance fund, the available for persons aggrieved by an Feb 20-posted for passage in the standards to ensure honest operation of Department of Education, the Council on action by the commission; create a new Consent Orders of the Day for casinos; define casino and casino-style Postsecondary Education, the Cabinet section of KRS Chapter 131 to attach Wednesday, February 21, 2006 gaming; restrict operation of casinos for Health and Family Services for health the commission to the Department of Feb 21-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with until the state agency shall have first care services for certain indigent Revenue for administrative purposes; Committee Substitute ; received in approved the conduct of casinos and the Kentuckians and for a prescription drug create a new section of KRS Chapter House governing body of the county, urban- program for senior citizens, the Kentucky 242 to permit a local option election in Feb 26-to Elections, Const. county, charter county, or consolidated county public safety fund, capital certain areas for the limited sale of alcoholic beverages at tracks and "Employee"; require that the Act shall Mar 9-received in Senate; enrolled, Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 97-0; casinos in the territory; amend KRS take effect to the extent that it is not signed by each presiding officer; received in Senate 243.030 to establish a $7,500 annual preempted by federal law or regulation. delivered to Governor Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each license fee for a casino entertainment Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. presiding officer; delivered to Governor license and a racing association casino (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) 48) Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. entertainment license; amend KRS 116) 243.040 to establish a $3,500 annual Jan 2-introduced in Senate SB 24 (BR 267) - D. Harper Angel, D. license fee for a casino entertainment Jan 4-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Boswell, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads SB 26 (BR 320) - J. Denton, W. Blevins license and a racing association casino Public Protection (S) Jr, P. Clark, D. Harper Angel, D. entertainment license; amend KRS Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, AN ACT relating to tax credits for Roeding 243.500, 243.505, 525.090, 528.010, to Calendar ethanol producers. 528.100, 15.380 to conform; include a Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules Create nonrefundable tax credit for AN ACT relating to dental services. severability clause; Include language Feb 12-posted for passage in the producers of ethanol, up to a cap of Amend KRS 313.240 to permit that this Act is void if the voters fail to Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, $1,500,000 per year. dentists to practice under a name other approve a constitutional amendment February 13, 2007; floor amendment (1) than their own if they have contracted to permitting the General Assembly to filed (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) perform continuing operations for a authorize casinos. Feb 13-3rd reading, passed 36-0 with deceased or incapacitated dentist; floor amendment (1) Jan 2-introduced in Senate delete the provision that prohibits a (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Feb 14-received in House Jan 4-to Appropriations and Revenue person from participating in more than Feb 20-to Seniors, Military Affairs, & (S) three professional service organizations; Jan 2-introduced in Senate Public Safety (H) create a new section of KRS Chapter Jan 4-to Appropriations and Revenue Feb 23-posted in committee SB 25 (BR 405) - D. Harper Angel, D. 313 to permit representatives of a (S) Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st Boswell, J. Pendleton deceased or incapacitated dentist to reading, to Calendar contract with another dentist or dentists SB 18/LM/CI (BR 10) - D. Boswell Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules; floor AN ACT relating to nutrition. to continue the operations of the amendment (1) filed Create a new section of KRS Chapter deceased or incapacitated dentist's Feb 14-WITHDRAWN Mar 7-posted for passage in the 194A to create the Kentucky Farmers practice for up to one year; require Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Market Nutrition Program within the notification to the Board of Dentistry prior SB 19/LM/CI (BR 11) - D. Boswell March 8, 2007 Cabinet for Health and Family Services to contracting for continuation of Mar 9-floor amendment (2) filed for the purpose of enhancing nutrition; services; prohibit interference with the Feb 14-WITHDRAWN Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with require the program to provide fresh, practice of dentistry or professional floor amendments (1) and (2) ; received locally gown produce to low-income judgment of contracting dentists; require SB 20/CI (BR 277) - D. Boswell, J. in Senate; posted for passage for seniors and recipients of the federal notification to the deceased or Pendleton concurrence in House floor amendments Special Supplemental Nutrition Program incapacitated dentist's patients of record (1) and (2) for women, infants, and children; require within 30 days of the death or Feb 14-WITHDRAWN Mar 26-Senate concurred in House collaboration with the Kentucky incapacitation. floor amendments (1) and (2) ; passed Department of Agriculture, the United SB 21 (BR 117) - E. Tori 38-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding States Department of Agriculture Senior SB 26 - AMENDMENTS officer; delivered to Governor Farmers Market Nutrition Program, the SFA (1, R. Stivers II) - Eliminate 1- AN ACT relating to unauthorized use Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. University of Kentucky College of year time limit on contracts to continue of identities. 123) Agriculture Cooperative Extension, local the operation of a deceased or Create a new section of KRS Chapter Area Agencies on Aging, and other incapacitated dentist's practice. 514 prohibiting the unauthorized use of SB 23 (BR 226) - D. Harper Angel, W. private and public entities to identify SFA (2, J. Denton) - Amend Section 2 the identity of a current or former Blevins Jr funding sources; establish services, to extend the time limit on contracts to member of the United States Armed develop marketing strategies, and continue the operation of dental services Forces; establish penalty as a Class B AN ACT relating to assistance dogs. establish strategies to introduce fresh, until the practice is sold; provide that any misdemeanor. Amend KRS 258.500 to prohibit the locally grown fruits and vegetables into other violation of the chapter is grounds denial of emergency medical treatment school nutrition programs; establish the for an immediate termination of the (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) to assistance dogs because of their Kentucky Farmers Market Nutrition operations of the dental practice; make handler's inability to pay prior to Program fund; provide for technical corrections throughout. Jan 2-introduced in Senate treatment; amend KRS 258.991 to implementation of services and Jan 4-to Judiciary (S) establish penalties for persons that deny marketing upon securing of adequate (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) emergency medical treatment to funding. SB 22 (BR 352) - E. Tori, W. Blevins Jr, assistance dogs because of their Jan 2-introduced in Senate D. Harper Angel, J. Pendleton, J. handler's inability to pay prior to SB 25 - AMENDMENTS Jan 4-to Licensing, Occupations & Rhoads, D. Roeding treatment. SCS - Retain original provisions, Administrative Regulations (S) except place the Kentucky Farmers Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st AN ACT relating to the public SB 23 - AMENDMENTS Market Nutrition Program under the reading, to Calendar; floor amendment employee health insurance program. SCS - Amend to remove statutory auspices of the Department of (1) filed Create a new section of KRS Chapter provisions requiring training certificates Agriculture; require the department to Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted 18A to require the Personnel Cabinet, for assistance dogs. submit an annual report to the interim for passage in the Regular Orders of the Department for Employee Insurance, to joint committees on Health and Welfare, Day for Thursday, February 15 offer TRICARE supplement insurance to (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) and Agriculture and Natural Resources. Feb 15-passed over and retained in eligible TRICARE insurance the Orders of the Day; floor amendment beneficiaries; require the Jan 2-introduced in Senate (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) (2) filed Commonwealth to pay for individual Jan 4-to Judiciary (S) Feb 16-3rd reading; floor amendment TRICARE supplement insurance; permit Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st Jan 2-introduced in Senate (1) withdrawn ; passed 32-0 with floor an employee eligible for TRICARE to reading, to Calendar with Committee Jan 4-to Agriculture and Natural amendment (2) choose between the Commonwealth Substitute Resources (S) Feb 21-received in House sponsored TRICARE supplemental Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 26-to Health & Welfare (H) insurance or other coverage offered Feb 20-posted for passage in the to Consent Calendar with Committee Feb 27-posted in committee through the public employee health Regular Orders of the Day for Substitute Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, insurance program; permit the secretary Wednesday, February 21, 2006 Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules to Calendar of the Personnel Cabinet to promulgate Feb 21-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with Mar 5-posted for passage in the Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules administrative regulations. Committee Substitute Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, Mar 7-posted for passage in the Feb 22-received in House March 5, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 37-0 Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, SB 22 - AMENDMENTS Feb 23-to Health & Welfare (H) with Committee Substitute March 8, 2007 SFA (1, E. Tori) - Make technical Feb 26-posted in committee Mar 6-received in House; to Mar 8-3rd reading, passed 97-0 correction. Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, Agriculture & Small Business (H); Mar 9-received in Senate; enrolled, HFA (1, T. Pullin) - Define to Calendar posting waived signed by each presiding officer; "Employee"; delay until 2009 Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, delivered to Governor implementation of the TRICARE Mar 7-posted for passage in the to Calendar Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. supplement as a public employee health Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted 53) insurance option. March 8, 2007 for passage in the Regular Orders of the HFA (2, T. Pullin) - Define Mar 8-3rd reading, passed 97-0 Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 SB 27 (BR 150) - D. Roeding, J. Pendleton for passage in the Regular Orders of the licensees or deny applicants for Feb 16-received in House Day for Thursday, February 15 unprofessional conduct, and set fees Feb 21-to Licensing & Occupations Feb 14-WITHDRAWN Feb 15-3rd reading, passed 29-5 with within specified limits; create a new (H) Committee Substitute section of KRS Chapter 319B to list Feb 28-posted in committee SB 28/LM (BR 250) - D. Roeding Feb 16-received in House penalties for violations of provisions of Mar 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 22-to Licensing & Occupations the chapter. to Calendar with Committee Substitute AN ACT relating to licensing (H) Mar 6-2nd reading, to Rules electricians. Feb 27-posted in committee SB 30 - AMENDMENTS Mar 7-posted for passage in the Amend sections of KRS Chapter Mar 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, SCS - Retain original provisions, Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, 227A, define residence and residential to Calendar except reduce the number of board March 8, 2007; floor amendment (2) filed electrician, provide that persons not Mar 6-2nd reading, to Rules members from seven to five; limit the to Committee Substitute, floor licensed as residential electricians shall Mar 7-posted for passage in the board's power to delineate standards of amendment (1) filed not represent themselves as residential Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, practice to only those persons licensed Mar 8-recommitted to Licensing & electricians, provide for $25 application March 8, 2007; floor amendments (1) (2) or certified under the chapter; indicate Occupations (H) fee for residential electricians, require and (3) filed that care or services eligible for Mar 9-reported favorably, to Rules residential electricians to have two years Mar 8-floor amendments (1) (2) and reimbursement by Medicare, Medicaid, with Committee Substitute (2), experience, require a training course in (3) withdrawn ; 3rd reading, defeated 46- or health insurance may only be committee amendment (1-title) ; placed electrical work, require a passing score 47 provided pursuant to an order from a in the Consent Orders of the Day on an examination as set by the Office of Mar 9-bill reconsidered; placed in the licensed physician; add physicians, Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with Housing, Building, and Construction. Orders of the Day chiropractors, and pharmacists to the list Committee Substitute (2), committee Mar 12-passed 54-39; received in of professions whose practice cannot be amendment (1-title) ; received in Senate (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Senate; enrolled, signed by each limited or restricted by the chapter; presiding officer; delivered to Governor remove individuals acting under the SB 31 (BR 304) - D. Roeding, J. Jan 2-introduced in Senate Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. supervision of a licensed home medical Pendleton Jan 4-to Licensing, Occupations & 59) equipment provider from the list of Administrative Regulations (S) professions whose practice cannot be AN ACT relating to testimony. SB 30 (BR 57) - D. Roeding, J. limited or restricted by the chapter; forbid Amend KRS 421.350, relating to the SB 29/LM (BR 398) - D. Roeding Pendleton application of the chapter to the practice testimony of a child victim or witness, to of orthotics, prosthetics, or pedorthics by include violent offenses. AN ACT relating to alcoholic AN ACT relating to prosthetics, a licensed physician; modify all beverages. orthotics, and pedorthics. references to a "health care practitioner" SB 31 - AMENDMENTS Amend KRS 244.130 to exempt Establish KRS Chapter 319B, to read "health care practitioner or SFA (1, R. Stivers II) - Amend to promotional advertising mailed or regarding the licensing and regulation of provider" instead. provide that the child witness, while delivered to a customer's residence from practitioners of orthotics, prosthetics, SFA (1, E. Scorsone) - Delete being exempt from attendance at trial, the prohibition against advertising and pedorthics; create a new section of provision requiring the prosthetics, shall be subject to being recalled during alcoholic beverages. KRS Chapter 319B to define terms for orthotics, and pedorthics board to bring the course of the trial to give additional the chapter; create a new section of an action for injunctive relief against testimony under the same SB 29 - AMENDMENTS KRS Chapter 319B to establish the those engaged in the unlicensed circumstances as with any other recalled SCS/LM - Retain original provisions; Kentucky Board of Prosthetics, practice of prosthetics, orthotics, and witness, provided that the additional add provision to allow a racetrack Orthotics, and Pedorthics and its pedorthics from the Franklin Circuit testimony is given utilizing the same license under KRS Chapter 230 that is appointment and meeting procedures; Court to the circuit court in the county closed circuit or video tape procedure as located in a city where prohibition is not create a new section of KRS Chapter where the violation occurred. for the original testimony. in effect in whole or part to obtain a 319B to delineate the duties of the HCS (1/LM) - Retain original horse racetrack license; require that the board; require the board to administer provisions, except require appointment (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) license apply only to racetrack premises and enforce the provisions of the chapter of at least one pedorthist to the where live racing meets were held in and to promulgate administrative prosthetics, orthotics, and pedorthics Jan 2-introduced in Senate 2006; clarify that this section shall apply regulations to establish factors for board. Jan 4-to Judiciary (S) only to the track's premises that are licensure and certification of licensed HCS (2/LM) - Retain provisions of Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st located within the city's limits. orthotists, prosthetists, and pedorthists, HCS1; amend the Tourism Development reading, to Calendar HFA (1, R. Damron) - Permit a and certified orthotic fitters; create a new Act to allow an approved company with Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules restaurant that holds a restaurant wine, section of KRS Chapter 319B to state over $70 million in approved costs to be Feb 20-posted for passage in the a restaurant drink, and a retail package additional powers of the board, including granted a six-year extension, provided Regular Orders of the Day for license to permit its customers to bring the authority to employ needed the company meets certain requirements Wednesday, February 21, 2006 an unopened container of wine on the personnel and contract with the Division and agrees to expend an additional 10% Feb 21-passed over and retained in restaurant premises for consumption on of Occupations and Professions for the on capital expenditures; make the Orders of the Day; floor amendment the premises in conjunction with the provision of administrative services; conforming amendments. (1) filed eating of a meal purchased from the create new sections of KRS Chapter HCA (1/Title, J. Jenkins) - Make title Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with restaurant; require that the open 319B to declare rules for actual physical amendment. floor amendment (1) ; received in House container not be removed from the licenses and certificates, practice HFA (1, J. Higdon) - Limit pedorthists Feb 27-to Judiciary (H) restaurant unless sealed in accordance authorization, and scope of practice; who may be licensed by the board prior with KRS 243.115; permit the restaurant create a new section of KRS Chapter to July 1, 2009, to those pedorthists who SB 32 (BR 404) - J. Carroll to charge the customer a charge for 319B to set a July 1, 2009, deadline for are certified by the Board of Certification uncorking, serving, and resealing the practice outside the provisions of the in Pedorthics, Inc. AN ACT relating to motor vehicle wine. chapter; create new sections of KRS HFA (2, J. Higdon) - Limit pedorthists sales. HFA (2, R. Damron) - Retain original Chapter 319B to exempt individuals who may be licensed by the board prior Create new sections of KRS 190 to provisions; create new sections to engaging in their profession from the to July 1, 2009, to those pedorthists who define a motor vehicle event data eliminate requirement that orders to authority of Chapter 319B, including are certified by the Board of Certification recorder and motor vehicle owner; purchase wine from small farm wineries licensed health care practitioners, in Pedorthics, Inc. require disclosure that a motor vehicle is be made in person. physical therapists, occupational equipped with an event data recorder; HFA (3, R. Damron) - Retain original therapists, certain individuals working (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) establish provisions for retrieval of data provisions; create new section to amend under the supervision and control of a recorded by the device; prohibit an the definition of "small farm winery" to a licensed pharmacist, and listed types of Jan 2-introduced in Senate insurer or lessor from requiring an owner winery producing an amount not to orthotic, prosthetic, or pedorthic practice; Jan 4-to Licensing, Occupations & to release data as part of payment for a exceed 100,000 gallons in a calendar create a new section of KRS Chapter Administrative Regulations (S) claim or as a condition of a lease; year. 319B to forbid any person from Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st establish a fine of $500 for failure to practicing as or professing to be any of reading, to Calendar with Committee disclose the presence of the event data (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) the licensed or certified professionals in Substitute recorder or for improper release of the chapter without a valid current Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted information recorded by the equipment. Jan 2-introduced in Senate license or certificate; create a new for passage in the Regular Orders of the Jan 4-to Licensing, Occupations & section of KRS Chapter 319B to Day for Thursday, February 15; floor (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Administrative Regulations (S) establish license expiration and renewal amendment (1) filed to Committee Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st dates and procedures; create new Substitute Jan 2-introduced in Senate reading, to Calendar with Committee sections of KRS Chapter 319B to Feb 15-3rd reading, passed 34-0 with Jan 4-to Transportation (S) Substitute authorize the board to grant reciprocity Committee Substitute, floor amendment Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted with other jurisdictions, discipline (1) SB 33 (BR 469) - D. Harper Angel, D. Boswell, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads or a series of Class D felonies arising SB 37 (BR 410) - J. Denton Section 100 of the Constitution of out of a single event to petition to have Kentucky relating to the office of County AN ACT relating to renewable-fuel their records expunged; amend KRS AN ACT relating to bed and breakfast Surveyor. vehicles and biofuels. 431.078, relating to misdemeanor inns. Propose to amend Section 100 of the Create a new section of KRS Chapter expungements, to change the Amend KRS 219.011 to define "bed Constitution of Kentucky to establish 152 to establish a Biofuels application fee from $25 to $50 dollars and breakfast inn" and "farmstay"; create requirements for the office of Surveyor Transportation Grant Program; create a and to begin the five-year waiting period a new section of KRS Chapter 219 to and to establish eligibility for the office; new section of KRS Chapter 45A to from the date of adjudication of the permit other business functions at bed to establish that the new requirements adopt a state government agency offense; amend KRS 527.040 to exempt and breakfast inns to include gift shops, be effective for the 2010 regular election; purchase preference for biofuel-capable individuals who have had their records tea rooms, and special event hosting; submit to voters for approval or vehicles; require specified goals for expunged from the statute on a felon in amend various sections of KRS to disapproval. percentages of biofuel-capable vehicles possession of a firearm; create a new require bed and breakfast inns and and biofuel purchases; establish and section of KRS Chapter 533 to require farmstays to comply with all applicable Jan 3-introduced in Senate administer a biofuel vehicle credit the Administrative Office of the Courts to laws and permits; require bed and Jan 4-to State and Local Government banking and selling program; designate keep a confidential index of breakfast inns in residential areas to (S) a biofuel resource officer; require reports expungement orders for utilization in the provide adequate indoor bathroom of data on biofuel-capable vehicles in preparation of presentence facilities for all functions and observe SB 42/CI (BR 934) - R. Stivers II state vehicle fleets; amend KRS 176.055 investigations. noise and hour limitations; include to require inclusion of business logos of HCA (1/Title, K. Stein) - Make title farmstays as a "farm animal activity AN ACT relating to inmate recidivism biofuel sellers on state parkway and amendment. sponsor"; limit liability of recreational reduction. Interstate highway signs. HFA (1/FN/P, M. Harmon) - Attach land use at a farmstay. Create new sections of KRS Chapter provisions of HB 348 which repeals KRS 197 relating to prisons, to permit the (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) 402.090, relating to soliciting persons to Jan 2-introduced in Senate Department of Corrections to operate a be married; amend KRS 402.990 to Jan 4-to State and Local Government Prison Industries Enhancement (PIE) Jan 2-introduced in Senate conform. (S) program in which the labor of prisoners Jan 4-to State and Local Government HFA (2, J. Fischer) - Amend to delete is leased to private entities to make (S) the provisions of HB 16 as attached to SB 38 (BR 397) - T. Buford products and perform services for the bill within the House Committee private employers; create a commission SB 34/CI (BR 115) - D. Kelly, E. Worley, Substitute. AN ACT relating to animal cruelty. to oversee the activities of the program. W. Blevins Jr, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Create a new section of KRS Chapter Buford, J. Carroll, P. Clark, J. Denton, C. Jan 2-introduced in Senate 525 to provide for definition of what does SB 42 - AMENDMENTS Gibson, B. Guthrie, D. Harper Angel, E. Jan 4-to Judiciary (S) and does not constitute a reasonable SCS/CI - Retain original provisions; Harris, T. Jensen, R. Jones II, A. Kerr, B. Feb 6-taken from committee; 1st cost for keeping an animal; amend KRS add requirement that the business Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, G. reading; returned to Judiciary (S) 525.125, 525.130, and 525.135 to leasing the labor include all associated Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Feb 7-taken from committee; laid on require offender to pay reasonable and payroll expenses such as taxes, workers' Rhoads, D. Ridley, D. Roeding, R. clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; necessary maintenance costs for the compensation, and a fee for processing Sanders Jr, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. 2nd reading; returned to Judiciary (S) care of animals involved in cruelty and the payroll as set by the Department of Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers II, G. Feb 8-reported favorably, to Rules torture cases. Corrections; require the Kentucky Prison Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. with Committee Substitute ; posted for Industries Enhancement Commission to Westwood, D. Williams, K. Winters passage in the Regular Orders of the Jan 2-introduced in Senate require procedures for addressing the Day for Thursday, February 8; 3rd Feb 6-to Judiciary (S) handling of injuries to inmates by AN ACT relating to crimes and reading, passed 37-0 with Committee workers' compensation or another punishments. Substitute SB 39/LM/CI (BR 812) - D. Boswell program. Create a new section of KRS Chapter Feb 9-received in House SCA (1, R. Stivers II) - Delete 196 to require the Department of Feb 14-to Judiciary (H) AN ACT relating to crimes and language relating to insurance for Corrections to operate an intensive Feb 20-posted in committee punishments. prisoner injured in program and replace secured substance abuse recovery Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Create a new section of KRS Chapter with a duty of the person leasing the program for substance abusers seeking to Calendar with Committee Substitute, 509 to define the crime of human labor of the prisoner to provide for or utilizing pretrial diversion in certain committee amendment (1-title); floor trafficking and punish it as a Class D workers' compensation coverage for the circumstances; amend KRS 210.365 to amendments (1) and (2) filed to felony; provide that offense occurs only prisoner. allow the jail health triage system to Committee Substitute when two or more persons are trafficked; SFA (1/Title, D. Mongiardo) - Make screen for substance abuse risk factors Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted create a new section of KRS Chapter title amendment. for certain felony offenders; create a new for passage in the Regular Orders of the 411 to allow a victim of identity theft to SFA (2, D. Mongiardo) - Attach section of KRS Chapter 431 to require Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 obtain a court judgment authenticating provisions of HB 67. pretrial screening of felony substance that status. SFA (3, D. Mongiardo) - Attach abuse offenders and to allow testing and SB 35 (BR 345) - T. Jensen provisions of HB 67. treatment as a condition of pretrial Jan 2-introduced in Senate release; create a new section of KRS Feb 7-WITHDRAWN Feb 6-to Judiciary (S) Jan 3-introduced in Senate Chapter 533 to require felony substance Jan 4-to Judiciary (S) abuse offenders to demonstrate suitable SB 36 (BR 376) - J. Denton SB 40 (BR 803) - J. Carroll Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st participation in and compliance with reading, to Calendar with Committee substance abuse treatment or recovery AN ACT relating to the expenditure of AN ACT relating to the required Substitute, committee amendment (1) before being eligible for pretrial consolidated local government funds. reporting of wounds. Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted diversion; amend KRS 533.250 to allow Create a new section of KRS Chapter Create a new section of KRS Chapter for passage in the Regular Orders of the referral of certain persons on pretrial 67C allowing a consolidated local 216 to require physicians in hospitals Day for Tuesday, February 20 diversion to the secure recovery government to expend funds for capital and other health care facilities or clinics Feb 20-passed over and retained in program; amend KRS 532.120 to allow projects in cities located within the to report any case involving a bullet the Orders of the Day credit for time served in the secure boundaries of the county containing the wound, powder burn, or other injury Feb 21-passed over and retained in treatment facility or a residential consolidated local government and resulting from the discharge of a firearm, the Orders of the Day; floor amendment treatment facility; amend KRS 431.515 provide conditions for doing so. or wound that is likely to or may result in (2) filed to Committee Substitute, floor to conform; EMERGENCY. death and is inflicted by a knife, ice pick, amendments (1-title) and (3) filed Jan 2-introduced in Senate or other sharp or pointed instrument to Feb 22-passed over and retained in SB 34 - AMENDMENTS Jan 4-to State and Local Government law enforcement; and provide for the Orders of the Day SCS/CI - Amend to remove provisions (S) immunity from civil or criminal liability for Feb 26-3rd reading; floor amendments relating to jail triage, to increase options Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st good faith reporting. (2) and (3) ruled out of order ; floor for treatment and monitoring as a reading, to Calendar amendments (1-title) (2) and (3) condition of release, and to require Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules Jan 2-introduced in Senate withdrawn ; passed 26-8 with Committee successful completion of treatment Feb 16-posted for passage in the Feb 6-to Judiciary (S) Substitute, committee amendment (1) before credit may be given for time Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, Feb 27-received in House served in relation to any penal sentence February 20 Introduced Jan. 3, 2007 Mar 2-to Judiciary (H) imposed. Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 37-0 HCS/FN/LM/CI - Amend to include Feb 21-received in House SB 41 (BR 807) - C. Gibson SB 43/LM/CI (BR 351) - D. Boswell, W. provisions of HB 16 to create a new Feb 26-to Local Government (H) Blevins Jr, P. Clark, D. Harper Angel, J. section of KRS Chapter 533 to allow Feb 28-posted in committee AN ACT proposing an amendment to Rhoads, D. Roeding, E. Scorsone, T. persons convicted of one Class D felony Shaughnessy, J. Westwood trafficking may seek; create a new J. Pendleton Mar 2-to Education (H) AN ACT relating to human trafficking. section of KRS Chapter 500 to provide Mar 5-posted in committee; posting Amend KRS 194A.030 to establish for forfeiture of human trafficking related AN ACT relating to the unlawful waived Division of Child Abuse, Domestic to property and proceeds; create a new purchase or possession of alcoholic Mar 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, Violence, and Human Trafficking section of KRS Chapter 501 to limit the beverages by underage persons. to Calendar Services within the Cabinet for Health availability of certain defenses in human Create a new section of KRS Chapter Mar 7-2nd reading, to Rules; posted and Family Services; create a new trafficking situations; amend KRS 244 to declare additional penalties for a for passage in the Regular Orders of the section of KRS Chapter 194A to set out 501.090 expand the availability of the person under 21 years of age who is Day for Thursday, March 8, 2007 the basic operating parameters of the defense of duress to human trafficking convicted of possession, purchase, or Mar 26-floor amendments (1) and (2- Division of Child Abuse, Domestic victims; create a new section of KRS attempt to purchase alcoholic beverages title) filed Violence, and Human Trafficking Chapter 502 to specify business in violation of KRS 244.085(3); find a Services; create a new section of KRS enterprise liability in human trafficking person convicted of a first offense guilty SB 47 (BR 952) - R. Stivers II Chapter 194A to allow the Division of prosecutions; amend KRS 506.120 to of a Class B misdemeanor and suspend Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and include the new offense of exploitation of the person's driver's license for three AN ACT relating to certification of Human Trafficking Services to provide persons with the criminal syndication months; increase driver's license miners. documentation to victims and to statute; amend and create various new suspension to a range of six months to Create new section of KRS Chapter coordinate the provision of certain rights, sections of KRS Chapter 529 to create one year for each subsequent offense; 351 to allow the Mining Board to enter benefits, and services to victims; create new offenses relating to exploitation of declare additional penalties for a person into a reciprocal agreement with another a new section of KRS Chapter 194A to persons to criminalize forced labor or convicted of knowingly selling, giving, state and provide that the board may allow the Division of Child Abuse, services; create a new section of KRS purchasing, or procuring any alcoholic or pursuant to the agreement; allow the Domestic Violence, and Human Chapter 529 to create the offense of malt beverage in any form to or for a miner from the other state to perform Trafficking Services to assist in certain identity document extortion. minor in violation of KRS 244.085(3) or similar duties in Kentucky for which he or immigration matters and to prohibit state 530.070(1)(a); indicate that a person she is certified in the other state when and local officers from seeking SB 43 - AMENDMENTS convicted of a first offense is guilty of a certain conditions have been met. deportation of victims; create a new SCS/LM/CI - Retain provisions Class A misdemeanor and suspend the section of KRS Chapter 194A to relating to evidentiary privilege for person's driver's license for three Jan 4-introduced in Senate establish a consultative task force within human trafficking counselors, jail months; increase driver's license Feb 6-to Agriculture and Natural the Division of Child Abuse, Domestic detention of human trafficking victims, suspension to a range of six months to Resources (S) Violence, and Human Trafficking and inclusion of human trafficking within one year for each subsequent offense; Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st Services to examine and develop the criminal syndication statute; replace exempt a parent or guardian of the minor reading, to Calendar policies relating to the provision of original criminal provisions with new or any person directly acting as a Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted services to victims of human trafficking; provisions to create the offense of licensee or the employee of a licensee for passage in the Consent Orders of the create a new section of KRS Chapter human trafficking and promoting human operating under a license issued Day for Tuesday, February 20 194A to require the Division of Child trafficking; make various conforming pursuant to KRS 243.020 to 243.670. Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 37-0 Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Human amendments; delete all other provisions Feb 21-received in House Trafficking Services to develop statistical of the original bill. Jan 3-introduced in Senate Feb 26-to Natural Resources & data relating to human trafficking; create SCA (1, R. Stivers II) - Amend to Jan 4-to Judiciary (S) Environment (H) a new section of KRS Chapter 194A to require knowledge of the human Feb 27-posted in committee require the Division of Child Abuse, trafficking before a criminal offense set Introduced Jan. 4, 2007 Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, Domestic Violence, and Human out in the bill would apply. to Calendar Trafficking Services to offer training to SB 46/FN (BR 190) - J. Rhoads Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules participants in the criminal justice Jan 3-introduced in Senate Mar 7-posted for passage in the system; create a new section of KRS Jan 4-to Judiciary (S) AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Chapter 194A to require the Division of Feb 21-taken from committee; 1st Educational Excellence Scholarship March 8, 2007 Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and reading, to Calendar Program. Mar 8-3rd reading, passed 94-0 Human Trafficking Services to develop a Feb 22-2nd reading; returned to Amend KRS 164.7881 to permit, Mar 9-received in Senate; enrolled, public awareness campaign relating to Judiciary (S) beginning with the 2008-2009 academic signed by each presiding officer; human trafficking and its negative Mar 2-reported favorably, to Rules year, eligible high school students to use delivered to Governor effects; create a new section of KRS with Committee Substitute, committee a portion of their KEES award to pay for Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Chapter 194A to allow the Division of amendment (1) filed to Committee tuition for dual credit courses; require 41) Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Substitute that the funds they would have received Human Trafficking Services to dispense Mar 5-posted for passage in the during their postsecondary program be SB 48 (BR 933) - R. Stivers II grants; create a new section of KRS Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, reduced over a four or five-year period Chapter 194A to establish a policy for March 5, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 37-0 equal to the amount used for dual credit; Mar 1-WITHDRAWN the Division of Child Abuse, Domestic with Committee Substitute, committee amend KRS 164.7885 to conform; make Violence, and Human Trafficking amendment (1) technical corrections to KRS 164.7874 SB 49/FN (BR 810) - C. Gibson Services and the state to seek out Mar 6-received in House; to Judiciary and 164.7879. various community groups and entities in (H); posting waived AN ACT relating to school resource developing policies and programs Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, SB 46 - AMENDMENTS officers. relative to the prevention of human to Calendar SCS/FN - Retain original provisions, Create a new section of KRS Chapter trafficking; amend KRS 346.050 to Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted except delete reference to "seniors" so 158 to require local school boards to specify that victims of human trafficking for passage in the Regular Orders of the that funds could be used by any provide all schools with a school may apply for crime victim compensation Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 otherwise eligible high school student; resource officer. regardless of the absence of a police Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 96-0; insert language to clarify that use of report; create a new section of KRS received in Senate; enrolled, signed by KEES funds must be for dual credit Jan 4-introduced in Senate Chapter 413 to provide a 10 year statute each presiding officer; delivered to courses leading to a degree or relating Feb 6-to Appropriations and Revenue of limitations for civil suits brought by Governor to a defined career path. (S) victims of human trafficking; amend KRS Mar 19-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. HFA (1/P, J. Glenn) - Attach 338.021 to apply the state's occupational 19) provisions of HB 373/GA to SB 46/GA. SB 50 (BR 902) - C. Gibson safety laws to all persons regardless of a HFA (2/Title, J. Glenn) - Make title person's right to work within the United SB 44/LM (BR 890) - J. Denton amendment. AN ACT relating to vital statistics. States; create a new section of KRS Amend KRS 213.141 to require the Chapter 422 to create an evidentiary AN ACT relating to the retention of Jan 4-introduced in Senate registrar to complete a mailed request privilege for human trafficking victim criminal records. Feb 6-to Education (S) for certified copy of a death certificate counselors; create a new section of KRS Amend KRS 30A.080 relating to court Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st within five working days. Chapter 431 to establish a policy of non- records to require all criminal records reading, to Calendar with Committee incarceration for victims of human relating to felonies, misdemeanors, Substitute Jan 4-introduced in Senate trafficking; create a new section of KRS violations, domestic violence orders, and Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 6-to Judiciary (S) Chapter 454 to make a human trafficker emergency protective orders to be Feb 26-posted for passage in the civilly liable to the person's victims; maintained for 100 years. Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, SB 51/CI (BR 184) - T. Buford create a new section of KRS Chapter February 27, 2007 455 to specify plea provisions in human Jan 3-introduced in Senate Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 32-0 with AN ACT relating to juvenile justice. trafficking cases; create a new section of Jan 4-to Judiciary (S) Committee Substitute Amend KRS 17.500, 17.510, 17.520, KRS Chapter 455 to specify the Feb 28-received in House 610.320 and 610.340 to place juvenile elements of restitution a victim of human SB 45 (BR 941) - T. Buford, D. Boswell, sex offenders on the state's sex offender registry; amend KRS 610.265 to require direct the Secretary of State to make a control under the Commonwealth Office SCS - Retain original provisions with that juvenile felony sex offenders certification of a vacancy and to require of Technology (COT); amend KRS the following major changes: amend released into nonsecure settings prior to that a nomination be made within five 11.505 to abolish, create, or rename KRS 11.505 to remove the Office of the adjudication be housed in a county days of the certification; amend KRS various offices and divisions in COT; 911 Coordinator as an office in the different from that where the victim of the 118.176 to establish procedures to be transfer the Division of Printing from the Commonwealth Office of Technology offense resides; and amend KRS followed when the bona fides of a Office of Administrative Services to (COT); amend KRS 11.507, relating to 635.515 to require that juveniles who candidate are challenged, to create a COT; amend KRS 11.515 to change the the duties of the COT, to add the duty of commit sex offenses which would qualify time frame in which the courts are name of the Geographic Information overseeing the development of a as violent offenses under KRS 439.3401 required to issue an order, to establish Advisory Council to the Kentucky statewide geographic information plan spend at least one year of treatment in a that if the court fails to fully adjudicate Geospatial Board and reduce the and making an annual report on the secure facility. within the allotted time the election will membership from 24 to 19; designate developments to the Governor and the proceed as though the bona fides had the executive director of COT as chair; General Assembly; make various Jan 4-introduced in Senate not been challenged, and that after an amend KRS 11.517 to conform; amend changes in the remaining duties; amend Feb 6-to Judiciary (S) election any qualified voter may proceed KRS 11.550 to transfer the Telehealth KRS 11.517 to make various changes to to file a motion under KRS Chapter 120. Board from COT to the Cabinet for the duties of the Kentucky Geospatial SB 52 (BR 216) - J. Turner, E. Worley, SCS (2/LM) - Amend KRS 118.105 to Health and Family Services; amend Board; amend KRS 42.650 to make W. Blevins Jr, R. Jones II, R. Palmer II, direct the Secretary of State to make a various sections to abolish the Kentucky various changes to the duties of the J. Rhoads certification of a vacancy and to require Savings Bond Authority, County Officials Division of Geographic Information; that a nomination be made within five Compensation Board, Procurement remove Sections 11 and 15, thereby AN ACT relating to veterans' family days of the certification; amend KRS Advisory Council, Charitable Asset restoring the Charitable Asset education assistance. 118.176 to establish procedures to be Administration Board (CAAB), Kentucky Administration Board and its duties to its Amend KRS 164.507 to waive the followed when the bona fides of a Pollution Abatement Authority; Water current statutory status; amend KRS public higher education or vocational candidate are challenged, to create a Resources Finance Authority, Central 353.752 to remove the secretary of the tuition of a person who is the child of a time frame in which the courts are State Hospital Recovery Authority; Commerce Cabinet from the deceased veteran and who is under the required to issue an order, to establish Governor's Advisory Committee on membership of the Kentucky Gas age of 26, rather than who is under the that when a motion to set aside has Intergovernmental Relations, and Red Pipeline Authority; add the executive age of 23, for a period not in excess of been filed after the order of the circuit Fox Tri-County Cooperative Corporation; director of the Office of Energy Policy to 45 months, rather than not in excess of court has been rendered regarding the amend KRS 42.0201 and 48.005 to the membership and designate him or 36 months; amend KRS 164.515 to bona fides of candidates for the General direct the Office of the Controller, rather her as chair of the authority; direct the waive the public higher education or Assembly and a slate of candidates for than the CAAB, to be responsible for the executive director to designate an vocational tuition of a person who is the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, the administration and disbursement of employee as treasurer; direct the Office child of a permanently and totally motion to set aside will be heard by the Commonwealth judgment or settlement of Energy Policy, rather than the Finance disabled veteran or member of a reserve Supreme Court. proceeds; amend KRS 42.024 to and Administration Cabinet, to provide component and who is under the age of SCA (1, D. Thayer) - Amend KRS transfer the duties of the abolished funds, staff, facilities, and materials 26, rather than under the age of 23, for a 118.176 to establish that when a motion Procurement Advisory Council to the required by the authority. period not in excess of 45 months, rather to set aside has been filed after the Office of Material and Procurement HFA (1/FN/P, H. Moberly Jr) - Amend than not in excess of 36 months. order of the circuit court has been Services; amend KRS 56.450 and to attach provisions of HB 359, which rendered regarding the bona fides of 56.861 to add the executive director of would create a new section of KRS Jan 4-introduced in Senate candidates for the General Assembly the Office of the Controller to the State Chapter 7 to allow the director of the Feb 6-to Education (S) and a slate of candidates for Governor Property and Buildings Commission and Legislative Research Commission to and Lieutenant Governor, the motion to the Kentucky Asset/Liability Commission request access to data held by the SB 53/LM (BR 344) - B. Leeper set aside will be heard by the Supreme respectively; amend KRS 64.780 to Department of Revenue or the Cabinet Court. transfer the duties of the County Officials for Economic Development for the AN ACT relating to elections. Compensation Board to the Department purpose of conducting research and Create a new section of KRS Chapter Jan 4-introduced in Senate for Local Government; amend KRS analysis; restrict the number of LRC staff 117 to prohibit straight party voting; Feb 6-to State and Local Government 131.020, relating to the Department of persons that may access the data; amend KRS 117.125 to conform. (S) Revenue (DOR), to create the Office of require that confidential information in Feb 23-taken from committee; 1st the Commissioner of DOR and establish the hands of the LRC staff shall remain Jan 4-introduced in Senate reading, to Calendar in it the Division of Special confidential; subject LRC staff to the Feb 6-to State and Local Government Feb 26-2nd reading; returned to State Investigations, the Division of Tax same penalties as executive branch staff (S) & Local Government (S) Increment Financing, and the Taxpayer for revealing confidential information; Feb 28-reported without opinion with Ombudsman; abolish the Division of provide that the access to information SB 54/LM (BR 954) - B. Leeper Committee Substitute, committee Legislative Services; abolish the Office afforded LRC staff shall not extend to amendment (1) ; to Rules (S) of the Taxpayer Ombudsman; amend members of the General Assembly. AN ACT relating to elections. Mar 1-posted for passage in the KRS 148.522 and 353.752 to transfer HFA (2/Title, H. Moberly Jr) - Make Amend KRS 118.105 to change the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, the Gas Pipeline Authority from the title amendment. date for certificates of nomination for March 1, 2007; passed over and Finance and Administration Cabinet certain replacement candidates from the retained in the Orders of the Day (FAC) to the Office of Energy Policy in Jan 5-introduced in Senate second Thursday preceding the date of Mar 2-recommitted to Judiciary (S); the Commerce Cabinet; amend KRS Feb 6-to State and Local Government the regular election to the fourth reported favorably, to Rules with 151.710 to permit members of the (S) Thursday preceding the date of the Committee Substitute (2) as a Consent Kentucky River Authority to continue to Feb 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, regular election; establish that if a Bill; posted for passage; 3rd reading; serve and vote until a successor is to Calendar with Committee Substitute vacancy in candidacy occurs later then Committee Substitute (1) withdrawn; appointed and qualified; amend KRS Feb 8-2nd reading, to Rules the fourth Thursday preceding the date committee amendment (1) withdrawn ; 174.020 and 42.0171 to transfer the Feb 9-posted for passage in the of the regular election no certificates are passed 29-1 with Committee Substitute Division of Fleet Management from the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, to be filed but a candidate may seek (2) Transportation Cabinet to the FAC; February 12 election by write-in vote; amend KRS Mar 5-received in House amend various other sections to Feb 12-3rd reading, passed 34-0 with 118.176 to require that an action Mar 8-to Elections, Const. conform; repeal KRS 8.030 (Governor's Committee Substitute regarding the bona fides of any Amendments & Intergovernmental Advisory Committee on Feb 13-received in House candidate be commenced no later than Affairs (H) Intergovernmental Relations), 45A.065 Feb 16-to State Government (H) the third Tuesday in August prior to the (Procurement Advisory Council), 56.600- Feb 20-posted in committee general election; require the Circuit Introduced Jan. 5, 2007 56.603 (Central State Hospital Recovery Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, Judge and the Court of Appeals to give Authority), 154.33-600 - 154.33-609 to Calendar preference to actions brought under this SB 55 (BR 173) - D. Kelly (Red Fox Tri-County Cooperative Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules section over other civil actions or Corporation) and 293.020 - 293.170 Mar 7-posted for passage in the proceedings pending in court; require AN ACT relating to reorganization. (Kentucky Savings Bond Authority); Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, the Court of Appeals or a Court of Reorganize the Finance and provide direction to the reviser of March 8, 2007 Appeals Judge to render an order no Administration Cabinet as follows: create statutes; confirm, notwithstanding KRS Mar 12-floor amendments (1) and (2- later then the fourth Thursday before the a new section of KRS Chapter 11 to 12.028, Governor's Executive Orders title) filed general election in order to allow a direct the secretary of the cabinet to 2006-679, 2006-683, and 2006-684, all political party to file a certificate of review each executive branch agency's dated June 19, 2006, to the extent these SB 56 (BR 899) - D. Kelly nomination for a replacement candidate. information technology infrastructure orders are not otherwise confirmed or and, when deemed in the best interests superseded by this Act. AN ACT relating to reorganization. SB 54 - AMENDMENTS of the state, to consolidate operational Confirm Executive Order 2006-1505, SCS (1/LM) - Amend KRS 118.105 to SB 55 - AMENDMENTS relating to the reorganization of the Department of Parks in the Commerce Office of Human Resource Planning and the Transportation Cabinet; amend KRS SB 60 - AMENDMENTS Cabinet. Diversity Initiatives and create the 174.016, 174.040, 174.057,174.135, SCS/LM - Retain original provisions; Division of Equal Employment 176.506, 177.020, 177.330, 177.340, amend KRS 65.905 to ensure that a Jan 5-introduced in Senate Opportunity and the Division of Diversity 177.350, 177.360, 179.400, and county may use its final quarterly report Feb 6-to Economic Development, Relations within the office; create the 18A.115 to conform; amend KRS 36.010 to fulfill the requirements of filing a Tourism & Labor (S) Division of Human Resource Projects to eliminate the Division of Air Transport uniform financial information report. Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st within the Department for Personnel from the Department of Military Affairs; reading, to Consent Calendar Administration; create the Division of repeal, reenact, and amend KRS Jan 5-introduced in Senate Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Insurance Administration, the Division of 36.400, 36.405, 36.410, 36.415, 36.420, Feb 6-to State and Local Government for passage in the Consent Orders of the Financial and Data Services, and the and 36.425 as new sections of KRS (S) Day for Thursday, February 22, 2007 Division of Member Benefits within the Chapter 174 to transfer operational Feb 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 38-0; Department for Employee Insurance. control of the Capital City Airport and to Calendar with Committee Substitute received in House responsibility for maintaining the state's Feb 8-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 23-to State Government (H) SB 58 - AMENDMENTS air fleet and coordinating non- Feb 9-posted for passage in the Feb 27-posted in committee SCA (1, D. Thayer) - Amend Section 2 commercial air travel from the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, of the bill to specify that the Office of the Department of Military Affairs to the February 12 to Calendar Secretary within the Personnel Cabinet Department of Aviation within the Feb 12-3rd reading, passed 34-0 with Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules be responsible for the promulgation of Transportation Cabinet; confirm Committee Substitute Mar 7-posted for passage in the administrative regulations pursuant to Executive Orders 2006-681, 2006-682, Feb 13-received in House Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, the statutory authority granted to the 2006-685, 2006-839, and 2006-1015. Feb 16-to Local Government (H) March 8, 2007 secretary of the cabinet pursuant to the Feb 23-posted in committee Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 96-2; statutes. SB 59 - AMENDMENTS Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st received in Senate; enrolled, signed by SFA (1, D. Kelly) - Clarify that the HFA (1, J. Stewart III) - Give district reading, to Calendar each presiding officer; delivered to provisions in Section 2 of this Act or in executive director the title of district Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules Governor KRS 12.270 are not intended to limit or railroad engineer; require that the Mar 6-placed in the Orders of the Day Mar 19-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. remove any powers granted under KRS cabinet's Division of Planning work with Mar 7-3rd reading, passed 97-1 18) Chapter 18A to the Personnel Board, nor the district railroad engineer to carry out Mar 8-received in Senate; enrolled, shall it be construed to place the board the cabinet's statutory charge to regulate signed by President of the Senate SB 57 (BR 494) - D. Kelly under the control or direction of the railroads. Mar 9-enrolled, signed by Speaker of Personnel Cabinet. HFA (2, T. Burch) - Replace existing the House; delivered to Governor AN ACT relating to reorganization. HFA (1, D. Graham) - Remove language with the Free Conference Mar 19-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Confirm Executive Order 2006-1319, provisions changing the name of the Committee Report for HB 362. 20) dated October 17, 2006, to reaffirm, Governmental Services Center to the HFA (3/Title, T. Burch) - Make title abolish, or create various offices and Office for Employee and Organizational amendment. SB 61 (BR 242) - J. Westwood divisions within the Department of Development; remove provisions Education. changing the name of the Office of Jan 5-introduced in Senate AN ACT relating to driver training Government Training to the Office for Feb 6-to Transportation (S) schools. SB 57 - AMENDMENTS Employee and Organizational Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st Amend KRS 332.202 to require the HFA (1/P, J. Glenn) - Attach Development. reading, to Calendar State Police to issue a license to a driver provisions of HB 373/GA to SB 57/GA. HFA (2/P, M. Cherry) - Attach Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules training school that holds a license in HFA (2/Title, J. Glenn) - Make title provisions of HB 63/GA. Feb 16-posted for passage in the another jurisdiction upon completion of amendment. HFA (3/LM/AA/P, M. Cherry) - Attach Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, an application; amend KRS 332.204 to provisions of HB 418/GA. February 20 delete the requirement that the owner of Jan 5-introduced in Senate HFA (4/P, M. Cherry) - Attach Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 36-1 a driving training school be a resident of Feb 6-to Education (S) provisions of HB 62/GA. Feb 21-received in House the state and permit training school Feb 20-taken from committee; 1st HFA (5/Title, M. Cherry) - Make title Feb 26-to State Government (H) instructors to hold a valid operator's reading, to Calendar amendment. Feb 27-posted in committee license from another jurisdiction. Feb 21-2nd reading; returned to HFA (6/FN/P, D. Graham) - Attach the Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, Education (S) provisions of HB 212/GA. to Calendar Jan 5-introduced in Senate Feb 22-reported favorably, to Rules as HFA (7/Title, D. Graham) - Make title Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules; floor Feb 6-to Transportation (S) a Consent Bill amendment. amendment (1) filed Feb 26-posted for passage in the Mar 7-posted for passage in the SB 62 (BR 416) - K. Stine Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, Jan 5-introduced in Senate Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 27, 2007 Feb 6-to State and Local Government March 8, 2007 AN ACT relating to school principals. Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 33-0 (S) Mar 12-retained in the Orders of the Amend KRS 158.782 to require the Feb 28-received in House Feb 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Day Kentucky Department of Education to Mar 5-to Education (H); posted in to Calendar with committee amendment Mar 27-floor amendments (2) and (3- provide training to a minimum number of committee; posting waived (1) title) filed ; 3rd reading, passed 97-0 with principals in schools needing assistance; Mar 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 8-2nd reading, to Rules floor amendments (2) and (3-title) ; require a principal who receives training to Calendar Feb 9-posted for passage in the received in Senate; posted for passage to provide education assistance in his or Mar 7-2nd reading, to Rules Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, for concurrence in House floor her school in lieu of a highly skilled Mar 8-posted for passage in the February 12 amendments (2) and (3-title) ; Senate educator; require that if a school fails to Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, Feb 12-passed over and retained in concurred in House floor amendments make progress after a highly skilled March 9, 2007 the Orders of the Day; floor amendment (2) and (3-title) ; Bill passed 36-0; educator has provided education Mar 26-floor amendments (1) and (2- (1) filed enrolled, signed by each presiding assistance, the principal shall assume title) filed Feb 13-3rd reading, passed 36-0 with officer; delivered to Governor the duties of the highly skilled educator; committee amendment (1), floor Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. require the Kentucky Board of Education SB 58 (BR 174) - D. Kelly amendment (1) 140) to enact consequences if a school fails Feb 14-received in House to make progress after education AN ACT relating to reorganization. Feb 20-to State Government (H) SB 60/LM (BR 975) - D. Thayer assistance has been provided. Amend various sections of the Feb 27-posted in committee Kentucky Revised Statutes to confirm Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, AN ACT relating to uniform financial SB 62 - AMENDMENTS Executive Order 2006-680, dated June to Calendar information reports for local SCS - Retain original provisions, 19, 2006, to reorganize the Personnel Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules governments. except delete references to using the No Cabinet; rename the Office of Mar 8-posted for passage in the Amend KRS 65.900 to include Child Left Behind Act to determine the Government Training as the Office for Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, "consolidated local government" in level of assistance given to a school; Employee and Organizational March 9, 2007 definitions; require a principal be recommended by Development; rename the Governmental Mar 26-floor amendments (1) (2) (3) amend KRS 65.910, relating to uniform the superintendent before being selected Services Center Authority as the Office (4) (5-title) (6) and (7-title) filed financial information reports for local to participate in training for low- for Employee and Organizational governments, to delete specific contents performing schools; require a Development Authority; rename the SB 59 (BR 177) - D. Kelly for such reports which can be superintendent's recommendation before Division of Communications and determined by administrative regulation; the duties of a highly skilled educator are Recognition as the Division of Employee AN ACT relating to reorganization. amend KRS 65.920, 177.360, and transferred to the principal; delete the Services and Recognition; create the Amend KRS 12.020 and 174.020 to 177.366 to conform; repeal KRS 65.915. consequence that allows the demotion of Office of Communications; create the define the major organizational units in a school principal and removal of school staff if a school fails to make adequate make technical change to subsection inspections of long-term care facilities progress after specific assistance has Jan 5-introduced in Senate (8). and specify the federal penalties for been provided. Feb 6-to Judiciary (S) such a violation. Jan 5-introduced in Senate Jan 5-introduced in Senate SB 67/CI (BR 388) - R. Jones II Feb 6-to Banking and Insurance (S) Jan 5-introduced in Senate Feb 6-to Education (S) Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st Feb 6-to Health and Welfare (S) Feb 20-taken from committee; 1st AN ACT relating to driving under the reading, to Calendar reading, to Calendar influence. Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted SB 71 (BR 918) - T. Buford Feb 21-2nd reading; returned to Amend KRS 189A.010 to establish a for passage in the Regular Orders of the Education (S) per se violation of the DUI statute if the Day for Thursday, February 15 AN ACT relating to state holidays. Feb 22-reported favorably, to Rules as driver has at least a certain amount of a Feb 15-3rd reading, passed 36-0 Amend KRS 18A.190 to restore the a Consent Bill with Committee Substitute substance such as amphetamine, Feb 16-received in House third Monday in February (Presidents' Feb 26-posted for passage in the cocaine, heroin, and other substances in Feb 21-to Banking & Insurance (H) Day) as a mandatory holiday for state Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, the urine or blood; create a rebuttable Feb 26-posted in committee employees. February 27, 2007 presumption. Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 31-2 with reading, to Calendar with Committee Jan 5-introduced in Senate Committee Substitute SB 67 - AMENDMENTS Substitute Feb 6-to State and Local Government Feb 28-received in House SCS (1/CI) - Amend to lower the blood Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules (S) Mar 5-to Education (H) alcohol level required as an aggravating Mar 7-posted for passage in the circumstance DUI from 0.18 to 0.15 and Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, SB 72/LM (BR 988) - J. Rhoads SB 63/LM (BR 484) - E. Harris to modify the provisions of the bill March 8, 2007 relating to the commission of an offense Mar 8-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with AN ACT relating to the use of juries in Feb 28-WITHDRAWN while a controlled substance is present Committee Substitute competency hearings conducted in in the person's blood. Mar 9-received in Senate; posted for guardianship proceedings. SB 64 (BR 947) - G. Neal SCS (2/CI) - Amend to include passage for concurrence in House Amend KRS 387.570 and 387.580 to provisions of SFA #1, to include deletion Committee Substitute ; Senate allow a bench trial upon agreement of AN ACT relating to attorneys fees in of language relating to driving-related concurred in House Committee parties, when there is no objection from usury actions. restrictions in the DUI defense Substitute ; passed 37-0; enrolled, interested parties, and the judge finds no Amend KRS 360.020 relating to usury subsection, and to delete statutory right signed by each presiding officer; cause to require a jury trial. cases, to provide for attorney fees when of DUI suspects to make telephonic delivered to Governor there is a forfeiture of interest or a communication with an attorney upon Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Jan 5-introduced in Senate recovery of interest. arrest. 38) Feb 6-to Judiciary (S) SFA (1, R. Jones II) - Retain original Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st Jan 5-introduced in Senate provisions; add provision clarifying that SB 69 (BR 1021) - J. Denton, D. reading, to Consent Calendar Feb 6-to Judiciary (S) practitioner is a person defined in KRS Roeding Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules 218A.010 relating to controlled Mar 5-posted for passage in the SB 65 (BR 499) - R. Jones II, W. Blevins substances; add amendment of KRS AN ACT relating to Medicaid. Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, Jr, D. Boswell, T. Buford, J. Carroll, D. 189A.105 relating to penalties for not Amend KRS 205.564 to add a March 5, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 37-0 Harper Angel, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, taking a DUI test to lower the alcohol psychiatrist to the Medicaid Pharmacy Mar 6-received in House J. Rhoads, D. Ridley, D. Roeding, R. percentage from 0.18 to 0.15 to conform and Therapeutics Advisory Committee Mar 8-to Judiciary (H) Stivers II, E. Tori, J. Turner to amendment of KRS 218A.010. and require one of the psychiatrists to be practicing with a community mental SB 73/CI (BR 162) - R. Palmer II AN ACT relating to sex offender Jan 5-introduced in Senate health center. registration. Feb 6-to Judiciary (S) AN ACT relating to crimes and Amend KRS 17.500 to include e-mail, Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st SB 69 - AMENDMENTS punishments. instant message, chat, and other reading, to Calendar with Committee SCS - Retain original provisions of the Amend KRS 514.160, relating to Internet communications identities in the Substitute ; floor amendment (1) filed to bill; amend KRS 205.564 to require one identity theft, to increase the penalty list a registrant information required to Committee Substitute representative from the University of level where the victim suffers injury or be provided by a sex offender to the sex Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Louisville and one from the University of death as a result of the offense or its offender registration system. Feb 26-posted for passage in the Kentucky. remediation. Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, Jan 5-introduced in Senate February 27, 2007 Jan 5-introduced in Senate Jan 5-introduced in Senate Feb 6-to Judiciary (S) Feb 27-passed over and retained in Feb 6-to Health and Welfare (S) Feb 6-to Judiciary (S) Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, the Orders of the Day; taken from the Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st to Calendar Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted reading, to Calendar with Committee Introduced Feb. 6, 2007 Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules to Judiciary (S); reported favorably, to Substitute Feb 12-posted for passage in the Rules with Committee Substitute (2); Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules SB 1/FN (BR 1145) - K. Winters, G. Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, posted for passage in the Regular Feb 16-posted for passage in the Neal, D. Roeding February 13, 2007 Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, Feb 13-3rd reading, passed 36-0 27, 29007; 3rd reading; Committee February 20 AN ACT relating to strategies to Feb 14-received in House Substitute (1) withdrawn; passed 29-1 Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with improve academic achievement. Feb 20-to Judiciary (H) with Committee Substitute (2) Committee Substitute Create a new section of KRS Chapter Feb 26-posted in committee Feb 28-received in House Feb 21-received in House 158 to establish the Advanced Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st Mar 2-to Judiciary (H) Feb 26-to Health & Welfare (H) Placement Incentive Fund for the reading, to Calendar Mar 5-posted in committee Feb 27-posting waived; posted in establishment and expansion of AP Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules committee courses in calculus, physics, and Mar 7-posted for passage in the SB 68 (BR 389) - R. Jones II, T. Buford, Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, chemistry, beginning in 2008-2009 by Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, D. Roeding to Calendar providing grants to schools, funding the March 8, 2007 Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules cost of exams, and providing monetary Mar 8-3rd reading, passed 97-0 AN ACT relating to crimes and Mar 7-posted for passage in the rewards to teachers whose students Mar 9-received in Senate; enrolled, punishments. Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, score high on the AP exams; amend signed by each presiding officer; Amend KRS 304.39-080 relating to March 8, 2007 KRS 158.007 to modify the definition of delivered to Governor required motor vehicle insurance to Mar 8-3rd reading, passed 96-0 "Advanced Placement" or "AP"; amend Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. restate the existing prohibition on a Mar 9-received in Senate; enrolled, KRS 158.622 to delete obsolete date 29) person operating a motor vehicle signed by each presiding officer; references; amend KRS 158.6453 to currently appearing in KRS 304.99-060, delivered to Governor require reporting on AP participation, SB 66/CI (BR 387) - R. Jones II which transfers the prohibition from a Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. beginning in 2009-2010; amend KRS penalty-only statute to a substantive 33) 160.348 to conform; no later than 2008- AN ACT relating to crimes and statute. 2009, require the Kentucky Department punishments. SB 70 (BR 919) - T. Buford of Education to pay for the cost of AP Amend KRS 218A.1415 relating to SB 68 - AMENDMENTS examinations for public school students; possession of controlled substances in HCS - Delete subsection 10; change AN ACT relating to long-term care amend KRS 164.002 to modify the the first degree to include substances subsection (5) to require the operator to facilities. definition of "Advanced Placement" or which have been absorbed into the provide security on a motor vehicle Amend KRS 216.543 to require the "AP"; amend 164.098 to delete obsolete human body. operated with an owner's permission; posting of penalties for announcing date references; amend KRS 164.7874 regulations to require courses of study or establish that funds shall be used to professional development; amend KRS to conform; amend KRS 164.7879 to educational experiences in all middle provide payments for teachers to attend 158.007 to modify the definition of provide a supplemental KEES award to and high schools to fulfill the summer institutes in advanced science "Advanced Placement" or "AP" and students who are eligible for free of prerequisites for AP courses in calculus, and mathematics, support for high "core curriculum"; amend KRS 158.622 reduced price lunch of $200 for each AP chemistry, and physics; require a school- schools for advanced science and to delete obsolete date references; exam score of "3", $250 for each AP based decision making council to adopt mathematics courses in high schools, amend KRS 158.6453 to require exam score of "4", and $300 for each AP a curriculum that conforms; amend KRS grants to middle schools to support reporting on AP and IB participation and exam score of "5"; amend KRS 158.007 to modify the definition of accelerated student learning in science test scores on school report cards; 164.7881 to eliminate retroactively the "Advanced Placement" or "AP"; amend and mathematics, professional amend KRS 160.348 to require KDE to three year limit on the extension of KRS 158.622 to delete obsolete date development for elementary school make available to middle and high eligibility for a Kentucky Educational references; amend KRS 158.6453 to teachers, scholarships to public high schools information regarding the Excellence Scholarship (KEES) award require reporting on AP participation on school students to take Advanced prerequisites for success in secondary, for a student who was unable to enroll or school report cards, beginning in 2009- Placement (AP) science and AP, and IB courses; require KDE to complete an academic term due military 2010; amend KRS 160.348 to require mathematics courses through the provide instructional supports to service; amend KRS 164.7885 to require that high school students with the Kentucky Virtual High School (KVHS), teachers, including professional a school to submit AP scores to the required prerequisite courses shall be and grants to school districts for an development for assisting students Kentucky Higher Education Assistance admitted to courses offering college energy technology career track; enrolled in the KVHS; require that all Authority, unless the authority receives credit; require the Kentucky Department establish that the fund may receive students with prerequisite courses shall the scores directly from the testing of Education no later than 2008-2009, to funds from public and private sources; be admitted to AP, IB, dual credit, or service; require a school to report a pay for the cost of AP examinations for require funds to be distributed only after dual enrollment courses; require a student's eligibility status for free or public school students; amend KRS all other available funds have been school to permit a student to enroll in a reduced-price lunch; require qualifying 164.002 to modify the definition of obligated; require the Kentucky Board of course with the KVHS if the school does AP scores to be included in the "Advanced Placement" or "AP"; amend Education (KBE) to promulgate not offer it; require KDE to pay for the calculation of KEES awards. KRS 164.098 to delete obsolete date administrative regulations; require the cost of AP and IB examinations for references; amend KRS 164.7874 to Kentucky Department of Education public school students, as soon as funds SB 1 - AMENDMENTS conform; amend KRS 164.7879 to (KDE) to administer the fund, develop are available; establish that all middle SCS - Create a new section of KRS provide a supplemental KEES award to the application and approval process for school students shall have access to a Chapter 158 to establish the Advanced students who are eligible for free or the energy technology career track rigorous curriculum; require each middle Placement incentive fund for the reduced-price lunch based on AP program, approve grant recipients, and school to establish a policy on the establishment and expansion of AP examination scores; amend KRS distribute funds; require KDE to pay the recruitment and assignment of students courses in calculus, physics, and 164.7881 to eliminate retroactively the fees, expenses, and stipends for to secondary work and require them to chemistry, beginning in 2008-2009; three-year limit on the extension of advanced science and mathematics make secondary courses available to establish that funds shall be used to pay eligibility for a Kentucky Educational summer institutes for teachers; set forth students; amend KRS 164.002 to modify for the cost of AP exams, provide two- Excellence Scholarship (KEES) award the criteria to be taken into account for the definition of "Advanced Placement" year grants to middle and high schools, for a student who was unable to enroll or determining the amounts to be or "AP" and define "International provide monetary rewards to teachers complete an academic term due to distributed to high schools; establish Baccalaureate"; amend KRS 164.098 to whose students score high on AP exams military service; amend KRS 164.7885 to permissible uses of funds distributed to delete obsolete date references; amend in calculus, chemistry, and physics, and require a school to submit AP scores to support advanced science and KRS 164.525 to require the Center for provide scholarships for AP courses in the Kentucky Higher Education mathematics courses; require high Mathematics to advise KDE and KBE calculus, chemistry, and physics through Assistance Authority, unless the schools receiving funds to provide regarding the Middle School the Kentucky Virtual High School; authority receives the scores directly assurances that all teachers will Mathematics and Science Scholars require the Kentucky Board of Education from the testing service; require a school participate in summer institutes, and all Program; amend KRS 164.7874 to to promulgate administrative regulations; to report a student's eligibility status for students completing AP and conform; amend KRS 164.7879 to require the Kentucky Department of free or reduced-price lunch; require International Baccalaureate (IB) courses provide a supplemental Kentucky Education to administer the incentive qualifying AP scores to be included in will take the related examinations; Educational Excellence Scholarship fund, approve grant recipients, and the calculation of KEES awards. require KBE to establish long-term and (KEES) award to students who are distribute funds; establish qualifications SCA (1/Title, K. Winters) - Make title annual statewide goals; require KDE to eligible for free or reduced-price lunch for receiving a grant and the permissible amendment. develop and implement a program based on AP or IB examination scores; uses of funds; require the Kentucky SFA (1, E. Scorsone) - Delete all evaluation framework; require KDE to amend KRS 164.7881 to eliminate Board of Education to establish long- provisions of SB 1; direct the Legislative submit an annual report to LRC by retroactively the three-year limit on the term and annual statewide goals; require Research Commission (LRC) to December 1; create a new section of extension of eligibility for a KEES award the Kentucky Department of Education establish a Task Force on Accelerated KRS Chapter 158 to require KDE to for a student who was unable to enroll or to develop and implement a research Learning in Mathematics and Science; establish the Middle School Mathematics complete an academic term due to agenda measuring progress against set forth the membership of the task and Science Scholars Program; require military service; amend KRS 164.7885 to statewide goals; require the department force; require the task force to conduct a the program to offer two-year renewable require a school to submit AP and IB to submit an annual report to LRC by study of strategies to ensure that all grants to middle schools to support scores to the Kentucky Higher Education December 1; establish the amounts of public high school students have the intensive, accelerated student learning in Assistance Authority, unless the monetary awards for AP calculus, opportunity for rigorous, intensive, mathematics and science; require that authority receives the scores directly chemistry, and physics teachers based accelerated instruction in mathematics program offerings be provided at no cost from the testing service; require a school on student test scores and eligibility for and science; require the task force to to students; set forth activities that may to report a student's eligibility status for free or reduced price lunch; set a submit a written report to LRC by be supported by the program; require free or reduced-price lunch; require maximum annual aggregate award December 1, 2008. that grant applications ensure that qualifying AP and IB scores to be amount of $10,000 per teacher; SFA (2, E. Scorsone) - Delete all participants have the requisite skills and included in the calculation of KEES establish that the monetary awards for provisions of SB 1/SCS; direct the will receive ongoing, relevant awards; create a new section of KRS teachers shall not be used in the Legislative Research Commission (LRC) professional development; require the Chapter 161 to require the Education calculation for contributions for KTRS; to establish a Task Force on Accelerated program to focus attention on attracting Professional Standards Board to create a new section of KRS Chapter Learning in Mathematics and Science; members of subpopulations with develop a training program for school 158 to require the Kentucky Department set forth the membership of the task academic achievement gaps to personnel to become online coaches to of Education, no later than September 1, force; require the task force to conduct a participate; amend KRS 156.160 to provide support students enroll in the 2008, to establish the Middle School study of strategies to ensure that all require KBE to promulgate KVHS; require, by July 1, 2009, at least Mathematics and Science Scholars public high school students have the administrative regulations to require one person in each middle and high Program; require the program to offer opportunity for rigorous, intensive, courses of study or educational school to have successfully completed two-year renewable grants to middle accelerated instruction in mathematics experiences in all middle and high the online coaches training. schools to support intensive, accelerated and science; require the task force to schools to fulfill the prerequisites for HFA (1, F. Rasche) - Amend to student learning in mathematics and submit a written report to LRC by advanced science and mathematics authorize the Kentucky Department of science; require that program offerings December 1, 2008. courses; amend KRS 156.553 to permit Education to use up to 1 percent of the be provided at no cost to students; set HCS/FN - Create a new section of the teacher's professional growth fund to science and mathematics advancement forth activities that may be supported by KRS Chapter 158 to define "advanced be used to provide professional fund to contract for services to the program; require the program to science and mathematics"; create a new development for teachers participating in administer the program; clarify the focus attention on attracting members of section of KRS Chapter 158 to establish the Middle School Mathematics and requirements for the annual report and subpopulations with academic the science and mathematics Science Scholars Program; amend KRS program evaluation framework; require achievement gaps to participate; amend advancement fund to provide incentives 156.555 to require the Center for Middle funds appropriated to pay for AP and IB KRS 156.160 to require the Kentucky for elementary, middle, and high schools School Academic Achievement to assist examinations to be distributed only after Board of Education, beginning in 2008- to expand student access to rigorous Middle School Mathematics and Science all other available funds have been 2009, to promulgate administrative curricula in science and mathematics; Scholars Program grant recipients with obligated; make technical corrections; and make conforming amendments. require the task force to conduct a study Feb 6-introduced in Senate AN ACT relating to reorganization. of differentiated compensation for Feb 8-to Agriculture and Natural Confirm Executive Order 2006-678, Feb 6-introduced in Senate teachers; require the task force to submit Resources (S) dated June 19, 2006, except for the Feb 8-to Education (S) a written report to the LRC by December Feb 13-taken from committee; laid on provision abolishing the East Kentucky Feb 13-taken from committee; laid on 1, 2008. clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st Corporation; change the name of the clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar Department for Local Government to reading, to Calendar Feb 6-introduced in Senate Feb 14-2nd reading; returned to Governor's Office for Local Development Feb 14-2nd reading; returned to Feb 8-to Education (S) Agriculture & Natural Resources (S) (GOLD); amend KRS 147A.002 to Education (S); floor amendment (2) filed Feb 13-taken from committee; laid on Feb 15-reported favorably, to Rules establish the organizational structure of to Committee Substitute, floor clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st with Committee Substitute GOLD to consist of the Office of amendment (1) filed reading, to Calendar Feb 20-posted for passage in the Financial Management and Feb 15-reported favorably, to Rules Feb 14-2nd reading; returned to Consent Orders of the Day for Administration, Office of Federal Grants, with Committee Substitute, committee Education (S); floor amendment (1) filed Wednesday, February 21, 2006 Office of State Grants, Office of Legal amendment (1-title) ; posted for passage to Committee Substitute, floor Feb 21-taken from the Consent Services, and Office of Field Services, in the Regular Orders of the Day for amendment (2) filed Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular each office headed by an executive Friday, February 16 Feb 15-reported favorably, to Rules Orders of the Day; passed over and director; amend KRS 147A.003 to attach Feb 16-3rd reading; floor amendment with Committee Substitute ; posted for retained in the Orders of the Day; floor the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority to (2) defeated ; floor amendment (1) passage in the Regular Orders of the amendment (1) filed to Committee GOLD rather than the Office of the withdrawn ; passed 28-7 with Committee Day for Friday, February 16 Substitute Governor; provide that office space for Substitute, committee amendment (1- Feb 16-3rd reading; floor amendment Feb 22-3rd reading; floor amendment the authority be provided by GOLD; title) (1) defeated ; floor amendment (2) (1) withdrawn ; passed 36-0 with amend KRS 147A.200 add the Kentucky Feb 21-received in House withdrawn ; passed 26-7 with Committee Committee Substitute ; received in Infrastructure Authority to the members Feb 26-to Appropriations & Revenue Substitute House of the Gas System Restoration and (H) Feb 21-received in House Feb 23-to Local Government (H) Development Project Account Review Feb 28-posted in committee Feb 26-to Appropriations & Revenue Feb 27-reassigned to Tourism Board; amend and repeal various Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, (H) Development & Energy (H); posting statutes to abolish the Division of Flood to Calendar with Committee Substitute ; Feb 28-posted in committee waived Control, Kentucky Community floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, Development Office, Kentucky Substitute SB 74 (BR 1030) - E. Harris, D. Boswell to Calendar with Committee Substitute Appalachian Commission, West Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules Kentucky Corporation, Water Resource for passage in the Regular Orders of the AN ACT relating to local government. Mar 6-floor amendment (1) filed to Development Commission, Appalachian Day for Monday, March 12, 2007 Create a new section of KRS Chapter Committee Substitute, floor amendment Development Council, Flood Control Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with 147A to require the Department for Local (2) filed ; placed in the Orders of the Day Advisory Commission, County Officials' Committee Substitute, floor amendment Government to monitor and support Mar 7-3rd reading, passed 98-1 with Compensation Board, Local Government (1) ; received in Senate telecommunications and information Committee Substitute, floor amendment Advisory Commission, State-Federal technology investments and adoption (1) Council for Balanced Economic Growth, SB 2/FN (BR 367) - D. Kelly, G. Neal, D. throughout Kentucky; permit the Mar 8-received in Senate and Kentucky Urban Affairs Council; Roeding Department for Local Government to Mar 9-posted for passage for provide directions to the reviser of contract with a competent nonprofit concurrence in House Committee statutes. AN ACT relating to teacher incentives. organization; amend KRS 147A.021 to Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; Senate Create a new section of KRS 157 to conform. concurred in House Committee Feb 6-introduced in Senate require local school districts, under Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; passed Feb 8-to State and Local Government certain conditions, to provide a salary SB 74 - AMENDMENTS 37-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding (S) supplement to teachers of chemistry, SCS - Retain original provisions of bill, officer; delivered to Governor Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st physics, or mathematics and to teachers except clarify that no authority is given to Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. reading, to Calendar of chemistry, physics, or mathematics the Department for Local Government 37) Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules employed in schools with a high over providers of telecommunications Feb 16-posted for passage in the concentration of students eligible for free and information technology. SB 75/LM (BR 897) - R. Stivers II Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, or reduced lunch; require the Education SFA (1, E. Harris) - Delete all text February 20 Professional Standards Board to beginning page 1, line 3 through page 2, AN ACT relating to venue in civil Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 37-0 promulgate administrative regulations. line 7, replace "telecommunications" and actions including the Commonwealth Feb 21-received in House "advanced telecommunications" with and its agencies. Feb 26-to State Government (H) SB 2 - AMENDMENTS "broadband," except on page 1, line 12; Amend various sections of the Feb 27-posted in committee SCS - Retain original provisions; add beginning page 4, line 3, replace Kentucky Revised Statutes relating to Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, a new section to amend KRS 164.757 to "telecommunications" with "broadband" modify standards for venue and to Calendar include elementary teachers enrolled in beginning page 4, line 3. jurisdiction in actions involving the Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules postsecondary education mathematics HCS - Retain original provisions, Commonwealth and its offices and Mar 7-posted for passage in the classes as eligible recipients of the except replace "telecommunications" agencies. Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, teacher certification loan fund; require and "advanced telecommunications" March 8, 2007 the Education Professional Standards with "broadband"; and specify that no SB 75 - AMENDMENTS Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 82-14; Board to establish an accelerated implied authority, regulatory or SFA (1, D. Williams) - Include received in Senate; enrolled, signed by certification program for certified otherwise, is given the Department for amendment to KRS 452.405 to provide each presiding officer; delivered to teachers to obtain additional certification Local Government over providers of for a default venue rule for actions Governor in physics, chemistry, or mathematics; broadband and information technology. brought against statewide public Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. allow teachers enrolled in accelerated HFA (1, T. McKee) - Create a new agencies and to create a process for 47) certification program to be exempt from section of KRS Chapter 75 to provide effectuating statewide venue and court repayment of loans; make technical that if taxes were collected by a fire assignment for certain actions brought SB 77/LM (BR 1344) - E. Tori corrections. district when no taxes were due for the against statewide public agencies and SFA (1, E. Scorsone) - Delete all tax year beginning on January 1, 2005, state officers. AN ACT relating to peace officer provisions of SB 2/SCS; direct the any unrefunded tax moneys will not certification. Legislative Research Commission (LRC) escheat to the state after two years after Feb 6-introduced in Senate Amend KRS 15.400, relating to to establish a Task Force on payment of the taxes but will be Feb 8-to Judiciary (S) certification of peace officers, to permit Differentiated Compensation for available for expenditure by the fire Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st an officer to retain certification if Teachers; set forth the membership of district board. reading, to Calendar employed within sixty days by another the task force; require the task force to HFA (2, T. McKee) - Create a new Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; floor law enforcement agency that is subject conduct a study of differentiated section of KRS Chapter 75 to provide amendment (1) filed ; posted for to certification; amend KRS 15.386 and compensation for teachers; require the that if taxes were collected by a fire passage in the Regular Orders of the 15.392 to conform, amend KRS 15.380 task force to submit a written report to district when no taxes were due for the Day for Tuesday, February 20 to provide that persons employed as the LRC by December 1, 2008. tax year beginning on January 1, 2005, Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 34-2 with detectives for Commonwealth or county SFA (2, E. Scorsone) - Delete all any unrefunded tax moneys will not floor amendment (1) attorneys may be certified. provisions of SB 2; direct the Legislative escheat to the state after two years after Feb 21-received in House Research Commission (LRC) to payment of the taxes but will be Feb 26-to Judiciary (H) Feb 6-introduced in Senate establish a Task Force on Differentiated available for expenditure by the fire Feb 8-to Judiciary (S) Compensation for Teachers; set forth district board. SB 76 (BR 168) - D. Kelly the membership of the task force; SB 78 (BR 175) - D. Kelly Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 6-introduced in Senate of an engineering and traffic AN ACT relating to reorganization. Feb 16-posted for passage in the Feb 8-to Appropriations and Revenue investigation, the secretary may increase Repeal, reenact, and amend KRS Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, (S) the speed limit to 70 miles per hour on 11.200, relating to the Commission on February 20 an interstate highway; amend KRS Small Business Advocacy, as a new Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 37-0 SB 82/FN (BR 1281) - B. Leeper 189.340 to conform. section of KRS Chapter 154; reduce Feb 21-received in House membership to 13 members to be Feb 26-to State Government (H) AN ACT relating to brownfields SB 83 - AMENDMENTS appointed by the Governor; attach the Feb 27-posted in committee redevelopment. SFA (1, B. Guthrie) - Allow the commission to the Cabinet for Economic Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, Amend KRS 132.010 to provide Secretary of Transportation to increase Development for administrative to Calendar with Committee Substitute definitions for "hazardous substances", the speed limit to 70 miles per hour on purposes; amend KRS 11.175, 12.020, Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules "pollutant or contaminate", and parkways with four or more lanes; make 13A.270, and 13A.280 to conform; Mar 7-posted for passage in the "Release", and to provide for amended technical amendment. repeal and reenact KRS 11.202 as a Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, definition of "qualifying voluntary HCS - Retain original provisions of SB new section of KRS Chapter 154; March 8, 2007 environmental remediation property"; 83; add language specifying highways confirm Kentucky Economic Mar 8-3rd reading, passed 90-5 with amend KRS 132.020 to replace "bona on which the Transportation Cabinet Development Partnership Resolution No. Committee Substitute fide prospective purchaser" with " may increase the speed limit to seventy 06-02. Mar 9-received in Senate; floor "property owner" and amend the (70) miles per hour. amendment (1) filed to Committee requirements for a property owner's Feb 6-introduced in Senate Substitute ; floor amendment (1) qualification for a $0.015 per $100 ad Feb 6-introduced in Senate Feb 8-to Economic Development, withdrawn ; posted for passage for valorum state tax rate, and replace the Feb 8-to Transportation (S) Tourism & Labor (S) concurrence in House Committee term "covenant not to sue" with "No Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st Substitute ; Senate concurred in House Further Action Letter"; amend KRS reading, to Calendar; floor amendment reading, to Consent Calendar Committee Substitute ; passed 37-0; 132.200 to replace "issuance of a (1) filed Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted enrolled, signed by each presiding covenant not to sue by the Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules for passage in the Consent Orders of the officer; delivered to Governor Environmental and Public Protection Feb 16-posted for passage in the Day for Thursday, February 22, 2007 Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Cabinet for all known releases on the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 38-0; 24) property" with "Environmental and Public February 20 received in House Protection Cabinet's issuance of a No Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 34-2 with Feb 23-to Economic Development (H) SB 80 (BR 1002) - J. Westwood, D. Further Action Letter or its equivalent", floor amendment (1) Roeding, D. Thayer pursuant to the correction of the effect of Feb 21-received in House SB 79 (BR 846) - D. Kelly all known releases of hazardous Feb 26-to Transportation (H); posting AN ACT relating to abortion. substances, pollutants, contaminants, waived; posted in committee AN ACT relating to reorganization. Create a new section of KRS 311.710 petroleum, or petroleum products Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st Amend KRS 194A.030 to establish the to 311.820 to require that a physician located on the property consistent with a reading, to Calendar with Committee Department for Aging and Independent administer anesthetic to a fetus of 20 corrective action plan approved by the Substitute Living; to move the Governor's Office of weeks gestational age or older prior to environmental and Public Protection Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules Wellness and Physical Activity from the performing an abortion; amend KRS Cabinet..."; amend KRS 141.418 to Mar 1-posted for passage in the Cabinet for Health and Family Services; 311.725 to include fetal pain information define "Hazardous substances", Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, to move the Division of Women's within the information provided to a "pollutant or contaminant", "petroleum", March 2, 2007 Physical and Mental Health from the patient prior to an abortion under the "petroleum products", and "Release", Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 69-27 with Department for Human Support Services informed consent law; amend KRS and amend the definition of "Qualifying Committee Substitute ; received in to the Department for Public Health; 311.990 to provide that violation of the voluntary environmental remediation Senate amend KRS 194A.085 to conform; newly created section is a Class D property", and provide that taxpayers Mar 9-posted for passage for amend KRS 12.020 to conform; repeal felony. claiming a credit shall submit receipts to concurrence in House Committee and reenact KRS 11.550 as a new the Environmental and Public Protection Substitute ; Senate concurred in House section of KRS 194A, and amend to SB 80 - AMENDMENTS Cabinet. Committee Substitute ; passed 35-2; move the Telehealth board from the SCS - Retain original provision to enrolled, signed by each presiding Commonwealth Office of Technology to include fetal pain information within the Feb 6-introduced in Senate officer; delivered to Governor the Cabinet for Health and Family information provided to a patient prior to Feb 8-to Agriculture and Natural Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Services; amend KRS 148.527, an abortion under the informed consent Resources (S) 43) 194A.135, 194A.622, 194A.700, law; delete the requirement that a Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st 194A.705, 194A.707, 194A.709, physician administer anesthetic to a reading, to Calendar SB 84 (BR 957) - B. Guthrie 194A.715, 194A.723, 194A.729, fetus of 20 weeks gestational age or Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules 205.179, 205.470, 209.005, 209.500, older prior to performing an abortion; Feb 20-posted for passage in the AN ACT relating to commercial 210.031, 210.502, 216.541, 216.583, delete the associated penalty. Regular Orders of the Day for driver's licenses. 216.787, 216.793, 216B.332, 205.559, Wednesday, February 21, 2006 Amend KRS 281A.080 to require an 304.17A-138, and 342.315 to conform; Feb 6-introduced in Senate Feb 21-3rd reading, passed 36-0 employer to notify the Transportation confirm Executive Order 2006-693 dated Feb 8-to Judiciary (S) Feb 22-received in House Cabinet following the receipt of June 20, 2006 relating to the transfer of Feb 27-taken from committee; 1st Feb 23-to Appropriations & Revenue confirmation of a positive drug test of an the Telehealth Board; confirm Executive reading, to Calendar (H) employee required to be tested pursuant Order 2006-1195 dated September 19, Feb 28-2nd reading; returned to Mar 7-posting waived to Title 49 of the Code of Federal 2006 which reorganizes the service Judiciary (S); reported favorably, to Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, Regulations; amend KRS 281A.190 to regions of the Department for Rules with Committee Substitute to Calendar require the cabinet to suspend a driver Community Based Services, Cabinet for Mar 1-posted for passage in the Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted from operating a commercial motor Health and Family Services; confirm Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, for passage in the Regular Orders of the vehicle upon receipt of notice from an Executive Order 2006-1550 dated March 1, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 31-3 Day for Monday, March 12, 2007 employer; provide that the suspension December 18, 2006 relating to with Committee Substitute ; received in Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 97-1; continue until proof that an assessment establishing the Department of Aging House received in Senate; enrolled, signed by and treatment has been received by the and Independent Living and other Mar 6-to Health & Welfare (H) each presiding officer; delivered to cabinet. agencies. Governor SB 81 (BR 1313) - J. Pendleton, E. Tori Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Feb 6-introduced in Senate SB 79 - AMENDMENTS 100) Feb 8-to Transportation (S) HCS - Make technical correction. AN ACT relating to the individual HFA (1, K. Stein) - Retain original income tax. SB 83 (BR 1026) - B. Guthrie SB 85 (BR 900) - D. Kelly provisions, except change the name of Amend KRS 141.010 to exclude from the Department for Aging and the definition of "Adjusted gross income" AN ACT relating to speed limits. AN ACT relating to reorganization. Independent Living to the Department all compensation received by an Amend KRS 189.390 to establish a Confirm Executive Order 2006-1299, for Aging, Independent Living, and Long- individual for active duty in the United maximum speed limit of 65 miles per moving the Office of Energy Policy from Term Care; amend various sections to States Armed Forces, including hour for interstate highways; 55 miles the Commerce Cabinet to the Office of conform. compensation received by members of per hour on all other state highways and the Governor. the National Guard or Reserve called to 35 miles per hour on roads in a business Feb 6-introduced in Senate active duty; provide that the exclusion or residential district; prohibit the SB 85 - AMENDMENTS Feb 8-to Health and Welfare (S) applies for tax years beginning on or secretary of transportation from SCS - Create new section of KRS Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st after January 1, 2008. increasing any speed limit in excess of Chapter 152 to establish a Utility reading, to Calendar 65 miles per hour, except upon the basis Savings Council; attach the council to the Office of Energy Policy; confirm retroactive to January 1, 2003, the to out-of-state pharmacies which do 218A. Executive Order 2006-692. provision that a certified school business in Kentucky to require use of HFA (2, J. Vincent) - Retain original HCS - Make technical amendment. employee on active military leave who Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Site provisions, except specify definitions HFA (1/P, S. Brinkman) - Delete returns to school in a timely manner seal other approved seal; require return relate only to KRS Chapter 218A and original provisions of the bill and replace receives retirement service credit for the address on packages sent to Kentucky; are for criminal prosecution purposes with the provisions of HB 334/GA and period of active military duty. permit Board of Pharmacy to waive only; delete definitions of "good faith SCA#1 and SCA#2 to HB 334/GA. registration requirements for businesses prior examination," "medical history," HFA (2/Title, S. Brinkman) - Make title Feb 6-introduced in Senate with limited transactions; amend KRS "medical record," and "practitioner- amendment. Feb 8-to Appropriations and Revenue 315.320 relating to filling of prescriptions patient relationship"; make technical (S) and licensing matters to delete penalty amendments. Feb 6-introduced in Senate Feb 27-taken from committee; 1st for a pharmacist or permitted pharmacy HFA (3, K. Stein) - Amend KRS Feb 8-to Agriculture and Natural reading, to Calendar or agent thereof which inadvertently lets 315.010 to provide exemption for Resources (S) Feb 28-2nd reading; returned to a license or permit lapse for less than 30 hospice providers. Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st Appropriations & Revenue (S) days; specify that unless a more specific HFA (4, J. Vincent) - Retain original reading, to Calendar with Committee penalty applies in KRS Chapter 315 that provisions, except specify definitions Substitute SB 88/LM/CI (BR 1328) - R. Stivers II, anyone who uses the Internet to relate only to KRS Chapter 218A and Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted D. Harper Angel, R. Jones II, J. communicate or facilitate the sale of are for criminal prosecution purposes for passage in the Consent Orders of the Pendleton, J. Rhoads, D. Roeding controlled substances has violated KRS only; delete definitions of "good faith Day for Tuesday, February 20 Chapter 218A; amend KRS 218A.435 prior examination," "medical history," Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with AN ACT relating to drugs. relating to asset forfeiture to add "medical record," and "practitioner- Committee Substitute Amend KRS 218A.010 relating to forfeited coin or currency and change patient relationship"; make technical Feb 21-received in House controlled substances definitions to distribution formula for assets to 75% to amendments. Feb 26-to State Government (H) define "good faith prior examination" and law enforcement agency or agencies Feb 27-posted in committee "telehealth"; amend KRS 218A.140 seizing the property; 20% to Feb 6-introduced in Senate; to Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, relating to controlled substances Commonwealth's or county attorney Committee on Committees (S); taken to Calendar with Committee Substitute offenses to add obtaining or attempting prosecuting the case; 5% to the Justice from committee; 1st reading; returned to Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules to obtain a prescription for a controlled Cabinet for asset forfeiture training and Committee on Committees (S) Mar 7-posted for passage in the substance without a valid practitioner- payments to state and local agencies for Feb 7-taken from committee; laid on Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, patient relationship and to add knowingly programs relative to drug abuse clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; March 8, 2007 assisting a person in obtaining or prevention, treatment, education, and 2nd reading; returned to Committee on Mar 27-floor amendments (1) and (2- attempting to obtain a prescription in similar purposes; amend KRS Committees (S); to Judiciary (S) title) filed violation of the chapter; amend KRS 218A.1446 relating to recordkeeping by Feb 8-reported favorably, to Rules 218A.1402 to broaden the language of pharmacies distributing ephedrine, with Committee Substitute ; posted for SB 86 (BR 1050) - J. Westwood, V. the offense to include criminal pseudoephedrine, and passage in the Regular Orders of the McGaha, J. Pendleton conspiracy to violate any section in the phenylpropanolamine to require Day for Thursday, February 8; 3rd chapter; amend KRS 218A.1404 relating electronic recordkeeping and electronic reading, passed 37-0 with Committee AN ACT relating to family resource to controlled substance penalties for reporting to the state if state funding for Substitute and youth services centers. situations where no other specific the system becomes available; permit Feb 9-received in House Amend KRS 156.4975 to delete penalty is provided to raise all offenses exemptions upon showing of additional Feb 14-to Judiciary (H) reference to the interagency task force to a Class D felony for the first offense cost to the pharmacy. Feb 20-posting waived; posted in on family resource and youth services and a Class C felony for each committee centers; create a new section of KRS subsequent offense; amend KRS SB 88 - AMENDMENTS Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Chapter 156 to specify purpose of family 218A.1446 relating to pseudoephedrine SCS/LM/CI - Retain original to Calendar with Committee Substitute resource and youth services centers, recordkeeping to change language from provisions; amend KRS 218A.010 Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted eligibility criteria, core components "license" to "permit"; amend KRS relating to controlled substances for passage in the Regular Orders of the required for a family resource center and 218A.202 relating to the KASPER definitions to reference persons Day for Friday, March 9, 2007; floor a youth services center, specify funding program to increase the second and authorized by state or federal law in amendment (1) filed to Committee from the Cabinet for Health and Family subsequent offense penalty for failure to definition of "practitioner"; amend of KRS Substitute Services, specify a funded center may transmit data to the cabinet a Class D 218A.1402 relating to conspiracy to Mar 9-floor amendments (3) and (4) remain eligible until the percent of the felony and to change offense from commit a controlled substance offense filed to Committee Substitute, floor student body eligible for free or reduced "knowingly" to "intentionally"; increase to clarify that the penalty is the same as amendment (2) filed school food is below 20% for five the penalty for unauthorized disclosure that for the underlying offense; create a Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with consecutive years, and prohibit abortion of KASPER data for a second and new section relating taking medical Committee Substitute, floor amendments counseling or referrals; amend KRS subsequent offense to a Class C felony records to name the offense "theft of a (1) (3) and (4) ; received in Senate 156.4977 to require center staff to have and to change offense from "knowingly" medical record"; make technical Mar 26-posted for passage for in-service training on risk issues and to "intentionally"; create a new section of correction; amend of KRS 315.035 concurrence in House Committee obstacles to education. KRS Chapter 218A to create the crime relating to internet pharmacy Substitute, floor amendments (1) (3) and of criminal possession of a medical requirements to apply the requirement (4) ; Senate concurred in House Feb 6-introduced in Senate record with intent for the purposes of that a pharmacy must do more than 25 Committee Substitute, floor amendments Feb 8-to Education (S) obtaining a controlled substance as a percent of its business via the internet (1) (3) and (4) ; passed 38-0; enrolled, Feb 20-taken from committee; 1st Class D felony for the first offense and a for the Verified Internet Pharmacy signed by each presiding officer; reading, to Calendar Class C felony for subsequent offenses; Practice Site seal program to apply; delivered to Governor Feb 21-2nd reading; returned to create a new section of KRS Chapter amend of KRS 218A.435 relating to Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Education (S) 218A to create the crime of theft of a asset forfeiture to change the formula to 124) Feb 22-reported favorably, to Rules as medical record as a Class D felony for 80 to seizing law enforcement agency, a Consent Bill first offense and a Class C felony for 15 to the office of the prosecutor SB 89 (BR 1049) - J. Pendleton Feb 26-posted for passage in the subsequent offenses; create a new prosecuting the case or to the Attorney Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, section of KRS Chapter 218A to create General if the Attorney General AN ACT relating to licensure of February 27, 2007 the crime of criminal falsification of a prosecuted the case; make technical professionals who provide therapeutic Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 33-0 medical record as a Class D felony for correction relating to proceeds from care to persons with hearing and related Feb 28-received in House the first offense and a Class C felony for vehicle sale by a law enforcement communication disorders. Mar 2-to Education (H) each subsequent offense; amend KRS agency. Amend KRS 334A.020 to define Mar 5-posted in committee; posting 315.010 relating to definitions for the HCS/LM/CI - Retain most original "interim license," "provisional license," waived pharmacy laws to add definitions for provisions except modify asset forfeiture and "temporary license"; amend KRS Mar 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, "good faith prior examination," "medical distribution formula; amend 218A.202 to 334A.035 to establish new requirements to Calendar history," "medical record," and prohibit disclosure of information for an interim license to practice as a Mar 7-2nd reading, to Rules; "practitioner-patient relationship," and pursuant to discovery requests or as speech-language pathologist and a recommitted to Appropriations & add additional legend abbreviations to evidence in civil action unless otherwise speech-language pathology assistant; Revenue (H) the definition of "prescription drug"; authorized; repeal 218A.435 - Asset require a person with an interim license amend KRS 315.035 relating to the forfeiture trust fund. to practice as a speech-language SB 87 (BR 1225) - J. Pendleton, E. Tori application of the Verified Internet HFA (1, R. Webb) - Retain original pathologist who fails the national Pharmacy Practice Site to permit the provisions; delete amendment of KRS examination to submit documentation of AN ACT relating to a certified school Board of Pharmacy to designate 218A.1404 that would have increased preparation for the examination as employee with active military service. substantially similar programs as penalties for drug offenses that have no required by the board; permit the Amend KRS 161.168 to make approved; amend KRS 315.0531 relating other penalty specified in KRS Chapter applicant to continue to practice under the interim license with supervision as planning and zoning authority shall not each presiding officer; delivered to surety bond be approved by the county required in accordance with KRS be abrogated, nor shall state and federal Governor judge executive; amends KRS 74.030 to 334A.035 for a period not to exceed 24 reporting requirements be waived. Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. delete requirement for the county months, unless an extension is granted 51) attorney to serve as general counsel to by the board; require a speech-language Feb 6-introduced in Senate the water commission and allows the pathologist applicant with an interim Feb 8-to Agriculture and Natural SB 93 (BR 1205) - D. Boswell commission to hire legal counsel; amend license to apply for permanent licensure Resources (S) KRS 74.040 to allow the commission to within 30 days of the completion of Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st AN ACT relating to sales and use tax. hire a chief executive officer and to pay postgraduate professional experience; reading, to Calendar with Committee Amend KRS 139.495 to exempt sales a salary to the chief executive officer; exempt speech-language pathologist Substitute by churches for fundraising activities; amend 74.050 to require the treasurer to employed by the public schools in a Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules amend KRS 139.496 to conform; keep records of receipts and certified position and who holds a Feb 26-posted for passage in the EFFECTIVE July 1, 2007. disbursements in accordance with teacher certification in communication Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, generally accepted account principles disorders issued by the Educational February 27, 2007 Feb 6-introduced in Senate and to require the treasurer to execute a Professional Standards Board from Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 33-0 with Feb 8-to Appropriations and Revenue surety bond whose amount is licensure requirements; create new Committee Substitute (S) determined by the commission; amend sections of KRS Chapter 334A to Feb 28-received in House 74.070 to delete the authorization for the establish requirements for a provisional Mar 5-to Agriculture & Small Business SB 94 (BR 1227) - V. McGaha, J. commission to acquire, install works and license to practice audiology under the (H) Pendleton, D. Boswell, J. Rhoads operate a water system for any district; supervision of an audiologist while Mar 6-posting waived require all corporate authority be vested completing a graduate professional Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, AN ACT relating to school personnel. within the water commission and the experience; authorize the board to Calendar Amend KRS 158.070 to lengthen the affairs of the water district to fall under administrator, with approval of the board, Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted minimum school term beginning in 2007- the commission; allow the commission to to issue a temporary license to any for passage in the Regular Orders of the 2008; require two days of job-related adopt by-laws not inconsistent with KRS applicant for a license to practice as a Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 training for school-based classified staff; Chapter 74; amend KRS 74.110 to speech-language pathologist, speech- Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 97-0; specify conditions under which require notice of a petition to change the language pathology assistant, or an received in Senate; enrolled, signed by employees shall receive additional territorial boundaries of a water district in audiologist if the applicant has met all each presiding officer; delivered to compensation for professional accordance with KRS Chapter 424 and the requirements for licensure until Governor development; amend KRS 156.095 to to furnish the notice to any water district further action at the next meeting of the Mar 19-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. require that school personnel be that will be affected; amend KRS 74.330 board; specify licensure requirements for 17) surveyed regarding professional to extend the bond issues from 30 to 40 speech-language pathologists and development and training needs on an years; amend KRS 74.361 to allow audiologists; require an audiologist to SB 92 (BR 1244) - D. Boswell annual basis. current water commissioners to continue hold a doctoral degree beginning to serve even after a merger of a water January 1, 2008; permit the board to AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Soil Feb 6-introduced in Senate district, regardless of their term of grant a license to an applicant licensed and Water Conservation Commission. Feb 8-to Education (S) expiration, for 1 year with approval of the in another state; amend KRS 334A.170 Amend KRS 262.010 to define Public Service Commission; amend KRS to change the licensure renewal time "infrastructure;" amend KRS 262.620 to SB 95 (BR 221) - J. Denton 74.363 to conform to allow water period from annually to biennially and include infrastructure and require commissioners to continue to serve even increase the associated fees amortization of infrastructure in the same AN ACT relating to crimes and after a merger and delete requirement accordingly. manner as equipment; require the punishments. for the county judge executive to Division of Conservation be listed on the Amend KRS 510.140 to define approve; determine the number of SB 89 - AMENDMENTS deed with the district; require the district "sexually oriented business," an commissioners in the merger SCS - Retain original provisions; to consult with the Division of "employee" thereof, "nudity," and other documents; delete the formula for amend Section 2 to include audiologists Conservation prior to dispossessing of terms; prohibit an employee of a commissioners in a resulting district of 2 in exemption from license requirements property if paid for with funds from the sexually oriented business, while in a or more counties; amend KRS 74.407 to for those employed solely by public division; amend KRS 262.630 to include state of semi-nudity, from being within delete requirement that the water district schools; amend Section 5 and Section 6 record keeping procedures for six feet of a patron. have authority to acquire, develop, to specify that eligibility requirements are infrastructure acquisitions; amend KRS maintain or operate sewage disposal for initial licensure. 262.610 to include authorizing the Soil Feb 6-introduced in Senate only within their respective districts; give and Water Conservation Commission to Feb 8-to Judiciary (S) dominant right for the provision of sewer Feb 6-introduced in Senate assist in acquisition of infrastructure; Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st service to the district in the instance that Feb 8-to Licensing, Occupations & amend 262.640 to specify the method or reading, to Calendar a municipality annexes in the districts Administrative Regulations (S) payment or amortization on an Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules territory; amend KRS 74.370, KRS Feb 27-taken from committee; 1st infrastructure acquisition by a Soil and Feb 20-posted for passage in the 220.554; KRS 220.010, KRS 76.242, reading, to Calendar Water Conservation District; amend KRS Regular Orders of the Day for KRS 76.005, KRS 65.805, and KRS Feb 28-2nd reading; returned to 262.650 to allow districts to combine for Wednesday, February 21, 2006 65.060 to conform internal references; Licensing, Occupations and the purpose of acquiring infrastructure; Feb 21-3rd reading, passed 36-1 repeal KRS 74.250 and KRS 74.416. Administrative Regulations (S) and amend KRS 262.748 and KRS Feb 22-received in House Mar 6-posted for passage in the 262.778 to conform subsection Feb 27-to Judiciary (H) SB 96 - AMENDMENTS Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, numbering. SCS - Retain original provisions; March 6, 2007; reported favorably, to SB 96 (BR 1070) - V. McGaha, D. delete authority for water districts to Rules with Committee Substitute as a Feb 6-introduced in Senate Boswell have dominant right over cities that Consent Bill; 3rd reading, passed 37-0 Feb 8-to Agriculture and Natural annex territory into the district. with Committee Substitute Resources (S) AN ACT relating to water districts. Mar 7-received in House Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st Amend KRS 74.020 to delete Feb 6-introduced in Senate Mar 12-to Labor & Industry (H) reading, to Calendar authorization for the county judge Feb 8-to Agriculture and Natural Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules executive to appoint two additional Resources (S) SB 90/LM/CI (BR 1153) - T. Jensen Feb 20-recommitted to State & Local commissioners with approval of the Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st Government (S) fiscal court when two or more water reading, to Calendar with Committee Feb 14-WITHDRAWN Feb 28-reported favorably, to Rules districts merge; allows districts to extend Substitute Mar 1-posted for passage in the into other counties rather than just Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules SB 91/LM (BR 1335) - J. Pendleton Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, adjacent counties; allow single and Feb 20-posted for passage in the March 2, 2007 multicounty districts to acquire an Regular Orders of the Day for AN ACT relating to fertilizer. Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 28-0 existing or gas distribution system in Wednesday, February 21, 2006 Amend KRS 217B.270 to add fertilizer Mar 5-received in House more than one county without adding Feb 21-3rd reading, passed 36-1 with as a product subject solely to state Mar 6-to Natural Resources & additional board members; use the area Committee Substitute regulation; create a new section of KRS Environment (H) within all the counties in the territory to Feb 22-received in House 250.361 to 250.451 to declare that no Mar 7-posting waived; reported determine whether it comes under the Feb 27-to Local Government (H) local government shall regulate fertilizer. favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar jurisdiction of the chapter; allow the Mar 2-posted in committee Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted commission to elect a vice-chairman and SB 91 - AMENDMENTS for passage in the Regular Orders of the any other assistants; allow two or more SB 97 (BR 927) - T. Buford SCS/LM - Retain original provisions; Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 offices being held by the same person identify fertilizer as being regulated Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 96-0; except for the chairman; deletes AN ACT relating to physician under KRS 250.371; specify that received in Senate; enrolled, signed by requirement that the commissioner's assistants. Amend KRS 311.840 to define "non- (1) filed 131) Mar 5-posted in committee separate location"; amend KRS 311.856 Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, to delete the prohibition against Feb 20-posted for passage in the SB 101 (BR 1206) - J. Denton to Calendar with Committee Substitute physician assistants prescribing Consent Orders of the Day for Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted controlled substances; amend KRS Wednesday, February 21, 2006 AN ACT relating to esthetic practices. for passage in the Regular Orders of the 311.858 to allow physician assistants to Feb 21-taken from the Consent Amend KRS 317B.010 to include Day for Monday, March 12, 2007 prescribed Schedule II through V Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular micro-dermabrasion within the practice Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with controlled substances if delegated to do Orders of the Day; passed over and of estheticians; and amend KRS Committee Substitute ; received in so by their supervising physicians; retained in the Orders of the Day 317B.015 to remove micro- Senate; posted for passage for require that Schedules II controlled Feb 22-3rd reading; floor amendment dermabrasion from the list of procedure concurrence in House Committee substances be limited to a 72-hour (1) ruled out of order ; passed 38-0; that an esthetician are prohibited from Substitute supply with no refills; prohibit physician received in House performing without the supervision of a Mar 26-Senate concurred in House assistants from issuing Schedule II Feb 27-to Health & Welfare (H) licensed physician. Committee Substitute ; passed 38-0; controlled substances that are Feb 28-posted in committee; posting enrolled, signed by each presiding psychostimulants; require that waived Feb 6-introduced in Senate officer; delivered to Governor prescriptions issued by a physician Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 8-to Licensing, Occupations & Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. assistant for Schedule III controlled to Calendar Administrative Regulations (S) 121) substances be limited to a 30-day Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules supply; require that prescriptions for Mar 7-posted for passage in the SB 102 (BR 1057) - J. Denton SB 104 (BR 284) - J. Denton, W. Blevins Schedules IV and V controlled Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Jr, P. Clark, D. Harper Angel, G. Neal, J. substances be limited to the original March 8, 2007 AN ACT relating to anti-epilepsy drugs Pendleton, J. Rhoads, D. Roeding prescription and refills not to exceed a Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 99-0; and declaring an emergency. six month supply; require the Kentucky enrolled, signed by each presiding Create a new section of KRS Chapter AN ACT relating to mental illness. Board of Medical Licensure, on the officer; delivered to Governor 217 to prohibit a pharmacist from Amend KRS 210.365 to define crisis recommendations of the Physician Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. substituting anti-epileptic drugs intervention team training for law Assistant Advisory Committee, to 34) prescribed for the treatment of epilepsy enforcement officials based on a promulgate administrative regulations or seizures without notification and national model of best practices for that limit the prescribing of drugs that SB 99 (BR 1220) - V. McGaha consent of the prescribing physician and intervention with persons who may have have been identified as having the patient; amend KRS 217.822 to conform; a mental illness, substance abuse greatest potential for abuse and AN ACT relating to workers' declare an EMERGENCY. disorder, mental retardation, diversion; establish eligibility compensation. developmental disability,or dual requirements for physician assistants Amend KRS 342.610 to provide that Feb 6-introduced in Senate diagnosis; require the Department for who are given prescriptive authority; there shall be no liability for Feb 8-to Health and Welfare (S) Mental Health and Mental Retardation amend KRS 218A.010 to include a compensation if voluntary intoxication Services to develop the training physician assistant in the definition of was a substantial contributing factor in SB 103 (BR 839) - J. Denton, D. curriculum in collaboration; specify "practitioner" for purposes of obtaining an employee's injury or death. Roeding curriculum topics and trainers; require data from the electronic monitoring the department to submit the curriculum system; amend KRS 218A.202 to Feb 6-introduced in Senate AN ACT relating to registered nurse and non-law enforcement trainers to the authorize the Kentucky Board of Medical Feb 8-to Judiciary (S) first assistants. Kentucky Law Enforcement Council for Licensure to obtain data from the Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st Amend KRS 342.035 to require approval and permit Council to waive Cabinet for Health and Family Services reading, to Calendar workers' compensation insurance instructor requirements for non-law for a physician assistant who is in Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted carriers, worker's compensation self- enforcement trainers; require Council to practice with a physician or a physician for passage in the Regular Orders of the insured groups, and worker's notify of availability of training and permit assistant who is under investigation for Day for Tuesday, February 20 compensation self-insured employers other approved training entities to use improper prescribing purposes, who is in Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 35-0 who provide coverage for surgical first curriculum as specified; require a geographic area for which a trend Feb 21-received in House assisting benefits to provide coverage submission of a law enforcement report indicates a substantial likelihood Feb 26-to Labor & Industry (H) and direct payment for surgical first instructor training course; require trained that inappropriate prescribing may be assisting services performed by a officers and agencies to report outcomes occurring, or who is in an area where a SB 100/LM (BR 1291) - J. Denton registered nurse first assistant; apply of encounters with persons with mental report on another physician or physician these provisions only if reimbursement illness, substance abuse disorders, assistant in that area indicates a AN ACT relating to police in for an assisting physician would be mental retardation, developmental substantial likelihood for inappropriate consolidated local governments. covered and a registered nurse first disability, or dual diagnoses and require prescribing; amend KRS 311.866 and Amend KRS 67C.319 to specify that assisting who performed the services is department to aggregate reports and 311.888 to make technical corrections. "seniority" is not "time in grade," allow used as a substitute. submit to Justice Cabinet, Cabinet for examiner to set cut-off scores where the Health and Family Services, Criminal Feb 6-introduced in Senate number of applicants exceeds the SB 103 - AMENDMENTS Justice Council, and Interim Joint Feb 8-to Licensing, Occupations & number of positions available, set SCS - Retain original provisions, Committee on Health and Welfare; Administrative Regulations (S) parameters for the establishment of cut- except specify that registered nurse first permit use of public or private funds if off scores, and allow tie scores to assistants are those defined in KRS available and permit department to use a SB 98 (BR 1378) - J. Denton advance in the application process. 216B.015. sole source contract to implement SCA (1/Title, J. Denton) - Make title training and requirements. AN ACT relating to the Medical Feb 6-introduced in Senate amendment. Assistance Program. Feb 8-to State and Local Government HCS - Retain original provisions; SB 104 - AMENDMENTS Amend KRS 205.560 to require the (S) make technical clarification concerning SFA (1, E. Scorsone) - Retain original Department for Medicaid Services to Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st RNFA substitution for assisting physician provisions, except delete new language develop a specific form and guidelines reading, to Calendar for workers' compensation purposes. allowing the Department for Mental for assessing the credentials of dentists Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules Health and Mental Retardation Services applying for participation in the Medical Feb 20-posted for passage in the Feb 6-introduced in Senate to develop only a sole source contract Assistance Program. Consent Orders of the Day for Feb 8-to Economic Development, with a nonprofit entity that is a Kentucky Wednesday, February 21, 2006 Tourism & Labor (S) statewide affiliate of the National SB 98 - AMENDMENTS Feb 21-3rd reading, passed 37-0; Feb 22-taken from committee; 1st Alliance on Mental Illness. SFA (1, E. Scorsone) - Amend KRS received in House reading, to Calendar SFA (2, E. Scorsone) - Retain original 205.560 to establish that the Department Feb 26-to Local Government (H) Feb 23-2nd reading; returned to provisions, except specify the for Medicaid Services will provide Feb 28-posted in committee Economic Development, Tourism & department may contract with a immunization for the human Mar 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, Labor (S) statewide mental health advocacy papillomavirus for enrollees ages 19 to to Calendar Feb 26-reported favorably, to Rules organization that has at least five years 26 who voluntarily choose to receive the Mar 7-2nd reading, to Rules with Committee Substitute, committee experience with crisis intervention team immunization and for enrollees ages 9 to Mar 8-posted for passage in the amendment (1-title) as a Consent Bill; training. 18 whose parents voluntarily choose to Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, posted for passage in the Consent have the enrollee immunized. March 9, 2007 Orders of the Day for Monday, February Feb 6-introduced in Senate Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 97-0; 26; 3rd reading, passed 35-0 with Feb 8-to Judiciary (S) Feb 6-introduced in Senate received in Senate Committee Substitute, committee Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st Feb 8-to Health and Welfare (S) Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each amendment (1-title) reading, to Calendar Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st presiding officer; delivered to Governor Feb 27-received in House Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; floor reading, to Calendar; floor amendment Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Mar 2-to Labor & Industry (H) amendment (1) filed Feb 20-floor amendment (2) filed ; Feb 22-reported favorably, to Rules changed by law. Therefore, classification posted for passage in the Regular Feb 6-introduced in Senate Feb 26-posted for passage in the as a city of the fourth class requires a Orders of the Day for Wednesday, Feb 8-to Licensing, Occupations & Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, population of 3,000 to 7,999. February 21, 2006 Administrative Regulations (S) February 27, 2007; floor amendment (1) Feb 21-3rd reading; floor amendment filed Feb 7-introduced in Senate (1) withdrawn ; passed 37-0 with floor SB 108 (BR 1062) - D. Seum Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 31-0 with Feb 9-to State & Local Government amendment (2) floor amendment (1) (S) Feb 22-received in House AN ACT proposing an amendment to Feb 28-received in House Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st Feb 27-to Health & Welfare (H) Section 36 of the Constitution of Mar 5-to Education (H) reading, to Calendar Feb 28-posted in committee; posting Kentucky, relating to sessions of the Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules waived General Assembly. SB 111 (BR 272) - T. Buford, A. Kerr Feb 20-posted for passage in the Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, Propose to amend Section 36 of the Consent Orders of the Day for to Calendar Kentucky Constitution to limit odd-year AN ACT relating to jury service Wednesday, February 21, 2006 Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules sessions to revenue and appropriation Amend KRS 29A.100 to excuse Feb 21-3rd reading, passed 37-0; Mar 7-posted for passage in the bills, other subjects that may be breastfeeding mothers from jury service. received in House Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, proposed by the Governor, any two Feb 26-to Local Government (H) March 8, 2007 subjects proposed for consideration by Feb 7-introduced in Senate Mar 8-3rd reading, passed 96-0 the Senate President and House Feb 9-to Judiciary (S) SB 114 (BR 426) - W. Blevins Jr Mar 9-received in Senate; enrolled, Speaker and agreed to by both of them, Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st signed by each presiding officer; and items referred by statutorily created reading, to Consent Calendar AN ACT relating to trusts. delivered to Governor legislative committees to the General Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Create a new section of KRS Chapter Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Assembly for action; restrict action upon Feb 26-posted for passage in the 386 relating to trusts to permit the 49) revenue and appropriation bills in even- Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, creation of a trust for the care of an year sessions to a three-fifths vote; February 27, 2007 animal. SB 105 (BR 910) - J. Denton provide schedule for effectiveness of Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 33-0 amendment; submit to voters. Feb 28-received in House Feb 7-introduced in Senate AN ACT relating to the discipline of Mar 2-to Health & Welfare (H) Feb 9-to Judiciary (S) dental professionals. Feb 6-introduced in Senate Mar 5-posting waived; posted in Amend KRS 313.330 to provide for a Feb 8-to State and Local Government committee SB 115 (BR 1301) - D. Boswell private admonishment for dental (S) Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, hygienists; amend KRS 313.130 relating to Calendar AN ACT relating to crimes and to dentists regarding a hearing SB 109 (BR 443) - C. Borders, D. Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted punishments. conducted for a complaint. Boswell, J. Pendleton for passage in the Regular Orders of the Create a new section of KRS Chapter Day for Monday, March 12, 2007 411 to allow a victim of identity theft to Feb 6-introduced in Senate AN ACT relating to school district Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 98-0; obtain a court judgment authenticating Feb 8-to Licensing, Occupations & employees. received in Senate; enrolled, signed by that status. Administrative Regulations (S) Amend KRS 161.164 to remove the each presiding officer; delivered to Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st prohibition regarding employees of local Governor Feb 7-introduced in Senate reading, to Calendar school districts taking part in the Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Feb 9-to Judiciary (S) Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted management or activities of any political 102) for passage in the Regular Orders of the campaign for school board. SB 116 (BR 370) - B. Guthrie Day for Thursday, February 15 SB 112 (BR 1364) - D. Roeding Feb 15-3rd reading, passed 36-0 Feb 6-introduced in Senate AN ACT relating to the Academy of Feb 16-received in House Feb 8-to State and Local Government AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Mathematics and Science in Kentucky Feb 22-to Health & Welfare (H) (S) Board of Pharmacy. and declaring an emergency. Feb 26-posted in committee Amend KRS 315.171 to require the Create a new section of KRS Chapter Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, Introduced Feb. 7, 2007 board of pharmacy to promulgate 164 to create the Academy of to Calendar administrative regulations establishing Mathematics and Science at Western Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules SB 110 (BR 233) - K. Stine, J. Denton, daily compensation for members actively Kentucky University; describe purposes Mar 7-posted for passage in the A. Kerr, E. Tori engaged in the service of the board. and long-term goals; require advisory Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, board be established; define role of March 8, 2007 AN ACT relating to healthy children. Feb 7-introduced in Senate Western Kentucky University; require Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 97-0; Create a new section of KRS Chapter Feb 9-to Licensing, Occupations and academy students to participate in the received in Senate; enrolled, signed by 158 to require all public preschool to Administrative Regulations (S) state accountability testing program and each presiding officer; delivered to eighth grade programs no later than the Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st have scores reported to home high Governor 2008-2009 school year to implement 30 reading, to Consent Calendar schools; amend KRS 157.360 to identify Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. minutes per day or 150 minutes per Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted how SEEK funds will be used in support 101) week of structured moderate to vigorous for passage in the Consent Orders of the of students at the academy; amend KRS physical activity per week in a minimum Day for Thursday, February 22, 2007 158.140 to authorize the academy to SB 106/LM (BR 994) - T. Buford of 10 minute intervals incorporated into Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 38-0; award diplomas and local school districts the school day; permit the physical received in House to award joint diplomas; amend AN ACT relating to pension systems activity to include a combination of Feb 27-to Health & Welfare (H) definitions in KRS 164.002 to conform; of urban county governments. classroom based physical activity, Mar 1-posted in committee; posting amend KRS 164.7874 to ensure that Amend KRS 67A.345 to require urban structured recess, and other structured waived academy students qualify to earn KEES county governments to provide physical activities; require the Kentucky Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, awards; specify that the first students will insurance benefits to the surviving Board of Education to promulgate to Calendar be enrolled with the 2007-2008 spouse of a deceased retiree of the administrative regulations to implement Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted academic year; EMERGENCY. policemen's and firefighters retirement the physical activity requirement. for passage in the Regular Orders of the fund if the spouse was covered under Day for Monday, March 12, 2007 Feb 7-introduced in Senate the group health insurance plan when SB 110 - AMENDMENTS Feb 9-to Appropriations & Revenue the retired member died and has SFA (1, K. Stine) - Amend KRS SB 113 (BR 1475) - D. Roeding, J. (S) continued coverage under the plan after 160.345 to conform; create a new Westwood the death of the retired member. section of KRS Chapter 156 to include SB 117/LM (BR 1114) - D. Seum the Kentucky Board of Education and AN ACT changing the classification of Feb 6-introduced in Senate the Department of Education's the City of Crestview Hills, in Kenton AN ACT relating to land use in Feb 8-to Appropriations and Revenue responsibilities for the implementation of County. counties containing consolidated local (S) the physical activity requirements. Reclassify the City of Crestview Hills, governments. in Kenton County, population 3,152, Create a new section of KRS Chapter SB 107 (BR 920) - T. Buford Feb 7-introduced in Senate from a city of the fifth class to a city of 100 to establish residential density Feb 9-to Education (S) the fourth class. As provided in Section requirements for residential AN ACT relating to caterers. Feb 16-taken from committee; 1st 156A of the Kentucky Constitution, the developments having access to roads Amend KRS 241.010 to delete reading, to Calendar population requirements for the meeting certain criteria in the county. requirement that all of a caterer's food Feb 21-2nd reading; returned to classification of cities established by the be prepared from a licensed Education (S) former Section 156 of the Kentucky Feb 7-introduced in Senate commissary. Constitution remain in effect until Feb 9-to State & Local Government (S) titling; establish guidelines for (GOLD) that a specified project is no Mar 9-posted for passage in the promulgation of regulations relating to longer active and request reallocation of Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, SB 118 (BR 896) - B. Guthrie titling of all-purpose vehicles; ensure the the funds; authorize reallocation of funds March 12, 2007 capability of receiving and discharging by the Commissioner of GOLD. Mar 27-3rd reading, passed 98-0; AN ACT relating to surgical assistants. liens; amend KRS 186A.070 to require received in Senate; enrolled, signed by Amend KRS 311.864 to define any state resident who purchases a new Feb 7-introduced in Senate each presiding officer; delivered to "certified surgical assistant," and all-purpose vehicle or creates a security Feb 9-to Appropriations & Revenue Governor "intraoperative care"; amend KRS interest in an all-purpose vehicle after (S) Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 311.866 to provide an exemption to January 1, 2008, to apply for a certificate 108) certificate requirements; amend KRS of title; prohibit the operation of an all- SB 125/LM (BR 844) - T. Jensen 311.868 revising membership of the purpose vehicle on the roadway, except SB 127 (BR 1265) - D. Ridley Advisory Committee for Surgical as provided by KRS 189.515. AN ACT relating to waste tires. Assistants; amend KRS 311.870 to Amend KRS 224.01-010 to exclude AN ACT relating to economic establish continuing education rules and Feb 7-introduced in Senate tire-derived fuel from the definitions of development. guidelines by selected organizations; Feb 9-to Transportation (S) solid waste, household waste, Create a new section of KRS 42.450 amend KRS 311.878 to expand commercial waste, and industrial waste; to 42.495 to allow two or more counties, certifying organizations and delete SB 121/LM (BR 1139) - J. Denton, D. add a definition for "tire-derived fuel." at least one of which has a single county requirement to demonstrate work Boswell, D. Harper Angel account in the local government experience; create a new section of KRS SB 125 - AMENDMENTS economic development fund (LGEDF), 311.864 to 311.890 to provide for AN ACT creating a crime victim SFA (1, T. Jensen) - Add tire derived to form a Coal for Regional Economic temporary certification; amend KRS address protection program within the fuel to the definition of "recovered Development (C-RED) organization that 216B.015 to revise the definitions for Department of State. material"; clarify a separate definition of creates programs and other initiatives to "certified surgical assistant" and Create various new sections in KRS "tire derived fuel" as particles not greater market the region; require the "intraoperative surgical care." Chapter 14 to establish a crime victim than 2 inches by 2 inches and exclude establishment of the C-RED organization address protection program for victims of from being considered a refuse derived through interlocal agreement; require the SB 118 - AMENDMENTS domestic violence and abuse, stalking, fuel; amend KRS 224.50-856 to provide interlocal agreement to meet several SCS - Amend the definition of and felony sexual offenses which would permitting and restricting use of local requirements such as an agreement that "certified surgical assistant" throughout allow crime victims to use an address determination requirements for use of each county that has a single county to specify a person certified by a national provided by the Secretary of State in lieu tire derived fuel; require the Division of account in the LGEDF to contribute up to certifying organization that is approved of the person's actual physical address Air Quality to give public notice and five percent of their account to the C- by a relevant sponsoring organization for the purpose of receiving mail and to comment on application to use tire RED organization; establish that member of the Commission on allow crime victims to access derived fuel. counties that successfully enter into an Accreditation of Allied Health Education government services based upon their interlocal agreement are eligible for a Programs; delete definition of actual address but utilizing the program's Feb 7-introduced in Senate five percent match from the 50% of coal "intraoperative surgical care." address on government records and Feb 9-to Agriculture & Natural severance taxes that go into the general documents, including the right to vote. Resources (S) fund. Feb 7-introduced in Senate Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st Feb 9-to Licensing, Occupations and Feb 7-introduced in Senate reading, to Calendar Feb 7-introduced in Senate Administrative Regulations (S) Feb 9-to Judiciary (S) Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 9-to Appropriations & Revenue Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st Feb 20-floor amendment (1) filed ; (S) reading, to Consent Calendar with SB 122 (BR 1039) - J. Denton posted for passage in the Regular Committee Substitute Orders of the Day for Wednesday, SB 128 (BR 1466) - T. Buford Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted AN ACT relating to insurance February 21, 2006 for passage in the Consent Orders of the company dividends. Feb 21-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Day for Thursday, February 22, 2007 Amend KRS 304.37-030 to redefine floor amendment (1) Board of Hairdressers and Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with extraordinary dividend to mean that Feb 22-received in House Cosmetologists. Committee Substitute ; received in dividend, together with other dividends Feb 27-to Natural Resources & Amend KRS 317A.030 to increase House or distribution within the preceding 12 Environment (H) membership in the board of hairdressers Feb 27-to Health & Welfare (H) months that exceeds the greater, rather Mar 1-posted in committee and cosmetologists adding one licensed Mar 5-posting waived; posted in than lesser, of 10 percent of the insurer's Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, nail technician and one licensed committee surplus at calendar year's end. to Calendar esthetician; increase quorum to five Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted members. SB 119 (BR 1469) - T. Buford Feb 7-introduced in Senate for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 9-to Banking & Insurance (S) Day for Friday, March 9 Feb 7-introduced in Senate AN ACT relating to disposition of Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 99-0; Feb 9-to Licensing, Occupations and goods by a secured party pursuant to SB 123 (BR 1346) - J. Denton received in Senate; enrolled, signed by Administrative Regulations (S) KRS 355.9-610. each presiding officer; delivered to Amend KRS 139.070 to provide that AN ACT relating to wages and hours. Governor SB 129/LM/CI (BR 356) - R. Stivers II disposition of goods by a secured party Amend KRS 337.010 and 337.285 to Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. pursuant to KRS 355.9-610 shall qualify exempt from minimum wage and 30) Mar 6-WITHDRAWN as an occasional sale; amend KRS overtime requirements employees of 139.100 to delete from the definition of third party employers who provide in- SB 126 (BR 827) - K. Stine SB 130 (BR 962) - R. Stivers II "retail sale" the disposition of goods by a home companionship services. secured party pursuant to KRS 355.9- AN ACT relating to peace officers. AN ACT relating to employee interest 610; amend KRS 139.110 to delete from Feb 7-introduced in Senate Amend KRS 431.007 to authorize in contracts between a public the definition of "retailer" a secured party Feb 9-to Appropriations & Revenue certain certified peace officers to retain postsecondary education institution and disposing of goods, pursuant to KRS (S) power of arrest in another jurisdiction a business. 355.9-610, by a sale or multiple when official assistance is requested by Create a new section of KRS Chapter unrelated sales. SB 124 (BR 1104) - T. Jensen, D. other jurisdiction. 164 to permit governing board of a Roeding public postsecondary institution to adopt Feb 7-introduced in Senate Feb 7-introduced in Senate regulations establishing the conditions Feb 9-to Appropriations & Revenue AN ACT relating to executive branch Feb 9-to Judiciary (S) under which and the procedures (S) budget projects, and declaring an Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st whereby an employee may have an emergency. reading, to Consent Calendar interest in a contract between the SB 120 (BR 1199) - B. Guthrie Amend 2006 Kentucky Acts Chapter Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules institution and a business; amend KRS 252, Part II, Capital Projects Budget, A. Feb 20-posted for passage in the 164.131, 164.390, and 164.821 to AN ACT relating to the titling of all- General Government, 2. Kentucky Consent Orders of the Day for conform. purpose vehicles. Infrastructure Authority and 4. Governors Wednesday, February 21, 2006 Create a new section of KRS 186A to Office for Local Development to allow Feb 21-3rd reading, passed 37-0; SB 130 - AMENDMENTS require the titling of all-purpose vehicles the recipients of Infrastructure for received in House HFA (1, T. Pullin) - Require that a to be administered through the Economic Development Funds for Coal Feb 26-to Local Government (H) governing board of a public automated motor vehicle and titling and Non-Coal Producing Counties and Mar 1-posted in committee postsecondary education institution that registration system; establish that Community Development Fund Projects Mar 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, adopts regulations relating to contracting procedures for titling all-purpose to certify to the Commissioner of the to Calendar with businesses in which employees vehicles be consistent with motor vehicle Governor's Office for Local Development Mar 7-2nd reading, to Rules have an interest forward a copy of the regulations and any subsequent of persons by limousine, if the applicant presiding officer; delivered to Governor duties of a surgical technologist under changes to the Legislative Research is found to be fit, willing, and able to Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. the direct supervision of a registered Commission. provide the service; establish that the 70) nurse while employed by an ambulatory certificate specify the territory to be surgical center; identify physician Feb 7-introduced in Senate served and number of limousines to be SB 135 (BR 1584) - T. Buford assistants as licensed rather than Feb 9-to Education (S) operated; establish procedures for sale certified; remove references to physician Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st or transfer of the certificate; amend KRS AN ACT relating to individual market delegation in descriptions of surgical reading, to Consent Calendar 281.625 to require the department to set health benefit plans. technologist scope of practice; redefine Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules a hearing time and date upon filing of an Amend KRS 304.17A-230 to increase personnel who have a reporting duty Feb 26-posted for passage in the application for a limousine certificate; the pre-existing condition exclusion time regarding surgical technologist work Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, allow the department to grant the period for individual market health behavior from being those who are February 27, 2007 certificate without holding a hearing; benefit plans from the preceding 6 usually present in an operating room to Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 33-0 amend KRS 281.632 to permit the months to 12 months, provide the being any person actually present in the Feb 28-received in House department to grant temporary authority exclusion shall not extend for a period of operating room; correct "advisory Mar 5-to Education (H); posted in for the limousine service; limit the more than 12 months, and require the committee" to read "board" instead; committee; posting waived temporary authority to be extended for insurer to notify the insured prior to change reporting threshold from the Mar 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, one additional 180 day period; amend imposing the exclusion; require pro rata person's "opinion" to the person's to Calendar KRS 281.630 to conform. reduction of the time period for "knowledge"; narrow reporting Mar 7-2nd reading, to Rules; floor individuals who served under a pre- requirement to knowledge of a "threat" to amendment (1) filed Feb 8-introduced in Senate existing condition clause under an public welfare rather than knowledge of Mar 8-posted for passage in the Feb 12-to Transportation (S) expired individual market health benefit a violation of the chapter or a "continuing Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, plan if the individual applies for coverage threat" to public welfare. March 9, 2007 SB 134 (BR 845) - G. Tapp not more than 30 days after the SCA (1, T. Buford) - Retain original Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with coverage expires; and provide that provisions, except delete definitions of floor amendment (1) ; received in AN ACT relating to cigarettes. pregnancy shall be considered a pre- "delegating physician" and "direct Senate; posted for passage for Create new sections of KRS 227 to existing condition. supervision"; identify physician concurrence in House floor amendment require cigarettes sold and distributed in assistants as licensed rather than (1) Kentucky to comply with fire-safe Feb 8-introduced in Senate certified; remove references to physician Mar 26-Senate concurred in House performance standards; define, Feb 12-to Banking & Insurance (S) delegation in descriptions of surgical floor amendment (1) ; passed 37-0; "cigarette", "manufacturer", "quality technologist scope of practice; eliminate enrolled, signed by each presiding control and assurance program", SB 136 (BR 1374) - R. Stivers II duty for personnel who are usually officer; delivered to Governor "repeatability", "retail dealer", "sale", present in an operating room to report to Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. "sell", "wholesale dealer"; establish Mar 1-WITHDRAWN the advisory committee that a surgical 113) cigarette ignition propensity testing technologist has, in the reporting standards; allow for equivalent cigarette SB 137 (BR 1091) - J. Pendleton person's opinion, violated any provisions SB 131/AA (BR 1340) - D. Seum ignition propensity testing standards; of the surgical technologist chapter. require periodic reporting to the Feb 27-WITHDRAWN AN ACT relating to retirement Legislature; require manufacturers to Feb 8-introduced in Senate Amend KRS 61.595 to allow an submit written certifications to state; set SB 138 (BR 1269) - T. Buford Feb 12-to Licensing, Occupations and employee participating in the Kentucky out requirements for cigarette package Administrative Regulations (S) Employees Retirement System (KERS) markings; specify civil penalties for AN ACT relating to surgical Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st to use up to 15 years of vested service violations; empower state agencies to technology. reading, to Calendar with committee in a retirement plan administered by the conduct inspections; create special "Fire Create a new KRS Chapter 311B and amendment (1) University of Kentucky or the University Prevention and Public Safety Fund"; create various new sections to establish Feb 21-returned to Licensing, of Louisville towards the calculation of allow for exemptions; specify federal certification for surgical technologist; Occupations and Administrative retirement benefits if the employee has pre-emption. define terms; provide exemptions; Regulations (S); reported favorably, 2nd at least 15 years of service in the establish the Kentucky Board of Certified reading, to Rules with Committee retirement systems administered by SB 134 - AMENDMENTS Surgical Technologists to be attached to Substitute ; posted for passage in the Kentucky Retirement Systems and ten SCS - Retain original provisions of the the Division of Occupations and Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, years of vested service in the university bill; add "or FS" and change "Compliant" Professions to consist of four certified February 22, 2007 retirement plans; amend KRS 61.702 to to "Compliance" on page 8 line 1. surgical technologists ,two certified Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 36-0 with allow additional university service to HFA (1, T. McKee) - Amend to require surgical assistants, and one physician; Committee Substitute ; received in apply towards calculation of retiree that manufacturers pay a cigarette establish board's duties to include House insurance benefits; amend KRS 61.680 certification fee of $1,000 per brand establishing qualifications, developing Feb 27-to Health & Welfare (H); to conform. family. mandatory continuing education reassigned to Licensing & Occupations program, and establishing fees; (H); posting waived Feb 7-introduced in Senate Feb 8-introduced in Senate authorize board to promulgate Feb 9-to State & Local Government Feb 12-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & administrative regulations to oversee SB 139/CI (BR 1614) - D. Thayer (S) Public Protection (S) surgical assistant program; require the Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st board to develop public information AN ACT relating to crimes and Introduced Feb. 8, 2007 reading, to Calendar with Committee pamphlets with regard to surgical punishment. Substitute technologists; require the board to keep Amend KRS 439.3401 to include SB 132 (BR 1204) - J. Denton Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted a file on complaints written about robbery in the second degree within the for passage in the Regular Orders of the surgical technologists; establish a violent offender statute if the victim is a AN ACT relating to mental illness. Day for Tuesday, February 20 procedure for addressing and bank or credit union. Amend KRS 198A.050 to increase the Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 36-0 with investigating complaints; require medical service fee for a DUI conviction by $25 Committee Substitute professionals who work with surgical Feb 8-introduced in Senate and add that funds received by the Feb 21-received in House technologists to report to the board the Feb 12-to Judiciary (S) Department of Mental Health and Mental Feb 23-to Licensing & Occupations surgical technologist's behavior that may Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st Retardation Services shall also be used (H) pose a threat to the public welfare; reading, to Consent Calendar for law enforcement training on Feb 27-posted in committee establish qualifications for certification Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules intervention with individuals who may Mar 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, and annual renewal; establish criteria for Feb 20-posted for passage in the have a mental illness or other condition. to Calendar reciprocity; allow a grandfathering Consent Orders of the Day for Mar 6-2nd reading, to Rules; floor provision to qualifying surgical Wednesday, February 21, 2006 Feb 8-introduced in Senate amendment (1) filed technologists prior to July 1, 2009; Feb 21-3rd reading, passed 36-1; Feb 12-to Judiciary (S) Mar 7-posted for passage in the establish violations that the board may received in House Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, sanction and a process for a surgical Feb 26-to Judiciary (H) SB 133 (BR 1393) - B. Guthrie March 8, 2007 assistant to appeal. Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with SB 140 (BR 271) - D. Roeding AN ACT relating to the transportation floor amendment (1) ; received in SB 138 - AMENDMENTS of persons by limousine. Senate; posted for passage for SCS - Retain original provisions, AN ACT relating to a voluntary Create a new section of KRS 281 to concurrence in House floor amendment except delete definitions of "delegating acknowledgement-of-paternity registry. require the issuance of a certificate of (1) ; Senate concurred in House floor physician" and "direct supervision"; Create new sections of KRS Chapter public convenience for the transportation amendment (1) ; passed 36-0 exempt individuals from the certification 213 to establish a voluntary Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each requirements if they are performing the acknowledgment-of-paternity registry within the Vital Statistics Branch, be paid by the petitioner; amend KRS require a temporary hearing to be held AN ACT relating to oversight of local Cabinet for Health and Family Services 620.080 to require a temporary hearing within 5 days of required date if original government projects. by January 1, 2008; permit a putative to be held within five days of required dates waived by the parent; specify that Create a new section of KRS Chapter father to register no later than 30 days date if waived by the parent; specify that the court provide the parent with 147A to direct the Department for Local after the birth of a child; require the the court provide the parent with information and materials about court Government (DLG) to ensure that the cabinet to date and file a submitted form information and materials about court proceedings and expectations prior to various funds under its jurisdiction are by mother and father's name; require the proceedings and expectations prior to beginning a temporary removal hearing; used appropriately and in the best putative father to be responsible for beginning a temporary removal hearing; require appointment of counsel for child interests of the citizens of the updating information in the registry; require appointment of counsel for child and counsel for indigent parent prior to a Commonwealth; require the recipient of require a notified putative father to file an and counsel for indigent parent prior to a temporary removal hearing and permit each fund over $50,000 to file a affidavit of paternity before the adoption temporary removal hearing and permit appointment of other counsel or quarterly report; authorize DLG to hearing; permit a putative father to appointment of other counsel or advocate and specify fees; require court require a quarterly report from all other revoke registration; permit the cabinet to advocate; specify fees, require court to to advise parent and child of rights if projects; require a completion report for charge a fee for conducting a search of advise parent and child of rights if additional proceedings are necessary; all DLG projects; prohibit disbursement the registry; require the cabinet to additional proceedings are necessary; amend KRS 620.100 to require of funds to a project until the intended establish the registry by administrative amend KRS 620.100 to require consideration of prior appointments of recipient has filed a request for regulation; require the cabinet to provide consideration of prior appointments of counsel for adjudication hearings and disbursement fund and all necessary public notice of the registry; permit counsel for adjudication hearings and make technical changes; amend KRS supporting documentation; direct DLG to persons with legitimate interest to make technical changes; amend KRS 625.041 to specify that both parents, if monitor the progress and completion of request a search; require an affidavit of 625.041 to specify that both parents, if known, are parties to an involuntary each project receiving state funds; a search to be submitted with the known, are parties to an involuntary termination of parental rights require the monitoring to include a petition for adoption; require the cabinet termination of parental rights proceeding; amend KRS 625.080 to determination that projects have to respond to a search within 10 days proceedings; amend KRS 625.080 to permit the court to order additional complied with all statutory requirements; and notify a putative father if he was permit the court to order additional requirements for parent-child visitation direct that excess project funds are identified; require a mother to notify a requirements for parent-child visitation during pendency of termination returned to the relevant state fund birth father that an adoption affidavit has during pendency of termination proceedings; amend KRS 625.110 to account for reallocation; authorize DLG been filed; amend KRS 213.036 to proceedings; amend KRS 625.110 to specify parents' right to appeal to promulgate administrative regulations require local registrars to provide forms specify parents' right to appeal termination order and appointment of to implement this section and establish and information on the registry; amend termination order and appointment of counsel for indigent parent and specify the various forms required by the KRS 213.046 to require a hospital to counsel for indigent parent, and specify fees; create a new section of KRS department. provide forms and information on the fees; create a new section of KRS Chapter 45 to authorize payment to an registry; amend KRS 199.011 to define Chapter 45 to require the Finance and attorney appointed under KRS Chapter SB 143 - AMENDMENTS putative father and voluntary Administration Cabinet to authorize 620 or 625 with documentation of HFA (1, H. Moberly Jr) - Delete acknowledgment-of-paternity registry; payment to an attorney as counsel with specialized training; permit the Finance original provisions; authorize the amend KRS 199.480 to require filing a documented training; amend KRS and Administration Cabinet to University of Kentucky to use Restricted paternity affidavit to assert paternity or 202B.210 to make technical promulgate administrative regulation to Funds for the Samaritan Clinical Facility; registration on the father registry to be a amendments. implement these requirements. EMERGENCY. party to an action for leave to adopt a HCA (1/Title, T. Burch) - Make title HFA (2/Title, H. Moberly Jr) - Make child; amend KRS 490 to require a amendment. SB 141 - AMENDMENTS title amendment. termination of parental rights petition to HFA (1/Title, T. Burch) - Make title SCS - Retain original provisions, include an affidavit of the putative father amendment. except add a new section of KRS Feb 9-introduced in Senate registry search; amend KRS 199.502 to Chapter 620 to require the Court of Feb 13-to State & Local Government permit termination of parental rights if a Feb 8-introduced in Senate Justice to establish administrative (S) putative father had not registered; Feb 12-to Health & Welfare (S) procedures relating to juvenile court Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st amend KRS 625.050 to require a petition Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st cases; delete language requiring judges reading, to Consent Calendar for termination of parental rights to reading, to Consent Calendar with to explain procedures to parents; make Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules; posted include an affidavit of a registry search; Committee Substitute technical amendments. for passage in the Consent Orders of the amend KRS 625.065 to require filing a Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules; posted SFA (1, E. Scorsone) - Retain original Day for Monday, February 26 paternity affidavit to assert paternity or for passage in the Consent Orders of the provisions; require counsel fees to be Feb 26-3rd reading, passed 35-0 registration on the registry to be a party Day for Monday, February 26 set by the court, rather than specifying Feb 27-received in House to an involuntary termination action; Feb 26-3rd reading, passed 35-0 with the fee not to exceed $500 or $250 if the Mar 2-to Local Government (H) amend KRS 625.090 to permit Committee Substitute action has final disposition in district Mar 6-posting waived termination of parental rights if a putative Feb 27-received in House court. Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, father has not registered; SECTIONS 2 Mar 2-to Health & Welfare (H) to Calendar TO 12 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2008. Mar 5-posted in committee; posting Feb 8-introduced in Senate Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted waived Feb 12-to Health & Welfare (S) for passage in the Regular Orders of the SB 140 - AMENDMENTS Mar 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st Day for Monday, March 12, 2007 SCS - Delete original provisions of the to Calendar with Committee Substitute, reading, to Calendar with Committee Mar 27-floor amendments (1) and (2- bill; direct the Cabinet for Health and committee amendment (1-title); floor Substitute title) filed ; 3rd reading, passed 97-0 with Family Services to appoint a panel, amendment (1-title) filed Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules floor amendments (1) and (2-title) ; which may include members of the blue Mar 7-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 16-floor amendment (1) filed to received in Senate; posted for passage ribbon panel on adoption, to evaluate for passage in the Regular Orders of the Committee Substitute ; posted for for concurrence in House floor issues related to establishing and Day for Thursday, March 8, 2007 passage in the Regular Orders of the amendments (1) and (2-title) ; Senate implementing a voluntary Mar 8-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with Day for Tuesday, February 20 concurred in House floor amendments acknowledgment of paternity registry; Committee Substitute, floor amendment Feb 20-taken from the Regular Orders (1) and (2-title) ; Bill passed 36-0; require the cabinet to report on findings (1-title) of the Day; recommitted to Judiciary (S) enrolled, signed by each presiding by December 31, 2007. Mar 9-received in Senate; posted for officer; delivered to Governor HCS - Retain original provisions of the passage for concurrence in House SB 142 (BR 1542) - R. Jones II Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. bill; create a new section of KRS Committee Substitute, floor amendment 117) Chapter 199 to require a protection and (1-title) AN ACT relating to coal tax credits. permanency panel to review and Mar 12-taken from the Regular Orders Create a new section of KRS Chapter SB 144/LM (BR 176) - D. Kelly approve or disapprove a of the Day; returned to Health & Welfare 141 to provide an income tax credit for recommendation for involuntary (S) mining of thin-seam coal; amend KRS AN ACT relating to reorganization. termination of parental rights and 141.0205 and 143.021 to reference the Amend and repeal various sections of complete the review within five working SB 141 (BR 832) - J. Denton credit. the Kentucky Revised Statutes relating days; create a new section of KRS to the former Justice Cabinet, which is Chapter 620 to require the Chief Justice AN ACT relating to children in the Feb 8-introduced in Senate renamed the Justice and Public Safety to establish rules of administrative custody of the state. Feb 12-to Appropriations & Revenue Cabinet; Create Office of Drug Control procedure relating to the management of Amend KRS 199.502 to require (S) Policy in the Justice and Public Safety juvenile cases; amend KRS 199.502 to separate counsel for an indigent parent Cabinet; delineate the independent require separate counsel for an indigent who does not exercise custodial control Introduced Feb. 9, 2007 aspects of the Department of Public parent who does not exercise custodial of the child in a proceeding for adoption Advocacy's operation within the Justice control of the child in a proceeding for without parental consent and specify the SB 143/LM (BR 1363) - C. Gibson and Public Safety Cabinet; transfer the adoption without parental consent and to fee shall not exceed $500 to be paid by Division of Motor Vehicle Enforcement specify the fee shall not exceed $500 to the petitioner; amend KRS 620.080 to from the Transportation Cabinet to a new department in the Justice and Feb 27-to Local Government (H) subparagraph numbering. reading, to Rules; posted for passage in Public Safety Cabinet; make other Feb 28-posted in committee the Regular Orders of the Day for changes required; confirm Executive Mar 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 9-introduced in Senate Thursday, February 15 Order 2006-496, filed May 4, 2006, and to Calendar Feb 13-to Judiciary (S) Feb 15-3rd reading, passed 27-8-1 Executive Order 2006-805, dated July Mar 7-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st Feb 16-received in House 10, 2006. Mar 9-posted for passage in the reading, to Calendar with Committee Feb 22-to Health & Welfare (H) Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, Substitute Feb 26-floor amendment (1) filed SB 144 - AMENDMENTS March 12, 2007 Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Mar 1-posted in committee; posting HCS/LM - Retain original provisions Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 81-18; Feb 26-posted for passage in the waived except clarify that investigations by the received in Senate Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, Cabinet's Office of Investigations are Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each February 27, 2007 SB 153/LM (BR 1519) - D. Roeding restricted to matters within the Justice presiding officer; delivered to Governor Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 32-0 with and Public Safety Cabinet; direct the Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Committee Substitute AN ACT relating to the certification of office to report violations to the 132) Feb 28-received in House court security officers. Secretary; direct the Secretary, if Mar 5-to Judiciary (H) Create new sections of KRS 15.380 to required, to refer the matter to the SB 146/LM (BR 1647) - G. Tapp 15.404 to provide for the qualifications of appropriate state or federal official or SB 151 (BR 1742) - T. Buford a certified court security officer and agency. Feb 22-WITHDRAWN provide for grandfathering provisions; AN ACT relating to workers' provide for the revocation of status for a Feb 9-introduced in Senate SB 147 (BR 1078) - J. Denton compensation insurance premiums. court security officer; set out training Feb 13-to Judiciary (S) Amend KRS 342.0011 to delete from requirements for a court security officer; Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st AN ACT relating to child welfare the definition of "premium", for coverage establish certification categories for reading, to Calendar training for judges. effective on or after January 1, 1995, the certified court security officers; provide Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules Amend KRS 21A.170 to require the exception to the calculated cost for that the position of certified court Feb 20-posted for passage in the Supreme Court to provide required coverage for schedule rating security officer is not eligible for Consent Orders of the Day for training for Circuit and District Judges modifications, debits or credits. hazardous duty and that those officers Wednesday, February 21, 2006 and trial and domestic relations are not eligible for Kentucky law Feb 21-3rd reading, passed 36-1; commissioners related to the dynamics Feb 9-introduced in Senate enforcement foundation program funds received in House of child protection and permanency. Feb 13-to Economic Development, without meeting the requirements of Feb 26-to State Government (H) Tourism & Labor (S) KRS 15.382, 15.404, and 15.440; Feb 27-posted in committee Feb 9-introduced in Senate amend KRS 15.310 to integrate the Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 13-to Judiciary (S) Introduced Feb. 12, 2007 position of court security officer with the to Calendar basic training course provided by the Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules SB 148/LM/CI (BR 1594) - J. Denton SB 152/LM (BR 1223) - V. McGaha, D. Department of Criminal Justice Training Mar 6-recommitted to State Seum, D. Roeding, G. Tapp and redefine "basic training course" and Government (H) AN ACT relating to private define "certified court security officer"; Mar 7-reported favorably, to Rules investigators. AN ACT relating to public employee amend KRS 15.380 to require court with Committee Substitute Amend KRS 329A.035 to clarify that a insurance plans. security officers to be certified by the Mar 8-posted for passage in the private investigator who works as an Create a new section of KRS Chapter Department of Criminal Justice Training; Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, independent contractor or subcontractor 61 to define a "public agency" as any amend KRS 15.388 to include court March 9, 2007 of an attorney is not exempt from the agency participating in a state- security officers within the requirements Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 96-2 with insurance requirements that apply to administered retirement system or plan, of reporting to the law enforcement Committee Substitute ; received in private investigators and investigating any agency participating in the state council their certification status and Senate; posted for passage for companies; amend KRS 329A.070 to health insurance plan, or an institution provide that if a certified court security concurrence in House Committee clarify that an independent contractor or subject to the provisions of KRS Chapter officer has successfully completed the Substitute ; Senate concurred in House subcontractor who works for an attorney 164; define "family member" as the basic training required by the Act and Committee Substitute ; passed 36-0 is not exempt from the requirements of employee's spouse, children, and transfers to another employer, that both Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each KRS Chapter 329A. children of the employee's spouse; employers have 10 working days to presiding officer; delivered to Governor require public agencies to only allow the report the fact to the law enforcement Mar 23-signed by Governor (Atcs Ch. Feb 9-introduced in Senate employee to select health insurance council for the officer to maintain status; 85) Feb 13-to Judiciary (S) coverage for the employee and family prohibit a certified court security officer members of the employee. from transferring to a peace officer SB 145 (BR 1299) - D. Roeding SB 149 (BR 1591) - J. Denton position unless the certified court SB 152 - AMENDMENTS security officer meets the requirements AN ACT relating to oaths. AN ACT relating to the Kentucky HFA (1, R. Damron) - Restrict for being a certified peace officer, and Amend KRS 62.040, relating to a Board of Licensure for Private application under definition of "public provide that if the officer does, according peace officer's oath to suppress gaming, Investigators. agency" to any public institution, rather to the provisions of this section, transfer, to permit any person authorized by KRS Amend KRS 329A.020 to permit the than any institution, subject to KRS then the employers have 10 working 62.020 to administer the oath; amend Governor to remove a member from the Chapter 164; change adopted children to days to notify the council for the officer KRS 70.010, relating to the oath taken Kentucky Board of Licensure for private legally adopted children under definition to maintain status; create a new section by the sheriff, to permit the oath to be investigators for neglect of duty or of "family member" in paragraph 2.; of KRS Chapter 70 to establish the administered by any person authorized malfeasance without a recommendation delete paragraph 3 and insert new duties of a certified court security officer, by KRS 62.020 to administer an oath. by the board; amend KRS 329A.025 to paragraphs to add the employee's and establish what functions a court allow the board to approve continuing stepchildren by a legal marriage, the security officer shall not perform; amend SB 145 - AMENDMENTS professional education; amend KRS employee's children for whom legal KRS 23A.090 and 70.030 to allow SFA (1, D. Williams) - Amend KRS 329A.075 to require a licensee to return guardianship has been awarded, sheriffs to appoint certified court security 62.020 relating to who may administer his or her identification card in the event children whom the employee or the officers and revoke the appointment at an oath to permit a member of the of a license revocation or license denial. employee's spouse has a legal pleasure; require officer to take an oath; General Assembly to administer an oath obligation under a divorce decree or prohibit certified court security officers anywhere in the state. Feb 9-introduced in Senate other court order to provide for their only certified under the status of a court Feb 13-to Licensing, Occupations and health care expenses, qualifying children security officer to participate in Kentucky Feb 9-introduced in Senate Administrative Regulations (S) claimed as dependents on the Law Enforcement Foundation Program Feb 13-to Judiciary (S) employee's federal tax return, and fund; amend KRS 70.036 to allow Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st SB 150 (BR 1745) - E. Harris grandparents of the employee or the certified court security officers to wear reading, to Consent Calendar; floor employee's spouse who are claimed as official uniform and allow the expenses amendment (1) filed AN ACT relating to crime victim dependents on the employee's federal of uniforms to be paid by the fiscal court; Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules testimony. tax return as qualifying relatives. amend KRS 70.140 to allow certified Feb 20-posted for passage in the Amend KRS 421.500 and 532.055 to court security officers to represent the Consent Orders of the Day for allow victim impact testimony from more Feb 12-introduced in Senate sheriff at the meetings of the fiscal court Wednesday, February 21, 2006 than one family member of a deceased Feb 13-to State & Local Government and courts of justice; amend KRS Feb 21-taken from the Consent crime victim in the penalty phase of a (S); taken from committee; 1st reading; 527.020 to allow certified court security Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular trial. returned to State & Local Government officers to carry concealed weapons Orders of the Day; 3rd reading, passed (S) when on duty. 37-0 with floor amendment (1) SB 150 - AMENDMENTS Feb 14-reported favorably, 2nd Feb 22-received in House SCS - Make a technical correction to SB 153 - AMENDMENTS SCS/LM - Retain most original apply to the Transportation Cabinet for a expense involved; require the cabinet to Mar 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, provisions; create new sections of KRS vegetation control permit; set forth promulgate administrative regulations to to Calendar Chapter 70 to provide that the sheriff is components of permit application; set carry out the provisions of the program. Mar 6-2nd reading, to Rules responsible for court security, and that forth a $100 nonrefundable permit fee; HFA (5/Title, T. Riner) - Make title Mar 7-posted for passage in the upon the sheriff's failure or refusal, the establish standards for approval of amendment. Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Court of Justice is required to contract vegetation-control permit; establish the HFA (6, T. Riner) - Amend GA Version March 8, 2007 with a local government for court procedures for applicants who were of bill to add a new section to allow local security services, restrictions; create denied a permit or issued a restricted governments to express opposition to SB 157/CI (BR 1887) - J. Denton, D. new section of KRS 15.380 to 15.404 to permit to submit an amended application issuance of vegetation control permits Harper Angel define who may not be court security for a vegetation control permit; give the within their jurisdictions; prohibit the officer; amend to provide that persons cabinet 30 days from the receipt of an acceptance of applications for or AN ACT relating to criminal currently employed in hazardous duty amended application to respond to an issuance of vegetation control permits in nonsupport. position and functioning as court security amended application; allow an applicant areas where the local government has Amend KRS 530.050 relating to officer may maintain hazardous duty that was issued a restricted permit or expressed its opposition to permits; criminal nonsupport to remove the status; amend to delete references to denied a permit based on an amended allow that active permits issued before a provision that a spouse be indigent fiscal courts; amend KRS 23A.206 and application to petition the Franklin Circuit local government expresses its before support is owed and to include an 24A.176 to provide for merged county Court to determine whether denial or opposition shall be valid until that permit ex-spouse within the coverage of the sheriff's department and collection of restrictions were appropriate; amend expires; amend Section 3 of the bill to statute. certain fees. KRS 177.860 to provide for the conform SCA (1/Title, R. Stivers II) - Make title Transportation Cabinet to establish Feb 12-introduced in Senate amendment standards and routine maintenance and Feb 12-introduced in Senate Feb 14-to Judiciary (S) SFA (1, D. Roeding) - Amend to routine change of messages on Feb 13-to Transportation (S); taken delete provisions related to merged advertising devices; create a new from committee; 1st reading; returned to SB 158 (BR 1886) - J. Denton county sheriff's departments. section of KRS Chapter 177.830 to Transportation (S) 177.890 to establish a penalty of $100 Feb 15-taken from committee; 2nd AN ACT relating to domestic relations. Feb 12-introduced in Senate per day for each day an illegal reading; returned to Transportation (S) Amend KRS 403.200, relating to Feb 14-to Judiciary (S) advertising device is in violation of KRS Feb 21-reported favorably, to Rules; spousal maintenance, to provide that for Feb 22-taken from committee; 1st 177.830 to KRS 177.890. posted for passage in the Consent good cause shown, the court may reading; returned to Judiciary (S) Orders of the Day for Wednesday, provide for payment of court-ordered Feb 23-taken from committee; 2nd SB 155 - AMENDMENTS February 21; taken from the Consent maintenance by wage assignment, bank reading; returned to Judiciary (S) HCS - Retain provisions of GA version Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular draft, or other automatic payment Feb 28-reported favorably, to Rules of the bill with the following changes: Orders of the Day; 3rd reading, passed method. with Committee Substitute, committee change Section 3 of the bill to set forth 32-5 amendment (1-title) ; posted for passage the application process for vegetation Feb 22-received in House Feb 12-introduced in Senate in the Regular Orders of the Day for control plans and set application fee at Feb 26-to Transportation (H) Feb 14-to Judiciary (S) Thursday, March 1, 2007 $200; make approved applications good Mar 1-posted in committee Mar 1-passed over and retained in the for 7 years; add a new Section 4 to set Mar 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, SB 159/LM (BR 191) - D. Thayer, D. Orders of the Day; floor amendment (1) forth procedures for receiving individual to Calendar with Committee Substitute Seum, J. Turner filed to Committee Substitute permits granted against an approved Mar 7-2nd reading, to Rules Mar 2-3rd reading; committee plan; set cost for individual permits at Mar 8-posted for passage in the AN ACT relating to the regulation of amendment (1-title) withdrawn ; passed $150; make permits valid until cutting is Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, campaigns and elections. 31-0 with Committee Substitute, floor completed or 6 months, whichever is March 9, 2007 Create new sections of KRS Chapter amendment (1) ; received in House shorter; require work to be supervised, Mar 9-floor amendment (1) filed to 121 to define terms; require a person Mar 5-to Local Government (H); rather than performed, by a certified Committee Substitute making an independent expenditure to posting waived arborist; require cabinet to promulgate Mar 12-floor amendments (2) (3) and report it if the amount exceeds $500 in Mar 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, administrative regulations to implement (4) filed to Committee Substitute, floor the aggregate in any one election; to Calendar procedures for the application and amendments (5-title) and (6) filed establish campaign contribution limits for Mar 7-2nd reading, to Rules; posted permitting process; make technical candidates, slates of candidates, and for passage in the Regular Orders of the corrections. SB 156 (BR 1778) - G. Tapp candidate campaign committees; Day for Thursday, March 8, 2007 HFA (1, S. Riggs) - Reduce the establish campaign contribution limits for Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 89-9; advertising device viewing zone to 300 AN ACT relating to the Kentucky caucus campaign committees, political enrolled, signed by each presiding feet in the direction the advertising Board of Licensure and Certification for issues committees, permanent officer; delivered to Governor device is facing and 150 feet past the Dietitians and Nutritionists. committees, and executive committees; Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. advertising device if the advertising Amend KRS 310.041 to require the permit the establishment of a building 54) device is V-shaped or parallel to the Kentucky Board of Licensure and account; establish campaign highway. Certification for Dietitians and contribution limits for inaugural SB 154 (BR 158) - D. Kelly HFA (2, S. Riggs) - Reduce the Nutritionists to promulgate administrative committees; establish campaign advertising device viewing zone to 400 regulations to establish conditions for contribution limits for individuals; permit AN ACT relating to emergency feet in the direction the advertising granting retired or inactive status to a candidates, slates of candidates, medical services. device is facing and 200 feet past the license or certificate holder; direct the committees, referendum committees, Amend KRS 311A.050, relating to advertising device if the advertising board to create procedures for a license and individuals to utilize on-line credit qualifications for and discipline of device is V-shaped or parallel to the or certificate holder to voluntarily and debit card transactions; provide for emergency medical services personnel, highway. relinquish his or her license or certificate reporting exemptions for any candidate, to prohibit certification or licensing for a HFA (3, T. Riner) - Add a new section and establish conditions for any slate, or political issues committee if a person convicted of felony sex offense, to allow local governments to express subsequent reinstatement; amend KRS form is filed stating that contributions will felony drug offense, or violent felony opposition to issuance of vegetation 310.050 to exempt retired, inactive, or not be accepted or expended in excess offense; delete provision relating to control permits within their jurisdictions; voluntarily relinquished license or of $5,000 in any one election; require misdemeanors. prohibit the acceptance of applications certificate holders from the annual that referendum committees register with for or issuance of vegetation control license or certificate renewal the registry and report all contributions Feb 12-introduced in Senate permits in areas where the local requirements; make technical and expenditures if the committee raises Feb 14-to Judiciary (S) government has expressed its corrections. or expends $5,000 or more to get the opposition to permits; allow that active question on the ballot in an area greater SB 155 (BR 1598) - E. Harris, D. permits issued before a local Feb 12-introduced in Senate than one county, or $2,500 or more to Boswell government expresses its opposition Feb 14-to Licensing, Occupations and get a question on a ballot in an area in shall be valid until that permit expires; Administrative Regulations (S) size equal to or less than one county; AN ACT relating to highway signs. amend Sections 3 and 4 of the bill to Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st require exempted candidates for city or Amend KRS 177.830 to define the conform. reading, to Consent Calendar county offices or for school boards to file terms "advertising device viewing zone," HFA (4, T. Riner) - Add a new section Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted reports if they accept contributions or "cabinet," "permit," "trim or prune," to require the Transportation Cabinet to for passage in the Consent Orders of the make expenditures in excess of the "routine maintenance," "destroyed," and establish a highway beautification Day for Thursday, February 22, 2007 exempted amount in any one election; "routine change of message"; amend program to allow trees and shrubs to be Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 38-0; require candidates or slates of KRS 177.863 to make technical planted along highway rights-of-way; received in House candidates subject to an August filing corrections; create new sections of KRS allow local governments to petition the Feb 27-to Licensing & Occupations deadline to timely file for an exemption 177.830 to 177.890 to allow owner of cabinet to allow placement of plants; (H) and permit such candidates or slates to legally erected advertising device to require local government to defray Feb 28-posted in committee exercise recission rights; permit the exercise of recission rights by a amend KRS 121.230 to lower the candidate campaign committee from Mar 9-floor amendments (14) (15) and candidate or slate of candidates if an threshold for itemization of expenditures $1,000 to $500. (16) filed to Committee Substitute opponent is replaced due to death, by check from $50 to $25; amend KRS HFA (12, T. Riner) - Amend to Mar 12-floor amendment (17) filed to disability, or disqualification not later 121.210, 121.190, 121.056, 121.990, decrease the amount that a person, Committee Substitute than 15 days after the party nominates 61.710, and 23A.070 to conform; repeal permanent committee, or contributing the replacement; permit write-in KRS 121.015, 121.150 and 121.180; organization may contribute to a SB 160/LM (BR 1806) - B. Leeper candidates to request an exemption; effective November 7, 2007. candidate, slate of candidates, or establish that exempted candidate candidate campaign committee from AN ACT relating to the Real Estate campaign committees, referendum SB 159 - AMENDMENTS $1,000 to $500. Appraisers Board. committees, and political issues HCS/LM - Make technical corrections. HFA (13, T. Riner) - Decrease the Amend KRS 324A.020 to authorize committees are bound to the terms of HFA (1, J. Fischer) - Limit requirement amount that a person may contribute to activities the board may undertake in the exemption unless is it rescinded of electronic filing by candidates to funds a permanent committee from $1,500 to investigating allegations of violations; timely; establish penalties and fines for raised in current campaign, not $750, to a state executive committee, to amend KRS 324A.050 to increase the candidates, slates of candidates, aggregate funds in a candidate's a subdivision and affiliate of a state actions for which the board may penalize referendum committees, candidate account; provide that 10-day deadline for executive committee, and to a caucus a certificate or license holder; amend campaign committees, or political issues depositing campaign contributions campaign committee from $2,500 to KRS 324A.052 to grant the board or its committees who accept contributions or excludes holidays and weekends; $1,250. designee the authority to investigate the make expenditures in excess of the limit provide that candidates required to file HFA (14, T. Riner) - Create a new actions of a licensee or certificate holder in any one election without rescinding campaign finance reports electronically section of KRS Chapter 121 to prohibit on its own initiative. the exemption in a timely manner; with the Registry do not have to provide members of the General Assembly from require state and county executive a paper copy to the county clerk. soliciting or accepting contributions, or a SB 160 - AMENDMENTS committees and caucus campaign HFA (2, J. Gray) - Remove the promise or pledge to make a SFA (1, B. Leeper) - Amend Section 1 committees to make a full report to the requirement that a filer must file an contribution, from an individual or by deleting the board's authority to enter registry of all money, loans, and additional 60-day report prior to a regular permanent committee, or from an office to inspect documents relating expenditures made since the date of the election. participating in a campaign caucus to an investigation; amend Section 2 by last report; establish reporting HFA (3, J. Gray) - Remove the committee fundraiser, during any deleting specifics of coherent workfile requirements of candidates, slates of requirement that a contribution be legislative session. contents; amend Section 3 to specify candidates, candidate campaign deposited within 10 days of receipt by a HFA (15, T. Riner) - Amend to that investigations initiated by the board committees, referendum committees, candidate or a candidate's campaign. decrease the amount that a person, are to deal with allegations of violations political issues committees, and HFA (4, J. Gray) - Remove permanent committee, or contributing of provisions specified in Section 2 of the registered fundraisers; require all requirement that candidates, slates of organization may contribute to a Act. reporting candidates, candidate candidates, and candidate campaign candidate, slate of candidates, or campaign committees, referendum committees must file campaign reports candidate campaign committee from Feb 12-introduced in Senate committees, political issues committees, electronically if more than $25,000 is $1,000 to $950. Feb 14-to Licensing, Occupations and and registered fundraisers to make post- raised or accrues in a campaign HFA (16, T. Riner) - Amend to Administrative Regulations (S) election reports; require that detailed account. decrease the amount that a person, Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st information be maintained by the HFA (5, J. Gray) - Remove permanent committee, or contributing reading, to Calendar treasurer for six years from the date of requirement that candidates, slates of organization may donate to a candidate, Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted the election to which the records pertain, candidates, and candidate campaign slate of candidates, or candidate for passage in the Regular Orders of the but not to exceed six years; require committees must file campaign reports campaign committee from $1,000 to Day for Thursday, February 22, 2007 certain permanent committees to make a electronically if more than $25,000 is $950; amend to decrease the amount Feb 22-passed over and retained in full specified report to the registry of all raised or accrues in a campaign that a person may donate to a state the Orders of the Day; floor amendment money, loans, and expenditures since account; remove the requirement that a executive committee, to a subdivision or (1) filed the date of the last report; require a filer must file an additional 60-day report affiliate of a state executive committee, Feb 26-3rd reading, passed 35-0 with supplemental report be filed annually prior to a regular election; remove the or to a caucus campaign committee from floor amendment (1) until an account shows no unexpended requirement that a contribution be $1,000 to $950. Feb 27-received in House balance; require that all reports filed with deposited within 10 days of receipt by a HFA (17, T. Riner) - Amend KRS Mar 2-to Licensing & Occupations (H) the registry be subject to open records candidate or candidate's campaign. 121.990 to provide a fine of up to $1,000 and to require county clerks to maintain HFA (6, J. Fischer) - Limit requirement per offense for violation; create a new SB 161/LM (BR 1587) - B. Leeper such reports for one year from the date of electronic filing by candidates to funds section of KRS Chapter 121 to prohibit the last report is required to be filed; raised in current campaign, not members of the General Assembly from AN ACT relating to crimes and relieve candidates and slates from aggregate funds in a candidate's soliciting or accepting contributions, or a punishments. personally filing reports under certain account; provide that 10-day deadline for promise or pledge to make a Amend KRS 522.020 and 522.030, conditions; prohibit the use of funds for depositing campaign contributions contribution, from an individual or relating to official misconduct, to include candidacy for a different office, to excludes holidays and weekends; permanent committee and to prohibit providing advance notice of inspections support or oppose different issue, or to provide that candidates required to file members from participating in a of jails, long-term care facilities, or any further the candidacy of another campaign finance reports electronically campaign caucus committee fundraiser other facility, organization, or agency. candidate or slate of candidates for with the Registry do not have to provide during any legislative session. office; require all media offering a paper copy to the county clerk. Feb 12-introduced in Senate communications or advertising services HFA (7, D. Osborne) - Amend KRS Feb 12-introduced in Senate Feb 14-to Judiciary (S) to file with the registry and to make 6.811 to prohibit legislative agents from Feb 13-to State & Local Government specific disclosures; abolish the making campaign contributions to any (S); taken from committee; 1st reading; SB 162 (BR 1339) - R. Jones II, W. requirement that a paper format report candidate or slate of candidates running returned to State & Local Government Blevins Jr be filed if an electronic report is filed; for statewide office; declare an (S) require the registry to promulgate EMERGENCY. Feb 14-reported favorably, 2nd AN ACT relating to the Kentucky administrative regulations to establish a HFA (8, D. Osborne) - Amend KRS reading, to Rules; posted for passage in Board of Medical Licensure. de minimus standard; amend KRS 6.811(6) to permit legislative agents to the Regular Orders of the Day for Amend KRS 311.530 to require 121.120 to except those candidates, make campaign contributions to a Thursday, February 15 gubernatorial appointments to the Board candidate campaign committees, and legislator, a candidate, or his or her Feb 15-3rd reading, passed 35-0 of Medical Licensure to reflect the state's slates of candidates running for campaign committee if the legislator or Feb 16-received in House geographical and political representation statewide office from mandatory audits candidate is running for statewide office; Feb 21-to Elections, Const. ensure appointment of no more than 3 of receipts and expenditures that receive declare an EMERGENCY. Amendments & Intergovernmental physicians of the same specialty, and or spend less than $5,000; amend KRS HFA (9/Title, D. Osborne) - Make title Affairs (H) reflect the racial composition of the 121.135 to authorize the general counsel amendment; declare an EMERGENCY. Feb 22-posted in committee state. to the registry to write an advisory HFA (10, D. Owens) - Amend KRS Feb 27-floor amendment (1) filed to opinion and to require advisory opinions 118.215 to provide that during a Committee Substitute ; reported Feb 12-introduced in Senate to be issued not later than 20 days from presidential election year, the Secretary favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Feb 14-to Licensing, Occupations and the date the registry receives the of State shall certify the nominations no Committee Substitute Administrative Regulations (S) request; amend KRS 121.140 to define later than the Monday after the Friday Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules; floor "frivolous complaint" and to authorize the following the first Tuesday in September; amendments (2) (3) (4) (5) and (6) filed SB 163 (BR 1719) - R. Jones II registry to impose a civil penalty for the amend KRS 118.365 to conform. to Committee Substitute filing of frivolous complaints; amend HFA (11, T. Riner) - Amend to Mar 6-placed in the Orders of the Day AN ACT relating to workers' KRS 121.220 to require segregation of decrease the amount that a permanent Mar 8-floor amendments (7) (8) (10) compensation death benefits. primary election funds from regular committee may contribute to a (11) (12) and (13) filed to Committee Amend KRS 342.750 to require that election funds through bookkeeping; candidate, slate of candidates, or Substitute, floor amendment (9-title) filed the employee's average weekly wage, rather than the state average weekly AN ACT relating to revenue and contents of the application and the Accountability Act. wage, be used to calculate death taxation. requirements for licensing; exempt an benefits. Create a new section of KRS Chapter applicant for the associate license from SB 175 - AMENDMENTS 134 to define terms; create a new the examination requirement; exempt a SCS - Amend KRS 304.17A-846 to Feb 12-introduced in Senate section of KRS 134 to require every corporation's qualifying agent from the provide that large group health benefit Feb 14-to Judiciary (S) rental company engaged in the rental of examination requirement if the agent is plans with 51 or more enrolled heavy equipment to collect a 1% not an owner or private investigator; employees shall receive specified SB 164 (BR 1669) - T. Buford, J. Carroll property tax withholding fee; require the amend KRS 329A.040 to establish a utilization data reports upon request, fee to be separately stated; require that licensing fee to be set forth by the board within 30 days of the request, not to AN ACT relating to naming and amounts collected be used solely for the in administrative regulations for the exceed more than two reports annually. designating the Bluegrass Railroad payment of tangible personal property associate private investigator of $50 or SCA (1/Title, D. Ridley) - Make title Museum as the official railroad museum taxes imposed against the rental less; require applicants for the associate amendment. of central Kentucky. company on the heavy equipment license to undergo a criminal history HFA (1, J. Gooch Jr) - Amend KRS Create a new Section to KRS Chapter rented; provide that any claim for refund background check; permit the board to 304.39-020 to delete the presumption 2 to name and designate the Bluegrass or remedy sought by a lessee relating to issue associates temporary, that any medical bill submitted is Railroad Museum as the official railroad the property tax withholding fee be nonrenewable licenses under specified reasonable; define "emergency medical museum of central Kentucky. addressed with the rental company, and conditions; amend KRS 329A.045 to expense"; amend KRS 304.39-210 to that the general statutes relating to taxes conform; amend KRS 329A.070 to provide exception for emergency Feb 12-introduced in Senate imposed by the Commonwealth shall not delete provision exempting employees of medical expense benefits provision that Feb 14-to Economic Development, apply to the property tax withholding fee. private investigators or investigating a payment is not overdue if the insurer Tourism & Labor (S) companies who work less than 240 has not paid the provider at request of Feb 13-introduced in Senate hours from the purview of this chapter; the secured party; specify that basic SB 165 (BR 1820) - R. Stivers II Feb 15-to Appropriations & Revenue exempt persons performing their duties reparations benefits are primary except (S) as process servers under KRS 454.145 for benefits payable under workers' AN ACT relating to civil actions. from complying with the provisions of compensation law; require provider of Amend KRS 412.150 to specify that SB 171 (BR 1733) - A. Kerr this chapter. services to submit claims to a reparation the duty to join the creditor is mandatory obligor within 45 days from the date in an action by a surety against a AN ACT relating to unemployment Feb 13-introduced in Senate services are provided, except for principal or cosurety after maturity of a insurance. Feb 15-to Licensing, Occupations and expenses billed by a hospital or other debt. Amend KRS 271B.14-220 to require a Administrative Regulations (S) provider for emergency medical or certificate from the Division of inpatient services rendered at a hospital; Unemployment Insurance before SB 173/LM (BR 1360) - J. Pendleton, T. amend KRS 304.39-241 to provide Feb 12-introduced in Senate reinstatement of a dissolved or revoked Jensen exception for emergency medical Feb 14-to Judiciary (S) corporation; amend KRS 341.300 to expenses where the insurer pays the extend the time to collect unpaid AN ACT relating to criminal justice. provider directly; amend KRS 304.39- SB 166 (BR 1819) - R. Stivers II contributions, interest, or penalties from Amend KRS 500.110 to require 270 to permit the reparation obligor to five years to ten years; amend KRS certain trials to occur within specified require the person to submit to a mental AN ACT relating to civil actions. 341.410 to delete reference to "worker's time frames or pretrial detention costs or physical examination rather than Amend KRS 413.140 and 454.050 to benefit year" for determination of a shift from counties to the Court of petition circuit court; direct the insured to delete obsolete references to the workers' status and make a technical Justice; specify exceptions; create a new make available to the examining abolished tort of breach of promise to correction; and amend 341.800 to section of KRS Chapter 71 to require the provider any pertinent medical records marry. extend the expiration time on liens and jailer to settle accounts with fiscal court. or history; require the insurer to pay the levies filed from five years to ten years. costs of examination; create a new Feb 12-introduced in Senate Feb 13-introduced in Senate section of subtitle 39 of KRS Chapter Feb 14-to Judiciary (S) SB 171 - AMENDMENTS Feb 15-to Judiciary (S) 304 to permit a reparation obligor to SFA (1, B. Guthrie) - Amend to allow submit any claim for an independent SB 167 (BR 1818) - R. Stivers II determinations to be appealed; delay SB 174/LM (BR 1781) - E. Tori review of reparation benefits to effective date for issuance of determine whether the expenses are AN ACT relating to crimes and reinstatement certificates to July 1, AN ACT relating to special license medically necessary or reasonable; punishments. 2008. plates. establish standards if reparation obligor Amend KRS 502.060, relating to Amend KRS 186.162 to allow elects to perform independent reviews individual liability for corporate conduct, Feb 13-introduced in Senate surviving spouses of a Kentucky without using a registered private review to eliminate single gender reference. Feb 15-to Economic Development, National Guard member to obtain or agent; establish disclosures if a Tourism & Labor (S) retain a Kentucky National Guard special reparation obligor or agent denies or Feb 12-introduced in Senate Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st license plate. reduces payment for a treatment, Feb 14-to Judiciary (S) reading, to Calendar; floor amendment procedure, drug, or device; create a new (1) filed Feb 13-introduced in Senate section of subtitle 39 of KRS Chapter SB 168 (BR 1822) - R. Stivers II Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 15-to Transportation (S) 304 to require every reparation obligor to for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st have an appeal process which must be AN ACT relating to the court system. Day for Thursday, March 1 reading, to Calendar disclosed to insureds and providers. Amend KRS 29A.320 relating to Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 35-0 with Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules; posted HFA (2/Title, J. Gooch Jr) - Make title duties of the jury after the case is floor amendment (1) ; received in House for passage in the Regular Orders of the amendment. submitted to the jury to delete the word Mar 5-to Labor & Industry (H) Day for Monday, February 26 HFA (3/P, T. Burch) - Attach the "must" and to replace it with the word Mar 6-posting waived Feb 26-3rd reading, passed 35-0 provisions of HB 431/GA to SB 175/GA. "shall". Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 27-received in House HFA (4/Title, T. Burch) - Make title to Calendar Mar 2-to Transportation (H) amendment. Feb 12-introduced in Senate Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Mar 6-posting waived; posted in Feb 14-to Judiciary (S) for passage in the Regular Orders of the committee Feb 13-introduced in Senate Day for Monday, March 12, 2007 Feb 15-to Banking & Insurance (S) SB 169 (BR 1821) - R. Stivers II Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 65-28; SB 175 (BR 1910) - D. Ridley, J. Denton Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, received in Senate; enrolled, signed by to Calendar with Committee Substitute, AN ACT relating to crimes and each presiding officer; delivered to AN ACT relating to large group health committee amendment (1-title) punishments. Governor benefit plans. Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules Amend KRS 512.020 relating to Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Amend KRS 304.17A-846 to direct Mar 5-posted for passage in the criminal mischief in the first degree to 62) health insurers to provide certain Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, eliminate gender specific references. information to large group health benefit March 5, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 37-0 SB 172/LM/CI (BR 1592) - J. Denton plans upon request of the plans; require with Committee Substitute, committee Feb 12-introduced in Senate the insurer to provide additional amendment (1-title) Feb 14-to Judiciary (S) AN ACT relating to private utilization data to help the employer Mar 6-received in House; to Banking investigators. measure costs in certain areas; provide & Insurance (H); posting waived Introduced Feb. 13, 2007 Amend KRS 329A.010 to define under certain circumstances that Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, "associate private investigator" and "sole nonpublic personal health information to Calendar; floor amendments (1) and SB 170 (BR 1506) - T. Buford proprietor"; amend KRS 329A.035 to can be provided to large group health (2-title) filed establish an associate private benefit plans in compliance with the Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted investigator's license; establish the Federal Health Insurance Portability and for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 9, 2007; floor operating a commercial motor vehicle. deposits; create a new section of KRS Feb 15-to Banking & Insurance (S) amendments (3) and (4-title) filed Chapter 383 to establish requirements Mar 9-floor amendment (1) withdrawn Feb 13-introduced in Senate for the notification of residents of the SB 183 (BR 1140) - P. Clark Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 98-0; Feb 15-to Transportation (S) business address of the owner or received in Senate; enrolled, signed by operator of the community and a listing AN ACT relating to truancy. each presiding officer; delivered to SB 178 (BR 468) - G. Tapp of resident rights in every rental Create a new section of KRS Chapter Governor agreement. 159 to permit a local board of education Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. AN ACT relating to landlord-resident and law enforcement officials to enter 87) relations in manufactured housing Feb 13-introduced in Senate into an agreement to authorize police to communities. Feb 15-to Licensing, Occupations and investigate nonattendance and take into SB 176 (BR 1776) - R. Sanders Jr Create a new section of KRS Chapter Administrative Regulations (S) custody a student who is 16 years of age 383 to set definitions for this act; create or under who is not on school property AN ACT relating to local occupational a new section of KRS Chapter 383 to SB 179 (BR 1670) - K. Stine, D. Thayer, during school hours; require operating fees. prevent retaliation by community owners D. Boswell, D. Roeding, D. Seum, G. procedures be established for an Amend KRS 68.197 to apply or operators against residents that report Tapp, E. Tori, J. Westwood approved placement facility; set forth the provisions to counties with a population health and safety violations; create a procedures to be established by the over 30,000 but under 300,000; delete new section of KRS Chapter 383 AN ACT relating to abortions. agreement; amend KRS 610.255 to the one percent upper limit on the rate establishing the conditions under which Amend KRS 311.725, relating to permit a peace officer to take the child that may be imposed; allow a county to a community owner or operator may informed consent, to require information that is in custody to an approved exclude the area of a city within the bring action for the possession of to be given in person; specify record- placement facility with the permission of county from the tax; provide that the Act premises; create a new section of KRS keeping requirements for forms required school personnel; and amend KRS will take effect on July 15, 2007. Chapter 383 establishing community under that section; require the cabinet to 630.030 to permit a peace officer to take owner and operator requirements for give the woman original documents; into custody a child who is believed to be Feb 13-introduced in Senate maintenance and inspection; create a amend KRS 311.990, relating to a truant or a child who has not subjected Feb 15-to Appropriations & Revenue new section of KRS Chapter 383 penalties, to provide a penalty for himself or herself to control of school (S) establishing the requirements for violating the informed consent personnel. Feb 22-taken from committee; 1st residents of the community to obey provisions. reading, to Calendar community rules and personal Feb 13-introduced in Senate Feb 23-2nd reading; returned to regulations; create a new section of KRS Feb 13-introduced in Senate Feb 15-to Education (S) Appropriations & Revenue (S) Chapter 383 to establish rights and Feb 14-to Judiciary (S) obligations for community owners and Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st SB 184 (BR 1644) - P. Clark SB 177 (BR 1567) - E. Scorsone operators who sell the community for reading, to Calendar uses other than manufactured housing Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted AN ACT relating to unpasteurized AN ACT relating to certificates for residential uses; create a new section of for passage in the Regular Orders of the milk. driving. KRS Chapter 383 requiring owners and Day for Tuesday, February 20 Create new sections of KRS Chapter Create a new section of KRS 186, to operators to offer each resident an Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 34-3 217C to establish the conditions under define the term "certificate for driving" as equivalent rental agreement and Feb 21-received in House which unpasteurized milk and milk a certificate issued by the Transportation establishing time for time requirements Feb 26-to Health & Welfare (H) products can be produced, processed, Cabinet to an individual who cannot for the issuance of this agreement; Mar 8-discharge petition filed and sold. prove citizenship or legal presence create a new section of KRS Chapter requirements of KRS 186.412; mandate 383 requiring that community owners SB 180 (BR 182) - R. Jones II Feb 13-introduced in Senate that certificates for driving be clearly and operators disclose all fees and Feb 15-to Agriculture & Natural distinguishable from regular operator's charges, in writing, to residents; create a AN ACT relating to attorney Resources (S) licenses and clearly state on the face new section of KRS Chapter 383 solicitation of disaster victims. that the document is not to be used for requiring that community owners or Amend KRS 21A.300 and 21A.320 Introduced Feb. 14, 2007 identification purposes; require the operators promulgate rules for the relating to attorney advertising to include cabinet to establish a unique identifying community and require the posting of within the existing 30-day prohibition on SB 185 (BR 1673) - E. Tori number systems for certificates and these rules; create a new section of KRS direct solicitation by attorneys of disaster keep a database of all certificate holders Chapter 383 preventing community victims those solicitations offered in AN ACT relating to military affairs. and their driving histories available for owners or operators from requiring media advertising that are directed Amend KRS 36.025 to allow the the use of law enforcement agencies, residents to purchase personal property toward a victim or group of victims of a Governor to appoint deputy adjutants require the Transportation Cabinet to from the owner or operator; create a new disaster. general for the Army National Guard and promulgate regulations to provide section of KRS Chapter 383 preventing Air National Guard. standards for the application, issuance, community owners or operators from Feb 13-introduced in Senate denial, and revocation of certificates; charging a fee for the installation of Feb 15-to Judiciary (S) Feb 14-introduced in Senate create a new section of KRS Chapter appliances; create a new section of KRS Feb 16-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & 186 to set out application procedures for Chapter 383 preventing community SB 181 (BR 1720) - R. Jones II Public Protection (S) certificates for driving; require owners or operators from requiring that Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st application to be made in Frankfort or at residents purchase services from AN ACT relating to workers' reading, to Consent Calendar a regional office of the cabinet; require specific vendors; create a new section of compensation unfair claims settlement Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules State police examinations of all KRS Chapter 383 to prohibit community practices. Feb 26-posted for passage in the applicants for a certificate; impose age- owners and operators from certain Repeal KRS 342.267 relating to Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, appropriate instruction permit and actions relating to the sale of housing, workers' compensation unfair claims February 27, 2007 graduated license restrictions on discrimination, or undisclosed fees; settlement practices; amend KRS Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 33-0 individuals applying for a certificate who create a new section of KRS Chapter 342.920 and 342.990 to conform. Feb 28-received in House do not have a valid license from another 383 prohibiting the requiring of the sale Mar 5-to Seniors, Military Affairs, & state or recognized foreign jurisdiction; or sublet of a lot or manufactured Feb 13-introduced in Senate Public Safety (H) create a new section of KRS Chapter housing to a specific individual; create a Feb 15-to Economic Development, Mar 6-posting waived 186 to set out denial criteria and new section of KRS Chapter 383 Tourism & Labor (S) Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, revocation criteria; require the cabinet to prohibiting community owners or to Calendar establish a points and suspension operators from charging a sales SB 182 (BR 1767) - R. Jones II Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted system for moving violations similar to commission for the rental of lots, unless for passage in the Regular Orders of the the one used for operator's licenses; certain conditions are met; create a new AN ACT relating to payment of Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 make certificates valid for four years, section of KRS Chapter 383 allowing benefits by a reparation obligor. Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 92-2; with renewal; require possession of additions to the rental agreement, not Amend KRS 304.39-210, pertaining to received in Senate; enrolled, signed by certificate at all times when operating a prohibited by law; create a new section the no-fault motor vehicle insurance law, each presiding officer; delivered to motor vehicle; require certificate holders of KRS Chapter 383 establishing to delete provision that overdue payment Governor to notify the circuit clerk of name and procedures and rights of residents that of benefits bear interest; amend KRS Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. address changes; set the fee for a make material violations of community 304.39-220 to delete provision 31) certificate at the same fee as for an rules; create a new section of KRS authorizing the court to award operator's license; prohibit certificate Chapter 383 to prohibit the seizure of reasonable attorney's fee if overdue SB 186 (BR 1779) - E. Tori holders from possessing or applying for goods and property without a court benefits are recovered in an action an operator's license, personal order; create a new section of KRS against a reparation obligor. AN ACT relating to military affairs. identification card, or commercial driver's Chapter 383 establishing procedures for Amend KRS 198A.040 to require the license; prohibit certificate holders from the retention and repayment of security Feb 13-introduced in Senate Kentucky Housing Corporation to Substitute to 246.660 to allow any conservation of up to seven days prior to termination; provide assistance to a regular member Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules officer or peace officer to assist the establish due process procedures for an of the United States Armed Forces, who Feb 20-posted for passage in the department in enforcing the ginseng employee who has completed four years names Kentucky as home of record for Regular Orders of the Day for program, to create the Kentucky ginseng of continuous active service; establish a military purposes, during that member's Wednesday, February 21, 2006 fund, and to establish the procedures in process to require the commissioner of deployment on active duty outside the Feb 21-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with declaring seized items as contraband; education to appoint a hearing officer United States; amend KRS 36.480 to Committee Substitute amend KRS 246.650 to define the upon request; establish the right of require the Kentucky Department of Feb 22-received in House different species of ginseng; amend KRS appeal to the Circuit Court in the county Military Affairs to post information on its Feb 27-to Natural Resources & 246.660 to require the department to where the school district is located; Web site to assist military spouses in Environment (H) administer a program for the different provide service credit for limited status obtaining professional and occupational Mar 1-posted in committee species of ginseng; amend KRS 246.990 employees on approved military leave licenses, certificates, and other Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, to establish penalties for violating and for reemployment or reinstatement credentials; delete the requirement that to Calendar administrative regulations relating to of an employee inducted into the Armed the Kentucky Department of Military Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted ginseng and for purchasing ginseng out Forces of the United States. Affairs establish other procedures to for passage in the Regular Orders of the of season. assist military spouses in obtaining these Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 Feb 15-introduced in Senate credentials; repeal KRS 36.478. Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 97-0; Feb 14-introduced in Senate Feb 20-to Education (S) received in Senate; enrolled, signed by Feb 16-to Agriculture & Natural Feb 14-introduced in Senate each presiding officer; delivered to Resources (S) SB 196 (BR 1263) - R. Stivers II Feb 16-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Governor Public Protection (S) Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. SB 192 (BR 1841) - T. Jensen AN ACT relating to permitting for Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st 32) industrial energy facilities. reading, to Consent Calendar AN ACT relating to civil actions. Amend KRS 224.01-010 to define Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules SB 188 (BR 1583) - T. Buford Create a new section of KRS Chapter "industrial energy facility"; amend KRS Feb 26-posted for passage in the 411 to allow a plaintiff in a civil action 224.10-225 to make industrial energy Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, AN ACT relating to the immunization where comparative fault becomes an facilities eligible for one-stop shopping February 27, 2007 of children. issue, where suit was initiated against for environmental permits; amend Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 33-0 Amend KRS Chapter 214.034 to the original defendant within the statute 224.10-470 to require that permitting Feb 28-received in House include streptococcus pneumoniae to of limitations, where the original appeals skip the circuit court level and Mar 5-to Seniors, Military Affairs, & the list of diseases that a parent, defendant alleges that a third party be heard by the Court of Appeals; Public Safety (H) guardian, and other persons having caused or contributed to the plaintiff's amend KRS 278.700 to exempt Mar 6-posting waived care, custody, or control of any child injury, and where the plaintiff would be industrial energy facilities from Siting Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, must have the child immunized against. barred by a statute of limitations from Board approval. to Calendar bringing a claim against that third party Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 14-introduced in Senate to either amend the complaint pursuant SB 196 - AMENDMENTS for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 16-to Health & Welfare (S) to Rule 15 of the Kentucky Rules of Civil SCS - Amend KRS 224.10-470 to Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 Procedure or institute a separate action change venue for review of final orders Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 99-0; SB 189 (BR 1855) - C. Gibson within ninety days of the filing of the first of the Environmental and Public received in Senate; enrolled, signed by answer or amended answer alleging Protection Cabinet for an industrial each presiding officer; delivered to Feb 20-WITHDRAWN such third party's fault; establish that the energy facility from the Court of Appeals Governor new cause of action is not barred by any to the Circuit Court located in the county Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. SB 190 (BR 361) - T. Jensen statute of limitations. where the industrial energy facility is 55) proposed to be located. AN ACT relating to independent Feb 14-introduced in Senate SFA (1, E. Scorsone) - Remove SB 187 (BR 1637) - T. Jensen contractors. Feb 16-to Judiciary (S) industrial energy facility exemption from Create new sections of KRS Chapter Kentucky State Board on Electric AN ACT relating to abandoned mine 342, relating to workers' compensation, SB 193 (BR 1780) - E. Tori Generation and Transmission Siting land. to permit a person to apply to the Office review. Create new section of KRS Chapter of Workers' Claims for an independent Feb 22-WITHDRAWN HFA (1, T. Pullin) - Delete other useful 350 to allow the cabinet to expend for contractor certificate; establish products from the definition of "industrial reclamation projects which are of a lower requirements and procedures for SB 194 (BR 1761) - T. Jensen energy facility." priority, if done in conjunction with a approval, application, renewal and HFA (2, R. Webb) - Require a NEPA project assigned a higher priority; amend revocation of such certificate; provide AN ACT relating to absentee ballots. environmental assessment or KRS 350.550 to delete use of that a person holding an independent Amend KRS 117.085 to establish environmental impact statement for Abandoned Mine Land funds for studies contractor certificate shall not be when the identity of an absentee voter industrial energy facility to be exempt conducted by state agencies; amend required to purchase a workers' may be made public. from Siting Board purview. KRS 350.555 to allow for expenditure on compensation policy; create a a reclamation project located adjacent to presumption that the holder of a Feb 14-introduced in Senate Feb 15-introduced in Senate one already assigned a priority by the certificate is an independent contractor Feb 16-to State & Local Government Feb 20-to Agriculture & Natural cabinet; delete research and for purposes of workers' compensation; (S) Resources (S) development, work on public facilities, make certificate effective for one year; Feb 27-taken from committee; 1st and development of publicly owned require executive director to promulgate Introduced Feb. 15, 2007 reading, to Calendar lands as a priority; amend KRS 350.560 administrative regulations to implement Feb 28-2nd reading; returned to to delete restriction on the use of funds and administer provisions; amend KRS SB 195 (BR 1805) - R. Stivers II Agriculture & Natural Resources (S) allocated to the Commonwealth by the 342.990 to impose penalties including Mar 1-reported favorably, to Rules Secretary of the Interior; amend KRS fine or imprisonment, or both, for AN ACT relating to classified with Committee Substitute ; floor 350.575 to prohibit a lien filed against a violations; and make provisions effective employee's benefits. amendment (1) filed to Committee property owner who did not consent to January 1, 2008. Amend KRS 158.070 to permit public Substitute mining operations requiring reclamation; school employees other than teachers to Mar 5-posted for passage in the amend KRS 350.597 to retain up to 30% Feb 14-introduced in Senate participate in statewide professional Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, of the funds allocated to Kentucky in a Feb 16-to Economic Development, meetings with substitutes when needed; March 5, 2007; 3rd reading; floor special trust fund and to include the Tourism & Labor (S) amend KRS 161.011 to define amendment (1) defeated ; passed 36-1 2006 amendments to the Surface Mining Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st "progressive discipline" as a process to with Committee Substitute Reclamation and Control Act in the reading, to Calendar deal with job-related behavior that does Mar 6-received in House citation. Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted not meet expected and communicated Mar 7-to Natural Resources & for passage in the Regular Orders of the performance standards; establish due Environment (H); reported favorably, 1st SB 187 - AMENDMENTS Day for Thursday, March 1 process and hearing procedures for reading, to Calendar SCS - Retain original provisions; Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 31-3; classified employees notified that their Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted make technical correction on a citation to received in House contracts will not be renewed; require for passage in the Regular Orders of the federal law. Mar 6-to Labor & Industry (H) the board policy to provide a process Day for Friday, March 9, 2007; floor that includes for verbal and written amendments (1) and (2) filed Feb 14-introduced in Senate; to SB 191 (BR 1622) - T. Jensen warnings, public and private reprimands, Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with Agriculture & Natural Resources (S) probation with a corrective action plan, floor amendment (1) ; received in Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st AN ACT relating to ginseng. and suspensions with pay or without pay Senate; posted for passage for reading, to Calendar with Committee Create new sections of KRS 246.650 concurrence in House floor amendment (1) ; Senate concurred in House floor provide a means by which information Corrections inmates in county jails are Feb 21-to Economic Development, amendment (1) ; passed 35-0 pertaining to divorces can be also subject to testing and reporting. Tourism & Labor (S) Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each electronically filed. SFA (2, D. Mongiardo) - Retain Feb 27-taken from committee; 1st presiding officer; delivered to Governor SFA (3, R. Palmer II) - Amend same original provisions; insert provision reading, to Calendar Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. provisions as SFA #2 except change requiring all penitentiary inmates to be Feb 28-2nd reading; returned to 73) date for compliance to July 1, 2008. tested for HIV/AIDS no more than 30 Economic Development, Tourism & days after incarceration; insert provision Labor (S) SB 197 (BR 1672) - E. Tori Feb 15-introduced in Senate requiring penitentiary inmates to be Mar 6-reported favorably, to Rules Feb 20-to Judiciary (S) tested for HIV/AIDS no less than 30 with Committee Substitute, committee AN ACT relating to the establishment Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st days prior to release provided that the amendment (1) ; posted for passage in of historical commissions. reading, to Consent Calendar with inmate did not test positive for HIV/AIDS the Regular Orders of the Day for Create new sections of KRS Chapter Committee Substitute ; floor amendment during the test administered by the Tuesday, March 6, 2007; 3rd reading, 171 to establish and attach the (1) filed to Committee Substitute department upon incarceration; insert passed with Committee Substitute, Commonwealth of Kentucky War of Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules provision requiring the department to committee amendment (1-title) 1812 Bicentennial Commission; attach Feb 26-posted for passage in the provide for adequate medical treatment Mar 7-received in House the commission to the Kentucky Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, for inmates who test positive for Mar 8-to Labor & Industry (H) Historical Society; assign membership February 27, 2007; floor amendment (2) HIV/AIDS. and duties; sunset on December 31, filed to Committee Substitute SB 204/LM (BR 1124) - D. Seum 2015. Feb 27-taken from the Consent Feb 15-introduced in Senate Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Feb 20-to Judiciary (S) AN ACT relating to constables. SB 197 - AMENDMENTS Orders of the Day; passed over and Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st Amend KRS 15.315, relating to the SCS - Retain original provisions with retained in the Orders of the Day; floor reading, to Calendar; floor amendment Kentucky Law Enforcement Council, to technical corrections; establish a Civil amendment (3) filed to Committee (1) filed add two constables to the council KRS War Sesquicentennial Commission to Substitute Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules 16.220 to include constables among the study and recommend ways to Feb 28-passed over and retained in Feb 26-posted for passage in the recipients of grants from firearm sales; commemorate Kentucky's role in the the Orders of the Day Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, amend KRS 61.362, relating to Civil War; provide for membership and Mar 1-3rd reading; floor amendment February 27, 2007 agreements with peace officers and specify duties; provide that the (2) withdrawn ; passed 35-0 with Feb 27-3rd reading; floor amendment residential property owners to enforce commission shall expire in 2015. Committee Substitute, floor amendments (1) adopted ; recommitted to Judiciary law on residential property, to include SCA (1/Title, B. Guthrie) - Make title (1) and (3) ; received in House (S) constables; amend KRS 64.210 relating amendment. Mar 6-to Health & Welfare (H); posting Mar 7-floor amendment (2) filed to reimbursement for constable vehicle HFA (1, R. Meeks) - Create new waived retroactively use, to apply provisions to all counties; sections of KRS Chapter 171 to SB 202 (BR 1690) - J. Turner amend KRS 65.255, relating to establish the Commonwealth of SB 199/LM/CI (BR 1410) - D. Boswell, cooperative utilization of peace officers Kentucky Slavery Commission; attach J. Pendleton, G. Neal AN ACT relating to student health to add a constable who is a certified the commission to the Kentucky care examinations. peace officer or qualified constable; Historical Society; assign membership AN ACT relating to motor vehicle Amend KRS 158.035 to require a amend KRS 70.036 relating to sheriff and duties; sunset on December 31, accidents. dental examination for children entering uniforms, to include constable uniforms 2015. Amend KRS 189.990 to increase the public or private schools. and require county to pay for uniform for penalty for leaving the scene of an certified peace officer constables and Feb 15-introduced in Senate accident where death or serious physical Feb 15-introduced in Senate qualified constables and deputies; create Feb 20-to Economic Development, injury is involved to a Class D felony. Feb 20-to Education (S) a new section of KRS Chapter 70 to Tourism & Labor (S) Feb 22-reassigned to Health & create a "qualified" constable basic Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st Feb 15-introduced in Senate Welfare (S) training course of 40 hours and an reading, to Consent Calendar with Feb 20-to Judiciary (S) Feb 27-taken from committee; 1st annual 40-hour in-service training to Committee Substitute, committee reading; returned to Health & Welfare maintain the qualified status for amendment (1-title) SB 200 (BR 1842) - R. Jones II (S) constables and deputy constables; Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 28-taken from committee; 2nd specify that a constable who is a for passage in the Consent Orders of the AN ACT relating to mining. reading; returned to Health & Welfare certified peace officer is automatically a Day for Thursday, March 1 Amend KRS 352.090 to require mine (S) qualified constable; create a new section Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 36-0 with seal construction plans be submitted to of KRS Chapter 422, relating to service Committee Substitute, committee the Office of Mine Safety and Licensing; Introduced Feb. 16, 2007 of process, to have person seeking amendment (1-title) ; received in House amend KRS 352.133 to require the process to elect the method of serving Mar 6-to State Government (H); cabinet to establish reporting SB 203 (BR 1691) - J. Turner, J. process; create a new section of KRS posting waived requirements for inoperative or Denton, P. Clark, D. Harper Angel, R. Chapter 65 to require a local Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, nonfunctional self-contained self- Jones II, D. Mongiardo, G. Neal, D. government which maintains a public to Calendar rescuers and delete requirement for Seum, T. Shaughnessy safety radio system or public safety Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted intrinsically safe strobe lights be answering point to permit constable and for passage in the Regular Orders of the attached to storage units for self- AN ACT relating to workers' deputies to utilize the system and to Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 contained self-rescuers. compensation self-insurance and require the county to pay costs of Mar 12-floor amendment (1) filed declaring an emergency. utilization; amend KRS 70.310, relating Feb 15-introduced in Senate Amend KRS 342.340 relating to to bond for constables and deputies, to SB 198 (BR 1995) - C. Gibson, J. Feb 20-to Agriculture & Natural workers' compensation self-insurance, to require all bonds to be paid by the Rhoads Resources (S) exempt public sector self-insured county; amend KRS 70.320, relating to employers from the requirement to post deputy constables, to permit specified AN ACT relating to vital statistics. SB 201/CI (BR 1682) - D. Seum security, indemnity or bond to secure numbers of deputy constables to be Amend KRS Chapter 213.041 to allow workers' compensation liabilities if the appointed for each constable; amend certificates required in KRS Chapter 213 AN ACT relating to inmates. public employer has authority to raise KRS 70.330, to require the Kentucky to be signed in black or blue ink; amend Amend KRS 197.055 to require that taxes or tuition, issue bonds, raise fees, Constable Association to recommend KRS 213.076 to permit registered nurses the Department of Corrections or has other authority to generate funds; candidates to fill a vacancy in the office and physician assistants to sign and administer an HIV/AIDS test to all EMERGENCY. of constable; amend KRS 70.430, amend certificates of death. penitentiary inmates no less than 30 relating to fiscal reporting by some days prior to release; require that a copy SB 203 - AMENDMENTS constables, to require fiscal reporting to SB 198 - AMENDMENTS of the results be sent to the inmate, the SCS - Retain original provision; the county clerk by all constables; SCS - Amend to remove provisions warden of the penitentiary, the secretary amend KRS 342.0011 to amend the amend KRS 70.440, relating to false relating to registered nurses and of the cabinet, and the legal spouse of definition of agriculture; amend KRS reporting by some constables, to include physician assistants and to include the inmate by registered mail within five 304.13-167 to provide a workers' all constables; amend KRS 189.950, provisions relating to the correction of days of the department receiving the compensation premium reduction to relating to use of blue lights and sirens incomplete or unsatisfactory certificates. results; require that the results not be employers who implement a drug-free by various officials, including constables, SFA (1, C. Gibson) - Make a technical public record but be a part of the workplace program. to permit use of blue lights and sirens on correction. inmate's medical file. SCA (1/Title, A. Kerr) - Make title vehicles operated by a constable SFA (2, R. Palmer II) - Insert provision amendment; declare EMERGENCY. certified as a peace officer or listed as a to amend KRS 213.116, relating to the SB 201 - AMENDMENTS qualified constable; amend KRS collecting of data, to require the Cabinet SFA (1, D. Seum) - Retain original Feb 16-introduced in Senate 431.005, relating to arrests, to permit for Health and Family Services to provisions clarifying that Department of constables and deputy constables who are certified peace officers or qualified Feb 16-introduced in Senate Mar 7-to Education (H); posting SB 212 (BR 1807) - D. Boswell, J. constables and qualified deputy Feb 21-to State & Local Government waived; posted in committee Pendleton constables to make domestic violence (S) Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, arrests without viewing the commission to Calendar AN ACT relating to charitable gaming. of the offense; amend KRS 431.007, SB 206 (BR 1599) - D. Thayer Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules Create a new section of KRS Chapter relating to peace officers operating in 238 to provide a review of new or another jurisdiction in Kentucky, to make AN ACT relating to storm water rate SB 209 (BR 1657) - G. Tapp amended administrative regulations by arrests to include a constable or deputy charges. the Charitable Gaming Advisory constable certified as a peace officer Amend KRS 220.510 to provide that AN ACT relating to motor carriers. Commission for proposed regulations and a constable and deputy constable persons in areas not served by a Create a new section of KRS Chapter affecting the manner in which charitable listed as a qualified constable or sanitary system are exempt from storm 281 to define an "airport livery organizations conduct charitable qualified deputy constable; repeal KRS water rate charges that are charged by certificate"; require any person gaming; require written comments of the 64.190 relating to constable fees. that system. proposing to operate an airport livery commission to be attached to any public service to make application to the submission of the administrative Feb 16-introduced in Senate Feb 16-introduced in Senate department; require the certificate to be regulation; amend KRS 238.520 to Feb 21-to Judiciary (S) Feb 21-to Appropriations & Revenue issued without a hearing to any applicant specify that the commission shall meet (S) who meets the requirements for the quarterly, upon the request of the chair SB 205 (BR 1650) - D. Seum certificate; require the department to or four of its members; amend KRS SB 207/LM (BR 1738) - D. Thayer promulgate administrative regulations 238.515 to require the Office of AN ACT relating to metropolitan sewer governing the airport livery certificate; Charitable Gaming to submit any districts. AN ACT relating to the reclassification amend KRS 281.620 to require a filing or proposed regulation affecting the Amend KRS 76.030 to provide that for of cities. renewal fee of $250 for an airport livery manner in which charitable organizations metropolitan sewer districts (MSDs) in a Amend KRS 81.032 to require that a certificate; amend KRS 281.655 to conduct charitable game to the advisory county containing a consolidated local city seeking reclassification that does not establish insurance requirements for commission for review; amend KRS government that the board shall consist meet the established population airport livery vehicles; amend KRS 238.535 to permit an applicant whose of 9 members 3 each appointed by the requirements must, in addition to the 281.728 to prohibit a certificate holder to license is denied to resubmit and provide mayor, the Governor, and the legislative resolution presently required, seek a advertise as supplying a limousine an additional fee for frivolous body of the consolidated local certified resolution approving the unless the vehicle meets the submissions; amend KRS 238.540 to government; provide for criteria, proposal for reclassification from the requirements of KRS 281.014; amend permit charitable gaming volunteers to qualifications, an annual salary of county or counties containing all or a KRS 186.281 to establish an annual serve as often as they desire, but $5,000, removal, and specify portion of the city before the city is license fee of $20 for each airport livery prohibit compensation; create a new appointment eligibility; create a new eligible for reclassification; require that vehicle. section of KRS Chapter 238 to provide section of KRS Chapter 76 to provide the city shall only be allowed to be alternative methods of requesting a that the board of the MSD shall contract reclassified to the next higher or lower Feb 16-introduced in Senate change in date, time, or location of a with the Kentucky Auditor of Public classification; amend KRS 81.034 to Feb 21-to Transportation (S) charitable gaming event, require office Accounts for an annual audit, as well as require the city to record, when approval or denial of a change within 30 audits required by the Public Service applicable, the certified resolution from SB 210 (BR 1853) - R. Stivers II days of receipt of the request for the Commission (PSC); create a new the legislative body of the county or change. section of KRS Chapter 76 to provide counties with the General Assembly. AN ACT relating to administrative law. that in the district's monthly bill, a Create new sections of KRS Chapter Feb 16-introduced in Senate schedule of all regular meetings be Feb 16-introduced in Senate 13B relating to administrative Feb 21-to State & Local Government enclosed for the 6 months following the Feb 21-to State & Local Government proceedings and hearings to replace (S) ending service period of the bill; amend (S) hearing officers with administrative law Feb 27-taken from committee; 1st KRS 76.090 to provide that any judges; create administrative law board reading, to Calendar proposed rates be sent in the monthly SB 208 (BR 1709) - B. Guthrie to nominate administrative law judges Feb 28-2nd reading; returned to State bill at least 90 days before the rates can and administer the administrative law & Local Government (S) be effective and that the district shall not AN ACT relating to the selection of judge program; set number, Mar 1-reported favorably, to Rules; change the schedule until 120 days after school personnel. qualifications, salary and other matters posted for passage in the Regular the notice is published, as well as Amend KRS 160.345 to specify the relating to administrative law judges; Orders of the Day for Thursday, March requiring PSC approval for the new rate personnel procedures to be used in the provide for the appointment of 1, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 34-0; and fee schedule; provide that approval selection of school personnel; specify administrative law judges by the received in House of the legislative body of the modifications in the procedures when Governor; provide for confirmation of Mar 2-to Licensing & Occupations (H) consolidated local government be the vacancy is a principal in a school administrative law judge appointees by Mar 5-posted in committee required through an ordinance approved failing to meet its biennial accountability the Senate; provide that state cabinets by the mayor must be gained before the goal and the school is required to and independent executive branch SB 213 (BR 1408) - J. Pendleton, C. rates can be effective; provide that complete a scholastic audit; make agencies use and compensate Gibson subdistrict rates require approval of the technical corrections. administrative law judges; request the PSC and in the case of a consolidated Supreme Court of Kentucky to authorize AN ACT relating to motor vehicles. local government, the legislative body of SB 208 - AMENDMENTS direct appeal of the decision of an Amend various sections of KRS a consolidated local government by SCS - Retain original provisions, administrative law judge to the Court of Chapters 186 and 281A, and KRS ordinance approved by the mayor; except specify that the school Appeals; amend executive branch 189A.200, to transfer the function of amend KRS 76.262 to provide that for superintendent shall appoint the statutes relating to hearing officers to issuing operators' licenses and construction subdistricts, any proposed principal after consultation with the substitute administrative law judges, set commercial drivers' license from the rates be sent in the monthly bill at least school council if the vacancy is in a table for implementation of the circuit clerk to the State Police; require 90 days before the rates can be effective school that has an index score that administrative law judge program. the Commissioner of Vehicle Regulation, and that the district shall not change the places it in the lowest one-third of all the Commissioner of the State Police, schedule until 120 days after the notice schools below the assistance line and Feb 16-introduced in Senate and the Director of the AOC to develop is published, as well as requiring PSC the school has completed a scholastic Feb 21-to Judiciary (S) an implementation plan to be presented approval for the new rate and fee audit under KRS 158.6455 that includes to the Interim Joint Committees on schedule; provide that approval of the findings of lack of effectiveness of the SB 211/LM (BR 1686) - R. Jones II Transportation and Appropriations and legislative body of the consolidated local principal and the school council. Revenue by November 30, 2007; repeal government be required through an AN ACT relating to challenges to KRS 186.5315; statutory changes ordinance approved by the mayor must Feb 16-introduced in Senate absentee ballots. EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2008. be gained before the rates can be Feb 21-to Education (S) Amend KRS 117.087 to permit any effective; provide that subdistrict rates Feb 27-taken from committee; 1st person registered to vote in a county to Feb 16-introduced in Senate require approval of the PSC and in the reading, to Calendar challenge a mail-in absentee ballot or an Feb 21-to Transportation (S) case of a consolidated local government, Feb 28-2nd reading; returned to absentee ballot cast in-person in the the legislative body of a consolidated Education (S) county if the challenge is written and SB 214 (BR 1744) - D. Roeding local government by ordinance approved Mar 5-taken from committee; reported filed with the county clerk before 6:00 by the mayor; provide that amendments favorably, to Rules with Committee p.m. on election day. AN ACT relating to school-based to the schedule are subject to the Substitute ; posted for passage in the decision making councils. requirements of the PSC; amend KRS Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, Feb 16-introduced in Senate Amend KRS 160.345 to add two 278.010 to include metropolitan sewer March 5, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 37-0 Feb 21-to State & Local Government community members, one of whom must districts within purview of PSC. with Committee Substitute (S) be engaged in or have a background in Mar 6-received in House private enterprise, to a school's school- based decision making council; identify refused a drug or alcohol test; establish a strategy to mobilize a state response ineligible community members; require the duration of and informal hearing Feb 16-introduced in Senate to meet those needs; require the council the parent teacher organization of the requirements for the denial, suspension, Feb 21-to Licensing, Occupations and to submit a report of its findings and school to be responsible for the election or withdrawal; amend KRS 431.4505, Administrative Regulations (S) recommendations to the Kentucky of community members to the school relating to modification of uniform General Assembly and the Governor no council. citation, to include spaces for notice of later than January, 2008. license suspension and whether a Feb 16-introduced in Senate commercial motor vehicle was driven; Senate (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Feb 21-to Education (S) amend various statutes to conform; repeal KRS 189A.200, 189A.220, Jan 2-introduced in Senate SB 215 (BR 1846) - J. Denton 189A.240, and 189A.250 to conform. Resolutions Jan 4-to Appropriations and Revenue (S) AN ACT relating to prescription drugs. Feb 16-introduced in Senate Includes opposite chamber sponsors Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st Amend KRS 315.010 to Feb 21-to Judiciary (S) where requested by primary sponsors of reading, to Consent Calendar "authentication," " normal distribution substantially similar bills in both Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted channel," "pedigree," "wholesale SB 218 (BR 1658) - D. Williams, D. Kelly chambers and jointly approved by the for passage in the Consent Orders of the distribution," and "wholesale distributor;" Committee on Committees of both Day for Thursday, March1 amend KRS 315.036 to require licensure AN ACT relating to retirement. chambers. Opposite chamber sponsors Mar 1-3rd reading, adopted 36-0; of wholesale distributors; require Amend KRS 61.595 to remove gender are represented in italics. received in House distributors to maintain a pedigree for specific language. Mar 6-to Health & Welfare (H); posted each prescription drug distributed; Introduced Jan. 2, 2007 in committee; posting waived require inspection of wholesale Feb 16-introduced in Senate Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, distributors; permit the board to contract Feb 21-to State & Local Government to Calendar for inspection and licensure. (S) SR 1 (BR 269) - D. Kelly Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 27-taken from committee; 1st Mar 12-placed in the Orders of the Feb 16-introduced in Senate reading, to Calendar Adopt the Rules of Procedure to Day; 3rd reading, adopted 98-0; Feb 21-to Judiciary (S) Feb 28-2nd reading; returned to State govern the 2007 Regular Session of the received in Senate; enrolled, signed by & Local Government (S) Senate. each presiding officer; delivered to SB 216 (BR 1409) - J. Turner Governor SB 219 (BR 1961) - D. Harper Angel Jan 2-introduced in Senate; adopted Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. AN ACT relating to the East Kentucky by voice vote 63) Center for Science, Mathematics and AN ACT relating to individuals with Technology Corporation. disabilities. SR 2 (BR 290) - D. Kelly SR 7 (BR 261) - D. Kelly Create a new section of KRS Chapter Create a new sections of KRS 194A to 158 to establish the East Kentucky include legislative findings to support the Pastors of Frankfort churches, Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Center for Science, Mathematics and implementation of a Medicaid Buy-In extending invitation to. and honor of Lonnie D. Boswell. Technology Corporation as a focal point program for individuals with disabilities; for science, mathematics, and require the Cabinet for Health and Jan 2-introduced in Senate; adopted Jan 2-introduced in Senate technology educational programs and Family Services to implement program. by voice vote Jan 4-to Senate Floor resources; set forth the purposes and Jan 5-adopted by voice vote responsibilities of the corporation; attach Feb 16-introduced in Senate SR 3 (BR 302) - D. Kelly the corporation to the Education Cabinet Feb 21-to Appropriations & Revenue SR 8 (BR 325) - E. Scorsone, J. Carroll for administrative purposes. (S) Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of the late Reverend Kidd Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Feb 16-introduced in Senate SB 220/CI (BR 151) - E. Worley Leon Moore, Jr. and honor of the late Reverend Kidd Feb 21-to Education (S) Leon Moore, Jr. AN ACT relating to crimes and Jan 2-introduced in Senate; adopted SB 217/LM (BR 181) - J. Westwood punishments. by voice vote Jan 2-introduced in Senate Amend KRS 530.050 to require a Jan 4-to Senate Floor AN ACT relating to driving under the prosecuting attorney to initiate SR 4 (BR 292) - D. Kelly Feb 28-adopted by voice vote influence. prosecution in flagrant nonsupport cases Create a new section of KRS 189A to when the arrearage owed is $5,000 or Direct the appointment of a committee SR 9 (BR 901) - T. Buford require peace officers, when issuing a greater. to wait upon the Governor. citation for driving under the influence or Adjourn the Senate in loving memory when a person refuses a drug or alcohol Feb 16-introduced in Senate Jan 2-introduced in Senate and honor of Jerry Rouse, public test, to take custody of the person's Feb 21-to Judiciary (S) Jan 4-to Senate Floor; adopted by servant. driver's license; provide notice of license voice vote suspension; and issue a temporary SB 221 (BR 310) - E. Worley Jan 2-introduced in Senate driving permit; amend KRS 186.570, SR 5 (BR 324) - D. Thayer Jan 4-to Senate Floor relating to denial and suspension of AN ACT relating to family care homes. driver's licenses, to establish that the Amend KRS 205.245 to require Commend Toyota Hybrid Team for SR 10 (BR 909) - D. Thayer, J. Transportation Cabinet shall deny, payments that are made to a family care hybrid Camry assembly pilot production. Westwood, W. Blevins Jr, C. Borders, D. suspend, or withdraw driving privileges home on behalf of a person receiving Boswell, T. Buford, J. Carroll, P. Clark, J. to those cited for a DUI or who refuse a state supplementation to $1,000.00 per (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Denton, C. Gibson, B. Guthrie, D. drug or alcohol test; establish the resident; require the standard amount Harper Angel, E. Harris, T. Jensen, R. duration of and informal hearing that a family care home may accept for Jan 2-introduced in Senate Jones II, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, B. Leeper, V. requirements for the denial, suspension, full payment for cost of care shall be Jan 4-to State and Local Government McGaha, D. Mongiardo, G. Neal, R. or withdrawal; create a new section of based on the living arrangement minus a (S) Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, D. KRS 189A to provide that a person will $40 personal needs allowance retained Mar 9-taken from committee; to Ridley, D. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, E. receive credit for all pretrial suspension by the client; amend KRS 205.5606 to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. time; create a new section of KRS 281A conform to this section; amend KRS Stine, R. Stivers II, G. Tapp, E. Tori, J. to require peace officers, when issuing a 205.5607 to conform to this section. SJR 6 (BR 435) - D. Harper Angel, W. Turner, D. Williams, K. Winters, E. citation for driving a commercial motor Blevins Jr, C. Borders, E. Scorsone, J. Worley vehicle under the influence or when a Feb 16-introduced in Senate Turner person refuses a drug or alcohol test, to Feb 21-to Appropriations & Revenue Adjourn the Senate in loving memory take custody of the person's license, (S) Direct the Kentucky Office on and honor of the late Gerald R. Ford, the provide notice of license suspension, Alzheimer's Disease and Related 38th President of the United States of and issue a temporary driving permit; SB 222 (BR 1711) - K. Winters Disorders and the Alzheimer's Disease America, whose journey through this amend KRS 281A.190, relating to and Related Disorders Advisory Council earthly life ended on December 26, suspension of commercial driver's AN ACT relating to the Kentucky within the Cabinet for Health and Family 2006, after 93 years. licenses, to establish that the Board of Medical Licensure. Services to assess the impact of Transportation Cabinet shall deny, Amend KRS 311.530 to specify Alzheimer's disease on Kentuckians, to Jan 2-introduced in Senate suspend, or withdraw commercial driving appointments to and terms of members examine the existing services and Jan 3-adopted by voice vote privileges to those cited for DUI while of the Kentucky Board of Medical resources addressing the needs of driving a commercial vehicle or who Licensure. persons with Alzheimer's, and to develop SR 11 (BR 493) - D. Thayer the "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mar 1-WITHDRAWN Expressway," and to erect signs at the Jan 4-introduced in Senate Adjourn the Senate in loving memory appropriate intervals. Jan 5-adopted by voice vote and honor of Sadie Sturgill Hunter. Introduced Jan. 3, 2007 Jan 4-introduced in Senate SCR 22 (BR 441) - D. Williams Jan 5-introduced in Senate SR 12 (BR 944) - D. Thayer, J. Feb 6-to Transportation (S) Feb 6-to Senate Floor Westwood, C. Borders, A. Kerr, V. Feb 8-taken from committee; laid on Provide that when the Senate and Feb 7-adopted by voice vote McGaha, D. Roeding, D. Seum clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st House of Representatives adjourn on reading, to Calendar January 5, 2007, they adjourn until SR 29 (BR 968) - J. Turner, R. Jones II Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Feb 9-2nd reading; returned to February 6, 2007, when the second part and honor of Dr. Frederick A. Stine, IV. Transportation (S) of the 2007 Regular Session shall Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Feb 12-reported favorably, to Rules convene. and honor of Denver Hall. Jan 3-introduced in Senate with Committee Substitute ; posted for Jan 4-to Senate Floor passage in the Regular Orders of the Jan 4-introduced in Senate Jan 5-introduced in Senate Mar 9-adopted by voice vote Day for Monday, February 12, 2007; 3rd Jan 5-adopted by voice vote; received Feb 6-to Senate Floor reading, adopted 34-0 with Committee in House; adopted by voice vote Feb 7-adopted by voice vote SR 13 (BR 938) - D. Roeding Substitute Feb 13-received in House Introduced Jan. 5, 2007 Introduced Feb. 6, 2007 Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Feb 15-to Transportation (H); posted and honor of Jerry Rouse, public in committee; posting waived SR 23 (BR 924) - G. Neal, T. SR 30 (BR 1284) - J. Westwood, D. servant. Feb 16-reported favorably, 1st Shaughnessy, W. Blevins Jr, D. Boswell, Kelly, D. Thayer reading, to Calendar T. Buford, J. Carroll, P. Clark, J. Denton, Jan 3-introduced in Senate Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules; placed D. Harper Angel, R. Jones II, B. Leeper, Recognize February 6, 2007, as Jan 4-to Senate Floor; adopted by in the Orders of the Day R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, D. "Ronald Reagan Day" in the voice vote Feb 21-3rd reading, adopted 99-0 Ridley, R. Sanders Jr, E. Scorsone, R. Commonwealth of Kentucky. Feb 22-received in Senate Stivers II, J. Turner, E. Worley SR 14 (BR 141) - J. Denton Feb 26-enrolled, signed by each Feb 6-introduced in Senate; to Senate presiding officer; delivered to Governor Honor the University of Louisville Floor; adopted by voice vote Urge the Cabinet for Health and Mar 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch.1) Cardinals football team, 2007 Orange Family Services and the federal Bowl Champions. SR 31 (BR 1270) - T. Jensen government to include chronic SR 17 (BR 932) - J. Westwood, D. obstructive pulmonary disease in their Thayer Jan 5-introduced in Senate Honor Kentucky's farmers by chronic disease initiatives, including Feb 6-to Senate Floor recognizing February 6, 2007, as Food screening, smoking cessation, and Urge Congress to accelerate the Checkout Day. managing diseases. funding of the Brent Spence Bridge SJR 24 (BR 453) - T. Shaughnessy replacement project in Northern Feb 6-introduced in Senate; to Senate Jan 3-introduced in Senate Kentucky. Direct the commissioner of education Floor; adopted by voice vote Jan 4-to Health and Welfare (S) and the president of the Council on Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st Jan 4-introduced in Senate Postsecondary Education to establish SR 32 (BR 1128) - G. Neal reading, to Calendar Feb 6-to Transportation (S) and lead a Task Force on Accelerated Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules Learning to develop statewide strategies Adjourn the Senate in honor of Jane Feb 20-posted for passage in the SR 18 (BR 949) - W. Blevins Jr, C. to expand accelerated learning Bolin, the first African-American woman Consent Orders of the Day for Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, J. opportunities for high school students in the United States to become a judge. Wednesday, February 21, 2006 Carroll, P. Clark, J. Denton, C. Gibson, and adults in the workforce; require the Feb 21-3rd reading, adopted 37-0 B. Guthrie, D. Harper Angel, R. Jones II, task force to submit a written report to Feb 6-introduced in Senate A. Kerr, B. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. the Interim Joint Committee on Feb 8-to Senate Floor Mongiardo, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Introduced Jan. 4, 2007 Education, the Council on Mar 1-adopted by voice vote Pendleton, J. Rhoads, D. Ridley, D. Postsecondary Education, and the Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, E. Scorsone, D. Kentucky Board of Education by SR 33 (BR 1314) - G. Neal SR 15 (BR 942) - D. Roeding, J. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Westwood, K. Stine, D. Thayer December 1, 2007. Stivers II, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, Recognize February 4, 2007, as a J. Westwood, D. Williams, K. Winters, E. Jan 5-introduced in Senate night to honor Israel in Kentucky at Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Worley and honor of John R.S. Brooking. Feb 6-to Education (S) Evangel World Prayer Center. Honor Kentucky native Brandon SR 25 (BR 982) - D. Roeding Feb 6-introduced in Senate Jan 4-introduced in Senate Webb, winner of the 2006 National Jan 5-adopted by voice vote Feb 8-to Senate Floor League Cy Young Award. Memorialize Elizabeth Ann Edelmayer SJR 16/FN (BR 842) - G. Neal, T. O'Daniel and adjourn the Senate in SR 34 (BR 1316) - G. Neal Jan 4-introduced in Senate; adopted loving memory and honor of her. Shaughnessy, W. Blevins Jr, C. Borders, by voice vote D. Boswell, T. Buford, J. Carroll, P. Recognize and honor the Alpha Clark, J. Denton, C. Gibson, B. Guthrie, Jan 5-introduced in Senate; adopted Kappa Alpha Sorority for its history and SR 19 (BR 403) - B. Guthrie, R. Sanders by voice vote service. D. Harper Angel, E. Harris, T. Jensen, R. Jr Jones II, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, B. Leeper, V. SR 26 (BR 1017) - K. Stine, J. Feb 6-introduced in Senate McGaha, D. Mongiardo, R. Palmer II, J. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Pendleton, J. Rhoads, D. Ridley, D. Westwood, D. Roeding Feb 8-to Senate Floor and honor of Miss Abby Ellen Feb 15-adopted by voice vote Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, E. Scorsone, D. Cummings. Seum, K. Stine, R. Stivers II, G. Tapp, D. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Susan K. Woizeschke SR 35 (BR 1357) - G. Neal Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, Jan 4-introduced in Senate D. Williams, K. Winters, E. Worley Thayer. Feb 6-to Senate Floor Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Mar 12-adopted by voice vote Direct the Transportation Cabinet to Jan 5-introduced in Senate and honor of Michael Gene Mathies, Sr. Feb 6-to Senate Floor designate all of Interstate 65 in Jefferson SR 20 (BR 976) - C. Borders County, from the Kentucky/Indiana state Mar 27-adopted by voice vote Feb 6-introduced in Senate line to the Jefferson County/Bullitt Feb 8-to Senate Floor Adjourn the Senate in loving memory SR 27 (BR 1013) - G. Neal Feb 28-adopted by voice vote County line, as the "Dr. Martin Luther and honor of Janice Marie Haitz Jett. King, Jr., Memorial Highway," and to erect signs at the appropriate intervals. Adjourn the Senate in honor of Anna SR 36 (BR 987) - E. Scorsone, A. Kerr, Jan 4-introduced in Senate Mae Jordan upon the occasion of the T. Buford, J. Carroll Jan 5-adopted by voice vote SJR 16 - AMENDMENTS 100th anniversary of her birth. SCS - Direct the Transportation Honor the University of Kentucky SR 21 (BR 961) - J. Denton, K. Stine, D. Jan 5-introduced in Senate; adopted Wildcats football team, 2006 Music City Cabinet to designate Interstate 65 in Harper Angel, A. Kerr, E. Tori Jefferson County, from the by voice vote Bowl Champions Kentucky/Indiana state line to the Recognize January, 2007 as Cervical SR 28 (BR 967) - J. Turner, R. Jones II Feb 6-introduced in Senate Jefferson County/Bullitt County line, as Cancer Awareness Month. and make recommendations to the Feb 8-to Senate Floor SR 37 (BR 1272) - E. Scorsone, G. Neal General Assembly; set membership of Honor the University of Louisville Feb 13-adopted by voice vote the task force; require meeting upon the Cardinals football team, 2007 Orange Recognize February 7, 2007, as call of the co-chairs; require the final Bowl Champions. SR 59 (BR 1351) - J. Turner National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness report of the task force to be submitted Day. to the Legislative Research Commission Feb 6-introduced in Senate Adjourn the Senate in loving memory before September 1, 2008. Feb 8-to Senate Floor and honor of Orville (Tom) Hall. Feb 6-introduced in Senate Feb 20-adopted by voice vote Feb 7-to Senate Floor; adopted by Feb 6-introduced in Senate Feb 7-introduced in Senate voice vote Feb 8-to Economic Development, SR 52 (BR 1238) - D. Williams, W. Feb 8-to Senate Floor Tourism & Labor (S) Blevins Jr, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Feb 15-adopted by voice vote SR 38 (BR 1343) - D. Ridley Buford, J. Carroll, P. Clark, J. Denton, C. SR 46 (BR 1303) - J. Denton Gibson, B. Guthrie, D. Harper Angel, E. SR 60 (BR 1083) - R. Jones II, J. Carroll Adjourn the Senate in honor of Harris, T. Jensen, R. Jones II, D. Kelly, Rachelle Phillips, Miss Kentucky 2006. Recognize February 2, 2007, as Give A. Kerr, B. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Kids A Smile Day. Mongiardo, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. and honor of Eugene "Skeeze" Ward. Feb 6-introduced in Senate Pendleton, J. Rhoads, D. Ridley, D. Feb 7-to Senate Floor Feb 6-introduced in Senate Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, E. Scorsone, D. Feb 7-introduced in Senate Feb 8-adopted by voice vote Feb 8-to Senate Floor Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Feb 8-to Senate Floor Feb 14-adopted by voice vote Stivers II, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Mar 9-adopted by voice vote SR 39 (BR 1000) - E. Scorsone Turner, J. Westwood, K. Winters, E. SR 47 (BR 1400) - T. Buford Worley SR 61 (BR 1005) - W. Blevins Jr, C. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Borders, J. Carroll, D. Harper Angel, E. and honor of the late Michael Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Honor the University of Kentucky Harris, R. Jones II, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, Thompson. and honor of Hugh C. "Buddy" Adams, Wildcats football team, 2006 Music City R. Stivers II Jr. Bowl Champions. Feb 6-introduced in Senate Memorialize Dr. Randall L. Wells and Feb 8-to Senate Floor Feb 6-introduced in Senate Feb 6-introduced in Senate adjourn the Senate in his honor. Feb 28-adopted by voice vote Feb 8-to Senate Floor; adopted by Feb 8-to Senate Floor voice vote Feb 16-adopted by voice vote Feb 7-introduced in Senate SR 40 (BR 1087) - D. Boswell Feb 8-to Senate Floor SJR 48 (BR 1079) - R. Jones II Introduced Feb. 7, 2007 Feb 9-adopted by voice vote Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Van Reel. Direct the Cabinet for Health and SR 53 (BR 1245) - J. Turner, R. Jones II SR 62 (BR 1006) - W. Blevins Jr, D. Family Services to enter into reciprocal Harper Angel, C. Borders, J. Carroll, E. Feb 6-introduced in Senate agreements with other states relative to Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Harris, R. Jones II, G. Neal, R. Stivers II Feb 8-to Senate Floor the KASPER drug monitoring program and honor of Frederick Allen James. Feb 13-adopted by voice vote and to upgrade the system to allow Adjourn the Senate in loving memory users real-time access to its data, with a Feb 7-introduced in Senate and honor of James Randolph Perry SCR 41 (BR 950) - J. Rhoads report on progress toward these Feb 8-to Senate Floor objectives being made to the Legislative Feb 9-adopted by voice vote Feb 7-introduced in Senate Create a task force of the Legislative Research Commission. Feb 8-to Senate Floor Research Commission to study the issue SR 54 (BR 1146) - J. Turner, R. Jones II Feb 9-adopted by voice vote of land availability for hunters. Feb 6-introduced in Senate Feb 8-to Judiciary (S) Adjourn the Senate in loving memory SR 63 (BR 1391) - D. Thayer Feb 6-introduced in Senate Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st and honor of Virginia "Jean" Layne. Feb 8-to Agriculture and Natural reading, to Calendar Honor Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Resources (S) Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 7-introduced in Senate Kentucky, Inc. for receiving the United for passage in the Consent Orders of the Feb 8-to Senate Floor States Environmental Protection SR 42 (BR 1399) - T. Buford Day for Tuesday, February 20 Feb 9-adopted by voice vote Agency's ENERGY STAR Plant Award. Feb 20-taken from the Consent Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular SR 55 (BR 1055) - J. Turner, R. Jones II Feb 7-introduced in Senate and honor of Patsy Rainwater Bowling. Orders of the Day; 3rd reading, adopted Feb 9-to State & Local Government 37-0 Adjourn the Senate in loving memory (S) Feb 6-introduced in Senate Feb 21-received in House and honor of the late Cecelia L. Parks. Mar 9-taken from committee; to Feb 8-to Senate Floor; adopted by Feb 23-to Judiciary (H) Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote voice vote Feb 26-posted in committee Feb 7-introduced in Senate Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st Feb 8-to Senate Floor SR 64 (BR 1191) - C. Gibson SR 43 (BR 1122) - B. Leeper reading, to Calendar Feb 12-adopted by voice vote Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules Adjourn the Senate in honor of Staff Honor Leslie Watkins, the 2006 Mar 6-placed in the Orders of the Day SR 56 (BR 969) - J. Turner Sergeant Thomas W. Clemons. National Career and Technical Mar 7-3rd reading, adopted 99-0 Education Teacher of the Year. Mar 8-received in Senate; enrolled, Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Feb 7-introduced in Senate signed by President of the Senate and honor of Mary E. Johnson. Feb 8-to Senate Floor Feb 6-introduced in Senate Mar 9-enrolled, signed by Speaker of Feb 16-adopted by voice vote Feb 8-to Senate Floor the House; delivered to Governor Feb 7-introduced in Senate Feb 13-adopted by voice vote Mar 19-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Feb 8-to Senate Floor SR 65 (BR 1054) - C. Gibson 15) Feb 12-adopted by voice vote SR 44 (BR 1398) - T. Buford Adjourn the Senate in loving memory SR 49 (BR 1136) - J. Carroll SR 57 (BR 1349) - J. Turner and honor of Major Michael Lewis Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Mundell. and honor of Neal Christian Floyd. Feb 12-WITHDRAWN Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Paul Edward Blackburn. Feb 7-introduced in Senate Feb 6-introduced in Senate SR 50 (BR 1476) - J. Carroll, J. Rhoads, Feb 8-to Senate Floor Feb 8-to Senate Floor; adopted by D. Boswell Feb 7-introduced in Senate Feb 16-adopted by voice vote voice vote Feb 8-to Senate Floor Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Feb 13-adopted by voice vote SR 66 (BR 1532) - C. Borders SCR 45 (BR 1138) - J. Denton, A. Kerr and honor of former Supreme Court Justice Roy Newton Vance. SR 58 (BR 1350) - J. Turner Declare February 20, 2007, as Direct the Legislative Research Kentucky Hospice Day. Commission to create the Vest-Lindsay Feb 6-introduced in Senate Adjourn the Senate in loving memory House Preservation Task Force to study Feb 8-to Senate Floor and honor of Ronald Ray Shepherd. Feb 7-introduced in Senate the issues associated with the long-term Feb 9-adopted by voice vote Feb 8-to Senate Floor use and preservation of the Vest- Feb 7-introduced in Senate Feb 20-adopted by voice vote Lindsay House and gather information SR 51 (BR 1239) - D. Williams SR 67 (BR 1192) - E. Tori Feb 8-to Senate Floor; adopted by Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, G. and honor of Staff Sergeant John voice vote Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Edward Cooper. Adjourning the Senate in honor of Rhoads, D. Ridley, D. Roeding, R. Private First Class Christopher N. White. SR 77 (BR 1165) - D. Boswell Sanders Jr, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Feb 8-introduced in Senate Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers II, G. Feb 12-to Senate Floor Feb 7-introduced in Senate Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Feb 13-adopted by voice vote Feb 8-to Senate Floor; adopted by and honor of Specialist Timothy Adam Westwood, D. Williams, K. Winters voice vote Fulkerson. SR 92 (BR 1479) - D. Thayer Adjourn the Senate in loving memory SR 68 (BR 1182) - J. Westwood Feb 7-introduced in Senate and honor of Kentucky State Trooper Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Feb 8-to Senate Floor; adopted by Jonathan K. Leonard, who perished in and honor of John A. Bell III. Adjourn the Senate in honor of Lance voice vote the line of duty in service to his Corporal Justin D. Sims. Commonwealth. Feb 8-introduced in Senate SR 78 (BR 1184) - D. Boswell Feb 12-to Senate Floor Feb 7-introduced in Senate Feb 7-introduced in Senate Feb 21-adopted by voice vote Feb 8-to Senate Floor; adopted by Adjourn the Senate in honor of Feb 8-to Senate Floor voice vote Specialist Robert Jason Settle. Feb 28-adopted by voice vote SJR 93 (BR 1580) - D. Seum, E. Tori</p><p>SR 69 (BR 1403) - D. Thayer, T. Buford, Feb 7-introduced in Senate SR 85 (BR 1189) - R. Palmer II Direct the Transportation Cabinet to R. Jones II, E. Worley Feb 8-to Senate Floor; adopted by name Interstate 65 from the voice vote Adjourning the Senate in honor of Kentucky/Indiana state line to the Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Staff Sergeant Garth D.Sizemore. Kentucky/Tennessee state line in honor and honor of Barbaro. SR 79 (BR 1164) - D. Roeding and memory of former President and Feb 7-introduced in Senate Kentucky native Abraham Lincoln; direct Feb 7-introduced in Senate Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Feb 8-to Senate Floor; adopted by the Cabinet to erect signs at the Feb 8-to Senate Floor and honor of Corporal Christopher Tyler voice vote appropriate intervals that read "Abraham Mar 9-adopted by voice vote Warndorf. Lincoln Memorial Highway." Introduced Feb. 8, 2007 SR 70 (BR 1181) - R. Sanders Jr Feb 7-introduced in Senate SJR 93 - AMENDMENTS Feb 8-to Senate Floor; adopted by SR 86 (BR 1166) - J. Turner, R. Jones SCS - Designate I-65 from Adjourn the Senate in honor of voice vote II, W. Blevins Jr Jefferson/Bullitt County line to the Specialist James W. Gardner. Kentucky/Tennessee state line as the SR 80 (BR 1183) - J. Carroll Adjourn the Senate in loving memory "Abraham Lincoln Memorial Feb 7-introduced in Senate and honor of Lance Corporal Jonathan Expressway"; and designate the entire Feb 8-to Senate Floor Adjourn the Senate in honor of Master Brett Thornsberry. length of US 31E as the "Lincoln Mar 26-adopted by voice vote Sergeant Clinton W. Cubert. Heritage Highway; direct the cabinet to Feb 8-introduced in Senate erect appropriate signs. SR 71 (BR 1188) - J. Pendleton Feb 7-introduced in Senate Feb 12-to Senate Floor SCA (1/Title, B. Guthrie) - Make title Feb 8-to Senate Floor; adopted by Mar 9-adopted by voice vote amendment. Adjourning the Senate in honor of voice vote HCS - Retain provisions designating Corporal Windell J. Simmons. SR 87 (BR 1477) - J. Turner, R. Jones portions of I-65 and all of U.S. 31E in SR 81 (BR 1186) - J. Carroll II, W. Blevins Jr honor of Abraham Lincoln; add language Feb 7-introduced in Senate that names various portions of several Feb 8-to Senate Floor; adopted by Adjourning the Senate in honor of Adjourn the Senate in memory and bridges and roads in honor of various voice vote Sergeant Robert W. Ehney. loving honor of Nancy Jane Stephens Kentuckians. Wallace. HCA (1/Title, H. Collins) - Make title SR 72 (BR 1167) - G. Tapp Feb 7-introduced in Senate amendment. Feb 8-to Senate Floor; adopted by Feb 8-introduced in Senate HFA (1, R. Nelson) - Retain original Adjourn the Senate in loving memory voice vote Feb 12-to Senate Floor provisions of SJR 93/HCS; add and honor of Lance Corporal Thomas P. Feb 15-adopted by voice vote language directing the Transportation Echols. SR 82 (BR 1187) - J. Carroll Cabinet to name Kentucky Route 38 in SR 88 (BR 1540) - J. Turner, R. Jones Harlan County, from the Feb 7-introduced in Senate Adjourning the Senate in honor of II, W. Blevins Jr Kentucky/Virginia state line to the Ages Feb 8-to Senate Floor; adopted by Sergeant First Class Charles J. Jones. city limit, in honor of Harlan County coal voice vote Adjourn the Senate in loving memory miners; direct the cabinet to erect signs Feb 7-introduced in Senate and honor of Ranny Gene Blankenship. at the locations specified that read SR 73 (BR 1185) - E. Tori Feb 8-to Senate Floor; adopted by "Harlan County Coal Miners Highway." voice vote Feb 8-introduced in Senate HFA (2, K. Upchurch) - Retain original Adjourning the Senate in honor of Feb 12-to Senate Floor provisions of SJR 93/HCS; add Captain Clayton L. Adamkavicius. SR 83 (BR 923) - R. Jones II, J. Turner, Feb 15-adopted by voice vote language directing the Transportation W. Blevins Jr, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Cabinet to erect signs at the Clinton Feb 7-introduced in Senate Buford, J. Carroll, P. Clark, J. Denton, C. SR 89 (BR 1537) - J. Turner, R. Jones County/Wayne County line and the Feb 8-to Senate Floor Gibson, B. Guthrie, D. Harper Angel, E. II, W. Blevins Jr Pulaski County/Wayne County line on Feb 16-adopted by voice vote Harris, T. Jensen, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, B. Kentucky Route 90 that read "Welcome Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, G. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory to Wayne County, Home of Don SR 74 (BR 1168) - W. Blevins Jr Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. and honor of Joey Edwin Howell. Parmley, Founding Member of the Rhoads, D. Ridley, D. Roeding, R. Bluegrass Cardinals." Feb 8-WITHDRAWN Sanders Jr, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Feb 8-introduced in Senate HFA (3/Title, K. Upchurch) - Make title Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers II, G. Feb 12-to Senate Floor amendment. SR 75 (BR 1548) - W. Blevins Jr Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Westwood, Feb 15-adopted by voice vote D. Williams, K. Winters, E. Worley Feb 8-introduced in Senate Adjourn the Senate in honor of Private SR 90 (BR 1538) - J. Turner, R. Jones Feb 12-to Transportation (S) First Class Scott A. Messer. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory II, W. Blevins Jr Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st and honor of Detective Stewart "Joey" reading, to Calendar with Committee Feb 7-introduced in Senate Howard. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Substitute, committee amendment (1- Feb 8-to Senate Floor; adopted by and honor of Malvary Stumbo. title) voice vote Feb 7-introduced in Senate Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 8-to Senate Floor Feb 8-introduced in Senate Feb 16-posted for passage in the SR 76 (BR 1547) - T. Jensen Mar 27-adopted by voice vote Feb 12-to Senate Floor Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, Feb 15-adopted by voice vote February 20 Adjourn the Senate in loving memory SR 84 (BR 922) - R. Jones II, E. Worley, Feb 20-taken from the Consent and honor of Sergeant First Class Lance W. Blevins Jr, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. SR 91 (BR 1683) - W. Blevins Jr Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular S. Cornett. Buford, J. Carroll, P. Clark, J. Denton, C. Orders of the Day; 3rd reading, adopted Gibson, B. Guthrie, D. Harper Angel, E. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory 37-0 with Committee Substitute, Feb 7-introduced in Senate Harris, T. Jensen, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, B. committee amendment (1-title) Feb 21-received in House SR 99 (BR 1831) - A. Kerr, K. Winters Rhoads, E. Scorsone, T. Shaughnessy G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Feb 26-to Transportation (H); posting Rhoads, D. Ridley, D. Roeding, E. waived; posted in committee Proclaim February 12, 2007, as Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st Kentucky Association of Manufacturers and honor of John Breckinridge Stine, R. Stivers II, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, reading, to Calendar with Committee Day in Kentucky; recognize the "Railroad John" Brewer. E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, K. Substitute, committee amendment (1- association for its 96 years of service. Winters title) Feb 12-introduced in Senate Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules; floor Feb 12-introduced in Senate; to Feb 13-to Senate Floor Adjourn the Senate in honor of the amendment (1) filed to Committee Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote Mar 9-adopted by voice vote Kentucky Patriot Guard. Substitute Mar 6-floor amendment (2) filed to SR 100 (BR 1636) - V. McGaha Introduced Feb. 13, 2007 Feb 13-introduced in Senate Committee Substitute, floor amendment Feb 14-to Senate Floor (3-title) filed ; placed in the Orders of the Honor the 2007 Career and Technical SR 108 (BR 1741) - R. Sanders Jr Mar 27-adopted by voice vote Day Education Week. Mar 7-3rd reading, adopted 97-0 with Honor and commend Dr. Lawrence P. SR 113 (BR 1923) - G. Neal Committee Substitute, floor amendments Feb 12-introduced in Senate Emberton. (1) (2) and (3-title) Feb 13-to Senate Floor; adopted by Recognize February, 2007, as Black Mar 8-received in Senate voice vote Feb 13-introduced in Senate; to History Month. Mar 9-posted for passage for Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote concurrence in House Committee SR 101 (BR 1840) - D. Kelly Feb 13-introduced in Senate Substitute, floor amendments (1) (2) and SJR 109 (BR 1762) - T. Jensen Feb 14-to Senate Floor (3-title) Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Feb 22-adopted by voice vote Mar 26-Senate concurred in House and honor of the ten souls lost in a Establish a task force to consult on Committee Substitute, floor amendments house fire in Bardstown, Kentucky. and to create a Drought Mitigation and Introduced Feb. 14, 2007 (1) (2) and (3-title) ; adopted 37-0; Response Plan. enrolled, signed by each presiding Feb 12-introduced in Senate; to SJR 114 (BR 1880) - R. Jones II, J. officer; delivered to Governor Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote SJR 109 - AMENDMENTS Westwood, W. Blevins Jr, C. Gibson, B. Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. SCS - Retain original provisions of Guthrie, R. Palmer II, D. Roeding, R. 129) SR 102 (BR 1790) - J. Denton SJR 109; change the term "task force" to Sanders Jr, E. Tori, J. Turner "advisory council." SR 94 (BR 1539) - J. Turner, R. Jones II Encourage the Cabinet for Health and Direct the Transportation Cabinet to Family Services and the Brain Injury Feb 13-introduced in Senate name the new U.S. Highway 119 bridge Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Association of Kentucky to implement a Feb 15-to Agriculture & Natural currently under construction in memory and honor of Eldon G. Hall. pilot program of evidence-based Resources (S) of PFC Ottis Reed and erect signs on treatment for individuals with traumatic Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st both sides of the bridge that read Feb 8-introduced in Senate brain injuries. reading, to Calendar with Committee "Private Ottis Reed Memorial Bridge." Feb 12-to Senate Floor Substitute Feb 15-adopted by voice vote Feb 12-introduced in Senate Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 14-introduced in Senate Feb 14-to Health & Welfare (S) Feb 26-posted for passage in the Feb 16-to Transportation (S) SJR 95 (BR 1472) - G. Neal Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, reading, to Consent Calendar February 27, 2007 SR 115 (BR 1932) - D. Harper Angel, J. Direct the Transportation Cabinet to Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 27-3rd reading, adopted 33-0 with Pendleton, W. Blevins Jr, C. Borders, D. designate Interstate 65, from the for passage in the Consent Orders of the Committee Substitute Boswell, T. Buford, P. Clark, B. Guthrie, Jefferson/Bullitt County line to the Day for Monday, February 26 Feb 28-received in House T. Jensen, R. Jones II, A. Kerr, B. Kentucky/Tennessee state line, as the Feb 26-3rd reading, adopted 35-0 Mar 2-to Agriculture & Small Business Leeper, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial (H) Rhoads, D. Ridley, D. Roeding, R. Highway," and to erect signs at the SR 103 (BR 1869) - D. Boswell Mar 6-posting waived Sanders Jr, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. appropriate intervals. Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Shaughnessy, R. Stivers II, G. Tapp, D. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory to Calendar Thayer, J. Turner, J. Westwood, K. Feb 8-introduced in Senate and honor of Hugh Bryant Whitaker. Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Winters Feb 12-to Transportation (S) for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 12-introduced in Senate Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 Adjourn the Senate in honor of the Introduced Feb. 9, 2007 Feb 13-to Senate Floor; adopted by Mar 12-3rd reading, adopted 99-0; bravery and service of Staff Sergeant voice vote received in Senate Timothy F. Nein. SR 96 (BR 1123) - K. Winters Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each SR 104 (BR 1696) - G. Neal presiding officer; delivered to Governor Feb 14-introduced in Senate; to Adjourning the Senate in honor of Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote Senior Chief Electronics Technician Adjourn the Senate in loving memory 127) Thomas K. Higgins. and honor of the late Ed Chestnut. SR 116 (BR 1977) - C. Borders SR 110 (BR 1656) - G. Tapp Feb 9-introduced in Senate Feb 12-introduced in Senate Recognize the 100th Anniversary of Feb 12-to Senate Floor Feb 13-to Senate Floor; adopted by Adjourn the Senate in loving memory the University of Kentucky School of Feb 13-adopted by voice vote voice vote and honor of Margaret E. Farris. Human Environmental Sciences/College of Home Economics. SR 97 (BR 1828) - C. Gibson SR 105 (BR 1967) - J. Carroll Feb 13-introduced in Senate Feb 14-to Senate Floor Feb 14-introduced in Senate Declare February 9, 2007 as First Adjourn the Senate in honor of Ronnie Feb 15-adopted by voice vote Feb 15-to Senate Floor; adopted by Responder Day in Kentucky. Dunn, upon her election as International voice vote President of Optimist International. SCR 111 (BR 1629) - P. Clark Feb 9-introduced in Senate; to Senate SR 117 (BR 1302) - D. Boswell Floor; adopted by voice vote Feb 12-introduced in Senate A Concurrent Resolution urging Feb 13-to Senate Floor Congress to repeal the creation of a Adjourn the Senate in honor of Feb 14-adopted by voice vote Introduced Feb. 12, 2007 national identification card (REAL ID Act Reverend W. Scott Ford, as he of 2005). celebrates his 20th anniversary as SR 106 (BR 1785) - T. Buford SR 98 (BR 1008) - R. Sanders Jr, C. pastor of Maceo Baptist Church in Gibson Feb 13-introduced in Senate Maceo, Kentucky, on March 1, 2007. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Feb 15-to State & Local Government and honor of Maurice Knight. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory (S) Feb 14-introduced in Senate and honor of Sim Houchin. Feb 15-to Senate Floor Feb 12-introduced in Senate SR 112 (BR 1787) - W. Blevins Jr, D. Feb 16-adopted by voice vote Feb 13-to Senate Floor Harper Angel, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Feb 12-introduced in Senate Feb 20-adopted by voice vote Feb 13-to Senate Floor Buford, J. Carroll, P. Clark, C. Gibson, B. SR 118 (BR 1969) - P. Clark, W. Blevins Mar 26-adopted by voice vote Guthrie, E. Harris, T. Jensen, R. Jones Jr, C. Borders, D. Boswell, J. Carroll, J. SR 107 (BR 1347) - R. Jones II, J. II, B. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, Denton, C. Gibson, B. Guthrie, D. Carroll, W. Blevins Jr, J. Pendleton, J. Harper Angel, E. Harris, T. Jensen, R. Turner "Denzil "Hoss" Halbert Memorial Bridge." Jones II, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, B. Leeper, V. Feb 15-introduced in Senate McGaha, D. Mongiardo, G. Neal, R. Feb 16-to Senate Floor Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Feb 16-introduced in Senate Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, D. Feb 22-adopted by voice vote and honor of Jewell Justice Stratton. Feb 21-to Transportation (S) Ridley, D. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. SJR 125 (BR 1756) - J. Westwood, D. Feb 16-introduced in Senate SJR 137 (BR 1411) - J. Turner Stine, R. Stivers II, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, Kelly, K. Winters Feb 20-to Senate Floor E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, D. Mar 12-adopted by voice vote Direct the Legislative Research Williams, K. Winters Direct the secretary of the Education Commission to study the issue of Cabinet and the commissioner of SR 131 (BR 1983) - J. Denton providing hazardous duty retirement Adjourn the Senate in honor of Angela education to appoint a working group to benefits to social service workers and to Lynn Akridge upon the occasion of being develop a multiphase plan to utilize Support the growth and development report findings. named 2006 Young Engineer of the career and technical education programs of the captive insurance industry; Year by the National Society of and facilities to help students understand encourage state leaders to promote Feb 16-introduced in Senate Professional Engineers. the relevance of literacy, mathematics, captive insurance companies to its Feb 21-to Health & Welfare (S) technology, and science knowledge and employers; promote Kentucky's location Feb 14-introduced in Senate; to skills, and to improve students' academic as an ideal location for the industry. SR 138 (BR 1190) - E. Worley Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote performance and mastery of skills that are needed for postsecondary Feb 16-introduced in Senate Adjourn the Senate in honor of Private SR 119 (BR 1979) - D. Harper Angel, R. education, career preparation, the Feb 21-to Banking & Insurance (S) First Class Theodore M. West. Palmer II, W. Blevins Jr, D. Boswell, J. military, and work. Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st Pendleton reading, to Consent Calendar Feb 16-introduced in Senate Feb 15-introduced in Senate Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 20-to Senate Floor Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Feb 20-to Education (S) for passage in the Consent Orders of the Mar 26-adopted by voice vote and honor of Paul Morgan Goodpaster. Feb 27-taken from committee; 1st Day for Thursday, March 1 reading, to Calendar Mar 1-3rd reading, adopted 36-0 Introduced Feb. 20, 2007 Feb 14-introduced in Senate; to Feb 28-2nd reading; returned to Senate Floor Education (S) SR 132 (BR 1974) - J. Rhoads, D. SR 139 (BR 1999) - T. Buford Feb 15-adopted by voice vote Mar 1-reported favorably, to Rules; Boswell, T. Buford, J. Pendleton, D. posted for passage in the Regular Ridley, T. Shaughnessy Adjourn the Senate in loving memory SR 120 (BR 1972) - D. Roeding Orders of the Day for Thursday, March and honor of Sammy E. Corman. 1, 2007; 3rd reading, adopted 35-0; Adjourning the Senate in honor of Recognize the third Saturday in May received in House Lieutenant Paul W. Johnson. Feb 20-introduced in Senate as Friedrich's Ataxia Awareness Day. Mar 6-to Education (H) Feb 21-to Senate Floor Mar 7-posting waived; posted in Feb 16-introduced in Senate Feb 23-adopted by voice vote Feb 14-introduced in Senate committee Feb 20-to Senate Floor Feb 16-to Health & Welfare (S) Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 21-adopted by voice vote SR 140 (BR 1874) - D. Kelly Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st to Calendar reading, to Consent Calendar Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted SR 133 (BR 1987) - T. Buford Honor the Mercer County Titans Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Football team, 2006 KHSAA Class 2A for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 12, 2007 Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Champions. Day for Monday, February 26 and honor of Paula G. Sowers. Feb 26-3rd reading, adopted 35-0 SR 126 (BR 1976) - J. Turner Feb 20-introduced in Senate Feb 16-introduced in Senate Feb 21-to Senate Floor; adopted by Introduced Feb. 15, 2007 Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Feb 20-to Senate Floor voice vote and honor of Charles Edward Hurst. Feb 23-adopted by voice vote SR 121 (BR 1730) - R. Jones II, J. SR 141 (BR 1875) - D. Kelly Turner, W. Blevins Jr, D. Harper Angel, Feb 15-introduced in Senate SJR 134 (BR 1718) - T. Buford R. Palmer II Feb 16-to Senate Floor Honor the Mercer County HS Feb 22-adopted by voice vote Direct the commissioner of education Marching Band, 2006 KMEA Class AA Adjourn the Senate in loving memory to appoint a curricula work group to Champions. and honor of Goldie June Wright SR 127 (BR 1986) - D. Boswell, J. conduct a comprehensive study to Johnson. Carroll determine whether the actual Feb 20-introduced in Senate instructional time available to teachers in Feb 21-to Senate Floor; adopted by Feb 15-introduced in Senate Adjourn the Senate in loving memory the public schools is adequate to provide voice vote Feb 16-to Senate Floor and honor of Casper Steinmetz "Cap" sufficient depth of instruction to enable Mar 12-adopted by voice vote Gardner. students to reach the level of proficiency SR 142 (BR 1993) - D. Williams, E. required by the established assessment Worley, D. Kelly SR 122 (BR 1732) - R. Jones II, W. Feb 15-introduced in Senate programs; report to the Interim Joint Blevins Jr, R. Palmer II Feb 16-to Senate Floor; adopted by Committee on Education by August 1, Adjourn the Senate in honor of our voice vote 2008. friend and colleague, Paula Payne, and Adjourn the Senate in loving memory wishing her a full and speedy recovery. and honor of Palmer "Pell" Little. SR 128 (BR 1978) - J. Turner Feb 16-introduced in Senate Feb 21-to Education (S) Feb 20-introduced in Senate Feb 15-introduced in Senate Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Mar 2-taken from committee; 1st Feb 21-to Senate Floor Feb 16-to Senate Floor and honor of Glen H. Martin. reading, to Calendar Mar 27-adopted by voice vote Mar 12-adopted by voice vote Mar 5-2nd reading; returned to Feb 15-introduced in Senate Education (S) SR 143 (BR 1990) - D. Harper Angel, J. SR 123 (BR 1731) - R. Jones II, J. Feb 16-to Senate Floor Pendleton, W. Blevins Jr, D. Boswell, J. Turner, W. Blevins Jr, D. Harper Angel, Feb 22-adopted by voice vote SR 135 (BR 1997) - W. Blevins Jr Rhoads, D. Ridley, R. Stivers II, G. R. Palmer II Tapp, J. Turner, E. Worley Introduced Feb. 16, 2007 Adjourn the Senate in honor of Alice Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Weaver, Kentucky's 2007 Junior Miss. A Senate Resolution urging the U.S. and honor of Arnold "D9" Ferrell McCoy. SCR 129 (BR 1348) - R. Jones II Congress to extend the home energy Feb 16-introduced in Senate efficiency tax credits contained in the Feb 15-introduced in Senate Direct the Legislative Research Feb 20-to Senate Floor Energy Policy Act of 2005. Feb 16-to Senate Floor Commission to establish a task force to Feb 21-adopted by voice vote Mar 12-adopted by voice vote study the implementation of the Adam Feb 20-introduced in Senate Walsh Act in Kentucky. SJR 136 (BR 1412) - J. Turner Feb 22-to Appropriations & Revenue SR 124 (BR 1975) - J. Turner, R. Jones (S) II Feb 16-introduced in Senate Direct the Transportation Cabinet to Feb 21-to Judiciary (S) honor Denzil "Hoss" Halbert by naming SR 144 (BR 1970) - D. Harper Angel, J. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory the bridge on the new Kentucky Route Denton and honor of the late Bill Wells. SR 130 (BR 1729) - R. Jones II, J. 80, nearest to downtown Martin, in Martin, Kentucky, with signs that read, Adjourn the Senate in honor of Mary Williams, K. Winters, E. Worley Mar 1-adopted by voice vote G. Wilson, 17th president of the League Adjourn the Senate in loving memory of Women Voters of the United States. Commend E.ON U.S. for its and honor of Bernice L. Denham. SR 166 (BR 2031) - J. Turner, R. Jones participation in FutureGen Alliance. II, W. Blevins Jr Feb 20-introduced in Senate Feb 26-introduced in Senate Feb 21-to Senate Floor Feb 22-introduced in Senate Feb 27-to Senate Floor Adjourn the Senate in honor of the Feb 22-adopted by voice vote Feb 23-to Senate Floor Feb 28-adopted by voice vote Christian Appalachian Project. Mar 1-adopted by voice vote SR 145 (BR 1988) - D. Harper Angel, T. Introduced Feb. 27, 2007 Feb 27-introduced in Senate Shaughnessy, P. Clark SR 151 (BR 2024) - D. Kelly Feb 28-to Senate Floor SR 158 (BR 2012) - K. Winters Mar 6-adopted by voice vote Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Honor the 2006-2007 inaugural class and honor of Betty Louise Speicher of Kentucky's Mathematics Intervention Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Introduced Feb. 28, 2007 Weyler. Teachers. and honor of Dr. Conie Crittenden Lowry. SR 167 (BR 2048) - D. Thayer Feb 20-introduced in Senate Feb 22-introduced in Senate; to Feb 21-to Senate Floor Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote Feb 27-introduced in Senate Commend the re-establishment of Feb 22-adopted by voice vote Feb 28-to Senate Floor; adopted by Bishop College at Georgetown College. SR 152 (BR 2007) - G. Neal voice vote Introduced Feb. 21, 2007 Feb 28-introduced in Senate Adjourn the Senate in honor of Janie SR 159 (BR 2008) - J. Rhoads Mar 1-to Senate Floor SR 146 (BR 2005) - D. Roeding, J. E. Henderson. Mar 9-adopted by voice vote Westwood, W. Blevins Jr, C. Borders, T. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Buford, J. Carroll, P. Clark, J. Denton, C. Feb 22-introduced in Senate and honor of Ann Beeny Brown. SR 168 (BR 2058) - E. Harris Gibson, B. Guthrie, D. Harper Angel, E. Feb 23-to Senate Floor Harris, T. Jensen, R. Jones II, D. Kelly, Feb 28-adopted by voice vote Feb 27-introduced in Senate Adjourn the Senate in loving memory A. Kerr, B. Leeper, V. McGaha, R. Feb 28-to Senate Floor; adopted by and honor of David Roe Coleman Sr. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, D. Ridley, R. Introduced Feb. 23, 2007 voice vote Sanders Jr, D. Seum, G. Tapp, D. Feb 28-introduced in Senate Thayer, E. Tori, D. Williams, K. Winters SR 153 (BR 2022) - E. Harris, W. SR 160 (BR 2020) - W. Blevins Jr, C. Mar 1-to Senate Floor; adopted by Blevins Jr, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Borders, R. Stivers II, J. Turner voice vote Honor Daniel Carter Beard, one of the Buford, J. Carroll, P. Clark, J. Denton, C. founders of the Boy Scouts of America Gibson, B. Guthrie, D. Harper Angel, T. Recognize the Morehead State SR 169 (BR 2034) - J. Carroll and the Boy Scouts. Jensen, R. Jones II, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, B. University cheerleading teams. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, G. Adjourning the Senate in honor of Feb 21-introduced in Senate Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Feb 27-introduced in Senate Corporal Timothy D. Lewis. Feb 22-to Senate Floor Rhoads, D. Ridley, D. Roeding, R. Feb 28-to Senate Floor; adopted by Feb 27-adopted by voice vote Sanders Jr, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. voice vote Feb 28-introduced in Senate Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers II, G. Mar 1-to Senate Floor SR 147 (BR 1992) - G. Neal Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. SR 161 (BR 2040) - J. Denton Mar 9-adopted by voice vote Westwood, D. Williams, K. Winters, E. Designate March 10, 2007, as "Harriet Worley Honor the Kentucky Psychological SR 170 (BR 2059) - D. Thayer Tubman Day" in the Commonwealth of Association. Kentucky. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Direct the Kentucky Department of and honor of former Congressman Feb 27-introduced in Senate; to Fish and Wildlife Resources to evaluate Feb 21-introduced in Senate Marion Eugene "Gene" Snyder. Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote the Kentucky statutes, regulations, and Feb 22-to Senate Floor formal policies that govern the control of Feb 28-adopted by voice vote Feb 23-introduced in Senate SR 162 (BR 2044) - D. Boswell, J. coyotes and to provide educational Feb 26-to Senate Floor Carroll materials to assist landowners with SR 148 (BR 2011) - A. Kerr Feb 28-adopted by voice vote coyote depredation problems; direct the Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Kentucky Department of Fish and Honor John and Jill Mahan for winning SR 154 (BR 2028) - J. Denton, D. and honor of Beatrice "Bea" Westerfield. Wildlife Resources to report to the the American Farm Bureau Young Boswell Interim Joint Committee on Agriculture Farmer and Ranchers' national Feb 27-introduced in Senate and Natural Resources by November 30, Achievement Award for innovative young Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Feb 28-to Senate Floor 2007. farmers. and honor of former Congressman Mar 1-adopted by voice vote Marion Eugene "Gene" Snyder. Feb 28-introduced in Senate Feb 21-introduced in Senate SR 163 (BR 1163) - B. Guthrie Mar 12-to Senate Floor Feb 22-to Senate Floor Feb 23-introduced in Senate Mar 26-adopted by voice vote Mar 8-adopted by voice vote Feb 26-to Senate Floor Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Staff Sergeant Santiago M. Introduced Mar. 1, 2007 Introduced Feb. 22, 2007 Introduced Feb. 26, 2007 Halsel. SR 171 (BR 2055) - W. Blevins Jr, J. SR 149 (BR 1982) - J. Denton, A. Kerr, SR 155 (BR 2018) - V. McGaha Feb 27-introduced in Senate Turner, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. D. Harper Angel, E. Tori Feb 28-to House Floor Buford, J. Carroll, D. Harper Angel, R. Adjourn the Senate in honor of Dr. Mar 8-adopted by voice vote Jones II, B. Leeper, J. Rhoads, D. Recognize March 2007 as Sexual Robert R. Goodin upon the occasion of Ridley, T. Shaughnessy Assault Awareness Month. his being named 2006 Ephraim SR 164 (BR 1162) - B. Guthrie McDowell Physician of the Year. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Feb 22-introduced in Senate Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of William C. "Bill" Lane. Feb 23-to Senate Floor Feb 26-introduced in Senate and honor of Staff Sergeant Brock A. Feb 28-adopted by voice vote Feb 27-to Senate Floor Beery. Mar 1-introduced in Senate Mar 5-adopted by voice vote Mar 2-to Senate Floor SR 150 (BR 2009) - D. Harper Angel, J. Feb 27-introduced in Senate Mar 9-adopted by voice vote Rhoads, W. Blevins Jr, C. Borders, D. SR 156 (BR 2030) - J. Pendleton Feb 28-to Senate Floor Boswell, T. Buford, J. Carroll, P. Clark, J. Mar 12-adopted by voice vote SR 172 (BR 2065) - T. Buford Denton, C. Gibson, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, Adjourn the Senate in loving memory T. Jensen, R. Jones II, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, and honor of Fred Clayton. SR 165 (BR 2043) - T. Buford Adjourn the Senate in loving memory B. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, G. and honor of Charles Allen Cartwright. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, D. Feb 26-introduced in Senate Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Ridley, D. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, E. Feb 27-to Senate Floor and honor of Sherman Dean, Jr. Mar 1-introduced in Senate Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Feb 28-adopted by voice vote Mar 2-to Senate Floor; adopted by Stine, R. Stivers II, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, Feb 27-introduced in Senate voice vote E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, D. SR 157 (BR 2035) - D. Roeding Feb 28-to Senate Floor SR 173 (BR 2062) - R. Palmer II Mar 5-to State & Local Government for passage in the Consent Orders of the Mar 1-introduced in Senate (S) Day for Thursday, March 8; 3rd reading, Mar 5-to State & Local Government Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, adopted 38-0 with Committee Substitute (S) and honor of Homer Ledford, a Kentucky to Consent Calendar Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, legend. Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted SR 185 (BR 1514) - D. Williams to Consent Calendar for passage in the Consent Orders of the Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Mar 1-introduced in Senate Day for Thursday, March 8; 3rd reading, Confirm Executive Order 2007-026, for passage in the Consent Orders of the Mar 2-to Senate Floor adopted 38-0 dated January 5, 2007, and letter, dated Day for Thursday, March 8; 3rd reading, Mar 8-adopted by voice vote January 5, 2007, appointing Jackson M. adopted 38-0 SR 181 (BR 1496) - D. Williams Andrews of Louisville, Kentucky, to the SR 174 (BR 2060) - G. Neal Personnel Board to serve the remainder SR 190 (BR 1489) - D. Williams Confirm the appointment of Joey F. of the unexpired term of Timm Marden Adjourn the Senate in honor of Sarah Stanton to the Kentucky Parole Board Hurst, of Lexington, Kentucky, which Confirm the appointment of Jeffrey O. Hall and Oprah Winfrey for their for a term expiring June 30, 2010. shall expire on January 1, 2008. Mark Farmer to the Board of Directors of unselfish act of compassion for a the Kentucky Employers' Mutual stranger. SR 181 - AMENDMENTS Mar 1-introduced in Senate Insurance Authority for a term expiring SCS - Make technical correction. Mar 5-to State & Local Government December 31, 2009. Mar 1-introduced in Senate (S) Mar 2-to Senate Floor Mar 1-introduced in Senate Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Mar 1-introduced in Senate Mar 5-adopted by voice vote Mar 5-to Judiciary (S) to Consent Calendar Mar 5-to State & Local Government Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; 3rd (S) SR 175 (BR 2064) - G. Neal to Consent Calendar with Committee reading, adopted 38-0 Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Substitute to Consent Calendar Adjourn the Senate in honor of Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted SR 186 (BR 1490) - D. Williams Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Beverly Burton upon becoming the first for passage in the Consent Orders of the for passage in the Consent Orders of the African American elected to the Shively Day for Friday, March 9, 2007; 3rd Confirm the appointment of Keith L. Day for Thursday, March 8; 3rd reading, City Council. reading, adopted 38-0 with Committee Free to the Kentucky Housing adopted 38-0 Substitute Corporation Board of Directors. Mar 1-introduced in Senate SR 191 (BR 1495) - D. Williams Mar 2-to Senate Floor SR 182 (BR 1509) - D. Williams Mar 1-introduced in Senate Mar 5-adopted by voice vote Mar 5-to State & Local Government Confirm the reappointment of Keith D. Confirm the appointment of Michael D. (S) Griffee to the Board of Directors of the SR 176 (BR 2045) - D. Kelly Grugin to the Kentucky Parole Board for Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Kentucky Lottery Corporation for a term a term expiring June 30, 2010. to Consent Calendar expiring November 28, 2010. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted and honor of Roberta Mudd Carrico Mar 1-introduced in Senate for passage in the Consent Orders of the Mar 1-introduced in Senate McIntyre. Mar 5-to Judiciary (S) Day for Thursday, March 8; 3rd reading, Mar 5-to State & Local Government Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, adopted 38-0 (S) Mar 1-introduced in Senate to Consent Calendar Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Mar 2-to Senate Floor Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted SR 187 (BR 1508) - D. Williams to Consent Calendar for passage in the Consent Orders of the Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted SR 177 (BR 2019) - D. Thayer Day for Friday, March 9, 2007; 3rd Confirm the appointment of William I. for passage in the Consent Orders of the reading, adopted 38-0 Abney to the Kentucky Parole Board for Day for Thursday, March 8; 3rd reading, Adjourn the Senate in loving memory a term expiring March 1, 2009. adopted 38-0 and honor of Trudy McCaffery. SR 183 (BR 1515) - D. Williams Mar 1-introduced in Senate SR 192 (BR 1510) - D. Williams Mar 1-introduced in Senate Confirm Executive Order 2006-1276, Mar 5-to Judiciary (S) Mar 2-to Senate Floor dated October 5, 2006 and the Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, Confirm appointment of Leigh A. Mar 9-adopted by voice vote appointment of Betty M. Gibson of to Consent Calendar Jones of Berea to the Registry of Frankfort, Kentucky to the Personnel Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Election Finance for a term expiring SR 178 (BR 2075) - D. Kelly Board to serve the remainder of the for passage in the Consent Orders of the August 15, 2010. unexpired term of Patrick Moores of Day for Friday, March 9, 2007; 3rd Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Nicholasville, Kentucky, which expires reading, adopted 38-0 Mar 1-introduced in Senate and honor of Roberta Mudd Carrico on January 1, 2010. Mar 5-to State & Local Government McIntyre. SR 188 (BR 1488) - D. Williams (S) Mar 1-introduced in Senate Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Mar 1-introduced in Senate Mar 5-to State & Local Government Confirm the appointment of Michael D. to Consent Calendar Mar 2-to Senate Floor (S) Templemon to the Board of Directors of Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Mar 26-adopted by voice vote Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, the Kentucky Employers' Mutual for passage in the Consent Orders of the to Consent Calendar Insurance Authority for a term expiring Day for Thursday, March 8; 3rd reading, SR 179 (BR 2054) - D. Williams Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted December 31, 2009. adopted 38-0 for passage in the Consent Orders of the Confirm the appointment of Julie Mix Day for Thursday, March 8; 3rd reading, SR 188 - AMENDMENTS SR 193 (BR 1973) - D. Williams McPeak as the executive director of the adopted 38-0 SCS - Make technical correction. Office of Insurance. Consent to the appointment of John SR 184 (BR 1513) - D. Williams Mar 1-introduced in Senate W. Clay to be a commissioner and vice Mar 1-introduced in Senate Mar 5-to State & Local Government chair of the Public Service Commission. Mar 5-to Banking & Insurance (S) Confirm Executive Order 2007-045, (S) Mar 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, dated January 11, 2007, and letter, Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Mar 1-introduced in Senate to Consent Calendar dated January 12, 2007, appointing to Consent Calendar with Committee Mar 5-to State & Local Government Mar 7-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Robert E. Frazer to the Personnel Board Substitute (S) for passage in the Consent Orders of the for a term expiring January 1, 2011, Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Day for Wednesday, March 7, 2007; 3rd replacing Bruce E. Middleton, of Baxter, for passage in the Consent Orders of the to Consent Calendar reading, adopted 38-0 Kentucky, whose term has expired. Day for Thursday, March 8; 3rd reading, Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted adopted 38-0 with Committee Substitute for passage in the Consent Orders of the SR 180 (BR 1517) - D. Williams SR 184 - AMENDMENTS Day for Thursday, March 8; 3rd reading, SCS - Make technical correction. SR 189 (BR 1516) - D. Williams adopted 38-0 Confirm Executive Order 06-1452, dated November 22, 2006, appointing Mar 1-introduced in Senate Confirm Executive Order 06-1401, SR 194 (BR 1492) - D. Williams Rosemary F. Center to the Personnel Mar 5-to State & Local Government dated November 7, 2006, appointing Board to serve the remainder of the (S) Lisa Towery-Hendricks to the Personnel Confirm the appointment of Mary Witt unexpired term of Rick W. Ifland ending Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Board to serve the remainder of the Sharp to the Kentucky Housing January 1, 2008. to Consent Calendar with Committee unexpired term of Jack C. Smith, Jr. Corporation Board of Directors. Substitute ending January 1, 2009. Mar 1-introduced in Senate Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Mar 1-introduced in Senate Mar 5-to State & Local Government Mar 26-adopted by voice vote SR 206 (BR 2090) - R. Jones II, J. (S) Turner SR 213 (BR 2105) - D. Mongiardo, D. Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Introduced Mar. 5, 2007 Ridley to Consent Calendar Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted SR 200 (BR 2079) - J. Denton and honor of Anderson "Ance" Hatfield. Honor the life of Boni Frederick. for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 8; 3rd reading, Declare April, 2007 as National Mar 7-introduced in Senate Mar 8-introduced in Senate adopted 38-0 Donate Life Month in Kentucky. Mar 8-to Senate Floor Mar 9-to Senate Floor Mar 12-adopted by voice vote Mar 27-adopted by voice vote SR 195 (BR 1491) - D. Williams Mar 5-introduced in Senate Mar 6-to Senate Floor SR 207 (BR 2100) - J. Carroll SR 214 (BR 2097) - J. Pendleton, D. Confirm the appointment of Samuel Mar 9-adopted by voice vote Harper Angel, W. Blevins Jr, D. Boswell, Earl Lee to the Kentucky Housing Adjourn the Senate in loving memory B. Leeper, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Corporation Board of Directors. SR 201 (BR 2074) - R. Jones II, J. and honor of Julie Yager Wheat. Rhoads, D. Ridley, E. Scorsone, T. Turner, W. Blevins Jr, C. Borders, D. Shaughnessy, J. Turner Mar 1-introduced in Senate Boswell, T. Buford, J. Carroll, P. Clark, J. Mar 7-introduced in Senate Mar 5-to State & Local Government Denton, C. Gibson, B. Guthrie, D. Mar 8-to Senate Floor Adjourn the Senate in honor of the (S) Harper Angel, E. Harris, T. Jensen, D. Mar 9-adopted by voice vote Democratic Woman's Club of Kentucky Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Kelly, A. Kerr, B. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. on the occasion of the eightieth to Consent Calendar Mongiardo, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. SR 208 (BR 2087) - W. Blevins Jr, R. anniversary of its formation. Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Pendleton, J. Rhoads, D. Ridley, D. Jones II, J. Carroll, D. Harper Angel for passage in the Consent Orders of the Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, E. Scorsone, D. Mar 8-introduced in Senate Day for Thursday, March 8; 3rd reading, Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Mar 9-to Senate Floor; adopted by adopted 38-0 Stivers II, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. and honor of Clarice Elaine Greene voice vote Westwood, D. Williams, K. Winters, E. Conley. SR 196 (BR 1493) - D. Williams Worley Introduced Mar. 9, 2007 Mar 7-introduced in Senate Confirm the appointment of Mark Adjourn the Senate in honor of the Mar 8-to Senate Floor SR 215 (BR 2119) - G. Neal Sommer to the Board of Directors of the Pikeville Junior High School Mar 9-adopted by voice vote Kentucky Lottery Corporation for a term cheerleading squad on the occasion of Adjourn the Senate in honor of the expiring November 28, 2009. winning the Universal Cheerleaders SR 209 (BR 2096) - K. Winters Ninth Street Baptist Church, in Association Small Junior High National Covington, for its 138 years of dedication Mar 1-introduced in Senate Championship. Adjourn the Senate in honor of and service. Mar 5-to State & Local Government Dorothy Nell Harper. (S) Mar 5-introduced in Senate Mar 9-introduced in Senate Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Mar 6-to Senate Floor Mar 7-introduced in Senate Mar 12-to Senate Floor; adopted by to Consent Calendar Mar 7-adopted by voice vote Mar 8-to Senate Floor voice vote Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Mar 9-adopted by voice vote for passage in the Consent Orders of the SR 202 (BR 2057) - E. Worley, D. SR 216 (BR 2116) - G. Neal Day for Thursday, March 8; 3rd reading, Thayer Introduced Mar. 8, 2007 adopted 38-0 Adjourn the Senate in honor of Adjourn the Senate in honor of John SR 210 (BR 2095) - J. Carroll Ulysses "Junior" Bridgeman on the SR 197 (BR 1494) - D. Williams T.L. Jones, Jr., on a lifetime of occasion of his being presented with the accomplishment. Adjourn the Senate in honor of Ms 2006 Lyman T. Johnson Distinguished Confirm the reappointment of Kathy Lawson and the employees of the Leadership Award. Raymond DeSloover to the Board of Mar 5-introduced in Senate Woodford Inn. Directors of the Kentucky Lottery Mar 6-to Senate Floor; adopted by Mar 9-introduced in Senate Corporation for a term expiring voice vote Mar 12-to Senate Floor November 28, 2010. Mar 8-introduced in Senate Mar 26-adopted by voice vote Introduced Mar. 6, 2007 Mar 9-to Senate Floor; adopted by Mar 1-introduced in Senate voice vote SR 217 (BR 2115) - J. Pendleton Mar 5-to State & Local Government (S) SR 203 (BR 2083) - B. Leeper, J. Pendleton, D. Ridley, K. Winters SR 211 (BR 2051) - D. Boswell, J. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Carroll, W. Blevins Jr, C. Borders, T. and honor of Helen Marie Holbrook. to Consent Calendar Buford, P. Clark, J. Denton, C. Gibson, Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Support the efforts of Paducah and McCracken County to attract projects B. Guthrie, D. Harper Angel, E. Harris, T. Mar 9-introduced in Senate for passage in the Consent Orders of the Jensen, R. Jones II, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, B. Mar 12-to Senate Floor; adopted by Day for Thursday, March 8; 3rd reading, from the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, G. voice vote adopted 38-0 Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, D. Ridley, D. Roeding, R. SR 198 (BR 1507) - D. Williams Mar 6-introduced in Senate; to Senate Introduced Mar. 12, 2007 Floor; adopted by voice vote Sanders Jr, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers II, G. SCR 218 (BR 2071) - D. Williams Confirm the reappointment of Patricia Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Ann Turpin to the Kentucky Parole Introduced Mar. 7, 2007 Westwood, D. Williams, K. Winters, E. Adjourn the Senate and House of Board for a term expiring June 30, 2010. Worley SR 204 (BR 2091) - R. Jones II, J. Representatives until Monday, March 26, 2007. Mar 1-introduced in Senate Turner Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Mar 5-to Judiciary (S) and honor of the victims of the Beverly Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Mar 12-introduced in Senate; to Hills Supper Club Fire, on the occasion Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote; to Consent Calendar and honor of Virgil Ray. of its thirtieth anniversary. Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted received in House; to House Floor; adopted 99-0 for passage in the Consent Orders of the Mar 7-introduced in Senate Mar 8-introduced in Senate Day for Friday, March 9, 2007; 3rd Mar 8-to Senate Floor Mar 9-to Senate Floor; adopted by SR 219 (BR 2123) - R. Palmer II reading, adopted 38-0 Mar 12-adopted by voice vote voice vote Honor Montgomery County girls Introduced Mar. 2, 2007 SR 205 (BR 2103) - J. Turner, R. Jones SR 212 (BR 2041) - G. Neal II, W. Blevins Jr, D. Harper Angel, D. basketball team, 10th Region champions. SR 199 (BR 2061) - D. Kelly Thayer Recognize and honor Azia Iman Meeks for being awarded the first annual Honor Kentucky native and Mar 12-introduced in Senate; to Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Ann Braden Humanitarian Award. Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote and honor of James Ivo Osborne. sportscaster Kenny Rice. Mar 8-introduced in Senate SR 220 (BR 2124) - R. Palmer II Mar 2-introduced in Senate Mar 7-introduced in Senate; to Senate Mar 9-to Senate Floor; adopted by Floor; adopted by voice vote Mar 5-to Senate Floor voice vote Honor George Rogers Clark boys basketball team, 10th Region Harper Angel, E. Harris, T. Jensen, R. Mar 27-adopted by voice vote 2007. champions. Jones II, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, B. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, G. Neal, R. Introduced Mar. 27, 2007 HB 4 - See Introductions on February 6, Mar 12-introduced in Senate; to Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, D. 2007. Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote Ridley, D. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, E. SCR 239 (BR 2157) - K. Winters Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. HB 5 - See Introductions on February 6, SR 221 (BR 2126) - J. Carroll Stine, R. Stivers II, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, Adjourn the 2007 General Assembly 2007. E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, K. sine die. Honor Kentucky State University's Winters HB 6 - See Introductions on February 6, Division of Aquaculture for its role in Mar 27-introduced in Senate; adopted 2007. leading Kentucky to become a national Adjourn the Senate in loving memory by voice vote; received in House; and international leader in the field of and honor of our friend and former adopted 94-1 HB 7 - See Introductions on February 7, aquaculture. colleague, Paul Herron Jr., and 2007. authorize the Clerk of the Senate and SR 240 (BR 2161) - D. Kelly Mar 12-introduced in Senate the Director of the Legislative Research HB 8 - See Introductions on February 6, Mar 26-adopted by voice vote Commission to place a permanent Adjourn the Senate in recognition and 2007. plaque in his honor upon Senate honor of Daniel B. Howard. Introduced Mar. 26, 2007 chamber seat 37. HB 10 - See Introductions on February Mar 27-introduced in Senate; adopted 6, 2007. SR 223 (BR 2170) - D. Roeding Mar 26-introduced in Senate by voice vote Mar 27-adopted by voice vote Introduced Jan. 2, 2007 Honor Emily Brunemann for her SR 241 (BR 2175) - D. Kelly accomplishments at the 2007 NCAA SR 231 (BR 2134) - G. Neal HB 11/LM/CI (BR 17) - S. Lee, R. Women's Swimming and Diving Urge the Council on Postsecondary Crimm, J. Fischer, M. Harmon, R. Championships. Encourage participation and funding Education CPE) to continue the work of Mobley, S. Santoro, A. Wuchner for the 2007 National Summer Senior the CPE Science, Technology, Mar 26-introduced in Senate Games. Engineering and Mathematics Task AN ACT relating to crimes and Mar 27-adopted by voice vote Force in developing strategies to punishments. Mar 26-introduced in Senate improve Kentucky's performance in the Create a new section of KRS Chapter SR 224 (BR 2141) - D. Thayer Mar 27-adopted by voice vote science, technology, engineering, and 431 to authorize certified peace officers mathematics disciplines. to enforce U. S. immigration laws and Adjourn the Senate in loving memory SCR 232 (BR 2156) - D. Williams prohibit city, county, urban-county, and honor of Marc F. Torsilieri. Mar 27-introduced in Senate; to charter county, or consolidated local Adjourn the 2007 General Assembly Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote governments from prohibiting their Mar 26-introduced in Senate sine die. peace officers from doing so. Mar 27-adopted by voice vote SR 242 (BR 1512) - D. Williams Mar 26-introduced in Senate (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) SR 225 (BR 2129) - J. Turner Confirm the appointment of William SR 233 (BR 2163) - D. Williams Bruce Cowden Jr. to the Workers' Jun 7-To: Interim Joint Committee on Honor June Buchanan School boys Compensation Board for a term expiring Judiciary basketball team, 14th Region Adjourn the Senate in honor of little January 4, 2008. Jan 2-introduced in House champions. Ella Claire Harilson upon the occasion of Jan 5-to Judiciary (H) her first visit to this honorable body. Mar 27-introduced in Senate; to Mar 26-introduced in Senate; adopted Senate Floor; adopted 33-0 HB 12/LM (BR 34) - S. Lee, M. Harmon, by voice vote Mar 26-introduced in Senate; adopted R. Mobley by voice vote SR 243 (BR 1487) - D. Williams SR 226 (BR 2147) - G. Neal AN ACT relating to the official SR 234 (BR 2128) - R. Sanders Jr Confirm the appointment of Chris language of the Commonwealth. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Davis as an administrative law judge in Amend KRS 2.013 to provide that and honor of Neal W. Thompson. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory the Office of Workers' Claims for a term unless otherwise authorized or provided and honor of Thomas Dwayne Moss. expiring December 31, 2007. by law, all documents produced or Mar 26-introduced in Senate utilized by the Commonwealth or its Mar 27-adopted by voice vote Mar 26-introduced in Senate Mar 27-introduced in Senate; to political subdivisions shall be in the Mar 27-adopted by voice vote Senate Floor; adopted 35-0 English language only. SR 227 (BR 2135) - G. Neal SR 235 (BR 2155) - D. Thayer SR 244 (BR 1511) - T. Jensen (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Adjourn the Senate in honor of the Mount Moriah Lodge No. 1, in Louisville, Honor Scott County Cardinals, 2007 Confirm the appointment of R.W. Jun 7-To: Interim Joint Committee on for its 157 years of dedication and KHSAA Boys Sweet 16 Champions. Dyche to the Workers' Compensation State Government service. Board for a term expiring January 4, Jan 2-introduced in House Mar 26-introduced in Senate 2011. Jan 5-to State Government (H) Mar 26-introduced in Senate Mar 27-adopted by voice vote Mar 27-adopted by voice vote Mar 27-introduced in Senate; to HB 13 (BR 39) - S. Lee, M. Harmon, R. SR 236 (BR 2166) - G. Neal Senate Floor; defeated 14-10-1 Mobley SR 228 (BR 2133) - G. Neal Adjourn the Senate in honor of Dr. AN ACT relating to the display of the Celebrate the grand opening of St. Adewale Troutman. flag of the United States of America. Columba Court, a national treasure. House Bills Amend KRS 2.042, relating to the Mar 26-introduced in Senate display of the flag of the United States of Mar 27-adopted by voice vote Mar 26-introduced in Senate Includes opposite chamber sponsors America to include display from a Mar 27-adopted by voice vote where requested by primary sponsors of flagpole located in the person's yard as a SR 237 (BR 2139) - R. Jones II substantially similar bills in both protected method of display. SR 229 (BR 2146) - G. Neal chambers and jointly approved by the Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Committee on Committees of both (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) and honor of Jack C. Smith. Adjourn the Senate in loving memory chambers. Opposite chamber sponsors and honor of Julia S. Anderson. are represented in italics. Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on Mar 26-introduced in Senate State Government Mar 27-adopted by voice vote Mar 26-introduced in Senate HB 1 - See Introductions on February 6, Jan 2-introduced in House Mar 27-adopted by voice vote 2007. Jan 5-to Judiciary (H) SR 238 (BR 2171) - J. Denton SR 230 (BR 2143) - D. Williams, E. HB 2 - See Introductions on February 6, HB 14 (BR 33) - M. Henley, C. Embry Jr, Adjourn the Senate in loving memory Worley, W. Blevins Jr, C. Borders, D. 2007. T. Kerr, R. Mobley Boswell, T. Buford, J. Carroll, P. Clark, J. and honor of Wilma C. Denton. Denton, C. Gibson, B. Guthrie, D. HB 3 - See Introductions on February 6, AN ACT relating to the reference of Mar 26-introduced in Senate historical time and dates. Jenkins, R. Meeks, C. Miller, R. Nelson, Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on require all persons who apply for Amend KRS 156.160 to require the F. Nesler, D. Owens, T. Riner, C. Rollins Judiciary issuance or renewal of a driver's license, program of studies and other related II, A. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, D. Jan 2-introduced in House motor vehicle title, or motor vehicle documents used in Kentucky public Watkins, J. Wayne, R. Weston, R. Jan 5-to Judiciary (H) registration to sign a declaration that the schools to use the abbreviations A.D. Wilkey, B. Yonts person consents to the provisions of this (Anno Domini) and B.C. (before Christ) HB 20 (BR 55) - M. Henley Act; provide that this Act does not exclusively when referencing historical AN ACT relating to the minimum preclude a passenger from asserting a dates and time. wage. AN ACT relating to child protection. claim to recover damages which he or Amend KRS 337.275 to increase the Create new sections of KRS Chapters she occasioned by the negligence of (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) state minimum hourly wage to $7.00 an 620 and 30A to provide notice to each another person arising out of the hour on the effective date of this Act; parent or custodian of minor children operation or use of a motor vehicle; Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on provide for further increase to federal when other parent has a neglect or provide that no insurer shall lose any Education minimum hourly wage rate if such rate abuse action pending in any court of this rights of subrogation; provide that if no Jan 2-introduced in House exceeds the state minimum hourly wage state; amend KRS 403.320 to require suit is filed, the claimant's insurer may Jan 3-to Education (H) rate; require, effective July 1, 2008, and supervised visitation and random drug recover any amount paid on behalf of annually thereafter, that the minimum testing in specified situations. the insured in excess of the first ten HB 15/FN/CI (BR 43) - D. Keene hourly wage be adjusted according to thousand dollars of bodily injury and the Consumer Price Index; abolish the (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) property damages; provide that except AN ACT relating to public safety. tip credit allowed for employers and for newly acquired vehicles added to a Create a new section of KRS Chapter provide that tipped employees be paid Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on policy, the issuance, change, or 17 to provide a registration system for the state minimum hourly wage; and Judiciary adjustment of any motor vehicle liability persons convicted of murder, define require the Department of Labor to post Jan 2-introduced in House security subsequent to an accident registrant, establish period of the state minimum hourly wage level as Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) without proof of coverage having been registration, and provide penalties for adjusted on the department's Internet bound prior to the accident shall not failure to register. Web site. HB 21 (BR 48) - R. Nelson, J. Bell, C. effectuate the recovery, the defeat of an Embry Jr, J. Greer, T. Kerr, R. Mobley affirmative defense, or the avoidance of (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) liability for court costs; exempt from the AN ACT relating to the reference of provisions of this Act any vehicle which Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee historical time and dates. is legally parked at the time of the Judiciary on Labor and Industry Amend KRS 156.160 to require the accident. Jan 2-introduced in House Jan 2-introduced in House program of studies and other related Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) Jan 3-to Labor and Industry (H) documents used in Kentucky public (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Feb 6-posting waived schools to use A.D. (Anno Domini) and HB 16/LM (BR 35) - R. Wilkey, C. B.C. (before Christ) exclusively when Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on Belcher, R. Meeks, R. Palumbo, A. HB 18 (BR 70) - J. Gooch Jr referencing historical dates and time. Banking and Insurance Simpson, R. Webb, S. Westrom Jan 2-introduced in House AN ACT relating to basic reparations (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Jan 3-to Banking and Insurance (H) AN ACT relating to criminal record benefits. expungement. Amend KRS 304.39-210, pertaining to Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on HB 23/FN (BR 69) - J. Wayne, S. Create a new section of KRS Chapter no fault motor vehicle insurance, to Education Brinkman, L. Clark, J. Crenshaw, R. 533 to allow persons convicted of one require the provider of medical services Jan 2-introduced in House Crimm, C. Embry Jr, D. Graham, J. Class D felony or a series of Class D to submit the statement for services Jan 3-to Education (H) Jenkins, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, C. felonies arising out of a single event to within 45 days of the day the treatment Miller, B. Montell, T. Moore, D. Owens, petition to have their records expunged; is initiated and every 45 days thereafter; HB 22 (BR 95) - R. Crimm, M. Harmon R. Rand, C. Siler, B. Smith, T. amend KRS 431.078, relating to prohibit the charging of fees for medical Thompson, J. Tilley, R. Weston, S. misdemeanor expungements, to change expenses in excess of the limitations of AN ACT relating to failure to maintain Westrom, A. Wuchner the application fee from $25 to $50 the Kentucky workers' compensation fee security on a motor vehicle as required dollars and to begin the five-year waiting schedule as set forth in KRS 342.035 by Subtitle 39 of KRS Chapter 304. AN ACT relating to nonprofit agencies period from the date of adjudication of and in administrative regulations Create a new section of Subtitle 39 of and work centers serving the blind or the offense; amend KRS 527.040 to adopted pursuant thereto; prohibit a KRS Chapter 304 to provide that there severely disabled. exempt individuals who have had their provider of medical services under the shall be no recovery for the first ten Create new sections of KRS Chapter records expunged from the statute on a no-fault motor vehicle insurance law thousand dollars of bodily injury and the 45A to establish the Kentucky State Use felon in possession of a firearm; create a from knowingly collecting, coercing, or first ten thousand dollars of property Commission; establish duties and new section of KRS Chapter 533 require attempting to coerce the payment of any damage based on any cause or right of membership of State Use Commission; the Administrative Office of the Courts to charge for services or treatment covered action arising out of a motor vehicle amend KRS 45A.470 to define keep a confidential index of by a basic reparation obligor in excess of accident if the owner or operator fails to "Kentucky State Use Commission" and expungement orders for utilization in the the schedule of fees provided by this own or maintain security as required by "qualified nonprofit agency or work preparation of presentence section or from causing the credit of any this subtitle; provide that the limitation of center serving the blind or severely investigations. insured to be impaired by reason of the damages shall not apply if the driver of disabled"; require the purchase of goods insured's failure or refusal to pay the the other vehicle is cited for driving and services from the Division of Prison HB 16 - AMENDMENTS excess charge. under the influence, intentionally causes Industries and nonprofit agencies and HFA (1, B. Montell) - Amend to the accident, flees from the scene, or at work centers serving the blind or prohibit expungements for persons who (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) the time of the accident is in furtherance severely disabled and designate the served a sentence of incarceration after of commission of a felony; provide that Kentucky State Use Commission as the entry of a judgment of conviction. Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on the limitation of damages does not apply agency providing purchasing information Banking and Insurance to the owner of a vehicle that is not to governmental agencies; amend KRS (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Jan 2-introduced in House being operated and is not in violation of 45A.080, 45A.085, 45A.095, and Jan 3-to Banking and Insurance (H) KRS Chapter 189; provide that a person 45A.100 to require that state Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on Feb 12-posted in committee involved in an accident in which the governmental purchases be made from Judiciary Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st other vehicle is not covered by insurance Prison Industries and nonprofit agencies Jan 2-introduced in House reading, to Calendar may assert, as an affirmative defense, and work centers serving the blind or Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules the limitation of damages provisions of severely disabled; create a new section Feb 6-posting waived Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations this Act; provide that if an owner of an of KRS Chapter 141 to define terms; Feb 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, & Revenue (H) uninsured vehicle institutes an action to establish a nonrefundable community to Calendar recover damages and is awarded an rehabilitation credit program; establish Feb 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted HB 19 (BR 84) - S. Lee amount equal to or less than the maximum amount of credit allowed per for passage in the Regular Orders of the minimum insurance requirements of corporation per tax year; amend KRS Day for Friday, February 9, 2007 AN ACT relating to civil rights. KRS 304.39-110, the owner or operator 141.0205 to establish the order in which Feb 9-floor amendment (1) filed Amend KRS 344.450 to preclude the must be held liable for all court costs the credit is applied against tax imposed Mar 6-floor amendment (1) withdrawn award of actual damages and attorney's incurred by the parties to the action; by KRS 141.040; apply nonrefundable fees in civil rights cases involving the provide that each person who applies for tax credit for tax years beginning on or HB 17/LM (BR 347) - J. Gray, J. Establishment Clause. a driver's license, registers a motor after January 1, 2008. Richards, T. Burch, L. Clark, L. Combs, vehicle, or operates or owns a motor J. Crenshaw, T. Firkins, J. Glenn, D. (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) vehicle in this state is deemed to have HB 23 - AMENDMENTS Graham, K. Hall, R. Henderson, J. consented to being subject to this Act; HCS/FN - Retain provisions of original bill; clarify the method of claiming the HB 26/FN (BR 137) - B. Montell, S. fund; require that certain amounts of the employees are subject to the executive credit for corporations and pass-through Baugh, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, T. gaming fund support administrative branch code of ethics; limit the entity owners; make technical Couch, R. Crimm, J. DeCesare, M. operations of the commission, and other administrative fine to $50,000 per corrections. Dedman Jr, M. Dossett, C. Embry Jr, J. amounts from the gaming fund be offense; establish that administrative Fischer, D. Floyd, D. Ford, J. Greer, M. dispersed to the Kentucky compulsive review under KRS Chapter 13B is (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Harmon, J. Higdon, R. Mobley, T. gamblers assistance fund, the available for persons aggrieved by an Moore, D. Osborne, S. Riggs, C. Rollins Department of Education, the Council on action by the commission; create a new Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on II, S. Santoro, C. Siler, T. Thompson, A. Postsecondary Education, the Cabinet section of KRS Chapter 131 to attach Appropriations and Revenue Wuchner for Health and Family Services for health the commission to the Department of Jan 2-introduced in House care services for certain indigent Revenue for administrative purposes; Jan 3-to State Government (H) AN ACT relating to revenue and Kentuckians and for a prescription drug create a new section of KRS Chapter Feb 6-posted in committee taxation. program for senior citizens, the Kentucky 242 to permit a local option election in Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, Create a new section of KRS Chapter county public safety fund, capital certain areas for the limited sale of to Calendar 141 to provide an income tax deduction construction, sewer and water projects alcoholic beverages at tracks and Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules; for volunteer firefighters for tax periods administered under the Kentucky casinos in the territory; amend KRS recommitted to Appropriations & beginning after December 31, 2006. Infrastructure Authority, the Kentucky 243.030 to establish a $7,500 annual Revenue (H) veterans trust fund, the state road fund, license fee for a casino entertainment Feb 16-posted in committee (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) the budget reserve trust fund, and the license and a racing association casino Feb 20-reported favorably, to Rules equine industry program trust and entertainment license; amend KRS with Committee Substitute Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on revolving fund; establish the 243.040 to establish a $3,500 annual Feb 21-posted for passage in the Appropriations and Revenue disbursement of funds to the Kentucky license fee for a casino entertainment Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Jan 2-introduced in House municipal public safety fund and the license and a racing association casino February 22, 2007 Jan 3-to Appropriations and Revenue Kentucky county public safety fund; entertainment license; amend KRS Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with (H) establish the disbursement of funds to 243.500, 243.505, 525.090, 528.010, Committee Substitute the Kentucky horse racing industry; 528.100, 15.380 to conform; include a Feb 26-received in Senate HB 27/LM/CI (BR 74) - J. Draud, D. prohibit licensure of certain people under severability clause; Include language Feb 28-to Appropriations & Revenue Horlander, D. Keene, C. Miller, R. specific circumstances; establish the that this Act is void if the voters fail to (S) Weston expenditure of moneys from the approve a constitutional amendment municipal public safety fund and the permitting the General Assembly to HB 24 (BR 96) - R. Crimm AN ACT relating to gaming and county public safety fund; establish a authorize casinos. making an appropriation therefor. wagering tax at a rate of 35% of AN ACT relating to sales and use Establish KRS Chapter 239 to adjusted gross receipts received and (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) taxes. authorize gambling at horse racing reported monthly by the licensee obliged Amend KRS 139.110 to exclude from tracks and casinos; create numerous to pay the tax; establish the terms of all Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on the definition of "retailer" an auctioneer definitions; create the Kentucky Gaming licenses regarding gaming operations; Licensing and Occupations when the auctioneer performs a Commission; establish the duties and require the commission to promulgate Jan 2-introduced in House charitable auction, without charge, for responsibilities of the commission; administrative regulations to prescribe Jan 5-to Licensing and Occupations churches, schools, civic clubs, or other require the commission to determine the procedures for gaming licensees (H) resident, nonprofit charitable, religious, occupations related to casino gaming regarding the effective control over their or educational organizations; and the qualifications for an occupational internal fiscal affairs; require periodic HB 28 (BR 153) - S. Lee EFFECTIVE August 1, 2007. license; establish the application financial reports from gaming licensees; procedures for a casino, racing require annual audits of the financial AN ACT relating to crimes and (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) association gaming, manufacturer's, and statements of gaming licensees; define punishments. supplier's license; establish the and limit gambling games and devices; Amend KRS 525.110 to prohibit the Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on requirements and qualifications for all address how money deposited into the desecration of the national or state flag Appropriations and Revenue gaming-related licenses; prohibit a compulsive gamblers assistance fund under circumstances likely to produce an Jan 2-introduced in House licensee from transferring or assigning will be expended; require the State imminent breach of the peace. Jan 3-to Appropriations and Revenue the license without prior commission Auditor to perform an annual audit of the (H) approval; permit a licensee to conduct commission; require gaming licensees to (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) gaming operations from a temporary compile a list of persons to exclude or HB 25/AA (BR 301) - R. Meeks, J. facility under certain conditions; require reject from licensed gaming Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on Jenkins, T. Riner, R. Weston racing association licensees to make establishments; require the commission Judiciary certain requests to the Kentucky Horse to notify a person placed on an exclusion Jan 2-introduced in House AN ACT relating to investment of state Racing Authority regarding the number or ejection list; permit the commission to Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) funds. of racing days the licensee will have take disciplinary action if a gaming Amend KRS 21.550 to prohibit the scheduled during a year; create an licensee knowingly fails to exclude or HB 29 (BR 108) - D. Floyd Judicial Retirement Fund from investing exemption to allow facilities development eject a person on the list; establish in companies relating to the Sudan and for gaming activities regarding zoning; penalties for persons placed on the list AN ACT relating to civil actions. require that the fund divest itself of provide that other zoning and building who enter premises of a licensed Amend KRS 453.040 to define costs investments in companies investing in codes still apply; establish the position gaming establishment; provide that the to be awarded to the prevailing party in the Sudan; amend KRS 42.500 to and the duties of the executive director transport of gambling equipment and civil actions and exceptions. prohibit the State Investment of the commission; establish that certain supplies into the state will not be a Commission from investing in job classifications are to be established violation of federal laws; define the term (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) companies relating to the Sudan and by agreement of the parties to a "cheat" and establish penalties for require that the commission divest itself collective bargaining agreement; require persons who cheat; create the Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on of investments in companies investing in that before a gaming license is issued, compulsive gamblers assistance fund; Judiciary the Sudan; amend 61.650 to prohibit the the governing body in the jurisdiction establish how expenditures from the Jan 2-introduced in House Kentucky Retirement Systems Board where gaming operations are proposed compulsive gamblers assistance fund Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) from investing in companies relating to must first enact an ordinance to permit will be utilized; require the commission the Sudan and require that the board casino gaming; require a gaming to prepare an annual report detailing HB 30 (BR 98) - S. Lee, D. Floyd, J. divest itself of investments in companies licensee to post bond and to maintain activities and expenditures of the DeCesare, M. Harmon investing in the Sudan; amend KRS specific types of insurance; limit the compulsive gamblers assistance fund; 161.430 to prohibit the Kentucky number of gaming licenses to five racing encourage gaming licensees to AN ACT relating to the Students with Teacher's Retirement System Board association gaming licenses and four cooperate with local business and Special Needs Scholarship Program. from investing in companies relating to casino licenses; establish criteria for community organizations to stimulate the Create new sections of KRS Chapter the Sudan and require that the board gaming operation locations; require economy through tourism; require 157 to establish the Students with divest itself of investments in companies certain information from applicants gaming licensees to pay the salaries of Special Needs Scholarship Program to investing in the Sudan. seeking a gaming license; establish the certain commission employees; require permit exceptional students as defined fees for applications, licensure, and gaming licensees to make office space by KRS 157.200(a) to (m) to receive a (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) renewal for all licenses; create the available for certain commission scholarship to move from his or her Kentucky gaming fund, the Kentucky employees; prohibit a person under 21 resident public school to a participating Jan 2-introduced in House municipal public safety fund, the from placing a wager or being in an area school; define participating school as a Jan 3-to State Government (H) Kentucky county public safety fund, the where gambling games are in operation; public or nonpublic school that meets Feb 20-posted in committee Kentucky horse racing equity fund, and establish that commission members, the certain criteria and accepts the student the Kentucky thoroughbred claiming executive director, and commission for enrollment; the maximum amount of the scholarship shall be an amount Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 96-0; owner to equip the pool with an motor vehicle is driven 5,000 miles or equal to the per pupil funding based on received in Senate approved safety pool cover in lieu of less annually. the average daily attendance and add- Mar 5-to Transportation (S) such enclosure. on funds for exceptional children that are Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, HFA (2/Title, R. Crimm) - Make title (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) allotted under the Support Education to Consent Calendar amendment. Excellence in Kentucky program; the Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on resident district shall provide or pay for for passage in the Consent Orders of the (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Banking and Insurance transportation for the student to attend Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 Jan 2-introduced in House the nonpublic participating school; the Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 38-0; Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on Jan 3-to Banking and Insurance (H) Kentucky Board of Education shall received in House; enrolled, signed by Banking and Insurance Feb 26-posted in committee promulgate necessary administrative each presiding officer; delivered to Jan 2-introduced in House regulations to implement and manage Governor Jan 3-to Banking and Insurance (H) HB 39/LM (BR 196) - C. Siler the scholarship program. Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Feb 16-posted in committee 36) Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st Jan 4-WITHDRAWN (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) reading, to Calendar HB 33/LM (BR 12) - M. Henley Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules HB 40 (BR 240) - T. Burch Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on Feb 28-posted for passage in the Education AN ACT relating to government Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, AN ACT relating to the equine industry Jan 2-introduced in House contracts. March 1, 2007 program and making an appropriation Jan 3-to Education (H) Amend KRS 45A.480 and 176.085 to Mar 1-floor amendments (1) and (2- therefor. require, as a condition for being awarded title) filed Amend 138.510 to increase funding HB 31 (BR 144) - M. Dedman Jr a state contract, that a person, Mar 6-3rd reading, passed 94-4 with for equine industry program at University contractor, or subcontractor is registered floor amendments (1) and (2-title) of Louisville from two-tenths to three- AN ACT relating to state employee and participating in a federal work Mar 7-received in Senate tenths of one percent of total amount annual increments. authorization program to verify Mar 8-to Banking & Insurance (S) wagered on live racing in Kentucky and Amend KRS 18A.355 to provide that employment eligibility of employees from one-twentieth to three-tenths of one state employees making less than pursuant to the federal Immigration HB 36 (BR 245) - T. Riner percent of the total amount wagered on $60,000 shall receive a five percent Reform and Control Act of 1986; impose intertrack and interstate wagering; annual increment, state employees fine of $4,000 for violation; and provide AN ACT proposing an amendment to require that percentage rates be making $60,000 or more shall receive an that violation shall be grounds for Section 145 of the Constitution of increased proportionately if moneys annual increment equaling the federal cancellation of contract and Kentucky relating to persons entitled to generated do not equal or exceed $1 Social Security cost-of-living adjustment, disqualification for future contracts for 5 vote. million ; amend KRS 230.550 to specify and state employee salary reductions years. Propose to amend Section 145 of the purposes for which the moneys are to be under a budget reduction plan shall be Constitution of Kentucky relating to spent; require the University of Louisville calculated based on the proportions for (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) persons entitled to vote, to permit a to work cooperatively with the annual increment; amend KRS person convicted of a felony, except representatives of key racing and 48.130 to conform; Effective July 1, Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on felonious sex offenders and felons breeding organizations to determine the 2007. State Government convicted of violent crimes, to vote after time, agenda, and content of the Jan 2-introduced in House the person has served the sentence for symposium. HB 31 - AMENDMENTS Jan 3-to State Government (H) the offense, lived three consecutive HFA (1, B. Montell) - Provide for a 5 years without re-offending, and (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) percent annual increment instead of an HB 34 (BR 99) - M. Henley performed 100 hours of community increase based on an employee's salary; service; subject to the voters for Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on provide for an equal salary reduction for AN ACT relating to crimes and ratification or rejection. Licensing and Occupations state employees under a budget punishments. Jan 2-introduced in House reduction plan. Amend KRS 189A.105, relating to (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Jan 3-to Appropriations and Revenue driving under the influence, to allow a (H) (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) court order for a blood or urine test when Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on a defendant is charged with driving State Government HB 41 (BR 50) - C. Embry Jr, D. Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on under the influence or some other Jan 2-introduced in House Watkins State Government statutory violation arising from the Jan 3-to Elections, Const. Jan 2-introduced in House incident; delete statutory right to consult Amendments & Intergovernmental AN ACT relating to compulsive Jan 3-to State Government (H) an attorney before the administration of Affairs (H) gambling and making an appropriation Feb 6-floor amendment (1) filed any test. therefor. HB 37/LM (BR 246) - T. Riner Create new sections of KRS Chapter HB 32 (BR 136) - B. Montell, R. Nelson (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) 222 to create the compulsive gamblers AN ACT relating to the minimum awareness and treatment fund to be AN ACT relating to a student's license Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on wage. administered by the Division of Mental or permit to operate a motor vehicle. Judiciary Amend KRS 337.275 to increase the Health and Substance Abuse in the Amend KRS 159.051 to delete the Jan 2-introduced in House state minimum wage to $6.15 an hour on Department for Mental Health and requirement that a local school district Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) the effective date of this Act, and to Mental Retardation Services; operate an alternative education $7.00 an hour effective July 1, 2008; and appropriate moneys for the purposes program prior to the revocation of a HB 35 (BR 131) - R. Crimm increase to the federal minimum wage defined; establish funding and limitations student's operator's license, intermediate rate if such rate exceeds the state on expenditures; define responsibilities license, or instruction permit; amend AN ACT relating to homeowner's minimum wage rate. of the director and require administrative KRS 186.470 to require that the insurance. regulations; amend KRS 138.510 to application of any minor under the age of Create a new section of Subtitle 20 of (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) partially fund the compulsive gamblers 18 for a license or permit include KRS Chapter 304 to provide that an awareness and treatment fund from the parental consent for the release of insurer who stipulates for purposes of Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on total amount wagered in Kentucky academic and attendance information homeowner's insurance coverage or Labor and Industry subject to excise taxes; amend KRS required under KRS 159.051. rates that the insured equip any Jan 2-introduced in House 154A.130 to partially fund the swimming pool on the insured property Jan 3-to Labor and Industry (H) compulsive gamblers awareness and (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) with an enclosure that isolates the treatment fund from the gross revenues swimming pool from the home shall HB 38 (BR 220) - J. Wayne of the state lottery; amend KRS 238.570 Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on permit the insured to equip the pool with to partially fund the compulsive gamblers Education an approved safety pool cover in lieu of AN ACT relating to motor vehicle awareness and treatment fund from the Jan 2-introduced in House such enclosure. insurance premium discounts. gross receipts derived from all charitable Jan 3-to Education (H) Create a new section of Subtitle 13 of gaming. Feb 7-posted in committee HB 35 - AMENDMENTS KRS Chapter 304 to require any rates, Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st HFA (1, R. Crimm) - Amend rating schedules, or rating manuals for (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) reading, to Calendar subsection (2) to require a local the liability, personal injury protection, Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules government that stipulates that a and collision coverages of a motor Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on Feb 21-posted for passage in the swimming pool located on property must vehicle insurance policy filed with the Health and Welfare Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, be equipped with an enclosure that Office of Insurance to provide a low Jan 2-introduced in House February 22, 2007 isolates the pool to permit the property mileage premium discount if the insured Jan 3-to Health and Welfare (H) program for continuing education for its Feb 7-posted in committee HB 42 (BR 51) - C. Embry Jr individual engineer licensees; forbid Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st licensees from renewing their licenses Appropriations and Revenue reading, to Calendar Feb 13-WITHDRAWN unless the continuing education Jan 2-introduced in House Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules requirements are met; prohibit any Jan 3-to Appropriations and Revenue Feb 26-posted for passage in the HB 43 (BR 231) - J. Draud continuing education requirement that (H) Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, exceeds 15 clock hours per year or that February 27, 2007 AN ACT relating to circuit clerks. includes testing or examination of the HB 48 (BR 102) - S. Lee, S. Baugh, J. Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 98-0 Create a new section of KRS 186.400 engineer licensee; and exempt any DeCesare, J. Fischer, J. Gray, M. Mar 6-received in Senate to 186.640 to require Circuit Clerks to engineer licensee from the continuing Harmon, R. Mobley, L. Napier, S. Rudy, Mar 7-to Education (S); taken from extend the hours of operation of driver's education requirement if he or she was J. Stewart III committee; 1st reading; returned to license testing centers by being open first licensed in Kentucky prior to Education (S) two evenings or two Saturdays per January 1, 1972, and has maintained the AN ACT relating to health benefits Mar 8-reported favorably, 2nd reading, month. license in good standing since becoming provided by state universities and to Rules with Committee Substitute as a licensed. colleges. Consent Bill (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Create a new section of KRS Chapter Mar 9-posted for passage in the HB 46 - AMENDMENTS 164 to define "domestic partner" as an Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on SFA (1, J. Denton) - Retain original unmarried adult person of the same sex March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 38-0 Transportation provisions, except remove continuing or opposite sex who is not a blood with Committee Substitute ; received in Jan 2-introduced in House education exemption for engineer relative and who lives with a university or House; posted for passage for Jan 3-to State Government (H) licensees who have maintained a license college employee; prohibit public higher concurrence in Senate Committee in good standing and were first licensed education institutions from providing Substitute HB 44 (BR 154) - S. Lee in Kentucky prior to January 1, 1972. health benefits for a domestic partner of Mar 12-House concurred in Senate a university or college employee. Committee Substitute ; passed 98-0; AN ACT relating to public contracts. (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) enrolled, signed by each presiding Create new sections of KRS Chapter (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) officer; delivered to Governor 45A to define "Basic Pilot Program," Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. "contract," "contractor," "governmental Licensing and Occupations Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on 88) body," "local public agency," and Jan 2-introduced in House Education "unauthorized alien"; require contractors Jan 3-to Licensing and Occupations Jan 2-introduced in House HB 51 (BR 68) - T. Thompson, J. Gray, to verify employment eligibility of all (H) Jan 5-to Health and Welfare (H) J. Greer, T. Moore, D. Osborne, S. employees by registering and Feb 12-posted in committee Santoro, J. Tilley, A. Wuchner participating in the Basic Pilot Program Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st HB 49 (BR 197) - B. Montell operated by the United States reading, to Calendar AN ACT relating to Kentucky State Department of Homeland Security; Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted AN ACT relating to the destruction of Parks. require the cabinet to promulgate for passage in the Regular Orders of the animals. Create a new section of KRS Chapter administrative regulations relating to Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 Amend KRS 321.185 to require 148 to create a twenty percent discount certification and registration Feb 16-3rd reading, passed 76-19 veterinarians to obtain written for overnight stays at Kentucky State requirements with the Basic Pilot Feb 20-received in Senate permission, when feasible, before Park lodges, cottages, and camp Program; provide that failure to comply Feb 22-to Licensing, Occupations and euthanizing an animal; require grounds for Kentucky residents who are results in cancellation of contract and Administrative Regulations (S) documentation of attempted contact members of the military or are veterans. disqualification of contract eligibility for Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st when unable to reach client. five years. reading; returned to Licensing, HB 51 - AMENDMENTS Occupations and Administrative (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) HCS - Create a new section of KRS (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Regulations (S) Chapter 148 to create a 15 percent Mar 6-reported favorably, 2nd reading, Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on discount on Kentucky State Parks Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed Licensing and Occupations accommodations, gift shop purchases, State Government Mar 7-posted for passage in the Jan 2-introduced in House and rounds of golf beginning after 2 p.m. Jan 2-introduced in House Regular Orders of the Day for Jan 3-to Agriculture and Small for members of the military services, the Jan 3-to State Government (H) Wednesday, March 7, 2007; passed Business (H) Kentucky National Guard, and veterans over and retained in the Orders of the who are Kentucky residents; require the HB 45/FN (BR 135) - B. Montell, C. Day HB 50 (BR 143) - J. Higdon, D. Floyd, J. use of military identification cards for Embry Jr, R. Mobley Mar 8-passed over and retained in the Greer, J. Hoover, T. Moore members of the military and the National Orders of the Day Guard as proof of eligibility; require the AN ACT relating to volunteer fire Mar 9-3rd reading; floor amendment AN ACT relating to local school board Department of Parks to promulgate department fuel expenses. (1) withdrawn ; passed 37-0; received in members. administrative regulations on Amend KRS 138.344 to provide a House; enrolled, signed by each Amend KRS 160.280 to increase the documentation required to prove refund of motor fuels taxes paid by presiding officer; delivered to Governor maximum amount of annual expenses eligibility of a veteran; require an volunteer fire departments; effective Mar 19-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. for which local school board members operator's license, commercial driver's October 1, 2007. 16) can be reimbursed for meetings to license, or a personal identication card $3,000; remove distinction for counties issued by the Transportation Cabinet; (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) HB 47 (BR 259) - D. Floyd, J. DeCesare containing a city of the first class; amend provide that a person eligible for benefis KRS 161.158 to conform. under KRS 148.0211 is also eligible for Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on AN ACT relating to contributions to the benefits provided by these provisions. Appropriations and Revenue Commonwealth of Kentucky. HB 50 - AMENDMENTS HFA (1, T. Thompson) - Make Jan 2-introduced in House Create a new section of KRS Chapter SCS - Retain original provisions; Kentucky resident members of the Jan 3-to Local Government (H) 48 to establish the tax-me-more account amend KRS 18A.225 to include a local military reserve eligible for the discount. within the state general fund to receive school board member in the definition of HB 46 (BR 76) - T. Thompson voluntary contributions from individuals employee as it relates to the state health (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) and entities that believe they are insurance plan; amend KRS 161.158 to AN ACT relating to engineers. undertaxed; require the Finance and require a local school board member to Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee Amend KRS 322.160 to allow the Administration Cabinet to promulgate adopt policies or regulations that shall on Economic Development and Tourism State Board of Licensure for administrative regulations to establish a provide for deductions from per diem Jan 2-introduced in House Professional Engineers and Land contribution process; require the and actual expenses payments for Jan 3-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Surveyors to require engineer licensees Department of Revenue to provide an membership dues, health insurance Public Safety (H) to provide evidence of completion of the opportunity for taxpayers to make purchases, scholarship funds, and Feb 7-posted in committee requisite number of continuing education contributions with their income tax contributions to a political action Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st hours if the licensee has failed to renew payments; specify that contributions are committee. reading, to Calendar with Committee his or her license within one year of not tax deductible; require that amounts Substitute expiration; waive the continuing in the fund be appropriated by the (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted education requirement for engineer General Assembly as part of the biennial for passage in the Regular Orders of the licensees during those years that the budget process; amend KRS 141.010 to Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 licensee was on active duty in the Armed conform. Education Mar 1-floor amendment (1) filed to Forces of the United States; amend KRS Jan 2-introduced in House Committee Substitute 322.290 to require the board to adopt a (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Jan 3-to Education (H) HB 52/AA (BR 300) - C. Embry Jr violator presents evidence that a booster reporting, records preservation, audit, obligations, and related activities to the seat has been installed within 30 days or and administrative regulations; provide registry, according to procedures and at AN ACT relating to hazardous duty if the violator presents evidence of family procedures for declaration of intent for times prescribed by the registry in retirement. income that is below 250 percent of the participating candidate to seek administrative regulations; require that Amend KRS 61.592 to change the federal poverty level within 30 days and certification as a Kentucky Clean any balance in a campaign account of definition of a hazardous position to provide the violator with a booster seat Election Act participant; prohibit a any defeated certified primary candidate include positions classified in the social at no charge and nullify the violation; participating candidate from accepting and any certified general election services series that involve child require fines paid to go to the child contributions prior to the qualifying candidate to be returned to the fund; protective services investigations or booster seat fund and use funds to period, except for seed money prohibit transfers from being distributed ongoing face-to-face contact with provide booster seats to violators with contributions, which are limited to no in excess of the total amount of money families whose children have been family income below 250 percent of the more than $10 per individual and shall deposited in the fund; require a certified placed in the custody of the cabinet. poverty level. not exceed $1,500 for a candidate for candidate to comply with KRS Chapter HFA (6, M. Harmon) - Retain original the state Senate and $500 for a 121; provide for Class D felony for (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) provisions of the bill; amend KRS candidate for the state House; require a knowing violation of the expenditure 189.990 to nullify the $50 fine if the participating candidate to obtain limitations, contributions limitations, Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on violator presents evidence that a booster qualifying contributions from a misuse of fund transfers, or falsification State Government seat has been installed within 30 days or designated number of registered voters of records and provide for Jan 2-introduced in House if the violator presents evidence of family during the qualifying period, totaling 275 disqualification from holding office or Jan 5-to Appropriations and Revenue income that is below 250 percent of the for a candidate for the state Senate and becoming a candidate for office and (H) federal poverty level within 30 days and 100 for a candidate for the state House; provide for forfeiture of nomination or provide the violator with a booster seat require a participating candidate to election; provide for a refund of all fund HB 53 (BR 31) - T. Burch, M. Marzian, at no charge and nullify the violation; submit qualifying contributions to the transfers if there is a violation of the R. Palumbo, T. Thompson, J. Wayne require fines paid to go to the child registry during the qualifying period; statutes; provide for Class D felony for booster seat fund and use funds to require the participating candidate to any knowing violation of the chapter or AN ACT relating to booster seats. provide booster seats to violators with request certification no later than the last administrative regulations; provide for Amend KRS 189.125 to require that a family income below 250 percent of the day of the qualifying period; require the transmission of information about child under age 8 years between 40 and poverty level. registry to certify a candidate if the violations to Commonwealth's Attorney 57 inches in height and weighing less candidate signs and files a declaration of and Attorney General; provide for civil than 80 pounds be secured in a child (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) intent, submits the proper number of penalty of $1,000 per violation; provide booster seat. qualifying contributions, has accepted for contribution and expenditure Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on the proper amount of seed money limitations to be adjusted for inflation or HB 53 - AMENDMENTS Transportation contributions and no other contributions, deflation; amend KRS 118.255 to HCS - Retain original provisions of bill; Jan 2-introduced in House files a notification and declaration of provide for a $1,300 filing fee for State remove weight limit. Jan 3-to Health and Welfare (H) candidacy or has been nominated for Senate candidate and a $500 filing fee HFA (1, R. Damron) - Retain original Feb 6-posting waived; posted in office, and submits any other information for State House candidate, with funds provisions; add new section amending committee required by the registry; require going to the clean election fund; amend KRS 189.990 relating to penalties for Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, certification no later than three days after KRS 6.611, 6.784, 121.120, 121.170 to traffic offenses to specify that child to Calendar with Committee Substitute final submission of qualifying conform, appropriate $18,156,000 for FY restraint seat and booster seat fines are Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted contributions; provide for appeal of 2008-2009 to Registry of Election not subject to court costs, additional for passage in the Regular Orders of the denial of certification; require a certified Finance; EMERGENCY. costs, or fees; specify that seat belt Day for Monday, February 12, 2007; candidate to limit campaign expenditures violations are not subject to additional floor amendment (1) filed and obligations to transfers distributed (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) costs or fees. Feb 12-floor amendments (2) (4) and by the fund and prohibit a certified HFA (2, M. Harmon) - Retain original (5) filed to Committee Substitute, floor candidate from accepting any Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee provisions of the bill; amend KRS amendments (3) and (6) filed contributions unless specifically on State Government 189.990 to nullify the $50 fine if the Feb 14-3rd reading; floor amendment authorized by the registry; require that Jan 2-introduced in House violator presents evidence that a booster (5) rejected ; passed 89-9 with unspent seed money and qualifying Jan 3-to Elections, Const. seat has been installed within 30 days or Committee Substitute, floor amendment contributions be transferred to the fund; Amendments & Intergovernmental if the violator presents evidence of family (4) require the registry to distribute transfers Affairs (H) income that is below 250 percent of the Feb 15-received in Senate within three days after certification for Feb 8-posted in committee federal poverty level within 30 days and Feb 20-to Transportation (S) certified candidates in a contested provide the violator with a booster seat primary election, and within three days HB 56 (BR 281) - T. Edmonds at no charge and nullify the violation; HB 54/LM (BR 149) - J. Jenkins, M. after the primary election for certified require fines paid to go to the child Marzian, T. Burch, R. Meeks, D. Owens, candidates in a contested general Feb 7-WITHDRAWN booster seat fund and use funds to K. Stein, J. Wayne, R. Weston election; require the registry to provide booster seats to violators with determine the amount of transfers not HB 57 (BR 282) - T. Edmonds family income below 250 percent of the AN ACT relating to the minimum later than the first Wednesday after the poverty level. wage. first Monday in November preceding the AN ACT relating to casualty insurance HFA (3, M. Harmon) - Retain original Amend KRS 337.275 to increase the election year, and require the first rates. provisions of the bill; amend KRS state minimum wage to $5.85 an hour on transfers to be made for the 2008 state Amend KRS 304.13-057 and 304.13- 189.990 to nullify the $50 fine if the the effective date of this Act, to $6.55 an Senate and House elections; specify that 061 to prohibit basing casualty insurance violator presents evidence that a booster hour effective July 1, 2008, and to $7.25 transfer amounts shall be $54,000 for rates for motor vehicle and homeowner seat has been installed within 30 days or an hour effective July 1, 2009; and Senate and $20,000 for House policies, in whole or in part, on territory if the violator presents evidence of family increase to the federal minimum wage contested primary or contested general or location of the risk. income that is below 250 percent of the rate if that rate exceeds the state elections, that no transfers shall be federal poverty level within 30 days and minimum wage rate. made for uncontested primary or (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) provide the violator with a booster seat uncontested general elections, and that at no charge and nullify the violation; (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) transfers shall be adjusted for inflation or Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee require fines paid to go to the child deflation; specify that if the sum of the on Banking and Insurance booster seat fund and use funds to Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee nonparticipating candidate's Jan 2-introduced in House provide booster seats to violators with on Labor and Industry expenditures or obligations or funds Jan 3-to Banking and Insurance (H) family income below 250 percent of the Jan 2-introduced in House raised or borrowed exceeds the transfer Feb 26-posted in committee poverty level. Jan 3-to Labor and Industry (H) amount, then the registry will issue an HFA (4, R. Damron) - Retain original additional amount to any opposing HB 58/CI (BR 56) - T. Thompson, C. provisions; add new section amending HB 55 (BR 189) - J. Wayne, K. Stein certified candidate equivalent to the Embry Jr KRS 189.990 relating to penalties for excess, if funds are available; limit traffic offenses to specify that child AN ACT relating to campaign finance, matching funds to two times the original AN ACT relating to crimes and restraint seat and booster seat fines are making an appropriation therefor, and distribution, if funds are available; allow punishments. not subject to court costs, additional declaring an emergency. a certified candidate in a general Amend KRS 17.545 to prohibit costs, or fees; specify that seat belt Establish KRS Chapter 121B and election not affiliated with a political party registered sex offenders from residing violations are not subject to additional create new sections to provide for the who has been certified by April 15 to be within 1,000 feet of a facility owned or costs or fees. Kentucky Clean Election Act; define eligible for general election transfers; operated by a Congressionally chartered HFA (5, M. Harmon) - Retain original terms; establish the Kentucky clean require participating and certified civic organization in which 90 percent of provisions of the bill; amend KRS election fund to distribute transfers to candidates to report any money its activities are designated exclusively 189.990 to nullify the $50 fine if the certified candidates; provide for collected, all campaign expenditures, for youth. Feb 20-posting waived; posted in checks on all executive branch (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) committee applicants and report to the co-chairs of HB 63 - AMENDMENTS Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st the Interim Joint Committee on State HCS - Require that an employing Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee reading, to Calendar Government prior to November 1, 2007. state agency offer an interview to all on Judiciary Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules finalists entitled to preference points, Jan 2-introduced in House Feb 28-recommitted to Judiciary (H) HB 62 - AMENDMENTS except that when five or more of the Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) HCS - Amend Section 1 to clarify the finalists are entitled to preference points, HB 62 (BR 185) - M. Cherry, C. Embry definition of an "executive officer" to the employing state agency shall offer HB 59 (BR 67) - T. Thompson, T. Jr, D. Graham, D. Pasley, C. Rollins II, include persons working or volunteering an interview to no fewer than five of Moore, J. Tilley T. Thompson, B. Yonts in the executive branch and using state- these individuals rather than to no fewer owned facilities, equipment, or personnel than the five most qualified of these AN ACT relating to operator's AN ACT relating to executive branch to perform their duties; amend Section 6 individuals. licenses. employees. to provide that the two new classified SFA (1, E. Tori) - Retain original Amend KRS 186.412, regarding motor Amend KRS 11A.010 to define employee members of the board be provisions; attach the provisions of 2007 vehicle operator's licenses, to clarify that "executive officer," and change the appointed by the board; set the term of HB 339 exempting active duty military a member of the military returning to the definition of "officer" to include executive the new appointees to begin prior to July pay from income taxation. Commonwealth from out of state duty officers; amend KRS 18A.005 to define 1, 2008, and last until the normal board whose operator's license has expired "qualifying," and amend "agency" elections in 2010; amend Section 8 to (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) while away shall not be cited or definition; make technical corrections; replace all references to the use of an convicted for driving on an expired amend KRS 18A.030 to require the employee's Social Security number and Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee license within 90 days of return to the secretary of the Personnel Cabinet to replace it with the employee's unique on Seniors, Veterans, Military Affairs and state if the person can provide proof of propose selection method changes to identification number for Personnel Public Protection out of state service and dates of the board for approval or denial and set Board elections; amend Section 9 to Jan 2-introduced in House assignment; amend KRS 36.450, time frame for board to approve or reject allow the board to request reporting Jan 3-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and regarding licenses and certificates the proposed change; amend KRS information from state agencies to aid in Public Safety (H) issued to members of the military, to 18A.037 and 18A.040 to change reporting requirements set forth; amend Feb 6-posting waived conform. commissioner to secretary; amend KRS Section 11 to delete the alternative Feb 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, 18A.045 to change the number of dispute resolution procedures and allow to Calendar with Committee Substitute (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Personnel Board members from seven the secretary of the cabinet to Feb 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted to nine and specify that those two new promulgate administrative regulations to for passage in the Regular Orders of the Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee members be elected classified establish such procedures. Day for Friday, February 9, 2007 on Transportation employees; amend KRS 18.A.050 to HFA (1, B. Yonts) - Clarify decisions Feb 12-3rd reading, passed 95-0 with Jan 2-introduced in House provide that the term of the two new to be published by the Personnel Board. Committee Substitute Jan 3-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and classified employee members be for Feb 13-received in Senate Public Safety (H) three years and expire prior to the 2010 (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Feb 15-to State & Local Government Feb 7-posted in committee election; provide that the elected (S) Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st members be allowed to seek re-election; Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar amend KRS 18A.0551 to conform; on State Government reading, to Calendar Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted amend KRS 18A.190 to place limitations Jan 2-introduced in House Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules for passage in the Regular Orders of the on compensatory leave payments of Jan 3-to State Government (H) Mar 5-floor amendment (1) filed Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 executive officers and officers to not Feb 6-posting waived; posted in Mar 6-posted for passage in the exceed 240 hours upon separation from committee Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, HB 60 (BR 103) - R. Damron, C. service; amend KRS 18A.075 to require Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, March 6, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 36-0 Belcher, J. Bell, C. Embry Jr, J. Gray, D. the annual report of the Personnel Board to Calendar with Committee Substitute with floor amendment (1) Keene, R. Mobley, D. Watkins be sent to the co-chairs of the Interim Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Mar 7-received in House; posted for Joint Committee on State Government for passage in the Regular Orders of the passage for concurrence in Senate floor AN ACT relating to sales tax holidays prior to October 1 and to specify the Day for Monday, February 12, 2007; amendment (1) and declaring an emergency. content of the report; require the floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Create a new section of KRS Chapter Personnel Board to consider all Substitute HB 64 (BR 326) - M. Cherry, C. Belcher, 139 to exempt the sale or purchase of proposed selection method change Feb 14-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with L. Clark, J. Draud, M. Marzian, D. clothing with a sales price of less than requests from the secretary of the Committee Substitute, floor amendment Owens, R. Palumbo, R. Rand, T. Riner, one hundred fifty dollars ($150) per item, Personnel Cabinet and prohibit any (1) A. Simpson, K. Stein, T. Thompson, J. school supplies, and computers and selection method change without final Feb 15-received in Senate Wayne, R. Weston, B. Yonts computer supplies with a sales price of board approval; amend 18A.0751 to Feb 20-to State & Local Government less than one thousand five hundred require the board to provide guidelines (S) AN ACT relating to the safety, dollars ($1,500) per item; define terms; for dispute resolution for employees that learning, and well-being of students. outline procedures; amend KRS attempt to resolve any work-related HB 63 (BR 286) - M. Cherry, L. Belcher, Amend KRS 158.440 to require school 139.210, 139.220 and l39.340 to allow complaint or penalization; set out the two M. Dossett, T. Edmonds, D. Floyd, J. districts to have plans, policies, and retailers to absorb the tax on other times distinct methods; amend KRS 18A.095 Hoover, T. McKee, T. Moore, R. procedures dealing with measures for sold during the sales tax holiday and to allow an appointing authority to Palumbo, D. Sims, T. Thompson, J. assisting students who are engaging in advertise accordingly; EMERGENCY; suspend an employee, with pay, from Tilley, A. Wuchner disruptive and disorderly behavior, EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 2007. the time that the employee has received including harassment, intimidation, or an intent to dismiss letter and prior to the AN ACT relating to honoring military bullying of another student; amend KRS (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) agency's final action; allow an employee service. 158.441 to define "harassment, to resolve any work-related complaint or Amend KRS 18A.150 to expand the intimidation, or bullying"; allow civil Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee penalization by choosing from two state hiring preference honoring military exchange of opinions or debate or on Appropriations and Revenue distinct methods; amend KRS 18A.110 service; require the adding of five or ten cultural practices protected under the Jan 2-introduced in House to provide that employees with the two preference points to a military-connected state or federal Constitution to be Jan 3-to Appropriations and Revenue lowest evaluation ratings follow the new individual's examination score used for included in areas exempt from the (H) dispute resolution process outlined in state hiring in classified positions; permit definition; amend KRS 158.148 to Sections 10 and 11 of this Act; amend the total of an examination score and require school districts to formulate a HB 61 (BR 327) - T. Pullin, J. Vincent, J. KRS 18A.111 to require former preference points to exceed 100; require code of acceptable behavior and Greer unclassified employees to serve an initial that a register certificate of finalists for a discipline that prohibits harassment, probationary period of 12 months if the state job identify all finalists entitled to intimidation, or bullying of a student and AN ACT relating to criminal employee is appointed to a position in preference points, whether or not an includes procedures for identifying, trespassing. the classified service, unless he or she examination is actually a part of the reporting, investigating, and responding Amend KRS 511.060 to include has prior status within the system or had selection method; require that an to complaints, a strategy for protecting trespass within a school building within been separated from his or her employing state agency offer an complainants from retaliation, a process the offense of trespassing in the first unclassified position at least 180 days; interview to all finalists entitled to for annually discussing the code, and the degree. amend KRS 18A.140 to allow classified preference points, except that when five consequences of violating the code with officers and employees to occupy an or more of the finalists are entitled students and their parents or their legal (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) elected office under certain conditions; preference points, the employing state guardians; require school districts to require the secretary of the Personnel agency shall offer an interview to no provide training on the district's Jan 2-introduced in House Cabinet to conduct a feasibility study on fewer than the five most qualified of acceptable code of behavior to school Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) performing background and reference these individuals. employees who have direct contact with students if funds exist for this purpose; program for each child who is at risk of of the sales associate course from 30 eligible felony offenders unless require school districts to include code of educational failure and who is 4 years of hours to 15 hours; remove provision otherwise advised by the offender, to acceptable behavior in district employee age by August 1, rather than October 1; allowing the commission to levy require the Administrative Office of the training manual; require school councils amend KRS 157.226 to establish, increased fines. Courts and the Kentucky State Police to that are proposing to adopt an beginning with the 2008-2009 school provide the Department of Corrections instructional program or curriculum year, that a child with a disability shall be (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) with any record necessary for their designed to instruct students on issues eligible for a free and appropriate investigation, and to require the regarding harassment, intimidation, or preschool education if he or she is 3 or 4 Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee Secretary of State and the Department bullying to afford parents, in a timely years of age, or who may become 5 on Licensing and Occupations of Corrections to provide written reports manner, the right to inspect and review years of age after August 1, rather than Jan 2-introduced in House to the appropriate House and Senate the instructional material prior to October 1; amend KRS 158.030 to Jan 3-to Licensing and Occupations committees. adoption and to address the council on permit, beginning with the 2008-2009 (H) the proposal prior to its adoption; offer school year, any child to enter the Feb 13-posted in committee HB 67 - AMENDMENTS parents and legal guardians the primary program if he or she is 5 years Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st HFA (1, A. Wuchner) - Amend KRS opportunity to opt out their students from old or may become 5 years old by reading, to Calendar with Committee 196.045 to require the Department of programs or curriculum regarding August 1, rather than October 1. Substitute Corrections to devise a civics review harassment, intimidation, or bullying; HFA (6/Title, D. Floyd) - Make title Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules course to be offered to felony offenders specify that students who are opted out amendment. Feb 27-posted for passage in the and to require that the completion of this shall remain subject to the policy that HFA (7, K. Bratcher) - Create a new Regular Orders of the Day for course be an eligibility requirement as prohibits harassment, intimidation, or section of KRS Chapter 158 to prohibit a Wednesday, February 28, 2007 one of the requirements for restoration of bullying; amend KRS 158.150 to include student who is taking physician- Feb 28-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with voting rights. student harassment, intimidation, or prescribed medication for disruptive Committee Substitute bullying as a cause for suspension, behavior from attending school if he or Mar 1-received in Senate (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) expulsion, or other appropriate she is not taking the medication as Mar 5-to Licensing, Occupations and disciplinary action; amend 158.444 to prescribed; require parents to administer Administrative Regulations (S) Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee require local school districts to report to prescribed medication prior to the on Judiciary the Kentucky Department of Education student's arrival at school or give the HB 66 (BR 222) - J. Higdon, L. Clark, D. Jan 2-introduced in House all incidents in which a student has been medication to appropriate school Floyd, D. Ford, R. Mobley, J. Richards, Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) disciplined for harassment, intimidation, personnel to administer to the student at R. Wilkey, A. Wuchner Feb 12-posted in committee or bullying three times in a single the appropriate time. Feb 16-reported favorably, 1st semester or where an individual has AN ACT relating to elections. reading, to Calendar been the object of three or more (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Amend KRS 118.105 to allow 10 Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules documented incidents of harassment, days, excluding weekends and legal Feb 22-posted for passage in the intimidation, or bullying in a single Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee holidays, for a replacement candidate to Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, semester; create a new section of KRS on Education be nominated should a vacancy occur February 23, 2007 Chapter 158 to require that all student Jan 2-introduced in House prior to September 15 of the year of the Feb 28-floor amendment (1) filed data collected that is related to Jan 3-to Education (H) election, and to exclude weekends and harassment, intimidation, or bullying be Feb 6-posting waived retroactively; legal holidays in the five days allowed for HB 68 (BR 179) - D. Owens subject to the confidentiality provisions reported favorably, 1st reading, to a replacement to be nominated on or of both the federal and the Kentucky Calendar after September 15; amend KRS AN ACT relating to residential utilities Family Education Rights and Privacy Feb 7-floor amendments (1) and (2) 118.305 to clarify that any Amend KRS 139.470 to exempt from Acts; afford parents the right to inspect filed ; 2nd reading, to Rules reprogramming of voting machines sales and use tax the charges for or challenge student records as Feb 13-taken from Rules; placed in necessary to reflect a replacement residential utilities billed to an owner or permitted under those Acts; require the Orders of the Day candidate is at the expense of the operator of a multi-unit residential facility individual student data collected that is Feb 15-floor amendments (1) and (2) political party or parties offering a or mobile home park, including charges related to harassment, intimidation, or withdrawn ; floor amendment (3) filed replacement candidate. for common areas; EFFECTIVE August bullying to be placed in the student's Feb 20-floor amendments (4) (5) and 1, 2007. disciplinary record; create a new section (6-title) filed (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) of KRS Chapter 158 to provide immunity Feb 26-floor amendment (7) filed (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) to school employees or students from a Mar 2-3rd reading; floor amendment Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee cause of action for damages arising from (4) rejected ; passed 91-4 with floor on State Government Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee reporting in good faith a student's amendment (3) Jan 2-introduced in House on Appropriations and Revenue disruptive or disorderly behavior if school Mar 5-received in Senate Jan 3-to Elections, Const. Jan 2-introduced in House and district procedures are followed Mar 6-to Judiciary (S) Amendments & Intergovernmental Jan 3-to Appropriations and Revenue regarding the report; make technical Mar 8-taken from committee; 1st Affairs (H) (H) corrections. reading; returned to Judiciary (S) Feb 8-posted in committee Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st HB 69/FN (BR 333) - J. Arnold Jr, R. HB 64 - AMENDMENTS HB 65 (BR 363) - R. Rand, R. Adams, reading, to Calendar Adkins, J. Gooch Jr HFA (1, J. DeCesare) - Create a new R. Crimm, D. Keene Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted section of KRS Chapter 158 to exclude a for passage in the Regular Orders of the AN ACT relating to economic student from being charged with bullying AN ACT relating to real estate Day for Thursday, March 1, 2007 development and declaring an for expressing opinions about polygamy brokerage. Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 92-0 emergency. or homosexuality in a way that is not Amend KRS 324.085 to require Mar 2-received in Senate Amend KRS 154.26-010 to allow an physically threatening. actively licensed sales associates to Mar 5-to State & Local Government approved company to remain in HFA (2, J. DeCesare) - Amend to complete a post-license course within 18 (S) operation or resume operation in the include provision that the psychological months of receiving a real estate broker Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, event a facility has been temporarily well-being of a student is injured when license; mandate a 30-hour course with to Consent Calendar closed; allow an eligible company to his or her faith-based values and a curriculum focusing on legal Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted have an annual mine plan that targets convictions against homosexuality and fundamentals and practical applications for passage in the Consent Orders of the raw production of at least three million same-sex marriage are openly ridiculed, in the sale or management of property Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 tons of coal; EMERGENCY. mocked, or mischaracterized as bigoted, for others; direct the commission to Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 38-0; hateful, or homophobic. promulgate administrative regulations to received in House; enrolled, signed by HB 69 - AMENDMENTS HFA (3, T. Riner) - Identify "The determine course content, instructor each presiding officer; delivered to HFA (1, J. Arnold Jr) - Specify that Golden Rule" as the model for improving qualification criteria, and other Governor provisions apply to facilities that are attitude and the rule for conduct for all necessary components; amend KRS Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. closed but may resume operations with public school students; identify the Act 324.160 to increase the maximum fine 46) inducements. as "The Golden Rule Act." the commission may levy for specified HFA (2, J. Arnold Jr) - Clarify that HFA (4, D. Floyd) - Retain original misconduct from $1,000 to $2,500; make HB 67 (BR 119) - D. Owens, R. Meeks, provisions apply only to coal facilities provisions; require local school districts technical correction. T. Riner and for long-term closures; make to provide training to victims of bullying conforming amendments. for victim empowerment. HB 65 - AMENDMENTS AN ACT relating to restoration of civil HFA (5, D. Floyd) - Amend KRS HCS - Retain original provisions, rights. (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) 157.3175 to require, beginning with the except require the completion of the new Amend KRS 196.045 to require the 2008-2009 school year, a school district sales associate course within 12 months Department of Corrections to initiate the Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee to provide a preschool education rather than 18 months; reduce the length process of restoring civil rights for on Economic Development and Tourism Jan 2-introduced in House with Committee Substitute penalty for leaving the scene of an Jan 3-to Economic Development (H) Mar 1-received in Senate (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) accident where death or serious physical Feb 6-posted in committee Mar 5-to Appropriations & Revenue injury is involved to a Class C felony; Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, (S) Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee amend KRS 304.99-060 to provide for a to Calendar on Labor and Industry mandatory 30 day minimum sentence for Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted HB 71 (BR 236) - T. Edmonds, J. Comer Jan 2-introduced in House a person involved in an automobile for passage in the Regular Orders of the Jr, J. Glenn, K. Hall, C. Hoffman, C. Jan 5-to Appropriations and Revenue accident involving death or serious Day for Monday, February 12, 2007 Siler, A. Smith, T. Thompson (H) physical injury who does not have the Feb 13-floor amendment (1) filed required insurance coverage. Feb 15-floor amendment (2) filed AN ACT designating bluegrass music HB 74 (BR 100) - M. Henley, J. Jenkins, Feb 16-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with as the official state music of Kentucky. S. Westrom HB 76 - AMENDMENTS floor amendment (2) Create a new section of KRS Chapter HCS - Amend to change the level of Feb 20-received in Senate 2 to designate bluegrass music as the AN ACT relating to animal cruelty. the offense from a Class C felony to a Feb 22-to Agriculture & Natural official state music of Kentucky. Amend KRS 525.125, 525.130, and Class D felony and to remove the Resources (S) 525.135 to require the offender to pay mandatory minimum sentence provision Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) reasonable and necessary maintenance relating to persons driving without reading; returned to Agriculture & expenses for care of animals involved in insurance. Natural Resources (S) Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee cruelty and torture cases; amend KRS HFA (1, T. Thompson) - Amend to add Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd on State Government 436.605 to require a court, upon petition, requirement that the driver knew or reading; returned to Agriculture & Jan 2-introduced in House to conduct forfeiture hearing and, except should have known of the death or Natural Resources (S) Jan 3-to State Government (H) for good cause, require defendant to serious physical injury. Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules Feb 6-posted in committee post surety for expenses related to Mar 9-posted for passage in the Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, animals care or forfeit animal. (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, to Calendar March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 36- Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee 0; received in House for passage in the Regular Orders of the on Judiciary Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each Day for Monday, February 12, 2007 Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee Jan 2-introduced in House presiding officer; delivered to Governor Feb 12-3rd reading, passed 94-0 on Judiciary Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Feb 13-received in Senate Jan 2-introduced in House Feb 12-posted in committee 71) Feb 15-to Economic Development, Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st Tourism & Labor (S) Feb 20-posted in committee reading, to Calendar with Committee HB 70 (BR 378) - J. Crenshaw, S. Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st Substitute Baugh, C. Belcher, T. Burch, T. reading; returned to Economic reading, to Calendar Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules; floor Edmonds, J. Glenn, D. Graham, J. Gray, Development, Tourism & Labor (S) Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules amendment (1) filed to Committee K. Hall, C. Hoffman, J. Jenkins, M. Mar 6-reported favorably, 2nd reading, Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations Substitute Marzian, R. Meeks, D. Owens, T. Riner, to Rules as a Consent Bill & Revenue (H) Feb 28-posted for passage in the A. Simpson, J. Wayne, R. Webb, S. Mar 7-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Westrom, B. Yonts Consent Orders of the Day for HB 75/FN (BR 128) - T. Thompson, J. March 1, 2007 Wednesday, March 7, 2007; 3rd reading, Arnold Jr, T. Burch, D. Butler, L. Clark, Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 91-0 with AN ACT proposing an amendment to passed 38-0 T. Couch, M. Denham, J. Draud, C. Committee Substitute, floor amendment Section 145 of the Constitution of Mar 8-received in House; enrolled, Embry Jr, T. Firkins, D. Floyd, J. Glenn, (1) Kentucky relating to persons entitled to signed by each presiding officer; J. Gooch Jr, J. Greer, D. Keene, A. Mar 2-received in Senate vote. delivered to Governor Koenig, C. Miller, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, Mar 5-to Judiciary (S) Propose to amend Section 145 of the Mar 19-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. T. Riner, C. Rollins II, S. Santoro, A. Constitution or Kentucky to exclude a 12) Simpson, J. Tilley, R. Weston, B. Yonts HB 77/CI (BR 331) - T. Pullin convicted felon from the right to vote until expiration of probation or final HB 72 (BR 14) - M. Henley AN ACT relating to sales and use tax. AN ACT relating to crimes and discharge from parole or maximum Amend KRS 139.495 to exempt from punishments. expiration of sentence; submit to the AN ACT relating to the financing of sales and use tax sales of prepared food Create a new section of KRS Chapter voters for ratification or rejection. highway and bridge projects. if sold by churches for fund-raising 508 to provide the option of enhancing Create a new section of KRS Chapter activities; amend KRS 139.496 to the penalty for an assault committed HB 70 - AMENDMENTS 176 to require that any new or conform; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2007. against a senior citizen by one degree. HCS - Retain original language; add replacement bridges built over the Ohio that felons convicted of the intentional River in Jefferson County be paid for HB 75 - AMENDMENTS (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) killing of a human being (murder) or of with bonds; provide that tolls be HFA (1, T. Thompson) - Amend KRS sexual contact with a minor, forced established in an amount adequate to 139.495 to exempt from sales and use Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee sexual intercourse (rape), or forced pay debt service on the bonds; transfer tax sales made by churches for on Judiciary deviate sexual intercourse (sodomy), are six year road plans funds allocated to fundraising events. Jan 2-introduced in House excluded from automatic restoration of the bridges project to other six-year road Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) voting rights without an executive plan projects; require the Transportation (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) pardon. Cabinet to provide the Interim HB 78 (BR 413) - M. Cherry, T. HFA (1, A. Wuchner) - Propose to Committees on Transportation and Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, J. Greer amend Section 145 of the Constitution of Appropriations and Revenue with a list a on Appropriations and Revenue Kentucky to require that eligibility for projects previously delayed to accelerate Jan 2-introduced in House AN ACT relating to peace officer restoration of voting rights to felons the bridges project. Jan 3-to Appropriations and Revenue certification. occur only upon completion of a civic (H) Amend KRS 15.400, relating to review course. (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Feb 9-posted in committee certification of grandfathered peace Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st officers, to permit an officer to retain (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee reading, to Calendar certification if employed within thirty days on Appropriations and Revenue Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted by another law enforcement agency that Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee Jan 2-introduced in House for passage in the Regular Orders of the is subject to certification; amend KRS on State Government Jan 5-to Appropriations and Revenue Day for Friday, February 16, 2007; floor 15.380 to allow Commonwealth Jan 2-introduced in House (H) amendment (1) filed detectives and county detectives to Jan 3-to Elections, Const. Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with participate in the peace officer Amendments & Intergovernmental HB 73 (BR 26) - M. Henley floor amendment (1) certification program; amend KRS Affairs (H) Feb 26-received in Senate 15.386 and 15.392, relating to peace Feb 7-posted in committee AN ACT relating to employment of Feb 28-to Appropriations & Revenue officer certification, to conform; Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st unauthorized aliens. (S) provisions RETROACTIVE to July 1, reading, to Calendar with Committee Create a new section of Chapter 141 2004. Substitute to prohibit a deduction for wages paid to HB 76/LM/CI (BR 134) - T. Thompson, Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted an unauthorized alien; require J. Glenn HB 78 - AMENDMENTS for passage in the Regular Orders of the withholding on all payments to an HFA (1, J. Greer) - Retain original Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 unauthorized alien; provide that the AN ACT relating to motor vehicle provisions; amend KRS 15.400, relating Feb 27-floor amendment (1) filed section is effective for tax years accidents. to time officer maintains certification on Feb 28-3rd reading, passed 70-28 beginning after December 31, 2008. Amend KRS 189.990 to increase the change of jobs, to change the time from 30 to 60 days. the Act; require rates to be filed for HB 84/CI (BR 380) - M. Denham approval before use rather than allowing Jan 2-introduced in House (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) rates to be filed and used prior to review; Jan 5-to Judiciary (H) AN ACT relating to crimes and delete (3)(c); delete factors in subsection Feb 8-posted in committee punishments. Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee (5) to be considered by the Office of Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st Amend KRS 439.3401 to include on Judiciary Insurance in its review of rates; make reading, to Calendar with Committee robbery in the second degree within the Jan 2-introduced in House Act effective July 1, 2008. Substitute violent offender statute if the victim is a Jan 3-to State Government (H) HFA (1, J. Gooch Jr) - Delete the Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted bank or credit union. Feb 6-posted in committee requirement that a copy of long-term for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, insurance rate filings be submitted to the Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) to Calendar Attorney General; delete the Feb 16-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted authorization of the Attorney General to Committee Substitute Jan 2-introduced in House for passage in the Regular Orders of the direct the executive director of the Office Feb 20-received in Senate Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) Day for Monday, February 12, 2007 of Insurance to hold a hearing on a long- Feb 22-to Judiciary (S) Feb 12-floor amendment (1) filed term insurance rate filing. Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st HB 85/LM/CI (BR 359) - M. Denham Feb 13-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with reading; returned to Judiciary (S) floor amendment (1) (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd AN ACT relating to terroristic Feb 14-received in Senate reading; returned to Judiciary (S) threatening. Feb 16-to Judiciary (S) Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules as Create a new section of KRS Chapter Mar 6-taken from committee; 1st on Banking and Insurance a Consent Bill; floor amendment (1) filed 508, relating to assault and related reading; returned to Judiciary (S) Jan 2-introduced in House Mar 9-posted for passage in the offenses, to create the crime of terroristic Mar 7-taken from committee; 2nd Jan 3-to Banking and Insurance (H) Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, threatening of a social worker employed reading; returned to Judiciary (S) Feb 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 38- by the state and make it a Class D Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules as to Calendar with Committee Substitute ; 0; received in House felony; name the Paul Grannis Act. a Consent Bill floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each Mar 9-posted for passage in the Substitute presiding officer; delivered to Governor (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, Feb 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 38- for passage in the Regular Orders of the 81) Jan 2-introduced in House 0; received in House Day for Friday, February 9, 2007 Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each Feb 28-3rd reading, passed 90--9 with HB 83 (BR 360) - M. Denham, J. Tilley presiding officer; delivered to Governor Committee Substitute HB 86/CI (BR 114) - R. Rand, R. Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Mar 1-received in Senate AN ACT relating to fiduciaries. Adams, C. Embry Jr, D. Keene 76) Mar 5-to Banking & Insurance (S) Amend KRS 395.610, regarding periodic accounting by fiduciaries, to AN ACT relating to real estate HB 79 (BR 418) - M. Cherry, T. HB 80 (BR 234) - R. Crimm, B. require testamentary trustees to render brokerage. Edmonds, K. Hall, T. Thompson DeWeese, C. Embry Jr, J. Fischer, D. accountings; exempt banks and trust Amend KRS 324.045 to make Floyd, D. Horlander, A. Koenig, S. companies. applicants for licensure as a real estate AN ACT relating to long-term care Riggs, C. Siler, A. Wuchner broker subject to a national criminal insurance rates. HB 83 - AMENDMENTS history check involving the National Create a new section of KRS 304.14- AN ACT relating to communications HFA (1, J. Vincent) - Amend to Crime Information Center; require 600 to 304.14-625 to require long-term excise tax, making an appropriation, and remove testamentary trusts from the applicants to complete the check within care insurers to file rates with the declaring an emergency. bill's mandatory accounting 90 calendar days prior to the application, executive director of the Office of Amend KRS 136.650 to increase the requirements, allow for an accounting of pay the cost of the check, and release Insurance for all long-term care monthly hold harmless amount; amend testamentary trusts upon court petition the results to the commission; amend insurance policies, issued, delivered, or KRS 136.654 to require reporting upon with good cause shown, remove KRS 324.111, 324.151, and 324.170 to renewed on or after January 1, 2008; request from the Department of provision exempting testamentary trusts allow the commission to conduct require the insurer to submit a copy of Revenue; appropriate funds; declare an administered by banks from being emergency procedures when a licensee the filing to the Attorney General; require EMERGENCY; Sections 1 and 3 subject to an accounting. is alleged to have committed an escrow the insurer to submit a new filing to deemed retroactive to January 1. 2006. HFA (2, M. Denham) - Combines account violation; direct maintenance of reflect any material change to any provisions of HFA #1 with a provision broker escrow accounts in banks that previously filed and approved rate filing; (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) that removes the present accounting have agreed to notify the commission in require the insurer to submit an exemption applicable to testamentary writing during the normal course of amendment to a previously approved Jan 2-introduced in House trustees and guardians and conservators business if an overdraft occurs in the rate filing for all other changes; permit Jan 3-to Appropriations and Revenue of mentally disabled persons and makes account for any reason other than use of the rate filing upon filing and prior (H) those persons subject to the accounting service charged instituted by the bank; to approval by the executive director; requirements of the bill. amend KRS 324.150 to allow the provide that the executive director shall HB 81/LM/CI (BR 258) - M. Denham commission to conduct an emergency approve or disapprove the filing within (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) hearing in accordance with KRS Chapter 60 days after filing; permit the executive Feb 9-WITHDRAWN 13B when a licensee is alleged to have director to order a retroactive reduction Jan 2-introduced in House committed an escrow account violation; of rates; establish criteria to be HB 82/LM (BR 318) - M. Denham, R. Jan 3-to Banking and Insurance (H) require the commission to promulgate considered when reviewing a rate filing; Palumbo, J. Vincent, S. Westrom Feb 12-posted in committee administrative regulations to describe permit the executive notice to withdraw Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st when emergency action is justified; approval after 30 days notice has been AN ACT relating to crimes and reading, to Calendar amend KRS 324.160 to remove the given; authorize the executive director to punishments. Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted prohibition on offering prizes for the establish by administrative regulation Amend KRS 365.250 relating to for passage in the Regular Orders of the purpose of influencing a purchaser or additional criteria to be considered, junkyards and other purchasers of used Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 prospective purchaser of real estate; including but not limited to a certification ferrous and nonferrous metals, to require Feb 21-floor amendment (1) filed amend KRS 324.165 to conform; amend by an actuary, an actuarial them to keep a register of sellers and Feb 23-floor amendment (2) filed KRS 324.287 to permit the commission memorandum of justification of any rate make the information available to law Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with to charge fees not to exceed $30 for schedule change, and a statement that enforcement agencies; amend KRS floor amendment (2) educational program accreditation and the premium rate schedule is not less 365.990, relating to penalties, to Feb 28-received in Senate for certification as an approved instructor than the premium rate schedule for conform. Mar 2-to Banking & Insurance (S) under certain circumstances, and to existing similar policy forms also Mar 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, charge fees not to exceed $100 for available from the insurer; direct the HB 82 - AMENDMENTS to Consent Calendar timeshare registrations and returned or executive director to hold a hearing upon HCS/LM - Delete reference to ferrous Mar 7-2nd reading, to Rules dishonored checks; amend KRS request by the Attorney General; permit and nonferrous metals; add reference to Mar 9-posted for passage in the 324.310 and 324.312 to direct a principal a long-term care insurer to request a copper metal; require reporting to sheriff Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, broker to return an associate's license to hearing concerning a disapproval of and to police department, if there is a March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 38- the commission immediately upon the rates or an order of retroactive reduction police department. 0; received in House termination of the association between in rates; amend KRS 304.14-630 to SFA (1, R. Jones II) - Insert provisions Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each the broker and the associate, or at any conform. found in SB 67/GA relating to driving presiding officer; delivered to Governor time upon the commission's request; under the influence. Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. declare that if a principal broker fails to HB 79 - AMENDMENTS 82) return the license to the commission HCS - Retain the original provisions of (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) within five business days, the license is considered released and the principal February 27, 2007 Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Jan 3-to Health and Welfare (H) broker is deemed in violation of the for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 6-posting waived; posted in prohibition against conduct that HB 87 (BR 440) - D. Floyd, J. Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 committee constitutes improper, fraudulent, or DeCesare, J. Comer Jr, B. Farmer, D. Feb 15-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with dishonest dealing; amend KRS 324.420 Ford, M. Harmon, S. Lee, D. Osborne floor amendment (1) HB 92 (BR 283) - D. Owens, L. Clark, C. to deny compensation from the real Feb 16-received in Senate Embry Jr, J. Glenn estate education, research, and recovery AN ACT relating to the limited liability Feb 21-to Transportation (S) fund to any aggrieved party, unless the entity tax. Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st AN ACT relating to deferred deposit compensation is for actual financial harm Amend KRS 141.0401 to limit the reading; returned to Transportation (S) transaction service fees charged to suffered by the aggrieved party, and this limited liability entity tax to years Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd members of the Armed Forces, financial harm is specifically and directly beginning before January 1, 2008; reading; returned to Transportation (S) members of the National Guard or related to the property purchase or create a new section of KRS Chapter Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules Reserve component or federal active condition; amend KRS 324.990 to 141 to replace the minimum tax with a with Committee Substitute ; floor duty, and their dependents. authorize a fine not to exceed $500 for minimum fee. amendment (1) filed to Committee Create a new section of Subtitle 9 of the first offense and $2,500 for Substitute KRS Chapter 286 to prohibit a licensee subsequent offenses for each day of (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Mar 9-recommitted to Appropriations from charging a service fee to a covered engaging in real estate brokerage & Revenue (S); floor amendment (2) member of the Armed Forces or a without a license; declare that the Jan 2-introduced in House filed to Committee Substitute dependent of such member which will District Court has original jurisdiction Jan 3-to Appropriations and Revenue yield an amount greater than an annual over any charge for the first offense of (H) HB 90 (BR 402) - D. Owens, R. Meeks percentage rate of 36 percent; amend engaging in real estate brokerage KRS 286.9-100 to conform. without a license, and over any HB 88/FN (BR 339) - B. Farmer, D. AN ACT relating to limits on misdemeanor offenses for violation of a Floyd, S. Brinkman, J. Comer Jr, J. prepayment penalties in mortgages. HB 92 - AMENDMENTS provision of KRS Chapter 324; make DeCesare, B. DeWeese, C. Embry Jr, J. Amend KRS 286.3-214, 286.8-110, HCA (1/Title, T. Pullin) - Make title technical corrections. Fischer, D. Ford, M. Harmon, J. Hoover, and 360.010 to prohibit a mortgage loan amendment. S. Lee, R. Mobley, D. Osborne, K. lender from charging or collecting HB 86 - AMENDMENTS Upchurch, A. Wuchner prepayment fees or penalties more than (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) HCS - Retain original provisions, 36 months after the loan closing or except remove new language making AN ACT relating to the limited liability which exceed three percent of the Jan 2-introduced in House real estate broker applicants subject to entity tax. amount prepaid during the first 12 Jan 3-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and an FBI criminal history check; increase Amend KRS 141.0401 and create a months, or two percent of the amount Public Safety (H) the maximum fine the commission may new section of KRS Chapter 141 to prepaid during the second 12 months, or Feb 7-posted in committee levy for specified misconduct from repeal the limited liability entity tax and one percent of the amount prepaid Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st $1,000 to $2,500; require a principal leave in place the $175 minimum tax, for during the third 12 months after the loan reading, to Calendar with committee broker to return an associate's license to tax years beginning on or after January closing; amend KRS 286.5-441 and amendment (1-title) the commission immediately after a 1, 2008. 286.6-485 to require any charges to be Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted termination of the association if the assessed against the borrower if a real for passage in the Regular Orders of the termination is in writing; broaden the (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) estate loan is paid prior to maturity to be Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 type of financial harm eligible for prominently displayed and made part of compensation from the real estate Jan 2-introduced in House the note and the loan closing statement HB 93 (BR 97) - R. Crimm, M. Henley education, research, and recovery fund Jan 3-to Appropriations and Revenue regarding the method of computation of to that specifically and directly related to (H) any rebate; prohibit a mortgage loan AN ACT relating to animals. the property rather than only harm Mar 8-discharge petition filed lender from charging or collecting Amend KRS 525.125, 525.130, and related to the property purchase or Mar 9-discharge petition rejected 37- prepayment fees or penalties more than 525.135 to forfeit ownership of animals condition; delete section that created 20 36 months after the loan closing or involved in cruelty and torture cases, penalties for engaging in real estate which exceed three percent of the and to prohibit ownership or possession brokerage without a license and referred HB 89 (BR 341) - T. Edmonds amount prepaid during the first 12 of animals of the same species for two to district court jurisdiction. months, or two percent of the amount years. HFA (1, R. Palumbo) - Amend KRS AN ACT relating to transportation. prepaid during the second 12 months, or 324A.040 to require all applicants for Amend KRS 189.030, relating to one percent of the amount prepaid HB 93 - AMENDMENTS licensure as a real estate appraiser to headlamps, requiring the illumination of during the third 12 months after the loan HFA (1, J. Comer Jr) - Exempt submit to a national criminal history headlamps during foggy and inclement closing. livestock and poultry from forfeiture, check through the National Crime weather, or any period that necessitates ownership prohibitions related to Information Center; set various the constant use of windshield wipers by (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) second-degree cruelty conviction. procedural requirements for the criminal motorists. history check, including law enforcement Jan 2-introduced in House (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) involvement, costs, timing, and release HB 89 - AMENDMENTS Jan 3-to Banking and Insurance (H) of the results to the board. HFA (1, J. Vincent) - Delete reference Feb 26-posted in committee Jan 2-introduced in House HFA (2, R. Palumbo) - Amend KRS to constant use of windshield wipers. Jan 3-to Agriculture and Small 324A.040 to require all applicants for SCS - Retain original provision; HB 91/HM (BR 36) - S. Brinkman, C. Business (H) licensure as a real estate appraiser to amend KRS 146.241 to establish that Embry Jr, D. Floyd, T. Riner Feb 12-posted in committee submit to a national criminal history KRS 146.220 to 146.360 shall not be Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st check through the National Crime construed to prohibit or interfere with the AN ACT relating to treatments for reading, to Calendar Information Center; set various construction of the proposed Interstate autism spectrum disorders. Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules procedural requirements for the criminal 66; amend KRS 189.990 to establish the Amend KRS 304.17A-143 to provide Feb 23-floor amendment (1) filed history check, including law enforcement fine of $25 for violation of KRS 189.020 that "autism spectrum disorders" or Feb 28-posted for passage in the involvement, costs, timing, and release and 189.125(6); prohibit the assessment "ASD" has same meaning as in KRS Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, of the results to the board. of any court costs; specify that Section 1 194A.620; prohibit deductibles, March 1, 2007 HFA (3/Title, R. Palumbo) - Make title becomes effective July 1, 2007; require coinsurance, or copayments for covered amendment. law enforcement agencies to issue ASD health benefits; require the HB 94/LM (BR 414) - T. Pullin, R. courtesy warning for any violation of maximum benefit for ASD to increase in Adams, S. Baugh, L. Clark, M. Denham, (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) KRS 189.020 until July 1, 2008. accordance with the nonseasonally J. Draud, C. Embry Jr, D. Ford, J. Greer, SFA (1, B. Guthrie) - Make technical adjusted annual average Consumer M. Harmon, C. Hoffman, S. Lee, T. Jan 2-introduced in House amendment. Price Index for All Urban Consumers McKee, T. Moore, T. Riner, J. Tilley, S. Jan 3-to Licensing and Occupations SFA (2, B. Guthrie) - Make technical (CPI-U), U.S. City Average, all items, Westrom (H) corrections. between the two (2) most recent Feb 13-posted in committee calendar years available, as published AN ACT relating to methamphetamine Feb 21-floor amendment (1) filed to (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) by the United States Bureau of Labor contamination. Committee Substitute, floor amendments Statistics for the prior calendar year; Create a new section of Subchapter 1 (2) and (3-title) filed ; reported favorably, Jan 2-introduced in House define "child" as a person from birth of KRS Chapter 224 to establish 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Jan 3-to Transportation (H) through 21 years. standards and procedures for the Substitute Feb 8-posted in committee cleanup of properties contaminated by Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) clandestine methamphetamine Feb 26-posted for passage in the reading, to Calendar; floor amendment production; define terms; provide Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, (1) filed Jan 2-introduced in House statutory standards for cleanup and allow alternative standards by Jan 2-introduced in House continuation of terms for those serving Feb 15-to Agriculture & Natural administrative regulation; require Jan 3-to Education (H) as board members on the effective date Resources (S) contractors to register with the Feb 13-floor amendment (1) filed of this Act; specify the procedures for Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st Environmental and Public Protection reappointments or appointments; specify reading; returned to Agriculture & Cabinet and meet certain requirements HB 96 (BR 188) - J. Draud that the board shall employ an executive Natural Resources (S) to attain certification; provide for director who shall serve as principal Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd notification to local health departments Feb 22-WITHDRAWN executive of KHESLC and as executive reading; returned to Agriculture & of property contamination; amend KRS director of the KHEAA. Natural Resources (S) 198A.040 to require the Kentucky HB 97 (BR 214) - J. Draud, D. Floyd, S. Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules as Housing Corporation to establish a Santoro, A. Wuchner HB 100 - AMENDMENTS a Consent Bill program to assist persons and families HCS - Retain original provisions; Mar 9-posted for passage in the of lower and moderate income to help Feb 22-WITHDRAWN encourage the Kentucky Higher Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, defray costs of assessment and Education Assistance Authority to March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 38- decontamination services. HB 98/CI (BR 332) - T. Pullin continue the Best in Class loan 0; received in House forgiveness program. Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each HB 94 - AMENDMENTS AN ACT relating to terms of presiding officer; delivered to Governor HCS/LM - Make technical change. imprisonment for capital offenses. (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. HFA (1, T. Pullin) - Require that Amend KRS 532.030 to create the 77) before the Environmental and Public sentence of imprisonment for not less Jan 2-introduced in House Protection Cabinet certifies a contractor than 25 years nor more than 50 years in Jan 3-to Education (H) HB 103/FN (BR 42) - D. Keene, J. Bell, that contractor shall post a surety bond place of the present sentencing option of Feb 8-posted in committee D. Butler, J. Comer Jr, R. Crimm, T. or other financial assurance in the life without the benefit of probation or Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, J. Glenn, K. Hall, amount of $500,000 and shall provide parole for 25 years; amend KRS reading, to Calendar with Committee M. Henley, J. Hoover, T. Kerr, A. Koenig, proof of insurance; require that the day a 439.3401 and 532.025 to conform. Substitute M. Marzian, T. McKee, C. Miller, R. local law enforcement agency learns of Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Mobley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, T. Riner, C. methamphetamine contamination of a (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) for passage in the Regular Orders of the Siler, A. Simpson, J. Tilley, D. Watkins property that agency shall notify the local Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 health department, by fax or e-mail, of Jan 2-introduced in House Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with AN ACT relating to live organ the contamination; require the local Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) Committee Substitute donation. health department to post a notice of Feb 21-received in Senate Create a new section of KRS Chapter methamphetamine contamination on the HB 99 (BR 428) - T. Pullin, D. Graham Feb 23-to Appropriations & Revenue 141 to provide a tax credit for individuals contaminated property. (S) who donate live organs in the amount of AN ACT relating to promotional the lesser of actual expenses or $10,000 (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) increments for career employees. HB 101 (BR 377) - T. Pullin, T. Couch and define "live organ donation Amend KRS 18A.110 to allow the expenses"; amend KRS 141.0205 to Jan 2-introduced in House secretary of the Personnel Cabinet to AN ACT relating to teacher education. conform; create a new section of KRS Jan 3-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and approve the promotional salary of career Create new sections of KRS Chapter Chapter 18A to provide that state Public Safety (H) employees promoted to a higher pay 161 to require all preservice teachers to employees who donate a live organ be Feb 6-posting waived grade; allow promoted career employee complete a reading and civics education entitled to 30 days paid leave; provide Feb 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, to receive the same salary level of any course as a condition of certification that the provisions of the Act shall be to Calendar with Committee Substitute new appointee to that same pay grade in beginning with the 2008-2009 school known as "Beth's Bill." Feb 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted that classification in the same county year; require out-of-state teachers who for passage in the Regular Orders of the with similar qualifications. have not previously completed a reading (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Day for Friday, February 9, 2007 and civics education course to complete Feb 15-floor amendment (1) filed to HB 99 - AMENDMENTS a reading and civics education Jan 2-introduced in House Committee Substitute HCS - Amend the bill to allow the professional development program or Jan 3-to Health and Welfare (H) Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with secretary of the Personnel Cabinet to course; require a school superintendent Feb 6-posting waived Committee Substitute, floor amendment approve the salary of a full-time state to annually report to the Education Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st (1) employee with status who is promoted or Professional Standards Board the reading, to Calendar Feb 26-received in Senate reclassified to a higher pay grade to the names of teachers who fail to complete Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 28-to Judiciary (S) same salary level that would be required reading or civics education for passage in the Regular Orders of the Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st available to new appointments in that professional development. Day for Tuesday, February 20, 2007 reading; returned to Judiciary (S) grade. Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 100-0 Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd HCA (1/Title, M. Cherry) - Make title (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Feb 23-received in Senate reading; returned to Judiciary (S) amendment. Mar 1-to Appropriations & Revenue Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules as Jan 2-introduced in House (S) a Consent Bill (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Jan 3-to Education (H) Mar 9-posted for passage in the HB 104 (BR 235) - J. Wayne Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, Jan 2-introduced in House HB 102 (BR 420) - T. Pullin March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 38- Jan 3-to State Government (H) Feb 12-WITHDRAWN 0; received in House Feb 6-posted in committee AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Gas Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, Pipeline Authority. HB 105/LM (BR 243) - T. Thompson, J. presiding officer; delivered to Governor to Calendar with Committee Substitute, Amend KRS 353.750 to add crude oil Glenn, T. Moore, J. Tilley Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. committee amendment (1-title) and petroleum products to the definition 83) Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted of "gas." AN ACT relating to impersonating a for passage in the Regular Orders of the veteran. HB 95 (BR 164) - M. Cherry, T. Moore Day for Monday, February 12, 2007 HB 102 - AMENDMENTS Create a new section of KRS Chapter Feb 13-3rd reading, passed 100-0 HCS - Retain original provisions; 40 to prohibit falsely representing AN ACT relating to the school with Committee Substitute, committee include carbon dioxide gas in definition oneself as a veteran and make it a Class calendar. amendment (1-title) of gas. A misdemeanor. Amend KRS 158.070 to prohibit a Feb 14-received in Senate school district from establishing the first Feb 16-to State & Local Government (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) HB 105 - AMENDMENTS instructional day in a school term before (S) HFA (1, T. Thompson) - Expand the fourth Monday in August. Jan 2-introduced in House provisions of existing bill by including HB 100 (BR 417) - T. Pullin, T. Couch Jan 3-to Tourism Development and acts that constitute misrepresentation of HB 95 - AMENDMENTS Energy (H) military status. HFA (1, J. DeCesare) - Exempt school AN ACT relating to postsecondary Feb 7-posting waived districts that have adopted an alternative education. Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) calendar from a required late starting Amend KRS 164.746 and 164A.050 to to Calendar with Committee Substitute date; amend KRS 158.6453 to prohibit merge the Kentucky Higher Education Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Jan 2-introduced in House the statewide testing window from Student Loan Corporation Board of for passage in the Regular Orders of the Jan 3-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and beginning before May 1. Directors with the Kentucky Higher Day for Monday, February 12, 2007 Public Safety (H) Education Assistance Authority Board of Feb 12-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with Feb 7-posted in committee (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Directors; specify responsibilities and Committee Substitute Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st duties of board members; provide for the Feb 13-received in Senate reading, to Calendar Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; Feb 28-to State & Local Government Embry Jr, C. Hoffman, S. Lee, C. Miller, Feb 26-received in Senate recommitted to Judiciary (H) (S) B. Montell, D. Osborne, D. Owens, T. Feb 28-to Appropriations & Revenue Feb 20-posted in committee Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Riner, C. Rollins II, S. Rudy, B. Smith, J. (S) Feb 28-floor amendment (1) filed to Consent Calendar Tilley, S. Westrom Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted HB 110/LM (BR 409) - J. Gray, J. HB 106 (BR 186) - C. Belcher for passage in the Consent Orders of the AN ACT relating to autism spectrum Fischer Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 disorders. AN ACT relating to honoring military Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 38-0; Create a new section of KRS Chapter AN ACT relating to marriage. service through education benefits. received in House; enrolled, signed by 205 to require the Cabinet for Health and Create new sections of KRS Chapter Amend KRS 164.507 to waive public each presiding officer; delivered to Family Services to submit an application 402 to provide the option for couples to higher education or vocational tuition of Governor for a Medicaid waiver to develop and enter into a covenant marriage; provide a person who is the child of a deceased Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. implement flexible reimbursement and that a couple may designate a covenant veteran and who is under the age of 26, 26) payment strategies for services and marriage when applying for a marriage rather than who is under the age of 23, supports for individuals with autism license or after marriage; require for a period not in excess of 45 months, HB 108 (BR 62) - C. Hoffman, C. Rollins spectrum disorders (ASD) within three authorized counseling before entering a rather than for a period not in excess of II months of the effective date of this Act; covenant marriage; define "authorized 36 months; amend KRS 164.515 to require a report on the use of the waiver counseling"; establish the procedure for waive public higher education or AN ACT relating to the preservation of if approved; create new sections of KRS declaring a covenant marriage; require vocational tuition of a person who is the rock fences and making an appropriation Chapter 157 to require screening for marriage license and certificate to child of a deceased veteran and who is therefor. autism spectrum disorders (ASD) at 18 indicate if the marriage is a covenant under the age of 26, rather than who is Create new sections of KRS Chapter months, 2 years, 4 years, upon school marriage; provide limited grounds for under the age of 23, for a period not in 171 and amend KRS 171.381 to create enrollment, and at the time of the sixth dissolution, legal separation, or divorce excess of 45 months, rather than for a the Rock Fence Preservation Program grade physical; require the cabinet to from bed and board, including a period not in excess of 36 months. and the rock fence preservation Fund to establish requirements for ASD requirement of authorized counseling provide for the preservation of rock screening; require schools to have a before divorce in a covenant marriage; HB 106 - AMENDMENTS fences; create a new section of KRS record of ASD screening; require a require the Human Resources HFA (1, J. Comer Jr) - Permit a child Chapter 141 and amend KRS 141.0205 formal diagnosis after screening positive Coordinating Commission of Kentucky to or dependent of a deceased or to provide for a tax credit for rock fence within 90 days; define "autism spectrum develop an informational pamphlet permanently disabled veteran to be construction, repair, and restoration disorders"; require the Department of regarding covenant marriage; amend eligible for the tuition waiver at a state- expenses. Education to update the statewide KRS 402.100, 402.230, 403.025, supported university, junior college, or Manual on Autism; create new sections 403.044, 403.110, 403.140, 403.150, vocational training institute, regardless of HB 108 - AMENDMENTS of KRS Chapter 194A to create the and 403.170 to conform. the deceased or permanently disabled HCS - Create new sections of KRS Supports for Individuals with Autism veteran's home of record, if the child or Chapter 171; amend KRS 171.381 to Spectrum Disorders Program within the (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) dependent of the deceased or create the Rock Fence Preservation Cabinet for Health and Family Services; permanently disabled veteran graduated Program and the Rock Fence require the program to serve as a central Jan 2-introduced in House from a Kentucky high school. Preservation Fund to provide for the coordinating body, keep an inventory of Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) preservation of rock fences; make an services, establish guidelines and Feb 26-posted in committee (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) appropriation therefor. criteria for service providers, contract HFA (1, C. Hoffman) - Limit the use of with services providers, incorporate HB 111 (BR 251) - J. Gray, T. Couch Jan 2-introduced in House funds to approved fences and uses; provisions of self-determination and Jan 3-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and clarify definitions. consumer-directed options, and promote AN ACT relating to property and Public Safety (H) HFA (2, C. Hoffman) - Limit the use of the creation of a comprehensive casualty insurance rates. Feb 16-posted in committee funds to approved fences and uses; resource network; require the program to Create a new section of Subtitle 13 of Feb 27-floor amendment (1) filed clarify definitions. develop a comprehensive training plan KRS Chapter 304 to prohibit an insurer and contract with the Kentucky Autism from rating a risk based, in whole or in HB 107 (BR 369) - T. Pullin (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Training Center to implement the plan; part, on the credit history of the applicant require the program to enter into an or insured in any manner, including the AN ACT relating to incompatible Jan 2-introduced in House interagency agreement with the provision or removal of a discount, offices. Jan 3-to Tourism Development and Kentucky Department of Education for assigning the insured or applicant to a Amend KRS 61.080 to allow civil Energy (H) the effective delivery of services to rating tier, or placing an insured or officers of cities, counties, and districts Feb 13-posting waived children with ASD; define ASD; create applicant with an affiliated company; to serve as volunteer firefighters; forbid Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st an advisory board to ensure citizen apply to property and casualty insurance civil officers from serving on governing reading, to Calendar with Committee involvement in the program; require the contracts covering personal risks issued bodies of volunteer fire departments or Substitute cabinet to fund and staff the operation of or renewed on or after the effective date as chief of a volunteer fire department. Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; floor the board; require the board to provide of this Act. amendment (1) filed to Committee consultation, serve as a communication HB 107 - AMENDMENTS Substitute conduit, and provide input to the (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) HCS - Amend KRS 61.080 to allow Feb 21-posted for passage in the program. state, county, district, or city officers to Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Jan 2-introduced in House serve as volunteer firefighters. February 22, 2007; floor amendment (2) HB 109 - AMENDMENTS Jan 3-to Banking and Insurance (H) HFA (1, T. Pullin) - Amend House Bill filed to Committee Substitute HCS - Retain original provisions of the Feb 26-posted in committee 107 to include volunteer fire departments Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 100-0 bill, except to add religious exemption for formed under KRS Chapter 95 and to with Committee Substitute, floor testing a child with ASD; amend the HB 112 (BR 32) - T. Burch allow elected officials to serve on the amendment (2) interagency agreement with the governing bodies of volunteer fire Feb 23-received in Senate Department of Education to coordinate AN ACT relating to perinatal care. departments and to serve as chief of Mar 1-to Economic Development, services; add one representative from Create a new section of KRS Chapter departments. Tourism & Labor (S) the Education Cabinet to the advisory 216B to require an annual inspection of Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st board. all Level II, III, and IV nurseries; require (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) reading; returned to Economic the inspection to focus on quality of care Development, Tourism & Labor (S) (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) and adherence to the American Jan 2-introduced in House Mar 6-reported favorably, 2nd reading, Academy of Pediatrics and the American Jan 3-floor amendment (1) filed to Rules as a Consent Bill Jan 2-introduced in House College of Obstetrics and Gynecology Jan 5-to Local Government (H) Mar 7-posted for passage in the Jan 3-to Health and Welfare (H) Guidelines for Perinatal Care; require an Feb 6-posted in committee Consent Orders of the Day for Feb 7-posting waived; posted in analysis of each nursery's infant Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st Wednesday, March 7, 2007; 3rd reading, committee mortality statistics; permit the cabinet to reading, to Calendar with Committee passed 38-0 Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st revoke the license or certificate of need Substitute Mar 8-received in House; enrolled, reading, to Calendar with Committee for any nursery that fails to comply with Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules signed by each presiding officer; Substitute the guidelines. Feb 15-posted for passage in the delivered to Governor Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, Mar 19-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Feb 21-posted for passage in the HB 112 - AMENDMENTS February 16, 2007 11) Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, HCS - Delete all previous provisions, Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with February 22, 2007 require the Cabinet for Health and Committee Substitute HB 109 (BR 419) - S. Brinkman, C. Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with Family Services to establish a task force Feb 26-received in Senate Belcher, K. Bratcher, B. DeWeese, C. Committee Substitute to design a volunteer system of reporting by level II and III nurseries and Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 95-0 with for the provision of fire protection into a valid interlocal agreement for the recommend strategies to improve floor amendment (1) services across county boundaries; provision of emergency services across perinatal care in Kentucky; establish the Mar 2-received in Senate amend KRS 132.017 to allow recall county boundaries; increase the membership of the task force; require Mar 5-to Judiciary (S) votes to be canceled if tax increases are reimbursement to a county for lost the commissioner of the Department for Mar 6-taken from committee; 1st reduced; allow ad valorem rates to equipment for a county that has entered Pubic Health to report the activities of reading; returned to Judiciary (S) automatically fall in response to a into a valid interlocal agreement for the the task force to the Interim Joint Mar 7-taken from committee; 2nd successful recall action; amend KRS provision of emergency services across Committee on Health and Welfare by reading; returned to Judiciary (S) 311A.155 to require the board to grant county boundaries; reduce the deduction November 1, 2007. Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules as preference to a county that has entered from state aid for reimbursement of lost a Consent Bill into a valid interlocal agreement for the equipment to a county for lost equipment (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Mar 9-floor amendments (1) and (2- provision of emergency services across for a county that has entered into a valid title) filed county boundaries; increase the interlocal agreement for the provision of Jan 2-introduced in House Mar 12-posted for passage in the reimbursement to a county for lost emergency services across county Jan 3-to Health and Welfare (H) Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, equipment for a county that has entered boundaries; amend KRS 39C.020 to Feb 20-posted in committee March 12; 3rd reading; floor into a valid interlocal agreement for the increase supplementary state funds for Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st amendments (1) and (2-title) withdrawn ; provision of emergency services across those regional emergency management reading, to Calendar with Committee passed 37-0; received in House; county boundaries; reduce the deduction districts created through valid interlocal Substitute enrolled, signed by each presiding from state aid for reimbursement of lost agreements; amend KRS 258.119 to Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules officer; delivered to Governor equipment to a county for lost equipment require the Commissioner of Agriculture Mar 1-posted for passage in the Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. for a county that has entered into a valid to grant preference to a county that has Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, 64) interlocal agreement for the provision of entered into a valid interlocal agreement March 2, 2007 emergency services across county for the provision of animal control Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 100-0 with HB 115 (BR 207) - R. Meeks boundaries; amend KRS 39C.020 to services across county boundaries; Committee Substitute increase supplementary state funds for amend KRS 224.43-505 to grant Mar 6-received in Senate AN ACT relating to local government. those regional emergency management preference to a county that has entered Mar 7-to Health & Welfare (S) Repeal KRS 97.405, relating to districts created through valid interlocal into a valid interlocal agreement for the "colored" parks; amend other sections of agreements; amend KRS 258.119 to elimination of illegal open dumps or HB 113 (BR 293) - C. Hoffman, J. KRS Chapter 97 to conform. require the Commissioner of Agriculture establishing recycling services across Wayne, T. Riner to grant preference to a county that has county boundaries, provided other (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) entered into a valid interlocal agreement criteria are met; reduce the matching AN ACT relating to hybrid electric dual for the provision of animal control grant requirement for a county that has fuel vehicle credits. Jan 2-introduced in House services across county boundaries; entered into a valid interlocal agreement Create a new section of KRS Chapter Jan 3-to Local Government (H) amend KRS 224.43-505 to grant for the elimination of illegal open dumps 141 to provide a nonrefundable credit for Feb 9-posted in committee preference to a county that has entered or establishing recycling services across new 2007 or later years model hybrid Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st into a valid interlocal agreement for the county boundaries; amend KRS 138.220 dual fuel electric vehicles purchased reading, to Calendar elimination of illegal open dumps or to set aside $960,000 from any gasoline after December 31, 2006; provide that Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted establishing recycling services across tax increase for the counties that have the credit is effective for tax years for passage in the Regular Orders of the county boundaries, provided other entered into valid interlocal agreements beginning after December 31, 2006; Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 criteria are met; reduce the matching concerning road projects; amend KRS amend KRS 141.0205 to establish the Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 100-0 grant requirement for a county that has 177.320 for the allocation of tax order in which the credit may be taken. Feb 23-received in Senate entered into a valid interlocal agreement revenues that have entered into valid Mar 1-to State & Local Government for the elimination of illegal open dumps interlocal agreements for the provision of (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) (S) or establishing recycling services across road and bridge construction and Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, county boundaries; amend KRS 177.320 maintenance across county boundaries; Jan 2-introduced in House to Consent Calendar to for counties that allocate a portion of establish a formula for the distribution of Jan 3-to Appropriations and Revenue Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted property tax revenues that have entered this revenue; set conditions for the use (H) for passage in the Consent Orders of the into valid interlocal agreements for the of this revenue by counties that have Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 provision of road and bridge construction entered into valid interlocal agreements HB 114/LM (BR 343) - D. Pasley, L. Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 38-0; and maintenance across county for the provision of road and bridge Belcher, T. Moore received in House; enrolled, signed by boundaries; establish a formula for the construction and maintenance across each presiding officer; delivered to distribution of this revenue; set county boundaries; provide for the AN ACT relating to jail canteen Governor conditions for the use of this revenue by lapsing of unused funds; require the accounts. Mar 19-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. counties that have entered into valid Department of Criminal Justice Training Amend KRS 441.135 to require jail 10) interlocal agreements for the provision of to study costs of supplemental aid to canteen account funds to be at road and bridge construction and county police departments and sheriffs prescribed minimum levels on the first HB 116 (BR 208) - R. Meeks maintenance across county boundaries; that enter into valid interlocal day of each fiscal year rather than provide for the lapsing of unused funds; agreements for the provision of police or requiring the fiscal court to transfer a flat AN ACT relating to the provision of amend KRS 75.440 to conform; require tax collection services across county amount of funds into the accounts each services by county interlocal agreements the Department of Criminal Justice boundaries; establish a reporting date fiscal year. making an appropriation therefor. Training to study costs of supplemental for the department; require the Amend KRS 65.250 to specify certain aid to county police departments and Commission on Fire Protection HB 114 - AMENDMENTS criteria for the approval of interlocal sheriffs that enter into valid interlocal Personnel Standards and Education to HFA (1, D. Pasley) - Exclude counties agreements; amend KRS 65.260 to agreements for the provision of police or examine costs of supplemental aid to fire containing an urban-county government grant the Department for Local tax collection services across county departments that enter into valid or a consolidated local government from Government the right to review all boundaries; establish a reporting date interlocal agreements for the provision of the requirements of having a minimum interlocal agreements; amend KRS for the department; require the fire protection services across county jail canteen account balance. 68.245 to require certification for a tax Commission on Fire Protection boundaries; establish a reporting date SFA (1, D. Roeding) - Retain original rate of 4%, 5%, 6%, and 7% above the Personnel Standards and Education to for the commission; effective July 1, provisions; provide for merged county compensating rate; allow a recall vote on examine costs of supplemental aid to fire 2007. sheriff's departments and collection of ad valorem tax increases in excess of departments that enter into valid certain fees. 4%, 5%, 6%, or 7%, given certain interlocal agreements for the provision of (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) SFA (2/Title, D. Roeding) - Make title actions by county; amend KRS 95A.262 fire protection services across county amendment. to allow a $1,650 payment to a volunteer boundaries; establish a reporting date Jan 2-introduced in House fire department that has entered into a for the commission; effective July 1, Jan 3-to Local Government (H) (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) valid interlocal agreement for the 2007. Feb 9-posted in committee provision of fire protection services Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st Jan 2-introduced in House across county boundaries; require HB 116 - AMENDMENTS reading, to Calendar with Committee Jan 3-to Local Government (H) preference be given to a volunteer fire HCS - Amend KRS 65.250 to specify Substitute Feb 6-posted in committee department that has entered into a valid certain criteria for the approval of Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st interlocal agreement for the provision of interlocal agreements; amend KRS Feb 27-posted for passage in the reading, to Calendar fire protection services across county 65.260 to grant the Department for Local Regular Orders of the Day for Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted boundaries; increase the reimbursement Government the right to review all Wednesday, February 28, 2007 for passage in the Regular Orders of the to a volunteer fire department for lost interlocal agreements; amend KRS Mar 5-recommitted to Appropriations Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007; equipment for a department that has 311A.155 to require the board to grant & Revenue (H) floor amendment (1) filed entered into a valid interlocal agreement preference to a county that has entered HB 117/LM/CI (BR 209) - R. Meeks public policy of the Commonwealth apply to any tract of land of less than fifty application fee of at least $50; require regarding historic or prehistoric human contiguous acres in area. the secretary to establish a fee schedule AN ACT relating to human remains remains; define terms relating to the by administrative regulation. and burial objects. disposition of historic or prehistoric (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Create new sections of KRS Chapter human remains; establish property (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) to require persons excavating confirmation process by which property Jan 2-introduced in House archaeological sites on private property owners or developers verify whether Jan 3-to Local Government (H) Jan 2-introduced in House to obtain a permit from the Kentucky property contains known human Feb 23-posted in committee Jan 3-to Agriculture and Small Heritage Council; establish a process by remains; authorize the Kentucky Feb 27-floor amendment (1) filed Business (H) which the landowner shall provide Heritage Council to promulgate Feb 6-posting waived reasonable access to the cemeteries to administrative regulations related to the HB 119 (BR 475) - M. Denham, C. Feb 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, the descendants and relatives of those disposition of historic and prehistoric Embry Jr, J. Richards to Calendar with Committee Substitute, buried within; place responsibility on the human remains; prohibit the issuance of committee amendment (1-title) land owner to maintain the cemetery's building permits under KRS Chapter AN ACT relating to the limited liability Feb 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted integrity; make denial of access to the 198B until the property owner or entity tax. for passage in the Regular Orders of the cemetery a violation; set out a process developer has completed the Amend KRS 141.0401 and create a Day for Friday, February 9, 2007 by which the state shall dispose of preconditions relating to human remains; new section of KRS Chapter 141 to Feb 12-floor amendment (1) filed human remains within its custody and formulate the procedures and repeal the limited liability entity tax and Feb 14-floor amendment (2) filed to control; permit a legally-recognized tribal requirements for a human remains leave in place the $175 minimum tax, for Committee Substitute government to conduct reinterment outcome review; prescribe the tax years beginning on or after January Feb 15-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with ceremonies for Native Americans; procedures and requirements for an 1, 2008. Committee Substitute, committee require a person who encounters or adverse effects determination; list amendment (1-title), floor amendment accidentally disturbs human remains to prohibited actions subject to the (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) (2) immediately cease disturbing the ground penalties prescribed in KRS 381.990 Feb 16-received in Senate in the area of the human remains; place regarding the disposition of human Jan 2-introduced in House Feb 21-to Agriculture & Natural responsibility of encountered or remains; establish the procedures and Jan 3-to Appropriations and Revenue Resources (S) accidentally discovered human remains requirements for a human remains (H) Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, on the cemetery owner or the state and disposition agreement between the to Consent Calendar require responsible party to dispose of; Kentucky Heritage Council and a HB 120 (BR 110) - J. Wayne, J. Comer Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules require persons wishing to possess property owner or developer; authorize Jr, R. Henderson, C. Hoffman, D. Mar 12-posted for passage in the human remains or burial objects to the Kentucky Heritage Council to Horlander, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, R. Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, obtain a permit from the Office of Vital establish a plan for the disposition of Rand March 12; 3rd reading, passed 37-0; Statistics and limit possession to human remains if a human remains received in House; enrolled, signed by teaching, medical, scientific, or training disposition agreement cannot be AN ACT relating to farmers markets. each presiding officer; delivered to purposes; make unlawful possession of reached; create an emergency Amend KRS 217.015 to define Governor human remains or burial objects a Class inspection process for unforeseen "farmers market temporary food service Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. A misdemeanor for the first offense and human remains or unforeseen adverse establishment"; amend KRS 217.125 to 97) a Class D felony for each subsequent effects on human remains; allow require an applicant for a permit to offense; make a person who unlawfully property owners or developers to appeal operate a farmers market temporary HB 121/FN/CI (BR 329) - J. Richards possesses human remains or burial in specified ways when aggrieved by food service establishment to pay an objects to reimburse the state for the decisions of the Kentucky Heritage application fee as determined by the AN ACT relating to state prisoners cost of properly disposing of the remains Council; exempt from human remains Cabinet for Health and Family Services; and making an appropriation therefor. and objects; prohibit the excavation of disposition process actions taken under require an applicant for a permit to Create a new section of KRS Chapter human remains and burial objects; KRS 381.755 or KRS Chapter 72, operate a farmers market temporary 197 to require the Department to levy a amend KRS 525.105 to delete the surface coal mining conducted in food service establishment to complete a 25 cents transaction fee, not to exceed requirement that desecration of a accordance with a permit issued under food safety training program; require a four dollars per month, on the venerated object is shown only when KRS Chapter 350, archaeological 30 day period to elapse before issuance transaction when a inmate accesses an one's purpose is commercial gain or investigations and data recovery projects of a new temporary food service inmate account; amend KRS 439.315 to exploitation; require that the tools, conducted under relevant portions of the establishment permit to the same increase the minimum felony probation implements, or vehicles used in Federal National Historic Preservation operator to operate at the same location; or parole supervision fee to $25; amend desecrating human objects be seized Act of 1966, and archaeological surveys; prohibit issuance of permits to operate a KRS 532.050 to impose a fee for the and sold with profits from such sale amend KRS 381.990 to create the temporary food service establishment preparation of a presentence going to the council; require violator to offense of intentional desecration of and a farmers market temporary food investigation; amend KRS 533.030 to reimburse the Commonwealth for its human remains; levy fines of not less service establishment simultaneously at require at least a 20 dollar fee for drug or costs in properly disposing the human than $1,000 and not more than $2,000 the same location by the same operator; alcohol tests for persons placed on remains and the land owner for damage for each act of intentional desecration of require a 30 day period to elapse before parole or conditional discharge if that to the property; amend KRS 525.120 to human remains; declare that intentional a new permit may be issued for either a testing is ordered by the court. increase penalty for abuse of a corpse desecration of human remains is a Class temporary food service establishment or from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class A misdemeanor for the first offense and a farmers market temporary food service (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) D felony; require human remains a Class D felony for each subsequent establishment. possessed or so used to be seized and offense; amend KRS 164.715 to state Jan 2-introduced in House forfeited to the state; require the violator that no person shall willfully injure, HB 120 - AMENDMENTS Jan 3-to Appropriations and Revenue to reimburse the Commonwealth for the destroy, or deface any human remains HCS - Amend KRS 217.015 to define (H) cost of properly disposing the human found on any property when protected "Farmers market temporary food service Feb 20-posting waived remains. under this Act; make technical establishment"; amend KRS 217.125 to corrections to conform; amend KRS require the secretary to establish a fee HB 122 (BR 497) - B. Montell, C. Embry (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) 171.313 to require the Kentucky schedule relating to farmers market Jr, J. Greer Historical Society to cooperate in the temporary food service establishments Jan 2-introduced in House processes established under this Act; and to provide criteria for receiving a AN ACT relating to the board of Jan 3-to Local Government (H) make technical corrections to conform; permit; declare an EMERGENCY. trustees of a fire protection district. Feb 23-posted in committee amend KRS 171.381 to require the HCA (1/Title, T. McKee) - Make title Amend KRS 75.260 to increase from Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st Kentucky Heritage Council to develop amendment. $25 to $45 per month the amount the reading, to Calendar and control the system for disposition of HFA (1, J. Wayne) - Retain original board of trustees in a fire protection Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules human remains under this Act; make provisions; amend KRS 217.215 to district is permitted to pay its members. Mar 6-recommitted to Appropriations technical corrections; require the state require an applicant for a permit to & Revenue (H) historic preservation officer to coordinate operate a farmers market temporary (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Mar 7-placed in the Orders of the Day and administer the system for the food service establishment to pay an disposition of historic and prehistoric application fee of at least $50; require Jan 2-introduced in House HB 118/LM/CI (BR 210) - R. Meeks human remains established under this the secretary to establish a fee schedule Jan 3-to Local Government (H) Act; make technical corrections to by administrative regulation. Feb 6-posted in committee AN ACT relating to historic conform. HFA (2, J. Wayne) - Retain original Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st preservation. provisions; amend KRS 217.215 to reading, to Calendar Create new sections of KRS Chapter HB 118 - AMENDMENTS require an applicant for a permit to Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules 381 relating to the disposition of historic HFA (1, R. Meeks) - Provide that operate a farmers market temporary Feb 27-posted for passage in the or prehistoric human remains; declare Sections 1 to 11 of the Act shall not food service establishment to pay an Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 28, 2007 acquirer, or has acquired an interest in reading; returned to Judiciary (S) Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules; the premises of a licensed resident Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules; recommitted to Health & Welfare (H) HB 123 (BR 430) - T. Pullin wholesaler, licensed nonresident floor amendments (1) (2) and (3-title) Feb 23-posting waived; posted in wholesaler, or a licensed unclassified filed committee AN ACT relating to electric meters. acquirer. Mar 9-posted for passage in the Direct Public Service Commission to HCA (1/Title, J. Jenkins) - Make title Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, HB 127 (BR 260) - R. Meeks, D. initiate pilot program to install new amendment. March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 35-0 Osborne electric meters in a sample of homes; HFA (1, R. Wilkey) - Retain original with floor amendments (1) (2) and (3- direct collection of data to evaluate the provisions, except amend the definition title) ; received in House AN ACT relating to economic efficacy of these meters in reducing of "master tobacco product distributor" to Mar 12-posted for passage for development. electric consumption. include a requirement that the master concurrence in Senate floor Create a new section of Subchapter tobacco product distributor does not hold amendments (1) (2) and (3-title) ; House 12 of KRS Chapter 154 to establish the HB 123 - AMENDMENTS product longer than 30 days and to refused to concur in Senate floor International Business Relations HCA (1, E. Ballard) - Include devices provide that a penalty in an amount amendments (1) (2) and (3-title) ; Committee as a permanent committee of that plug into any outlet in the home in equal to the tax that would have been received in Senate the Legislative Research Commission; definition of meter. due shall be paid if inventory is held for Mar 26-posted for passage for provide that the committee shall address HFA (1, T. Pullin) - Allow commission longer than 30 days. receding from Senate floor amendments efforts to attract and maintain to initiate program in more than one (1) (2) and (3-title) ; Senate refused to international businesses in Kentucky and community; clarify that homeowner (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) recede from floor amendments (1) (2) open foreign markets to Kentucky goods participation is voluntary; allow plug-in and (3-title) ; received in House and services. devices; increase reporting requirement. Jan 2-introduced in House Jan 3-to Licensing and Occupations HB 126 (BR 71) - B. Montell, A. Koenig HB 127 - AMENDMENTS (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) (H) HFA (1, D. Osborne) - Require the Feb 12-posted in committee AN ACT relating to long-term care committee to "assist," rather than Jan 2-introduced in House Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st insurance. "oversee," the Cabinet for Economic Jan 3-to Tourism Development and reading, to Calendar with Committee Create new sections of Subchapter 14 Development. Energy (H) Substitute, committee amendment (1- of KRS Chapter 304 to establish the Feb 7-posting waived title) Kentucky Long-Term Care Partnership (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Program upon approval of a Medicaid to Calendar with committee amendment for passage in the Regular Orders of the waiver to disregard assets, resources, Jan 2-introduced in House (1) Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 and estate recovery requirements of the Jan 3-to Economic Development (H) Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 22-floor amendment (1) filed to Medicaid program in a $1 to $1 amount; Feb 14-posted in committee for passage in the Regular Orders of the Committee Substitute permit Medicaid eligibility with disregards Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st Day for Monday, February 12, 2007 Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 94-0 with upon the exhaustion of the benefits of reading, to Calendar Feb 15-floor amendment (1) filed Committee Substitute, committee the partnership policy; require the Office Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 100-0 amendment (1-title), floor amendment of Insurance and the Department for Feb 28-floor amendment (1) filed with floor amendment (1) (1) Medicaid Services to jointly establish the Mar 1-posted for passage in the Feb 23-received in Senate Feb 26-received in Senate program; define policy terms and Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, Mar 1-to Agriculture & Natural Feb 28-to Appropriations & Revenue services covered; require approval of a March 2, 2007 Resources (S) (S) partnership policy; specify reporting Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with requirements; require certification of floor amendment (1) HB 124 (BR 248) - D. Horlander, L. HB 125/LM (BR 263) - S. Westrom, R. agents who sell partnership policies; Mar 6-received in Senate Clark, T. Burch, R. Crimm, B. DeWeese, Damron, D. Osborne, D. Owens require promulgation of administrative Mar 7-to State & Local Government T. Firkins, J. Jenkins, D. Keene, C. regulations; create a new section of KRS (S) Miller, D. Osborne, R. Palumbo, C. AN ACT relating to alcoholic Chapter 205 to require the Department Rollins II, S. Santoro, R. Weston, S. beverages. for Medicaid Services to apply for a HB 128 (BR 118) - C. Belcher, E. Westrom Create a new section of KRS Chapter federal waiver to establish the Ballard, R. Henderson 243 to ban the sale, purchase, or use of partnership program, require notice of AN ACT relating to the cigarette an alcohol vaporizing device except by waiver submission and response, AN ACT relating to honoring military excise tax. certain individuals and institutions; require assistance with training materials service through education benefits. Amend KRS 138.130 to define amend KRS 241.010 to define "alcohol reporting requirements, and require Amend KRS 164.507 to waive the "master cigarette distributor"; amend vaporizing device"; amend KRS 243.990 reports to Interim Joint Committees on public higher education or vocational KRS 138.195 to allow a master cigarette to provide penalties for violation of the Banking and Insurance and Health and tuition of a person who is the child of a distributor to hold a cigarette inventory new section of KRS Chapter 243. Welfare. deceased veteran and who is under the on which the tax has not been paid; age of 24, rather than who is under the require a master cigarette distributor to HB 125 - AMENDMENTS HB 126 - AMENDMENTS age of 23; amend KRS 164.515 to waive obtain a license and pay a license fee; SFA (1, R. Stivers II) - Retain original HCS - Retain original provisions of the the public higher education or vocational require master cigarette distributor to provisions; specify the range of KRS Act; change definition of "Kentucky tuition of a person who is the child of a keep certain records and file reports with Chapter 243 to contain prohibition; Long-Term Care Partnership Program" permanently and totally disabled veteran the Department of Revenue on a clarify that the penalty section already in to clarify the amount of the exemption or member of a reserve component and monthly basis; amend KRS 138.205 to statute applies by deleting the new from estate recovery requirements of the who is under the age of 24, rather than apply certain penalties for language for penalties section as Medicaid program; change definition of under the age of 23. noncompliance; amend various sections redundant. "long-term care"; delete definition of to conform; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2007. SFA (2, R. Jones II) - Insert provisions "long-term care facility"; rewrite Section HB 128 - AMENDMENTS found in SB 67/GA relating to driving 2(3); require the Office of Insurance to HFA (1, C. Belcher) - Amend to raise HB 124 - AMENDMENTS under the influence. assure rather than certify that an agent the qualifying age for a tuition waiver for HCS - Retain original provisions; SFA (3/Title, R. Jones II) - Make title who sells a long-term care partnership a person who is the child of a deceased change references to "master cigarette amendment. insurance policy can demonstrate an or permanently disabled veteran to 26; distributor" to "master tobacco products understanding of the policy in Section amend to increase the qualifying period distributor"; include within definition of (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) 2(4); delete paragraphs (a) to (b) in to 45 months. "master tobacco products distributor" the Section 2(5); add a new Section 3 to SCS - Add new section to amend KRS requirement that the distributor have the Jan 2-introduced in House require insurers to disclose availability of 164.7881 to specify the conditions under exclusive right to sell the manufacturer's Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) the Kentucky Long-Term Care which a postsecondary education cigarettes in a defined territory; add Feb 12-posted in committee Partnership Insurance program; student serving in active duty status in provision permitting the department to Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st renumber original Section 3 as Section the U.S. Armed Forces may have his or examine an applicant's records; prohibit reading, to Calendar 4. her eligibility extended for Kentucky the issuance of a license to an applicant Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Educational Excellence Scholarships; who holds a resident wholesaler's for passage in the Regular Orders of the (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) specify that a student who has an injury license, nonresident wholesaler's Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 received as a victim of a party to a crime license, or an unclassified acquirer's Feb 16-3rd reading, passed 96-0 Jan 2-introduced in House and certified by an attending physician license in a name other than his or her Feb 20-received in Senate Jan 3-to Banking and Insurance (H) may have eligibility extended; provide own, has a financial interest in the Feb 22-to Judiciary (S) Feb 12-posted in committee that KEES awards may not be reduced business of a licensed resident Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st based on grade point average if the wholesaler, licensed nonresident reading; returned to Judiciary (S) reading, to Calendar with Committee eligible postsecondary student wholesaler, or licensed unclassified Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd Substitute demonstrates to the satisfaction of the authority on appeal that enrollment was February 22, 2007 candidate in the regular election, except fine any railroad company, contractor, or interrupted during the award period for Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 98-0 in certain situations. subcontractor for noncompliance with any reason specified in this section. Feb 23-received in Senate the Act; establish the fine as up to Mar 1-to State & Local Government Jan 2-introduced in House $50,000 per day for noncompliance. Jan 2-introduced in House (S) Jan 3-to Elections, Const. Jan 3-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Amendments & Intergovernmental Jan 2-introduced in House Public Safety (H) to Consent Calendar Affairs (H) Jan 3-to Transportation (H) Feb 7-posted in committee Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 8-posted in committee Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st for passage in the Consent Orders of the Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st HB 135/LM (BR 366) - B. Yonts reading, to Calendar Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 reading, to Calendar Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 38-0; Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules AN ACT relating to elections. for passage in the Regular Orders of the received in House; enrolled, signed by Feb 27-posted for passage in the Amend KRS 117.085 to permit those Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 each presiding officer; delivered to Regular Orders of the Day for voters who anticipate being absent from Feb 16-floor amendment (1) filed Governor Wednesday, February 28, 2007 the county or state on election day to Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 83-13; apply to vote early. floor amendment (1) 45) received in Senate Feb 21-received in Senate Mar 5-to State & Local Government Jan 2-introduced in House Feb 23-to Education (S) HB 131 (BR 124) - B. Yonts, C. Embry (S) Jan 3-to Elections, Const. Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st Jr Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Amendments & Intergovernmental reading; returned to Education (S) to Consent Calendar; floor amendments Affairs (H) Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd AN ACT relating to elections. (1) (2) (3) and (4) filed Feb 8-posted in committee reading; returned to Education (S) Amend KRS 117.265 to make Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules ineligible any candidate who is defeated for passage in the Regular Orders of the HB 136 (BR 838) - D. Pasley, H. with Committee Substitute as a Consent in a partisan or nonpartisan primary Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 Moberly Jr, R. Henderson, C. Hoffman, Bill election from being a write-in candidate Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 36-0 with R. Mobley Mar 9-posted for passage in the for the same office in the regular floor amendments (1) (2) (3) and (4) ; Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, election. received in House AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Soil March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 38-0 and Water Conservation Commission. with Committee Substitute ; received in HB 131 - AMENDMENTS HB 132/LM (BR 491) - B. Yonts, C. Amend KRS 262.010 to define House; posted for passage for SFA (1, B. Leeper) - Amend KRS Hoffman "infrastructure;" amend KRS 262.620 to concurrence in Senate Committee 118.105 to direct the Secretary of State include infrastructure and require Substitute to make a certification of a vacancy and AN ACT relating to compensation of amortization of infrastructure in the same Mar 12-House refused to concur in to require that a nomination be made elected officials. manner as equipment; require the Senate Committee Substitute ; received within five days of the certification; Create a new section of KRS Chapter Division of Conservation be listed on the in Senate; posted for passage for amend KRS 118.176 to establish 64 to require any elected official who deed with the district; require the district receding from Senate Committee procedures to be followed when the retires and then takes an elected office to consult with the Division of Substitute ; Senate receded from bona fides of a candidate are participating in the same retirement Conservation prior to dispossessing of Committee Substitute ; passed 36-0; challenged, to create a time frame in system to be paid a salary in an amount property if paid for with funds from the received in House; enrolled, signed by which the courts are required to issue an whereby his or her total salary and division; amend KRS 262.630 to include each presiding officer; delivered to order, to establish that when a motion to retirement benefits shall not exceed the record keeping procedures for Governor set aside has been filed after the order salary fixed for the elected office held. infrastructure acquisitions; amend KRS Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. of the circuit court has been rendered 262.610 to include authorizing the Soil 89) regarding the bona fides of candidates Jan 2-introduced in House and Water Conservation Commission to for the General Assembly and a slate of Jan 3-to Elections, Const. assist in acquisition of infrastructure; HB 129 (BR 483) - C. Belcher candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Amendments & Intergovernmental amend 262.640 to specify the method or Governor, the motion to set aside will be Affairs (H) payment or amortization on an AN ACT relating to the Nicholas heard by the Supreme Court. Feb 8-posted in committee infrastructure acquisition by a Soil and Hildreth School, and declaring an SFA (2, D. Thayer) - Amend KRS Water Conservation District; amend KRS emergency. 118.215 to provide that during a HB 133 (BR 59) - B. Yonts 262.650 to allow districts to combine for Amend 2006 Kentucky Act Chapter presidential election year, the Secretary the purpose of acquiring infrastructure; 252, Part I, Operating Budget, B. of State shall certify the nominations no AN ACT relating to mine safety. and amend KRS 262.748 and KRS Commerce Cabinet, 5. Parks, to move later than the Monday after the Friday Amend KRS 351.010 to expand the 262.778 to conform subsection the Nicholas Hildreth School to Nicholas following the first Tuesday in September; definition of "mine foreman" to include a numbering. County school grounds; EMERGENCY. amend KRS 118.365 to conform. mine manager; amend KRS 352.430, SFA (3, D. Thayer) - Amend KRS 352.450, and 352.460 to make technical Jan 2-introduced in House Jan 2-introduced in House 117.235 to expand the class of persons corrections. Jan 3-to Natural Resources and Jan 3-to Tourism Development & permitted in a voting room while a vote is Environment (H) Energy (H) being cast; amend KRS 117.255 to Jan 2-introduced in House Feb 6-posted in committee Feb 20-posted in committee make technical amendments; amend Jan 3-to Natural Resources and Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st KRS 117.275 to permit nonpartisan Environment (H) to Calendar reading, to Calendar candidates to witness and check the Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules vote count; amend KRS 117.995 to HB 134 (BR 383) - B. Yonts for passage in the Regular Orders of the Mar 1-posted for passage in the create a penalty for violations of certain Day for Monday, February 12, 2007 Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, election provisions; amend KRS 119.056 AN ACT relating to railroad security. Feb 14-3rd reading, passed 97-0 March 2, 2007 to clarify circumstances for penalties Create new sections of KRS Chapter Feb 15-received in Senate regarding violations of certain election 277 to require each railroad company Feb 20-to Agriculture & Natural HB 130 (BR 396) - H. Collins, C. Belcher provisions. operating in Kentucky to create a risk Resources (S) SFA (4, D. Thayer) - Amend KRS assessment of all facilities no later than AN ACT relating to reorganization. 118.125, 118.165, 118.315, 118A.060, January 1, 2008; establish guidelines for HB 137 (BR 94) - B. Yonts, J. Fischer, Confirm Executive Order 2006-1438, and 83A.045 to provide that signatures the preparation and reporting of the risk T. Thompson dated November 20, 2006, to change for nomination papers shall not be assessment; require each railroad the name of the Carl D. Perkins affixed prior to the first Wednesday after company operating in Kentucky to AN ACT relating to petroleum storage Rehabilitation Center in the Department the first Monday in November of the year establish a community protection plan to tanks and declaring an emergency. of Workforce Investment, Education preceding the year in which the office protect railroad infrastructure from acts Amend KRS 224.60-142 to extend, Cabinet, to the division of the Carl D. will appear on the ballot; amend KRS of sabotage, terrorism, and other crimes; from July 15, 2006 to July 15, 2008, the Perkins Vocational Training Center. 118.227 to require the Secretary of State establish guidelines for the preparation deadline date for registering and filing to certify any changes made to a slate of of the community protection plan; require applications relating to underground Jan 2-introduced in House candidates to the appropriate county contractors and subcontractors working petroleum storage tanks. Jan 3-to State Government (H) clerk, registry, and the State Board of on railroad facilities to hire employees Feb 6-posted in committee Elections; amend KRS 83A.170 and who meet the same standards as HB 137 - AMENDMENTS Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st 83A.175 to establish when a candidate's railroad company employees; prohibit a HCS - Change the date for registration reading, to Calendar name is not to be printed on the ballot; railroad company, contractor, or of tanks from July 15, 2008 to July 15, Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules amend KRS 117.265 to prohibit any subcontractor from retaliating against an 2010. Feb 21-posted for passage in the candidate whose name appears on the employee who reports a violation of the HFA (1, B. Yonts) - Change the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, ballot from being eligible as a write-in Act; allow the Transportation Cabinet to application deadline date in KRS 224.60- 242 from 2006 to 2010; amend KRS Landmark with a souvenir retail liquor parolees, and juveniles. disability for disabled veterans' eligibility 224.60-130 by deleting January 15, license; create Section 8 to provide for a for disabled veteran license plates. 2008, date in two locations in order to local option election for the sale of HB 140 - AMENDMENTS conform; amend KRS 224.60-145 by alcoholic beverages by the drink at HCS/LM - Amend to establish mental Jan 2-introduced in House extending 2008 date to 2010. restaurants and dining facilities that seat state for commission of crime, to require Jan 3-to Transportation (H) a minimum of 50 people and derive a that criminal justice system employee Feb 8-posted in committee Jan 2-introduced in House minimum of 70 percent of their gross must know that other person is part of Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st Jan 3-to Natural Resources and receipts from the sale of food if protected class, and that sexual contact reading, to Calendar Environment (H) beverages are purchased in conjunction must be for purpose of sexual Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 6-posted in committee with a meal; amend KRS 243.033 to gratification. for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, extend caterers' licenses to serve malt HFA (1, B. Yonts) - Amend to clarify Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 to Calendar with Committee Substitute ; and alcoholic beverages in cities and the use of one's position of authority or Feb 15-3rd reading, passed 97-0 floor amendment (1) filed to Committee counties in which a local option election trust in the commission of the offense. Feb 16-received in Senate Substitute as specified in Section 8 was adopted. Feb 21-to Transportation (S) Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted SCA (1, G. Tapp) - Create new Jan 2-introduced in House Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, for passage in the Regular Orders of the sections to amend KRS 244.290, KRS Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) to Consent Calendar Day for Monday, February 12, 2007 244.295, and KRS 244.480 to permit Feb 12-posted in committee Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 13-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with counties containing an urban-county Feb 16-reported favorably, 1st for passage in the Consent Orders of the Committee Substitute, floor amendment government where Sunday sales of reading, to Calendar with Committee Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 (1) distilled spirits, malt beverages, and Substitute ; floor amendment (1) filed to Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 38-0; Feb 14-received in Senate wine by the drink have been previously Committee Substitute received in House; enrolled, signed by Feb 16-to Agriculture & Natural approved to establish by ordinance the Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules each presiding officer; delivered to Resources (S) hours during which the alcoholic Feb 26-posted for passage in the Governor Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st beverages may be sold. Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. reading; returned to Agriculture & February 27, 2007 23) Natural Resources (S) Jan 2-introduced in House Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd Jan 3-to Licensing and Occupations HB 141 (BR 407) - K. Stein, R. Meeks, HB 145 (BR 813) - D. Pasley, J. Greer, reading; returned to Agriculture & (H) S. Westrom J. Tilley Natural Resources (S) Feb 12-posted in committee Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules as Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st AN ACT relating to long-term care. AN ACT relating to school attendance. a Consent Bill reading, to Calendar Amend KRS 216.595 to require an Amend KRS 159.150 to establish that Mar 9-posted for passage in the Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules assisted-living community or long-term the attendance record of a student is Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, Feb 21-posted for passage in the care facility to provide information on cumulative during a school year; require March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 38- Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, policies and services for dementia, that when a student transfers to a new 0; received in House February 22, 2007 Alzheimer's disease, and related school, his or her attendance records Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 60-30 disorders; amend KRS 216B.072 to from the previous school shall be used in presiding officer; delivered to Governor Feb 26-received in Senate require a long-term care facility to the determination of the student's status Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Feb 28-to Licensing, Occupations and provide staff training dementia, as a truant; amend KRS 159.170 to 78) Administrative Regulations (S) Alzheimer's disease, and related require a school district to notify and Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st disorders. provide student information to the HB 138/LM (BR 66) - D. Keene, D. reading; returned to Licensing, Kentucky Department of Education when Osborne Occupations and Administrative Jan 2-introduced in House a student withdraws from or enrolls in a Regulations (S) Jan 3-to Health and Welfare (H) school in its district; and require the AN ACT relating to alcoholic Mar 8-reported favorably, 2nd reading, Feb 20-posted in committee Kentucky Department of Education to beverages. to Rules with Committee Substitute, forward information including attendance Amend KRS 241.010 to define committee amendment (1) HB 142 (BR 371) - K. Stein, K. Hall, R. records to a school district receiving a "qualified historic site"; create a new Mar 9-posted for passage in the Meeks transfer student. section of KRS Chapter 242 to authorize Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, local option elections for the limited sale March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 21- AN ACT relating to impaired adults. HB 145 - AMENDMENTS of alcoholic beverages by the drink at 13 with Committee Substitute, Amend KRS 16.175 to establish the SCS - Retain original provisions, qualified historic sties; amend KRS committee amendment (1) ; received in Kentucky Golden alert system to operate except require the Kentucky Department 243.030 to provide for a licensing fee for House; posted for passage for with the Kentucky Amber alert system; of Education to assure that the student qualified historic sites selling alcoholic concurrence in Senate Committee activate the Golden alert system when information system facilitates the beverages by the drink; amend KRS Substitute, committee amendment (1) an impaired adult is reported missing collection of student data and the 243.040 to provide a malt beverage Mar 12-House concurred in Senate from home, a facility, or the care of transfer of records among school licensing fee for qualified historic sites; Committee Substitute, committee another person. districts and schools; amend KRS create a new section of KRS Chapter amendment (1) ; passed 55-41; enrolled, 45A.352 to exempt a local school district 243 to specify the authority and signed by each presiding officer; Jan 2-introduced in House from seeking approval from the limitations of a qualified historic site delivered to Governor Jan 3-to Health and Welfare (H) commissioner of education to enter a license; amend KRS 243.050 to allow Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Feb 6-posting waived; posted in guaranteed energy savings contract that the issuance of a license for a qualified 99) committee does not involve construction or the historic site in the interest of tourism installation of physical improvements promotion; amend KRS 244.500 to HB 139/FN (BR 193) - J. Bell, D. Keene, HB 143 (BR 379) - K. Stein, T. Burch and to exempt the contract from other permit novelty items to be sold with malt R. Crimm, D. Osborne provisions of this section. beverages if the cost of the novelty item AN ACT relating to human SCA (1/Title, V. McGaha) - Make title is included in the purchase price. AN ACT relating to civil actions. papillomavirus immunizations. amendment. Amend KRS 383.280 to allow an Amend KRS 214.034 to require SCA (2, K. Winters) - Amend 2006 HB 138 - AMENDMENTS eviction action and an action for unpaid immunization against the human Kentucky Acts Chapter 252, Part I, SCS/LM - Retain original provisions; rent to be brought together in the same papillomavirus for all middle school Operating Budget, D. Department of amend Section 1 to expand the definition civil action; amend KRS 383.240 and female students; amend KRS 158.035 to Education to add language concerning of "limited restaurant" to include a 383.255 to conform. require certification of immunization the Coal County Computing Program. restaurant with a minimum seating against the human papillomavirus for capacity of 50 that has no bar; require Jan 2-introduced in House school enrollment. Jan 2-introduced in House that alcoholic beverages be sold in Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) Jan 3-to Education (H) conjunction with the sale of a meal; Feb 12-posted in committee Jan 2-introduced in House Feb 7-posted in committee amend the definition of a "qualified Jan 3-to Health and Welfare (H) Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st historic site" to mean a contributing HB 140/LM/CI (BR 82) - S. Baugh, K. reading, to Calendar property with dining facilities for at least Hall HB 144 (BR 427) - R. Nelson Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted 50 and lodging on the premises within a for passage in the Regular Orders of the commercial district listed in the National AN ACT relating to crimes and AN ACT relating to motor vehicle Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 Register of Historic Places, or a site punishments. registration. Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 97-0 listed as a National Historic Landmark Create a new section of KRS Chapter Amend KRS 186.162, relating to Feb 28-received in Senate with dining facilities for at least 50 and 510 to prohibit sexual conduct between motor vehicle registration, to reduce the Mar 2-to Education (S) lodging on the premises and including a criminal justice system employees and threshold from 70% service-connected Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, distillery listed as a National Historic prisoners, inmates, probationers, disability to 50% service-connected to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1- protocols, and quality assurance and memorial signs. title) AN ACT relating to crimes and peer review; require the office to Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; punishments. coordinate all activities related to trauma Jan 2-introduced in House recommitted to Appropriations & Amend KRS 189A.010 to lower the care and to receive assistance from Jan 3-to Transportation (H) Revenue (S) blood alcohol level required to qualify as other state agencies and boards; specify Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules; an aggravating factor from 0.18 to 0.15; that data obtained by the office shall be HB 156 (BR 485) - J. Wayne, T. Burch, posted for passage in the Regular to create a per se DUI violation for confidential and not subject to discovery L. Clark, J. Draud, T. Firkins, J. Glenn, Orders of the Day for Monday, March having certain controlled substances in or introduction in civil action; the source D. Horlander, D. Keene, C. Miller, F. 12, 2007 one's blood or urine, and to create a of funding shall be realized from the Nesler, C. Rollins II, S. Santoro, T. Mar 26-taken from the Regular Orders rebuttable presumption of impairment for savings generated by KyHealth Choices Thompson, R. Weston, A. Wuchner of the Day; recommitted to Education marijuana; amend KRS 218A.1415 to (Kentucky's Medicaid program) for state (S); reported favorably, to Rules with include ingested substances within the fiscal year 2007-2008. AN ACT relating to charitable gaming. committee amendment (2) ; posted for offense of possession of a controlled Amend KRS 238.550 to increase the passage in the Consent Orders of the substance in the first degree; amend HB 152 - AMENDMENTS reporting requirement for donated prizes; Day for Monday, March 26, 2007; KRS 304.39-080 to include the HCS - Retain original provisions of the amend KRS 238.560 to require a letter committee amendment (2) withdrawn ; prohibition on operating a motor vehicle bill, except to remove appropriation of warning for not willful violations; 3rd reading, passed 38-0 with without insurance from a penalty statute language; add one representative from amend KRS 238.570 to provide for a fee Committee Substitute, committee (KRS 304.99-060) to a substantive the Kentucky Telehealth Network and adjustment process. amendment (1-title) ; received in House statute. one from the Emergency Nurses Mar 27-posted for passage for Association to the advisory board; clarify HB 156 - AMENDMENTS concurrence in Senate Committee Jan 2-introduced in House that data collected related to the trauma HCS - Clarify when an act is not willful Substitute, committee amendment (1- Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) registry is confidential. and provide guidance for proper title) ; House concurred in Senate Feb 8-posted in committee HCA (1/Title, M. Marzian) - Make title response; modify the method and Committee Substitute, committee amendment. amount of adjustment of the fee imposed amendment (1-title) ; Bill passed 97-0; HB 150/CI (BR 86) - T. Burch HFA (1, M. Marzian) - Retain original on charitable gaming operations. enrolled, signed by each presiding provisions of the bill; amend to add SFA (1, D. Boswell) - Establish a officer; delivered to Governor AN ACT relating to crimes and emergency room physicians and trauma graduated reporting schedule based on Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. punishments. surgeons to the advisory committee; annual gross receipts and type of 122) Amend 507.050 to establish that a amend to clarify use of data collected for gaming conducted; require, as part of death resulting from a motor vehicle the trauma registry. that schedule, that all licensed charitable HB 146 (BR 274) - R. Nelson, C. Embry operator who drives while fatigued, or organizations that have annual gross Jr who falls asleep while driving, shall be Jan 2-introduced in House receipts of less than $200,000 and that classified as a reckless homicide. Jan 3-to Health and Welfare (H) do not have weekly bingo sessions AN ACT proposing to amend Section Feb 9-posted in committee report to the office annually at a time 170 of the Constitution of Kentucky to Jan 2-introduced in House Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st determined by the office; require all allow the General Assembly to increase Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) reading, to Calendar with Committee other licensed charitable organizations the property tax exemption for disabled Substitute, committee amendment (1- to submit reports to the office at least veterans. HB 151 (BR 814) - T. Burch title) quarterly at such times as established in Propose to amend Section 170 of the Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules administrative regulations; set out a Kentucky Constitution to allow the AN ACT relating to drug testing. Feb 20-floor amendment (1) filed to procedure by which the advisory General Assembly to increase the Amend KRS 199.896 to require a drug Committee Substitute committee's comments are included homestead exemption for disabled test upon probationary employment of a Feb 22-posted for passage in the when administrative regulations are filed veterans; provide that the amendment director or employee; amend KRS Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, under the procedures established in shall be submitted to the voters. 216.533 to require long-term care February 23, 2007 KRS Chapter 13A; replace three of the facilities owned, managed, or operated Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with at-large members on the advisory Jan 2-introduced in House by the Department for Mental Health and Committee Substitute, committee commission with one representative Jan 3-to Elections, Const. Mental Retardation Services to require a amendment (1-title), floor amendment from the veterans' organizations, one Amendments & Intergovernmental drug test for each applicant (1) representative form volunteer firefighters' Affairs (H) recommended for employment; and Feb 26-received in Senate organizations, and one representative amend KRS 216.789 to require long- Feb 28-to Health & Welfare (S) from Catholic organizations; permit an HB 147 (BR 273) - R. Nelson term care facilities, nursing pools Mar 1-reassigned to Appropriations & organization to request a change in the providing staff to a nursing facility, and Revenue (S) date, time, or location of a charitable AN ACT relating to motor vehicle assisted-living communities to require a gaming event by mail, electronic mail, or registration. drug test upon employment of any HB 153 (BR 894) - J. Wayne facsimile; require the licensee to include Amend KRS 186.162, relating to applicant. a lease with the submission; require the motor vehicle registration, to allow Jan 4-WITHDRAWN office to accept or deny the request for disabled veterans to acquire a regular Jan 2-introduced in House the change within 10 days; permit a license plate or any special license plate Jan 3-to Health and Welfare (H) HB 154 (BR 895) - J. Wayne charitable organization to hold a charity for which they are eligible without fundraising event, including a special payment of any state fee, clerk fee or HB 152 (BR 113) - M. Marzian, M. Jan 4-WITHDRAWN limited charity fundraising event, in a extra fee to any group or organization. Cherry, M. Dedman Jr, B. DeWeese, K. county other than that in which the Hall, M. Harmon HB 155 (BR 328) - J. Wayne, R. Weston organization has its principal place of Jan 2-introduced in House business; permit a charity fundraising Jan 3-to Transportation (H) AN ACT relating to trauma care, and AN ACT relating to memorials. event to be held at licensee's making an appropriation therefor. Create a new section of KRS Chapter conventions. HB 148 (BR 49) - R. Nelson Create new sections of KRS Chapter 174 to establish a highway memorial CCR - Cannot agree. 211 to state findings that trauma care is sign program to allow applicants to FCCR - Retain original provisions of AN ACT relating to unauthorized a severe health problem and cause of sponsor a highway memorial sign in HCS and SFA 1 with two changes, aliens. death and disability, and trauma care is honor of an individual fatally injured on a clarify that licensees with annual gross Create a new section of KRS 337 to limited in parts of the state and an state-maintained highway; require receipts of $200,0000 or less are exempt prohibit an employer from hiring an efficient and coordinated statewide sponsors to pay a fee to defray the costs from quarterly reporting requirements, unauthorized alien; amend KRS 337.990 trauma system is necessary; define of producing and erecting a memorial and clarify that a charity fundraising to impose a penalty as prescribed in 8 "trauma", "trauma center", and "trauma sign; set forth the appearance of event may be held at a charitable U.S.C. sec 1324a, and provide an center verification"; establish an Office of memorial signs for different types of gaming licensee's convention rather than exemption to an employer who verifies Trauma Care in the Department of accidents; give the Transportation any gaming licensee's convention. the immigration status of newly hired Public Health and specify goals and Cabinet full authority over the placement employees through a federal work duties; require an advisory committee of signs; require memorial signs to stay Jan 2-introduced in House authorization program administered by and specify membership; require the up for a minimum of five (5) years, Jan 3-to Licensing and Occupations the United States Department of office to develop and implement a unless the cabinet determines them to (H) Homeland Security. statewide trauma care system that be a safety hazard; allow sponsors to Feb 13-posted in committee includes prevention, continuing request memorial signs up to three (3) Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st Jan 2-introduced in House education for care providers, statewide years after an accident; require the reading, to Calendar with Committee Jan 5-to Labor and Industry (H) guidelines and protocols, voluntary cabinet to promulgate administrative Substitute hospital verification as a trauma center, regulations pursuant to KRS Chapter 13, Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules HB 149/LM/CI (BR 386) - B. Yonts local and regional triage and transport governing the issuance of highway Feb 28-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, education institutions; provide for a Jan 2-introduced in House KRS 367.170; prescribe the contents of March 1, 2007 grievance procedure. Jan 3-to Health and Welfare (H) the contract; permit the customer to Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 88-4 with cancel the contract if he or she does so Committee Substitute Jan 2-introduced in House HB 163/LM/CI (BR 23) - M. Henley within three days of the contract's Mar 5-received in Senate Jan 3-to Education (H) execution; require the provider to Mar 6-to Licensing, Occupations and AN ACT relating to crimes and maintain a bond during his operations in Administrative Regulations (S) HB 159 (BR 444) - J. Fischer, J. Comer punishments. the state; make the bond available to Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st Jr, J. DeCesare Create a new section of KRS Chapter those who are injured due to the reading; returned to Licensing, 509 to establish the crime of human provider's violation of this Act; establish Occupations and Administrative AN ACT relating to accounting for the trafficking as a Class B felony; amend penalties. Regulations (S) expenditure of state funds. KRS 529.030, relating to the promoting Mar 8-reported favorably, 2nd reading, Create a new section of KRS Chapter of prostitution in the first degree, to Jan 2-introduced in House to Rules as a Consent Bill; floor 42 to require the development of a Web increase the penalty to a Class B felony. Jan 5-to State Government (H) amendment (1) filed site to provide public access to most Feb 20-posted in committee Mar 9-posted for passage in the state expenditures; create a new section Jan 2-introduced in House Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, of KRS Chapter 48 to require the Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) HB 167 (BR 247) - C. Siler, E. Ballard, March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 36-0 preparation of a Tax Expenditure Report; D. Butler, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, J. with floor amendment (1) ; received in amend KRS 131.190 to authorize the HB 164/LM/CI (BR 24) - M. Henley Gray, K. Hall, C. Miller, T. Moore, J. House; posted for passage for Department of Revenue to provide Tilley concurrence in Senate floor amendment necessary information. AN ACT relating to crimes and (1) punishments. AN ACT relating to Kentucky State Mar 12-House refused to concur in Jan 2-introduced in House Create new sections of KRS Chapter Parks. Senate floor amendment (1) ; received in Jan 3-to Appropriations and Revenue 15 and 16 to allow local law enforcement Create a new section of KRS Chapter Senate (H) agencies who participate in the KLEFP 148 to provide an exemption from the Mar 26-posted for passage for fund and the state police to enter into relevant overnight accommodations rate receding from Senate floor amendment HB 160 (BR 490) - T. Edmonds agreements with the federal government at any Kentucky State Park for Kentucky (1) ; Senate refused to recede from floor to allow their peace officers to enforce residents who are permanently and amendment (1) ; Conference Committee AN ACT relating to school employees. federal immigration law; create a new totally disabled veterans. appointed in House and Senate; Amend KRS 161.605 to continue to section of KRS Chapter 431 to require Conference Committee report filed in allow retired educators to be reemployed jails and detention facilities to ascertain HB 167 - AMENDMENTS House and Senate; Conference under the 100-day provisions until June a detainee's immigration status and HCS - Retain original provisions; Committee report adopted in House and 30, 2009. report detainees who are in the nation require the exemption to be made Senate; Free Conference Committee illegally to the federal government where available to qualified Kentucky residents appointed in House and Senate; Free Jan 2-introduced in House the detainee has been arrested for a Sunday through Thursday of each week; Conference Committee report filed in Jan 3-to Education (H) felony or for DUI. require the exemption to apply to a House and Senate; Free Conference maximum of five overnight stays per Committee report adopted in Senate; Bill HB 161 (BR 492) - T. Edmonds Jan 2-introduced in House calendar year at lodge rooms and passed 37-0; received in House Jan 5-to Judiciary (H) campsites at any Kentucky State Park; Mar 27-Free Conference Committee AN ACT relating to the extended require the Department of Parks to report adopted in House; Bill passed 94- weight coal haul road system. HB 165/CI (BR 821) - T. McKee, K. Hall, promulgate administratives regulations 3; enrolled, signed by each presiding Amend KRS 177.9771 to require the L. Napier relating to the proof of eligibility for officer; delivered to Governor cabinet to issue multi-axle permits in persons entitled to the exemption. Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. excess of 120,000 pounds for carriers AN ACT relating to assault. 120) that meet the axle weight provisions and Amend KRS 508.025, relating to Jan 2-introduced in House meet safety standards. assault in the third degree, to include Jan 3-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and HB 157 (BR 804) - J. Wayne within that offense an assault on an Public Safety (H) Jan 2-introduced in House elected official of a city or county. Feb 7-posted in committee AN ACT relating to the rental and Jan 3-to Transportation (H) Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st occupancy of lots in manufactured home Jan 2-introduced in House reading, to Calendar with Committee communities. HB 162/LM (BR 27) - M. Henley Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) Substitute Create new sections of KRS Chapter Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules 383 to establish requirements and AN ACT relating to public assistance. HB 166 (BR 25) - M. Henley Feb 21-posted for passage in the procedures for good cause eviction of Create a new section of KRS 194A to Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, residents of manufactured home require the Cabinet for Health and AN ACT relating to immigration February 22, 2007 communities; establish definitions; Family Services to verify that all persons services. Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with prohibit community operators from eighteen years of age and older who Create new sections of KRS Chapter Committee Substitute retaliating against manufactured home apply for federal public benefits or state 367 to prohibit any person in the Feb 28-received in Senate residents in certain circumstances; public benefits are United States citizens business of providing immigration Mar 2-to Economic Development, establish requirements for the or have qualified alien status; exempt assistance from giving legal advice; Tourism & Labor (S) promulgation of mobile home community treatment of an emergency medical require a provider who is not exempt to rules; establish requirements for condition, emergency disaster relief, register with the Office of Consumer HB 168 (BR 392) - C. Siler, C. Miller community operators that provide utility immunizations and testing for Protection of the Attorney General's service to mobile home community immunizable diseases, prenatal care, Office before providing immigration AN ACT relating to the provision of fire residents; require the application of the and other services necessary for the assistance services in the state; require protection services across jurisdictional Uniform Residential Landlord and protection of life or safety from providers to post signs in English and boundaries. Tenant Act to residents and community verification of United States citizenship any other language in which the provider Create a new section of KRS Chapter operators of manufactured home or qualified alien status; create a new offers services that specify that the 65 allowing local governments to create communities that lie within a jurisdiction section of KRS Chapter 65 to require a provider is not an attorney and may not an interlocal agreement for the provision that has adopted the Uniform Residential city, county, urban-county government, give or accept fees for giving legal of fire protection services; allow local Landlord and Tenant Act; prohibit certain charter county government, consolidated advice; require that similar notice be governments to shift boundaries of fire provisions in rental agreements. local government, unified local include in the providers oral and written protection service providers by government, or special district to verify advertisement and business stationery; ordinance; establish criteria for the Jan 2-introduced in House that all persons eighteen years of age prohibit the provider from engaging in ordinance; shield newly annexed Jan 3-to Local Government (H) and older who apply for local public specified conduct, to include, providing territory from certain debt requirements; Feb 9-posted in committee benefits are United States citizens or services before a contract is executed, make stricken territory liable for its share have qualified alien status; exempt refusing to return the customer's of previous indebtedness. HB 158 (BR 120) - J. Fischer treatment of an emergency medical documents, using terms that suggest condition, emergency disaster relief, that the provider is authorized to practice Jan 2-introduced in House AN ACT relating to an academic bill of immunizations and testing for law; and misrepresenting or lying for the Jan 3-to Local Government (H) rights for postsecondary education immunizable diseases, prenatal care, purposes of obtaining clients; require the Feb 6-posted in committee students, faculty, and instructors. and other services necessary for the Office of the Attorney General to Create a new section of KRS Chapter protection of life or safety from promulgate administrative regulations to HB 169/LM (BR 809) - B. Smith 164 to establish an academic bill of verification of United States citizenship implement and enforce this Act; deem rights for students, faculty, and or qualified alien status. that any violations of this act is an unfair, AN ACT relating to traffic regulations. instructors in public postsecondary false, or misleading practice or act under Amend KRS 189.010 relating to traffic regulations to require all persons under C. Embry Jr, J. Higdon, R. Mobley, A. assault in the third degree, to add Mar 7-reported favorably, to Rules; the age of 16 operating or riding as a Wuchner offenses against midlevel health care floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed passenger on a bicycle to wear a bicycle practitioners and persons licensed to Mar 8-posted for passage in the helmet; set forth penalties and Feb 20-WITHDRAWN practice medicine, osteopathy, podiatry, Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, procedures for violation and physician assisting, chiropractic, March 8; passed over and retained in enforcement; cite the act as the Marshea HB 175/CI (BR 253) - S. Westrom, J. dentistry, nursing, respiratory care, the Orders of the Day; floor amendments Nicole Neace Bicycle Safety Act. Draud, A. Koenig, D. Owens, T. pharmacy, optometry, and physical (3) (4) and (5-title) filed Thompson therapy; provide that assaulting one of Mar 9-passed over and retained in the Jan 2-introduced in House these persons when he or she is Orders of the Day Jan 3-to Transportation (H) AN ACT relating to crimes and engaged in the performance of his or her Mar 12-3rd reading; floor amendments punishment. licensed practice is a Class D felony. (1) (4) and (5-title) withdrawn ; passed HB 170 (BR 358) - E. Ballard, D. Floyd, Amend KRS 516.010, relating to 33-0 with floor amendments (2-title) and C. Miller forgery, to define "academic degree"; Jan 3-introduced in House (3) ; received in House; posted for amend KRS 516.030, to expand forgery Jan 5-to Judiciary (H) passage for concurrence in Senate floor AN ACT relating to honoring military in the second degree to include forgery amendments (2-title) and (3) ; House service. of an academic degree. HB 177 (BR 917) - J. Draud concurred in Senate floor amendments Amend KRS 18A.150 to expand the (2-title) and (3) ; laid on clerk's desk; state hiring preference honoring military HB 175 - AMENDMENTS AN ACT changing the classification of taken from clerk's desk; returned to the service; require the adding of five or ten HCS/CI - Delete provision relating to the City of Crestview Hills, in Kenton Orders of the Day; vote on Senate preference points to a military-connected acceptance of academic degrees County. amendments reconsidered; House individual's examination score used for recognized by another state. Reclassify the City of Crestview Hills, refused to concur in Senate floor state hiring in classified positions; permit HFA (1, K. Stein) - Include noncodified in Kenton County, population 3,152, amendments (2-title) and (3) ; received the total of an examination score and provisions directing the Clerk of the from a city of the fifth class to a city of in Senate; posted for passage for preference points to exceed 100; require House of Representatives to prepare for the fourth class. As provided in Section receding from Senate floor amendments that a register certificate of finalists for a issuance to the House Member 156A of the Kentucky Constitution, the (2-title) and (3) ; Senate receded from state job identify all finalists entitled to occupying the seat for House District 36, population requirements for the floor amendments (2-title) and (3) ; preference points, whether or not an known affectionately to his admiring classification of cities established by the passed 36-0; received in House; examination is actually a part of the colleagues as the "Gentleman from former Section 156 of the Kentucky enrolled, signed by each presiding selection method; require that an Garrard," a certificate conferring a Constitution remain in effect until officer; delivered to Governor employing state agency offer an degree of Juris Doctor, which may be changed by law. Therefore, classification Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. interview to all finalists entitled to conferred upon and accepted by said as a city of the fourth class requires a 98) preference points, except that when five gentleman at any point after the population of 3,000 to 7,999. or more of the finalists are entitled to Gentleman from Garrard recites and HB 178 (BR 898) - M. Rader, T. preference points, the employing state explains to this honorable body the Rule HB 177 - AMENDMENTS Edmonds agency shall offer an interview to the five Against Perpetuities during that portion SFA (1, T. Buford) - Reclassify the most qualified of these individuals. of the legislative day reserved for City of Junction City, in Boyle County, AN ACT relating to national board Motions, Petitions, and Communications. population 3,011, from a city of the fifth certified teachers. Jan 2-introduced in House SFA (1, R. Jones II) - Insert provisions class to a city of the fourth class. As Amend KRS 157.395 to provide a Jan 3-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and found in SB 67/GA relating to driving provided in Section 156A of the salary supplement to a national board Public Safety (H) under the influence. Kentucky Constitution, the population certified teacher employed by an SFA (2/Title, D. Roeding) - Make title requirements for the classification of education cooperative who serves as a HB 171 (BR 448) - D. Ford, R. Mobley amendment. cities established by the former Section teacher mentor to any of the SFA (3, D. Roeding) - Attach 156 of the Kentucky Constitution remain cooperative's member schools. AN ACT relating to property taxes. provisions of SB 31. in effect until changed by law. Therefore, Create a new section of KRS Chapter classification as a city of the fourth class Jan 3-introduced in House 134 to limit attorney fees and expenses Jan 2-introduced in House requires a population of 3,000 to 7,999. Jan 5-to Education (H) that private purchasers are permitted to Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) SFA (2/Title, T. Buford) - Make title collect to $100; amend KRS 134.420 to Feb 12-posted in committee amendment. Introduced Jan. 4, 2007 conform. Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st SFA (3, T. Buford) - Reclassify reading, to Calendar with Committee Junction City, in Boyle County, from a HB 179 (BR 46) - E. Ballard Jan 2-introduced in House Substitute city of the fifth class to a city of the fourth Jan 3-to Appropriations and Revenue Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted class. AN ACT relating to traffic fines. (H) for passage in the Regular Orders of the SFA (4, D. Thayer) - Reclassify the Amend KRS 189.990 to require fines Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 City of Sadieville, in Scott County, collected from violation of seat belt law HB 172 (BR 218) - R. Nelson Feb 20-floor amendment (1) filed to population 294, from a city of the sixth to be deposited in the veterans' program Committee Substitute ; 3rd reading, class to a city of the fifth class; As trust fund. AN ACT relating to railroad worker passed 98-0 with Committee Substitute provided in Section 156A of the safety. Feb 21-received in Senate Kentucky Constitution, the population Jan 4-introduced in House Create a new section of KRS Chapter Feb 23-to Judiciary (S) requirements for the classification of Jan 5-to Transportation (H) 277 to require the Transportation Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st cities established by the former Section Feb 8-posted in committee Cabinet to promulgate administrative reading; returned to Judiciary (S) 156 of the Kentucky Constitution remain Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st regulations on safe walkways for railroad Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd in effect until changed by law. Therefore, reading, to Calendar workers. reading; returned to Judiciary (S) classification as a city of the fifth class Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules as requires a population of 1,000 to 2,999. recommitted to Appropriations & Jan 2-introduced in House a Consent Bill; floor amendment (1) filed SFA (5/Title, D. Thayer) - Make title Revenue (H) Jan 3-to Transportation (H) Mar 12-posted for passage in the amendment. Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, HB 180 (BR 362) - E. Ballard, T. HB 173 (BR 244) - R. Meeks, J. Jenkins, March 12 Jan 3-introduced in House Edmonds K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, L. Clark, R. Mar 26-floor amendments (2-title) and Jan 5-to Local Government (H) Crimm, B. DeWeese, T. Firkins, M. (3) filed ; 3rd reading, passed 36-0 with Feb 9-posted in committee AN ACT relating to charitable gaming. Marzian, C. Miller, D. Osborne, D. floor amendment (1) ; received in House Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st Amend KRS 238.520 to include two Owens, S. Riggs, T. Riner, J. Wayne, R. Mar 27-posted for passage for reading, to Calendar veterans' organization representatives Weston concurrence in Senate floor amendment Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules on the charitable gaming advisory (1) ; House refused to concur in Senate Feb 23-placed in the Orders of the commission; amend KRS 238.535 to AN ACT relating to the designation of floor amendment (1) ; received in Senate Day allow veterans' organizations who hold the Louisville Orchestra as the official Feb 26-3rd reading, passed 98-0 charitable gaming licenses to conduct state orchestra. Introduced Jan. 3, 2007 Feb 27-received in Senate charitable gaming activities at veterans- Create a new section of KRS Chapter Mar 1-to State & Local Government related events like conferences and 2 to designate the Louisville Orchestra HB 176/CI (BR 342) - K. Hall, T. (S) conventions outside of the county of as the official state orchestra. Edmonds, T. McKee Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st residence; amend KRS 238.540 to allow reading; returned to State & Local the use of pulltab dispensers at Jan 2-introduced in House AN ACT relating to crimes and Government (S) charitable gaming locations. Jan 3-to State Government (H) punishments. Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd Amend KRS 508.025, relating to reading; returned to State & Local HB 180 - AMENDMENTS HB 174 (BR 229) - D. Floyd, S. Baugh, Government (S) HCS - Retain original provision, Lee, J. Comer Jr, C. Miller Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules except delete language permitting a HB 181 - AMENDMENTS Feb 16-posted for passage in the charitable organization to use electronic HCS - Retain provisions of original bill AN ACT relating to health care, and Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, or non-electronic pulltab dispensers. except does not include exemptions for making an appropriation therefor. February 20, 2007 HFA (1, E. Ballard) - Amend to include contracts for standard commercial Create new sections of KRS Chapter Feb 22-floor amendment (1) filed to representation from Catholic supplies and raw materials, and 211 to declare legislative findings Committee Substitute organizations in Charitable Gaming contracts or subcontracts below the regarding cardiovascular disease in Feb 26-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with Advisory Commission membership; second-tier level of contracts, and does Kentucky and the need for a statewide Committee Substitute, committee provide clarifying language to permit not allow the Finance and Administration initiative to reduce the impact of amendment (1-title), floor amendment charitable gaming activities outside of Cabinet to promulgate administrative cardiovascular disease and to increase (1) organizations' county of residence. regulations to establish additional knowledge based business in Kentucky; Feb 27-received in Senate HFA (2, M. Marzian) - Amend Section exemptions. specify goals of the initiative; specify Mar 1-to Appropriations & Revenue 1 to increase Charitable Gaming board members and terms and permit (S) Advisory Commission membership from Jan 4-introduced in House reimbursement for travel expenses only; Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st 9 to 11; include representation from Jan 5-to State Government (H) require the board to establish goals and reading; returned to Appropriations & Catholic charities and volunteer Feb 6-posted in committee business plans for 1, 3, 5, and 10 year Revenue (S) firefighter organizations; increase Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, time periods that address outreach, early Mar 6-reported favorably, 2nd reading, quorum from 5 to 6 members. to Calendar with Committee Substitute identification, education, follow-up to Rules with Committee Substitute as a Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules strategies for at-risk populations, Consent Bill Jan 4-introduced in House Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations improving access to information for Mar 7-posted for passage in the Jan 5-to Licensing and Occupations & Revenue (H) patients and health care professionals, Consent Orders of the Day for (H) research on cardiovascular disease and Wednesday, March 7, 2007; 3rd reading, Feb 13-posted in committee HB 182 (BR 496) - D. Butler, J. Greer treatment, commercialization of passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st products, and patient privacy Mar 8-received in House; posted for reading, to Calendar with Committee AN ACT relating to motor carrier protections; require board to present passage for concurrence in Senate Substitute permits. plans to the General Assembly prior to Committee Substitute for Monday, Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules; floor Amend KRS 189.270 to increase the expenditures or implementation and March 12, 2007 amendments (1) and (2) filed to maximum width to 17 feet for farm make business plans available to the Mar 12-House refused to concur in Committee Substitute equipment being transported from a farm public; specify that appropriation shall Senate Committee Substitute ; received Mar 5-placed in the Orders of the Day to a dealer or from a dealer to a farm by not lapse but be carried forward; in Senate; posted for passage for Mar 6-3rd reading, passed 89-7 with use of an annual overdimensional appropriate $2,000,000 for fiscal year receding from Senate Committee Committee Substitute, floor amendment permit. 2006-2007 and $8,000,000 for fiscal Substitute ; Senate refused to recede (1) year 2007-2008. from Committee Substitute ; Conference Mar 7-received in Senate Jan 4-introduced in House Committee appointed in House and Mar 8-to State & Local Government Jan 5-to Transportation (H) HB 185 - AMENDMENTS Senate; Conference Committee report (S) HCS/FN - Retain the provisions of the filed in House and Senate; Conference HB 183/FN (BR 434) - B. Farmer original legislation; amend KRS 216.267 Committee report adopted in House and HB 181 (BR 836) - B. Farmer to allow the board to establish a public or Senate; Free Conference Committee AN ACT relating to the Kentucky nonprofit e-Health corporation to appointed in House and Senate; Free AN ACT relating to equal employment Department of Veterans' Affairs acting facilitate public-private collaboration in Conference Committee report filed in opportunity in state contracts. as a fiduciary. the implementation and development of House; Free Conference Committee Amend KRS 45.560 to include the Amend KRS 40.310 to require the the Kentucky health network; amend the report adopted in House; Bill passed 98- definition of "equal employment Department of Veterans' Affairs to appropriation to appropriate federal 0; bill reconsidered; placed in the Orders opportunity job categories"; amend KRS promulgate administrative regulations to funds to support the Kentucky Health of the Day 45.570 to clarify the classes protected carry out the provisions of the Act; Information Partnership. Mar 26-Free Conference Committee against discrimination by state amend KRS 388.190 to define "person"; HCA (1/Title, H. Moberly Jr) - Make report filed in Senate; Free Conference contractors; amend KRS 45.590 to create a new section of KRS Chapter title amendment. Committee report adopted in Senate; Bill increase the dollar amount of exempted 388 to permit the Department of HFA (1, H. Moberly Jr) - Retain passed 37-0; received in House contracts or subcontracts from $250,000 Veterans' Affairs to act as a guardian or original provisions; attach the KCDI Mar 27-Free Conference Committee to $500,000; add exemptions for a conservator for a disabled veteran or board to the Cabinet for Health and report adopted in House; Bill passed 98- contracts for standard commercial the minor child of a veteran; amend KRS Family Services for administrative 0; enrolled, signed by each presiding supplies, raw materials, contracts or 388.220 and 388.230 to conform; amend purposes; permit board to create public officer; delivered to Governor subcontracts below the second-tier level KRS 388.270 to provide that bond shall or nonprofit corporation that may receive Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. of contracts; allow the Finance and not be required when the department and expend funds; require corporation to 126) Administration Cabinet to promulgate acts as a guardian or a conservator; have audits, report on expenditures, and administrative regulations to establish amend KRS 388.300 to require that the report to legislative committees; permit HB 186 (BR 929) - B. Smith, L. Combs, additional exemptions; amend KRS department receive compensation as a the cabinet to spend funds on the KCDI; T. Couch, K. Hall 45.600 to allow the contracting agency guardian or a conservator consistent make technical amendments. rather than the cabinet to set the time with the federal guidelines; prohibit the SCS/FN - Retain provisions of GA AN ACT relating to certification of period for submitting statements and department from receiving compensation version of bill; specify that appointments miners. information required by the statute, set in excess of that allowed under state of the board of the Kentucky Create new section of KRS Chapter out the information to be reported by the law. Cardiovascular Disease Initiative shall 351 to allow the Mining Board to enter bidding party regarding its workforce; be made by the Cabinet for Health and into a reciprocal agreement with another require the bidding party to submit a HB 183 - AMENDMENTS Family Services instead of the Council state and provide that the board may breakdown of subcontracts over HFA (1, B. Farmer) - Declare an on Postsecondary Education; add one pursuant to the agreement; allow the $500,000; include a determination by the EMERGENCY. additional representative from a miner from the other state to perform cabinet that the percentage of women in HFA (2/Title, B. Farmer) - Make title children's teaching hospital. similar duties in Kentucky for which he or the bidding party's workforce reflects the amendment. CCR - Cannot agree. she is certified in the other state when percentage of available women in the FCCR - Make technical changes certain conditions have been met. area from which the bidding party's Jan 4-introduced in House relating to member terms; permit workforce is drawn and to use this Jan 5-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and commercialization of intellectual property Jan 4-introduced in House determination in the cabinet's existing Public Safety (H) as well as the development of an Jan 5-to Natural Resources and affirmative action process; amend KRS Feb 22-posted in committee Internet-based data repository; specify Environment (H) 45.610 to include women in the Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st that the KCDI and e-Health boards shall Feb 6-posted in committee affirmative action requirements for state reading, to Calendar submit to, rather than conduct, an Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, contractors and allow the cabinet to Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules; floor independent audit. to Calendar investigate the employment practices of amendments (1) and (2-title) filed Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules any contractor or subcontractor to Mar 5-recommitted to Appropriations Jan 4-introduced in House Feb 15-posted for passage in the determine if they have violated any & Revenue (H) Jan 5-to Appropriations and Revenue Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, provision of KRS 45.560 to 45.640; and (H) February 16, 2007 create a new section of KRS 45.560 to HB 184/FN (BR 455) - H. Moberly Jr Feb 8-posted in committee Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 94-0 45.640 to allow the Finance and Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st Feb 23-received in Senate Administration Cabinet to promulgate Feb 20-WITHDRAWN reading, to Calendar with Committee Mar 1-to Agriculture & Natural administrative regulations to carry out Substitute, committee amendment (1- Resources (S) the provisions of KRS 45.560 to 45.640. HB 185/FN (BR 833) - H. Moberly Jr, Ji. title) Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar Committee Substitute AN ACT relating to the support Jan 4-introduced in House Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; Feb 27-floor amendment (2) filed to education excellence in Kentucky Jan 5-to Judiciary (H) recommitted to Appropriations & Committee Substitute program. Feb 12-posted in committee Revenue (S) Feb 28-floor amendment (3-title) filed ; Create a new section of KRS Chapter Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st 24 hour filing requirement waived on 157 to provide for base level funding for reading, to Calendar HB 187/FN/LM/CI (BR 433) - J. floor amendment 3-title; 3rd reading, average daily attendance in rapid growth Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules Richards, R. Adams, E. Ballard, C. passed 96-0 with Committee Substitute, districts that recognizes last year's Feb 27-posted for passage in the Belcher, L. Belcher, H. Collins, L. committee amendment (1-title), floor average daily attendance plus an Regular Orders of the Day for Combs, J. Comer Jr, M. Denham, M. amendment (2) estimate of growth, calculated at 80% of Wednesday, February 28, 2007 Dossett, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Mar 1-received in Senate last year's actual student growth. Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 98-2 Embry Jr, D. Ford, D. Graham, J. Greer, Mar 5-to Appropriations & Revenue Mar 6-received in Senate K. Hall, R. Henderson, J. Higdon, C. (S) Jan 4-introduced in House Mar 7-to Judiciary (S); taken from Hoffman, J. Hoover, A. Koenig, Ji. Lee, Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st Jan 5-to Appropriations and Revenue committee; 1st reading; returned to T. McKee, R. Mobley, B. Montell, T. reading; returned to Appropriations & (H) Judiciary (S) Moore, L. Napier, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Revenue (S) Mar 8-taken from committee; 2nd Rand, S. Riggs, C. Rollins II, S. Rudy, D. Mar 8-taken from committee; 2nd HB 190 (BR 223) - R. Adkins reading; returned to Judiciary (S) Sims, T. Thompson, J. Tilley, T. Turner, reading; returned to Appropriations & Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules A. Wuchner Revenue (S) AN ACT relating to the Office of the with Committee Substitute, committee Attorney General. amendments (1-title) (2) and (3) ; posted AN ACT relating to the funding of local HB 188 (BR 78) - D. Floyd Amend KRS 15.010, relating to for passage in the Regular Orders of the jails. organizational units within the Day for Monday, March 12; 3rd reading; Create a new section of KRS Chapter AN ACT relating to tax credits to Department of Law, to create an Office committee amendments (2) and (3) 441 to provide that the state will promote educational quality in Kentucky of Criminal Appeals, Office of Consumer withdrawn ; passed 36-0 with Committee reimburse counties at the regular per schools. Protection, Office of Civil and Substitute, committee amendment (1- diem rate for holding individuals charged Create a new section of KRS Chapter Environmental Law, Office of Victim's title) ; received in House with violating a state law prior to final 141 to establish an education Advocacy, and a Kentucky Bureau of Mar 26-posted for passage for sentencing; phase full reimbursement in improvement tax credit program; provide Investigation; amend various other concurrence in Senate Committee over four years, beginning July 1, 2008. for tax credits to eligible nonprofit sections to conform; confirm Attorney Substitute, committee amendment (1- education organizations that are General Executive Order AG 06-01, title) ; House concurred in Senate HB 187 - AMENDMENTS organized for the purposes of providing dated May 16, 2006. Committee Substitute ; passed 97-0; bill HCS/FN/LM/CI - Delete original grants, scholarships, and incentives to reconsidered; House concurred in provisions; create several new sections quality principals to increase the number Jan 4-introduced in House Senate Committee Substitute, of KRS Chapter 304 and amend KRS of teachers in Kentucky, decrease Jan 5-to Judiciary (H) committee amendment (1-title) ; passed 304.17B-015 to require health insurance shortages of teachers in critical teaching Feb 12-posted in committee 96-1; enrolled, signed by each presiding plans issued on or after the effective areas, and provide quality principals to Feb 16-reported favorably, 1st officer; delivered to Governor date of the Act to cover an insured serve in academically low performing reading, to Calendar Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. charged with a violation of the law who schools that have high poverty; define Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules 128) has not been finally sentenced; provide terms; define limits of tax credits; require Feb 21-posted for passage in the that such coverage will be primary; the Department of Revenue to Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Introduced Jan. 5, 2007 amend KRS 441.045 to provide that the promulgate administrative regulations to February 22, 2007 amount counties shall pay for care implement the tax credit program for Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 98-0 HB 192 (BR 393) - F. Nesler, T. McKee, provided by physicians, hospitals, eligible nonprofit education Mar 2-received in Senate S. Rudy laboratories, or other health care organizations; create a new section of Mar 5-to Judiciary (S) providers shall not exceed the maximum KRS Chapter 158 to specify that AN ACT relating to cotton. payments permitted under the Kentucky principals may be provided monetary HB 191/LM (BR 925) - R. Webb, R. Create new sections of KRS Chapter Medical Assistance Program; establish a incentives from an eligible nonprofit Wilkey, D. Graham, D. Owens, A. 247 to define terms relating to cotton; to task force to examine county jails and education organization to accept a Simpson, S. Westrom require the commissioner to carry out the criminal justice system. position in an academically low programs to eliminate boll weevils in HCA (1/Title, R. Webb) - Make title performing school; specify the AN ACT relating to medical parole of Kentucky; to require cotton growers to amendment. responsibilities of the Kentucky prisoners. provide the commissioner information as HFA (1, J. Richards) - Retain original Department of Education; limit the Amend KRS 439.3405 to require to where cotton is being grown; to provisions; amend Section 7 to require amount of a monetary incentive and crime victim and prosecutorial notice for require the commissioner to promulgate health care providers that participate in exempt it from calculation of teachers' medical parole hearings. administrative regulations relating to the Medicaid program to provide health retirement benefits; amend KRS cotton; to allow the commissioner to care services to any prisoner in a county 141.0205 to conform. HB 191 - AMENDMENTS designate areas in the state where jail and to accept the same rate of SCS/LM - Retain original provisions; cotton cannot be grown, and destroy it if payment as is received from Medicaid create a new section of KRS Chapter it is grown; to prohibit cotton from being for the same or similar services; create a HB 188 - AMENDMENTS 441 to permit a local jail to transfer a imported into the state from areas new section of KRS 205.510 to 205.630 HFA (1, J. DeCesare) - Provide a prisoner to the Department of determined to be infested; to allow to require health care providers that state tax credit up to $250 for personal Corrections for specialized or long-term cotton growers to hold referendums that participate in the Medicaid program to funds spent for school supplies by a medical care; create a new section of would allow an assessment on the provide health care services to any certified teacher employed in the public KRS Chapter 441 to require insurance growers to offset the cost of boll weevil prisoner in a county jail and to accept schools. carriers to pay for medical care of their eradication programs; and to establish the same rate of payment as is received HFA (2, J. DeCesare) - Retain original insured when in a county jail and not a the procedures for carrying out a from Medicaid for the same or similar provisions; amend KRS 68.6851 to allow prisoner of the state; create a new referendum. services. a credit against the state income tax section of KRS Chapter 441 to use the HFA (2, J. Richards) - Retain original equal to the assessment withheld from state pharmacy and medical, dental, or Jan 5-introduced in House provisions; add the provisions of Section wages due to an assessment imposed psychological care access plans unless Feb 6-to Agriculture and Small 1 of House Bill 551. by a local governing body, and to delete they can secure equal or better plan at Business (H); posting waived HFA (3/Title, J. Richards) - Make title provisions allowing a credit against the less cost; create a noncodified section to Feb 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, amendment. local occupational tax; amend KRS provide up to $1 million to Department of to Calendar 141.310 and 141.350 to conform. Corrections for medical care access plan Feb 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Jan 4-introduced in House HFA (3/Title, J. DeCesare) - Make title and $1.5 million to Department of for passage in the Regular Orders of the Jan 5-to Judiciary (H) amendment. Corrections, if needed as a necessary Day for Friday, February 9, 2007 Feb 12-posted in committee governmental expense from existing Feb 9-3rd reading, passed 97-0 Feb 16-reassigned to Appropriations Jan 4-introduced in House budgetary expenditures. Feb 12-received in Senate & Revenue (H); posting waived Jan 5-to Appropriations and Revenue SCA (1/Title, R. Stivers II) - Make title Feb 14-to Agriculture & Natural Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st (H) amendment. Resources (S) reading, to Calendar with Committee Feb 7-floor amendment (1) filed SCA (2, R. Stivers II) - Retain original Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st Substitute, committee amendment (1- Feb 28-floor amendments (2) and (3- provisions; require determination of reading; returned to Agriculture & title) title) filed probable cause prior to issuance of Natural Resources (S) Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted search warrant. Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd for passage in the Regular Orders of the HB 189 (BR 412) - A. Wuchner, A. SCA (3, R. Stivers II) - Attach reading; returned to Agriculture & Day for Thursday, February 22, 2007 Koenig, D. Osborne, S. Santoro provisions of SB 31. Natural Resources (S) Feb 26-floor amendment (1) filed to Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules as convictions occur within 90 days, rather training for circuit and district judges and information as of the date of the a Consent Bill than removing the time frame for trial and domestic relations ordinance creating the board; qualify all Mar 9-posted for passage in the notification of the board of misdemeanor commissioners related to the dynamics current active duty fire department Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, and felony convictions. of child protection and permanency. members, except probationary March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 38- employees, to continue service without 0; received in House Jan 5-introduced in House Jan 5-introduced in House further exams or qualifications; require Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each Feb 6-to Health and Welfare (H) Feb 6-to Judiciary (H) such members to be deemed permanent presiding officer; delivered to Governor Feb 12-posted in committee employees; require probationary Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st HB 200/CI (BR 946) - T. Burch members to complete a one-year 79) reading, to Calendar probationary period which can be Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules AN ACT relating to the abolition of the extended for an additional six months; HB 193 (BR 93) - M. Harmon Feb 21-floor amendment (1) filed death penalty. provide for coverage of members Feb 22-posted for passage in the Create a new section of KRS Chapter affected by promotional probationary AN ACT relating to tax credits to Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, 532 to abolish the death penalty and periods; exclude chiefs, assistant chiefs enhance the educational opportunities February 23, 2007 require the court with jurisdiction over a and others previously excluded from civil for all students in Kentucky. Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with person sentenced to death to sentence service from the oversight of the board; Create various new sections of KRS floor amendment (1) the person to imprisonment for life provide for a leave of absence from Chapter 141 to establish a Feb 28-received in Senate without benefit of probation or parole; classified service for a member to accept nonrefundable family education tax Mar 2-to Judiciary (S) amend KRS 24A.110, 27A.430, 431.060, a noncovered promotional position and credit program for corporations and 431.215, 431.510, 439.265, 506.010, for the return of such employee to the pass-through entities that contribute to HB 197 (BR 805) - C. Rollins II, L. 506.030, 506.040, 506.080, 507.020, same classified service; prohibit scholarship organizations and Belcher, T. Couch, J. DeCesare, M. 509.040, 520.120, 527.200, 532.030, members from receiving or soliciting for individuals who directly pay for tuition Dedman Jr, D. Graham, M. Harmon, R. 532.040, 532.050, 532.100, 532.140, any political party or candidate for public and other educational expenses; define Henderson, J. Richards, A. Smith, J. 533.010, 610.265, 635.020, 635.090, office; prohibit any member from using terms; establish maximum credit Tilley 640.040, 17.173, 17.176, 507A.020, and personal influence or authority to secure amounts; direct the Department of 422.285 to conform; repeal KRS appointments or promotions; prohibit Revenue to promulgate regulations and AN ACT relating to community 422.287, 431.213, 431.2135, 431.218, employees from signing or promising to publish lists; amend KRS 141.010 to education. 431.220, 431.223, 431.224, 431.240, sign dated resignations in advance of an exempt amounts received as scholarship Amend KRS 160.155, 160.156, and 431.250, 431.260, 431.270, 507A.060, appointment or promotion; prohibit grants from "adjusted gross income"; 160.157 to delete obsolete language, 532.025, 532.075, 532.300, 532.305, action against an employee for amend KRS 141.0205 to establish the clarify language regarding the use of and 532.309, relating to the death nonpayment to political purpose; prohibit order in which the nonrefundable family funds for a community education director penalty. exam questions relating to opinions, education tax credit is applied against and professional development for beliefs, affiliations, or services; prohibit tax imposed by KRS 141.020 and community education directors, and Jan 5-introduced in House members from being involved in or 141.040; apply the credit beginning with clarify roles. Feb 6-to Judiciary (H) promoting political or religious the 2007 tax year. Feb 12-posted in committee controversies or prejudices while in Jan 5-introduced in House uniform; establish protection of all Jan 5-introduced in House Feb 6-to Education (H) HB 201/LM (BR 307) - R. Weston, J. members' rights; require the board to Feb 6-to Appropriations and Revenue Feb 9-posted in committee Jenkins, T. Burch, L. Clark, R. Crimm, T. create rules and regulations for all (H) Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st Firkins, M. Marzian, C. Miller, D. Owens, covered personnel; require rules to be reading, to Calendar S. Riggs, J. Wayne published, distributed, and posted within HB 194 (BR 107) - S. Lee Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted three days of adoption; require the for passage in the Regular Orders of the AN ACT relating to fire department employment of a chief examiner; require AN ACT relating to public officers. Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 merit boards in a consolidated local the chief to provide medical records of Amend KRS 61.365 to include Internal Feb 15-3rd reading, passed 98-0 government. any disability of applicants for Revenue Service agents in the list of Feb 16-received in Senate Create new sections of KRS Chapter promotions; require 90-day prior notice federal officials who have Kentucky Feb 21-to Education (S) 67C to establish fire department merit of promotional exams; provide for the peace officer powers and duties. Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st boards in consolidated local grading of promotional tests to include reading; returned to Education (S) governments (CLG); define terms; preference points for seniority as Jan 5-introduced in House Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd require a CLG to establish a fire prescribed; provide for the availability Feb 6-to Judiciary (H) reading; returned to Education (S) department merit system and board as and review of promotional eligibility lists, Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules as prescribed; exclude chief and assistant compilation of test results, and HB 195 (BR 450) - J. DeCesare, T. a Consent Bill chief from oversight of board; require the notification of applicants; provide for the Edmonds, S. Baugh, M. Dossett, J. Mar 9-recommitted to Appropriations CLG legislative council to annually filling of promotional vacancies from the Fischer, D. Floyd, K. Hall, R. Mobley, B. & Revenue (S) appropriate funds for the board; provide five candidates with the highest score Montell, R. Nelson, A. Wuchner for the appointment of a five-member from the eligibility list; require the board HB 198 (BR 991) - T. Burch merit board; establish criteria for to provide for justification of AN ACT relating to writing portfolios. qualification of members and provide for nonpromotions; require certified Amend KRS 158.6453 to remove AN ACT relating to jurisdictional limits staggered four-year terms for members; promotion lists to remain valid for two writing portfolios from the statewide for Kentucky courts. require vacancies to be filled for years and promotional vacancies to be CATS assessment program for Amend KRS 24A.230 and 24A.290 to unexpired terms only; permit removal of filled within 60 days of the vacancy; elementary schools; require elementary increase the jurisdictional limit of the members for cause; prohibit members provide that the action of the chief is schools to use writing portfolios as an small claims division of the District Court from serving in other public offices while valid, except in cases of dismissal, instructional tool in the continuous from $1,500 to $3,000 for both claims serving; prohibit receipt of gifts, money, demotion, or suspension of more than assessment process. and counterclaims. or things of value; prohibit more than 40 hours of a non-probational three members from the same political employees, which shall be reviewed and Jan 5-introduced in House Jan 5-introduced in House party; require oath; provide for the heard by the board; outline procedures Feb 6-to Education (H) Feb 6-to Judiciary (H) election of fire department for the board review and permit the Feb 12-posted in committee representatives to the board; require the board to set aside the action of the chief; HB 196 (BR 951) - M. Marzian Feb 16-reported favorably, 1st board to meet within 30 days of creation permit suspensions of less than 40 reading, to Calendar and adopt operating procedures and by- hours for a non-probationary employee AN ACT relating to nursing. Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules laws; require only a majority of the to be reviewed by the board or a hearing Amend KRS 314.075 to make Feb 26-posted for passage in the quorum who are present to take action in officer; require board rules to apply and technical corrections; amend KRS Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, nondisciplinary actions; require four submission of report, recommendations, 314.091 to add to the definition of February 27, 2007 members to be present to take action on and notice of findings from hearing "conviction" a guilty plea from pretrial Mar 2-taken from the Regular Orders disciplinary matters; require the board to officer; permit exceptions to the hearing diversion orders; amend KRS 314.109 to of the Day; recommitted to Health & meet at least every two months and for officer's recommendations within 15 remove the time frame for notification to Welfare (H) minutes of each meeting to be kept; days; require all final orders of the board the board of misdemeanor and felony require the board to employ secretary; to be in writing and within 30 days of convictions. HB 199 (BR 831) - T. Burch require all orders and minutes to be receipt of the hearing officers signed by the chairman and all records recommended order; permit appeal to HB 196 - AMENDMENTS AN ACT relating to child welfare and minutes to be subject to the the Circuit Court; grant the board the HFA (1, M. Marzian) - Amend KRS training for judges. Kentucky Open Records Law; require power to issue subpoenas; require the 314.109 to require that notification of the Amend KRS 21A.170 to require the the mayor to certify within 30 days the use of the Kentucky Rules of Civil board of any misdemeanor and felony Supreme Court to provide required prescribed fire department personnel Procedure; provide that existing promotional eligibility lists to remain in eligibility requirements to receive surface mines; require recording of effect until their normal expiration date. premiums and advertising funding; AN ACT relating to mine safety. equipment examinations; amend KRS require the department to promulgate Amend KRS 351.025 to permit 352.150 to provide an efficient means of Jan 5-introduced in House administrative regulations to administer sanctions for violations of both state and transporting miners in case of an Feb 6-to Local Government (H) the show cattle program. federal mine safety laws and establish emergency; amend KRS 352.170 to Feb 9-posted in committee HCA (1/Title, T. McKee) - Make title procedures to make reports to the U.S. require miners working underground Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st amendment. Mine Safety and Health Administrations during a shift to carry a gas detection reading, to Calendar for violations under KRS 351.193; allow device; amend KRS 352.220 to require Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Jan 5-introduced in House for the Mine Safety Review Commission at least one certified electrician be for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 6-to Agriculture and Small to adjudicate and hear appeals of employed on every working shift. Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 Business (H); posting waived violations of all mine safety laws; amend Feb 16-3rd reading, passed 97-0 Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st KRS 351.030 to permit spouses of HB 207 - AMENDMENTS Feb 20-received in Senate reading, to Calendar with Committee miners killed in accidents, miners injured HCS - Retain original provisions of HB Feb 22-to State & Local Government Substitute, committee amendment (1- in an accident, and miners significantly 207; delete state authority to issue (S) title) affected to be granted the right of full citations and levy fines and penalties for Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules intervention; amend KRS 351.070 to violations of federal mine safety laws; reading; returned to State & Local Feb 21-posted for passage in the allow a representative of a miner killed in permit intervention only in the penalty Government (S) Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, a coal mining accident to attend accident phase of an administrative hearing for Mar 8-taken from committee; 2nd February 22, 2007 interviews; require mine seal the executor or administrator of a reading; returned to State & Local Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 94-0 with construction plans be submitted to the deceased miner's estate or designee Government (S) Committee Substitute, committee department; amend KRS 351.090 to rather than the spouse of the deceased amendment (1-title) require six underground inspections miner; delete right to have a HB 202 (BR 928) - T. McKee, D. Pasley, Feb 26-received in Senate annually and require that at least two representative of a miner attend accident D. Osborne Feb 28-to Appropriations & Revenue inspections include an electrical interviews and close accident interviews; (S) inspection; amend KRS 351.1041 to require the Office of Mine Safety and AN ACT relating to agricultural allow the Mine Safety Review Licensing to appoint a full-time employee districts. HB 204 (BR 930) - K. Hall Commission to investigate unsafe to serve as a family liaison who is Amend KRS 262.850 to define working conditions, make the trained in grief counseling and mining; "Agricultural land," "Agriculture," Feb 7-WITHDRAWN commissioners full-time employees, and add unsafe working conditions to the "Horticulture," "Aquaculture," "Livestock," clarify that the commission and existing authority of the commissioner and "Poultry"; allow land of at least five HB 205/LM/CI (BR 908) - J. Jenkins employees working on its behalf have for levying civil fines and penalties; contiguous acres that is used for subpoena power; amend KRS 351.1055 require criminal background checks for agriculture to be included in an AN ACT relating to crimes and to require the commissioner to mine inspectors, mine safety analysts, agricultural district; make technical punishments. implement the recommendations of the electrical inspectors, and mine safety corrections. Create a new section of KRS Chapter mine equipment panel; amend KRS instructors; delete requirement to make 439 to require a prisoner being released 351.106 to require eight hours annual the commissioners of Mine Safety Jan 5-introduced in House on parole to give written consent to a training on changes in mine safety laws, Review Commission full-time Feb 6-to Agriculture and Small search by a probation and parole office technology, and ways to improve safe employees; delete requirement for the Business (H); posting waived or other peace officer, at any time of the practices for mine foremen; prohibit the commissioner to implement the Feb 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, day or night, with or without a search commissioner from granting certification recommendations of the Mine to Calendar warrant, and with or without cause; if to a miner whose certification was Equipment Review Panel; require the Feb 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted prisoner does not agree, work time, suspended or revoked by another state; panel to annually report to the executive for passage in the Regular Orders of the good time, and other credit is forfeited amend KRS 351.127 to require two director of the Office of Mine Safety and Day for Friday, February 9, 2007 on a day-for-day basis, and prisoner certified emergency medical technicians Licensing and the Interim Joint Feb 13-3rd reading, passed 96-0 remains in custody until signing or the to be on duty during a shift; amend KRS Committee on Agriculture and Natural Feb 14-received in Senate maximum release date is reached; 351.140 to provide for six underground Resources; require six hours of Feb 16-to Agriculture & Natural applies only to inmates to be released inspections and require that two of those additional training for mine foremen Resources (S) after the effective date of the statute. inspections include electrical effective January 1, 2009; permit the Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, inspections; amend KRS 351.175 to Mining Board to grant an equivalent to Consent Calendar Jan 5-introduced in House require a mine seal construction plan certification for a mining certification Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; Feb 6-to Judiciary (H) and roof control plan be submitted to the from out-of-state and to impose a recommitted to Appropriations & Feb 12-posted in committee commissioner when obtaining a license; probationary period for those miners Revenue (S) amend KRS 351.191 to require whose out of state certification had HB 206 (BR 354) - J. Jenkins, K. Stein, underground operators to have a mine expired; require two emergency medical HB 203 (BR 313) - T. McKee, J. Comer J. Gray rescue team within thirty minutes' driving technicians (EMT) or mine emergency Jr time and allow small operators to technicians (MET) to be employed on AN ACT relating to tipped employees. contract for mine rescue service; amend the shift engaged in production of coal AN ACT relating to show cattle, and Amend 337.275 to permit an employer KRS 351.193 to require the and at least one EMT or MET for making an appropriation therefor. to pay tipped employees 60 percent of commissioner be informed in the case nonproduction shifts; require at least one Amend KRS 246.250 to define the minimum hourly wage if the that a miner has exercised the right to EMT or MET to be underground when "registered cattle," "pen sale cattle," employer can establish that, when refuse under unsafe conditions; amend miners are underground; restore "market animals," and "AOB"; adding tips received to wages paid, the KRS 351.194 to require administrative requirement for an additional EMT or appropriate at least $8,500 each for amount equals not less than the regulations to be promulgated for MET for every 50 employees at the premiums and advertising expenditures minimum hourly wage rate. violations of both state and federal laws mine; delete provision that requires mine for 21 registered cattle breeds and other and that hearings be conducted in rescue teams be available within 30 categories; describe how AOBs are to HB 206 - AMENDMENTS accordance with KRS Chapter 13B and minutes and provisions for contracting be funded; appropriate at least $5,000 HCS - Delete original provision; KRS Chapter 351; amend KRS 351.990 for mine rescue; delete permissive each to the Kentucky Dairy Nationals amend KRS 337.275 to allow employers to add the penalty for violation of KRS provision for informing the commissioner Board and to the Kentucky Beef Expo to pay a minimum of 42 percent of the 351.193 from $250 to not more than of an unsafe working condition dispute; Board; describe the requirements for minimum wage to a tipped employee. $5,000; amend KRS 352.020 to require delete application of fines and penalties funding; require the department to 24-hour ventilation of mine workings if for unsafe working condition dispute; promulgate administrative regulations to Jan 5-introduced in House fans had not worked for eight hours prior require ventilation fans to be in operation carry out the provisions of the bill; Feb 6-to Labor and Industry (H) to the shift going underground; amend unless turned off for repairs and if APPROPRIATION. Feb 14-posted in committee KRS 352.030 to prohibit use of beltline stopped, then they must run for a period Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st for air intake; amend KRS 352.090 to of time to ensure equalization of air; HB 203 - AMENDMENTS reading, to Calendar with Committee require seal construction plans and restore use of beltline air and authority of HCS - Amend KRS 246.250 to define Substitute certification of those plans; amend KRS OMSL to permit use of beltline air; delete "registered cattle," "Pen sale cattle," Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules 352.133 to revise the intervals for self- requirement for mine seal construction "market animals," and "AOB"; establish Mar 1-posted for passage in the contained self-rescuers and to locate plan to be certified by mine premium and advertising levels, if funds Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, them in both the primary and secondary superintendent after inspection and are available, for registered show cattle March 2, 2007 escapeways; amend KRS 352.135 to certification by a licensed engineer; breeds and other categories; establish require that lifeline cords be constructed delete intervals for caches of self- funding levels, if funds are available, for HB 207 (BR 58) - B. Yonts, J. of fireproof materials; amend KRS contained self-rescuers and requirement the Kentucky Dairy Nationals Board and Crenshaw, C. Embry Jr, D. Graham, J. 352.145 to require preshift examinations for location in both primary and the Kentucky Beef Expo Board; establish Jenkins, D. Sims and preoperational examinations at secondary escapeways; delete requirement for intrinsically safe strobe bulletin to recommend best safety passage in the Regular Orders of the meetings with substitutes when needed; lights attached to caches; require 180 practices to prevent future accidents of Day for Monday, March 12; 3rd reading, amend KRS 161.011 to define days after the effective date that lifeline similar type; require the bulletin to be passed 36-0 with Committee "progressive discipline" as a process to cords be constructed of flame resistant sent to all certified miners employed at Substitute ; received in House; posted deal with job-related behavior that does rather than flameproof materials; require mines in Kentucky. for passage for concurrence in Senate not meet expected and communicated separate preshift examinations for HFA (9, K. Hall) - Require two mine Committee Substitute ; House concurred performance standards; establish due surface mining operations and emergency technicians (MET) or in Senate Committee Substitute ; passed process and hearing procedures for preoperational equipment checks; delete emergency medical technicians (EMT) at 96-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding classified employees notified that their requirement for mines to provide an underground mines of 50 or more officer; delivered to Governor contracts will not be renewed; require efficient means for transporting all employees and one MET or EMT for Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. the board policy to provide a process miners out of the mine in the case of an less than 50 employees. 94) that includes for verbal and written emergency; require the mine operator to HFA (10, K. Hall) - Require the warnings, public and private reprimands, provide an MSHA-approved multi-gas operator rather than the office to ensure HB 208 (BR 1001) - C. Rollins II, J. probation with a corrective action plan, detector to each group of underground coal miners know the retreat mining or Greer and suspensions with pay or without pay miners, miners working alone, and outby pillaring removal plan. of up to seven days prior to termination; miners; provide for training in use of the HFA (11, K. Hall) - Retain the six AN ACT relating to criminal establish due process procedures for an multi-gas detection device; delete 15- inspections but delete provisions background checks in public employee who has completed four years minute reporting requirements for other mandating the commissioner to conduct postsecondary education institutions. of continuous active service; establish a serious accidents; amend KRS 352.201 specific types of inspections. Amend KRS 164.281 to permit a process to require the commissioner of to require notification of OMSL of a SCS - Retain original provisions of HB public postsecondary education education to appoint a hearing officer retreat or mine pillaring operation and 207/GA; clarify that there are no more institution to exempt work study students upon request; establish the right of ensure use of the approved pillar than six inspections total of underground from criminal checks, except for those appeal to the Circuit Court in the county removal plan; qualify that the certified coal mines; require the mine seal work study students who would be where the school district is located; electrician shall be employed on the construction plan and the roof control working with or have unsupervised provide service credit for limited status working shift if electrical work is to be plan to be MSHA approved and filed with contact with persons who are under the employees on approved military leave performed at all underground mines and the state; permit the mine ventilation fan age of eighteen. and for reemployment or reinstatement surface mines operating draglines and to stop for no more than 15 minutes of an employee inducted into the Armed highwall miners; establish January 1, before evacuating the mine; allow Jan 5-introduced in House Forces of the United States. 2009, effective date for implementation miners to return to the mine if the Feb 6-to Education (H) of inspections; establish a January 1, stoppage of the fan is no longer than 15 Feb 9-posted in committee HB 210 - AMENDMENTS 2008, effective date for implementation minutes and the miners have not Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st HFA (1, D. Floyd) - Amend KRS of requirements on multi-gas detectors. reached the surface; allow area to be reading, to Calendar 157.3175 to require, beginning with the HFA (1, J. Gooch Jr) - Create a 60- pre-shifted prior to miners returning to Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules 2008-2009 school year, a school district day prohibition on attorneys contacting work on the section; allow multi-gas Feb 27-posted for passage in the to provide a preschool education victims of a mine disaster; set the detectors to be provided to miners in a Regular Orders of the Day for program for each child who is at risk of penalty for violation as a Class A group of two or more working in close Wednesday, February 28, 2007 educational failure and who is 4 years of misdemeanor. proximity, the foreman, fireboss, and Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 93-0; age by August 1, rather than October 1; HFA (2, B. Yonts) - Retain original anyone working alone and one gas received in Senate amend KRS 157.226 to establish, provisions of HB 207/HCS; require detector is made available at the face of Mar 5-to Judiciary (S) beginning with the 2008-2009 school ventilation fans to be in continuous use the mine for any miner to use working on Mar 8-taken from committee; 1st year, that a child with a disability shall be while miners are underground; require the section; require transportation of all reading; returned to Judiciary (S) eligible for a free and appropriate seals to be certified by the mine injured workers from the mine; require Mar 9-taken from committee; 2nd preschool education if he or she is 3 or 4 superintendent after inspection and electrical work to be performed by a reading; returned to Judiciary (S) years of age, or who may become 5 certification by a licensed engineer; certified electrician; require the secretary years of age after August 1, rather than prohibit use of beltline air for ventilation; of the Environmental and Public HB 209/LM (BR 230) - D. Ford, R. October 1; amend KRS 158.030 to require an efficient way of transporting Protection Cabinet to hire not more than Mobley permit, beginning with the 2008-2009 miners out of the mine after an accident 15 mine analysts if funds are available; school year, any child to enter the or emergency; require that all miners require the commissioner for natural AN ACT relating to employment primary program if he or she is 5 years working underground on a shift be resources to study the efficacy of verification and eligibility. old or may become 5 years old by supplied with a multi-gas detection utilizing risk-based assessment for Amend KRS 18A.110 to require the August 1, rather than October 1. device approved by MSHA; require at determining the number of inspections at secretary to promulgate administrative HFA (2/Title, D. Floyd) - Make title least one electrician to be working when mines. regulations for the registration and amendment. miners are on a shift for all underground participation in a federal work HFA (3, F. Rasche) - Require the mines and surface mines operating Jan 5-introduced in House authorization program operated by the school district to be responsible for the draglines and highwalls. Feb 6-to Natural Resources and United States Department of Homeland costs of the hearing officer and the HFA (3, R. Webb) - Require that Environment (H) Security to verify employment eligibility administrative hearing; make technical MSHA approve multi-gas detection Feb 21-posting waived of all classified employees; define corrections. devices be available to each miner in a Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st "federal work authorization program"; group of miners that are on a shift reading, to Calendar with Committee amend KRS 18A.095 and 18A.355 to Jan 5-introduced in House underground. Substitute conform; amend KRS 45A.480 and Feb 6-to Education (H) HFA (4, R. Webb) - Delete the word Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules 176.085 to require contractors and Feb 9-posted in committee "additionally" from electrical inspection Feb 26-floor amendment (1) filed to subcontractors awarded public contracts Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st requirements and requires adequate Committee Substitute to verify employment eligibility of all reading, to Calendar transportation of miners out of the mine Mar 1-posted for passage in the employees by registering and Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules in the event of an accident or other Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, participating in a federal work Feb 15-posted for passage in the emergency. March 2, 2007 authorization program; provide that Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, HFA (5, R. Webb) - Require mine Mar 2-floor amendment (2) filed to failure to comply results in a fine of February 16, 2007 ventilation fans to run continuously and Committee Substitute $4,000, cancellation of contracts and Feb 20-floor amendments (1) (2-title) require mine seals to be constructed in Mar 5-floor amendments (3) (4) (5) disqualification of contract eligibility for 5 and (3) filed accordance with a mine seal and (6) filed to Committee Substitute years; and define "federal work Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 94-1 with construction plan that is certified in Mar 6-floor amendments (7) (8) (9) authorization program." floor amendment (3) writing by the mine foreman or mine (10) and (11) filed to Committee Feb 26-received in Senate superintendent. Substitute ; 3rd reading, passed 100-0 Jan 5-introduced in House Feb 28-to Education (S) HFA (6, R. Webb) - Require that at with Committee Substitute, floor Feb 6-to State Government (H) least one certified electrician be on duty amendments (3) (4) (5) and (6) HB 211/LM (BR 89) - J. Fischer, M. on every working shift at all underground Mar 7-received in Senate HB 210/AA (BR 817) - J. Gray, J. Harmon, M. Rader, A. Wuchner mines and surface mines operating Mar 8-to Agriculture & Natural Vincent, D. Butler, M. Cherry, T. Couch, draglines and highwall miners. Resources (S); taken from committee; C. Embry Jr, D. Graham, R. Nelson, C. AN ACT relating to licenses to carry HFA (7, K. Hall) - Delete the authority 1st reading; returned to Agriculture & Rollins II, J. Stewart III concealed deadly weapons. of OMSL to subpoena witnesses in Natural Resources (S) Amend KRS 237.110, relating to investigations of unsafe working Mar 9-taken from committee; 2nd AN ACT relating to classified licenses to carry concealed deadly conditions when no accident or injury reading; returned to Agriculture & employee's benefits. weapons, to provide for an optional has occurred. Natural Resources (S) Amend KRS 158.070 to permit public lifetime license at an additional fee which HFA (8, K. Hall) - Require OMSL to Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules school employees other than teachers to is valid until the licensee dies or the use the fatality report to create a safety with Committee Substitute ; posted for participate in statewide professional license is suspended or revoked. AN ACT relating to waiver of tuition Kentucky Vehicle Enforcement, school amendment (1) filed to Committee Jan 5-introduced in House fees for spouses and dependents of security officers, Department of Alcoholic Substitute Feb 6-to Judiciary (H) veterans. Beverage control, Division of Insurance Feb 21-posted for passage in the Amend KRS 164.505 to require a Fraud, county detectives, Department of Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, HB 212/FN (BR 815) - D. Graham state-supported university, junior Fish and Wildlife, Attorney General, February 22, 2007; floor amendment (2) college, or vocational institution which Department of Parks, police, Department filed to Committee Substitute AN ACT relating to a state employee collected tuition fees from an eligible of Agriculture; retain appeals in the local Feb 23-3rd reading; Committee sick leave bank. dependent of a deceased veteran to circuit court rather than move appeals to Substitute adopted; floor amendments Amend KRS 18A.196 to define terms; reimburse the dependent the total Franklin Circuit Court; delete (1) and (2) adopted ; returned to the create new sections of KRS Chapter amount of tuition fees paid if a request amendment of KRS 15.520 relating to Orders of the Day 18A to create a state employee Sick for reimbursement is made within eight complaints against police officers; add Feb 27-floor amendment (3) filed to Leave Bank; attach the bank to the years of the date the last fee was paid; amendment of KRS 95A.250 to increase Committee Substitute Personnel Cabinet; provide that 100 amend KRS 164.507 and 164.515 to the Firefighters Salary Supplement to Mar 5-floor amendment (4) filed to state employees that meet the conform. $3,100; add amendment of KRS 42.190 Committee Substitute guidelines must petition the secretary of and 95A.220 relating to moneys in the the Personnel Cabinet for the program to HB 213 - AMENDMENTS KLEPF fund and Firefighters fund to HB 215 (BR 9) - R. Adams become operational; establish the board HFA (1, E. Ballard) - Amend KRS conform. of trustees, which shall govern the bank; 164.5161 to include members of a HCA (1, K. Stein) - Make title AN ACT relating to motor vehicle establish the guidelines of the Sick Reserve Component with Kentucky as amendment. special license plates. Leave Bank Program; amend KRS their home of record in the Tuition Award HFA (1, S. Riggs) - Clarify that both Amend KRS 186.164 to permit the 18A.025 to attach the Sick Leave Bank Program. the Firefighters Foundation Program reissuance of a special license plate for to the Division of Employee Benefits HFA (2/Title, E. Ballard) - Make title fund and the Law Enforcement use on another vehicle leased or within the Personnel Cabinet. amendment. Foundation program funds are both trust acquired by the licensee during the and agency accounts and that the funds current registration period upon payment HB 212 - AMENDMENTS Jan 5-introduced in House in each account, regardless of the of the $3 clerk fee; require an owner or HCS/FN - Retain original provisions of Feb 6-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and source, shall not lapse at the end of any lessee who has a special license plate the bill, except amend Section 2 to Public Safety (H) fiscal year. reissued for a vehicle previously increase the number of petitioning state Feb 7-posted in committee HFA (2, S. Riggs) - Retain most registered in this state to return the employees to the secretary for the Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st original provisions, except amend regular license plate being replaced to program to become operational from 100 reading, to Calendar 15.440, relating to the Kentucky Law the county clerk. to 150; change the composition of the Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules Enforcement Foundation Fund Program, board of trustees; amend Section 3 to Feb 26-posted for passage in the to include the police officers bill of rights; Jan 5-introduced in House increase the minimum number of Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, KRS 15.520, in references, to delete Feb 6-to Transportation (H) accrued days necessary for an February 27, 2007 reference to Kentucky State Police Feb 8-posted in committee employee to be eligible to participate in Feb 28-floor amendments (1) and (2- participation in KLEPF fund; add Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st the program from six to eight days; limit title) filed reference to Kentucky Horse Park reading, to Calendar open enrollment for the program to take Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with mounted patrol officers in KLEPF fund; Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules place during the months of August and floor amendments (1) and (2-title) amend bill to insert KRS 15.520, relating Feb 15-posted for passage in the September; amend Section 4 to clarify Mar 2-received in Senate to complaints against police officers, Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, that employees receiving benefit from Mar 5-to Appropriations & Revenue also known as the police officers bill of February 16, 2007 the bank shall be deemed to retain all (S) rights, to extend the provisions of the Feb 16-3rd reading, passed 98-0 rights and benefits as other employees; section to all peace officers receiving Feb 20-received in Senate create a new Section 5 to require the HB 214/LM (BR 837) - S. Riggs, C. KLEPF funds and not just local officers. Feb 22-to Transportation (S) secretary to provide information on the Hoffman, D. Horlander, R. Nelson, F. HFA (3, S. Riggs) - Retain most Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st Sick Leave Bank program on the Nesler, J. Vincent, R. Webb original provisions, except amend KRS reading; returned to Transportation (S) Personnel Cabinet's Web site to inform 15.440 relating to Kentucky Law Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd state employees about the new program. AN ACT relating to law enforcement. Enforcement Foundation Program funds reading; returned to Transportation (S) HFA (1, D. Graham) - Amend Section Amend various sections of KRS to include Kentucky Horse Park mounted Mar 7-reported favorably, to Rules as 3 to increase the minimum balance Chapter 15 to include Kentucky Vehicle police officers and delete reference to a Consent Bill within the Sick Leave Bank to 150 days; Enforcement officers and designated Kentucky State Police participation; Mar 8-posted for passage in the amend Section 3 and KRS 61.546 to officers employed by the Kentucky State amend to insert KRS 15.520, relating to Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, provide that upon retirement any Police to the list of police officers eligible complaints against police officers, also March 8; 3rd reading, passed 38-0 member of the Kentucky Employees for the Law Enforcement Foundation known as the police officers bill of rights, Mar 9-received in House; enrolled, Retirement System may designate Program fund; amend various other to extend provisions to all police officers signed by each presiding officer; excess accumulated sick leave be sections to conform; amend KRS 15.430 receiving KLEFP funds and not just local delivered to Governor transferred into the Sick Leave Bank; to delete the provision for appropriations officers; amend to delay implementation Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. make conforming amendments. to the Law Enforcement Foundation of KLEFP fund payments to newly added 40) Program fund from the general fund of entities until July 1, 2008; make Jan 5-introduced in House the Commonwealth of Kentucky and technical corrections. HB 216 (BR 926) - R. Webb, T. Turner Feb 6-to State Government (H) prohibit moneys in the fund from lapsing; HFA (4, S. Riggs) - Retain original Feb 13-posted in committee amend KRS 15.450 to permit the provisions; amend KRS 15.420 to more AN ACT relating to fish and wildlife Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st secretary of the Justice Cabinet to clearly describe officers that meet the resources. reading, to Calendar with Committee withhold or terminate payments to any definition of "police officer" and to Create a new section of KRS Chapter Substitute police officer that does not comply with include additional police officers effective 150 to allow for the issuance of Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted the requirements of eligibility of the fund; January 1, 2009 if the General Assembly cooperator permits; amend KRS for passage in the Regular Orders of the amend KRS 15.460 to increase the determines that sufficient funds are 150.177 to delete reference to Day for Tuesday, February 20, 2007; annual amount paid to a unit of available; amend KRS 15.430 to provide cooperator permits. floor amendment (1) filed to Committee government from the fund for each that additional police officers will be Substitute eligible officer from $2750 to $3100 and added to the fund if the General HB 216 - AMENDMENTS Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 93-4 with delete the provision for an additional Assembly determines that sufficient SFA (1, R. Stivers II) - Attach Committee Substitute, floor amendment $3000 annual supplement; amend KRS resources are available; clarify language provisions of SB 48 to HB 216/GA. (1) 15.510 to require appeals for the regarding money included in the Feb 21-received in Senate withholding or termination of payment Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Jan 5-introduced in House Feb 23-to State & Local Government from the fund to be taken to Franklin fund and the Kentucky Firefighters Feb 6-to Natural Resources and (S) Circuit Court; amend KRS 15.520 to Foundation fund; make technical Environment (H) clarify that its provisions apply corrections; amend KRS 15.520 to Feb 12-posted in committee HB 213 (BR 970) - C. Miller, C. Siler, R. exclusively to local police officers. conform. Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st Adkins, L. Belcher, S. Brinkman, D. reading, to Calendar Butler, L. Clark, H. Collins, L. Combs, J. HB 214 - AMENDMENTS Jan 5-introduced in House Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules Glenn, J. Gray, M. Henley, C. Hoffman, HCS/LM - Retain most Kentucky Law Feb 6-to Judiciary (H) Feb 21-posted for passage in the D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. McKee, R. Enforcement Foundation Program Fund Feb 12-posted in committee Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Meeks, T. Moore, R. Nelson, C. Rollins (KLEPF) provisions; delete Kentucky Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st February 22, 2007 II, A. Simpson, D. Sims, J. Tilley, D. State Police from bill; add the following reading, to Calendar with Committee Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 88-1; Watkins agencies' law enforcement officers and Substitute, committee amendment (1) received in Senate investigators to the KLEPF program Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; floor Mar 5-to Agriculture & Natural Resources (S) determination of comparable worth and the Kentucky Tuition Grant Program. (S) Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, provide rebuttable presumption of HFA (4, R. Wilkey) - Restore Northern to Calendar; floor amendment (1) filed correctness of the determination. Kentucky University, University of HB 3 (BR 835) - D. Owens, R. Wilkey, J. Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules HFA (5, B. Montell) - Amend to add Kentucky, and University of Louisville Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, L. Belcher, J. Bell, Mar 12-posted for passage in the "effort," "experience," and "education" as capital projects vetoed by the governor. T. Burch, L. Clark, L. Combs, J. Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, factors to be considered in comparable HFA (5, T. Couch) - Change the titles Crenshaw, T. Edmonds, T. Firkins, D. March 12; taken from the Regular worth determination. and descriptions of two capital projects. Graham, J. Greer, K. Hall, R. Orders of the Day; returned to HFA (6/LM/CI/P, J. DeCesare) - HFA (6, H. Moberly Jr) - Delete the Henderson, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, J. Agriculture & Natural Resources (S) Attach the right-to-work provisions of HB requirement that an independent college Jenkins, D. Keene, Ji. Lee, M. Marzian, Mar 27-reported favorably, to Rules as 328. or university be accredited by the T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. a Consent Bill; posted for passage in the HFA (7/Title, J. DeCesare) - Make title Southern Association of Colleges and Moberly Jr, R. Nelson, R. Palumbo, D. Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, amendment. Schools in order for a student to be Pasley, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. March 27, 2007; 3rd reading; floor eligible for a grant under the Kentucky Richards, C. Rollins II, A. Simpson, A. amendment (1) withdrawn ; passed 36- Jan 5-introduced in House Tuition Grant Program. Smith, K. Stein, T. Thompson, J. Tilley, 0; received in House; enrolled, signed by Feb 6-to Labor and Industry (H); D. Watkins, J. Wayne, R. Webb, R. each presiding officer; delivered to posting waived Feb 6-introduced in House; to Weston, S. Westrom, B. Yonts Governor Feb 12-posted in committee Appropriations and Revenue (H); posting Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st waived AN ACT proposing to amend Section 110) reading, to Calendar Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st 77 of the Constitution of Kentucky, Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted reading, to Calendar relating to the Governor's power to remit HB 217/CI (BR 487) - D. Osborne, D. for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; fines and forfeitures and grant reprieves Floyd, S. Baugh, R. Crimm Day for Tuesday, February 20, 2007; recommitted to Appropriations & and pardons. floor amendments (1) (2) (3) (4) and (5) Revenue (H) Propose to amend the Constitution of AN ACT relating to crimes and filed Feb 20-reported favorably, to Rules Kentucky to prohibit the governor from punishments. Mar 8-floor amendments (6) and (7- with Committee Substitute being allowed to pardon himself; require Amend KRS 514.040 to include within title) filed Feb 21-posted for passage in the that an individual who has been changed the crime of theft by deception the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, with, convicted of, or adjudged liable for writing of a bad check for rent, for Introduced Feb. 6, 2007 February 22, 2007; floor amendments an offense apply to the governor for a auction goods, and for use as a deposit (2) and (3) filed to Committee Substitute, reprieve, pardon, commutation, or in real estate purchase. HB 1 (BR 436) - J. Richards, H. Moberly floor amendment (1) filed remission; require that anyone Jr, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, L. Feb 22-floor amendments (4) and (5) submitting an application must provide Jan 5-introduced in House Belcher, J. Bell, L. Clark, H. Collins, L. filed to Committee Substitute written notice accepting or rejecting the Feb 6-to Judiciary (H) Combs, J. Crenshaw, M. Denham, T. Feb 27-floor amendment (6) filed to granted relief; submit to voters for Edmonds, T. Firkins, J. Gooch Jr, D. Committee Substitute ratification or rejection; provide ballot HB 218 (BR 486) - D. Osborne, D. Graham, K. Hall, R. Henderson, C. Feb 28-3rd reading, passed 94-5 with language. Floyd, M. Dossett, A. Wuchner Hoffman, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian, T. Committee Substitute, floor amendment McKee, C. Miller, R. Nelson, R. (6) Feb 6-introduced in House; posting AN ACT relating to sales and use tax. Palumbo, T. Pullin, R. Rand, S. Riggs, T. Mar 1-received in Senate waived; to Judiciary (H) Amend KRS 139.480 to exempt from Riner, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, K. Mar 5-to Appropriations & Revenue Feb 7-reassigned to Elections, Const. sales and use tax the sale of feed, seed, Stein, T. Thompson, J. Tilley, D. (S) Amendments & Intergovernmental commercial fertilizer, farm machinery Watkins, J. Wayne, R. Webb, S. Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st Affairs (H); posting waived; posted in and repair parts, fuel, water, and on-farm Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts reading; returned to Appropriations & committee facilities to persons engaged in raising Revenue (S) Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st equine as a business; amend KRS AN ACT relating to appropriations and Mar 8-taken from committee; 2nd reading, to Calendar 139.470 to conform; EFFECTIVE July 1, other measures line-item vetoed by the reading; returned to Appropriations & Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted 2007. Governor at the 2006 Regular Session, Revenue (S) for passage in the Regular Orders of the and declaring an emergency. Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 Jan 5-introduced in House Amend 2006 Kentucky Acts Chapter HB 2 (BR 1106) - J. Richards, R. Feb 15-3rd reading, passed 71-26 Feb 6-to Appropriations and Revenue 252 to reinstate those appropriations Adams, J. Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, L. Feb 16-received in Senate (H) and measures struck from 2006 RS HB Belcher, J. Bell, T. Burch, L. Combs, J. Feb 21-to State & Local Government 380 by gubernatorial vetoes 1 to 4, 6 to Crenshaw, M. Denham, J. Draud, T. (S) HB 219/LM (BR 1009) - J. Jenkins, J. 7, 10 to 13, 15 to 17, 19 to 24, and 28 to Edmonds, T. Firkins, J. Glenn, J. Gooch Glenn, R. Adkins, C. Belcher, L. Belcher, 30 and from 2006 RS HB 557 by Jr, J. Greer, R. Henderson, C. Hoffman, HB 4 (BR 1029) - M. Marzian, R. Webb, T. Burch, L. Clark, L. Combs, T. Firkins, gubernatorial veto 1; amend 2006 J. Jenkins, Ji. Lee, M. Marzian, T. J. Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, C. Belcher, L. D. Graham, J. Gray, J. Greer, C. Kentucky Acts Chapter 250 to reinstate McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly Belcher, J. Bell, T. Burch, L. Clark, L. Hoffman, D. Horlander, Ji. Lee, M. appropriation measure struck from 2006 Jr, R. Nelson, D. Owens, R. Palumbo, D. Combs, J. Crenshaw, T. Edmonds, T. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, RS HB 382 by gubernatorial veto 1; Pasley, T. Pullin, R. Rand, F. Rasche, S. Firkins, J. Glenn, D. Graham, J. Greer, R. Nelson, D. Owens, R. Palumbo, J. EMERGENCY. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Rollins II, K. Stein, T. K. Hall, R. Henderson, C. Hoffman, J. Richards, T. Riner, C. Rollins II, D. Sims, Thompson, J. Tilley, D. Watkins, J. Jenkins, D. Keene, Ji. Lee, T. McKee, R. A. Smith, K. Stein, T. Thompson, J. HB 1 - AMENDMENTS Wayne, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly Jr, R. Tilley, R. Webb, R. Weston, S. Westrom, HCS - Retain original provisions; Wilkey, B. Yonts Nelson, D. Owens, R. Palumbo, D. R. Wilkey restore provisions struck from 2006 RS Pasley, R. Rand, J. Richards, S. Riggs, HB 380 by gubernatorial veto 9 and AN ACT relating to the Kentucky T. Riner, A. Simpson, D. Sims, K. Stein, AN ACT relating to wage 2006 RS HB 557 by gubernatorial veto educator award and recognition fund. T. Thompson, J. Tilley, D. Watkins, J. discrimination. 2; delete the restoration of 2006 RS HB Create a new section of KRS Chapter Wayne, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts Amend KRS 337.423 to prohibit sex- 380 veto 13; amend language struck 156 to establish the Kentucky educator based wage discrimination on jobs of from 2006 RS HB 380 by gubernatorial award and recognition fund to provide AN ACT relating to boards and comparable worth; define "comparable veto 16; delete some university capital matching funds for schools that have commissions. worth" as the value of work based on projects; include language that would state and national award winning Amend KRS 12.070 to allow the skill, effort, and responsibility; prevent coal severance projects from educators who received cash awards or Governor, when appointments to boards EFFECTIVE July 1, 2008. receiving duplicative funding. an equivalent benefit; require the and commissions are made from lists HFA (1, R. Nelson) - Amend to Kentucky Department of Education to submitted to him, to appoint a male or HB 219 - AMENDMENTS redistribute coal severance funds within administer the fund. female so as to achieve as much gender HFA (1, J. DeCesare) - Amend to Bell County. equity as possible. prohibit wage discrimination based on HFA (2, R. Nelson) - Amend to Feb 6-introduced in House; posting race or national origin. redistribute coal severance funds within waived; to Education (H) Feb 6-introduced in House; posting HFA (2, S. Brinkman) - Amend to Bell County. Feb 8-posted in committee waived; to Labor and Industry (H) permit binding arbitration on disputes HFA (3, R. Crimm) - Retain original Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st Feb 13-reassigned to State relating to sex-based wage provisions, except require an reading, to Calendar Government (H) discrimination. independent college or university to be Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 14-posting waived HFA (3, S. Brinkman) - Amend to accredited by a regional accrediting for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st provide that comparable worth shall be association rather than by the Southern Day for Thursday, February 22, 2007 reading, to Calendar determined solely by the employer. Association of Colleges and Schools for Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 97-0 Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted HFA (4, S. Brinkman) - Amend to a student to be eligible for a grant under Feb 26-received in Senate for passage in the Regular Orders of the provide that employer shall make Feb 28-to Appropriations & Revenue Day for Tuesday, February 20, 2007 Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 95-3 provide new definitions for "alternative obligated; require the Kentucky Board of course with the KVHS if the school does Feb 21-received in Senate fuel facility" and "renewable energy Education (KBE) to promulgate not offer it; require KDE to pay for the Feb 23-to State & Local Government facility", amend various sections to administrative regulations; require the cost of AP and IB examinations for (S) incorporate new definitions, and make Kentucky Department of Education public school students, as soon as funds technical changes. (KDE) to administer the fund, develop are available; establish that all middle HB 5/FN (BR 423) - R. Adkins, T. Pullin, HCA (1/Title, H. Moberly Jr) - Make the application and approval process for school students shall have access to a R. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, L. title amendment. the energy technology career track rigorous curriculum; require each middle Belcher, J. Bell, T. Burch, L. Clark, H. HFA (1, R. Adkins) - Create a new program, approve grant recipients, and school to establish a policy on the Collins, L. Combs, J. Comer Jr, T. section of KRS Chapter 45A to distribute funds; require KDE to pay the recruitment and assignment of students Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Damron, M. encourage the Finance and fees, expenses, and stipends for to secondary work and require them to Denham, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, T. Administration Cabinet to use advanced science and mathematics make secondary courses available to Firkins, D. Floyd, D. Ford, J. Glenn, J. Leadership in Energy Environmental summer institutes for teachers; set forth students; amend KRS 164.002 to modify Gooch Jr, D. Graham, J. Gray, J. Greer, Design to promote design, construction, the criteria to be taken into account for the definition of "Advanced Placement" K. Hall, R. Henderson, C. Hoffman, J. and operation of high-performance determining the amounts to be or "AP" and define "International Hoover, D. Keene, Ji. Lee, T. McKee, R. energy efficient buildings; encourage distributed to high schools; establish Baccalaureate"; amend KRS 164.098 to Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly Jr, R. state agencies to review utility usage permissible uses of funds distributed to delete obsolete date references; amend Nelson, F. Nesler, D. Owens, R. and implement Energy Savings support advanced science and KRS 164.525 to require the Center for Palumbo, D. Pasley, J. Richards, S. Performance Contracts where mathematics courses; require high Mathematics to advise KDE and KBE Riggs, T. Riner, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. appropriate; make technical changes. schools receiving funds to provide regarding the Middle School Smith, B. Smith, B. Spencer, J. Stacy, T. SCS - Create a new section of KRS assurances that all teachers will Mathematics and Science Scholars Thompson, J. Tilley, J. Vincent, D. Chapter 45A to encourage the Finance participate in summer institutes, and all Program; amend KRS 164.7874 to Watkins, R. Webb, R. Weston, S. and Administration Cabinet to develop a students completing AP and conform; amend KRS 164.7879 to Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts strategy to utilize the LEED system in International Baccalaureate (IB) courses provide a supplemental Kentucky new construction designs for proposed will take the related examinations; Educational Excellence Scholarship AN ACT relating to energy state facilities, to encourage the use of require KBE to establish long-term and (KEES) award to students who are independence. energy savings performance contracts annual statewide goals; require KDE to eligible for free or reduced-price lunch Create a new section of KRS Chapter for existing facilities, and to encourage develop and implement a program based on AP or IB examination scores; 45A to encourage the Finance and the use of ENERGY STAR products; evaluation framework; require KDE to amend KRS 164.7881 to eliminate Administration Cabinet to develop a direct the Finance and Administration submit an annual report to LRC by retroactively the three-year limit on the strategy to utilize the ENERGY STAR Cabinet to develop a strategy to replace December 1; create a new section of extension of eligibility for a KEES award system in new construction designs for state-owned passenger vehicles and KRS Chapter 158 to require KDE to for a student who was unable to enroll or proposed state facilities and measure light trucks with alternative fuel vehicles; establish the Middle School Mathematics complete an academic term due to the energy efficiency of existing facilities; require the cabinet to report to the and Science Scholars Program; require military service; amend KRS 164.7885 to direct the Finance and Administration Legislative Research Commission on or the program to offer two-year renewable require a school to submit AP and IB Cabinet to develop a strategy to replace before December 31, 2007; amend KRS grants to middle schools to support scores to the Kentucky Higher Education state-owned passenger vehicles and 141.0405 to allow an alternative fuel intensive, accelerated student learning in Assistance Authority, unless the light trucks with alternative fuel vehicles; facility to qualify for the coal incentive tax mathematics and science; require that authority receives the scores directly require the Cabinet to report to the credit for tax periods beginning after program offerings be provided at no cost from the testing service; require a school Legislative Research Commission on or December 31, 2008, and ending before to students; set forth activities that may to report a student's eligibility status for before December 31, 2007; create new January 1, 2021; increase the coal be supported by the program; require free or reduced-price lunch; require sections of KRS Chapter 139 to create incentive tax credit cap for biodiesel; that grant applications ensure that qualifying AP and IB scores to be an exemption for tangible personal create new sections of KRS Chapter 353 participants have the requisite skills and included in the calculation of KEES property used in the construction, repair, to create the Kentucky Energy will receive ongoing, relevant awards; create a new section of KRS renovation, or upgrade of an "alternative Development Authority and to outline professional development; require the Chapter 161 to require the Education fuel or renewable energy facility"; authority's responsibilities including the program to focus attention on attracting Professional Standards Board to authorize a sales and use tax refund for awarding of incentives; create new members of subpopulations with develop a training program for school machinery and equipment purchased by sections of subchapter 27 of KRS academic achievement gaps to personnel to become online coaches to a manufacturer for an "energy efficiency Chapter 154 to provide incentives for participate; amend KRS 156.160 to provide support to students enrolled in project", define terms; require prior alternative fuel facilities and renewable require KBE to promulgate the KVHS; require, by July 1, 2009, at approval from the Department of energy facilities; provide that state funds administrative regulations to require least one person in each middle and Revenue; provide that approvals cannot may be expended for preliminary courses of study or educational high school to have successfully be granted before July 1, 2008; require environmental and baseline experiences in all middle and high completed the online coaches training; reporting to the Department of Revenue, assessments, inventories, and other schools to fulfill the prerequisites for create a new section of KRS Chapter and the department to report to LRC; activities on or for potential sites for advanced science and mathematics 157 to require local school districts, amend KRS 141.0405 to allow an alternative fuel facilities or renewable courses; amend KRS 156.553 to permit under certain conditions, to provide a alternative fuel or renewable energy energy facilities; create a new section of the teacher's professional growth fund to salary supplement to teachers of facility to qualify for the coal incentive tax KRS Chapter 158 to define "advanced be used to provide professional chemistry, physics, or mathematics and credit for tax periods beginning after science and mathematics"; create a new development for teachers participating in to teachers of chemistry, physics, or December 31, 2008 and ending before section of KRS Chapter 158 to establish the Middle School Mathematics and mathematics employed in schools with a January 1, 2021; amend KRS 154.22- the science and mathematics Science Scholars Program; amend KRS high concentration of students eligible 010, 154.23-010, and 154.28-010 to advancement fund to provide incentives 156.555 to require the Center for Middle for free or reduced-lunch; require the allow an alternative fuel or renewable for elementary, middle, and high schools School Academic Achievement to assist Education Professional Standards Board energy facility to qualify for various to expand student access to rigorous Middle School Mathematics and Science to promulgate administrative regulations. economic development incentives for tax curricula in science and mathematics; Scholars Program grant recipients with SCA (1/P, C. Borders) - Create a new years beginning after December 31, establish that funds shall be used to professional development; amend KRS section of KRS Chapter 164 to create 2008; creates a new section of KRS provide payments for teachers to attend 158.007 to modify the definition of the Academy of Mathematics and Chapter 152 to direct the Office of summer institutes in advanced science "Advanced Placement" or "AP" and Science at Western Kentucky University; Energy Policy to develop a list of and mathematics, support for high "core curriculum"; amend KRS 158.622 describe purposes and long-term goals; potential sites suitable for development schools for advanced science and to delete obsolete date references; require advisory board be established; of alternative fuel or renewable energy mathematics courses in high schools, amend KRS 158.6453 to require define role of Western Kentucky facilities; provide that state funds may be grants to middle schools to support reporting on AP and IB participation and University; require academy students to expended for preliminary environmental accelerated student learning in science test scores on school report cards; participate in the state accountability and baseline assessments, inventories, and mathematics, professional amend KRS 160.348 to require KDE to testing program and have scores and other activities on or for potential development for elementary school make available to middle and high reported to home high schools; sites. teachers, scholarships to public high schools information regarding the recognize WKU faculty as certified to school students to take Advanced prerequisites for success in secondary, teach secondary students in the HB 5 - AMENDMENTS Placement (AP) science and AP, and IB courses; require KDE to academy; amend KRS 157.360 to HCS (1) - Retain original provisions; mathematics courses through the provide instructional supports to identify how SEEK funds will be used in remove requirement that alternative fuel Kentucky Virtual High School (KVHS), teachers, including professional support of students at the academy; or renewable energy facility be new; and grants to school districts for an development for assisting students amend KRS 158.140 to authorize the include operators of alternative fuel or energy technology career track; enrolled in the KVHS; require that all academy to award diploma and local renewable energy facilities in sales tax establish that the fund may receive students with prerequisite courses shall school districts to award a joint diploma; exemption. funds from public and private sources; be admitted to AP, IB, dual credit, or amend KRS 164.002 definitions; amend HCS (2/FN) - Retain the original require funds to be distributed only after dual enrollment courses; require a KRS 164.7874 to ensure that academy provisions, create a new section to all other available funds have been school to permit a student to enroll in a students qualify to earn KEES awards; identify that the first students will be AN ACT creating the Kentucky Family prohibit delegation of decision-making amend KRS 186.560 to conform. enrolled with the 2007-2008 academic Trust Program. authority by secretary of the Finance and year. Create various new sections of KRS Administration Cabinet, except Feb 6-introduced in House SCA (2, C. Borders) - Amend KRS Chapter 194A to establish a Kentucky institutions of higher education that have Feb 7-to Education (H) 45A.345, relating to energy savings Family Trust Program allowing a board elected to implement procurement performance contracting in schools, to to establish and operate a trust program procedures in accordance with statutory HB 222 (BR 904) - R. Nelson, J. Bell, T. include training programs in the to manage funds placed in the trust for authority; delete requirement for annual Couch, C. Embry Jr, C. Rollins II, J. definition of "energy conservation the benefit of person's with special reports; and delineate powers of the Stewart III measure." health care needs, where the funds committee; specify that competitive bids SCA (3/Title, C. Borders) - Make title provided by the trust to the beneficiary may not be required for authorized AN ACT relating to the school work amendment. act as a supplement to state provided contracts with risk-bearing organizations day. CCR - Cannot agree. assistance for certain designated responsible for Medicaid managed Create a new section of KRS Chapter expenses. health care services. 158 to define the teacher work day; Feb 6-introduced in House; to Natural specify when additional compensation is Resources and Environment (H); posting Feb 6-introduced in House; to Feb 6-introduced in House; to State due a teacher who works beyond the waived Appropriations and Revenue (H) Government (H) regular teacher work day; amend KRS Feb 7-reassigned to Tourism Feb 8-posted in committee Feb 13-posted in committee 158.070 to change the minimum school Development and Energy (H); posting Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st term to 187 days, rather than 185. waived reading, to Calendar reading, to Calendar Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 6-introduced in House to Calendar with Committee Substitute for passage in the Regular Orders of the for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 7-to Education (H) Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules; Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 Day for Tuesday, February 20, 2007 recommitted to Appropriations & Feb 16-3rd reading, passed 98-0 Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 98-0 HB 223/LM/AA (BR 1134) - R. Nelson Revenue (H) Feb 20-received in Senate Feb 21-received in Senate Feb 12-posting waived Feb 22-to Appropriations & Revenue Feb 23-to Appropriations & Revenue AN ACT relating to retirement. Feb 13-reported favorably, to Rules (S) (S) Amend KRS 61.510 to extend the with Committee Substitute (2), high-three final compensation window committee amendment (1-title) HB 8 (BR 1084) - B. Yonts, J. Arnold Jr, HB 10 (BR 1061) - R. Nelson set to expire January 1, 2009, to January Feb 14-posted for passage in the L. Belcher, H. Collins, T. Edmonds, J. 1, 2012, for those state employees Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Glenn, R. Henderson, C. Hoffman, D. AN ACT relating to health benefits eligible to receive a benefit based upon February 15, 2007 Keene, T. McKee, R. Meeks, R. Nelson, provided by state universities and high-three final compensation as of Feb 15-floor amendment (1) filed to F. Nesler, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. colleges. January 1, 2009; amend KRS 61.595 to Committee Substitute (2) Pullin, R. Rand, J. Richards, A. Smith, J. Create a new section of KRS Chapter extend the 2.2 percent benefit factor Feb 16-3rd reading, passed 97-1 with Stacy, T. Thompson, J. Wayne, S. 164 to define domestic partner as an window set to expire January 31, 2009, Committee Substitute (2), committee Westrom adult person of the same sex or opposite to January 1, 2012, for those state amendment (1-title), floor amendment sex who is not a blood relative and who employees eligible to retire and receive (1) AN ACT relating to government lives with a university or college a benefit based upon the 2.2 percent Feb 20-received in Senate contracts. employee; prohibit public higher benefit factor as of January 1, 2009; Feb 22-to Appropriations & Revenue Expand and refine list of entities education institutions from expending amend KRS 78.510 to extend high-three (S) included in definition of "contracting state funds to provide health benefits for final compensation window set to expire Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st body"; allow committee to determine a domestic partner of a university or January 1, 2009, to January 1, 2012, for reading; returned to Appropriations & definition of "governmental emergency"; college employee. county employees eligible to receive a Revenue (S) refine definition of memorandum of benefit based upon high-three final Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd agreement (MOA) and include grant and Feb 6-introduced in House compensation as of January 1, 2009. reading; returned to Appropriations & research agreements; allow committee Feb 12-to Health & Welfare (H) Revenue (S) to establish reporting schedule for Feb 6-introduced in House Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules exempt MOA's; correct references to HB 220 (BR 1041) - R. Nelson Feb 7-to State Government (H) with Committee Substitute, committee universities and colleges and institutions Feb 13-posted in committee amendments (1) (2) and (3-title) ; posted of higher education; exempt MOA's over AN ACT relating to state employees' for passage in the Regular Orders of the one million dollars, but require reporting personnel rights. HB 224/LM (BR 940) - R. Nelson, C. Day for Monday, March 12; 3rd reading, of such agreements; require reporting of Amend KRS 151B.010 to expand the Belcher, L. Belcher, C. Embry Jr, J. passed 34-0-2 with Committee federal grant and research projects; definition of "penalization" as it relates to Greer, M. Henley, J. Higdon, F. Nesler, Substitute, committee amendments (1) refine definition of "personal service areas under which state employees may C. Siler (2) and (3-title) ; received in House contract" (PSC) to specifically include appeal actions; amend KRS 151B.035 to Mar 26-posted for passage for contracts for personal or professional conform. AN ACT relating to the runoff primary concurrence in Senate Committee services and group health care for public and declaring an emergency. Substitute, committee amendments (1) employees; allow committee to establish Feb 6-introduced in House Amend KRS 118.245 to eliminate the (2) and (3-title); House refused to concur reporting schedule for exempt PSC's; Feb 9-to State Government (H) runoff primary for gubernatorial slates; in Senate Committee Substitute, exempt health maintenance organization Feb 13-posted in committee amend various sections to conform; committee amendments (1) (2) and (3- or Medicaid managed health care Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st declare an EMERGENCY. title) ; Conference Committee appointed service contracts with the Cabinet for reading, to Calendar in House; received in Senate; posted for Health Services, but require reporting of Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules HB 224 - AMENDMENTS passage for receding from Senate such contracts; exempt contracts Mar 1-posted for passage in the HCA (1, D. Owens) - Make technical Committee Substitute, committee between postsecondary institutions and Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, correction. amendments (1) (2) and (3-title) health care providers, but require March 2, 2007 Mar 27-Senate refused to recede from reporting of such contracts; exempt Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 100-0 Feb 6-introduced in House Committee Substitute, committee PSC's of over one million dollars and Mar 6-received in Senate Feb 7-to Elections, Const. amendments (1) (2) and (3-title) ; PSC's of postsecondary institutions for Mar 7-to State & Local Government Amendments & Intergovernmental Conference Committee appointed in federal grant and research projects, but (S) Affairs (H) Senate; Conference Committee report require reporting of such contracts; Feb 15-posted in committee filed in House and Senate; Free exempt contracts $25,000 and under HB 221/FN (BR 1195) - R. Nelson Mar 1-posting waived; reported Conference Committee appointed in from Request for Proposals process, but favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Senate require 3 quotes when feasible, and AN ACT relating to compulsory school committee amendment (1) determination of unfeasibility may be attendance. Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules HB 6/FN (BR 811) - C. Rollins II, H. reviewed by the secretary of the Finance Amend KRS 159.010 to provide that, Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations Moberly Jr, J. Arnold Jr, L. Belcher, J. and Administration Cabinet or the beginning with the 2007-2008 school & Revenue (H) Bell, L. Clark, H. Collins, T. Edmonds, D. committee; exempt contracts $25,000 year, and every year thereafter, Graham, J. Gray, R. Henderson, C. and under from routine review process, compulsory school attendance shall be HB 225 (BR 1053) - J. Tilley, R. Wilkey, Hoffman, T. McKee, R. Nelson, R. but require filing within 30 days for required for all children between the L. Belcher, M. Dossett, J. Greer, T. Palumbo, T. Pullin, R. Rand, F. Rasche, informational purposes; allow meetings ages of six and eighteen who have not McKee, T. Moore, R. Nelson, T. Riner, J. Richards, T. Riner, A. Smith, B. Smith, of the committee as necessary, but not graduated from high school; make C. Rollins II, A. Simpson, K. Stein J. Stacy, T. Thompson, J. Tilley, D. less than once per month; suspend technical changes; amend KRS 159.020 Watkins, J. Wayne, S. Westrom, B. service and prohibit payment on MOA's, to conform; amend KRS 159.051 to AN ACT relating to wounded or Yonts PSC's, and emergency requests after allow a student's driver's license to be disabled veterans. committee disapproval or objection; revoked due to unexcused absences; Create a new section of KRS Chapter 40 to establish the Kentucky Wounded Student Law School Loan Assistance SCA (1/Title, D. Thayer) - Make title Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st or Disabled Veterans Program within the Program to defray indebtedness incurred amendment. reading; returned to Judiciary (S) Kentucky Department of Veterans' for law school for eligible attorneys Mar 8-reported favorably, 2nd reading, Affairs; require the program to ease the working in the Office of the Attorney Feb 6-introduced in House to Rules transition from active service for General, the unified prosecutorial Feb 7-to State Government (H) Mar 26-posted for passage in the wounded or disabled veterans and system, the Department of Public Feb 13-posted in committee Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, ensure that wounded or disabled Advocacy, or nonprofit legal services Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st March 26, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 38- veterans receive the federal, state, and organizations designated as eligible; reading, to Calendar 0; received in House private benefits to which they are entitled require the program to be administered Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Mar 27-enrolled, signed by each as wounded or disabled veterans; by the Kentucky Higher Education for passage in the Regular Orders of the presiding officer; delivered to Governor require the designation of a Wounded or Assistance Authority which shall Day for Tuesday, February 20, 2007 Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Disabled Veterans Coordinator for the promulgate administrative regulations; Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 99-0 138) Commonwealth; require the Kentucky create the Public Service Student Law Feb 28-received in Senate Department of Veterans' Affairs to enter School Loan Assistance Program trust Mar 2-to State & Local Government HB 231 (BR 1307) - R. Adams, F. into data-sharing agreements with the fund in the State Treasury where interest (S) Nesler, S. Santoro United States Department of Veterans and funds shall not lapse but be carried Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st Affairs and the Department of Defense forward for the purposes of the program; reading; returned to State & Local AN ACT relating to coyotes. to obtain information with regard to a amend KRS 42.320, the court cost Government (S) Create a new section of KRS Chapter Kentucky wounded or disabled veteran; distribution fund, to direct that 2% of Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd 150 to establish the conditions under with the consent of a wounded or each court cost, up to $1,200,000, reading; returned to State & Local which a person may buy or sell live disabled veteran, permit the Wounded deposited in the fund be paid to the Government (S) coyotes; amend KRS 150.990 to Veterans Coordinator for the Public Service Student Law School Loan Mar 12-taken from committee; establish penalties for persons who Commonwealth, or his or her designee, Assistance Program; amend KRS reported favorably, to Rules with violate any provisions relating to the to obtain personal information 164A.337 to conform; appropriate up to Committee Substitute, committee buying or selling of live coyotes. concerning that veteran for the sole $1,200,000 for loan program amendment (1-title) as a Consent Bill; purpose of implementing the program; reimbursements and expenses. posted for passage in the Consent Feb 6-introduced in House prohibit public disclosure of the Orders of the Day for Monday, March Feb 7-to Agriculture and Small information; require the Kentucky Feb 6-introduced in House; to 12, 2007 Business (H) Department of Veterans' Affairs to Judiciary (H); posting waived Mar 26-3rd reading; Committee Feb 12-posted in committee promulgate administrative regulations to Feb 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Substitute withdrawn; committee Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st carry out the provisions of the section. to Calendar amendment (1-title) withdrawn ; passed reading, to Calendar Feb 8-2nd reading, to Rules; 38-0; received in House Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules HB 225 - AMENDMENTS recommitted to Appropriations and Mar 27-enrolled, signed by each Feb 22-posted for passage in the SCA (1/Title, E. Tori) - Make title Revenue (H) presiding officer; delivered to Governor Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, amendment. Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. February 23, 2007 SCA (2, E. Tori) - Amend KRS HB 227 (BR 1286) - R. Wilkey 109) 161.168 to clarify when school HB 232 (BR 399) - M. Henley employees' retirement contribution will AN ACT relating to the Kentucky HB 229 (BR 458) - T. Pullin, T. Couch be paid. Economic Development Partnership. Feb 7-WITHDRAWN Amend various sections of KRS AN ACT relating to teacher Feb 6-introduced in House Chapter 154 to remove references to the scholarships. HB 233 (BR 1315) - T. Burch Feb 7-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Kentucky Economic Development Amend KRS 164.769 to prohibit the Public Safety (H) Partnership and board, and transfer its amount of a teacher scholarship award AN ACT relating to pharmacists. Feb 14-posting waived authority and duties to the Cabinet for from exceeding the total cost of Amend KRS 217.015 to add Feb 16-reported favorably, 1st Economic Development; make education; identify conditions under pharmacist practitioner to definition of reading, to Calendar conforming amendments; repeal KRS which teacher scholarship amounts are practitioner and to the definition of Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules 154.10-010, KRS 154.10-020, and KRS awarded. prescription; amend KRS 315.010 to add Feb 21-posted for passage in the 154.10-060. prescribing, using, or administering Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Feb 6-introduced in House drugs, except some controlled February 22, 2007 Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 7-to Education (H) substances, by pharmacist practitioners, Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 98-1 Feb 7-to State Government (H) Feb 8-posted in committee to definition of practice of pharmacy and Feb 23-received in Senate Feb 13-posted in committee Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st define pharmacist practitioner and Mar 1-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, reading, to Calendar collaborative practice agreement; amend Public Protection (S) to Calendar Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules KRS 315.065 to require written proof of Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 27-posted for passage in the continuing education for renewal of reading; returned to Veterans, Military Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations Regular Orders of the Day for certification as a pharmacist practitioner; Affairs, & Public Protection (S) & Revenue (H) Wednesday, February 28, 2007 amend KRS 315.110 to specify Mar 8-reported favorably, 2nd reading, expiration and fees for certification; to Rules with committee amendments HB 228 (BR 1247) - R. Wilkey, C. Embry HB 230 (BR 1308) - R. Adams, E. amend KRS 315.121 to add actions (1-title) and (2) as a Consent Bill Jr, J. Tilley Ballard, J. Draud, D. Keene, A. Koenig, relating to pharmacist practitioners as Mar 9-posted for passage in the T. McKee, C. Miller, R. Nelson, R. grounds for the board to take action Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, AN ACT relating to consumer Palumbo, T. Riner against a certificate; amend KRS March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 38-0 protection. 315.191 to require the board to with committee amendment (1-title) ; Amend KRS 367.374 to permit the AN ACT relating to the operation of promulgate administrative regulations for received in House; posted for passage Governor, following the declaration of a school buses. certification for pharmacist practitioners for concurrence in Senate committee state of emergency, to implement the Create a new section of KRS 281A to and establish training programs and amendments (1-title) and (2) Act's provisions by executive order for a define the term "cellular telephone"; qualifications for practice and Mar 12-House concurred in Senate period of thirty (30) days from notification under certain conditions, prohibit the use prescriptive authority; create a new committee amendments (1-title) and (2) ; of implementation; limit executive order of cellular telephone by a school bus section of KRS 315 to specify passed 98-0; enrolled, signed by each to geographic area indicated in the driver; amend KRS 281A.190 to requirements for administrative presiding officer; delivered to Governor declaration of emergency. establish the fine for using a cellular regulations for certification for Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. phone while driving a school bus. pharmacist practitioners, require 92) HB 228 - AMENDMENTS collaborative agreements between a SCS - Retain the original provisions of Feb 6-introduced in House practitioner or practitioners and a HB 226 (BR 276) - R. Wilkey, J. Hoover, the bill; amend KRS 446.130 to provide Feb 7-to Education (H) physician or physicians, and require the L. Belcher, J. Crenshaw, T. Edmonds, that if the enactment of or provisions of Feb 9-posted in committee board to establish an advisory M. Marzian, R. Meeks, T. Riner, A. the Kentucky Revised Statutes or Acts of Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st committee to review and recommend Simpson, B. Yonts the General Assembly from 1942 or reading, to Calendar actions relating to pharmacist thereafter are inconsistent or in conflict Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules practitioners. AN ACT relating to the Public Service with another section of the KRS or Acts Feb 22-posted for passage in the Student Law School Loan Assistance of the General Assembly which places a Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, Feb 6-introduced in House Program and making an appropriation limitation on the authority of or method February 23, 2007 Feb 7-to Health and Welfare (H); therefor. used by the General Assembly to enact Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 96-0 posted in committee Create new sections of KRS Chapter legislation, the provisions of the later Feb 28-received in Senate 164A to create the Public Service enactment shall prevail. Mar 2-to Judiciary (S) HB 234 (BR 1101) - J. Draud fund if the spouse was covered under requirements. Create a new section of KRS Chapter AN ACT relating to the child care the group health insurance plan when SCS - Amend KRS 109.056 to allow 198B to establish the Kentucky Single center rating system. the retired member died and has local governments to collect delinquent Family Dwellings Advisory Board; attach Amend KRS 199.8943 to require that continued coverage under the plan after solid waste collection taxes or fees it to the Office of Housing, Buildings, and a licensed child-care center meet at the death of the retired member. through contract with the Department of Construction (OHBC) for administrative least the minimum criteria for the first Revenue; allow Department to collect purposes; establish the membership of level of the child-care rating system; Feb 6-introduced in House 20% additional for collection; require the eight-member board as three home permit the cabinet to require additional Feb 12-to Local Government (H) Department to distrain any taxes or builders, three certified code inspectors, criteria and to encourage centers to personal property, excluding liens on an architect, and the executive director meet higher levels. HB 238 (BR 977) - S. Westrom, R. motor vehicles. of the OHBC; set forth qualifications; Adams, D. Osborne, C. Rollins II, A. SFA (1/Title, D. Roeding) - Make title establish three-year staggered terms; HB 234 - AMENDMENTS Wuchner amendment. specify the initial terms; prohibit serving HFA (1, S. Westrom) - Retain original SFA (2, D. Roeding) - Retain original more than two consecutive terms; permit provisions of the bill; apply requirements AN ACT relating to sales and use tax. provisions; provide for merged county members to serve until their successors to new applications to be licensed. Amend KRS 139.531 to exempt from sheriff's departments and collection of are appointed; designate the executive sales and use tax, water and waterer certain fees. director of the OHBC as chair; establish Feb 6-introduced in House systems, feed and feed additives, seed, the quorum, meetings, and per diem; Feb 7-to Health and Welfare (H) commercial fertilizer, straw and bedding Feb 6-introduced in House direct the new board to review and Feb 14-posting waived; posted in materials, fly repellent, and horse Feb 7-to Local Government (H) interpret the International Building Code committee wormer and fly repellents purchased for Feb 9-posted in committee and make recommendations to the Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st equine; amend KRS 139.470 to conform; Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st Kentucky Board of Housing, Buildings, reading, to Calendar EFFECTIVE August 1, 2007. reading, to Calendar with Committee and Construction as to which elements Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules Substitute should be incorporated into the Kentucky Feb 20-floor amendment (1) filed Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules State Residential Building Code; require Feb 22-posted for passage in the Feb 9-to Appropriations & Revenue Feb 15-posted for passage in the the new board to perform any other Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, (H) Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, duties and responsibilities relating to February 23, 2007 February 16, 2007; floor amendment (1) single family dwellings that may be HB 239 (BR 1285) - S. Westrom filed to Committee Substitute assigned by the Kentucky Board of HB 235 (BR 1099) - J. Draud Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 86-9 with Housing, Buildings, and Construction. AN ACT relating to large group health Committee Substitute, floor amendment AN ACT relating to school readiness. benefit plans. (1) HB 243 - AMENDMENTS Amend KRS 158.031 to require the Amend KRS 304.17A-846 to direct Feb 23-received in Senate HCS - Retain the original provisions, Kentucky Department of Education to health insurers to provide certain Mar 1-to State & Local Government except change the Kentucky Single determine a process for determining information to large group health benefit (S) Family Dwellings Advisory Board to the school readiness of primary students; plans upon request of the plans; require Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st Kentucky Single Family Dwellings require annual reporting of data to the the insurer to provide additional reading; returned to State & Local Advisory Committee throughout the bill. department, beginning in the 2009-2010 utilization data to help the employer Government (S) HCA (1/Title, S. Riggs) - Make title school year. measure costs in certain areas; provide Mar 8-taken from committee; 2nd amendment. under certain circumstances that reading; returned to State & Local SFA (1, B. Leeper) - Amend Section 1 Feb 6-introduced in House nonpublic personal health information Government (S) to require membership of the committee Feb 7-to Education (H) can be provided to large group health Mar 9-reported favorably, to Rules to reflect different geographic regions of Feb 15-posted in committee benefit plans in compliance with the with Committee Substitute as a Consent the state including at least one member Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st Federal Health Insurance Portability and Bill; floor amendments (1-title) and (2) from the New Madrid fault earthquake reading, to Calendar Accountability Act. filed hazard area, at least one member from Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules Mar 12-posted for passage in the an Appalachian county, at least one Feb 27-posted for passage in the Feb 6-introduced in House Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, member from a metropolitan area, and Regular Orders of the Day for Feb 12-to Banking & Insurance (H) March 12 at least one member from a rural area. Wednesday, February 28, 2007 Feb 13-posting waived Mar 26-taken from the Regular Orders Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 93-0; Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st of the Day; recommitted to Feb 6-introduced in House received in Senate reading, to Calendar Appropriations & Revenue (S) Feb 9-to Local Government (H) Mar 5-to Education (S) Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 14-posted in committee Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st for passage in the Regular Orders of the HB 241 (BR 1143) - S. Westrom Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st reading; returned to Education (S) Day for Friday, February 23, 2007 reading, to Calendar with Committee Mar 8-reported favorably, 2nd reading, Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 99-0 AN ACT relating to jurors. Substitute, committee amendment (1- to Rules as a Consent Bill Feb 28-received in Senate Amend KRS 29A.100 to require a title) Mar 9-recommitted to Appropriations Mar 2-to Banking & Insurance (S) judge to excuse a mother who is breast- Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules & Revenue (S) feeding a child or expressing breast milk Feb 26-posted for passage in the HB 240 (BR 1047) - M. Denham for a child from jury service until the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, HB 236 (BR 1085) - B. Yonts mother is no longer breast-feeding the February 27, 2007 AN ACT relating to solid waste. child or expressing breast milk for the Feb 28-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with AN ACT relating to the use of juries in Amend KRS 109.056 to allow local child. Committee Substitute, committee competency hearings conducted in governments to enact an ordinance that amendment (1-title) guardianship proceedings. will provide for the collection of a Feb 6-introduced in House Mar 1-received in Senate Amend KRS 387.570 and 387.580 to person's outstanding solid waste taxes Feb 9-to Judiciary (H) Mar 5-to Licensing, Occupations and allow a bench trial when the parties or fees through a lien on the person's Administrative Regulations (S) agree, there is no objection from motor vehicle. HB 242 (BR 1402) - M. Denham Mar 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, interested parties, and the judge finds no to Calendar; floor amendment (1) filed cause to require a jury trial. HB 240 - AMENDMENTS AN ACT relating to coroners. Mar 7-2nd reading, to Rules; posted HCS - Retain original provisions of the Amend KRS 64.185 to allow the for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 6-introduced in House bill, but extend provisions to unified local appointment of up to two (2) deputy Day for Wednesday, March 7, 2007; Feb 7-to Judiciary (H) governments; provide that any liens coroners without fiscal court approval passed over and retained in the Orders placed upon a vehicle for unpaid county and to allow the appointment of more of the Day HB 237/LM (BR 985) - L. Napier, S. or waste management district solid than two (2) deputy coroners with the Mar 8-3rd reading; floor amendment Baugh, D. Butler, J. Comer Jr, J. waste taxes or service fees shall be approval of the fiscal court. (1) withdrawn ; passed 36-0 Crenshaw, J. Draud, R. Henderson, M. inferior, rather than superior, to all other Mar 9-received in House; enrolled, Henley, R. Meeks, C. Rollins II, C. Siler, liens on the vehicle. signed by each presiding officer; J. Stewart III, T. Turner, R. Weston HFA (1, M. Denham) - Require any Feb 6-introduced in House delivered to Governor ordinance enacted relating to the Feb 9-to Local Government (H) Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. AN ACT relating to pension systems collection of solid waste fees or taxes to Feb 14-posted in committee 42) of urban county governments. follow the procedures for the collection Amend KRS 67A.345 to require urban of delinquent motor vehicle ad valorem HB 243 (BR 990) - T. Thompson, S. HB 244/FN (BR 984) - Ji. Lee, M. county governments to provide taxes provided by KRS 134.810 and Riggs, S. Westrom Denham, T. Edmonds, K. Hall, T. Moore, insurance benefits to the surviving provisions regarding vehicle registration B. Yonts spouse of a deceased retiree of the renewal and transfer contained in KRS AN ACT relating to the Kentucky policemen's and firefighters retirement 186.021; delete references to lien Single Family Dwellings Advisory Board. AN ACT relating to providers of hospital services. amend KRS 359.230 to include self- 134) inconsistency exists between this Amend KRS 142.303 to provide that, contained storage units in the rules and section and federal laws, the federal law beginning in state fiscal year 2008-2009 procedures for a lienholder's sale of HB 247/LM/AA (BR 1086) - J. controls; provide that this section applies and continuing each year, the tax personal property held in a Crenshaw, J. Jenkins to credit cards issued or renewed on or imposed on providers of hospital nonresidential leased space. after January 1, 2008. services will be assessed on gross AN ACT relating to hazardous duty revenues received by providers during HB 245 - AMENDMENTS retirement. Feb 6-introduced in House state fiscal year 2005-2006; provide for HFA (1, S. Riggs) - Delete original Amend KRS 61.592 to add positions Feb 7-to Banking and Insurance (H) payments of hospital provider taxes due provisions; amend KRS 359.200 to in urban-county governments with duties Feb 12-posted in committee to be made in twelve equal installments; define a "self-contained storage unit," a involving collection of waste and require the Department of Revenue to term that includes space leased from an operation of heavy equipment to the HB 251 (BR 1132) - J. Fischer, M. send a notice to providers at least 30 operator whether the unit is located at definition of "hazardous position" for Harmon, S. Lee days prior to the beginning of the fiscal self-service storage facility or at another retirement purposes. year; apply the tax according to the location; include self-contained storage AN ACT proposing an amendment to hospital's fiscal year 2005-2006 units in the definitions of terms such as Feb 6-introduced in House the Constitution of Kentucky relating to revenues regardless of any subsequent "leased space," "occupant," and Feb 7-to Local Government (H) abortion. change in ownership; and, create a new "operator" as they relate to self-service Propose to amend the Constitution of section of KRS Chapter 205 to require storage facilities; amend KRS 359.210 to HB 248/LM (BR 1450) - B. Farmer Kentucky by creating a new section to that $26,268,000 from hospital provider forbid the use of leased space in a self- clarify that no right to abortion exists and tax collections during fiscal year 2008- contained storage unit as a residence; AN ACT relating to notary publics. that the General Assembly has the 2009, and continuing each year, is to be amend KRS 359.220 to indicate that an Create various new sections of KRS authority to protect human life; provide matched by federal funds and used operator has a lien on all personal Chapter 423 to provide for for submission to voters. solely for enhancements implemented property stored in any leased space in comprehensive statutory coverage of during fiscal years 2006 and 2007. an occupant's self-contained storage notary publics, including provisions Feb 6-introduced in House unit; amend KRS 359.230 to include relating to the purpose of the regulation, Feb 12-to Elections, Const. HB 244 - AMENDMENTS self-contained storage units in the rules definitions, commissioning, applications, Amendments & Intergovernmental HCS/FN - Retain original provisions; and procedures for a lienholder's sale of electronic notarizations, bonding, Affairs (H) require that $26,673,764 from hospital personal property held in a education, privacy, notarial authority, provider tax collections during fiscal year nonresidential leased space. notarial prohibitions, fees, journals and HB 252 (BR 1066) - T. Burch 2008-2009, and continuing each year, is record keeping, notarizations forms, to be matched by federal funds and used Feb 6-introduced in House signing by mark, official seals, seal AN ACT relating to drug importation. solely for enhancements implemented Feb 9-to Local Government (H) vendors, verification of notarial authority, Create a new section of KRS 217 to during fiscal years 2006 and 2007, Feb 14-posted in committee resignations, deaths, misconduct, require the Governor, in coordination rather than $26,268,000. Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st liability, notarial crimes, grandfathering; with the secretary of the Cabinet for HCA (1/Title, H. Moberly Jr) - Make reading, to Calendar name the Act the Kentucky Model Health Services, to request that the title amendment. Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules Notary Act; provide for a delayed Secretary of the United States Feb 22-floor amendment (1) filed effective date of March 1, 2008; amend Department of Health and Human Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 26-posted for passage in the KRS 423.010, 423.110, and 423.200 to Services certify to Congress that drug Feb 7-to Appropriations and Revenue Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, conform; repeal KRS 64.300, 423.020, importation from foreign countries by (H) February 27, 2007 423.050, 423.080, 423.130, 423.140, licensed pharmacists, distributors, and Feb 8-posted in committee Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with 423.150, 423.160, 423.170, 423.180, wholesalers poses no additional risk to Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st floor amendment (1) 423.190, and 423.990. the public's health and safety and would reading, to Calendar with Committee Feb 28-received in Senate result in a reduction in prescription drug Substitute, committee amendment (1- Mar 2-to Judiciary (S) Feb 6-introduced in House costs; require the Governor and the title) Feb 9-to Judiciary (H) secretary of the Cabinet for Health Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted HB 246 (BR 1377) - D. Ford, J. Gray Services to request that the secretary of for passage in the Regular Orders of the HB 249 (BR 1035) - B. Farmer, J. the Department for Health and Human Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 AN ACT relating to deceptive Comer Jr, C. Embry Jr Services promulgate administrative Feb 15-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with business practices. regulations permitting pharmacists, Committee Substitute, committee Create new section of KRS Chapter AN ACT relating to income taxation. distributors, and wholesalers to import amendment (1-title) 367 to prohibit misrepresentation of Amend KRS 141.0401 to make the drugs from foreign countries; require the Feb 16-received in Senate geographic location of floral businesses limited liability entity tax refundable for Cabinet for Health Services to design a Feb 21-to Appropriations & Revenue in telephone directories and other tax years beginning on or after January prescription drug program to facilitate (S) directory assistance databases; amend 1, 2008; amend KRS 141.0205 to the importation of prescription drugs Feb 22-taken from committee; 1st KRS 367.990 to provide a penalty of recognize the limited liability entity tax from foreign countries by pharmacists, reading, to Calendar $2,500 per violation and to authorize credit as a refundable credit; amend distributors, and wholesalers licensed in Feb 23-2nd reading; returned to either the Attorney General or the KRS 141.200 to remove the 50 percent Kentucky once federal regulations have Appropriations & Revenue (S) appropriate Commonwealth's Attorney to limitation on net losses from affiliated been promulgated; require that the Feb 27-reported favorably to Consent prosecute violations. corporations when filing a consolidated program consist of a drug formulary and Calendar Appropriations & Revenue (S) corporation income tax return. patient safety protections; specify Mar 5-posted for passage in the Feb 6-introduced in House requirements for the formulary; require Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, Feb 12-to Labor & Industry (H) Feb 6-introduced in House that imported prescription drugs be March 5, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 37-0 Feb 13-posted in committee Feb 12-to Appropriations & Revenue available for sale to consumers and Mar 6-received in House; enrolled, Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st (H) recipients of state health programs; signed by each presiding officer; reading, to Calendar require the cabinet to negotiate with delivered to Governor Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules; posted HB 250 (BR 1152) - T. Edmonds pharmacists to ensure that any savings Mar 16-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. for passage in the Regular Orders of the from imported drugs be passed on to 9) Day for Friday, March 2, 2007 AN ACT relating to credit cards. consumers and state health programs; Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 91-0; Create a new section of KRS Chapter require pharmacies to sell imported HB 245 (BR 1105) - T. Thompson, S. received in Senate 367 to require a credit card issuer to drugs at the lessor of one hundred Riggs Mar 5-to Judiciary (S) disclose to the applicant the card's twenty percent (120%) of the amount Mar 8-taken from committee; 1st interest rate and all charges and fees paid for the imported drug or the amount AN ACT relating to self-contained reading; returned to Judiciary (S) and to obtain a signature from the that Medicaid reimburses for the drug; storage units. Mar 9-taken from committee; 2nd applicant; declare it is a "billing error" if and require an annual report to the Amend KRS 359.200 to define a "self- reading; returned to Judiciary (S) the required disclosures are not made; Governor and the Legislative Research contained storage unit," a term which Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules as permit the cardholder to mail an inquiry Commission regarding the effectiveness includes space leased from an operator, a Consent Bill; taken from committee; to the credit card issuer if the billing and cost savings of the program. whether the unit is located at self-service posted for passage in the Consent statement requires a billing error; storage facility or at another location; Orders of the Day for Monday, March prohibit the card issuer from threatening HB 252 - AMENDMENTS amend KRS 359.210 to forbid the use of 12, 2007 to report the cardholder adversely on HFA (1, S. Brinkman) - Delete a self-contained storage unit as a Mar 26-3rd reading, passed 37-0; any credit report after the cardholder previous provisions; create a new residence; amend KRS 359.220 to received in House; enrolled, signed by sends an inquiry; deem a violation of this section of KRS Chapter 217 to require indicate that an operator has a lien on all each presiding officer; delivered to section to be an unfair, false, misleading, the Governor and the secretary of the personal property stored in an Governor or deceptive act or practice in violation of Cabinet for Health and Family Services occupant's self-contained storage unit; Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. KRS 367.170; provide that if any to request that the United States Food and Drug Administration provide HB 255 (BR 1306) - T. Burch tax credits. HB 259 (BR 1353) - C. Belcher information to Kentucky officials Create a new section of KRS Chapter regarding whether drug importation from AN ACT relating to a health insured's 141 to define "qualified senior citizen," AN ACT relating to the practice of licensed foreign pharmacies, right to obtain an estimate of his or her "eligible taxpayer", "chronically ill accounting. distributors, and wholesalers would pose liability from an insurer. individual" and "activities of daily living"; Amend KRS 325.240 to replace the any additional public health risk or result Create a new section of Subtitle 17A "modified adjusted gross income"; allow requirement that the board elect a in a significant reduction in prescription of KRS Chapter 304 to require a health a nonrefundable "elder care" income tax secretary and treasurer with the drug costs; prohibit the Cabinet for insurer to make a good faith effort to credit for persons who care for a requirement that the board elect other Health and Family Services from provide the insured with information on qualified senior citizen in their homes or officers as needed; authorize the board designing a program to import estimated potential costs for a specified the caregiver's home; provide that the to join professional accounting prescription drugs unless the United procedure or service within 14 business tax credit be based upon a percentage organizations and associations; States Food and Drug Administration days; provide that the insurer will not be of the caregiver's tax liability and the authorize the board to use its funds to certifies that importation of prescription bound by the estimate and will not be caregiver's modified adjusted gross provide educational programs for drugs does not pose any additional responsible for any costs incurred income; provide a tax credit schedule; elementary and secondary schools to public health risks and would result in a outside of the estimate; permit provide that the caregiver include the the extent that the expenditure of these reduction in prescription drug costs. compliance by making estimated cost name and Social Security number of the funds does not preclude the board from information available on the insurer's qualified senior citizen and notarized performing its other duties; permit the Feb 6-introduced in House Web site. doctor's statement with the return board to purchase liability insurance for Feb 7-to Health and Welfare (H); claiming the credit or other form as its members, staff, and investigators; posted in committee HB 255 - AMENDMENTS required by the Department of Revenue; amend KRS 325.250 to delete the Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st HFA (1, T. Burch) - Require the health allow the Department of Revenue to requirement for an annual report of the reading, to Calendar insurer to provide the estimated potential require additional information as needed board's activities to the Governor; Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted out-of-pocket costs to the insured rather to establish eligibility; amend KRS amend KRS 325.330 to delete for passage in the Regular Orders of the than the estimated potential costs. 141.0205 to establish the order in which references to application and license Day for Tuesday, February 20, 2007; the credit may be taken; provide that the renewal forms; require a licensee to floor amendment (1) filed Feb 6-introduced in House credit be effective for taxable years notify the board of his or her change of Feb 7-to Banking and Insurance (H) beginning on or after January 1, 2007. address within 20 days after the change; HB 253 (BR 1069) - T. Burch Feb 16-posted in committee amend KRS 325.340 to require the Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st Feb 6-introduced in House respondent licensee to pay the costs of AN ACT relating to identification cards reading, to Calendar; floor amendment Feb 12-to Appropriations & Revenue the investigation and all proceedings; for people experiencing homelessness. (1) filed (H) amend KRS 325.360 to permit the board Amend KRS 186.531 to provide for Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules to informally resolve the matter through one free identification card for a person Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations HB 258/FN (BR 1332) - C. Belcher mediation. who does not have a fixed, permanent & Revenue (H) address. AN ACT relating to local taxation. HB 259 - AMENDMENTS HB 256 (BR 1065) - T. Burch Amend KRS 67.750 to update the HCS - Retain original provisions, Feb 6-introduced in House reference date for the Internal Revenue except add provision granting Board of Feb 12-to Transportation (H) AN ACT relating to importation of Code to December 31, 2006. Accountants personal and subject matter Feb 15-posted in committee prescription drugs through the I-SaveRx jurisdiction over nonlicensees whose Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st program. HB 258 - AMENDMENTS accounting practices harm Kentucky reading, to Calendar Create various new sections of KRS SCS/FN - Amend KRS 141.010 to residents. Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Chapter 217 to declare findings related make the Internal Revenue Code SCS - Retain original provisions, for passage in the Regular Orders of the to the I-SaveRx program that allows reference date as Dec. 31, 2006, and to except grant the board personal and Day for Thursday, February 22, 2007 Illinois residents to refill prescriptions for disallow the dividend paid deduction to subject matter jurisdiction over Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 99-0 the most common brand-name captive real estate investment trusts. nonlicensees whose accounting Feb 28-received in Senate prescription drugs used to treat chronic SCA (1/Title, C. Borders) - Make title practices harm a "person in" Kentucky Mar 2-to State & Local Government illnesses from a network of inspected amendment. rather than only those practices that (S) and approved pharmacies in Canada, harm a "resident of" Kentucky; make New Zealand, Australia, and the United Feb 6-introduced in House technical corrections. HB 254/LM (BR 1074) - T. Burch Kingdom through a Web site; require the Feb 7-to Appropriations and Revenue Cabinet for Health and Family Services (H) Feb 6-introduced in House AN ACT relating to gift cards. to enter into a memorandum of Feb 12-posting waived Feb 9-to Licensing & Occupations (H) Amend KRS 367.890, relating to gift agreement to join the I-SaveRx program; Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st Feb 13-posted in committee cards, to provide for record of issuance; establish required provisions of the reading, to Calendar Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st prohibit various use restrictions; make memorandum of agreement; appoint the Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted reading, to Calendar with Committee violation of this statute an unfair trade secretary of the Cabinet for Health and for passage in the Regular Orders of the Substitute practice; provide for enforcement by Family Services and the president of the Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules county attorneys and the Attorney Kentucky Board of pharmacy as Feb 16-3rd reading, passed 96-0 Feb 23-placed in the Orders of the General; amend KRS 393.020, relating members of a joint work group charged Feb 20-received in Senate Day to property subject to escheat, to include with providing input regarding the safe Feb 22-to Appropriations & Revenue Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with gift cards. and effective administration of the I- (S) Committee Substitute SaveRx program; permit Kentucky or Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st Feb 28-received in Senate HB 254 - AMENDMENTS Illinois to withdraw the cooperative reading; returned to Appropriations & Mar 2-to Licensing, Occupations and HFA (1, T. Burch) - Delete the relationship at any time; create a Revenue (S) Administrative Regulations (S) provisions in subsections (5) to (8) of working group to develop outreach and Mar 6-reported favorably, 2nd reading, Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st Section 1 and insert in subsection (5) promotional materials; provide the to Rules with Committee Substitute, reading; returned to Licensing, that the gift card issuer shall not charge Commonwealth of Kentucky with committee amendment (1-title) Occupations and Administrative the purchaser an amount more than the immunity from liability for any injury or Mar 7-posted for passage in the Regulations (S) full monetary value of the gift card or damage caused to a person from Regular Orders of the Day for Mar 6-reported favorably, 2nd reading, charge a fee for the issuance of a gift products obtained through the I-SaveRx Wednesday, March 7, 2007; 3rd reading, to Rules with Committee Substitute as a card; change the current subsection (6) program; and amend KRS 315.035 and passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute, Consent Bill to subsection (7) rather than subsection KRS 315.0351 to exempt pharmacies committee amendment (1-title) Mar 7-posted for passage in the (10) and delete new language in the providing prescription drugs through the Mar 8-received in House; posted for Consent Orders of the Day for subsection; delete Section 2. I-SaveRx program from the requirement passage for concurrence in Senate Wednesday, March 7, 2007; 3rd reading, that all pharmacies that operate by Committee Substitute, committee passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute Feb 6-introduced in House means of the Internet have a permit to amendment (1-title) for Monday, March Mar 8-received in House; posted for Feb 9-to Banking & Insurance (H) operate in Kentucky. 12, 2007 passage for concurrence in Senate Feb 26-posted in committee Mar 9-House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute for Monday, Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st Feb 6-introduced in House Committee Substitute, committee March 12, 2007 reading, to Calendar; floor amendment Feb 7-to Health and Welfare (H); amendment (1-title) ; passed 96-0; Mar 9-House concurred in Senate (1) filed posted in committee enrolled, signed by each presiding Committee Substitute ; passed 97-0; Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules officer; delivered to Governor enrolled, signed by each presiding Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations HB 257 (BR 998) - C. Belcher Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. officer; delivered to Governor & Revenue (H) 52) Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. AN ACT relating to elder care income 50) HB 262/FN (BR 1240) - C. Belcher, H. additional operating support for the AN ACT relating to criminal justice. HB 260 (BR 1311) - C. Belcher Moberly Jr, D. Keene Department of Juvenile Justice; Amend KRS 17.151 relating to appropriate additional operating support criminal history record checks to permit AN ACT relating to consumer credit. AN ACT relating to fiscal matters. for Kentucky State Police; appropriate record checks in emergency child Create a new section of KRS Chapter Amend KRS 42.450 to specify additional operating support for Adult placement situations where there is a 367 to require a credit card issuer to acceptable investments; amend KRS Correctional Institutions; authorize the declared disaster or declared include in each billing statement a 56.813 to permit direct payments for Transportation Cabinet to select up to 15 emergency; create a new section of KRS minimum payment warning; require a leasehold improvements of $2,000 or design/build demonstration road-related Chapter 17 relating to criminal record statement showing the number of years less; amend KRS 136.392 to clarify that projects; authorize an amount not to checks to permit a person to do a name- and the total cost to pay off balances in governmental and nonprofit entities are exceed $10,000,000 of Road Fund based check of his or her own record certain amounts; require a toll-free not subject to the insurance premiums resources for safety-related projects; and supply that record to an employer or telephone number to be available to tax; amend KRS 138.165 to permit the authorize the Transportation Cabinet to potential employer; amend KRS 17.167 consumers; direct the Office of Financial Department of Revenue to retain the begin work on the Crittenden relating to record checks for fire Institutions to develop a table illustrating proceeds from the sale of seized Drive/Louisville Regional Airport departments, ambulance services, and the approximate number of months it cigarettes and use the funds for Authority project; authorize an amount rescue squads to include all criminal would take and the approximate total enforcement of cigarette taxes; amend not to exceed $15,000,000 of Road records, not just felony records; create a cost to repay an outstanding balance if KRS 141.160 to clarify that cooperatives Fund resources to upgrade and improve new section of KRS Chapter 17 to permit the consumer makes only the minimum that are allowed an extended due date US 68; allow recipients of Infrastructure the Governor to require a record check payments based on a significant number for filing a federal return shall also have for Economic Development Fund for on potential appointees to cabinet of different annual percentage rates and an extended due date for the Kentucky Coal and Non-Coal Producing Counties secretary or department head positions. different account balances; restrict the return; amend KRS 141.418 to clarify the and Community Development Fund requirements of this section to apply in procedure for claiming an environmental Projects to alter a recipient name or Feb 6-introduced in House any billing cycle in which the account remediation tax credit; amend KRS project title made in error; authorize Feb 9-to Judiciary (H) agreement does not require a minimum 141.422 to clarify that biodiesel must agency bonds for Bluegrass Station; Feb 12-posted in committee payment of at least ten percent of the meet the most current federal standards authorize the lease of a Fuels/Pesticides outstanding balance; provide that this in order to qualify for tax credits; amend Testing Lab in Franklin County; HB 265/FN (BR 978) - J. Bell section does not apply in any billing KRS 141.040 and 141.0401 to treat the authorize Horse Park Commission bond cycle in which finance charges are not limited liability entity tax as a funds for an indoor arena, outdoor AN ACT relating to sales tax holidays imposed; create a new section of KRS nonrefundable prepayment of income stadium, roads, and pedways; authorize and declaring an emergency. Chapter 371 to require retail installment tax; repeal KRS 14.080, interest paid on UK to use Restricted Funds for the Create a new section of KRS Chapter contracts and retail charge agreements state bonds. Samaritan Clinical Facility; specify how 139 to establish a sales tax holiday on with consumers to be printed in not less General Fund moneys directed to be the sales of clothing and school supplies than ten-point type and be written in HB 262 - AMENDMENTS appropriated by the General Fund for the last Saturday in July, 2007, define layman's language that is easily HCS/FN - Amend KRS 42.450 to Surplus Expenditure Plan prior to the terms, and establish rules; readable and understandable by a specify acceptable investments; amend effective date of this Act shall be EMERGENCY May 1, 2007. person of average intelligence and KRS 56.813 to permit direct payments appropriated; EMERGENCY. education; EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, for leasehold improvements of $2,000 or SCA (1/Title, C. Borders) - Make title Feb 6-introduced in House 2008. less; amend KRS 136.392 to clarify that amendment. Feb 7-to Appropriations and Revenue governmental and nonprofit entities are (H) Feb 6-introduced in House not subject to the insurance premiums Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 12-to Banking & Insurance (H) tax; amend KRS 141.160 to clarify that Feb 7-to Appropriations and Revenue HB 266/FN (BR 979) - J. Bell Feb 16-posted in committee cooperatives that are allowed an (H) Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st extended due date for filing a federal Feb 8-posted in committee AN ACT relating to the restoration of reading, to Calendar return shall also have an extended due Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st the privilege to operate a motor vehicle. Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules date for the Kentucky return; amend reading, to Calendar with Committee Create a new section of KRS Chapter Feb 23-placed in the Orders of the KRS 141.418 to clarify the procedure for Substitute 186 to provide a procedure for the Day claiming an environmental remediation Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted reinstatement of certain suspended or tax credit; amend KRS 141.422 to clarify for passage in the Regular Orders of the revoked drivers licenses; retroactively HB 261/FN (BR 1264) - C. Belcher, E. that biodiesel must meet the most Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 applied. Ballard current federal standards in order to Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 100-0 qualify for tax credits; repeal KRS with Committee Substitute Feb 6-introduced in House AN ACT relating to natural gas rate 14.080, Interest paid on state bonds. Feb 23-received in Senate Feb 9-to Transportation (H) stabilization. SCS - Retain original provisions; Mar 1-to Appropriations & Revenue Feb 15-posted in committee Create new section of KRS Chapter amend 2006 Kentucky Acts Chapter (S) Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st 278 to provide for a procedure for 252, the state/executive branch budget Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st reading, to Calendar adjustment of rates and charges of bill, to appropriate additional operating reading; returned to Appropriations & Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted natural gas distribution utilities to reflect support for the Department of Veterans' Revenue (S) for passage in the Regular Orders of the changes in expenses, revenues, Affairs; appropriate additional debt Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd Day for Thursday, February 22, 2007 investments, depreciation, and other service for the Department of Military reading; returned to Appropriations & Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 95-0 changes in revenues and expenses; Affairs; designate the Commission on Revenue (S) Feb 26-received in Senate provide procedures for interested parties Human Rights' personnel and operating Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules Feb 28-to Judiciary (S) to challenge these adjustments; provide expenditures as a necessary with Committee Substitute, committee for related procedural matters including government expense; authorize an amendment (1-title) ; posted for passage HB 267/AA (BR 1296) - T. Edmonds authorization for additional staffing for amount not to exceed $25,000,000 as a in the Regular Orders of the Day for Public Service Commission to perform necessary government expense for Wolf Monday, March 12, 2007; 3rd reading, AN ACT relating to retirement. its duties under this section to be funded Creek Dam; appropriate additional passed 37-0 with Committee Substitute, Amend KRS 61.552 to permit an from assessments on natural gas utilities operating support for the Department of committee amendment (1-title) ; employee participating in one of the regulated under this section. Parks; increase the Horse Park received in House retirement systems administered by the Commission's debt service; transfer the Kentucky Retirement Systems to HB 261 - AMENDMENTS Collaborative Center for Literacy HB 263 (BR 958) - J. Comer Jr, K. Hall purchase service credit for service on a HCS/FN - Remove all previous Development from Learning and Results school board; require the employee to provisions; create a task force to study Services to UK; transfer $1,000,000 of AN ACT relating to voter assistance. pay the retirement system the full cost of the issue and report to the Legislative excess SEEK funds to the Office of Amend KRS 117.255 and 117.0863 to the service purchased; require an Research Commission. Career and Technical Education for restrict the number that one person may employee who opts to purchase service salary adjustments for their employees; assist to five voters in any one primary, credit for service on a school board to Feb 6-introduced in House appropriate funds for the Blue Ribbon regular, or special election. contract with the retirement system prior Feb 9-to Tourism Development & Commission on Public Employees to December 31, 2007. Energy (H) Retirement Systems; establish a transfer Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 13-posting waived schedule for the Capitol Annex; increase Feb 9-to Elections, Const. Feb 6-introduced in House Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, the Finance and Administration Amendments & Intergovernmental Feb 12-to State Government (H) to Calendar with Committee Substitute Cabinet's debt service for all additional Affairs (H) Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules operating support; appropriate additional Feb 15-posted in committee HB 268 (BR 1012) - S. Baugh Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations funds to the Department for Community & Revenue (H) Based Services for private child care HB 264/LM (BR 1102) - S. Riggs AN ACT relating to hardship driver's provider rate increases; appropriate licenses. Create various new sections of KRS libraries. 12, 2007 of cigarettes. 186.400 to 186.640, relating to driver Amend KRS 172.100 and 172.200, HFA (1, J. Jenkins) - Require that the licensing, to allow a District Court to relating to county law libraries, to HB 276/FN (BR 1130) - C. Belcher, H. New York Fire Safety Standards for issue a person a hardship driver's increase the number of allowable Moberly Jr Cigarettes shall be the persuasive license for violating general traffic laws locations for the library and to allow the authority in the implementation of the that have caused a person's driver's provision of on-line legal resources by AN ACT relating to income taxation. Act. license to be suspended; pattern the the library. Amend KRS 141.010 to update the license after the provisions currently in reference date for the Internal Revenue Feb 6-introduced in House place for a DUI hardship license; amend Feb 6-introduced in House Code to December 31. 2006; Effective Feb 7-to Licensing and Occupations KRS 189A.450 to require a $20 service Feb 7-to Local Government (H) for tax years beginning on and after (H) fee to be assessed when the court is Feb 9-posted in committee January 1, 2007. Feb 12-posted in committee petitioned for the issuance of a hardship Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st driver's license issued to a DUI offender. reading, to Calendar HB 276 - AMENDMENTS reading, to Calendar with Committee Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted HCS/FN - Adjust deductions allowed Substitute Feb 6-introduced in House for passage in the Regular Orders of the to a captive real estate investment trust. Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 9-to Transportation (H) Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 Feb 16-floor amendment (1) filed to Feb 15-3rd reading, passed 98-0 Feb 6-introduced in House Committee Substitute HB 269 (BR 989) - K. Stein Feb 16-received in Senate Feb 7-to Appropriations and Revenue Feb 22-posted for passage in the Feb 21-to State & Local Government (H) Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, Feb 7-WITHDRAWN (S) Feb 8-posted in committee February 23, 2007 Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 23-reported favorably, 1st Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 95-1 with HB 270/LM (BR 1034) - B. Montell, R. to Consent Calendar reading, to Calendar with Committee Committee Substitute, floor amendment Rand Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Substitute (1) for passage in the Consent Orders of the Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 28-received in Senate AN ACT relating to animals. Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 for passage in the Regular Orders of the Mar 2-to Licensing, Occupations and Create a new section of KRS 258.095 Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 38-0; Day for Tuesday, February 27, 2007 Administrative Regulations (S) to 258.500 to require spaying or received in House; enrolled, signed by Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st neutering of dogs and cats as a each presiding officer; delivered to HB 277/LM (BR 1043) - J. Greer, D. reading; returned to Licensing, prerequisite to release from a releasing Governor Butler Occupations and Administrative agency; define "releasing agency" and Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Regulations (S) "veterinarian"; mandate spaying or 35) AN ACT relating to peace officer Mar 6-reported favorably, 2nd reading, neutering prior to release of a dog or cat; certification. to Rules as a Consent Bill allow for cooperative agreements HB 274 (BR 1014) - R. Webb, D. Owens Amend KRS 15.400, relating to Mar 9-recommitted to Appropriations between governing bodies, certification of grandfathered peace & Revenue (S) veterinarians; declare that no local spay- AN ACT relating to attorneys fees in officers, to permit an officer to retain neuter ordinance shall be superseded. usury actions. certification if employed within sixty days HB 279 (BR 1064) - K. Bratcher Amend KRS 360.020 relating to usury by another law enforcement agency that Feb 6-introduced in House cases, to provide for attorney fees when is subject to certification; amend KRS AN ACT relating to compulsory school Feb 7-to Agriculture and Small there is a forfeiture of interest or a 15.380 to allow Commonwealth attendance. Business (H) recovery of interest. detectives and county detectives to Amend KRS 159.010 to provide that Feb 12-posted in committee participate in the peace officer effective July 1, 2008, compulsory Feb 6-introduced in House certification program; amend KRS school attendance shall be between the HB 271 (BR 1193) - D. Owens, R. Webb Feb 12-to Judiciary (H) 15.386 and 15.392, relating to peace ages of six and seventeen; amend Feb 20-posting waived; posted in officer certification, to conform; 159.020 to make technical changes. AN ACT relating to damages. committee provisions RETROACTIVE to July 1, Create a new section of KRS Chapter Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st 2004. Feb 6-introduced in House 189 to establish that physical contact is reading, to Calendar Feb 12-to Education (H) not required to recover damages in Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 6-introduced in House personal injury or wrongful death claims Feb 26-posted for passage in the Feb 7-to Local Government (H) HB 280 (BR 1249) - R. Damron, C. arising from vehicle accidents where Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, Belcher, E. Ballard, M. Denham, R. competent proof shows by a February 27, 2007 HB 278 (BR 1038) - J. Jenkins, T. Nelson, J. Tilley preponderance of evidence that the Mar 6-3rd reading, passed 73-21 Burch, T. Firkins, J. Glenn, C. Hoffman, negligence or other actionable Mar 7-received in Senate D. Horlander, D. Keene, M. Marzian, C. AN ACT relating to military burials. misconduct of the defendant, or Mar 8-to Judiciary (S) Miller, B. Montell, T. Moore, R. Nelson, Amend KRS 213.076 to require that at unknown defendant in an uninsured F. Nesler, D. Owens, R. Palumbo, T. the time of a veteran's death, the vehicle or underinsured motorist HB 275 (BR 1015) - R. Webb Riner, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart III, J. involved funeral director shall distribute a coverage claim, was a substantial factor; Vincent, J. Wayne, R. Weston fact sheet stating military burial rights to amend KRS 304.20-020 and 304.39-320 AN ACT relating to durable powers of the person who has informed the funeral to conform. attorney. AN ACT relating to cigarettes. director of the deceased's veteran Amend KRS 386.093, relating to a Create new sections of KRS 227 to status; require the Kentucky Department durable power of attorney, to provide for require cigarettes sold and distributed in of Veterans' Affairs to supply the fact Feb 6-introduced in House circumstances where it may be revoked Kentucky to comply with fire-safe sheet to funeral directors. Feb 9-to Judiciary (H) or amended and to provide for a method performance standards; define, to bring a court action to challenge the "cigarette", "manufacturer," "quality HB 280 - AMENDMENTS HB 272 (BR 1268) - D. Owens actions of an attorney-in-fact. control and assurance program," HFA (1, T. Moore) - Insert new "repeatability," "retail dealer," "sale," provisions to amend KRS 525.055 and AN ACT relating to post-conviction Feb 6-introduced in House "sell," "wholesale dealer"; establish 525.155 to modify the circumstances relief. Feb 9-to Judiciary (H) cigarette ignition propensity testing under which the offenses of interference Amend KRS 31.185 to permit needy Feb 12-posted in committee standards; allow for equivalent cigarette with a funeral and disorderly conduct are persons convicted of felony offenses to Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st ignition propensity testing standards; committed, including the addition of a petition the court, through appointed reading, to Calendar require periodic reporting to the one-hour time buffer but retaining the counsel, for funds reasonably necessary Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules Legislature; require manufacturers to current 300-foot buffer. when seeking post-conviction or habeas Feb 28-posted for passage in the submit written certifications to state; set HFA (2/Title, T. Moore) - Make title corpus relief; require notice to Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, out requirements for cigarette package amendment. prosecutor along with opportunity to March 1, 2007 markings; specify civil penalties for SCS - Retain the bill's provisions, respond. Mar 6-3rd reading, passed 97-1 violations; empower state agencies to except amend KRS 525.055 to define Mar 7-received in Senate conduct inspections; create special "Fire the crime of disorderly conduct in the Feb 6-introduced in House Mar 8-to Judiciary (S); taken from Prevention and Public Safety Fund"; first degree when a person engages in Feb 9-to Judiciary (H) committee; 1st reading; returned to allow for exemptions; specify federal certain conduct at a funeral; amend KRS Feb 12-posted in committee Judiciary (S) pre-emption. 525.155 to define the crime of Mar 9-taken from committee; 2nd interference with a funeral. HB 273 (BR 1287) - R. Rand, S. reading; returned to Judiciary (S) HB 278 - AMENDMENTS SCA (1/Title, E. Tori) - Make title Westrom Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules; HCS - Retain original provisions; amendment. posted for passage in the Regular include "FS" as a permissible marking AN ACT relating to county law Orders of the Day for Monday, March for placement on an individual package Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 7-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Feb 9-posted in committee Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with Public Safety (H) Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st March 2, 2007 Committee Substitute, floor amendment Feb 9-posted in committee reading, to Calendar with Committee (1) Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st Substitute HB 284/LM (BR 199) - R. Damron Mar 2-received in Senate reading, to Calendar Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules Mar 5-to Judiciary (S) Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 26-posted for passage in the AN ACT relating to traffic safety. Mar 8-taken from committee; 1st for passage in the Regular Orders of the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, Amend KRS 189.125, relating to reading; returned to Judiciary (S) Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 February 27, 2007 required use of seat belts, to provide that Mar 9-taken from committee; 2nd Feb 26-floor amendments (1) and (2- Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with seat belts are not required to be installed reading; returned to Judiciary (S) title) filed Committee Substitute on off-road vehicles and vehicles which Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules; Feb 27-3rd reading; floor amendment Mar 5-received in Senate are not required to have seat belts returned to Judiciary (S); reported (1) ruled not germane ; passed 99-0 Mar 6-to State & Local Government installed pursuant to federal law; provide favorably, to Rules with Committee Feb 28-received in Senate (S) that commercial vehicle drivers making Substitute, committee amendments (1- Mar 2-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st frequent stops, emergency vehicle title) (2-title) and (3); posted for passage Public Protection (S) reading; returned to State & Local operators and passengers, persons in in the Regular Orders of the Day for Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st Government (S) custody of law enforcement, persons Monday, March 12; 3rd reading; reading; returned to Veterans, Military Mar 8-taken from committee; 2nd who cannot fasten a seat belt or committee amendment (1-title) Affairs, & Public Protection (S) reading; returned to State & Local shoulder strap because the seat belt or withdrawn ; passed 36-0 with Committee Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd Government (S) shoulder strap is too short, and persons Substitute, committee amendments (2- reading; returned to Veterans, Military Mar 9-reported favorably, to Rules as under five feet four inches tall are title) and (3) ; received in House Affairs, & Public Protection (S) a Consent Bill exempt from the seat belt requirement; Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules provide for the Transportation Cabinet to HB 285 (BR 1275) - F. Rasche with Committee Substitute, committee HB 282 (BR 1261) - R. Damron issue identification stickers for persons amendment (1-title) as a Consent Bill with medical or height excuses; provide AN ACT relating to nonresident Mar 9-posted for passage in the AN ACT relating to continuing care for protection of persons against multiple student contracts. Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, retirement communities. prosecutions if charges are dismissed or Amend KRS 157.350 to specify what March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed with Repeal KRS 216B.335, relating to the the person has been found not guilty. factors shall be considered by the Committee Substitute, committee sunset clause for the establishment of commissioner of education and the amendment (1-title) ; received in House; continuing care retirement community HB 284 - AMENDMENTS Kentucky Board of Education when posted for passage for concurrence in nursing home beds. HCS/LM - Retain original provisions, making a decision when local districts Senate Committee Substitute, except eliminate seat belt exemptions for cannot agree relating to a nonresident committee amendment (1-title) HB 282 - AMENDMENTS height, drivers of emergency vehicles, student contract; correct job title. Mar 12-House concurred in Senate HCS - Retain original provisions, and drivers of commercial motor Committee Substitute, committee except specify the sunset clause ends vehicles; amend KRS 189.990 to fix the HB 285 - AMENDMENTS amendment (1-title) ; passed 97-2; December 31, 2012. fine for seat belt violation at $25; clarify HFA (1, F. Rasche) - Clarify language enrolled, signed by each presiding SCS - Make technical amendment. language exempting fines for seat belt by stating that the appeal when school officer; delivered to Governor violations from any and all court costs. districts cannot reach agreement is for Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Feb 6-introduced in House HFA (1, J. Vincent) - Retain provisions the purpose of settling a dispute; make 107) Feb 9-to Health & Welfare (H) of the HCS, except delete language other word changes to conform. Feb 13-posted in committee making a decision of dismissal or HB 281 (BR 1248) - R. Damron Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st acquittal based on the finding of a valid Feb 6-introduced in House reading, to Calendar with Committee medical excuse binding on all peace Feb 7-to Education (H) AN ACT relating to local financial Substitute officers, county attorneys, and courts in Feb 8-posted in committee obligations. Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted the Commonwealth; replace with Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st Create a new section of KRS Chapter for passage in the Regular Orders of the language specifying that such a reading, to Calendar 65 to require a city, county, urban- Day for Tuesday, February 20, 2007 dismissal or acquittal shall be prima Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted county, consolidated local government, Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 100-0 facie exculpatory evidence in any court for passage in the Regular Orders of the charter county, taxing district, or special with Committee Substitute in all jurisdictions. Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 district to notify the state local debt Feb 23-received in Senate SCS/LM - Retain original provisions of Feb 16-floor amendment (1) filed officer in writing before entering into any Mar 1-to Health & Welfare (S) bill, except for that portion relating to an Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 100-0 financing obligation, lease, bond Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, identification sticker for persons with with floor amendment (1) issuance, or any long term debt to Consent Calendar with Committee medical or height excuses; insert Feb 23-received in Senate obligation; authorize the state local debt Substitute provisions amending the DUI law to Mar 1-to Education (S) officer to promulgate administrative Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules lower the blood alcohol level for an Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, regulations to develop the forms of Mar 12-posted for passage in the aggravating circumstance from 0.18 to to Consent Calendar notification; specify information to be Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, 0.15; revise the standards for the Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules reported on form; specify that no March 12; 3rd reading, passed 37-0 with issuance of a hardship license when the Mar 12-posted for passage in the approval by the state local debt officer Committee Substitute ; received in aggravator is present; insert a provision Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, shall be required; clarify that any House; posted for passage for amending KRS 146.241 relating to the March 12; 3rd reading, passed 37-0; financing obligation entered into prior to concurrence in Senate Committee wild river system to include a reference received in House; enrolled, signed by the passage of this Act shall be Substitute ; House concurred in Senate to I-66. each presiding officer; delivered to considered in compliance, if notification Committee Substitute ; passed 99-0 SCA (1/Title, R. Stivers II) - Make title Governor is provided to the state local debt officer Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each amendment. Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. no later than one (1) year after the presiding officer; delivered to Governor SCA (2/Title, R. Stivers II) - Make title 104) effective date of this Act; amend KRS Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. amendment. 65.944 to delete language requiring 130) SCA (3, R. Stivers II) - Insert HB 286 (BR 1279) - T. Riner notification in writing to the state local provisions to amend KRS 177.010 to debt officer when a lease price exceeds HB 283 (BR 1262) - R. Damron include airport runways within the Feb 9-WITHDRAWN one hundred thousand dollars definition of "public highway" and to ($100,000); make technical changes; AN ACT relating to naming and include an appropriation for $9,000,000 HB 287/FN (BR 1280) - T. Riner amend KRS 66.045 to conform; repeal designating the official state wine as matching funds for a runway project KRS 65.7719. festival. at the Lexington airport. AN ACT relating to the Uniform Create an new section of KRS Emergency Volunteer Health HB 281 - AMENDMENTS Chapter 2 to name and designate the Feb 6-introduced in House Practitioners Act. HCS - Amend Section 1 to specify that Kentucky Wine and Vine Festival in Feb 9-to Transportation (H) Establish KRS Chapter 39G and notification to the state local debt officer Nicholasville, Kentucky, as the official Feb 15-posted in committee create various new sections thereof; is required for leases pursuant to KRS state wine festival. Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st define terms; permit volunteer health 65.940 et seq. when the lease price reading, to Calendar with Committee practitioners to provide services in exceeds $200,000; amend Section 1 to Feb 6-introduced in House Substitute Kentucky during an emergency clarify that no approval of the state local Feb 7-to State Government (H) Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; floor declaration; authorize the Department of debt officer shall be required, unless Feb 13-posted in committee amendment (1) filed to Committee Military Affairs to limit, restrict, and otherwise required by law. Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st Substitute regulate the duration of practice by reading, to Calendar Feb 27-posted for passage in the volunteer health practitioners, Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Regular Orders of the Day for geographical locations, and types of Feb 7-to Local Government (H) Mar 1-posted for passage in the Wednesday, February 28, 2007 volunteers; require host entities using volunteers in Kentucky to coordinate health practitioners; require the Cabinet exempt speech-language pathologist with the Department of Military Affairs; for Health and Family Services, rather employed by the public schools in a AN ACT relating to minimum staffing create a registration system for than the Kentucky Department of Military certified position and who holds a requirements for long-term care facilities. volunteers; establish criteria to quality as Affairs, to promulgate administrative teacher certification in communication Create new sections of KRS Chapter a volunteer health practitioner regulations to carry out the provisions of disorders issued by the Educational 216B to require staff-to-resident ratios in registration system; require the system the Act; make technical changes; make Professional Standards Board from long-term care facilities as a condition of to verify that the licensure of volunteers conforming amendments; cite the Act as licensure requirements; create new licensure or relicensure; establish is in good standing; authorize various the Good Samaritan Act of 2007. sections of KRS Chapter 334A to minimum staffing requirements; prohibit entities to confirm whether volunteer HFA (1, T. Riner) - Delete workers' establish requirements for a provisional long-term care facilities from admitting health practitioners are registered in the compensation provisions. license to practice audiology under the new residents if the facility fails to registration system; permit the volunteer SFA (1, E. Tori) - Make technical supervision of an audiologist while comply with the minimum staffing registered to practice to practice as if the changes. completing a graduate professional requirements, beginning on the second practitioner were licensed in this state; experience; authorize the board day of noncompliance and continuing clarify that this Act does not affect Feb 6-introduced in House administrator, with approval of the board, until six days after the required staffing is credentialing or privileging standard of Feb 7-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and to issue a temporary license to any achieved, with exceptions allowed for health facilities; require practitioners to Public Safety (H) applicant for a license to practice as a weather emergencies and other similar adhere to their scope of practice; Feb 13-posted in committee speech-language pathologist, speech- events; require additional staffing based authorize the Adjutant General or his or Feb 14-posting waived language pathology assistant, or an on the needs of the residents; exempt her designee to modify or restrict the Feb 16-reassigned to Seniors, Military audiologist if the applicant has met all intermediate care facilities for the health or veterinary services that Affairs, & Public Safety (H); reported the requirements for licensure until mentally retarded, institutions for the volunteer health providers may provide favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar further action at the next meeting of the treatment of mental illnesses, personal during an emergency; permit a host Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules; board; specify licensure requirements for care homes, and family care homes from entity to restrict the health or veterinary recommitted to Seniors, Military Affairs, speech-language pathologists and the minimum staffing requirements; services provided by a volunteer health & Public Safety (H) audiologists; require an audiologist to create a 19-member board to review practitioner; prohibit sanctioning for Feb 21-reported favorably, to Rules hold a doctoral degree beginning staffing requirements on an annual unauthorized practice unless the with Committee Substitute January 1, 2008; permit the board to basis; establish a civil fine of no more practitioner has reason to know of any Feb 22-floor amendment (1) filed to grant a license to an applicant licensed than $1,000 for each day that the limitation, modification, or restriction or Committee Substitute in another state; amend KRS 334A.170 staffing requirements are not that a similarly licensed practitioner in Feb 26-posted for passage in the to change the licensure renewal time maintained. this state would not be permitted to Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, period from annually to biennially and provide the service; permit the February 27, 2007 increase the associated fees Feb 6-introduced in House Department of Military Affairs to Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 94-0 with accordingly. Feb 12-to Health & Welfare (H) incorporate into the emergency forces Committee Substitute, floor amendment volunteer health practitioners who are (1) HB 288 - AMENDMENTS HB 291/FN (BR 1028) - R. Henderson, not officers or employees of the state, a Mar 5-received in Senate HCS - Retain original provisions, H. Moberly Jr, L. Clark, M. Henley, A. political subdivision of this state, or a Mar 6-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & except amend new sections of KRS Koenig, T. Moore, J. Richards, T. Riner, municipality or other local government Public Protection (S) Chapter 334A to clarify that the basic S. Santoro, D. Sims, A. Wuchner within this state; authorize the Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st educational and practicum requirements Department of Military Affairs to reading; returned to Veterans, Military for licensure as a speech-language AN ACT relating to the Kentucky promulgate administrative regulations to Affairs, & Public Protection (S) pathologist and audiologist apply only to educational excellence scholarship implement this Act; amend KRS 311.560 Mar 8-reported favorably, 2nd reading, the initial licensure. program. to permit physicians licensed in other to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed Amend KRS 164.7881 to delete states to volunteer in Kentucky during an Mar 9-posted for passage in the Feb 6-introduced in House retroactively the three year time limit on emergency declaration; amend KRS Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, Feb 9-to Health & Welfare (H) the extension of eligibility for a Kentucky 313.030 to permit dentists licensed in March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 36-0 Feb 13-posted in committee educational excellence scholarship for other states to volunteer in Kentucky with floor amendment (1) ; received in Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st service in the U.S. Armed Forces, U.S. during an emergency declaration; House; posted for passage for reading, to Calendar with Committee Public Health Service, Peace Corps, or amend KRS 314.101 to permit nurses concurrence in Senate floor amendment Substitute Americorp. licensed in other states to volunteer in (1) Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Kentucky during an emergency; amend Mar 12-House concurred in Senate Mar 1-posted for passage in the HB 291 - AMENDMENTS KRS 314A.105 to permit respiratory care floor amendment (1) ; passed 98-0; Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, HCS/FN - Retain original provisions, practitioners licensed or certified in other enrolled, signed by each presiding March 2, 2007 except change the increment of the time states to volunteer in Kentucky during an officer; delivered to Governor Mar 6-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with extension provided to students who were emergency declaration; amend KRS Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Committee Substitute on active duty military status from 315.020 to permit pharmacists licensed 96) Mar 7-received in Senate months to years; establish that the in other states to volunteer in Kentucky Mar 8-to Licensing, Occupations and number of months served on active duty during an emergency declaration; HB 288 (BR 1019) - C. Siler, C. Miller Administrative Regulations (S) status shall be rounded up to the next amend KRS 319.005 to permit higher year. psychologists licensed in other states to AN ACT relating to licensure of HB 289 (BR 1396) - D. Graham, C. HFA (1, R. Palumbo) - Permit an volunteer in Kentucky during an professionals who provide therapeutic Rollins II, J. Crenshaw extension of the scholarship for a emergency declaration; amend KRS care to persons with hearing and related student who suffers an injury as a victim 327.020 to permit physical therapists communication disorders. AN ACT relating to the Agricultural of or party to a crime when certified by licensed in other states to volunteer in Amend KRS 334A.020 to define Development Board. an attending physician. Kentucky during an emergency "interim license," "provisional license," Amend KRS 248.707 to add the SCS - Amend KRS 164.507 to waive declaration; amend KRS 335.010 to and "temporary license"; amend KRS president of Kentucky State University to the public higher education or vocational permit social workers licensed in other 334A.035 to establish new requirements the Agricultural Development Board; tuition of a person who is the child of a states to volunteer in Kentucky during an for an interim license to practice as a make technical changes to conform. deceased veteran and who is under the emergency declaration; amend KRS speech-language pathologist and a age of 26, rather than who is under the 321.200 to permit veterinarians licensed speech-language pathology assistant; Feb 6-introduced in House age of 23; amend KRS 164.515 to waive in other states to volunteer in Kentucky require a person with an interim license Feb 12-to Agriculture & Small the public higher education or vocational during an emergency declaration; to practice as a speech-language Business (H) tuition of a person who is the child of a amend KRS 321.441 to permit veterinary pathologist who fails the national Feb 20-posting waived permanently and totally disabled veteran technologists registered in other states examination to submit documentation of Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st or member of a reserve component and to volunteer in Kentucky during an preparation for the examination as reading, to Calendar who is under the age of 26, rather than emergency declaration; and cite this Act required by the board; permit the Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules under the age of 23; amend KRS as the Uniform Emergency Volunteer applicant to continue to practice under Feb 28-posted for passage in the 164.7881 to delete retroactively the Health Practitioners Act. the interim license with supervision as Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, three-year time limit on the extension of required in accordance with KRS March 1, 2007 eligibility for a Kentucky educational HB 287 - AMENDMENTS 334A.035 for a period not to exceed 24 Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 98-0 excellence scholarship for service in the HCS/FN - Retain provisions of the bill, months, unless an extension is granted Mar 2-received in Senate U.S. Armed Forces and permit except delete definitions of "Person" and by the board; require a speech-language Mar 5-to Agriculture & Natural extensions based on the number of "State"; delete details with regard to pathologist applicant with an interim Resources (S) months served on active duty status; registering emergency volunteer health license to apply for permanent licensure eliminate the automatic reduction in the practitioners; delete details with regard within 30 days of the completion of HB 290 (BR 1312) - C. Rollins II, D. maximum award because of grade point to disciplining emergency volunteer postgraduate professional experience; Floyd, J. Greer, M. Henley averages if an eligible postsecondary education student demonstrates to the Senate; Conference Committee report title; require report to be issued no later Substitute, committee amendment (1- satisfaction of the authority that his or adopted in House and Senate; Free than September 30 of each year; set title) ; House concurred in Senate her education was interrupted during the Conference Committee appointed in forth minimum contents; encourage use Committee Substitute, committee award period for reasons specified in House and Senate; Free Conference of charts, tables, graphs, and other amendment (1-title) ; passed 99-0; this section. Committee report filed in House and visual representations of data that would enrolled, signed by each presiding SCA (1, C. Borders) - Amend KRS Senate; Free Conference Committee enhance understanding; require the officer; delivered to Governor 164.7874, relating to the Kentucky report #2 (Minority) filed in Senate; report to be made available Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Educational Excellence Scholarship posted for passage; Free Conference electronically on the state website until it 93) program, to include an out-of-state Committee report adopted in Senate; Bill is replaced by the following year's report. public institution in a contiguous state passed 35-0; received in House HB 297 (BR 1032) - A. Koenig, J. that participates in a Council on Feb 6-introduced in House Fischer Postsecondary Education approved HB 292 (BR 980) - J. Tilley, C. Siler, Ji. Feb 7-to State Government (H) tuition reciprocity agreement as a Lee, H. Moberly Jr Feb 13-posted in committee AN ACT relating to code enforcement "participating institution." Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st boards. CCR - Cannot agree. AN ACT relating to income taxes. reading, to Calendar Amend KRS 65.8811 to require code FCCR (1) - Retain original provisions Amend KRS 141.040 and 141.0401 to Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted enforcement boards to have a minimum of HB 291/SCS, except add new section treat any limited liability entity tax paid as for passage in the Regular Orders of the of 3 members, establish appointment to amend KRS 164.7874 to provide that a nonrefundable payment of income tax. Day for Tuesday, February 20, 2007 schedule for initial appointments to a student may use his or her KEES Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 99-0 boards. award in an out-of-state public institution Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 28-received in Senate that lies in a county contiguous to Feb 9-to Appropriations & Revenue Mar 2-to Appropriations & Revenue Feb 6-introduced in House Kentucky, if that institution participates in (H) (S) Feb 12-to Local Government (H) a tuition reciprocity agreement approved Feb 23-posting waived Feb 14-posted in committee by the Council on Postsecondary HB 296 (BR 891) - J. Jenkins, S. Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st Education and that is a member of the HB 293 (BR 1198) - R. Meeks, M. Brinkman, L. Combs, T. Edmonds, K. reading, to Calendar Educate the Tri-State consortium; add Dossett, C. Embry Jr Hall, T. Kerr, A. Koenig, M. Marzian, D. Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules section to authorize the University of Owens, S. Riggs Feb 27-posted for passage in the Kentucky to use its own receipts to AN ACT relating to establishing the Regular Orders of the Day for lease-purchase and renovate Samaritan first day of November as Native AN ACT relating to workers' Wednesday, February 28, 2007 Clinical Facility. American Indian Day in the compensation self-insurance and FCCR (2) - Retain original provisions Commonwealth. declaring an emergency. HB 298 (BR 438) - D. Osborne, D. of HB 291/SCS, FCCR 1, but add Amend KRS 2.230, relating to the Amend KRS 342.340, relating to Butler, J. Comer Jr provision to state that the purpose of observance of Native American Indian workers' compensation self-insurance, to funds for construction of the New Month during November, to designate exempt public sector self-insured AN ACT relating to unpasteurized Science Complex-Phase III at Murray the first day of November as "Native employers from the requirement to post milk. State University will be used for the American Indian Day"; establish the security, indemnity or bond to secure Create new sections of KRS Chapter chemistry building and the physics purposes for the day. workers' compensation liabilities if the 217C to establish the conditions under building. public employer has authority to raise which unpasteurized milk and milk Feb 6-introduced in House taxes or tuition, issue bonds, raise fees, products can be produced, processed, Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 7-to State Government (H) or has other authority to generate funds. and sold. Feb 7-to Appropriations and Revenue Feb 13-posted in committee (H) Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st HB 296 - AMENDMENTS Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 9-posted in committee reading, to Calendar HFA (1, J. Jenkins) - Declare an Feb 9-to Health & Welfare (H) Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules EMERGENCY. Feb 20-posted in committee reading, to Calendar with Committee Feb 22-posted for passage in the HFA (2/Title, J. Jenkins) - Make title Substitute Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, amendment; EMERGENCY. HB 299 (BR 411) - A. Wuchner, S. Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted February 23, 2007 SCS - Retain original provision; Westrom, C. Belcher, L. Combs, J. for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 28-3rd reading, passed 97-0 amend KRS 342.0011 to amend the Draud, D. Floyd, J. Higdon, T. Kerr, A. Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 Mar 1-received in Senate definition of "agriculture"; amend KRS Koenig, M. Marzian, R. Mobley, R. Feb 16-floor amendment (1) filed to Mar 5-to State & Local Government 304.13-167 to provide a workers' Palumbo, M. Rader, S. Santoro, C. Siler, Committee Substitute (S) compensation premium reduction to A. Simpson, D. Sims, K. Stein, R. Webb Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 98-0 employers who implement a drug-free Committee Substitute, floor amendment HB 294 (BR 1319) - J. DeCesare workplace program. AN ACT relating to healthy children. (1) SCA (1/Title, A. Kerr) - Make title Create a new section of KRS Chapter Feb 21-received in Senate AN ACT designating Bowling Green, amendment; declare an emergency. 158 to require all public preschool to Feb 23-to Education (S) Kentucky, as the birthplace of newgrass eighth grade programs no later than the Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st music and Sam Bush as the Father of Feb 6-introduced in House 2008-2009 school year to implement 30 reading; returned to Education (S) New Grass Music in the Commonwealth. Feb 7-to Labor and Industry (H) minutes per day or 150 minutes per Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd Create a new section of KRS Chapter Feb 12-posted in committee week of structured moderate to vigorous reading; returned to Education (S) 2 to designate Bowling Green, Kentucky, Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st physical activity per week in a minimum Mar 26-reported favorably, to Rules as the birthplace of newgrass music and reading, to Calendar of 10 minute intervals incorporated into with Committee Substitute, committee Sam Bush of Bowling Green as the Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules; posted the school day; permit the physical amendment (1) as a Consent Bill; Father of Newgrass Music in the for passage in the Regular Orders of the activity to include a combination of recommitted to Appropriations & Commonwealth. Day for Friday, March 2, 2007; floor classroom based physical activity, Revenue (S); reported favorably, to amendments (1) and (2-title) filed structured recess, and other structured Rules as a Consent Bill; posted for Feb 6-introduced in House Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 92-0 with physical activities; require the Kentucky passage in the Consent Orders of the Feb 9-to State Government (H) floor amendments (1) and (2-title) Board of Education to promulgate Day for Monday, March 26, 2007; 3rd Feb 20-posted in committee Mar 5-received in Senate administrative regulations to implement reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Mar 6-to Economic Development, the physical activity requirement. Substitute, committee amendment (1) ; HB 295 (BR 1110) - J. Richards, L. Tourism & Labor (S) received in House Belcher, C. Embry Jr, J. Greer, R. Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st HB 299 - AMENDMENTS Mar 27-posted for passage for Henderson, M. Marzian, J. Tilley, J. reading, to Calendar HFA (1, A. Wuchner) - Delete original concurrence in Senate Committee Wayne, R. Weston, B. Yonts Mar 8-2nd reading; returned to provisions of the bill; create new Substitute, committee amendment (1) ; Economic Development, Tourism & sections of KRS Chapter 157 to require House refused to concur in Senate AN ACT relating to an annual report to Labor (S); reported favorably, to Rules 30 minutes per day, 150 minutes per Committee Substitute, committee citizens on the finances, operations, and with Committee Substitute, committee week, or the equivalent minutes per amendment (1) ; received in Senate; management of state government. amendment (1-title) as a Consent Bill month of structured moderate to posted for passage for receding from Amend KRS 12.110 to require the Mar 9-posted for passage in the vigorous physical activity in a minimum Senate Committee Substitute, Office of the State Budget Director to Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, of 10 minute intervals beginning in the committee amendment (1) ; Senate prepare and issue a brief, clear, and March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 37- 2008-2009 school year for preschool refused to recede from Committee concise annual report for each fiscal 0-1 with Committee Substitute, through grade 6, and 2009-2010 for Substitute, committee amendment (1) ; year to the citizens of the committee amendment (1-title) ; grades 7 and 8; permit the physical Conference Committee appointed in Commonwealth on the financial received in House activity to be met through a combination House and Senate; Conference highlights, operation, and management Mar 12-posted for passage for of traditional classroom instruction, Committee report filed in House and of state government; establish report's concurrence in Senate Committee structured recess, and physical education; require the physical activity to action. minimum wage established in the enrolled, signed by each presiding be part of the existing school day and Kentucky Revised Statutes. officer; delivered to Governor permit it to be considered part of the Feb 6-introduced in House HFA (6, J. DeCesare) - Amend KRS Mar 22-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. instructional day; require the Department Feb 7-to Labor and Industry (H) 337.010 to exempt construction of court 69) of Education to promulgate facilities from prevailing wage. administrative regulations to implement HB 304 (BR 1135) - J. Gray HFA (7/Title, J. DeCesare) - Make title HB 306 (BR 802) - J. Richards, T. the physical activity requirement; require amendment. Burch, D. Butler, M. Cherry, J. Glenn, R. the department to develop a reporting AN ACT relating to motor vehicle fuel HFA (8, B. Farmer) - Amend KRS Henderson, C. Hoffman, C. Miller, D. mechanism for schools to report to the pricing. 337.010 to delete the exemption Sims, T. Thompson, J. Tilley, D. department on physical activities; require Direct retail sellers of gasoline, diesel, provided for newspaper carriers. Watkins, R. Wilkey the department to report no later than or other motor vehicle fuel to price the HFA (9, B. Farmer) - Amend KRS November 1 of each year to the Interim fuel only in whole cents per unit of 337.010 to delete the exemption AN ACT relating to the Academy of Joint Committee on Education and the measurement. provided for newspaper carriers. Mathematics and Science in Kentucky Interim Joint Committee on Health and HFA (10, D. Floyd) - Amend KRS and declaring an emergency. Welfare; amend KRS 160.345 to Feb 6-introduced in House 337.010 to delete the exemption Create a new section of KRS Chapter conform. Feb 7-to Agriculture and Small provided for newspaper carriers. 164 to create the Academy of Business (H) HFA (11/P, M. Harmon) - Attach tax Mathematics and Science at Western Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 20-posting waived credit provisions of HB 499. Kentucky University; describe purposes Feb 12-to Education (H) Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st HFA (12/P, M. Harmon) - Attach the and long term goals; require advisory Feb 27-floor amendment (1) filed reading, to Calendar employer tax credit provisions of HB board be established; define role of Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules 499. Western Kentucky University; require HB 300 (BR 1468) - J. Fischer, M. Feb 28-posted for passage in the HFA (13/Title, M. Harmon) - Make title academy students to participate in the Harmon Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, amendment. state accountability testing program and March 1, 2007 SCS/LM - Retain original provision; have scores reported to home high AN ACT proposing an amendment to Mar 1-recommitted to Labor & amend KRS 154.22-040, 154.23-025, schools; amend KRS 157.360 to identify Section 54 of the Constitution of Industry (H) 154.24-090, 154.28-080, and 154.48- how SEEK funds will be used in support Kentucky. 020 relating to the KEDFA incentive of students at the academy; amend KRS Propose amendment to Section 54 of HB 305/LM (BR 1071) - J. Gray, R. program to allow approved companies to 158.140 to authorize the academy to the Constitution of Kentucky to allow the Adkins, T. Burch, M. Cherry, L. Clark, H. use the current federal minimum wage, award diploma and local school districts General Assembly the power to limit Collins, L. Combs, J. Crenshaw, T. until July 1, 2008, as their base hourly to award a joint diploma; amend KRS damages for injuries resulting in death, Edmonds, T. Firkins, J. Glenn, D. wage calculation. 164.002 definitions; amend KRS or for injuries to persons or property; Graham, K. Hall, C. Hoffman, D. SCA (1/Title, A. Kerr) - Make title 164.7874 to ensure that academy submit to voters. Horlander, D. Keene, M. Marzian, R. amendment. students qualify to earn KEES awards; Meeks, C. Miller, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, SFA (1, D. Mongiardo) - Remove the identify that the first students will be Feb 6-introduced in House T. Riner, C. Rollins II, D. Sims, A. Smith, provisions that allow approved enrolled with the 2007-2008 academic Feb 12-to Elections, Const. J. Stacy, K. Stein, T. Thompson, D. companies within the KEDFA incentive year; EMERGENCY. Amendments & Intergovernmental Watkins, J. Wayne, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts program to use the current federal Affairs (H) minimum wage through July 1, 2008 as HB 306 - AMENDMENTS AN ACT relating to increasing the their base hourly wage calculation. HCS - Retain original provisions, HB 301/LM (BR 1067) - R. Meeks, T. state minimum wage. except add clarifying language regarding Burch Amend KRS 337.275 to increase the Feb 6-introduced in House the distribution of SEEK funds to state minimum hourly wage to $7.00 an Feb 7-to Labor and Industry (H) Western Kentucky University to support AN ACT relating to the operation of a hour on the effective date of this Act; Feb 9-posted in committee operations of the academy and motor vehicle. provide for further increase to federal Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st recognition of Western Kentucky Create a new section of KRS 189 to minimum hourly wage rate if such rate reading, to Calendar with Committee University faculty as certified to teach define the term "wireless communication exceeds the state minimum hourly wage Substitute secondary students in the academy; device"; prohibit the use of wireless rate; require, effective July 1, 2008, and Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted clarify the awarding of diplomas; make communication device by the operator of annually thereafter, that the minimum for passage in the Regular Orders of the technical corrections to conform. a motor vehicle; provide limited hourly wage be adjusted according to Day for Tuesday, February 20, 2007; exceptions; amend KRS 189.990 to set the Consumer Price Index; abolish the floor amendments (1) (3) (5) (6) (8) (10) Feb 6-introduced in House fine for violation of Section 1 at between tip credit allowed for employers and and (11) filed to Committee Substitute, Feb 7-to Education (H) $20 and $100. provide that tipped employees be paid floor amendments (2) (4) (7-title) (9) (12) Feb 8-posted in committee the state minimum hourly wage; and and (13-title) filed Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st Feb 6-introduced in House require the Department of Labor to post Feb 21-3rd reading; floor amendments reading, to Calendar with Committee Feb 7-to Transportation (H) the state minimum hourly wage level as (1) and (6) ruled not germane ; passed Substitute adjusted on the department's Internet 89-10 with Committee Substitute Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules HB 302/FN/LM/CI (BR 1131) - J. Bell Web site. Feb 22-received in Senate Feb 26-posted for passage in the Feb 26-to Economic Development, Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, AN ACT relating to concealed deadly HB 305 - AMENDMENTS Tourism & Labor (S) February 27, 2007 weapons. HCS/LM - Amend KRS 337.275 to Mar 2-taken from committee; 1st Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with Amend KRS 527.020, relating to increase the state minimum wage to reading, to Calendar Committee Substitute carrying concealed deadly weapons, to $5.85 an hour on the effective date of Mar 5-2nd reading; returned to Mar 2-received in Senate permit carrying a concealed deadly this Act, to $6.55 an hour effective July Economic Development, Tourism & Mar 5-to Appropriations & Revenue weapon in a motor vehicle in any 1, 2008, and to $7.25 an hour effective Labor (S) (S) compartment or box regularly installed in July 1, 2009; and increase to the federal Mar 6-reported favorably, to Rules Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st the vehicle by its manufacturer, minimum wage rate if such rate exceeds with Committee Substitute, committee reading; returned to Appropriations & regardless of whether the compartment the state minimum wage rate. amendment (1-title) ; posted for passage Revenue (S) or box has no door or flop or is locked, HFA (1, B. Montell) - Amend KRS in the Regular Orders of the Day for Mar 8-taken from committee; 2nd unlocked, or has no locking mechanism. 337.010 to exempt individuals who work Tuesday, March 6, 2007; passed over reading; returned to Appropriations & 25 hours or less in a work week. and retained in the Orders of the Day Revenue (S) Feb 6-introduced in House HFA (2, B. Farmer) - Amend KRS Mar 7-3rd reading; passed over and Feb 7-to Judiciary (H) 337.010 to delete minimum wage and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor HB 307 (BR 1452) - C. Belcher Feb 12-posted in committee overtime exemptions. amendment (1) filed to Committee HFA (3, B. Farmer) - Amend KRS Substitute AN ACT relating to occupational HB 303 (BR 1150) - J. Gray 337.010 to delete minimum wage and Mar 8-3rd reading; floor amendment license fees. overtime exemptions; amend KRS (1) withdrawn ; passed 33-1 with Amend KRS 67.795 to provide that AN ACT relating to workers' 337.020 to conform. Committee Substitute, committee any amendment to an ordinance or compensation. HFA (4, B. Farmer) - Prohibit local amendment (1-title) resolution to conform the provisions of Amend KRS 342.610 to permit a civil governments from establishing a Mar 9-received in House; posted for KRS 67.750 to 67.790 that does not action at tort by an employee, or the minimum hourly wage different from the passage for concurrence in Senate change a tax rate shall not be employee's estate, when injury or death minimum wage established in the Committee Substitute, committee considered the imposition of a new fee occurs because of an employer's gross Kentucky Revised Statutes. amendment (1-title) or tax; amend KRS 67.793 to provide negligence, recklessness, or violation of HFA (5, B. Farmer) - Prohibit local Mar 12-House concurred in Senate that a county that imposes a rate safety standards; provide that the governments from establishing a Committee Substitute, committee increase under KRS 67.793 shall exclusive remedy does not bar such civil minimum hourly wage different from the amendment (1-title) ; passed 93-5; continue to allow an offset of an existing city tax in the same proportion as was concession recovery fees charged to Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st the application form and guidelines previously permitted. companies by airports on vehicles in its reading, to Calendar; floor amendment established under KRS 304.17A-545(5) rental fleet, and consolidated facility (1) filed for assessing the credentials of Feb 6-introduced in House charges charged by airports or Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted providers applying for privileges. Feb 9-to Local Government (H) government-owned or operated facilities for passage in the Regular Orders of the HFA (3/Title, R. Webb) - Make title Feb 16-posted in committee for improvements or construction at Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 amendment. Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st company's operating facilities; require Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 91-0 reading, to Calendar that companies include these fees in Feb 23-received in Senate Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules advertisements; require fees to be Mar 1-to Appropriations & Revenue Feb 12-to Economic Development (H) Mar 6-recommitted to Appropriations separately itemized in rental agreement; (S) Feb 20-posted in committee & Revenue (H) require adjustment of fees if a company Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st collects excess. reading; returned to Appropriations & reading, to Calendar HB 308/LM (BR 819) - J. Tilley, J. Revenue (S) Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Vincent HB 310 - AMENDMENTS Mar 6-reported favorably, 2nd reading, Feb 27-floor amendments (1) (2) and HCS - Retain original provisions; to Rules Appropriations & Revenue (S) (3-title) filed AN ACT relating to criminal justice. make technical changes. Mar 7-posted for passage in the Mar 1-posted for passage in the Amend KRS 17.151 relating to HFA (1, T. Firkins) - Amend the Regular Orders of the Day for Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, criminal history record checks to permit definition of and reference to "vehicle Wednesday, March 7, 2007; 3rd reading, March 2, 2007 record checks in emergency child license recovery fee" to delete the passed 38-0 placement situations where there is a average per day per vehicle portion of Mar 8-received in House; enrolled, HB 314 (BR 1073) - D. Butler declared disaster or declared designated taxes and fees. signed by each presiding officer; emergency; create a new section of KRS delivered to Governor AN ACT relating to foster care Chapter 17 relating to criminal record Feb 6-introduced in House Mar 19-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. parents. checks to permit a person to do a name- Feb 7-to Licensing and Occupations 13) Amend KRS 605.120 to require the based check of his or her own record (H) Cabinet for Health and Family Services and supply that record to an employer or Feb 13-posted in committee HB 313 (BR 983) - R. Webb to reimburse foster parents for the cost potential employer; amend KRS 17.167 Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st of required physical exams and tests for relating to record checks for fire reading, to Calendar with Committee AN ACT relating to the development communicable or infectious diseases, departments, ambulance services, and Substitute of primary care centers. including tuberculosis tests. rescue squads to include all criminal Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules Create various new sections in records, not just felony records; create a Feb 23-floor amendment (1) filed to Subchapter 20 of KRS Chapter 154 to HB 314 - AMENDMENTS new section of KRS Chapter 17 to permit Committee Substitute ; placed in the establish definitions; create a revolving HCS - Retain original provisions of the the Governor to require a record check Orders of the Day loan program to provide financial bill; add that reimbursement is to the on potential appointees to cabinet Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 86-13 with assistance to nonprofit, primary care extent funds are available. secretary or department head positions. Committee Substitute, floor amendment centers licensed under KRS Chapter (1) 216B; require primary care centers Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 6-introduced in House Mar 6-received in Senate eligible for funding to provide health care Feb 12-to Health & Welfare (H) Feb 9-to Judiciary (H) Mar 7-to Transportation (S) services in a medically underserved Feb 20-posted in committee area, underserved population, or health Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st HB 309 (BR 1210) - T. Firkins, J. Arnold HB 311 (BR 1010) - J. Glenn, L. professional shortage area as reading, to Calendar with Committee Jr, L. Belcher, S. Brinkman, L. Combs, Belcher, T. Firkins, R. Meeks, C. Rollins designated by the United States Substitute M. Dossett, J. Draud, R. Henderson, J. II, A. Simpson, D. Watkins Department of Health and Human Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Jenkins, A. Koenig, D. Owens, S. Services; permit the Kentucky Economic Feb 27-recommitted to Appropriations Santoro, J. Tilley, R. Weston, R. Wilkey AN ACT relating to a teacher institute Development Finance Authority to & Revenue (H) regarding financial literacy and economic receive, appropriate, borrow money, and AN ACT relating to truancy. education. issue bonds to fund the revolving loan HB 315 (BR 974) - C. Miller, C. Siler, R. Amend KRS 159.150 to permit a local Create a new section of KRS Chapter program; permit the authority to Adams, R. Adkins, D. Butler, H. Collins, board of education and law enforcement 156 to require the Kentucky Department promulgate administrative regulations R. Damron, J. Gray, C. Hoffman, D. officials to enter into an agreement to of Education, no later than September 1, and establish the terms and conditions Horlander, D. Keene, T. McKee, T. authorize police to investigate 2008, to establish at least one teacher for loans; specify that a loan shall be or Riner, D. Sims, A. Smith, J. Stacy, K. nonattendance and take into custody a institute regarding financial literacy and a period of less than ten years and be no Stein, R. Weston student who is 16 years of age or under economic education, to be conducted greater than $1,000,000; fix the interest who is not on school property during annually. rate at the Wall Street Journal's AN ACT relating to leaves of absence school hours; require operating published prime rate with a minimum for teachers. procedures be established for an Feb 6-introduced in House interest rate of five percent; and prohibit Amend KRS 161.770 to permit a local approved placement facility; set forth the Feb 7-to Education (H) the obligations issued from being board of education to grant a leave of procedures to be established by the Feb 15-posted in committee deemed to constitute a debt or obligation absence to a teacher or superintendent agreement; amend KRS 610.255 to of the Commonwealth; EFFECTIVE July for reasons it deems necessary. permit a peace officer to take the child in HB 312/FN (BR 1356) - S. Brinkman 1, 2008. custody to an approved placement Feb 6-introduced in House facility with the permission of school AN ACT authorizing the payment of HB 313 - AMENDMENTS Feb 7-to Education (H) personnel; and amend KRS 630.030 to certain claims against the state which HFA (1, R. Webb) - Require primary permit a peace officer to take into have been duly audited and approved care centers eligible for funding to HB 316/FN (BR 1352) - H. Moberly Jr custody a child who is believed to be a according to law, and have not been provide services in a medically truant or a child who has not subjected paid because of the lapsing or underserved or health professional AN ACT relating to certain tax refund himself or herself to control of school insufficiency of former appropriations shortage county, rather than a medically suits and declaring an emergency. personnel. against which claims were chargeable, underserved or health professional Amend KRS 134.580 to revoke and or the lack of an appropriate shortage area; require primary care withdraw the Commonwealth's consent Feb 6-introduced in House procurement document in place, and centers eligible for funding to provide to suit in any forum on any claim for Feb 8-to Judiciary (H) declaring an emergency. services in a medically underserved or recovery, refund, or credit of any tax Feb 12-posted in committee Authorizes the payment of claims health professional shortage county overpayment for any taxable year ending against the state which have been where there is not an existing hospital in before December 31, 1995, made by an HB 310 (BR 1278) - T. Firkins, R. audited and approved but have not been the county; require documentation of an amended return or any other method Crimm, B. DeWeese, T. Edmonds, D. paid because of lapsing or insufficiency agreement of support or collaboration after December 22, 1994, and based on Ford, K. Hall, J. Jenkins, R. Palumbo, S. of the appropriations. between the eligible primary care center a change from any initially filed separate Santoro, R. Weston and each hospital in the county if there is return or returns to a combined return HB 312 - AMENDMENTS an existing hospital in the county; and, under the unitary business concept or to AN ACT relating to motor vehicle HFA (1, J. Vincent) - Delete check make technical corrections. a consolidated return; to withdraw the renting companies. numbers G10933097 and P160477044 HFA (2, R. Webb) - Retain the original stated or implied consent for the Create a new section of KRS Chapter from the list of checks authorized to be provisions; amend KRS 216B.155 to Commonwealth, or any officer or agent 281 to define "motor vehicle renting paid from the State Treasury. exempt community mental health of the Commonwealth, to be sued for company" and "vehicle license recovery centers, primary care centers not such claims; apply retroactively to all fee"; allow motor vehicle renting Feb 6-introduced in House operated by a hospital, and rural health claims for such years pending in any companies to charge daily vehicle Feb 8-to Appropriations and Revenue clinics not operated by a hospital from judicial or administrative forum; prohibit license recovery fees to customers, (H); posted in committee the requirement that health facilities use the withdrawal of funds from the State Treasury for the payment of such claims; bargain with the exclusive bargaining personnel policies; provide that the chief Chapter 61; require public employee specify that no KRS provision constitutes representative, except that the parties executive officer of the public employer organizations to register and file reports an appropriation or mandated are not compelled to agree to a proposal is responsible for submitting any with the board; prohibit conflicts of appropriation for the payment of such or to make a concession; require a finalized agreement to the governing interests; and require liberal construction claims; EMERGENCY. public employer to deduct dues and fair body for approval or disapproval; provide of the provisions of the Act. share payments; establish mechanism that if all eligible public employees of the Feb 6-introduced in House for a public employee organization to Commonwealth are represented by an HB 318 - AMENDMENTS Feb 7-to Appropriations and Revenue become an exclusive bargaining exclusive bargaining representative HFA (1, B. Farmer) - Amend to (H) representative; create a new section of certified by the board, an elected official exempt postsecondary education. Feb 12-posting waived KRS Chapter 336 to authorize the board shall negotiate in good faith; authorize HFA (2, B. Farmer) - Delete provisions Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st to make final designation of a bargaining the governor or other statewide elected and request the Legislative Research reading, to Calendar unit; require institutions in the post- constitutional officer to sign and execute Commission to direct the Interim Joint Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules secondary education system to have a collective bargaining agreement Committee on Labor and Industry to Feb 26-posted for passage in the separate bargaining units if consistent reached with respect to eligible public study collective bargaining for public Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, with accreditation standards; prohibit employees under their control prior to employees and its impact on state and February 27, 2007 alteration of an agreement in effect on the 2009 regular session of the General local governments. Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 99-0 the effective date of this Act; permit a Assembly for the year 2009 provided Feb 28-received in Senate nonprofit, voluntary organization that has that the agreement does not require Feb 6-introduced in House Mar 2-to Appropriations & Revenue traditionally engaged in processing of supplemental appropriations; create a Feb 12-to State Government (H) (S) grievances for public employees, on or new section of KRS Chapter 336 to Feb 20-posted in committee Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st before the effective date of the Act, to enumerate and prohibit unfair labor Feb 23-reassigned to Labor & Industry reading; returned to Appropriations & continue providing those services and practices; prohibit picketing unless (H) Revenue (S) receiving a voluntary check off of dues; notice of at least one day is given to the Feb 27-posting waived Mar 6-reported favorably, 2nd reading, permit the board to hold hearings and public employer; permit suits for Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Rules conduct elections to certify or decertify damages resulting from unfair labor to Calendar Mar 7-posted for passage in the exclusive bargaining representatives; practices; require the board to hear and Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules; floor Regular Orders of the Day for designate wages, hours, and other determine jurisdictional work disputes; amendments (1) and (2) filed Wednesday, March 7, 2007; 3rd reading, conditions of employment as appropriate authorize the board to seek temporary or Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations passed 38-0 subjects of collective bargaining; exclude injunctive relief where appropriate; & Revenue (H) Mar 8-received in House; enrolled, merit system classification system and establish procedure and time frame for signed by each presiding officer; procedures from bargaining process; appealing orders of the board; provide HB 319 (BR 1116) - T. Firkins, L. Clark delivered to Governor preserve right of the public employer to that the findings of the board, if Mar 19-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. determine policy and supervise substantiated by evidence, shall be AN ACT relating to tourism 22) employees; exempt public employer conclusive; provide that the county in development. from requirement to bargain on subjects which the alleged unfair labor practice Amend KRS 139.536 and KRS HB 317/LM (BR 953) - E. Ballard, J. reserved to the management; require occurred shall determine the appropriate 148.859 to extend the term of the Comer Jr, C. Embry Jr, C. Hoffman that collective bargaining agreements circuit court for appeals; permit various agreement granting a sales tax refund shall be in writing; permit the agreement options and establish procedures, for a tourism attraction project that AN ACT relating to the compensation to include a grievance procedure that including mediation and arbitration, for includes a lodging facility or shrine of elected county officials. shall end with binding arbitration; require resolving disputes; provide that located on state property and in the Amend KRS 64.5275, relating to the agreement to contain a provision that unresolved issues will be governed by custody of the State Fair Board to 20 elected county officials, to restrict the requires fair share payments; provide prior agreements or public employer years; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2007. salary, insurance, and participation in that fair share payments shall not policy; permit the public employer with the retirement systems of an elected exceed union dues; require employee the written permission of the exclusive Feb 6-introduced in House official who resigns office after the organization to develop an internal bargaining organization to implement its Feb 7-to Tourism Development and effective date of the Act, retires and is provision that provides a rebate of last best offer regarding one or more of Energy (H) reemployed in the same office within six expenditures used for political purposes; the unresolved issues; require the board Feb 13-posting waived months; amend KRS 61.637 to conform. exempt nonparticipation in an employee to promulgate administrative regulations Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st organization, financial or otherwise, for to implement this Act; prohibit strikes; reading, to Calendar Feb 6-introduced in House religious purposes, but require require suspension or revocation of Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 7-to Local Government (H) contribution to charity; prohibit certification, cessation of dues Feb 21-posted for passage in the Feb 23-posted in committee agreement that requires membership in deductions, and fines for an exclusive Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Mar 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, an employee organization as a condition bargaining representative involved in February 22, 2007 to Calendar of securing or retaining employment; prohibited strike activities; withhold pay Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 98-1 Mar 7-2nd reading, to Rules; require that an agreement shall expire and impose a fine on a public employee Feb 23-received in Senate recommitted to Appropriations & no later than 4 years from the date of for engaging in prohibited strike Mar 1-to Appropriations & Revenue Revenue (H) execution; require any collective activities; provide for termination of an (S) bargaining agreement with a public employee for instigating a strike; HB 318/LM (BR 959) - J. Jenkins, L. employer whose chief executive is establish negotiation and impasse HB 320/CI (BR 1033) - A. Koenig, A. Belcher, T. Burch, L. Clark, J. Gray, C. elected, except the Commonwealth, not procedures applicable to the Simpson Hoffman, D. Horlander, M. Marzian, R. to extend beyond June 30 of the year Commonwealth and an exclusive Meeks, C. Miller, D. Owens, J. Richards, after the chief executive is elected; bargaining representative of state AN ACT relating to voyeurism. K. Stein, J. Wayne, R. Weston provide that an agreement between the employees; require written requests for Amend KRS 531.090 and KRS public employer and public employee bargaining to be submitted by the 531.100 to add the act of dressing or AN ACT relating to labor-management organization shall govern wages, hours, exclusive bargaining representative to undressing; establish what constitutes negotiations. and terms and conditions of the Governor, or appropriate statewide prima facie evidence of voyeurism and Create new sections of KRS Chapter employment, except that applicable state elected official no later than September video voyeurism; amend KRS 17.500 336 to establish definitions for purposes and federal law shall apply in the 1 of odd-numbered years for and KRS 17.520 to make voyeurism a of collective bargaining; create a 3- absence of an agreement; require that agreements to become effective on the sex crime and require registration for 5 member, full-time State Employment existing laws on unemployment following July 1; if impasse occurs and years; amend KRS 439.267 to conform. Relations Board appointed by the insurance, workers' compensation, no agreement is reached by Nov. 1 of Governor, subject to Senate wages and hours, and other issues shall the year the request is filed, either party Feb 6-introduced in House confirmation; authorize board to hire prevail if in conflict with an agreement; may request mediation, mediator shall Feb 12-to Judiciary (H) staff, create a bureau of mediation, provide that nothing in the Act shall provide services until Dec. 1, and if the conduct studies, hold hearings attach prohibit agreements to establish mediator decides that mediation cannot HB 321/FN/LM (BR 1133) - C. Belcher, board to the Department of Labor; supplemental workers' compensation or help, unresolved issues will be submitted A. Simpson authorize collective bargaining for unemployment insurance benefits; to fact finding; require the eligible public employees including require agreement to be divided into two Commonwealth to negotiate and bargain AN ACT relating to delinquent representation by an employee sections: 1) provisions over which a in good faith with an exclusive property taxes. organization, but excluding the right to chief executive officer has jurisdiction, 2) bargaining representative of public Create a new section of KRS Chapter strike; require a public employer to provisions requiring approval of a employees certified before January 1, 134 to establish fee limits and notice permit an exclusive bargaining governing body; permit a chief executive 2009; require that records, charges, provisions for private purchasers of representative to represent employees in officer to negotiate wages, benefits and complaints, evidence, orders and other certificates of delinquency; provide that a bargaining unit for not more than 4 other conditions of employment including proceedings of the board shall be the provisions apply to all outstanding years; require a public employer to the changes in the merit systems or subject to the open records law, KRS certificates of delinquency held by private purchasers; amend KRS 134.460 upon petition of victim or defendant; Education for the purpose of tuition violation is subject to the same and 134.500 to clarify conflicting interest provide for modification hearing; provide assistance; to the Kentucky diabetes remedies, duties, powers and penalties provisions; amend KRS 134.480 to for entering order into KSP LINK research trust fund; and the remainder to as violations of the Consumer Protection clarify lien status for the payer of a computer system; provide civil and the General Fund; require each agency Act; declare that the provisions certificate of delinquency, allow a person criminal immunity for law enforcement or organization receiving funds to report regarding business use of Social seeking to pay a certificate of a officers acting in good faith in enforcing on the use of the moneys to the Interim Security numbers, security breach delinquency held by a private purchaser an order; provide for nondisclosure of Joint Committee on Appropriations and notices, and safeguarding against to pay the county clerk if certain victim's personal information; violation of Revenue, the Interim Joint Committee security breaches do not limit the power conditions are met, increase the clerk's order is Class A misdemeanor. on Health and Welfare and the to enforce criminal or civil statutes or the fee for accepting such payments from Legislative Research Commission by right to bring civil actions, and to provide $10 to $20, to allow the clerk to maintain Feb 6-introduced in House August 30, 2008 and each August venue for civil actions brought by the one escrow account for such payments; Feb 7-to Judiciary (H) thereafter. Attorney General regarding violations; require the clerk to send notice of the Feb 20-posting waived; posted in create a new section of KRS Chapter 17 payment to the private purchaser; committee Feb 6-introduced in House to require a law enforcement agency to amend KRS 134.490 to require a private Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st Feb 12-to Appropriations & Revenue take a complaint and provide a copy of purchaser to include contact information reading, to Calendar (H) the police report to a complainant who in the notice that must be sent to the Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules has learned or reasonably suspects that taxpayer, require the private purchaser Feb 26-posted for passage in the HB 325 (BR 1112) - R. Adkins his or her identity or personal information to communicate any change in contact Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, has been used without consent in the information to the taxpayer; amend KRS February 27, 2007 AN ACT relating to reorganization. commission of a criminal offense; create 134.990 to conform. Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 100-0 Confirm Auditor of Public Accounts a new section of KRS Chapter 411 to Mar 6-received in Senate reorganization Executive Order #06-01, establish an expedited Circuit Court HB 321 - AMENDMENTS Mar 7-to Judiciary (S) signed by the Secretary of State on May procedure for a person whose identity or HFA (1, C. Belcher) - Retain the 19, 2006; create the Office of Legal and personal information has been used original provisions, except establish a HB 323 (BR 912) - J. Stewart III Audit Support Services; abolish the without consent in the commission of a schedule for reasonable attorneys' fees Office of Quality Assurance and transfer criminal offense to get a determination and costs for private purchasers; require AN ACT relating to railroad crossing its duties; reorganize the Division of that he or she is a victim of identity theft, additional notices to taxpayers and signals. Examination and Information and to require that the court filing fee be specify that notices by private Create a new section of KRS Chapter Technology. the same as for filing a small claims purchasers may be mailed by first class 277, to require a railroad to install one case; create a new section of KRS mail with proof of mailing to the address active warning signal annually at an at- Feb 6-introduced in House Chapter 431 to establish an expedited reflected in records of the property grade crossing with a county road, in Feb 9-to State Government (H) procedure allowing a person who has valuation administrator; provide each county in which the railroad has Feb 13-posted in committee been charged with a crime because remedies if a private purchaser fails to lines; set priority for installation; require Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st another person used his or her release a lien within 30 days of payment; the Transportation Cabinet to oversee reading, to Calendar identifying information, and who has provide that county attorneys shall be installation of signals under the section Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules been found not guilty or the charges entitled to recover actual costs in and promulgate administrative Feb 21-posted for passage in the have been dismissed, to make a motion pursuing delinquent property claims. regulations to comply with the section. Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, to the Court to redact his or her February 22, 2007 identifying information from certain Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 97-0 records and to establish a procedure Feb 8-to Appropriations and Revenue Feb 7-to Transportation (H) Feb 28-received in Senate restricting access and inspection of (H); posted in committee Mar 2-to State & Local Government those records; create a new section of Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st HB 324 (BR 1384) - M. Marzian, J. (S) KRS Chapter 12 to restrict certain uses reading, to Calendar Draud by agencies of a person’s Social Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules Introduced Feb. 7, 2007 Security number, and to prohibit the Feb 21-posted for passage in the AN ACT relating to the taxation of inclusion of a person’s Social Security Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, tobacco products and making an HB 7/LM/CI (BR 966) - R. Webb, J. number in documents filed or recorded February 22, 2007 appropriation therefor. Richards, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. with an agency, subject to certain Feb 22-floor amendment (1) filed Amend KRS 138.130 to include snuff Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, L. Belcher, L. exceptions, to establish a procedure to Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 94-1 with in the definition of "other tobacco Clark, H. Collins, R. Damron, M. request redaction of a Social Security floor amendment (1) products"; amend KRS 138.140 to Denham, T. Edmonds, J. Glenn, J. number shown in official records on an Feb 26-received in Senate increase the 26 cent cigarette surtax to Gooch Jr, D. Graham, K. Hall, R. agency’s Internet Web site subject to Feb 28-to Appropriations & Revenue 71 cents and increase the tax rate on Henderson, C. Hoffman, D. Keene, T. certain exceptions, and to delay the (S) other tobacco products to 32% effective McKee, R. Meeks, H. Moberly Jr, R. effective date to July 1, 2008; create a Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st July 1, 2007; amend KRS 138.143 to Nelson, F. Nesler, D. Owens, R. new section of KRS Chapter 434 to reading; returned to Appropriations & impose a 45 cent cigarette floor stocks Palumbo, D. Pasley, R. Rand, T. Riner, create definitions and establish a Class Revenue (S) tax effective June 30, 2007; provide that A. Smith, J. Stacy, T. Thompson, J. D felony offense for "phishing," which is Mar 6-reported favorably, 2nd reading, the floor stocks tax may be paid in three Tilley, J. Vincent, J. Wayne, S. Westrom, using the Internet to induce a person to to Rules as a Consent Bill equal installments; create new section of R. Wilkey, B. Yonts provide identifying information by Mar 7-posted for passage in the KRS Chapter 41 to establish a children's representing without authorization that Consent Orders of the Day for dental fund and allocate moneys AN ACT relating to consumer the requester is another person; create a Wednesday, March 7, 2007; 3rd reading, collected from the other tobacco protection. new section of KRS Chapter 411 to passed 38-0 products tax to the Department for Create new sections of KRS Chapter provide a civil cause of action against a Mar 8-received in House; enrolled, Public Health to provide dental and oral 367 to create definitions related to person who "phishes," to allow injunctive signed by each presiding officer; health care and services to children identity theft; restrict certain uses by relief, damages up to the greater of delivered to Governor under 21 and whose family income is businesses of a consumer's Social actual damages or $25,000 for each Mar 19-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. below 250% of the federal poverty level; Security number subject to certain violation, treble damages in certain 14) fund health care benefits and health exceptions, to delay the effective date to circumstances, and reasonable insurance benefits for active and retired July 1, 2008, and to make a violation attorney's fees and court costs to a HB 322/LM (BR 1498) - A. Simpson, S. state employees and classified and subject to the same remedies, duties, prevailing plaintiff to subject violations to Lee certified public school personnel; create powers and penalties as violations of the the remedies, powers, and duties of the a new section of KRS Chapter 41 to Consumer Protection Act; require an Consumer Protection Act, and to AN ACT relating to restraining orders establish a commonwealth fund to agency or business to give notice to a establish a statute of limitations; amend upon conviction of a sexual offense. allocate moneys collected from the person whose personal information was KRS 365.720 relating to disposal of Create a new section of KRS Chapter surtax to the Cabinet for Health and acquired in a security breach subject to records to create a definition for 510 relating to sex offenses to provide Family Services for the provision of certain exceptions, to make a waiver "agency" and delete the definition for that a conviction of a felony offense health care services, mental health and void and unenforceable, and to declare "customer"; amend KRS 365.725 to under the chapter operates as an substance abuse services, and smoking that a violation is subject to the same extend the application of the records application for a restraining order prevention and cessation; allocate remedies, duties, powers and penalties disposal provisions to agencies and to prohibiting contact with the victim, unless moneys to the School Facilities as violations of the Consumer Protection make the provisions applicable to all the victim requests otherwise; provide Construction Commission for building Act; require an agency or business to records; amend KRS 15.334 to require defendant notice of right to request a new schools or additions or renovations take certain measures to safeguard law enforcement basic training regarding hearing on the restraining order; provide to existing schools in certain school against security breaches subject to identity theft; amend KRS 411.210 to for time of hearing; provide for contents districts; to fund veteran's nursing certain exceptions, and to declare that a extend the civil cause of action for of order; provide for modification of order homes; to the Council on Postsecondary victims of certain identity-theft-related crimes to persons whose identity or amendment (1-title) bonds and Knowledge Management Laurel County, Webster County, and personal information has been used Feb 20-received in Senate Portal bonds under the Department of Whitley County; amend Part II - O. without consent in the commission of a Feb 22-to Appropriations & Revenue Education - Operations and Support Infrastructure for Economic criminal offense, and to extend the (S) Services; appropriate additional moneys Development Fund for Non-Coal statute of limitations to the later of five to the Department of Education - Producing Counties to replace projects years or the date of discovery of the HB 327 (BR 1241) - H. Moberly Jr Learning and Results Services for the within Carlisle County and add projects violation or the identity of the perpetrator Mathematics Achievement Fund; to Muhlenberg County and Pike County; of the violation; amend KRS 514.160 to AN ACT amending 2006 Kentucky appropriate additional moneys to the amend Part IV - State provide that the crime of theft of identity Acts Chapter 252, relating to Environmental and Public Protection Salary/Compensation and Employment applies to use of a live or deceased appropriations for the operations, Cabinet - Horse Racing Authority for Policy - Salary adjustments to include a person’s identity, to increase the types of maintenance, support, and functioning of support of the Authority's cite to KRS 151B.035, relating to identifying information protected, and to the executive branch of government of recommendations and the management personnel of the Office of Career and delete the exclusion of credit or debit the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and and financial audit; appropriate Technical Education; amend Part IV - card fraud crimes; amend KRS 525.080 declaring an emergency. additional moneys to the Finance and General Fund Budget Reduction Plan; to provide that the crime of harassing Amend 2006 Kentucky Acts Chapter Administration Cabinet - General amend Part VII - General Fund Surplus communications applies whether the 252, the state/executive branch budget Administration for expenses related to Expenditure Plan; amend Part VIII - perpetrator is using the perpetrator's bill, to appropriate additional moneys to the Blue Ribbon Commission on Public Road Fund Budget Reduction Plan; own or another person’s identity. the Department of Veterans' Affairs for Employees Retirement Systems; amend Part XI - State/Executive Branch the Veterans' Personal Loan Program, a appropriate additional moneys to the Budget summary; EMERGENCY. HB 7 - AMENDMENTS veterans' personnel advocate, a Finance and Administration Cabinet - HCS/LM/CI - Amend definition of conservator program, additional Debt Service; appropriate additional HB 327 - AMENDMENTS "security breach" to include additional operating support, and increased debt moneys to the Cabinet for Health and HCS - Delete original provisions; circumstances where data might be service for Western Kentucky Veterans' Family Services - Public Health for the appropriate funds to the Department of disclosed. Center bonds; appropriate additional human papillomavirus vaccine and Veterans' Affairs for operating support; moneys to the Kentucky Infrastructure pandemic influenza antiviral drugs; appropriate funds for the Teachers' Feb 7-introduced in House Authority for debt service for new Fund B appropriate additional moneys to the Retirement System Medical Insurance Feb 8-to Judiciary (H) program bonds and others; increase Cabinet for Health and Family Services - Fund; authorize the Department of Parks Feb 12-posted in committee Military Affairs' restricted funds for debt Health Policy for e-health initiatives; to transfer private funds to the Kentucky Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st service to support new agency bond appropriate additional moneys, increase State Parks Foundation; establish a reading, to Calendar with Committee funds; appropriate additional moneys for restricted and federal funds to the transfer schedule for the Capitol Annex; Substitute the Commission on Human Rights to Cabinet for Health and Family Services - transfer the requirement to move the Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted implement the changes recommended Community Based Services for private Nicholas Hildreth School from the for passage in the Regular Orders of the by the Blue Ribbon Panel; appropriate child care provider rate increases and Department of Parks to the Finance Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 additional moneys to the Governor's provide debt service for Brooklawn Child Cabinet; appropriate funds for the Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with Office for Local Development for debt and Family Services bonds; appropriate purchase of pandemic influenza antiviral Committee Substitute service for Louisville Zoo-Glacier Run additional moneys to the Justice and drugs; create the Retirement Feb 23-received in Senate bonds, Community Economic Growth Public Safety Cabinet - Justice Contribution Supplement Pool in the Mar 1-to Judiciary (S) Program bonds, and Muhammad Ali Administration for the Drug Interdiction Personnel Cabinet; appropriate funds for Center bonds, and to increase support Program; appropriate additional moneys this pool to implement new employer HB 326 (BR 1389) - H. Moberly Jr, R. for administration of the Area to the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet retirement contribution rates; authorize Adkins, C. Belcher, L. Belcher, L. Clark, Development Districts; provide debt - Juvenile Justice for additional operating the Transportation Cabinet to select up M. Denham, J. Greer, C. Hoffman, Ji. service to support new bonds for animal support; appropriate additional moneys to fifteen design/build demonstration Lee, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Nelson, shelters; appropriate additional moneys and decrease restricted funds to the road related projects; permit the D. Pasley, F. Rasche, J. Richards, T. to the Kentucky Retirement Systems to Justice and Public Safety Cabinet - State Transportation Cabinet to spend no Thompson, J. Tilley, R. Wilkey provide an additional $25,000,000 for Police for additional operating support more than $10,000,000 for safety related the Kentucky Retirement Systems and for the Drug Interdiction Program; projects and no more than $9,000,000 AN ACT relating to the allocation of Insurance Fund; decrease the Kentucky appropriate additional moneys to the for Bluegrass Field's runway 9-27 safety excess Support Education Excellence in River Authority's restricted funds; Justice and Public Safety Cabinet - relocation; permit Murray State Kentucky (SEEK) funds, making an provide debt service from the general Corrections - Adult Correctional University to use New Science Complex appropriation therefor, and declaring an fund for Kentucky River Locks and Dams Institutions for additional operating - Phase III funds for the chemistry and emergency. Maintenance and Renovation Pool support; appropriate additional moneys physics building; authorize university Amend 2006 Kentucky Acts Chapter bonds and reduce restricted and agency to the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet capital projects for Northern Kentucky 252, the state/executive branch budget bond funds; appropriate additional - Vehicle Enforcement for the Drug University, University of Kentucky, and bill, to provide for the allocation of moneys to the Teachers' Retirement Interdiction Program; appropriate University of Louisville; require any excess Support Education Excellence in System to provide an additional additional moneys to the Council on general fund moneys directed to be Kentucky (SEEK) funds; appropriation, $25,000,000 for the Kentucky Teachers' Postsecondary Education to provide appropriated by Part VII, General Fund EMERGENCY. Retirement System's medical insurance debt service for new bonds for colleges Surplus Expenditure Plan, to the fund; appropriate additional moneys to and universities, research support - lab Kentucky Retirement Systems to be HB 326 - AMENDMENTS Tourism for expenses related to hosting renovation at UK and UofL, and appropriated to the Kentucky Systems HCS - Retain original provisions; add the Ryder Cup; appropriate additional information technology and equipment Insurance Fund; delete the Kentucky 06 HB 557 amendments; provide moneys to Parks for new debt service for acquisitions; appropriate additional Retirement Systems and the Kentucky certified and equivalent employees of Parks Renovation Pool bonds and to moneys to the Kentucky Higher Teachers' Retirement System's medical the Office of Career and Technical provide additional operating support; Education Assistance Authority for the insurance fund from the General Fund Education the option to select a salary appropriate additional moneys to the College Access Program, the Kentucky Surplus Expenditure plan; amend the adjustment based on Part IV, State Horse Park Commission for new debt Tuition Grant Program, and for student self-insured plan for public employees' Salary/Compensation and Employment service for Outdoor Stadium bonds and financial aid; appropriate additional regulation requirement; appropriate Policy, or a salary adjustment of 2 Horse Park Roads and Pedways bonds; funds to the Kentucky Community and funds to the judicial and legislative percent for fiscal year 2006-2007 and, provide debt support for Upgrade HVAC Technical College System for the branches in order to implement the new during fiscal year 2007-2008, a salary Systems bonds under the State Fair Jefferson Community and Technical employer retirement contribution rates; increase of $3,000. Board; appropriate additional moneys to College Truck Driving Program; add a declare an EMERGENCY. HCA (1/Title, H. Moberly Jr) - Make the Historical Society for a grant to the Budget Reserve Trust Fund section at HCA (1/Title, H. Moberly Jr) - Make title amendment. Frazier International History Museum; the end of Part I - Operating Budget; title amendment. appropriate additional moneys to the amend Part II - Capital Projects - HFA (1, A. Simpson) - Amend two Feb 7-introduced in House Economic Development Cabinet - Appropriations for Projects not Line- Kenton County community development Feb 8-to Appropriations and Revenue Secretary for the Small Business Itemized to add Community Economic project descriptions. (H); posted in committee Innovation Research grant program and Growth Program, Capital Renewal and HFA (2, A. Simpson) - Amend Kenton Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st for the High-Tech Maintenance Bond Pool, Postsecondary County community development project reading, to Calendar with Committee Construction/Investment Pool; Education Institutions Technology and description. Substitute, committee amendment (1- appropriate additional moneys to the Equipment Pool, and Postsecondary HFA (3, D. Ford) - Amend to authorize title) Economic Development Cabinet - Education Institutions Research and appropriate additional funds to the Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Financial Incentives for increased debt Support/Lab Renovation and Equipment Horse Park Commission for a new for passage in the Regular Orders of the service for Economic Development Bond Pool; amend Part II - N. Infrastructure for indoor arena, outdoor stadium, and for Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 Pool bonds and $10,000,000 for training Economic Development Fund for Coal- Horse Park roads and pedways. Feb 16-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with grants to Ford Motor Company; provide Producing Counties to replace projects HFA (4, D. Ford) - Amend to Committee Substitute, committee debt service for On-Line Assessment within Clay County, Hancock County, appropriate additional funds to the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Kentucky Teachers' Retirement can inappropriately alert a suspected promulgate administrative regulations for Authority for the College Access System's medical insurance fund from violator to the presence of the law administration of the plan; amend KRS Program, the Kentucky Tuition Grant the General Fund Surplus Expenditure enforcement officer; require that the law 61.410 to clarify Social Security Program, and a new need-based plan; amend the self-insured plan for enforcement officer operating without coverage for employees hired on or after financial aid program. public employees' regulation warning signals under this section utilize July 1, 2009, by an agency participating HFA (5, D. Ford) - Amend to requirement; appropriate funds to the due care in protecting the safety of in the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement appropriate funds for the Human judicial and legislative branches in order motorists and pedestrians. System; amend KRS 16.520, 16.645, Papillomavirus vaccine on a voluntary to implement the new employer 61.525, 78.540, 78.545, 161.470, basis for uninsured females ages 9 to 26 retirement contribution rates; declare an HB 329 - AMENDMENTS 61.543, 61.552, 78.530, 78.532, and years. EMERGENCY. HCS - Retain original provisions, 78.615 to conform; require the board of HFA (6, D. Ford) - Amend to authorize HFA (15, A. Simpson) - Amend to except allow emergency vehicles to give the defined contribution plan to report to and appropriate bond funds for the appropriate additional funds to the warning by use of either lights or siren; the Interim Joint Committee on State Kentucky Infrastructure Authority's Fund Commission on Human Rights for allow silent pursuit without prior Government no later than October 31, B Loan Program. operating expenses. approval. 2007. HFA (7, D. Ford) - Amend to authorize HFA (16, A. Simpson) - Amend to HFA (1, J. Vincent) - Retain provisions and appropriate bond funds for the designate the Commission on Human of Committee Substitute, except amend Feb 7-introduced in House Community Economic Growth Program. Rights' personnel and operating subsection (6) to clarify that only certified Feb 12-to State Government (H) HFA (8, B. DeWeese) - Amend to expenditures as a necessary peace officers in official vehicles authorize and appropriate bond funds for government expense. equipped with emergency equipment are HB 332/FN (BR 1127) - R. Damron, H. the Community Economic Growth HFA (17, R. Crimm) - Amend KRS eligible to operate without warning Moberly Jr, R. Adkins, C. Belcher, L. Program. 136.650 to increase the monthly hold devices; require peace officer to proceed Clark, J. Crenshaw, J. DeCesare, C. HFA (9, B. DeWeese) - Amend to harmless amount; amend KRS 136.654 with extreme caution if operating with Hoffman, Ji. Lee, T. McKee, R. authorize and appropriate bond funds for to require reporting upon request from lights and siren. Palumbo, J. Richards, T. Riner, C. the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority's the Department of Revenue; appropriate Rollins II, K. Stein, T. Thompson, R. Fund B Loan Program. funds; effective January 1. 2006. Feb 7-introduced in House Wilkey HFA (10, B. DeWeese) - Amend to HFA (18, R. Crimm) - Amend KRS Feb 12-to Transportation (H) appropriate funds for the Human 136.650 to increase the monthly hold Feb 15-posted in committee AN ACT relating to postsecondary Papillomavirus vaccine on a voluntary harmless amount; amend KRS 136.654 Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st institution debt. basis for uninsured females ages 9 to 26 to require reporting upon request from reading, to Calendar with Committee Create new sections of KRS Chapters years. the Department of Revenue; appropriate Substitute 48 and 164A and amend existing HFA (11, B. DeWeese) - Amend to funds; effective January 1. 2006. Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; floor sections of KRS Chapters 48 and 56 to appropriate additional funds to the amendment (1) filed to Committee provide a process for postsecondary Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Feb 7-introduced in House Substitute institutions to issue agency bonds upon Authority for the College Access Feb 8-to Appropriations and Revenue Feb 27-posted for passage in the authorization by the General Assembly. Program, the Kentucky Tuition Grant (H) Regular Orders of the Day for Program, and a new need-based Feb 16-posted in committee Wednesday, February 28, 2007 Feb 7-introduced in House financial aid program. Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st Mar 1-3rd reading; Committee Feb 8-to Appropriations and Revenue HFA (12, B. DeWeese) - Amend to reading, to Calendar Substitute adopted; floor amendment (1) (H); posted in committee authorize and appropriate additional Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; adopted ; laid on clerk's desk Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st funds to the Horse Park Commission for recommitted to Appropriations & reading, to Calendar a new indoor arena, outdoor stadium, Revenue (H); posting waived HB 330 (BR 1520) - S. Baugh, C. Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted and for Horse Park roads and pedways. Feb 28-reported favorably, to Rules Belcher for passage in the Regular Orders of the HFA (13, C. Siler) - Amend to with Committee Substitute, committee Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 authorize the expenditure of multi-county amendment (1-title) ; floor amendments AN ACT relating to sales and use tax. Feb 16-3rd reading, passed 98-0 coal severance funds for the merger of a (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Amend KRS 139.480 to exempt from Feb 20-received in Senate regional industrial park with an industrial and (12) filed to Committee Substitute sales and use tax liquefied petroleum Feb 22-to Appropriations & Revenue development project. Mar 1-floor amendment (13) filed to gas and natural gas purchased for use in (S) HFA (14, H. Moberly Jr) - Delete Committee Substitute, floor amendment a commercial greenhouse or nursery. original provisions; appropriate funds to (14) filed HB 333 (BR 1500) - A. Simpson the Department of Veterans' Affairs for Mar 2-floor amendments (15) and (16) Feb 7-introduced in House operating support; appropriate funds for filed to Committee Substitute Feb 12-to Appropriations & Revenue AN ACT relating to plastic containers. the Teachers' Retirement System Mar 6-placed in the Orders of the Day (H) Amend KRS 224.50-585 to require Medical Insurance Fund; authorize the Mar 8-floor amendment (18) filed to that if the material comprising a Department of Parks to transfer private Committee Substitute, floor amendment HB 331/AA (BR 1045) - B. Farmer container's label, base cup, layer of funds to the Kentucky State Parks (17) filed resin, or other plastic component is Foundation; establish a transfer AN ACT relating to retirement. different but of the same predominant schedule for the Capitol Annex; HB 328/LM/CI (BR 452) - J. DeCesare, Establish Chapter 18B and create new resin comprising the bottle or container appropriate funds for the purchase of A. Koenig sections thereof to establish a defined then the container shall be labeled the pandemic influenza antiviral drugs; contribution retirement plan for same as the plastic container; and the create the Retirement Contribution AN ACT relating to contracts. employees hired on or after July 1, 2009, word "OTHER" and the number "7" if the Supplement Pool in the Personnel Amend KRS 336.130 to prohibit by an agency participating in the material comprising the product label, Cabinet; appropriate funds for this pool mandatory membership or financial Kentucky Employees Retirement base cup, layer of resin, or other plastic to implement new employer retirement support of a labor organization as a System, the County Employees component is not compatible for the contribution rates; authorize the condition of employment; amend KRS Retirement System, the State Police purposes of recycling with the material Transportation Cabinet to select up to 336.180 to conform; amend KRS Retirement System, and the Kentucky comprising the bottle or container. fifteen design/build demonstration road- 336.990 to make a violation of this Act a Teachers' Retirement System; create a related projects; permit the Class D Felony; create a new section to new section of KRS Chapters 61 and Feb 7-introduced in House Transportation Cabinet to spend no exempt existing contracts or 161 to clarify that employees hired on or Feb 9-to Natural Resources & more than $10,000,000 for safety-related agreements; and amend KRS 67A.6904, after July 1, 2009, shall participate in the Environment (H) projects and no more than $9,000,000 KRS 67C.406, KRS 70.262, KRS defined contribution retirement plan; for Bluegrass Field's runway 9-27 safety 78.470, KRS 78.480, and KRS 345.050 allow an employee participating in the HB 334 (BR 1342) - S. Brinkman relocation; permit Murray State to conform. Kentucky Employees Retirement University to use New Science Complex System, the County Employees AN ACT relating to business entities. - Phase III funds for the chemistry and Feb 7-introduced in House Retirement System, the State Police Creates and amends various statutes physics building; authorize university Feb 12-to Labor & Industry (H) Retirement System, or the Kentucky relating to business entities to capital projects for Northern Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System before accomplish the following: make University, University of Kentucky, and HB 329 (BR 956) - J. DeCesare July 1, 2009, to make an irrevocable consistent the provisions of the University of Louisville; require any election to participate in the defined corporate and other business general fund moneys directed to be AN ACT relating to emergency contribution retirement plan and transfer organization acts regarding business appropriated by Part VII, General Fund vehicles. their accumulated account balance; entity names such that equivalent rules Surplus Expenditure Plan, to the Amend KRS 189.940 to exempt law amend KRS 18A.245 to expand duties of will govern the names of business Kentucky Retirement Systems to be enforcement officers from certain traffic the Kentucky Deferred Compensation corporations, nonprofit corporations, appropriated to the Kentucky Retirement regulations without using warning Authority Board of Trustee's to include cooperatives, associations, partnerships, Systems Insurance Fund; delete the signals if they are responding to a administration of the defined contribution limited partnerships, limited liability Kentucky Retirement Systems and the situation where use of warning signals retirement plan and allow the board to companies, and business trusts; modify procedural rules across the various SCA (2, C. Borders) - Amend KRS Feb 7-introduced in House forbid any person from practicing as or business entity acts such that they will 248.707 to include the president of Feb 12-to Transportation (H) professing to be any of the licensed or contain equivalent if not identical Kentucky State University on the certified professionals in the chapter provisions; update provisions of KRS Agricultural Development Board. HB 337/FN (BR 1011) - J. Stacy, M. without a valid current license or Chapter 271B to reflect the more current SCA (3/Title, C. Borders) - Make title Marzian, S. Brinkman, R. Crimm, D. certificate; create a new section of KRS provisions of the Model Business amendment. Floyd, J. Higdon, J. Jenkins, F. Nesler, Chapter 319B to establish license Corporation Act; allow limited liability D. Owens, T. Riner, J. Tilley, D. Watkins, expiration and renewal dates and companies to enter into a share Feb 7-introduced in House S. Westrom procedures; create new sections of KRS exchange with a corporation, be created Feb 12-to Judiciary (H) Chapter 319B to authorize the board to by conversion from a corporation, have Feb 14-posted in committee AN ACT relating to Medicaid grant reciprocity with other jurisdictions, statutory rules governing nonprofit Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st reimbursement for smoking cessation discipline licensees or deny applicants status, and to provide for their existence reading, to Calendar; floor amendments treatment. for unprofessional conduct, and set fees after the death or other termination of (1) and (2) filed Amend KRS 205.560 to provide within specified limits; create a new their members; provide rules for Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules Medicaid reimbursement for smoking section of KRS Chapter 319B to list business trusts to create uniformity in Feb 26-posted for passage in the cessation treatment interventions, penalties for violations of provisions of regard to other forms of business Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, including counseling and the chapter. organizations; allow dentists to practice February 27, 2007 pharmacotherapies. dentistry within a business organized as Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 95-0 Feb 7-introduced in House a limited liability company; receive Mar 5-received in Senate HB 337 - AMENDMENTS Feb 8-to Health and Welfare (H) several sections of KRS ch. 362 that Mar 6-to Judiciary (S) SCS/FN - Retain original provisions, Feb 13-posted in committee were repealed with a delayed effective Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st except make the Medicaid coverage for Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st date in 2006 Ky. Acts. ch. 149; confirm reading; returned to Judiciary (S) smoking cessation contingent upon reading, to Calendar new repeal of other sections of KRS ch. Mar 8-taken from committee; 2nd available funds; state findings and Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules 362 that were also repealed in 2006 Ky. reading; returned to Judiciary (S) declarations regarding the incidence, Feb 21-posted for passage in the Acts ch. 149; confirm amendments to Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules; prevention, screening, and treatment of Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, certain statutes whose effectiveness was posted for passage in the Regular diabetes; urge the Cabinet for Health February 22, 2007 made contingent upon the approval by Orders of the Day for Monday, March 12 and Family Services to encourage Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 94-0 the voters of proposed constitutional Mar 26-taken from the Regular Orders Medicaid providers to obtain and record Feb 26-received in Senate changes in 2002; and to make minor of the Day; recommitted to the body mass index of recipients and to Feb 28-to Health & Welfare (S) technical corrections. Appropriations & Revenue (S); reported use the index and the American Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st favorably, to Rules with committee Diabetes Association guidelines in the reading; returned to Health & Welfare HB 334 - AMENDMENTS amendments (1) (2) and (3-title) ; treatment of Medicaid recipients to (S) HFA (1, J. Vincent) - Remove recommitted to Appropriations & prevent or delay the onset of diabetes, Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd provision that non-profit merger Revenue (S); reported favorably, to control diabetes, and prevent the reading; returned to Health & Welfare provisions only apply to mergers with Rules; posted for passage in the Regular associated long-term complications. (S) domestic limited liability companies. Orders of the Day for Monday, March SCA (1/Title, J. Denton) - Make title Mar 7-reported favorably, to Rules HFA (2, J. Vincent) - Remove 26, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 33-0 with amendment. with Committee Substitute, committee provisions relating to the ownership of committee amendments (1) (2) and (3- SFA (1/Title, D. Roeding) - Make title amendment (1-title) as a Consent Bill property in the Commonwealth which title) ; received in House amendment. Mar 9-posted for passage in the are included within the definition of Mar 27-posted for passage for SFA (2, D. Roeding) - Establish KRS Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, transacting business contained in the concurrence in Senate committee Chapter 319B, regarding the licensing March 9, 2007; taken from the Consent Kentucky Uniform Limited Partnership amendments (1) (2) and (3-title) ; House and regulation of practitioners of Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Act. concurred in Senate committee orthotics, prosthetics, and pedorthics; Orders of the Day; passed over and SCA (1, C. Borders) - Inserts amendments (1) (2) and (3-title) ; create a new section of KRS Chapter retained in the Orders of the Day; floor provisions of HB 181/HCS which would passed 98-0; enrolled, signed by each 319B to define terms for the chapter; amendment (2) filed to Committee amend KRS 45.560 to include the presiding officer; delivered to Governor create a new section of KRS Chapter Substitute, floor amendment (1-title) filed definition of "equal employment Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 319B to establish the Kentucky Board of Mar 12-3rd reading; committee opportunity job categories"; amend KRS 137) Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Pedorthics amendment (1-title) withdrawn ; passed 45.570 to clarify the classes protected and its appointment and meeting 33-0 with Committee Substitute, floor against discrimination by state HB 335/LM (BR 498) - S. Brinkman, D. procedures; create a new section of amendments (1-title) and (2) ; received contractors; amend KRS 45.590 to Osborne KRS Chapter 319B to delineate the in House; posted for passage for increase the dollar amount of exempted duties of the board; require the board to concurrence in Senate Committee contracts or subcontracts from $250,000 AN ACT relating to the taxation of administer and enforce the provisions of Substitute, committee amendment (1- to $500,000; allow the Finance and aircraft. the chapter and to promulgate title), floor amendments (1-title) and (2); Administration Cabinet to promulgate Amend KRS 132.200 to exempt administrative regulations to establish House refused to concur in Senate administrative regulations to establish personal aircraft from local property tax; the requirements for licensure and Committee Substitute, floor amendments additional exemptions; amend KRS provide that the Act takes effect January certification of licensed orthotists, (1-title) and (2) ; received in Senate; 45.600 to allow the contracting agency 1, 2008. prosthetists, and pedorthists, and posted for passage for receding from rather than the cabinet to set the time certified orthotic fitters; create a new Senate Committee Substitute, floor period for submitting statements and HB 335 - AMENDMENTS section of KRS Chapter 319B to state amendments (1-title) and (2) ; Senate information required by the statute; set HFA (1, D. Osborne) - Amend KRS additional powers of the board, including receded from Committee Substitute, out the information to be reported by the 132.200 to exempt documented vessels the authority to employ needed floor amendments (1-title) and (2) ; bidding party regarding its workforce; from local property tax; EFFECTIVE personnel and contract with the Division passed 33-0; received in House; require the bidding party to submit a January 1, 2008. of Occupations and Professions for the enrolled, signed by each presiding breakdown of subcontracts over HFA (2/Title, D. Osborne) - Make title provision of administrative services; officer; delivered to Governor $500,000; include a determination by the amendment. create new sections of KRS Chapter Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. cabinet that the percentage of women in 319B to declare rules for actual physical 90) the bidding party's workforce reflects the Feb 7-introduced in House licenses and certificates, practice percentage of available women in the Feb 12-to Appropriations & Revenue authorization, and scope of practice; HB 338/LM/CI (BR 1470) - B. Montell, S. area from which the bidding party's (H) create a new section of KRS Chapter Lee workforce is drawn and to use this Feb 15-floor amendments (1) and (2- 319B to set a July 1, 2009, deadline for determination in the cabinet's existing title) filed practice outside the provisions of the AN ACT relating to public morals. affirmative action process; amend KRS chapter; create new sections of KRS Create new sections of KRS Chapter 45.610 to include women in the HB 336 (BR 1222) - T. Kerr Chapter 319B to exempt individuals 510 to create definitions for "full or partial affirmative action requirements for state engaging in their profession from the nudity" and "public place"; establish the contractors and allow the cabinet to AN ACT relating to historic motor authority of Chapter 319B, including crime of public indecency as a Class A investigate the employment practices of vehicles. licensed health care practitioners or misdemeanor when one appears in a any contractor or subcontractor to Amend KRS 186A.115, relating to providers, physician, chiropractor, public place in full or partial nudity; determine if they have violated any motor vehicle inspections, to provide that pharmacist, physical therapists, amend KRS 510.140, relating to sexual provision of KRS 45.560 to 45.640; and inspections on historic motor vehicles occupational therapists, certain misconduct, to increase the penalty from create a new section of KRS 45.560 to that are brought into Kentucky shall be individuals working under the a Class A misdemeanor to a Class D 45.640 to allow the Finance and limited to verification of the vehicle supervision and control of a licensed felony; amend KRS 531.020, relating to Administration Cabinet to promulgate identification number with supporting pharmacist, and listed types of orthotic, distribution of obscene matter, to administrative regulations to carry out documentation for purposes of titling. prosthetic, or pedorthic practice; create a increase the penalty from a Class A the provisions of KRS 45.560 to 45.640. new section of KRS Chapter 319B to misdemeanor to a Class D felony; amend KRS 531.030, relating to status as a nonprofit; amend KRS HB 344/HM (BR 1379) - M. Marzian, T. immunizations rather than authorize the distribution of obscene material to 243.260 to cap the charges the nonprofit Burch, J. Jenkins, R. Meeks, D. Owens, cabinet to require additional minors, to increase the penalty for the pays for the special temporary wine R. Palumbo, K. Stein immunizations by promulgation of first offense from a Class A licenses or the distilled spirits and wine administrative regulations. misdemeanor to a Class D felony and, special temporary licenses during any AN ACT relating to health insurance HFA (3, A. Wuchner) - Retain original for a second or subsequent offense, one calendar year at the fee the coverage for contraceptive services. provisions of the bill, except to delete the from a Class D to a Class C felony; nonprofit would have paid if it had been Create a new section of Subtitle 17A human papillomavirus vaccine from amend KRS 531.040, relating to using issued a retail liquor drink license under of KRS Chapter 304 to require health required vaccinations for school minors to distribute obscene material, to KRS 243.030. insurance plan coverage of outpatient attendance; add a new section of KRS increase the penalty for the first offense contraceptive services. Chapter 214 to require the Department from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class Feb 7-introduced in House for Public Health to recommend that all D felony and, for each subsequent Feb 9-to Licensing & Occupations (H) Feb 7-introduced in House middle school female students and their offense, from a Class D to a Class C Feb 16-posted in committee Feb 12-to Banking & Insurance (H) parents or guardians consider voluntary felony; amend KRS 531.050, relating to vaccination after consultation with their advertising obscene material, to HB 341/LM (BR 1502) - A. Simpson, D. HB 345/FN (BR 1338) - D. Watkins, T. health care providers, in concurrence increase the penalty from a Class B Keene Burch, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian, R. with the Centers for Disease Control and misdemeanor to a Class A Palumbo, C. Rollins II, K. Stein Prevention, the American Academy of misdemeanor; amend KRS 531.060, AN ACT relating to the sale of Pediatrics, the American Medical relating to promoting sale of obscenity, alcoholic beverages on election days. AN ACT relating to cervical cancer Association, the Advisory Committee on to increase the penalty from a Class B Amend KRS 119.215 to allow the sale immunizations. Immunization Practices, the National misdemeanor to a Class A misdemeanor of alcoholic beverages after 12 noon; Amend KRS 214.036 to require Network for Immunization Information, for the first offense and from a Class A amend KRS 242.100 to allow the sale of exceptions to immunization against the and the American College of misdemeanor to a Class D felony for a alcoholic beverages after 12 noon; human papillomavirus for children whose Pediatricians, who have not taken a second offense and from a Class D amend KRS 244.290 to allow the sale of parents exercise their right to withhold position of formally requiring mandatory felony to a Class C felony for the third alcoholic beverages after 12 noon; consent for any reason; establish that vaccination for school attendance; and subsequent offense; amend KRS amend KRS 244.480 to allow the sale of parents do not have to submit a written require the department to develop a 531.090, relating to voyeurism, to alcoholic beverages after 12 noon. sworn statement as required for other public awareness, education, and increase the penalty from a Class A immunization exceptions; amend KRS prevention program on HPV; require the misdemeanor to a Class D felony; Feb 7-introduced in House 214.034 to require immunization against department to report on the program by amend KRS 531.350, relating to Feb 12-to Elections, Const. the human papillomavirus for all middle December 1, 2007, and every 6 months promoting sale of material portraying a Amendments & Intergovernmental school female students; amend KRS thereafter. sexual performance by a minor, to Affairs (H) 158.035 to require certification of HFA (4/Title, D. Floyd) - Make title increase the penalty from a Class A Feb 14-reassigned to Licensing & immunization against the human amendment. misdemeanor to a Class D felony for the Occupations (H); posted in committee papillomavirus for school enrollment. first offense, a Class C felony for the Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st Feb 7-introduced in House second offense, and a Class B felony for reading, to Calendar HB 345 - AMENDMENTS Feb 8-to Health and Welfare (H) each subsequent offense. Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules HCS/FN - Amend KRS 214.036 to Feb 9-posted in committee Feb 28-posted for passage in the specify that parental consent for Feb 14-floor amendment (1) filed Feb 7-introduced in House Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, immunization against human Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st Feb 12-to Judiciary (H) March 1, 2007 papillomavirus may be withheld for any reading, to Calendar with Committee reason and does not require a written Substitute HB 339/FN (BR 1518) - C. Siler, E. HB 342 (BR 1031) - C. Siler, E. Ballard, sworn statement; require forms for Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Ballard, R. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, S. D. Butler, M. Dossett, D. Floyd exemption from immunization for passage in the Regular Orders of the Baugh, L. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. requirements to be available at schools Day for Tuesday, February 20, 2007; Brinkman, D. Butler, M. Cherry, T. AN ACT relating to the misuse of and child-care centers and other floor amendments (2) and (3) filed to Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. military status. licensed facilities that care for children; Committee Substitute Damron, J. DeCesare, M. Dedman Jr, Create a new section of KRS Chapter amend KRS 214.034 to specify that Feb 20-floor amendment (4-title) filed M. Denham, B. DeWeese, M. Dossett, J. 519 to prohibit misuse, false unless parental consent is withheld or a Feb 22-3rd reading; floor amendment Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. representation, or fraudulent claim of physician states that immunization would (2) ruled not germane ; floor amendment Farmer, J. Fischer, D. Floyd, D. Ford, J. military privilege or status and make it a be injurious to a child, all children are (3) rejected ; passed 59-39 with Glenn, J. Gooch Jr, J. Gray, J. Greer, K. Class A misdemeanor. required to be immunized against certain Committee Substitute Hall, M. Harmon, R. Henderson, M. diseases, including human Feb 23-received in Senate Henley, J. Hoover, T. Kerr, S. Lee, R. Feb 7-introduced in House papillomavirus; amend KRS 158.035 to Mar 1-to Appropriations & Revenue Meeks, C. Miller, R. Mobley, B. Montell, Feb 9-to Seniors, Military Affairs, & delete the listing of specific diseases and (S) T. Moore, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Public Safety (H) require immunizations in accordance Nesler, D. Osborne, M. Rader, S. Riggs, Feb 16-posted in committee with existing law. HB 346 (BR 1298) - S. Brinkman, S. T. Riner, S. Santoro, D. Sims, A. Smith, Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st HFA (1, A. Wuchner) - Delete original Westrom B. Smith, J. Stacy, J. Stewart III, T. reading, to Calendar provisions of the bill; amend KRS Thompson, J. Tilley, T. Turner, J. Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules 158.297 to include the human AN ACT relating to financial literacy. Vincent, D. Watkins, R. Webb, S. Feb 26-recommitted to Judiciary (H) papillomavirus and its vaccine; create a Create new sections of KRS Chapter Westrom, B. Yonts new section of KRS Chapter 214 to 158 to require the Kentucky Department HB 343 (BR 1113) - T. Moore, Ji. Lee, require the Department for Public Health of Education to develop and implement AN ACT relating to the taxation of E. Ballard, S. Baugh, K. Bratcher, D. to recommend that all middle school the Kentucky Financial Literacy military pay. Butler, M. Cherry, J. DeCesare, M. female students and their parents or Program; permit school districts to utilize Amend 141.010 to exclude from Dossett, C. Embry Jr, T. Firkins, D. guardians consider voluntary vaccination the program and program materials; taxable income all military pay for active Floyd, J. Glenn, J. Greer, R. Henderson, with the human papillomavirus vaccine require the program to include curricula, and reserve service, for taxable years M. Henley, T. Kerr, S. Lee, C. Miller, B. after consultation with their health care materials, and guidelines for financial beginning on or after January 1, 2008. Montell, L. Napier, D. Osborne, T. Pullin, providers; require the department to literacy instruction aligned with state T. Riner, S. Santoro, C. Siler, B. develop a public awareness, education, standards and designed to be included Feb 7-introduced in House Spencer, J. Stewart III, T. Thompson, J. and prevention program on HPV; require in courses currently offered in public Feb 12-to Appropriations & Revenue Tilley, J. Vincent, A. Wuchner the department to report on the program schools; require the Kentucky Board of (H) by December 1, 2007, and every 6 Education to adopt the curricula, Feb 16-posted in committee AN ACT relating to crimes and months thereafter. materials, and guidelines for program; punishments. HFA (2, D. Floyd) - Retain original set forth areas of financial literacy to be HB 340 (BR 1501) - A. Simpson Amend KRS 525.055 and 525.155 to language; amend KRS 214.034 to included in the program; establish the modify the circumstances under which encourage rather than require all Kentucky financial literacy trust fund AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverage the offense of interference with a funeral parents, guardians, and other persons within the State Treasury; permit the licenses. is committed, including the addition of a having care, custody, or control of any fund to receive state appropriations, Create a new section of KRS Chapter one-hour time buffer and changing the child to have the child immunized gifts, grants, federal funds, and any 243 to permit a nonprofit organization to distance buffer from 300 to 1,000 feet. against communicable diseases, other funds, both public and private; obtain a retail liquor drink license if the including human papillomavirus, in identify permissible fund uses; require organization meets the requirements for Feb 7-introduced in House accordance with immunization the Kentucky Board of Education to each license; prohibit the Office of Feb 12-to Judiciary (H) schedules established by the Cabinet for promulgate administrative regulations; Alcoholic Beverage Control from denying Feb 20-posted in committee Health and Family Services; permit the require the Kentucky Department of the license because of the organization's cabinet to add recommended Education to administer the trust fund; set forth investment options for sources for local governments; permit Mobley, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, D. Owens, 2007. unallocated or unencumbered balances the issuance of increment bonds by local R. Rand, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, and require that unused balances be governments; require a sinking fund; K. Stein, T. Thompson, R. Weston, B. Feb 7-introduced in House carried forward; and establish that the establish requirements for local Yonts Feb 12-to Appropriations & Revenue fund shall be a trust and agency account participation agreements; allow for the (H) available solely for the purpose and establishment of a community AN ACT relating to health benefit plan benefits of the Kentucky Financial redevelopment authority; allow service reimbursement of chiropractors. HB 354/FN (BR 1229) - R. Webb, T. Literacy Trust Program. payment agreements; establish the Create a new section of Subtitle 17A McKee, R. Adams, M. Denham, D. State Tax Increment Financing of KRS Chapter 304 to require health Floyd, B. Montell, T. Moore, D. Osborne, Feb 7-introduced in House Commission; establish the benefit plans to adopt current, S. Rudy, A. Wuchner Feb 9-to Education (H) Commonwealth Participation Program reasonable, and fair reimbursement for Real Property Ad Valorem Tax schedules for services and procedures AN ACT relating to tax credits for HB 347/FN (BR 830) - D. Keene, S. Revenues and the Commonwealth performed by chiropractors; require conservation easements. Santoro, R. Adams, J. Draud, J. Fischer, Participation Program for State Tax chiropractors to be reimbursed at no less Create a new section of KRS Chapter T. Kerr, A. Koenig, T. McKee, A. Revenues and provide application than the fee schedule for workers' 141 and amend KRS 141.0205 to Wuchner procedures and requirements for both compensation; permit a reduction of up establish a tax credit for easements programs; establish requirements for to 10 percent of the fee if the granted to allow wildlife-associated AN ACT relating to tourism project grant agreements; provide for the chiropractor enters into an approved public access to private lands. development. payment and release of incremental agreement with a managed care plan; Amend KRS 148.859 of the Tourism revenues; limit the provisions of KRS specify under what conditions a HB 354 - AMENDMENTS Development Act to allow for an 65.490 to 65.499 and KRS 65.680 to chiropractor must be reimbursed for HCS/FN - Adjust definitions and approved company to be granted an 65.699 to development areas that have medically necessary services and qualifications for conservation extension of up to six years on the term been established and agreements that procedures; require the reimbursement easements and wild-life related public of agreement; require an approved have been executed prior to the effective fee to be increased annually by the access; adjust tax credits; allow credits company to demonstrate that a minimum date of the Act; amend KRS 132.012 to percentage increase in the consumer only if approved by the executive branch of 50% of visitors to an approved project conform; establish the Division of Tax price index for all urban consumers. budget bill in each biennium. are out-of-state visitors; require an Increment Financing within the HCA (1, H. Moberly Jr) - Adjust the approved company to expend an Department of Revenue. HB 352 - AMENDMENTS requirements to qualify for credits. additional 10% of the amount of HCS/FN - Retain original provisions; HCA (2, H. Moberly Jr) - Limit credits approved costs set forth in the original Feb 7-introduced in House add a new section with the same to 5 percent in any county. agreement on approved capital Feb 9-to Appropriations & Revenue language to KRS 304.17C. expenditures at the approved project; (H) HFA (1, A. Wuchner) - Delete the Feb 7-introduced in House amend KRS 139.536 to conform. Feb 16-posted in committee provisions of the bill; require the Interim Feb 12-to Appropriations & Revenue Joint Committee on Health and Welfare (H) Feb 7-introduced in House HB 350/CI (BR 1369) - M. Denham to hear testimony during the 2007 Feb 21-posting waived Feb 8-to Appropriations and Revenue Interim relating to reimbursement rates Feb 23-reported favorably, 1st (H) AN ACT relating to agroterrorism. for services and procedures provided by reading, to Calendar with Committee Feb 9-posted in committee Create a new section of KRS Chapter chiropractors. Substitute, committee amendments (1) Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st 247 to define "Agricultural facility," HFA (2, A. Wuchner) - Delete the and (2) reading, to Calendar "Agricultural product," and provisions of the bill; require the Interim Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted "Agroterrorism"; create a new section of Joint Committee on Health and Welfare for passage in the Regular Orders of the for passage in the Regular Orders of the KRS Chapter 247 to impose penalties to hear testimony during the 2007 Day for Tuesday, February 27, 2007 Day for Thursday, March 1, 2007 for committing agroterrorism; amend Interim relating to reimbursement rates Feb 28-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 97-0 KRS 500.080 to define "Agricultural for services and procedures provided by Committee Substitute, committee Mar 2-received in Senate facility," "Agricultural product," and chiropractors. amendments (1) and (2) Mar 5-to Appropriations & Revenue "Agroterrorism"; amend KRS 512.010, HFA (3, D. Keene) - Add a subsection Mar 1-received in Senate (S) 513.010, and 513.060 to conform; repeal (4) to Sections 1 and 2 to provide that Mar 5-to Appropriations & Revenue KRS 437.410, 437.415, 437.420, and the sections do not apply to health (S) HB 348/FN (BR 1566) - M. Harmon, J. 437.429. benefit plans issued under Kentucky Crenshaw, M. Dedman Jr Access. HB 355 (BR 1497) - A. Simpson, A. HB 350 - AMENDMENTS Koenig AN ACT relating to marriage. HCS/CI - Retain original bill, except Feb 7-introduced in House Repeal KRS 402.090, relating to amend definition of "Agroterrorism" to Feb 8-to Health and Welfare (H) AN ACT relating to area planning soliciting persons to be married; amend include the use of biological, chemical, Feb 9-posted in committee commissions. KRS 402.990 to conform. or radiological agents. Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st Amend KRS 147.670 to allow area reading, to Calendar with Committee planning commissions to enter into HB 348 - AMENDMENTS Feb 7-introduced in House Substitute interlocal agreements with cities, HFA (1, J. Crenshaw) - Create a new Feb 8-to Agriculture and Small Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules counties, and other public and private section of KRS 402 to permit persons Business (H) Feb 23-recommitted to Banking & agencies and organizations for the who are authorized to solemnize Feb 12-posted in committee Insurance (H) administration of the provisions of KRS marriage to advertise services. Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st Feb 26-posted in committee 65.8801 to 65.8839 and KRS Chapters reading, to Calendar with Committee Feb 28-floor amendments (1) and (2) 99, 99A, 100, and 198B. Feb 7-introduced in House Substitute filed to Committee Substitute Feb 12-to Judiciary (H) Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules Mar 2-reported favorably, to Rules HB 355 - AMENDMENTS Feb 14-posted in committee Feb 27-recommitted to Judiciary (H) Mar 5-floor amendment (3) filed to HFA (1, A. Simpson) - Amend Section Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st Committee Substitute 1 of the bill to remove ability of area reading, to Calendar; floor amendment HB 351 (BR 913) - J. Stewart III Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations planning commission to enter into (1) filed & Revenue (H) agreements with private agencies and Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules; floor AN ACT relating to railroad crossings. organizations. amendment (1) withdrawn Amend KRS 277.190, relating to the HB 353 (BR 1288) - D. Watkins, K. SCS - Amend KRS 147.670 to allow Feb 28-posted for passage in the use of gates or flagmen at railroad Stein, M. Marzian, J. Wayne area planning commissions to enter into Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, crossings, to require gates or flagmen to interlocal agreements with cities, March 1, 2007 be placed at railroad crossings on state AN ACT relating to cigarette surtax. counties, and other public and private highways; set a penalty. Amend KRS 138.140 to impose an agencies and organizations for the HB 349/LM (BR 916) - J. Draud, T. Kerr, additional surtax on cigarettes of fifty administration of the provisions of KRS A. Koenig, T. Thompson, A. Wuchner Feb 7-introduced in House cent ($0.50) per pack; amend KRS 65.8801 to 65.8839 and KRS Chapters Feb 8-to Transportation (H) 138.143 to impose a floor stock tax on 99, 99A, 100, and 198B; amend KRS AN ACT relating to community cigarettes held in inventory prior to the 65.8811 to require code enforcement redevelopment. HB 352/FN (BR 1211) - D. Keene, J. imposition of the additional surtax; boards to have a minimum of three Create new sections of KRS Chapter Draud, R. Adams, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, amend KRS 200.151 to provide that the members, and establish appointment 65 to establish the public purpose of tax L. Belcher, S. Brinkman, H. Collins, T. surtax shall be deposited in the Early schedule for initial appointments to increment financing; define terms; Edmonds, T. Firkins, J. Glenn, J. Gooch Childhood Development fund to be used boards. provide for the establishment and Jr, D. Graham, J. Gray, M. Harmon, M. for education and smoking cessation SCA (1/Title, D. Thayer) - Make title amendment of local development areas Henley, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, D. programs; amend KRS 138.130 and admendment. and development areas; identify funding Horlander, M. Marzian, C. Miller, R. 138.195 to conform; EFFECTIVE July 1, Feb 7-introduced in House head of the contracting body, in addition the exemption; require the Finance and specify that when a prisoner is Feb 8-to Local Government (H) to the secretary of finance and Administration Cabinet to report transported to a civil law suit as a Feb 9-posted in committee administration, to authorize a biennially to the committee concerning witness the person requesting the Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st governmental emergency; allow the the exemption categories; prohibit attendance of the prisoner shall pay reading, to Calendar committee to audit previously approved approval of a contract for which a sole transportation and related costs and Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules contracts, personal service contracts, source, nonfeasibility, or emergency provide for video teleconferencing when Feb 23-floor amendment (1) filed and memoranda of agreement after a exemption has been approved from possible; amend KRS 213.011 relating Feb 27-posted for passage in the committee vote; require the committee to being renewed more than two (2) to definitions for vital statistics chapter to Regular Orders of the Day for develop a methodology for identifying consecutive times without being rebid; clarify definition of Sudden Infant Death Wednesday, February 28, 2007 those contracts, personal service delete exemptions from the definition of Syndrome (SIDS) and provide for Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 90-0 with contracts, and memoranda of agreement privatization contract. and delete the expanded investigation; create a new floor amendment (1) to audit; require the Finance and term "services" from KRS 45A.550; section of KRS Chapter 605 relating to Mar 5-received in Senate Administration Cabinet to provide the redefine the process for approving a juvenile justice to limit access to juvenile Mar 6-to State & Local Government committee and its staff with access to privatization contract; amend KRS records and information which is security (S); taken from committee; 1st reading; the cabinet's procurement database, 45A.553 to reduce the evaluation sensitive and specify open records returned to State & Local Government with searchability and sorting capability, threshold for privatization contracts from request procedures; amend KRS (S) by July 1, 2008. Beginning in October $500,000 to $300,000; amend KRS 610.265 and 630.080 relating to Mar 7-reported favorably, 2nd reading, 2009, require the Finance and 45A.285 and 45A.290 to allow a protest detention of children to eliminate oral to Rules with Committee Substitute, Administration Cabinet to provide reports to the secretary of the Finance and report and retain written report; amend committee amendment (1-title) as a to the committee for all contracts, Administration Cabinet of a contractor KRS 600.020 relating to definitions for Consent Bill personal service contracts, and rating assessment. the juvenile code to specify that a "child" Mar 8-posted for passage in the memoranda of agreement, for the includes a person who was under 18 Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, previous fiscal year; require the Finance Feb 7-introduced in House when determined to be a status March 8; 3rd reading, passed 38-0 with and Administration Cabinet to establish Feb 8-to State Government (H) offender, public offender, or a youthful Committee Substitute, committee a Web site for the purpose of providing Feb 13-posted in committee offender who is detained by the District amendment (1-title) public information on contract and Court after the offender's 18th birthday Mar 9-received in House; posted for personal service contract awards and HB 357 (BR 1485) - D. Graham, T. as provided by law; amend KRS 15.330 passage for concurrence in Senate renewals; prohibit a contracting body Edmonds, J. Greer, K. Hall, J. Higdon, for technical amendment. Committee Substitute, committee from entering into or using a contract, B. Montell, D. Osborne, A. Simpson amendment (1-title) personal service contract, or HB 358 - AMENDMENTS Mar 12-House concurred in Senate memorandum of agreement in which it AN ACT relating to the medical HCS/LM - Retain most original Committee Substitute, committee was not an original party; prohibit the expenses of county jails. provisions, except delete reference to amendment (1-title) ; passed 97-0; amendment or modification of a contract Amend KRS 441.045 to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome; delete enrolled, signed by each presiding or personal service contract for more counties from reimbursing health care all references to the Unified Juvenile officer; delivered to Governor than ten percent (10%) of the original providers for care of prisoners more than Code, KRS Chapters 600 to 630. Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. price or work; require that the Attorney the payments for equivalent services to HFA (1, L. Combs) - Amend to clarify 106) General have the right of first refusal for providers under the Kentucky Medical that a person who has attained the age all legal personal service contracts; Assistance Program; provide that of 18 years may remain within the HB 356 (BR 1016) - R. Webb, J. prohibit a contracting body from entering reimbursements less than those definition of "child" for treatment Richards, R. Adkins, L. Clark, H. Collins, into a legal services contract for the provided for under the Kentucky Medical purposes in specified public offense D. Graham, H. Moberly Jr, T. Riner, A. same or similar legal service contract Assistance Program are not prohibited. situations. Simpson, R. Wilkey that the Attorney General has HFA (2, R. Webb) - Amend to provide determined will be performed by the Feb 7-introduced in House that use of technology for testimony of AN ACT relating to government Office of the Attorney General; require Feb 12-to Local Government (H) inmate witness in civil action is contracts. the Finance and Administration Cabinet Feb 15-posted in committee encouraged but not mandatory. Define the terms "contract," "job," to associate payments to specific Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st SFA (1, D. Roeding) - Attach "not-to-exceed amount," "proof of contracts, personal service contracts, reading, to Calendar provisions of SB 31. necessity," and "public notice" as used in and memoranda of agreement within Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules KRS 45A.690 to 45A.725; limit the use sixty (60) days after the effective date of Feb 26-posted for passage in the Feb 7-introduced in House of memoranda of agreement to this Act, and require the Finance and Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, Feb 8-to Judiciary (H) agreements between governmental Administration Cabinet to promulgate February 27, 2007 Feb 12-posted in committee bodies; require Medicaid management administrative regulations relating to the Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 98-0 Feb 16-floor amendment (1) filed contracts to be included in the definitions association requirement; require the Feb 28-received in Senate Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st of memoranda of agreement and Finance and Administration Cabinet to Mar 2-to Judiciary (S) reading, to Calendar with Committee personal service contracts; expand the promulgate administrative regulations Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st Substitute ; floor amendment (2) filed to definition of personal service contract to relating to travel reimbursement for reading; returned to Judiciary (S) Committee Substitute include the administration of any state contract and personal service contract Mar 8-taken from committee; 2nd Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules; posted program; expand approval requirement vendors; require the Finance and reading; returned to Judiciary (S) for passage in the Regular Orders of the of Government Contract Committee for Administration Cabinet to establish and Day for Friday, March 2, 2007 any agreement with any element of maintain a procurement training HB 358/LM (BR 1058) - L. Combs Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 95-0 with service, including combinations of program; require the Finance and Committee Substitute, floor amendment commodity and service purchases; Administration Cabinet to promulgate AN ACT relating to criminal justice. (2) require evidence of cost of using state administrative regulations clarifying the Create a new section of KRS Chapter Mar 5-received in Senate employees to perform service, and independent contractor status of contract 15 to provide for revocation of peace Mar 6-to Judiciary (S) monitoring plan for contracts and workers; require the Finance and officer certification; amend KRS 15.382 Mar 8-taken from committee; 1st personal service contracts over $40,000, Administration Cabinet to develop a relating to peace officer qualifications to reading; returned to Judiciary (S) on the proof of necessity form; require contractor assessment rating scale, and add a bad conduct discharge from Mar 9-taken from committee; 2nd requests for proposals for personal require all governmental bodies to rate military as a disqualification; amend KRS reading; returned to Judiciary (S) service contracts to include price as an the performance of all contractors and to 15.386 relating to peace officer returning Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules; evaluation factor; limit award of personal use the rating scale to determine to duty to specify required courses; posted for passage in the Regular service contracts to responsible offerors whether a contractor is a responsible amend KRS 15.392 placing an officer on Orders of the Day for Monday, March as determined by the contractor bidder or offeror under KRS 45A.080, inactive status to permit revocation of 12, 2007 assessment rating scale; require 45A.085, and 45A.095; require the certification for cause; amend KRS Mar 26-taken from the Regular Orders negotiations for price in personal service Finance and Administration Cabinet to 15.404 relating to inservice training to of the Day; placed in the Consent Orders contracts to be based on the price provide training on contractor provide for extending time to take of the Day for Monday, March 26, 2007; submitted by the offeror; prohibit monitoring, to annually review the inservice training in extenuating floor amendment (1) filed ; 3rd reading, payment on a contract, personal service monitoring practices of all governmental circumstances; amend KRS 18A.202 passed 38-0; received in House contract, or memorandum of agreement bodies, and to promulgate administrative relating to employee suggestion program Mar 27-enrolled, signed by each before consideration by the committee; regulations to carry out the monitoring to permit State Police employees to presiding officer; delivered to Governor require the head of the contracting body requirements; require the Finance and participate; amend KRS 197.025 relating Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. in addition to the secretary of finance Administration Cabinet to maintain to Dept. of Corrections open records 139) and administration to override a negative records on all contracts where a procedures to clarify response time at 5 committee decision before payment can determination of emergency, sole days and provide for confidential HB 359/FN (BR 981) - H. Moberly Jr, D. be made; provide the definition of source, or not feasible to bid has been regulations; create a new section of KRS Pasley governmental emergency; require the made, and to document justification for Chapter 197 relating to prisons to AN ACT relating to information to be to provide sourcing rules for 194A to authorize additional staff HFA (3, J. Lee) - Require monthly, provided to the staff of the Legislative communications services; amend KRS positions for the Department for rather than quarterly, reporting on the Research Commission. 139.200, 139.139.210, 139.471, 472, Community Based Services and add number of social services workers, Create a new section of KRS Chapter 139.485, 139.783, 139.785, 139.787, new positions to personnel cap and base amend the appropriations language to fill 7 to allow the director of the Legislative 139.784, 139.791, 139.793, 139.794, funding; direct the Cabinet for Health 108 social services worker positions, Research Commission to request 139.990136.602,136.616, 136.620, and Family Services to improve and establish supervised visitation centers access to data held by the Department 160.6131, and 160.6151 to conform; enhance safety policies and procedures and require a recommendation on safety of Revenue or the Cabinet for Economic repeal KRS 139.320 and 139.776; and establish an ongoing Staff Safety equipment. Development for the purpose of Effective July 1, 2007. Committee; specify membership and SCS - Retain original provisions conducting research and analysis; duties; amend KRS 194A.065 to require except delete requirement for agency restrict the number of LRC staff persons HB 360 - AMENDMENTS secretaries of Health and Family quarterly reports on social worker that may access the data; require that HCS/FN - Retain original provisions; Services and Justice to develop positions and vacations, and sections confidential information in the hands of and make technical corrections. procedures to provide criminal relating to establishment of a legislative the LRC staff shall remain confidential; background information for protective task force and its recommendations; add subject LRC staff to the same penalties Feb 7-introduced in House services investigations within one hour; requirement that cabinet assess local as executive branch staff for revealing Feb 8-to Appropriations and Revenue create new sections of KRS Chapter offices and remediate unsafe confidential information; provide that the (H); posted in committee 605; define "front-line staff"; require staff environments if funding is available; add access to information afforded LRC staff Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st to report all incidents of threat or requirement for a cabinet study group to shall not extend to members of the reading, to Calendar with Committee violence and require informational make recommendations on personnel General Assembly. Substitute system to track all reports; require a classifications that may include special Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted safety liaison position at central and designations or requirements for HB 359 - AMENDMENTS for passage in the Regular Orders of the regional offices and specify duties, and, specialized training relating to HFA (1, D. Ford) - Clarify that Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 if funding is available; require review of dangerous nature of the job; revise state individual taxpayer names shall not be Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with office settings, physical improvements fiscal year 2007-2008 appropriation from released in any shared data. Committee Substitute for safety, staff safety training twice per $2.5 million to $1 million in necessary HFA (2, D. Floyd) - Modify the Feb 28-received in Senate calendar year, and emergency alert, government expenses. restrictions on employees who may Mar 2-to Appropriations & Revenue personal-safety alert, and other SFA (1, D. Ridley) - Restore access information. (S) technology to all front-line staff and state provisions of HB 362/GA. Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st vehicles; establish or contract for CCR - Cannot agree. Feb 7-introduced in House reading; returned to Appropriations & supervised visitation centers, including FCCR - Retain provisions of HB Feb 8-to Appropriations and Revenue Revenue (S) secure visitation centers; establish at 362/SCS; require the study group to (H); posted in committee Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd least one a peer advocate program for report to the Governor and Interim Joint Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st reading; returned to Appropriations & child protective services cases in each Committees on Appropriations and reading, to Calendar Revenue (S) region; establish a Blue Ribbon Task Revenue and Health and Welfare; Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules as Force on Front-line Staff; specify provide authority for the cabinet Feb 26-posted for passage in the a Consent Bill; posted for passage in the membership and duties and require secretary to declare a state of Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, recommendations on salary, recruitment, extraordinary circumstances and submit February 27, 2007 March 12; 3rd reading, passed 19-13; retention, job preparation, hiring to the Governor for certification and Feb 27-floor amendments (1) and (2) bill reconsidered; passed 23-13; practice, and worker caseloads; permit upon approval, request funds not to filed received in House access to necessary data; sunset task exceed $6,000,000 as a necessary Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 92-3 with Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each force on July 1, 2008, unless otherwise government expense; specify use of floor amendment (1) presiding officer; delivered to Governor authorized; require the department to funds as $2,500,000 for new front line Mar 6-received in Senate Apr 6-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. report staffing levels to Interim Joint staff positions and $3,500,000 for office Mar 7-to Appropriations & Revenue 141) Committees on Health & Welfare and updates, emergency alert technology, (S) Appropriations and Revenue; and safe and appropriate family visits for HB 361 (BR 1575) - C. Belcher EMERGENCY. children in the custody of the cabinet on HB 360/FN (BR 1081) - H. Moberly Jr the premises of the cabinet; require fund AN ACT relating to state employee HB 362 - AMENDMENTS transfers to be subject to notification AN ACT relating to the streamlined educational requirements. HCS (1) - Delete original provisions; requirements; specify that funds for sales and use tax agreement. Create a new section in KRS Chapter replace with new language to amend personnel be added to the department's Amend 139.050 to include in the 18A to exempt Highway Superintendents KRS 194A.065 define "front line staff"; base funding for the 2008-2010 fiscal definition of "gross receipts" and "sales I and Highway Superintendents II, hired require secretary and Justice secretary biennium and new positions added to price" consideration received from a third prior to July 1, 1985, from the to establish procedures for 1-hour the department's personnel cap; require party; amend KRS 139.105 to provide requirement of obtaining a high school response on criminal background check; monthly reports on expenditures to the sourcing rules for prepaid wireless diploma, equivalency certificate, or a create new sections of KRS Chapter 605 Interim Joint Committees on calling service and ancillary service; passing score on the General to require staff reporting of threats and Appropriations and Revenue and Health amend KRS 139.195 to define "ancillary Educational Development (GED) test. incidences, incidence tracking system, and Welfare. services", "conference bridging safety liaison position in central and services", "detailed telecommunications Feb 7-introduced in House regional offices; require quarterly reports Feb 7-introduced in House billing service", "directory assistance", Feb 8-to State Government (H) to legislative committees on personnel Feb 8-to Health and Welfare (H) "fixed wireless services", "international", Feb 13-posted in committee changes in Division of Service Regions; Feb 9-posted in committee "interstate", "intrastate", "mobile wireless Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st establish a legislative task force to make Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st service", "'paging service", "pay reading, to Calendar recommendations on staffing needs, reading, to Calendar with Committee telephone service", prepaid wireless Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules caseloads, and safety issues; require Substitute calling service", "ring tones", Mar 1-posted for passage in the report by December 15, 2007; permit Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted "telecommunications service", "value- Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, cabinet to transfer available funds to for passage in the Regular Orders of the added non-voice data service", "vertical March 2, 2007 address emergency safety needs; Day for Tuesday, February 20, 2007 service", "voice mail service", "800 EMERGENCY. Feb 20-floor amendment (1) filed to service", and "900 service"; create a new HB 362 (BR 305) - T. Burch, R. Adams, HCS (2) - Retain the provisions of HB Committee Substitute section of KRS Chapter 139 to define L. Belcher, J. Bell, M. Cherry, L. Clark, J. 362/HCS, except make changes to Feb 21-recommitted to Health & "bundled transaction" and provide rules; Crenshaw, M. Denham, J. Draud, T. specified members of the legislative task Welfare (H) amend KRS 139.270 to define "entity- Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, T. Firkins, J. force, add appropriation of $2.5 million, Feb 22-reported favorably, to Rules based exemption" and "good faith"; Glenn, D. Graham, J. Greer, K. Hall, M. and specify use of appropriated funds. with Committee Substitute (2), amend KRS 139.470 to define Henley, J. Higdon, D. Horlander, J. HCA (1/Title, T. Burch) - Make title committee amendment (1-title) ; posted "residential telecommunications service"; Jenkins, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. amendment. for passage in the Regular Orders of the amend KRS 139.781 to define Meeks, C. Miller, F. Nesler, T. Pullin, S. HFA (1, T. Burch) - Add executive Day for Friday, February 23, 2007 "governing board", "member state", Riggs, T. Riner, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. director or designee of the Kentucky Feb 26-floor amendment (2) filed to "model 1 seller", "model 2 seller", "model Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, T. Thompson, Association for State Employees to the Committee Substitute (2) 3 seller", "product-based exemption", J. Tilley, D. Watkins, J. Wayne, R. legislative task force. Feb 27-floor amendment (3) filed to and "use-based exemption"; amend Weston, S. Westrom, B. Yonts HFA (2, T. Burch) - Retain original Committee Substitute (2) KRS 139.795 to provide a certified provisions; add language to permit the Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with service provider a model 2 seller relief AN ACT relating to safety for state Legislative Research Commission to Committee Substitute (2), committee from liability if they have relied on social workers, declaring an emergency, assign the issues to an interim joint amendment (1-title), floor amendments software certified by the state; create a and making an appropriation therefor. committee or subcommittee; make (1) (2) and (3) new section of KRS 136.600 to 136.990 Create new sections of KRS Chapter technical amendments. Mar 2-received in Senate Mar 5-to Appropriations & Revenue Occupations and Administrative authorize the levy of local insurance (S) Introduced Feb. 8, 2007 Regulations (S) premium taxes; provide that counties Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st Mar 7-taken from committee; 2nd may levy a tax only in the reading; returned to Appropriations & HB 366 (BR 1224) - D. Horlander, J. reading; returned to Licensing, unincorporated areas of the county; Revenue (S) Stacy, J. Bell, S. Brinkman, D. Butler, J. Occupations and Administrative allow different rates and fee structures Mar 8-reported favorably, 2nd reading, Comer Jr, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Regulations (S) for different lines of insurance; require to Rules with Committee Substitute Denham, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, J. Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules as that requests for a refund or credit of Mar 9-posted for passage in the Fischer, D. Ford, J. Gooch Jr, J. Gray, J. a Consent Bill taxes overpaid be in writing and be filed Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, Greer, K. Hall, M. Harmon, J. Higdon, D. Mar 9-posted for passage in the within two years of the tax due date; March 9, 2007; floor amendment (1) filed Keene, R. Rand, F. Rasche, S. Riggs, D. Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, require that any refunds received by an to Committee Substitute ; floor Sims, B. Smith, T. Thompson, J. Tilley, March 9, 2007; taken from the Consent insurance company be passed on to the amendment (1) ruled out of order ; 3rd K. Upchurch, J. Wayne, S. Westrom Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular policyholders; to require insurance reading, passed 34-0-2 with Committee Orders of the Day; passed over and premiums tax returns to be audited and Substitute ; received in House; posted AN ACT relating to industrial loan retained in the Orders of the Day; floor any additional taxes assessed within two for passage for concurrence in Senate corporations. amendment (1) filed years from the statutory filing date, Committee Substitute Create a new section of KRS 286.7- Mar 12-3rd reading; floor amendment except in the case of a fraudulent return Mar 12-House refused to concur in 410 to 286.7-600 to define "affiliate," (1) withdrawn ; passed 33-0; received in or a failure to file; provide that if a county Senate Committee Substitute ; received "commercial activity," and "industrial House; enrolled, signed by each levies the tax only in the unincorporated in Senate; posted for passage for loan company" and to prohibit presiding officer; delivered to Governor portion of the county, that there shall be receding from Senate Committee commercial activity by an industrial loan Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. no offset of the city license fee against Substitute ; Senate refused to recede company affiliate or to prohibit an 103) the county license fee. from Committee Substitute ; Conference industrial loan company which is an Committee appointed in House and affiliate of a company that engages in HB 368 (BR 1596) - J. Fischer Feb 8-introduced in House Senate commercial activity from maintaining an Feb 12-to Local Government (H) Mar 27-Conference Committee report office on the property of the affiliate. AN ACT relating to interest on Feb 15-posted in committee filed in House and Senate; Conference judgments. Committee report adopted in House and Feb 8-introduced in House Amend KRS 360.040, relating to HB 372/LM (BR 1024) - S. Santoro, T. Senate; Free Conference Committee Feb 9-to Banking & Insurance (H) interest on judgments, to delete the 12 Moore appointed in House and Senate; Free Feb 12-posted in committee percent interest and replace it with the Conference Committee report filed in Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st interest rate provided in KRS AN ACT relating to building permits. House and Senate; posted for passage reading, to Calendar 131.183(1). Amend KRS 67.410 to require uniform for consideration of Conference Report ; Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted state building permits to be obtained Free Conference Committee report for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 8-introduced in House before construction; amend KRS adopted in Senate; Bill passed 36-0; Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 Feb 9-to Judiciary (H) 100.267 to provide for a restraining order received in House Feb 28-3rd reading, passed 96-0 Feb 12-posted in committee in the event a builder begins Mar 1-received in Senate construction without a uniform state HB 363 (BR 1535) - R. Wilkey Mar 5-to Banking & Insurance (S) HB 369 (BR 1266) - R. Nelson building permit; amend KRS 100.271 to permit a designated county official to AN ACT relating to the judicial HB 367 (BR 1212) - J. Jenkins, L. Clark AN ACT relating to the child support issue uniform state building permits; department. guidelines table. amend KRS 100.303 to require a Amend KRS 21A.110 to remove AN ACT relating to the sale of horses. Amend KRS 403.212 to increase the uniform state building permit; amend gender-specific language with regard to Amend KRS 230.357 to provide that a minimum amount of child support to KRS 198B.040 to require the Kentucky retired judges called back to service. contract for payment of a commission, $100 per month. Board of Housing, Building and fee, gratuity, or other compensation in Construction to adopt and promulgate a Feb 7-introduced in House connection with the sale, purchase, or Feb 8-introduced in House mandatory uniform state building permit; Feb 9-to Judiciary (H) transfer of an equine shall not be Feb 12-to Judiciary (H) amend KRS 198B.060 to exempt single- Feb 14-posted in committee enforceable unless the contract or family residences where a local Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st agreement is in writing and signed by HB 370 (BR 1613) - H. Collins, K. Hall, government has not passed an reading, to Calendar the party against whom the enforcement B. Yonts ordinance requiring inspection of single- Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules is sought and the recipient of the family residences and responsibility of Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations compensation provides a written bill of AN ACT relating to temporary motor local governments in issuing uniform & Revenue (H) sale for the transaction. vehicle tags. state building permits; amend KRS Amend KRS 186A.100 to make 198B.260 to require all building permits HB 364 (BR 1536) - R. Wilkey HB 367 - AMENDMENTS temporary registration tags issued by a to comply with Kentucky Building Code; HCS - Retain original provisions; motor vehicle dealer valid for 60 days, amend KRS 219.360 to require that AN ACT relating to crimes and delete language requiring agent to rather than 30 days uniform state building permits comply punishments. disclose financial records to either or with local zoning or other requirements; Amend KRS 507.030 to eliminate both principals and replace with Feb 8-introduced in House amend various KRS sections to conform. gender-specific language and make language requiring agent to disclose Feb 9-to Transportation (H) other technical corrections. only to his or her principals; delete Feb 12-posting waived Feb 8-introduced in House language exempting compensation Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st Feb 9-to Local Government (H) Feb 7-introduced in House arrangements from disclosure reading, to Calendar Feb 9-to Judiciary (H) requirement. Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted HB 373 (BR 1341) - J. Glenn, J. Greer, Feb 14-posted in committee SFA (1, D. Thayer) - Redefine for passage in the Regular Orders of the S. Westrom Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st "equine"; delete provision making Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 reading, to Calendar disclosure requirement inapplicable to Feb 16-3rd reading, passed 96-0 AN ACT relating to college student Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules sales of equines of $10,000 or less. Feb 20-received in Senate financial awareness. Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations Feb 22-to Transportation (S) Create a new section of KRS Chapter & Revenue (H) Feb 8-introduced in House Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, 164 to require public postsecondary Feb 9-to Licensing & Occupations (H) to Consent Calendar education institutions to provide new HB 365 (BR 1534) - R. Wilkey Feb 12-posted in committee Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted undergraduates with information Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st for passage in the Consent Orders of the regarding credit cards and debt AN ACT relating to civil actions. reading, to Calendar with Committee Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 management and encourage them to Amend KRS 411.560, relating to Substitute Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 38-0; conduct informational sessions; private nuisance, to make a technical Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules received in House; enrolled, signed by encourage nonpublic postsecondary correction. Feb 22-posted for passage in the each presiding officer; delivered to education institutions to provide new Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, Governor undergraduates with information Feb 7-introduced in House February 23, 2007 Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. regarding credit cards and debt Feb 9-to Judiciary (H) Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 81-18 27) management and to conduct Feb 14-posted in committee with Committee Substitute informational sessions; permit Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st Feb 28-received in Senate HB 371/LM (BR 1499) - A. Simpson institutions to utilize existing debt reading, to Calendar Mar 2-to Judiciary (S) education materials from nonprofit Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules Mar 6-taken from committee; 1st AN ACT relating to local insurance entities; and require the Council on Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations reading; reassigned to Licensing, premium taxes and fees. Postsecondary Education to assist & Revenue (H) Amend KRS 91A.080 to specifically institutions in identifying appropriate materials and curricula. consumer price index adjustment to the 0; received in House Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, health and life insurance supplement Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 32-0 Feb 8-introduced in House that the state makes to firefighters, as presiding officer; delivered to Governor with Committee Substitute, floor Feb 9-to Education (H) defined in KRS 61.315, who are Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. amendment (1) ; received in House Feb 15-posted in committee permanently and totally disabled in the 80) Mar 12-posted for passage for Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st line of duty. concurrence in Senate Committee reading, to Calendar HB 379 (BR 1630) - M. Marzian Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; House Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 8-introduced in House refused to concur in Senate Committee for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 12-to Local Government (H) AN ACT relating to reimbursement of Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; Day for Thursday, February 22, 2007 Feb 15-posted in committee registered nurse first assistants under received in Senate Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 94-1 Feb 16-posting waived worker's compensation. Mar 26-posted for passage for Feb 26-received in Senate Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st Amend KRS 342.035 to require receding from Senate Committee Feb 28-to Education (S) reading, to Calendar workers' compensation insurance Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; Senate Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules carriers, worker's compensation self- receded from floor amendment (1) ; HB 374 (BR 1577) - Ji. Lee, H. Moberly Feb 22-posted for passage in the insured groups, and worker's passed 37-1 with Committee Substitute ; Jr Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, compensation self-insured employers received in House February 23, 2007 who provide coverage for surgical first Mar 27-posted for passage for AN ACT relating to voting rights for Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 99-0 assistance benefits to provide coverage concurrence in Senate Committee persons with disabilities. Mar 6-received in Senate and direct payment to registered nurse Substitute ; House concurred in Senate Amend KRS 387.590, relating to Mar 7-to Appropriations & Revenue first assistants who perform services that Committee Substitute ; passed 93-4; guardians and wards, to remove the (S) are within the scope of a registered enrolled, signed by each presiding automatic loss of the right to vote upon nurse first assistant's qualifications; officer; delivered to Governor the appointment of a guardian; make the HB 377/HM (BR 432) - J. Greer, D. apply these provisions only if Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. loss of voting rights contingent upon the Butler, J. Bell, L. Clark, D. Keene, C. reimbursement for an assisting physician 112) court entering a specific finding and Miller, J. Tilley, J. Vincent would be covered and a registered nurse order relating to the right to vote. first assistance who performed the HB 381 (BR 1681) - S. Baugh, T. Kerr AN ACT relating to health insurance services is used as a substitute. HB 374 - AMENDMENTS coverage of air ambulance services. AN ACT relating to motor vehicles. HFA (1, R. Wilkey) - Amend KRS Create a new section of Subtitle 17A Feb 8-introduced in House Create a new section of KRS Chapter 387.580 to clarify that if a respondent is of KRS Chapter 304 to require a health Feb 12-to Labor & Industry (H) 186 to allow motor vehicles that meet found to be disabled or partially insurer that does not provide coverage the age qualifications of a "historic disabled, the court shall, at the same for air ambulance service in a health HB 380 (BR 1471) - M. Dedman Jr vehicle" as used in KRS 186.043(2) to hearing, without a jury, determine benefit plan to make available and offer display an authentic Kentucky license whether the respondent retains the right to the purchaser air ambulance service AN ACT relating to high school plate 25 years or older, or a reproduction to vote. coverage with a deductible, copayment, athletics. of such a plate, if the current motor and coinsurance that does not exceed Amend KRS 156.070 to exempt a vehicle plate and the registration receipt Feb 8-introduced in House that which is applicable to ground student with an individual education are kept in the vehicle at all times. Feb 9-to Elections, Const. ambulance service; define "air program, under certain conditions, from Amendments & Intergovernmental ambulance service" as air ambulance the age restrictions imposed on high HB 381 - AMENDMENTS Affairs (H) transportation of the insured if school athletes. HCS - Attach a new Section 2 to Feb 12-posted in committee emergency medical services, the amend KRS 186A.115, relating to motor Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st attending physician, or the health benefit HB 380 - AMENDMENTS vehicle inspections, to provide that reading, to Calendar plan determines that an air ambulance is HCS - Delete original provisions; inspections on historic motor vehicles Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules the only medically appropriate means of amend KRS 156.070 to allow any that are brought into Kentucky shall be Feb 22-posted for passage in the transportation to the nearest hospital student who turns 19 years of age on or limited to verification of the vehicle Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, with appropriate facilities. after June 1 to remain eligible for high identification number with supporting February 23, 2007; floor amendment (1) school sports for that school year only. documentation for purposes of titling. filed Feb 8-introduced in House SCS - Delete the June 1 eligibility date Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with Feb 9-to Banking & Insurance (H) for students turning 19 years of age; Feb 8-introduced in House floor amendment (1) Feb 12-posted in committee amend KRS 156.070 to exempt a Feb 12-to Transportation (H) Feb 26-received in Senate student with an individual education Feb 15-posted in committee Feb 28-to Judiciary (S) HB 378 (BR 1578) - B. DeWeese, T. program under certain conditions, from Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st Burch, J. Greer the age restrictions imposed on high reading, to Calendar with Committee reading; returned to Judiciary (S) school athletes. Substitute Mar 8-reported favorably, 2nd reading, AN ACT relating to the timing of SFA (1, T. Shaughnessy) - Amend Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules to Rules as a Consent Bill history and physical examinations. KRS 156.070 to prohibit the state board Feb 27-posted for passage in the Mar 12-posted for passage in the Amend KRS 216B.175 to require or any agency designated by the state Regular Orders of the Day for Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, history and physical examinations to be board to manage interscholastic athletics Wednesday, February 28, 2007 March 12; 3rd reading, passed 37-0; performed no more than 30 days, rather from restricting the participation of Mar 7-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with received in House; enrolled, signed by than 7 days before admission to an students in high school sports based on Committee Substitute each presiding officer; delivered to acute care or psychiatric hospital. the public or nonpublic middle school the Mar 8-received in Senate; taken from Governor student attended. Committee on Committees; 1st reading; Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Feb 8-introduced in House returned to Transportation (S) 58) Feb 12-to Health & Welfare (H) Feb 8-introduced in House Mar 9-taken from committee; 2nd Feb 13-posted in committee Feb 12-to Education (H) reading; returned to Transportation (S) HB 375/LM (BR 1230) - R. Webb Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st Feb 16-posting waived; posted in Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules as reading, to Calendar committee a Consent Bill; posted for passage in the AN ACT relating to local government. Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, Create a new section of KRS Chapter Feb 26-posted for passage in the reading, to Calendar with Committee March 12, 2007 65 to provide that the state occupies the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, Substitute Mar 26-3rd reading, passed 37-0; field of regulation of various sporting, February 27, 2007 Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules received in House; enrolled, signed by animal, and other activities and prohibit Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 98-0 Feb 27-posted for passage in the each presiding officer; delivered to local government from regulating in Feb 28-received in Senate Regular Orders of the Day for Governor those fields. Mar 2-to Health & Welfare (S) Wednesday, February 28, 2007 Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with 135) Feb 8-introduced in House reading; returned to Health & Welfare Committee Substitute Feb 12-to Local Government (H) (S) Mar 2-received in Senate HB 382 (BR 1137) - R. Crimm Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd Mar 5-to Education (S) HB 376 (BR 1649) - R. Henderson, M. reading; returned to Health & Welfare Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st AN ACT relating to domestic relations Denham (S) reading; returned to Education (S) and declaring an emergency. Mar 7-reported favorably, to Rules as Mar 8-reported favorably, 2nd reading, Amend KRS 403.200 to permit a court AN ACT relating to insurance a Consent Bill to Rules with Committee Substitute as a to provide for wage attachment and payments for firefighters permanently Mar 9-posted for passage in the Consent Bill; floor amendment (1) filed to automatic electronic transfer of funds for and totally disabled in the line of duty. Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, Committee Substitute payment of spousal maintenance; Amend KRS 95A.070 to provide a March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 38- Mar 9-posted for passage in the amend KRS 403.270 to add a factor for the consideration of awarding custody of possible and that other overburden is to candidates to the appropriate county Amend KRS 190.010 to define children; amend KRS 530.050 to make be disposed of in permitted areas or clerk, registry, and the State Board of "automotive mobility dealer," "adapted technical corrections; EMERGENCY previously mined areas, and that no Elections; amend KRS 83A.170 and vehicle," and "mobility equipment"; overburden is to be disposed of in the 83A.175 to establish when a candidate's create a new section of KRS Chapter Feb 8-introduced in House waters of the Commonwealth; amend name is not to be printed on the ballot; 190 to require any person engaging in Feb 12-to Judiciary (H) KRS 350.440 to provide that no spoil be amend KRS 117.265 to prohibit any the business as an automotive mobility Feb 20-posted in committee disposed of in the waters of the candidate whose name appears on the dealer to be licensed and regulated by Commonwealth, and that any spoil not ballot from being eligible as a write-in the Motor Vehicle Commission; set forth HB 383 (BR 1579) - B. DeWeese, M. returned to mine area be disposed of candidate in the regular election, except a fee of $100 for issuance and renewal Marzian only in previously disturbed areas on in certain situations. of this license; give automotive mobility lands eligible for reclamation under the dealers the right to display, inventory, AN ACT relating to the diabetes abandoned mine land program. HB 387 - AMENDMENTS advertise, and offer for sale any adapted research board. HFA (1, D. Owens) - Amend KRS vehicle. Amend KRS 211.738 to change the Feb 8-introduced in House 118.215 to provide that during a submission deadline for research Feb 12-to Natural Resources & presidential election year, the Secretary HB 389 - AMENDMENTS proposals and notification of funding Environment (H) of State shall certify the nominations no HCS - Retain original provisions of bill; decisions to a date determined by the later than the Monday after the Friday add a new Section 3 amending KRS board; to change research priorities to HB 386 (BR 1582) - J. Draud, M. Rader, following the first Tuesday in September; 190.390 to increase the fee for motor experimental, clinical, or population- R. Rand, S. Westrom amend KRS 118.365 to conform. vehicle salesperson's licenses from $10 based studies that may prevent, delay, to $20 annually; require dealer or cure diabetic disease. AN ACT relating to librarians and Feb 8-introduced in House employing the salesperson to pay libraries. Feb 12-to Elections, Const. license fee; conform to gender-neutral HB 383 - AMENDMENTS Amend KRS 171.270 to increase fees Amendments & Intergovernmental language. SFA (1/Title, D. Roeding) - Make title for librarian's certificate; amend 171.280 Affairs (H) amendment. to identify additional sources of funds to Feb 16-posted in committee Feb 8-introduced in House be included in the librarian's certification Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st Feb 9-to Transportation (H) Feb 8-introduced in House fund; amend KRS 173.810 to clarify reading, to Calendar Feb 12-posting waived Feb 12-to Health & Welfare (H) membership and purpose of the Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st Feb 22-posted in committee; posting Kentucky State Advisory Council on Feb 26-posted for passage in the reading, to Calendar with Committee waived Libraries; make technical changes. Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, Substitute Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st February 27, 2007 Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted reading, to Calendar HB 386 - AMENDMENTS Mar 8-floor amendment (1) filed for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; posted SCA (1, D. Thayer) - Make technical Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 for passage in the Regular Orders of the correction. HB 388 (BR 1213) - L. Clark, J. Jenkins, Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with Day for Wednesday, February 28, 2007 D. Horlander, D. Keene Committee Substitute Feb 28-3rd reading, passed 100-0 Feb 8-introduced in House Feb 21-received in Senate Mar 1-received in Senate Feb 12-to State Government (H) AN ACT relating to the sale of horses. Feb 23-to Transportation (S) Mar 5-to Health & Welfare (S) Feb 13-posted in committee Create a new section of KRS Chapter Mar 8-taken from committee; 1st Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st 230 to require that the owner or seller of reading; returned to Transportation (S) to Consent Calendar reading, to Calendar a horse used for racing or showing, Mar 9-taken from committee; 2nd Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules including prospective racehorses, reading; returned to Transportation (S) Mar 9-floor amendment (1-title) filed ; Feb 22-posted for passage in the breeding prospects, stallions, stallion Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules as floor amendment (1-title) ruled out of Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, seasons, broodmares, yearlings, or a Consent Bill; posted for passage in the order ; posted for passage in the February 23, 2007 weanlings or any interest therein Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 95-1 disclose pertinent information March 12, 2007 March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 38- Feb 28-received in Senate concerning the equine's ownership and Mar 26-3rd reading, passed 37-0; 0; received in House Mar 2-to State & Local Government medical conditions and treatment; received in House; enrolled, signed by Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each (S) require that specified information be each presiding officer; delivered to presiding officer; delivered to Governor Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st disclosed if requested so by the Governor Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. reading; returned to State & Local purchaser or if the equine is sold at Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 72) Government (S) public auction; provide that the failure to 125) Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd disclose or the discovery of a material, HB 384/LM (BR 1080) - T. Kerr reading; returned to State & Local factual misrepresentation or omission in HB 390/LM (BR 1550) - J. Greer, J. Government (S) the disclosure nullifies all claimed and Tilley, L. Belcher, R. Damron, M. AN ACT relating to property taxes. Mar 7-reported favorably, to Rules implied warranties; permit the purchaser Dossett, J. Hoover, A. Koenig, C. Miller, Create a new section of KRS Chapter with committee amendment (1) as a to demand a refund and return the T. Moore, T. Pullin, T. Riner, S. Santoro, 133 to define threshold amount and Consent Bill equine within 60 days of discovering a D. Sims, A. Wuchner permit county clerks to elect not to Mar 8-posted for passage in the material, factual misrepresentation or prepare property tax bills below the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, omission; require that the names of AN ACT relating to special Gold Star threshold amount; amend KRS 91A.070 March 8; 3rd reading, passed 38-0 with persons and entities identified as owners Mothers license plates. to permit cities to elect not to prepare committee amendment (1) of the equine be maintained by the Amend KRS 186.162, to eliminate all property tax bills below the threshold Mar 9-received in House; posted for auction house in the medical records fees for special Gold Star Mothers amount. passage for concurrence in Senate repository and made readily available to license plates; amend KRS 186.041 to committee amendment (1) any bona fide purchaser if the equine is allow persons eligible for a Gold Star Feb 8-introduced in House Mar 12-House concurred in Senate sold at public auction; permit an injured Mothers license plate to receive up to Feb 9-to Appropriations & Revenue committee amendment (1) ; passed 92- party as a result of a material, factual two plates annually for vehicles they own (H) 7; enrolled, signed by each presiding misrepresentation or an omission to or lease officer; delivered to Governor recover treble damages and be awarded HB 385 (BR 964) - D. Pasley, C. Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. legal expenses, including attorney's Feb 8-introduced in House Hoffman, T. Burch, D. Graham, R. 65) fees; exempt ownership transfers Feb 9-to Seniors, Military Affairs, & Henderson, M. Henley, J. Jenkins, Ji. through claiming races from this section. Public Safety (H) Lee, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, H. Moberly HB 387/LM (BR 1397) - D. Owens, R. Feb 14-posting waived Jr, R. Palumbo, R. Rand, T. Riner, C. Meeks Feb 8-introduced in House Feb 16-reported favorably, 1st Rollins II, D. Sims, K. Stein, J. Wayne Feb 9-to Licensing & Occupations (H) reading, to Calendar AN ACT relating to elections. Feb 12-posted in committee Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules AN ACT relating to surface mining. Amend KRS 118.125, 118.165, Feb 21-posted for passage in the Amend KRS 350.450 to change 118.315, 118A.060, and 83A.045 to HB 389 (BR 1117) - C. Miller, C. Siler, Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, requirements relating to restoration to provide that signatures for nomination D. Butler, L. Clark, H. Collins, J. Draud, February 22, 2007 original contour of surface mines, and to papers shall not be affixed prior to the T. Firkins, J. Greer, C. Hoffman, D. Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 99-0 require that when all requirements of the first Wednesday after the first Monday in Horlander, J. Jenkins, D. Keene, J. Feb 23-received in Senate amended KRS 350.450 are met that the November of the year preceding the Stacy, D. Watkins, R. Weston, S. Mar 1-to Transportation (S) configuration requirements of KRS year in which the office will appear on Westrom Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st 350.410 and 350.445 may be altered, the ballot; amend KRS 118.227 to reading; returned to Transportation (S) but that overburden must be returned to require the Secretary of State to certify AN ACT relating to motor vehicle Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd mine area to the maximum extent any changes made to a slate of sales. reading; returned to Transportation (S) Mar 7-reported favorably, to Rules as KRS 326.100 to extend the board's forms of local governments within a Consent Bill HB 393 (BR 1334) - J. Jenkins, S. actions and the related right to a KRS purview of entire section. Mar 8-posted for passage in the Brinkman, K. Bratcher, T. Burch, L. Chapter 13B hearing to apply to a Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, Clark, R. Crimm, B. DeWeese, T. "person" rather than just a "licensee." HB 397 - AMENDMENTS March 8; 3rd reading, passed 38-0 Firkins, D. Horlander, M. Marzian, R. HFA (1, J. Gray) - Clarify that for Mar 9-received in House; enrolled, Meeks, C. Miller, D. Osborne, D. Owens, Feb 9-introduced in House consolidated local governments, urban- signed by Speaker of the House; S. Riggs, T. Riner, R. Weston Feb 12-to Licensing & Occupations county governments, charter county delivered to Governor (H); posted in committee governments, or unified local Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. AN ACT relating to economic Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st governments, the legislative body of that 39) development projects located in reading, to Calendar government, rather than the fiscal court, consolidated local governments. Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules shall approve any optional expense HB 391/LM (BR 1068) - L. Clark, J. Create a new section of KRS 65.490 Feb 20-floor amendment (1) filed allowances. Jenkins to 65.499 to establish requirements for a Feb 21-posted for passage in the qualifying project, to extend the period Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Feb 9-introduced in House AN ACT relating to the sale of for a qualifying project from 20 years 30 February 22, 2007 Feb 13-to Local Government (H) alcoholic beverages at state parks. years, and to permit the pledge of Feb 28-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with Feb 15-posted in committee Create a new section of KRS Chapter transient room taxes for qualifying floor amendment (1) Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st 242 to permit the limited sale of wine projects; amend KRS 91A.390 to Mar 1-received in Senate reading, to Calendar; floor amendment and malt beverages at state resort parks conform; create a new section of KRS Mar 5-to Licensing, Occupations and (1) filed and qualifying state recreational parks; Chapter 139 to permit a refund of sales Administrative Regulations (S) Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules allow a local option precinct election for taxes paid for construction materials and Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st Mar 1-posted for passage in the state resort and qualifying recreational fixtures, temporary infrastructure support reading; returned to Licensing, Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, parks in dry territory; establish the and specialized forms for qualifying Occupations and Administrative March 2, 2007 conditions under which the election will projects. Regulations (S) Mar 7-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with be held; permit a separate golf course Mar 8-reported favorably, 2nd reading, floor amendment (1) election if the golf course is in a precinct Feb 9-introduced in House to Rules with Committee Substitute as a Mar 8-received in Senate other than where the earlier mentioned Feb 12-to Appropriations & Revenue Consent Bill Mar 9-to Judiciary (S) election that coincides or follows the (H) Mar 9-posted for passage in the earlier mentioned election; amend KRS Feb 16-posted in committee Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, HB 398 (BR 1688) - J. Gray 243.030 to create a state park license March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 38-0 with corresponding fee. HB 394 (BR 1617) - J. Jenkins with Committee Substitute ; received in AN ACT relating to workers' causes of House; posted for passage for action. HB 391 - AMENDMENTS AN ACT relating to ophthalmic concurrence in Senate Committee Amend KRS 342.610 to permit a civil HFA (1, D. Floyd) - Include the sale of dispensers. Substitute action in tort by an employee, or the distilled spirits at state parks. Create a new section of KRS Chapter Mar 12-House concurred in Senate employee's estate, when injury or death 326 to authorize the licensing of "optical Committee Substitute ; passed 98-0; occurs because of an employer's gross Feb 8-introduced in House establishments" operated by ophthalmic enrolled, signed by each presiding negligence, recklessness, or violation of Feb 9-to Licensing & Occupations (H) dispensers; delineate duties of the officer; delivered to Governor safety standards; provide that exclusive Feb 13-posted in committee Kentucky Board of Ophthalmic Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. remedy does not bar such civil action. Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st Dispensers regarding licensing; describe 105) reading, to Calendar conditions for applicants and licensees HB 398 - AMENDMENTS Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules; floor pertaining to licensing optical HB 395 (BR 1454) - D. Owens, M. HFA (1, B. Farmer) - Amend to delete amendment (1) filed establishments; amend KRS 326.010 to Cherry the no-fault provision and make Feb 26-floor amendment (1) define "optical establishment," a term employer liable if gross negligence is withdrawn that excludes establishments that come AN ACT relating to candidates for proven. Feb 28-posted for passage in the under the practice of medicine, statewide office and declaring an HFA (2, B. Farmer) - Amend to restore Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, osteopathy, or optometry; amend KRS emergency. deliberate intention of employer who has March 1, 2007 326.070 to indicate that KRS Chapter Create a new section of KRS 121 to engaged in gross negligence, 326 does not require physicians, prohibit a candidate for statewide office recklessness, or who has violated a Introduced Feb. 9, 2007 osteopaths, or optometrists to obtain a from lending his or her likeness, voice, safety standard, as justification for a civil license for an optical establishment for or name to promotional or informational action by the employee. HB 392 (BR 1329) - A. Koenig, J. Draud their office, place of business, or materials distributed to media that is HFA (3, J. DeCesare) - Amend to practice; amend KRS 326.090 to list paid for with state funds; amend KRS permit civil actions against employer, AN ACT relating to teacher misconduct for which the board may 121.990 to provide injunctive relief and a employee, agent, or other individual who advancement. deny applicants or discipline licensees; fine of up to $1,000; provide that any knew or should have known of gross Create a new section of KRS Chapter make technical corrections. current contracts be terminated for negligence, recklessness, or safety 161 to establish a teacher advancement convenience or otherwise under KRS violation; preclude civil action from fund to provide tuition reimbursement to HB 394 - AMENDMENTS 45A; EMERGENCY. inclusion of joint and several liability in the public postsecondary education HFA (1, J. Jenkins) - Retain original any tort action. institutions for teachers completing a provisions, except delete new language Feb 9-introduced in House HFA (4, D. Keene) - Amend to provide master's degree or the continuing granting the ophthalmic dispenser board Feb 12-to State Government (H) that there shall be no liability for education option for Rank II; provide that the power to promulgate administrative Feb 13-posted in committee compensation if voluntary intoxication, the teacher advancement fund shall be regulations requiring the presence of including prescribed pharmaceuticals, administered by the Education specified equipment at each licensed HB 396/CI (BR 91) - J. Jenkins, L. caused, in part, an employee's injury or Professional Standards Board under optical establishment; remove new Combs death. administrative regulations which shall be references to "related accessories" and promulgated by December 1, 2007; return references to "appurtenances AN ACT relating to dating violence. Feb 9-introduced in House provide that beginning July 1, 2008, a thereto." Amend KRS 403.720 to include dating Feb 12-to Labor & Industry (H) practicing teacher in a public school who SCS - Retain original provisions, partners among the class of persons Feb 15-posted in committee agrees to teach for 5 years after except delete new section requiring a allowed to obtain domestic violence Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st completion of the Rank II shall receive a license to operate an optical protective orders; amend KRS 431.005 reading, to Calendar tuition waiver at a public postsecondary establishment; remove licensing to reference the definition of "unmarried Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules education institution for courses leading exemptions and board disciplinary couple" in KRS 403.720. Feb 26-floor amendments (1) (2) and to a master's degree or the continuing powers regarding optical establishment (3) filed education option for Rank II; provide a licenses; permit the board to impose a Feb 9-introduced in House Feb 27-floor amendment (4) filed schedule of reimbursement for a teacher fine against any person who operates an Feb 13-to Judiciary (H) Feb 28-recommitted to Labor & who does not complete the 5 year optical establishment without the Feb 14-posted in committee Industry (H); posting waived teaching commitment; prohibit a teacher supervision of a Kentucky-licensed from receiving the tuition waiver if the ophthalmic dispenser, any person who HB 397 (BR 840) - J. Gray, M. Denham HB 399/LM (BR 1713) - T. McKee, D. teacher is receiving other federal or state allows unlicensed persons to perform Pasley funds for tuition costs. activities that violate KRS 326.030, or AN ACT relating to coroners. any person who allows a Kentucky- Amend KRS 64.185 to allow coroners AN ACT relating to fertilizer. Feb 9-introduced in House licensed ophthalmic dispenser to to appoint additional deputy coroners Amend KRS 217B.270 to add fertilizer Feb 14-to Education (H) supervise more than one optical with the approval of the local legislative as a product subject solely to state establishment at the same time; amend body of the county; include various regulation; create a new section of KRS 250.361 to 250.451 to declare that no unless that figure is less than 20 percent Feb 26-3rd reading, passed 98-0 amendment. local government shall regulate fertilizer. for five consecutive years; prohibit a Feb 27-received in Senate SFA (2, D. Thayer) - Amend KRS school district from operating a family Mar 1-to State & Local Government 230.240 to require the Horse Racing HB 399 - AMENDMENTS resource center or youth services center (S) Authority, not the licensee or HFA (1, T. McKee) - Identify fertilizer that provides abortion counseling or Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st association, to pay for the salary of the as being regulated under KRS 250.371; makes referrals to a health care facility reading; returned to State & Local executive director and employees; specify that planning and zoning for the purposes of seeking an abortion; Government (S) appropriate $1,200,000 to the authority shall not be abrogated, nor create a new section of KRS Chapter Mar 8-taken from committee; 2nd Environmental and Public Protection shall state and federal reporting 194A to provide that the Division of reading; returned to State & Local Cabinet for fiscal year 2007-2008 from requirements. Family Resource and Youth Services Government (S) the General Fund to be distributed to the Centers of the Department for Human Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules Horse Racing Authority to cover Feb 9-introduced in House Support Services shall promulgate an with committee amendments (1) and (2- personnel, administrative, and operating Feb 13-to Agriculture & Small administrative regulation to implement title) as a Consent Bill; posted for costs, except the cost of drug testing. Business (H); posting waived the provision of this Act that relates to passage in the Consent Orders of the CCR - Cannot agree. Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st family resource and youth services Day for Monday, March 12, 2007 reading, to Calendar centers; provide that the regulations Mar 26-taken from the Consent Feb 9-introduced in House Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules shall include but not be limited to Orders of the Day; recommitted to Feb 12-to Appropriations & Revenue Feb 20-floor amendment (1) filed requirements for applicants for Appropriations & Revenue (S); reported (H) Feb 21-posted for passage in the continuation funding of a family resource favorably, to Rules with Committee Feb 16-posted in committee Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, or youth services center and center staff Substitute, committee amendment (3- Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st February 22, 2007 training. title) ; posted for passage in the Regular reading, to Calendar Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 98-1 with SCA (1, D. Thayer) - Create a new Orders of the Day for Monday, March Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules floor amendment (1) section of KRS Chapter 156 to provide 26, 2007; 3rd reading; committee Feb 26-posted for passage in the Feb 28-received in Senate that family resource and youth services amendment (2-title) withdrawn ; passed Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, Mar 2-to Agriculture & Natural centers be designated to meet the needs 36-1 with committee amendments (1) February 27, 2007 Resources (S) of children and their families by providing and (3-title) ; bill reconsidered; Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 95-0 Mar 6-taken from committee; 1st services to enhance the student's ability amendment reconsidered; committee Feb 28-received in Senate reading; returned to Agriculture & to succeed in school; provide priority to amendment (1) withdrawn ; passed 35-1 Mar 2-to Appropriations & Revenue Natural Resources (S) economically disadvantaged students with Committee Substitute, committee (S) Mar 7-taken from committee; 2nd and families; provide for family resource amendment (3-title) ; received in House Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Agriculture & centers and youth services centers to be Mar 27-Conference Committee reading; returned to Appropriations & Natural Resources (S) located either in or near each appointed in House; posted for passage Revenue (S) Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules as elementary school in the Commonwealth for concurrence in Senate Committee Mar 6-floor amendments (1-title) and a Consent Bill in which 20 percent or more of the Substitute, committee amendment (3- (2) filed ; taken from committee; 2nd Mar 9-recommitted to Appropriations student body are eligible for free or title) ; House refused to concur in Senate reading; returned to Appropriations & & Revenue (S) reduced-price school meals; establish Committee Substitute, committee Revenue (S) core components for each site; establish amendment (3-title) ; Free Conference Mar 7-reported favorably, to Rules as HB 400 (BR 1214) - J. Wayne, L. Clark a grant program to provide financial Committee appointed in House; received a Consent Bill; posted for passage in the assistance to eligible school districts to in Senate; posted for passage for Regular Orders of the Day for AN ACT relating to the Kentucky State establish or maintain family resource or receding from Senate Committee Wednesday, March 7, 2007; 3rd reading, Fair Board. youth services centers; provide that the Substitute, committee amendment (3- passed 37-0 with floor amendments (1- Amend KRS 247.140 to authorize the Cabinet for Health and Family Services title) ; Senate refused to recede from title) and (2) Kentucky State Fair Board to manage shall award grants pursuant to KRS Committee Substitute, committee Mar 8-received in House; posted for other properties; amend KRS 247.150 to 156.4977; provide that any family amendment (3-title) passage for concurrence in Senate floor provide authority for police protection; resource center or youth services center amendments (1-title) and (2) for amend KRS 247.190 to restrict payment that receives funding for one year or HB 401 (BR 1574) - M. Denham Monday, March 12, 2007 of expenses for managed properties to more shall not be considered ineligible Mar 12-House refused to concur in income or funds generated by the for funding based solely on the percent AN ACT relating to life insurance. Senate floor amendments (1-title) and managed property. of the student body eligible for free or Amend KRS 304.16-030 pertaining to (2) ; received in Senate; posted for reduced-price school food program, life insurance on lives of employees to passage for receding from Senate floor HB 400 - AMENDMENTS unless that figure is less than 20 percent delete provision prohibiting employees amendments (1-title) and (2) ; Senate SCS - Retain original provisions; for five consecutive years; prohibit a from paying entire premium if the refused to recede from floor amend Section 4 of 2007 HB 549 to school district from operating a family amount of insurance does not exceed amendments (1-title) and (2) ; allow wage assessments in local only resource center or youth services center $2,000; delete provision requiring at Conference Committee appointed in development areas; amend various that provides abortion counseling or least 75 percent participation by House and Senate; Conference other sections of 2007 HB 549 to make makes referrals to a health care facility employees if part of the premium is to be Committee report filed in House and technical corrections; create a new for the purposes of seeking an abortion; paid by employees. Senate; Conference Committee report section of KRS Chapter 156 to provide create a new section of KRS Chapter adopted in House; Free Conference that family resource and youth services 194A to provide that the Division of Feb 9-introduced in House Committee appointed in House centers be designated to meet the needs Family Resource and Youth Services Feb 14-to Banking & Insurance (H) of children and their families by providing Centers of the Department for Human Feb 16-posted in committee HB 403 (BR 1648) - R. Wilkey, J. Bell, services to enhance the student's ability Support Services shall promulgate an Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st M. Cherry, L. Clark, H. Collins, J. to succeed in school; provide priority to administrative regulation to implement reading, to Calendar Crenshaw, T. Edmonds, J. Gray, J. economically disadvantaged students the provision of this Act that relates to Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules Greer, K. Hall, R. Henderson, M. Henley, and families; provide for family resource family resource and youth services Feb 28-posted for passage in the C. Hoffman, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, M. centers and youth services centers to be centers; provide that the regulations Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Marzian, H. Moberly Jr, L. Napier, F. located either in or near each shall include but not be limited to March 1, 2007 Nesler, R. Palumbo, T. Pullin, R. Rand, elementary school in the Commonwealth requirements for applicants for Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 95-1 T. Riner, C. Rollins II, A. Simpson, R. in which 20 percent or more of the continuation funding of a family resource Mar 6-received in Senate Weston student body are eligible for free or or youth services center and center staff Mar 7-to Banking & Insurance (S) reduced-price school meals; establish training; make conforming amendments. AN ACT relating to consortium. core components for each site; establish SCA (2/Title, D. Thayer) - Make title HB 402/FN (BR 1461) - T. Firkins, C. Amend KRS 411.145, relating to loss a grant program to provide financial amendment. Rollins II, S. Santoro, D. Watkins of consortium, to include actions by the assistance to eligible school districts to SCA (3/Title, C. Borders) - Make title surviving spouse as well as the personal establish or maintain family resource or amendment. AN ACT relating to pari-mutuel taxes. representative; specify how limitations of youth services centers; provide that the Amend KRS 138.510 to exempt from actions apply to the action; provide that Cabinet for Health and Family Services Feb 9-introduced in House pari-mutuel tax wagering on live racing section is retroactive. shall award grants pursuant to KRS Feb 12-to State Government (H) conducted at a host track for the conduct 156.4977; provide that any family Feb 13-posted in committee of a one (1) day horse race meeting HB 403 - AMENDMENTS resource center or youth services center Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st under certain circumstances, amend HCS (1) - Retain most substantive that receives funding for one year or reading, to Calendar KRS 230.752 to conform; effective July provisions, except that the provisions are more shall not be considered ineligible Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules 1, 2007. transferred to a new section of KRS for funding based solely on the percent Feb 22-posted for passage in the Chapter 411 and amended to provide of the student body eligible for free or Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, HB 402 - AMENDMENTS that the consortium claim is brought as reduced-price school food program, February 23, 2007 SFA (1/Title, D. Thayer) - Make title part of the wrongful death action and not as a separate lawsuit, that the damages specified project is no longer active providers to obtain and record the body Feb 12-introduced in House recoverable are separate from other project and request reallocation of the mass index of recipients and to use the Feb 15-to Banking & Insurance (H) damages and payable only to the funds; authorize reallocation of funds by index and the American Diabetes Feb 16-posted in committee surviving spouse, and that the bill the Commissioner for GOLD upon the Association guidelines as a strategy to Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st applies retroactively in certain situations; State Budget Director's authorization prevent or delay the onset of diabetes, reading, to Calendar with Committee EMERGENCY. and notification to the Interim Joint control diabetes, and prevent the Substitute, committee amendment (1- HCS (2) - Amend to exclude in the Committee on Appropriations and associated long-term complications. title) retroactivity provision actions that have Revenue; EMERGENCY. Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules reached settlement and to clarify that the Feb 12-introduced in House Feb 26-posted for passage in the retroactivity only applies to wrongful Feb 12-introduced in House Feb 13-to Health & Welfare (H) Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, death causes of action; EMERGENCY. Feb 15-to Appropriations & Revenue Feb 20-posted in committee February 27, 2007 HCA (1/Title, K. Stein) - Make title (H) Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 92-0 with amendment. HB 407 - See Introductions on February Committee Substitute, committee HFA (1, J. Fischer) - Amend to limit HB 405 (BR 1355) - D. Owens 13, 2007. amendment (1-title) damages recoverable to $150,000 and Mar 2-received in Senate to provide for non-severability in the AN ACT relating to elections. HB 408 (BR 1563) - H. Collins Mar 5-to Appropriations & Revenue event of a finding of unconstitutionality. Amend KRS 117.235 to expand the (S) HFA (2, J. Fischer) - Amend to limit class of persons permitted in a voting AN ACT relating to drug testing. damages recoverable to $150,000, to room while a vote is being cast; amend Amend KRS 161.175 to require all HB 411/FN (BR 1777) - J. Wayne include loss of parental consortium KRS 117.255 to clarify who is eligible to certified and classified school employees during gestation, and to provide for non- assist a voter; amend KRS 117.275 to to submit to random or periodical drug AN ACT relating to taxation. severability in the event of a finding of permit nonpartisan candidates to witness testing; require classified or certified Amend KRS 141.020 to increase the unconstitutionality. and check the vote count; amend KRS employees disciplined or reprimanded tax rate on income over $75,000; amend HFA (3, J. Fischer) - Amend to limit 117.995 to create a penalty for violations for illegal drug use to submit to drug KRS 141.066 to establish a refundable damages recoverable to $150,000 and of certain election provisions; amend testing for twelve months following the earned income tax credit at 15 percent to provide for non-severability in the KRS 119.056 to clarify circumstances for date of the disciplinary or reprimand; of the federal credit; amend KRS event of a finding of unconstitutionality. penalties regarding violations of certain define "certified employee" and 140.130 to decouple from the federal HFA (4, J. Fischer) - Amend to limit election provisions. "classified employee." estate tax phase-out; amend KRS damages recoverable to $150,000, to 139.200 to include a list of selected include loss of parental consortium HB 405 - AMENDMENTS Feb 12-introduced in House services as subject to sales tax; amend during gestation, and to provide for non- HCS/LM - Retain original provisions; Feb 15-to Education (H) KRS 141.0205 to recognize changes to severability in the event of a finding of amend KRS 117.995 to provide a income tax credits; make income tax unconstitutionality. penalty for violating the provisions HB 409 (BR 1702) - J. Stacy, K. Hall, R. provisions effective for tax years HFA (5, D. Floyd) - Amend to limit related to assisting a voter in casting a Adkins, F. Nesler beginning on or after January 1, 2006, attorney fees to no more than 5 percent vote. make estate tax provisions effective for of amount recovered. HFA (1, D. Owens) - Remove AN ACT relating to interscholastic deaths on or after August 1, 2006; make HFA (6, D. Floyd) - Amend to limit language limiting those who would be athletic programs. sales tax provisions effective for billings attorney fees to no more than 5 percent eligible to assist a voter in casting his or Amend KRS 156.070 to allow, under on or after August 1, 2006. of amount recovered. her vote. certain conditions, two public high HFA (2, J. Comer Jr) - Create a new schools to have a cooperative Feb 12-introduced in House Feb 9-introduced in House section of KRS Chapter 117 to require interscholastic sports program; define Feb 15-to Appropriations & Revenue Feb 12-to Judiciary (H) the State Board of Elections to conduct the classification level at which the (H) Feb 14-posted in committee an audit whenever more than 15 percent cooperative sports program must Feb 15-posting waived of the votes cast in an election are cast compete; identify the responsibilities of HB 412/LM (BR 1726) - R. Weston, T. Feb 16-reported favorably, 1st by absentee ballots; require that results parents or guardians of nonresident Firkins, T. Burch, L. Clark, J. Jenkins, D. reading, to Calendar with Committee be turned over to the Attorney General, students participating in a cooperative Keene, C. Miller, D. Owens, S. Riggs Substitute, committee amendment (1- Commonwealth's Attorney, and sports program; identify the steps to title); floor amendments (3) and (4) filed appropriate county attorney. amend an original cooperative Feb 16-WITHDRAWN to Committee Substitute, floor HFA (3, D. Owens) - Amend KRS agreement; prohibit the promulgation of amendments (1) and (2) filed 118.215 to provide that during a administrative regulations, policies, or HB 413 (BR 384) - A. Simpson, J. Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules; floor presidential election year, the Secretary bylaws that would prevent a cooperative Draud, D. Keene, T. Kerr, A. Koenig, S. amendment (6) filed to Committee of State shall certify the nominations no interscholastic athletic program from Santoro, A. Wuchner Substitute, floor amendment (5) filed later than the Monday after the Friday being formed. Feb 21-posted for passage in the following the first Tuesday in September; AN ACT relating to tax increment Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, amend KRS 118.365 to conform. Feb 12-introduced in House financing. February 22, 2007 Feb 14-to Education (H) Amend KRS 65.490 to include second Feb 23-recommitted to Judiciary (H) Feb 12-introduced in House class cities and urban-county Feb 28-reported favorably, to Rules Feb 13-to Elections, Const. HB 410/HM (BR 1634) - M. Marzian, K. governments among the entities that can with Committee Substitute (2) ; taken Amendments & Intergovernmental Stein participate in pilot tax increment from Committee, placed in the Orders of Affairs (H) financing projects, and to decrease the the Day; 3rd reading; floor amendment Feb 15-posted in committee AN ACT relating to the Insurance minimum development size from 1 (4) ruled out of order ; passed 93-7 with Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st Coverage, Affordability and Relief to square mile to one-quarter square mile; Committee Substitute (2), committee reading, to Calendar with Committee Small Employers (ICARE) Program, and amend KRS 65.493 to include second amendment (1-title) Substitute declaring an emergency. class cities and urban-county Mar 1-received in Senate Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; floor Amend 2006 Kentucky Acts Chapter governments among entities that can Mar 5-to Appropriations & Revenue amendment (1) filed to Committee 252, the state/executive branch budget authorize tax increment financing (S) Substitute bill, to require that each Insurance development areas, to increase the Feb 23-floor amendment (2) filed to Coverage, Affordability and Relief to permitted distance from the central Introduced Feb. 12, 2007 Committee Substitute Small Employers (ICARE) health benefit business district of the largest city, and Feb 27-posted for passage in the plan cover all cancer screenings to decrease the number of employees HB 404 (BR 1361) - J. Gray Regular Orders of the Day for recommended by the American Cancer employed at a nearby economic Wednesday, February 28, 2007 Society's "Guidelines for the Early development asset. AN ACT relating to executive branch Mar 8-floor amendment (3) filed to Detection of Cancer"; EMERGENCY. budget projects, and declaring an Committee Substitute Feb 12-introduced in House emergency. HB 410 - AMENDMENTS Feb 13-to Appropriations & Revenue Amend 2006 Kentucky Acts Chapter HB 406 (BR 1217) - S. Westrom, J. HCS/HM - Delete Section 1 relating to (H) 252, Part II, Capital Projects Budget; A. Jenkins, B. Smith the ICare program, and in lieu thereof General Government; 2. Kentucky add and amend KRS 304.17A-096, HB 414/LM/AA (BR 1478) - M. Cherry Infrastructure Authority to allow the AN ACT relating to diabetes. relating to basic health benefit plans, to recipients of Infrastructure for Economic State findings and declarations prohibit the exclusion of mammogram AN ACT relating to retirement. Development Funds for Coal and Non- regarding the incidence, prevention, coverage as provided in KRS 304.17A- Amend KRS 61.510 to extend the Coal Producing Counties to certify to the screening, and treatment of diabetes; 133. high-three final compensation window Commissioner for the Governor's Office create a new section of KRS 205.510 to HCA (1/Title, M. Marzian) - Make title set to expire January 1, 2009, for those for Local Development (GOLD) that a 205.630 to require the Cabinet for Health amendment. state employees eligible for the benefit and Family Services to require Medicaid based upon service credit as of December 31, 2008; amend KRS 61.595 occurred while on the property of the Retirement System or the State Police Teachers' Retirement System state to extend the 2.2 percent benefit factor owner and extend liability exemption Retirement System to pay for the cost of medical insurance fund; amend 2006 window set to expire January 31, 2009, relating to invitees and contractors hired all sick leave service conversion at Kentucky Acts Chapter 252, the for those state employees eligible for the before January 1, 1972; exempt a retirement; create a new section of KRS state/executive branch budget bill, to benefit based upon service credit as of premises owner from liability for Chapter 61 to allow an employee authorize the issuance of a Pension December 31, 2008, except that service exposure occurring after January 1, participating in the Kentucky Employees Fund Bond to the Kentucky Teachers' accrued after December 31, 2008, shall 1972, unless it can be shown that the Retirement System, the County Retirement System in the amount of be calculated with a 2 percent benefit premises owner intentionally violated a Employees Retirement System, or the $290,000,000 and to appropriate funds factor; amend KRS 78.510 to extend the safety standard; provide that civil actions State Police Retirement System, before to the Retirement Contribution high-three final compensation window resulting from exposure to silica or July 1, 2008, who has less than 10 years Supplement Trust Fund for bond set to expire January 1, 2009, for those mixed dust shall not affect the rights of of service, to make an irrevocable payment. county employees eligible for the benefit any party involved in bankruptcy election to participate in the defined based upon service credit as of proceedings, or workers' compensation benefit plan structure applicable to Feb 12-introduced in House December 31, 2008. or veterans' benefit programs; require employees participating on or after July Feb 13-to State Government (H); the plaintiff in a civil action to show that a 1, 2008; create a new section of KRS posted in committee Feb 12-introduced in House particular defendant's conduct was a Chapter 18A to establish an employer Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st Feb 13-to State Government (H); substantial factor in causing the alleged contribution up to 3 percent to a defined reading, to Calendar with Committee posted in committee injury or loss; codify common law contribution plan administered by the Substitute principles relating to shareholder liability; Kentucky Deferred Compensation Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules HB 415/LM (BR 825) - L. Clark, J. make provisions applicable to any civil Authority Board of Trustees or by a local Feb 22-posted for passage in the Comer Jr action pending on the effective date of government employer for those Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, the Act and to claims filed on or after the employees who begin participating in the February 23, 2007 AN ACT relating to elections and effective date of the Act; include Kentucky Employees Retirement Feb 26-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with declaring an emergency. noncodified provisions: indicating that System, the County Employees Committee Substitute Amend KRS 117.375 to define verified the new provisions are not intended to Retirement System, and the State Police Feb 27-received in Senate paper audit trail and to require a voter repeal existing laws of the Retirement System on or after July 1, Feb 28-taken from committee; 1st verified paper audit trail on voting Commonwealth, requesting the 2008, or who make irrevocable election reading, to Calendar machines in the Commonwealth; amend Supreme Court to adopt and revise rules to participate in the new defined benefit Mar 1-2nd reading; to Appropriations KRS 117.381, 118.015, 118A.010, relating to venue and consolidation of plan; amend KRS 18A.245 to expand & Revenue (S) 119.005, and 120.005 to conform; claims arising from exposure to silica or duties of the Kentucky Deferred Mar 6-reported favorably, to Rules declare an EMERGENCY. mixed dust, and specify factors relating Compensation Authority Board of with Committee Substitute, committee to determining whether exposure to Trustees to include administration of the amendments (1-title) and (2) ; posted for Feb 12-introduced in House silica or mixed dust was a substantial defined contribution retirement plan and passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 13-to Elections, Const. factor (Lohrmann standards) in causing to allow the board to promulgate Day for Tuesday, March 6, 2007; 3rd Amendments & Intergovernmental the injury or loss resulting from such administrative regulations for reading, passed 35-2 with Committee Affairs (H) exposure, and providing for severabilty administration of the plan; amend KRS Substitute, committee amendments (1- Feb 15-posted in committee and federal preemption. 61.701 to make technical amendments; title) and (2) create a new section of KRS Chapter 45 Mar 7-received in House HB 416 (BR 1823) - J. Jenkins, S. Feb 12-introduced in House to establish the Public Retirement Mar 12-posted for passage for Brinkman, L. Clark Feb 15-to Judiciary (H) Systems Oversight Committee and to concurrence in Senate Committee Feb 23-posted in committee designate responsibilities; amend 2006 Substitute, committee amendments (1- AN ACT relating to authorization of Kentucky Acts Chapter 252, the title) and (2); House refused to concur in the capital project to expand the HB 418/LM/AA (BR 1486) - D. Graham, state/executive branch budget bill, to Senate Committee Substitute, University of Louisville Stadium, C. Rollins II, R. Adams, M. Cherry, L. establish the Retirement Contribution committee amendments (1-title) and (2) ; appropriating funds therefor, and Combs, M. Dedman Jr, K. Hall, C. Supplement Trust Fund and appropriate received in Senate; posted for passage declaring an emergency. Hoffman, B. Montell, R. Nelson $38,024,700 in fiscal year 2006-2007 for receding from Senate Committee Authorize the University of Louisville and $39,279,400 in fiscal year 2007- Substitute, committee amendments (1- Papa John's Cardinal Stadium AN ACT relating to retirement. 2008 for distribution to employers title) and (2); Senate refused to recede Expansion capital project, appropriate Amend KRS 61.510 to extend the covered by the Kentucky Employees from Committee Substitute, committee Restricted Funds and Other Funds; high-three final compensation window Retirement System and the State Police amendments (1-title) and (2) ; EMERGENCY. set to expire January 1, 2009 for those Retirement System pension funds; Conference Committee appointed in state employees eligible for the benefit dedicate specific amounts to non- House and Senate Feb 12-introduced in House based upon service credit as of executive branch employing agencies Feb 13-to Appropriations & Revenue December 31, 2008; amend KRS 61.595 and provide for the state budget director HB 419 (BR 1388) - H. Moberly Jr, J. (H) to extend the 2.2 percent benefit factor to distribute the balance as required; Richards window set to expire January 31, 2009 specify that moneys returned to the HB 417/LM (BR 1757) - J. Gooch Jr, M. for those state employees eligible for the Retirement Contribution Supplement AN ACT relating to the funding of Cherry, R. Crimm, D. Floyd, M. Harmon, benefit based upon service credit as of Trust Fund will be used to retire pension public employee retirement systems, M. Henley, L. Napier December 31, 2008 ; amend KRS bond; establish specific rates for each making an appropriation therefor, and 78.510 to extend the high-three final employer contribution to be returned to declaring an emergency. AN ACT relating to dust. compensation window set to expire the Retirement Contribution Supplement Amend 2006 Kentucky Acts Chapter Create new sections of KRS Chapter January 1, 2009, for those county Trust Fund to retire bond debt; increase 252, the state/executive branch budget 411 to establish procedures for civil employees eligible for the benefit based the employer contribution rate by 2.75 bill, to appropriate an additional actions arising from exposure to silica or upon service credit as of December 31, percent to go to the respective pension $25,000,000 for the Teachers' mixed dust; define related terms; require 2008. funds of the Kentucky Employees Retirement System Medical Insurance that a physical impairment be an Retirement System and State Police Fund; create the Retirement Contribution essential element in a civil action based HB 418 - AMENDMENTS Retirement System; authorize the Supplement Pool in the Personnel on exposure to silica or mixed dust; HCS/LM/AA - Retain original issuance of a Pension Fund Bond in the Cabinet; appropriate $25,000,000 for require a prima facie showing of a provisions; amend KRS 61.701 to make amount of $537,800,000; direct this pool to implement new employer physical impairment before bringing or technical amendments to ensure the $498,100,000 to the Kentucky retirement contribution rates for the maintaining a civil action; provide for trust fund established for retiree health Employees Retirement System non- Kentucky Employees Retirement dismissal of civil actions for failure to benefits complies with governmental hazardous pension fund, $15,900,000 to Systems and the State Police establish a prima facie showing of a accounting standards. the Kentucky Employees Retirement Retirement System from April 1, 2007, physical impairment resulting from SCS/LM/AA - Retain original System hazardous pension fund, and through June 30, 2007; require any exposure to silica or mixed dust; toll the provisions; amend various sections of $23,800,000 to the State Police general fund moneys directed to be statue of limitations on claims not barred KRS Chapters 16, 18A, 61, and 78 to Retirement System pension fund; appropriated by Part VII, General Fund by the effective date until such time as create a new defined benefit plan and establish appropriation to the judicial and Surplus Expenditure Plan, to the an individual discovers or should have defined contribution plan for employees legislative branch to cover the increased Kentucky Retirement Systems to be discovered a physical impairment; who begin participating in the Kentucky employer contribution rates; declare an appropriated to the Kentucky Systems distinguish claims for nonmalignant Employees Retirement System, the EMERGENCY. Insurance Fund; delete the Kentucky conditions from claims for silica or mixed County Employees Retirement System, SCA (1/Title, C. Borders) - Make title Retirement Systems and the Kentucky dust related cancer; establish and the State Police Retirement System amendment. Teachers' Retirement System's medical requirements for wrongful death claims; on or after July 1, 2008; amend KRS SCA (2/AA, C. Borders) - Amend KRS insurance fund from the General Fund exempt a premises owner from liability 61.546 to require the last participating 161.553 to remove annual amortized Surplus Expenditure plan; declare an unless the individual's exposure employer in the Kentucky Employees payment through 2016 to the Kentucky emergency. contempt for failing to appear for jury council for the officer to maintain status; Feb 12-introduced in House Feb 12-introduced in House service, to provide for gender equality. prohibit a certified court security officer Feb 15-to Banking & Insurance (H) Feb 13-to Appropriations & Revenue from transferring to a peace officer Feb 16-posted in committee (H) Feb 12-introduced in House position unless the certified court Feb 16-posted in committee Feb 13-to Judiciary (H) security officer meets the requirements HB 429 (BR 1208) - C. Hoffman Feb 14-posted in committee for being a certified peace officer, and HB 420 (BR 1862) - K. Stein provide that if the officer does, according AN ACT relating to the Kentucky HB 426 (BR 1760) - R. Wilkey to the provisions of this section, transfer, Community and Technical College AN ACT relating to crimes and then the employers have ten working System and University of Kentucky punishments. AN ACT relating to supersedeas days to notify the council for the officer employees. Amend KRS 433.865 relating to theft bonds. to maintain status; create a new section Amend KRS 164.365 to specify that of dairy equipment to delete single Amend KRS 411.187 to limit of KRS Chapter 70 to establish the any employee of the Kentucky gender reference. supersedes bonds to no more than duties of a certified court security officer, Community and Technical College $100,000,000; provide that the and establish what functions a court System, other than an administrative Feb 12-introduced in House amendment applies to all civil actions security officer shall not perform; amend employee, who has completed an initial Feb 13-to Judiciary (H) pending on the effective date of the act. KRS 70.030 to allow sheriffs to appoint probationary period shall not be Feb 14-posted in committee certified court security officers and terminated, disciplined, or otherwise Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, revoke the appointment at pleasure; penalized without just cause. to Calendar Feb 12-introduced in House require officer to take an oath; prohibit Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 13-to Judiciary (H) certified court security officers only Feb 12-introduced in House Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations Feb 14-posted in committee certified under the status of a court Feb 13-to Education (H) & Revenue (H) Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st security officer to participate in Kentucky reading, to Calendar Law Enforcement Foundation Program HB 430 (BR 1304) - L. Combs, J. Greer, HB 421 (BR 1861) - K. Stein Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules fund; amend KRS 70.036 to allow C. Hoffman Feb 26-posted for passage in the certified court security officers to wear AN ACT relating to civil actions. Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, official uniform and allow the expenses AN ACT relating to consumer Amend KRS 416.590 relating to February 27, 2007 of uniforms to be paid by the fiscal court; telemarketing. issuing a summons in a condemnation Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 90-1 amend KRS 70.140 to allow certified Amend sections in KRS 367.46951 to case to delete "must" and to insert Mar 2-received in Senate court security officers to represent the 367.46999 and subsequent sections to "shall." Mar 5-to Judiciary (S) sheriff at the meetings of the fiscal court replace the state-maintained Zero Call Mar 8-taken from committee; 1st and courts of justice; amend KRS list with the national Do Not Call Feb 12-introduced in House reading; returned to Judiciary (S) 527.020 to allow certified court security Registry; replace references to Feb 13-to Judiciary (H) Mar 9-taken from committee; 2nd officers to carry concealed weapons "merchant" with "telemarketing Feb 14-posted in committee reading; returned to Judiciary (S) when on duty. company." Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st Mar 12-reassigned to Appropriations reading, to Calendar & Revenue (S); reported favorably, to Feb 12-introduced in House HB 430 - AMENDMENTS Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules Rules as a Consent Bill Feb 15-to Judiciary (H) SCS - Retain original provisions of HB Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations Mar 26-posted for passage in the 430/GA; require the Office of the & Revenue (H) Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, HB 428 (BR 1273) - C. Hoffman Attorney General to request that the March 26, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 38- Federal Trade Commission place the HB 422 (BR 1860) - K. Stein 0; received in House AN ACT relating to motor vehicle numbers currently on the zero call list on Mar 27-enrolled, signed by each insurance. the National Do Not Call List. AN ACT relating to civil actions. presiding officer; delivered to Governor Amend KRS 304.20-020 to define Amend KRS 412.150 relating to when Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. "principally garaged", to require limits for Feb 12-introduced in House a creditor is to be made a defendant to 111) property damage, and to require that any Feb 13-to Tourism Development & change "must" to "shall." motor vehicle liability insurance policy Energy (H) HB 427/LM (BR 1676) - M. Harmon issued in this state shall include a Feb 14-posting waived Feb 12-introduced in House certification from the insured that he has Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st Feb 13-to Judiciary (H) AN ACT relating to the certification of received full disclosure of all available reading, to Calendar Feb 14-posted in committee court security officers. coverage types, levels of coverage and Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules Create new sections of KRS 15.380 to corresponding premium quotes; amend Feb 21-posted for passage in the HB 423 (BR 1859) - K. Stein 15.404 to provide for the qualifications of KRS 304.39-020 to increase the basic Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, a certified court security officer and reparation benefit for personal injury to February 22, 2007 AN ACT relating to courts. provide for grandfathering provisions; any one person from $10,000 to Feb 22-3rd reading, passed 100-0 Amend KRS 29A.160 relating to provide for the revocation of status for a $25,000; amend KRS 304.39-050 to Feb 23-received in Senate prohibiting an employer coercing an court security officer; set out training increase the basic reparation benefit for Mar 1-to Agriculture & Natural employee not to perform jury service to requirements for a court security officer; personal injury to any one person from Resources (S) provide for gender equality. establish certification categories for $10,000 to $25,000 from more than one Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, certified court security officers; provide reparation obligor; amend KRS 304.39- to Calendar with Committee Substitute Feb 12-introduced in House that the position of certified court 110 to increase the split limits liability Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 13-to Judiciary (H) security officer is not eligible for coverage for bodily injury sustained by Mar 12-posted for passage in the Feb 14-posted in committee hazardous duty and that those officers one person from $25,000 to $50,000 and Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st are not eligible for Kentucky law to increase the split limits liability March 12, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 37- reading, to Calendar enforcement foundation program funds coverage for bodily injury sustained by 0 with Committee Substitute ; received in Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules without meeting the requirements of all injured persons as the result of one House Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations KRS 15.382, 15.404, and 15.440; accident from $50,000 to $100,000, to Mar 26-posted for passage for & Revenue (H) amend KRS 15.310 to integrate the increase the liability coverage for concurrence in Senate Committee position of court security officer with the property damage arising from one Substitute ; House concurred in Senate HB 424 (BR 1863) - K. Stein basic training course provided by the accident from $10,000 to $25,000, and Committee Substitute ; passed 98-0; Department of Criminal Justice Training to increase the single limits liability enrolled, signed by each presiding AN ACT relating to crimes and and redefine "basic training course" and coverage minimum for all damages officer; delivered to Governor punishments. define "certified court security officer"; arising out of bodily injury or property Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Amend KRS 438.065 relating to amend KRS 15.380 to require court damage from one accident from $60,000 115) advertising by a practitioner of the security officers to be certified by the to $125,000; amend KRS 304.39-115 to healing arts to provide for gender Department of Criminal Justice Training; provide that damages for loss of use of a HB 431 (BR 1551) - T. Burch, A. equality. amend KRS 15.388 to include court motor vehicle shall include the costs of Wuchner, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, R. security officers within the requirements acquiring a reasonable replacement Palumbo Feb 12-introduced in House of reporting to the law enforcement vehicle of like kind to the damaged Feb 13-to Judiciary (H) council their certification status and motor vehicle; and amend KRS 304.39- AN ACT relating to health data Feb 14-posted in committee provide that if a certified court security 130 to increase the maximum weekly collection. officer has successfully completed the basic reparation benefits for work loss, Amend KRS 216.2923 to include HB 425 (BR 1858) - K. Stein basic training required by the Act and survivor's economic loss, replacement information on charges, quality, and transfers to another employer, that both services loss and survivor's replacement outcomes of health care services and AN ACT relating to courts. employers have ten working days to loss from $200 to $500. require the Health Services Data Amend KRS 29A.150, relating to report the fact to the law enforcement Advisory Committee to make recommendations on risk-adjusting data; any settlement from being binding on the personal representative may bring an KRS 367.46951 to conform. amend KRS 216.2925 to require reports department if the settlement was made action within five years of qualification as on a quarterly basis, to add outcome without prior notice and the opportunity a personal representative. HB 437 - AMENDMENTS data, and to require electronic reports as to review and approve it; remove HCS - Retain original provisions required under federal law; amend KRS language related to the Medicaid Feb 12-introduced in House except add requirement that fax 216.2927 to require a public-use data recipient's liability to Medicaid Feb 14-to Judiciary (H) transmissions shall contain an opt-out agreement and require the Data expenditures when the department has Mar 1-posted in committee procedure for recipient; provide a private Advisory Committee to review protocols not approved the settlement agreement. cause of action for violation of prohibited on release of data; amend KRS Introduced Feb. 13, 2007 fax provisions. 216.2929 to require that information on Feb 12-introduced in House HFA (1, J. Glenn) - Add provision to the cabinet's Web site regarding Feb 15-to Health & Welfare (H) HB 407 (BR 1115) - J. Richards, R. clarify that information sent by consumer charges, quality, and outcome, specify Feb 20-posted in committee Wilkey to opt out of future requests cannot be sources of data, require opportunity for Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st used for any other purpose; provide a provider to comment on data, and reading, to Calendar AN ACT relating to the taxation of private cause of action in district court. require use of national quality indicators Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules recreational vehicles. and explanations about use of data. Feb 27-posted for passage in the Create a new section of KRS Chapter Feb 13-introduced in House Regular Orders of the Day for 132 to provide an exemption from Feb 14-to Labor & Industry (H) HB 431 - AMENDMENTS Wednesday, February 28, 2007 property tax for nonmotorized Feb 15-posted in committee SCS - Retain original provisions, Feb 28-3rd reading, passed 99-0 recreational vehicles that are held in Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st except limit the types of information to Mar 1-received in Senate dealers' inventories. reading, to Calendar with Committee be published; amend KRS 205.623 to Mar 2-to Health & Welfare (S); taken Substitute require all insurers and administrators to from committee; 1st reading, to Calendar Feb 13-introduced in House Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules provide in electronic format identifying Mar 5-2nd reading; returned to Health Feb 14-to Appropriations & Revenue Feb 26-floor amendment (1) filed to information on all policyholders and & Welfare (S) (H) Committee Substitute dependents in order for Medicaid to Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules Feb 27-posted for passage in the determine which policyholders and with Committee Substitute as a Consent HB 435/LM (BR 1148) - L. Belcher, R. Regular Orders of the Day for dependents also participate in the Bill Rand, L. Clark, J. Greer, B. Montell, D. Wednesday, February 28, 2007 Medicaid program; prohibit a third party Mar 26-recommitted to Health & Osborne Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with from charging a fee for this information Welfare (S); floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment or for processing and adjudication of the Committee Substitute AN ACT relating to water. (1) department's claim for recovery, Create a new section of KRS Chapter Mar 2-received in Senate reclamation, or validation of eligibility; HB 432 (BR 1330) - A. Koenig 224, subchapter 70 to establish a Floyd's Mar 5-to Judiciary (S) amend KRS 205.624 to require all Fork Water Resources Council; insurers and administrators to accept the AN ACT relating to presidential prescribe the membership of the council HB 438/CI (BR 1638) - B. Spencer, T. department's right of recovery and electors. and the term of membership on the Edmonds, J. Greer, K. Hall, S. Lee, J. assignment to the department of the Create a new section of KRS Chapter council; allow the Council to appoint a Tilley right of a Medicaid applicant, recipient, 118 to provide that at-large presidential chair and adopt by-laws; allow the or any other entity to payment from the electors shall cast their ballots for council to plan for and implement a pilot AN ACT relating to crimes and party for an item or service for which presidential and vice presidential project to assess current stream punishments. Medicaid has made payment; require the candidates who receive the highest loadings within the Floyd's Fork Amend KRS 510.010 to define injured, diseased, or disabled person to number of votes in the state and that watershed and present alternatives for "electronic communications device" and provide a written notice to the congressional district presidential protecting water quality and manage "electronic communications"; amend department of any proposed settlement electors shall cast their ballots for the growth economically; and require the KRS 506.030 to redefine penalties and and any proposed payment to the presidential and vice presidential council to make a report annually to the add reference to sex offenses; amend Department for Medicaid Services; candidates who receive the highest Interim Joint Committee on Agriculture KRS 508.140 and 508.150 to add require the injured, diseased, or disabled number of votes in their respective and Natural Resources. electronic communications as methods person to be liable to the department for congressional districts; amend KRS of stalking; amend KRS 510.148 to Medicaid expenditures if the individual 118.325 to provide that a presidential Feb 13-introduced in House include electronic communication of does not provide prior notice and elector shall be nominated from each Feb 14-to Local Government (H) images as indecent exposure; amend reasonable opportunity to review and congressional districts and two at-large Feb 16-posting waived KRS 510.155 to add attempted approve an agreement; prohibit the presidential electors shall be nominated, Mar 2-posting withdrawn solicitation, age misrepresentation, and insurer or administrator from denying the and that alternate presidential electors defenses; amend KRS 531.300 to department's claim for recovery based shall also be chosen for each elector in HB 436 (BR 1197) - J. Glenn provide for exclusions from material on the date of submission of the claim, case of vacancy; amend KRS 117.265, depicting children for bona fide type or format of the claim form, or a 118.425, 118.435, and 118.445 to AN ACT relating to the starting time of educational, medical, and scientific failure to present proper documentation conform. the school day for high schools. research with written consent of parent of coverage at the point of sale if the Amend KRS 158.060 to require that, or guardian; amend KRS 531.320 to add claim is submitted by the department Feb 12-introduced in House beginning with the 2008-2009 school parent or person in position of authority within the three-year period beginning on Feb 15-to Elections, Const. year, the school day in a public high as persons engaged in promoting sexual the date on which the item or service Amendments & Intergovernmental school shall begin no earlier than 8:30 performance by a minor with increased was furnished and any action to the Affairs (H) a.m.; make technical corrections. penalty; amend KRS 531.340 to claim is commenced within six years of conform. the department's submission of the HB 433 (BR 1838) - M. Denham Feb 13-introduced in House claim; create a new section of Subtitle Feb 16-to Education (H) HB 438 - AMENDMENTS 23 of KRS Chapter 304 to require that it AN ACT relating to telephone HCS/CI - Delete all provisions, except is an unfair or deceptive trade practice solicitation. HB 437 (BR 1118) - J. Glenn, L. Clark, retain the amendment to KRS 510.155 for any insurer or administrator to refuse Amend KRS 367.46955 to include R. Henderson, T. Thompson and change that amendment to restore to provide information requested by the making a telephone solicitation to a the language relating to peace officers Department for Medicaid Services, wireless cellular or wireless personal AN ACT relating to unsolicited posing as minors, to delete the language unless providing the information would service communications customer in the facsimile transmissions. relating to forfeiture, and to delete the violate federal law. list of prohibited acts. Create new sections of KRS Chapter language enhancing the penalty for the SFA (1, J. Denton) - Amend KRS 367 to prohibit unsolicited faxes to a offense. 205.623 to clarify that the attorney may Feb 12-introduced in House telephone facsimile machine; define receive a percentage, not to exceed Feb 13-to Labor & Industry (H) telephone facsimile machine, unsolicited Feb 13-introduced in House twenty-five percent, of the amount paid Feb 15-posted in committee advertisement by a telephone facsimile Feb 14-to Judiciary (H); posting to the cabinet that has been recovered in machine, and established business waived reimbursement from a third-party HB 434 (BR 1701) - T. Burch relationship; provide exception for an Feb 23-posted in committee settlement; delete new language established business relationship Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st amending KRS 205.624 that would AN ACT relating to civil actions. between the sender and recipient; permit reading, to Calendar with Committee require the Department for Medicaid Amend KRS 413.120 relating to the Attorney General to enforce provisions; Substitute Services to notify the Medicaid recipient one year statute of limitations, KRS amend KRS 367.990 to impose a Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules; posted within 3 business days of the receipt of a 413.140 relating to the five year statute maximum penalty of $500 for each for passage in the Regular Orders of the proposed settlement or the settlement is of limitations, and KRS 413.180 relating violation, except that the penalty for a Day for Friday, March 2, 2007 otherwise presumed to be approved; to the ability of a personal representative willful violation shall be $2,000; amend Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 100-0 with delete new language that would prohibit to bring an action to specify that the Committee Substitute Mar 6-received in Senate Cabinet for administrative purposes only, government agency with respect to solid Mar 7-to Judiciary (S) rather than to the Governor's Office; HB 440 (BR 1739) - L. Belcher, T. waste projects, and treatment works amend KRS 11A.080 to clarify the Edmonds, K. Hall, T. McKee from definition of "system." HB 439 (BR 1605) - J. Vincent language to make it clear that investigations are confidential unless AN ACT relating to school attendance. HB 442 - AMENDMENTS AN ACT relating to executive branch there is a final order; allow the Amend KRS 157.320 to change the HCS - Retain original provisions of HB ethics. Commission to publicly confirm that an definition of "average daily attendance" 442; delete Authority of Kentucky Amend KRS 11A.010 to include in the investigation has been initiated or to include an adjustment for illness- Infrastructure Authority to finance definition of "officer" only those board terminated if the alleged violations were related low attendance days; define unspecified other economic and commission members who are publicly referred by another public "illness-related low attendance day"; development projects. salaried; include in the definition of agency; amend KRS 11A.100 to provide permit a district to submit a request to "public servant" any person who that a violation of KRS Chapter 11A may substitute the prior year's average daily Feb 13-introduced in House performs state service under a personal be a cause for an agency to dismiss or attendance for illness-related low- Feb 16-to Natural Resources & service contract or any other otherwise discipline the public servant attendance days to the commissioner of Environment (H) employment arrangement on a full-time according to the terms of KRS education; and require the Kentucky Feb 21-posting waived basis for not less than 6 months; define 18A.0751; apply also to any public Board of Education to promulgate Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, "person," "matter," "executive officer," servant not subject to KRS Chapter 18A; administrative regulations. to Calendar with Committee Substitute and "board member"; amend KRS amend KRS 11A.130 to clarify the Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules 11A.015 to include minimum standards language allowing a present or former HB 440 - AMENDMENTS Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations for an agency adopting it own code of officer or public servant who, as his HCS - Delete original provisions; & Revenue (H) ethics; allow concurrent jurisdictions; official duty, provided a service that has amend definition of "average daily amend KRS 11A.020 to prohibit a public been privatized, to accept employment attendance" to mean the aggregate HB 443 (BR 1628) - T. Thompson, A. servant from seeking other employment from the person or business responsible days attended by pupils divided by the Koenig using his or her office or position; for the privatized service if the officer or actual number of days school is in prohibit using state time, equipment, public servant was not involved in the session, after 10 days with the lowest AN ACT relating to electronic data personnel, facilities, or other state decision to privatize or in developing the attendance have been deducted; delete matches and levies. resources for private business or contract; create a new section of KRS reference to and definitions of "weather Amend KRS 131.672 to require that campaigns; prohibit soliciting, selling to, Chapter 11A to prohibit policy-making related low attendance day." the financial institution match system or otherwise engaging in a financial and regulatory board and commission HFA (1, F. Rasche) - Declare an implemented by the Department of transaction with a subordinate or a members from doing business with the EMERGENCY. Revenue for the seizing of financial person or business whom the public board or commission on which they HFA (2/Title, F. Rasche) - Make title assets of delinquent taxpayers shall not servant, in an official capacity, regulates, serve; require policy-making and amendment. be implemented until the department is does business with, or supervises if the regulatory board and commission prepared to implement the system in all economic benefit to the public servant is members to disclose any potential Feb 13-introduced in House financial institutions within a period of no $50 or more; amend KRS 11A.040 to conflict of interest they may have and to Feb 14-to Education (H) longer than six months. allow public servants to accept an award abstain from related decisions; make Feb 15-posted in committee for exceptional service, as long as the policy-making and regulatory board and Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st HB 443 - AMENDMENTS acceptance does not violate KRS commission members subject to the gifts reading, to Calendar with Committee HFA (1, R. Wilkey) - Provide that for 11A.045(1), relating to gifts; clarify the provisions of the ethics code; amend Substitute purposes of this section, the definition of post-employment lobbying prohibition; KRS 11A.990 to require that the salary Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted "financial institutions" is the same as that reduce the filing of outside employment withholding resulting from failure to file a for passage in the Regular Orders of the provided in KRS 205.772. reports by agencies from quarterly to statement of financial disclosure by the Day for Thursday, February 22, 2007 HFA (2/Title, T. Thompson) - Make annually; prohibit a public servant from date specified begin on the sixteenth day Feb 23-floor amendment (1) filed to title amendment. negotiating for future employment with a of noncompliance, rather than the first Committee Substitute, floor amendment HFA (3, T. Thompson) - Amend KRS person or business with which the public day; amend KRS 61.102, relating to (2-title) filed 131.672 to require that the financial servant is directly involved as part of his whistleblower protection, to include the Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with institution match system implemented by official state duty; amend KRS 11A.045 Executive Branch Ethics Commission as Committee Substitute, floor amendments the Department of Revenue for the to increase the gifts limitation per source one of the state agencies to which (1) and (2-title) seizing of financial assets of delinquent to $50 for a single calendar year; clarify employees may bring to the attention Feb 28-received in Senate taxpayers and debtors shall not be language of the gifts guideline; amend possible violations of law without the fear Mar 2-to Education (S) implemented unless and until the KRS 11A.050 to expand the filing of reprisal. department is prepared to implement the deadline for statements of financial HB 441 (BR 477) - M. Denham system in 90 percent of all financial disclosure from 30 days to 90 days by HB 439 - AMENDMENTS institutions within a period of no longer officers and public servants leaving state HFA (1, J. Vincent) - Delete Section 7 AN ACT relating to sales and use tax. than 18 months from the effective date government; require the financial that amends KRS 11A.055 to prohibit a Amend KRS 139.480 to exempt straw, of this Act, but financial institutions may disclosure statement to include the public servant from soliciting for a wood shavings, and sawdust from the implement a data match sooner; amend nature of any business; amend KRS charitable nonprofit organization with sales and use tax when used in KRS 131.990 to apply fines for failure to 11A.055 to prohibit a public servant from which the public servant is directly agricultural or equine pursuits; comply within 90 days of notification by soliciting for a charitable nonprofit involved as part of his or her official duty; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2007. the Department of Revenue and to organization with which the public delete the provision allowing the require the financial institution to forfeit servant is directly involved as part of his commission to publicly confirm that an Feb 13-introduced in House its license to do business in the official duty; create a new section of investigation has been initiated or Feb 14-to Appropriations & Revenue Commonwealth for failure or refusal to KRS Chapter 11 to allow a member of a terminated if the alleged violations were (H) comply within 120 days of notification by public servant's family to be employed in publicly referred by another public the Department of Revenue; amend the same agency as the public servant agency. HB 442 (BR 1795) - S. Baugh, J. Gooch KRS 205.990 to apply fines for failure to but prohibit the public servant from HFA (2, J. Vincent) - Delete Section 8, Jr, L. Napier comply with KRS 205.772 and directly supervising, employing, or relating to nepotism provisions, from the applicable administrative regulations if promoting a family member; grandfather- bill. AN ACT relating to brownfields. the financial institution has not complied in those family members employed on Amend KRS 224A.011 to add within 90 days of the notification by the the effective date of this Act; amend Feb 13-introduced in House definition of "Brownfield project" and Cabinet for Families and Children. KRS 11A.060 to change the Feb 14-to State Government (H) "Brownfield site"; delete erection of solid appointment process for the members of Feb 20-posted in committee waste projects from definition of Feb 13-introduced in House the Executive Branch Ethics Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st "construction"; delete "authority and Feb 14-to Banking & Insurance (H) Commission to require the Governor, the reading, to Calendar power to finance, acquire, construct, or Feb 16-posted in committee Attorney General, and the Auditor to Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules operate" "solid waste projects" from Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st appoint one member each on a rotating Feb 26-floor amendments (1) and (2) definitions of "government agency"; add reading, to Calendar basis, beginning with the terms of filed "brownfield projects" to definition of Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules; floor members expiring July 14, 2008; direct Feb 27-posted for passage in the "infrastructure project"; add "any other amendment (1) filed that removal of a member be by the Regular Orders of the Day for public utility or public service project that Feb 28-recommitted to Appropriations constitutional officer who appointed that Wednesday, February 28, 2007 will enhance economic development & Revenue (H) member; direct that a commission Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 94-0 with opportunities in the commonwealth" to Mar 2-taken from committee; to Rules member who misses three consecutive floor amendments (1) and (2) definition of "infrastructure project"; (H); floor amendment (2-title) filed meetings be deemed to have vacated Mar 5-received in Senate delete "solid waste revolving fund" from Mar 5-taken from committee; placed in his or her office; attach the Commission Mar 6-to State & Local Government definitions contained in KRS 224A.011; the Orders of the Day; floor amendment to the Finance and Administration (S) delete system owned and operated by a (3) filed Mar 6-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with Feb 16-to Health & Welfare (H) Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, interpretations to be filed with application floor amendments (1) (2-title) and (3) March 12, 2007 for benefits; permit administrative law Mar 7-received in Senate HB 446 (BR 1922) - T. Thompson, F. Mar 26-3rd reading, passed 37-0; judge to grant controlling weight to Mar 8-to Appropriations & Revenue Nesler received in House; enrolled, signed by treating physician based on the (S); reported favorably, 1st reading, to each presiding officer; delivered to relationship with the miner and credibility Consent Calendar AN ACT relating to property valuation Governor of treating physician's opinion, and make Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules administrators' offices and making an Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. new procedure for black lung applicable Mar 12-posted for passage in the appropriation therefor. 114) to claims not assigned to an Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, Amend KRS 132.590 to establish the administrative law judge on the effective March 12; 3rd reading, passed 37-0; PVA compensation fund as a separate HB 449 (BR 1368) - M. Denham, T. date of the Act; amend KRS 342.732 to received in House; enrolled, signed by fund in the State Treasury; provide that McKee, D. Pasley reduce the age a miner can receive a each presiding officer; delivered to an amount equal to 2.11 cents of the retraining benefit cash option from 57 Governor state real property tax rate as applied AN ACT relating to weights and years to 52 years; amend KRS 342.792 Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. against the most recent certified state measures. to permit reopening and reconsideration 68) real property tax roll be deposited in the Amend KRS 363.510 to include of claims under new procedures until fund each year to compensate the PVA instruments to measure internal moisture December 12, 2009, or as provided in HB 444 (BR 204) - R. Weston, L. Clark, and all approved deputies and or density of bulk tobacco packages in KRS 342.316(4)(a), whichever is longer; J. Jenkins, M. Marzian, C. Miller assistants; provide that any projected the definition of "weights and measures." amend KRS 342.794 and 342.270 to shortfall in the fund shall be made up; conform. AN ACT relating to planning and delete provisions that require PVAs to HB 449 - AMENDMENTS zoning in counties containing a city of contribute funds derived locally for HCS - Retain original provisions Feb 13-introduced in House the first class or consolidated local personnel costs; establish the PVA except clarify type of tobacco affected Feb 14-to Labor & Industry (H) government. advisory committee to monitor and conditions under which a tobacco Feb 15-posted in committee Amend various sections of KRS allocations and distributions from the moisture device falls within the definition 100.401 to 100.419, the Binding Element PVA compensation fund. of "weights and measures." HB 453 (BR 474) - J. DeCesare Enforcement Act to include within the HFA (1, M. Denham) - Amend to powers of counties containing a city of Feb 13-introduced in House specify the commissioner may regulate AN ACT relating to prevailing wage. the first class or consolidated local Feb 14-to Appropriations & Revenue the servicing and inspection of tobacco Amend KRS 342.510 to require that a government and the cities of the first four (H) moisture testing devices. bid for a prevailing wage public works classes in that county the power to issue Feb 15-reassigned to Local project include a list of employment citations for violations of other land use Government (H) Feb 13-introduced in House classifications, description of the provisions; define "land use provisions"; Feb 21-posted in committee Feb 14-to Agriculture & Small classifications, and the wage rates that allow local legislative body having Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st Business (H) will be paid for each classification. authority over the planning commission reading, to Calendar Feb 20-posting waived to authorize board of zoning adjustment Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules; Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st Feb 13-introduced in House to conduct hearings on contested recommitted to Appropriations & reading, to Calendar with Committee Feb 16-to Labor & Industry (H) citations; amend KRS 100.237, relating Revenue (H) Substitute to conditional use permits, to allow Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules; floor HB 454 (BR 1749) - A. Smith, L. Combs, citations to be issued for violation of HB 447 (BR 1699) - R. Henderson, J. amendment (1) filed to Committee R. Nelson conditions; amend KRS 100.285, Jenkins, M. Marzian Substitute relating to subdivision regulations, to Feb 28-posted for passage in the AN ACT relating to shippers, allow citation to be issue for violations; AN ACT relating to special firefighters. Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, transporters, and receivers of coal amend KRS 100.291, also relating to Amend KRS 75.110 to allow chair of March 1, 2007 transported on public highways. subdivision regulations, to provide that board or fire chief to appoint special Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with Create a new section of KRS Chapter violations can be cited. firefighters, in volunteer departments Committee Substitute, floor amendment 177 to require shippers and receivers of formed under KRS Chapter 65, 75, 95 (1) coal to report shipment weights to the Feb 13-introduced in House and 273, enumerate powers of special Mar 2-received in Senate Department of Vehicle Enforcement; Feb 14-to Local Government (H) firefighters. Mar 5-to Agriculture & Natural require Vehicle Enforcement to Feb 15-posted in committee Resources (S) promulgate regulations to establish Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st Feb 13-introduced in House recording and reporting methods; allow reading, to Calendar Feb 14-to Local Government (H) HB 450/LM (BR 1908) - T. Riner the department to inspect business Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules records to enforce provisions of weight Mar 1-posted for passage in the HB 448 (BR 1640) - J. Arnold Jr, T. AN ACT relating to animal cruelty. reporting requirements. Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, McKee Amend KRS 525.130 to include failure March 2, 2007 to provide shelter from the cold and Feb 13-introduced in House AN ACT relating to special districts. effects of the sun within animal cruelty. Feb 14-to Transportation (H) HB 445 (BR 1639) - C. Embry Jr, J. Amend KRS 65.065 to increase the Draud, D. Keene, T. Kerr, A. Koenig, T. amount required for the performance of Feb 13-introduced in House HB 455 (BR 1723) - J. DeCesare, A. McKee, S. Santoro, A. Wuchner an annual audit; amend KRS 262.280 to Feb 16-to Agriculture & Small Koenig stipulate circumstances under which an Business (H) AN ACT relating to health care data. annual audit shall be performed; amend AN ACT relating to prevailing wage. Amend KRS 216.2920 to add KRS 262.763 to raise the amount HB 451 (BR 1753) - R. Crimm Amend KRS 337.010 to require that "outpatient or ambulatory care facility" to required for the performance of an area development districts be the the definition of "facility" and add "any annual audit. AN ACT relating to annexation. localities for prevailing wage public outpatient or ambulatory care facility Amend KRS 81A.425 relating to any works projects. owned by a hospital" to the definition of Feb 13-introduced in House city's annexation of unincorporated "hospital"; amend KRS 216.2923 to Feb 14-to Local Government (H) territory that is declared void, to require Feb 13-introduced in House require the Health Services Data Feb 15-posted in committee the circuit clerk of the court where the Feb 16-to Labor & Industry (H) Advisory Committee to make Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st judgment is rendered to certify a copy of recommendations to the cabinet on the reading, to Calendar the judgment not later than ten (10) days HB 456 (BR 1724) - J. DeCesare collection and dissemination of specific Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted to the Secretary of State; require the types of outpatient and ambulatory care for passage in the Regular Orders of the Secretary of State to file and index the AN ACT relating to prevailing wage. facility data; amend KRS 216.2925 to Day for Thursday, February 22, 2007 judgment as a permanent record in that Amend KRS 337.505 to require that require the promulgation of Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 95-0 office. the median wage, rather than the basic administrative regulations requiring all Feb 26-received in Senate hourly rate, be paid to workers on licensed hospitals and ambulatory care Feb 28-to State & Local Government Feb 13-introduced in House prevailing wage projects. facilities to report data elements for (S) Feb 14-to Local Government (H) services provided on an outpatient basis Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st Feb 13-introduced in House for each outpatient and ambulatory care reading; returned to State & Local HB 452 (BR 1023) - B. Yonts, R. Nelson Feb 16-to Labor & Industry (H) facility operated by each hospital; Government (S) require the administrative regulations to Mar 8-taken from committee; 2nd AN ACT relating to workers' HB 457 (BR 1935) - J. DeCesare, A. implement those requirements to be reading; returned to State & Local compensation. Koenig promulgated by July 1, 2007. Government (S) Amend KRS 342.316 to delete Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules as consensus procedure in black lung AN ACT relating to the prevailing Feb 13-introduced in House a Consent Bill; posted for passage in the claims, require two "B" reader X-ray wage. Create a new section KRS Chapter Mar 2-to Judiciary (S) kindergarten through grade 12 to count Feb 14-to Appropriations & Revenue 337 to exempt educational institutions toward the 30 year requirement for (H) from paying prevailing wages on HB 460 (BR 1772) - T. Pullin, B. Montell, determining qualifications for returning to Feb 21-posting waived construction projects during fiscal years C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, D. Floyd, D. work; permit retired members to return to Feb 23-reported favorably, 1st 2007-2008, 2008-2009, and 2009-2010; Osborne, R. Palumbo, T. Thompson, K. work to earn a minimum amount equal to reading, to Calendar require provisions to expire June 30, Upchurch, S. Westrom the base contract salary for the lowest Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted 2010. rank and step on the certified teachers' for passage in the Regular Orders of the AN ACT relating to income tax credits salary schedule; extend the date to 2010 Day for Tuesday, February 27, 2007 Feb 13-introduced in House for small businesses. under which certain retired members Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 88-1 Feb 16-to Labor & Industry (H) Create new sections of KRS Chapter may work for 100 days; amend KRS Mar 2-received in Senate 154 and KRS Chapter 141 and amend 161.630 permit a member to remove a Mar 5-to Appropriations & Revenue HB 458 (BR 1318) - J. DeCesare KRS 141.0205 to establish a small beneficiary at any time though removal (S) business tax credit. of the beneficiary will not change the Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, AN ACT relating to eminent domain. member's retirement allowance; KRS to Consent Calendar Amend various sections of the Feb 13-introduced in House 161.640 to permit monthly payments on Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules Kentucky Revised Statutes to remove Feb 15-to Economic Development (H) behalf of a retiree, beneficiary, or Mar 9-posted for passage in the the authority of local governments to Feb 20-posted in committee survivor who is a resident of a nursing or Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, exercise the power of eminent domain to Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st assisted-care home to be paid to the March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 38- eliminate blighted or slum areas while reading, to Calendar home to benefit the retiree, beneficiary, 0; received in House retaining other acquisition powers; limit Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules or survivor; amend KRS 161.650 to Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each eminent domain to situations involving Feb 26-recommitted to Appropriations require that if a member designates a presiding officer; delivered to Governor public use; amend various sections of & Revenue (H) beneficiary to receive any remaining Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. the Eminent Domain Act of Kentucky to accumulated member contributions that 75) alter the pleading, trial, proof, procedure, HB 461/AA (BR 1359) - F. Rasche, T. the member may only designate a single and appellate provisions of a civil Edmonds class of individuals or trusts as HB 463 (BR 1783) - J. Wayne eminent domain action; amend various cobeneficiaries or contingent other sections to conform; repeal KRS AN ACT relating to retired teachers. beneficiaries to share in equal AN ACT relating to nursing homes. 99.220, 99.230, 99.240, 107.400, Amend KRS 161.220 to include as proportions; amend KRS 161.655 to Amend KRS 216.547 to require the 177.260. members of the Kentucky Teachers' require that when a member designates Office of Inspector General to provide Retirement System employees of the a beneficiary for receipt of the life news media with the results of licensure Feb 13-introduced in House Kentucky Department of Education insurance benefit, the member shall inspections for long-term care facilities. Feb 16-to Judiciary (H) whose job description permits the designate the beneficiary on forms substitution of experience for graduation prescribed by the retirement system; Feb 13-introduced in House HB 459 (BR 1564) - H. Collins, D. Ford from a 4 year college or university; amend KRS 161.545, l61.553, 161.612, Feb 16-to Health & Welfare (H) amend KRS 161.250 to prohibit 161.614, l61.640, and 161.675 to AN ACT relating to vital statistics. annuitants of the retirement system from conform. HB 464 (BR 1752) - R. Crimm Amend KRS 213.076 to require the being lay trustees; amend KRS 161.310 Vital Statistics Branch to issue three free to provide that any payment made by the HB 461 - AMENDMENTS AN ACT relating to the Secretary of certification-of-death statements to employer to a member on the condition HCS/AA - Retain original provisions; State. funeral directors within two working that the member terminate employment provide that the provisions of the Act Repeal KRS 56.310 which directs the days; establish penalty of $500 for Vital shall be deemed a retirement incentive if shall become effective July 1, 2007; Secretary of State to report to the Statistics Branch payable to the funeral the member retires within 6 months make technical corrections. Governor annually regarding the number director for each day over the two following the termination in employment; of patents issued, copies supplied, and working days that the funeral director amend KRS 161.340 to require the Feb 13-introduced in House the amount of fees received, and does not receive the certification-of- board of trustees to contract for Feb 16-to Education (H); posting requires the Treasurer's receipt for the death statements; establish that any commodities; amend KRS 161.480 to waived; posted in committee fees to be published with the report. official of the Vital Statistics Branch who provide that if a member fails to Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st does not carry out the duties of his or designate a beneficiary, the member's reading, to Calendar with Committee Feb 13-introduced in House her office shall be guilty of first degree estate shall be deemed to be the Substitute Feb 16-to State Government (H) official misconduct. beneficiary; amend KRS 161.515 to Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 20-posted in committee require that members who elect to Feb 26-posted for passage in the Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st HB 459 - AMENDMENTS purchase out-of-state service shall pay Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, reading, to Calendar HCS - Delete original provisions of the the full actuarial cost; establish the February 27, 2007 Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules bill; amend KRS 213.041 to allow retirement factors to be awarded for Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with Mar 1-posted for passage in the certificates required in KRS 213 to be purchase of service; amend KRS Committee Substitute Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, signed in black or blue ink; amend KRS 161.520 to permit the surviving spouse Feb 28-received in Senate March 2, 2007 213.076 to require the state registrar to to receive a lump-sum refund of the Mar 2-to Appropriations & Revenue send an incomplete or unsatisfactory member's account under certain (S) HB 465/AA (BR 1872) - A. Simpson, R. certificate of death to the appropriate conditions; amend KRS 161.522 to Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st Wilkey, T. Kerr, C. Rollins II funeral director, physician, dentist, establish a timeline for a beneficiary to reading; returned to Appropriations & chiropractor, or coroner responsible for elect an annuity in lieu of a refund of the Revenue (S) AN ACT relating to the Court of the entry to complete or correct the member's account; amend KRS 161.540 Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd Justice. certificate; require the state registrar to to change the provisions to cover reading; returned to Appropriations & Repeal the noncodified provision of notify the entity who submitted the university employees rather than Revenue (S) 2000 Ky. Acts ch. 305 which sunsets the certificate of death that it was returned to university faculty members who elect to senior status judge program contained in the funeral director, physician, dentist, participate; amend KRS 161.568 to HB 462/FN (BR 1725) - A. Simpson, T. KRS 21.580 in 2007. chiropractor, or coroner for completion. permit any university person eligible for Kerr, R. Adams, A. Koenig, R. Palumbo, HCA (1/Title, H. Collins) - Make title membership in the Kentucky Teachers' J. Richards, J. Vincent, A. Wuchner HB 465 - AMENDMENTS amendment. Retirement System who previously HCS/AA - Replace provisions of the elected to participate in the optional AN ACT relating to economic bill with a new section amending KRS Feb 13-introduced in House retirement plan to irrevocably elect one development. 21.580 to establish new conditions for Feb 14-to Health & Welfare (H) time within his or her first 6 years and 6 Amend "economic development entry into the senior status judge Feb 15-posted in committee months of continuous service to change project" definition in KRS 154.22-010 program, to require annual reporting of Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st his or her election and to prospectively and 154.28-010 to allow ownership of fiscal information regarding the program, reading, to Calendar with Committee participate in the system and also improvements or facilities on land and to extend the program until July 1, Substitute, committee amendment (1- become eligible to purchase his or her possessed by a company pursuant to a 2012. title) prior service with his or her ground lease having a term equivalent to HFA (1, T. Couch) - Amend to extend Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules postsecondary education employer as the length of the financing agreement; sunset provision to December 31, 2012. Feb 26-posted for passage in the service credit; amend KRS 161.569 to allow credits against equipment and Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, require institutions to contribute 5.10% of costs related to installation of equipment Feb 13-introduced in House February 27, 2007 the total salaries of all persons who elect of $20,000 per job created by and Feb 14-to Judiciary (H) Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with or elected to participate in the optional maintained at the economic Feb 20-posting waived; posted in Committee Substitute, committee retirement plan; amend KRS 161.605 to development project. committee amendment (1-title) permit out-of-state teaching service Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st Feb 28-received in Senate provided in public schools for Feb 13-introduced in House reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute or greater than 200% of the federal Mar 5-to Judiciary (S) Feb 21-posted in committee Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules minimum wage; require the company to Mar 8-taken from committee; 1st Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st Feb 27-posted for passage in the seek to provide meaningful employment reading; returned to Judiciary (S) reading, to Calendar Regular Orders of the Day for; floor opportunities for nontraditional students Mar 9-taken from committee; 2nd Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules amendment (1) filed to Committee enrolled at a regional postsecondary reading; returned to Judiciary (S) Mar 1-posted for passage in the Substitute education center; require the director of Mar 26-reported favorably, to Rules; Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 88-8 with a regional postsecondary education posted for passage in the Regular March 2, 2007 Committee Substitute center to assert that the eligible Orders of the Day for Monday, March Mar 2-received in Senate company is likely to provide appropriate 26, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 35-0; HB 473 (BR 1358) - B. DeWeese Mar 5-to Appropriations & Revenue employment opportunities for received in House (S) nontraditional students; EMERGENCY. Mar 27-enrolled, signed by each AN ACT relating to the practice of presiding officer; delivered to Governor medicine. HB 466/LM (BR 1868) - E. Ballard, L. HB 468 - AMENDMENTS Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Create a new section of KRS Chapter Belcher, S. Brinkman, M. Cherry, R. HFA (1, J. Bell) - Clarify the 119) 311 to require that only an appropriately Crimm, J. DeCesare, B. DeWeese, B. qualifications for approved trained physician use lasers, intense Farmer, D. Keene, F. Nesler, D. postsecondary education centers. HB 470/LM (BR 63) - C. Hoffman pulsed light, radio frequency, or medical Osborne, T. Turner microwave devices; permit the physician Feb 14-introduced in House AN ACT relating to methamphetamine to delegate these procedures to a AN ACT relating to taxation. Feb 15-to Economic Development (H) contamination. nonphysician with documented training Amend KRS 132.200 to exempt Feb 20-posted in committee Create a new section of KRS Chapter who is directly supervised on-site by the federally documented vessels not used Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st 17 to establish a registry of potential physician. in the business of transporting persons reading, to Calendar methamphetamine contaminated or property for compensation from local Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules properties in Kentucky, to be operated Feb 14-introduced in House taxation, effective January 1, 2008. Feb 26-posted for passage in the by the Kentucky State Police, and a Feb 16-to Health & Welfare (H) Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, contamination assessment program, to Feb 20-posted in committee Feb 13-introduced in House February 27, 2007 be operated by the Environmental and Feb 14-to Appropriations & Revenue Feb 27-floor amendment (1) filed Public Protection Cabinet. HB 474 (BR 1734) - M. Marzian (H) Feb 28-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with floor amendment (1) Feb 14-introduced in House AN ACT relating to a health facility Introduced Feb. 14, 2007 Mar 1-received in Senate Feb 16-to Seniors, Military Affairs, & patient's visitation rights. Mar 5-to Economic Development, Public Safety (H) Create a new section of KRS Chapter HB 467/FN (BR 1918) - L. Napier, H. Tourism & Labor (S) 216B to allow a patient of a health facility Moberly Jr, R. Adams, R. Adkins, E. Mar 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, HB 471 (BR 1883) - L. Belcher who is 18 years of age or older to Ballard, S. Baugh, J. Bell, J. Comer Jr, to Consent Calendar designate, orally or in writing, an T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, M. Dedman Jr, Mar 7-2nd reading, to Rules; posted AN ACT relating to school facilities. individual, not legally related by marriage B. DeWeese, T. Firkins, D. Floyd, D. for passage in the Consent Orders of the Amend KRS 156.160 to permit capital or blood, who the patient wishes to be Ford, D. Graham, J. Greer, M. Harmon, Day for Wednesday, March 7, 2007; outlay to be used for maintenance; considered as an immediate family M. Henley, J. Higdon, J. Hoover, S. Lee, taken from the Consent Orders of the amend KRS 157.420 to permit a local member; require the health facility to Ji. Lee, C. Miller, R. Mobley, R. Day; returned to Rules (S) school district to submit a request to the note this designation in the patient's Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, Mar 8-taken from committee; posted commissioner of education to use capital permanent medical records. J. Richards, T. Riner, S. Rudy, S. for passage in the Consent Orders of the outlay funds for maintenance Santoro, C. Siler, A. Simpson, A. Smith, Day for Thursday, March 8; 3rd reading, expenditures without forfeiting the Feb 14-introduced in House K. Stein, J. Stewart III, T. Turner, J. passed 38-0 district's participation in the School Feb 20-to Health & Welfare (H) Vincent, R. Weston, R. Wilkey Mar 9-received in House; enrolled, Facilities Construction Commission; signed by each presiding officer; prohibit use of capital outlay for property HB 475/CI (BR 1844) - J. Jenkins, M. AN ACT relating to Governor William delivered to Governor insurance; amend KRS 157.620 to Marzian Owsley. Mar 16-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. change the date of the Kentucky Designate Governor William Owsley's 2) Department of Education's needs AN ACT relating to crimes and house a state shrine. determination from October 15 to punishments. HB 469 (BR 461) - R. Damron, R. December 15. Amend KRS 525.135 to redefine Feb 14-introduced in House Adams, E. Ballard, C. Belcher, L. torture of a dog or cat; change the Feb 15-to State Government (H); Belcher, J. Bell, J. Comer Jr, T. Firkins, Feb 14-introduced in House requisite mental state from intentional to reassigned to Appropriations & Revenue J. Gray, J. Greer, K. Hall, B. Montell, T. Feb 16-to Education (H) reckless or wanton; increase penalty for (H) Moore, R. Nelson, D. Sims, A. Smith, J. Feb 22-posted in committee first offense to Class D felony. Feb 23-posted in committee Tilley, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, A. Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st Wuchner reading, to Calendar Feb 14-introduced in House reading, to Calendar Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 20-to Agriculture & Small Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted AN ACT relating to firearms. Mar 1-posted for passage in the Business (H) for passage in the Regular Orders of the Amend KRS 237.020 relating to Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, Day for Thursday, March 1, 2007 purchase of firearms in contiguous March 2, 2007 HB 476/LM (BR 1825) - R. Nelson, C. Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 95-3 states to specify that Kentucky residents Mar 6-3rd reading, passed 99-0 Belcher, L. Belcher, D. Osborne Mar 2-received in Senate may purchase or otherwise acquire Mar 7-received in Senate Mar 5-to Economic Development, firearms anywhere it is legal to do so Mar 8-to Appropriations & Revenue AN ACT relating to elections, making Tourism & Labor (S) under federal and state law; specify that (S) an appropriation therefor, and declaring Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st out-of-state residents may purchase or an emergency. reading, to Calendar otherwise acquire firearms in Kentucky if HB 472 (BR 201) - C. Miller, J. Wayne, Create a new section of KRS Chapter Mar 8-2nd reading; returned to the purchase is legal under federal and K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, T. Burch, L. 118 to require that the state pay for Economic Development, Tourism & state law; specify that persons who are Clark, R. Crimm, M. Denham, B. runoff primaries; APPROPRIATION; Labor (S); reported favorably, to Rules not citizens of the United States may DeWeese, T. Firkins, D. Horlander, J. EMERGENCY. as a Consent Bill purchase or otherwise acquire firearms Jenkins, D. Keene, M. Marzian, R. in Kentucky if the purchase is legal Meeks, D. Osborne, D. Owens, S. HB 476 - AMENDMENTS HB 468/FN (BR 1549) - J. Bell, J. under federal and state law. Riggs, T. Riner, R. Weston HFA (1, D. Owens) - Make technical DeCesare, J. Greer, J. Vincent correction. Feb 14-introduced in House AN ACT relating to nuisances. SCS/LM - Remove all language in AN ACT relating to economic Feb 16-to Judiciary (H) Amend KRS 381.770 to allow local original bill; amend KRS 118.245 to development and declaring an Feb 20-posting waived; posted in governments to adopt and enforce eliminate the runoff primary for emergency. committee ordinances regulating junked, wrecked, gubernatorial slates; amend various Amend KRS 154.24-090 to establish Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st or nonoperative motor vehicles, sections to conform; declare an the criteria for eligible companies that reading, to Calendar including parts cars, that are more EMERGENCY. locate a project adjacent to a Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules restrictive than the state provisions; SCA (1/Title, D. Thayer) - Make title postsecondary education center to Feb 28-posted for passage in the include charter counties and unified local amendment. alternatively satisfy wage requirements; Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, governments within purview of statute. SCA (2, D. Thayer) - Amend KRS require 90% of employees to receive March 1, 2007 117.255 to create an exception for base hourly wages and benefits equal to Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 93-3; Feb 14-introduced in House disabled persons to the 2-minute time received in Senate Feb 16-to Local Government (H) period allowed for each voter to occupy a voting booth. the proceeds of the action or settlement; prohibit the defendant from being pay with interest and compensation for permit the Attorney General to retain a required to file an answer to a complaint any special damages if a person is Feb 14-introduced in House reasonable portion of the proceeds of an until it is unsealed and served on the discharged, demoted, suspended, Feb 20-to Appropriations & Revenue action or settlement not less than five defendant; require the state to proceed threatened, harassed, or in any other (H) percent and not more than 15 percent of with the action or notify the court that the manner discriminated against in the Mar 1-reassigned to Elections, Const. the total proceeds for fees, expenses, state declines to take over the action terms of employment by the person's Amendments & Intergovernmental and reasonable costs and the remaining within 60 days after the Attorney General employer because an a lawful act in the Affairs (H); posting waived retroactively; funds to be awarded to the Medical receives the complaint or any extended furtherance of an action related to the reported favorably, 1st reading, to Assistance Program; require the General period granted by the court; permit the allegation of Medicaid fraud; require that Calendar Assembly, in appropriating money person bringing the action to continue if the Medicaid program receive the Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules; floor recovered by the investigation and the state does not proceed; permit the amount of any payment made under the amendment (1) filed prosecution of Medicaid fraud, to Attorney General to contract with a Medical Assistance Program; permit the Mar 5-taken from committee; placed in consider the requirements of the private attorney to represent the state in person bringing the action to receive a the Orders of the Day Attorney General and other affected a civil action brought by a person for the payment of at least 15 percent but not Mar 6-3rd reading, passed 90-7 with state agencies; permit the Attorney state; require the state to have the more than 25 percent of the of the floor amendment (1) General to institute an action for an primary responsibility for prosecuting the proceeds; authorize the Office of the Mar 7-received in Senate order to restrain a person who is civil action if the state proceeds with an Attorney General to retain five percent, Mar 8-to State & Local Government believed to be committing or is about to action filed by a person for the state; but not more than 15 percent of the total (S); taken from committee; 1st reading; commit an unlawful act related to permit the person bringing the action to proceeds for costs incurred in the action, returned to State & Local Government Medicaid; establish the monetary liability continue as a party to the action; permit with the remaining funds awarded to the (S) for a person found liable for an unlawful the state to dismiss or settle the action Medical Assistance Program; establish a Mar 9-taken from committee; 2nd act related to Medicaid, which includes notwithstanding the objections of the time limitation for filing civil suits related reading; returned to State & Local three times the amount of the value of person bringing the action; permit the to Medicaid fraud. Government (S) any monetary or in-kind benefit provided court to limit the participation of the Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules by Medicaid, interest on the amount of person bringing the action for the state; Feb 14-introduced in House with Committee Substitute, committee the payment, and a civil penalty not less permit the court to stay the discovery by Feb 15-to Judiciary (H) amendments (1-title) and (2) ; posted for than $5,000 or more than $15,000 if the the person bringing the action if the state Feb 20-posted in committee passage in the Regular Orders of the unlawful act results in an injury to an shows that certain actions of discovery Day for Monday, March 12, 2007; 3rd adult defined in KRS 209.020 or a child; would interfere with the state's HB 478 (BR 1746) - H. Collins reading, passed 31-4 with Committee set the civil penalty for a unlawful act investigation or prosecution of a criminal Substitute, committee amendments (1- related to Medicaid not less than $5,000 or civil matter arising out of the same AN ACT relating to motor vehicle title) and (2) ; received in House or more than $10,000 for if the act does facts; limit the stay to 60 days, which usage tax. Mar 26-posted for passage for not result in injury; provide criteria for may be extended by the court; authorize Amend KRS 138.450 and 138.460, concurrence in Senate Committee determining the amount of the civil the state to proceed with an alternative regarding motor vehicle use tax, to allow Substitute, committee amendments (1- penalty; limit the liability to two times the remedy; provide the person bringing the an out of state bill of sale to be used in title) and (2); House refused to concur in amount of the monetary benefit received action to have the same rights in the lieu of an affidavit of total consideration. Senate Committee Substitute, if the person furnished the Attorney alternative proceeding as the person committee amendments (1-title) and (2) ; General with all information about the would have had if the action had Feb 14-introduced in House received in Senate; posted for passage unlawful act not later than the thirtieth continued in court; require a finding of Feb 20-to Appropriations & Revenue for receding from Senate Committee day after the date on which the person fact or conclusion of law made in an (H) Substitute, committee amendments (1- first obtained the information if the alternative proceeding to be final on all title) and (2); Senate refused to recede information is provided prior to the parties to an action if the finding has HB 479/FN (BR 1522) - C. Belcher, H. from Committee Substitute, committee investigation by the Attorney General; been finally determined on appeal to the Moberly Jr amendments (1-title) and (2) ; permit the Attorney General to require a appropriate court, no appeal has been Conference Committee appointed in person to file a written statement under filed and the time for filing an appeal has AN ACT relating to taxation. House and Senate; Free Conference oath or affirmation, examine a person expired, or the finding is not subject to Amend KRS 141.010 to define captive Committee appointed in Senate under oath, or to serve a civil judicial review; authorize the person real estate investment trust and specify investigative demand requiring the bringing the action for the state to be when certain deductions are allowable; HB 477 (BR 1934) - Ji. Lee, H. Moberly production of documentary material and entitled to receive at least 15, but not effective for tax years beginning on or Jr permit inspection and copying of the more than 25 percent of the proceeds of after January 1, 2007. material; permit the Attorney General to the action; provide that the amount that AN ACT relating to the prevention of use the documents, including the the person bringing the action for the Feb 14-introduced in House Medicaid fraud. presentation before a court; permit the state may not be more than ten percent Feb 20-to Appropriations & Revenue Create new sections of KRS Chapter Attorney General to file a petition for an if the action is based on disclosure of (H); posting waived 205 to define terms; establish that proof order to compel the person to file a specific information relating to of a person's intent to commit an statement or submit to the examination allegations or transactions in a criminal HB 480/FN (BR 1651) - C. Belcher, S. unlawful act shall not be required in a by the Attorney General; establish or civil hearing, in a legislative or Brinkman, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, D. civil or administrative proceeding to criteria and the delivery methods for a administrative report, hearing, audit, or Floyd, D. Osborne, R. Palumbo, T. show that the person acted knowingly in investigative demand; requires investigation, or from the news media; Thompson, S. Westrom respect to Medicaid fraud; establish documentary material demanded to be provide payment for reasonable unlawful acts related to Medicaid; produced for inspection and copying at expenses, attorney's fees, and costs AN ACT relating to income tax. require the Cabinet for Health and the office of the Attorney General or as from the proceeds of the action; Amend KRS 141.011 to clarify net Family Services to provide the Attorney agreed by the person served and the establish conditions under which the operating loss carryforwards; amend General with access to all documentary Attorney General; permit an individual to court may limit the share of the proceeds KRS 141.040 to adjust the payment of materials for the investigation of file a petition to extend the return date of the person bringing the action; permit the minimum tax and to allow a limited Medicaid fraud; identify individuals to for demand for documents; permit the the court to dismiss the person from the carryforward of the alternative minimum whom the Attorney General may Attorney General to bring an action as civil action; prohibit a person from tax; amend KRS 141.0401 to allow a disclose documentary material; provide relator under 31 U.S.C. sec. 3730 with bringing an action that is based on limited carryforward of unused limited immunity for individuals providing access respect to an act in connection with the allegations or transactions that are a liability entity tax and to define the to documentary material to employees of Medicaid program; permit a person to subject of a civil suit or an administrative limited liability tax as a prepaid income the Attorney General and other state and bringing a civil action for an unlawful act penalty proceeding in which the state is tax; amend KRS 141.200 to phase out federal authorities involved in the related to Medicaid in the name of the already a party or that is based on the the limitation on loss affiliates of investigation of Medicaid fraud; require person and the state; require the person public disclosure of allegations or consolidated groups; amend 141.0205 to the cabinet to establish by administrative being the action to serve a copy of the transactions in a criminal or civil hearing, conform. regulation sanctions for a provider found complaint on the Attorney General; in a legislative or administrative report, liable for Medicaid fraud; subject require the complaint to be filed under hearing, audit, or investigation, or news Feb 14-introduced in House licensed professions found liable for seal and examined in camera, and media, unless the person bringing the Feb 20-to Appropriations & Revenue Medicaid fraud to disciplinary action by remain under seal for 60 days or the action is an original source of the (H) their respective licensure boards; date on which the state elects to information; exclude the state from provide that the application of a civil intervene, whichever is earlier; prohibit liability for expenses that a person incurs HB 481 (BR 1955) - D. Graham remedy for an unlawful act related to serving the complaint on the defendant in bringing an action regarding alleged Medicaid shall not preclude any other until the court orders the services; permit Medicaid fraud in the name of the AN ACT relating to motor vehicles. remedy available by law; require that the the Attorney General to file a motion person and the state; provides for Create a new section of KRS Chapter Medical Assistance Program receive the requesting that the complaint remain reinstatement of employment and not 186 to prohibit any person from amount of any payment for services from under seal for an extended period; less than two times the amount of back producing an ignition key or other device designed to operate a lock on a motor window set to expire January 31, 2009 delay was caused by the contracting if it waives, releases, or extinguishes a vehicle or start a motor vehicle for any for those state employees eligible for the entity; cap retainage at ten percent until contractor's or subcontractor's rights to person on the basis of a motor vehicle benefit based upon service credit as of 50 percent of project is completed and obtain damages for delays that are identification number (VIN) without December 31, 2008 ; amend KRS five percent on remainder; require within the control of someone acting on making a record that includes photo 78.510 to extend the high-three final release of retainage within 30 days of the contracting entity's behalf; clarify that identification and a valid motor vehicle compensation window set to expire substantial completion of a project; make contracts specifying which costs are registration certificate, insurance January 1, 2009, for those county provisions applicable to both public and recoverable for construction delays is identification card, insurance policy, or employees eligible for the benefit based private construction; exempt residential not against public policy; clarify that certificate of ownership; require records upon service credit as of December 31, construction; specify that appeals interest begins to accrue upon the pursuant to be kept for five years; 2008. relating to public construction projects expiration of 30 business rather than 30 prohibit denying a lessor or lienholder shall be in Franklin Circuit Court; provide calendar days; specify that interest is lawful access to a motor vehicle. Feb 14-introduced in House that costs and attorney fees may be imposed on the unpaid amount due the Feb 20-to State Government (H) awarded to the prevailing party in a contractor and not the undisputed Feb 14-introduced in House dispute; make provisions effective for amount; create an exception for board of Feb 20-to Transportation (H) HB 487 (BR 1893) - F. Rasche contracts entered into after the effective education construction contracts; allow Feb 22-posted in committee date of the Act; title the Act the Kentucky boards of education 45 days to pay an AN ACT relating to school attendance Fairness in Construction Act; and amend undisputed amount; permit a board of HB 482 (BR 1727) - D. Osborne area. KRS 45A.245 and 371.160 to conform. education to specify that interest owed a Amend KRS 159.070 to delete the subcontractor is imposed on the unpaid AN ACT relating to unpaid wages. provision that requires the Kentucky HB 490 - AMENDMENTS amount and not the disputed amount; Amend 337.385 to provide a 2 year Department of Education to resolve HCS/LM - Retain original provisions, specify that a contractor shall notify the statute of limitations on the collection of attendance matters between districts; except change interest rate on late contracting entity after the 25th business unpaid wages to the employee, and a 3 permit, as a result of a school district payments from 18 percent to 15 percent; day when interest shall begin to accrue; year statute of limitations for a willful dissolution, parents to enroll their narrow definition of "substantial include as an indicator of substantial violation. children in a school in school district completion"; delete provision basing compliance satisfying the warranties and closer to their home; allow parents, retainage on percentage of the guarantees extended to the contracting Feb 14-introduced in House under certain conditions, to request to remaining amount due to the percentage party; clarify that partial occupancy and Feb 20-to Judiciary (H) enroll their children in any school district of the total contract amount; add use does not automatically constitute within their county of residence; provide provision limiting the awarding of substantial compliance; require the HB 483/LM (BR 1654) - T. Moore that state per pupil funding be attorney's fees in public construction contracting party, contractor, and transferred to the district receiving out- contracts to the public contract rate; subcontractor to mutually agree upon a AN ACT relating to early voting. of-district students. delete language specifying that venue schedule for completion of the work Create a new section of KRS Chapter be in Franklin Circuit Court for public necessary for release of final payment; 117 to establish early voting; amend Feb 14-introduced in House construction contract disputes and in the delete section allowing the contractor or KRS 117.085, 117.086, 117.0863, and Feb 15-to Education (H) circuit court where the property is subcontractor to suspend further 117.087 to conform. located for nonpublic disputes; add performance on a contract until payment HB 488 (BR 1797) - D. Butler provision to exempt contracts entered is made; delete language allowing the Feb 14-introduced in House into by a borrower of funds that are contractor or subcontractor to extend the Feb 20-to Elections, Const. AN ACT relating to elections. provided, insured, or guaranteed by the contract time and the contract sum to Amendments & Intergovernmental Amend KRS 118.025, 118.105, United States Department of cover the suspending party's reasonable Affairs (H) 118.125, 118.127, 118.227, 118.245, Agriculture's Rural Utilities Service or costs of delay; clarify that public 118.305, 118.315, 118.367, 121.015, financed under a lien accommodation by construction contracts whose lien rights HB 484/LM (BR 1653) - T. Moore 121.056, and 121.180 to establish that the Rural Utilities Service. are governed under KRS 376.250 are the nomination of Lieutenant Governor HFA (1, B. Yonts) - Retain original not to be subject to the mechanic's lien AN ACT proposing to amendments to will be delayed until after the primary provisions, except define "disputed provided in KRS Chapter 376. the Constitution of Kentucky relating to and establish procedures for the amount" and "undisputed amount"; SCA (1, G. Tapp) - Amend to delete voting. nomination of Lieutenant Governor. delete language specifying that a spouse of an owner from the definition of Propose to amend Sections 147 and contract provision is against public policy "contracting entity"; make technical 148 of the Constitution of Kentucky to Feb 14-introduced in House if it waives, releases, or extinguishes a clarifications; exempt contracts for permit qualified voters who chose to do Feb 20-to Elections, Const. contractor's or subcontractor's rights to construction of or relating to a facility as so to vote by absentee ballot in-person Amendments & Intergovernmental obtain damages for delays that are defined in KRS Chapter 278(Public on the days prior to the regular election. Affairs (H) within the control of someone acting on Service Commission). the contracting entity's behalf; clarify that SFA (1, J. Denton) - Amend to exempt Feb 14-introduced in House HB 489 (BR 200) - D. Horlander interest begins to accrue upon the contracts relating to construction of a Feb 20-to Elections, Const. expiration of 30 business rather than 30 facility as defined in KRS Chapter 278 Amendments & Intergovernmental AN ACT relating to local government calendar days; specify that interest is (Public Service Commission). Affairs (H) nuisance liens. imposed on the unpaid amount due the SFA (2, J. Denton) - Exempt health Amend KRS 82.720 to allow a local contractor and not the undisputed facilities under KRS Chapter 216B that HB 485 (BR 1082) - T. Kerr government nuisance lien to take priority amount; specify that interest owed a enter into construction contracts from over various other liens or mortgages, subcontractor is imposed on the unpaid this Act. AN ACT relating to crimes and except tax liens, regardless of when the amount and not the disputed amount; SFA (3, J. Denton) - Make Act punishments. lien is filed. specify that a contractor shall notify the applicable only to construction projects Amend KRS 439.3401 to include a contracting entity after the 25th business where the contracting entity and the new type of offense within the violent Feb 14-introduced in House day when interest shall begin to accrue; contractor do not specifically address offender statute and to provide for the Feb 20-to Local Government (H) redefine substantial compliance and timely payment in the contract; delete applicability of the 85% service of Feb 21-posted in committee clarify that partial occupancy and use language declaring that the waiver or sentence rule to violent offenders who does not automatically constitute release of substantive or procedural are Class C or Class D felons. HB 490/LM (BR 1327) - B. Yonts, R. substantial compliance; delete section rights as to one's legal recourse, lien Webb, L. Belcher, L. Clark, C. Embry Jr, allowing the contractor or subcontractor rights under KRS Chapter 376, or Feb 14-introduced in House B. Farmer, R. Henderson, C. Hoffman, to suspend further performance on a recovery of costs and damages for Feb 20-to Judiciary (H) D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, D. Keene, A. contract until payment is made; delete delays is against public policy; delete Koenig, C. Miller, T. Moore, S. Riggs, S. language allowing the contractor or language setting out exceptions to the HB 486/LM/AA (BR 1717) - R. Weston, Santoro, K. Upchurch subcontractor to extend the contract time prohibition against waiving one's L. Clark, S. Brinkman, T. Firkins, C. and the contract sum to cover the recovery for delays; delete language Hoffman, J. Jenkins, D. Keene, R. AN ACT relating to the construction suspending party's reasonable costs of making the provisions of this Act Palumbo, S. Riggs, J. Stacy industry. delay; clarify that public construction applicable only to contracts entered into Create new sections of KRS Chapter contracts whose lien rights are governed after the effective date of this Act and AN ACT relating to retirement. 371, relating to contracts; define terms under KRS 376.250 are not subject to replace with language specifying that the Amend KRS 61.510 to extend the relating to construction contracts; the mechanic's lien provided in KRS Act is applicable only to construction high-three final compensation window specify certain provisions that make a Chapter 376. projects for which work begins after the set to expire January 1, 2009 for those construction contract null, void, and HFA (2, B. Yonts) - Retain original effective date of this Act. state employees eligible for the benefit unenforceable; establish time limits for provisions, except define "disputed CCR - Cannot agree. based upon service credit as of payments to contractor and amount" and "undisputed amount"; FCCR (1) - Adopt the provisions of HB December 31, 2008; amend KRS 61.595 subcontractor; permit a contractor to delete language specifying that a 490 GA, except make technical to extend the 2.2 percent benefit factor recover costs resulting from delay if contract provision is against public policy clarifications; delete "spouse" from the definition of "contracting entity"; exempt & Revenue (H) Stacy, J. Vincent, R. Webb construction of or relating to a facility as AN ACT relating to workers' defined in KRS Chapter 278; exempt a compensation. HB 496/LM (BR 202) - J. Jenkins AN ACT relating to the Local construction project in excess of $1 Amend KRS 342.320 to revise formula Government Economic Development billion at a specific site within a 12-month for attorney fees and increase maximum AN ACT relating to planning and Program. period. fee from $12,000 to $20,000. zoning notices. Amend KRS 42.4588 to provide that FCCR (2) - Adopt the provisions of HB Amend KRS 100.411 and 100.9865 to single county coal severance projects 490 GA with the following changes: Feb 14-introduced in House allow the use of first-class mail instead included in the budget are deemed make technical clarifications; revise Feb 16-to Labor & Industry (H) of certified mail for planning and zoning approved and do not have to go through definition of "construction" to exempt Mar 2-posted in committee notices. the statutory application process; processing equipment used for the Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, maintain all other reporting and process of manufacturing; define to Calendar Feb 14-introduced in House disbursement requirements; apply to "processing equipment", delete "spouse" Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 20-to Local Government (H) projects beginning with the 2006-2008 from the definition of contracting entity, Feb 21-posted in committee budget. and exempt construction of or relating to HB 492 (BR 1457) - R. Webb Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st a facility as defined in KRS Chapter 278. reading, to Calendar Feb 15-introduced in House AN ACT relating to administrative law Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 16-to Appropriations & Revenue Feb 14-introduced in House judges. Mar 1-posted for passage in the (H); posted in committee Feb 16-to Licensing & Occupations Amend KRS 342.213 and 342.230 to Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, Feb 20-posting waived (H); posted in committee require workers' compensation March 2, 2007 Feb 23-reported favorably, 1st Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st experience for administrative law judges. reading, to Calendar reading, to Calendar with Committee HB 497 (BR 1697) - J. Jenkins Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Substitute Feb 14-introduced in House for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 16-to Labor & Industry (H) AN ACT relating to equine Day for Tuesday, February 27, 2007 Feb 26-floor amendment (1) filed to Mar 1-posting waived retroactively; transactions. Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 97-0 Committee Substitute reported favorably, 1st reading, to Create a new section of KRS Chapter Feb 28-received in Senate Feb 27-posted for passage in the Calendar 230 to require persons who act as Mar 2-to Appropriations & Revenue Regular Orders of the Day for Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules agents or consignors of equines to (S) Wednesday, February 28, 2007 Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations obtain a license; require the Kentucky Feb 28-floor amendment (2) filed to & Revenue (H) Horse Racing Authority to promulgate HB 501 (BR 1381) - K. Upchurch Committee Substitute administrative regulations relating to the Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 85-4 with HB 493 (BR 1458) - R. Webb licensing and regulation of bloodstock AN ACT relating to vote hauling. Committee Substitute, floor amendment agents and equine consignors, including Amend KRS 119.205 to require (2) AN ACT relating to the Workers' prescribing licensing and renewal forms candidates who hire transporters of Mar 2-received in Senate Compensation Board. and establishing licensing fees, voters to provide a written list with the Mar 5-to Licensing, Occupations and Amend 342.213 and 342.215 to disciplinary procedures, and standards names and addresses of those Administrative Regulations (S) require 8 years of workers' of conduct; set out the grounds by which transporting voters to the polls to the Mar 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, compensation experience for a license may be suspended or revoked. Registry of Election Finance; require to Calendar appointment to the Workers' transporters of voters to register with the Mar 7-2nd reading, to Rules Compensation Board. Feb 14-introduced in House candidate and to provide a list with the Mar 8-floor amendment (1) filed Feb 16-to Licensing & Occupations names and addresses of all persons and Mar 9-recommitted to Licensing, HB 493 - AMENDMENTS (H) voters transported to the polls on the day Occupations and Administrative HCS - Retain the original provisions of of the election. Regulations (S); reported favorably, to the bill, except require experience to HB 498 (BR 1694) - T. Couch Rules with committee amendment (1) as consist of either practice, administration Feb 15-introduced in House a Consent Bill; floor amendments (2) or adjudication in Kentucky's workers' AN ACT relating to use of territory as Feb 20-to Elections, Const. and (3) filed ; floor amendments (2) and compensation law. a factor in establishing insurance rates. Amendments & Intergovernmental (3) ruled out of order ; posted for Create a new section of Subtitle 13 of Affairs (H) passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 14-introduced in House KRS Chapter 304 to require an insurer, Day for Friday, March 9, 2007; 3rd Feb 16-to Labor & Industry (H) to the extent it has credible data, that HB 502 (BR 1290) - D. Sims reading; floor amendment (1) Mar 1-posting waived retroactively; uses territory as a rating factor to submit withdrawn ; passed 29-6 with committee reported favorably, 1st reading, to to the executive director a statement that AN ACT relating to motor vehicle amendment (1) ; received in House; Calendar with Committee Substitute the territories used by the insurer have usage tax. posted for passage for concurrence in Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules been reviewed within the past 3 years Amend KRS 138.470 to exempt motor Senate committee amendment (1) Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations and that use of the territories is vehicles titled or registered to religious Mar 12-House refused to concur in & Revenue (H) actuarially justified. organizations from the motor vehicle Senate committee amendment (1) ; usage tax; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2007. received in Senate; posted for passage HB 494 (BR 1459) - R. Webb Feb 14-introduced in House for receding from Senate committee Feb 20-to Banking & Insurance (H) Feb 15-introduced in House amendment (1) ; Senate refused to AN ACT relating to worker's Feb 26-posted in committee Feb 20-to Appropriations & Revenue recede from committee amendment (1) ; compensation. Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, (H) Conference Committee appointed in Amend KRS 342.140 to eliminate the to Calendar House and Senate; Conference overtime and premium pay exemption Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules HB 503 (BR 1616) - R. Meeks, S. Committee report filed in House and provided for in the calculations to Brinkman, M. Marzian, J. Wayne Senate; Conference Committee report determine average weekly wages for HB 499 (BR 1677) - M. Harmon adopted in House and Senate; Free workers compensation benefits. AN ACT relating to alien disability. Conference Committee appointed in AN ACT relating to employee Amend KRS 381.290, relating to right House and Senate; Free Conference Feb 14-introduced in House compensation. of an alien intending to be naturalized to Committee report filed in House and Feb 16-to Labor & Industry (H) Amend KRS 337.275 to increase the own real or personal property in Senate; placed in the House Orders of minimum wage to $7 an hour; create a Kentucky, to delete original provisions the Day HB 495 (BR 892) - R. Webb new section of KRS Chapter 141; amend and replace them with a provision Mar 26-Free Conference Committee KRS 141.0205 to provide a tax credit for permitting aliens, both resident and report #1 withdrawn in Senate; Free AN ACT relating to workers' certain employers. nonresident, to own real and personal Conference Committee report #2 filed in compensation. property in Kentucky in the same House and Senate; Free Conference Amend KRS 342.320 to create a Feb 14-introduced in House manner as a citizen, except as provided Committee report #2 adopted in Senate; maximum attorney fee of $20,000 for Feb 20-to Labor & Industry (H) by an applicable statute or treaty; repeal Bill passed 32-3; received in House medical disputes. KRS 381.300, 381.310, 381.320, Mar 27-Free Conference Committee Introduced Feb. 15, 2007 381.330, and 381.340 restricting the report #2 adopted in House; Bill passed Feb 14-introduced in House rights of aliens to own property in 96-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding Feb 16-to Labor & Industry (H) HB 500/FN (BR 1046) - L. Combs, R. Kentucky. officer; delivered to Governor Mar 1-posting waived retroactively; Adkins, H. Collins, T. Couch, M. Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. reported favorably, 1st reading, to Denham, T. Edmonds, K. Hall, C. Feb 15-introduced in House 136) Calendar Hoffman, H. Moberly Jr, R. Nelson, T. Feb 21-to Judiciary (H) Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules Pullin, A. Smith, B. Smith, B. Spencer, J. HB 491 (BR 893) - R. Webb Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations HB 504 (BR 1631) - M. Marzian, F. Nesler or older who are considered high-risk for term "vehicle"; amend KRS 281A.050 to final rate of pay for current and future prostate cancer, including African- clarify existing exemptions from CDL beneficiaries; provide increase for AN ACT relating to mental illness. American men and those with a definite requirements for military personnel and current beneficiaries effective August 1, Amend KRS 210.365 to define crisis or indeterminate family history of farmers; amend KRS 281A.080 to 2007. intervention team training for law prostate cancer according to the include violations of railroad crossing enforcement officials based on a prostate cancer early detection offenses or KRS 189.500, 189.560, or Feb 15-introduced in House national model of best practices for guidelines of the National Alliance of 189,565 under the classifications of Feb 16-to State Government (H) intervention with persons who may have State Prostate Cancer Coalitions and the drivers that an employer may not allow, Feb 20-posted in committee a mental illness, substance abuse Kentucky Prostate Cancer Coalition; permit, or authorize to drive a disorder, mental retardation, prohibit the prostate cancer screening commercial motor vehicle; amend KRS HB 512 (BR 1703) - J. DeCesare, T. developmental disability, or dual coverage from diminishing or limiting 281A.150 to set the fee for new and Edmonds diagnosis; require the Department for diagnostic benefits otherwise allowable; renewal CDLs which carry a "S" Mental Health and Mental Retardation require the screening to consist of no endorsement at $20; eliminate reference AN ACT relating to early childhood Services to develop the training less than a prostate specific antigen to an "S" restriction; amend KRS education. curriculum in collaboration with the blood test and a digital rectal 281A.160 to exempt applicants for CDLs Create a new section of KRS 156 to Justice Cabinet; specify curriculum examination; prohibit denial of coverage which carry a "S" endorsement from require the Kentucky Board of Education topics and trainers; require the for a prostate-specific antigen test being charged a testing fee; eliminate to develop and implement a parent department to submit the curriculum and recommended by a health care provider reference to an "S" restriction; amend education program; require a parent non-law enforcement trainers to the if the insured has had a digital rectal KRS 281A.170 to eliminate references to education program to be piloted in five Kentucky Law Enforcement Council for examination and the result was negative. an "S" restriction; amend KRS 281A.190 school districts; require pilot sites to approval and permit the council to waive to provide that disqualifications for three serve as model demonstration sites; instructor requirements for non-law Feb 15-introduced in House or more serious traffic violations shall be require expansion of the parent enforcement trainers; require the council Feb 20-to Banking & Insurance (H) levied consecutively; amend KRS education program if funding is to notify law enforcement agencies of Feb 26-posted in committee 281A.240 to allow holders of a valid CDL available. availability of training and permit other Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st issued in Canada or Mexico to operate a approved training entities to use the reading, to Calendar commercial motor vehicle in the state; Feb 15-introduced in House curriculum; require submission of a law Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules; posted amend KRS 281A.270 to eliminate the Feb 21-to Education (H) enforcement instructor training course; for passage in the Regular Orders of the expiration date on the Transportation require trained officers and agencies to Day for Friday, March 2, 2007 Cabinet's authority to adopt federal HB 513 (BR 963) - J. Gooch Jr report outcomes of encounters with Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 95-0; motor carrier safety regulations persons with mental illness, substance received in Senate contained in 49 CFR Part 383. AN ACT relating to insurance. abuse disorders, mental retardation, Mar 5-to Health & Welfare (S) Amend KRS 304.9-320 to require a developmental disability, or dual Feb 15-introduced in House business entity that applies for a diagnoses; require the department to HB 507/CI (BR 1926) - R. Meeks, R. Feb 16-to Transportation (H); posting consultant license to disclose to the aggregate reports and submit them to Crimm waived; posted in committee Office of Insurance the identity of all the Justice Cabinet, Cabinet for Health Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st officers and directors; create new and Family Services, Criminal Justice AN ACT relating to the collection of reading, to Calendar sections of Subtitle 9 of KRS Chapter Council, and the Interim Joint Committee DNA. Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules 304 to require consultants to enter into on Health and Welfare; permit use of Amend KRS 17.170 to require the Feb 22-posted for passage in the written contracts with clients, which the public or private funds, if available; collection of DNA from any person, Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, consultant must keep a copy of for at permit the department to use a sole- including any youthful offender, who is February 23, 2007 least five years after termination of the source contract to implement training convicted of any felony offense, in Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 99-0 agreement; prohibit an individual or and requirements. custody for conviction of a felony Feb 28-received in Senate business entity licensed as a consultant offense, or on probation, parole, Mar 2-to Transportation (S) and an agent or agency with whom the Feb 15-introduced in House conditional discharge, conditional Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, consultant has a financial or business Feb 20-to Health & Welfare (H) release or diversion for a felony offense; to Consent Calendar ownership interest or affiliation from repeal KRS 17.171, 17.172, 17.173, Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted contracting, selling, soliciting, or HB 505 (BR 1453) - B. DeWeese, S. 17.174, and 17.777. for passage in the Consent Orders of the negotiating insurance for the risk of the Brinkman, K. Bratcher, R. Crimm, B. Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 client that was the subject of a Farmer, D. Floyd, A. Koenig, D. Feb 15-introduced in House Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 37-1; consulting contract during the term of the Osborne, S. Rudy, A. Wuchner Feb 21-to Judiciary (H) received in House; enrolled, signed by contract and within 9 months after each presiding officer; delivered to termination of the contract; permit AN ACT proposing amendments to HB 508 (BR 1743) - R. Meeks, J. Glenn, Governor consulting fees to be shared between a the Constitution of Kentucky relating to J. Gray, F. Nesler, D. Owens Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. business entity licensed as a consultant medical malpractice. 28) and an individual licensed as a Propose to submit to the voters an AN ACT relating to school-based consultant who is an owner, officer, amendment to the Constitution of decision making councils. HB 510/LM (BR 1309) - R. Adams partner, member, or employee of the Kentucky that would allow the General Amend KRS 160.345 to add a business entity; amend KRS 304.9-360 Assembly to create statutory provisions classified employee representative as a AN ACT relating to hardship driver's to prohibit a person dually licensed as a relating to medical malpractice, including member of a school-based decision licenses. consultant and an agent from acting as provisions for alternative dispute making council; allow school employees Create various new sections of KRS both a consultant and agent in the sale, resolution, statutes of limitation or to vote in the council election at the 186.400 to 186.640, relating to driver solicitation, or negotiation of insurance repose, peer review, expert witnesses, school where they spend the majority of licensing, to allow a District Court to for a risk which is the subject of a certificates or merit, and collateral the workday or where assigned for issue a person a hardship driver's consultant contract; amend KRS 304.99- source payments. administrative purposes; allow school license for violating general traffic laws 025 to provide penalties for violations of employees to be eligible to serve on the that have caused a person's driver's new requirements; amend KRS 304.9- Feb 15-introduced in House school council at the school where they license to be suspended; pattern the 350 to conform; create new sections of Feb 21-to Elections, Const. spend the majority of the workday or license after the provisions currently in Subtitle 11 of KRS Chapter 304 to define Amendments & Intergovernmental where assigned for administrative place for a DUI hardship license; amend "agent," "client," and other terms; permit Affairs (H) purposes; allow classified employees to KRS 189A.450 to require a $20 service an agent to charge a business entity select a minority employee to serve as a fee payable to the district court to be client a fee in addition to or in lieu of a HB 506/HM (BR 1484) - B. DeWeese, classified employee member of the assessed when the court is petitioned for commission for placement of insurance D. Owens, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, T. school council in schools having eight the issuance of a hardship driver's or for service under certain McKee, R. Meeks, D. Osborne percent or more minority students. license issued to a DUI offender. circumstances; provide that if an agent receives compensation from the client AN ACT relating to health benefit plan Feb 15-introduced in House Feb 15-introduced in House for initial placement of business coverage of screening for prostate Feb 16-to Education (H) Feb 16-to Transportation (H) insurance and future business insurance cancer. service, the agent is prohibited from Create a new section of Subtitle 17A HB 509 (BR 1915) - H. Collins HB 511/AA (BR 1944) - D. Graham accepting or receiving a commission or of KRS Chapter 304 to require a health other compensation from an insurer or benefit plan offered, issued, or renewed AN ACT relating to commercial AN ACT relating to in the line of duty other third party for the same placement on or after January 1, 2008, to cover at driver's licenses. retirement benefits. unless the agent has disclosed that the least one annual screening for prostate Amend KRS 281A.010 to expand the Amend KRS 16.601 and 61.621 to compensation will be received and the cancer for all men 40 years or age or definition of "Conviction" to include a increase death in the line of duty agent agrees to credit the commissions older and for those men 35 years of age plea of nolo contendere and define the benefits to 50% of the member's monthly received as an offset against the total fee agreed to by the client; amend KRS 273 to provide for the adoption of the Belcher, S. Brinkman, H. Collins, L. require the cabinet to reimburse 304.12-100 to provide that nothing in Uniform Prudent Management of Combs, J. Comer Jr, R. Crimm, M. reasonable costs for backfill and KRS 304.12-080, 304.12-090, and Institutional Funds Act, which Dedman Jr, M. Dossett, D. Floyd, D. impacted pit water; allow reimbursement 304.12-110 shall be construed as establishes guidelines for management, Graham, J. Gray, M. Harmon, R. of reasonable and necessary attorney prohibiting the furnishing of programs for investment, and expenditures of funds Henderson, A. Koenig, S. Lee, B. fees not to exceed $10,000 for a finding the purpose of reducing future premiums held by charitable institutions for Montell, T. Moore, L. Napier, D. Owens, pursuant to a proceeding under KRS or other insurance or insurance services charitable purposes; define terms for the D. Pasley, R. Rand, S. Rudy, S. 224.10-420 of wrongful denial of a claim; to assist in efficient administration and Act, establish a standard of conduct in Santoro, B. Spencer, K. Stein, J. Stewart amend KRS 224.60-145 to prohibit the management of the policyholder's managing and investing institutional III, J. Tilley, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, R. suspension of the requirement to deposit insurance program; amend KRS 304.12- funds; establish guidelines for Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey taxes collected on fuels into the financial 080, 304.12-090, and 304.12-110 to appropriation for expenditure or responsibility account and the petroleum conform; amend KRS 304.12-060 to accumulation of an endowment fund; AN ACT relating to military family storage tank account in an executive provide that nothing in this section shall provides for the delegation of assistance. branch budget bill and prohibit the prohibit the distribution financial management and investment functions; Create a new section of KRS Chapter transfer of funds contained in either statements of insurers that are subject to provide for release or modification of 141 to establish an income tax checkoff account to the general fund or the road KRS Chapter 61. restrictions on management, investment for military family assistance; permit any fund; delete the transfer of surplus in the or purpose of a fund; establish a taxpayer required to file a return under accounts to the general fund after a Feb 15-introduced in House standard for reviewing compliance with KRS 141.180 who is entitled to an surplus determination by the state Feb 16-to Banking & Insurance (H) the Act; provide for the application of the income tax refund to contribute to the budget director. Act to existing institutional funds; military family assistance trust fund; HB 514 (BR 1569) - S. Riggs, M. describe how the Act relates to specified require the tax refund designation to be Feb 16-introduced in House Denham federal acts; provide for the uniform printed on the face of the Kentucky Feb 21-to Natural Resources & application and construction of the Act individual income tax form; require the Environment (H) AN ACT relating to the assumption of among states; repeal KRS 273.510, instructions of the individual income tax Feb 23-posted in committee duties by local elected officers and KRS 273.520, KRS 273.530, KRS return to include a description of the Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, declaring an emergency. 273.540, KRS 273.550, KRS 273.560, military family assistance trust fund and to Calendar Amend KRS 62.010 to grant a 30 day KRS 273.570, KRS 273.580, and KRS the purposes for which the funds from Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules exemption on any penalty for failure to 273.590. the checkoff may be used; require the Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations take the oath of office, when the first commissioner of the Department of & Revenue (H) Monday of a year falls on January 1; Feb 15-introduced in House Revenue, by July 1 of each year, to amend KRS 62.050 to grant a 30 day Feb 21-to Judiciary (H) transfer the funds designated by HB 522 (BR 1852) - R. Adams exemption on any penalty for failure to taxpayers to the military assistance trust execute bond, when the first Monday of HB 516/LM (BR 1456) - J. Gray fund. AN ACT relating to military death a year falls on January 1; make benefits. provisions of bill retroactive to January 1 AN ACT relating to workers' Feb 16-introduced in House Amend KRS 61.315 to require that the 2007; EMERGENCY. compensation rebuttable presumptions. Feb 21-to Seniors, Military Affairs, & State Treasurer pay a death benefit in Amend KRS 342.0011 to amend the Public Safety (H) the amount of $80,000 when a member HB 514 - AMENDMENTS definition of "injury" to provide a of the United States Armed Forces who SCS - Amend KRS 62.010 to grant a rebuttable presumption for emergency HB 521 (BR 1260) - B. Smith, R. names Kentucky as home of record dies 30-day exemption on any penalty for workers who contract a communicable Adams, T. Couch on federal active duty as a direct result failure to take the oath of office when the disease from exposure to bodily fluids of an act in the line of duty; make the first Monday of a year falls on January 1; and human tissue. AN ACT relating to underground amendment to KRS 61.315 retroactive to amend KRS 62.050 to grant a 30-day petroleum storage tanks. July 1, 2002. exemption on any penalty for failure to Feb 15-introduced in House Amend KRS 224.60-130 to prohibit execute bond when the first Monday of a Feb 16-to Labor & Industry (H) disallowance of corrective action costs Feb 16-introduced in House year falls on January 1; allow members submitted after July 15, 2013, for Feb 20-to Seniors, Military Affairs, & of General Assembly to administer oath HB 517 (BR 1455) - J. Gray reimbursement from the petroleum Public Safety (H) of office to elected officers; make storage account for an eligible site provisions of bill retroactive to January 1 AN ACT relating to workers' ranked lower in priority that had not HB 523/FN (BR 1103) - J. Bell, T. 2007; EMERGENCY. compensation. received a directive letter; require, in Thompson, M. Cherry, J. Tilley Amend KRS 342.038 to require the addition to the existing ranking criteria, Feb 15-introduced in House executive director to notify an injured the cabinet to establish by administrative AN ACT relating to collateral on Feb 16-to Local Government (H); worker of the worker's rights and regulation, a preapproved advanced investments of public funds. posting waived benefits under the workers' clean up program that will allow tank Amend KRS 41.240 to permit the Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st compensation law. operators or owners to pay for corrective State Treasurer to accept as collateral reading, to Calendar action and submit the expenses for by state depositories revenue bonds Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 15-introduced in House reimbursement under the program; issued by a local government, district, for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 16-to Labor & Industry (H) establish requirements for the advanced authority or other political subdivision of Day for Thursday, February 22, 2007 clean-up program including preapproval the state authorized to issue revenue Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 98-0 HB 518 (BR 1674) - T. Pullin process for the scope of work and costs; bonds if the bonds are rated in the Feb 28-received in Senate create a $3,000,000 set aside in the highest category by at least one Mar 2-to State & Local Government AN ACT relating to military affairs. financial responsibility account and a nationally recognized rating agency; (S) Amend KRS 36.050 to add gender $5,000,000 set aside in the petroleum amend KRS 66.480 to permit local Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, neutral language referring to the storage tank account for projects governments to invest money in to Consent Calendar with Committee Adjutant General. selected under this program; allow the certificates of deposit issued by, or other Substitute cabinet to set a cost-share requirement interest-bearing accounts of, any insured Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 15-introduced in House not to exceed 30% of the total cost and bank or savings and loan institution for passage in the Consent Orders of the Feb 16-to Seniors, Military Affairs, & to select projects based on the cost which are collateralized by obligations Day for Friday, March 9, 2007 Public Safety (H) share requirement; provide that permitted by KRS 41.240(5). Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with expenses incurred by the owner may not Committee Substitute ; received in HB 519 (BR 1675) - T. Pullin be reimbursed by the program until the HB 523 - AMENDMENTS House; posted for passage for cabinet issues directive letters for HCS/FN - Retain original provisions of concurrence in Senate Committee AN ACT relating to military affairs. similarly ranked sites; amend KRS the Act; change Section 1(4)(h) to Substitute Amend KRS 36.086 to add gender- 224.60-137 to require the cabinet to rank exclude from revenue bonds, bonds to Mar 12-House concurred in Senate neutral language. sites participating in the financial finance industrial buildings pursuant to Committee Substitute ; passed 96-0; responsibility account higher than and KRS 103.200 to 103.285. enrolled, signed by each presiding Feb 15-introduced in House be reimbursed before those sites officer; delivered to Governor Feb 16-to Seniors, Military Affairs, & participating in the petroleum storage Feb 16-introduced in House Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Public Safety (H) tank account; require that sites Feb 20-to Banking & Insurance (H); 56) participating in the program for ten years posting waived Introduced Feb. 16, 2007 or more be ranked higher than those in Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st HB 515 (BR 1394) - S. Brinkman the program less than 10 years; amend reading, to Calendar with Committee HB 520 (BR 1784) - B. Smith, J. Fischer, KRS 224.60-140 to require the cabinet Substitute AN ACT relating to institutional funds. R. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, L. to develop a cost reimbursement manual Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules Create new sections of KRS Chapter that establishes specific unit costs and Feb 28-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, evidence on a 30 day deferred payment register; establish qualifications; provide Feb 23-reported favorably, 1st March 1, 2007 basis to a resident wholesaler for a ten- exemptions; establish a $25 application reading, to Calendar Mar 6-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with month period; require a financial and renewal fee; establish grounds for Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Committee Substitute instrument to be filed with surety; the denial of a certificate of registration; for passage in the Regular Orders of the Mar 7-received in Senate EFFECTIVE July 1, 2007. permit an applicant who is denied a Day for Tuesday, February 27, 2007 Mar 8-to State & Local Government certificate of registration to have a Feb 28-3rd reading, passed 99-0 (S) Feb 16-introduced in House hearing pursuant to KRS Chapter 13B; Mar 1-received in Senate Feb 21-to Appropriations & Revenue require that a technician's certificate be Mar 5-to Appropriations & Revenue HB 524 (BR 1693) - C. Rollins II (H) conspicuously displayed in the (S) technician's primary place of Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st AN ACT relating to motor carriers. HB 528 (BR 1953) - J. Jenkins employment and that the technician reading; returned to Appropriations & Create a new section of KRS Chapter keep on his person during the times he Revenue (S) 281 to define an "airport livery AN ACT relating to sexual offenses. or she works his or her pocket Mar 8-reported favorably, 2nd reading, certificate"; require any person Amend KRS 510.320 to require that a registration card; amend KRS 315.125, to Rules with committee amendment (1) proposing to operate an airport livery defendant, after a finding of probable 315.005, 315.020, 315.121, 315.030, Mar 9-posted for passage in the service to make application to the cause or the issuance of an indictment and 315.191 to conform. Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, department; require the certificate to be and upon the request of the victim of the March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 36-0 issued without a hearing to any applicant offense, or parent or guardian of the Feb 16-introduced in House with committee amendment (1) ; who meets the requirements for the victim, shall be compelled to undergo a Feb 21-to Health & Welfare (H) received in House; posted for passage certificate; require the department to human immunodeficiency virus test no for concurrence in Senate committee promulgate administrative regulations later than 48 hours after the request; HB 534 (BR 1905) - R. Webb amendment (1) governing the airport livery certificate; provide for follow-up testing. Mar 12-House concurred in Senate amend KRS 281.620 to require a filing or AN ACT relating to the financing of committee amendment (1) ; passed 98- renewal fee of $250 for an airport livery Feb 16-introduced in House local parks. 0; enrolled, signed by each presiding certificate; amend KRS 281.655 to Feb 21-to Judiciary (H) Amend KRS 91A.390 to allow local officer; delivered to Governor establish insurance requirements for Feb 26-posted in committee governments to use the transient room Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. airport livery vehicles; amend KRS Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, to finance local parks. 91) 281.728 to prohibit a certificate holder to to Calendar advertise as supplying a limousine Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 16-introduced in House HB 537 (BR 1386) - B. Spencer unless the vehicle meets the Feb 20-to Local Government (H) requirements of KRS 281.014; amend HB 529 (BR 1758) - J. Gooch Jr AN ACT relating to the East Kentucky KRS 186.281 to establish an annual HB 535 (BR 1769) - J. Wayne, J. Center for Science, Mathematics and license fee of $20 for each airport livery AN ACT relating to late payments on Jenkins Technology Corporation. vehicle. loans or extensions of credit. Create a new section of KRS Chapter Create a new section of KRS Chapter Mar 1-WITHDRAWN 158 to establish the East Kentucky Feb 16-introduced in House 367 to prohibit a lender or creditor from Center for Science, Mathematics and Feb 21-to Transportation (H) making an adverse report to a consumer HB 536/FN/LM (BR 1462) - J. Jenkins, Technology Corporation as a focal point reporting agency that a person is late on S. Brinkman, L. Belcher, K. Bratcher, T. for science, mathematics and technology HB 525 (BR 1754) - T. Riner a payment on its account if the payment Burch, L. Clark, R. Crimm, B. DeWeese, educational programs and resources; set is received or postmarked no later than T. Firkins, J. Greer, D. Horlander, R. forth the purposes and responsibilities of AN ACT relating to communicable the thirtieth day after the scheduled Meeks, C. Miller, D. Osborne, D. Owens, the corporation; attach the corporation to disease precaution. payment due date; declare a violation of S. Riggs, T. Riner, J. Wayne, R. Weston the Education Cabinet for administrative Create a new section of KRS 211 to this Act to be an unfair, false, purposes permit the Department for Public health misleading, or deceptive act or practice. AN ACT relating to economic to establish a communicable disease development, making an appropriation Feb 16-introduced in House precaution initiative to increase Feb 16-introduced in House therefor and declaring an emergency. Feb 20-to Education (H) awareness about potential disease Feb 21-to Banking & Insurance (H) Create a new sections of 25 of KRS exposure and transmission in public Feb 26-posted in committee Chapter 154 to establish an economic HB 538/AA (BR 1782) - R. Palumbo, R. places; include awareness of precaution Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, development incentive program for Weston measures such as frequent hand to Calendar companies within the jurisdiction of a washing, the use of hand sanitizers, and Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules consolidated local government AN ACT relating to retirement. the use of sanitary wipes on surfaces containing a city of the first class, Amend KRS 61.510 and 78.510 to such as shopping cart handles; title this HB 530 (BR 1042) - D. Keene, T. Kerr designated under the United States extend the high-three final compensation section the "Communicable Disease Department of Commerce, United States window set to expire January 1, 2009, Precaution Act". AN ACT relating to economic Census Bureau North American Industry for the remaining term of office of an development. Classification System code of 336211, elected official who is eligible to retire Feb 16-introduced in House Amend KRS 65.6971 to allow 336111, 336112, or 336120, that employ and receive the benefit as of January 1, Feb 21-to Health & Welfare (H) infrastructure development TIF for at least 1,000 full time persons engaged 2009; amend KRS 61.595 to extend the private development. in manufacturing, that has been 2.2 percent benefit factor window set to HB 526/LM (BR 1770) - J. Crenshaw operating in the Commonwealth on a expire January 31, 2009, for the Feb 16-introduced in House continuous basis for at least five years, remaining term of office of an elected AN ACT relating to fees. Feb 22-to Economic Development (H) and that has been previously approved official who is eligible to retire and Amend KRS 64.090, relating to fees for economic development incentives receive the benefit as of January 1, which may be collected by sheriffs, to HB 531/LM (BR 1799) - C. Belcher from the Commonwealth; amend KRS 2009. add constables in urban-county 141.0205 to conform; appropriate the governments. AN ACT relating to sex offenders. sum of $10,000,000 from the General Feb 16-introduced in House Amend KRS 525.090, relating to Fund to the Cabinet for Economic Feb 21-to State Government (H) Feb 16-introduced in House loitering, to increase the penalty for the Development, Financial Incentives, for Feb 21-to Local Government (H) offense to a Class A misdemeanor if the use by the Bluegrass State Skills Introduced Feb. 20, 2007 Feb 23-posted in committee offense involves a registered sex Corporation; EMERGENCY. Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st offender and a school. HB 539 (BR 1704) - J. Richards, R. reading, to Calendar HB 536 - AMENDMENTS Wilkey Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 16-introduced in House SCA (1, C. Borders) - Amend to Mar 1-posted for passage in the Feb 21-to Judiciary (H) establish that an amount not to exceed AN ACT relating to community Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, $8,000,000 during the biennium shall be redevelopment in cities of the second March 2, 2007 HB 532 (BR 1793) - C. Belcher deemed a necessary government class. Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 89-6; expense and transferred from the Create new sections of KRS Chapter received in Senate Feb 16-WITHDRAWN General Fund Surplus Account or the 65 to establish the public purpose of tax Mar 5-to Judiciary (S) Budget Reserve Trust Fund Account to increment financing; define terms; HB 533 (BR 1900) - R. Webb fund training grants for the Bluegrass provide for the establishment and HB 527 (BR 1125) - C. Siler State Skills Corporation. amendment of development areas; AN ACT relating to the practice of identify funding sources for cities of the AN ACT relating to cigarette tax. pharmacy. Feb 16-introduced in House second class; permit the issuance of Amend KRS 138.146 to allow the Create new sections of KRS Chapter Feb 20-to Appropriations & Revenue increment bonds by cities of the second Department of Revenue to sell tax 315 to require pharmacy technicians to (H); posting waived class; require a sinking fund; establish Feb 22-to State Government (H) regarding gaming operations; require the requirements for local participation AN ACT relating to the runoff primary commission to promulgate administrative agreements; establish the State Tax and declaring an emergency. HB 546/LM/CI (BR 1337) - L. Clark, T. regulations to prescribe procedures for Increment Financing Commission; Amend KRS 118.245 to permit a slate Burch, T. Firkins, D. Horlander, J. gaming licensees regarding the effective establish the Commonwealth of candidates required to participate in a Jenkins, D. Keene, C. Miller, R. Weston control over their internal fiscal affairs; Participation Program for Real Property runoff primary to withdraw from the require periodic financial reports from Ad Valorem Tax Revenues, the election contest not later than ten (10) AN ACT relating to gaming and gaming licensees; require annual audits Commonwealth Participation Program days after the primary. making an appropriation therefor. of the financial statements of gaming for State Tax Revenues, and The Establish KRS Chapter 239 and licensees; define and limit gambling Commonwealth Participation Program Feb 20-introduced in House create new sections thereof to authorize games and devices; set forth how for Mixed Use Redevelopment in Feb 22-to Elections, Const. gambling at horse racing tracks and money deposited into the compulsive Blighted Urban Areas; provide Amendments & Intergovernmental casinos; define terms; create the gamblers assistance fund will be application procedures and requirements Affairs (H) Kentucky Gaming Commission; expended; require the State Auditor to for the programs; establish requirements establish the duties and responsibilities perform an annual audit of the for project grant agreements; provide for HB 543 (BR 1871) - H. Collins of the commission; require the commission; require gaming licensees to the payment and release of incremental commission to determine the compile a list of persons to exclude or revenues; amend KRS 132.012 to AN ACT relating to oil and gas. occupations related to casino gaming reject from licensed gaming conform. Create a new section of KRS chapter and the qualifications for an occupational establishments; require the commission 353 to define " postproduction activities;" license; establish the application to notify a person placed on an exclusion Feb 20-introduced in House; to unless another method of payment to procedures for a gaming, or ejection list; permit the commission to Appropriations & Revenue (H); posting the contrary is provided for in an oil and manufacturer's, and supplier's license; take disciplinary action if a gaming waived gas, lease, contract, or agreement, establish the requirements and licensee knowingly fails to exclude or require that all oil and gas leases, qualifications for all gaming-related eject a person on the list; permit the HB 540 (BR 1712) - T. McKee contracts, and agreements to require the licenses; prohibit a licensee from commission to establish a voluntary payment of royalties or other non-cost transferring or assigning the license exclusion program for a person that AN ACT relating to reference bearing interest at the net price actually without prior commission approval; wants to exclude themselves from a cigarettes. received at point of first sale after permit a licensee to conduct gaming gaming facility; require that any Amend KRS 138.130 to define deducting necessary and reasonable operations from a temporary facility voluntary program meet specific "reference cigarettes" and exclude them costs for post production activities; state under certain conditions; require gaming guidelines; establish penalties for from the definition of "cigarettes"; amend the exception to the use of the formula licensees that are racing associations to persons placed on the list who enter the KRS 365.270 to conform; EFFECTIVE for paying oil and gas royalties and other make certain requests to the Kentucky premises of a licensed gaming July 1, 2007. non-cost bearing interest on a flat or Horse Racing Authority regarding the establishment; provide that the transport fixed rate amount; create 5 year statute number of racing days the licensee will of gambling equipment and supplies into Feb 20-introduced in House; to of limitation for an action for breach of have scheduled during a year; create an the state will not be a violation of federal Agriculture & Small Business (H); lease or contract for payment of oil and exemption to allow facilities development laws; define the term "cheat" and posting waived natural gas royalties. for gaming activities regarding zoning; establish penalties for persons who Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st provide that other zoning and building cheat; create the compulsive gamblers reading, to Calendar HB 543 - AMENDMENTS codes still apply; establish the position assistance fund; establish how Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules HCS - Retain original provisions of HB and the duties of the executive director expenditures from the compulsive Feb 23-placed in the Orders of the 543; apply the formula for calculating of the commission; establish that certain gamblers assistance fund will be utilized; Day royalties and other noncost bearing job classifications are to be established require the commission to prepare an Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 92-0; interest to all existing and future oil and by agreement of the parties to a annual report detailing activities and received in Senate gas leases, contracts, and agreements. collective bargaining agreement; require expenditures of the compulsive Mar 5-to Agriculture & Natural HFA (1, H. Collins) - Deletes the that before a gaming license is issued, gamblers assistance fund; encourage Resources (S) separate five-year statute of limitations the governing body in the jurisdiction gaming licensees to cooperate with local Mar 6-taken from committee; 1st for actions of breach of any lease or where gaming operations are proposed business and community organizations reading; returned to Agriculture & contract for payment of oil and natural shall first enact an ordinance to permit to stimulate the economy through Natural Resources (S) gas royalty or other non-cost bearing casino gaming; limit the number of tourism; require gaming licensees to pay Mar 7-taken from committee; 2nd interest. gaming licenses; establish criteria for the salaries of certain commission reading; returned to Agriculture & gaming operation locations; require employees; require gaming licensees to Natural Resources (S) Feb 20-introduced in House certain information from applicants make office space available for certain Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules as Feb 21-to Natural Resources & seeking a gaming license; establish the commission employees; prohibit a a Consent Bill Environment (H); posting waived fees for applications, licensure, and person under 21 from placing a wager or Mar 9-posted for passage in the Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st renewal for all licenses; create the being in an area where gambling games Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, reading, to Calendar with Committee Kentucky gaming fund, the Kentucky are in operation; establish that March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, passed 38- Substitute municipal public safety fund, and the commission members, the executive 0; received in House Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules; floor Kentucky county public safety fund; director, and commission employees are Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each amendment (1) filed to Committee require that certain amounts of the subject to the executive branch code of presiding officer; delivered to Governor Substitute gaming fund support administrative ethics; limit the administrative fine to Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Mar 1-posted for passage in the operations of the commission, and other $50,000 per offense; establish that 84) Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, amounts from the gaming fund be administrative review under KRS March 2, 2007 dispersed to the Kentucky compulsive Chapter 13B is available for persons HB 541 (BR 1331) - C. Siler gamblers assistance fund, the aggrieved by an action by the HB 544 (BR 1147) - J. Gray Department of Education, the Council on commission; create a new section of AN ACT relating to cigarette tax. Postsecondary Education, the Cabinet KRS Chapter 131 to attach the Amend KRS 138.130 to define "untax- AN ACT relating to University of for Health and Family Services for health commission to the Department of paid cigarettes"; amend KRS 138.165 to Kentucky employees, and making an care services for certain indigent Revenue for administrative purposes; provide, based on the new definition, appropriation therefor. Kentuckians and for a prescription drug amend various sections of the Kentucky that cigarettes held on which less than Require the University of Kentucky to program for senior citizens, the Kentucky Revised Statutes to conform; include a 60% of the tax evidence is affixed shall provide a one-time $2,000 bonus to all county public safety fund, capital severability clause; include language be contraband; require the Department staff employees. construction, sewer and water projects that this Act is void if the voters fail to of Revenue to promulgate administrative administered under the Kentucky approve a constitutional amendment regulation to set forth protest and Feb 20-introduced in House Infrastructure Authority, the Kentucky permitting the General Assembly to appeals procedures; amend KRS Feb 21-to Appropriations & Revenue veterans' trust fund, the state road fund, authorize casinos. 139.195 to provide for a 30-day (H) the budget reserve trust fund, and the suspension and subsequent revocation equine industry program trust and of license due to willful failure on the part HB 545/AA (BR 1850) - R. Henderson revolving fund; establish the Feb 20-introduced in House of the licensee to properly affix the tax disbursement of funds to the Kentucky Feb 21-to Licensing & Occupations evidence; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2007. AN ACT relating to retirement. horse racing industry; prohibit licensure (H) Amend KRS 61.592 to add facilities of certain people under specific Feb 20-introduced in House security officers to the definition of circumstances; establish a wagering tax HB 547 (BR 1336) - L. Clark, T. Burch, Feb 22-to Appropriations & Revenue "hazardous position" for retirement at a rate of 35 percent of adjusted gross T. Firkins, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, D. (H) purposes. receipts received and reported monthly Keene, C. Miller, R. Weston by the licensee obliged to pay the tax; HB 542/LM (BR 1864) - A. Koenig Feb 20-introduced in House establish the terms of all licenses AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky programs; establish requirements for up to 100 percent of expenses for land the compact. and amend Section 226 of the project grant agreements; provide for the preparation, demolition, and clearance Constitution of Kentucky, relating to monitoring and oversight of project grant necessary for the development to occur; Feb 20-introduced in House casinos. agreements; provide for the payment establish the signature project program Feb 21-to Elections, Const. Propose a new section of the and release of incremental revenues; for investments of more than $200 Amendments & Intergovernmental Constitution of Kentucky relating to limit the provisions of KRS 65.490 to million and allow recovery of up to 100 Affairs (H) casinos; allow the General Assembly to 65.499 to development areas percent of public infrastructure costs, Feb 22-posted in committee permit the operation of casinos, which established prior to the effective date of signature project costs, and financing may include casinos at horse racing the Act except allow the provisions to costs; establish requirements and HB 551/LM/CI (BR 1812) - C. Hoffman tracks; provide, if General Assembly apply for projects that meet specified conditions for the signature project authorizes casino gaming, for agency of conditions; limit the provisions of KRS program; amend the sales tax refund AN ACT relating to criminal justice. state government to be created to 65.680 to 65.699 to development areas provisions to limit recovery to the sales Amend KRS 500.110 to require regulate casinos by special law that have been established and tax on the portions not included in the certain trials to occur within specified notwithstanding Section 59 or 60 of the agreements that have been executed project grant agreement; declare an time frames or pretrial detention costs Constitution, establish qualifications of prior to the effective date of the Act; emergency. shift from counties to Court of Justice; individuals and entities authorized to amend KRS 132.012 to conform; amend SCA (1/Title, C. Borders) - Make title exceptions; create new section of KRS operate casinos, limit number and KRS 131.020 to establish the Division of amendment. Chapter 71 to require jailer to settle location of casinos, define types of Tax Increment Financing within the accounts with fiscal court. lotteries, gift enterprises and gambling Department of Revenue. Feb 20-introduced in House; to games to be permitted, provide for other Appropriations & Revenue (H); posting Feb 20-introduced in House; to standards to ensure honest operation of HB 549 - AMENDMENTS waived Judiciary (H); posting waived casinos; define casino and casino-style HCS/FN - Retain original provisions; Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st gaming; restrict operation of casinos add additional state participation reading, to Calendar with Committee HB 552 (BR 1937) - R. Palumbo until the state agency shall have first program for mixed use redevelopment in Substitute, committee amendment (1- approved the conduct of casinos and the blighted urban areas and establish title) AN ACT relating to motor vehicles. governing body of the county, urban- parameters for participation under the Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Amend KRS 189.430 to permit the county, charter county, or consolidated program; attach the provisions of HB for passage in the Regular Orders of the use of a remote ignition starting device local government has approved the 393 with amendments; make technical Day for Thursday, March 1, 2007; floor on an unattended motor vehicle, if the operation; propose to amend Section corrections. amendments (1) (2) (3) and (4) filed to motor vehicle remains locked. 226 of the Kentucky Constitution to HCA (1/Title, H. Moberly Jr) - Make Committee Substitute provide that the new section is an title amendment. Mar 1-floor amendment (5) filed to Feb 20-introduced in House exception to the prohibition against HFA (1, J. Stacy) - Amend a new Committee Substitute ; 3rd reading; floor Feb 21-to Transportation (H) lotteries and gift enterprises; submit to section created in KRS Chapter 65 to amendment (3) rejected ; passed 79-13 Feb 22-posted in committee voters; provide ballot language. provide that a director of an area with Committee Substitute, committee Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st development district that is primarily amendment (1-title), floor amendments reading, to Calendar Feb 20-introduced in House rural shall serve on the State Tax (1) and (2) Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 21-to Elections, Const. Increment Financing Commission. Mar 2-received in Senate Mar 1-posted for passage in the Amendments & Intergovernmental HFA (2, A. Simpson) - Retain original Mar 5-to Appropriations & Revenue Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, Affairs (H) provisions; amend Section 5 of the Act (S) March 2, 2007 to include additional findings that must Mar 7-taken from committee; 1st HB 548/CI (BR 401) - M. Marzian, L. be made by local governments to reading; returned to Appropriations & HB 553 (BR 1946) - R. Palumbo Clark, J. Wayne establish a development area; amend Revenue (S) the real property ad valorem tax program Mar 8-taken from committee; 2nd AN ACT relating to plumbers. AN ACT relating to crimes and to remove minimum investment reading; returned to Appropriations & Amend KRS 318.054 to specify that punishments. requirements; amend the participation Revenue (S) six hours of continuing education are Create new sections of KRS Chapter program for mixed use redevelopment in Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules required for plumbers' license renewal; 510 related to sexual assault of minors blighted urban areas to reduce the with Committee Substitute, committee require the Office of Housing, Buildings, and reporting requirements and minimum investment required from $35 amendment (1-title) ; posted for passage and Construction to provide the training increases penalties; amend various million to $20 million. in the Regular Orders of the Day for at locations throughout the state at a sections of KRS Chapters 17, 413, 510, HFA (3, J. Wayne) - Delete provisions Monday, March 12, 2007; 3rd reading, cost of no more than $50 per individual. and 532 to conform; repeal KRS that permitted the transient room tax passed 35-1 with Committee Substitute, 510.130, relating to sexual abuse in the generated from within a qualifying committee amendment (1-title) ; Feb 20-introduced in House third degree. development area to be used to support received in House; posted for passage Feb 22-to Licensing & Occupations a project within the development area; for concurrence in Senate Committee (H) Feb 20-introduced in House permit a levy of an additional transient Substitute, committee amendment (1- Feb 22-to Judiciary (H) room tax within the development area to title) ; House concurred in Senate HB 554/FN (BR 463) - R. Damron support a project within the development Committee Substitute, committee HB 549/FN (BR 1333) - L. Clark, J. area; delete Section 29 of the bill amendment (1-title) ; passed 85-1; AN ACT relating to economic Draud, S. Brinkman, T. Firkins, C. amending KRS 91A.390. enrolled, signed by each presiding development. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. HFA (4, J. Wayne) - Amend Section officer; delivered to Governor Amend KRS 139.538, 139.5381, Jenkins, D. Keene, T. Kerr, C. Miller, D. 28 of the bill to delete language that Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 139.5382, 139.5383, 139.5384, Pasley, T. Riner, A. Simpson, K. Stein, permits funds generated from the 95) 139.5385, and 139.990 to change the T. Thompson, R. Weston, A. Wuchner transient room tax to be used to support existing sales and use tax exemption for a qualifying project in a qualifying HB 550 (BR 1938) - R. Palumbo motion picture production companies AN ACT relating to tax increment development area; delete Section 29 of from a refundable credit to a program financing and urban redevelopment. the bill amending KRS 91A.390. AN ACT relating to presidential that allows purchases using an Create new sections of KRS Chapter HFA (5, D. Floyd) - Retain original elections. exemption certificate; expand the 65 to establish the public purpose of tax provisions; amend Section 1 by deleting Create a new section of KRS Chapter definition of projects that will qualify for increment financing; define terms; the first subsection. 118 to set forth the agreement among exemption; create new sections of KRS provide for the establishment and SCS - Retain original provisions; add the states to elect the president by Chapter 141 to establish a refundable amendment of local development areas definitions for "approved public national popular vote; create Article I to credit against the income tax and the and development areas; identify funding infrastructure costs," "approved allow any state and D.C. to be a member limited liability entity tax for qualifying sources for local governments; permit signature costs," and "financing costs"; of the agreement; create Article II to expenditures made by production the issuance of increment bonds by local provide that the 20 percent limitation on provide that member states shall companies; provide that the percentage governments; require a sinking fund; the real property tax base that can be in conduct a statewide popular vote for allowed as a refundable credit shall establish requirements for local a development area be measured at the election of President and Vice President; increase from 10 percent to 15 percent participation agreements; establish the time the development area is create Article III to specify the manner of of qualifying expenditures if, based upon State Tax Increment Financing established; amend the real property tax appointing presidential electors in an analysis due by December 1, 2009, Commission; establish the program to require a $10 million member states; create Article IV to the production company tax incentives Commonwealth Participation Program minimum investment; limit permissible provide that the compact shall take provide a revenue-positive benefit to the for Real Property Ad Valorem Tax recovery to 100 percent of public effect when states cumulatively Commonwealth; provide that the income Revenues and the Commonwealth infrastructure costs; amend the mixed possessing a majority of the electoral tax and limited liability entity tax credits Participation Program for State Tax use urban redevelopment program to votes enact the agreement and allow a apply for tax periods beginning on or Revenues and provide application limit permissible recovery to up to 100 state to withdraw from the agreement; after June 1, 2007. procedures and requirements for both percent of public infrastructure costs and create Article V to set forth definitions of Feb 20-introduced in House vehicles operated by a constable AN ACT relating to appropriations. Feb 21-to Appropriations & Revenue certified as a peace officer or listed as a Amend KRS 48.040, relating to HB 566 (BR 219) - T. Thompson (H) qualified constable; amend KRS budget forms, to make technical 431.005, relating to arrests, to permit corrections. AN ACT relating to the taxation of HB 555 (BR 1851) - R. Adams, J. Greer constables and deputy constables who snuff. are certified peace officers or qualified Feb 20-introduced in House Amend KRS 138.130 to redefine AN ACT relating to crime prevention. constables and qualified deputy Feb 21-to Appropriations & Revenue "other tobacco products" to include Create new sections of KRS Chapter constables to make domestic violence (H) "moist snuff"; amend KRS 138.140 to tax 17 to ratify the National Crime arrests without viewing the commission snuff at the same rate as other tobacco Prevention and Privacy Compact which of the offense; amend KRS 431.007, HB 560 (BR 1602) - D. Butler products; amend KRS 138.195 to would organize an electronic information relating to peace officers operating in conform; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2007. sharing system among the federal another jurisdiction in Kentucky, to make AN ACT relating to motor vehicle government and contracting states to arrests to include a constable or deputy usage tax. Feb 20-introduced in House exchange criminal history records for constable certified as a peace officer Amend KRS 138.450 to exclude the Feb 22-to Appropriations & Revenue noncriminal justice purposes authorized and a constable and deputy constable amount allowed as a trade-in allowance (H) by federal or state law; amend KRS listed as a qualified constable or by the seller when computing the retail 17.140 to conform. qualified deputy constable; repeal KRS price of a new motor vehicle, dealer HB 567 (BR 1705) - J. Jenkins 64.190 relating to constable fees. demonstrator vehicles, previous model Feb 20-introduced in House year motor vehicles, and certain U- AN ACT relating to tobacco products. Feb 21-to Judiciary (H) Feb 20-introduced in House Drive-It motor vehicles; EFFECTIVE July Amend KRS 438.313 to prohibit a Feb 23-posted in committee Feb 21-to Local Government (H) 1, 2007. person from purchasing on behalf of or giving tobacco products and cigarettes HB 556/LM (BR 1902) - R. Webb HB 557 (BR 1755) - D. Pasley Feb 20-introduced in House to persons under 18 years of age; Feb 22-to Appropriations & Revenue establish a fine of $500 to $1000 for AN ACT relating to constables. AN ACT relating to pari-mutuel tax (H) violations; amend 438.315 to prohibit a Amend KRS 15.315, relating to the and making an appropriation thereof. vending machine containing tobacco Kentucky Law Enforcement Council, to Amend KRS 138.510 to exempt pari- HB 561 (BR 1885) - F. Rasche products to sell nontobacco products , add two constables to the council KRS mutuel waging on live racing at a host except for matches. 16.220 to include constables among the track for one-day event that distributes AN ACT relating to personnel titles. recipients of grants from firearm sales; over $650,000 in purses and the host Amend KRS 158.150, 160.295, and Feb 20-introduced in House amend KRS 61.362, relating to track has an average daily handle of less 160.345 to delete references to head Feb 21-to Licensing & Occupations agreements with peace officers and than $1,200,000 and is authorized to teacher, a title no longer in use. (H) residential property owners to enforce conduct live racing a minimum of 30 Feb 27-posted in committee law on residential property, to include days a year; amend KRS 230.240 to Feb 20-introduced in House Mar 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, constables; amend KRS 64.210 relating provide that drug-testing expenses, Feb 21-to Education (H) to Calendar to reimbursement for constable vehicle compensation of employees, and the Mar 6-2nd reading, to Rules use, to apply provisions to all counties; salary of the executive director of the HB 562 (BR 1802) - J. Stacy Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations amend KRS 65.255, relating to Kentucky Horse Racing Authority shall & Revenue (H) cooperative utilization of peace officers be paid by the Kentucky Horse Racing AN ACT relating to the membership of to add a constable who is a certified Authority; amend KRS 230.260 to allow the School Facilities Construction HB 568/LM (BR 394) - R. Wilkey peace officer or qualified constable; the Kentucky Horse Racing Authority to Commission. amend KRS 70.036 relating to sheriff levy fees by regulation against an Amend KRS 157.617 to require that AN ACT relating to taxation. uniforms, to include constable uniforms association to protect the integrity of seven gubernatorial appointees to the Amend KRS 143A.036 to include and require county to pay for uniform for racing; create new sections of KRS School Facilities Construction specified limestone products used in certified peace officer constables and Chapter 230 to establish the Kentucky Commission represent each of the manufacturing process within taxation qualified constables and deputies; create Horse Racing Authority operating fund to Supreme Court districts and that one structure applicable to limestone used in a new section of KRS Chapter 70 to be used by the authority to cover gubernatorial appointee represent the manufacture of hydrated lime, quicklime, create a "qualified" constable basic administrative and operating costs and state at large; establish which districts milk of lime, high calcium limestone, or training course of 40 hours and an the costs of drug testing; establish the shall be filled when vacancies occur. cement. annual 40-hour in-service training to Kentucky Horse Racing Authority stakes maintain the qualified status for development fund and provide for Feb 20-introduced in House Feb 20-introduced in House constables and deputy constables; distribution thereof; require the Kentucky Feb 21-to Education (H) Feb 21-to Appropriations & Revenue specify that a constable who is a Horse Racing Authority to submit an Mar 2-posted in committee (H) certified peace officer is automatically a annual financial report the LRC by qualified constable; create a new section October 1 each year; require the Auditor HB 563 (BR 1882) - F. Rasche HB 569 (BR 1728) - J. Jenkins of KRS Chapter 422, relating to service of Public Accounts to conduct a financial of process, to have person seeking audit of the Kentucky Horse Racing AN ACT relating to retirement. AN ACT relating to pari-mutuel tax process to elect the method of serving Authority at the end of each biennial Amend KRS 61.595 to insert gender- and making an appropriation thereof. process; create a new section of KRS budget and submit findings to the LRC neutral language. Amend KRS 138.510 to exempt pari- Chapter 65 to require a local by November 1; amend KRS 230.800, mutuel waging on live racing at a host government which maintains a public 230.802, and 230.804 to limit the Feb 20-introduced in House track for one-day event that distributes safety radio system or public safety amount of funds to be used for Feb 21-to State Government (H) over $650,000 in purses and the host answering point to permit constable and administrative expenses to 3.5% of the track has an average daily handle of less deputies to utilize the system and to amounts deposited in the breeder's HB 564 (BR 1881) - F. Rasche than $1,200,000 and is authorized to require the county to pay costs of incentive funds; amend KRS 230.752 conduct live racing a minimum of 30 utilization; amend KRS 70.310, relating and 230.990 to conform; EFFECTIVE AN ACT relating to civil actions. days a year; amend KRS 230.240 to to bond for constables and deputies, to July 1, 2007. Amend KRS 386.150 to add gender provide that drug-testing expenses, require all bonds to be paid by the neutral language. compensation of employees, and the county; amend KRS 70.320, relating to Feb 20-introduced in House salary of the executive director of the deputy constables, to permit specified Feb 21-to Appropriations & Revenue Feb 20-introduced in House Kentucky Horse Racing Authority shall numbers of deputy constables to be (H) Feb 21-to Judiciary (H) be paid by the Kentucky Horse Racing appointed for each constable; amend Feb 26-posted in committee Authority; amend KRS 230.260 to allow KRS 70.330, to require the Kentucky HB 558 (BR 1530) - D. Pasley the Kentucky Horse Racing Authority to Constable Association to recommend HB 565 (BR 1892) - F. Rasche levy fees by regulation against an candidates to fill a vacancy in the office AN ACT relating to personnel titles. association to protect the integrity of of constable; amend KRS 70.430, Amend KRS 158.150, 160.295, and AN ACT relating to the biennial report racing; create new sections of KRS relating to fiscal reporting by some 160.345 to delete the reference to head on education. Chapter 230 to establish the Kentucky constables, to require fiscal reporting to teacher, a position that no longer exists Amend KRS 156.250 to require the Horse Racing Authority operating fund to the county clerk by all constables; in the public schools. commissioner of education to report the be used by the authority to cover amend KRS 70.440, relating to false status of education at least once during administrative and operating costs and reporting by some constables, to include Feb 20-introduced in House the biennium and at other times as the costs of drug testing; establish the all constables; amend KRS 189.950, Feb 21-to Education (H) requested. Kentucky Horse Racing Authority stakes relating to use of blue lights and sirens development fund and provide for by various officials, including constables, HB 559 (BR 1370) - D. Pasley Feb 20-introduced in House distribution thereof; require the Kentucky to permit use of blue lights and sirens on Feb 21-to Education (H) Horse Racing Authority to submit an annual financial report the LRC by Feb 23-3rd reading, adopted 92-1 Direct the Legislative Research October 1 each year; require the Auditor Feb 26-received in Senate Commission to establish a task force of Public Accounts to conduct a financial House Feb 28-to Judiciary (S) composed of seventeen members from audit of the Kentucky Horse Racing Mar 6-taken from committee; 1st the General Assembly, the Office of Authority at the end of each biennial reading; returned to Judiciary (S) Charitable Gaming, charitable gaming budget and submit findings to the LRC Resolutions Mar 7-taken from committee; 2nd licensees, and the office of the Auditor of by November 1; amend KRS 230.800, reading; returned to Judiciary (S) Public Accounts, appointed by the 230.802, and 230.804 to limit the Includes opposite chamber sponsors Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules Legislative Research Commission, to amount of funds to be used for where requested by primary sponsors of with committee amendments (1-title) and study the oversight of charitable gaming; administrative expenses to 3.5% of the substantially similar bills in both (2) as a Consent Bill require findings and recommendations to amounts deposited in the breeder's chambers and jointly approved by the Mar 12-posted for passage in the be reported to the Legislative Research incentive funds; amend KRS 230.752 Committee on Committees of both Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, Commission by November 1, 2007, for and 230.990 to conform; EFFECTIVE chambers. Opposite chamber sponsors March 12; 3rd reading, adopted 37-0 referral to the appropriate committee; July 1, 2007. are represented in italics. with committee amendments (1-title) and authorize the Legislative Research (2) ; bill reconsidered; returned to the Commission to alternatively assign the Feb 20-introduced in House Introduced Jan. 2, 2007 Orders of the Day; taken from the study to an interim joint committee or Feb 21-to Appropriations & Revenue Regular Orders of the Day; returned to subcommittee thereof and to designate a (H) Judiciary (S) completion date. HR 1 (BR 289) - J. Richards HB 570/HM (BR 1958) - S. Westrom, R. HCR 6 (BR 249) - T. Riner (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Rand Pastors of Frankfort churches, extending invitation to. Urge the United States Congress to Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee AN ACT relating to mental health support a national health policy to insure on Licensing and Occupations services. Jan 2-introduced in House; adopted affordable, accessible health care for all, Jan 2-introduced in House Create new sections of KRS Chapter by voice vote with a priority for poor families and Jan 3-to Licensing and Occupations 304.17A, 304.17C, and 304.18 to define children, the elderly, and persons with (H) terms and require that if an insurer or HR 2 (BR 268) - J. Richards disabilities. Feb 16-posted in committee utilization review organization approves outpatient services for a mental health Adopt Rules of Procedure to govern (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) HJR 10 (BR 431) - R. Crimm condition, the services are approved for the 2007 Regular Session of the House a period of 90 days, and require insurer of Representatives. Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on Direct the Legislative Research or utilization review organization to Health and Welfare Commission to create the Local consult with a qualified mental health Jan 2-introduced in House; adopted Jan 2-introduced in House Government Insurance Premium Taxes professional for extensions of approval by voice vote Jan 3-to Health and Welfare (H) Task Force to study the current local or prior to denying, limiting, or reducing government insurance premium tax outpatient services for a mental health HR 3 - See Introductions on January 3, HJR 7 (BR 262) - R. Meeks, D. Osborne system to determine how efficient and condition. 2007. how effective the system is in assessing, Direct the Education Cabinet, its collecting, and remitting taxes to provide Feb 20-introduced in House HR 4 (BR 83) - S. Lee agencies, and the schools associated a reliable source of revenue to the Feb 21-to Health & Welfare (H) with the agencies to recognize and appropriate local governments; direct the Urge the Congress of the United celebrate International Education Week task force to review the feasibility of HB 571/LM (BR 1764) - T. Moore States to enact the Public Expression of the second full week of November. assigning to a single entity the Religion Act of 2005 (H.R. 2679), which responsibility of collecting and remitting AN ACT relating to motor vehicle proposes to amend sections of the U.S. HJR 7 - AMENDMENTS the premium taxes to the appropriate insurance coverage. Code to limit relief for Establishment HCS - Encourage agencies rather local governments; direct the Task Force Amend KRS 304.39-080 to prohibit a Clause actions. than direct agencies to recognize and to make recommendations to streamline person from operating a motor vehicle celebrate International Education Week. the current system to eliminate without security on the vehicle; and (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) HCA (1/Title, F. Rasche) - Make title inefficiencies, assure accurate payments amend KRS 304.99-060 to increase the amendment. to local governments, and alleviate the fines for motor vehicle owners and Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on administrative burden on insurance operators who do not maintain the State Government (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) companies; establish a task force required security and delete the Jan 2-introduced in House consisting of 14 members; require the provisions which would allow the judge Jan 5-to Judiciary (H) Nov 9-To: Interim Joint Committee on task force to issue its report to the to reduce the penalties upon production Education Legislative Research Commission and of proof of security. HJR 5 (BR 172) - J. Vincent, R. Wilkey, Jan 2-introduced in House the Interim Joint Committee on Banking S. Baugh, L. Clark, J. Greer, D. Watkins, Jan 3-to Education (H) and Insurance no later than November Feb 20-introduced in House R. Weston Feb 9-posted in committee 1, 2007; provide that final membership of Feb 22-to Banking & Insurance (H) Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st the task force is subject to consideration Name the judicial center in Henderson reading, to Calendar with Committee and approval of the Legislative Research HB 572 (BR 1801) - T. Kerr, A. Simpson County the "Gross Clay Lindsay Substitute, committee amendment (1- Commission; authorize the Legislative Henderson County Judicial Center." title) Research Commission to alternatively AN ACT relating to road districts. Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted assign the issues to an interim joint Amend KRS 184.060 to allow fiscal HJR 5 - AMENDMENTS for passage in the Regular Orders of the committee or subcommittee thereof and court to serve as board of directors of HFA (1, F. Rasche) - Rename the Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 to designate an completion date. road districts; provide for removal from Henderson County Judicial Center Feb 23-3rd reading, adopted 96-0 with board. "Gross's House of Justice." Committee Substitute, committee (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) SCA (1/Title, R. Stivers II) - Make title amendment (1-title) Feb 20-introduced in House amendment. Feb 26-received in Senate Jan 2-introduced in House Feb 22-to Local Government (H) SCA (2, R. Stivers II) - Amend to Feb 28-to Education (S) Jan 3-to Banking and Insurance (H) name courtroom after Gross Clay HB 573 (BR 1817) - S. Riggs Lindsay. HCR 8 (BR 309) - C. Embry Jr HJR 11 (BR 334) - M. Marzian</p><p>AN ACT relating to sales and use tax. (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Urge the Health and Family Services Direct the commissioner of education Amend KRS 139.472 to exempt Cabinet to secure the safety of social to convene a work group to review durable medical equipment from sales Oct 4-To: Interim Joint Committee on workers. curricula developed by other states and tax if covered by Medicaid or Medicare Judiciary review the Kentucky core content to payment or reimbursement; EFFECTIVE Jan 2-introduced in House (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) determine places where the study of the July 1, 2007. Jan 3-to Judiciary (H) Holocaust shall be included; require the Feb 12-posted in committee Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee work group to submit its final report to Feb 20-introduced in House Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st on Health and Welfare the commissioner of education and the Feb 21-to Appropriations & Revenue reading, to Calendar; floor amendment Jan 2-introduced in House Kentucky Board of Education no later (H) (1) filed Jan 3-to Health and Welfare (H) than March 1, 2008; require the changes Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules; posted to the Kentucky core content be for passage in the Regular Orders of the HCR 9 (BR 296) - R. Crimm disseminated to local schools to be Day for Friday, February 23, 2007 incorporated in the school curriculum for the 2008-2009 school year. later than January 1, 2008. Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Mar 1-posted for passage in the Jan 2-introduced in House HJR 11 - AMENDMENTS (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, Jan 3-to Education (H) HCS - Require the work group to March 2, 2007 Feb 7-posted in committee develop a curriculum guide that outlines Jan 2-introduced in House Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st age-appropriate and course-related Jan 3-to Health and Welfare (H) HR 17 (BR 903) - J. Hoover, R. Adams, reading, to Calendar material and activities that teachers may Feb 14-posting waived; posted in R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, S. Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted use to teach the history of the Holocaust; committee Baugh, C. Belcher, L. Belcher, J. Bell, K. for passage in the Regular Orders of the specify that the Department of Education Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st Bratcher, S. Brinkman, T. Burch, D. Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 shall disseminate the report and the reading, to Calendar Butler, M. Cherry, L. Clark, H. Collins, L. Feb 16-3rd reading, adopted 96-1 curriculum guide to local districts and Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Combs, J. Comer Jr, T. Couch, J. Feb 20-received in Senate schools prior to the 2008-2009 school Mar 1-posted for passage in the Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, J. Feb 22-to State & Local Government year. Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, DeCesare, M. Dedman Jr, M. Denham, (S) HCA (1/Title, F. Rasche) - Make title March 2, 2007 B. DeWeese, M. Dossett, J. Draud, T. amendment. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. HR 20 (BR 227) - T. Burch, R. Adams, HJR 14 (BR 415) - T. Pullin Firkins, J. Fischer, D. Floyd, D. Ford, J. R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, S. (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Glenn, J. Gooch Jr, D. Graham, J. Gray, Baugh, C. Belcher, L. Belcher, J. Bell, K. Direct the Kentucky Department of J. Greer, K. Hall, M. Harmon, R. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, D. Butler, M. Jan 2-introduced in House Agriculture to create the All-Terrain Henderson, M. Henley, J. Higdon, C. Cherry, L. Clark, H. Collins, L. Combs, J. Jan 3-to Education (H) Vehicle (ATV) Usage Task Force to Hoffman, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, D. Comer Jr, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Feb 7-posted in committee study the impacts of and the ways to Keene, T. Kerr, A. Koenig, S. Lee, Ji. Crimm, R. Damron, J. DeCesare, M. Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st stop illegal usage of ATVs on private Lee, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, Dedman Jr, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, reading, to Calendar with Committee and public property, with particular C. Miller, H. Moberly Jr, R. Mobley, B. M. Dossett, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Substitute, committee amendment (1- emphasis on private farmland. Montell, T. Moore, L. Napier, R. Nelson, Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Firkins, J. title) F. Nesler, D. Osborne, D. Owens, R. Fischer, D. Floyd, D. Ford, J. Glenn, J. Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted HJR 14 - AMENDMENTS Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, Gooch Jr, D. Graham, J. Gray, J. Greer, for passage in the Regular Orders of the HCS - Direct the Kentucky R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Richards, S. K. Hall, M. Harmon, R. Henderson, M. Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 Recreational Trails Authority to study Riggs, T. Riner, C. Rollins II, S. Rudy, S. Henley, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Mar 7-3rd reading, adopted 91-0 with illegal trespass by ATV users on private Santoro, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, D. Committee Substitute, committee and public property; direct the Governor A. Smith, B. Smith, B. Spencer, J. Stacy, Keene, T. Kerr, A. Koenig, S. Lee, Ji. amendment (1-title) ; bill reconsidered; to appoint a member to the authority K. Stein, J. Stewart III, T. Thompson, J. Lee, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, adopted with 100-0 Committee representing Kentucky Farm Bureau; Tilley, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. C. Miller, H. Moberly Jr, R. Mobley, B. Substitute, committee amendment (1- apply the provisions of KRS 148.795(2) Vincent, D. Watkins, J. Wayne, R. Montell, T. Moore, L. Napier, R. Nelson, title) to the appointed member. Webb, R. Weston, S. Westrom, R. F. Nesler, D. Osborne, D. Owens, R. Mar 8-received in Senate HCA (1/Title, T. McKee) - Make title Wilkey, A. Wuchner, B. Yonts Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, Mar 9-to Education (S) amendment. R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Richards, S. Adjourn the House of Representatives Riggs, T. Riner, C. Rollins II, S. Rudy, S. HCR 12 (BR 224) - J. Gray (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) in loving memory and honor of the late Santoro, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, Gerald R. Ford, the 38th President of the A. Smith, B. Smith, B. Spencer, J. Stacy, Urge Congress to enact H.R. 6087 Jan 2-introduced in House United States of America, whose journey K. Stein, J. Stewart III, T. Thompson, J. extending the summer high water level Jan 5-to Agriculture and Small through this earthly life ended on Tilley, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. of Lake Barkley until September. Business (H) December 26, 2006, after 93 years. Vincent, D. Watkins, J. Wayne, R. Feb 6-posting waived Webb, R. Weston, S. Westrom, R. HCR 12 - AMENDMENTS Feb 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Jan 2-introduced in House; adopted Wilkey, A. Wuchner, B. Yonts HCS - Retain original provisions of to Calendar with Committee Substitute, by voice vote HCR 12; replace all references to "H.R. committee amendment (1-title) Adjourn the House of Representatives 6087" with "H.R. 574." Feb 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted HCR 18 (BR 337) - T. Pullin, R. Meeks, in honor of Patrick Henry Hughes for his HCA (1/Title, E. Ballard) - Make title for passage in the Regular Orders of the S. Rudy, J. Vincent outstanding accomplishments and amendment. Day for Friday, February 9, 2007 dedication to excellence in the face of Feb 9-3rd reading, adopted 98-0 with Encourage the Kentucky adversity. (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Committee Substitute, committee Transportation Cabinet and the amendment (1-title) Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Jan 2-introduced in House Jan 2-introduced in House Feb 12-received in Senate Development to promote and market the Jan 3-to House Floor; adopted by Jan 3-to Tourism Development and Feb 14-to Agriculture & Natural use of Amtrak rail passenger service and voice vote Energy (H) Resources (S) the communities which serve as Amtrak Feb 7-posting waived passenger stations. HR 21 (BR 822) - J. Higdon, R. Adams, Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, HJR 15 (BR 38) - R. Meeks, J. R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, S. to Calendar with Committee Substitute, Crenshaw, J. Glenn, C. Hoffman, D. HCR 18 - AMENDMENTS Baugh, C. Belcher, L. Belcher, J. Bell, K. committee amendment (1-title) Pasley, K. Stein, S. Westrom HFA (1, T. Pullin) - Change references Bratcher, S. Brinkman, T. Burch, D. Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted to the Cabinet for Economic Butler, M. Cherry, L. Clark, H. Collins, L. for passage in the Regular Orders of the Direct the Transportation Cabinet to Development to the Commerce Cabinet Combs, J. Comer Jr, T. Couch, J. Day for Monday, February 12, 2007 designate I-75 as the "Tuskegee Airmen and encourage the Department of Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, J. Feb 12-3rd reading, adopted 96-0 with Trail," and erect appropriate signs. Tourism to promote and market Amtrak DeCesare, M. Dedman Jr, M. Denham, Committee Substitute, committee stations in Kentucky. B. DeWeese, M. Dossett, J. Draud, T. amendment (1-title) (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) HFA (2/Title, T. Pullin) - Make title Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feb 13-received in Senate amendment Firkins, J. Fischer, D. Floyd, D. Ford, J. Feb 15-to Economic Development, Jan 2-introduced in House Glenn, J. Gooch Jr, D. Graham, J. Gray, Tourism & Labor (S) Jan 3-to Transportation (H) Jan 2-introduced in House J. Greer, K. Hall, M. Harmon, R. Jan 3-to Transportation (H) Henderson, M. Henley, C. Hoffman, J. HJR 13 (BR 373) - S. Brinkman, M. HCR 16 (BR 421) - R. Meeks Feb 8-posted in committee Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, D. Cherry, B. DeWeese, R. Palumbo, S. Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st Keene, T. Kerr, A. Koenig, S. Lee, Ji. Westrom Urge the United States Congress to reading, to Calendar; floor amendments Lee, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, pressure Sudan to end Darfur atrocities; (1) and (2-title) filed C. Miller, H. Moberly Jr, R. Mobley, B. Require the Cabinet for Health and urge SEC to issue guidance to investors, Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Montell, T. Moore, L. Napier, R. Nelson, Family Services to direct the Kentucky including state pension plans, to enable for passage in the Regular Orders of the F. Nesler, D. Osborne, D. Owens, R. Alzheimer's Disease and Related the investors to identify companies Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, Disorders Advisory Council and the which may be supporting terror. R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Richards, S. Office on Alzheimer's Disease and HCR 19 (BR 489) - R. Nelson Riggs, T. Riner, C. Rollins II, S. Rudy, S. Related Disorders to conduct a study (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).) Santoro, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, that assesses the impact of Alzheimer's Direct the Legislative Research A. Smith, B. Smith, B. Spencer, J. Stacy, in Kentucky, examines existing services, Jan 2-introduced in House Commission to designate legislative staff K. Stein, J. Stewart III, T. Thompson, J. addresses the needs of persons with Jan 3-to State Government (H) to study the cost of elementary, Tilley, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Alzheimer's disease and their families Feb 20-posted in committee secondary, and postsecondary Vincent, D. Watkins, J. Wayne, R. and caregivers, and identifies a strategy Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st textbooks and related instructional Webb, R. Weston, S. Westrom, R. for a state response; require a report no reading, to Calendar materials. Wilkey, A. Wuchner, B. Yonts for passage in the Regular Orders of the March 5, 2007; 3rd reading, adopted 37- Adjourn the House of Representatives Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 HCR 29 (BR 288) - R. Adkins 0 in loving memory and honor of our friend Feb 15-3rd reading, adopted 98-0 Mar 6-received in House; enrolled, and former colleague, David Ross Feb 16-received in Senate Confirm the gubernatorial appointment signed by each presiding officer; Hourigan. Feb 21-to Education (S) of Franklin D. Cheatham to the delivered to Governor Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, Education Professional Standards Mar 16-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Jan 2-introduced in House to Consent Calendar Board. 7) Jan 3-to House Floor; adopted by Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules voice vote Mar 5-posted for passage in the Jan 3-introduced in House HCR 32 (BR 5) - R. Adkins Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, Jan 5-to Education (H) HR 22 (BR 211) - B. Smith March 5, 2007; 3rd reading, adopted 37- Feb 7-posted in committee Confirm the gubernatorial appointment 0 Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st of Zenaida M. Smith to the Education Recognize February 22, 2007, as Mar 6-received in House; enrolled, reading, to Calendar Professional Standards Board. "Steve Irwin Day" in the Commonwealth signed by each presiding officer; Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted of Kentucky. delivered to Governor for passage in the Regular Orders of the Jan 3-introduced in House Mar 16-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 Jan 5-to Education (H) Jan 2-introduced in House 5) Feb 15-3rd reading, adopted 98-0 Feb 7-posted in committee Jan 3-to House Floor; adopted by Feb 16-received in Senate Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st voice vote HCR 26 (BR 30) - R. Adkins Feb 21-to Education (S) reading, to Calendar Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted HJR 23 (BR 75) - E. Ballard Confirm the gubernatorial appointment to Consent Calendar for passage in the Regular Orders of the of Judith H. Gibbons to the Kentucky Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 Rename the White City Wildlife Board of Education representing the Mar 5-posted for passage in the Feb 15-3rd reading, adopted 98-0 Management Area to the Joseph Fay Sixth Supreme Court District for a term Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, Feb 16-received in Senate Britt-White City WMA. ending April 14, 2010. March 5, 2007; 3rd reading, adopted 37- Feb 21-to Education (S) 0 Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, Jan 2-introduced in House Jan 3-introduced in House Mar 6-received in House; enrolled, to Consent Calendar Jan 3-to Tourism Development and Jan 5-to Education (H) signed by each presiding officer; Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules Energy (H) Feb 6-posting waived retroactively; delivered to Governor Mar 5-posted for passage in the Feb 7-posting waived reported favorably, 1st reading, to Mar 16-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, Calendar 6) March 5, 2007; 3rd reading, adopted 37- to Calendar Feb 7-2nd reading, to Rules 0 Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 8-posted for passage in the HCR 30 (BR 126) - R. Adkins Mar 6-received in House; enrolled, for passage in the Regular Orders of the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, signed by each presiding officer; Day for Monday, February 12, 2007 February 9, 2007 Reappoint Wayne Hunt to the delivered to Governor Feb 12-3rd reading, adopted 96-0 Feb 12-3rd reading, adopted 96-0 Agricultural Development Board for a Mar 16-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Feb 13-received in Senate Feb 13-received in Senate term expiring July 6, 2010. 8) Feb 15-to Agriculture & Natural Feb 15-to Education (S) Resources (S) Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, Jan 3-introduced in House HCR 33 (BR 127) - R. Adkins Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar Jan 5-to Agriculture and Small to Consent Calendar Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules Business (H) Reappoint Vickie Yates Brown to the Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules Mar 5-posted for passage in the Feb 6-posting waived Agricultural Development Board for a Mar 12-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, Feb 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, term expiring July 6, 2010. Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 5, 2007; 3rd reading, adopted 37- to Calendar March 12; 3rd reading, adopted 37-0; 0 Feb 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Jan 3-introduced in House received in House; enrolled, signed by Mar 6-received in House; enrolled, for passage in the Regular Orders of the Jan 5-to Agriculture and Small each presiding officer; delivered to signed by each presiding officer; Day for Friday, February 9, 2007 Business (H) Governor delivered to Governor Feb 9-3rd reading, adopted 97-0 Feb 6-posting waived Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Mar 16-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Feb 12-received in Senate Feb 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, 60) 4) Feb 14-to Agriculture & Natural to Calendar Resources (S) Feb 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Introduced Jan. 3, 2007 HCR 27 (BR 157) - R. Adkins Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, for passage in the Regular Orders of the to Consent Calendar Day for Friday, February 9, 2007 HR 3 (BR 291) - J. Richards Feb 7-WITHDRAWN Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 9-3rd reading, adopted 98-0 for passage in the Consent Orders of the Feb 12-received in Senate Direct the appointment of a committee HCR 28 (BR 125) - R. Adkins Day for Friday, March 9, 2007; 3rd Feb 14-to Agriculture & Natural to wait upon the Governor. reading, adopted 38-0; received in Resources (S) Appoint Wayne Mattingly to the House Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, Jan 3-introduced in House; adopted Agricultural Development Board for a Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each to Consent Calendar by voice vote term expiring July 6, 2010. presiding officer; delivered to Governor Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. for passage in the Consent Orders of the HR 24 (BR 841) - J. Vincent, R. Adkins Jan 3-introduced in House 25) Day for Friday, March 9, 2007; 3rd Jan 5-to Agriculture and Small reading, adopted 38-0; received in Honor Kentucky native Brandon Business (H) HCR 31 (BR 287) - R. Adkins House Webb, winner of the 2006 National Feb 6-posting waived Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each League Cy Young Award. Feb 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Confirm the gubernatorial appointment presiding officer; delivered to Governor to Calendar of Cynthia W. York to the Education Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Jan 3-introduced in House Feb 8-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Professional Standards Board. 67) Jan 4-adopted by voice vote for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 9, 2007 Jan 3-introduced in House HR 34 (BR 275) - F. Nesler, R. Adkins HCR 25 (BR 156) - R. Adkins Feb 9-3rd reading, adopted 98-0 Jan 5-to Education (H) Feb 12-received in Senate Feb 7-posted in committee Recognize September 21 as Myositis Confirm the gubernatorial appointment Feb 14-to Agriculture & Natural Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st Awareness Day in Kentucky. of Jennifer L. Forgy to the Education Resources (S) reading, to Calendar Professional Standards Board to Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Jan 3-introduced in House represent middle and high school to Consent Calendar for passage in the Regular Orders of the Jan 5-to House Floor teachers. Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 for passage in the Consent Orders of the Feb 15-3rd reading, adopted 98-0 HR 35 (BR 935) - M. Denham Jan 3-introduced in House Day for Friday, March 9, 2007; 3rd Feb 16-received in Senate Jan 5-to Education (H) reading, adopted 38-0; received in Feb 21-to Education (S) Adjourn the House of Representatives Feb 7-posted in committee House Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, in loving memory of Heidi Michelle Tolle. Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each to Consent Calendar reading, to Calendar presiding officer; delivered to Governor Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules Jan 3-introduced in House; adopted Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Mar 5-posted for passage in the by voice vote 74) Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, HR 36 (BR 936) - M. Denham Feb 6-introduced in House HR 43 (BR 1107) - M. Denham Urge the Cabinet for Health and Feb 7-to House Floor Adjourn the House of Representatives Family Services and the federal Feb 16-adopted by voice vote in loving memory and honor of Janice Adjourn the House of Representatives government to include chronic Marie Haitz Jett. in loving memory and honor of Suddith obstructive pulmonary disease in their HR 56 (BR 1052) - C. Rollins II Rawlings. chronic disease initiatives, including Jan 3-introduced in House; adopted screening, smoking cessation, and Adjourn the House of Representatives by voice vote Feb 6-introduced in House managing diseases. in loving memory and honor of William Feb 7-to House Floor; adopted by Frank Baker. Introduced Jan. 4, 2007 voice vote Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 7-to House Floor Feb 6-introduced in House HR 37 (BR 955) - S. Riggs, R. Crimm HR 44 (BR 1119) - R. Adkins Feb 14-adopted by voice vote Feb 7-to House Floor Feb 21-adopted by voice vote Adjourn the House of Representatives Amend Rule 39 and Rule 42 of the HJR 50 (BR 1037) - C. Belcher in honor of Colonel Fred Roemele upon House Rules of Procedure regarding the HR 57 (BR 1095) - R. Adams, C. Rollins his retirement from law enforcement. manner in which membership of Direct Transportation Cabinet to name II subcommittees of the Appropriation and "Thoroughbred Run," the Paris By-Pass Jan 4-introduced in House; adopted Revenue Committee are appointed; in the City of Paris, from its intersection Adjourn the House of Representatives by voice vote create the position of First Vice-Chair; with US 27-68 North and East to its in honor of Glenna Cox Schrader, upon assign duties. intersection with US 68 to "Martin Luther the occasion of the 80th anniversary of King, Jr. Boulevard," and to erect signs her birth. Introduced Jan. 5, 2007 Feb 6-introduced in House at appropriate intervals. Feb 7-to House Floor; adopted by Feb 6-introduced in House HR 38 (BR 948) - T. Kerr voice vote Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 7-to House Floor Feb 7-to Transportation (H) Mar 2-adopted by voice vote Adjourn the House of Representatives HR 45 (BR 1259) - B. Yonts in loving memory and honor of HR 51 (BR 992) - K. Stein HR 58 (BR 1126) - C. Rollins II Christopher "Pooh Bear" Morrison. Urge Congress to repeal the Government Pension Offset and the Adjourn the House of Representatives Feb 12-WITHDRAWN Jan 5-introduced in House; adopted Windfall Elimination Provision. in loving memory and honor of the late by voice vote Michael Thompson. HR 59 (BR 1383) - D. Graham Feb 6-introduced in House HR 39 (BR 960) - J. Jenkins, S. Feb 7-to House Floor Feb 6-introduced in House Adjourn the House of Representatives Brinkman, K. Bratcher, T. Burch, L. Feb 22-adopted by voice vote Feb 7-to House Floor in loving memory and honor of Harold B. Clark, R. Crimm, B. DeWeese, T. Travis. Firkins, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, C. Miller, HCR 46 (BR 1258) - B. Yonts, J. Gray HJR 52 (BR 1407) - J. Vincent, R. D. Osborne, D. Owens, S. Riggs, T. Adams Feb 6-introduced in House Riner, J. Wayne, R. Weston Urge Congress to repeal the Feb 7-to House Floor Government Pension Offset and the Direct the Transportation Cabinet to Mar 9-adopted by voice vote Honor the University of Louisville Windfall Elimination Provision. designate part of U.S. Highway 60 in the Cardinals football team, 2007 Orange city of Ashland, from the Ashland city HR 60 (BR 996) - D. Graham Bowl Champions. Feb 6-introduced in House limit to Beech Street, as the "Brandon Feb 7-to Education (H) Webb Highway," and to erect signs at Adjourn the House of Representatives Jan 5-introduced in House Feb 8-posted in committee the appropriate intervals. in loving memory and honor of the late Feb 6-to House Floor Feb 13-reported favorably, 1st Reverend Kidd Leon Moore, Jr. Feb 20-adopted by voice vote reading, to Calendar Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Feb 7-to Transportation (H) Feb 6-introduced in House HR 40 (BR 915) - A. Simpson, D. for passage in the Regular Orders of the Feb 7-to House Floor Keene, J. Draud, T. Kerr, A. Koenig, T. Day for Thursday, February 15, 2007 HCR 53 (BR 1036) - R. Meeks Mar 9-adopted by voice vote McKee, S. Santoro, A. Wuchner Feb 22-3rd reading, adopted 96-0 Feb 23-received in Senate Direct the Interim Joint Committee on HR 61 (BR 1060) - J. Richards, E. Urge Congress to accelerate the Mar 1-to Appropriations & Revenue Education to study the use of mascots, Ballard, T. Moore funding of the Brent Spence Bridge (S) symbols and flags in the public schools replacement project in Northern to determine those that are offensive to Request the Legislative Research Kentucky. HCR 47 (BR 1098) - M. Denham, J. certain groups of citizens; report findings Commission to reestablish the Comer Jr and recommendations to the Legislative Subcommittee on Veterans' Affairs. Jan 5-introduced in House Research Commission by November 1, Feb 6-to Transportation (H) Direct the Legislative Research 2007. Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 8-posted in committee Commission to require the Interim Joint Feb 7-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Committee on Agriculture and Natural Feb 6-introduced in House Public Safety (H) HR 41 (BR 1020) - M. Marzian Resources to investigate the necessity Feb 12-to Education (H) Feb 12-posted in committee of creating a State Rural Development Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st Adjourn the House of Representatives Council. HJR 54 (BR 1018) - R. Meeks, D. reading, to Calendar in honor of United States Representative Owens, T. Burch, J. Glenn, D. Graham, Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules Nancy Pelosi upon her election as the Feb 6-introduced in House C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, M. Feb 26-posted for passage in the first female in our nation's history to the Feb 9-to Agriculture & Small Business Marzian, C. Miller, A. Simpson, J. Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, office of Speaker of the House of (H) Wayne February 27, 2007 Representatives Feb 12-posted in committee Feb 27-3rd reading, adopted 98-0 Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st Direct the Transportation Cabinet to Jan 5-introduced in House; adopted reading, to Calendar designate all of Interstate 65 in Jefferson HR 62 (BR 1243) - T. McKee, M. by voice vote Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted County, from the Kentucky/Indiana state Denham, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold for passage in the Regular Orders of the line to the Jefferson County/Bullitt Jr, E. Ballard, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, L. Introduced Feb. 6, 2007 Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 County line, as the "Dr. Martin Luther Belcher, J. Bell, K. Bratcher, S. King, Jr., Memorial Highway," and to Brinkman, D. Butler, M. Cherry, L. Clark, HR 42 (BR 1271) - T. Pullin HR 48 (BR 1007) - T. Thompson erect signs at the appropriate intervals. H. Collins, L. Combs, J. Comer Jr, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. A RESOLUTION honoring the 100th Adjourn the House of Representatives Feb 6-introduced in House Damron, J. DeCesare, B. DeWeese, M. anniversary of the School of Human in loving memory and honor of Morton J. Feb 7-to Transportation (H) Dossett, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Environmental Sciences, formerly the Holbrook, Jr. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Firkins, J. College of Home Economics, at the HR 55 (BR 1051) - C. Rollins II Fischer, D. Floyd, D. Ford, J. Glenn, J. University of Kentucky. Feb 6-introduced in House; adopted Gooch Jr, D. Graham, J. Greer, K. Hall, by voice vote Adjourn the House of Representatives M. Harmon, R. Henderson, M. Henley, J. Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 7-to House Floor in loving memory and honor of Tom Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Feb 7-to House Floor Taylor, Jr. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, A. Mar 5-adopted by voice vote HR 49 (BR 1142) - S. Westrom Koenig, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly Jr, R. and representatives of parent, child Appropriations and Revenue Mobley, B. Montell, T. Moore, L. Napier, advocacy groups, and the office of the Committees by December 15, 2007. Direct the Transportation Cabinet to R. Nelson, F. Nesler, D. Osborne, D. Auditor of Public Accounts, appointed by honor the memory of Bennett Shortridge Owens, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. the Legislative Research Commission, to Feb 6-introduced in House by erecting signs in the town of Millard, Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, S. compare state adoption laws in Feb 7-to Banking and Insurance (H) in Pike County at the old bridge on Riggs, T. Riner, S. Rudy, S. Santoro, C. Kentucky to other states; require findings Kentucky Route 80/U.S. Highway 460 Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. and recommendations to be reported to HJR 72 (BR 323) - B. Spencer that read "Bennett Shortridge Memorial Smith, B. Spencer, J. Stacy, J. Stewart the Legislative Research Commission by Bridge." III, T. Thompson, J. Tilley, T. Turner, J. December 15, 2007, for referral to the Direct the Transportation Cabinet to Vincent, J. Wayne, R. Webb, R. Weston, appropriate committee; authorize the honor Colonel Larry Fuller by erecting Feb 6-introduced in House S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, A. Wuchner, B. Legislative Research Commission to signs in Pike County at the Kentucky Feb 7-to Transportation (H) Yonts alternatively assign the study to an Route 194 exits off of U.S. Highway 119 interim joint committee or subcommittee with signs that read "Colonel Larry Fuller HCR 75 (BR 1044) - R. Adkins Honor Kentucky's farmers by thereof and to designate a completion Band." recognizing February 6, 2007, as Food date. Confirm the gubernatorial appointment Checkout Day. HJR 72 - AMENDMENTS of Rebecca S. Goss to the Education Feb 6-introduced in House HCS - Delete all existing language; Professional Standards Board to Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 7-to Health and Welfare (H) replace with language directing the represent local boards of education. Feb 7-to House Floor; adopted by Legislative Research Commission to voice vote HR 68 (BR 1321) - J. DeCesare, J. establish a task force to study the Feb 6-introduced in House Richards creation of a short-line railroad Feb 13-to Education (H) HR 63 (BR 1323) - J. DeCesare revitalization program; specifies issues Feb 15-posted in committee Adjourn the House of Representatives to be addressed; sets forth task force Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st Recognize and honor Lisa Hussung in loving memory and honor of Miss members; requires task force to meet reading, to Calendar for being named the Kentucky Abby Ellen Cummings. monthly starting July, 2007; requires Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Elementary School Music Teacher of the task force to report findings and for passage in the Regular Orders of the Year. Feb 6-introduced in House recommendations by December 31, Day for Thursday, February 22, 2007 Feb 7-to House Floor 2007, at which time the task force will Feb 23-3rd reading, adopted 96-0 Feb 6-introduced in House Mar 6-adopted by voice vote cease to exist. Feb 26-received in Senate Feb 7-to House Floor HCA (1/Title, H. Collins) - Make title Feb 28-to Education (S) Mar 2-adopted by voice vote HR 69 (BR 1320) - J. DeCesare, J. amendment. Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, Richards to Consent Calendar HR 64 (BR 1242) - R. Crimm, A. Feb 6-introduced in House Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules Wuchner, S. Baugh, K. Bratcher, S. Adjourn the House of Representatives Feb 7-to Transportation (H) Mar 5-posted for passage in the Brinkman, D. Butler, J. Comer Jr, T. in loving memory and honor of Logan Feb 26-posted in committee Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, Couch, J. DeCesare, M. Dedman Jr, B. Thomas Byard. Feb 27-posting waived retroactively; March 5, 2007; 3rd reading, adopted 37- DeWeese, M. Dossett, J. Draud, J. reported favorably, 1st reading, to 0 Fischer, D. Floyd, D. Ford, M. Harmon, Feb 6-introduced in House Calendar with Committee Substitute, Mar 6-received in House; enrolled, M. Henley, J. Higdon, J. Hoover, T. Kerr, Feb 7-to House Floor committee amendment (1-title) signed by each presiding officer; A. Koenig, S. Lee, R. Mobley, B. Montell, Mar 7-adopted by voice vote Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted delivered to Governor T. Moore, L. Napier, D. Osborne, M. for passage in the Regular Orders of the Mar 16- signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Rader, S. Rudy, C. Siler, D. Sims, J. HCR 70 (BR 1100) - J. Glenn Day for Thursday, March 1, 2007 3) Stewart III, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Mar 6-3rd reading, adopted 77-23 with Vincent Direct the Legislative Research Committee Substitute, committee HCR 76 (BR 1209) - R. Adkins, C. Commission staff to study county amendment (1-title) Embry Jr Recognize February 6, 2007, as emergency dispatch call center funding; Mar 7-received in Senate "Ronald Reagan Day" in the investigate causes and factors Mar 8-to Transportation (S); taken Direct the Program Review and Commonwealth of Kentucky. contributing to the decline of funding from committee; 1st reading; returned to Investigations Committee to study the levels; require study to be conducted Transportation (S) investigative report entitled "Allegations Feb 6-introduced in House; adopted over the 2007 legislative interim; require Mar 9-taken from committee; 2nd of misconduct by certain employees of by voice vote study to include the Commonwealth's reading; returned to Transportation (S) the Department for Community Based Feb 7-to House Floor major metropolitan areas and a Mar 12-reported favorably, to Rules as Services' Lincoln Trail Region related to representative sample of non- a Consent Bill; posted for passage in the the removal of children and/or the HR 65 (BR 1365) - R. Meeks, J. metropolitan counties; require study to Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, termination of parental rights based on Crenshaw estimate the magnitude of the decline in March 12, 2007 alleged abuse, neglect, or dependency," funding levels for emergency dispatch Mar 26-3rd reading, adopted 36-1; based on the investigation conducted by Recognize and honor Kentucky State centers among major metropolitan areas received in House; enrolled, signed by the Cabinet for Health and Family University on the assistance it has and across the Commonwealth; require each presiding officer; delivered to Services, Office of the Inspector provided the people of Darfur. study to survey available options for Governor General; report findings and replacing or supplementing lost land line Apr 5-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. recommendations to the Legislative Feb 6-introduced in House fees, including those adopted in other 118) Research Commission by November Feb 7-to House Floor states, and for ensuring adequate 30,2006. funding levels for emergency dispatch HR 73 (BR 1094) - K. Hall HJR 66 (BR 1228) - J. Gray call centers; require study results to be Feb 6-introduced in House reported to the Legislative Research Request of the Department of Fish Feb 13-to Health & Welfare (H) Direct the Transportation Cabinet to Commission by December 1, 2007; and Wildlife resources a report on the honor Jesse R. Green by erecting signs authorize the Legislative Research Telecheck system used by the Introduced Feb. 7, 2007 in Marshall County at the entrance to Commission to contract with Department of Fish and Wildlife Marshall County Technical Center on nongovernmental consultants to conduct Resources, and request that HJR 77 (BR 1324) - J. DeCesare U.S. Highway 641 and in front of the study, and to designate a study specifications be developed for legal Marshall County Technical Center on completion date; require that consultants handgun use when taking deer and Honor the American economist Milton U.S. Highway 68 that read "Home of have full cooperation of the Executive other large game. Friedman and establish Milton Friedman Jesse R. Green SkillsUSA Kentucky Branch and the Legislative Branch. Day in Kentucky as January 29, 2008. State Welding Champion." Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 7-to Natural Resources and HJR 77 - AMENDMENTS Feb 6-introduced in House Feb 13-to Local Government (H) Environment (H) HFA (1/Title, J. DeCesare) - Make title Feb 7-to Transportation (H) Feb 12-posted in committee amendment. HCR 71 (BR 1293) - T. Burch, S. Baugh Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st HCR 67 (BR 319) - J. Gray reading, to Calendar Feb 7-introduced in House Require the Legislative Research Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 12-to State Government (H) Direct the Legislative Research Commission to conduct a study of a Feb 22-posted for passage in the Feb 13-floor amendment (1-title) filed Commission to establish a task force single-payor health insurance system for Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, composed of sixteen members from the Kentucky; require the results of the study February 23, 2007 HR 78 (BR 1059) - T. McKee, D. Sims, General Assembly, and representing to be transmitted to the Health and R. Adams, R. Adkins, S. Baugh, J. Bell, executive agencies, attorneys, judges, Welfare, Banking and Insurance, and HJR 74 (BR 1200) - K. Hall D. Butler, J. Comer Jr, M. Dedman Jr, C. Henley, T. McKee, J. Richards, A. Smith, Pullin Embry Jr, D. Ford, J. Gooch Jr, J. Greer, J. Stacy HCR 88 (BR 1201) - T. Burch, D. Floyd R. Henderson, C. Hoffman, B. Montell, Adjourn the House of Representatives L. Napier, F. Nesler, D. Osborne, D. Direct the Transportation Cabinet to Create a legislative task force on the in loving memory and honor of Specialist Pasley, M. Rader, R. Rand, J. Stacy, J. erect a statue of former Governor Bert T. death penalty; require the task force to Timothy Adam Fulkerson. Stewart III, J. Tilley, J. Vincent, R. Combs on state property near KY Route study all aspects of the death penalty as Wilkey 213 in the community of Stanton. currently administered in the Feb 8-introduced in House Commonwealth; specify membership; Feb 9-to House Floor Reauthorize the Tobacco Task Force HJR 84 - AMENDMENTS require recommendations to the Mar 1-adopted by voice vote to help resolve the problems facing the HCA (1/Title, H. Collins) - Make title Legislative Research Commission by tobacco industry in the state. amendment. December 31, 2007. HR 96 (BR 1170) - A. Simpson SCS - Retain original provisions; Feb 7-introduced in House name a bridge on KY 80 in Floyd County Feb 7-introduced in House Adjourning the House of Feb 8-to House Floor; adopted by the "Denzil 'Hoss' Halbert Memorial Feb 8-to Judiciary (H) Representatives in honor of Lance voice vote Bridge." Feb 14-posted in committee Corporal Justin D. Sims. SCA (1/Title, B. Guthrie) - Make title HCR 79/FN (BR 1207) - D. Sims, J. amendment HR 89 (BR 1176) - J. Gooch Jr, T. Pullin Feb 8-introduced in House Jenkins, M. Marzian Feb 9-to House Floor Feb 7-introduced in House Adjourn the House of Representatives Mar 1-adopted by voice vote Direct the legislative research Feb 8-to Transportation (H) in honor of Private First Class Robert J. commission to conduct a study of the Feb 15-posted in committee Settle. HR 97 (BR 1159) - L. Belcher feasibility of establishing a system of Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st universal health insurance coverage that reading, to Calendar with committee Feb 7-introduced in House Adjourn the House of Representatives provides access to affordable, high- amendment (1-title) Feb 8-to House Floor in loving memory and honor of Lance quality health care for all residents of the Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 27-adopted by voice vote Corporal Thomas P. Echols. Commonwealth; require results to be Feb 26-posted for passage in the transmitted to the appropriate Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, HR 90 (BR 1367) - J. Jenkins, R. Crimm, Feb 8-introduced in House committees by November 1, 2007. February 27, 2007 T. Burch, L. Clark, T. Firkins, D. Feb 9-to House Floor Feb 27-3rd reading, adopted 98-0 with Horlander, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, C. Mar 1-adopted by voice vote Feb 7-introduced in House committee amendment (1-title) Miller, D. Owens, S. Riggs, R. Weston Feb 12-to Banking & Insurance (H) Feb 28-received in Senate HR 98 (BR 1172) - J. Tilley Feb 16-posted in committee Mar 2-to Transportation (S) Urge United States Senator Mitch Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st McConnell and United States Adjourn the House of Representatives reading, to Calendar reading; returned to Transportation (S) Representative John Yarmuth to obtain in honor of Corporal Windell J. Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd additional funding for the Louisville Simmons. Feb 26-posted for passage in the reading; returned to Transportation (S) Bridges project. Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, Mar 7-reported favorably, to Rules Feb 8-introduced in House February 27, 2007 with Committee Substitute, committee Feb 7-introduced in House Feb 9-to House Floor amendment (1-title) Feb 8-to Transportation (H) Mar 1-adopted by voice vote HR 80 (BR 1565) - M. Henley Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, HR 91 (BR 1326) - R. Damron HR 99 (BR 1180) - Ji. Lee Urge citizens to observe "Spay Day March 8; 3rd reading, adopted 36-0 with USA" by having their dogs and cats Committee Substitute, committee Adjourn the House of Representatives Adjourn the House of Representatives spayed and neutered, and by amendment (1-title) in loving memory and honor of Neal in honor of Private First Class contributing to organizations that provide Mar 9-received in House; posted for Christian Floyd. Christopher N. White. spay/neuter services. passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute, committee Feb 7-introduced in House; adopted Feb 8-introduced in House Feb 7-introduced in House amendment (1-title) by voice vote Feb 9-to House Floor Feb 8-to House Floor Mar 12-House concurred in Senate Mar 6-adopted by voice vote Feb 9-adopted by voice vote Committee Substitute, committee HR 92 (BR 1156) - A. Wuchner, T. Pullin amendment (1-title) ; adopted 99-0; HR 100 (BR 1376) - R. Adkins, J. Stacy HR 81 (BR 406) - J. Jenkins enrolled, signed by each presiding Adjourn the House of Representatives officer; delivered to Governor in loving memory and honor of Corporal Salute Morehead State Public Radio, Urge the U.S. Congress to pass H.R. Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Christopher Tyler Warndorf. a 2006 recipient of one of the Governor's 676, the United States National Health 57) Awards in the Arts. Insurance Act, that was introduced in the Feb 7-introduced in House House of Representatives for the 110th HR 85 (BR 1546) - J. Vincent, R. Adkins, Feb 8-to House Floor Feb 8-introduced in House Congress. T. Pullin, R. Webb Mar 1-adopted by voice vote Feb 9-to House Floor</p><p>Feb 7-introduced in House; adopted Adjourn the House of Representatives HR 93 (BR 1322) - J. DeCesare, J. HR 101 (BR 1177) - R. Henderson by voice vote in memory of Private First Class Scott A. Richards, T. Pullin Messer. Adjourn the House of Representative HR 82 (BR 1169) - J. Bell, T. Pullin Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Staff Sergeant Garth D. Feb 7-introduced in House in loving memory and honor of Staff Sizemore. Adjourning the House of Feb 8-to House Floor Sergeant Santiago M. Halsel. Representatives in honor of Specialist Feb 27-adopted by voice vote Feb 8-introduced in House James W. Gardner. Feb 7-introduced in House Feb 9-to House Floor HR 86 (BR 1568) - R. Damron Feb 8-to House Floor Mar 1-adopted by voice vote Feb 7-introduced in House Feb 27-adopted by voice vote Feb 8-to House Floor Adjourn the House in loving memory HR 102 (BR 1545) - C. Siler, T. Pullin Feb 27-adopted by voice vote and honor of Hugh C. "Buddy" Adams, HR 94 (BR 1154) - J. DeCesare, J. Jr. Richards, T. Pullin Adjourn the House of Representatives HR 83 (BR 1178) - L. Napier, T. Pullin in loving memory and honor of Sergeant Feb 7-introduced in House; adopted Adjourn the House of Representatives First Class Lance S. Cornett. Adjourn the House of Representatives by voice vote in loving memory and honor of Staff in honor of Private First Class Theodore Sergeant Brock A. Beery. Feb 8-introduced in House M. West. HR 87 (BR 1179) - C. Embry Jr, T. Pullin Feb 9-to House Floor Feb 7-introduced in House Mar 1-adopted by voice vote Feb 7-introduced in House Adjourn the House of Representative Feb 8-to House Floor Feb 8-to House Floor in honor of Staff Sergeant Thomas W. Mar 1-adopted by voice vote HR 103 (BR 1174) - J. Crenshaw, T. Feb 27-adopted by voice vote Clemons. Pullin Introduced Feb. 8, 2007 HJR 84 (BR 1482) - R. Henderson, R. Feb 7-introduced in House Adjourn the House of Representatives Adkins, L. Clark, L. Combs, T. Couch, R. Feb 8-to House Floor HR 95 (BR 1157) - T. Thompson, T. in honor of Sergeant Robert W. Ehney. Damron, T. Edmonds, J. Greer, M. Mar 1-adopted by voice vote Feb 8-introduced in House Urge the United States Congress to Delegation to encourage reauthorization; Government (S) Feb 9-to House Floor amend Title II of the Social Security Act urge all components of Kentucky's Mar 7-reported favorably, to Rules as Feb 27-adopted by voice vote to repeal the Government Offset and government to work with public and a Consent Bill Windfall Elimination Provisions. private entities to ensure health benefits Mar 8-posted for passage in the HR 104 (BR 1158) - L. Combs, K. Hall, are available to Kentucky's uninsured Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, A. Smith Feb 8-introduced in House children; encourage the Cabinet for March 8; 3rd reading, adopted 38-0 Feb 12-to Education (H) Health and Family Services to provide Mar 9-received in House; enrolled, Adjourn the House of Representatives assistance to help identify and enroll signed by each presiding officer; in loving memory and honor of Lance HR 111 (BR 1161) - M. Denham, T. children into Medicaid and the Kentucky delivered to Governor Corporal Jonathan Brett Thornsberry. Pullin Children's Health Insurance Program; Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. and direct a copy of this Resolution be 44) Feb 8-introduced in House Adjourn the House of Representatives transmitted to the President of the Feb 9-to House Floor in loving memory and honor of Sergeant United States, the Kentucky Introduced Feb. 12, 2007 Mar 1-adopted by voice vote John Edward Cooper. Congressional Delegation, the Governor of Kentucky, and the secretary of the HR 121 (BR 1928) - R. Palumbo HR 105 (BR 1175) - M. Dedman Jr, T. Feb 8-introduced in House Cabinet for Health and Family Services. Pullin Feb 9-to House Floor Proclaim February 12, 2007, as Mar 1-adopted by voice vote Feb 9-introduced in House Kentucky Association of Manufacturers Adjourn the House of Representatives Feb 13-to Health & Welfare (H) Day in Kentucky. in honor of Sergeant First Class Charles HR 112 (BR 1571) - K. Stein, R. Feb 14-posted in committee J. Jones. Palumbo Feb 12-introduced in House; adopted HJR 118 (BR 1645) - D. Owens, R. by voice vote Feb 8-introduced in House Adjourn the House of Representatives Crimm Feb 9-to House Floor in loving memory and honor of Joy HCR 122 (BR 1751) - M. Marzian, K. Mar 1-adopted by voice vote Edwards Hembree. Declare the third week in October Stein "Conflict Resolution Week in Kentucky"; HR 106 (BR 1173) - R. Weston, T. Pullin Feb 8-introduced in House direct the Governor to issue notice of Urge Congress to repeal the creation Feb 9-to House Floor this week annually and encourage of a national identification card under the Adjourn the House of Representative Feb 20-adopted by voice vote participation. REAL ID Act of 2005. in honor of Captain Adam L. Adamkavicius. HR 113 (BR 1570) - K. Stein, R. Feb 9-introduced in House Feb 12-introduced in House Palumbo Feb 12-to State Government (H) Feb 14-to Transportation (H) Feb 8-introduced in House Feb 13-posted in committee Feb 15-posted in committee Feb 9-to House Floor Adjourn the House of Representatives Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st Feb 20-reported favorably, 1st Feb 27-adopted by voice vote in loving memory and honor of Dr. reading, to Calendar reading, to Calendar Raymond Frederick Betts. Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 21-2nd reading, to Rules HCR 107 (BR 353) - T. Pullin Feb 22-posted for passage in the Feb 27-posted for passage in the Feb 8-introduced in House Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, Regular Orders of the Day for Declare the area of General Assembly Feb 9-to House Floor February 23, 2007 Wednesday, February 28, 2007 committee rooms used for the seating of Feb 20-adopted by voice vote legislators to be off-limits for the duration HJR 119 (BR 1585) - M. Cherry HR 123 (BR 1843) - A. Wuchner, S. of a committee meeting for all persons HR 114 (BR 1572) - K. Stein, R. Santoro who are not legislators or staff unless a Palumbo Direct the Transportation Cabinet specific person or persons are invited by name the Danville/ U.S. 127 Bypass in Recognize the third Saturday in May a legislator into the restricted area; urge Adjourn the House of Representatives the city of Danville, from Harrodsburg as Friedreich's Ataxia Awareness Day. chairs of standing committees in each in loving memory and honor of John A. Road to Stanford Road, in honor of John chamber, after calling a meeting to Bell III. W.D. Bowling; direct the Cabinet to erect Feb 12-introduced in House order, to remind the audience about this signs at the appropriate intervals that Feb 13-to State Government (H) restriction for the duration of the Feb 8-introduced in House read "John W.D. Bowling Bypass." Feb 20-posted in committee meeting. Feb 9-to House Floor Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st Feb 20-adopted by voice vote Feb 9-introduced in House reading, to Calendar Feb 8-introduced in House Feb 12-to Transportation (H) Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 13-to State Government (H) HR 115 (BR 1589) - J. Tilley, M. Dossett Mar 1-posted for passage in the Feb 20-posted in committee HCR 120 (BR 1300) - J. Wayne, J. Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st Adjourn the House of Representatives Jenkins, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, L. March 2, 2007 reading, to Calendar in loving memory and honor of Glenn A. Clark, R. Crimm, B. DeWeese, T. Mar 5-3rd reading, adopted 100-0 Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules "Skippy" Wade. Firkins, D. Horlander, M. Marzian, C. Mar 1-posted for passage in the Miller, T. Moore, D. Owens, R. Palumbo, HR 124 (BR 1700) - J. Comer Jr Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, Feb 8-introduced in House S. Riggs, T. Riner, R. Weston March 2, 2007 Feb 9-to House Floor Honor and commend Dr. Lawrence P. Commemorate the 100th anniversary Emberton. HR 108 (BR 1160) - J. Greer, D. Butler, HJR 116 (BR 1541) - L. Combs, K. Hall of the United Parcel Service, Inc.; T. Pullin recognize and celebrate the economic Feb 12-introduced in House Direct the Transportation Cabinet to and philanthropic contributions made by Feb 13-to House Floor Adjourn the House of Representatives name the bridge on the new U.S. the United Parcel Service, Inc. to the Feb 23-adopted by voice vote in loving memory and honor of Major Highway 119 currently under people of the Commonwealth. Michael Lewis Mundell. construction, in memory of PFC Ottis HR 125 (BR 1573) - K. Hall, T. Edmonds Reed, and erect signs on both sides of Feb 9-introduced in House Feb 8-introduced in House the bridge that read "Private Ottis Reed Feb 13-to Economic Development (H) Urge the United States Congress to Feb 9-to House Floor Memorial Bridge." Feb 14-posting waived pass, and the President of the United Mar 1-adopted by voice vote Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st States to sign, legislation to improve the Feb 8-introduced in House reading, to Calendar Medicare prescription drug benefit HR 109 (BR 1171) - M. Dedman Jr, T. Feb 9-to Transportation (H) Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules program by administering the program Pullin Feb 21-posted for passage in the directly through Medicare, closing the Introduced Feb. 9, 2007 Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, gap in coverage, repealing the ban on Adjourning the House of February 22, 2007 Medicare negotiating lower drug prices, Representatives in honor of Master HCR 117 (BR 1655) - S. Westrom Feb 22-3rd reading, adopted 99--0 making the program easier to Sergeant Clinton Wayne Cubert. Feb 23-received in Senate understand, and improving the low- Urge the United States Congress to Mar 1-to State & Local Government income subsidy; direct that a copy of this Feb 8-introduced in House reauthorize the State Children's Health (S) Resolution be submitted to the President Feb 9-to House Floor Insurance Program; urge the Governor Mar 5-taken from committee; 1st and to the Kentucky Congressional Mar 1-adopted by voice vote of Kentucky and the secretary of the reading; returned to State & Local Delegation. Cabinet for Health and Family Services Government (S) HCR 110 (BR 1473) - L. Belcher to work with the Kentucky Congressional Mar 6-taken from committee; 2nd Feb 12-introduced in House reading; returned to State & Local Feb 13-to House Floor Feb 14-to Natural Resources & Environment (H) Feb 14-introduced in House Feb 14-introduced in House HCR 126 (BR 1792) - C. Hoffman, K. Feb 21-posting waived Feb 15-to House Floor Feb 15-to Tourism Development & Hall, L. Combs, M. Rader Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, Mar 12-adopted by voice vote Energy (H) to Calendar Feb 20-posted in committee Recognize ConnectKentucky as the Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules HR 135 (BR 1552) - R. Damron, C. Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st Commonwealth's telecommunications Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations Belcher reading, to Calendar and information technology resource. & Revenue (H) Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Declare February 20, 2007, as Feb 28-posted for passage in the Feb 12-introduced in House HCR 131 (BR 1903) - R. Webb Kentucky Hospice Day. Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Feb 13-to Tourism Development & March 1, 2007 Energy (H) Create an E-scrap Task Force to be Feb 14-introduced in House Feb 14-posting waived composed of 15 members to study ways Feb 15-to House Floor HR 140 (BR 1980) - J. Jenkins, D. Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st to increase recycling of electronic waste; Feb 20-adopted by voice vote Owens, T. Burch, L. Clark, T. Firkins, D. reading, to Calendar report findings and recommendations to Horlander, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, C. Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules the Legislative Research Commission by HR 136 (BR 1646) - D. Owens, R. Miller, S. Riggs, R. Weston Feb 26-posted for passage in the December 1, 2007. Meeks Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, Urge United States Senator Mitch February 27, 2007 Feb 13-introduced in House Encourage equal representation for McConnell and United States Feb 27-3rd reading, adopted 98-0 Feb 14-to Natural Resources & residents of the District of Columbia and Representative John Yarmuth to obtain Feb 28-received in Senate Environment (H) the right of residents to elect additional funding for the Louisville Mar 2-to Agriculture & Natural Feb 27-posted in committee representatives to Congress who have Bridges project; direct the Clerk of the Resources (S) Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, equal status with other members of House of Representatives to forward a Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar Congress; transmit copies of Resolution copy of this resolution to Senator Mitch to Consent Calendar Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules to the Kentucky congressional McConnell and Representative John Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations delegation. Yarmuth at their offices in Washington, & Revenue (H) D.C. HCR 127 (BR 1641) - T. McKee, L. Feb 14-introduced in House Clark HR 132 (BR 1791) - T. Couch, R. Feb 15-to House Floor Feb 14-introduced in House Adams, R. Adkins, E. Ballard, S. Baugh, Feb 15-to House Floor Direct the Legislative Research C. Belcher, L. Belcher, J. Bell, K. HJR 137 (BR 1218) - S. Westrom, C. Feb 16-adopted by voice vote Commission to study how workers who Bratcher, S. Brinkman, T. Burch, D. Embry Jr are not citizens of the U.S. affect Butler, M. Cherry, L. Clark, H. Collins, L. HCR 141 (BR 1856) - T. Pullin, J. Kentucky's labor market and how the Combs, J. Comer Jr, J. Crenshaw, R. Direct the Cabinet for Health and Crenshaw, L. Belcher, D. Floyd, D. Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Crimm, R. Damron, J. DeCesare, M. Family Services to provide resources Keene, D. Pasley, M. Rader Development/Kentucky Department of Dedman Jr, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, and staff to the Office of the Agriculture office in Guadalajara could M. Dossett, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, B. Ombudsman to track and report on Urge awareness of Crohn's disease be utilized to address the issue of labor Farmer, T. Firkins, J. Fischer, D. Floyd, trends in the receipt, review, and and the special access needs of those shortages in Kentucky. D. Ford, J. Glenn, D. Graham, J. Gray, resolution of citizen complaints about living with the condition. J. Greer, K. Hall, M. Harmon, R. child protection programs and services. Feb 12-introduced in House Henderson, M. Henley, J. Higdon, C. Feb 14-introduced in House Feb 13-to Agriculture & Small Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Feb 14-introduced in House Feb 15-to Education (H) Business (H); posting waived Jenkins, D. Keene, T. Kerr, A. Koenig, S. Feb 15-to Health & Welfare (H) Feb 20-reassigned to State Feb 14-reported favorably, 1st Lee, Ji. Lee, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Feb 22-posted in committee; posting Government (H) reading, to Calendar Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly Jr, R. waived Feb 21-posting waived Feb 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Mobley, B. Montell, T. Moore, L. Napier, Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st for passage in the Regular Orders of the R. Nelson, F. Nesler, D. Osborne, D. reading, to Calendar reading, to Calendar Day for Friday, February 16, 2007 Owens, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules Feb 22-3rd reading, adopted 99-0 Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, J. Richards, Feb 28-posted for passage in the Feb 28-posted for passage in the Feb 23-received in Senate S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Rollins II, S. Rudy, Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Mar 1-to Economic Development, S. Santoro, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. March 1, 2007 March 1, 2007 Tourism & Labor (S) Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, B. Spencer, J. Mar 1-3rd reading, adopted 98-0 Mar 1-3rd reading, adopted 91-0 Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart III, T. Mar 2-received in Senate Mar 2-received in Senate HR 128 (BR 1966) - C. Rollins II Thompson, J. Tilley, T. Turner, J. Mar 5-to Appropriations & Revenue Mar 5-to Health & Welfare (S) Vincent, D. Watkins, R. Weston, S. (S) Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, Adjourn the House of Representatives Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts Mar 6-taken from committee; 1st to Consent Calendar in honor of Ronnie Dunn, upon her reading; reassigned to Health & Welfare Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules election as International President of Honor Kentucky Vehicle Enforcement (S) Mar 9-posted for passage in the Optimist International. Officer Landry Collett for receiving both Mar 7-reported favorably, 2nd reading, Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, state and national accolades in the to Rules as a Consent Bill March 9, 2007; 3rd reading, adopted 38- Feb 12-introduced in House apprehension of impaired drivers. Mar 12-posted for passage in the 0; received in House Feb 13-to House Floor Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each Feb 14-adopted by voice vote Feb 13-introduced in House March 12; 3rd reading, passed 37-0; presiding officer; delivered to Governor Feb 14-to House Floor received in House; enrolled, signed by Mar 19-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Introduced Feb. 13, 2007 Feb 28-adopted by voice vote each presiding officer; delivered to 21) Governor HR 129 (BR 1692) - R. Wilkey HR 133 (BR 1963) - C. Hoffman Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Introduced Feb. 15, 2007 61) Adjourn the House of Representatives Urge collaborative community HJR 142 (BR 1919) - L. Belcher, J. in commemoration of the 2007 Career endeavors between the Department of HR 138 (BR 1989) - J. Jenkins Higdon and Technical Education Month. Agriculture, the Department of Education, and the Bluegrass Adjourn the House of Representatives Direct the Transportation Cabinet to Feb 13-introduced in House Community and Technical College. in honor of Angela Lynn Akridge on the consult with the Kentucky Historical Feb 14-to House Floor occasion of being named 2006 Young Society regarding the location and Feb 13-introduced in House Engineer of the Year by the National placement of signs on the John Hunt HJR 130 (BR 1904) - R. Webb Feb 14-to House Floor Society of Professional Engineers. Morgan Heritage Trail and erect signs at the appropriate intervals. Direct the Environmental and Public Introduced Feb. 14, 2007 Feb 14-introduced in House; adopted Protection Cabinet to promulgate by voice vote Feb 15-introduced in House administrative regulations for emergency HR 134 (BR 1839) - C. Rollins II Feb 16-to Transportation (H) action plans for high or significant HCR 139 (BR 1866) - J. Bell, R. Wilkey hazard impoundment dams. Adjourn the House of Representatives HR 143 (BR 1968) - R. Damron in loving memory and honor of Edith Urge Corps of Engineers to increase Feb 13-introduced in House Perlman. the depth of Barren River Lake during Adjourn the House of Representatives the winter pool. in loving memory and honor of Sammy HR 149 (BR 1984) - K. Stein voice vote E. Corman. Introduced Feb. 20, 2007 Honor the University of Kentucky HCR 159 (BR 1667) - J. Greer, K. Stein, Feb 15-introduced in House; adopted Wildcats football team, 2006 Music City HCR 154 (BR 1964) - R. Adkins R. Adams, F. Rasche, J. Vincent by voice vote Bowl Champions. Confirm the gubernatorial appointment Direct the Interim Joint Committee on HJR 144 (BR 1921) - S. Brinkman, M. Feb 15-introduced in House of Eugene Jeffrey Mosley to the Judiciary to study how school districts Rader Feb 16-to House Floor; adopted by Governor's Postsecondary Education can most effectively conduct criminal voice vote Nominating Committee. background checks on school Direct the Cabinet for Health and employees and volunteers. Family Services to appoint an autism Introduced Feb. 16, 2007 Feb 20-introduced in House spectrum disorders work group to Feb 21-to Education (H) HCR 159 - AMENDMENTS determine methods of implementing the HR 150 (BR 1678) - D. Sims Feb 22-posted in committee HFA (1, J. Greer) - Amend to delete recommendations of the "Report of the Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st reference to committee staff choosing Kentucky Commission on Autism Urge the commissioner of the reading, to Calendar members of study group and to correct Spectrum Disorders"; require the work Department of Fish and Wildlife Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted reference to Cabinet for Health and group to report to the Interim Joint Resources to study increasing the deer for passage in the Regular Orders of the Family Services. Committee on Health and Welfare for hunting season by two weeks. Day for Thursday, March 1, 2007 the review and discussion of proposed Mar 1-3rd reading, adopted 95-0 Feb 20-introduced in House legislation. Feb 16-introduced in House Mar 2-received in Senate Feb 21-to Judiciary (H) Feb 20-to House Floor Mar 5-to Education (S) Feb 23-posted in committee Feb 15-introduced in House Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, Feb 28-reported favorably, 1st Feb 16-to Health & Welfare (H) HCR 151 (BR 1289) - D. Graham, B. to Consent Calendar reading, to Calendar Feb 22-posted in committee; posting DeWeese Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules; floor waived for passage in the Consent Orders of the amendment (1) filed Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st Direct the Legislative Research Day for Friday, March 9, 2007; 3rd Mar 5-placed in the Orders of the Day reading, to Calendar Commission to create the Vest-Lindsay reading, adopted 38-0; received in Mar 6-3rd reading, adopted 100-0 with Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules House Preservation Task Force to study House floor amendment (1) Mar 1-posted for passage in the the issues associated with the long-term Mar 12-enrolled, signed by each Mar 7-received in Senate Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, use and preservation of the Vest- presiding officer; delivered to Governor Mar 8-to Judiciary (S) March 2, 2007 Lindsay House and gather information Mar 21-signed by Governor (Acts Ch. and make recommendations to the 66) HCR 160 (BR 1804) - J. Stacy, J. Gooch HJR 145 (BR 1933) - S. Lee General Assembly; set membership of Jr, K. Hall the task force; require meeting upon the HCR 155 (BR 1824) - J. Wayne Declaring KRS 610.320, 620.340, and call of the co-chairs; require the final Direct the Kentucky Division of Water 610.345 be known as Ryan's Law. report of the task force to be submitted Direct the staff of the Legislative to create a Save Our Streams Task to the Legislative Research Commission Research Commission to study the Force. Feb 15-introduced in House before September 1, 2008. suitability of using public broadcast legal Feb 21-to Judiciary (H) notices to meet advertising requirements HCR 160 - AMENDMENTS HCR 151 - AMENDMENTS in KRS Chapter 424; require study to be HCS - Retain original provisions of HR 146 (BR 442) - R. Weston, L. Clark, HFA (1, D. Graham) - Increase the concluded by October 1, 2007, and HCR 160; change the name of the task K. Bratcher, T. Burch, R. Crimm, T. membership on the task force to 15 reported to the Legislative Research force from Save Our Streams Task Firkins, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian, C. Miller, members and specify that those two Commission. Force to Waterways Alliance Task S. Riggs, J. Wayne additional members consist of a Force; delete Kentucky Waterways representative of the Kentucky Historical Feb 20-introduced in House Alliance from membership of the task Commend LG&E, KU, and E.ON U.S. Society and a representative of the Ida Feb 22-to Local Government (H) force and add Kentucky Farm Bureau, for their commitment to the FutureGen Lee Willis Memorial Foundation. Feb 23-posted in committee Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, project and the future of clean coal in Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st Alliance of Kentucky Coal, and Kentucky Kentucky. Feb 16-introduced in House reading, to Calendar Oil and Gas Association. Feb 20-to State Government (H) Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules HCA (1/Title, J. Gooch Jr) - Make title Feb 15-introduced in House Feb 21-posting waived Mar 1-posted for passage in the amendment. Feb 16-to House Floor Feb 22-reported favorably, 1st Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, HFA (1, R. Meeks) - Remove Mar 1-adopted by voice vote reading, to Calendar March 2, 2007 Kentucky Farm Bureau from the Feb 23-2nd reading, to Rules membership and include a member of HR 147 (BR 1981) - C. Belcher Mar 1-posted for passage in the HR 156 (BR 2002) - C. Hoffman Kentuckians for the Commonwealth and Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, the Kentucky Waterways Alliance. Adjourn the House of Representative March 2, 2007 Urge collaborative community in honor of Sergeant Phillip D. McNeill. Mar 5-floor amendment (1) filed endeavors between the Department of Feb 20-introduced in House Mar 6-3rd reading, adopted 98-0 with Agriculture, the Department of Feb 21-to Natural Resources & Feb 15-introduced in House floor amendment (1) Education, and the Kentucky Community Environment (H) Feb 16-to House Floor Mar 7-received in Senate and Technical College System. Feb 23-posting waived; posted in Mar 1-adopted by voice vote Mar 8-to Appropriations & Revenue committee (S) Feb 20-introduced in House Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, HCR 148 (BR 1832) - M. Denham, T. Feb 21-to House Floor to Calendar with Committee Substitute, McKee, R. Adams, J. Bell, M. Dedman HR 152 (BR 1957) - R. Webb Mar 8-adopted by voice vote committee amendment (1-title) Jr, J. Gooch Jr, B. Montell, S. Rudy, J. Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules; floor Stewart III, T. Turner, S. Westrom, R. Urge the Office of Career and HR 157 (BR 2003) - C. Hoffman, R. amendment (1) filed to Committee Wilkey Technical Education, Department of Meeks Substitute Workforce Investment to fully pay all Mar 5-recommitted to Natural Encourage the Department of certified or equivalent employees an Designate March 10, 2007, as "Harriet Resources & Environment (H) Agriculture to promulgate regulations annual increment as required by KRS Tubman Day" in the Commonwealth of allowing equine health certificates and 151B.035. Kentucky. HR 161 (BR 1960) - M. Dedman Jr permits to coincide. Feb 16-introduced in House Feb 20-introduced in House Honor the Mercer County Titans Feb 15-introduced in House Feb 20-to House Floor Feb 21-to House Floor Football team, 2006 KHSAA Class 2A Feb 16-to Agriculture & Small Champions. Business (H) HR 153 (BR 1998) - J. Stacy, R. Adkins HR 158 (BR 2000) - R. Damron Feb 20-posting waived Feb 20-introduced in House Feb 21-reported favorably, 1st Adjourn the House of Representatives Adjourn the House of Representatives Feb 21-to House Floor reading, to Calendar in honor of Alice Weaver, Kentucky's in loving memory and honor of Sherman Feb 22-2nd reading, to Rules 2007 Junior Miss. Dean, Jr. HR 162 (BR 1959) - M. Dedman Jr Feb 28-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, Feb 16-introduced in House Feb 20-introduced in House Honor the Mercer County HS March 1, 2007 Feb 20-to House Floor Feb 21-to House Floor; adopted by Marching Band, 2006 KMEA Class AA Champions. Stein, J. Wayne, R. Weston, B. Yonts HR 183 (BR 2056) - R. Adkins Feb 20-introduced in House Feb 28-introduced in House Feb 21-to House Floor Urge the United States Congress to Mar 2-to House Floor Adjourn the House of Representatives enact the Employee Free Choice Act. in loving memory and honor of William HCR 163 (BR 1857) - A. Wuchner, R. HR 178 (BR 2017) - D. Pasley C. "Bill" Lane. Webb Feb 23-introduced in House Feb 26-to House Floor; adopted by Adjourn the House of Representatives Mar 1-introduced in House Urge Congress and the Food and voice vote in honor of Don Rose, recipient of the Mar 2-to House Floor Drug Administration to require that meat, 2006 AARP Andrus Award for Mar 9-adopted by voice vote milk, and other food products derived Introduced Feb. 26, 2007 Community Service for Kentucky. from cloned animals be labeled as Introduced Mar. 2, 2007 "cloned." HR 170 (BR 2032) - R. Palumbo Feb 28-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote HR 184 (BR 2063) - D. Pasley Feb 20-introduced in House Adjourn the House of Representatives Feb 22-to Health & Welfare (H); in honor of Sanford T. Roach. HR 179 (BR 2053) - M. Dedman Jr Adjourn the House of Representatives posting waived; posted in committee in loving memory and honor of Homer Feb 26-introduced in House; adopted Recognize Harrodsburg as the home Ledford, a Kentucky legend. HCR 164 (BR 1837) - R. Meeks, D. by voice vote of the Kentucky Fort Harrod Beef Owens, L. Clark, R. Crimm, D. Festival. Mar 2-introduced in House Horlander, M. Marzian, C. Miller, J. HR 171 (BR 2038) - J. Arnold Jr Mar 5-to House Floor Wayne Feb 28-introduced in House Mar 8-adopted by voice vote Adjourn the House of Representatives Mar 2-to House Floor Direct the Legislative Research in loving memory and honor of Beatrice Mar 5-adopted by voice vote HR 185 (BR 2027) - J. Arnold Jr Commission to designate legislative staff "Bea" Westerfield. to study railroad hazard and safety HR 180 (BR 2052) - R. Palumbo Honor the Union County High School issues in Jefferson County. Feb 26-introduced in House; adopted Braves Wrestling Team, 2007 KHSAA by voice vote Adjourn the House of Representatives Champions. Feb 20-introduced in House in loving memory and honor of Carl Feb 21-to Transportation (H) HR 172 (BR 2037) - L. Clark, M. Marzian Luther "Hoot" Combs. Mar 2-introduced in House Mar 5-to House Floor Introduced Feb. 22, 2007 Adjourn the House of Representatives Feb 28-introduced in House; adopted Mar 6-adopted by voice vote in loving memory and honor of our friend by voice vote HR 165 (BR 2025) - M. Denham and former colleague Joseph P. Blair, Jr. HR 186 (BR 2072) - R. Adkins, M. HR 181 (BR 2033) - J. Gray Harmon Adjourn the House of Representatives Feb 26-introduced in House; adopted in loving memory and honor of Ethel by voice vote Adjourn the House of Representatives Adjourn the House of Representatives Marie Foley. in loving memory and honor of Russell in loving memory and honor of James HR 173 (BR 2026) - K. Stein Kelgor Johnson. Ivo Osborne. Feb 22-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote Adjourn the House of Representatives Feb 28-introduced in House Mar 2-introduced in House in honor of Lawrence T. Smith. Mar 2-to House Floor Mar 5-to House Floor HR 166 (BR 2015) - J. Jenkins, J. Mar 8-adopted by voice vote Mar 8-adopted by voice vote Wayne, C. Belcher, L. Combs, M. Feb 26-introduced in House HR 182 (BR 2042) - R. Adkins, R. Marzian, R. Meeks, D. Owens, R. Feb 27-to House Floor; adopted by Introduced Mar. 5, 2007 Palumbo, T. Pullin, M. Rader, D. Sims, voice vote Adams, J. Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, L. Belcher, J. Bell, K. K. Stein, R. Webb, R. Weston, S. HR 187 (BR 2077) - R. Meeks Westrom, A. Wuchner HR 174 (BR 2013) - T. Moore Bratcher, S. Brinkman, T. Burch, D. Butler, M. Cherry, L. Clark, H. Collins, L. Recognize and honor Azia Iman Recognize March as Sexual Assault Urge the Congress of the United Combs, J. Comer Jr, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, J. Meeks for being awarded the first annual Awareness Month and honor Kentucky's States to unequivocally support the men Ann Braden Humanitarian Award. 13 regional rape crisis centers. and women of the Armed Forces in the DeCesare, M. Dedman Jr, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, M. Dossett, J. Draud, T. Global War on Terror. Mar 5-introduced in House Feb 22-introduced in House Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Firkins, J. Fischer, D. Floyd, D. Ford, J. Mar 6-to House Floor Feb 23-to House Floor Feb 26-introduced in House Mar 9-adopted by voice vote Mar 1-adopted by voice vote Feb 27-to Seniors, Military Affairs, & Glenn, J. Gooch Jr, D. Graham, J. Gray, Public Safety (H) J. Greer, K. Hall, M. Harmon, R. Henderson, M. Henley, J. Higdon, C. HR 188 (BR 2081) - R. Meeks Introduced Feb. 23, 2007 Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Introduced Feb. 27, 2007 Jenkins, D. Keene, T. Kerr, A. Koenig, S. Adjourn the House of Representatives HR 167 (BR 2016) - R. Palumbo, K. Lee, Ji. Lee, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. in loving memory and honor of Evelyn Stein HR 175 (BR 2039) - M. Marzian Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly Jr, R. Rose Jackson. Mobley, B. Montell, T. Moore, L. Napier, Adjourn the House of Representatives Honor the Kentucky Psychological R. Nelson, F. Nesler, D. Osborne, D. Mar 5-introduced in House in loving memory and honor of Captain Association. Owens, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Mar 6-to House Floor Barth H. Pemberton. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Mar 7-adopted by voice vote Feb 27-introduced in House; adopted Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Rollins Feb 23-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote II, S. Rudy, S. Santoro, C. Siler, A. HR 189 (BR 2073) - J. Richards by voice vote Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, B. HR 176 (BR 2049) - K. Hall, L. Combs, Spencer, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart Recognize and honor Dale Brown for HR 168 (BR 2001) - T. McKee H. Collins III, T. Thompson, J. Tilley, T. Turner, K. being named the 2006 National Upchurch, J. Vincent, D. Watkins, J. Association for Gifted Education Adjourn the House of Representatives Adjourn the House of Representatives Wayne, R. Webb, R. Weston, S. Administrator of the Year. in honor of the Cynthiana Lions Club on in loving memory and honor of State Westrom, R. Wilkey, A. Wuchner, B. the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of Trooper Jonathan K. Leonard. Yonts Mar 5-introduced in House its radio auction. Mar 6-to House Floor Feb 27-introduced in House Adjourn the House of Representatives Feb 23-introduced in House; adopted Feb 28-adopted by voice vote in honor of Paula Payne. HR 190 (BR 2069) - T. Thompson by voice vote Introduced Feb. 28, 2007 Feb 28-introduced in House Adjourn the House of Representatives HR 169 (BR 2029) - J. Jenkins, L. Clark, Mar 2-to House Floor in honor of Lieutenant Commander Jane R. Adkins, T. Burch, T. Firkins, J. Glenn, HR 177 (BR 2046) - J. Tilley Mar 26-adopted by voice vote Elizabeth Lanham Tafoya. J. Gray, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, C. Miller, L. Napier, Adjourn the House of Representatives Introduced Mar. 1, 2007 Mar 5-introduced in House; adopted R. Nelson, F. Nesler, D. Owens, T. in loving memory and honor of Fred by voice vote Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, J. Stacy, K. Clayton. HR 191 (BR 2082) - S. Rudy, M. Cherry, Adjourn the House of Representatives J. Gray, F. Nesler, F. Rasche in loving memory and honor of Betty Sue Mar 7-introduced in House Mar 8-introduced in House; adopted Robertson DeCesare. Mar 8-to House Floor; adopted by by voice vote Support the efforts of Paducah and voice vote McCracken County to attract projects Mar 6-introduced in House HR 213 (BR 2110) - M. Dossett from the Global Nuclear Energy Mar 7-to House Floor HR 208 (BR 2108) - T. Riner Partnership. Mar 8-adopted by voice vote Urge the U.S. Congress not to pass Adjourn the House of Representatives H.R. 676, the United States National Mar 5-introduced in House; adopted Introduced Mar. 7, 2007 in honor of the United States Navy Health Insurance Act, that was by voice vote Chaplain Corps and Chaplain Gordon introduced in the House of HR 200 (BR 2098) - J. DeCesare James Klingenschmitt for service to Representatives for the 110th Congress. HR 192 (BR 2080) - T. Burch God, country, and the Commonwealth of Adjourn the House of Representatives Kentucky. Mar 8-introduced in House; adopted Declare April, 2007 as National in loving memory and honor of Eldridge by voice vote Donate Life Month in Kentucky. Monroe Joyner. Mar 7-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote HR 214 (BR 2109) - K. Stein Mar 5-introduced in House Mar 7-introduced in House Mar 6-to House Floor; adopted by Mar 8-to House Floor HR 209 (BR 2047) - H. Moberly Jr, T. Mar 9-WITHDRAWN voice vote Mar 9-adopted by voice vote Pullin, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, L. Introduced Mar. 9, 2007 HR 193 (BR 1465) - T. McKee, D. HR 201 (BR 2104) - T. Riner Belcher, J. Bell, K. Bratcher, S. Keene, J. Fischer, A. Koenig Brinkman, T. Burch, D. Butler, M. HR 215 (BR 1916) - T. Pullin, J. Vincent, Mar 7-WITHDRAWN Cherry, L. Clark, H. Collins, L. Combs, J. R. Adams, K. Bratcher, T. Burch, D. Honor the Campbell County Senior Comer Jr, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Butler, M. Cherry, L. Clark, M. Denham, Center. HR 202 (BR 2106) - T. Burch, M. Crimm, R. Damron, J. DeCesare, M. B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Firkins, J. Marzian Dedman Jr, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, Fischer, J. Greer, D. Horlander, J. Mar 5-introduced in House; adopted M. Dossett, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Jenkins, D. Keene, M. Marzian, T. by voice vote Encourage the Cabinet for Health and Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Firkins, J. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, F. Nesler, Family Services and the Brain Injury Fischer, D. Floyd, D. Ford, J. Glenn, J. D. Osborne, D. Owens, R. Rand, F. Introduced Mar. 6, 2007 Association of Kentucky to implement a Gooch Jr, D. Graham, J. Gray, J. Greer, Rasche, S. Riggs, T. Riner, S. Rudy, S. pilot program of evidence-based K. Hall, M. Harmon, R. Henderson, M. Santoro, A. Simpson, T. Thompson, D. HCR 194 (BR 2068) - R. Meeks, D. treatment for individuals with traumatic Henley, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Watkins, R. Webb, R. Weston, A. Owens brain injuries. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, D. Wuchner Keene, T. Kerr, A. Koenig, S. Lee, Ji. Recognize the 2006 amendments to Mar 7-introduced in House; adopted Lee, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, Create a House of Representatives boxing and wrestling administrative by voice vote C. Miller, R. Mobley, B. Montell, T. Ohio River Task Force to study the regulations as the Greg Page Boxing Moore, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, issues affecting areas bordering the and Safety Initiative. HR 203 (BR 2088) - R. Adkins D. Osborne, D. Owens, R. Palumbo, D. river. Pasley, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, Mar 6-introduced in House Adjourn the House of Representatives J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Mar 9-introduced in House; adopted Mar 8-adopted by voice vote in loving memory and honor of Clarice Rollins II, S. Rudy, S. Santoro, C. Siler, by voice vote Mar 26-received in Senate Elaine Greene Conley. A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, B. Spencer, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart HR 216 (BR 2114) - D. Pasley HR 195 (BR 2078) - D. Ford Mar 7-introduced in House III, T. Thompson, J. Tilley, T. Turner, K. Mar 8-to House Floor Upchurch, J. Vincent, D. Watkins, J. Adjourn the House of Representatives Adjourn the House of Representatives Mar 9-adopted by voice vote Wayne, R. Webb, R. Weston, S. in loving memory and honor of Beverly in loving memory and honor of Floyd Westrom, R. Wilkey, A. Wuchner, B. G. Yeiser. Stanley Carter, Sr. HR 204 (BR 2101) - J. Higdon Yonts Mar 9-introduced in House; adopted Mar 6-introduced in House; adopted Adjourn the House of Representatives Adjourn the House of Representatives by voice vote by voice vote in loving memory and honor of Nancy in honor of the bravery and service of Colvin. Staff Sergeant Timothy F. Nein. HR 217 (BR 2113) - D. Pasley HR 196 (BR 2094) - M. Rader, J. Stewart III, C. Siler, T. Turner Mar 7-introduced in House Mar 7-introduced in House Adjourn the House of Representatives Mar 8-to House Floor; adopted by Mar 8-to House Floor; adopted by in loving memory and honor of Maurice Adjourn the House of Representatives voice vote voice vote D. Flynn. in loving memory and honor of Sergeant First Class Lance S. Cornett. HR 205 (BR 2089) - R. Adams, T. Introduced Mar. 8, 2007 Mar 9-introduced in House McKee, D. Butler, L. Clark, M. Denham, Mar 12-to House Floor Mar 6-introduced in House R. Henderson, C. Hoffman, B. Montell HR 210 (BR 1215) - R. Webb Mar 27-adopted by voice vote Mar 7-to House Floor Mar 9-adopted by voice vote Direct the Department of Fish and Adjourn the House of Representatives HR 218 (BR 2117) - A. Simpson Wildlife Resources to review Kentucky in loving memory and honor of HR 197 (BR 2067) - A. Simpson statutes, administrative regulations, and Constable Elmer Kiser, who gave his life Adjourn the House of Representatives policies that govern the control of in service to his Commonwealth. in honor of the Ninth Street Baptist Urge the city of Covington to rename coyotes in the Commonwealth. Church, Covington's, 138 years of 12th street in honor and memory of Dr. Mar 8-introduced in House; adopted dedication and service. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mar 7-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote by voice vote Mar 9-introduced in House; adopted Mar 6-introduced in House HR 211 (BR 2111) - T. Moore, D. Floyd, by voice vote Mar 7-to House Floor HR 206 (BR 2066) - H. Collins S. Lee, S. Santoro, A. Wuchner Mar 9-adopted by voice vote HR 219 (BR 2107) - J. Jenkins, K. Stein, Adjourn the House of Representatives Honor and unequivocally support the C. Belcher, H. Collins, L. Combs, M. HR 198 (BR 1985) - T. Kerr, J. Draud in loving memory and honor of Private men and women of the United States Marzian, R. Palumbo, T. Pullin, M. First Class Danny Russell Ward. Armed Forces in the Global War on Rader, D. Sims, R. Webb, S. Westrom, Declare September, 2007, as National Terror. A. Wuchner Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Mar 7-introduced in House; adopted Month in Kentucky. by voice vote Mar 8-introduced in House; adopted Adjourn the House of Representatives by voice vote in honor of the Girl Scouts of Mar 6-introduced in House; adopted HR 207 (BR 2102) - F. Rasche, J. Kentuckiana. by voice vote Draud, H. Moberly Jr HR 212 (BR 2112) - A. Koenig Mar 9-introduced in House HR 199 (BR 2099) - J. DeCesare Recognize and honor Kentucky's new Urge the United States Senate to Mar 12-to House Floor; adopted by national board certified teachers. defeat the Employee Free Choice Act. voice vote Adjourn the House of Representatives voice vote III, T. Thompson, J. Tilley, T. Turner, K. HR 220 (BR 1652) - H. Collins in loving memory and honor of Robert H. Upchurch, J. Vincent, D. Watkins, J. Wilcox. HR 236 (BR 2127) - M. Dossett, J. Tilley Wayne, R. Webb, R. Weston, S. Adjourn the House of Representatives Westrom, R. Wilkey, A. Wuchner, B. in loving memory and honor of Clyde E. Mar 26-introduced in House Adjourn the House of Representatives Yonts Blevins. Mar 27-to House Floor; adopted by in loving memory and honor of Ann Ruby voice vote Bell McCoy. Adjourn the House of Representatives Mar 9-introduced in House; adopted in honor of Jackie Crutcher. by voice vote HR 228 (BR 2140) - J. Richards, C. Mar 26-introduced in House Hoffman Mar 27-to House Floor; adopted by Mar 27-introduced in House; adopted HR 221 (BR 2118) - R. Webb, S. voice vote by voice vote Westrom Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of HR 237 (BR 2151) - T. Riner HR 242 (BR 2160) - J. Glenn Recognize and honor Bruce K. Davis, Christopher Wayne Johnson, public Esq. upon his retirement from the servant. Adjourn the House of Representatives Adjourn the House of Representatives Kentucky Bar Association. with concern for the health of Elizabeth in honor of Rev. George E. Sebree upon Mar 26-introduced in House; adopted Edwards, and with fervent prayer for her his retirement as pastor of Fourth Street Mar 9-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote recovery. Baptist Church. by voice vote HR 229 (BR 2169) - C. Hoffman Mar 26-introduced in House Mar 27-introduced in House; adopted Introduced Mar. 12, 2007 Mar 27-to House Floor; adopted by by voice vote Adjourn the House of Representatives voice vote HR 222 (BR 2120) - B. Montell in honor of the bravery and service of HR 243 (BR 2165) - J. Wayne Petty Officer First Class Kelly Winkle. HR 238 (BR 2153) - T. Riner Urge formation of a working group to Urge the U.S. Congress to pass H.R. review issues concerning mandatory Mar 26-introduced in House Adjourn the House of Representatives 676, the United States National Health pre-adoption spaying and neutering of Mar 27-to House Floor in honor of Abraham Bentar and other Insurance Act, that was introduced in the cats and dogs in Kentucky. Indonesian believers who are being House of Representatives for the 110th HR 230 (BR 2130) - A. Smith persecuted and imprisoned for their Congress. Mar 12-introduced in House faith. Mar 26-to House Floor Honor June Buchanan School boys Mar 27-introduced in House; adopted basketball team, 14th Region champions Mar 26-introduced in House by voice vote Mar 27-to House Floor; adopted by Introduced Mar. 26, 2007 Mar 26-introduced in House; adopted voice vote HR 244 (BR 2173) - D. Ford by voice vote HR 223 (BR 2121) - T. McKee, L. Clark HR 239 (BR 2159) - C. Hoffman Recognize and honor Bryan Ross HR 231 (BR 2148) - B. Montell Ford upon his birth and adjourn the Urge the staff of the Legislative Honor Scott County Cardinals, 2007 House in his honor. Research Commission to study how Proclaim August 25, 2007, as KHSAA Boys Sweet 16 Champions. workers who are not citizens of the American Saddlebred Day. Mar 27-introduced in House; adopted United States affect Kentucky's labor Mar 26-introduced in House by voice vote market and how the Kentucky Cabinet Mar 26-introduced in House Mar 27-to House Floor; adopted by for Economic Development/Kentucky Mar 27-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote HR 245 (BR 2172) - J. Jenkins Department of Agriculture office in voice vote Guadalajara could be utilized to address HR 240 (BR 2154) - T. Riner Adjourn the House of Representatives the issue of labor shortages in Kentucky. HR 232 (BR 2144) - R. Damron in honor of Rosalee A. Longaker upon Adjourning the House of the occasion of her ninetieth birthday. Mar 26-introduced in House; to House Honor Sandra C. Gray on being Representatives in honor of Dr. Kiflu Floor named the 17th president and the first Gebremeskel, Pastor Tesfatsion Hagos Mar 27-introduced in House; adopted Mar 27-adopted by voice vote female president of Asbury College. and the pastors of the 150 Full Gospel by voice vote House churches in Eritrea, East Africa. HR 224 (BR 2093) - T. Pullin, J. Hoover Mar 26-introduced in House HR 246 (BR 2149) - R. Palumbo, F. Mar 27-to House Floor; adopted by Mar 26-introduced in House Nesler, E. Ballard, K. Bratcher, S. Urge the Council on Postsecondary voice vote Mar 27-to House Floor; adopted by Brinkman, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, J. Education (CPE) to continue the work of voice vote DeCesare, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, M. the CPE Science, Technology, HR 233 (BR 2136) - R. Damron, B. Dossett, T. Edmonds, K. Hall, M. Engineering and Mathematics Task Farmer, E. Ballard, M. Cherry, T. Moore, Introduced Mar. 27, 2007 Henley, D. Horlander, D. Keene, T. Kerr, Force in developing strategies to R. Palumbo, T. Pullin, J. Richards A. Koenig, B. Montell, C. Rollins II, A. improve Kentucky's performance in the HR 241 (BR 2167) - R. Nelson, R. Simpson, D. Sims, J. Stacy, T. science, technology, engineering, and Recognize April as United States Thompson, A. Wuchner mathematics disciplines. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, E. Navy Appreciation Month. Ballard, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, L. Adjourn the House of Representatives Mar 26-introduced in House; to House Belcher, J. Bell, K. Bratcher, S. Mar 26-introduced in House Brinkman, T. Burch, D. Butler, M. in loving memory and honor of Dr. Floor Mar 27-to House Floor; adopted by Robert Cecil Buckner. Mar 27-adopted by voice vote Cherry, L. Clark, H. Collins, L. Combs, J. voice vote Comer Jr, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Mar 27-introduced in House; adopted HR 225 (BR 2122) - C. Hoffman Crimm, R. Damron, J. DeCesare, M. HR 234 (BR 2138) - R. Damron, B. Dedman Jr, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, by voice vote Farmer, E. Ballard, M. Cherry, T. Moore, Adjourn the House of Representatives M. Dossett, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. R. Palumbo, T. Pullin, J. Richards Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Firkins, J. HR 247 (BR 2158) - R. Palumbo, M. in honor of the bravery and service of Denham Petty Officer First Class Kelly Winkle. Fischer, D. Floyd, D. Ford, J. Glenn, J. Honor Commander Jeffrey S. Coran. Gooch Jr, D. Graham, J. Gray, J. Greer, K. Hall, M. Harmon, R. Henderson, M. Adjourn the House of Representatives Mar 26-introduced in House; to House Mar 26-introduced in House in loving memory and honor of William L. Floor Henley, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Mar 27-to House Floor; adopted by Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, D. "Willie" Rouse Jr. voice vote HR 226 (BR 2125) - J. Tilley, M. Dossett Keene, T. Kerr, A. Koenig, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Mar 27-introduced in House; adopted HR 235 (BR 2137) - R. Damron, B. Moberly Jr, R. Mobley, B. Montell, T. by voice vote Honor students of Crofton Elementary Farmer, E. Ballard, M. Cherry, T. Moore, School. Moore, L. Napier, F. Nesler, D. Osborne, R. Palumbo, T. Pullin, J. Richards D. Owens, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. HR 248 (BR 2162) - R. Palumbo, K. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Hall, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, Mar 26-introduced in House; to House Recognize May as Armed Forces E. Ballard, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, L. Floor Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Rollins Appreciation Month. II, S. Rudy, S. Santoro, C. Siler, A. Belcher, J. Bell, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, T. Burch, D. Butler, M. HR 227 (BR 2145) - M. Denham Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, B. Mar 26-introduced in House Spencer, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart Cherry, L. Clark, H. Collins, L. Combs, J. Mar 27-to House Floor; adopted by Comer Jr, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, J. DeCesare, M. HB 156: SFA(1) 244* 217*, 230 Dedman Jr, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, Buford, Tom SB 125: SFA(1) Rhoads, Jerry P. M. Dossett, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. SB 6*, 34, 38*, 45*, 51*, 65, 68, 70*, Jones II, Ray S. SB 5, 22, 24, 33, 34, 43, 46*, 52, 65, Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Firkins, J. 71*, 97*, 106*, 107*, 111*, 119*, SB 34, 52, 65*, 66*, 67*, 68*, 88, 142*, 72*, 88, 94, 104, 198 Fischer, D. Floyd, D. Ford, J. Glenn, J. 128*, 135*, 138*, 151*, 164*, 170*, 162*, 163*, 180*, 181*, 182*, 200*, SCR 41* Gooch Jr, D. Graham, J. Gray, J. Greer, 188* 203, 211* SJR 16 M. Harmon, R. Henderson, M. Henley, J. SJR 16, 134* SCR 129* SR 10, 18, 23, 50*, 52, 83, 84, 107, Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. SR 9*, 10, 18, 23, 36, 42*, 44*, 47*, 52, SJR 16, 48*, 114* 112, 115, 118, 132*, 143, 150*, 153, Horlander, J. Jenkins, D. Keene, T. Kerr, 69*, 83, 84, 106*, 112, 115, 132, SR 10, 18, 23, 28*, 29*, 52, 53*, 54*, 159*, 171, 201, 211, 214, 230 A. Koenig, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, T. McKee, R. 133*, 139*, 146, 150, 153, 165*, 171, 55*, 60*, 61, 62, 69, 83*, 84*, 86*, Ridley, Dorsey Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly Jr, R. 172*, 201, 211, 230 87*, 88*, 89*, 90*, 94*, 107*, 112, SB 5, 34, 65, 127*, 175* Mobley, B. Montell, T. Moore, L. Napier, SB 138: SCA(1) 115, 118, 121*, 122*, 123*, 124*, SJR 16 R. Nelson, F. Nesler, D. Osborne, D. HB 177: SFA(1), (2), (3) 130*, 146, 150, 153, 166*, 171, 201*, SR 10, 18, 23, 38*, 52, 83, 84, 112, Owens, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, Carroll, Julian M. 204*, 205*, 206*, 208*, 211, 230, 115, 118, 132, 143, 146, 150, 153, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Richards, S. SB 5, 9*, 32*, 34, 40*, 65, 164* 237* 171, 201, 203, 211, 213*, 214, 230 Riggs, T. Riner, C. Rollins II, S. Rudy, S. SJR 16 SB 67: SFA(1) SB 175: SCA(1) Santoro, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, SR 8*, 10, 18, 23, 36, 49*, 50*, 52, 60*, HB 82: SFA(1); HB 125: SFA(2), (3); HB HB 362: SFA(1) A. Smith, B. Smith, B. Spencer, J. Stacy, 61, 62, 80*, 81*, 82*, 83, 84, 105*, 175: SFA(1) Roeding, Dick K. Stein, J. Stewart III, T. Thompson, J. 107*, 112, 118, 127*, 146, 150, 153, Kelly, Dan SB 1, 2, 13*, 14*, 22, 26, 27*, 28*, 29*, Tilley, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. 162*, 169*, 171, 201, 207*, 208, SB 2*, 3*, 4*, 34*, 55*, 56*, 57*, 58*, 30*, 31*, 34, 43, 65, 68, 69, 80, 88, Vincent, D. Watkins, J. Wayne, R. 210*, 211*, 221*, 230 59*, 76*, 78*, 79*, 85*, 144*, 154*, 103, 104, 112*, 113*, 124, 140*, Webb, R. Weston, S. Westrom, R. Clark, Perry B. 218* 145*, 152, 153*, 179, 214* Wilkey, A. Wuchner, B. Yonts SB 5, 26, 34, 43, 104, 183*, 184*, 203 SJR 16, 125* SJR 16, 114 SCR 111* SR 1*, 2*, 3*, 4*, 7*, 10, 30*, 52, 83, 84, SR 10, 12, 13*, 15*, 18, 25*, 26, 52, Honor Orlando "Tubby" Smith for his SJR 16 101*, 118, 140*, 141*, 142, 146, 150, 79*, 83, 84, 112, 115, 118, 120*, career as University of Kentucky head SR 10, 18, 23, 52, 83, 84, 112, 115, 151*, 153, 176*, 178*, 199*, 201, 146*, 150, 153, 157*, 201, 211, 223*, basketball coach and for his public 118*, 145, 146, 150, 153, 201, 211, 211, 230, 240*, 241* 230 service in the Commonwealth. 230 SB 58: SFA(1) SB 153: SFA(1) Denton, Julie Kerr, Alice Forgy HB 114: SFA(1), (2); HB 175: SFA(2), Mar 27-introduced in House; adopted SB 12*, 26*, 34, 36*, 37*, 44*, 69*, 95*, SB 34, 110, 111*, 171* (3); HB 240: SFA(1), (2); HB 337: by voice vote 98*, 100*, 101*, 102*, 103*, 104*, SCR 45* SFA(1), (2); HB 358: SFA(1); HB 383: 105*, 110*, 121*, 122*, 123*, 132*, SJR 16 SFA(1) HR 249 (BR 2168) - J. Jenkins 141*, 147*, 148*, 149*, 157*, 158*, SR 10, 12, 18, 21, 36*, 52, 83, 84, 99*, Sanders Jr, Richie 172*, 175, 203*, 215* 115, 118, 146, 148*, 149*, 150, 153, SB 34, 176* Adjourn the House of Representatives SCR 45* 201, 211, 230 SJR 16, 114 in honor of Daniel B. Howard. SJR 16 SB 203: SCA(1) SR 10, 18, 19*, 23, 52, 70*, 83, 84, 98*, SR 10, 14*, 18, 21*, 23, 46*, 52, 83, 84, HB 296: SCA(1); HB 305: SCA(1) 108*, 115, 118, 146, 150, 153, 201, Mar 27-introduced in House; adopted 102*, 118, 131*, 144*, 146, 149*, Leeper, Bob 211, 230, 234* by voice vote 150, 153, 154*, 161*, 200*, 201, 211, SB 34, 53*, 54*, 82*, 160*, 161* Scorsone, Ernesto 230, 238* SJR 16 SB 5*, 34, 43, 177* SB 26: SFA(2); SB 103: SCA(1) SR 10, 18, 23, 43*, 52, 83, 84, 112, SJR 6, 16 HB 46: SFA(1); HB 337: SCA(1); HB 115, 118, 146, 150, 153, 171, 201, SR 8*, 10, 18, 23, 36*, 37*, 39*, 52, 83, Bills and 431: SFA(1); HB 490: SFA(1), (2), (3) 203*, 211, 214, 230 84, 107, 112, 115, 118, 150, 153, Gibson, Carroll SB 160: SFA(1) 201, 211, 214, 230 Amendments SB 34, 41*, 49*, 50*, 143*, 189*, 198*, HB 131: SFA(1); HB 243: SFA(1) SB 1: SFA(1), (2); SB 2: SFA(1), (2); SB 213 McGaha, Vernie 30: SFA(1); SB 98: SFA(1); SB 104: SJR 16, 114 SB 34, 86*, 94*, 96*, 99*, 152* SFA(1), (2); SB 141: SFA(1); SB 196: by Sponsor SR 10, 18, 52, 64*, 65*, 83, 84, 97*, 98, SJR 16 SFA(1) * - denotes primary sponsorship of Bills 112, 118, 146, 150, 153, 201, 211, SR 10, 12, 18, 52, 83, 84, 100*, 112, Seum, Dan and Resolutions 230 118, 146, 150, 153, 155*, 201, 211, SB 34, 108*, 117*, 131*, 152*, 159*, SB 198: SFA(1) 230 179, 201*, 203, 204*, 205* Guthrie, Brett HB 145: SCA(1) SJR 16, 93* SB 34, 83*, 84*, 116*, 118*, 120*, 133*, Mongiardo, Daniel SR 10, 12, 18, 52, 83, 84, 112, 115, Senate 208* SB 5, 34, 203 118, 146, 150, 153, 201, 211, 230 SJR 16, 114 SJR 16 SB 201: SFA(1) Blevins Jr, Walter SR 10, 18, 19*, 52, 83, 84, 112, 115, SR 10, 18, 52, 83, 84, 112, 118, 150, Shaughnessy, Tim SB 5, 22, 23, 26, 34, 43, 52, 65, 104, 118, 146, 150, 153, 163*, 164*, 201, 153, 201, 211, 213*, 230 SB 5, 34, 43, 203 114*, 162* 211, 230 SB 42: SFA(1), (2), (3); SB 201: SFA(2) SJR 16*, 24* SJR 6, 16, 114 SB 83: SFA(1); SB 171: SFA(1); SB HB 305: SFA(1) SR 10, 18, 23*, 52, 83, 84, 107, 112, SR 10, 18*, 23, 52, 61*, 62*, 74*, 75*, 197: SCA(1) Neal, Gerald A. 115, 118, 132, 145*, 150, 153, 171, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91*, 107, SJR 93: SCA(1) SB 1, 2, 5, 15*, 34, 64*, 104, 199, 203 201, 211, 214, 230 112*, 115, 118, 119, 121, 122*, 123, HB 89: SFA(1), (2) SJR 16*, 95* HB 380: SFA(1) 135*, 143, 146, 150, 153, 160*, 166, HJR 84: SCA(1) SR 10, 18, 23*, 27*, 32*, 33*, 34*, 35*, Stine, Katie 171*, 201, 205, 208*, 211, 214, 230 Harper Angel, Denise 37*, 52, 61, 62, 83, 84, 104*, 112, SB 34, 62*, 110*, 126*, 179* Borders, Charlie SB 5, 11*, 15, 22, 23*, 24*, 25*, 26, 33*, 113*, 115, 118, 147*, 150, 152*, 153, SJR 16 SB 34, 109* 34, 43, 65, 88, 104, 121, 157, 203, 174*, 175*, 201, 211, 212*, 214, SR 10, 15, 18, 21*, 26*, 52, 83, 84, 112, SJR 6, 16 219* 215*, 216*, 226*, 227*, 228*, 229*, 118, 150, 153, 201, 211, 230 SR 10, 12, 18*, 20*, 52, 61*, 62, 66*, SJR 6*, 16 230, 231*, 236* SB 110: SFA(1) 83, 84, 112, 115, 116*, 118, 146, 150, SR 10, 18, 21, 23, 52, 61, 62*, 83, 84, Palmer II, R. J. Stivers II, Robert 153, 160*, 171, 201, 211, 230 112*, 115*, 118, 119*, 121, 123, SB 34, 52, 65, 73* SB 34, 42*, 47*, 48*, 65, 75*, 88*, 129*, HB 5: SCA(1), (2), (3); HB 258: SCA(1); 143*, 144*, 145*, 146, 149, 150*, SJR 16, 114 130*, 136*, 165*, 166*, 167*, 168*, HB 262: SCA(1); HB 291: SCA(1); 153, 171, 201, 205, 208, 211, 214*, SR 10, 18, 23, 52, 61, 83, 84, 85*, 112, 169*, 195*, 196*, 210* HB 334: SCA(1), (2), (3); HB 400: 230 115, 118, 119*, 121, 122, 123, 146, SJR 16 SCA(3); HB 418: SCA(1), (2); HB Harris, Ernie 150, 153, 173*, 201, 211, 214, 219*, SR 10, 18, 23, 52, 61, 62, 83, 84, 112, 536: SCA(1); HB 549: SCA(1) SB 34, 63*, 74*, 150*, 155* 220*, 230 115, 118, 143, 150, 153, 160, 201, Boswell, David E. SJR 16 SB 198: SFA(2), (3) 211, 230 SB 5, 10, 16*, 17*, 18*, 19*, 20*, 24, 25, SR 10, 52, 61, 62, 83, 84, 112, 118, Pendleton, Joey SB 26: SFA(1); SB 31: SFA(1); SB 42: 33, 34, 39*, 43*, 45, 65, 74, 92*, 93*, 146, 150, 153*, 168*, 201, 211, 230 SB 5, 15, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 30, 31, 33, SCA(1); SB 43: SCA(1); SB 153: 94, 96, 109, 115*, 121, 155, 179, SB 74: SFA(1) 34, 45, 65, 81*, 86, 87*, 88, 89*, 91*, SCA(1) 199*, 212* Jensen, Tom 94*, 104, 109, 137*, 173*, 199*, 212, HB 125: SFA(1); HB 191: SCA(1), (2), SJR 16 SB 34, 35*, 90*, 124*, 125*, 173*, 187*, 213* (3); HB 216: SFA(1); HB 284: SR 10, 18, 23, 40*, 50, 52, 77*, 78*, 83, 190*, 191*, 192*, 194* SJR 16 SCA(1), (2), (3) 84, 103*, 112, 115, 117*, 118, 119, SJR 16, 109* SR 10, 18, 23, 52, 71*, 83, 84, 107, HJR 5: SCA(1), (2) 127*, 132*, 143, 150, 153, 154*, SR 10, 31*, 52, 76*, 83, 84, 112, 115, 112, 115*, 118, 119, 132, 143*, 146, Tapp, Gary 162*, 171, 201, 211*, 214, 230 118, 146, 150, 153, 201, 211, 230, 150, 153, 156*, 201, 203*, 211, 214*, SB 10*, 34, 134*, 146*, 152, 156*, 178*, 179, 209* HR 17, 20, 21, 57*, 62, 78, 132, 182, HFA(1) 362, 403, 467, 506, 526* SJR 16 205*, 209, 215, 241, 248 SB 85: HFA(1), (2) HCR 141* SR 10, 52, 72*, 83, 84, 110*, 112, 115, Adkins, Rocky Burch, Tom HJR 15 118, 143, 146, 150, 153, 201, 211, HB 1, 5*, 7, 69, 190*, 213, 219, 305, HB 2, 3, 4, 5, 17, 40*, 53*, 54, 70, 75, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 65*, 103*, 132, 182, 230 315, 325*, 326*, 332, 356, 409, 467, 112*, 124, 143, 150*, 151*, 156, 209, 241, 246, 248 HB 138: SCA(1); HB 490: SCA(1) 500* 198*, 199*, 200*, 201, 219, 233*, HB 348: HFA(1) Thayer, Damon HCR 25*, 26*, 27*, 28*, 29*, 30*, 31*, 252*, 253*, 254*, 255*, 256*, 278, Crimm, Ron SB 34, 60*, 80, 139*, 159*, 179*, 206*, 32*, 33*, 75*, 76*, 154* 301*, 305, 306, 318, 344*, 345*, HB 11, 22*, 23, 24*, 26, 35*, 65, 80*, 207* HJR 84* 362*, 378, 385, 393, 412, 431*, 434*, 93*, 103, 124, 139, 173, 201, 217, SJR 16 HR 17, 20, 21, 24*, 34, 44*, 62, 78, 85*, 472, 536, 546, 547 310, 337, 339, 366, 382*, 393, 417, SR 5*, 10*, 11*, 12*, 15, 17*, 18, 30, 52, 100*, 132, 153*, 169, 182*, 183*, HCR 71*, 88* 451*, 464*, 466, 472, 505, 506, 507, 63*, 69*, 83, 84, 92*, 112, 115, 118, 186*, 203*, 209, 241, 248 HJR 54 520, 536 146, 150, 153, 167*, 170*, 177*, 201, HB 5: HFA(1) HR 17, 20*, 21, 39, 90, 132, 140, 146, HCR 9*, 120, 164 202*, 205, 211, 224*, 230, 235* Arnold Jr, John A. 169, 182, 192*, 202*, 209, 215, 241, HJR 10*, 118 SB 54: SCA(1); SB 58: SCA(1) HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 69*, 75, 309, 248 HR 17, 20, 21, 37*, 39, 62, 64*, 90*, HB 131: SFA(2), (3), (4); HB 177: 339, 448*, 520 HB 254: HFA(1); HB 255: HFA(1); HB 132, 146, 182, 209, 241, 248 SFA(4), (5); HB 228: SCA(1); HB HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 171*, 182, 185*, 209, 362: HCA(1), HFA(1), (2) HB 1: HFA(3); HB 35: HFA(1), (2); HB 355: SCA(1); HB 367: SFA(1); HB 241, 248 SB 59: HFA(2), (3); SB 140: HCA(1), 327: HFA(17), (18) 386: SCA(1); HB 400: SCA(1), (2); HB 69: HFA(1), (2) HFA(1); SB 175: HFA(3), (4) Damron, Robert R. HB 402: SFA(1), (2); HB 476: Ballard, Eddie Butler, Dwight D. HB 5, 7, 60*, 125*, 280*, 281*, 282*, SCA(1), (2) HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 128*, 167, 170*, HB 75, 103, 167, 182*, 210, 213, 237, 283*, 284*, 315, 332*, 339, 366, 390, Tori, Elizabeth 179*, 180*, 187, 230, 261*, 280, 277*, 298, 306, 314*, 315, 339, 342, 469*, 554* SB 21*, 22*, 34, 65, 77*, 81*, 87*, 110, 317*, 339*, 342*, 343, 466*, 467, 343, 366, 377*, 389, 488*, 560* HJR 84 174*, 179, 185*, 186*, 193*, 197* 469, 520 HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 78, 108, 132, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 86*, 91*, 132, 135*, SJR 16, 93*, 114 HJR 23* 182, 205, 209, 215, 241, 248 143*, 158*, 182, 209, 232*, 233*, SR 10, 18, 21, 52, 67*, 73*, 83, 84, 112, HR 17, 20, 21, 61*, 62, 132, 182, 209, Cherry, Mike 234*, 235*, 241, 248 118, 146, 149, 150, 153, 201, 211, 233, 234, 235, 241, 246, 248 HB 62*, 63*, 64*, 78*, 79*, 95*, 152, HB 53: HFA(1), (4) 230 HB 123: HCA(1); HB 180: HFA(1); HB 210, 305, 306, 339, 343, 362, 395*, SB 29: HFA(1), (2), (3); SB 152: HFA(1) SB 22: SFA(1) 213: HFA(1), (2) 403, 414*, 417, 418, 466, 523 DeCesare, Jim HB 63: SFA(1); HB 225: SCA(1), (2); HCR 12: HCA(1) HJR 13, 119* HB 26, 30, 47, 48, 87*, 88, 159, 195*, HB 280: SCA(1); HB 287: SFA(1) Baugh, Sheldon E. HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 132, 182, 191, 209, 197, 294*, 328*, 329*, 332, 339, 343, Turner, Johnny Ray HB 26, 48, 70, 94, 140*, 174, 195, 217, 215, 233, 234, 235, 241, 248 453*, 455*, 456*, 457*, 458*, 466, SB 34, 52*, 65, 159, 202*, 203*, 216* 237, 268*, 330*, 339, 343, 352, 381*, HB 99: HCA(1) 468, 512* SJR 6, 16, 114, 136*, 137* 442*, 467 SB 58: HFA(2), (3), (4), (5) HJR 77* SR 10, 18, 23, 28*, 29*, 52, 53*, 54*, HCR 71 Clark, Larry HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 63*, 64, 68*, 69*, 55*, 56*, 57*, 58*, 59*, 83*, 84, 86*, HJR 5 HB 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 17, 23, 64, 66, 75, 93*, 94*, 132, 182, 199*, 200*, 209, 87*, 88*, 89*, 90*, 94*, 112, 115, 118, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 78, 132, 182, 92, 94, 124*, 156, 173, 201, 213, 219, 241, 246, 248 121*, 123*, 124*, 126*, 128*, 130*, 209, 241, 248 291, 305, 318, 319, 326, 332, 356, HB 64: HFA(1), (2); HB 95: HFA(1); HB 143, 150, 153, 160, 166*, 171*, 201*, Belcher, Carolyn 362, 367, 377, 388*, 389, 391*, 393, 188: HFA(1), (2), (3); HB 219: 204*, 205*, 206*, 211, 214, 225*, 230 HB 4, 16, 60, 64, 70, 106*, 109, 128*, 400, 403, 412, 415*, 416, 435, 437, HFA(1), (6), (7); HB 305: HFA(6), (7); Westwood, Jack 129*, 130, 187, 219, 224, 257*, 258*, 444, 472, 486*, 490, 536, 546*, 547*, HB 398: HFA(3) SB 8*, 34, 43, 61*, 80*, 86*, 113*, 179, 259*, 260*, 261*, 262*, 276*, 280*, 548, 549* HJR 77: HFA(1) 217* 299, 307*, 321*, 326, 330, 332, 352, HCR 120, 127*, 164 Dedman Jr, Milward SJR 16, 114*, 125* 361*, 469, 476, 479*, 480*, 531*, HJR 5, 84 HB 26, 31*, 152, 197, 339, 348, 380*, SR 10*, 12*, 15*, 17*, 18, 26*, 30*, 52, 532* HR 17, 20, 21, 39, 62, 90, 132, 140, 418, 467, 520 68*, 83, 84, 112, 115, 118, 146*, 150, HJR 50* 146*, 169*, 172*, 182, 205, 209, 215, HCR 148 153, 201, 211, 230 HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 132, 135*, 147*, 166, 223*, 241, 248 HR 17, 20, 21, 64, 78, 105*, 109*, 132, Williams, David L. 182, 209, 219, 241, 248 Collins, Hubert 161*, 162*, 179*, 182, 209, 241, 248 SB 34, 218* HB 128: HFA(1); HB 321: HFA(1) HB 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 130*, 187, 213, 305, Denham, Mike SCR 22*, 218*, 232* Belcher, Larry 315, 352, 356, 370*, 389, 403, 408*, HB 1, 2, 5, 7, 75, 81*, 82*, 83*, 84*, 85*, SJR 16 HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 63, 114, 187, 459*, 478*, 500, 509*, 520, 543* 94, 119*, 187, 240*, 242*, 244, 280, SR 10, 18, 51*, 52*, 83, 84, 118, 142*, 197, 213, 219, 224, 225, 226, 295, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 132, 176, 182, 206*, 326, 339, 350*, 354, 362, 366, 376, 146, 150, 153, 179*, 180*, 181*, 309, 311, 318, 326, 339, 352, 362, 209, 219, 220*, 241, 248 397, 401*, 433*, 441*, 449*, 472, 182*, 183*, 184*, 185*, 186*, 187*, 390, 435*, 440*, 466, 469, 471*, 476, HB 459: HCA(1); HB 543: HFA(1) 500, 514 188*, 189*, 190*, 191*, 192*, 193*, 490, 520, 536 HJR 72: HCA(1); HJR 84: HCA(1) HCR 47*, 148* 194*, 195*, 196*, 197*, 198*, 201, HCR 110*, 141 SJR 93: HCA(1) HR 17, 20, 21, 35*, 36*, 43*, 62*, 111*, 211, 230*, 233*, 242*, 243* HJR 142* Combs, Leslie 132, 165*, 182, 205, 209, 215, 227*, SB 75: SFA(1); SB 145: SFA(1) HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 97*, 132, 182, 209, HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 17, 186, 187, 213, 219, 241, 246, 247*, 248 Winters, Ken 241, 248 296, 299, 305, 309, 358*, 396*, 418, HB 83: HFA(2); HB 240: HFA(1); HB SB 1*, 34, 222* Bell, Johnny 430*, 454*, 500*, 520 449: HFA(1) SCR 239* HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 60, 103, 139*, HCR 126 DeWeese, Bob M SJR 16, 125 222, 265*, 266*, 302*, 362, 366, 377, HJR 84, 116* HB 80, 88, 109, 124, 152, 173, 310, SR 10, 18, 52, 83, 84, 96*, 99*, 112, 403, 467, 468*, 469, 523* HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 104*, 132, 166, 176*, 339, 378*, 383*, 393, 431, 466, 467, 115, 118, 146, 150, 153, 158*, 201, HCR 139*, 148 182, 209, 219, 241, 248 472, 473*, 505*, 506*, 536 203, 209*, 211, 230 HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 78, 82*, 132, 182, HB 358: HFA(1) HCR 120, 151* SB 1: SCA(1) 209, 241, 248 Comer Jr, James R. HJR 13 HB 145: SCA(2) HB 468: HFA(1) HB 5, 71, 87, 88, 103, 120, 159, 185, HR 17, 20, 21, 39, 62, 64, 132, 182, Worley, Ed Bratcher, Kevin D. 187, 203, 237, 249, 263*, 298, 317, 209, 215, 241, 246, 248 SB 7*, 34*, 52*, 220*, 221* HB 26, 109, 173, 279*, 339, 343, 393, 366, 415, 467, 469, 520 HB 327: HFA(8), (9), (10), (11), (12) SJR 16 472, 505, 536 HCR 47 Dossett, Myron SR 10, 18, 23, 52, 69, 83, 84*, 138*, HCR 120 HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 78, 124*, 132, HB 26, 63, 187, 195, 218, 225, 293, 142*, 143, 150, 153, 201, 202*, 211, HR 17, 20, 21, 39, 62, 64, 132, 146, 182, 209, 241, 248 309, 339, 342, 343, 390, 520 230* 182, 209, 215, 241, 246, 248 HB 93: HFA(1); HB 106: HFA(1); HB HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 115*, 132, 182, HB 64: HFA(7) 405: HFA(2) 209, 213*, 226*, 236*, 241, 246, 248 Brinkman, Scott W. Couch, Tim Draud, Jon HB 23, 26, 88, 91*, 109*, 173, 213, HB 5, 26, 75, 100, 101, 111, 186, 197, HB 2, 5, 27*, 43*, 64, 75, 94, 96*, 97*, House 296*, 309, 312*, 334*, 335*, 337, 210, 222, 229, 339, 467, 498*, 500, 156, 175*, 177*, 187, 230, 234*, 339, 346*, 352, 366, 393*, 416*, 466, 521 235*, 237, 299, 309, 324*, 339, 347, Adams, Royce W. 472, 480*, 486, 503*, 505*, 515*, HJR 84 349*, 352*, 362, 386*, 389, 392, 413, HB 2, 5, 7, 65, 86, 94, 187, 215*, 230*, 520, 536*, 549 HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 132*, 182, 209, 431, 445, 549* 231*, 238*, 315, 339, 347, 352, 354, HCR 120 241, 246, 248 HR 17, 20, 21, 40, 62, 64, 132, 182, 362, 418, 462, 467, 469, 510*, 520, HJR 13*, 144* HB 1: HFA(5); HB 465: HFA(1) 198, 207*, 209, 215, 241, 248 521, 522*, 555* HR 17, 20, 21, 39*, 62, 64, 132, 182, Crenshaw, Jesse Edmonds, Ted HCR 148, 159 209, 241, 246, 248 HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 17, 23, 70*, 207, 226, HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 56*, 57*, 63, 70, HJR 52 HB 219: HFA(2), (3), (4); HB 252: 237, 247*, 289, 305, 332, 339, 348*, 71*, 78, 79, 89*, 103, 160*, 161*, 167, 176*, 178*, 180, 187, 195*, 226, SB 175: HFA(1), (2) 213, 214, 219, 278, 305, 306, 315, HCR 79, 120, 122*, 164 244, 250*, 267*, 296, 305, 310, 339, Graham, Derrick 317, 318, 326, 332, 352, 385*, 389, HJR 11*, 54 352, 357, 362, 366, 403, 438, 440, HB 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 17, 23, 62, 70, 99, 403, 418, 428*, 429*, 430, 470*, 486, HR 17, 20, 21, 39, 41*, 62, 90, 132, 461*, 500, 512* 187, 191, 197, 207, 210, 212*, 219, 490, 500, 549, 551* 140, 146, 166, 169, 172*, 175*, 182, HJR 84 289*, 305, 352, 356, 357*, 362, 385, HCR 126* 202*, 209, 215, 219 HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 125*, 132, 182, 209, 418*, 467, 481*, 511*, 520 HJR 15, 54 HB 152: HCA(1), HFA(1); HB 180: 241, 246, 248 HCR 151* HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 78, 132, 133*, 156*, HFA(2); HB 196: HFA(1); HB 410: Embry Jr, C. B. HJR 54 157*, 169, 182, 205, 209, 225*, 228*, HCA(1) HB 14, 21, 23, 26, 41*, 42*, 45, 52*, 58, HR 17, 20, 21, 59*, 60*, 62, 132, 182, 229*, 239*, 241, 248 McKee, Tom 60, 62, 75, 78, 80, 86, 88, 91, 92, 94, 209, 241, 248 HB 108: HFA(1), (2) HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 63, 94, 103, 103, 109, 119, 122, 131, 146, 167, HB 212: HFA(1) Hoover, Jeff 165*, 176, 187, 192*, 202*, 203*, 174, 187, 207, 210, 222, 224, 228, HCR 151: HFA(1) HB 5, 50, 63, 88, 103, 187, 226*, 339, 213, 219, 225, 230, 315, 326, 332, 249, 293, 295, 317, 339, 343, 362, SB 58: HFA(1), (6), (7) 390, 467, 549 347, 354*, 362, 399*, 440, 445, 448*, 366, 445*, 460, 480, 490 Gray, J. R. HR 17*, 20, 21, 62, 64, 132, 182, 209, 449*, 506, 540* HCR 8*, 76 HB 5, 6, 17*, 48, 51, 60, 70, 110*, 111*, 224*, 241, 248 HCR 127*, 148* HJR 137 167, 206, 210*, 213, 219, 246, 303*, Horlander, Dennis HJR 84 HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 78, 87*, 182, 209, 304*, 305*, 315, 318, 339, 352, 366, HB 3, 27, 80, 120, 124*, 156, 213, 214, HR 17, 20, 21, 40, 62*, 78*, 132, 168*, 241, 248 397*, 398*, 403, 404*, 469, 508, 219, 278, 305, 315, 318, 352, 362, 182, 193*, 205*, 209, 215, 223*, 241, Farmer, Bill 516*, 517*, 520, 544* 366*, 388, 389, 393, 472, 489*, 490, 248 HB 87, 88*, 181*, 183*, 248*, 249*, HCR 12*, 46, 67* 536, 546, 547, 549 HB 120: HCA(1); HB 203: HCA(1); HB 331*, 339, 460, 466, 480, 490, 505 HJR 66* HCR 120, 164 399: HFA(1) HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 132, 182, 209, 233*, HR 17, 20, 21, 132, 169, 181*, 182, HJR 54 HJR 14: HCA(1) 234*, 235*, 241, 248 191, 209, 241, 248 HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 90, 132, 140, 169, SB 74: HFA(1), (2); SB 134: HFA(1) HB 183: HFA(1), (2); HB 305: HFA(2), HB 397: HFA(1) 182, 209, 215, 241, 246, 248 Meeks, Reginald (3), (4), (5), (8), (9); HB 318: HFA(1), SB 159: HFA(2), (3), (4), (5) Jenkins, Joni L. HB 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 16, 17, 23, 25*, 54, (2); HB 398: HFA(1), (2) Greer, Jeff HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 17, 23, 25, 54*, 70, 74, 67, 70, 90, 115*, 116*, 117*, 118*, SB 10: HFA(1) HB 2, 3, 4, 5, 21, 26, 50, 51, 61, 75, 78, 124, 173*, 201*, 205*, 206*, 207, 120, 127*, 141, 142, 173*, 213, 219, Firkins, Tim 94, 122, 145*, 182, 187, 208, 219, 213, 219*, 247, 278*, 296*, 309, 310, 226, 237, 293*, 301*, 305, 311, 318, HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 17, 75, 124, 156, 173, 224, 225, 277*, 290, 295, 326, 339, 318*, 337, 344, 345, 362, 367*, 385, 339, 344, 362, 385, 387*, 393, 472, 201, 219, 278, 305, 309*, 310*, 311, 343, 357, 362, 366, 373, 377*, 378, 388*, 389, 391, 393*, 394*, 396*, 503*, 506, 507*, 508*, 536 319*, 343, 352, 362, 389, 393, 402*, 389, 390*, 403, 430, 435, 438, 467, 403, 406, 412, 416*, 444, 447, 472, HCR 16*, 18, 53*, 164*, 194* 412*, 467, 469, 472, 486, 536, 546, 468, 469, 536, 555 475*, 486, 490, 496*, 497*, 528*, HJR 7*, 15*, 54* 547, 549 HCR 159* 535, 536*, 546, 547, 549, 567*, 569* HR 17, 20, 21, 39, 62, 65*, 90, 132, HCR 120 HJR 5, 84 HCR 79, 120* 136*, 140, 157, 166, 169, 182, 187*, HR 17, 20, 21, 39, 62, 90, 132, 140, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 78, 108*, 132, 182, HJR 54 188*, 209, 215, 241, 248 146, 169, 182, 209, 215, 241, 248 209, 215, 241, 248 HR 17, 20, 21, 39*, 62, 81*, 90*, 132, HB 118: HFA(1) HB 310: HFA(1) HB 78: HFA(1) 138*, 140*, 146, 166*, 169*, 182, HCR 160: HFA(1) Fischer, Joseph M. HCR 159: HFA(1) 209, 215, 219*, 241, 245*, 248, 249* SB 197: HFA(1) HB 11, 26, 48, 80, 88, 110, 137, 158*, Hall, Keith HB 124: HCA(1); HB 278: HFA(1); HB Miller, Charles 159*, 195, 211*, 251*, 297*, 300*, HB 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 17, 70, 71, 79, 103, 296: HFA(1), (2); HB 394: HFA(1) HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 17, 23, 27, 75, 103, 339, 347, 366, 368*, 520* 140, 142, 152, 165, 167, 176*, 186, SB 30: HCA(1) 109, 124, 156, 167, 168, 170, 173, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 132, 182, 193, 187, 195, 204*, 244, 263, 296, 305, Keene, Dennis 185, 201, 213*, 219, 230, 278, 288, 209, 215, 241, 248 310, 339, 357, 362, 366, 370, 403, HB 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 15*, 27, 60, 65, 75, 86, 305, 306, 315*, 318, 339, 343, 352, HB 403: HFA(1), (2), (3), (4) 409*, 418, 438, 440, 469, 500 103*, 124, 138*, 139*, 156, 230, 262, 362, 377, 389*, 390, 393, 412, 444, SB 34: HFA(2); SB 159: HFA(1), (6) HCR 126*, 160 278, 305, 315, 341, 347*, 352*, 366, 467, 472*, 490, 536, 546, 547, 549 Floyd, David HJR 74*, 116* 377, 388, 389, 412, 413, 445, 466, HCR 120, 164 HB 5, 26, 29*, 30*, 47*, 50, 63, 66, 75, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 73*, 104, 125*, 132, 472, 486, 490, 530*, 546, 547, 549 HJR 54 80, 87*, 88*, 91, 97, 170, 174*, 188*, 176*, 182, 209, 241, 246, 248* HCR 141 HR 17, 20, 21, 39, 62, 90, 132, 140, 195, 217*, 218*, 290, 299, 337, 339, HB 207: HFA(7), (8), (9), (10), (11) HR 17, 20, 21, 40*, 132, 182, 193*, 209, 146, 169, 182, 209, 215, 241, 248 342, 343, 354, 417, 460, 467, 480, Harmon, Mike 215, 241, 246, 248 Moberly Jr, Harry 505, 520 HB 11, 12, 13, 22, 26, 30, 48, 87, 88, HB 352: HFA(3); HB 398: HFA(4) HB 1*, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6*, 7, 136*, 184*, 185*, HCR 88, 141 94, 152, 193*, 197, 211*, 251*, 300*, Kerr, Thomas 262*, 276*, 291*, 292, 316*, 326*, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 132, 182, 209, 339, 348*, 352, 366, 417, 427*, 467, HB 14, 21, 103, 296, 299, 336*, 339, 327*, 332*, 356, 359*, 360*, 374*, 211, 241, 248 499*, 520 343, 347, 349, 381, 384*, 403, 413, 385, 403, 419*, 467*, 477*, 479*, 500 HB 64: HFA(4), (5), (6); HB 210: HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 132, 182, 186, 445, 462*, 465, 485*, 530, 549, 572* HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 132, 182, 207, 209*, HFA(1), (2); HB 305: HFA(10); HB 209, 241, 248 HR 17, 20, 21, 38*, 40, 62, 64, 132, 241, 248 345: HFA(2), (4); HB 359: HFA(2); HB 53: HFA(2), (3), (5), (6); HB 305: 182, 198*, 209, 241, 246, 248 HB 1: HFA(6); HB 5: HCA(1); HB 185: HB 391: HFA(1); HB 403: HFA(5), HFA(11), (12), (13) Koenig, Adam HCA(1), HFA(1); HB 244: HCA(1); (6); HB 549: HFA(5) SB 34: HFA(1) HB 75, 80, 103, 126, 175, 187, 189, HB 326: HCA(1); HB 327: HCA(1), Ford, Danny Henderson, Richard 230, 291, 296, 297*, 299, 309, 320*, HFA(14); HB 354: HCA(1), (2); HB HB 5, 26, 66, 87, 88, 94, 171*, 187, HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 120, 128, 328, 347, 349, 355, 390, 392*, 413, 549: HCA(1) 209*, 246*, 310, 339, 366, 459, 467 136, 187, 197, 237, 291*, 295, 306, 432*, 443, 445, 455, 457, 462, 490, SB 55: HFA(1), (2); SB 143: HFA(1), (2) HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 78, 132, 182, 309, 339, 343, 376*, 385, 403, 437, 505, 520, 542* Mobley, Russ 195*, 209, 241, 244*, 248 447*, 490, 520, 545* HR 17, 20, 21, 40, 62, 64, 132, 182, HB 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 26, 45, 48, 60, HB 327: HFA(3), (4), (5), (6), (7); HB HJR 84* 193, 209, 212*, 241, 246, 248 66, 88, 103, 136, 171, 174, 187, 195, 359: HFA(1) HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 78, 101*, 132, 182, Lee, Jimmie 209, 299, 339, 352, 467 Glenn, Jim 205, 209, 241, 248 HB 2, 3, 4, 5, 185*, 187, 219, 244*, 292, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 132, 182, 209, HB 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 17, 70, 71, 75, 76, 92, Henley, Melvin B. 326, 332, 343*, 374*, 385, 467, 477* 241, 248 103, 105, 156, 213, 219*, 278, 305, HB 14*, 20*, 33*, 34*, 72*, 73*, 74*, 93, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 99*, 132, 182, 209, Montell, Brad 306, 311*, 339, 343, 352, 362, 373*, 103, 162*, 163*, 164*, 166*, 213, 241, 248 HB 23, 26*, 32*, 45*, 49*, 109, 122*, 436*, 437*, 508* 224, 232*, 237, 290, 291, 339, 343, HB 362: HFA(3) 126*, 187, 195, 270*, 278, 338*, 339, HCR 70* 352, 362, 385, 403, 417, 467 Lee, Stan 343, 354, 357, 418, 435, 460*, 469, HJR 15, 54 HJR 84 HB 11*, 12*, 13*, 19*, 28*, 30*, 44*, 48*, 520 HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 132, 169, 182, 209, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 80*, 132, 182, 87, 88, 94, 109, 194*, 251, 322, 338, HCR 148 241, 242*, 248 209, 241, 246, 248 339, 343, 438, 467, 520 HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 78, 132, 182, HB 437: HFA(1) Higdon, Jimmy HJR 145* 205, 209, 222*, 231*, 241, 246, 248 SB 46: HFA(1), (2); SB 57: HFA(1), (2) HB 26, 50*, 66*, 174, 187, 224, 299, HR 4*, 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 132, 182, HB 16: HFA(1); HB 31: HFA(1); HB 219: Gooch Jr, Jim 337, 352, 357, 362, 366, 467 209, 211, 241, 248 HFA(5); HB 305: HFA(1) HB 1, 2, 5, 7, 18*, 69, 75, 339, 352, HJR 142 Marzian, Mary Lou Moore, Tim 366, 417*, 442, 513*, 529* HR 17, 20, 21*, 62, 64, 132, 182, 204*, HB 1, 2, 3, 4*, 23, 53, 54*, 64, 70, 103, HB 23, 26, 50, 51, 59, 63, 94, 95, 105, HCR 148, 160 209, 241, 248 120, 152*, 173, 196*, 201, 219, 226, 114, 167, 187, 213, 225, 244, 278, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 78, 89*, 182, 209, SB 30: HFA(1), (2) 278, 295, 296, 299, 305, 318, 324*, 291, 339, 343*, 354, 372, 390, 469, 241, 248 Hoffman, Charlie 326, 337*, 344*, 345, 352, 353, 362, 483*, 484*, 490, 520, 571* HB 79: HFA(1); HB 207: HFA(1) HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 70, 71, 94, 379*, 383*, 385, 393, 403, 410*, 444, HCR 120 HCR 160: HCA(1) 108*, 109, 113*, 120, 132, 136, 187, 447, 472, 474*, 475*, 503, 504*, 548* HR 17, 20, 21, 61, 62, 64, 132, 174*, 182, 209, 211*, 233, 234, 235, 241, 241, 248 HR 17, 20, 21, 40, 62, 123*, 132, 182, 190*, 209, 215, 241, 246, 248 248 HB 92: HCA(1); HB 94: HFA(1); HB 209, 211, 215, 241, 248 HB 51: HFA(1); HB 75: HFA(1); HB 76: HB 280: HFA(1), (2) 107: HFA(1); HB 123: HFA(1) Siler, Charles HFA(1); HB 105: HFA(1); HB 443: Napier, Lonnie HCR 18: HFA(1), (2) HB 23, 26, 39*, 71, 80, 103, 167*, 168*, HFA(2), (3) HB 48, 165, 187, 237*, 339, 343, 403, SB 22: HFA(1), (2); SB 130: HFA(1); SB 213*, 224, 237, 288*, 292*, 299, Tilley, John 417, 442, 467*, 520 196: HFA(1) 315*, 339*, 342*, 343, 352, 389*, HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 23, 51, 59, 63, 75, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 78, 83*, 132, Rader, Marie 467, 527*, 541* 83, 94, 103, 105, 109, 145, 167, 187, 169, 182, 209, 241, 248 HB 103, 178*, 187, 211, 299, 339, 386, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 102*, 132, 169, 197, 213, 219, 225*, 228, 280, 292*, Nelson, Rick G. 467 182, 196, 209, 241, 248 295, 306, 308*, 309, 326, 337, 339, HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10*, 17, 21*, 32, HCR 126, 141 HB 327: HFA(13) 343, 362, 366, 377, 390*, 438, 469, 75, 144*, 146*, 147*, 148*, 172*, 195, HJR 144 Simpson, Arnold 520, 523 210, 213, 214, 219, 220*, 221*, 222*, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 78, 132, 166, HB 1, 3, 4, 5, 16, 64, 70, 75, 103, 191, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 78, 98*, 115*, 132, 223*, 224*, 225, 230, 278, 280, 305, 182, 196*, 209, 219, 241, 248 213, 225, 226, 299, 311, 320, 321, 177*, 182, 209, 226*, 236*, 241, 248 326, 339, 352, 369*, 418, 452*, 454, Rand, Rick 322*, 333*, 340*, 341*, 352, 355*, Turner, Tommy 469, 476*, 500 HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 23, 64, 65*, 86*, 356, 357, 371*, 403, 413*, 462*, HB 187, 216*, 237, 339, 466, 467, 520 HCR 19* 120, 187, 270, 273*, 352, 366, 385, 465*, 467, 549, 572* HCR 148 HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 132, 169, 182, 209, 386, 403, 435*, 520, 570* HJR 54 HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 132, 182, 196, 241*, 248 HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 78, 132, 182, 209, HR 17, 20, 21, 40*, 62, 96*, 132, 169, 209, 241, 248 HB 1: HFA(1), (2) 215, 241, 248 182, 197*, 209, 215, 218*, 241, 246, Upchurch, Ken SJR 93: HFA(1) Rasche, Frank 248 HB 88, 366, 460, 469, 490, 501*, 520 Nesler, Fred HB 2, 3, 6, 285*, 326, 366, 461*, 487*, HB 327: HFA(1), (2), (15), (16); HB 355: HR 17, 20, 21, 64, 182, 209, 241, 248 HB 5, 7, 8, 17, 75, 156, 192*, 214, 224, 561*, 563*, 564*, 565* HFA(1); HB 549: HFA(2) SJR 93: HFA(2), (3) 231, 278, 305, 337, 339, 352, 362, HCR 159 Sims, Dottie Vincent, John 403, 409, 446, 466, 504, 508 HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 182, 191, 207*, 209, HB 1, 4, 5, 63, 187, 207, 213, 219, 291, HB 5, 7, 61*, 82, 210*, 214, 278, 308*, HR 17, 20, 21, 34*, 62, 78, 132, 169, 215, 241, 248 299, 305, 306, 315, 339, 362, 366, 339, 343, 377, 439*, 462, 467, 468, 182, 191, 209, 215, 241, 246*, 248 HB 210: HFA(3); HB 285: HFA(1); HB 385, 390, 469, 502* 469, 500 Osborne, David 440: HFA(1), (2) HCR 79* HCR 18, 159 HB 26, 51, 87, 88, 109, 124, 125, 127*, HJR 5: HFA(1); HJR 7: HCA(1); HJR HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 78*, 132, 150*, HJR 5*, 52* 138, 139, 173, 189, 202, 217*, 218*, 11: HCA(1) 166, 182, 209, 219, 241, 246, 248 HR 17, 20, 21, 24*, 62, 64, 78, 85*, 132, 238, 298*, 335, 339, 343, 354, 357, SB 1: HFA(1) Smith, Ancel 182, 209, 215*, 241, 248 393, 435, 460, 466, 472, 476, 480, Richards, Jody HB 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 71, 197, 219, HB 83: HFA(1); HB 89: HFA(1); HB 284: 482*, 505, 506, 536 HB 1*, 2*, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7*, 8, 17*, 66, 119, 305, 315, 339, 362, 454*, 467, 469, HFA(1); HB 312: HFA(1); HB 329: HJR 7 121*, 187*, 197, 219, 291, 295*, 500 HFA(1); HB 334: HFA(1), (2); HB HR 17, 20, 21, 39, 62, 64, 78, 132, 182, 306*, 318, 326, 332, 356*, 407*, HJR 84 439: HFA(1), (2) 209, 215, 241, 248 419*, 462, 467, 539* HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 104, 132, 182, 209, SB 88: HFA(2), (4) HB 127: HFA(1); HB 335: HFA(1), (2) HJR 84 230*, 241, 248 Watkins, David SB 159: HFA(7), (8), (9) HR 1*, 2*, 3*, 17, 20, 21, 61*, 68*, 69*, Smith, Brandon HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 41, 60, 103, 213, Owens, Darryl T. 93*, 94*, 132, 182, 189*, 209, 228*, HB 5, 6, 23, 109, 169*, 186*, 339, 362, 305, 306, 311, 337, 339, 345*, 353*, HB 2, 3*, 4, 5, 7, 17, 23, 54, 64, 67*, 233, 234, 235, 241, 248 366, 406, 500, 520*, 521* 362, 389, 402 68*, 70, 90*, 92*, 109, 125, 173, 175, HB 187: HFA(1), (2), (3) HR 17, 20, 21, 22*, 62, 132, 182, 209, HJR 5 191, 201, 219, 271*, 272*, 274*, 278, Riggs, Steve 241, 248 HR 17, 20, 21, 132, 182, 209, 215, 241, 296, 309, 318, 337, 344, 352, 387*, HB 1, 2, 4, 5, 26, 80, 173, 187, 201, Spencer, Brandon 248 393, 395*, 405*, 412, 472, 506*, 508, 214*, 243, 245, 264*, 296, 339, 362, HB 5, 343, 438*, 500, 520, 537* Wayne, Jim 520, 536 366, 393, 412, 472, 486, 490, 514*, HJR 72* HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 17, 23*, 38*, 53, HCR 120, 164*, 194* 536, 573* HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 132, 182, 209, 241, 54, 55*, 64, 70, 104*, 113*, 120*, HJR 54*, 118* HCR 120 248 153*, 154*, 155*, 156*, 157*, 173, HR 17, 20, 21, 39, 62, 90, 132, 136*, HR 17, 20, 21, 37*, 39, 62, 90, 132, Stacy, John Will 201, 278, 295, 305, 318, 353, 362, 140*, 166, 169, 182, 209, 215, 241, 140, 146, 182, 209, 215, 241, 248 HB 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 278, 305, 315, 337*, 366, 385, 400*, 411*, 463*, 472*, 248 HB 214: HFA(1), (2), (3), (4); HB 243: 339, 362, 366*, 389, 409*, 486, 500, 503, 535*, 536, 548 HB 224: HCA(1); HB 387: HFA(1); HB HCA(1); HB 245: HFA(1) 562* HCR 120*, 155*, 164 405: HFA(1), (3); HB 476: HFA(1) SB 155: HFA(1), (2) HCR 160* HJR 54 SB 14: HFA(1); SB 159: HFA(10) Riner, Tom HJR 84 HR 17, 20, 21, 39, 62, 146, 166*, 169, Palumbo, Ruth Ann HB 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 17, 25, 36*, 37*, 64, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 78, 100*, 132, 153*, 182, 209, 241, 243*, 248 HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 53, 63, 64, 67, 70, 75, 91, 94, 103, 109, 113, 169, 182, 209, 241, 246, 248 HB 120: HFA(1), (2); HB 549: HFA(3), 82, 124, 219, 230, 278, 299, 310, 173, 219, 225, 226, 230, 278, 286*, HB 549: HFA(1) (4) 332, 344, 345, 385, 403, 431, 460, 287*, 291, 305, 315, 332, 337, 339, Stein, Kathy W. Webb, Robin L. 462, 467, 480, 486, 538*, 550*, 552*, 343, 352, 356, 362, 385, 390, 393, HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 17, 54, 55, 64, 141*, 142*, HB 1, 2, 3, 4*, 5, 7*, 16, 70, 191*, 214, 553* 403, 450*, 467, 472, 525*, 536, 549 143*, 206*, 219, 225, 269*, 278, 299, 216*, 219, 271*, 274*, 275*, 299, HCR 120 HCR 6*, 120 305, 315, 318, 332, 344, 345, 352, 313*, 339, 354*, 356*, 375*, 490*, HJR 13 HR 17, 20, 21, 39, 62, 132, 169, 182, 353*, 362, 385, 410*, 420*, 421*, 491*, 492*, 493*, 494*, 495*, 500, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 112, 113, 114, 121*, 201*, 208*, 209, 215, 237*, 238*, 422*, 423*, 424*, 425*, 467, 520, 549 520, 533*, 534*, 556* 132, 166, 167*, 170*, 180*, 182, 209, 240*, 241, 248 HCR 122*, 159* HCR 131*, 163* 219, 233, 234, 235, 241, 246*, 247*, HB 64: HFA(3); HB 287: HFA(1) HJR 15 HJR 130* 248* SB 155: HFA(3), (4), (5), (6); SB 159: HR 17, 20, 21, 51*, 112*, 113*, 114*, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 85, 152*, 166, 182, HB 86: HFA(1), (2), (3); HB 291: HFA(1) HFA(11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), 132, 149*, 166, 167, 169, 173*, 182, 209, 210*, 215, 219, 221*, 241, 248 Pasley, Don (17) 209, 214*, 219*, 241, 248 HB 187: HCA(1); HB 207: HFA(3), (4), HB 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 62, 114*, 136*, 145*, Rollins II, Carl HB 175: HFA(1); HB 214: HCA(1); HB (5), (6); HB 313: HFA(1), (2), (3); HB 202*, 326, 359, 385*, 399*, 449, 467, HB 2, 3, 6*, 17, 26, 62, 75, 108, 109, 403: HCA(1) 358: HFA(2) 520, 549, 557*, 558*, 559* 124, 156, 187, 197*, 208*, 210, 213, SB 34: HCA(1); SB 79: HFA(1); SB 88: SB 88: HFA(1); SB 196: HFA(2) HCR 141 219, 222, 225, 237, 238, 289*, 290*, HFA(3) Weston, Ron HJR 15 305, 311, 332, 345, 385, 402, 403, Stewart III, Jim HB 3, 5, 17, 23, 25, 27, 54, 64, 75, 124, HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 78, 132, 178*, 182, 418*, 465, 524* HB 48, 210, 222, 237, 278, 323*, 339, 155, 156, 173, 201*, 219, 237, 278, 184*, 209, 216*, 217*, 241, 248 HR 17, 20, 21, 55*, 56*, 57*, 58*, 128*, 343, 351*, 467, 520 295, 309, 310, 315, 318, 352, 362, HB 114: HFA(1) 132, 134*, 182, 209, 241, 246, 248 HCR 148 389, 393, 403, 412*, 444*, 467, 472, Pullin, Tanya Rudy, Steven HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 78, 132, 182, 486*, 536, 538*, 546, 547, 549 HB 1, 2, 5*, 6, 8, 61*, 77*, 94*, 98*, 99*, HB 48, 109, 187, 192, 354, 467, 505, 196*, 209, 241, 248 HCR 120 100*, 101*, 102*, 103, 107*, 123*, 520 SB 59: HFA(1) HJR 5 187, 229*, 343, 362, 390, 403, 460*, HCR 18, 148 Thompson, Tommy HR 17, 20, 21, 39, 62, 90, 106*, 132, 467, 500, 518*, 519* HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 64, 132, 182, 191*, HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 23, 26, 46*, 51*, 140, 146*, 166, 169, 182, 209, 215, HCR 18*, 107*, 141* 209, 215, 241, 248 53, 58*, 59*, 62, 63, 64, 71, 75*, 76*, 241, 248 HJR 14* Santoro, Sal 79, 105*, 137, 156, 175, 187, 219, Westrom, Susan HR 17, 20, 21, 42*, 62, 82, 83, 85, 87, HB 11, 26, 51, 75, 97, 124, 156, 189, 243*, 245*, 305, 306, 326, 332, 339, HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 23, 70, 74, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 102, 103, 105, 231, 291, 299, 309, 310, 339, 343, 343, 349, 352, 362, 366, 437, 443*, 82, 94, 109, 124, 125*, 141, 175*, 106, 108, 109, 111, 132, 166, 182, 347*, 372*, 390, 402, 413, 445, 467, 446*, 460, 480, 523*, 549, 566* 191, 219, 238*, 239*, 241*, 243, 273, 209*, 215*, 219, 224*, 233, 234, 235, 490, 520 HR 17, 20, 21, 48*, 62, 95*, 132, 182, 299*, 337, 339, 346, 362, 366, 373, 386, 389, 406*, 460, 480, 520, 570* Boats and Boating Embalmers and Funeral Directors Nuisances HCR 117*, 148 Bonds of Surety Emergency Medical Services Nurses HJR 13, 15, 137* Bonds, Public Eminent Domain and Condemnation Obscenity and Pornography HR 17, 20, 21, 49*, 62, 132, 166, 182, Boundaries Energy Occupational Safety and Health 209, 219, 221*, 241, 248 Budget and Financial Administration Engineers and Surveyors Occupations and Professions HB 234: HFA(1) Campaign Finance Environment and Conservation Oil and Natural Gas Wilkey, Rob Capital Construction Escheats Optometrists HB 1, 2, 3*, 4, 5, 7, 16*, 17, 66, 191*, Cemeteries and Burials Ethics Parental Rights 219, 225*, 226*, 227*, 228*, 305, Chambers of Commerce Explosives Parks and Shrines 306, 309, 326, 332, 356, 363*, 364*, Charitable Organizations and Institutions Fairs Partnerships 365*, 403*, 407*, 426*, 465*, 467, Children and Minors Federal Laws and Regulations Peace Officers and Law Enforcement 520, 539*, 568* Circuit Clerks Fees Personnel and Employment HCR 139*, 148 Cities Fiduciaries Pharmacists HJR 5* Cities, Classification Financial Responsibility Physicians and Practitioners HR 17, 20, 21, 62, 78, 129*, 132, 182, Cities, First Class Fire Prevention Piggybacked Bills 209, 241, 248 Cities, Fourth-Sixth Class Firearms and Weapons Planning and Zoning HB 1: HFA(4); HB 124: HFA(1); HB 374: Cities, Second Class Firefighters and Fire Departments Plumbers and Plumbing HFA(1); HB 443: HFA(1) Cities, Third Class Fireworks Police, City and County Wuchner, Addia Civil Actions Fiscal Note Police, State HB 11, 23, 26, 51, 63, 66, 80, 88, 97, Civil Procedure Fish and Wildlife Pollution 156, 174, 187, 189*, 195, 211, 218, Civil Rights Flood Control and Flooding Popular Names and Short Titles 238, 291, 299*, 343, 347, 349, 354, Claims Foods Poverty 390, 413, 431*, 445, 462, 469, 505, Clergy Forests and Forestry Probation and Parole 549 Coal Fuel Property HCR 163* Collective Bargaining Gambling Property Valuation Administrators HR 17, 20, 21, 40, 62, 64*, 92*, 123*, Commendations and Recognitions Garnishment Prosecutors 166, 182, 209, 211, 215, 219, 241, Commerce General Assembly Public Advocate 246, 248 Committees Governor Public Assistance HB 67: HFA(1); HB 70: HFA(1); HB 299: Communications Grain Public Authorities HFA(1); HB 345: HFA(1), (3); HB Conference Committee Reports Guardians Public Buildings and Grounds 352: HFA(1), (2) Confirmation of Appointments Hazardous Materials Public Ethics Yonts, Brent Conflict of Interest Health and Medical Services Public Health HB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8*, 17, 62, 64, 70, Congressional Districts Health Benefit Mandate Public Medical Assistance 75, 131*, 132*, 133*, 134*, 135*, Consolidated Local Governments Highways, Streets, and Bridges Public Officers and Employees 137*, 149*, 207*, 226, 236*, 244, Constables Historical Affairs Public Records and Reports 295, 305, 339, 352, 362, 370, 452*, Constitution, Ky. Holidays Public Salaries 490* Constitution, U.S. Home Rule Public Utilities HCR 46* Consumer Affairs Hospitals and Nursing Homes Public Works HR 17, 20, 21, 45*, 62, 132, 169, 182, Contracts Hotels and Motels Publications 209, 241, 248 Cooperatives Housing, Building, and Construction Purchasing HB 62: HFA(1); HB 137: HFA(1); HB Coroners Immigration Race Relations 140: HFA(1); HB 207: HFA(2); HB Corporations Information Technology Racing 490: HFA(1), (2) Corrections and Correctional Facilities, Inspections Railroads State Insurance Real Estate Corrections Impact Insurance, Health Redistricting Counties Insurance, Motor Vehicle Religion Index Counties of 75,000 or More Interest and Usury Reorganization Counties with Cities of the First Class Interlocal Cooperation Reproductive Issues Counties with Cities of the Second Class International Trade and Relations Research and Methods Headings Counties with Cities of the Third Through Interstate Cooperation Retirement and Pensions Sixth Class Jails and Jailers Retroactive Legislation Accountants Counties, Urban Judges and Court Commissioners Safety Actuarial Analysis County Clerks Judicial Circuits Sales Administrative Regulations and County Judge/Executives Judicial Districts Science and Technology Proceedings Court of Appeals Junkyards Secretary of State Advertising Court Reporters Juries and Jurors Securities Aeronautics and Aviation Court, Supreme Justices of the Peace and Magistrates Sewer Systems Aged Persons and Aging Courts Labor and Industry Sheriffs Agriculture Courts, Circuit Land Use Small Business Alcoholic Beverages Courts, District Landlord and Tenant Space and Offices Alcoholism Courts, Fiscal Legislative Research Commission Special Districts Amusements and Recreation Crime Victims Libraries State Agencies Animals, Livestock, and Poultry Crimes and Punishments Licensing State Employees Annexation Criminal Procedure Liens State Symbols and Emblems Appropriations Dairying and Milk Marketing Lieutenant Governor Statutes Arbitration Data Processing Loans and Credit Studies Directed Architects Deaths Local Government Substance Abuse Archives and Records Deeds and Conveyances Local Mandate Sunday Closing Area Development Districts Disabilities and the Disabled Lottery Surface Mining Arts and Crafts Disasters Malt Beverages Taxation Associations Diseases Medicaid Taxation, Income--Corporate Athletics Distilled Spirits Memorials Taxation, Income--Individual Attorney General Dogs Men Taxation, Inheritance and Estate Attorney, Commonwealth's Domestic Relations Mental Disability Taxation, Property Attorney, County Drugs and Medicines Mental Health Taxation, Sales and Use Attorneys Economic Development Military Affairs and Civil Defense Taxation, Severance Auctioneers Education, Elementary and Secondary Minerals and Mining Teachers Auditor of Public Accounts Education, Finance Motor Carriers Technical Corrections Audits and Auditors Education, Higher Motor Vehicles Television and Radio Bail and Pretrial Release Education, Vocational Negotiable Instruments Textbooks Bankruptcy Effective Dates, Delayed News Media Time Banks and Financial Institutions Effective Dates, Emergency Noise Control Title Amendments Barbers and Cosmetologists Effective Dates, Retroactive Notaries Tobacco Blind or Deaf Persons Elections and Voting Notices Tourism Electricians Nuclear Energy Trade Practices and Retailing Traffic Safety Social services employees, participation of Energy Policy, Biofuels 59 Transportation in hazardous duty retirement - HB 52 Transportation Grant Program - SB Runways, inclusion within definition of Treasurer Solid waste employees, hazardous duty 33 "public highway" - HB 284: SCA(3) Unemployment Compensation retirement coverage - HB 247 Orthotics, prosthetics, and pedorthics, Uniform Laws State retirement systems, the Sudan, promulgate administrative regulations Aged Persons and Aging United States divestment of investments in - HB 25 to govern practice of - SB 30; HB 337: Universities and Colleges Teachers' SFA (2) Adapted motor vehicles, license dealers Urban Renewal Retirement System, omnibus revisions - Outpatient data reporting, required by of - HB 389 Veterans' Affairs HB 461 hospitals - HB 445 Alzheimer's disease, direct study of Veterinarians Retirement System, technical Personnel service delivery for - HJR 13 Vetoed Legislation corrections - HB 461: HCS Cabinet secretary, regulatory Alzheimer's, direct the Cabinet for Health Wages and Hours University service, computation of responsibilities of - SB 58: SCA(1) and Family Services to assess - SJR 6 Waste Management retirement and health benefits - SB 131 Cabinet, Sec., authority to promulgate Assault on the elderly, penalty Water Supply regs for alternative dispute resolution enhancement - HB 77 Waterways and Dams Administrative Regulations and procedures - HB 62: HCS Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Weights and Measures Proceedings Cabinet, work-related dispute resolution initiatives for - HR 49 Wills and Estates methods, development of - HB 62 Continuing care retirement community, Withdrawn Legislation Boxing administrative regulations, Greg Railroads, safe walkways, provision for - nursing home bed sunset clause, Witnesses Page Boxing and Safety Initiative, HB 172 removal of - HB 282; HB 282: SCS, Women recognition as - HCR 194 Real HCS Workers' Compensation Cab. for Health & Family Services, estate broker escrow account violations, COPD initiatives and disease Mental Health & Substance Abuse, emergency hearing for allegations of - management for - SR 14 compulsive gamblers fund - HB 41 HB 86 Department for Aging and Independent Certificate of title for all-purpose vehicles Estate Commission, required post- Living, creation of - SB 79 Bill and - SB 120 license education course - HB 65 Diabetes prevention, control, and Charitable Transportation Cabinet, DUI, license treatment of - HB 337: SCS gaming administrative regulations, suspension for - SB 217 Diabetes, prevention, control, and Amendment review process established - HB 156: Venue, actions against state agencies treatment of - HB 406 SFA(1) and officers - SB 75: SFA(1) I-SaveRx Internet program, cooperative gaming advisory committee, agreement with - HB 256 Index administrative regulations review, Advertising Kentucky comments included - HB 156: FCCR Farmers Market Nutrition Program, Accountants Dieticians and nutritionists board, Academic degree, forgery of, Class D creation of - SB 25 mandate for administrative regulations felony - HB 175 Golden alert system, establish for Accountancy Board, nonlicensees, to be promulgated by - SB 156 Alcoholic beverage advertising ban, missing impaired adult - HB 142 jurisdiction over - HB 259: HCS Division of Family Resource and Youth exception created - SB 29 Long-term Board Services Centers, regulate funding Automotive mobility dealer, permit to care facilities, inspections, posting of Accountants, nonlicensees, scope of provisions for - HB 400: SCA(1) advertise if licensed - HB 389 requirements for - SB 70 jurisdiction over - HB 259: SCS Education Professional Standards Board Billboard vegetation control permits, care facilities, nurse staffing of Accountants, scope of jurisdiction - to promulgate - SB 2 allow local governments to veto - SB requirements, establishment of - HB HB 259 Finance 155: HFA(3),(6) 290 Uniform Prudent Management of and Administration Cab., state Billboards, care facilities, training, policies and Institutional Funds Act, adoption of - contractors, equal employment allow vegetation control on state rights- services for dementia - HB 141 HB 515 opportunity requirements for - HB of-way near - SB 155: HCS care partnership insurance program, 334: SCA(1) establish vegetation control permit - SB establishment - HB 126 and Administration Cabinet, equal 155 Medicare prescription drug benefit, Actuarial Analysis employment opportunity regulations - Identity, unauthorized use of - SB 21 improvements in - HR 125 HB 181: HCS Immigration assistance services, Nutrition program, place under Classified employees, job benefits - HB and Administration Cabinet, state misleading advertisements proscription Agriculture Department, require 210 contractors, equal employment on - HB 166 reporting - SB 25: SCS Kentucky opportunity requirements for - HB 181 Legal notices, public broadcast, study of Office of Inspector General, licensure Retirement Systems, definitions of Franklin Circuit Court, creation of - HCR 155 inspections, provide results to news hazardous duty - HB 545 alternative concurrent jurisdiction - SB Marriage services, permit - HB 348: media - HB 463 Retirement Systems, establishment of 75 HFA(1) Prescription new benefit structure for new hires - Gaming Motor drug importation from foreign countries, HB 418: SCS commission, regulatory agency - SB 17; vehicle rental agreements and FDA, certification of safety prior to - Retirement Systems, make technical HB 546 advertisements, price disclosure HB 252: HFA(1) amendment - HB 418: HCS commission, regulatory agency required - HB 310: HCS drug importation from foreign countries, Teachers Retirement Systems, increase established - HB 27 vehicle renting companies, allow to provisions for - HB 252 for death in the line of duty benefits - Hearing officers, replace with charge daily vehicle license recovery Senior HB 511 administrative law judges - SB 210 fees - HB 310 Center, Campbell County, honoring - Teachers' Retirement Systems, Kentucky Planning and zoning notices, allow use HR 193 issuance of bonds for - HB 418: Board of Education, drug testing for of first-class mail for - HB 496 Games, encourage participation and SCA(2) school employees - HB 408 Practitioner of healing arts, advertising funding for - SR 231 Retirement, Board of Education, illness-related low by - HB 424 Universal health care, urge Congress to defined contribution plan for employees attendance days - HB 440 Reduce advertising device viewing zone support policies to provide - HCR 6 hired on or after July 1, 2009 - HB Board of Education, Kentucky financial - SB 155: HFA(1),(2) 331 literacy trust fund, application and Telephone directories, misrepresentation Agriculture high-three final compensation - SB 58: disbursal - HB 346 of location of floral businesses, HFA(3) Board of Education, physical activity prohibition - HB 246 high-three final compensation and 2.2 Agricultural requirement, administrative Unsolicited Development Board, membership - HB percent benefit factor extension - HB regulations for - HB 299 fax, prohibitions and penalty - HB 437; 223, 414, 486, 538 334: SCA(2) Board of Education, student physical HB 437: HFA (1) Development Board, membership, high-three final compensation and 2.2 activity requirements - SB 110 faxes, unlawful practices - HB 437: HCS percent factor extension - HB 223 changes to - HB 289 Heritage Council, expanded regulatory Victim solicitation, media advertisements Development Board, Vickie Yates high-three final compensation and 2.2. power of - HB 118 by attorneys following disaster - SB percent benefit factor extension - HB Brown, reappointment to - HCR 33 State Use Commission, authorization to 180 Development Board, Wayne Hunt, 418 promulgate administrative regulations School board member, service credit for reappointment to - HCR 30 by - HB 23 Aeronautics and Aviation Development Board, Wayne Mattingly, retirement - HB 267 Long-term care partnership insurance Senior appointment to - HCR 28 program, Office of Insurance - HB 126 Bluegrass Field, appropriation for district, requirements for - HB 202 status judge program, annual fiscal Office reporting - HB 465: HCS runway expansion - HB 284: SCA(3) Agroterrorism, penalties for - HB 350; of Charitable Gaming, review of Capital City Airport, transfer operational HB 350: HCS status judge program, sunsetting of - regulations promulgated by - SB 212 HB 465 control to Transportation Cabinet - SB American Saddlebred Day, proclamation of - HR 231 Self-extinguishing cigarettes, fire safety Alcoholism - SR 221 ATV Usage Taskforce, establishment of performance standards established - Livestock and poultry, exempt from - HJR 14 HB 278: HCS Alcohol or substance abuse, pretrial prohibition, forfeiture - HB 93: HFA(1) Cloned food products, labeling of - HCR Show cattle, exhibiting of - HB 203; HB provisions relating to - SB 34: SCS, Local government, limitation on certain 163 203: HCS HFA (2) regulations - HB 375 Conservation easement tax credits - HB Small Driving under the influence - SB 67: Shelters, spay/neuter, require for 354: HCS farm wineries, production limitation for - SCS(2), SFA (1) adoption, release - HB 270 Construction contracts, payment SB 29: HFA(3) DUI fees, increase, use of funds - SB Show cattle, exhibiting of - HB 203; HB arrangements, exemption created - HB farm wineries, sales from - SB 29: 132 203: HCS 490: HCS HFA(2) National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Spay Day commemoration, recognize - Cotton, referendum, procedures for - HB Soil and Water Conservation districts, Recovery Month, declare - HR 198 HR 80 192 infrastructure, loans and grants for - SB Pretrial diversion, alcohol or substance Spay/neuter, urge formation of working Coyote depredation, Department of Fish 92; HB 136 abuse - SB 34 group on - HR 222 and Wildlife Resources, evaluation of - Spay/neuter, Trust for the care of an animal - SB 114 SR 170 require for adoption, release - HB 270 Veterinarian Coyotes, urge formation of working group on - HR Amusements and Recreation volunteers, registration of - HB 287: buying and selling, conditions for - HB 222 HCS 231 Special districts, raise audit maximum - Charitable volunteers, registration of out-of-state regulation of - HR 205 HB 448 Gaming Advisory Commission, licensed - HB 287 Emergency Action Plans for State Rural Development Council, membership of - HB 180: HFA(2) impoundments, promulgate creation, feasibility of - HCR 47 gaming, regulation of - SB 212 Annexation administrative regulations for - HJR Tobacco Create task force to study charitable gaming oversight - HCR 9 130 packages, allow moisture devices for - Court action to void annexation, filing of Equine HB 449 Senior Games, encourage participation and funding for - SR 231 judgment with Secretary of State - HB health permits, encourage to coincide - products and cigarettes purchases on 451 HCR 148 behalf of minors, prohibition on - HB Sexually oriented business, prohibit a sales, disclosure required - HB 367: 567 semi-nude employee from being within SFA(1) Task Force, reauthorize - HR 78 six feet of a patron - SB 95 Appropriations Farm equipment, maximum width for testing, denote regulatory powers - HB annual overdimensional permit, 449: HFA(1) Animals, Livestock, and Poultry 06 increase of - HB 182 Tobacco, establish basis for moisture HB 380, state budget, amendments to - Farmers device use - HB 449: HCS Agroterrorism, penalties for - HB 350; HB 327: HCS, HFA (14) market temporary food service Unauthorized alien, prohibit employment HB 350: HCS HB 380, state/executive branch budget establishment, requirements for - HB of - HB 148 American Saddlebred Day, proclamation bill, amendments - HB 262: SCS 120: HCS Unpasteurized milk, regulation of - SB of - HR 231 HB 380, state/executive branch budget markets, preparation and serving of 184; HB 298 Animal cruelty, amend to include shelter bill, amendments to - HB 327 ready-to-eat foods at - HB 120; HB White City Wildlife Management Area, from elements - HB 450 Bell County Coal Severance Projects - 120: HFA (1),(2) renaming of - HJR 23 Assistance dogs, medical treatment of - HB 1: HFA(1),(2) Farmstay included as farm animal Workers' compensation, definition SB 23; SB 23: SCS Bluegrass State Skills Corporation, grant activity sponsor - SB 37 revised - SB 203: SCS; HB 296: SCS Bloodstock agent and equine consignor funds for - HB 536: SCA(1) Fertilizer regulation, declare state licenses, establishment of - HB 497 Budget, uniform forms to be used - HB preemption - SB 91; HB 399 Alcoholic Beverages Cloned food products, labeling of - HCR 559 Fertilizer, 163 Casino gaming net profits, distribution of clarify zoning authority, reporting - HB Coyote depredation, Department of Fish - SB 17; HB 27, 546 Advertising ban, exemption for items Claims 399: HFA(1) sent to customer's residence - SB 29 and Wildlife Resources, evaluation of - stipulate zoning, reporting - SB 91: SCS SR 170 bill, amendment to - HB 312: HFA(1) Alcohol vaporizing device, sale and use bills - HB 312 Fire-safe cigarettes, require certification ban - HB 125; HB 125: SFA (1) Coyotes, fee per brand family - SB 134: HFA(1) buying and selling, conditions for - HB Commission on Human Rights, funds for Alcoholic beverages, racetrack license, - HB 327: HFA(15) Floyds Fork Water Resources Council, issuance of, qualifications established - 231 establishment of - HB 435 regulation of - HR 205 Compulsive gamblers awareness and SB 29: SCS treatment fund, funding mechanism, Food Checkout Day, recognition of - SR Caterer, definition of, amended - SB 107 Cruelty 31; HR 62 to animals, cost for keeping animal - SB creation of - HB 41 Distilled spirits retail drink license, Funding for social workers and Fort Harrod Beef Festival, recognition of eligibility for - HB 340 38 - HR 179 to, maintenance fees and forfeiture - HB supervised visitation centers - HB 362: Driver's license revocation and criminal HFA(3) Ginseng, regulation of - SB 191 penalties, alcohol convictions involving 74 Historic rock fences, clarify definitions Cruelty, ownership, prohibition and GOLD, funds for - HB 327: HFA(7),(8) minors leading to - SB 45 Gross Revenues and Excise Tax Fund, and use of funds - HB 108: HFA(1) DUI, court order requiring blood or urine forfeiture of - HB 93 Horse Dairy, unpasteurized milk, regulation of - increase - HB 80 test, removal of statutory right to HB 362/HCS2 - HB 362: HCS(2) flesh, human consumption - SB 6 consult attorney - HB 34 SB 184; HB 298 sales, commission ensues, conditions Dog or cat, redefine torture of, increase Horse Election days, after 12 noon, permit sale Park Commission, funds for - HB 327: predicating - HB 367 of - HB 341 penalty for - HB 475 sales, financial records, condition Equine HFA(3),(12) Hours for Sunday sales adopted by Racing Authority, provide funding FY warranting disclosure - HB 367: HCS urban-county government - HB 138: health permits, encourage similar time sales, medical conditions and frames - HCR 148 2007-2008 - HB 402: SFA(2) SCA(1) Human Papillomavirus vaccine, funds for ownership disclosure required - HB Kentucky Wine and Vine Festival, official sales, procedures governing, exemption 388 deleted - HB 367: SFA(1) - HB 327: HFA(5),(10) designation of - HB 283 Kentucky John and Jill Mahan, honoring - SR 148 Restaurant corkage fee, establishment Euthanasia, approval required for - HB Kentucky 49 Cardiovascular Disease Initiative - HB of - SB 29: HFA(1) 185; HB 185: HFA (1) Recreational Trails Authority, illegal Sales at qualified historic sites, local Horse ATV usage, directing study of - HJR sales, contracts, enforcement of, Health Information Partnership, option elections for - HB 138; HB 138: appropriation for - HB 185: HCS 14: HCS SCS conditions predicating - HB 367 Wine and Vine Festival, official sales, financial records, condition Higher Education Assistance Authority, State funds for - HB 327: HFA(4),(11) designation of - HB 283 parks, sale of alcoholic beverages, local warranting disclosure - HB 367: HCS KSU Division of Aquaculture, honoring of sales, financial records, exemptions Infrastructure Authority, funds for - HB option election to allow - HB 391: 327: HFA(6),(9) - SR 221 HFA(1) from - HB 367: HCS Livestock and poultry, exempt from sales, medical conditions and Line item vetoes, 2006 General parks, wine and malt beverage sales, Assembly, restoration of - HB 1: HCS prohibition, forfeiture - HB 93: HFA(1) local option election authorized - HB ownership disclosure required - HB Noncitizen workers, study of - HCR 127; 388 Line-item vetoes, 2006 General 391 Assembly, restoration of - HB 1 HR 223 Wine, Horses, slaughter of - SB 6 Nutrition program, place under Interlocal Postsecondary institutions, debt production limit for small farm wineries - issuance by - HB 332 Agriculture Department, require SB 29: HFA(3) agreements, aid for counties in animal reporting - SB 25: SCS control - HB 116 Property valuation administrator salaries sales from small farm wineries - SB 29: - HB 446 Rock fences, preservation and HFA(2) agreements, incentives for - HB 116: construction of - HB 108; HB 108: HCS Public Service Student Law Loan HCS, HFA (2) KSU Division of Aquaculture, honoring of Program - HB 226 Reporting requirements for, publication Bowl champions - SR 36 Charitable Gaming Advisory Fees, amend amounts that may be of - HB 159 George Rogers Clark boys basketball Commission, membership - HB 180; collected in relation to certificates of Retirement Systems, appropriations for - team, honor as 10th Region champions HB 180: HFA (1) delinquency - HB 321: HFA(1) HB 419 - SR 220 Commonwealth Gentleman from Garrard, award of Juris Revolving trust and agency account for High detective, training - HB 78 Doctor - HB 175: HFA(1) HVAC permit office - SB 10; SB 10: school athletics, change in eligibility detectives, peace officer certification - Henderson Judicial Center, rename as SCS date for students in - HB 380: HCS SB 77 Gross's House of Justice - HJR 5: Runoff primaries, payment of - HB 476 school athletics, exemption to eligibility Commonwealth's detective, training - HB HFA(1) SEEK, excess funds, allocation of - HB requirements - HB 380 277 Loss of consortium, attorney fees - HB 326 Honor Death 403: HFA(5),(6) Show cattle, funding for - HB 203 Brandon Webb, 2006 NL Cy Young penalty task force, established - HCR Medicaid University Winner - HR 24 88 fraud, civil and administrative of Kentucky employees, one-time bonus Mercer Co. Football, 2006 KHSAA Penalty, abolition of - HB 200 proceedings for - HB 477 - HB 544 Class 2A Champs - SR 140; HR 161 Detective, certified court security officers recovery, provide exception for fees of Kentucky, Samaritan Clinical Facility, U of L football team, 2007 Orange Bowl - SB 153 related to - HB 431: SFA(1) funds for - SB 143: HFA(1) champions - HR 39 Detectives, certified court security Private of Louisville equine industry program, U of L football, 2007 Orange Bowl officers - HB 427 investigator insurance requirements, funding increased - HB 40 champions - SR 51 Driving under the influence - HB 82: attorneys and their employees, of Louisville Stadium Expansion, UK football, 2006 Music City Bowl SFA(1); HB 125: SFA (2); HB 175: SFA exemption for - SB 148 authorization of - HB 416 champions - SR 52; HR 149 (1) investigator licensing, attorneys bona Withdrawals from State Treasury for Interscholastic athletic program, DUI, fide employees, exemption for - SB refund of certain tax claims, prohibition cooperative agreement for - HB 409 amount and type of substances 148 of - HB 316 June Buchanan School boys basketball impairing driving ability - HB 149 Public Service Student Law Loan team, honor as 14th Region champions elements of offense - SB 67: SCS(1) Program - HB 226 Arbitration - SR 225; HR 230 substances other than alcohol - SB 67 Uniform Prudent Management of Montgomery County girls basketball Expungement of records, Class D felony Institutional Funds Act, adoption of - Conflict Resolution Week in Kentucky, team, honor as 10th Region champions and misdemeanor - HB 16; SB 34: HB 515 declaration of - HJR 118 - SR 219 HCS; HB 16: HFA (1) Victim solicitation, media advertisements Medical malpractice, constitutional Scott County Cardinals, 2007 KHSAA Flagrant nonsupport, initiation of by attorneys following disaster - SB amendment - HB 505 Boys Sweet 16 Champs, honor - SR prosecution - SB 220 180 235; HR 239 HIV testing of defendant - HB 191: Vital statistics, divorce, allow electronic Smith, Orlando "Tubby," honor career as SCA(2) filing of - SB 198: SFA(2),(3) Architects UK head basketball coach for public Sexual offenses against minors, penalty Workers' service - HR 248 increase - HB 548 compensation, attorney fee increase - Construction contracts, payment U of L football team, 2007 Orange Bowl Trials, time frame, cost of detention - SB HB 491 arrangements - HB 490: HCS champions, recognition of - SR 23 173; HB 551 compensation, fees for medical disputes Uniform state building permit, provisions Union County Braves, 2007 KHSAA - HB 495 for - HB 372 Wrestling Champs, honor - HR 185 Attorney, County compensation, unfair practices, repeal of - SB 181 Archives and Records Attorney General County detective, training - HB 78, 277 Auctioneers Death certificate, certified copy, Attorney General, set fire-safe cigarette detectives, peace officer certification - complete request in five days - SB 50 duties for - SB 134; HB 278; SB 134: SB 77 Tax collection, charitable auctions - HB DNA collection, any felony - HB 507 SCS Dependency 24 Charitable Gaming Advisory proceedings, appointment of counsel - Theft by deception, bad checks - HB 217 Area Development Districts Commission, membership - HB 180; SB 141; SB 140: HCS; SB 141: SCS HB 180: HFA (1) proceedings, counsel fees - SB 141: Auditor of Public Accounts Tax increment financing commission, Controlled substances, omnibus revision SFA(1) designate members - HB 549: HFA(1) - SB 88: SCS Elected officials, salary upon Reorganization, confirmation of APA Credit cards, disclosures, consumer reemployment after retirement - HB Executive Order #06-01 - HB 325 Arts and Crafts protection - HB 250 132 Representative included in task force to Death Flagrant nonsupport, initiation of study charitable gaming - HCR 9 penalty task force, established - HCR prosecution - SB 220 Bluegrass music, designation as official 88 Gift cards, regulate - HB 254 state music - HB 71 Penalty, abolition of - HB 200 Trials, time frame, cost of detention - SB Audits and Auditors Louisville Orchestra, designation as Fire-safe cigarettes, require certification 173; HB 551 official state orchestra - SB 11; HB 173 fee per brand family - SB 134: HFA(1) Audit of absentee votes, requirement for Gift cards, regulate - HB 254 Attorneys - HB 405: HFA(2) Associations Identity theft, data protection, omnibus Board of Pharmacy, wholesale distributors, license required - SB 215 revision - HB 7 Attorney fee, usury case - SB 64; HB Board of Accountants, professional Uniform Prudent Management of Immigration assistance provider, 274 organization membership authorized - Institutional Funds Act, adoption of - Attorney General's Office, registration Certificates of delinquency, limitation on HB 259 HB 515 required - HB 166 attorney fees - HB 171 Charitable Gaming Advisory Late loan payments, reporting of - HB Child support, increase minimum Commission, membership - HB 180; 529 amount of - HB 369 Bail and Pretrial Release HB 180: HFA (1) Long-term care insurance rates - HB 79; Conflict Resolution Week in Kentucky, Kentucky Psychological Association, HB 79: HFA (1) declaration of - HJR 118 Juvenile sex offenders, provisions honor - SR 161; HR 175 Medicaid fraud, civil and administrative Contacting victims of mining disasters, relating to - SB 51 proceedings for - HB 477 60-day limitation for - HB 207: HFA(1) Sexual offenses, HIV testing upon Athletics Reorganization, Department of Law, County law libraries, location and victim's request, required - HB 528 Attorney General Executive Order AG material of - HB 273 Boxing administrative regulations, Greg 05-01 - HB 190 Death Banks and Financial Institutions Page Boxing and Safety Initiative, Safety standards, establish authority - penalty task force, established - HCR HB 278: HFA(1) recognition as - HCR 194 88 Attorney fee, usury case - SB 64; HB Security breach, definition of - HB 7: Brandon Penalty, abolition of - HB 200 274 HCS Webb, 2006 NL Cy Young Winner, Driving under the influence - HB 82: Bank robbery, violent offender status - Uniform Prudent Management of recognition of - SR 18 SFA(1); HB 125: SFA (2); HB 175: SFA HB 84 Institutional Funds Act, adoption of - Webb, naming of highway in honor of in (1) Consumer credit, disclosures - HB 260 HB 515 city of Ashland - HJR 52 DUI, Credit cards, disclosures, consumer Unsolicited fax, prohibitions and penalty Brunemann, Emily, honor for amount and type of substances protection - HB 250 - HB 437; HB 437: HFA (1) accomplishments at 2007 NCAA impairing driving ability - HB 149 Deferred deposit transactions, limitation Women's Swimming and Diving elements of offense - SB 67: SCS(1) on fees charged to members of military Championships - SR 223 Attorney, Commonwealth's substances other than alcohol - SB 67 - HB 92 Football, honor UK, 2006 Music City Durable power of attorney - HB 275 Delinquent taxes collection, financial institutions bill, amendments to - HB 327 - HB 327: HFA(5),(10) contributions allowed to be donated, defined - HB 443: HFA(1) Bridges in Jefferson County, bond funds ICARE, cancer screenings, provide for - amount decreased - SB 159: taxes, seizure of financial assets - HB to build - HB 72 HB 410 HFA(11),(12),(15),(16) 443 Department for Local Government, Information Commercials by statewide candidates, Electronic data matches and levies - HB project authorization for - SB 124; HB sharing with the Legislative Research using state funds, prohibition of - HB 443: HFA(3) 404 Commission - SB 55: HFA(1); HB 395 Industrial GOLD, funds for - HB 327: HFA(7),(8) 359: HFA (1) Contributions to members of the General loan corporation, restrictions - HB 366 Horse Park Commission, funds for - HB Sharing with the Legislative Research Assembly, prohibition against - SB 159: loan corporations, commercial activity - 327: HFA(3),(12) Commission - HB 359; HB 359: HFA HFA(14),(17) HB 366 Kenton (2) Contributions, expenditures, and Late loan payments, reporting of - HB County Community Development Kenton reporting, changes to - SB 159 529 Project - HB 327: HFA(2) County Community Development Deadline for depositing contributions, Prepayment fees or penalties, limitation County Community Development Project - HB 327: HFA(2) holidays and weekends, provide on - HB 90 Projects - HB 327: HFA(1) County Community Development exemption for - SB 159: HFA(1),(6) Require notification to state local debt Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, funds Projects - HB 327: HFA(1) Deposit officer when entering into specified for - HB 327: HFA(6),(9) Kentucky of contribution, remove deadline for - financial obligations - HB 281 Line-item vetoes, 2006 General Cardiovascular Disease Initiative and SB 159: HFA(5) State Assembly, restoration of - HB 1 board, appointments - HB 185 of contributions, remove deadline for - depositories, collateral - HB 523 Notification to state local debt officer, Higher Education Assistance Authority, SB 159: HFA(3) depository, collateral - HB 523: HCS require when lease price exceeds funds for - HB 327: HFA(4),(11) Electronic Testamentary trustee, accounting $200,000 - HB 281: HCS Infrastructure Authority, funds for - HB filing requirement, funds raised only in requirement - HB 83; HB 83: HFA (2) Postsecondary institutions, debt 327: HFA(6),(9) current campaign, limit application of Uniform Prudent Management of issuance by - HB 332 Teachers' Retirement Systems, - SB 159: HFA(1),(6) Institutional Funds Act, adoption of - Require notification to state local debt issuance of bonds for - HB 418: filing, remove requirement for - SB 159: HB 515 officer when entering into specified SCA(2) HFA(4) financial obligations - HB 281 Tuition Grant Program - HB 1: HFA(6) filing, remove requirement of - SB 159: Barbers and Cosmetologists University capital projects, vetoed, Ky. Savings Bond Authority, abolished - HFA(5) restoration of - HB 1: HFA(4) SB 55 General Assembly candidates, public Board of Hairdressers and Line item vetoes, 2006 General financing for - HB 55 Cosmetologists, composition of - SB Budget and Financial Administration Assembly, restoration of - HB 1: HCS Legislative 128 Line-item vetoes, 2006 General agents to candidates and slates for Cosmetologist 06 Assembly, restoration of - HB 1 statewide office, permit to contribute - board, examinations administered by HB 380, state budget, amendments to - Nicholas Hildreth School, move of - HB SB 159: HFA(8) and principal office of - SB 13 HB 327: HCS, HFA (14) 129 agents to candidates and slates for board, parties whose presence is HB 380, state/executive branch budget Postsecondary institutions, debt statewide office, prohibit contributions required at examinations bill, amendments - HB 262: SCS issuance by - HB 332 to - SB 159: HFA(7) administered by - SB 13: SCS HB 380, state/executive branch budget Procurement Advisory Council, Lieutenant Governor, nomination of, bill, amendments to - HB 327 abolished - SB 55 delay until after primary - HB 488 Regional Industrial Parks - HB 327: Member of the Kentucky Registry of Blind or Deaf Persons Annual Report to Kentucky Taxpayers - HB 295 HFA(13) Election Finance, appointment of Leigh Retirement A. Jones - SR 192 Employment, implement a Medicaid buy- Audit ceiling, raise for special districts - HB 448 Systems, appropriations for - HB 419; Paper copies to county clerk, exemption in program to support - SB 219 HB 418: SCS for electronic filers - SB 159: HFA(1), Kentucky State Use Commission, Bell County Coal Severance Projects - HB 1: HFA(1),(2) Systems, bond issuance for - HB 418: (6) creation of - HB 23 SCS Sixty-day reporting requirement, remove Licensure of professionals who provide Bluegrass State Skills Corporation, grant funds for - HB 536: SCA(1) Runoff primaries, payment of - HB 476 - SB 159: HFA(2),(5) care to persons with hearing disorders SEEK, Transporters of voters to polls, - SB 89: SCS Branch budget bills, effect of - HB 184: HCS allocation of - HB 326: HCS requirements of - HB 501 Nonprofit agencies and work centers, excess funds, allocation of - HB 326 government purchase from - HB 23 Budget Director, preparation of annual report to Single county coal severance projects, Capital Construction Kentucky taxpayers - HB 295 funding of - HB 500 Boats and Boating reduction, state employees, salaries of - State 06 HB 380, state/executive branch HB 31; HB 31: HFA (1) employees, salary increases for - HB budget bill, amendments to - HB 327 Barren River Lake, urge Corps of Budget, uniform forms to be used - HB 31; HB 31: HFA (1) City receipt of funds from consolidated Engineers to increase depth of - HCR 559 Investment Commission, the Sudan, local government for capital 139 Charitable divestment of investments i - HB 25 improvements - SB 36 Lake Asset Administration Board, abolished, proceeds from a judgment or Line-item vetoes, 2006 General Barkley, correct reference to duties transferred - SB 55 settlement, administration and Assembly, restoration of - HB 1 Congressional resolution - HCR 12: Asset Administration Board, restored, disbursement by Controller - SB 55 Postsecondary institutions, debt HCS duties retained - SB 55: SCS Tax issuance by - HB 332 Barkley, increase boat safety on - HCR Claims increment financing, establish new Prevailing 12 bill, amendment to - HB 312: HFA(1) programs - HB 349, 549 wage project, median wage payment bills - HB 312 increment financing, establish new required - HB 456 Bonds of Surety Coal Severance Capital Project - HB 1: programs for second class cities - HB wage projects, locality redefined - HB HFA(5) 539 455 Tax, limestone, manufacturers - HB 568 Bond of elected officials - HB 514: SCS Commission wage projects, requirements for bid Tax-me-more account in General Fund, Execution bond, 30 day exemption for on Human Rights, funds for - HB 327: proposals - HB 453 creation of - HB 47 penalty granted - HB 514 HFA(15) School Facilities Construction University Fiduciary, gender neutral language on Human Rights, necessary Commission, members - HB 562 capital projects, vetoed, restoration of - added - HB 564 government expense - HB 327: State contractors, equal employment HB 1: HFA(4) Immigration assistance provider, HFA(16) opportunity requirements for - HB 181; of Kentucky employees, one-time bonus conditions on practice, surety required Commonwealth Office of Technology, HB 181: HCS; HB 334: SCA (1) - HB 544 - HB 166 changes in duties of - SB 55: SCS University of Kentucky, Samaritan Clinical Facility, Supersedeas bonds, limit on amount - Department of Kentucky, Samaritan Clinical Facility, funds for - SB 143: HFA(1) HB 426 for Local Government, oversight of funds for - SB 143: HFA(1) projects using state funds - SB 143 of Louisville Stadium Expansion, of Louisville Stadium Expansion, authorization of - HB 416 Bonds, Public for Local Government, project authorization of - HB 416 authorization for - SB 124; HB 404 Finance and Administration Cabinet, Campaign Finance 06 Cemeteries and Burials reorganization of - SB 55 HB 380, state budget, amendments to - GOLD, funds for - HB 327: HFA(7),(8) Campaign HB 327: HCS, HFA (14) Funerals, Horse Park Commission, funds for - HB contributions allowed to be donated to HB 380, state/executive branch budget disruption of - HB 280: SCS 327: HFA(3),(12) committees, amount decreased - SB bill, amendments - HB 262: SCS prohibited activities - HB 280: HFA(1) Human Papillomavirus vaccine, funds for 159: HFA(13) HB 380, state/executive branch budget Historic or prehistoric remains on property, procedure for disposition of - applicants required by - HB 151 Juveniles, criminal justice system HB 118 support, increase minimum amount of - employees, sexual conduct prohibited - Certificates for driving, establish Human remains and burial objects, HB 369 HB 140: HCS procedures for application and archaeological sites; require access welfare, training judges on - SB 147; HB Names, petition for change, restrictions - issuance - SB 177 permit for - HB 117 199 SB 3; SB 3: SCS Court action to void annexation, filing of Interference with a funeral, elements of witnesses, procedure upon recall at trial Nurseries, Level II, III, and IV, annual judgment with Secretary of State - HB offense - HB 343 - SB 31: SFA(1) review of - HB 112 451 Child-care Office of the Ombudsman, Cabinet for Dependency Chambers of Commerce center rating system, licensing Health and Family Services to support proceedings, appointment of counsel, requirement for - HB 234 - HJR 137 parents' rights - SB 141; SB 140: Kentucky Cardiovascular Disease center rating system, licensing Operator's & Intermediate licenses and HCS; SB 141: SCS Initiative and board, appointments - HB requirement for new applications - HB permits, requirements for - HB 32 proceedings, counsel fees - SB 141: 185: HFA(1) 234: HFA(1) Parent education program, development SFA(1) Workers' compensation, independent Civic organization facility, sex offenders and implementation of - HB 512 Driver licensing, transfer issuance contractor certificate - SB 190 prohibited from residing within 1,000 Perinatal care, task force to design functions to State Police - SB 213 feet of - HB 58 volunteer reporting system - HB 112: Driver's license testing, extended hours Compulsory HCS of operation - HB 43 Charitable Organizations and school age, raising from 16 to 18 - HB Physical Fees, Institutions 221 activity in preschool through eighth merged county sheriff's department - SB school age, raising from sixteen to grade - SB 110: SFA(1) 153: SCS Charitable seventeen - HB 279 activity, requirement of - SB 110; HB merged county sheriff's departments - Gaming Advisory Commission, Covenant Marriage, create the option of 299; HB 299: HFA (1) SB 153: SFA(1) membership of - HB 180: HFA(2) entering into - HB 110 Preschool and primary programs, ages Identification card for homeless, provide gaming advisory commission's duties, Criminal for enrollment in - HB 64: HFA(5); HB for - HB 253 expansion of - HB 156: SFA(1) and juvenile matters - HB 358: HCS 210: HFA (1) Notice, allegations of abuse or neglect - gaming gross receipts, partial funding and juvenile matters, omnibus revision - Promoting prostitution in the first degree, HB 20 for compulsive gamblers, requirement HB 358 increase penalties for - HB 163 Protection orders, transfer of - SB 4 for - HB 41 history record checks, conduct of - HB Protection and permanency review Social worker safety, improvements for - gaming licensing requirements - HB 264, 308 panel, requirement for - SB 140: HCS HB 362; HB 362: SCS, SFA (1), HCS 180: HCS Crohn's disease, urge awareness of - Public morals offenses, establish crime (1),(2), HFA (1), CCR, FCCR gaming licensing, regulation of - HB HCR 141 of public indecency - HB 338 156: FCCR Daniel Carter Beard and Boy Scouts, Putative father registry, creation of - SB Cities gaming, regulation of - SB 212; HB 156: honor - SR 146 140 CCR Driver's license revocation and criminal Report on removal of children and Civic organization facility, sex offenders Animals, limitation on certain regulations penalties, alcohol convictions involving termination of parental rights by state, - HB 375 prohibited from residing within 1,000 minors leading to - SB 45 study of - HCR 76 feet of - HB 58 Area planning commissions, agreements Electronic data matches and levies, child Scholarship Program, Students with - HB 355: HFA(1) Create task force to study charitable support recovery - HB 443: HFA(3) Special Needs - HB 30 gaming - HCR 9 Assault, third degree, attack on elected Family resource youth services centers, School official - HB 165 Enforcement action, provide guidelines - specify requirements for - SB 86 enrollment, dental examination as a HB 156; HB 156: HCS Code enforcement boards, to have a Flagrant nonsupport, initiation of requirement for - SB 202 minimum of three members - HB 297 Gaming sites, location of - HB 180 prosecution - SB 220 nonattendance, custody and detention Gaming, location of gaming - HB 180: Contracts, verification of employment Foster parents, required physical exams of school age children for - SB 183; eligibility - HB 33, 44 HFA(1) and tests, reimbursement for - HB 314; HB 309 Nonprofit agencies and work centers, Court action to void annexation, filing of HB 314: HCS Sexual judgment with Secretary of State - HB government purchase from - HB 23 Friedreich's Ataxia Awareness Day, third conduct prohibited between certain Uniform Prudent Management of 451 Saturday in May recognized as - HR criminal justice system employees Department for Local Government, Institutional Funds Act, adoption of - 123 and juvenile - HB 140 HB 515 oversight of projects using state funds - Friedrich's Ataxia Awareness Day, third offenses against minors, penalty SB 143 Saturday in May recognized as - SR increase - HB 548 Documented vessels, exempt from local Children and Minors 120 offenses, procuring of minors via an taxation - HB 466 Give Kids A Smile Day, recognize - SR electronic communications system - Elected officials, salary upon 06 HB 380, state/executive branch 46 HB 438; HB 438: HCS reemployment after retirement - HB budget bill, amendments - HB 262: High State 132 SCS school athletics - HB 380: SCS, SFA (1) agencies and Bluegrass Community Eminent domain, authority and Adam Walsh Child Protection & Safety school athletics, exemption to eligibility and Technical College, urge procedure - HB 458 Act, implementation, directing the study requirements - HB 380 collaboration between - HR 133 English language, utilization of - HB 12 of - SCR 129 school day start time, establish - HB agencies and Kentucky Community and Fire protection boundaries, amendment Attendance records of transferring 436 Technical College System, by ordinance - HB 168 students, make cumulative for Holocaust, include study of in public collaboration between - HR 156 Firefighter and police salary determining truancy - HB 145 school curriculum - HJR 11 Children's Health Insurance Program, supplements - HB 214: HCS Autism Honor Azia Inman Meeks, recipient of urge reauthorization of - HCR 117 First class, land use provisions, citing of Spectrum Disorders work group, the first annual Ann Braden Student violations - HB 444 appointment of - HJR 144 Humanitarian Award - SR 212; HR 187 conduct, set Golden Rule as rule for - HVAC installations, permitting - SB 10; spectrum disorders, health coverage for Human HB 64: HFA(3) SB 10: HFA (1) - HB 91 papillomavirus vaccine, consideration of harassment, intimidation, or bullying, Identity theft, data protection, omnibus spectrum disorders, screening for, - HB 345: HFA(1) definition of and protection from - HB revision - HB 7 manual on - HB 109 Papillomavirus vaccine, funds for - HB 64 Insurance premiums tax, clarify powers Awarding child custody, consideration of 327: HFA(5),(10) Study of state adoption laws, establish of local governments - HB 371 - HB 382 papillomavirus virus, consideration of - task force for - HCR 67 Interlocal agreements with area planning Bicycles, helmet use required for HB 345: HFA(3) Supports for Individuals with Autism commission for certain services - HB persons under the age of 16 - HB 169 trafficking - SB 43; SB 43: SCS, SCA (1) Spectrum Disorders Program, creation 355 Booster Immunization of children, requirement - of - HB 109: HCS Internal Revenue Service agents, seats, penalty - HB 53: HFA(4) SB 188 Victims of bullying, local school districts inclusion of as Kentucky peace officers seats, penalty for - HB 53: HFA(1) Immunization, human papillomavirus, to provide training to - HB 64: HFA(4) - HB 194 Breast-feeding, excused from jury duty - middle school children - HB 143, 345; Visitation, allegations of abuse or Joint boards, planning and code HB 241 HB 345: HCS neglect - HB 20 enforcement, administration of - HB Bullying, charges to exclude the Immunizations, encourage rather than Voluntary 355: SCS expression of specific opinions - HB require - HB 345: HFA(2) acknowledgment of paternity registry, Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation 64: HFA(1) Jury service, excusal for breastfeeding study of - SB 140: SCS Fund, clarify definition of police officers Child mothers - SB 111 acknowledgment-of-paternity registry, who qualify - HB 214: HFA(4) booster seats, required use - HB 53 Juvenile study of - SB 140: HCS Legal notices, public broadcast, study of booster seats, requirement - HB 53: code, definitions - HB 358: HFA(1) - HCR 155 HCS, HFA (2),(3),(5),(6) sex offenders, provisions relating to - Circuit Clerks Line-item vetoes, 2006 General care centers, drug screening of SB 51 Assembly, restoration of - HB 1 Volunteer - SB 4 Breast-feeding, excused from jury duty - Local fire departments and incompatible and separation requirements, covenant HB 241 occupational tax, update Internal offices - HB 107: HFA(1) marriage, create the option of Child witnesses, procedure upon recall Revenue Code reference date for - firefighters, allow state, county, city entering into - HB 110 at trial - SB 31: SFA(1) HB 258 officers to serve as - HB 107: HCS Divorce, vital statistics, allow electronic Comparative fault, third party option elections, alcoholic beverage firefighters, civil offices not incompatible filing of - SB 198: SFA(2),(3) defendants, statute of limitations for - sales at qualified historic sites - HB with - HB 107 Eminent domain, authority and SB 192 138; HB 138: SCS Voter verified paper audit trail, procedure - HB 458 Conflict Resolution Week in Kentucky, or federal public benefits, verify requirement of - HB 415 Employer's duties, jury service - HB 423 declaration of - HJR 118 eligibility for - HB 162 Wage assessment, allow credit against Establishment Dating violence, availability of domestic parks, transient room tax, allowed to state income tax for - HB 188: HFA(2) Clause, civil actions relating to - HB 19 violence protective orders - HB 396 support - HB 534 Water Clause, claims relating to - HR 4 Dependency Notification to state local debt officer, districts, extension and formation of - Eviction of manufactured home proceedings, appointment of counsel, require when lease price exceeds SB 96 residents, good cause required - HB parents' rights - SB 141; SB 140: $200,000 - HB 281: HCS districts, powers of and requirements for 157 HCS; SB 141: SCS Nuisance liens, priority of - HB 489 - SB 96: SCS Evidence, controlled substances, proceedings, counsel fees - SB 141: Nuisances, nonoperative motor vehicles Workers' compensation self-insurance, restrictions - SB 88: HCS SFA(1) - HB 472 public sector employers exempt from Fiduciary, gender neutral language Divorce, vital statistics, allow electronic Oath security requirement - SB 203; HB 296 added - HB 564 filing of - SB 198: SFA(2),(3) and bond of elected officials - HB 514: Franklin Circuit Court, creation of Eminent domain, authority and SCS Cities, Classification alternative concurrent jurisdiction - SB procedure - HB 458 of office and bond, 30 day exemption for 75 Eviction of manufactured home penalty granted - HB 514 Crestview Hills, fifth to fourth class - SB Horse sales, enforcement of contract for residents, good cause required - HB Occupational license tax, offset 113; HB 177 commission, conditions warranting - 157 provisions - HB 307 Junction City, fifth to fourth class - HB HB 367 Evidence, controlled substances, Permitting of HVAC installations - SB 10: 177: SFA(1) Identify theft, judgment authenticating restrictions - SB 88: HCS SCS Juncton City, fifth to fourth class - HB status as victim of - SB 115 Franklin Circuit Court, creation of Planning and zoning notices, allow use 177: SFA(3) Judgment, interest on - HB 368 alternative concurrent jurisdiction - SB of first-class mail for - HB 496 Reclassification of city not meeting Landlord-tenant relations, litigation 75 Premium tax, study of - HJR 10 population requirement - SB 207 relating to - HB 139 Identify theft, judgment authenticating Property tax bills, preparation of bills Sadieville, sixth to fifth - HB 177: SFA(4) Limitation status as victim of - SB 115 below threshold amount - HB 384 of action in wrongful death - HB 434 Landlord-tenant relations, litigation Public of damages for failure to maintain motor relating to - HB 139 funds, collateral - HB 523 Cities, First Class vehicle insurance - HB 22 Loss of consortium, attorney fees - HB sector self-insured employer, exempt Loss of consortium, attorney fees - HB 403: HFA(5),(6) from requirement to post security - Economic development, establish 403: HFA(5),(6) Medicaid fraud, civil proceedings for - HB 296: HFA(1) incentive program for - HB 536 Medicaid fraud, civil proceedings for - HB 477 Receipt of funds from consolidated local Floyds Fork Water Resources Council, HB 477 Medical malpractice, constitutional government for capital improvements - establishment of - HB 435 Medical malpractice, constitutional amendment - HB 505 SB 36 Planning and Zoning, land use amendment - HB 505 Notary publics - HB 248 Reclassification of city not meeting provisions, issuing citation for violation Nuisance liens, priority of - HB 489 Nuisance liens, priority of - HB 489 population requirement - SB 207 - HB 444 Nuisance, private - HB 365 Prisoners, transportation in civil actions - Reclassification, Tax Increment Financing, amend Prisoners, transportation in civil actions - HB 358: HFA(2) Junction City, fifth to fourth class - HB provisions - HB 393 HB 358: HFA(2) Silica and mixed dust claims, procedures 177: SFA(1) Transient Sexual offenses, noncontact, restraining for - HB 417 Sadieville, sixth to fifth class of cities - Room Tax, allow pledge for qualifying order - HB 322 Spousal support, automatic payment HB 177: SFA(4) TIF project - HB 393 Silica and mixed dust claims, procedures option - SB 158 Require notification to state local debt room tax, delete language that permits for - HB 417 Summons, issuing in condemnation officer when entering into specified use to support a project in a Small claims division, jurisdictional case - HB 421 financial obligations - HB 281 development area - HB 549: HFA(4) increase - HB 198 Testamentary trusts, accounting of - HB Runoff room tax, permit additional levy within a Spousal support, automatic payment 83: HFA(1) elections, elimination of - HB 224 development area to support a option - SB 158 Venue, actions against state agencies primary, elimination of - HB 476: SCS project - HB 549: HFA(3) Summons, issuing in condemnation and officers - SB 75: SFA(1) Security breach, definition of - HB 7: case - HB 421 Voting rights, wards and guardians - HB HCS Cities, Second Class Supersedeas bonds, limit on amount - 374 Solid waste fees, collection via HB 426 Wrongful death, loss of consortium - HB Department of Revenue - HB 240: SCS Permit creation of pilot project tax Surety and cosurety, joint creditor - SB 403: HFA(1),(2),(3),(4) Tax increment financing district - HB 413 165 increment financing - HB 530 Tax increment financing, establish new Testamentary trusts, accounting of - HB Civil Rights Increment Financing districts - HB 400: programs - HB 539 83: HFA(1) SCS Unsolicited faxes, unlawful practices - Abortion, no right created - HB 251 increment financing, amend public Civil Actions HB 437: HCS Black History Month, recognizing purpose language - HB 549: HFA(5) Venue, actions against state agencies February as - SR 113 increment financing, establish new and officers - SB 75: SFA(1) Breach of promise to marry, remove Bullying, programs - HB 349, 549 Victim solicitation, media advertisements references - SB 166 charges to exclude the expression of increment financing, include additional by attorneys following disaster - SB Case submission, jury duties after - SB specific opinions - HB 64: HFA(1) state participation program - HB 549: 180 168 treatment of beliefs regarding HCS Voting rights, wards and guardians - HB Comparative fault, third party homosexuality - HB 64: HFA(2) increment financing, reduce investment 374 defendants, statute of limitations for - Death Penalty, abolition of - HB 200 requirement for blighted urban Workers' SB 192 Eligibility requirements for restoration of program to $20 million - HB 549: compensation, civil actions permitted - Conflict Resolution Week in Kentucky, voting rights for felons, establishment HFA(2) HB 398: HFA(2),(3) declaration of - HJR 118 of - HB 67: HFA(1) increment financing, require additional compensation, tort actions for Consortium, loss of, action for - HB 403; Establishment findings by local governments - HB negligence - HB 303, 398 HB 403: HCS (1),(2) Clause, civil actions relating to - HB 19 549: HFA(2) compensation, unfair practices, repeal Contempt, failure to perform jury service Clause, claims relating to - HR 4 Timetable for solicitation of signature for of - SB 181 - HB 425 Flag nomination papers, establishment of - Wrongful Costs, award to prevailing party - HB 29 desecration likely to produce breach of HB 131: SFA(4) death, loss of consortium - HB 403: Creditor to be made defendant - HB 422 peace, prohibit - HB 28 Uniform HFA(1),(2),(3),(4) Damages recoverable, General of the United States, display of - HB 13 emergency volunteer health death, motor vehicle accident, contact Assembly may limit - HB 300 Funerals, prohibited activities - HB 280: practitioners act, provision for - HB not required - HB 271 Dating violence, availability of domestic HFA(1) 287 violence protective orders - HB 396 Interference with a funeral, elements of financial information reports - SB 60 Divorce Civil Procedure offense - HB 343 state building permit, provisions for - HB and domestic violence protective orders National identification card, urge 372 Congress to repeal - SCR 111 safety program, state requirements for - February as - SR 113 Award - SR 212 Parks and recreation, repeal section HB 207: HFA(2) Bluegrass Railroad Museum, official Leslie Watkins, 2006 National Career relating to colored and white park safety, certified electricians, central Kentucky railroad museum, and Technical Education Teacher of systems - HB 115 requirement for - HB 207: HFA(6) naming and designation of - SB 164 the Year - SR 43 Restoration of civil rights, constitutional safety, mine emergencies, inspections Bowling Green, designation as the Mercer Co. Football, 2006 KHSAA amendment to provide - SB 15 of and transportation in - HB 207: birthplace of newgrass music - HB 294 Class 2A Champs - SR 140; HR 161 Restoration, eligible felony offenders - HFA(4) Bridgeman, Ulysses "Junior," honoring - Mercer Co. Marching Band, 2006 KMEA HB 67; SB 42: SFA (2),(3) safety, multi gas detectors, SR 216 Class AA Champs - SR 141; HR 162 State contractors, equal employment requirements for - HB 207: HFA(3) Brown, Dale, honoring as 2006 NAGE U of L football team, 2007 Orange Bowl opportunity requirements for - HB 181; safety, requirements and penalties for - Administrator of the Year - HR 189 champions - HR 39 HB 181: HCS; HB 334: SCA (1) HB 207 Brunemann, Emily, honor for U of L football, 2007 Orange Bowl Student safety, requirements and standards for - accomplishments at 2007 NCAA champions - SR 51 conduct, set Golden Rule as rule for - HB 207: SCS Women's Swimming and Diving UK football, 2006 Music City Bowl HB 64: HFA(3) safety, requirements for - HB 207: HCS Championships - SR 223 champions - SR 52; HR 149 harassment, intimidation, or bullying, safety, ventilation fans and mine seal Burton, Beverly, honoring - SR 175 Honorary road names, designate in protection from - HB 64 construction, requirements for - HB Career honor of various Kentuckians - SJR 93: Voting rights, wards and guardians - HB 207: HFA(5) and Technical Education Month, HCS 374 Miner certification, reciprocal agreement commemorating - HR 129 Howard, Daniel B., honoring - SR 240; with other states, allowance of - SB 47; and Technical Education Week, HR 249 Claims HB 186 commemoration of - SR 100 Hughes, Patrick Henry, honoring - HR OMSL investigations, subpoena power, Christian Appalachian Project, honoring 20 Commonwealth's consent to suit for limitation of - HB 207: HFA(7) - SR 166 Hussung, Lisa, honor as Kentucky certain tax refund claims, revocation of Regional Industrial Parks - HB 327: Collett, Officer Landry, honoring for Elementary School Music Teacher of - HB 316 HFA(13) awards received for apprehending the Year - HR 63 Establishment Retreat mining or pillaring plan, operator impaired drivers - HR 132 Jones, John T.L., Jr., honoring - SR 202 Clause, civil actions relating to - HB 19 responsibility for - HB 207: HFA(10) Commendation, Greg Page, boxer Jordan, Anna Mae, congratulating - SR Clause, claims relating to - HR 4 Safety bulletin, use of fatality reports for, safety - HCR 194 27 issuance to - HB 207: HFA(8) Coran, Commander Jeffrey S., honoring June Buchanan School boys basketball Shippers and receivers, require weight - HR 234 team, honor as 14th Region champions Clergy reporting to vehicle enforcement - HB Crofton Elementary School, recognize - SR 225; HR 230 454 students - HR 226 Kentucky Death penalty task force, established - Single county coal severance projects, Crutcher, Jackie, honoring - HR 241 Association of Manufacturers Day, HCR 88 funding of - HB 500 Cynthiana Lions Club, salute on the proclaiming February 12, 2007 - SR Full Gospel House churches, honoring - Surface mines, original contour occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of 99 HR 240 restoration and overburden disposal its radio auction - HR 168 Hospice Day, declared as February 20, requirements, make changes to - HB Davis, Bruce K., Esq., recognizing and 2007 - SR 66 Coal 385 honoring - HR 221 Hospice Day, declared as February 20, Tax credits for thin-seam coal - SB 142 Democratic Woman's Club of Kentucky, 2008 - HR 135 "Harlan County Coal Miners Highway," Waterways honoring - SR 214 State University, honoring - HR 65 designate in Harlan County - SJR 93: Alliance Task Force, establishment and Dunn, Ronnie, honoring - SR 105; HR Kentucky's rape crisis centers and HFA(1) membership of - HCR 160: HCS 128 Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Abandoned Alliance Task Force, membership of - Edwards, Elizabeth, expressing concern recognize and honor - HR 166 Mine Land Program, reclamation HCR 160: HFA(1) for her health and prayers for her KY Association of Manufacturers Day, projects, project finance for - SB 187 Workers' compensation, black lung recovery - HR 237 proclaiming February 12, 2007 - HR Mine Land Program, technical revisions - HB 452 Emberton, Lawrence P. M.D., honoring 121 correction for - SB 187: SCS and commending - SR 108 Lawrence P. Emberton, M.D., honoring Bell County Coal Severance Projects - Collective Bargaining First Responder Day, proclaiming - SR and commending - HR 124 HB 1: HFA(1),(2) 97 Lawson, Kathy and the Woodford Inn, Coal Conflict Resolution Week in Kentucky, Ford, honoring - SR 210 for Regional Economic Development, declaration of - HJR 118 Bryan Ross, commendation - HR 244 Longaker, Rosalee A., honoring - HR creation of - SB 127 Employee Reverend W. Scott, honoring - SR 117 245 incentive credit, alternative fuel or Free Choice Act, urge Congress to Gebremeskel, Dr. Kiflu, and Hagos, Mathematics Intervention Teachers, renewable energy facility - HB 5 enact - HR 169 Pastor Tesfatsion - HR 240 honor - SR 151 mine safety, equipment and standards, Free Choice Act, urge the U.S. Senate George Rogers Clark boys basketball Meeks, Azia Inman, recipient of the first requirements for - SB 200 to defeat - HR 212 team, honor as 10th Region champions annual Ann Braden Humanitarian Severance Capital Project - HB 1: Labor organization, mandatory - SR 220 Award, honor - HR 187 HFA(5) membership or financial support Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, honoring - Military Contacting victims of mining disasters, prohibited, penalty - HB 328; HB 219: HR 219 or veteran status, prohibit 60-day limitation for - HB 207: HFA(1) HFA (6) Give Kids A Smile Day, recognize - SR misrepresenting - HB 105: HFA(1) Economic Postsecondary education employees, 46 rank, awards, and decorations, revitalization project - HB 69 exempt from collective bargaining - HB Goodin, Dr. Robert R., honoring - SR fraudulent claim - HB 342 revitalization projects - HB 69: HFA(1) 318: HFA(1) 155 Montgomery County girls basketball EIS required for exemption from Siting Public Gray, Sandra C., president of Asbury team, honor as 10th Region champions Board jurisdiction - SB 196: HFA(2) employees, collective bargaining, College, honoring - HR 232 - SR 219 Extended weight permits, clarify authorized for - HB 318 Green, Jesse R., erect signs in honor of Morehead language on mjulti-axle permits - HB employees, study impact of collective in Marshall County - HJR 66 State Public Radio, saluting - HR 100 161 bargaining - HB 318: HFA(2) Gross State University cheerleaders, Industrial Clay Lindsay Courtroom - HJR 5: recognize - SR 160 SCA(2) Mount Moriah Lodge No. 1, commending energy facilities, other useful products, Commendations and Recognitions deletion from definition of - SB 196: Clay Lindsay Henderson County - SR 227 HFA(1) Judicial Center - HJR 5 National energy facilities, permitting for - SB 196 "Ronald Reagan Day," recognizing - SR Harilson, Ella Claire, honoring - SR 233 Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Revitalization Act, amendment of - HB 30; HR 64 Harper, Dorothy Nell, honoring - SR 209 Month, declare - HR 198 69: HFA(2) Abraham Bentar and persecuted Harriet Tubman Day, designating - SR Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, Inspections of coal mines, different types Indonesians, honoring - HR 238 147; HR 157 recognize - SR 37 of, flexibility for conduct of - HB 207: Akridge, Angela Lynn, honoring - SR Harris, Ryan Christopher, naming law board certified teachers, honor HFA(11) 118; HR 138 after - HJR 145 Kentucky's newly certified - HR 207 Line item vetoes, 2006 General Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority - SR 34 Henderson Judicial Center, rename as Donate Life Month, declare - SR 200; Assembly, restoration of - HB 1: HCS Armed Forces Appreciation Month, Gross's House of Justice - HJR 5: HR 192 Line-item vetoes, 2006 General recognize May as - HR 235 HFA(1) Navy Chaplain Corps and Chaplain Assembly, restoration of - HB 1 Bert T. Combs, statue, erection of - HJR Henderson, Janie E., honor - SR 152 Gordon Klingenschmitt, honoring - HR Mine 84 Herron, Paul Jr., honoring - SR 230 208 emergency technician, small and large Bishop College, re-establishment of - SR Honor Nein, Staff Sergeant Timothy F., mines, provisions for - HB 207: 167 Azia Inman Meeks, recipient of the first honoring - SR 115; HR 209 HFA(9) Black History Month, recognizing annual Ann Braden Humanitarian Night to honor Israel in Kentucky, recognizing - SR 33 HB 278: HFA(1) Confirmation of Appointments Contracts with postsecondary Ninth Street Baptist Church, Covington, Fertilizer regulation, limit local authority institutions, permit board approval of honoring - SR 215; HR 218 in - SB 91; HB 399 Agricultural employee interest in - SB 130 Patriot Guard, Kentucky, honoring - SR Fertilizer, Development Board, Vickie Yates Ethics code prohibition against soliciting 112 clarify zoning authority, reporting - HB Brown, reappointment to - HCR 33 for a charitable nonprofit organization, Payne, 399: HFA(1) Development Board, Wayne Hunt, deletion of - HB 439: HFA(1) Paula, honoring - SR 142 stipulate zoning, reporting - SB 91: SCS reappointment to - HCR 30 Executive branch ethics code, deletion Paula, recognize and honor - HR 182 Fire-safe cigarettes, require certification Development Board, Wayne Mattingly, of nepotism provisions - HB 439: Pelosi, Speaker Nancy, honoring - HR fee per brand family - SB 134: HFA(1) appointment to - HCR 28 HFA(2) 41 Floral businesses, misrepresentation of Andrews, Jackson L., appointment to Phillips, Rachelle, honoring - SR 38 location in telephone directories, Personnel Board - SR 185 Consolidated Local Governments Pikeville Junior High School prohibition - HB 246 Center, Rosemary F., appointment to cheerleading squad, honoring - SR 201 Kentucky Association of Manufacturers Personnel Board - SR 180 Animals, limitation on certain regulations Rice, Kenny, award-winning sportscaster Day, proclaiming February 12, 2007 - Cowden, William Bruce, Jr., Workers' - HB 375 - SR 205 SR 99 Compensation Board, appointment - Fire department merit boards, establish Roach, Sanford T., honoring - HR 170 Kentucky's captive insurance industry, SR 242 - HB 201 Roemele, Colonel Fred, honoring - HR development of, support for - SR 131 Davis, Chris, administrative law judge, HVAC installations, permitting - SB 10; 37 KY Association of Manufacturers Day, appointment - SR 243 SB 10: HFA (1) Rose, Mr. Don, honoring - HR 178 proclaiming February 12, 2007 - HR Dyche, R.W., Workers' Compensation Jail canteen accounts, exclude from Sam Bush, designation as Father of 121 Board, appointment - SR 244 minimum account balance - HB 114: Newgrass Music in the Commonwealth Line-item vetoes, 2006 General Education HFA(1) - HB 294 Assembly, restoration of - HB 1 Professional Standards Board, Legal notices, public broadcast, study of Sarah O. Hall and Oprah Winfrey - SR Making telephone solicitations to appointment of Cynthia W. York to - - HCR 155 174 wireless telephone numbers, HCR 31 Legislative body approval - HB 397: Schrader, Glenna Cox, honoring - HR 57 prohibition of - HB 433 Professional Standards Board, HFA(1) Scott County Cardinals, 2007 KHSAA Motor vehicle renting companies, rental appointment of Franklin D. Cheatham Local or federal public benefits, verify Boys Sweet 16 Champs, honor - SR agreement requirements - HB 310: to - HCR 29 eligibility for - HB 162 235; HR 239 HFA(1) Farmer, Jeffrey Mark - SR 190 Metropolitan sewer districts - SB 205 Sebree, Rev. George W., honoring - HR Self-contained storage units, rights and Frazer, Robert B., appointment to Nuisances, nonoperative motor vehicles 242 duties regarding lease of - HB 245; HB Personnel Board - SR 184 - HB 472 Senior Center, Campbell County, 245: HFA (1) Free, Keith L., Kentucky Housing Permitting of HVAC installations - SB 10: honoring - HR 193 Sexually oriented business, prohibit a Corporation, confirmation of SCS Sexual Assault Awareness Month, semi-nude employee from being within appointment to - SR 186 Planning recognition of - SR 149 six feet of a patron - SB 95 Gibbons, Judith H., Kentucky Board of and zoning notices, allow use of first- Smith, Tax increment financing, establish the Education - HCR 26 class mail for - HB 496 Lawrence T., honoring - HR 173 Signature Project Program - HB 549: Gibson, Betty M., appointment to and Zoning, land use provisions, issuing Orlando "Tubby," honor career as UK SCS Personnel Board - SR 183 citation for violation - HB 444 head basketball coach for public Toyota Hybrid Team, commending - SR Kentucky Promotion of police, seniority and service - HR 248 5 Lottery Corporation Board of Directors, excess applicants, process for dealing Spay Day commemoration, recognize - Uniform Prudent Management of Keith D. Griffee, reappointment to - with - SB 100 HR 80 Institutional Funds Act, adoption of - SR 191 Residential density requirements for St. Columbia Court, celebrating the HB 515 Lottery Corporation Board of Directors, certain roads - SB 117 grand opening of - SR 228 Unsolicited Mark F. Sommer, appointment to - Solid waste fees, collection via Troutman, Adewale, Dr., honoring - SR fax, prohibitions and penalty - HB 437; SR 196 Department of Revenue - HB 240: SCS 236 HB 437: HFA (1) Lottery Corporation Board of Directors, Transient Tuskegee Airmen, designate I-75 in faxes, unlawful practices - HB 437: HCS Raymond DeSloover, reappointment room tax, delete language that permits honor of - HJR 15 to - SR 197 use to support a project in a U of L football team, 2007 Orange Bowl Communications Lee, Samuel Earl, Kentucky Housing development area - HB 549: HFA(4) champions, recognition of - SR 23 Corporation, confirmation of room tax, permit additional levy within a UK Cellular telephone, prohibiting use of - appointment to - SR 195 development area to support a football, honor 2006 Music City Bowl HB 230 Member of the Kentucky Registry of project - HB 549: HFA(3) champions - SR 36 ConnectKentucky, recognize as Ky's Election Finance, appointment of Leigh Uniform School of Human Environmental telecommunications and information A. Jones - SR 192 financial information reports - SB 60 Sciences/College of Home technology resource - HCR 126 Office of Insurance executive director, state building permit, provisions for - HB Economics - SR 116 Kentucky Golden alert system, establish Julie Mix McPeak - SR 179 372 Union County High School Braves, 2007 for missing impaired adult - HB 142 Parole Use of funds for capital improvements in KHSAA Wrestling Champs, honor - HR Making telephone solicitations to Board, Joey F. Stanton, confirmation of cities in county boundaries - SB 36 185 wireless telephone numbers, appointment - SR 181 UPS, commemoration of 100th prohibition of - HB 433 Board, Michael D. Grugin, confirmation Constables anniversary of - HCR 120 Office for Local Government, track of appointment - SR 182 Weaver, Alice, honoring - SR 135; HR deployment & adoption of broadband & Board, Patricia Ann Turpin, confirmation Eviction of manufactured home 153 information technology - SB 74: HCS of reappointment - SR 198 Webb, Brandon, 2006 NL Cy Young residents, constable required to wait - Sex offender, internet identity Board, William I. Abney, confirmation of HB 157 Winner - SR 18; HR 24 registration - SB 65 appointment - SR 187 Wilson, Mary G., honoring - SR 144 Omnibus revision relating to - SB 204 Telemarketing, replacement of state- Public Service Commission, Qualified constables and deputy Winkle, Petty Officer First Class Kelly, maintained no-call list by national list - appointment of John W. Clay - SR 193 honoring - HR 225, 229 constables, create certification process HB 430 Smith, Zenaida M., Education for, powers of - HB 556 Wireless device, prohibit use while Professional Standards Board - HCR Commerce Sheriff's fees, add constables in urban- operating a motor vehicle - HB 301 32 county government - HB 526 Zero call list, FTC National Registry, Templemon, Michael D. - SR 188 Alcohol vaporizing device, sale and use transfer numbers to - HB 430: SCS Towery-Hendricks, Lisa, appointment to ban - HB 125; HB 125: SFA (1) Personnel Board - SR 189 Constitution, Ky. Bed and breakfast inns and farmstays - Conference Committee Reports Witt, Mary Sharp, Kentucky Housing SB 37 Corporation Board, confirmation of Abortion, no right created - HB 251 Assembly, odd-numbered year sessions, Cabinet for Economic Development, FCCR #2, HB 490 GA - HB 490: FCCR appointment to - SR 194 KIDA and KREDA, ground lease - HB budge enacted in - SB 108 HB Casino 485 156 - HB 156: CCR, FCCR Conflict of Interest Cigarettes, establish fire-safe standards gaming and electronic gaming devices 185 - HB 185: CCR, FCCR at racetracks, require approval for - - SB 134; HB 278; SB 134: SCS 291 - HB 291: CCR Boards Economic development incentives, HB 547 402 - HB 402: CCR and commissions, conflict of interest gaming and electronic gaming devices project requirements - HB 462 490 GA - HB 490: CCR provisions - HB 439 Election days alcoholic beverages, after at racetracks, require approval of 490/GA - HB 490: FCCR and commissions, policy-making and local government - SB 16 12 noon, permit sale of - HB 341 5 - HB 5: CCR regulatory, various provisions - HB Establish authority, safety standards - Civil rights, constitutional amendment to 439 provide restoration of - SB 15 Damages recoverable, General advertisements, conditions governing housing communities - SB 178 121 Assembly may limit - HB 300 - HB 310: HCS Inmates and prisoners, prohibition on Death Penalty, abolition of - HB 200 Security breach, definition of - HB 7: Cooperatives sexual conduct with - HB 140 Disabled veterans, propose amendment HCS Inmates, to allow exemption of property - HB Small claims division, jurisdictional Business entities, omnibus revision - HB HIV AIDS testing - SB 201: SFA(1) 146 increase - HB 198 334 probationers, parolees, certain sexual Establishment Clause, civil actions Unsolicited conduct prohibited - HB 140: HFA(1) relating to - HB 19 fax, prohibitions and penalty - HB 437; probationers, parolees, sexual conduct Medical malpractice, constitutional HB 437: HFA (1) Coroners prohibited - HB 140: HCS amendment - HB 505 faxes, unlawful practices - HB 437: HCS Juvenile code, definitions - HB 358: Office of surveyor, establish Vending machines containing tobacco Certificate of death, registered nurses HFA(1) requirements for - SB 41 products, restrictions on contents - HB and physician assistants authorized to Murder, registration of offenders - HB 15 Pardons 567 sign - SB 198 Parole and commutations of sentences, Criminal Board, Joey F. Stanton, confirmation of establish limits to - HB 3; HB 70: HCS Contracts and juvenile matters - HB 358: HCS appointment - SR 181 and commutations of sentences, and juvenile matters, omnibus revision - Board, Michael D. Grugin, confirmation process for, change - HB 3 HB 358 of appointment - SR 182 Bloodstock agent and equine consignor Death certificate, certified copy, Restoration of voting rights to felons, licenses, establishment of - HB 497 Board, Patricia Ann Turpin, confirmation eligibility requirements of - HB 70: complete request in five days - SB 50 of reappointment - SR 198 Construction Deputy HFA(1) contracts, payment arrangements - HB Board, William I. Abney, confirmation of State coroners, allow coroner to appoint up to appointment - SR 187 490: HFA(1),(2) two without fiscal court approval - HB Representatives, four year terms for - contracts, payment procedures for - HB Parolees, search of by peace officer - SB 12 242 HB 205 490: CCR coroners, appointment of - HB 397 Senators, six year terms for - SB 12 Construction, Penitentiary inmates, HIV/AIDS testing Voting contracts, exemption for Public Service of - SB 201; SB 201: SFA (2) early, permitting to - HB 484 Commission - HB 490: SFA(1) Corporations Prison rights for felons, constitutional payment procedures for - HB 490: industries enhancement program - SB amendment to provide - HB 36 FCCR Business entities, omnibus revision - HB 42: SCS, SCA (1) rights for felons, provide for - HB 70 requirements and payment procedures - 334 industries, recidivism reduction program HB 490; HB 490: SCA (1) Consolidated groups, determination of - SB 42 Constitution, U.S. Contracting for continuation of dental taxable income of - HB 249 Prisoners, services - SB 26: SFA(1) Corporate conduct, individual liability for medical care and parole of - HB 191: Death Penalty, abolition of - HB 200 Contracts with postsecondary - SB 167 SCS Equal representation for District of institutions, permit board approval of Includible corporations, limit on net transportation in civil actions - HB 358: Columbia residents, support for - HR employee interest in - SB 130 operating loss of - HB 480 HFA(2) 136 Dental Limited Sex offender, registration - HB 320 Establishment services, contracting for continuation - liability entity tax, repeal of - HB 87, 119 Sexual offenses against minors, penalty Clause, civil actions relating to - HB 19 SB 26 liability tax, repeal of - HB 88 increase - HB 548 Clause, claims relating to - HR 4 services, contracting for continuation of Non-profit entities, merger of - HB 334: Presidential election by national popular - SB 26: SFA(2) HFA(1) Corrections Impact vote, compact for - HB 550 Equine sales, disclosure required, Real applicability to - HB 367: SFA(1) estate investment trusts - HB 276: HCS Abuse of a corpse, increase penalty for - Consumer Affairs Government estate investment trusts, clarify income HB 117 construction contracts, mandatory of - HB 479 Academic Reinstatement, Academic degree, forgery of, Class D provisions, inclusion of - HB 490: degree, forgery of - HB 175: HCS HCS unemployment insurance certificate degree, forgery of, Class D felony - HB felony - HB 175 required - SB 171 Copper metal, wire, and cable, reporting Contract Review Committee, additional 175 reporting to, and authority of - HB 356 unemployment insurance certificate Agroterrorism, penalties for - HB 350; sale of - HB 82: HCS required, effective July 1, 2008 - SB Credit contracts, requirements, review of - HB HB 350: HCS 8 171: SFA(1) Alcohol or substance abuse, pretrial cards, disclosures, consumer protection Uniform Prudent Management of - HB 250 contracts, verification of employment provisions relating to - SB 34: SCS eligibility - HB 33, 44 Institutional Funds Act, adoption of - Assault disclosures required - HB 260 HB 515 Deferred deposit transactions, limitation purchasing from Prison Industries and in the third degree, medical nonprofit agencies and work centers - UPS, commemoration of 100th professionals - HB 176 on fees charged to members of military anniversary of - HCR 120 - HB 92 HB 23 on the elderly, penalty enhancement - Ferrous and nonferrous metals, Government, reporting and training HB 77 reporting purchase of - HB 82 requirements for - HB 356 Corrections and Correctional Assault, third degree, attack on elected Floral businesses, misrepresentation of Health facility construction contracts, Facilities, State official - HB 165 location in telephone directories, exemption created - HB 490: SFA(2) Bank prohibition - HB 246 Horse 06 HB 380, state/executive branch or credit union robbery, violent offender Gasoline pricing, expressed only in sales, contract enforcement, conditions budget bill, amendments to - HB 327 status - SB 139 whole cents - HB 304 warranting - HB 367 Adam Walsh Child Protection & Safety robbery, violent offender status - HB 84 Gift sales, financial records, condition Act, implementation, directing the study Casino gaming and related occupations, card, acts prohibited by issuer of - HB warranting disclosure - HB 367: HCS of - SCR 129 licensing of - HB 546 254: HFA(1) sales, medical conditions and Bank or credit union robbery, violent Civic organization facility, sex offenders cards, regulate - HB 254 ownership disclosure required - HB offender status - SB 139 prohibited from residing within 1,000 Health insurance, specified procedure or 388 Civil rights, restoration for eligible felony feet of - HB 58 service, insured liability for - HB 255 Motor vehicle rental agreement offenders - HB 67 Concealed weapon, in vehicle - HB 302 Horse sales, medical conditions and requirements - HB 310: HFA(1) Criminal and juvenile matters, omnibus Controlled ownership disclosure required - HB Privatization, extending application of - revision - HB 358 substances, omnibus revision - SB 88: 388 HB 356 Death SCS Identity theft, data protection, omnibus Rental agreements for manufactured penalty task force, established - HCR substances, possession within the revision - HB 7 home residents, certain provisions 88 human body - SB 66 Issuance of certificate for limousine prohibited - HB 157 Penalty, abolition of - HB 200 Corrections, fees - HB 121 service - SB 133 Self-contained storage units, rights and Department of, Executive Orders 2006- County jails, reimbursement for holding Late loan payments, reporting of - HB duties regarding lease of - HB 245; HB 496 and 2006-805 - SB 144 state prisoners before conviction - HB 529 245: HFA (1) DNA collection, any felony - HB 507 187 Making telephone solicitations to State Eligibility requirements for restoration of Dating violence, availability of domestic wireless telephone numbers, contractors, equal employment voting rights for felons, establishment violence protective orders - HB 396 prohibition of - HB 433 opportunity requirements for - HB of - HB 67: HFA(1) Death Motor 181; HB 181: HCS; HB 334: SCA (1) Government purchasing from Prison penalty, abolition of - HB 200 vehicle rental agreement requirements - contracts, verification of employment Industries and nonprofit agencies and penalty, sentencing options - HB 98 HB 310: HFA(1) eligibility - HB 209 work centers - HB 23 DNA collection, any felony - HB 507 vehicle rental agreements and Tenant-landlord relations, manufactured Inmate accounts, transaction fee - HB Dog or cat, redefine torture of, increase penalty for - HB 475 551 Interlocal HB 191: SCS Driving under the influence - SB 67: agreements with area planning Property tax bills, preparation of bills SCS(2), SFA (1) Counties commission for certain services - HB below threshold amount - HB 384 DUI, 355 Qualified constables and deputy amount and type of substances Animals, limitation on certain regulations agreements, incentives for - HB 116; constables, create certification process impairing driving ability - HB 149 - HB 375 HB 116: HCS for, powers of - HB 556 substances other than alcohol - SB 67 Approval needed when city seeking Internal Revenue Service agents, Red Fox Tri-County Cooperative Evidence, controlled substances, reclassification does not meet inclusion of as Kentucky peace officers Corporation, abolished - SB 55 restrictions - SB 88: HCS population requirement - SB 207 - HB 194 Reimbursement for prisoner medical Expungement of records, Class D felony Area planning commissions, agreements Jail costs, establish limits - HB 187: HCS and misdemeanor - SB 34: HCS - HB 355: HFA(1) canteen account, exclude urban-county Require notification to state local debt Ferrous and nonferrous metals, Assault, third degree, attack on elected government and consolidated local officer when entering into specified reporting purchase of - HB 82 official - HB 165 government - HB 114: HFA(1) financial obligations - HB 281 Flagrant nonsupport, initiation of CERS, canteen accounts, annual appropriation Retirement, prosecution - SB 220 establishment of new benefit structure - HB 114 defined contribution plan for employees Historic or prehistoric remains on for new hires - HB 418: SCS Jailers, account settlement - SB 173; HB hired on or after July 1, 2009 - HB property, procedure for disposition of - high-three final compensation extension 551 331 HB 118 - HB 538 Jails, require providers participating in high-three extension for CERS Homicide, driving while fatigued - HB increase for death in the line of duty Medicaid to provide services to nonhazardous employees - HB 223, 150 benefits - HB 511 prisoners in county jails - HB 187: 418 Human trafficking - SB 43: SCS Certified court security officers - SB 153; HFA(1) high-three final compensating extension Identity HB 427 Joint boards, planning and code for CERS non-hazardous employees theft, data protection, omnibus revision - Coal for Regional Economic enforcement, administration of - HB - HB 414 HB 7 Development, creation of - SB 127 355: SCS high-three final compensation extension theft, penalty variation based upon Code enforcement boards, to have a Kentucky for CERS non-hazardous employees physical harm to victim - SB 73 minimum of three members - HB 297 Farmers Market Nutrition Program, - HB 486 Immigrants, criminal justice provisions Consolidated local government of 1st collaboration development of - SB 25 Security breach, definition of - HB 7: relating to - HB 164 class city therein, land use provisions, Law Enforcement Foundation Fund, HCS Immigration, enforcement of federal law cit. for violation - HB 444 clarify definition of police officers who Single county coal severance projects, - HB 11 Constables, omnibus revision - SB 204 qualify - HB 214: HFA(4) funding of - HB 500 Internet pharmacies, drug offenses - SB Contracts, verification of employment Law libraries, location and material of - Solid waste fees, collection via 88 eligibility - HB 33, 44 HB 273 Department of Revenue - HB 240: SCS Juvenile sex offenders, provisions Coroners, deputy coroners, appointment Legal notices, public broadcast, study of Special districts, raise audit threshold - relating to - SB 51 of - HB 397 - HCR 155 HB 448 Labor organization, mandatory Cost of detention, pretrial - SB 173 Liens, for unpaid county or waste Tax membership or financial support Costs management district solid waste taxes Increment Financing districts - HB 400: prohibited, penalty - HB 328; HB 219: of detention, make court of justice or service fees - HB 240: HCS SCS HFA (6) responsible if trial not held within Line-item vetoes, 2006 General increment financing, amend public Leaving specified time - HB 187: HFA(2) Assembly, restoration of - HB 1 purpose language - HB 549: HFA(5) the scene of an accident - HB 76: HCS of detention, pretrial - HB 551 Local increment financing, establish new the scene of an accident, penalty County occupational tax, update Internal programs - HB 349, 549 increase - HB 76 jails, reimbursement for holding state Revenue Code reference date for - increment financing, include additional Murder, registration of offenders - HB 15 prisoners before conviction - HB 187 HB 258 state participation program - HB 549: Nonsupport, applicability as to spouses - Officials Compensation Board, option elections, alcoholic beverage HCS SB 157 abolished - SB 55 sales at qualified historic sites - HB increment financing, reduce investment Parolees, search of by peace officer - Department for Local Government, 138; HB 138: SCS requirement for blighted urban HB 205 oversight of projects using state funds - or federal public benefits, verify program to $20 million - HB 549: Penitentiary inmates, HIV/AIDS testing SB 143 eligibility for - HB 162 HFA(2) of - SB 201 Deputy coroners, allow coroner to parks, transient room tax, allowed to increment financing, require additional Pretrial diversion, alcohol or substance appoint up to two without fiscal court support - HB 534 findings by local governments - HB abuse - SB 34 approval - HB 242 Medical expenses incurred for prisoners, 549: HFA(2) Prison Documented vessels, exempt from local cap on reimbursements for - HB 357 Tire-derived fuel, exempt from solid Industries and nonprofit agencies and taxation - HB 466 Metropolitan sewer districts - SB 205 waste definition, exemption of - SB 125 work centers, government purchase Elected Notification to state local debt officer, Uniform from - HB 23 officials, salary and benefits if require when lease price exceeds emergency volunteer health industries enhancement program - SB reemployed after retirement - HB 317 $200,000 - HB 281: HCS practitioners act, provision for - HB 42: SCS officials, salary upon reemployment Nuisances, nonoperative motor vehicles 287 industries, recidivism reduction program after retirement - HB 132 - HB 472 financial information reports - SB 60 - SB 42 Eminent domain, authority and Nutrition program, place under financial information reports, final Prisoners, require continued coverage procedure - HB 458 Agriculture Department, require quarterly report used in lieu of - SB prior to final sentencing - HB 187: HCS Employee health and life insurance, limit reporting - SB 25: SCS 60: SCS Private investigator licensing, company coverage and beneficiaries to family Oath state building permit, provisions for - HB license required - SB 172 members - SB 152 and bond of elected officials - HB 514: 372 Promoting prostitution in the first degree, English language, utilization of - HB 12 SCS Volunteer increase penalties for - HB 163 Fire of office and bond, 30 day exemption for fire departments and incompatible Public morals offenses, establish crime districts, disposition of unrefunded tax penalty granted - HB 514 offices - HB 107: HFA(1) of public indecency - HB 338 moneys when no tax due - SB 74: of sheriff, who may administer - SB 145 firefighters, allow state, county, city Racetracks and casinos, omnibus bill - HFA(1),(2) Occupational officers to serve as - HB 107: HCS HB 27, 107 protection boundaries, amendment by license tax for counties of over 30,000, firefighters, civil offices not incompatible Real estate brokers, various ordinance - HB 168 delete upper limitation - SB 176 with - HB 107 requirements for - HB 86 Firefighter and police salary license tax for counties over 30,000, Wage assessment, allow credit against Security breach, definition of - HB 7: supplements - HB 214: HCS allow exclusion of cities - SB 176 state income tax for - HB 188: HFA(2) HCS Fiscal Court, may serve as directors of license tax, impact of amendments to Water districts, extension and formation Sex offender, registration - HB 320 road districts - HB 572 conform - HB 307 of - SB 96 Sexual Floyds Fork Water Resources Council, Permitting of HVAC installations - SB 10: Workers' conduct prohibited, criminal justice establishment of - HB 435 SCS compensation self-insurance, public system employees - HB 140 Gross Clay Lindsay Henderson County Persons in voting room, who permitted - sector employers exempt from offenses against minors, penalty Judicial Center - HJR 5 HB 405; HB 131: SFA (3) security requirement - SB 203; HB increase - HB 548 HVAC installations, permitting - SB 10; Planning and zoning notices, allow use 296 offenses, procuring minors via an SB 10: HFA (1) of first-class mail for - HB 496 compensation self-insurance, public electronic communications system - Identity theft, data protection, omnibus Premium tax, study of - HJR 10 sector employers exempt from HB 438; HB 438: HCS revision - HB 7 Primary care centers, funding in security requirements - HB 296: Social worker, threatening of - HB 85 Insurance premiums tax, clarify powers medically underserved areas for - HB HFA(1) Theft by deception, bad checks - HB 217 of local governments - HB 371 313: HFA(1) Trials, time frame, cost of detention - HB Prisoners, medical care and parole of - Counties with Cities of the First Class HCS Competency proceeding, when pay Courts, Circuit Persons in voting room, who permitted - required - SB 72 Tax Increment Financing, amend HB 405; HB 131: SFA (3) Conflict Resolution Week in Kentucky, Actions over bona fides of candidates, provisions - HB 393 Restoration of voting rights to felons, declaration of - HJR 118 preference to be given - SB 54 Transient eligibility requirements of - HB 70: Costs of detention, make court of justice Attorney fee, usury case - SB 64; HB Room Tax, allow pledge for qualifying HFA(1) responsible if trial not held within 274 TIF project - HB 393 Runoff specified time - HB 187: HFA(2) Case submission, jury duties after - SB room tax, delete language that permits elections, elimination of - HB 224 Court 168 use to support a project in a primaries, payment of - HB 476 facilities, exempt from prevailing wage Certified court security officers - SB 153; development area - HB 549: HFA(4) primary, elimination of - HB 476: SCS the construction of - HB 305: HFA(6) HB 427 room tax, permit additional levy within a Salary and benefits if reemployed after records, retention of - SB 44 Challenging the bona fides of a development area to support a retirement - HB 317 Criminal history record checks, conduct candidate, procedure for - SB 54: project - HB 549: HFA(3) Special license plates, reissuance of - of - HB 264, 308 SCS(1),(2), SCA (1); HB 131: SFA (1) HB 215 Death Child support, increase minimum Straight party voting, prohibition of - SB Penalty, abolition of - HB 200 Counties, Urban amount of - HB 369 53 penalty, sentencing options - HB 98 Competency Time limit in a voting booth exception, Elected officials, salary upon Animals, limitation on certain regulations proceeding, jury trial for - HB 236 creation of - SB 14; HB 476: SCA (2) reemployment after retirement - HB proceeding, when pay required - SB 72 - HB 375 Timetable for solicitation of signature for 132 Jail canteen accounts, exclude from Contempt, failure to perform jury service nomination papers, establishment of - Establishment - HB 425 minimum account balance - HB 114: HB 387 Clause, civil actions relating to - HB 19 HFA(1) Death Voter verified paper audit trail, Clause, claims relating to - HR 4 penalty task force, established - HCR Legislative body approval - HB 397: requirement of - HB 415 Felons, post-conviction relief - HB 272 HFA(1) 88 Voting early, permitting to - HB 484 Gross Clay Lindsay Henderson County Penalty, abolition of - HB 200 Nuisances, nonoperative motor vehicles Write-in candidate, defeated primary Judicial Center - HJR 5 - HB 472 Durable power of attorney - HB 275 candidate ineligible - HB 131 Henderson Judicial Center, rename as Employer's duties, jury service - HB 423 Permit creation of pilot project tax Gross's House of Justice - HJR 5: increment financing district - HB 413 Identity theft, court order - SB 39 County Judge/Executives HFA(1) Juvenile code, definitions - HB 358: Require notification to state local debt HIV testing of defendant - HB 191: officer when entering into specified HFA(1) Deputy coroners, allow coroner to SCA(2) Medicaid fraud, civil proceedings for - financial obligations - HB 281 Identity Retirement, insurance benefits for appoint up to two without fiscal court HB 477 approval - HB 242 theft, court order - SB 39 Names, petition for change, restrictions - surviving spouse - SB 106; HB 237 theft, data protection, omnibus revision - Sheriff's fees, add constables in urban- Oath of sheriff, who may administer - SB SB 3; SB 3: SCS 145 HB 7 Senior county government - HB 526 Judges called back to service, technical Solid waste employees, hazardous duty Qualified constables and deputy status judge program - HB 465: HCS constables, create certification process correction - HB 363 status judge program, sunsetting of - retirement coverage - HB 247 Judgment, interest on - HB 368 Sunday sales of alcoholic beverages - for, powers of - HB 556 HB 465 Salary and benefits if reemployed after Jury service, excusal for breastfeeding Sexual offenses, noncontact, restraining HB 138: SCA(1) mothers - SB 111 Uniform financial information reports - retirement - HB 317 order - HB 322 Line-item vetoes, 2006 General Termination SB 60 Assembly, restoration of - HB 1 Court of Appeals of parental rights, counsel fees - SB Names, petition for change, restrictions - 141: SFA(1) County Clerks SB 3; SB 3: SCS Actions over bona fides of candidates, of parental rights, counsel, appeal - SB Nuisance, private - HB 365 141; SB 140: HCS; SB 141: SCS A slate of candidates in runoff, permitted preference to be given - SB 54 Protective orders, transfer of - SB 4 Challenging the bona fides of a Testimony, violent offense, child victim to withdraw - HB 542 Putative father registry, creation of - SB or witness of - SB 31 Absentee ballots, challenges to - SB 211 candidate, procedure for - SB 54: 140 SCS(1),(2), SCA (1); HB 131: SFA (1) Trials, time frame, cost of detention - SB Certificate Restoration 173; HB 551 of nomination during presidential Senior of civil rights, constitutional amendment status judge program - HB 465: HCS Visitation, minor children and allegations election year, deadline for - SB 159: to provide - SB 15 of abuse or neglect - HB 20 HFA(10) status judge program, sunsetting of - of privilege to drive - HB 266 HB 465 Seat belt fines, deposit in veterans' of nomination during presidential Courts, District election years, deadline for - SB 14: program trust fund - HB 179 HFA(1); HB 387: HFA (1); HB 405: Court, Supreme Security breach, definition of - HB 7: HFA (3) HCS Attorney fee, usury case - SB 64; HB of title for all-purpose vehicles - SB 120 Challenging the bona fides of a Senior 274 Certificates of delinquency held by candidate, procedure for - SB 54: judge program, extend sunset provision Booster private purchaser, payment to county SCS(2), SCA (1); HB 131: SFA (1) - HB 465: HFA(1) seats, penalty - HB 53: HFA(4) clerk allowed - HB 321 Child welfare, training judges on - SB status judge program - HB 465: HCS seats, penalty for - HB 53: HFA(1) Certification of nomination during 147; HB 199 status judge program, sunsetting of - Case submission, jury duties after - SB presidential election years, deadline for Court records, retention of - SB 44 HB 465 168 - HB 131: SFA(2) Death Penalty, abolition of - HB 200 Sex offender, registration - HB 320 Certified court security officers - SB 153; Covenant Marriage, create the option of Senior Sexual offenses, HIV testing upon HB 427 entering into - HB 110 status judge program - HB 465: HCS victim's request, required - HB 528 Child support, increase minimum Deadline for vacancy in candidacy, status judge program, sunsetting of - Spousal maintenance, court order for - amount of - HB 369 establishment of - SB 54 HB 465 HB 382 Competency Disable veteran's license plates, reduce Silica and mixed dust claims, rules and Study of state adoption laws, establish proceeding, jury trial for - HB 236 the disability threshold for - HB 144 procedures for - HB 417 task force for - HCR 67 proceeding, when pay required - SB 72 Early Supersedeas bonds, limit on amount - Contempt, failure to perform jury service - HB 425 voting, establishment of - HB 483 Courts HB 426 voting, voter eligibility for - HB 135 Testimony, violent offense, child victim Criminal or witness of - SB 31 and juvenile matters - HB 358: HCS Identity of absentee voter, when made Breast-feeding, excused from jury duty - Trials, time frame, cost of detention - SB and juvenile matters, omnibus revision - public - SB 194 HB 241 173; HB 551 HB 358 Kentucky National Guard specialty Certified Victim solicitation, media advertisements Dating violence, availability of domestic license plate, allow surviving spouses court security officers - SB 153; HB 427 by attorneys following disaster - SB violence protective orders - HB 396 to obtain or retain - SB 174 court security officers, Court of Justice, 180 Dependency License plates, allow disabled veterans contract - SB 153: SCS Voluntary proceedings, appointment of counsel, to acquire without payment of a fee - Challenging the bona fides of a acknowledgment of paternity registry, parents' rights - SB 141; SB 140: HB 147 candidate, procedure for - SB 54: study of - SB 140: SCS HCS; SB 141: SCS Lieutenant Governor, nomination of, SCS(1),(2), SCA (1); HB 131: SFA (1) acknowledgment-of-paternity registry, proceedings, counsel fees - SB 141: delay until after primary - HB 488 Child welfare, training judges on - SB study of - SB 140: HCS SFA(1) Notary publics - HB 248 147; HB 199 Voting rights for wards, determination of Durable power of attorney - HB 275 Pardons and commutations of Civil Actions, award of costs to prevailing sentences, establish limits to - HB 70: - HB 374: HFA(1) Employer's duties, jury service - HB 423 party - HB 29 Hardship license, authority to grant for traffic offenses other than DUI - HB Restoration of civil rights, constitutional Crime victim address protection Inmates 268, 510 amendment to provide - SB 15 program, creation of - SB 121 and prisoners, certain sexual conduct Juvenile sex offenders, provisions Security breach, definition of - HB 7: Criminal prohibited - HB 140: HFA(1) relating to - SB 51 HCS and juvenile matters, omnibus revision - and prisoners, prohibition on sexual Names, petition for change, restrictions - Sexual HB 358 conduct with - HB 140 SB 3; SB 3: SCS Assault Awareness Month, recognition history record checks, conduct of - HB and prisoners, sexual conduct Seat belt fines, deposit in veterans' of - SR 149 264, 308 prohibited - HB 140: HCS program trust fund - HB 179 offenses against minors, penalty mischief, first degree - SB 169 Inmates, HIV AIDS testing - SB 201: Senior increase - HB 548 trials, time frame - SB 173; HB 551 SFA(1) status judge program - HB 465: HCS offenses, HIV testing upon victim's Cruelty to animals, cost for keeping Interference with a funeral, elements of status judge program, sunsetting of - request, required - HB 528 animal - SB 38 offense - HB 343 HB 465 Victim impact statement, family of Dairy equipment, theft of - HB 420 Internal Revenue Service agents, Sexual offenses, noncontact, restraining deceased victim - SB 150 Death inclusion of as Kentucky peace officers order - HB 322 penalty task force, established - HCR - HB 194 Small claims division, jurisdictional Crimes and Punishments 88 Internet pharmacies, drug offenses - SB increase - HB 198 Penalty, abolition of - HB 200 88; SB 88: HFA (2),(4) Testimony, violent offense, child victim Abortion, penalty, sentencing options - HB 98 Juvenile sex offenders, provisions or witness of - SB 31 anesthesia for 20-week-old or older DNA collection, any felony - HB 507 relating to - SB 51 Trials, time frame, cost of detention - SB fetus, delete requirement and penalty Driving Leaving 173; HB 551 - SB 80: SCS on expired license, exemption for the scene of an accident - HB 76: HCS Unsolicited fax, unlawful uses of opt out anesthesia requirement for 20 weeks or returning military personnel - HB 59 the scene of an accident, penalty information relating to - HB 437: older fetus - SB 80 under the influence - SB 67: SCS(2), increase - SB 199; HB 76; HB 76: HFA(1) informed consent - SB 179 SFA (1); HB 82: SFA (1); HB 125: HFA (1) Visitation, minor children and allegations Abuse of a corpse, increase penalty for - SFA (2); HB 175: SFA (1) Manslaughter, technical corrections to of abuse or neglect - HB 20 HB 117 without insurance, prohibition on - SB statute - HB 364 Academic degree, forgery of - HB 175: 68; HB 149 Marriage, solicitation for - HB 348; SB Courts, Fiscal HCS Driving, restoration of privilege - HB 266 34: HFA (1) Acquisition of firearms - HB 469 DUI Methamphetamine property registry, Certified court security officers, Court of Adam Walsh Child Protection & Safety - HB 284: SCS creation and operation of - HB 470 Justice, sheriffs - SB 153: SCS Act, implementation, directing the study fees, increase, use of funds - SB 132 Military Deputy coroners, allow coroner to of - SCR 129 DUI, or veteran status, prohibit appoint up to two without fiscal court Agroterrorism, penalties for - HB 350; amount and type of substances misrepresenting - HB 105: HFA(1) approval - HB 242 HB 350: HCS impairing driving ability - HB 149 status, awards, and decorations, Jails, cost of pretrial detention - SB 173; Alcohol court order requiring blood or urine test, prohibit misuse - HB 342 HB 551 or substance abuse, pretrial provisions removal of statutory right to consult Murder, registration of offenders - HB 15 Legal notices, public broadcast, study of relating to - SB 34: SCS, HFA (2) attorney - HB 34 National Crime Prevention and Privacy - HCR 155 vaporizing device, sale and use ban - elements of offense - SB 67: SCS(1) Compact, ratification of - HB 555 Line-item vetoes, 2006 General HB 125; HB 125: SFA (1) substances other than alcohol - SB 67 Nonsupport, applicability as to spouses - Assembly, restoration of - HB 1 Animals, cruelty to - HB 74 Eligibility requirements for restoration of SB 157 Qualified constables and deputy Assault voting rights for felons, establishment Notaries, offenses relating to - HB 248 constables, create certification process in the third degree, medical of - HB 67: HFA(1) Official misconduct, providing advance for, powers of - HB 556 professionals - HB 176 Emergency medical services personnel, notice of inspection - SB 161 Require study to survey options for on the elderly, penalty enhancement - criminal record - SB 154 Pardons and commutations of replacing lost fees for funding HB 77 Employer's duties, jury service - HB 423 sentences, establish limits to - HB 70: emergency dispatch centers - HCR 70 Assault, third degree, attack on elected Expungement of records, Class D felony HCS Water districts, extension and formation official - HB 165 and misdemeanor - HB 16; SB 34: Parolees, search of by peace officer - of - SB 96 Asset HCS; HB 16: HFA (1) HB 205 forfeiture - SB 88; SB 88: HFA (2),(4) Ferrous and nonferrous metals, Penitentiary inmates, HIV/AIDS testing reporting purchase of - HB 82 of - SB 201; SB 201: SFA (2) Crime Victims forfeiture, redistribution - SB 88: HCS Bank Flag desecration likely to produce Practitioner of healing arts, advertising breach of peace, prohibit - HB 28 by - HB 424 Adam Walsh Child Protection & Safety or credit union robbery, violent offender status - SB 139 Flagrant nonsupport, initiation of Prescription drug reporting program, Act, implementation, directing the study prosecution - SB 220 direct action to be taken on - SJR 48 of - SCR 129 robbery, violent offender status - HB 84 Bicycles, helmet use required for Forgery of academic degree, Class D Pretrial diversion, alcohol or substance Assault on the elderly, penalty felony - HB 175 abuse - SB 34 enhancement - HB 77 persons under the age of 16 - HB 169 Business entities, omnibus revision - HB Funerals, Prison Child, testimony, victim of violent offense disruption of, penalties for - HB 280: industries enhancement program - SB - SB 31 334 Civic organization facility, sex offenders SCS 42: SCS, SCA (1) Crime victim address protection prohibited activities - HB 280: HFA(1) industries, recidivism reduction program program, creation of - SB 121 prohibited from residing within 1,000 feet of - HB 58 Gift cards, regulate - HB 254 - SB 42 Criminal injuries, hospital reporting of - Ginseng, violations, penalties for - SB Prisoners, medical care and parole of - SB 40 Classified employee political activity, punishment for violations - HB 62 191 HB 191: SCS Death HIV testing of defendant - HB 191: Promoting prostitution in the first degree, penalty task force, established - HCR Concealed deadly weapons, carrying in vehicles - SCA(2) increase penalties for - HB 163 88 Homicide, driving while fatigued - HB Public morals offenses, establish crime Penalty, abolition of - HB 200 SB 8 deadly weapons, lifetime license to 150 of public indecency - HB 338 Expungement of records, Class D felony Human Real and misdemeanor - HB 16; SB 34: carry - HB 211 weapon, in vehicle - HB 302 trafficking - SB 39, 43; SB 43: SCS, estate appraisers, require national HCS; HB 16: HFA (1) SCA (1) criminal history check to apply for HIV testing of defendant - HB 191: Contempt, failure to perform jury service - HB 425 trafficking, create the offense of - HB licensure as - HB 86: HFA(1),(2) SCA(2) 163 estate broker violations, commission's Identify theft, judgment authenticating Controlled substances offenses - SB 88: HFA(1) Identify theft, judgment authenticating power to levy increased fines for - HB status as victim of - SB 115 status as victim of - SB 115 65 Identity theft, data protection, omnibus substances, omnibus revision - SB 88: SCS Identity estate broker violations, remove revision - HB 7 theft, court order - SB 39 commission's power to levy increased Juvenile sex offenders, provisions substances, possession within the human body - SB 66; HB 149 theft, data protection, omnibus revision - fines for - HB 65: HCS relating to - SB 51 HB 7 estate broker violations, remove Kentucky's rape crisis centers and Copper metal, wire, and cable, reporting sale of - HB 82: HCS theft, penalty variation based upon criminal penalties but increase Sexual Assault Awareness Month, physical harm to victim - SB 73 commission fines for - HB 86: HCS recognize and honor - HR 166 Corporate conduct, individual liability for - SB 167 Identity, unauthorized use of - SB 21 Restoration of voting rights to felons, Medical parole, hearing notification - HB Immigrants, criminal justice provisions eligibility requirements of - HB 70: 191 Court ordered spousal maintenance, relating to - HB 164 HFA(1) Murder, registration of offenders - HB 15 Immigration, enforcement of federal law Seat Prisoners, medical care and parole of - enforcement of - HB 382 records, retention of - SB 44 - HB 11 belt law, clarify exemptions from and HB 191: SCS Injuries, hospital reporting of - SB 40 fines for violation - HB 284: HCS belt use, exemptions - HB 284; HB 284: at trial - SB 31: SFA(1) HB 7 Dairying and Milk Marketing HFA (1) Civic organization facility, sex offenders theft, penalty variation based upon Security breach, definition of - HB 7: prohibited from residing within 1,000 physical harm to victim - SB 73 Cloned food products, labeling of - HCR HCS feet of - HB 58 Immigrants, criminal justice provisions 163 Sex Concealed relating to - HB 164 Unpasteurized milk, regulation of - SB offender, internet identity registration - deadly weapons, carrying in vehicles - Immigration, enforcement of federal law 184; HB 298 SB 65 SB 8 - HB 11 offender, registration - HB 320 deadly weapons, lifetime license to Inmates, HIV AIDS testing - SB 201: offenders, loitering around schools - HB carry - HB 211 SFA(1) Data Processing 531 weapon, in vehicle - HB 302 Interference with a funeral, elements of Sexual Contempt, failure to perform jury service offense - HB 343 Electronic records - HB 555 offenses against minors, increased - HB 425 Internal Revenue Service agents, penalty for solicitation - HB 438; HB Controlled inclusion of as Kentucky peace officers Deaths 438: HCS substances offenses - SB 88: HFA(1) - HB 194 offenses against minors, penalty substances, omnibus revision - SB 88: Internet pharmacies, drug offenses - SB Certificate of death, registered nurses increase - HB 548 SCS 88; SB 88: HFA (2),(4) and physician assistants authorized to offenses, HIV testing upon victim's substances, possession within the Juvenile sign - SB 198 request, required - HB 528 human body - SB 66; HB 149 code, creating short title for sections - Death offenses, noncontact, restraining order - Copper metal, wire, and cable, reporting HJR 145 certificate, certified copy, complete HB 322 sale of - HB 82: HCS code, definitions - HB 358: HFA(1) request in five days - SB 50 offenses, procuring of minors via an Corporate conduct, individual liability for sex offenders, provisions relating to - penalty task force, established - HCR electronic communications system - - SB 167 SB 51 88 HB 438; HB 438: HCS Court records, retention of - SB 44 Leaving Penalty, abolition of - HB 200 Sexually oriented business, prohibit a Criminal the scene of an accident - HB 76: HCS Deceased dentists, contract with others semi-nude employee from being within and juvenile matters, omnibus revision - the scene of an accident, penalty to continue provision of services - SB six feet of a patron - SB 95 HB 358 increase - SB 199; HB 76; HB 76: 26: SFA(1),(2) Social worker, threatening of - HB 85 history record checks, conduct of - HB HFA (1) Dentists, contract with others to continue Speed 264, 308 Marriage, solicitation for - HB 348; SB provision of service - SB 26 limit on parkways with four or more mischief, first degree - SB 169 34: HFA (1) Limitation of action in wrongful death - lanes, establish - SB 83: SFA(1) Cruelty Medical parole, hearing notification - HB HB 434 limits for state highways, establish - SB to animals, cost for keeping animal - SB 191 Military burial rights, publicize - HB 280 83 38 Methamphetamine property registry, Motor vehicle, driving while fatigued - HB limits, specify highways on which speed to, maintenance fees and forfeiture - HB creation and operation of - HB 470 150 limit may be increased to 70 miles per 74 Murder, registration of offenders - HB 15 Uniform emergency volunteer health hour - SB 83: HCS Dairy equipment, theft of - HB 420 Nonsupport, applicability as to spouses - practitioners act, provision for - HB 287 Testimony, violent offense, child victim Death SB 157 United States Armed Forces, Kentucky or witness of - SB 31 penalty task force, established - HCR Parolees, search of by peace officer - member of, death benefits - HB 522 Theft by deception, bad checks - HB 217 88 HB 205 Vital Torture of dog or cat, redefine, increase Penalty, abolition of - HB 200 Practitioner of healing arts, advertising statistics, allow signatures in black or penalty for - HB 475 penalty, sentencing options - HB 98 by - HB 424 blue ink - SB 198 Trespass, inclusion of school buildings - DNA collection, any felony - HB 507 Pretrial diversion, alcohol or substance statistics, death certificates - SB 198: HB 61 Driving abuse - SB 34 SCS Veterans, false representation of status, on expired license, exemption for Prison industries, recidivism reduction prohibition - HB 105 returning military personnel - HB 59 program - SB 42 Deeds and Conveyances Victim under the influence - SB 67: SCS(2), Prisoners, medical care and parole of - impact statement, family of deceased SFA (1); HB 82: SFA (1); HB 125: HB 191: SCS Five year statute of limitations, oil and victim - SB 150 SFA (2); HB 175: SFA (1) Probation and parole, fees - HB 121 gas contracts, deletion of - HB 543: solicitation, media advertisements by without insurance, prohibition on - SB Promoting prostitution in the first degree, HFA(1) attorneys following disaster - SB 180 68; HB 149 increase penalties for - HB 163 Oil Voting Driving, restoration of privilege - HB 266 Public morals offenses, establish crime and gas leases, contracts and rights for felons, constitutional DUI - HB 284: SCS of public indecency - HB 338 agreements, default royalty amendment to provide - HB 36 DUI, Seat belt use, exemptions - HB 284; HB provisions for - HB 543 violations, penalty for - HB 405; HB 131: amount and type of substances 284: HFA (1) and gas leases, contracts, agreements, SFA (3) impairing driving ability - HB 149 Security breach, definition of - HB 7: payments of royalties on - HB 543: court order requiring blood or urine test, HCS HCS removal of statutory right to consult Sex Criminal Procedure Property transfers, plans for historic or attorney - HB 34 offender, internet identity registration - prehistoric remains attach to - HB 118 elements of offense - SB 67: SCS(1) SB 65 Abortion, informed consent - SB 179 Self-contained storage units after lease substances other than alcohol - SB 67 offender, registration - HB 320 Academic degree, forgery of - HB 175: default, operator's and creditor's rights Employer's duties, jury service - HB 423 offenders, loitering around schools - HB HCS to contents of - HB 245; HB 245: HFA Expungement of records, Class D felony 531 Acquisition of firearms - HB 469 (1) Alcohol or substance abuse, pretrial and misdemeanor - HB 16; SB 34: Sexual HCS; HB 16: HFA (1) offenses against minors, electronic provisions relating to - SB 34: SCS, Disabilities and the Disabled HFA (2) Felons, post-conviction relief - HB 272 communication, solicitation - HB 438; Assault Ferrous and nonferrous metals, HB 438: HCS Adapted motor vehicles, license dealers in the third degree, medical reporting purchase of - HB 82 offenses against minors, penalty of - HB 389 professionals - HB 176 Flag desecration likely to produce increase - HB 548 Alzheimer's disease, direct study of on the elderly, penalty enhancement - breach of peace, prohibit - HB 28 offenses, HIV testing upon victim's service delivery for - HJR 13 HB 77 Flagrant nonsupport, initiation of request, required - HB 528 Alzheimer's, direct the Cabinet for Health Assault, third degree, attack on elected prosecution - SB 220 offenses, noncontact, restraining order - and Family Services to assess - SJR 6 official - HB 165 Funerals, HB 322 Autism Asset forfeiture - SB 88; SB 88: HFA (2), disruption of, penalties for - HB 280: Testimony, Spectrum Disorders work group, (4) SCS violent offense, child victim or witness of appointment of - HJR 144 Bank prohibited activities - HB 280: HFA(1) - SB 31; HB 191: SCA (3) spectrum disorders, health coverage for or credit union robbery, violent offender Gift cards, regulate - HB 254 violent offenses, child victim or witness - HB 91 status - SB 139 HIV testing of defendant - HB 191: of - HB 175: SFA(3); HB 358: SFA (1) spectrum disorders, supports program, robbery, violent offender status - HB 84 SCA(2) Theft by deception, bad checks - HB 217 Medicaid waiver, screening for - HB Breast-feeding, excused from jury duty - Human Torture of dog or cat, redefine, increase 109 HB 241 trafficking - SB 39, 43; SB 43: SCS, penalty for - HB 475 Brain injuries, encourage pilot treatment Business entities, omnibus revision - HB SCA (1) Trespass, inclusion of school buildings - program - SR 102; HR 202 334 trafficking, create the offense of - HB HB 61 Disability, law enforcement intervention, Case submission, jury duties after - SB 163 Trials, time frames - SB 173; HB 551 development of - SB 104: SFA(1) 168 Identity Victim impact statement, family of Disabled veterans, exemption from Child witnesses, procedure upon recall theft, court order - SB 39 deceased victim - SB 150 theft, data protection, omnibus revision - overnight accommodations rate at state parks - HB 167 - HB 228 Distilled spirits retail drink license, maintenance, court order for - HB 382 DUI fees, increase, use of funds - SB Interlocal agreements, incentives for - eligibility for - HB 340 support, automatic payment option - SB 132 HB 116: HCS Driver's license revocation and criminal 158 Elections, two-minute rule, exemption Uniform penalties, alcohol convictions involving Study of state adoption laws, establish from - SB 14: SCS Emergency Volunteer Health minors leading to - SB 45 task force for - HCR 67 Employment, implement a Medicaid buy- Practitioners Act, delete workers' Hours for Sunday sales adopted by Visitation, minor children and allegations in program to support - SB 219 compensation provision - HB 287: urban-county government - HB 138: of abuse or neglect - HB 20 Family care home, payment allocation - HFA(1) SCA(1) Voluntary SB 221 emergency volunteer health Restaurant corkage fee, establishment acknowledgment of paternity registry, Friedreich's Ataxia Awareness Day, third practitioners act, provision for - HB of - SB 29: HFA(1) study of - SB 140: SCS Saturday in May recognized as - HR 287 Sales at qualified historic sites, local acknowledgment-of-paternity registry, 123 Emergency Volunteer Health option elections for - HB 138; HB 138: study of - SB 140: HCS Friedrich's Ataxia Awareness Day, third Practitioners Act, provision for - HB SCS Wrongful death, loss of consortium - HB Saturday in May recognized as - SR 287: HCS State parks, sale of alcoholic beverages, 403: HFA(1),(2),(3),(4) 120 local option election to allow - HB 391: Incapacitated Diseases HFA(1) Drugs and Medicines dentists, contract with others to continue Wine, provision of service - SB 26; SB 26: Alzheimer's, direct the Cabinet for Health production limit for small farm wineries - 06 SFA (1) and Family Services to assess - SJR 6 SB 29: HFA(3) HB 380, state budget, amendments to - dentists, contract with others to continue Anti-epilepsy drugs, prohibit substitution sales from small farm wineries - SB 29: HB 327: HCS, HFA (14) provision of services - SB 26: SFA(2) of - SB 102 HFA(2) HB 380, state/executive branch budget Kentucky Cardiovascular disease initiative, modify bill, amendments - HB 262: SCS Family Trust Program, creation of - HB board membership of - HB 185: SCS Dogs HB 380, state/executive branch budget 6 Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, bill, amendments to - HB 327 Golden alert system, establish for January 2007 recognized as - SR 21 Assistance dogs, medical treatment of - Anti-epilepsy drugs, prohibit substitution missing impaired adult - HB 142 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, SB 23; SB 23: SCS of - SB 102 State Use Commission, creation of - HB initiatives for - HR 49 Cruelty to animals, cost for keeping Board of Medical Licensure, 23 Communicable disease precaution animal - SB 38 appointments to - SB 222 Licensed pedorthists, narrow scope of initiative, creation of - HB 525 Dog or cat, redefine torture of, increase Cardiovascular disease initiative, modify grandfathering provisions for - SB 30: Communicable, workers' compensation penalty for - HB 475 board membership of - HB 185: SCS HFA(1),(2) rebuttable presumption - HB 516 Euthanasia, approval required for - HB Controlled Long-term COPD initiatives and disease 49 substances offenses - SB 88: HFA(1) care facilities, inspections, posting management for - SR 14 Government, limitation on certain substances, omnibus revision - SB 88: requirements for - SB 70 Crohn's disease, urge awareness of - regulations - HB 375 SCS care facilities, nurse staffing HCR 141 Shelters, spay/neuter, require for substances, possession within the requirements, establishment of - HB Data on health care costs, quality and adoption, release - HB 270 human body - SB 66; HB 149 290 outcomes, report required - HB 431 Spay Day commemoration, recognize - Data on health care costs, quality and care facilities, training, policies and Diabetes HR 80 outcomes, report required - HB 431 services for dementia - HB 141 prevention, control, and treatment of - Spay/neuter, urge formation of working Driving under the influence - SB 67: care partnership insurance program, HB 337: SCS group on - HR 222 SCS(2), SFA (1); HB 82: SFA (1); HB establishment - HB 126 research board, amend research criteria Trust for the care of an animal - SB 114 125: SFA (2); HB 175: SFA (1) Mental for - HB 383 Drug disability, law enforcement intervention Diabetes, prevention, control, and Domestic Relations screening, nursing facilities and and training, development of - HB 504 treatment of - HB 406 child care centers, requirement for - disability, law enforcement intervention, Friedreich's Ataxia Awareness Day, third HB 151 development of training - SB 104; SB Advertising of marriage services, permit Saturday in May recognized as - HR - HB 348: HFA(1) testing for school employees, 104: SFA (2) 123 requirement of - HB 408 Myositis Awareness Day, September 21 Awarding child custody, consideration of Friedrich's Ataxia Awareness Day, third - HB 382 DUI, - HR 34 Saturday in May recognized as - SR amount and type of substances Nonprofit agencies and work centers, Breach of promise to marry, remove 120 references - SB 166 impairing driving ability - HB 149 government purchase from - HB 23 Give Kids A Smile Day, recognize - SR elements of offense - SB 67: SCS(1) Orthotics, prosthetics, and pedorthics, Child 46 support, increase minimum amount of - substances other than alcohol - SB 67 licensing and regulation of practitioners Immunization of children, requirement - Health of - SB 30; HB 337: SFA (2) HB 369 SB 188 welfare, training judges on - SB 147; HB insurance, urge Congress not to pass a Prosthetic, orthotic, or pedorthic Immunizations, encourage rather than National Health Insurance Act - HR offenses, injunctive relief, court 199 require - HB 345: HFA(2) Competency 213 jurisdiction, change in - SB 30: SFA(1) Kentucky Insurance, urge Congress to pass a Prosthetics, proceeding, jury trial for - HB 236 Cardiovascular Disease Initiative and proceeding, when pay required - SB 72 National Health Insurance Act - HR orthotics, and pedorthics board, require board, create - HB 185: HFA(1) 81 appointment of at least one pedorthist Consortium, loss of, action for - HB 403; Cardiovascular Disease Initiative and HB 403: HCS (1),(2) Human Papillomavirus vaccine, funds for to - SB 30: HCS(1) board, creation - HB 185 - HB 327: HFA(5),(10) orthotics, and pedorthics, licensing and Court records, retention of - SB 44 Cardiovascular Disease Initiative, Covenant Marriage, create the option of Immunization of children, requirement - regulation of practitioners of - SB 30: establishment of - HB 185: HCS SB 188 SCS entering into - HB 110 Myositis Awareness Day, September 21 Dating violence, availability of domestic Immunizations, encourage rather than Scholarship Program, Students with - HR 34 require - HB 345: HFA(2) Special Needs - HB 30 violence protective orders - HB 396 National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Divorce, vital statistics, allow electronic Importation Supports for Individuals with Autism Day, recognize - SR 37 of prescription drugs from foreign Spectrum Disorders Program, creation filing of - SB 198: SFA(2),(3) Penitentiary inmates, HIV/AIDS testing Human trafficking - SB 39 countries, FDA, certification of safety of - HB 109: HCS of - SB 201; SB 201: SFA (2) prior to - HB 252: HFA(1) Time limit in a voting booth exception, Loss of consortium, attorney fees - HB Pharmacist practitioners, establish 403: HFA(5),(6) of prescription drugs from foreign creation of - SB 14; HB 476: SCA (2) certification for - HB 233 countries, provisions for - HB 252 Treatment, mental health, approval from Marriage, solicitation for - HB 348; SB Prostate cancer screening, health 34: HFA (1) Insurance, urge Congress to pass a health insurer - HB 570 insurance, coverage by - HB 506 National Health Insurance Act - HR Veterans, services and benefits for - HB Names, petition for change, restrictions - Speech and language pathology, SB 3; SB 3: SCS 243 225 licensure to treat - SB 89; HB 288 Internet pharmacies, drug offenses - SB Voters, assistance of - HB 263 Nonsupport, applicability as to spouses - SB 157 88; SB 88: HFA (2),(4) Voting rights for wards, determination of I-SaveRx Internet program, cooperative - HB 374: HFA(1) Distilled Spirits Protective orders, transfer and divorce - SB 4 agreement with - HB 256 Kentucky Disasters Alcohol vaporizing device, sale and use Putative father registry, creation of - SB ban - HB 125; HB 125: SFA (1) 140 Cardiovascular Disease Initiative and Alcoholic beverage advertising ban, Social worker safety, improvements for - board, create - HB 185: HFA(1) Criminal history record checks, conduct exemption for promotions sent to HB 362; HB 362: SCS, SFA (1), HCS Cardiovascular Disease Initiative and of - HB 264, 308 customer's residence - SB 29 (1),(2), HFA (1) board, creation - HB 185 Executive order, limit to geographic area Caterer, definition of, amended - SB 107 Spousal Medicaid, Pharmacy Advisory Committee, add member - SB 69; SB Local wage assessment, allow credit Adequate progress, consequences for HCR 31 69: SCS against state income tax for - HB 188: failure to make - SB 62: SCS Professional Standards Board, Medical practice, use of lasers by HFA(2) Advanced appointment of Franklin D. Cheatham nonphysician - HB 473 Milton Friedman, recognizing Milton Placement Incentive Fund, to - HCR 29 Medicare prescription drug benefit, Friedman Day - HJR 77 establishment of - SB 1 Professional Standards Board, improvements in - HR 125 New incentive program for cities of the Placement incentive fund, uses for - SB confirmation of Jennifer L. Forgy to - National Alcohol and Drug Addiction first class - HB 536 1: SCS HCR 25 Recovery Month, declare - HR 198 Noncitizen workers, study of - HCR 127; Placement initiative results, study and Professional Standards Board, Outpatient contraceptive services, health HR 223 reporting of - SB 1: SCS confirmation of Rebecca S. Goss to - plan coverage of - HB 344 Ohio River Task Force, create to study Placement, improve student preparation HCR 75 Pharmacist practitioners, establish issues - HR 215 for - SB 1: SCS Professional Standards Board, Smith, certification for - HB 233 Personnel titles, delete obsolete Alternative calendars, districts exempt Zenaida M., confirmation to - HCR 32 Pharmacy technician registration, references - HB 561 from late starting date - HB 95: HFA(1) Educational institutions, construction qualifications for - HB 533 Primary AP classes in calculus, physics, biology, exempt from paying prevailing wages - Physician assistants, controlled care centers, funding in medical and chemistry, incentives to start - SB HB 457 substances, authority to prescribe, underserved areas for - HB 313 1 Employee parameters of - SB 97 care centers, funding in medically Assistance to schools - SB 62 criminal background checks - HCR 159: Physician-prescribed medication, underserved areas for - HB 313: Attendance records of transferring HFA(1) administration of - HB 64: HFA(7) HFA(1) students, make cumulative for criminal background checks, study of - Prescription drug reporting program, Reduce advertising device viewing zone determining truancy - HB 145 HCR 159 direct action to be taken on - SJR 48 - SB 155: HFA(1),(2) Attendance, agreements between Energy savings performance Smoking cessation treatment, Medicaid Single county coal severance projects, districts for out-of-district students - HB contracting, amend definition - HB 5: coverage of - HB 337 funding of - HB 500 487 SCA(2) Wholesale distributors, require license - Small business tax credit, creation of - Autism Enrollment, dental examination as a SB 215 HB 460 Spectrum Disorders work group, requirement for - SB 202 Workers' compensation, premium State parks, wine and malt beverage appointment of - HJR 144 Exempt speech-language pathologists reduction for drug-free workplace - SB sales, local option election authorized - spectrum disorders, supports program, and audiologists employed by schools 203: SCS; HB 296: SCS HB 391 Medicaid waiver, screening for - HB from licensure - SB 89: SCS State-Federal Council for Balanced 109 Family Economic Development Economic Growth, abolished - SB 76 Average daily attendance, change in resource and youth services centers, Tax method to calculate - HB 440: HCS creation of in or near each Amtrak service, promote use of - HCR credits, reporting requirements for - HB Biennial report to Interim Joint elementary school - HB 400: SCA(1) 18; HCR 18: HFA (1) 159 Committee on Education - HB 565 resource youth services centers, specify Appalachian Development Council, increment financing - HB 530 Brown, Dale, honoring as 2006 NAGE requirements for - SB 86 abolished - SB 76 increment financing commission, Administrator of the Year - HR 189 Financial literacy and economic Billboards, establish vegetation control designate members - HB 549: HFA(1) Bullying, education, teacher institute for - HB permit - SB 155 Increment Financing districts - HB 400: charges to exclude the expression of 311 Cabinet for Economic Development, SCS specific opinions - HB 64: HFA(1) George Rogers Clark boys basketball abolish Partnership board - HB 227 increment financing, amend public treatment of beliefs regarding team, honor as 10th Region champions ConnectKentucky, recognize as Ky's purpose language - HB 549: HFA(5) homosexuality - HB 64: HFA(2) - SR 220 telecommunications and information increment financing, establish new CDL standards for bus drivers, HB 440/HCS regarding low attendance technology resource - HCR 126 programs - HB 349, 549 compliance with Motor Carrier Safety days, declare emergency for - HB 440: Contracts with postsecondary increment financing, establish new Improvement Act - HB 509 HFA(1) institutions, permit board approval of programs for second class cities - HB Cellular telephone, prohibiting use of - Head teacher - HB 558 employee interest in - SB 130 539 HB 230 High Department for Local Government, increment financing, establish the Child-care school athletics - HB 380: SCS, SFA (1) project authorization for - SB 124; HB Signature Project Program - HB 549: center rating system, licensing school athletics, change in eligibility 404 SCS requirement for - HB 234 date for students in - HB 380: HCS Economic revitalization projects - HB 69: increment financing, include additional center rating system, licensing school athletics, exemption to eligibility HFA(1) state participation program - HB 549: requirement for new applications - HB requirements - HB 380 Eminent domain, authority and HCS 234: HFA(1) school day start time, establish - HB procedure - HB 458 increment financing, reduce investment Classified 436 Expand pilot TIF statutes to include requirement for blighted urban employees, job benefits - SB 195; HB Holocaust, second class cities and urban-county program to $20 million - HB 549: 210 include study of in public school governments - HB 413 HFA(2) employees, members of school-based curriculum - HJR 11 Film industry, tax credits for production increment financing, require additional decision making council - HB 508 study of - HJR 11: HCS in Kentucky - HB 554 findings by local governments - HB Community education, use of funds for - Honor Industrial 549: HFA(2) HB 197 Azia Inman Meeks, recipient of the first revitalization - HB 69 Tax, limestone, manufacturers - HB 568 Compulsory annual Ann Braden Humanitarian Revitalization Act, amendment of - HB Tourism Development Act, extension of school age, raising from 16 to 18 - HB Award - SR 212; HR 187 69: HFA(2) the term of agreement - HB 347 221 Leslie Watkins, 2006 National Career International Tourist attractions, approved costs for - school age, raising from sixteen to and Technical Education Teacher of Business Relations Committee, SB 30: HCS(2) seventeen - HB 279 the Year - SR 43 establishment of - HB 127: HFA(1) West Kentucky Corporation, abolished - Contracts, nonresident student - HB 285 Mercer Co. Football, 2006 KHSAA business, committee to address - HB SB 76 Cost of textbooks, LRC study directed - Class 2A Champs - SR 140; HR 161 127 HCR 19 Mercer Co. Marching Band, 2006 KMEA KEDFA program, calculation of base Education, Elementary and Costs of hearing officer and Class AA Champs - SR 141; HR 162 hourly wages - HB 305: SCS, SFA (1) Secondary administrative hearing, school district Human Kentucky Association of Manufacturers to pay - HB 210: HFA(3) papillomavirus vaccine, consideration of Day, proclaiming February 12, 2007 - A.D. Crofton Elementary School, recognize - HB 345: HFA(1) SR 99 and B.C., exclusive use of in reference students - HR 226 papillomavirus virus, consideration of - Kentucky's captive insurance industry, to historical dates and time - HB 14 Crohn's disease, urge awareness of - HB 345: HFA(3) development of, support for - SR 131 and B.C., exclusive use of, in reference HCR 141 Hussung, Lisa, honor as Kentucky KIDA and KREDA, ground lease - HB to historical dates and time - HB 21 Curricula and instructional time, study of Elementary School Music Teacher of 485 Academic degree, forgery of - HB 175: - SJR 134 the Year - HR 63 KJDA, projects adjoining a HCS Department of Education, reorganization Illness-related low attendance days, postsecondary education center, wage Academy of various offices and divisions - SB 57 permit ADA funding adjustment for - requirements - HB 468; HB 468: HFA for Mathematics and Science in Drug testing for school employees, HB 440 (1) Kentucky - HB 306: HCS requirement of - HB 408 Immunization, human papillomavirus, KREDA and KIDA, ground lease - HB of Mathematics and Science in Dual credit courses, high school middle school children - HB 143, 345; 462 Kentucky, creation of - SB 116; HB students, use of KEES scholarship HB 345: HCS KY Association of Manufacturers Day, 306; HB 5: SCA (1) funds for - SB 46: SCS Immunizations, encourage rather than proclaiming February 12, 2007 - HR Accelerated certification program, Education require - HB 345: HFA(2) 121 establishment of - SB 2: SCS Professional Standards Board, International appointment of Cynthia W. York to - Education Week - HJR 7: HCS Education Week, celebration of - HJR 7 HB 160 SB 1: SFA(1),(2) use of funds for dual credit courses - Interscholastic athletic program, Retirement benefits, certified employees Force on Accelerated Learning, creation SB 46 cooperative agreement for - HB 409 with active military service - SB 87 of - SJR 24 educator award and recognition fund - June Buchanan School boys basketball Save Our Streams Task Force, creation Force on Differentiated Compensation HB 2 team, honor as 14th Region champions of - HCR 160 for Teachers, create - SB 2: SFA(1), Financial Literacy Program and trust - SR 225; HR 230 Scholarship Program, Students with (2) fund, creation of - HB 346 KEES Special Needs - HB 30 Tax Higher Education Assistance Authority, awards, student eligibility for - SB 1 School credit, $250 personal funds for school funds for - HB 327: HFA(4),(11) eligibility, retroactive extension for calendar, beginning date for the first supplies - HB 188: HFA(1) Higher Education Assistance Authority, military service - HB 291 instructional day - HB 95 credits for contributions to eligible loan forgiveness program - HB 100: KEES, eligibility and use of funds - HB calendar, limit district's option for nonprofit education organizations - HCS 291: FCCR establishing the first instructional day HB 188 Tuition Grant Program - HB 1: HFA(6) Kentucky - HB 95 Teacher Line item vetoes, 2006 General Board of Education, confirmation Judith districts, transfer of student information - advancement fund, creation of - HB 392 Assembly, restoration of - HB 1: HCS H. Gibbons - HCR 26 HB 145: SCS certification loan fund, expand list of Minimum school term, funding for - SB education excellence scholarship employees, permit participation in qualifying recipients - SB 2: SCS 94 eligibility, extension of - HB 291: SCS political campaigns - SB 109 salary supplement, chemistry, physics, Nicholas Hildreth School, move of - HB Educational Excellence Scholarship, Facilities Construction Commission, or mathematics - HB 5: SCS 129 extension - HB 291: HFA(1) members - HB 562 scholarship program, amount awarded - Nonresident students, funding for - HB educational excellence scholarships, facilities, use of capital outlay for HB 229 285 use of funds for dual credit courses - maintenance in - HB 471 scholarship program, use of funds - HB Out-of-district students, per-pupil funding SB 46 nonattendance, custody and detention 229 to follow - HB 487 educator award and recognition fund - of school age children for - SB 183; work day, define - HB 222 Principals, funding for training - SB 62 HB 2 HB 309 Teachers' Rapid growth districts, funding Financial Literacy Program and trust personnel, professional development Retirement System, omnibus revisions - calculations for base level funding - HB fund, creation of - HB 346 and training of - SB 94 HB 461 189 Local readiness, determination of and Retirement System, technical Retirement, defined contribution plan for board members, meeting expenses - reporting of - HB 235 corrections - HB 461: HCS employees hired on or after July 1, HB 50 resource officers, placement of - SB 49 Teachers, 2009 - HB 331 school board members, per diem - HB superintendent, annual report to be leaves of absence for - HB 315 Scholarship Program, Students with 50: SCS submitted to - HB 101 salary supplement for - SB 2 Special Needs - HB 30 Low-performing schools, selection of a technology for coal county computing, Training superintendent to recommend School school principal in - SB 208: SCS use of - HB 145: SCA(2) principals for - SB 62: SCS districts, energy savings contracts - HB Mascots, flags, and symbols, study of - School-based Trespass, inclusion of school buildings - 145: SCS HCR 53 decision making council, classified HB 61 facilities, use of capital outlay for Master's degree, tuition waived for - HB employees voting to elect members - Unified school district, dissolution of - HB maintenance in - HB 471 392 HB 508 487 Tax credits for contributions to eligible Mathematics decision making council, increase Union County High School, 2007 nonprofit education organizations - HB and science achievement, strategies to membership of - SB 214 KHSAA Wrestling Champs, honor - HR 188 improve - SB 1: HCS decision making councils, personnel 185 Teacher Intervention Teachers, honor - SR 151 actions by - SB 208 Victims of bullying, local school districts advancement fund, creation of - HB 392 Military service retirement contribution - Science to provide training to - HB 64: HFA(4) certification loan fund, expand list of HB 225: SCA(2) and mathematics achievement, Writing portfolios, remove from qualifying recipients - SB 2: SCS Minimum strategies to improve - SB 1: HFA(1) elementary school CATS assessment - work day, additional compensation for school calendar, define number of days and mathematics advancement fund, HB 195 teachers for required work beyond - - HB 222 create - HB 5: SCS HB 222 school term, increased days and use of Science, Education, Finance Teachers, salary supplement for - SB 2 days within - SB 94 mathematics and technology, support Montgomery County girls basketball for teaching of - SB 216; HB 537 Academy Education, Higher team, honor as 10th Region champions Technology, Engineering and for Mathematics and Science in - SR 219 Mathematics Task Force, urge CPE Kentucky, funding for - HB 306: HCS 06 National to continue work of - SR 241; HR 224 of Mathematics and Science in HB 380, state budget, amendments to - board certified teacher, salary Scott County Cardinals, 2007 KHSAA Kentucky, allocation of SEEK funds HB 327: HCS, HFA (14) supplement provided - HB 178 Boys Sweet 16 Champs, honor - SR for students in - SB 116; HB 306; HB HB 380, state/executive branch budget board certified teachers, honor 235; HR 239 5: SCA (1) bill, amendments - HB 262: SCS Kentucky's newly certified - HR 207 SEEK, Advanced HB 380, state/executive branch budget Nonresident contracts - HB 285: HFA(1) allocation of - HB 326: HCS Placement Incentive Fund, bill, amendments to - HB 327 Operator's & Intermediate licenses and excess funds, allocation of - HB 326 establishment of - SB 1 Academic permits, student requirements for - HB Sex offenders, loitering around schools - Placement test scores, KEES awards bill of rights - HB 158 32 HB 531 for - SB 1: SCS degree, forgery of - HB 175: HCS Parent education program, development Speech and language pathologist and AP course exams, payment of - SB 1 Accelerated certification program, and implementation of - HB 512 audiologists in schools, requirements Community education - HB 197 establishment of - SB 2: SCS Personnel, selection of school - SB 208: for - SB 89; HB 288 Cost of textbooks, LRC study directed - Advanced Placement test scores, KEES SCS State HCR 19 awards for - SB 1: SCS Physical agencies and Bluegrass Community Documented vessels, exempt from local Agricultural Development Board, activity for children, requirement of - SB and Technical College, urge taxation - HB 466 membership - HB 334: SCA(2) 110; HB 299; HB 299: HFA (1) collaboration between - HR 133 Dual credit courses, high school Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, recognition activity in preschool through eighth agencies and Kentucky Community and students, use of KEES scholarship of - SR 34 grade - SB 110: SFA(1) Technical College System, funds for - SB 46: SCS AP and International Baccalaureate Physician-prescribed medication, collaboration between - HR 156 Independent postsecondary institution, examination scores, KEES awards for - administration of - HB 64: HFA(7) Statewide testing window, no earlier accreditation for - HB 1: HFA(3) SB 1: HCS Plan for utilization of career and than May 1 - HB 95: HFA(1) KEES Authorization for the University of technical education programs and Student awards, student eligibility for - SB 1 Kentucky to lease-purchase Samaritan facilities - SJR 125 conduct, set Golden Rule as rule for - eligibility, retroactive extension for Clinical Facility - HB 291: FCCR Preschool and primary programs, ages HB 64: HFA(3) active duty military - HB 291: HCS Bishop College, re-establishment of - SR for enrollment in - HB 64: HFA(5); HB harassment, intimidation, or bullying, eligibility, retroactive extension for 167 210: HFA (1) protection from - HB 64 military service - HB 291 Cardiovascular disease initiative, modify Principals, additional training harassment, intimidation, or bullying, Kentucky board membership of - HB 185: SCS requirements for - SB 62 reporting of incidents - HB 64 Educational Excellence Scholarship, Carl D. Perkins Vocational Training Rapid growth districts, funding Supports for Individuals with Autism eligibility for - HB 291: CCR Center, name change to - HB 130 calculations for base level funding - HB Spectrum Disorders Program, creation Educational Excellence Scholarships, Collective bargaining, employees 189 of - HB 109: HCS participating institutions - HB 291: exempt from - HB 318: HFA(1) Reading and civics education courses Task SCA(1) Contracts with postsecondary for teachers, requirement of - HB 101 Force on Accelerated Learning in educational excellence scholarships, institutions, permit board approval of Retired educators, reemployment of - Mathematics and Science, establish - employee interest in - SB 130 students - HB 468; HB 468: HFA (1) International Education Week, Sex-based wage discrimination, Cost of textbooks, LRC study directed - institutions, debt issuance by - HB 332 celebration of - HJR 7 prohibited on comparable jobs, HCR 19 Public Personnel rights, definition of effective July 1, 2008 - HB 219 Credit card and debt management employees, study impact of collective "penalization" - HB 220 State employees, salary increases for - education for new students - HB 373 bargaining - HB 318: HFA(2) Plan for utilization of career and HB 31 Dual credit courses, high school Service Student Law Loan Program - technical education programs and Streamlined Sales and Use Tax students, use of KEES scholarship HB 226 facilities - SJR 125 Agreement, conforming changes, July funds for - SB 46: SCS Reading and civics education courses Retirement benefits, certified employees 1, 2007 - HB 360 Education for teachers, requirement of - HB 101 with active military service - SB 87 Tourism attraction project, July 1, 2007 - Professional Standards Board, Recognize UK School of Human SEEK, allocation of - HB 326: HCS HB 319 confirmation of Jennifer L. Forgy to - Environmental Sciences/College of Sex offenders, loitering around schools - Use of windshield wipers by motor HCR 25 Home Economics - SR 116 HB 531 vehicle operators, July 1, 2007 - HB Professional Standards Board, Science and mathematics advancement Teachers' 89: SCS confirmation of Rebecca S. Goss to - fund, create - HB 5: SCS Retirement System, omnibus revisions - HCR 75 Science, Technology, Engineering and HB 461 Effective Dates, Emergency Educational institutions, construction Mathematics Task Force, urge CPE to Retirement System, technical exempt from paying prevailing wages - continue work of - SR 241; HR 224 corrections - HB 461: HCS 06 HB 380, state/executive branch HB 457 Sex offenders, loitering around schools - Teachers, annual increment - HR 152 budget bill, amendments to - HB 327 Employees' rights - HB 429 HB 531 Tuition BR Employees, Task Force on Accelerated Learning, waiver, child of a deceased or 1104 - SB 124 limited health benefits for domestic creation of - SJR 24 permanently disabled veteran - HB 1241 - HB 327 partners - HB 10 Teacher 128: HFA(1) 1361 - HB 404 prohibit health benefits for domestic certification loan fund, expand list of waiver, child of a veteran - HB 128 1388 - HB 419 partners - HB 48 qualifying recipients - SB 2: SCS waiver, child of deceased or 1389 - HB 326 Equine industry program, increased salary supplement, chemistry, physics, permanently disabled veteran - SB 1462 - HB 536 funding, purposes earmarked - HB 40 or mathematics - HB 5: SCS 52; HB 106 1634 - HB 410 Government contracts, requirements, scholarship program, amount awarded - waiver, child or dependent of a 436 - HB 1 review of - HB 8 HB 229 permanently disabled veteran - HB 483 - HB 129 Governor's Postsecondary Education scholarship program, use of funds - HB 106: HFA(1) 825, voter verified paper audit trail - HB Nominating Committee, appointment to 229 415 - HCR 154 Teachers' Effective Dates, Delayed Commercials by statewide candidates, Gray, Sandra C., president of Asbury Retirement System, omnibus revisions - using state funds, prohibition of - HB College, honoring - HR 232 HB 461 BR 395 Independent postsecondary institution, Retirement System, technical 1145 - SB 1 Communications Excise Tax, monthly accreditation for - HB 1: HFA(3) corrections - HB 461: HCS 1602, July 1, 2007 - HB 560 hold harmless amount, January 1, International Tuition 208, effective July 1, 2007 - HB 116 2006 - HB 80 Education Week - HJR 7: HCS waiver, child of a deceased or 498, January 1, 2008 - HB 335 Effective dates, emergency - HB 69 Education Week, celebration of - HJR 7 permanently disabled veteran - HB Charitable auctions, August 1, 2007 - HB EFFECTIVE DATES, EMERGENCY - KEES 128: HFA(1) 24 HB 468 awards, student eligibility for - SB 1 waiver, child of a veteran - HB 128 Cigarette surtax imposed, July 1, 2007 - EMERGENCY - HB 224 eligibility, retroactive extension for waiver, child of deceased or HB 353 Emergency, declaration of - HB 316 active duty military - HB 291: HCS permanently disabled veteran - SB Consumer credit, disclosures - HB 260 Farmers market temporary food service eligibility, retroactive extension for 52; HB 106 Driver licensing, transfer issuance establishment - HB 120: HCS military service - HB 291 waiver, child or dependent of a functions to State Police, effective General Assembly candidates, public KEES, eligibility and use of funds - HB permanently disabled veteran - HB 7/1/08 - SB 213 financing for - HB 55 291: FCCR 106: HFA(1) Effective July 1, 2008 - HB 79: HCS HB Kentucky waivers for spouses and dependents of Exempt prepared food sold by churches 183 - HB 183: HFA(1) education excellence scholarship veterans - HB 213 from sales tax, effective July 1, 2007 - 262 - HB 262: SCS eligibility, extension of - HB 291: SCS waivers, include members of Reserve HB 75 296 - HB 296: HFA(1),(2) Educational Excellence Scholarship, Components - HB 213: HFA(1) HB 299 - HB 299: HFA(1) eligibility for - HB 291: CCR University 116 - HB 116: HCS 327 - HB 327: HCS, HFA (14) Educational Excellence Scholarship, capital projects, vetoed, restoration of - 214/HCS HFA3 - HB 214: HFA(3) 362 - HB 362: HCS(1) extend eligibility for active duty HB 1: HFA(4) 335 - HB 335: HFA(1) 403 - HB 403: HCS(1),(2) military - HB 128: SCS of Kentucky employees, one-time bonus 461 - HB 461: HCS 418/GA - HB 418: SCS Educational Excellence Scholarship, - HB 544 Hearing officers, replace with 440/HCS - HB 440: HFA(1) extension - HB 291: HFA(1) of Kentucky, honor football team, 2006 administrative law judges - SB 210 476/GA - HB 476: SCS Educational Excellence Scholarships, Music City Bowl champions - SR 52; HVAC installations, effective July 1, 514/GA - HB 514: SCS participating institutions - HB 291: HR 149 2008 - SB 10 549 - HB 549: SCS SCA(1) of Kentucky, School of Human Inspections of HVAC installations, Runoff primaries, payment of - HB 476 educational excellence scholarships, Environmental Sciences, honoring - effective January 1, 2009 - SB 10: SCS Sales tax holiday, May 1, 2007 - HB 60, use of funds for dual credit courses - HR 42 January 265 SB 46 of Louisville equine industry program, 1, 2008 - SB 190 SB Higher Education Assistance Authority, funding increased - HB 40 1, 2008, Sections 2 to 12 - SB 140 143/GA - SB 143: HFA(1) funds for - HB 327: HFA(4),(11) of Louisville football team, 2007 Orange July 1, 2008, SB 171 - SB 171: SFA(1) 159 - SB 159: HFA(9) State University, honoring - HR 65 Bowl champions, recognition of - SR Master cigarette distributor, define and 159/HCS - SB 159: HFA(7),(8) Tuition Grant Program - HB 1: HFA(6) 23 license - HB 124 Spousal maintenance and child custody, KHESLC of Louisville, honor football team, 2007 Motor vehicle usage tax, exempt consideration of - HB 382 and KHEAA boards, appointments to Orange Bowl champions - SR 51; HR religious organizations, July 1, 2007 - Workers' and joint service on - HB 100 39 HB 502 comp. self-insured, public sector and KHEAA, duties of executive director regulations relating to employee-related Pari-mutuel tax, one-day horse race employers exempt from security - HB 100 business - SB 130: HFA(1) meeting, exemption for, July 1, 2007 - requirements-SB 203 - SB 203: Line item vetoes, 2006 General HB 402 SCA(1) Assembly, restoration of - HB 1: HCS Education, Vocational Permitting of HVAC installations, compensation self-insurance, public Master's degree for teachers, tuition effective July 1, 2008 - SB 10: SCS sector employers exempt from waived for - HB 392 Academic degree, forgery of - HB 175: Sales security requirement - SB 203 Milton Friedman, recognizing Milton HCS and use tax exemption, master-metered compensation self-insured, public sector Friedman Day - HJR 77 Campaign contributions allowed to be utilities, August 1, 2007 - HB 68 employers exempt for security Murray State University, use of funds for donated, amount decreased - SB 159: and use tax, exempt sales by churches requirement-HB 296/G - HB 296: construction of the new science HFA(16) for fundraising activities, July 1, 2007 SCA(1) complex - HB 291: FCCR Career and Technical Education Week, - SB 93 Personnel rights, definition of commemoration of - SR 100 and use tax, exemption, BR 977 - HB Effective Dates, Retroactive "penalization" - HB 220 Carl D. Perkins Vocational Training 238 Postsecondary Center, name change to - HB 130 and use tax, straw, wood shavings, Retirement benefits, public school education centers, employment Employees' rights - HB 429 sawdust, exempt from - HB 441 opportunities for nontraditional employees with active military service - SB 87 statewide office, permit to contribute - certificate, certified copy, complete Energy - SB 7 SB 159: HFA(8) request in five days - SB 50 Ethanol, tax credits for producers - SB Elections and Voting agents to candidates and slates for certificates, issuance of by Vital 24 statewide office, prohibit contributions Statistics Branch - HB 459 Five year statute of limitations, oil and A slate of candidates in runoff, permitted to - SB 159: HFA(7) Human remains, Native American, gas contracts, deletion of - HB 543: to withdraw - HB 542 Lieutenant Governor, nomination of, reinterment procedure for - HB 117 HFA(1) Absentee ballots, challenges to - SB 211 delay until after primary - HB 488 Military burial rights, publicize - HB 280 Gas Alcoholic beverages, after 12 noon, Local option elections, alcoholic Pipeline Authority, include crude oil and permit sale of - HB 341 beverage sales at qualified historic Emergency Medical Services petroleum products - HB 102 Audit of absentee votes, requirement for sites - HB 138; HB 138: SCS rate stabilization, task force to study - - HB 405: HFA(2) Member of the Kentucky Registry of Air ambulance, health insurance HB 261: HCS Campaign Election Finance, appointment of Leigh coverage of - HB 377 Global Nuclear Energy Partnership contributions allowed to be donated to A. Jones - SR 192 Certificate of death, registered nurses projects, support efforts to obtain - SR committees, amount decreased - SB Office of surveyor, eligibility for, and physician assistants authorized to 203; HR 191 159: HFA(13) constitutional amendment - SB 41 sign - SB 198 Industrial contributions allowed to be donated, Paper copies to county clerk, exemption Interlocal agreements, incentives for - energy facilities, other useful products, amount decreased - SB 159: for candidates who file electronically - HB 116: HCS deletion from definition of - SB 196: HFA(11),(12),(15) SB 159: HFA(1),(6) Outpatient data reporting, required by HFA(1) Candidate Pardons and commutations of hospitals - HB 445 energy facilities, permitting for - SB 196 vacancy, replacement candidate, sentences, establish limits to - HB 70: Personnel, criminal record - SB 154 Kentucky Gas Pipeline Authority, add extension of time for - HB 66 HCS Trauma carbon dioxide gas - HB 102: HCS vacancy, reprogramming voting Persons in voting room, who permitted - care registry, data collection for - HB KY State Board on Electric Generation machines, payment for - HB 66 HB 405; HB 131: SFA (3) 152: HFA(1) and Transmission Siting, delete Candidates hiring transporters of voters, Presidential care system, advisory committee exemption from review - SB 196: requirements of - HB 501 election by national popular vote, members for - HB 152: HFA(1) SFA(1) Certificate compact for - HB 550 care system, establish and fund - HB Mine of nomination during presidential electors, use district method in 152; HB 152: HCS safety program, state requirements for - election year, deadline for - SB 159: nominations for - HB 432 Uniform HB 207: HFA(2) HFA(10) Restoration of voting rights to felons, Emergency Volunteer Health safety, requirements and standards for - of nomination during presidential eligibility requirements of - HB 70: Practitioners Act, delete workers' HB 207: SCS election years, deadline for - SB 14: HFA(1) compensation provision - HB 287: safety, requirements for - HB 207: HCS HFA(1); HB 387: HFA (1); HB 405: Runoff HFA(1) Office of Energy Policy, Reorganization, HFA (3) elections, elimination of - HB 224 emergency volunteer health Executive Order 2006-1299 - SB 85 Certification of nomination during primaries, payment of - HB 476; HB practitioners act, provision for - HB Oil presidential election years, deadline for 476: HFA (1) 287 and gas leases, contracts and - HB 131: SFA(2) primary, elimination of - HB 476: SCS Emergency Volunteer Health agreements, default royalty Challenging the bona fides of a Sixty-day reporting requirement, remove Practitioners Act, provision for - HB provisions for - HB 543 candidate, procedure for - SB 54: - SB 159: HFA(2),(5) 287: HCS and gas leases, contracts, agreements, SCS(1),(2), SCA (1); HB 131: SFA (1) State Workers' compensation, rebuttable payments of royalties on - HB 543: Civil rights, constitutional amendment to parks, sale of alcoholic beverages, local presumption for worker exposure - HB HCS provide restoration of - SB 15 option election to allow - HB 391: 516 Provide procedure for adjustment of Commercials by statewide candidates, HFA(1) rates of natural gas distribution utilities parks, wine and malt beverage sales, - HB 261 using state funds, prohibition of - HB Eminent Domain and Condemnation 395 local option election authorized - HB Science, Technology, Engineering and 391 Mathematics Task Force, urge CPE to Constitution, amendment to change Authority and procedure - HB 458 Representatives' terms to 4 yrs. and Straight party voting, prohibition of - SB continue work of - SR 241; HR 224 53 Summons, issuing in condemnation Smart Senators' terms to 6 yrs. - SB 12 case - HB 421 Contributions, expenditures, and Technical correction - HB 224: HCA(1) meter pilot project, allow plug-in devices reporting, changes to - SB 159 Time limit in a voting booth exception, - HB 123: HCA(1) Crime victim address protection creation of - SB 14; HB 476: SCA (2) Energy meters, expand program, increase program, creation of - SB 121 Timetable for solicitation of signature for reporting - HB 123: HFA(1) Deadline nomination papers, establishment of - Abandoned Tire-derived for depositing contributions, holidays HB 387; HB 131: SFA (4) Mine Land Program, reclamation fuel, exempt from solid waste definition, and weekends, provide exemption for Two-minute rule, exemption for persons projects, project finance for - SB 187 exemption of - SB 125 - SB 159: HFA(1),(6) with disabilities - SB 14: SCS Mine Land Program, technical fuel, recovered material, definition of for vacancy in candidacy, establishment Voter correction for - SB 187: SCS and requirements for - SB 125: of - SB 54 assistance, eligibility to provide - HB Alternative SFA(1) Deposit 405: HFA(1) fuel facility and renewable energy Training program, include in definition of of contribution, remove deadline for - verified paper audit trail, requirement of facility, provide incentives - HB 5: "energy conservation measure" - HB 5: SB 159: HFA(5) - HB 415 SCS SCA(2) of contributions, remove deadline for - Voters, assistance of - HB 263 fuel facility, eliminate requirement that U.S. Congress, urge extension of home SB 159: HFA(3) Voting facility be new - HB 5: HCS(1) energy efficiency federal tax credits - Early assistance, penalty for - HB 405: HCS fuel facility, renewable energy facility, SR 143 voting, establishment of - HB 483 rights for felons, amend constitution to energy efficiency project, provide Utility Savings Council, Reorganization voting, voter eligibility for - HB 135 provide for - HB 70 incentives - HB 5: HCS(2) Order 2006-692, confirmation of - SB Electronic rights for wards, determination of - HB fuel vehicles, grant program - SB 33 85: SCS filing requirement, funds raised only in 374: HFA(1) Change venue for review of final orders current campaign, limit application of rights, wards and guardians - HB 374 of Environmental and Public Protection Engineers and Surveyors - SB 159: HFA(1),(6) Write-in candidate, defeated primary Cabinet - SB 196: SCS filing, remove requirement for - SB 159: candidate ineligible - HB 131 Coal Constitutional office, establishment of - HFA(4) mine safety, equipment and standards, SB 41 filing, remove requirement of - SB 159: Electricians requirements for - SB 200 Continuing education requirements, HFA(5) miner certification, reciprocal agreement license renewal dependent upon Eligibility requirements for restoration of Residential electricians, licensing of - SB with other states, allowance of - SB fulfillment of - HB 46 voting rights for felons, establishment 28 47; HB 186 Engineer continuing education, remove of - HB 67: HFA(1) Commending E.ON U.S. for its long-term license exemption from - HB Felons' voting right, constitutional Embalmers and Funeral Directors participation in the FutureGen Alliance 46: SFA(1) amendment to provide - HB 36 - SR 150 Science, Technology, Engineering and E. ON U.S., commending for General Assembly candidates, public Certificate of death, registered nurses Mathematics Task Force, urge CPE to financing for - HB 55 participation in the FutureGen Alliance continue work of - SR 241; HR 224 and physician assistants authorized to - HR 146 Identity of absentee voter, when made sign - SB 198 public - SB 194 EIS required for exemption from Siting Environment and Conservation Certificates, issuance of by Vital Board jurisdiction - SB 196: HFA(2) Legislative Statistics - HB 459: HCS agents to candidates and slates for Electric meters, pilot program for new - Death HB 123 Abandoned Mine Land Program, reclamation 385 Adam Walsh Child Protection & Safety Real Estate Commission, education, projects, project finance for - SB 187 Telecheck deer harvest check-in system Act, implementation, directing the study timeshare registration, and returned Mine Land Program, technical and deer harvest, make report on - HR of - SCR 129 check fees charged by - HB 86 correction for - SB 187: SCS 73 CDL standards, compliance with Motor Restaurant corkage fee, establishment ATV Usage Taskforce, establishment of Tire-derived fuel, recovered material, Carrier Safety Improvement Act - HB of - SB 29: HFA(1) - HJR 14 definition of and requirements for - SB 509 Seat belt law, clarify exemption from Barren River Lake, urge Corps of 125: SFA(1) Cloned food products, labeling of - HCR court costs - HB 284: HCS Engineers to increase depth of - HCR Tree and shrub planting program, 163 Sheriff's fees, add constables in urban- 139 establish on highway rights-of-way - Corps of Engineers, Lake Barkley pilot county government - HB 526 Billboard vegetation control permits, SB 155: HFA(4) program, H.R. 6087, urge support for - Solid waste fees, collection via allow local governments to veto - SB U.S. EPA ENERGY STAR Plant Award, HCR 12 Department of Revenue - HB 240: SCS 155: HFA(3),(6) honor Toyota Motor Manufacturing for - Emergency Action Plans for State Billboards, SR 63 impoundments, promulgate parks, overnight accommodations rate, allow vegetation control on state rights- Underground administrative regulations for - HJR exemption for disabled veterans - HB of-way near - SB 155: HCS petroleum storage tank deadlines, 130 167 establish vegetation control permit - SB extended - HB 137: HFA(1) Equal representation for District of Parks, overnight accommodations rate, 155 petroleum storage tank program, Columbia residents, support for - HR exemption for disabled veterans - HB Coyote depredation, Department of Fish administration of - HB 521 136 167: HCS and Wildlife Resources, evaluation of - petroleum storage tank program, Establishment Storm water rate charges, persons SR 170 registration of tanks for - HB 137: Clause, civil actions relating to - HB 19 exempt from - SB 206 Deer hunting season, increase by two HCS Clause, claims relating to - HR 4 weeks - HR 150 petroleum storage tank registration and Health Fiduciaries Delinquent solid waste fees and taxes, application deadlines, extended - HB insurance, urge Congress not to pass a collection of - HB 240: HFA(1) 137 National Health Insurance Act - HR Fiduciary, gender neutral language Drought Water 213 added - HB 564 mitigation and response plan, Advisory districts, extension and formation of - Insurance, urge Congress to pass a Kentucky Family Trust Program, creation Council, requirement for - SJR 109: SB 96 National Health Insurance Act - HR of - HB 6 SCS districts, powers of and requirements for 81 Testamentary trustee, accounting Mitigation and Response Plan, create - - SB 96: SCS Immigration, enforcement of federal law requirement - HB 83; HB 83: HFA (2) SJR 109 Waterways - HB 11 Uniform Prudent Management of Emergency Action Plans for Alliance Task Force, establishment and Insurance, urge Congress to pass a Institutional Funds Act, adoption of - impoundments, promulgate membership of - HCR 160: HCS National Health Insurance Act - HR HB 515 administrative regulations for - HJR Alliance Task Force, membership of - 243 Veterans' Affairs Department, disabled 130 HCR 160: HFA(1) Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, veterans, minors, representation of - E-scrap Task Force, establishment of - White City Wildlife Management Area, improvements in - HR 125 HB 183; HB 183: HFA (1) HCR 131 renaming of - HJR 23 National identification card, urge Floyds Fork Water Resources Council, Wild rivers, construction of I-66 bridges - Congress to repeal - SCR 111 establishment of - HB 435 HB 284: SCS REAL ID Act of 2005, urge repeal of - Financial Responsibility Hazardous substances, pollutants, HCR 122 contaminates, and release, define - SB Escheats State Children's Health Insurance Credit card and debt management 82 Program, urge reauthorization of - HCR education for new college students - HB 373 Industrial Alien, right to own real and personal 117 energy facilities, other useful products, Tricare Leasehold improvements, increase property - HB 503 spending threshold for - HB 262; HB deletion from definition of - SB 196: Gift cards, regulate - HB 254 health insurance program, public HFA(1) employees eligible for - SB 22: 262: HCS energy facilities, permitting for - SB 196 HFA(1),(2) State interest payment reporting Kentucky Recreational Trails Authority, Ethics health insurance program, public requirements, repeal monthly illegal ATV usage, directing study of - employees, retired and active military requirement - HB 262; HB 262: HCS HJR 14: HCS Contracts with postsecondary - SB 22 Tax-me-more account in General Fund, KRS 224A.011 add, change, and delete institutions, permit board approval of creation of - HB 47 definitions for - HB 442 employee interest in - SB 130 Fees Testamentary trustee, accounting Methamphetamine property registry, Executive requirement - HB 83; HB 83: HFA (2) branch ethics code, deletion of Uniform Prudent Management of creation and operation of - HB 470 Associate private investigator license, Methamphetamine-contaminated nepotism provisions - HB 439: Institutional Funds Act, adoption of - HFA(2) creation of - SB 172 HB 515 property, program for cleanup - HB 94: Attorney fee, usury case - SB 64; HB HFA(1) Branch Ethics Commission, appointment of members to - HB 439 274 property, program for cleanup of - HB Booster Fire Prevention 94; HB 94: HCS branch ethics, gifts, increased limitation of - HB 439 seats, penalty - HB 53: HFA(4) Ohio River issues, create task force on - seats, penalty for - HB 53: HFA(1) Firefighters, disabled in line of duty, HR 215 branch ethics, misuse of office health and life insurance state specifications - HB 439 Certificates of delinquency, establish Oil and gas leases, contracts and guidelines - HB 321: HFA(1) supplement, CPI adjustment - HB 376 agreements, default royalty provisions branch ethics, nepotism provisions - HB Safe cigarettes, compliance 439 Concealed deadly weapons, lifetime for - HB 543 license to carry - HB 211 requirements established - HB 278: Projects, Kentucky Infrastructure branch ethics, omnibus provisions - HB HCS 439 Constables, omnibus revision - SB 204 Authority, financing authority for - HB Criminal history record checks, conduct Volunteer firefighters, civil offices not 442: HCS branch ethics, prohibition against incompatible with - HB 107 soliciting for nonprofit organization, of - HB 264, 308 Recreational land use agreement, Farmers market temporary food service provisions for - HB 216: SFA(1) deletion of - HB 439: HFA(1) Public servants and officers, various establishment, permit for - HB 120: Firearms and Weapons Recycling, plastic containers, labeling of HCS - HB 333 provisions - HB 439 Librarians certificate, increase in - HB Acquisition of firearms - HB 469 Reduce advertising device viewing zone 386 Concealed - SB 155: HFA(1),(2) Fairs Motor deadly weapons, carrying in vehicles - Save Our Streams Task Force, creation vehicle renting companies, allow to SB 8 of - HCR 160 Fort Harrod Beef Festival, recognition of charge daily vehicle license recovery deadly weapons, lifetime license to Soil and Water Conservation districts, - HR 179 fees - HB 310 carry - HB 211 infrastructure, loans and grants for - SB Kentucky State Fair Board, authority to vehicle salesperson's licenses, increase weapon, in vehicle - HB 302 92; HB 136 manage other properties - HB 400 fee - HB 389: HCS Legal handguns for hunting deer and Solid waste collection liens, local Senior Games, encourage participation Ophthalmic dispensers, create fees for other large game, develop governments, authorization for - HB and funding for - SR 231 licensing of optical establishments by - specifications for - HR 73 240 Show cattle, exhibiting of - HB 203; HB HB 394 Special districts, raise audit maximum - 203: HCS Plumbers' continuing education, Firefighters and Fire Departments HB 448 limitation on fee - HB 553 Surface mines, original contour Federal Laws and Regulations Putative father registry, creation of - SB Board of trustees in fire protection restoration and overburden disposal 140 requirements, make changes to - HB districts, salary - HB 122 Charitable Gaming Advisory Dividend paid deduction, disallow for Qualifying voluntary environmental establishment of - HB 435 Commission, representation on - HB captive REIT - HB 258: SCS remediation property define Ginseng, regulation of - SB 191 180: HFA(2) Dual credit courses, high school requirements of - SB 82 Hunters, task force to study land Criminal history record checks, conduct students, use of KEES scholarship Real availability for - SCR 41 of - HB 264, 308 funds for - SB 46: SCS estate investment trusts, clarify income KSU Division of Aquaculture, honoring of Disabled in line of duty, health and life Economic of - HB 479 - SR 221 insurance state supplement, CPI development incentive program; create estate investment trusts, deductions of - Public hunting, allow cooperator permits adjustment - HB 376 new program for cities of the first HB 276: HCS for - HB 216 Fire class - HB 536 Reimbursement for prisoner medical Recreational land use agreement, department merit boards, consolidated development incentives, project costs, establish limits - HB 187: HCS provisions for - HB 216: SFA(1) local governments, establish - HB requirements - HB 462 Restoration of privilege to drive - HB 266 Telecheck deer harvest check-in system 201 revitalization project - HB 69 Retirement, high-three final and deer harvest, make report on - HR districts, disposition of unrefunded tax Expungement of records, Class D felony compensation - SB 58: HFA(6) 73 moneys when no tax due - SB 74: and misdemeanor - SB 34: HCS Sales Waterways HFA(1),(2) Film industry, amend tax credits for and use tax, exempt prepared food sold Alliance Task Force, establishment and protection boundaries, amendment by production in Kentucky - HB 554 by churches - HB 75 membership of - HCR 160: HCS ordinance - HB 168 Gas rate stabilization, task force to study and use tax, holiday for clothing and Alliance Task Force, membership of - Firefighter and police salary - HB 261: HCS school supplies - HB 265 HCR 160: HFA(1) supplements - HB 214: HCS Identification card for homeless, provide and use tax, streamlined sales and use White City Wildlife Management Area, Income tax, deduction for volunteer for - HB 253 tax agreement, technical corrections - renaming of - HJR 23 firefighters - HB 26 Immunization, human papillomavirus, HB 360: HCS Wildlife easement access, tax credits for Interlocal agreements, aid for volunteer middle school children - HB 345; HB School resource officers, placement of - - HB 354 firefighters - HB 116 345: HCS SB 49 Kentucky Fire Fighters Foundation Fund, Includible corporations, limit on net Single county coal severance projects, Flood Control and Flooding clarify permissible use of funds - HB operating loss of - HB 480 funding of - HB 500 214: HFA(4) Income Smoking cessation treatment, Medicaid Division of Flood Control, abolished - SB Labor organization, mandatory tax, alternative fuel or renewable energy coverage of - HB 337 76 membership or financial support facility, economic development State Emergency Action Plans for prohibited, penalty - HB 328; HB 219: incentives, eligible - HB 5 employee Sick Leave Bank, creation of impoundments, promulgate HFA (6) tax, deduction for volunteer firefighters - and participation in - HB 212 administrative regulations for - HJR Police and fire foundation program funds HB 26 shrine, Governor William Owsley's 130 - HB 214: HFA(1) Internal Revenue Code, update house named as - HB 467 Flood Control Advisory Commission, Public employees, collective bargaining, reference date - HB 276 Streamlined Sales and Use Tax abolished - SB 76 authorized for - HB 318 Investment of funds - HB 523: HCS Agreement, conforming changes - HB Self-extinguishing cigarettes, fire safety KEES 360 performance standards established - eligibility, retroactive extension for Tax Foods HB 278: HCS active duty military - HB 291: HCS increment financing, establish new Special firefighters, increased eligibility, retroactive extension for programs - HB 549 Caterer, definition of, amended - SB 107 appointment of - HB 447 active duty status - SB 1: HCS increment financing, include additional Dieticians and nutritionists board, Volunteer Kentucky state participation program - HB 549: inactive or related license or certificate fire departments and incompatible Cardiovascular Disease Initiative and HCS status granted by - SB 156 offices - HB 107: HFA(1) board, creation - HB 185 reform, rate increases and earned Farmers markets, preparation and fire departments, refund of motor fuels educational excellence scholarships, income credit as part of - HB 411 serving of ready-to-eat foods at - HB taxes - HB 45 use of funds for dual credit courses - Teachers, salary supplement for - SB 2 120; HB 120: HFA (1),(2) firefighters, allow state, county, city SB 46 Tourism Development Act, extension of Horse flesh, the slaughter of - SB 6 officers to serve as - HB 107: HCS Family Trust Program, creation of - HB the term of agreement - HB 347 Restaurant corkage fee, establishment 6 Uniform of - SB 29: HFA(1) Fiscal Note KJDA, wage requirements - HB 468 emergency volunteer health Ky e-Health Network board, allow board practitioners act, provision for - HB Forests and Forestry "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial to establish a public or nonprofit e- 287 Highway," designate in Jefferson Health corporation - HB 185: HCS Emergency Volunteer Health Ginseng, regulation of - SB 191 County - SJR 16 Landlord-tenant relations, litigation Practitioners Act, provision for - HB Recreational land use agreement, Access to revenue and economic relating to - HB 139 287: HCS provisions for - HB 216: SFA(1) development information - HB 359; SB Leasehold improvements, increase Universal health insurance - HCR 79 White City Wildlife Management Area, 55: HFA (1) spending threshold for - HB 262: HCS Veterans' Affairs Department, fiduciary renaming of - HJR 23 Advanced Placement Incentive Fund, Limited liability tax, repeal of - HB 88 responsibilities - HB 183 establishment of - SB 1 Live organ donation, tax credit for - HB Wildlife easement access, tax credits for Fuel Branch budget bills, effect of - HB 184: 103 - HB 354 Local occupational tax, update Internal HCS Alternative Revenue Code reference date for - HB Cardiovascular disease initiative, modify Fish and Wildlife fuel facility, eliminate requirement that 258 board membership of - HB 185: SCS facility be new - HB 5: HCS(1) Marriage, solicitation for - HB 348; SB Certificates of delinquency held by ATV Usage Taskforce, establishment of fuels, use of - SB 33 34: HFA (1) private purchaser, payment to county - HJR 14 EIS required for exemption from Siting Military pay, exempt from income tax - clerk allowed - HB 321 Barren River Lake, urge Corps of Board jurisdiction - SB 196: HFA(2) HB 339 Chiropractors, insurance reimbursement Engineers to increase depth of - HCR Ethanol, tax credits for producers - SB Motor fuels taxes, refund for volunteer - HB 352; HB 352: HCS 139 24 fire departments - HB 45 Claims bill - HB 312 Conservation easement tax credits - HB Gas Nonprofit agencies and work centers, Commonwealth's consent to suit for 354: HCS, HCA (1),(2) Pipeline Authority, include crude oil and government purchase from - HB 23 certain tax refund claims, revocation of Cooperator permit, allow landowner to petroleum products - HB 102 Pari-mutuel tax, one-day horse race - HB 316 enter into - HB 216 Pipeline Authority, transfer to meeting, exemption for - HB 402 Community rehabilitation tax credit, Coyote depredation, Department of Fish Commerce Cabinet's Office of Energy Personnel Cabinet, Sick Leave Bank clarification of - HB 23: HCS and Wildlife Resources, evaluation of - Policy - SB 55 program guidelines and requirements - Compulsory school age, raising from 16 SR 170 Gasoline pricing, expressed only in HB 212: HCS to 18 - HB 221 Coyotes, whole cents - HB 304 Postsecondary institutions, debt Concealed weapon, in vehicle - HB 302 buying and selling, conditions for - HB Industrial energy facilities, other useful issuance by - HB 332 Confiscated cigarettes, use of proceeds 231 products, deletion from definition of - Private investigator licensing, attorneys from sale of - HB 262 regulation of - HR 205 SB 196: HFA(1) bona fide employees, exemption for - Corrections, fees - HB 121 Deer hunting season, increase by two Oil SB 148 County jails, reimbursement for holding weeks - HR 150 and gas leases, contracts and Provide procedure for adjustment of state prisoners before conviction - HB Emergency Action Plans for agreements, default royalty rates of natural gas distribution utilities 187 impoundments, promulgate provisions for - HB 543 - HB 261 Dept. for Medicaid Services, use of ADA administrative regulations for - HJR and gas leases, contracts, agreements, Provider tax and payments to hospitals - guidelines encouraged by - HB 337: 130 payments of royalties on - HB 543: HB 244; HB 244: HCS SCS Floyds Fork Water Resources Council, HCS Public funds, collateral - HB 523 Tire-derived fuel, exempt from solid Elected officials, salary upon International Relations, abolished - SB Alzheimer's disease, direct study of waste definition, exemption of - SB 125 reemployment after retirement - HB 55 service delivery for - HJR 13 Underground 132 Kentucky Cardiovascular Disease Alzheimer's, direct the Cabinet for Health petroleum storage tank program, Enactments, precedence of - HB 228: Initiative and board, appointments - HB and Family Services to assess - SJR 6 administration of - HB 521 SCS 185; HB 185: HFA (1) Assault in the third degree, medical petroleum storage tank program, Executive Order 2006-680, confirmation Lieutenant Governor, nomination of, professionals - HB 176 registration of tanks for - HB 137: of - SB 58 delay until after primary - HB 488 Autism HCS General Assembly - SR 2; HR 1 Office of Energy Policy, Executive Order spectrum disorders, health coverage for Utility Savings Council, Reorganization Gross Clay Lindsay Henderson County 2006-1299 - SB 85 - HB 91 Order 2006-692, confirmation of - SB Judicial Center - HJR 5 Pardons spectrum disorders, supports program, 85: SCS Health and Welfare Committee, and commutations of sentences, Medicaid waiver, screening for - HB testimony on chiropractor establish limits to - HB 3; HB 70: HCS 109 Gambling reimbursement rates by - HB 352: and commutations of sentences, Board of Medical Licensure, HFA(1),(2) process for, change - HB 3 appointments to - SB 162, 222 Casino Legislative agents to candidates and Parole Brain injuries, encourage pilot treatment gaming and electronic gaming devices slates for statewide office, permit to Board, Joey F. Stanton, confirmation of program - SR 102; HR 202 at racetracks, require approval for - contribute - SB 159: HFA(8) appointment - SR 181 Certificate of death, registered nurses HB 547 Lobbyists, restricted access to legislator Board, Michael D. Grugin, confirmation and physician assistants authorized to gaming and electronic gaming devices seating area during session meetings - of appointment - SR 182 sign - SB 198 at racetracks, require approval of HCR 107 Board, Patricia Ann Turpin, confirmation Certified local government - SB 16 Oaths, administration by General of reappointment - SR 198 surgical assistants, certification Casinos Assembly member - SB 145: SFA(1) Board, William I. Abney, confirmation of requirements - SB 118 and racetracks gaming operations, Ohio River Task Force, create to study appointment - SR 187 surgical assistants, provisions for - SB omnibus bill - HB 27, 546 issues - HR 215 Restoration of civil rights, constitutional 118: SCS and racetracks gaming operations. Protect human life, authority to - HB 251 amendment to provide - SB 15 Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, omnibus bill - SB 17 Restoration of voting rights to felons, Runoff January 2007 recognized as - SR 21 Charitable eligibility requirements of - HB 70: elections, elimination of - HB 224 Child care centers and nursing facilities, gaming advisory commission, HFA(1) primaries, payment of - HB 476; HB drug screening requirement for - HB membership changes - HB 156: Rules 39 and 42 of Rules of Procedure 476: HFA (1) 151 SFA(1) of the House of Representatives, primary, elimination of - HB 476: SCS Chiropractor reimbursement rates, Gaming Advisory Commission, amendment of - HR 44 Secretary of State's annual report on Health and Welfare required to hear membership of - HB 180: HFA(2) Rules, patents, repeal of - HB 464 testimony on - HB 352: HFA(1),(2) gaming advisory committee, House of Representatives - HR 2 Technical correction - HB 224: HCA(1) Chiropractors, insurance reimbursement composition of, changes in - HB 156: Senate - SR 1 - HB 352; HB 352: HCS FCCR State Guardians Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, gaming reporting requirements, Representatives, four year terms for - initiatives for - HR 49 changes in - HB 156: SFA(1) SB 12 Competency Continuing care retirement community, gaming, new reporting requirements, Senators, six year terms for - SB 12 proceeding, jury trial for - HB 236 nursing home bed sunset clause, establishment of - HB 156: FCCR Statutory committee, creation of - HB proceeding, when pay required - SB 72 removal of - HB 282; HB 282: SCS, gaming, provide guidelines for 127 Contracting to provide continuation of HCS enforcement action - HB 156; HB Tobacco Task Force, reauthorize - HR service for incapacitated dentists - SB COPD initiatives and disease 156: HCS 78 26: SFA(1),(2) management for - SR 14 gaming, pulltab dispensers, limitations Vest-Lindsay House Preservation Task Durable power of attorney - HB 275 Data on health care costs, quality and on play - HB 180: HCS Force, creation and reporting of - SCR Employment of disabled adults, outcomes, report required - HB 431 gaming, regulation of - SB 212; HB 156: 45; HCR 151 implement a Medicaid buy-in program Dental hygienists, private admonishment CCR Veterans' Affairs, request to support - SB 219 - SB 105 gaming, task force to study oversight - reestablishment of Subcommittee on - Incapacitated dentists, contract with Dentists, HCR 9 HR 61 others to continue provision of service - complaint hearing - SB 105 Compulsive gamblers awareness and Voting early, permitting to - HB 484 SB 26 continuation of services in case of death treatment fund, creation of - HB 41 Long-term care partnership insurance or incapacity - SB 26; SB 26: SFA (1), Gaming equipment, pull tab dispensers - Governor program, establishment - HB 126 (2) HB 180 Veterans' Affairs Department, disabled Diabetes A slate of candidates in runoff, permitted veterans, minors, representation of - prevention, control, and treatment of - HB 337: SCS General Assembly to withdraw - HB 542 HB 183; HB 183: HFA (1) Board of Medical Licensure, Voting rights, wards and guardians - HB research board, amend research criteria appointments to - SB 162 374 for - HB 383 Adjourn Diabetes, prevention, control, and 2007 Session until February 6, 2007 - Boards and commissions, appointments to achieve gender equity allowed - HB treatment of - HB 406 SCR 22 Hazardous Materials Disciplinary actions, financial until March 26, 2007 - SCR 218 4 Challenging the bona fides of a transactions and guilty pleas leading to Adjournment, sine die - SCR 232, 239 Hazardous substances, pollutants, - HB 196: HFA(1) Branch budget bills, effect of - HB 184: candidate, procedure for - SB 54: contaminates, and release, define - SB SCS(1),(2), SCA (1); HB 131: SFA (1) Emberton, Lawrence P. M.D., honoring HCS 82 and commending - SR 108 Budget, odd-numbered year session - Contributions, expenditures, and Methamphetamine-contaminated reporting, changes to - SB 159 Emergency medical services personnel, SB 108 property, program for cleanup - HB 94: criminal record - SB 154 Candidates, public financing for - HB 55 Criminal history record checks, conduct HFA(1) of - HB 264, 308 Family care home, payment allocation - Challenging the bona fides of a property, program for cleanup of - HB SB 221 candidate, procedure for - SB 54: Deputy adjutants general, appointment 94; HB 94: HCS of - SB 185 Friedreich's Ataxia Awareness Day, third SCS(1),(2), SCA (1); HB 131: SFA (1) Railroads, risk assessment for Saturday in May recognized as - HR Committee Eligibility requirements for restoration of transportation and storage of - HB 134 voting rights for felons, establishment 123 chairs, announcing restricted access to Friedrich's Ataxia Awareness Day, third legislator seating area during session of - HB 67: HFA(1) Executive Health and Medical Services Saturday in May recognized as - SR meeting - HCR 107 120 room seating area for legislators, Order 2006-680, confirmation of Personnel Cabinet reorganization - 06 HB 380, state/executive branch Give Kids A Smile Day, recognize - SR restricted access during session budget bill, amendments to - HB 327 46 meetings - HCR 107 SB 58 Order 2006-693, 2006-1195, and 2006- Abortion, Health to wait upon Governor - SR 4; HR 3 anesthesia for 20-week-old or older facility construction contracts, Constitutional amendment, damages, 1550 - SB 79 order, permit Governor to implement by fetus, delete requirement and penalty exemption created - HB 490: SFA(2) recoverable may be limited - HB 300 - SB 80: SCS facility, patient visitation rights - HB 474 Contributions to members, prohibition - HB 228 General anesthesia requirement for 20 weeks or insurance, specified procedure or against - SB 159: HFA(14),(17) older fetus - SB 80 service, insured liability for - HB 255 Contributions, expenditures, and Assembly, committee to wait upon Governor - HR 3 informed consent - SB 179 insurance, urge Congress not to pass a reporting, changes to - SB 159 no right created - HB 251 National Health Insurance Act - HR Deadline for vacancy in candidacy, Assembly, to wait upon Governor - SR 4 Governor's Advisory Committee on Air ambulance, health insurance 213 establishment of - SB 54 coverage of - HB 377 Insurance, urge Congress to pass a National Health Insurance Act - HR Micro-dermabrasion, permit estheticians audiologists, licensure requirements designate in the town of Meta - SJR 81 to perform - SB 101 clarified for - HB 288: HCS 114; HJR 116 History and physical examination, timing Myositis Awareness Day, September 21 State Children's Health Insurance 06 of - HB 378 - HR 34 Program, urge reauthorization of - HCR HB 380, state budget, amendments to - HIV testing of defendant - HB 191: No fault auto insurance, medical 117 HB 327: HCS, HFA (14) SCA(2) expenses - HB 18 Supports for Individuals with Autism HB 380, state/executive branch budget Hospice, pharmacy exemption - SB 88: Nurseries, Level II, III, and IV, annual Spectrum Disorders Program, creation bill, amendments - HB 262: SCS HFA(3) review of - HB 112 of - HB 109: HCS HB 380, state/executive branch budget Human Nurses, disciplinary actions, financial Surgical bill, amendments to - HB 327 papillomavirus vaccine, consideration of transactions and guilty pleas leading to technologist, certification required - SB Bennett Shortridge Memorial Bridge, - HB 345: HFA(1) - HB 196 138 erect signs in memory of in Pike Papillomavirus vaccine, funds for - HB Nutrition program, place under technologists, remove aspects of County - HJR 74 327: HFA(5),(10) Agriculture Department, require physician delegation and reporting Bert T. Combs, statue, erection of - HJR papillomavirus virus, consideration of - reporting - SB 25: SCS duties regarding - SB 138: SCS, SCA 84 HB 345: HFA(3) Orthotics, prosthetics, and pedorthics, (1) Bicycles, helmet use required for ICARE, cancer screenings, provide for - licensing and regulation of practitioners Treatment, mental health, approval from persons under the age of 16 - HB 169 HB 410 of - SB 30; HB 337: SFA (2) health insurer - HB 570 Billboard vegetation control permits, Immunization of children, requirement - Outpatient Uniform allow local governments to veto - SB SB 188 contraceptive services, health plan emergency volunteer health 155: HFA(3),(6) Immunization, coverage of - HB 344 practitioners act, provision for - HB Billboards, human papillomavirus, Medicaid to data reporting, required by hospitals - 287 allow vegetation control on state rights- cover - SB 98: SFA(1) HB 445 Emergency Volunteer Health of-way near - SB 155: HCS human papillomavirus, middle school Penitentiary inmates, HIV/AIDS testing Practitioners Act, provision for - HB establish vegetation control permit - SB children - HB 143, 345; HB 345: HCS of - SB 201; SB 201: SFA (2) 287: HCS 155 Immunizations, encourage rather than Perinatal care, task force to design Universal health care, urge Congress to Bowling Green, designation as the require - HB 345: HFA(2) volunteer reporting system - HB 112: support policies to provide - HCR 6 birthplace of newgrass music - HB 294 Inmates, HIV AIDS testing - SB 201: HCS Wholesale distributors, pharmaceuticals, Brent Spence Bridge, urge Congress to SFA(1) Pharmacist practitioners, establish require license - SB 215 accelerate funding for replacement - Insurance, urge Congress to pass a certification for - HB 233 SR 17; HR 40 National Health Insurance Act - HR Pharmacy technician, registration Health Benefit Mandate Bridges in Jefferson County, bond funds 243 instituted - HB 533 to build - HB 72 I-SaveRx Internet program, cooperative Physician assistants, controlled Air ambulance, health insurance Coal shippers and receivers, require agreement with - HB 256 substances, authority to prescribe, coverage of - HB 377 weight reporting to vehicle enforcement Kentucky parameters of - SB 97 Autism spectrum disorders, health - HB 454 Farmers Market Nutrition Program, Prescription coverage for - HB 91 Colonel Larry Fuller Band, erect signs in creation of - SB 25 drug importation from foreign countries, Health insurance, mammogram honor of in Pike County - HJR 72 Hospice Day, declared as February 20, FDA, certification of safety prior to - coverage - HB 410: HCS County roads, require railroads to install 2007 - SR 66 HB 252: HFA(1) ICARE, cancer screenings, provide for - active warning signals on - HB 323 Hospice Day, declared as February 20, drug importation from foreign countries, HB 410 Driving without insurance, prohibition on 2008 - HR 135 provisions for - HB 252 Outpatient contraceptive services, health - SB 68; HB 149 Ky e-Health Network board, allow board Primary plan coverage of - HB 344 DUI - HB 284: SCS to establish a public or nonprofit e- care centers, funding in medical Prostate cancer screening, health Halbert, Denzil "Hoss," name bridge on Health corporation - HB 185: HCS underserved areas for - HB 313 insurance, coverage by - HB 506 KY 80 in Floyd County for - HJR 84: Lawrence P. Emberton, M.D., honoring care centers, funding in medically Treatment, mental health, approval from SCS and commending - HR 124 underserved areas for - HB 313: health insurer - HB 570 Honorary road names, designate in Licensed pedorthists, narrow scope of HFA(1) honor of various Kentuckians - SJR 93: grandfathering provisions for - SB 30: Prisoners, medical care and parole of - HCS HFA(1),(2) HB 191: SCS Highways, Streets, and Bridges I-66 bridge not subject to KRS 146.220 Licensure of professionals who provide Prostate cancer screening, health to 146.360 - HB 89: SCS care to persons with hearing disorders insurance, coverage by - HB 506 "Abraham I-75, designate in honor of Tuskegee - SB 89: SCS Prosthetic, orthotic, or pedorthic Lincoln Memorial Expressway," Airmen - HJR 15 Live organ donation, tax credit for - HB offenses, injunctive relief, court designate of portion of I-65 in honor Interlocal agreements, aid for county 103 jurisdiction, change in - SB 30: SFA(1) and memory of - SJR 93: SCS road projects - HB 116 Long-term Prosthetics, Lincoln Memorial Highway," designate Jesse R. Green, erect signs in honor of care facilities, nurse staffing orthotics, and pedorthics board, require Interstate 65 in honor and memory of in Marshall County - HJR 66 requirements, establishment of - HB appointment of at least one pedorthist - SJR 93 King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr., urge city of 290 to - SB 30: HCS(1) "Brandon Webb Highway," designate in Covington to rename 12th Street in care facilities, training, policies and orthotics, and pedorthics, licensing and city of Ashland - HJR 52 honor of - HR 197 services for dementia - HB 141 regulation of practitioners of - SB 30: "Denzil 'Hoss' Halbert Memorial Bridge," Law enforcement vehicles, clarify use of care insurance rates - HB 79 SCS designated in Martin, Kentucky - SJR warning devices - HB 329: HCS care partnership program - HB 126: Provider tax and payments to hospitals - 136 Leaving HCS HB 244; HB 244: HCS "Dr. the scene of an accident - HB 76: HCS Medicaid Registered nurse first assistants, Martin Luther King, Jr., Expressway," the scene of an accident, penalty buy-in program for disabled adults, workers' compensation, direct designate in Jefferson County - SJR increase - SB 199; HB 76; HB 76: implement - SB 219 reimbursement for - SB 103; HB 379 16: SCS HFA (1) fraud, civil and administrative Reorganization, Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Louisville proceedings for - HB 477 Cab. for Health & Family Serv., Highway," designate 1-65 outside Bridges project, request additional Medicaid, Pharmacy Advisory renaming of Dept. for Aging & Jefferson County - SJR 95 federal funding for - HR 140 Committee, add member - SB 69; SB Independent Living - SB 79: HFA(1) Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Bridges project, request for additional 69: SCS Cab. for Health & Family Services, EO's Highway," designate in Jefferson federal funding for - HR 90 Medical 2006-693, 2006-1195 and 2006-1500 County - SJR 16; HJR 54 Memorial signs, creation of highway Assistance Program, assessing - SB 79 "Harlan County Coal Miners Highway," memorial sign program - HB 155 credentials of dentists for - SB 98 Senior Center, Campbell County, designate in Harlan County - SJR 93: Overdimensional permit, maximum width expenses incurred for prisoners, cap on honoring - HR 193 HFA(1) for transport of farm equipment, reimbursements for prisoners - HB Sexual Assault Awareness Month, "John increase of - HB 182 357 recognition of - SR 149 Hunt Morgan Heritage Trail," placement Placement of signs on Kentucky Route malpractice, constitutional amendment - Single-payor health insurance system for of signs - HJR 142 90 entering Wayne County honoring HB 505 Kentucky, study of - HCR 71 W. D. Bowling Bypass," designate musician Don Parmley - SJR 93: practice, use of lasers by nonphysician - Smoking cessation treatment, Medicaid Danville/U.S. 127 Bypass in honor of HFA(2) HB 473 coverage of - HB 337 - HJR 119 Railroad crossings, installation of gates Medicare prescription drug benefit, Speech "Lincoln Heritage Highway," designate or flagmen at - HB 351 improvements in - HR 125 and language pathologist and entire length of US 31E - SJR 93: SCS Reduce advertising device viewing zone Mental health and primary care centers audiologists, licensure requirements "Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard," - SB 155: HFA(1),(2) and rural health clinics, exempt from for - SB 89; HB 288 designate in City of Paris - HJR 50 Sam Bush, designation as Father of credentialing form - HB 313: HFA(2) and language pathologists and "Private Ottis Reed Memorial Bridge," Newgrass Music in the Commonwealth - HB 294 Health Office for Local Government, track Speed facility construction contracts, Construction deployment & adoption of broadband & limit on parkways with four or more exemption created - HB 490: SFA(2) contracts, payment arrangements - HB information technology - SB 74: HCS lanes, establish - SB 83: SFA(1) facility, patient visitation rights - HB 474 490: HCS Replace "telecommunications" and limits for state highways, establish - SB History and physical examination, timing contracts, payment procedures for - HB "advanced telecommunications" with 83 of - HB 378 490: FCCR "broadband" - SB 74: SFA(1) limits, specify highways on which speed Immunizations, encourage rather than contracts, payments and conditions, State agency infrastructure, limit may be increased to 70 miles per require - HB 345: HFA(2) effect of delays on - HB 490: HFA(1), consolidation of operational control hour - SB 83: HCS Long-term (2) under Office of Technology - SB 55 Tree and shrub planting program, care facilities, Health and family project contracts, payment Telecommunications and information establish on highway rights-of-way - Services, Cabinet - SB 70 arrangements - HB 490: SFA(3) technology, track deployment and SB 155: HFA(4) care facilities, nurse staffing project payment arrangements, adoption of - SB 74: SCS Wild rivers, construction of I-66 bridges - requirements, establishment of - HB exemption - HB 490: SFA(3) Telehealth Board, transfer to Cabinet for HB 284: SCS 290 requirements and payment procedures - Health and Family Services - SB 55 care facilities, training, policies and HB 490 Track deployment, adoption, and Historical Affairs services for dementia - HB 141 Construction, requirements and payment investment for telecommunications - care partnership insurance program, procedures - HB 490 SB 74 A.D. establishment - HB 126 County containing consolidated local and B.C., exclusive use of in reference Medicaid fraud, civil and administrative government, residential density for Inspections to historical dates and time - HB 14 proceedings for - HB 477 certain roads - SB 117 and B.C., exclusive use of, in reference Medical malpractice, constitutional Educational institutions, construction HVAC inspections and permits - SB 10; to historical dates and time - HB 21 amendment - HB 505 exempt from paying prevailing wages - SB 10: HFA (1) Civil War Commission, establishment of No fault auto insurance, medical HB 457 Kentucky - SB 197: SCS expenses - HB 18 Health facility construction contracts, Single Family Dwellings Advisory Governor William Owsley, state shrine, Nurseries, Guidelines for Perinatal Care, exemption created - HB 490: SFA(2) Board, creation, recommendations for house named as - HB 467 require adherence by - HB 112 Historic or prehistoric remains on building code - HB 243 Historic Office of Inspector General, licensure property, limitations created by - HB Single Family Swellings Advisory Board, or prehistoric remains on property, inspections, provide results to news 118 changed from a board to a committee procedure for disposition of - HB 118 media - HB 463 Homeowners insurance, swimming - HB 243: HCS rock fences, clarify definitions and use Outpatient data reporting, required by pools - HB 35 Long-term care facilities, notification of funds - HB 108: HFA(1) hospitals - HB 445 HVAC installations, permitting - SB 10; prohibitions, Health and family Legislation not applicable to tract less Perinatal care, task force to design SB 10: HFA (1) Services, Cabinet - SB 70 than 50 contiguous acres - HB 118: volunteer reporting system - HB 112: Kentucky Official misconduct, providing advance HFA(1) HCS Single Family Dwellings Advisory notice of inspection - SB 161 Native American Indian Day, designation Provider tax and payments to hospitals - Board, creation of - HB 243 Permitting of HVAC installations - SB 10: of November 1 as - HB 293 HB 244; HB 244: HCS Single Family Dwellings Advisory SCS Qualified historic sites, alcoholic Registered nurse first assistants, Committee, creation of - HB 243: workers' compensation, direct SFA(1) beverage sales at - HB 138; HB 138: Insurance SCS reimbursement for - SB 103; HB 379 Single Family Swellings Advisory Board, Rock fences, preservation and Require providers participating in changed from a board to a committee Medicaid to provide services to - HB 243: HCS Basic health benefit plans - HB 410: construction of - HB 108; HB 108: HCS HCS, HFA (2) prisoners in county jails - HB 187: Manufactured home residents, good HFA(1) cause required for eviction - HB 157 Confirm appointment of Julie Mix Slavery Commission, establishment of - McPeak, executive director - SR 179 SB 197: HFA(1) State Children's Health Insurance Military families, assistance for - SB 186 Program, urge reauthorization of - HCR Permitting of HVAC installations - SB 10: Consultants, modernization act. - HB Vest-Lindsay 513 House Preservation Task Force, 117 SCS Surgical Plumbers' continuing education, Driving without insurance, prohibition on increase membership of - HCR 151: - SB 68; HB 149 HFA(1) technologist, certification required - SB provision for - HB 553 138 Prevailing Firefighters, disabled in line of duty, House, preservation and ultimate use of health and life insurance state - SCR 45; HCR 151 technologists, remove aspects of wage projects, locality redefined - HB physician delegation and reporting 455 supplement, CPI adjustment - HB 376 War of 1812, bicentennial commission, Health create - SB 197 duties regarding - SB 138: SCS, SCA wage projects, requirements for bid (1) proposals - HB 453 benefit plans, pre-existing condition Trauma Real Estate Appraisers Board, powers of exclusions - SB 135 Holidays care registry, data collection for - HB - SB 160; SB 160: SFA (1) insurance, mammogram coverage - HB 152: HFA(1) Residential electricians, licensing of - SB 410: HCS Milton Friedman, recognizing Milton care system, advisory committee 28 insurance, specified procedure or Friedman Day - HJR 77 members for - HB 152: HFA(1) Tenant-landlord relations, manufactured service, insured liability for - HB 255 Presidents' Day, mandatory holiday for care system, establish and fund - HB housing communities - SB 178 Health, prostate cancer screening, state employees - SB 71 152; HB 152: HCS Uniform state building permit, provisions coverage of - HB 506 Steve Irwin Day, recognize February 22, Uniform for - HB 372 Homeowners, swimming pools - HB 35 2007, as - HR 22 emergency volunteer health Individual market health benefit plans - practitioners act, provision for - HB Immigration SB 135 Hospitals and Nursing Homes 287 Insurance company dividends - SB 122 Emergency Volunteer Health KEMI Government contracts, verification of Board of Directors, appointment, Jeffrey Alzheimer's, direct the Cabinet for Health Practitioners Act, provision for - HB employment eligibility - HB 44 and Family Services to assess - SJR 6 287: HCS Mark Farmer - SR 190 State employment, verification of Board of Directors, appointment, Certificate of death, registered nurses Wholesale distributors, pharmaceuticals, employment eligibility - HB 209 and physician assistants authorized to require license - SB 215 Michael D. Templemon - SR 188 Unauthorized Kentucky's captive insurance industry, sign - SB 198 alien, prohibit employment of - HB 148 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Hotels and Motels development of, support for - SR 131 aliens, deduction for wages paid to - HB Large group health benefit plans, initiatives for - HR 49 73 Continuing care retirement community, utilization data - SB 175: SCS Bed and breakfast inns and farmstays - Life, employer provided - HB 401 nursing home bed sunset clause, SB 37 Information Technology removal of - HB 282; HB 282: SCS, Local Minimum government premium tax, study of - HCS wage and overtime, providing COPD initiatives and disease Commonwealth Office of Technology, HJR 10 exemptions - HB 305: HFA(1) reorganization of - SB 55 insurance premiums tax, clarify powers management for - SR 14 wage revision - HB 305 Criminal injuries, reporting of - SB 40 ConnectKentucky, recognize as Ky's of local governments - HB 371 wage revision, annual adjustment - HB telecommunications and information Long-term Diabetes prevention, control, and 17 treatment of - HB 337: SCS technology resource - HCR 126 care insurance rates - HB 79: HFA(1) Tipped employees, revision of tip credit - Geographic Information Advisory care partnership insurance program, Diabetes, prevention, control, and HB 206; HB 206: HCS treatment of - HB 406 Council, renamed - SB 55 establishment - HB 126 National identification card, urge care partnership program - HB 126: Drug screening, employment Housing, Building, and Construction requirements for - HB 151 Congress to repeal - SCR 111 HCS care, rate regulation - HB 79: HCS exclusions - SB 135 SB 182 187: HCS care, rates - HB 79 Insurance, urge Congress to pass a Split limits liability coverage for bodily Require providers participating in Medicaid recipient settlement, delete National Health Insurance Act - HR injury and property damage, increase - Medicaid to provide services to county Medicaid approval of - HB 431: SFA(1) 243 HB 428 jail inmates - HB 187: HFA(1) Motor I-SaveRx Internet program, cooperative Territorial rating, prohibit - HB 57 Salary and benefits if reemployed after vehicle and homeowners, prohibit agreement with - HB 256 Weekly basic reparation benefits for retirement - HB 317 territorial rating - HB 57 Kentucky Access, applicability to - HB work loss and other weekly economic vehicle, disclosure of available 352: HFA(3) loss, increase - HB 428 Judges and Court Commissioners insurance and premiums - HB 428 Large Wrongful death, motor vehicle accident, vehicle, penalties for operating without group health benefit plans, utilization contact not required - HB 271 Challenging the bona fides of a security - HB 571 data - SB 175: SCS candidate, procedure for - SB 54: Private investigator insurance group, request for information about Interest and Usury SCS(1),(2), SCA (1); HB 131: SFA (1) requirements, attorneys and their group - SB 175; HB 239 Child employees, exemption for - SB 148 Mammogram coverage - HB 410: HCS Judgment, interest on - HB 368 support, increase minimum amount of - Property and casualty, use of credit Medicaid recipient settlement, delete HB 369 history - HB 111 Medicaid approval of - HB 431: SFA(1) Interlocal Cooperation welfare, training judges on - SB 147; HB Public agencies, limit coverage and Medicare prescription drug benefit, 199 beneficiaries to family members - SB improvements in - HR 125 Death 152 Mental health and primary care centers Coal for Regional Economic Development, creation of - SB 127 Penalty, abolition of - HB 200 Rates, use of territory in establishing - and rural health clinics, exempt from penalty, sentencing options - HB 98 HB 498 credentialing form - HB 313: HFA(2) Code enforcement boards, to have a minimum of three members - HB 297 Judges called back to service, technical Workers' Outpatient contraceptive services, health correction - HB 363 compensation ALJ's, experience plan coverage of - HB 344 Interlocal agreements, incentives for - HB 116; HB 116: HCS Study of state adoption laws, establish required - HB 492 Prisoners, task force for - HCR 67 compensation board, experience medical care and parole of - HB 191: Visitation, minor children and allegations required - HB 493; HB 493: HCS SCS International Trade and Relations of abuse or neglect - HB 20 compensation insurance, premium - SB require continued coverage prior to final 151 sentencing - HB 187: HCS Immigration, enforcement of federal law Junkyards compensation, calculation of death Prostate cancer screening, coverage of - - HB 11 benefit - SB 163 HB 506 International Business Relations compensation, direct reimbursement to Public Committee, establishment of - HB 127: Copper metal, wire, and cable, reporting RNFA - SB 103: HCS agencies, limit coverage in employee HFA(1) sale of - HB 82: HCS compensation, exclusive remedy plans to employee and family Kentucky's captive insurance industry, Ferrous and nonferrous metals, exception - HB 303 members - SB 152 development of, support for - SR 131 reporting purchase of - HB 82 compensation, include in calculation of agency, coverage of family members - Oversight committee, creation of - HB average weekly wage for - HB 494 SB 152: HFA(1) 127 Juries and Jurors compensation, notification to injured employee health insurance program, workers - HB 517 additional options, Tricare Interstate Cooperation Breast-feeding, excused from jury duty - compensation, premium reduction for supplement - SB 22 HB 241 drug-free workplace - SB 203: SCS; employee health insurance program, Criminal history records, national Case submission, jury duties after - SB HB 296: SCS Tricare supplement as option - SB 22: compact to share - HB 555 168 compensation, unfair practices, repeal HFA(1),(2) I-SaveRx Internet program, cooperative Competency of - SB 181 Single-payor health insurance system for agreement with - HB 256 proceeding, jury trial for - HB 236 Wrongful death, motor vehicle accident, Kentucky, study of - HCR 71 Presidential election by national popular proceeding, when pay required - SB 72 contact not required - HB 271 State Children's Health Insurance vote, compact for - HB 550 Contempt, failure to perform jury service Program, urge reauthorization of - HCR Uniform Prudent Management of - HB 425 117 Insurance, Health Institutional Funds Act, adoption of - Death penalty, sentencing options - HB Treatment, mental health, approval from HB 515 98 Air ambulance, health insurance health insurer - HB 570 Employer's duties, jury service - HB 423 Universal Jury service, excusal for breastfeeding coverage of - HB 377 Jails and Jailers Autism coverage, study - HCR 79 mothers - SB 111 spectrum disorders, health coverage for health care, urge Congress to support Canteen accounts, annual appropriation - HB 91 policies to provide - HCR 6 Justices of the Peace and Magistrates - HB 114 spectrum disorders, supports program, University Costs of detention, make court of justice Medicaid waiver, screening for - HB and college employees, limited health responsible if trial not held within Elected officials, salary upon 109 benefits for domestic partners - HB specified time - HB 187: HFA(2) reemployment after retirement - HB Basic health benefit plans - HB 410: 10 DNA collection, any felony - HB 507 132 HCS and college employees, prohibit health Elected officials, salary upon Chiropractor reimbursement rates, benefits for domestic partners - HB reemployment after retirement - HB Labor and Industry Health and Welfare required to hear 48 132 testimony on - HB 352: HFA(1),(2) Establish task force on county jails - HB Child care centers and nursing facilities, Chiropractors, reimbursement - HB 352; Insurance, Motor Vehicle 187: HCS drug screening requirement for - HB HB 352: HCS Immigrants, criminal justice provisions 151 Estimate of potential costs - HB 255: Cost of acquiring a replacement motor relating to - HB 164 Collective HFA(1) vehicle of like kind as damages, Inmates bargaining, authorized for public Firefighters, disabled in line of duty, include - HB 428 and prisoners, certain sexual conduct employees - HB 318 health and life insurance state Disclosure of available insurance and prohibited - HB 140: HFA(1) bargaining, postsecondary education supplement, CPI adjustment - HB 376 premiums, require - HB 428 and prisoners, prohibition on sexual employees exempt from - HB 318: Health Limitation of damages for failure to conduct with - HB 140 HFA(1) insurance, specified procedure or maintain - HB 22 and prisoners, sexual conduct bargaining, study impact on public service, insured liability for - HB 255 Low mileage premium discount - HB 38 prohibited - HB 140: HCS employees - HB 318: HFA(2) insurance, urge Congress not to pass a Maximum amount of basic reparation Inmates, HIV AIDS testing - SB 201: Conflict Resolution Week in Kentucky, National Health Insurance Act - HR benefits, increase - HB 428 SFA(1) declaration of - HJR 118 213 No Jail canteen account, exclude urban- Construction Insurance, urge Congress to pass a fault, medical expenses - HB 18 county government and consolidated contracts, mandatory provisions National Health Insurance Act - HR fault, payment of claims - SB 175: local government - HB 114: HFA(1) included - HB 490: HCS 81 HFA(1) Jailers, account settlement - SB 173; HB contracts, payment procedures - HB insurers, Medicaid, submission of Operator must maintain - SB 68: HCS 551 490: FCCR identifying data by - HB 431: SCS Penalties, operating a motor vehicle Medical expenses incurred for prisoners, contracts, payment procedures for - HB ICARE, cancer screenings, provide for - without security - HB 571 cap on reimbursements for - HB 357 490: CCR HB 410 Rates, Reimbursement contracts, payment requirements - HB Individual use of credit history - HB 111 for holding state prisoners before 490 market health benefit plans - SB 135 use of territory in establishing - HB 498 conviction - HB 187 contracts, requirements and payment market, pre-existing condition Reparation benefits, overdue payment - for medical costs, establish limits - HB procedures - HB 490: SCA(1) project payment arrangements, wage revision - SB 5; HB 305 HB 398: HFA(2),(3) Self-contained storage units, rights and exemption - HB 490: SFA(3) wage revision, annual adjustment - HB compensation, employer liability duties regarding lease of - HB 245; HB Construction, 17 dependent on gross negligence - HB 245: HFA (1) contracts, and payment procedures - wage, employer tax credit - HB 305: 398: HFA(1) Theft by deception, bad checks - HB 217 HB 490: FCCR HFA(11),(12) compensation, exclusive remedy Uniform Residential Landlord and contracts, exemption for Public Service wage, revision - HB 37; HB 305: HCS exception - HB 398 Tenant Act, require application to Commission - HB 490: SFA(1) wage, revision of - HB 54 compensation, include in calculation of manufactured home communities - HB Cowden, William Bruce, Jr., Workers' wage, revision of tipped credit - HB 206; average weekly wage for - HB 494 157 Compensation Board, appointment - HB 206: HCS compensation, independent contractor SR 242 wage, state preemption - HB 305: certificate - SB 190 Legislative Research Commission Criminal history record checks, conduct HFA(4),(5) compensation, notification to injured of - HB 264, 308 Noncitizen workers, study of - HCR 127; workers - HB 517 Access to revenue and economic Davis, Chris, administrative law judge, HR 223 compensation, rebuttable presumption development information - HB 359; SB appointment - SR 243 Permitting of HVAC installations - SB 10: for worker exposure - HB 516 55: HFA (1); HB 359: HFA (1),(2) Dyche, R.W., Workers' Compensation SCS compensation, reimbursement for Adam Walsh Child Protection & Safety Board, appointment - SR 244 Prevailing registered nurse first assistants - SB Act, implementation, directing the study Educational institutions, construction wage project, median wage payment 103: SCS of - SCR 129 exempt from paying prevailing wages - required - HB 456 compensation, reimbursement to RNFA Death penalty task force, established - HB 457 wage projects, requirements for bid - SB 103: HCS HCR 88 Employee proposals - HB 453 compensation, unfair practices, Establish charitable gaming task force Free Choice Act, urge Congress to wage, exempt construction of court provision repealed - SB 181 and appoint members - HCR 9 enact - HR 169 facilities from - HB 305: HFA(6) Prescription drug reporting program, Free Choice Act, urge the U.S. Senate wage, project locality redefined - HB Land Use direct action to be taken on - SJR 48 to defeat - HR 212 455 Statutory committee, creation of - HB Employment of disabled adults, Prison Abandoned Mine Land Program, 127 implement a Medicaid buy-in program industries enhancement program - SB reclamation projects, project finance for Study of state adoption laws, establish to support - SB 219 42: SCS, SCA (1) - SB 187 task force for - HCR 67 Establish authority, safety standards - industries, recidivism reduction program Agricultural district, requirements for - Study, universal health insurance - HCR HB 278: HFA(1) - SB 42 HB 202 79 Fire-safe Railroads, safe walkways, provision for - Area planning commissions, agreements Task cigarettes, manufacture, sales of - SB HB 172 - HB 355: HFA(1) force, land availability for hunters - SCR 134; HB 278; SB 134: SCS Sex-based ATV Usage Taskforce, establishment of 41 cigarettes, require certification fee per wage discrimination disputes, binding - HJR 14 force, social workers, front line staffing - brand family - SB 134: HFA(1) arbitration permitted - HB 219: Billboards, allow vegetation control on HB 362: HCS(2) Government contracts, verification of HFA(2) state rights-of-way near - SB 155: HCS Tobacco Task Force, reauthorize - HR employment eligibility - HB 33, 44 wage discrimination, comparable worth Counties containing consolidated local 78 Health to be determined by employer - HB government, or first class city, land Vest-Lindsay House Preservation Task facility construction contracts, 219: HFA(3) use, citations - HB 444 Force, creation and reporting of - SCR exemption created - HB 490: SFA(2) wage discrimination, prohibited on County containing consolidated local 45; HCR 151 insurance, request for information about comparable jobs - HB 219 government, residential density for group - SB 175; HB 239 wage discrimination, rebuttable certain roads - SB 117 Libraries Human presumption for employer Historic trafficking - SB 43; SB 43: SCS, SCA (1) determination - HB 219: HFA(4) or prehistoric remains on property, County law libraries, location and trafficking, create the offense of - HB Silica and mixed dust claims, procedures procedure for disposition of - HB 118 163 for - HB 417 material of - HB 273 rock fences, clarify definitions and use Kentucky State Advisory Council on HVAC inspections and permits - SB 10; State employees, verification and of funds - HB 108: HFA(1) SB 10: HFA (1) eligibility required - HB 209 Libraries, change in membership and Hunting, task force to study land purpose - HB 386 KEDFA program, calculation of base Toyota Hybrid Team, commending - SR available for - SCR 41 hourly wages - HB 305: SCS, SFA (1) 5 Librarian's certification fund, use of - HB Interlocal agreements with local 386 KEMI Unauthorized governments for the provision of Board of Directors, appointment, Jeffrey alien, prohibit employment of - HB 148 Task force, social workers, front line certain services - HB 355 staffing - HB 362: HFA(2) Mark Farmer - SR 190 aliens, deduction for wages paid to - HB KRS 224A.011 add, change, and delete Board of Directors, appointment, 73 definitions for - HB 442 Michael D. Templemon - SR 188 Unemployment Landowner cooperator permit, authorize Licensing Kentucky Single Family Dwellings insurance, collections, procedures use for hunting - HB 216 Advisory Committee, creation of - HB revised for - SB 171 Projects, Kentucky Infrastructure Academic degree, forgery of, Class D 243: SFA(1) insurance, determinations, appeal Authority, financing authority for - HB felony - HB 175 Labor organization, mandatory process provided - SB 171: SFA(1) 442: HCS Accountancy Board, nonlicensees, membership or financial support Unpaid wages, limitation on recovery of - Qualifying voluntary environmental jurisdiction over - HB 259: HCS prohibited, penalty - HB 328; HB 219: HB 482 remediation property, amend definition Airport livery certificate, requirement for - HFA (6) Wage and requirements of - SB 82 SB 209; HB 524 Life insurance, payment of premium - discrimination prohibit based on race or Recreational Alcohol vaporizing device, sale and use HB 401 national origin - HB 219: HFA(1) land use agreement, provisions for - HB ban - HB 125; HB 125: SFA (1) Mine discrimination, expand comparable 216: SFA(1) Alcoholic safety program, state requirements for - worth factors - HB 219: HFA(5) land use at farmstays - SB 37 beverage sales, approval of at qualified HB 207: HFA(2) Workers' Rock fences, preservation and historic sites - HB 138; HB 138: SCS safety, requirements and penalties for - compensation ALJ's, experience construction of - HB 108: HFA(2) beverage sales, Sunday hours adopted HB 207 required - HB 492 Wildlife easement access, tax credits for by urban-county government - HB safety, requirements and standards for - compensation board, experience - HB 354 138: SCA(1) HB 207: SCS required - HB 493; HB 493: HCS beverages, racetrack license, issuance safety, requirements for - HB 207: HCS compensation, agriculture, drug-free Landlord and Tenant of - SB 29: SCS Miner certification, reciprocal agreement workplace, and self-insurance beverages, state parks, sale of wine with other states, allowance of - SB 47; revision - SB 203: SCS; HB 296: SCS and malt beverages at - HB 391 HB 186 compensation, attorney fee for medical Eviction of manufactured home Animal shelters, mandatory spay/neuter, Minimum disputes - HB 495 residents, good cause required - HB establish requirements for - HB 270 wage and overtime, delete exemption compensation, attorney fee increase - 157 Associate private investigator, creation for newspaper carriers - HB 305: HB 491 Landlord-tenant relations, litigation of license - SB 172 HFA(8),(9),(10) compensation, benefits denied for relating to - HB 139 Bloodstock agent and equine consignor wage and overtime, delete exemptions voluntary intoxication - SB 99; HB Manufactured licenses, establishment of - HB 497 provided - HB 305: HFA(2),(3) 398: HFA (4) home community operators, establish Board wage and overtime, exemption for compensation, black lung revisions - HB requirements for - HB 157 of Accountants, fine increases - HB 259 employees who provide 452 housing communities, tenant-landlord of Accountants, nonlicensees, scope of companionship services - SB 123 compensation, calculation of death relations - SB 178 jurisdiction over - HB 259: SCS wage and overtime, providing benefit - SB 163 Methamphetamine property registry, Casino gaming and related occupations, exemptions - HB 305: HFA(1) compensation, civil actions permitted - creation and operation of - HB 470 licensing of - HB 27, 546 Caterer, definition of, amended - SB 107 to financial transactions by - HB 196; Emergency Volunteer Health gaming and electronic gaming devices Certified HB 196: HFA (1) Practitioners Act, provision for - HB at racetracks, require approval of surgical assistants, certification Ophthalmic 287: HCS local government - SB 16 requirements - SB 118 dispensers, make optical Certified court security officers - SB 153; surgical assistants, provisions for establishments a new licensing Liens HB 427 certification - SB 118: SCS category for - HB 394 Cities, Charitable dispensing, limit board powers to All-purpose vehicle, notation on reclassification, Junction City, fifth to gaming licensees, date, time, and specify equipment and retain term in certificate of title - SB 120 fourth class - HB 177: SFA(1) location changes, deadline definition of - HB 394: HFA(1) Certificates of delinquency, provide for reclassification, Sadieville, sixth to fifth established - HB 156: FCCR Optical establishments, remove licensing release of upon payment - HB 321: class - HB 177: SFA(4) gaming reporting requirements, requirement for but retain board power HFA(1) City changes in - HB 156: SFA(1) over - HB 394: SCS Mechanic's lien, lack of applicability to receipt of funds from consolidated local gaming, establish task force to study Orthotics, prosthetics, and pedorthics, government contracts - HB 490: government for capital improvements oversight - HCR 9 licensing and regulation of practitioners HFA(1),(2) - SB 36 gaming, regulation of - SB 212; HB 156: of - SB 30; HB 337: SFA (2) Nuisance liens, priority of - HB 489 reclassification, Crestview Hills, fifth to CCR; HB 180: HCS Pharmacy technician registration, Self-contained storage units, operator's fourth class - HB 177 Child care centers and nursing facilities, qualifications for - HB 533 lien on contents of - HB 245; HB 245: Code enforcement boards, to have a drug screening requirement for - HB Physician assistants, controlled HFA (1) minimum of three members - HB 297 151 substances, authority to prescribe, Solid waste collection liens, local Communications excise tax, increase Child-care parameters of - SB 97 governments, authorization for - HB hold harmless amount - HB 327: center rating system, licensing Plumbers' license renewal, continuing 240 HFA(17),(18) requirement for - HB 234 education requirements for - HB 553 Unemployment insurance, lien extended Contracts, verification of employment center rating system, licensing Private - SB 171 eligibility - HB 33, 44 requirement for new applications - HB investigator licensing, attorneys and Counties containing consolidated local 234: HFA(1) their employees, exemption for - SB government, land use provisions, Commercial driver's license, employer 148 Lieutenant Governor citations for violations - HB 444 drug testing - SB 84 investigator licensing, attorneys bona Counties, coroners, deputy coroners, Concealed deadly weapons, lifetime fide employees, exemption for - SB A slate of candidates in runoff, permitted appointment of - HB 397 license to carry - HB 211 148 to withdraw - HB 542 County Construction contracts, payments and investigator licensing, company license Challenging the bona fides of a containing consolidated local conditions, effect of delays on - HB required - SB 172 candidate, procedure for - SB 54: government, residential density for 490: HFA(1),(2) investigators, board of licensure for - SB SCS(1),(2), SCA (1); HB 131: SFA (1) certain roads - SB 117 Consultants, modernization act. - HB 149 Nomination of slate, delay of - HB 488 jails, reimbursement for holding state 513 Prosthetic, orthotic, or pedorthic Runoff prisoners before conviction - HB 187 Continuing education requirements, offenses, injunctive relief, court elections, elimination of - HB 224 law libraries, location and material of - license renewal dependent upon jurisdiction, change in - SB 30: SFA(1) primary, elimination of - HB 476: SCS HB 273 fulfillment of - HB 46 Prosthetics, Technical correction - HB 224: HCA(1) Officials' Compensation Board, Controlled substances, omnibus revision orthotics, and pedorthics board, require abolished - SB 76 - SB 88: SCS appointment of at least one pedorthist Loans and Credit or waste management district solid Cosmetologist to - SB 30: HCS(1) waste taxes or service fees, liens for - board, examinations administered by orthotics, and pedorthics, licensing and Attorney fee, usury case - SB 64; HB HB 240: HCS and principal office of - SB 13 regulation of practitioners of - SB 30: 274 Court action to void annexation, filing of board, parties whose presence is SCS Consumer credit, disclosures required - judgment with Secretary of State - HB required at examinations Real HB 260 451 administered by - SB 13: SCS Estate Appraisers Board, powers of - Credit Crime victim address protection Dieticians and nutritionists board, SB 160; SB 160: SFA (1) cards, disclosures, consumer protection program, creation of - SB 121 inactive or related license or certificate estate appraisers, require national - HB 250 Delinquent solid waste fees and taxes, status granted by - SB 156 criminal history check to apply for history, use by insurers - HB 111 collection of - HB 240: HFA(1) Distilled spirits retail drink license, licensure as - HB 86: HFA(1),(2) Creditor to be made defendant - HB 422 Department eligibility for - HB 340 estate brokers, alter post-license Deferred deposit transactions, limitation for Local Government, name change, Driver's education course for and remove on fees charged to members of military structure of - SB 76 license revocation and criminal increased fines against - HB 65: HCS - HB 92 for Local Government, oversight of penalties, alcohol convictions estate brokers, commission Late payments, reporting of - HB 529 projects using state funds - SB 143 involving minors leading to - SB 45 requirements for applicants and Prepayment fees or penalties, limitation for Local Government, require to track license, DUI, suspension for - SB 217 licensees - HB 86: HCS on - HB 90 deployment and adoption of Drivers, restoration of privilege - HB 266 estate brokers, various requirements for Primary telecommunications - SB 74: SCS Driving training schools and instructors, - HB 86 care centers, funding in medical Dept. for Local Government, required to licensing of nonresidents - SB 61 Estate Commission, required post- underserved areas for - HB 313 track deployment & investment for Election days alcoholic beverages, after license education course - HB 65 care centers, funding in medically telecommunications - SB 74 12 noon, permit sale of - HB 341 REAL ID Act of 2005, urge repeal of - underserved areas for - HB 313: Deputy coroners, allow coroner to Engineer continuing education, remove HCR 122 HFA(1) appoint up to two without fiscal court long-term license exemption from - HB Residential electricians, licensing of - SB Public Service Student Law Loan approval - HB 242 46: SFA(1) 28 Program - HB 226 Distilled spirits retail drink license, Immigration assistance services, Small Surety and cosurety, joint creditor - SB eligibility for - HB 340 prohibition against providing legal farm wineries, production limitation for - 165 Early voting, voter eligibility for - HB 135 advice - HB 166 SB 29: HFA(3) Elected Issuance of certificate for limousine farm wineries, sales from - SB 29: Local Government county officials, salary and benefits if service - SB 133 HFA(2) reemployed after retirement - HB 317 Licensed pedorthists, narrow scope of Speech and language pathologist and officials, salary upon reemployment Animal grandfathering provisions for - SB 30: audiologists, licensure requirements for after retirement - HB 132 cruelty, amend to include shelter from HFA(1),(2) - SB 89; HB 288 Election days alcoholic beverages, after elements - HB 450 Licensure of professionals who provide State parks, sale of alcoholic beverages, 12 noon, permit sale of - HB 341 shelters, dog or cat release, mandate care to persons with hearing disorders local option election to allow - HB 391: Eminent domain, authority and spay/neuter - HB 270 - SB 89: SCS HFA(1) procedure - HB 458 Animals, limitation on certain regulations Master tobacco products distributor's Surgical English language, utilization of - HB 12 on - HB 375 licensing, qualifications for - HB 124: technologist, certification required - SB Fertilizer regulation, limit local authority Area planning commissions, agreements HCS 138 in - SB 91; HB 399 - HB 355: HFA(1) Medicaid fraud, disciplinary action for - technologists, remove aspects of Fertilizer, Billboard vegetation control permits, HB 477 physician delegation and reporting clarify zoning authority, reporting - HB allow local governments to veto - SB Micro-dermabrasion, permit estheticians duties regarding - SB 138: SCS, SCA 399: HFA(1) 155: HFA(3),(6) to perform - SB 101 (1) stipulate zoning, reporting - SB 91: SCS Casino Military families, assistance for - SB 186 Uniform Fire gaming and electronic gaming devices Motor vehicles, reissuance of special emergency volunteer health department merit boards, consolidated at racetracks, require approval for - license plates - HB 215 practitioners act, provision for - HB local governments, establish - HB HB 547 Nurses, suspension of licensure related 287 201 districts, disposition of unrefunded tax financial obligations - HB 281 Autism spectrum disorders, screening and misdemeanor - HB 16; SB 34: moneys when no tax due - SB 74: Runoff for, manual on - HB 109 HCS HFA(1),(2) elections, elimination of - HB 224 Bicycles, helmet use required for False representation of oneself as a protection boundaries, amendment by primaries, payment of - HB 476 persons under the age of 16 - HB 169 veteran, prohibition - HB 105 ordinance - HB 168 primary, elimination of - HB 476: SCS Casino gaming and related occupations, Fertilizer regulation, declare state Firefighters, disabled in line of duty, Solid licensing of - HB 546 preemption - SB 91; HB 399 health and life insurance state waste collection liens, local Certificates of delinquency, notice Fertilizer, stipulate zoning, reporting - SB supplement, CPI adjustment - HB 376 governments, authorization for - HB provisions for private purchasers 91: SCS Fiscal Court, may serve as directors of 240 established - HB 321 Film industry, amend tax credits for road districts - HB 572 waste fees, collection via Department of Certification as peace officer - HB 277 production in Kentucky - HB 554 Immigrants, criminal justice provisions Revenue - HB 240: SCS Certified court security officers - SB 153; Fire department merit boards, relating to - HB 164 Spay/neuter, urge formation of working HB 427 consolidated local governments, Interlocal group on - HR 222 Challenging the bona fides of a establish - HB 201 agreements between counties, Special candidate, procedure for - SB 54: Firefighter and police salary incentives for - HB 116 districts, increase audit maximum - HB SCS(1),(2) supplements - HB 214: HCS agreements, incentives for - HB 116: 448 Competency proceeding, when pay Fiscal Court, may serve as directors of HCS firefighters, increased appointment of - required - SB 72 road districts - HB 572 Internal Revenue Service agents, HB 447 Concealed Floyds Fork Water Resources Council, inclusion of as Kentucky peace officers Straight party voting, prohibition of - SB deadly weapons, lifetime license to establishment of - HB 435 - HB 194 53 carry - HB 211 Franklin Circuit Court, creation of Investment of funds - HB 523: HCS Swimming pools, regulation of - HB 35: weapon, in vehicle - HB 302 alternative concurrent jurisdiction - SB Jail HFA(1) Constables, omnibus revision - SB 204 75 canteen account, exclude urban-county Tire-derived fuel, exempt from solid Construction, requirements and payment Gift cards, regulate - HB 254 government and consolidated local waste definition, exemption of - SB 125 procedures - HB 490 Gold Star Mothers license plates, government - HB 114: HFA(1) Tree and shrub planting program, local Contributions, expenditures, and exempt from fee - HB 390 canteen accounts, annual appropriation governments pay cost of - SB 155: reporting, changes to - SB 159 Government - HB 114 HFA(4) Controlled substances, omnibus revision construction contracts, payment Joint boards, planning and code Uniform - SB 88: SCS arrangements - HB 490: HCS enforcement, administration of - HB financial information reports - SB 60 Copper metal, wire, and cable, reporting contracts, verification of employment 355: SCS financial information reports, final sale of - HB 82: HCS eligibility - HB 33 Kentucky quarterly report used in lieu of - SB County Hardship driver license, permit for Community Development Office, 60: SCS containing consolidated local general traffic offenses - HB 510 abolished - SB 76 state building permit, provisions for - HB government, residential density for Hazardous duty, urban-county Urban Affairs Council, abolished - SB 372 certain roads - SB 117 government solid waste employees - 76 Volunteer detectives, peace officer certification - HB 247 Legal notices, public broadcast, study of fire departments and incompatible SB 77 Historic or prehistoric remains on - HCR 155 offices - HB 107: HFA(1) jails, reimbursement for holding state property, procedure for disposition of - Legislative body approval for certain firefighters, allow state, county, city prisoners before conviction - HB 187 HB 118 government types - HB 397: HFA(1) officers to serve as - HB 107: HCS Court records, retention of - SB 44 Horse flesh, human consumption - SB 6 Local firefighters, civil offices not incompatible Covenant Marriage, create the option of Human Government Advisory Commission, with - HB 107 entering into - HB 110 trafficking - SB 43; SB 43: SCS abolished - SB 76 Voter verified paper audit trail, Crime victim address protection trafficking, create the offense of - HB or federal public benefits, verify requirement of - HB 415 program, creation of - SB 121 163 eligibility for - HB 162 Voting early, permitting to - HB 484 Criminal HVAC installations, permitting - SB 10 parks, transient room tax, allowed to Water and juvenile matters - HB 358: HCS Identity support - HB 534 districts, extension and formation of - and juvenile matters, omnibus revision - theft, court order - SB 39 Medical expenses incurred for prisoners, SB 96 HB 358 theft, data protection, omnibus revision - cap on reimbursements for - HB 357 districts, powers of and requirements for history record checks, conduct of - HB HB 7 Metropolitan sewer districts - SB 205 - SB 96: SCS 264, 308 Immigrants, criminal justice provisions Notification to state local debt officer, Write-in candidate, defeated primary Deadline for vacancy in candidacy, relating to - HB 164 require when lease price exceeds candidate ineligible - HB 131 establishment of - SB 54 Immigration, enforcement of federal law $200,000 - HB 281: HCS Zoning, counties containing consolidated Department - HB 11 Nuisance liens, priority of - HB 489 local government or first class city, land for Local Government, oversight of Inmates and prisoners, prohibition on Nuisances, nonoperative motor vehicles use, citations - HB 444 projects using state funds - SB 143 sexual conduct with - HB 140 - HB 472 for Local Government, uniform financial Inspections of HVAC installations, Oath Local Mandate information reports - SB 60 effective January 1, 2009 - SB 10: SCS and bond of elected officials - HB 514: Documented vessels, exempt from local Jail canteen accounts, annual SCS A slate of candidates in runoff, permitted taxation - HB 466 appropriation - HB 114 of office and bond, 30 day exemption for to withdraw - HB 542 Driver's license, DUI, suspension for - Justice Cabinet, Office of Investigations, penalty granted - HB 514 Absentee ballots, challenges to - SB 211 SB 217 jurisdiction of - SB 144: HCS Occupational license tax, impact of Alcohol vaporizing device, sale and use Driving without insurance, prohibition on Juveniles, criminal justice system amendments to conform - HB 307 ban - HB 125 - HB 149 employees, sexual conduct prohibited - Official misconduct, providing advance Alcoholic Drug Control Policy, Office of, Executive HB 140: HCS notice of inspection - SB 161 beverage advertising ban, exemption for Order 2006-805 - SB 144 KEDFA program, calculation of base Parks and recreation, repeal section promotions sent to customer's Early hourly wages - HB 305: SCS relating to colored and white park residence - SB 29 voting, establishment of - HB 483 Kentucky systems - HB 115 beverages, racetrack license, issuance voting, voter eligibility for - HB 135 Farmers Market Nutrition Program, Planning and zoning notices, allow use of, qualifications established - SB 29: Economic development incentive creation of - SB 25 of first-class mail for - HB 496 SCS program; create new program for cities National Guard specialty license plate, Promotion of police, seniority and Animal cruelty, amend to include shelter of the first class - HB 536 allow surviving spouses to obtain or excess applicants, process for dealing from elements - HB 450 Elected retain - SB 174 with - SB 100 Animals, limitation on certain regulations county officials, salary and benefits if Retirement Systems, establishment of Public funds, collateral - HB 523 on - HB 375 reemployed after retirement - HB 317 new benefit structure for new hires - Putative father registry, creation of - SB Approval needed when city seeking officials, salary upon reemployment HB 418: SCS 140 reclassification does not meet after retirement - HB 132 Retirement Systems, make technical Qualified constables and deputy population requirement - SB 207 Election days alcoholic beverages, after amendment - HB 418: HCS constables, create certification process Archaeological sites, family access, 12 noon, permit sale of - HB 341 Labor organization, mandatory for, powers of - HB 556 require landowner compliance with - Electricians, licensing of residential membership or financial support Reclassification of city not meeting HB 117 electricians - SB 28 prohibited, penalty - HB 328; HB 219: population requirement - SB 207 Asset Emergency workers, rebuttable HFA (6) Replace "telecommunications" and forfeiture - SB 88 presumption for - HB 516 Law Enforcement Foundation Program "advanced telecommunications" with forfeiture, redistribution - SB 88: HCS English language, utilization of - HB 12 fund, include designated officers "broadband" - SB 74: SFA(1) Associate private investigator, creation Exemption from property tax for certain employed by KSP and KVE - HB 214 Require notification to state local debt of license - SB 172 recreational vehicles - HB 407 Leaving officer when entering into specified Expungement of records, Class D felony the scene of an accident - HB 76: HCS the scene of an accident, penalty belt use, exemptions - HB 284 eligibility for - HB 340 Frederick" bill - HB 362: HCS(1),(2), increase - SB 199; HB 76 Security breach, definition of - HB 7: Driver's license revocation and criminal HFA (1) Local HCS penalties, alcohol convictions involving Frederick" Bill - HB 362: SCS, SFA (1), insurance premiums tax, clarify powers Sex offenders, loitering around schools - minors leading to - SB 45 CCR, FCCR of local governments - HB 371 HB 531 Extended Sunday sales adopted by "Denzil 'Hoss' Halbert Memorial Bridge," option elections, alcoholic beverage Sex-based wage discrimination, urban-county government - HB 138: designated in Martin, Kentucky - SJR sales at qualified historic sites - HB prohibited on comparable jobs - HB SCA(1) 136 138; HB 138: SCS 219 Sales at qualified historic sites - HB 138; "Dr. or federal public benefits, verify Sexual offenses, noncontact, restraining HB 138: SCS Martin Luther King, Jr., Expressway," eligibility for - HB 162 order - HB 322 State designate in Jefferson County - SJR property tax, private aircraft exemption - Sheriff's parks, sale of alcoholic beverages, local 16: SCS HB 335 fees, add constables in urban-county option election to allow - HB 391: Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Medical parole, hearing notification - HB government - HB 526 HFA(1) Highway," designate 1-65 outside 191 fees, merged county departments - SB parks, wine and malt beverage sales, Jefferson County - SJR 95 Methamphetamine property registry, 153: SCS local option election authorized - HB Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial creation and operation of - HB 470 Social worker, threatening of - HB 85 391 Highway," designate in Jefferson Methamphetamine-contaminated Spay/neuter, require for adoption or County - SJR 16; HJR 54 property, program for cleanup of - HB release from shelters - HB 270 Medicaid "Lincoln Heritage Highway," designate 94 State entire length of US 31E - SJR 93: SCS Minimum contracts, verification of employment Autism spectrum disorders, supports "Private Ottis Reed Memorial Bridge," wage revision - SB 5; HB 305 eligibility - HB 209 program, Medicaid waiver, screening designate in the town of Meta - SJR wage revision, annual adjustment - HB parks, wine and malt beverage sales, for - HB 109 114; HJR 116 17 local option election authorized - HB Brain injuries, encourage pilot treatment Adamkavicius, wage, revision - HB 37; HB 305: HCS 391 program - SR 102; HR 202 Captain Adam L., memorializing - HR wage, revision of - HB 54 Straight party voting, prohibition of - SB Buy-in program, implement - SB 219 106 Motor vehicle, penalties for operating 53 Diabetes, Captain Clayton L., memorializing - SR without security - HB 571 Tax increment financing, establish new encourage provider use of ADA 73 Notary publics, regulation of - HB 248 programs - HB 349 guidelines for - HB 337: SCS Adams, Official misconduct, providing advance Taxation, limestone, manufacturers - HB provider use of ADA guidelines for - HB Hugh C. "Buddy" Jr., memorializing - SR notice of inspection - SB 161 568 406 47 Paper copies to county clerk, exemption Timetable for solicitation of signature for Durable medical equipment, exempt Hugh C. "Buddy," memorializing - HR for electronic filers - SB 159: HCS nomination papers, establishment of - from sales tax if covered under 86 Parolees, search of by peace officer - HB 387 Medicaid or Medicare - HB 573 Anderson, Julia S., memorializing - SR HB 205 Tire-derived fuel, exempt from solid Fraud, civil and administrative 229 Planning and zoning notices, allow use waste definition, exemption of - SB 125 proceedings for - HB 477 Baker, William Frank, memorializing - of first-class mail for - HB 496 Tourist attractions, approved costs for - Health insurers, submission of HR 56 Police & Firefighter's retirement fund, SB 30: HCS(2) identifying data by - HB 431: SCS Barbaro, memorialization of - SR 69 insurance benefit for surviving spouse - Trials, time frame, cost of detention - SB Immunization, human papillomavirus, Bardstown house fire victims, SB 106 173 Medicaid to cover - SB 98: SFA(1) memorializing - SR 101 Policemen's and firefighters retirement Uniform I-SaveRx Internet program, cooperative Beery, Staff Sergeant Brock A., fund, insurance benefits for surviving financial information reports, final agreement with - HB 256 memorializing - SR 164; HR 94 spouse - HB 237 quarterly report used in lieu of - SB Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Bell, John A. III, memorializing - SR 92; Prisoners, medical care and parole of - 60: SCS Program, enrollment or eligible children HR 114 HB 191: SCS state building permit, provisions for - HB into - HCR 117 Bert T. Combs, statue, erection of - HJR Promotion of police, seniority and 366 Long-term 84 excess applicants, process for dealing Voter verified paper audit trail, care facilities, nurse staffing Betts, Dr. Raymond Frederick, with - SB 100 requirement of - HB 415 requirements, establishment of - HB memorializing - HR 113 Property tax bills, preparation of bills Voting 290 Beverly Hills Supper Club victims, below threshold amount - HB 384 assistance, penalty for - HB 405: HCS care partnership insurance program, memorializing - SR 211 Prosthetics, orthotics, and pedorthics early, permitting to - HB 484 establishment - HB 126 Blackburn, Paul Edward, memorializing - board, require appointment of at least Wild rivers, construction of I-66 bridges - Medicare prescription drug benefit, SR 57 one pedorthist to - SB 30: HCS(1) HB 284: SCS improvements in - HR 125 Blair, Joseph P., Jr., memorializing - HR Public Wireless device, prohibit use while Payment amount, trauma care - HB 152; 172 employees health and life insurance, operating a motor vehicle - HB 301 HB 152: HCS Blankenship, Ranny Gene, limit coverage and beneficiaries to Pharmacy and Therapeutics Advisory memorializing - SR 88 family members - SB 152 Lottery Committee, add member - SB 69; SB Blevins, Clyde E., memorializing - HR employees, collective bargaining 69: SCS 220 authorized for - HB 318 Gross revenues, compulsive gamblers Provider tax and payments to hospitals - Bolin, Jane, memorializing - SR 32 morals offenses, establish crime of awareness and treatment fund, partial HB 244; HB 244: HCS Boswell, Lonnie D., memorializing - SR 7 public indecency - HB 338 funding for - HB 41 Recipient settlement, delete Medicaid Bowling, Patsy Rainwater, memorializing Qualified constables and deputy Kentucky approval of - HB 431: SFA(1) - SR 42 constables, create certification process Lottery Corporation Board of Directors, Recovery, settlements for injuries and Brewer, John Breckinridge, for, powers of - HB 556 Keith D. Griffee, reappointment to - disabilities, provision for - HB 431: SCS memorializing - SR 107 Racetracks and casinos, omnibus bill - SR 191 Smoking Brooking, John R.S., memorializing - SR HB 27, 107 Lottery Corporation Board of Directors, cessation coverage, contingent upon 15 Real Estate Appraisers Board, powers of Mark F. Sommer, appointment to - funds available for - HB 337: SCS Brown, Ann Beeny, memorializing - SR - SB 160 SR 196 cessation treatment, Medicaid coverage 159 Reimbursement for prisoner medical Lottery Corporation Board of Directors, of - HB 337 Buckner, Dr. Robert Cecil, memorializing costs, establish limits - HB 187: HCS Raymond DeSloover, reappointment State or federal public benefits, verify - HR 246 Retirement, to - SR 197 eligibility for - HB 162 Byard, Logan Thomas, memorializing - high-three final compensation - SB 58: Universal health care, urge Congress to HR 69 HFA(3) support policies to provide - HCR 6 Carter, Floyd Stanley, Sr., memorializing high-three final compensation and 2.2 Malt Beverages - HR 195 percent benefit factor extension - HB Cartwright, Charles Allen, memorializing 414 Alcohol vaporizing device, sale and use Memorials - SR 172 high-three final compensation and 2.2. ban - HB 125; HB 125: SFA (1) Chestnut, Ed, memorializing - SR 104 percent benefit factor extension - HB Alcoholic "Abraham Clayton, Fred, memorializing - SR 156; 418 beverage advertising ban, exemption for Lincoln Memorial Expressway," HR 177 Runoff promotions sent to customer's designate of portion of I-65 in honor Clemons, Staff Sergeant Thomas W., elections, elimination of - HB 224 residence - SB 29 and memory of - SJR 93: SCS memorializing - SR 64; HR 87 primaries, payment of - HB 476 beverages, racetrack license, issuance Lincoln Memorial Highway," designate Coleman, David Roe, Sr. - SR 168 primary, elimination of - HB 476: SCS of, qualifications established - SB 29: Interstate 65 in honor and memory of Colvin, Nancy, memorializing - HR 204 Seat SCS - SJR 93 Combs, Carl Luther "Hoot," belt law, clarify exemptions from and Caterer, definition of, amended - SB 107 "Boni memorializing - HR 180 fines for violation - HB 284: HCS Distilled spirits retail drink license, Frederick Bill" - HB 362 Conley, Clarice Elaine Greene, memorializing - SR 208; HR 203 Houchin, Sim, memorializing - SR 98 Moss, Thomas Dwayne, memorializing - White, Private First Class Christopher Cooper, Hourigan, David Ross, memorializing - SR 234 N., memorializing - SR 67; HR 99 Sergeant John Edward, memorializing - HR 21 Mundell, Major Michael Lewis, Wilcox, Robert H., memorializing - HR HR 111 Howard, Detective Stewart "Joey," memorializing - SR 65; HR 108 227 Staff Sergeant John Edward, memorializing - SR 83 O'Daniel, Elizabeth Ann Edelmayer - SR Yeiser, Beverly G., memorializing - HR memorializing - SR 91 Howell, Joey Edwin, memorializing - SR 25 216 Corman, Sammy E., memorializing - SR 89 Osborne, James Ivo, memorializing - SR 139; HR 143 Hunter, Sadie Sturgill, memorializing - 199; HR 186 Men Cornett, Sergeant First Class Lance S., SR 28 Parks, Cecelia L., memorializing - SR 55 memorializing - SR 76; HR 102, 196 Hurst, Charles Edward, memorializing - Pemberton, Captain Barth H., Consortium, loss of, action for - HB 403; Cubert, SR 126 memorializing - HR 167 HB 403: HCS (1),(2) Master Sergeant Clinton W., Irwin, Steve, memorializing - HR 22 Perlman, Edith, memorializing - HR 134 Dating violence, availability of domestic memorializing - SR 80 Jackson, Evelyn Rose, memorializing - Rawlings, Suddith, memorializing - HR violence protective orders - HB 396 Master Sergeant Clinton Wayne, HR 188 43 Human trafficking - SB 43 memorializing - HR 109 James Randolph Perry, memorialization Ray, Virgil, memorializing - SR 204 Identification card for homeless, provide Cummings, of - SR 62 Reel, Van, memorializing - SR 40 for - HB 253 Abby Ellen, memorializing - HR 68 James, Frederick Allen, memorializing - Rouse, Income tax refund, military family Miss Abby Ellen, memorializing - SR 19 SR 53 Jerry, memorializing - SR 9, 13 assistance, designation of - HB 520 Daniel Carter Beard and Boy Scouts, Jett, William L. "Willie" Jr., memorializing - Kentucky's rape crisis centers and honor - SR 146 Janice Marie Haitz, memorializing - HR HR 247 Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Dean, Sherman, Jr., memorializing - SR 36 Settle, recognize and honor - HR 166 165; HR 158 Janie Marie Haitz, memorializing - SR Private First Class Robert J., Loss of consortium, attorney fees - HB DeCesare, Betty Sue Robertson, 20 memorializing - HR 89 403: HFA(5),(6) memorializing - HR 199 Johnson, Specialist Robert J., memorializing - SR Prostate cancer screening, health Denham, Bernice L., memorializing - SR Christopher Wayne, memorializing - HR 78 insurance, coverage by - HB 506 157 228 Shepherd, Ronald Ray, memorializing - Putative father registry, creation of - SB Denton, Wilma C., memorializing - SR Goldie June Wright, memorializing - SR SR 58 140 238 121 Shortridge, Bennett, naming of bridge in Voluntary acknowledgment of paternity Echols, Lance Corporal Thomas P., Lieutenant Paul W., memorializing - SR memory of in Pike County - HJR 74 registry, study of - SB 140: SCS memorializing - SR 72; HR 97 132 Simmons, Corporal Windell J., Wrongful death, loss of consortium - HB Ehney, Sergeant Robert W., Mary E., memorializing - SR 56 memorializing - SR 71; HR 98 403: HFA(1),(2),(3),(4) memorializing - SR 81; HR 103 Russell Kelgor, memorializing - HR 181 Sims, Lance Corporal Justin D., Eugene "Skeeze" Ward, memorializing - Jones, Sergeant First Class Charles J., memorializing - SR 68; HR 96 SR 60 memorializing - SR 82; HR 105 Sizemore, Staff Sergeant Garth D., Mental Disability Farris, Margaret E., memorializing - SR Joyner, Eldridge Monroe, memorializing memorializing - SR 85; HR 101 110 - HR 200 Smith, Jack C., memorializing - SR 237 Alzheimer's disease, direct study of Floyd, Neal Christian, memorializing - King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr., urge city of Snyder, former Congressman Marion service delivery for - HJR 13 SR 44; HR 91 Covington to rename 12th Street in Eugene "Gene", memorializing - SR Appointments to boards and Flynn, Maurice D., memorializing - HR honor of - HR 197 153, 154 commissions, Governor permitted to 217 Kiser, Constable Elmer, memorializing - Sowers, Paul G., memorializing - SR achieve gender equity with - HB 4 Foley, Ethel Marie, memorializing - HR HR 210 133 Autism 165 Knight, Maurice, memorializing - SR 106 Stine, Dr. Frederick A., IV, memorializing spectrum disorders, health coverage for Ford, President Gerald R., memorializing Lane, William C. "Bill," memorializing - - SR 12 - HB 91 - SR 10; HR 17 SR 171; HR 183 Stratton, Jewell Justice, memorializing - spectrum disorders, supports program, Frederick, Boni, memorializing - SR 213 Layne, Virginia "Jean," memorializing - SR 130 Medicaid waiver, screening for - HB Fulkerson, SR 54 Stumbo, Malvary, memorializing - SR 90 109 Specialist Timothy Adam, Ledford, Homer, memorializing - SR Tafoya, Lieutenant Commander Jane Brain injuries, encourage pilot treatment memorializing - HR 95 173; HR 184 Elizabeth Lanham, memorializing - HR program - SR 102; HR 202 Specialist Timothy Adam, memorializing Leonard, 190 Competency - SR 77 Kentucky State Trooper Jonathan K., Taylor, Tom Jr., memorializing - HR 55 proceeding, jury trial for - HB 236 Gardner, memorializing - SR 84 Thayer, Susan K. Woizeschke, proceeding, when pay required - SB 72 Casper Steinmetz "Cap," memorializing State Trooper Jonathan K., memorializing - SR 26 Disability, law enforcement intervention, - SR 127 memorializing - HR 176 Thompson, development of - SB 104: SFA(1) Specialist James W., memorializing - Lewis, Corporal Timothy D., Michael, memorializing - SR 39; HR 51 DUI fees, increase, use of funds - SB SR 70; HR 82 memorializing - SR 169 Neal W., memorializing - SR 226 132 Goodpaster, Paul Morgan, Little, Palmer, "Pell," memorializing - SR Thornsberry, Lance Corporal Jonathan Durable power of attorney - HB 275 memorializing - SR 119 122 Brett, memorializing - SR 86; HR 104 Employment, implement a Medicaid buy- Halbert, Denzil "Hoss," name bridge on Lowry, Dr. Conie Crittenden, Tolle, Heidi Michelle, memorializing - HR in program to support - SB 219 KY 80 in Floyd County for - HJR 84: memorializing - SR 158 35 Kentucky SCS Martin, Glen H., memorializing - SR 128 Torsilieri, Marc F., memorializing - SR Family Trust Program, creation of - HB Hall, Mathies, Michael Gene, Sr., 224 6 Denver, memorializing - SR 29 memorializing - SR 35 Travis, Harold B., memorializing - HR 59 Golden alert system, establish for Eldon G., memorializing - SR 94 McCaffery, Trudy, memorializing - SR Vance, Justice Roy Newton, Jr., missing impaired adult - HB 142 Orville (Tom), memorializing - SR 59 177 memorializing - SR 50 Psychological Association, honor - SR Halsel, McCoy, Wade, Glenn A. "Skippy," memorializing 161; HR 175 Staff Sergeant Santiago M., Ann Ruby Bell, memorializing - HR 236 - HR 115 State Use Commission, creation of - HB memorializing - SR 163 Arnold "D9" Ferrell, memorializing - SR Wallace, Nancy Jane Stephens, 23 Staff Sergeant Santiago M., resolution 123 memorializing - SR 87 Long-term care facilities, training, memorializing - HR 93 McIntyre, Ward, Private First Class Danny Russell, policies and services for dementia - HB Harris, Ryan Christopher, naming law Robert Mudd Carrico, memorializing - memorializing - HR 206 141 after - HJR 145 SR 178 Warndorf, Corporal Christopher Tyler, Medicaid, Pharmacy Advisory Hatfield, Anderson "Ance," Roberta Mudd Carrico, memorializing - memorializing - SR 79; HR 92 Committee, add member - SB 69 memorializing - SR 206 SR 176 Wells, Mental Hembree, Joy Edwards, memorializing - McNeill, Sergeant Phillip D., Bill, memorializing - SR 124 disability, law enforcement intervention HR 112 memorializing - HR 147 Dr. Randall L., memorializing - SR 61 training, development of - HB 504 Herron, Paul Jr., memorializing - SR 230 Memorial signs, creation of highway West, Private First Class Theodore M., disability, law enforcement intervention, Higgins, Senior Chief Electronics memorial sign program - HB 155 memorializing - SR 138; HR 83 development of training - SB 104; SB Technician Thomas K., memorializing - Messer, Private First Class Scott A., Westerfield, Beatrice "Bea," 104: SFA (2) SR 96 memorializing - SR 75; HR 85 memorializing - SR 162; HR 171 Nonprofit agencies and work centers, Holbrook, Moore, Weyler, Betty Louise Speicher, government purchase from - HB 23 Helen Marie, memorializing - SR 217 Reverend K.L., Jr., memorializing - HR memorializing - SR 145 Speech and language pathologist and Jr., Morton J., memorializing - HR 48 60 Wheat, Julie Yager, memorializing - SR audiologists, licensure requirements for Honorary road names, designate in Reverend K.L., memorializing - SR 3, 8 207 - SB 89; HB 288 honor of various Kentuckians - SJR 93: Morrison, Christopher "Pooh Bear," Whitaker, Hugh Bryant, memorializing - Supports for Individuals with Autism HCS memorializing - HR 38 SR 103 Spectrum Disorders Program, creation of - HB 109: HCS memorializing - SR 72; HR 97 Parks, discounts for members of the HB 207: SCS Treatment, mental health, approval from Ehney, Sergeant Robert W., military services, National Guard, and safety, requirements for - HB 207: HCS health insurer - HB 570 memorializing - SR 81; HR 103 veterans - HB 51: HCS safety, ventilation fans and mine seal Fulkerson, Parks, military discount - HB 51: HFA(1) construction, requirements for - HB Mental Health Specialist Timothy Adam, Tafoya, Lieutenant Commander Jane 207: HFA(5) memorializing - HR 95 Elizabeth Lanham, memorializing - HR Miner certification, reciprocal agreement Autism Specialist Timothy Adam, memorializing 190 with other states, allowance of - SB 47; spectrum disorders, health coverage for - SR 77 Thornsberry, Lance Corporal Jonathan HB 186 - HB 91 Funerals, disruption of - HB 280: SCS Brett, memorializing - SR 86; HR 104 Oil and gas leases, contracts and spectrum disorders, supports program, Gardner, Specialist James W., Tuition agreements, default royalty provisions Medicaid waiver, screening for - HB memorializing - SR 70; HR 82 waiver, child of a deceased or for - HB 543 109 Gender-neutral language, establish - HB permanently disabled veteran - HB OMSL investigations, subpoena power, Compulsive gamblers awareness and 519 128: HFA(1) limitation of - HB 207: HFA(7) treatment fund, creation of - HB 41 Gold Star Mothers license plates, waiver, child of a veteran - HB 128 Retreat mining or pillaring plan, operator DUI fees, increase, use of funds - SB exempt from fee - HB 390 waiver, child of deceased or responsibility for - HB 207: HFA(10) 132 Halsel, permanently disabled veteran - SB Safety bulletin, use of fatality reports for, History and physical examination, timing Staff Sergeant Santiago M., 52; HB 106 issuance to - HB 207: HFA(8) of - HB 378 memorializing - SR 163 waiver, child or dependent of a Taxation, limestone, manufacturers - HB I-SaveRx Internet program, cooperative Staff Sergeant Santiago M., resolution permanently disabled veteran - HB 568 agreement with - HB 256 memorializing - HR 93 106: HFA(1) Kentucky Health insurance program for public United Motor Carriers Family Trust Program, creation of - HB employees, Tricare supplement - SB States Armed Forces, Global War on 6 22; SB 22: HFA (1),(2) Terror, unequivocally support - HR Airport livery certificate, requirement for - Golden alert system, establish for Higgins, Senior Chief Electronics 211 SB 209; HB 524 missing impaired adult - HB 142 Technician Thomas K., memorializing - States Armed Forces, Global War on CDL standards, compliance with Motor Psychological Association, honor - SR SR 96 Terror, urge Congress to Carrier Safety Improvement Act - HB 161; HR 175 Identity, unauthorized use of - SB 21 unequivocally support - HR 174 509 Medicaid, Pharmacy Advisory Income States Armed Forces, Kentucky Coal shippers and receivers, require Committee, add member - SB 69 tax refund, military family assistance, member of, death benefits - HB 522 weight reporting to vehicle enforcement Mental health and primary care centers designation of - HB 520 States Navy Appreciation Month, April - - HB 454 and rural health clinics, exempt from taxation, exempt active duty military pay HR 233 Commercial credentialing form - HB 313: HFA(2) - HB 63: SFA(1) Veterans' driver's license, DUI, suspension for - Supports for Individuals with Autism Jones, Sergeant First Class Charles J., Affairs Department, disabled veterans, SB 217 Spectrum Disorders Program, creation memorializing - SR 82; HR 105 minors, representation of - HB 183; driver's license, employer drug testing - of - HB 109: HCS KEES HB 183: HFA (1) SB 84 Treatment, mental health, approval from eligibility, retroactive extension for Affairs, request reestablishment of Extended weight coal permits, clarify health insurer - HB 570 active duty military - HB 291: HCS Subcommittee on - HR 61 language on multi-axle permits - HB eligibility, retroactive extension for Veterans state hiring preference, 161 military service - HB 291 expansion of - HB 63, 170; HB 63: Military Affairs and Civil Defense Issuance of certificate for limousine eligibility, retroactive extension or active HCS service - SB 133 military service - HB 291: SCS Veterans, false representation of status, Overdimensional permit, maximum width Adamkavicius, Lewis, Corporal Timothy D., prohibition - HB 105 Captain Adam L., memorializing - HR for transport of farm equipment, memorializing - SR 169 Warndorf, Corporal Christopher Tyler, increase of - HB 182 106 McNeill, Sergeant Phillip D., memorializing - SR 79; HR 92 Captain Clayton L., memorializing - SR memorializing - HR 147 West, Private First Class Theodore M., 73 Messer, Private First Class Scott A., memorializing - SR 138; HR 83 Motor Vehicles Armed Forces Appreciation Month, memorializing - SR 75; HR 85 White, Private First Class Christopher recognize May as - HR 235 Military N., memorializing - SR 67; HR 99 Accidents, driving while fatigued - HB Beery, Staff Sergeant Brock A., families, assistance for - SB 186 Winkle, Petty Officer First Class Kelly, 150 memorializing - SR 164; HR 94 or veteran status, prohibit honoring - HR 225, 229 Airport livery certificate, requirement for - Burial rights, publicize - HB 280 misrepresenting - HB 105: HFA(1) Wounded veterans, services and SB 209; HB 524 Clemons, Staff Sergeant Thomas W., pay, exempt from income tax - HB 339 benefits for - HB 225 Automotive mobility dealer, require memorializing - SR 64; HR 87 personnel, exemption of income from license to operate as - HB 389 Cooper, tax for - SB 81 Minerals and Mining Booster Sergeant John Edward, memorializing - rank, awards, and decorations, seats, penalty - HB 53: HFA(4) HR 111 seats, penalty for - HB 53: HFA(1) fraudulent claim - HB 342 Abandoned Staff Sergeant John Edward, Mundell, Major Michael Lewis, Casualty insurance, prohibit territorial memorializing - SR 91 Mine Land Program, reclamation rating - HB 57 memorializing - SR 65; HR 108 projects, project finance for - SB 187 Coran, Commander Jeffrey S., honoring National identification card, urge Cellular telephone, prohibiting use of - - HR 234 Mine Land Program, technical HB 230 Congress to repeal - SCR 111 correction for - SB 187: SCS Cornett, Sergeant First Class Lance S., Nein, Staff Sergeant Timothy F., Certificates for driving, establish memorializing - SR 76; HR 102, 196 Coal mine safety, equipment and procedures for application and honoring - SR 115; HR 209 standards, requirements for - SB 200 Cubert, Patriot Guard, Kentucky, honoring - SR issuance - SB 177 Master Sergeant Clinton W., Contacting victims of mining disasters, Child 112 60-day limitation for - HB 207: HFA(1) memorializing - SR 80 Railroads, risk assessment and booster seats, required use - HB 53 Master Sergeant Clinton Wayne, Inspections of coal mines, different types booster seats, requirement - HB 53: community protection plan - HB 134 of, flexibility for conduct of - HB 207: memorializing - HR 109 REAL ID Act of 2005, urge repeal of - HCS, HFA (2),(3),(5),(6) Deferred deposit transactions, limitation HFA(11) Concealed HCR 122 Mine on fees charged to members of military Retirement benefits, public school deadly weapons, carrying in vehicles - - HB 92 emergency technician, small and large SB 8 employees with active military service - mines, provisions for - HB 207: Department of Military Affairs, absence SB 87 weapon, in vehicle - HB 302 or inability of Adjutant General - HB HFA(9) Courtesy citation issue for headlight Settle, foreman, clarify definition of - HB 133 518 Private First Class Robert J., violation - HB 89: SCS Deputy adjutants general, appointment safety program, state requirements for - Delinquent solid waste fees and taxes, memorializing - HR 89 HB 207: HFA(2) of - SB 185 Specialist Robert J., memorializing - SR collection of - HB 240: HFA(1) Disabled safety, certified electricians, Disable veteran's license plates, reduce 78 requirement for - HB 207: HFA(6) veterans, exemption from overnight Simmons, Corporal Windell J., the disability threshold for - HB 144 accommodations rate at state parks - safety, mine emergencies, inspections Driver licensing, transfer issuance memorializing - SR 71; HR 98 of and transportation in - HB 207: HB 167 Sims, Lance Corporal Justin D., functions to State Police - SB 213 veterans, overnight accommodations HFA(4) Driver's memorializing - SR 68; HR 96 safety, multi gas detectors, rate at state parks, exemption for - Sizemore, Staff Sergeant Garth D., license revocation and criminal HB 167: HCS requirements for - HB 207: HFA(3) penalties, alcohol convictions memorializing - SR 85; HR 101 safety, requirements and penalties for - Driving on expired license, exemption for State involving minors leading to - SB 45 returning military personnel - HB 59 HB 207 license testing, extended hours of Parks, discount for members of the safety, requirements and standards for - Echols, Lance Corporal Thomas P., military - HB 51 operation - HB 43 license, DUI, suspension for - SB 217 belt use, exemptions - HB 284; HB 284: initiatives for - HR 49 HB 438; HB 438: HCS license, restoration of - HB 266 HFA (1) COPD initiatives and disease Driving Solid waste fees, collection via management for - SR 14 Occupational Safety and Health on expired license, exemption for Department of Revenue, exempt motor Diabetes, returning military personnel - HB 59 vehicles - HB 240: SCS encourage provider use of ADA Expungement of records, Class D felony training schools and instructors, Special license plates, reissuance of - guidelines for - HB 337: SCS and misdemeanor - HB 16 licensing of nonresidents - SB 61 HB 215 provider use of ADA guidelines for - HB Human trafficking - SB 43 under the influence - SB 67: SCS(2), Speed 406 Railroads, safe walkways, provision for - SFA (1) limit on parkways with four or more Disciplinary actions, financial HB 172 without insurance, prohibition on - SB lanes, establish - SB 83: SFA(1) transactions and guilty pleas leading to Silica and mixed dust claims, civil action 68; HB 149 limits for state highways, establish - SB - HB 196; HB 196: HFA (1) procedures - HB 417 DUI - HB 284: SCS 83 History and physical examination, timing Event data recorder, requirements for limits, specify highways on which speed of - HB 378 use - SB 32 limit may be increased to 70 miles per Immunizations, encourage rather than Occupations and Professions Gasoline pricing, expressed only in hour - SB 83: HCS require - HB 345: HFA(2) whole cents - HB 304 State purchased, owned, and leased I-SaveRx Internet program, work group Academic degree, forgery of, Class D Gold Star Mothers license plates, vehicles, alternative fuel capability - SB related to cooperative agreement with - felony - HB 175 exempt from fee - HB 390 33 HB 256 Accountancy Board, nonlicensees, Hardship driver license, permit for Temporary tags issued by dealer, make Long-term jurisdiction over - HB 259: HCS general traffic offenses - HB 268, 510 valid for 60 days - HB 370 care facilities, nurse staffing Associate private investigator, creation Headlight use requirement, eliminate U.S. EPA ENERGY STAR Plant Award, requirements, establishment of - HB of license - SB 172 reference to constant use of wipers - honor Toyota Motor Manufacturing for - 290 Board HB 89: HFA(1) SR 63 care facilities, training, policies and of Accountants, disciplinary actions - HB Historic motor vehicles brought into Use services for dementia - HB 141 259 state, require inspection only to of windshield wipers by motor vehicle Medicaid fraud, civil and administrative of Accountants, nonlicensees, scope of authenticate VIN - HB 336; HB 381: operators - HB 89: SCS proceedings for - HB 477 jurisdiction over - HB 259: SCS HCS tax, allow out of state bill of sale in lieu Medical practice, use of lasers by Certified Insurance, of affidavit of consideration - HB 478 nonphysician - HB 473 surgical assistants, certification low mileage premium discount - HB 38 Vehicle headlamps, require illumination Medicare prescription drug benefit, requirements - SB 118 no fault medical expenses - HB 18 during foggy or inclement weather - HB improvements in - HR 125 surgical assistants, provisions for - SB operator - SB 68: HCS 89 Nurseries, Guidelines for Perinatal Care, 118: SCS Kentucky Warning lights, exceptions for use by require adherence by - HB 112 Child care centers and nursing facilities, National Guard specialty license plate, peace officers - HB 329; HB 329: HFA Nursing facilities, drug screening drug screening requirement - HB 151 allow surviving spouses to obtain or (1) requirement for - HB 151 Construction contracts, payments and retain - SB 174 Wireless device, prohibit use while Perinatal care, task force to design conditions, effect of delays on - HB Recreational Trails Authority, illegal operating a motor vehicle - HB 301 volunteer reporting system - HB 112: 490: HFA(1),(2) ATV usage, directing study of - HJR Wrongful death, motor vehicle accident, HCS Consultants, modernization act. - HB 14: HCS contact not required - HB 271 Primary 513 KLEPF fund, agencies included in, care centers, funding in medical Continuing education requirements, police officers bill of rights, agencies News Media underserved areas for - HB 313 license renewal dependent upon included in - HB 214: HFA(2) care centers, funding in medically fulfillment of - HB 46 Law enforcement vehicles, clarify use of underserved areas for - HB 313: Cosmetologist board, parties whose Office of Inspector General, licensure presence is required at examinations warning devices - HB 329: HCS inspections, provide results to news HFA(1) Leaving Registered nurse first assistants, administered by - SB 13: SCS media - HB 463 Cosmetologists and hairdressers, board the scene of an accident - HB 76: HCS Victim solicitation, media advertisements workers' compensation, direct the scene of an accident, penalty reimbursement for - SB 103; HB 379 of - SB 128 by attorneys following disaster - SB Cosmetologists, examinations increase - SB 199; HB 76; HB 76: 180 RNFA, direct reimbursement for workers' HFA (1) compensation - SB 103: HCS administered by and principal office of License plates, allow disabled veterans Smoking cessation treatment, Medicaid board - SB 13 to acquire without payment of a fee - Notaries coverage of - HB 337 Dental hygienists, private admonishment HB 147 State Children's Health Insurance - SB 105 Limitation of damages for failure to Omnibus regulation of - HB 248 Program, urge reauthorization of - HCR Dentistry, continuation of services in maintain insurance - HB 22 117 case of death or incapacity - SB 26: Motor Notices Surgical SFA(2) vehicle keys, production of based solely technologist, certification required - SB Dentists, on vehicle identification number Legal notices, public broadcast, study of 138 complaint hearing - SB 105 (VIN), prohibition - HB 481 - HCR 155 technologists, remove aspects of nurse continuation of services in case of death vehicle rental agreements and reporting duties regarding - SB 138: or incapacity - SB 26; SB 26: SFA (1) Dieticians and nutritionists board, advertisements, conditions governing Nuclear Energy SCA(1) - HB 310: HCS technologists, remove aspects of inactive or related license or certificate vehicle usage tax, exempt religious physician delegation and reporting status granted by - SB 156 Global Nuclear Energy Partnership organizations - HB 502 duties regarding - SB 138: SCS Electricians, licensing of residential projects, support efforts to obtain - SR vehicle usage tax, trade-in credit on Uniform electricians - SB 28 203; HR 191 purchase of new vehicle - HB 560 Emergency Volunteer Health Emergency workers, rebuttable No Practitioners Act, delete workers' presumption for exposure to bodily fault insurance, overdue payments - SB Nuisances compensation provision - HB 287: fluids - HB 516 182 HFA(1) Engineer continuing education, remove fault insurance, payment of claims - SB Joint boards, planning and code emergency volunteer health long-term license exemption from - HB 175: HFA(1) enforcement, administration of - HB practitioners act, provision for - HB 46: SFA(1) Older vehicles, allow display of model 355: SCS 287 Estheticians, micro-dermabrasion year license plate - HB 381 Nonoperative motor vehicles, local Emergency Volunteer Health included in practice of - SB 101 REAL ID Act of 2005, urge repeal of - ordinances permitted - HB 472 Practitioners Act, provision for - HB Health care, medicaid fraud, civil and HCR 122 Nuisance liens, priority of - HB 489 287: HCS administrative proceedings for - HB Remote car starters, permits use if Universal health care, urge Congress to 477 unattended vehicle remains locked - Nurses support policies to provide - HCR 6 Hearing officers, replace with HB 552 Workers' compensation, direct billing administrative law judges - SB 210 HVAC inspections and permits - SB 10; Rental agreement requirements - HB Alzheimer's, direct the Cabinet for Health permitted - SB 103: SCS SB 10: HFA (1) 310: HFA(1) and Family Services to assess - SJR 6 Immigration assistance services Salesperson's licenses, increase fee - Assault in the third degree, medical Obscenity and Pornography provider, scope of practice prescribed - HB 389: HCS professionals - HB 176 HB 166 Seat Certificate of death, registered nurses Human trafficking - SB 43; SB 43: SCS, Kentucky Psychological Association, belt fines, deposit in veterans' program and physician assistants authorized to SCA (1) honor - SR 161; HR 175 trust fund - HB 179 sign - SB 198 Sexual offenses, procuring minors via an Licensed pedorthists, narrow scope of belt law, clarify exemptions from and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, electronic communications system - fines for violation - HB 284: HCS grandfathering provisions for - SB 30: HFA(1),(2) practitioners act, provision for - HB 287 HB 327: HCS, HFA (14) - HB 11 Making telephone solicitations to Veterinarians, permission before HB 380, state/executive branch budget Interlocal agreements, peace officer wireless telephone numbers, performing animal euthanasia required bill, amendments - HB 262: SCS authority - SB 126 prohibition of - HB 433 - HB 49 HB 380, state/executive branch budget Internal Revenue Service agents, Medical Assistance Program, assessing bill, amendments to - HB 327 inclusion of as Kentucky peace officers credentials of dentists for - SB 98 Oil and Natural Gas Archaeological sites, require access - HB 194 Ophthalmic permit for - HB 117 Johnson, Lieutenant Paul W., dispensers, make optical Five year statute of limitations, oil and Kentucky memorializing - SR 132 establishments a new licensing gas contracts, deletion of - HB 543: State Parks, discount for military and Kentucky Golden alert system, establish category for - HB 394 HFA(1) veterans - HB 51 for missing impaired adult - HB 142 dispensing, limit board power to specify Gas State Parks, military discount - HB 51: KLEFP fund, agencies included in, equipment and retain term in Pipeline Authority, include crude oil and HFA(1) police officers bill of rights, agencies definition of - HB 394: HFA(1) petroleum products - HB 102 KLEPF fund, agencies included in - HB included in - HB 214: HFA(3) Optical establishments, remove licensing rate stabilization, task force to study - 214: HFA(2) KLEPF requirement for but retain board power HB 261: HCS Lake Barkley, maintain high water levels fund, agencies included in, police over - HB 394: SCS System Restoration & Development of - HCR 12 officers bill of rights, agencies Orthotics, prosthetics, and pedorthics, Project Account, transfer to Ky. Local parks, transient room tax, allowed included in - HB 214: HFA(2) licensing and regulation of practitioners Infrastructure Authority - SB 76 to support - HB 534 Funds, criminal justice to study and of - SB 30; HB 337: SFA (2) Gasoline pricing, expressed only in Overnight accommodations rate, report on - HB 116 Permitting of HVAC installations - SB 10: whole cents - HB 304 exemption for disabled veterans - HB Law SCS Industrial energy facilities, permitting for 167; HB 167: HCS Enforcement Foundation Program fund, Pharmacists, compensation of board of - SB 196 Parks and recreation, repeal section include designated officers employed pharmacy - SB 112 Kentucky Gas Pipeline Authority, add relating to colored and white park by KSP and KVE - HB 214 Pharmacy technician, disciplinary carbon dioxide gas - HB 102: HCS systems - HB 115 enforcement vehicles, clarify use of actions imposed, grounds for - HB 533 Oil State warning devices - HB 329: HCS Physician assistants, controlled and gas leases, contracts and Parks, discounts for members of the Mental substances, authority to prescribe, agreements, default royalty military services, National Guard, and disability, law enforcement intervention parameters of - SB 97 provisions for - HB 543 veterans - HB 51: HCS training, development of - HB 504 Plumbing, continuing education and gas leases, contracts, agreements, parks, wine and malt beverage sales, disability, law enforcement intervention, requirements for - HB 553 payments of royalties on - HB 543: local option election authorized - HB development of training - SB 104; SB Private HCS 391 104: SFA (2) investigator licensing, attorneys and Provide procedure for adjustment of shrine, Governor William Owsley's Methamphetamine property registry, their employees, exemption for - SB rates of natural gas distribution utilities house named as - HB 467 creation and operation of - HB 470 148 - HB 261 Oath of sheriff, who may administer - SB investigators, board of licensure for - SB Sales and use tax, exempt LP gas and Partnerships 145 149 natural gas used in a commercial Parolees, search of by peace officer - Prosthetic, orthotic, or pedorthic greenhouse or nursery - HB 330 Business entities, omnibus revision - HB HB 205 offenses, injunctive relief, court 334 Peace officer, certification - SB 77 jurisdiction, change in - SB 30: SFA(1) Police and fire foundation program funds Optometrists Non-profit entities, merger of - HB 334: Prosthetics, HFA(1) - HB 214: HFA(1) orthotics, and pedorthics board, require Transacting business, definition of - HB Prisoners, appointment of at least one pedorthist Medicaid fraud, civil and administrative certain sexual conduct prohibited - HB proceedings for - HB 477 334: HFA(2) to - SB 30: HCS(1) Uniform Prudent Management of 140: HFA(1) orthotics, and pedorthics, licensing and Ophthalmic sexual conduct prohibited - HB 140: dispensers, make optical Institutional Funds Act, adoption of - regulation of practitioners of - SB 30: HB 515 HCS SCS establishments a new licensing Promotion of police, seniority and Qualified mental health professionals, category for - HB 394 excess applicants, process for dealing consultation with, health insurers - HB dispensing, limit board power to specify Peace Officers and Law Enforcement with - SB 100 570 equipment and retain term in Qualified constables and deputy Real definition of - HB 394: HFA(1) Asset constables, create certification process estate appraisers, powers of board - SB Optical establishments, remove licensing forfeiture - SB 88; SB 88: HFA (2),(4) for, powers of - HB 556 160; SB 160: SFA (1) requirement for but retain board power forfeiture, redistribution - SB 88: HCS Railroads, risk assessment and estate appraisers, require national over - HB 394: SCS Certification as peace officer - HB 78, community protection plan - HB 134 criminal history check to apply for 277 Social licensure as - HB 86: HFA(1),(2) Parental Rights Certified worker safety, improvements for - HB estate brokers, alter post-license court security officers - SB 153; HB 427 362: CCR, FCCR education course for and remove Child court security officers, hazardous duty worker safety, improvements for, increased fines against - HB 65: HCS support, increase minimum amount of - exception - SB 153: SCS coordinate among agencies - HB 362: estate brokers, commission HB 369 peace officer, change of employment - SCS, SFA (1), HCS (1),(2), HFA (1) requirements for applicants and welfare, training judges on - SB 147; HB HB 78: HFA(1) worker safety, improvements for, licensees - HB 86: HCS 199 Commonwealth detectives, peace officer coordination among agencies - HB estate brokers, various requirements for Dependency certification - SB 77 362 - HB 86 proceedings, appointment of counsel, Constables, omnibus revision - SB 204 Warning lights, exceptions for use - HB Estate Commission, required post- parents' rights - SB 141; SB 140: Controlled 329; HB 329: HFA (1) license education course - HB 65 HCS; SB 141: SCS substances offenses - SB 88: HFA(1) Social worker safety, improvements for - proceedings, counsel fees - SB 141: substances, omnibus revision - SB 88: Personnel and Employment HB 362; HB 362: SCS, SFA (1), HCS SFA(1) SCS County detectives, peace officer (1),(2), HFA (1), CCR, FCCR Protection and permanency review Career employees, promotional Speech panel, requirement for - SB 140: HCS certification - SB 77 Courtesy citation issue for headlight increments of - HB 99 and language pathologist and Removal of children and termination of Classified employees, political activities audiologists, licensure requirements parental rights by state, study of report violation - HB 89: SCS Criminal and juvenile matters, omnibus of - HB 62 for - SB 89; HB 288 on - HCR 76 Deputy adjutants general, appointment and language pathologists and Study of state adoption laws, establish revision - HB 358 Custody of - SB 185 audiologists, licensure requirements task force for - HCR 67 Employee clarified for - HB 288: HCS Termination of parental rights, counsel, and detention by, of school age children for school nonattendance - SB 183 Free Choice Act, urge Congress to Speech-language pathologists and appeal - SB 141; SB 140: HCS; SB enact - HR 169 audiologists licensure - SB 89: SCS 141: SCS and detention by, school age children for school nonattendance - HB 309 Free Choice Act, urge the U.S. Senate Surgical Visitation, minor children and allegations to defeat - HR 212 technologist, certification required - SB of abuse or neglect - HB 20 Disability, law enforcement intervention, development of - SB 104: SFA(1) Employees, survivor and retirement 138 benefits, related to - HR 45; HCR 46 technologists, remove aspects of Firefighter and police salary Parks and Shrines supplements - HB 214: HCS Executive officer, definition of - HB 62: physician delegation and reporting HCS duties regarding - SB 138: SCS, SCA Immigrants, criminal justice provisions 06 Fire department merit boards, (1) relating to - HB 164 HB 380, state budget, amendments to - consolidated local governments, Uniform emergency volunteer health Immigration, enforcement of federal law establish - HB 201 compensation, black lung revisions - HB and physician assistants authorized to by - HB 424 Labor organization, mandatory 452 sign - SB 198 Prescription drug reporting program, membership or financial support compensation, calculation of death Certified direct action to be taken on - SJR 48 prohibited, penalty - HB 328; HB 219: benefit - SB 163 surgical assistants, certification Primary HFA (6) compensation, civil actions permitted - requirements - SB 118 care centers, funding in medical Minimum HB 398: HFA(2),(3) surgical assistants, provisions for - SB underserved areas for - HB 313 wage and overtime, delete exemption compensation, employer liability 118: SCS care centers, funding in medically for newspaper carriers - HB 305: dependent on gross negligence - HB Chiropractor reimbursement rates, underserved areas for - HB 313: HFA(8),(9),(10) 398: HFA(1) Health and Welfare required to hear HFA(1) wage and overtime, delete exemptions compensation, notification to injured testimony on - HB 352: HFA(1),(2) Prosthetics, provided - HB 305: HFA(2),(3) workers - HB 517 Chiropractors, insurance reimbursement orthotics, and pedorthics board, require wage and overtime, exemption for compensation, tort actions for - HB 352; HB 352: HCS appointment of at least one pedorthist employees who provide negligence - HB 303, 398 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, to - SB 30: HCS(1) companionship services - SB 123 initiatives for - HR 49 orthotics, and pedorthics, physician wage and overtime, providing Pharmacists COPD initiatives and disease exemptions and required exemptions - HB 305: HFA(1) management for - SR 14 prescriptions - SB 30: SCS wage revision - SB 5; HB 305 Anti-epilepsy drugs, prohibit substitution Criminal injuries, reporting of - SB 40 Registered nurse first assistants, wage revision, annual adjustment - HB of - SB 102 Data on health care costs, quality and workers' compensation, direct 17 Assault in the third degree, medical outcomes, report required - HB 431 reimbursement for - SB 103; HB 379 wage, employer tax credit - HB 305: professionals - HB 176 Diabetes, Require providers that participate in HFA(11),(12) Board of pharmacy, compensation of - encourage provider use of ADA Medicaid to provide services to county wage, revision - HB 37; HB 305: HCS SB 112 guidelines for - HB 337: SCS jail inmates - HB 187: HFA(1) wage, revision of - HB 54 Controlled provider use of ADA guidelines for - HB School enrollment, dental examination wage, state preemption - HB 305: substances offenses - SB 88: HFA(1) 406 as a requirement for - SB 202 HFA(4),(5) substances, hospice exemption - SB 88: Estheticians, micro-dermabrasion Single-payor health insurance system for Personnel HFA(3) included in practice of - SB 101 Kentucky, study of - HCR 71 Cab. reorganization, removal of name substances, omnibus revision - SB 88: Health insurance, specified procedure or Smoking cessation treatment, Medicaid change for the Governmental SCS service, insured liability for - HB 255 coverage of - HB 337 Services Center - SB 58: HFA(1) Internet pharmacies, drug offenses - SB History and physical examination, timing State Children's Health Insurance Cabinet reorganization, confirmation of 88; SB 88: HFA (2),(4) of - HB 378 Program, urge reauthorization of - HCR Executive Order 2006-680 - SB 58 I-SaveRx Internet program, cooperative Immunizations, encourage rather than 117 rights, definition of "penalization" - HB agreement with - HB 256 require - HB 345: HFA(2) Surgical 220 Medicare prescription drug benefit, Internet pharmacies, drug offenses - SB technologist, certification required - SB Public improvements in - HR 125 88; SB 88: HFA (2),(4) 138 employees health and life insurance, Orthotics, prosthetics, and pedorthics, I-SaveRx Internet program, work group technologists, remove aspects of limit coverage and beneficiaries to exemptions for those practicing under related to cooperative agreement with - physician delegation and reporting family members - SB 152 a pharmacist - SB 30; HB 337: SFA (2) HB 256 duties regarding - SB 138: SCS, SCA employees, collective bargaining, Pharmacist practitioners, establish Kentucky (1) authorized for - HB 318 certification for - HB 233 Cardiovascular Disease Initiative and Uniform employees, study impact of collective Pharmacy technician, registration board, create - HB 185: HFA(1) Emergency Volunteer Health bargaining - HB 318: HFA(2) required - HB 533 Cardiovascular Disease Initiative and Practitioners Act, delete workers' School board member, service credit for Prescription board, creation - HB 185 compensation provision - HB 287: retirement - HB 267 drug importation from foreign countries, Licensed pedorthists, narrow scope of HFA(1) Sex-based FDA, certification of safety prior to - grandfathering provisions for - SB 30: emergency volunteer health wage discrimination disputes, binding HB 252: HFA(1) HFA(1),(2) practitioners act, provision for - HB arbitration permitted - HB 219: drug importation from foreign countries, Medicaid fraud, civil and administrative 287 HFA(2) provisions for - HB 252 proceedings for - HB 477 Emergency Volunteer Health wage discrimination, comparable worth drug reporting program, direct action to Medical Practitioners Act, provision for - HB to be determined by employer - HB be taken on - SJR 48 Assistance Program, assessing 287: HCS 219: HFA(3) Prosthetics, orthotics, and pedorthics, credentials of dentists for - SB 98 Universal health care, urge Congress to wage discrimination, prohibited on practice exemption for pharmacists - malpractice, constitutional amendment - support policies to provide - HCR 6 comparable jobs - HB 219 SB 30: SCS HB 505 Wholesale distributors, pharmaceuticals, wage discrimination, rebuttable State Children's Health Insurance practice, use of lasers by nonphysician - require license - SB 215 presumption for employer Program, urge reauthorization of - HCR HB 473 determination - HB 219: HFA(4) 117 Medicare prescription drug benefit, Piggybacked Bills State Uniform improvements in - HR 125 employee Sick Leave Bank, creation of emergency volunteer health Mental health and primary care centers HB and participation in - HB 212 practitioners act, provision for - HB and rural health clinics, exempt from 212/GA to SB 58/GA - SB 58: HFA(6) employment, verification of employment 287 credentialing form - HB 313: HFA(2) 328 to HB 219 - HB 219: HFA(6) eligibility - HB 209 Emergency Volunteer Health No fault auto insurance, medical 334/GA to SB 85/GA - SB 85: HFA(1) Tipped employees, revision of tip credit - Practitioners Act, provision for - HB expenses - HB 18 348 to SB 34/HCS - SB 34: HFA(1) HB 206; HB 206: HCS 287: HCS Nurseries, Guidelines for Perinatal Care, 359 to SB 55/GA - SB 55: HFA(1) Transportation Highway Superintendent Wholesale distributors, pharmaceuticals, require adherence by - HB 112 362 to SB 59/GA - SB 59: HFA(2) I and II, educational requirements require license - SB 215 Ophthalmic 373/GA to SB 46/GA - SB 46: HFA(1) removed - HB 361 dispensers, make optical 373/GA to SB 57/GA - SB 57: HFA(1) Unauthorized alien, prohibit employment establishments a new licensing Physicians and Practitioners 418/GA to SB 58/GA - SB 58: HFA(3) of - HB 148 category for - HB 394 431/GA to SB 175/GA - SB 175: HFA(3) Unpaid wages, limitation on recovery of - dispensing, limit board power to specify Abortion, 499 to HB 305 - HB 305: HFA(12) HB 482 equipment and retain term in 499 to HCS 305 - HB 305: HFA(11) Wage anesthesia for 20-week-old or older definition of - HB 394: HFA(1) fetus, delete requirement and penalty 62/GA to SB 58/GA - SB 58: HFA(4) discrimination prohibit based on race or Optical establishments, remove licensing 63/GA to SB 58/GA - SB 58: HFA(2) national origin - HB 219: HFA(1) - SB 80: SCS requirement for but retain board power discrimination, expand comparable anesthesia requirement for 20 weeks or over - HB 394: SCS worth factors - HB 219: HFA(5) older fetus - SB 80 Orthotics, prosthetics, and pedorthics, Planning and Zoning Workers' informed consent - SB 179 licensing and regulation of practitioners compensation self-insurance, public no right created - HB 251 of - SB 30; HB 337: SFA (2) Area planning commissions, agreements sector employers exempt from Alzheimer's, direct the Cabinet for Health Perinatal care, task force to design - HB 355: HFA(1) security - HB 296: HFA(1) and Family Services to assess - SJR 6 volunteer reporting system - HB 112: County containing consolidat local govt. compensation self-insurance, public Assault in the third degree, medical HCS or 1st class city, land use prov., sector employers exempt from professionals - HB 176 Pharmacist practitioners, establish citations for violations - HB 444 security requirement - SB 203; HB Board of Medical Licensure, certification for - HB 233 Interlocal agreements with area planning 296 appointments to - SB 162, 222 Physician assistants, controlled commission and local governments for compensation, benefits denied for Cardiovascular disease initiative, modify substances, authority to prescribe, certain services - HB 355 voluntary intoxication - SB 99; HB board membership of - HB 185: SCS parameters of - SB 97 Joint boards, planning and code 398: HFA (4) Certificate of death, registered nurses Practitioner of healing arts, advertising enforcement, administration of - HB 355: SCS 214: HFA(2) Ryan's law, BR 1933 - HJR 145 licensure as - HB 86: HFA(1),(2) Notices, allow use of first-class mail for - Law Enforcement Foundation Program Uniform Prudent Management of estate brokers, alter post-license HB 496 fund, include designated officers Institutional Funds Act, adoption of - education course for and remove employed by KSP and KVE - HB 214 HB 515 increased fines against - HB 65: HCS Plumbers and Plumbing Mental estate brokers, commission disability, law enforcement intervention Poverty requirements for and recovery fund Continuing education requirements for - training, development of - HB 504 for financial harm caused by - HB 86: HB 553 disability, law enforcement intervention, Family resource youth services centers, HCS development of training - SB 104; SB specify requirements for - SB 86 estate brokers, various requirements for 104: SFA (2) - HB 86 Police, City and County Medicaid, Pharmacy Advisory Methamphetamine property registry, Committee, add member - SB 69 Estate Commission, required post- creation and operation of - HB 470 license education course - HB 65 Certification as peace officer - HB 78, Murder, registration of offenders - HB 15 Self-contained storage units, operator's 277 Parolees, search of by peace officer - Probation and Parole lien on personal property contained in - Certified peace officer, change of HB 205 HB 245; HB 245: HFA (1) employment - HB 78: HFA(1) Process for complaints against local Bank Solid waste collection liens, local Copper metal, wire, and cable, reporting police officer, exclusion from - HB 214 or credit union robbery, violent offender governments, authorization for - HB sale of - HB 82: HCS Retirement Systems, appropriations for - status - SB 139 240 Criminal injuries, hospital reporting of - HB 419 robbery, violent offender status - HB 84 Summons, issuing in condemnation SB 40 Sex offender, registration - HB 320 Civil rights, restoration for eligible felony case - HB 421 DUI fees, increase, use of funds - SB Sexual offenses, noncontact, restraining offenders - HB 67 132 order - HB 322 DNA collection, any felony - HB 507 Property Valuation Administrators Ferrous and nonferrous metals, Drug testing fee, creation of minimum reporting purchase of - HB 82 Pollution amount - HB 121 Immigration, enforcement of federal law Medical parole, hearing notification - HB Salary, dedication of property tax - HB 11 191 receipts to pay - HB 446 Interlocal Agreements, peace officer Abandoned Mine Land Program, Murder, registration of offenders - HB 15 authority - SB 126 technical correction for - SB 187: SCS Parole Prosecutors Johnson, Lieutenant Paul W., E-scrap Task Force, establishment of - Board, Joey F. Stanton, confirmation of memorializing - SR 132 HCR 131 appointment - SR 181 Death Penalty, abolition of - HB 200 Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Hazardous substances, pollutants, Board, Michael D. Grugin, confirmation Felons, post-conviction relief - HB 272 Fund, include additional police officers contaminates, and release, define of appointment - SR 182 Flagrant nonsupport, initiation of - HB 214: HFA(4) meaning of - SB 82 Board, Patricia Ann Turpin, confirmation prosecution - SB 220 KLEFP fund, agencies included in, KRS 224A.011 add, change, and delete of reappointment - SR 198 definitions for - HB 442 police officers bill of rights, agencies Board, William I. Abney, confirmation of Public Advocate included in - HB 214: HFA(3) Projects, Kentucky Infrastructure appointment - SR 187 KLEPF fund, agencies included in, Authority, financing authority for - HB Parolees, search of by peace officer - 442: HCS Death Penalty, abolition of - HB 200 police officers bill of rights, agencies HB 205 Felons, post-conviction relief - HB 272 included in - HB 214: HFA(2) Save Our Streams Task Force, creation Presentence investigation, creation of Labor organization, mandatory of - HCR 160 fee for - HB 121 membership or financial support Storm water rate charges, persons Probationers Public Assistance prohibited, penalty - HB 328; HB 219: exempt from - SB 206 and parolees, certain sexual conduct HFA (6) U.S. EPA ENERGY STAR Plant Award, prohibited - HB 140: HFA(1) Foster parents, required physical exams Law Enforcement Foundation Program honor Toyota Motor Manufacturing for - and parolees, sexual conduct prohibited and tests, reimbursement for - HB 314; fund, include designated officers SR 63 - HB 140: HCS HB 314: HCS employed by KSP and KVE - HB 214 Underground Sexual conduct prohibited, criminal Identification card for homeless, provide Parolees, search of by peace officer - petroleum storage tank deadlines, justice system employees - HB 140 for - HB 253 HB 205 extended - HB 137: HFA(1) Supervision fee, increase - HB 121 State or federal public benefits, verify Police and fire foundation program funds petroleum storage tank program, Voting rights for felons, constitutional eligibility for - HB 162 - HB 214: HFA(1) administration of - HB 521 amendment to provide - HB 36 petroleum storage tank program, Public Authorities registration of tanks for - HB 137: Police, State HCS Property Construction petroleum storage tank registration and contracts, payment procedures for - HB Certificates for driving, establish application deadlines, extended - HB Alien, right to own real and personal 490: CCR procedures for application and 137 property - HB 503 issuance - SB 177 Animals, ownership, prohibition and contracts, payment requirements - HB 490 Certification as peace officer - HB 78, Popular Names and Short Titles forfeiture of - HB 93 277 Archaeological sites, family access, contracts, requirements and payment Concealed deadly weapons, lifetime require landowner compliance with - procedures - HB 490: SCA(1) license to carry - HB 211 "Dr. HB 117 Construction, contracts, exemption for Courtesy citation issue for headlight Martin Luther King, Jr., Expressway," Construction contracts, payment Public Service Commission - HB 490: violation - HB 89: SCS designate in Jefferson County - SJR requirements - HB 490 SFA(1) Criminal 16: SCS Criminal mischief, first degree - SB 169 Government contracts, requirements, and juvenile matters, omnibus revision - Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Historic or prehistoric remains on review of - HB 8 HB 358 Highway," designate 1-65 outside property, procedure for disposition of - Hearing officers, replace with history record checks, conduct of - HB Jefferson County - SJR 95 HB 118 administrative law judges - SB 210 264, 308 "Martin Luther King, Jr.," name road in Hunting, task force to study land Prevailing injuries, hospital reporting of - SB 40 City of Paris in honor of - HJR 50 available for - SCR 41 wage project, median wage payment Department of, Executive Order 2006- Firefighter and police salary Landowner cooperator permit, authorize required - HB 456 805 - SB 144 supplements - HB 214: HCS use for hunting - HB 216 wage projects, requirements for bid Disability, law enforcement intervention, Halbert, Denzil "Hoss," name bridge on Legislation not applicable to tract less proposals - HB 453 development of - SB 104: SFA(1) KY 80 in Floyd County for - HJR 84: than 50 contiguous acres - HB 118: Workers' Driver licensing, transfer issuance SCS HFA(1) compensation self-insurance, public functions to State Police - SB 213 King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr., urge city of Livestock and poultry, exempt from sector employers exempt from Driving training schools and instructors, Covington to rename 12th Street in prohibition, forfeiture - HB 93: HFA(1) security - HB 296: HFA(1) licensing of nonresidents - SB 61 honor of - HR 197 Manufactured home residents, good compensation self-insurance, public DUI fees, increase, use of funds - SB Lincoln, cause required for eviction - HB 157 sector employers exempt from 132 Abraham, designate of portion of I-65 in Methamphetamine-contaminated security requirement - SB 203; HB Immigration, enforcement of federal law honor and memory of - SJR 93: SCS property, program for cleanup - HB 94: 296 - HB 11 Abraham, designate US 31 E in honor HFA(1) Kentucky Golden alert system, establish and memory of - SJR 93: SCS property, program for cleanup of - HB Public Buildings and Grounds for missing impaired adult - HB 142 Abraham, naming Interstate 65 in honor 94; HB 94: HCS and memory of - SJR 93 KLEFP fund, agencies included in - HB Real Social Marsha Nicole Neace Bicycle Safety Act 214: HFA(3) estate appraisers, require national worker safety, improvements for - HB KLEPF fund, agencies included in - HB - HB 169 criminal history check to apply for 362: SCS, SFA (1), HCS (1),(2), HFA Nurseries, Guidelines for Perinatal Care, county officials, salary and benefits if Public Records and Reports (1), CCR, FCCR require adherence by - HB 112 reemployed after retirement - HB 317 worker safety, improvements for Penitentiary inmates, HIV/AIDS testing officials, salary upon reemployment Court records, retention of - SB 44 buildings - HB 362 of - SB 201; SB 201: SFA (2) after retirement - HB 132 Criminal history record checks, conduct Soil and Water Conservation districts, Perinatal care, task force to design Felons' right to hold office, constitutional of - HB 264, 308 infrastructure, loans and grants for - SB volunteer reporting system - HB 112: amendment to provide restoration of - Death certificate, certified copy, 92; HB 136 HCS SB 15 complete request in five days - SB 50 State contractors, equal employment Physician assistants, controlled Full-time state employees with status, Expungement of records, Class D felony opportunity requirements for - HB 181; substances, authority to prescribe, promotional or reclassification salaries and misdemeanor - SB 34: HCS; HB HB 181: HCS; HB 334: SCA (1) parameters of - SB 97 of - HB 99: HCS 16: HFA (1) Vest-Lindsay House, preservation and Prescription Government contracts, requirements, Vital ultimate use of - SCR 45; HCR 151 drug importation from foreign countries, review of - HB 8 statistics, allow signatures in black or FDA, certification of safety prior to - Health and life insurance, limit coverage blue ink - SB 198 Public Health HB 252: HFA(1) and beneficiaries to family members - statistics, death certificates - SB 198: drug importation from foreign countries, SB 152 SCS 06 provisions for - HB 252 Hearing officers, replace with statistics, divorce, allow electronic filing HB 380, state budget, amendments to - Primary administrative law judges - SB 210 of - SB 198: SFA(2),(3) HB 327: HCS, HFA (14) care centers, funding in medical KEMI underserved areas for - HB 313 Board of Directors, appointment, Jeffrey HB 380, state/executive branch budget Public Salaries bill, amendments to - HB 327 care centers, funding in medically Mark Farmer - SR 190 underserved areas for - HB 313: Board of Directors, appointment, Abortion, no right created - HB 251 06 HB 380, state/executive branch Alcohol vaporizing device, sale and use HFA(1) Michael D. Templemon - SR 188 Smoking cessation treatment, Medicaid Kentucky Retirement Systems, budget bill, amendments to - HB 327 ban - HB 125; HB 125: SFA (1) Board of pharmacy, members' Alzheimer's disease, direct study of coverage of - HB 337 establishment of new benefit structure Speech and language pathologist and for new hires - HB 418: SCS compensation - SB 112 service delivery for - HJR 13 Budget reduction, state employees, Breast-feeding, excused from jury duty - audiologists, licensure requirements for KHESLC and KHEAA, duties of - SB 89; HB 288 executive director - HB 100 salaries of - HB 31; HB 31: HFA (1) HB 241 Career employees, promotional Cardiovascular disease initiative, modify State Labor organization, mandatory Children's Health Insurance Program, membership or financial support increments of - HB 99 board membership of - HB 185: SCS Firefighter and police salary Certificate of death, registered nurses urge reauthorization of - HCR 117 prohibited, penalty - HB 328; HB 219: or federal public benefits, verify HFA (6) supplements - HB 214: HCS and physician assistants authorized to Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation sign - SB 198 eligibility for - HB 162 Legal notices, public broadcast, study of Trauma care system, establish and fund - HCR 155 Fund, include additional police officers Certificates, issuance of by Vital - HB 214: HFA(4) Statistics - HB 459: HCS - HB 152; HB 152: HCS Oath Uniform and bond of elected officials - HB 514: Law Enforcement Foundation Program Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, fund, include designated officers initiatives for - HR 49 Emergency Volunteer Health SCS Practitioners Act, delete workers' of office and bond, 30 day exemption for employed by KSP and KVE - HB 214 Communicable disease precaution SEEK, allocation of - HB 326: HCS initiative, creation of - HB 525 compensation provision - HB 287: penalty granted - HB 514 HFA(1) Oaths, administration by General State employees, salary increases for - COPD initiatives and disease HB 31; HB 31: HFA (1) management for - SR 14 emergency volunteer health Assembly member - SB 145: SFA(1) County coroners, deputy coroners, practitioners act, provision for - HB Personnel appointment of - HB 397 287 Board, clarify decisions to be published Public Utilities Death certificates, issuance of by Vital Emergency Volunteer Health by - HB 62: HFA(1) Statistics Branch - HB 459 Practitioners Act, provision for - HB Cabinet reorganization, confirmation of Commending E.ON U.S. for its Drought Mitigation and Response Plan, 287: HCS Executive Order 2006-680 - SB 58 participation in the FutureGen Alliance create - SJR 109 Universal health care, urge Congress to Privatization contract requirements, - SR 150 Farmers support policies to provide - HCR 6 extending application of - HB 356 Construction market temporary food service Public contracts, requirements and payment establishment, training for - HB 120: Public Medical Assistance employees, collective bargaining, procedures - HB 490: SCA(1) HCS authorized for - HB 318 project payment arrangements, markets, preparation and serving of Autism spectrum disorders, supports employees, study impact of collective exemption - HB 490: SFA(3) ready-to-eat foods at - HB 120; HB program, Medicaid waiver, screening bargaining - HB 318: HFA(2) Construction, contracts, exemption for 120: HFA (1),(2) for - HB 109 Retirement Systems, appropriations for - Public Service Commission - HB 490: Foster parents, required physical exams Family care home, payment allocation - HB 419 SFA(1) and tests, reimbursement for - HB 314; SB 221 Retirement, E. ON U.S., commending for HB 314: HCS Immunization, human papillomavirus, defined contribution plan for employees participation in the FutureGen Alliance Human Medicaid to cover - SB 98: SFA(1) hired on or after July 1, 2009 - HB - HR 146 papillomavirus vaccine, consideration of Medicaid buy-in program for disabled 331 Electric meters, pilot program for new - - HB 345: HFA(1) adults, implement - SB 219 high-three final compensation and 2.2 HB 123 papillomavirus virus, consideration of - Medical Assistance Program, assessing percent benefit factor extension - HB Gas rate stabilization, task force to study HB 345: HFA(3) credentials of dentists for - SB 98 223, 414, 418, 486, 538 - HB 261: HCS Immunization of children, requirement - Single-payor health insurance system for SEEK, allocation of - HB 326: HCS Legal notices, public broadcast, study of SB 188 Kentucky, study of - HCR 71 Social - HCR 155 Immunization, human papillomavirus, State or federal public benefits, verify security number as employee Metropolitan sewer districts - SB 205 middle school children - HB 143, 345; eligibility for - HB 162 identification, substitution for - SB 9 Provide procedure for adjustment of HB 345: HCS services employees, participation in rates of natural gas distribution utilities hazardous duty retirement - HB 52 Immunizations, encourage rather than Public Officers and Employees - HB 261 require - HB 345: HFA(2) worker safety, improvements for - HB Public 362; HB 362: SCS, SFA (1), HCS (1), Service Commission, appointment of I-SaveRx Internet program, cooperative Adjutant General, absence or inability - agreement with - HB 256 (2), HFA (1), CCR, FCCR John W. Clay - SR 193 HB 518 worker, threatening of - HB 85 Utilities - SB 7 Kentucky Assault, third degree, attack on elected Cardiovascular Disease Initiative and State Smart official - HB 165 employee Sick Leave Bank, creation of meter pilot project, allow plug-in devices board, create - HB 185: HFA(1) Budget reduction, state employees, Cardiovascular Disease Initiative and and participation in - HB 212 - HB 123: HCA(1) salaries of - HB 31; HB 31: HFA (1) employees, salary increases for - HB meters, expand program, increase board, creation - HB 185 Certified court security officers - SB 153; Medical Assistance Program, assessing 31; HB 31: HFA (1) reporting - HB 123: HFA(1) HB 427 social workers, safety of, Cabinet for Telemarketing, replacement of state- credentials of dentists for - SB 98 Classified employees, political activities Medicare prescription drug benefit, Health and Family Services to secure maintained no-call list by national list - of - HB 62 - HCR 8 HB 430 improvements in - HR 125 Commercials by statewide candidates, Methamphetamine-contaminated Volunteer fire departments and Utility Savings Council, Reorganization using state funds, prohibition of - HB incompatible offices - HB 107: HFA(1) Order 2006-692, confirmation of - SB property, program for cleanup - HB 94: 395 HFA(1) Workers' compensation, security deposit 85: SCS Drug testing for school employees, exemption - SB 203: SCS; HB 296: Water property, program for cleanup of - HB requirement of - HB 408 94; HB 94: HCS SCS districts, extension and formation of - Elected SB 96 districts, powers of and requirements for Equine Estate Commission, required post- Geospatial Board, changes in duties of - - SB 96: SCS industry program, funding increased - license education course - HB 65 SB 55: SCS HB 40 Theft by deception, bad checks - HB 217 Office of Energy Policy, Executive Order Public Works industry program's symposium, content Uniform state building permit, provisions 2006-1299 - SB 85 prescribed - HB 40 for - HB 372 Personnel Cabinet, removal of name City receipt of funds from consolidated sales, conditions governing - HB 367: change for the Governmental Services local government for capital SFA(1) Redistricting Center - SB 58: HFA(1) improvements - SB 36 Horse Transportation Construction Racing Authority, provide funding - HB Department of Education, reorganization Cabinet - SB 59 contracts, payment procedures - HB 402: SFA(2) of various offices and divisions - SB 57 Cabinet, Division of Fleet Management, 490: FCCR sales, enforcement of contract for transferred to Finance and Admin. commission, conditions warranting - Cabinet - SB 55 contracts, payment procedures for - HB Religion 490: CCR HB 367 Cabinet, make district executive director sales, financial records, condition the district railroad engineer - SB 59: contracts, requirements and payment A.D. procedures - HB 490: SCA(1) warranting disclosure - HB 367: HCS HFA(1) sales, medical conditions and and B.C., exclusive use of in reference Utility Savings Council, Reorganization contracts, substantial compliance to historical dates and time - HB 14 defined - HB 490: HFA(1),(2) ownership disclosure required - HB Order 2006-692, confirmation of - SB 388 and B.C., exclusive use of, in reference 85: SCS projects, requirements in bid proposals - to historical dates and time - HB 21 HB 453 Kentucky Horse Racing Authority, provide funding - HB 557, 569 Bullying, treatment of beliefs regarding Reproductive Issues Construction, contracts, and payment homosexuality - HB 64: HFA(2) procedures - HB 490: FCCR Pari-mutuel tax, exempt one-day events - HB 557, Catholic charities, Charitable Gaming Department for Local Government, Advisory Commission representation - Abortion, project authorization for - SB 124; HB 569 anesthesia for 20-week-old or older tax, one-day horse race meeting, HB 180: HFA(2) 404 Charitable gaming, provide guidelines fetus, delete requirement and penalty Government construction contracts, exemption for - HB 402 - SB 80: SCS Racetracks and casinos, omnibus bill - for enforcement action - HB 156; HB payment arrangements - HB 490: HCS 156: HCS anesthesia requirement for 20 weeks or Project, median wage payment required HB 27, 546 older fetus - SB 80 Receipts subject to taxes, compulsive Establishment - HB 456 Clause, civil actions relating to - HB 19 informed consent - SB 179 Projects, locality defined as ADDs - HB gamblers awareness & treatment fund, no right created - HB 251 partial funding for - HB 41 Clause, claims relating to - HR 4 455 Persecution, Abraham Bentar and other Child support, increase minimum State contractors, equal employment Indonesians, honoring - HR 238 amount of - HB 369 opportunity requirements for - HB 181; Railroads Outpatient contraceptive services, health HB 181: HCS; HB 334: SCA (1) plan coverage of - HB 344 Water Active warning signals, require Reorganization districts, extension and formation of - installation of on county roads - HB 323 Research and Methods SB 96 Amtrak service, promote use of - HCR Auditor's Office, confirmation of APA Executive Order #06-01 - HB 325 districts, powers of and requirements for 18; HCR 18: HFA (1) Diabetes research board, amend - SB 96: SCS Gates or flagmen, installation at state Cab. for Health & Family Services, Executive research criteria for - HB 383 highway crossings - HB 351 DNA collection, any felony - HB 507 Publications Hazard and safety issues, Jefferson Orders 2006-693, 2006-1195, and County, study of - HCR 164 2006-1550 - SB 79 Risk assessment and community for Health & Family Services, renaming Retirement and Pensions Legal notices, public broadcast, study of of the Dept. for Aging & Independent - HCR 155 protection plan, preparation of - HB 134 Living - SB 79: HFA(1) Benefits, military service - SB 195; HB Planning and zoning notices, allow use Cabinet for Economic Development, 210 of first-class mail for - HB 496 Safe walkways, provision for - HB 172 Short-line railroad revitalization program, abolish Partnership board - HB 227 CERS, high-three final compensation establish task force to study creation of Carl D. Perkins Vocational Training extension - HB 223, 414, 418, 486, 538 Purchasing - HJR 72: HCS Center, name change to - HB 130 Defined contribution plan, employees Transportation Cabinet RR engineer, Comm. on Small Business Advocacy, hired on or after July 1, 2009 - HB 331 Government Contract Review give title to district executive director - Economic Development Partnership Elected Committee, additional reporting to, and SB 59: HFA(1) Resolution No. 06-02 - SB 78 county officials, salary and benefits if authority of - HB 356 Commonwealth reemployed after retirement - HB 317 Kentucky State Use Commission, Real Estate Office of Technology, changes in duties officials, salary upon reemployment creation of - HB 23 of - SB 55: SCS after retirement - HB 132 Prison Industries and nonprofit agencies Office of Technology, confirmation of Excess sick leave of retirees, may and work centers, government Alien, right to own real and personal Executive Order, Executive Order transfer to Sick Leave Bank - HB 212: purchase from - HB 23 property - HB 503 2006-684 - SB 55 HFA(1) State contractors, equal employment Flag of the United States, display of - HB Department Government opportunity requirements for - HB 181; 13 for Local Government, name change, Pension offset and Windfall Elimination HB 181: HCS; HB 334: SCA (1) Historic or prehistoric remains on structure of, Executive Order 2006- Provision, urge Congress to repeal - property, procedure for disposition of - 678 - SB 76 HR 45 HB 118 Race Relations of Law, Attorney General Executive Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Kentucky Single Family Dwellings Order AG 05-01 - HB 190 Provision, urge Congress to repeal - Advisory Committee, creation of - HB Parks and recreation, repeal section of Parks, Executive Order 2006-1505 - HCR 46 243: SFA(1) SB 56 Hazardous relating to colored and white park Landlord-tenant relations, litigation systems - HB 115 of Revenue, confirmation of Executive duty, certified court security officers, relating to - HB 139 Order 2006-683 - SB 55 exception - SB 153: SCS Methamphetamine property registry, Executive Order 2006-680, confirmation duty, front-line social workers - HB 52 Racing creation and operation of - HB 470 of Personnel Cabinet reorganization - duty, officers providing security at state Nuisance liens, priority of - HB 489 SB 58 buildings - HB 545 Alcoholic beverages, racetrack license, Real Finance duty, urban-county government solid issuance of - SB 29: SCS Estate Appraisers Board, powers of - and Administration Cabinet, waste employees - HB 247 Bloodstock SB 160; SB 160: SFA (1) confirmation of Executive Orders Kentucky agent and equine consignor licenses, estate appraisers, require national 2006-679, 2006-683, 2006-684 - SB Retirement Systems, bond issuance establishment of - HB 497 criminal history check to apply for 55 and appropriations for - HB 418: SCS agent and equine consignor licenses, licensure as - HB 86: HFA(1),(2) and Administration Cabinet, various Retirement Systems, definition of Racing Authority, oversight by - HB estate brokers, alter post-license changes - SB 55: SCS hazardous duty position - HB 247 497 education course for and remove Justice Retirement Systems, definitions of Casino increased fines against - HB 65: HCS Cabinet, Executive Order 2006-805 - hazardous duty - HB 545 gaming and electronic gaming devices estate brokers, commission SB 144 Retirement Systems, establishment of at racetracks, require approval for - requirements for and recovery fund Cabinet, Office of Investigations, new benefit structure for new hires - HB 547 for financial harm caused by - HB 86: jurisdiction of - SB 144: HCS HB 418: SCS gaming and electronic gaming devices HCS Kentucky Retirement Systems, increase for death at racetracks, require approval of estate brokers, various requirements for Gas Pipeline Authority, changes in in the line of duty benefits - HB 511 local government - SB 16 - HB 86 membership and duties - SB 55: SCS Retirement Systems, make technical amendment - HB 418: HCS Inspections of coal mines, different types East Kentucky Center for - SB 216; HB Retirement Systems, remove gender of, flexibility for conduct of - HB 207: 537 Sewer Systems specific language - SB 218; HB 563 HFA(11) Teachers' Retirement System, bond Kentucky Boxing and Wrestling Secretary of State Department for Local Government, issuance for - HB 418: SCS Authority, Greg Page Boxing and project authorization for - SB 124 Teachers Retirement Systems, increase Safety Initiative - HCR 194 A slate of candidates in runoff, permitted Storm water rate charges, persons for death in the line of duty benefits - Leaving to withdraw - HB 542 exempt from - SB 206 HB 511 the scene of an accident - HB 76: HCS Absentee ballots, challenges to - SB 211 Water districts, extension and formation Teachers' Retirement Systems, the scene of an accident, penalty Annual report to the Governor on of - SB 96 issuance of bonds for - HB 418: increase - SB 199; HB 76; HB 76: patents, repeal of - HB 464 SCA(2) HFA (1) Business entities, omnibus revision - HB Sheriffs KERS, Methamphetamine-contaminated 334 high-three final compensation and 2.2 property, program for cleanup - HB 94: Campaign Certification as peace officer - HB 78, percent benefit factor extension - HB HFA(1) contributions allowed to be donated to 223, 414, 418, 538 property, program for cleanup of - HB 277 committees, amount decreased - SB Certified high-three final compensation and 2.2. 94; HB 94: HCS 159: HFA(13) percent benefit factor extension - HB Mine court security officers - SB 153; HB 427 contributions allowed to be donated, court security officers, sheriff's 486 emergency technician, small and large amount decreased - SB 159: vested university service used for mines, provisions for - HB 207: responsibility - SB 153: SCS HFA(11),(12),(15),(16) peace officer, change of employment - calculation of benefits - SB 131 HFA(9) Certificate Military service retirement contribution - safety, requirements and penalties for - HB 78: HFA(1) of nomination during presidential Constables, omnibus revision - SB 204 HB 225: SCA(2) HB 207 election year, deadline for - SB 159: Police & Firefighter's retirement fund, Officer Landry Collett, honoring for Copper metal, wire, and cable, reporting HFA(10) sale of - HB 82: HCS insurance benefits for surviving spouse awards received for apprehending of nomination during presidential - SB 106 impaired drivers - HR 132 Disability, law enforcement intervention, election years, deadline for - SB 14: development of - SB 104: SFA(1) Policemen's and firefighters retirement OMSL investigations, subpoena power, SCS, HFA (1); HB 387: HFA (1); HB fund, insurance benefits for surviving limitation of - HB 207: HFA(7) DUI fees, increase, use of funds - SB 405: HFA (3) 132 spouse - HB 237 Require findings be reported by Certification Reemployment after retirement, elected December 1, 2007 - HCR 70 Eviction of manufactured home of changes made, notification of - HB residents, sheriff required to wait - HB county officials - HB 317 Retreat mining or pillaring plan, operator 387; HB 131: SFA (4) Retirement Systems, appropriations for - responsibility for - HB 207: HFA(10) 157 of nomination during presidential Ferrous and nonferrous metals, HB 419 Safety bulletin, use of fatality reports for, election years, deadline for - HB 131: School board member, service credit for issuance to - HB 207: HFA(8) reporting purchase of - HB 82 SFA(2) Immigration, enforcement of federal law retirement - HB 267 Self-extinguishing cigarettes, fire safety Challenging the bona fides of a Senior performance standards - HB 278: HCS - HB 11 candidate, procedure for - SB 54: Interlocal agreements, incentives for - status judge program - HB 465: HCS Social worker safety, improvements for - SCS(1),(2), SCA (1); HB 131: SFA (1) status judge program, sunsetting of - HB 362; HB 362: SCS, SFA (1), HCS HB 116 Court action to void annexation, filing of Kentucky Golden alert system, establish HB 465 (1),(2), HFA (1), CCR, FCCR judgment with Secretary of State - HB Social Security, Windfall Elimination and for missing impaired adult - HB 142 451 Labor organization, mandatory Government Pension Offset Sales Crime victim address protection Provisions, repeal urged - HCR 110 membership or financial support program, creation of - SB 121 prohibited, penalty - HB 328; HB 219: State Consumer credit, disclosures required - Deadline for vacancy in candidacy, pensions, investment in Sudan, SEC HFA (6) HB 260 establishment of - SB 54 Mental urged to issue guidance for - HCR 16 Disposition of goods by a secured party - Dissolved retirement systems, the Sudan, disability, law enforcement intervention, SB 119 or revoked corporations, reinstatement development of - HB 504 divestment of investments in - HB 25 Equine sales, disclosure required, requirement - SB 171 Study, issue of providing hazardous duty disability, law enforcement intervention, applicability to - HB 367: SFA(1) or revoked corporations, reinstatement development of training - SB 104; SB retirement to social service workers - Fire-safe cigarettes, retail sales, requirement, effective July 1, 2008 - SJR 137 104: SFA (2) manufacture - SB 134; HB 278; SB SB 171: SFA(1) Oath of sheriff, who may administer - SB Teachers' 134: SCS Early Retirement System, omnibus revisions - 145 Floral businesses, misrepresentation of voting, establishment of - HB 483 Police officers bill of rights, agencies HB 461 location in telephone directories, voting, voter eligibility for - HB 135 Retirement System, technical included in - HB 214: HFA(2),(3) prohibition - HB 246 Eligibility requirements for restoration of Prisoners and inmates, certain sexual corrections - HB 461: HCS Horse voting rights for felons, establishment University service, computation of conduct prohibited - HB 140: HFA(1) flesh, human consumption - SB 6 of - HB 67: HFA(1) Salary and benefits if reemployed after retirement and health benefits - SB 131 sales, medical conditions and Identity of absentee voter, when made Urban county government, insurance retirement - HB 317 ownership disclosure required - HB public - SB 194 Sheriff's benefits for surviving spouse of retiree 388 Legislative - SB 106; HB 237 fees, add constables in urban-county Making telephone solicitations to agents to candidates and slates for government - HB 526 wireless telephone numbers, statewide office, permit to contribute - Retroactive Legislation fees, merged county departments - SB prohibition of - HB 433 SB 159: HFA(8) 153: SCS Restaurant corkage fee, establishment agents to candidates and slates for Sheriffs, fees, merged county Certification as peace officer - HB 78, of - SB 29: HFA(1) statewide office, prohibit contributions departments - SB 153: SFA(1); HB 277 Safety standards, establish authority - to - SB 159: HFA(7) 114: SFA (1); HB 240: SFA (2) Consortium, loss of, action for - HB 403; HB 278: HFA(1) Nomination of Lieutenant Governor, Vehicle inspections, require inspection of HB 403: HCS (1),(2) Self-contained storage units, rights and delay until after primary - HB 488 historic vehicles only to authenticate Driver's license, restoration of - HB 266 duties regarding lease of - HB 245; HB Notary publics, regulation of - HB 248 VIN - HB 336; HB 381: HCS KEES eligibility, extension for military 245: HFA (1) Pardons and commutations of service - HB 291 Vending machines containing tobacco sentences, establish limits to - HB 70: Oath of office and bond, 30 day products, restrictions on contents - HB HCS Small Business exemption for penalty granted - HB 514 567 Restoration of voting rights to felons, Retirement benefits, public school Zero call list, FTC National Registry, eligibility requirements of - HB 70: Alcoholic beverage sales at qualified employees with active military service - transfer numbers to - HB 430: SCS HFA(1) historic sites - HB 138; HB 138: SCS SB 87 Runoff Bed and breakfast inns and farmstays - Science and Technology elections, elimination of - HB 224 SB 37 Safety primaries, payment of - HB 476 Cosmetologists and hairdressers, board of - SB 128 Academy of Mathematics and Science in primary, elimination of - HB 476: SCS Straight party voting, prohibition of - SB Electricians, licensing of residential Bicycles, helmet use required for Kentucky, creation of - SB 116; HB electricians - SB 28 persons under the age of 16 - HB 169 306; HB 5: SCA (1) 53 Voter verified paper audit trail, Floral businesses, misrepresentation of Brent Spence Bridge, urge Congress to Commonwealth Office of Technology, location in telephone directories, accelerate funding for replacement - changes in duties of - SB 55: SCS requirement of - HB 415 Voting early, permitting to - HB 484 prohibition - HB 246 SR 17; HR 40 Kentucky Geospatial Board, changes in HVAC inspections and permits - SB 10; Contacting victims of mining disasters, duties - SB 55: SCS Write-in candidate, defeated primary candidate ineligible - HB 131 SB 10: HFA (1) 60-day limitation for - HB 207: HFA(1) Science, mathematics and technology, KY Association of Manufacturers Day, proclaiming February 12, 2007 - HR funds for - HB 536: SCA(1) Department appointment of members to - HB 439 121 Board for Local Government, name change, branch ethics, omnibus provisions - HB Motor vehicle renting companies, rental of Education, high school athletics, reorganization of - SB 76 439 agreement requirements - HB 310: exemption to eligibility requirements - for Local Government, oversight of Families and children, human trafficking HFA(1) HB 380 projects using state funds - SB 143 - SB 43 Permitting of HVAC installations - SB 10: of Medical Licensure, appointments to - for Local Government, project Fertilizer regulation, declare state SCS SB 162, 222 authorization for - SB 124; HB 404 preemption - SB 91; HB 399 Plumbing, continuing education Boards and commissions, appointments, for Local Government, require to Fertilizer, requirements for - HB 553 Governor permitted to achieve gender contract with a competent nonprofit clarify zoning authority, reporting - HB Prisoners, sexual conduct prohibited - equity with - HB 4 organization - SB 74: SCS 399: HFA(1) HB 140: HCS Bullying, charges to exclude the for Local Government, uniform financial stipulate zoning, reporting - SB 91: SCS Private investigators, board of licensure expression of specific opinions - HB information reports - SB 60 Finance for - SB 149 64: HFA(1) for Medicaid Services, recipient and Administration Cab., state Small Cabinet settlement, delete approval by - HB contractors, equal employment farm wineries, production limitation for - for Economic Development, abolish 431: SFA(1) opportunity requirements for - HB SB 29: HFA(3) Partnership board - HB 227 of Education, appoint hearing officers - 334: SCA(1) farm wineries, sales from - SB 29: for Health and Family Services, action SB 195 and Administration Cabinet, equal HFA(2) to ensure health benefits for of Education, appointment of hearing employment opportunity regulations - uninsured children - HCR 117 officers, progressive discipline - HB HB 181; HB 181: HCS; HB 334: SCA Special Districts for Health and Family Services, 210 (1) alzheimer's disease, direct study of of Education, reorganization of various and Administration Cabinet, LEED, Agricultural district, requirements for - service delivery for - HJR 13 offices and divisions - SB 57 encourage use of - HB 5: HFA(1) HB 202 for Health and Family Services, autism of Education, student bullying, reporting and Administration Cabinet, Audit maximum, increase for special spectrum disorders, supports of incidents - HB 64 reorganization of - SB 55 districts - HB 448 programs - HB 109 of Insurance, health insurers, unfair or and Administration Cabinet, state Board of trustees in fire protection for Health and Family Services, deceptive trade practice, regulation contractors, equal employment districts, salary - HB 122 cooperative agreement with I-SaveRx by - HB 431: SCS opportunity requirements for - HB County or waste management district program - HB 256 of Military Affairs, uniform emergency 181; HB 181: HCS solid waste taxes or service fees, liens for Health and Family Services, COPD volunteer health practitioners and Administration, encourage use of for - HB 240: HCS initiatives by - SR 14 organized by - HB 287 ENERGY STAR guidelines by - HB 5 Eminent domain, authority and for Health and Family Services, of Revenue, clarify certain filing and Administration, use of alternative procedure - HB 458 immunizations, encourage rather than standards and due dates - HB 262; fuel vehicles - HB 5 Fire require - HB 345: HFA(2) HB 262: HCS Fire marshal, set fire-safe duties for - SB districts, disposition of unrefunded tax for Health and Family Services, of Revenue, reorganization of - SB 55 134; HB 278; SB 134: SCS moneys when no tax due - SB 74: Medicaid, long-term care insurance - of Workforce Investment, annual Fire-safe cigarettes, require certification HFA(1),(2) HB 126 increment due employees of - HR fee per brand family - SB 134: HFA(1) protection boundaries, amendment by for Health and Family Services, 152 Foster parents, required physical exams ordinance - HB 168 perinatal care task force established Dept. and tests, reimbursement for - HB 314: Government, limitation on certain by - HB 112: HCS for Local Government to contract with a HCS regulations - HB 375 for Health and Family Services, study of competent nonprofit organization, Franklin Circuit Court, creation of Interlocal agreements, incentives for - the impact of Alzheimer's by - SJR 6 permission for - SB 74 alternative concurrent jurisdiction - SB HB 116 for Health and Family Services, trauma for Medicaid Services, ADA guidelines 75 Local or federal public benefits, verify care system, establish and fund - HB required by - HB 406 GOLD, funds for - HB 327: HFA(7),(8) eligibility for - HB 162 152; HB 152: HCS for Medicaid Services, use of ADA Government contracts, requirements, Metropolitan sewer districts - SB 205 for Health Services, Medicaid, guidelines encouraged by - HB 337: review of - HB 8 Retired educators, reemployment of - implement buy-in program - SB 219 SCS Health HB 160 Career employees, promotional of Veterans' Affairs, wounded or & Family Services, Community Based Soil and Water Conservation districts, increments of - HB 99 disabled veterans, services and Services, social worker safety, infrastructure, loans and grants for - SB Carl D. Perkins Vocational Training benefits for - HB 225 improvements for - HB 362; HB 362: 92; HB 136 Center, name change to - HB 130 Disability, law enforcement intervention, SCS, SFA (1) Special firefighters, increased Certificates, issuance of by Vital development of - SB 104: SFA(1) & Family Services, family resource appointment of - HB 447 Statistics - HB 459: HCS Driver licensing, transfer issuance youth services centers, specify Volunteer Child-care functions to State Police - SB 213 requirements for - SB 86 fire departments and incompatible center rating system, licensing Drought mitigation and response plan, & Family Services, health care costs, offices - HB 107: HFA(1) requirement for - HB 234 Advisory Council, requirement for - quality and outcomes, report required firefighters, allow state, county, city center rating system, licensing SJR 109: SCS - HB 431 officers to serve as - HB 107: HCS requirement for new applications - HB Ed. Professional Standards Bd. reading & Family Services, Mental firefighters, civil offices not incompatible 234: HFA(1) & civics education courses for Health/Mental Retardation, DUI fees - with - HB 107 Classified service, verification of teachers, requirement of - HB 101 SB 132 Water employment eligibility required - HB Education & Family Services, MHMR, mental districts, extension and formation of - 209 Cabinet, center attached for disability, law enforcement, SB 96 Commission administrative purposes - SB 216; HB development of training, report - SB districts, powers of and requirements for on Human Rights, funds for - HB 327: 537 104 - SB 96: SCS HFA(15) Cabinet, International Education Week - and Family Services, brain injuries, on Human Rights, necessary HJR 7: HCS encourage pilot treatment program - government expense - HB 327: compulsory school age, raising from 16 SR 102; HR 202 State Agencies HFA(16) to 18 - HB 221 and Family Services, Cabinet, Long- Commissioner of Education, report on Professional Standards Board, term care facilities, inspections of - 06 status of education - HB 565 confirmation of Jennifer L. Forgy to - SB 70 HB 380, state budget, amendments to - Commonwealth Office of Technology, HCR 25 and Family Services, Community Based HB 327: HCS, HFA (14) reorganization of - SB 55 Professional Standards Board, Services, social worker safety, HB 380, state/executive branch budget Compulsory school age, raising from confirmation of Rebecca S. Goss to - improvements for - HB 362: HCS(1), bill, amendments - HB 262: SCS sixteen to seventeen - HB 279 HCR 75 (2), HFA (1), CCR, FCCR HB 380, state/executive branch budget Consequences enacted for continually Education, family resource youth and Family Services, Farmers Market bill, amendments to - HB 327 low performing schools - SB 62 services centers, specify requirements Nutrition Program created within - SB Agricultural Development Board, Construction for - SB 86 25 membership, changes to - HB 289 contracts, payment procedures - HB Eminent domain, authority and and Family Services, foster parents, Annual Report to Kentucky Taxpayers - 490: FCCR procedure - HB 458 required physical exams and tests, HB 295 contracts, payment procedures for - HB Energy Savings Performance Contracts, reimbursement for - HB 314 Associate private investigator, regulation 490: CCR encourage use of - HB 5: HFA(1) and Family Services, mental disability, of creation of license - SB 172 Construction, contracts, and payment English language, utilization of - HB 12 law enforcement training - HB 504; Bloodstock agent and equine consignor procedures - HB 490: FCCR Equine health permits, encourage similar SB 104: SFA (2) licenses, Racing Authority, oversight by Corrections, fees - HB 121 time frames - HCR 148 insurance, coverage of family members - HB 497 Crime victim address protection Executive - SB 152: HFA(1) Bluegrass State Skills Corporation, grant program, creation of - SB 121 Branch Ethics Commission, Hearing officers, replace with administrative law judges - SB 210 SB 55 SFA(1) Training program, development of - SB Historical Society, Slavery Commission Legal notices, public broadcast, study of Cabinet, Sick Leave Bank program 62 attached to - SB 197: HFA(1) - HCR 155 guidelines and requirements - HB Transportation Horse Park Commission, funds for - HB Line item vetoes, 2006 General 212: HCS Cabinet, certificates for driving, 327: HFA(3),(12) Assembly, restoration of - HB 1: HCS Cabinet, use of personal identification establish procedures for - SB 177 Human Papillomavirus vaccine, funds for Master tobacco products distributor's numbers as employee identification - Cabinet, reorganization of - SB 59; SB - HB 327: HFA(5),(10) licensing, grounds for nonissuance - SB 9 59: HFA (2) Immigrants, criminal justice provisions HB 124: HCS Physical activity requirement, Cabinet, require issue of multi-axle relating to - HB 164 Medicaid, administrative regulations for - HB 299: permits for carriers who meet criteria Interscholastic athletic program, brain injuries, encourage pilot treatment HFA(1) - HB 161 cooperative agreement for - HB 409 program - SR 102; HR 202 Presidents' Day, mandatory state holiday Highway Superintendent I and II, IT infrastructure, consolidation of Pharmacy Advisory Committee, add - SB 71 educational requirements removed - operational control under member - SB 69; SB 69: SCS Primary care centers, funding in HB 361 Commonwealth Office of Technology - recovery related to settlements by - HB medically underserved areas for - HB Venue, actions against state agencies SB 55 431: SCS 313: HFA(1) and officers - SB 75: SFA(1) Justice Cabinet, Office of Investigations, Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Prison industries enhancement program Veterans' Affairs Department, fiduciary jurisdiction of - SB 144: HCS compulsive gamblers fund and - SB 42: SCS, SCA (1) responsibilities - HB 183; HB 183: HFA Justice, services - HB 41 Privatization contracts requirements, (1) law enforcement training, mental Methamphetamine-contaminated extending application of - HB 356 Veterans hiring preference, expansion of disabilities - HB 504; SB 104: SFA (2) property, program for cleanup - HB 94: Probation and parole, fees - HB 121 - HB 63, 170; HB 63: HCS mental disability, law enforcement, HFA(1) Public Health, communicable disease Vital Statistics Branch, funeral directors, development of training, report - SB property, program for cleanup of - HB precaution initiative - HB 525 issuance of death certificates to - HB 104 94: HCS Purchasing from Prison Industries and 459 Kentucky National board certified teacher, salary nonprofit agencies and work centers - Voluntary acknowledgment of paternity Appalachian Commission, abolished - supplement provided - HB 178 HB 23 registry, study of - SB 140: SCS SB 76 Nutrition program, place under Putative father registry, creation of - SB Board of Education, appeals to - HB Agriculture Department, require 140 State Employees 285 reporting - SB 25: SCS Real Estate Commission, required post- Board of Education, drug testing for Office license education course - HB 65 Appealing employee evaluations, school employees, requirement of - of Energy Policy, Biofuels Remote car starters, permits use if process for - HB 62 HB 408 Transportation Grant Program - SB unattended vehicle remains locked - Budget Board of Education, physical activity 33 HB 552 reduction, effect on salaries - HB 31 requirement, administrative of Housing, Building and Construction, Reorganization, reduction, salaries - HB 31: HFA(1) regulations for - HB 299 Single Family Dwellings Advisory Department of Law, Attorney General Career employees, promotional Board of Education, student physical Committee assigned to - HB 243: Executive Order AG 05-01 - HB 190 increments of - HB 99 activity requirements - SB 110 SFA(1) Department of Parks, Executive Order Classified Department of Education, capital outlay office of Inspector General, annual 2006-1505 - SB 56 employee elections, Personnel Board for school maintenance - HB 471 review of nurseries by - HB 112 Replace "telecommunications" and membership - HB 62 Family Trust Program, creation of - HB Office "advanced telecommunications" with employees, political activities of - HB 62 6 of Inspector General, licensure "broadband" - SB 74: SFA(1) service, verification of employment Higher Education Assistance Authority - inspections, provide results to news Report on removal of children and eligibility required - HB 209 HB 291: HFA(1) media - HB 463 termination of parental rights by state, Excess sick leave upon retirement, may Higher Education Assistance Authority, of Insurance, long-term care partnership study of - HCR 76 designate transfer to Sick Leave Bank - funds for - HB 327: HFA(4),(11) insurance program, establishment - Retirement Systems, appropriations for - HB 212: HFA(1) Higher Education Assistance Authority, HB 126 HB 419 Executive loan forgiveness program - HB 100: of Mine Safety and Licensing, safety Revenue Cabinet, allow out of state bill branch ethics code, deletion of HCS requirements and penalties - HB 207 of sale in lieu of affidavit of nepotism provisions - HB 439: Historical Society, War of 1812 of the Ombudsman, Cabinet for Health consideration - HB 478 HFA(2) Bicentennial Commission attached to and Family Services to support - HJR Safety standards, establish authority - branch ethics, omnibus provisions - HB - SB 197 137 HB 278: HFA(1) 439 Housing Corporation, responsibilities of Official misconduct, providing advance School branch ethics, prohibition against - HB 94 notice of inspection - SB 161 Facilities Construction Commission - HB soliciting for nonprofit organization, Infrastructure Authority, attached to Parent education program, development 562 deletion of - HB 439: HFA(1) newly created Governor's Office for and implementation of - HB 512 resource officers, placement of - SB 49 officer, definition of - HB 62: HCS Local Development - SB 76 Parole Secretary of the Education Cabinet and Full-time state employees with status, Infrastructure Authority, funds for - HB Board, Joey F. Stanton, confirmation of the commissioner of education - SJR promotional or reclassification salaries 327: HFA(6),(9) appointment - SR 181 125 of - HB 99: HCS Recreational Trails Authority, illegal Board, Michael D. Grugin, confirmation Sick Leave Bank board of trustees, Government ATV usage, directing study of - HJR of appointment - SR 182 composition of - HB 212: HCS Pension offset and Windfall Elimination 14: HCS Board, Patricia Ann Turpin, confirmation Social Provision, urge Congress to repeal - Single Family Dwellings Advisory of reappointment - SR 198 workers, front line staffing, LRC task HR 45 Board, creation of - HB 243 Board, William I. Abney, confirmation of force - HB 362: HFA(2) Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Single Family Swellings Advisory Board, appointment - SR 187 workers, require monthly reporting of Provision, urge Congress to repeal - changed from a board to a committee Personnel number - HB 362: HFA(3) HCR 46 - HB 243: HCS Board, clarify decisions to be published Solid waste fees, collection via Kentucky Dept. of Military Affairs, State Advisory Council on Libraries, by - HB 62: HFA(1) Department of Revenue - HB 240: SCS Mission: Welcome Home, repeal - SB change in membership and purpose - Board, increase elected classified Spay/neuter, urge formation of working 186 HB 386 employee - HB 62 group on - HR 222 KERS, increase for death in the line of State Fair Board, authority to manage Board, membership of and appointment State duty benefits - HB 511 other properties - HB 400 to - HB 62: HCS Investment Commission, the Sudan, Live organ donation, provide leave time State Use Commission, creation of - HB Board, not under control or direction of divestment of investments i - HB 25 for - HB 103 23 Personnel Cabinet - SB 58: SFA(1) Parks, discount for military and veterans Official misconduct, providing advance KHESLC and KHEAA boards, Board, selection method changes, - HB 51 notice of inspection - SB 161 appointments to and joint service on - approval of - HB 62 Parks, discounts for members of the Personnel HB 100 Board, term of newly appointed military services, National Guard, and Board elections, unique employee KLEFP fund, agencies included in - HB classified employee members - HB veterans - HB 51: HCS identification number use of - HB 62: 214: HFA(3) 62: HCS Parks, military discount - HB 51: HFA(1) HCS KLEPF fund, agencies included in, Cab. reorganization, removal of name retirement systems, the Sudan, Board, clarify decisions to be published police officers bill of rights, agencies change for the Governmental divestment of investments in - HB 25 by - HB 62: HFA(1) included in - HB 214: HFA(2) Services Center - SB 58: HFA(1) social workers, safety of, Cabinet for Cab. reorganization, removal of name KY Economic Development Finance Cabinet reorganization, confirmation of Health and Family Services to secure change for the Governmental Authority, funding for primary care Executive Order 2006-680 - SB 58 - HCR 8 Services Center - SB 58: HFA(1) centers by - HB 313 Cabinet secretary, regulatory Supports for Individuals with Autism Cabinet reorganization, confirmation of Ky. River Authority, members permitted responsibilities of - SB 58: SCA(1) Spectrum Disorders Program, creation Executive Order 2006-680 - SB 58 to serve until successor is appointed - Cabinet, regulatory authority of - SB 58: of - HB 109: HCS rights, definition of "penalization" - HB Alcohol or substance abuse, pretrial 220 Studies Directed provisions relating to - SB 34: SCS, Ad valorum tax rate and tax credits for Prescription HFA (2) environmental remediation property, drug importation from foreign countries, Adam Walsh Child Protection & Safety Controlled substances, possession requirements for - SB 82 FDA, certification of safety prior to - Act, implementation, directing the study within the human body - SB 66; HB Certificates HB 252: HFA(1) of - SCR 129 149 of delinquency, fee limits for private drug importation from foreign countries, ATV Usage Taskforce, establishment of Disability, law enforcement intervention, purchasers established - HB 321 provisions for - HB 252 - HJR 14 development of - SB 104: SFA(1) of delinquency, notice provisions for Presidents' Day, mandatory state holiday Collective bargaining, study impact on Disorders and mental disability, law private purchasers established - HB - SB 71 public employees - HB 318: HFA(2) enforcement intervention, development 321 Public Cost of textbooks, LRC study of - HCR of training - SB 104 Cigarette employee health insurance program, 19 Drug excise tax, master cigarette distributor, additional options, Tricare Curricula and instructional time - SJR Control Policy, Office of, Executive define - HB 124 supplement - SB 22 134 Order 2006-805 - SB 144 excise tax, proof of tax evidence - HB employee health insurance program, Death penalty task force, established - testing for school employees, 541 Tricare supplement as option - SB 22: HCR 88 requirement of - HB 408 floor stocks tax, impose - HB 324 HFA(1),(2) Direct LRC staff to study county DUI fees, increase, use of funds - SB surtax imposed - HB 353 Retired educators, reemployment of - emergency dispatch call center funding 132 surtax, rate increase, designate funds - HB 160 - HCR 70 DUI, court order requiring blood or urine HB 324 Retirement Systems, appropriations for - Driver licensing, transfer issuance test, removal of statutory right to tax evidence, deferred payment - HB HB 419 functions to State Police - SB 213 consult attorney - HB 34 527 Retirement, Employee criminal background checks - Mental Coal, tax credits for thin-seam mining - defined contribution plan for employees HCR 159; HCR 159: HFA (1) disability, law enforcement intervention SB 142 hired on or after July 1, 2009 - HB Employment of disabled adults, training, development of - HB 504 Communications 331 implement a Medicaid buy-in program disability, law enforcement intervention, excise tax, increase hold harmless hazardous duty for officers providing to support - SB 219 development of training - SB 104: amount - HB 327: HFA(17),(18) security at state buildings - HB 545 Firefighter Foundation Program funds, SFA(2) Excise Tax, monthly hold harmless high-three final compensation and 2.2 study of - HB 116 Prescription drug reporting program, amount - HB 80 percent benefit factor extension - HB Front line staffing, social workers, LRC direct action to be taken on - SJR 48 Community rehabilitation tax credit, 414, 418, 486 task force - HB 362: HFA(2) Pretrial diversion, alcohol or substance clarification of - HB 23: HCS high-three final compensation and 2.2 Hazardous duty retirement for social abuse - SB 34 Conservation easement tax credits - HB percent factor extension - HB 223 workers - SJR 137 354: HCS, HCA (1),(2) vested university service used for Holocaust, include study of in public Sunday Closing Consolidated groups, determination of calculation of benefits - SB 131 school curriculum - HJR 11 taxable income of - HB 249 Salaries, annual increases - HB 31 KLEPF funds, study of - HB 116 Alcoholic beverage sales adopted by Corporate income tax, hybrid electric Salary increases for - HB 31: HFA(1) Legal notices, public broadcast, study of urban-county government - HB 138: dual fuel vehicle credit - HB 113 School board member, service credit for - HCR 155 SCA(1) Corporation Income tax, community retirement - HB 267 Local government insurance premium rehabilitation tax credit - HB 23 Sick Create definition, reference cigarettes - taxes, task force on - HJR 10 Surface Mining Leave Bank program, access to LRC task force, social workers, front line HB 540 information regarding - HB 212: HCS Delinquent staffing - HB 362: HCS(2) Abandoned Leave Bank Program, creation of and Mascots, flags, and symbols - HCR 53 property tax interest provisions, participation in - HB 212 Mine Land Program, reclamation conflicting provisions deleted - HB Oversight of charitable gaming - HCR 9 projects, project finance for - SB 187 Social Personnel Cabinet, feasibility of 321 security number as employee Mine Land Program, technical taxes collection, financial institutions background and reference checks on correction for - SB 187: SCS identification, substitution for - SB 9 applicants - HB 62 defined - HB 443: HFA(1) services employees, participation in Coal mine safety, equipment and taxes, seizure of financial assets - HB Railroad hazard and safety issues, standards, requirements for - SB 200 hazardous duty retirement - HB 52 Jefferson County, study of - HCR 164 443 worker safety, improvements for - HB Contacting victims of mining disasters, Department of Revenue, clarify certain Service delivery for, direct study of - HJR 60-day limitation for - HB 207: HFA(1) 362; HB 362: SCS, SFA (1), HCS (1), 13 filing standards and due dates - HB (2), HFA (1), CCR, FCCR Inspections of coal mines, different types 262; HB 262: HCS Short-line railroad revitalization program, of, flexibility for conduct of - HB 207: State social workers, safety of, Cabinet establish task force to study creation of Dividend paid deduction, disallow for for Health and Family Services to HFA(11) captive REIT - HB 258: SCS - HJR 72: HCS Mine secure - HCR 8 Single-payor health insurance system for Economic development incentive Study, issue of providing hazardous duty emergency technician, small and large program; create new program for cities Kentucky, study of - HCR 71 mines, provisions for - HB 207: retirement to social service workers - Study of state adoption laws, establish of the first class - HB 536 SJR 137 HFA(9) Electronic data matches and levies for task force for - HCR 67 safety program, state requirements for - Transportation Highway Superintendent Task delinquent taxes - HB 443: HFA(3) I and II, educational requirements HB 207: HFA(2) Exemption from property tax for certain Force on Accelerated Learning in safety, certified electricians, removed - HB 361 Mathematics and Science, require recreational vehicles - HB 407 University of Kentucky employees, one- requirement for - HB 207: HFA(6) Includible corporations, limit on net study by - SB 1: SFA(1),(2) safety, mine emergencies, inspections time bonus - HB 544 Force on Differentiated Compensation operating loss of - HB 480 Veterans hiring preference, expansion of of and transportation in - HB 207: Income for Teachers, require study by - SB 2: HFA(4) - HB 63, 170; HB 63: HCS SFA(1),(2) tax, alternative fuel or renewable energy safety, multi gas detectors, facility, coal incentive tax credit, force, land available to hunters - SCR requirements for - HB 207: HFA(3) State Symbols and Emblems 41 eligible for - HB 5 safety, requirements and penalties for - tax, alternative fuel or renewable energy Universal health insurance - HCR 79 HB 207 Bluegrass music, designation as official Vest-Lindsay facility, economic development safety, requirements and standards for - incentives, eligible - HB 5 state music - HB 71 House Preservation Task Force, HB 207: SCS Bowling Green, designation as the creation and reporting of - SCR 45; tax, corporation, credit for contributions safety, requirements for - HB 207: HCS to scholarship organizations - HB 193 birthplace of newgrass music - HB 294 HCR 151 safety, ventilation fans and mine seal Flag House Preservation Task Force, tax, deduction for volunteer firefighters - construction, requirements for - HB HB 26 desecration likely to produce breach of increase membership of - HCR 151: 207: HFA(5) peace, prohibit - HB 28 HFA(1) taxation, exempt active duty military pay Miner certification, reciprocal agreement - HB 63: SFA(1) of the United States, display of - HB 13 Voluntary with other states, allowance of - SB 47; Kentucky Wine and Vine Festival, official acknowledgment of paternity registry, Individual HB 186 income tax, elder care credit - HB 257 designation of - HB 283 direct Cab. for Health & Family OMSL investigations, subpoena power, Louisville Orchestra, designation as Services to study - SB 140: SCS income tax, hybrid electric dual fuel limitation of - HB 207: HFA(7) vehicle credit - HB 113 official state orchestra - SB 11; HB 173 acknowledgment-of-paternity registry, Retreat mining or pillaring plan, operator Native American Indian Day, designation direct Cabinet for Health & Family Industrial Revitalization Act, amendment responsibility for - HB 207: HFA(10) of - HB 69: HFA(2) of November 1 as - HB 293 Services to - SB 140: HCS Safety bulletin, use of fatality reports for, Sam Bush, designation as Father of Internal Revenue Code, update issuance to - HB 207: HFA(8) reference date - HB 276 Newgrass Music in the Commonwealth Substance Abuse - HB 294 Kentucky Horse Racing Authority, use Taxation pari-mutuel tax to fund - HB 557, 569 Limited HB 5: HCS(2) SB 142 Internal Revenue Code, update liability entity tax, repeal of - HB 87, 119 and use tax, alternative fuel or Community reference date - HB 276 liability entity tax, treat as nonrefundable renewable energy facility, exemption - rehabilitation tax credit - HB 23 Limited income tax - HB 292 HB 5 rehabilitation tax credit, clarification of - liability entity tax, repeal of - HB 87, 119 liability entity, credit for contributions to and Use Tax, collection by auctioneer, HB 23: HCS liability entity tax, treat as nonrefundable scholarship organizations - HB 193 charitable auctions - HB 24 Conservation easement tax credits - HB income tax - HB 292 liability tax, repeal of - HB 88 and use tax, durable medical 354: HCS, HCA (1),(2) liability tax, repeal of - HB 88 Live organ donation, tax credit for - HB equipment, exempt if covered by Consolidated groups, determination of Live organ donation, tax credit for - HB 103 Medicaid or Medicare - HB 573 taxable income of - HB 249 103 Local and use tax, energy efficiency project, Credit for contributions to scholarship Military insurance premiums tax, clarify powers refund for - HB 5; HB 5: SCS organizations - HB 193 pay, exempt from income tax - HB 339 of local governments - HB 371 and use tax, energy efficiency project, Credits for contributions to eligible personnel, exemption of income from occupational license tax, impact of refund for machinery and equipment - nonprofit education organizations - HB tax for - SB 81 amendments to conform - HB 307 HB 5: HCS(2) 188 Minimum wage tax credit - HB 499 occupational tax, delete upper limitation and use tax, equine, exempt certain Dividend paid deduction, disallow for Pass-through entities, allowable tax for counties over 30,000 - SB 176 purchases made by horse farmers - captive REIT - HB 258: SCS credits from - HB 249 occupational tax, update Internal HB 218 Film industry, tax credits for production Real Revenue Code reference date for - and use tax, exempt LP gas and natural in Kentucky - HB 554 estate investment trusts, clarify income HB 258 gas used in a commercial Hybrid electric dual fuel vehicle credit - of - HB 479 property tax, private aircraft exemption - greenhouse or nursery - HB 330 HB 113 estate investment trusts, deductions of - HB 335 and use tax, exempt prepared food sold Includible corporations, limit on net HB 276: HCS Master by churches - HB 75 operating loss of - HB 480 Rock fences, tax credits for preservation Tobacco Product Distributors, amend and use tax, exempt sales by churches Internal Revenue Code, update and construction of - HB 108 definition - HB 124: HFA(1) for fundraising activities - SB 93 reference date - HB 276 Small business tax credit, creation of - tobacco products distributor's licensing, and use tax, exemption for certain Limited HB 460 grounds for nonissuance - HB 124: purchases made for equine - HB 238 liability entity tax, repeal of - HB 87, 119 Tax HCS and use tax, holiday for clothing and liability entity tax, treat as nonrefundable credits, reporting requirements for - HB Military school supplies - HB 265 income tax - HB 292 159 pay, exempt from income tax - HB 339 and Use tax, master-metered utilities, liability tax, repeal of - HB 88 reform, rate increases and earned personnel, exemption of income from exemption for - HB 68 Minimum wage tax credit - HB 499 income credit as part of - HB 411 tax for - SB 81 and use tax, sales made by churches Pass-through entities, allowable tax Tax-me-more account in General Fund, Minimum for fundraising events, exempt - HB credits from - HB 249 creation of - HB 47 wage tax credit - HB 499 75: HFA(1) Real Teachers' tax credit, $250 personal wage, employer tax credit - HB 305: and use tax, straw, wood shavings, estate investment trusts, clarify income funds for school supplies - HB 188: HFA(11),(12) sawdust, exempt from - HB 441 of - HB 479 HFA(1) Motor and use tax, Streamlined Sales and Use estate investment trusts, deductions of - Unauthorized aliens, deduction for fuels taxes, refund for volunteer fire Tax Agreement, conforming changes HB 276: HCS wages paid to, withholding of income departments - HB 45 - HB 360 Rock fences, tax credits for preservation tax on - HB 73 vehicle usage tax, exempt religious and use tax, streamlined sales and use and construction of - HB 108 Update Internal Revenue Code organizations - HB 502 tax agreement, technical corrections - Small business tax credit, creation of - reference date - HB 258: SCS vehicle usage tax, trade-in credit on HB 360: HCS HB 460 Wildlife easement access, tax credits for purchase of new vehicle - HB 560 and use tax, tourism attraction projects Tax credits, reporting requirements for - - HB 354 Other with lodging facilities at state HB 159 tobacco products tax, define to include fairgrounds - HB 319 Tax-me-more account in General Fund, Taxation, Inheritance and Estate snuff - HB 566 tax holiday, creation of - HB 60 creation of - HB 47 tobacco products tax, impose rate at Small business tax credit, creation of - Unauthorized aliens, deduction for Tax reform, decouple from federal estate 32% of gross receipts; designate HB 460 wages paid to - HB 73 tax as part of - HB 411 funds - HB 324 Solid waste fees, collection via Update Internal Revenue Code tobacco products tax, include snuff - HB Department of Revenue - HB 240: SCS reference date - HB 258: SCS 566 Tax Wildlife easement access, tax credits for Taxation, Property tobacco products tax, include snuff in credits, reporting requirements for - HB - HB 354 definition - HB 324 159 Certificates Pari-mutuel increment financing - HB 530 Taxation, Income--Individual of delinquency, fee limits for private tax, exempt one-day events - HB 557, increment financing commission, purchasers established - HB 321 569 designate members - HB 549: HFA(1) of delinquency, limitation on attorney Coal, tax credits for thin-seam mining - fees - HB 171 tax, Horse Racing Authority, provide Increment Financing districts - HB 400: SB 142 funding - HB 402: SFA(2) SCS of delinquency, notice provisions for Community rehabilitation tax credit, private purchasers established - HB tax, one-day horse race meeting, increment financing, establish the clarification of - HB 23: HCS exemption for - HB 402 Signature Project Program - HB 549: 321 Conservation easement tax credits - HB Delinquent solid waste fees and taxes, Pass-through entities, allowable tax SCS 354: HCS, HCA (1),(2) credits from - HB 249 reform, individual income, estate, and collection of - HB 240: HFA(1) Credit Disabled veterans, propose Property sales tax - HB 411 for educational expenses paid for certificates of delinquency, limitation on Tax, limestone, manufacturers - HB 568 constitutional amendment to allow eligible students enrolled in a home- exemption of property - HB 146 attorney fees - HB 171 Tax-me-more account in General Fund, based school program - HB 193 tax bills, preparation of bills below creation of - HB 47 Documented for tuition and expenses paid for eligible vessels, exempt from local property tax threshold amount - HB 384 U.S. Congress, urge extension of home students enrolled in a qualified school tax, documented vessels, exempt from energy efficiency federal tax credits - - HB 335: HFA(1) - HB 193 vessels, exempt from local taxation - HB local property tax - HB 335: HFA(1) SR 143 Credits for contributions to eligible Provider tax and payments to hospitals - Unauthorized aliens, deduction for 466 nonprofit education organizations - HB Exemption from property tax for certain HB 244; HB 244: HCS wages paid to - HB 73 188 Real Update Internal Revenue Code recreational vehicles - HB 407 Deduction for volunteer firefighters - HB Local property tax, private aircraft estate investment trusts, clarify income reference date - HB 258: SCS 26 of - HB 479 Wildlife easement access, tax credits for exemption - HB 335 Dividend paid deduction, disallow for Mathematics and science professional estate investment trusts, deductions of - - HB 354 captive REIT - HB 258: SCS HB 276: HCS development for - SB 1: HCS Elder care credit - HB 257 Property Require heavy equipment rental Taxation, Income--Corporate Film industry, tax credits for production companies to levy property tax fee - SB tax recall, certain restrictions on rate in Kentucky - HB 554 increases reduced - HB 116 170 Alternative Hybrid electric dual fuel vehicle credit - Retail sales, disposition of goods by a valuation administrators, dedication of fuel or renewable energy facility, coal HB 113 receipts to pay salaries - HB 446 secured party - SB 119 incentive tax credit, eligible for - HB 5 Income Rock fences, tax credits for preservation Require heavy equipment rental fuel or renewable energy facility, tax refund, military family assistance, companies to levy property tax fee - SB and construction of - HB 108 economic development incentives, designation of - HB 520 Sales 170 eligible for - HB 5 taxation, exempt active duty military pay Threshold amount, preparation of tax bill and use tax, alternative fuel facility, Coal, tax credits for thin-seam mining - - HB 63: SFA(1) renewable energy facility, exemption - below - HB 384 Alternative calendars, districts exempt Retirement System, technical Television and Radio Taxation, Sales and Use from late starting date - HB 95: HFA(1) corrections - HB 461: HCS AP exams, monetary awards for Writing portfolios, remove from Kentucky Golden alert system, establish Alternative teachers whose students excel on - SB elementary school CATS assessment - for missing impaired adult - HB 142 fuel facility, renewable energy facility, 1 HB 195 Victim solicitation, media advertisements exemption - HB 5: HCS(2) Brown, Dale, honoring as 2006 NAGE by attorneys following disaster - SB fuel or renewable energy facility, coal Administrator of the Year - HR 189 Technical Corrections 180 incentive tax credit, eligible for - HB 5 Curricula and instructional time, study of - SJR 134 fuel or renewable energy facility, Breach of promise to marry, remove Time economic development incentives, Education references - SB 166 Professional Standards Board, eligible for - HB 5 Budget, uniform forms to be used - HB A.D. Collection by auctioneer, charitable appointment of Cynthia W. York to - 559 HCR 31 and B.C., exclusive use of in reference auctions - HB 24 Case submission, jury duties after - SB to historical dates and time - HB 14 Durable medical equipment, exempt if Professional Standards Board, 168 appointment of Franklin D. Cheatham and B.C., exclusive use of, in reference covered by Medicaid or Medicare - HB Contempt, failure to perform jury service to historical dates and time - HB 21 573 to - HCR 29 - HB 425 Energy efficiency project, refund for Financial literacy and economic Controlled substances, omnibus revision machinery and equipment - HB 5: education, teacher institute for - HB - SB 88: SCS Title Amendments HCS(2) 311 Corporate conduct, individual liability for Equine farmers, exempt certain Government - SB 167 HB purchases - HB 218 Pension offset and Windfall Elimination Creditor to be made defendant - HB 422 114/GA - HB 114: SFA(2) Exempt Provision, urge Congress to repeal - Criminal mischief, first degree - SB 169 120 - HB 120: HCA(1) LP gas and natural gas used in a HR 45 Dairy equipment, theft of - HB 420 124 - HB 124: HCA(1) commercial greehouse or nursery - Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Duplicate language, remove, HB 125/GA - HB 125: SFA(3) HB 330 Provision, urge Congress to repeal - 214/HCS - HB 214: HFA(3) 145/GA - HB 145: SCA(1) prepared food sold by churches - HB 75 HCR 46 Employer's duties, jury service - HB 423 152 - HB 152: HCA(1) sales by churches for fundraising Head teacher - HB 558 Gender neutral language added - HB 175/GA - HB 175: SFA(2) activities - SB 93 Holocaust, include study of in public 518, 564 177/GA - HB 177: SFA(2),(5) Exemption for certain purchases made school curriculum - HJR 11 Gender-neutral language, establish - HB 183 - HB 183: HFA(2) for equine - HB 238 Honor Leslie Watkins, 2006 National 519 185 - HB 185: HCA(1) Film industry, amend tax credits for Career and Technical Education HB 187 - HB 187: HCA(1), HFA (3) production in Kentucky - HB 554 Teacher of the Year - SR 43 185 - HB 185: HFA(1) 188 - HB 188: HFA(3) Master-metered utilities, exemption for - Hussung, Lisa, honor as Kentucky 210 - HB 210: HFA(3) 191/GA - HB 191: SCA(1) HB 68 Elementary School Music Teacher of 23 - HB 23: HCS 203 - HB 203: HCA(1) Motor the Year - HR 63 259/GA - HB 259: SCS 210 - HB 210: HFA(2) fuels taxes, refund for volunteer fire Kentucky educator award and 282/GA - HB 282: SCS 213 - HB 213: HFA(2) departments - HB 45 recognition fund - HB 2 287 - HB 287: HCS 214 - HB 214: HCA(1) vehicle renting companies, allow to Leaves of absence for teachers - HB 287/GA - HB 287: SFA(1) 219 - HB 219: HFA(7) charge daily vehicle license recovery 315 306 - HB 306: HCS 225 - HB 225: SCA(1) fees - HB 310 Mascots, flags, and symbols, study of - 310 - HB 310: HCS 228/GA - HB 228: SCA(1) Sales made by churches for fundraising HCR 53 360 - HB 360: HCS 240/GA - HB 240: SFA(1) events, exempt - HB 75: HFA(1) Master's degree, tuition waived for - HB 362 - HB 362: HFA(2) 243 - HB 243: HCA(1) Straw, wood shavings, and sawdust, 392 386/GA - HB 386: SCA(1) 244 - HB 244: HCA(1) exempt from - HB 441 Monetary awards for student 418 - HB 418: HCS 258/GA - HB 258: SCA(1) Streamlined performance - SB 1: SCS 418/GA - HB 418: SCS 262/GA - HB 262: SCA(1) Sales and Use Tax Agreement, National board certified teacher, salary 461 - HB 461: HCS 280 - HB 280: HFA(2) conforming changes - HB 360 supplement provided - HB 178 476 - HB 476: HFA(1) 280/GA - HB 280: SCA(1) sales and use tax agreement, technical Personnel decisions, procedures for 490 - HB 490: FCCR 284/GA - HB 284: SCA(1) corrections - HB 360: HCS making - SB 208 5 - HB 5: HCS(2) 296 - HB 296: HFA(2) Tax Physical activity in preschool through 89/SCS - HB 89: SFA(1),(2) 296/GA - HB 296: SCA(1) holiday for clothing and school supplies eighth grade - SB 110: SFA(1) 94 - HB 94: HCS 305 - HB 305: SCA(1), HFA (7),(13) - HB 265 Political campaigns, permit participation HB5/HCS 2 - HB 5: HFA(1) 313 - HB 313: HFA(3) Holiday, creation of - HB 60 - SB 109 Judges called back to service, technical 326 - HB 326: HCA(1) reform, tax selected services as part of - Professional development requirements correction - HB 363 327 - HB 327: HCA(1) HB 411 - SB 94 Manslaughter - HB 364 334/GA - HB 334: SCA(3) Tax, limestone, manufacturers - HB 568 Public Mining and mine managers - HB 133 335 - HB 335: HFA(2) Tourism attraction projects with lodging employees, collective bargaining, Nuisance, private - HB 365 337/GA - HB 337: SCA(1), SFA (1) facilities at state fairgrounds - HB 319 authorized for - HB 318 Personnel titles, delete obsolete 345 - HB 345: HFA(4) Tourist attractions, approved costs for - employees, study impact of collective references - HB 561 35 - HB 35: HFA(2) SB 30: HCS(2) bargaining - HB 318: HFA(2) Practitioner of healing arts, advertising 355/GA - HB 355: SCA(1) Reading and civics education courses by - HB 424 362 - HB 362: HCA(1) for teachers, requirement of - HB 101 Taxation, Severance Runoff primary - HB 224: HCA(1) 383/GA - HB 383: SFA(1) Retired educators, reemployment of - SB 400/GA - HB 400: SCA(2),(3) HB 160 1/HCS - SB 1: HFA(1) 402 - HB 402: SFA(1) Bell County Coal Severance Projects - Retirement Systems, appropriations for - 403 - HB 403: HCA(1) HB 1: HFA(1),(2) 140 - SB 140: HCS HB 419 141 - SB 141: SCS 410 - HB 410: HCA(1) Coal Salary supplement - SB 2 418/GA - HB 418: SCA(1) for Regional Economic Development, 150 - SB 150: SCS School 155 - SB 155: HCS 440 - HB 440: HFA(2) creation of - SB 127 calendar, beginning date for the first 443 - HB 443: HFA(2) Severance Capital Project - HB 1: 159/GA - SB 159: HCS instructional day - HB 95 187 - SB 187: SCS 459 - HB 459: HCA(1) HFA(5) superintendent, annual report to be 476/GA - HB 476: SCA(1) Coal, tax credits for thin-seam mining - 2 - SB 2: SCS submitted to - HB 101 22 - SB 22: SFA(1) 5 - HB 5: HCA(1) SB 142 Statewide testing window, no earlier 5/GA - HB 5: SCA(3) Exempt materials used in the 26 - SB 26: SFA(2) than May 1 - HB 95: HFA(1) 79 - SB 79: HCS 549 - HB 549: HCA(1) construction of certain TIF projects - Tax credit, $250 personal funds for 549/GA - HB 549: SCA(1) HB 393 85 - SB 85: HCS school supplies - HB 188: HFA(1) SR 64 - HB 64: HFA(6) Limestone products, manufacturers - HB Teacher 86 - HB 86: HFA(3) 568 181 - SR 181: SCS scholarship program, amount awarded - 184 - SR 184: SCS 92 - HB 92: HCA(1) Line item vetoes, 2006 General HB 229 99 - HB 99: HCA(1) Assembly, restoration of - HB 1: HCS 188 - SR 188: SCS scholarship program, use of funds - HB Surety and cosurety, joint creditor - SB HB284/GA - HB 284: SCA(2) Regional Industrial Parks - HB 327: 229 HCR HFA(13) 165 work day - HB 222 Vital statistics, add omitted word - SB 12 - HCR 12: HCA(1) Teachers' 198: SFA(1) 160 - HCR 160: HCA(1) Teachers Retirement System, omnibus revisions - 18 - HCR 18: HFA(2) HB 461 HJR 11 - HJR 11: HCA(1) Engineers to increase depth of - HCR (1) "Dr. 14 - HJR 14: HCA(1) 139 Zero call list, FTC National Registry, Martin Luther King, Jr., Expressway," 5/GA - HJR 5: SCA(1) Billboards, establish vegetation control transfer numbers to - HB 430: SCS designate in Jefferson County - SJR 7 - HJR 7: HCA(1) permit - SB 155 16: SCS 72 - HJR 72: HCA(1) Civil War Commission, establishment of Traffic Safety Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial 77 - HJR 77: HFA(1) - SB 197: SCS Highway," designate 1-65 outside 84 - HJR 84: HCA(1) Farmstays focus on agritourism - SB 37 Accidents, driving while fatigued - HB Jefferson County - SJR 95 84/GA - HJR 84: SCA(1) Lake 150 Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial SB Barkley, correct reference to Booster Highway," designate in Jefferson 1 - SB 1: SCA(1) Congressional resolution - HCR 12: seats, penalty - HB 53: HFA(4) County - SJR 16; HJR 54 103 - SB 103: SCA(1) HCS seats, penalty for - HB 53: HFA(1) "Harlan County Coal Miners Highway," 140/GA - SB 140: HCA(1), HFA (1) Barkley, extend tourist season for - Cellular telephone, prohibiting use of - designate in Harlan County - SJR 93: 143/GA - SB 143: HFA(2) HCR 12 HB 230 HFA(1) 153 - SB 153: SCA(1) Reduce advertising device viewing zone Certificates for driving, establish "John 155 - SB 155: HFA(5) - SB 155: HFA(1),(2) procedures for application and Hunt Morgan Heritage Trail," placement 159 - SB 159: HFA(9) Reorganization, Department of Parks, issuance - SB 177 of signs - HJR 142 175 - SB 175: SCA(1) Executive Order 2006-1505 - SB 56 Child W. D. Bowling Bypass," designate 175/GA - SB 175: HFA(2),(4) Slavery Commission, establishment of - booster seats, required use - HB 53 Danville/U.S. 127 Bypass in honor of 197 - SB 197: SCA(1) SB 197: HFA(1) booster seats, requirement - HB 53: - HJR 119 203 - SB 203: SCA(1) State shrine, Governor William Owsley's HCS, HFA (2),(3),(5),(6) "Lincoln Heritage Highway," designate 30/GA - SB 30: HCA(1) house named as - HB 467 Commercial driver's license, employer entire length of US 31E - SJR 93: SCS 34/GA - SB 34: HCA(1) Tax credits, reporting requirements for - drug testing - SB 84 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard," 42 - SB 42: SFA(1) HB 159 County roads, require railroads to install designate in City of Paris - HJR 50 46/GA - SB 46: HFA(2) Tourism Development Act, extension of active warning signals on - HB 323 "Private Ottis Reed Memorial Bridge," 55/GA - SB 55: HFA(2) the term of agreement - HB 347 Driver's designate in the town of Meta - SJR 57/GA - SB 57: HFA(2) Transient license revocation and criminal 114; HJR 116 58/GA - SB 58: HFA(5),(7) room tax, delete language that permits penalties, alcohol convictions 06 HB 380, state budget, amendments 59 - SB 59: HFA(3) use to support a project in a involving minors leading to - SB 45 to - HB 327: HCS, HFA (14) 85/GA - SB 85: HFA(2) development area - HB 549: HFA(4) license, restoration of - HB 266 Airport livery certificate, requirement for - SJR room tax, permit additional levy within a Driving SB 209; HB 524 93 - SJR 93: SCA(1), HCA (1) development area to support a training schools and instructors, Amtrak service, promote use of - HCR 93/GA - SJR 93: HFA(3) project - HB 549: HFA(3) licensing of nonresidents - SB 61 18; HCR 18: HFA (1) under the influence - SB 67: SCS(2), Automotive mobility dealer, require Tobacco Trade Practices and Retailing SFA (1) license to operate as - HB 389 without insurance, prohibition on - SB Bennett Shortridge Memorial Bridge, Cigarette Acquisition of firearms - HB 469 68; HB 149 erect signs in memory of in Pike excise tax, master cigarette distributor, Caterer, definition of, amended - SB 107 DUI - HB 284: SCS County - HJR 74 define - HB 124 Cigarettes, establish fire-safe standards Headlight use requirement, eliminate Bert T. Combs, statue, erection of - HJR excise tax, proof of tax evidence - HB - SB 134; HB 278; SB 134: SCS reference to constant use of wipers - 84 541 Copper metal, wire, and cable, reporting HB 89: HFA(1) Bicycles, helmet use required for surtax imposed - HB 353 sale of - HB 82: HCS Leaving persons under the age of 16 - HB 169 tax evidence, deferred payment - HB Equine sales, disclosure required, the scene of an accident - HB 76: HCS Billboards, establish vegetation control 527 applicability to - HB 367: SFA(1) the scene of an accident, penalty permit - SB 155 Cigarettes, establish fire-safe standards Establish authority, safety standards - increase - SB 199; HB 76; HB 76: Brent Spence Bridge, urge Congress to - SB 134; HB 278 HB 278: HFA(1) HFA (1) accelerate funding for replacement - Confiscated cigarettes, use of proceeds Ferrous and nonferrous metals, Memorial signs, creation of highway SR 17; HR 40 from sale of - HB 262 reporting purchase of - HB 82 memorial sign program - HB 155 Bridges in Jefferson County, bond funds Fire-safe cigarettes, require certification Gasoline pricing, expressed only in Motor vehicle event data recorder, to build - HB 72 fee per brand family - SB 134: HFA(1) whole cents - HB 304 requirements for use - SB 32 CDL standards, compliance with Motor Master Gift cards, regulate - HB 254 Overdimensional permit, maximum width Carrier Safety Improvement Act - HB Tobacco Product Distributors, amend Horse flesh, human consumption - SB 6 for transport of farm equipment, 509 definition - HB 124: HFA(1) Identity theft, data protection, omnibus increase of - HB 182 Certificate of title for all-purpose vehicles tobacco products distributor's licensing, revision - HB 7 Railroad crossings, installation of gates - SB 120 grounds for nonissuance - HB 124: Immigration assistance provider, duty to or flagmen at - HB 351 Certificates for driving, establish HCS disclose imposed - HB 166 Seat procedures for application and Other tobacco products tax, define to KY Association of Manufacturers Day, belt law, clarify exemptions from and issuance - SB 177 include snuff - HB 566 proclaiming February 12, 2007 - HR fines for violation - HB 284: HCS Child Reference cigarettes, create definition 121 belt use, exemptions - HB 284; HB 284: booster seats, required use - HB 53 for - HB 540 Making telephone solicitations to HFA (1) booster seats, requirement - HB 53: Safe cigarettes, compliance wireless telephone numbers, Vehicle headlamps, require illumination HCS, HFA (2),(3),(5),(6) requirements established - HB 278: prohibition of - HB 433 during foggy or inclement weather - HB Coal shippers and receivers, require HCS Motor 89 weight reporting to vehicle enforcement Smoking cessation treatment, Medicaid vehicle event data recorder, Warning lights, exceptions for use by - HB 454 coverage of - HB 337 requirements for use - SB 32 peace officers - HB 329; HB 329: HFA Colonel Larry Fuller Band, erect signs in Tobacco vehicle rental agreements and (1) honor of in Pike County - HJR 72 packages, allow moisture devices for - advertisements, price disclosure Wireless device, prohibit use while Commercial driver's license, employer HB 449 required - HB 310: HCS operating a motor vehicle - HB 301 drug testing - SB 84 products and cigarettes, gifts to minors Security breach, definition of - HB 7: Wrongful death, motor vehicle accident, Disable veteran's license plates, reduce banned - HB 567 HCS contact not required - HB 271 the disability threshold for - HB 144 products and cigarettes, purchases on Sexually oriented business, prohibit a Driver licensing, transfer issuance functions to State Police - SB 213 behalf of minors banned - HB 567 semi-nude employee from being within Transportation Task Force, reauthorize - HR 78 six feet of a patron - SB 95 Driver's license revocation and criminal testing, denote regulatory powers - HB Small claims division, jurisdictional "Abraham 449: HFA(1) increase - HB 198 penalties, alcohol convictions Lincoln Memorial Expressway," involving minors leading to - SB 45 Tobacco, establish basis for moisture Telemarketing, replacement of state- designate of portion of I-65 in honor device use - HB 449: HCS maintained no-call list by national list - license testing, extended hours of and memory of - SJR 93: SCS operation - HB 43 HB 430 Lincoln Memorial Highway," designate Telephone directories, misrepresentation license, DUI, suspension for - SB 217 Tourism Interstate 65 in honor and memory of Driving on expired license, exemption for of location of businesses, prohibition - - SJR 93 HB 246 returning military personnel - HB 59 06 HB 380, state/executive branch "Brandon Webb Highway," designate in Gold Star Mothers license plates, budget bill, amendments to - HB 327 Tipped employees, revision of tip credit - city of Ashland - HJR 52 HB 206; HB 206: HCS exempt from fee - HB 390 Amtrak service, promote use of - HCR "Denzil 'Hoss' Halbert Memorial Bridge," Halbert, Denzil "Hoss," name bridge on 18; HCR 18: HFA (1) Unfair practices, prohibitions on designated in Martin, Kentucky - SJR unsolicited fax - HB 437; HB 437: HFA KY 80 in Floyd County for - HJR 84: Barren River Lake, urge Corps of 136 SCS Hardship driver license, permit for Special HB 380, state/executive branch budget Retirement System, omnibus revisions - general traffic offenses - HB 268, 510 license plates, reissuance of - HB 215 bill, amendments - HB 262: SCS HB 461 Headlight use requirement, eliminate military plates, fraudulent application - HB 380, state/executive branch budget Retirement System, technical reference to constant use of wipers - HB 342 bill, amendments to - HB 327 corrections - HB 461: HCS HB 89: HFA(1) Speed Academic Tuition Highway Superintendent I and II, limits for state highways, establish - SB bill of rights - HB 158 waiver, child of a deceased or educational requirements removed - 83 degree, forgery of, Class D felony - HB permanently disabled veteran - HB HB 361 limits, specify highways on which speed 175 128: HFA(1) Historic motor vehicles brought into limit may be increased to 70 miles per Academy waiver, child of a veteran - HB 128 state, require inspection only to hour - SB 83: HCS for Mathematics and Science in waiver, child of deceased or authenticate VIN - HB 336; HB 381: Temporary vehicle tags issued by Kentucky, WKU to operate and permanently disabled veteran - SB HCS dealer, make valid for 60 days - HB manage - HB 306: HCS 52; HB 106 Honorary road names, designate in 370 of Mathematics and Science in waiver, child or dependent of a honor of various Kentuckians - SJR 93: Transportation Kentucky, WKU, creation of - SB 116; permanently disabled veteran - HB HCS Cabinet RR engineer, give title to district HB 306; HB 5: SCA (1) 106: HFA(1) I-66 bridge not subject to KRS 146.220 executive director - SB 59: HFA(1) Advanced Placement test scores, KEES waivers for spouses and dependents of to 146.360 - HB 89: SCS Cabinet, reorganization of - SB 59; SB awards for - SB 1: SCS veterans - HB 213 Interlocal agreements, incentives for - 59: HFA (2) Bishop College, re-establishment of - SR waivers, include members of Reserve HB 116: HCS Use of windshield wipers by motor 167 Components - HB 213: HFA(1) Issuance of certificate for limousine vehicle operators - HB 89: SCS Cardiovascular disease initiative, modify UK College of Agriculture, Senior service - SB 133 Vehicle headlamps, require illumination board membership of - HB 185: SCS Farmers Market Nutrition Program, Kentucky during foggy or inclement weather - HB Contracts with postsecondary collaboration with - SB 25 National Guard specialty license plate, 89 institutions, permit board approval of University allow surviving spouses to obtain or employee interest in - SB 130 capital projects, vetoed, restoration of - retain - SB 174 Treasurer Credit card and debt management HB 1: HFA(4) Recreational Trails Authority, illegal education for new students - HB 373; of Kentucky employees, one-time bonus ATV usage, directing study of - HJR Public funds, collateral - HB 523 SB 46: HFA (1); SB 57: HFA (1) - HB 544 14: HCS Dual credit courses, high school of Kentucky, honor football team, 2006 King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr., urge city of students, use of KEES scholarship Music City Bowl champions - SR 36 Covington to rename 12th Street in Unemployment Compensation funds for - SB 46: SCS of Kentucky, Samaritan Clinical Facility, honor of - HR 197 Employee health and life insurance, limit funds for - SB 143: HFA(1) License plates, allow disabled veterans Collections, procedures revised for - SB coverage and beneficiaries to family of Kentucky, School of Human to acquire without payment of a fee - 171 members - SB 152 Environmental Sciences, honoring - HB 147 Determinations, appeal process Employees' rights - HB 429 HR 42 Louisville provided for - SB 171: SFA(1) Governor's Postsecondary Education of Louisville Stadium Expansion, Bridges project, request additional Nominating Committee, appointment to authorization of - HB 416 federal funding for - HR 140 Uniform Laws - HCR 154 Bridges project, request for additional Gray, Sandra C., president of Asbury Veterans' Affairs federal funding for - HR 90 Prudent Management of Institutional College, honoring - HR 232 Memorial signs, creation of highway Funds Act, adoption of - HB 515 Independent postsecondary institution, 06 memorial sign program - HB 155 Uniform Commercial Code, disposition accreditation for - HB 1: HFA(3) HB 380, state/executive branch budget Motor of goods by a secured party - SB 119 International Education Week, bill, amendments - HB 262: SCS vehicle event data recorder, celebration of - HJR 7 HB 380, state/executive branch budget requirements for use - SB 32 United States KEES bill, amendments to - HB 327 vehicle keys, production of based solely awards, student eligibility for - SB 1 Adamkavicius, on vehicle identification number eligibility, retroactive extension for Armed Forces, Global War on Terror, Captain Adam L., memorializing - HR (VIN), prohibition - HB 481 active duty military - HB 291: HCS urge Congress to unequivocally 106 vehicle renting companies, allow to eligibility, retroactive extension for support - HR 174 Captain Clayton L., memorializing - SR charge daily vehicle license recovery military service - HB 291 Equal representation for District of 73 fees - HB 310 eligibility, retroactive extension or active Columbia residents, support for - HR Armed Forces Appreciation Month, vehicle salesperson's licenses, increase military service - HB 291: SCS 136 recognize May as - HR 235 fee - HB 389: HCS Kentucky Establishment Beery, Staff Sergeant Brock A., Vehicle use tax, allow out of state bill of Cardiovascular Disease Initiative and Clause, civil actions relating to - HB 19 memorializing - SR 164; HR 94 sale in lieu of affidavit of board, create - HB 185: HFA(1) Clause, claims relating to - HR 4 Burial rights, publicize - HB 280 consideration - HB 478 Cardiovascular Disease Initiative and FDA, prescription drug importation from Charitable Gaming Advisory Officer Landry Collett, honoring for board, creation - HB 185 foreign countries, safety information Commission, membership - HB 180; awards received for apprehending Educational Excellence Scholarship, requested from - HB 252: HFA(1) HB 180: HFA (1) impaired drivers - HR 132 eligibility for - HB 291: CCR Flag of the United States, display of - HB Clemons, Staff Sergeant Thomas W., Older vehicles, allow display of model Educational Excellence Scholarships, 13 memorializing - SR 64; HR 87 year license plate - HB 381 participating institutions - HB 291: Immigration, enforcement of federal law Cooper, Operator's & Intermediate licenses and SCA(1) - HB 11 Sergeant John Edward, memorializing - permits, student requirements for - HB educational excellence scholarships, Internal Revenue Service agents, HR 111 32 use of funds for dual credit courses - inclusion of as Kentucky peace officers Staff Sergeant John Edward, Placement of signs on Kentucky Route SB 46 - HB 194 memorializing - SR 91 90 entering Wayne County honoring State University, honoring - HR 65 Prescription drug importation from Coran, Commander Jeffrey S., honoring musician Don Parmley - SJR 93: Nutrition program, place under foreign countries, request certification - HR 234 HFA(2) Agriculture Department, require of safety of - HB 252 Cornett, Sergeant First Class Lance S., Railroad hazard and safety issues, reporting - SB 25: SCS Presidential election by national popular memorializing - SR 76; HR 102, 196 Jefferson County, study of - HCR 164 Postsecondary vote, compact for - HB 550 Cubert, Railroads, risk assessment and education institutions, initial hires, REAL ID Act of 2005, urge repeal of - Master Sergeant Clinton W., community protection plan - HB 134 criminal checks of - HB 208 HCR 122 memorializing - SR 80 Reduce advertising device viewing zone institutions, debt issuance by - HB 332 SEC, investment in Sudan, guidance to Master Sergeant Clinton Wayne, - SB 155: HFA(1),(2) Reference cigarettes, create definition investors requested - HCR 16 memorializing - HR 109 Remote car starters, permits use if for - HB 540 Social Security, Windfall Elimination and Disable veteran's license plates, reduce unattended vehicle remains locked - Science, Technology, Engineering and Government Pension Offset the disability threshold for - HB 144 HB 552 Mathematics Task Force, direct CPE to Provisions, repeal urged - HCR 110 Disabled SB 83 - SB 83: SFA(1) continue work of - SR 241; HR 224 Sudan, President and Congress, action veterans, exemption from overnight Seat State urged to be taken by - HCR 16 accommodations rate at state parks - belt law, clarify exemptions from and agencies and Bluegrass Community HB 167 fines for violation - HB 284: HCS and Technical College, urge Universities and Colleges veterans, overnight accommodations belt use, exemptions - HB 284; HB 284: collaboration between - HR 133 rate at state parks, exemption for - HFA (1) agencies and Kentucky Community and HB 167: HCS 06 Short-line railroad revitalization program, Technical College System, veterans, propose constitutional HB 380, state budget, amendments to - establish task force to study creation of collaboration between - HR 156 amendment to allow exemption of - HJR 72: HCS HB 327: HCS, HFA (14) Teachers' property - HB 146 128: HFA(1) wage and overtime, providing Department for Local Government, Echols, Lance Corporal Thomas P., waiver, child of a veteran - HB 128 exemptions - HB 305: HFA(1) project authorization for - SB 124; HB memorializing - SR 72; HR 97 waiver, child of deceased or wage revision - SB 5; HB 305 404 Ehney, Sergeant Robert W., permanently disabled veteran - SB wage revision, annual adjustment - HB Drought memorializing - SR 81; HR 103 52; HB 106 17 mitigation and response plan, Advisory False representation of oneself as a waiver, child or dependent of a wage tax credit - HB 499 Council, requirement for - SJR 109: veteran, prohibition - HB 105 permanently disabled veteran - HB wage, employer tax credit - HB 305: SCS Fulkerson, 106: HFA(1) HFA(11),(12) Mitigation and Response Plan, create - Specialist Timothy Adam, waivers for spouses and dependents of wage, revision - HB 37; HB 305: HCS SJR 109 memorializing - HR 95 veterans - HB 213 wage, revision of - HB 54 Floyds Fork Water Resources Council, Specialist Timothy Adam, memorializing waivers, include members of Reserve wage, state preemption - HB 305: establishment of - HB 435 - SR 77 Components - HB 213: HFA(1) HFA(4),(5) Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, Funerals, disruption of - HB 280: SCS Tuskegee Airmen, designate I-75 in Prevailing wage, exempt construction of attached to newly created Governor's Gardner, Specialist James W., honor of - HJR 15 court facilities from - HB 305: HFA(6) Office for Local Development - SB 76 memorializing - SR 70; HR 82 United Sex-based Ky. Pollution Abatement Authority, Halsel, States Armed Forces, Global War on wage discrimination disputes, binding abolished - SB 55 Staff Sergeant Santiago M., Terror, unequivocally support - HR arbitration permitted - HB 219: Save Our Streams Task Force, creation memorializing - SR 163 211 HFA(2) of - HCR 160 Staff Sergeant Santiago M., resolution States Armed Forces, Global War on wage discrimination, comparable worth Water memorializing - HR 93 Terror, urge Congress to to be determined by employer - HB districts, extension and formation of - Higgins, Senior Chief Electronics unequivocally support - HR 174 219: HFA(3) SB 96 Technician Thomas K., memorializing - States Armed Forces, Kentucky wage discrimination, prohibited on districts, powers of and requirements for SR 96 member of, death benefits - HB 522 comparable jobs - HB 219 - SB 96: SCS Hiring preference, expansion of - HB 63, States Navy Appreciation Month, April - wage discrimination, rebuttable Resource Development Commission, 170; HB 63: HCS HR 233 presumption for employer abolished - SB 76 Identity, unauthorized use of - SB 21 Veterans' Affairs Department, fiduciary determination - HB 219: HFA(4) Resources Finance Authority, abolished Jones, Sergeant First Class Charles J., responsibilities - HB 183; HB 183: HFA Tipped employees, revision of tip credit - - SB 55 memorializing - SR 82; HR 105 (1) HB 206; HB 206: HCS Waterways KEES Warndorf, Corporal Christopher Tyler, Unpaid wages, limitation on recovery of - Alliance Task Force, establishment and eligibility, retroactive extension for memorializing - SR 79; HR 92 HB 482 membership of - HCR 160: HCS active duty status - SB 1: HCS West, Private First Class Theodore M., Wage discrimination prohibit based on Alliance Task Force, membership of - eligibility, retroactive extension for memorializing - SR 138; HR 83 race or national origin - HB 219: HCR 160: HFA(1) military service - HB 291 White, Private First Class Christopher HFA(1) Kentucky National Guard specialty N., memorializing - SR 67; HR 99 Waterways and Dams license plate, allow surviving spouses Wounded or disabled veterans, services Waste Management to obtain or retain - SB 174 and benefits for - HB 225 06 HB 380, state/executive branch Lewis, Corporal Timothy D., Delinquent solid waste fees and taxes, budget bill, amendments to - HB 327 memorializing - SR 169 Veterinarians collection of - HB 240: HFA(1) Barren River Lake, urge Corps of License plates, allow disabled veterans E-scrap Task Force, establishment of - Engineers to increase depth of - HCR to acquire without payment of a fee - Assistance dogs, medical treatment of - HCR 131 139 HB 147 SB 23; SB 23: SCS Interlocal agreements, incentives for Drought McNeill, Sergeant Phillip D., Dog or cat, redefine torture of, increase county cooperation - HB 116 mitigation and response plan, Advisory memorializing - HR 147 penalty for - HB 475 KRS 224A.011 add, change, and delete Council, requirement for - SJR 109: Messer, Private First Class Scott A., Equine health permits, encourage to definitions for - HB 442 SCS memorializing - SR 75; HR 85 coincide - HCR 148 Projects, Kentucky Infrastructure Mitigation and Response Plan, create - Military Euthanasia, permission required before Authority, financing authority for - HB SJR 109 families, assistance for - SB 186 performing - HB 49 442: HCS Emergency Action Plans for or veteran status, prohibit Spay/neuter, require for adoption or Qualifying voluntary environmental impoundments, promulgate misrepresenting - HB 105: HFA(1) release from shelters - HB 270 remediation property define administrative regulations for - HJR status, false representation - HB 342 requirements of - SB 82 130 Mundell, Major Michael Lewis, Vetoed Legislation Recycling, plastic containers, labeling of Ky. Pollution Abatement Authority, memorializing - SR 65; HR 108 - HB 333 abolished - SB 55 Nein, Staff Sergeant Timothy F., Save Our Streams Task Force, creation Lake Barkley, increase navigability on - honoring - SR 115; HR 209 Line-item vetoes, 2006 General Assembly, restoration of - HB 1 of - HCR 160 HCR 12 Patriot Guard, Kentucky, honoring - SR Solid Ohio River issues, create task force on - 112 waste collection liens, local HR 215 Seat belt fines, deposit in veterans' Wages and Hours governments, authorization for - HB Save Our Streams Task Force, creation program trust fund - HB 179 240 of - HCR 160 Settle, Comparable worth, factors considered - waste fees, collection via Department of Surface mines, overburden disposal in Private First Class Robert J., HB 219: HFA(5) Revenue - HB 240: SCS state waters, prohibited - HB 385 memorializing - HR 89 Educational institutions, construction Storm water rate charges, persons Waterways Specialist Robert J., memorializing - SR exempt from paying prevailing wages - exempt from - SB 206 Alliance Task Force, establishment and 78 HB 457 Tire-derived membership of - HCR 160: HCS Simmons, Corporal Windell J., Employee fuel, exempt from solid waste definition, Alliance Task Force, membership of - memorializing - SR 71; HR 98 Free Choice Act, urge Congress to exemption of - SB 125 HCR 160: HFA(1) Sims, Lance Corporal Justin D., enact - HR 169 fuel, recovered material, definition of Wild rivers, construction of I-66 bridges - memorializing - SR 68; HR 96 Free Choice Act, urge the U.S. Senate and requirements for - SB 125: HB 284: SCS Sizemore, Staff Sergeant Garth D., to defeat - HR 212 SFA(1) memorializing - SR 85; HR 101 KEDFA program, calculation of base Underground Weights and Measures State hourly wages - HB 305: SCS, SFA (1) petroleum storage tank deadlines, Parks, discount for veterans - HB 51 KJDA, wage requirements - HB 468; HB extended - HB 137: HFA(1) Tobacco Parks, discounts for veterans - HB 51: 468: HFA (1) petroleum storage tank program, HCS Labor organization, mandatory packages, allow moisture devices for - administration of - HB 521 HB 449 Parks, veterans' discount - HB 51: membership or financial support petroleum storage tank program, HFA(1) prohibited, penalty - HB 328; HB 219: testing, denote regulatory powers - HB registration of tanks for - HB 137: 449: HFA(1) Subcommittee on, request HFA (6) HCS reestablishment of - HR 61 Minimum Tobacco, establish basis for moisture petroleum storage tank registration and device use - HB 449: HCS Tafoya, Lieutenant Commander Jane wage and overtime, delete exemption application deadlines, extended - HB Elizabeth Lanham, memorializing - HR for newspaper carriers - HB 305: 137 190 HFA(8),(9),(10) Wills and Estates Thornsberry, Lance Corporal Jonathan wage and overtime, delete exemptions Water Supply Brett, memorializing - SR 86; HR 104 provided - HB 305: HFA(2),(3) Dentists, estate may contract for Tuition wage and overtime, exemption for continuation of services - SB 26 waiver, child of a deceased or employees who provide 06 HB 380, state/executive branch Estate permanently disabled veteran - HB companionship services - SB 123 budget bill, amendments to - HB 327 of deceased dentists contracting for continuation of services - SB 26: Appointments to boards and Administrative law judge, experience Board of Directors, appointment, SFA(1) commissions, Governor permitted to required - HB 492 Michael D. Templemon - SR 188 of deceased dentists, contracting for achieve gender equity with - HB 4 Agriculture, drug-free workplace, and Medical continuation of services - SB 26: Breast-feeding, excused from jury duty - self-insurance revision in - SB 203: disputes, create attorney fee for - HB SFA(2) HB 241 SCS; HB 296: SCS 495 Fiduciary, gender neutral language Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, Attorney representation, increase fees fee, reimbursement to RNFA - SB 103: added - HB 564 January 2007 recognized as - SR 21 for - HB 491 HCS Kentucky Family Trust Program, creation Consortium, loss of, action for - HB 403; Black lung, delete consensus procedure Overtime and premium, include in of - HB 6 HB 403: HCS (1),(2) - HB 452 calculation of average weekly wage for Limitation of action in wrongful death - Dating violence, availability of domestic Board member, experience required - - HB 494 HB 434 violence protective orders - HB 396 HB 493; HB 493: HCS Prison industries enhancement program Testamentary Human Civil - SB 42: SCS, SCA (1) trustee, accounting requirement - HB Papillomavirus vaccine, funds for - HB action, permitted for negligence - HB Public 83; HB 83: HFA (2) 327: HFA(5),(10) 398: HFA(2) sector employers exempt from trusts, accounting of - HB 83: HFA(1) trafficking - SB 43 actions, permitted for negligence, requirement to post security - SB 203 Trust for the care of an animal - SB 114 Identification card for homeless, provide recklessness, or safety violation - HB sector self-insured employer, exempt for - HB 253 398: HFA(3) from requirement to post security - Withdrawn Legislation Income tax refund, military family Cowden, William Bruce, Jr., Workers' HB 296; HB 296: HFA (1) assistance, designation of - HB 520 Compensation Board, appointment - Registered WITHDRAWN - SB 18, 19, 20, 27, 35, Jury service, excusal for breastfeeding SR 242 nurse first assistants, direct 48, 63, 90, 129, 136, 137, 146, 189, mothers - SB 111 Davis, Chris, administrative law judge, reimbursement for services provided 193; SR 11, 49, 74; HB 39, 42, 56, 81, Kentucky's rape crisis centers and appointment - SR 243 by - SB 103; HB 379 96, 97, 104, 153, 154, 174, 184, 204, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Death benefit, calculation revised - SB nurse first assistants, reimbursement to 232, 269, 286, 412, 532, 535; HCR 27; recognize and honor - HR 166 163 - SB 103: SCS HR 58, 201, 214 Loss of consortium, attorney fees - HB Dyche, R.W., Workers' Compensation Tort actions, permitted for negligence - 403: HFA(5),(6) Board, appointment - SR 244 HB 303, 398 Sex-based wage discrimination, Emergency workers, rebuttable Unfair claims practices, provision Witnesses prohibited on comparable jobs - HB presumption for - HB 516 repealed - SB 181 219 Employer liability, delete no-fault Uniform Emergency Volunteer Health Child, testimony, victim of violent offense State contractors, equal employment provisions - HB 398: HFA(1) Practitioners Act, delete workers' - SB 31 opportunity requirements for - HB 181; Independent contractor, certificate of - compensation provision - HB 287: HB 181: HCS; HB 334: SCA (1) SB 190 HFA(1) Women Wrongful death, loss of consortium - HB Injured workers, notification of rights Voluntary 403: HFA(1),(2),(3),(4) required - HB 517 intoxication, benefits denied - SB 99 Abortion, no right created - HB 251 Insurance "premium" definition - SB 151 intoxication, benefits denied. - HB 398: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, recognition Workers' Compensation KEMI HFA(4) of - SR 34 Board of Directors, appointment, Jeffrey Mark Farmer - SR 190 BR to Bill Conversion List</p><p>BR2 (SB16) BR128 (HB75) BR249 (HCR6) BR371 (HB142) BR494 (SB57) BR3 (SB17) BR131 (HB35) BR250 (SB28) BR373 (HJR13) BR496 (HB182) BR5 (HCR32) BR134 (HB76) BR251 (HB111) BR376 (SB36) BR497 (HB122) BR9 (HB215) BR135 (HB45) BR252 (SB11) BR377 (HB101) BR498 (HB335) BR10 (SB18) BR136 (HB32) BR253 (HB175) BR378 (HB70) BR499 (SB65) BR11 (SB19) BR137 (HB26) BR256 (SB9) BR379 (HB143) BR802 (HB306) BR12 (HB33) BR141 (SR14) BR258 (HB81) BR380 (HB84) BR803 (SB40) BR14 (HB72) BR143 (HB50) BR259 (HB47) BR383 (HB134) BR804 (HB157) BR17 (HB11) BR144 (HB31) BR260 (HB127) BR384 (HB413) BR805 (HB197) BR23 (HB163) BR146 (SB13) BR261 (SR7) BR386 (HB149) BR807 (SB41) BR24 (HB164) BR148 (SB5) BR262 (HJR7) BR387 (SB66) BR809 (HB169) BR25 (HB166) BR149 (HB54) BR263 (HB125) BR388 (SB67) BR810 (SB49) BR26 (HB73) BR150 (SB27) BR267 (SB24) BR389 (SB68) BR811 (HB6) BR27 (HB162) BR151 (SB220) BR268 (HR2) BR392 (HB168) BR812 (SB39) BR28 (SB3) BR152 (SB10) BR269 (SR1) BR393 (HB192) BR813 (HB145) BR29 (SB4) BR153 (HB28) BR271 (SB140) BR394 (HB568) BR814 (HB151) BR30 (HCR26) BR154 (HB44) BR272 (SB111) BR396 (HB130) BR815 (HB212) BR31 (HB53) BR156 (HCR25) BR273 (HB147) BR397 (SB38) BR817 (HB210) BR32 (HB112) BR157 (HCR27) BR274 (HB146) BR398 (SB29) BR819 (HB308) BR33 (HB14) BR158 (SB154) BR275 (HR34) BR399 (HB232) BR821 (HB165) BR34 (HB12) BR162 (SB73) BR276 (HB226) BR401 (HB548) BR822 (HR21) BR35 (HB16) BR164 (HB95) BR277 (SB20) BR402 (HB90) BR825 (HB415) BR36 (HB91) BR168 (SB76) BR281 (HB56) BR403 (SR19) BR827 (SB126) BR38 (HJR15) BR172 (HJR5) BR282 (HB57) BR404 (SB32) BR830 (HB347) BR39 (HB13) BR173 (SB55) BR283 (HB92) BR405 (SB25) BR831 (HB199) BR42 (HB103) BR174 (SB58) BR284 (SB104) BR406 (HR81) BR832 (SB141) BR43 (HB15) BR175 (SB78) BR286 (HB63) BR407 (HB141) BR833 (HB185) BR46 (HB179) BR176 (SB144) BR287 (HCR31) BR408 (SB15) BR835 (HB3) BR48 (HB21) BR177 (SB59) BR288 (HCR29) BR409 (HB110) BR836 (HB181) BR49 (HB148) BR179 (HB68) BR289 (HR1) BR410 (SB37) BR837 (HB214) BR50 (HB41) BR181 (SB217) BR290 (SR2) BR411 (HB299) BR838 (HB136) BR51 (HB42) BR182 (SB180) BR291 (HR3) BR412 (HB189) BR839 (SB103) BR55 (HB20) BR184 (SB51) BR292 (SR4) BR413 (HB78) BR840 (HB397) BR56 (HB58) BR185 (HB62) BR293 (HB113) BR414 (HB94) BR841 (HR24) BR57 (SB30) BR186 (HB106) BR296 (HCR9) BR415 (HJR14) BR842 (SJR16) BR58 (HB207) BR188 (HB96) BR300 (HB52) BR416 (SB62) BR844 (SB125) BR59 (HB133) BR189 (HB55) BR301 (HB25) BR417 (HB100) BR845 (SB134) BR62 (HB108) BR190 (SB46) BR302 (SR3) BR418 (HB79) BR846 (SB79) BR63 (HB470) BR191 (SB159) BR304 (SB31) BR419 (HB109) BR890 (SB44) BR66 (HB138) BR193 (HB139) BR305 (HB362) BR420 (HB102) BR891 (HB296) BR67 (HB59) BR196 (HB39) BR307 (HB201) BR421 (HCR16) BR892 (HB495) BR68 (HB51) BR197 (HB49) BR309 (HCR8) BR423 (HB5) BR893 (HB491) BR69 (HB23) BR199 (HB284) BR310 (SB221) BR426 (SB114) BR894 (HB153) BR70 (HB18) BR200 (HB489) BR313 (HB203) BR427 (HB144) BR895 (HB154) BR71 (HB126) BR201 (HB472) BR318 (HB82) BR428 (HB99) BR896 (SB118) BR74 (HB27) BR202 (HB496) BR319 (HCR67) BR430 (HB123) BR897 (SB75) BR75 (HJR23) BR204 (HB444) BR320 (SB26) BR431 (HJR10) BR898 (HB178) BR76 (HB46) BR207 (HB115) BR323 (HJR72) BR432 (HB377) BR899 (SB56) BR78 (HB188) BR208 (HB116) BR324 (SR5) BR433 (HB187) BR900 (SB85) BR82 (HB140) BR209 (HB117) BR325 (SR8) BR434 (HB183) BR901 (SR9) BR83 (HR4) BR210 (HB118) BR326 (HB64) BR435 (SJR6) BR902 (SB50) BR84 (HB19) BR211 (HR22) BR327 (HB61) BR436 (HB1) BR903 (HR17) BR86 (HB150) BR213 (SB7) BR328 (HB155) BR438 (HB298) BR904 (HB222) BR89 (HB211) BR214 (HB97) BR329 (HB121) BR440 (HB87) BR908 (HB205) BR90 (SB14) BR216 (SB52) BR331 (HB77) BR441 (SCR22) BR909 (SR10) BR91 (HB396) BR218 (HB172) BR332 (HB98) BR442 (HR146) BR910 (SB105) BR93 (HB193) BR219 (HB566) BR333 (HB69) BR443 (SB109) BR912 (HB323) BR94 (HB137) BR220 (HB38) BR334 (HJR11) BR444 (HB159) BR913 (HB351) BR95 (HB22) BR221 (SB95) BR337 (HCR18) BR448 (HB171) BR915 (HR40) BR96 (HB24) BR222 (HB66) BR339 (HB88) BR450 (HB195) BR916 (HB349) BR97 (HB93) BR223 (HB190) BR341 (HB89) BR452 (HB328) BR917 (HB177) BR98 (HB30) BR224 (HCR12) BR342 (HB176) BR453 (SJR24) BR918 (SB71) BR99 (HB34) BR226 (SB23) BR343 (HB114) BR455 (HB184) BR919 (SB70) BR100 (HB74) BR227 (HR20) BR344 (SB53) BR458 (HB229) BR920 (SB107) BR102 (HB48) BR229 (HB174) BR345 (SB35) BR461 (HB469) BR922 (SR84) BR103 (HB60) BR230 (HB209) BR347 (HB17) BR463 (HB554) BR923 (SR83) BR107 (HB194) BR231 (HB43) BR351 (SB43) BR468 (SB178) BR924 (SR23) BR108 (HB29) BR233 (SB110) BR352 (SB22) BR469 (SB33) BR925 (HB191) BR110 (HB120) BR234 (HB80) BR353 (HCR107) BR474 (HB453) BR926 (HB216) BR113 (HB152) BR235 (HB104) BR354 (HB206) BR475 (HB119) BR927 (SB97) BR114 (HB86) BR236 (HB71) BR356 (SB129) BR477 (HB441) BR928 (HB202) BR115 (SB34) BR239 (SB8) BR358 (HB170) BR483 (HB129) BR929 (HB186) BR117 (SB21) BR240 (HB40) BR359 (HB85) BR484 (SB63) BR930 (HB204) BR118 (HB128) BR241 (SB12) BR360 (HB83) BR485 (HB156) BR932 (SR17) BR119 (HB67) BR242 (SB61) BR361 (SB190) BR486 (HB218) BR933 (SB48) BR120 (HB158) BR243 (HB105) BR362 (HB180) BR487 (HB217) BR934 (SB42) BR121 (SB6) BR244 (HB173) BR363 (HB65) BR489 (HCR19) BR935 (HR35) BR124 (HB131) BR245 (HB36) BR366 (HB135) BR490 (HB160) BR936 (HR36) BR125 (HCR28) BR246 (HB37) BR367 (SB2) BR491 (HB132) BR938 (SR13) BR126 (HCR30) BR247 (HB167) BR369 (HB107) BR492 (HB161) BR940 (HB224) BR127 (HCR33) BR248 (HB124) BR370 (SB116) BR493 (SR11) BR941 (SB45) BR942 (SR15) BR1044 (HCR75) BR1153 (SB90) BR1263 (SB196) BR1365 (HR65) BR944 (SR12) BR1045 (HB331) BR1154 (HR94) BR1264 (HB261) BR1367 (HR90) BR946 (HB200) BR1046 (HB500) BR1156 (HR92) BR1265 (SB127) BR1368 (HB449) BR947 (SB64) BR1047 (HB240) BR1157 (HR95) BR1266 (HB369) BR1369 (HB350) BR948 (HR38) BR1049 (SB89) BR1158 (HR104) BR1268 (HB272) BR1370 (HB559) BR949 (SR18) BR1050 (SB86) BR1159 (HR97) BR1269 (SB138) BR1374 (SB136) BR950 (SCR41) BR1051 (HR55) BR1160 (HR108) BR1270 (SR31) BR1376 (HR100) BR951 (HB196) BR1052 (HR56) BR1161 (HR111) BR1271 (HR42) BR1377 (HB246) BR952 (SB47) BR1053 (HB225) BR1162 (SR164) BR1272 (SR37) BR1378 (SB98) BR953 (HB317) BR1054 (SR65) BR1163 (SR163) BR1273 (HB428) BR1379 (HB344) BR954 (SB54) BR1055 (SR55) BR1164 (SR79) BR1275 (HB285) BR1381 (HB501) BR955 (HR37) BR1057 (SB102) BR1165 (SR77) BR1278 (HB310) BR1383 (HR59) BR956 (HB329) BR1058 (HB358) BR1166 (SR86) BR1279 (HB286) BR1384 (HB324) BR957 (SB84) BR1059 (HR78) BR1167 (SR72) BR1280 (HB287) BR1386 (HB537) BR958 (HB263) BR1060 (HR61) BR1168 (SR74) BR1281 (SB82) BR1388 (HB419) BR959 (HB318) BR1061 (HB10) BR1169 (HR82) BR1284 (SR30) BR1389 (HB326) BR960 (HR39) BR1062 (SB108) BR1170 (HR96) BR1285 (HB239) BR1391 (SR63) BR961 (SR21) BR1064 (HB279) BR1171 (HR109) BR1286 (HB227) BR1393 (SB133) BR962 (SB130) BR1065 (HB256) BR1172 (HR98) BR1287 (HB273) BR1394 (HB515) BR963 (HB513) BR1066 (HB252) BR1173 (HR106) BR1288 (HB353) BR1396 (HB289) BR964 (HB385) BR1067 (HB301) BR1174 (HR103) BR1289 (HCR151) BR1397 (HB387) BR966 (HB7) BR1068 (HB391) BR1175 (HR105) BR1290 (HB502) BR1398 (SR44) BR967 (SR28) BR1069 (HB253) BR1176 (HR89) BR1291 (SB100) BR1399 (SR42) BR968 (SR29) BR1070 (SB96) BR1177 (HR101) BR1293 (HCR71) BR1400 (SR47) BR969 (SR56) BR1071 (HB305) BR1178 (HR83) BR1296 (HB267) BR1402 (HB242) BR970 (HB213) BR1073 (HB314) BR1179 (HR87) BR1298 (HB346) BR1403 (SR69) BR974 (HB315) BR1074 (HB254) BR1180 (HR99) BR1299 (SB145) BR1407 (HJR52) BR975 (SB60) BR1078 (SB147) BR1181 (SR70) BR1300 (HCR120) BR1408 (SB213) BR976 (SR20) BR1079 (SJR48) BR1182 (SR68) BR1301 (SB115) BR1409 (SB216) BR977 (HB238) BR1080 (HB384) BR1183 (SR80) BR1302 (SR117) BR1410 (SB199) BR978 (HB265) BR1081 (HB360) BR1184 (SR78) BR1303 (SR46) BR1411 (SJR137) BR979 (HB266) BR1082 (HB485) BR1185 (SR73) BR1304 (HB430) BR1412 (SJR136) BR980 (HB292) BR1083 (SR60) BR1186 (SR81) BR1306 (HB255) BR1450 (HB248) BR981 (HB359) BR1084 (HB8) BR1187 (SR82) BR1307 (HB231) BR1452 (HB307) BR982 (SR25) BR1085 (HB236) BR1188 (SR71) BR1308 (HB230) BR1453 (HB505) BR983 (HB313) BR1086 (HB247) BR1189 (SR85) BR1309 (HB510) BR1454 (HB395) BR984 (HB244) BR1087 (SR40) BR1190 (SR138) BR1311 (HB260) BR1455 (HB517) BR985 (HB237) BR1091 (SB137) BR1191 (SR64) BR1312 (HB290) BR1456 (HB516) BR987 (SR36) BR1094 (HR73) BR1192 (SR67) BR1313 (SB81) BR1457 (HB492) BR988 (SB72) BR1095 (HR57) BR1193 (HB271) BR1314 (SR33) BR1458 (HB493) BR989 (HB269) BR1098 (HCR47) BR1195 (HB221) BR1315 (HB233) BR1459 (HB494) BR990 (HB243) BR1099 (HB235) BR1197 (HB436) BR1316 (SR34) BR1461 (HB402) BR991 (HB198) BR1100 (HCR70) BR1198 (HB293) BR1318 (HB458) BR1462 (HB536) BR992 (HR51) BR1101 (HB234) BR1199 (SB120) BR1319 (HB294) BR1465 (HR193) BR994 (SB106) BR1102 (HB264) BR1200 (HJR74) BR1320 (HR69) BR1466 (SB128) BR996 (HR60) BR1103 (HB523) BR1201 (HCR88) BR1321 (HR68) BR1468 (HB300) BR998 (HB257) BR1104 (SB124) BR1204 (SB132) BR1322 (HR93) BR1469 (SB119) BR1000 (SR39) BR1105 (HB245) BR1205 (SB93) BR1323 (HR63) BR1470 (HB338) BR1001 (HB208) BR1106 (HB2) BR1206 (SB101) BR1324 (HJR77) BR1471 (HB380) BR1002 (SB80) BR1107 (HR43) BR1207 (HCR79) BR1326 (HR91) BR1472 (SJR95) BR1005 (SR61) BR1110 (HB295) BR1208 (HB429) BR1327 (HB490) BR1473 (HCR110) BR1006 (SR62) BR1112 (HB325) BR1209 (HCR76) BR1328 (SB88) BR1475 (SB113) BR1007 (HR48) BR1113 (HB343) BR1210 (HB309) BR1329 (HB392) BR1476 (SR50) BR1008 (SR98) BR1114 (SB117) BR1211 (HB352) BR1330 (HB432) BR1477 (SR87) BR1009 (HB219) BR1115 (HB407) BR1212 (HB367) BR1331 (HB541) BR1478 (HB414) BR1010 (HB311) BR1116 (HB319) BR1213 (HB388) BR1332 (HB258) BR1479 (SR92) BR1011 (HB337) BR1117 (HB389) BR1214 (HB400) BR1333 (HB549) BR1482 (HJR84) BR1012 (HB268) BR1118 (HB437) BR1215 (HR210) BR1334 (HB393) BR1484 (HB506) BR1013 (SR27) BR1119 (HR44) BR1217 (HB406) BR1335 (SB91) BR1485 (HB357) BR1014 (HB274) BR1122 (SR43) BR1218 (HJR137) BR1336 (HB547) BR1486 (HB418) BR1015 (HB275) BR1123 (SR96) BR1220 (SB99) BR1337 (HB546) BR1487 (SR243) BR1016 (HB356) BR1124 (SB204) BR1222 (HB336) BR1338 (HB345) BR1488 (SR188) BR1017 (SR26) BR1125 (HB527) BR1223 (SB152) BR1339 (SB162) BR1489 (SR190) BR1018 (HJR54) BR1126 (HR58) BR1224 (HB366) BR1340 (SB131) BR1490 (SR186) BR1019 (HB288) BR1127 (HB332) BR1225 (SB87) BR1341 (HB373) BR1491 (SR195) BR1020 (HR41) BR1128 (SR32) BR1227 (SB94) BR1342 (HB334) BR1492 (SR194) BR1021 (SB69) BR1130 (HB276) BR1228 (HJR66) BR1343 (SR38) BR1493 (SR196) BR1023 (HB452) BR1131 (HB302) BR1229 (HB354) BR1344 (SB77) BR1494 (SR197) BR1024 (HB372) BR1132 (HB251) BR1230 (HB375) BR1346 (SB123) BR1495 (SR191) BR1026 (SB83) BR1133 (HB321) BR1238 (SR52) BR1347 (SR107) BR1496 (SR181) BR1028 (HB291) BR1134 (HB223) BR1239 (SR51) BR1348 (SCR129) BR1497 (HB355) BR1029 (HB4) BR1135 (HB304) BR1240 (HB262) BR1349 (SR57) BR1498 (HB322) BR1030 (SB74) BR1136 (SR49) BR1241 (HB327) BR1350 (SR58) BR1499 (HB371) BR1031 (HB342) BR1137 (HB382) BR1242 (HR64) BR1351 (SR59) BR1500 (HB333) BR1032 (HB297) BR1138 (SCR45) BR1243 (HR62) BR1352 (HB316) BR1501 (HB340) BR1033 (HB320) BR1139 (SB121) BR1244 (SB92) BR1353 (HB259) BR1502 (HB341) BR1034 (HB270) BR1140 (SB183) BR1245 (SR53) BR1355 (HB405) BR1506 (SB170) BR1035 (HB249) BR1142 (HR49) BR1247 (HB228) BR1356 (HB312) BR1507 (SR198) BR1036 (HCR53) BR1143 (HB241) BR1248 (HB281) BR1357 (SR35) BR1508 (SR187) BR1037 (HJR50) BR1145 (SB1) BR1249 (HB280) BR1358 (HB473) BR1509 (SR182) BR1038 (HB278) BR1146 (SR54) BR1258 (HCR46) BR1359 (HB461) BR1510 (SR192) BR1039 (SB122) BR1147 (HB544) BR1259 (HR45) BR1360 (SB173) BR1511 (SR244) BR1041 (HB220) BR1148 (HB435) BR1260 (HB521) BR1361 (HB404) BR1512 (SR242) BR1042 (HB530) BR1150 (HB303) BR1261 (HB282) BR1363 (SB143) BR1513 (SR184) BR1043 (HB277) BR1152 (HB250) BR1262 (HB283) BR1364 (SB112) BR1514 (SR185) BR1515 (SR183) BR1656 (SR110) BR1784 (HB520) BR1933 (HJR145) BR1516 (SR189) BR1657 (SB209) BR1785 (SR106) BR1934 (HB477) BR1517 (SR180) BR1658 (SB218) BR1787 (SR112) BR1935 (HB457) BR1518 (HB339) BR1667 (HCR159) BR1790 (SR102) BR1937 (HB552) BR1519 (SB153) BR1669 (SB164) BR1791 (HR132) BR1938 (HB550) BR1520 (HB330) BR1670 (SB179) BR1792 (HCR126) BR1944 (HB511) BR1522 (HB479) BR1672 (SB197) BR1793 (HB532) BR1946 (HB553) BR1530 (HB558) BR1673 (SB185) BR1795 (HB442) BR1953 (HB528) BR1532 (SR66) BR1674 (HB518) BR1797 (HB488) BR1955 (HB481) BR1534 (HB365) BR1675 (HB519) BR1799 (HB531) BR1957 (HR152) BR1535 (HB363) BR1676 (HB427) BR1801 (HB572) BR1958 (HB570) BR1536 (HB364) BR1677 (HB499) BR1802 (HB562) BR1959 (HR162) BR1537 (SR89) BR1678 (HR150) BR1804 (HCR160) BR1960 (HR161) BR1538 (SR90) BR1681 (HB381) BR1805 (SB195) BR1961 (SB219) BR1539 (SR94) BR1682 (SB201) BR1806 (SB160) BR1963 (HR133) BR1540 (SR88) BR1683 (SR91) BR1807 (SB212) BR1964 (HCR154) BR1541 (HJR116) BR1686 (SB211) BR1812 (HB551) BR1542 (SB142) BR1688 (HB398) BR1817 (HB573) BR1545 (HR102) BR1690 (SB202) BR1818 (SB167) BR1546 (HR85) BR1691 (SB203) BR1819 (SB166) BR1547 (SR76) BR1692 (HR129) BR1820 (SB165) BR1548 (SR75) BR1693 (HB524) BR1821 (SB169) BR1549 (HB468) BR1694 (HB498) BR1822 (SB168) BR1550 (HB390) BR1696 (SR104) BR1823 (HB416) BR1551 (HB431) BR1697 (HB497) BR1824 (HCR155) BR1552 (HR135) BR1699 (HB447) BR1825 (HB476) BR1563 (HB408) BR1700 (HR124) BR1828 (SR97) BR1564 (HB459) BR1701 (HB434) BR1831 (SR99) BR1565 (HR80) BR1702 (HB409) BR1832 (HCR148) BR1566 (HB348) BR1703 (HB512) BR1837 (HCR164) BR1567 (SB177) BR1704 (HB539) BR1838 (HB433) BR1568 (HR86) BR1705 (HB567) BR1839 (HR134) BR1569 (HB514) BR1709 (SB208) BR1840 (SR101) BR1570 (HR113) BR1711 (SB222) BR1841 (SB192) BR1571 (HR112) BR1712 (HB540) BR1842 (SB200) BR1572 (HR114) BR1713 (HB399) BR1843 (HR123) BR1573 (HR125) BR1717 (HB486) BR1844 (HB475) BR1574 (HB401) BR1718 (SJR134) BR1846 (SB215) BR1575 (HB361) BR1719 (SB163) BR1850 (HB545) BR1577 (HB374) BR1720 (SB181) BR1851 (HB555) BR1578 (HB378) BR1723 (HB455) BR1852 (HB522) BR1579 (HB383) BR1724 (HB456) BR1853 (SB210) BR1580 (SJR93) BR1725 (HB462) BR1855 (SB189) BR1582 (HB386) BR1726 (HB412) BR1856 (HCR141) BR1583 (SB188) BR1727 (HB482) BR1857 (HCR163) BR1584 (SB135) BR1728 (HB569) BR1858 (HB425) BR1585 (HJR119) BR1729 (SR130) BR1859 (HB423) BR1587 (SB161) BR1730 (SR121) BR1860 (HB422) BR1589 (HR115) BR1731 (SR123) BR1861 (HB421) BR1591 (SB149) BR1732 (SR122) BR1862 (HB420) BR1592 (SB172) BR1733 (SB171) BR1863 (HB424) BR1594 (SB148) BR1734 (HB474) BR1864 (HB542) BR1596 (HB368) BR1738 (SB207) BR1866 (HCR139) BR1598 (SB155) BR1739 (HB440) BR1868 (HB466) BR1599 (SB206) BR1741 (SR108) BR1869 (SR103) BR1602 (HB560) BR1742 (SB151) BR1871 (HB543) BR1605 (HB439) BR1743 (HB508) BR1872 (HB465) BR1613 (HB370) BR1744 (SB214) BR1874 (SR140) BR1614 (SB139) BR1745 (SB150) BR1875 (SR141) BR1616 (HB503) BR1746 (HB478) BR1880 (SJR114) BR1617 (HB394) BR1749 (HB454) BR1881 (HB564) BR1622 (SB191) BR1751 (HCR122) BR1882 (HB563) BR1628 (HB443) BR1752 (HB464) BR1883 (HB471) BR1629 (SCR111) BR1753 (HB451) BR1885 (HB561) BR1630 (HB379) BR1754 (HB525) BR1886 (SB158) BR1631 (HB504) BR1755 (HB557) BR1887 (SB157) BR1634 (HB410) BR1756 (SJR125) BR1892 (HB565) BR1636 (SR100) BR1757 (HB417) BR1893 (HB487) BR1637 (SB187) BR1758 (HB529) BR1900 (HB533) BR1638 (HB438) BR1760 (HB426) BR1902 (HB556) BR1639 (HB445) BR1761 (SB194) BR1903 (HCR131) BR1640 (HB448) BR1762 (SJR109) BR1904 (HJR130) BR1641 (HCR127) BR1764 (HB571) BR1905 (HB534) BR1644 (SB184) BR1767 (SB182) BR1908 (HB450) BR1645 (HJR118) BR1769 (HB535) BR1910 (SB175) BR1646 (HR136) BR1770 (HB526) BR1915 (HB509) BR1647 (SB146) BR1772 (HB460) BR1916 (HR215) BR1648 (HB403) BR1776 (SB176) BR1918 (HB467) BR1649 (HB376) BR1777 (HB411) BR1919 (HJR142) BR1650 (SB205) BR1778 (SB156) BR1921 (HJR144) BR1651 (HB480) BR1779 (SB186) BR1922 (HB446) BR1652 (HR220) BR1780 (SB193) BR1923 (SR113) BR1653 (HB484) BR1781 (SB174) BR1926 (HB507) BR1654 (HB483) BR1782 (HB538) BR1928 (HR121) BR1655 (HCR117) BR1783 (HB463) BR1932 (SR115)</p><p>BR1970 (SR144) BR2067 (HR197) BR1972 (SR120) BR2068 (HCR194) BR1973 (SR193) BR2069 (HR190) BR1974 (SR132) BR2071 (SCR218) BR1975 (SR124) BR2072 (HR186) BR1976 (SR126) BR2073 (HR189) BR1977 (SR116) BR2074 (SR201) BR1978 (SR128) BR2075 (SR178) BR1979 (SR119) BR2077 (HR187) BR1980 (HR140) BR2078 (HR195) BR1981 (HR147) BR2079 (SR200) BR1982 (SR149) BR2080 (HR192) BR1983 (SR131) BR2081 (HR188) BR1984 (HR149) BR2082 (HR191) BR1985 (HR198) BR2083 (SR203) BR1986 (SR127) BR2087 (SR208) BR1987 (SR133) BR2088 (HR203) BR1988 (SR145) BR2089 (HR205) BR1989 (HR138) BR2090 (SR206) BR1990 (SR143) BR2091 (SR204) BR1992 (SR147) BR2093 (HR224) BR1993 (SR142) BR2094 (HR196) BR1995 (SB198) BR2095 (SR210) BR1997 (SR135) BR2096 (SR209) BR1998 (HR153) BR2097 (SR214) BR1999 (SR139) BR2098 (HR200) BR2000 (HR158) BR2099 (HR199) BR2001 (HR168) BR2100 (SR207) BR2002 (HR156) BR2101 (HR204) BR2003 (HR157) BR2102 (HR207) BR2005 (SR146) BR2103 (SR205) BR2007 (SR152) BR2104 (HR201) BR2008 (SR159) BR2105 (SR213) BR2009 (SR150) BR2106 (HR202) BR2011 (SR148) BR2107 (HR219) BR2012 (SR158) BR2108 (HR208) BR2013 (HR174) BR2109 (HR214) BR2015 (HR166) BR2110 (HR213) BR2016 (HR167) BR2111 (HR211) BR2017 (HR178) BR2112 (HR212) BR2018 (SR155) BR2113 (HR217) BR2019 (SR177) BR2114 (HR216) BR2020 (SR160) BR2115 (SR217) BR2022 (SR153) BR2116 (SR216) BR2024 (SR151) BR2117 (HR218) BR2025 (HR165) BR2118 (HR221) BR2026 (HR173) BR2119 (SR215) BR2027 (HR185) BR2120 (HR222) BR2028 (SR154) BR2121 (HR223) BR2029 (HR169) BR2122 (HR225) BR2030 (SR156) BR2123 (SR219) BR2031 (SR166) BR2124 (SR220) BR2032 (HR170) BR2125 (HR226) BR2033 (HR181) BR2126 (SR221) BR2034 (SR169) BR2127 (HR236) BR2035 (SR157) BR2128 (SR234) BR2037 (HR172) BR2129 (SR225) BR2038 (HR171) BR2130 (HR230) BR2039 (HR175) BR2133 (SR228) BR2040 (SR161) BR2134 (SR231) BR2041 (SR212) BR2135 (SR227) BR2042 (HR182) BR2136 (HR233) BR2043 (SR165) BR2137 (HR235) BR2044 (SR162) BR2138 (HR234) BR2045 (SR176) BR2139 (SR237) BR2046 (HR177) BR2140 (HR228) BR2047 (HR209) BR2141 (SR224) BR2048 (SR167) BR2143 (SR230) BR2049 (HR176) BR2144 (HR232) BR2051 (SR211) BR2145 (HR227) BR2052 (HR180) BR2146 (SR229) BR2053 (HR179) BR2147 (SR226) BR2054 (SR179) BR2148 (HR231) BR2055 (SR171) BR2149 (HR246) BR2056 (HR183) BR2151 (HR237) BR2057 (SR202) BR2153 (HR238) BR2058 (SR168) BR2154 (HR240) BR2059 (SR170) BR2155 (SR235) BR2060 (SR174) BR2156 (SCR232) BR2061 (SR199) BR2157 (SCR239) BR2062 (SR173) BR2158 (HR247) BR1966 (HR128) BR2063 (HR184) BR2159 (HR239) BR1967 (SR105) BR2064 (SR175) BR2160 (HR242) BR1968 (HR143) BR2065 (SR172) BR2161 (SR240) BR1969 (SR118) BR2066 (HR206) BR2162 (HR248) BR2163 (SR233) BR2167 (HR241) BR2170 (SR223) BR2173 (HR244) BR2165 (HR243) BR2168 (HR249) BR2171 (SR238) BR2175 (SR241) BR2166 (SR236) BR2169 (HR229) BR2172 (HR245)</p>
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