<p> NEW ACQUISITIONS September 2011</p><p>SUBJECT / AUTHOR / TITLE / EDITION / IMPRINT / CALL NUMBER</p><p>Abaca industry—Philippines—History Sievert, E. P. (2009). The story of abaca: Manila hemp's transformation from textile to marine cordage and specialty paper. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. HD 9156.M35 .Si19 2009</p><p>Ability—Testing Neukrug, E. (2010). Essentials of testing and assessment: a practical guide for counselors, social workers, and psychologists. 2nd ed., [International ed.]. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole/Cengage Learning BF 431 .N396e 2010</p><p>Accountants—Professional ethics McPhail, K. (2009). Accounting and business ethics: an introduction. London: Routledge. HF 5625.15 .M241 2009</p><p>Accounting—Problems, exercises, etc. Ibarra, V. C. (2010). Accounting 15: fundamentals of accounting workbook: notes, short and long problems. Quezon City: Ateneo De Manila University Press. HF 5661 .Ib1 2010</p><p>Acting—Psychological aspects Bogart, A. (2007). And then, you act: making art in an unpredictable world. New York: Routledge. PN 2058 .B633 2007</p><p>Advertising copy Bowdery, R. (2008). Copywriting. Lausanne, Switzerland: AVA Academia. HF 5825 .B672 2008</p><p>Advertising—Vocational guidance—Juvenile Careers in focus. (2009). Advertising and marketing. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Ferguson. HF 5828.4 .C180 2009</p><p>Agriculture Burton, L. D. (2010). Agriscience: fundamentals and applications. 5th ed., [International ed.]. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning. S 495 .C784a 2010</p><p>Agriculture—Juvenile literature Herren, R. V. (2011). Exploring agriscience. 4th ed. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar/Cengage Learning. S 495 .H433 2011</p><p>Alien labor—Philippines—Case studies Aguilar, F. V. (2009). Maalwang buhay: family, overseas migration, and cultures of relatedness in Barangay Paraiso. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. HD 6305.F55 .Ag93 2009</p><p>Almanacs, American The world almanac and book of facts. (2010) New York, NY: World Almanac Books. AY 67.N5 .W893 2010</p><p>Animation (Cinematography) Wells, P. (2009). Drawing for animation. Lausanne, Switzerland: AVA Academia. TR 897.5 .W462 2009 Antropology Zulueta, F. M. (2006). Anthropological and sociological: concepts and perspectives. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. GN 24 .Z849 2006</p><p>Application software Newby, T. J. (2009). Teaching and learning with Microsoft Office 2007 and Expression Web: a multilevel approach to computer integration. 2nd ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon/Pearson. QA 76.76.A65 .N429 2009</p><p>Applied linguistics—Encyclopedias Concise encyclopedia of applied linguistics. (2010). Amsterdam: Elsevier. P 129 .C748 2010</p><p>Aquino, Corazon Cojuangco, 1933-2009 Cory: an intimate portrait. (2009). Pasig City: Anvil Pub. DS 686.6.A64 .C67 2009</p><p>Architectural design—Handbooks, manuals, etc. Kottas, D. (2008). The architect's handbook. 2008 Ed. Singapore: Page One Pub. NA 2750 .K848 2008</p><p>Architecture, Colonial—United States—History Alarcon, N. I. (2008). The imperial tapestry: American colonial architecture in the Philippines. Manila: UST Pub. House NA 1527 .AI12 2008</p><p>Architecture—Dictionaries—Pictorial works Broto, C. (2008). Visual dictionary of architecture & construction. [1st Asian ed.]. Singapore: Page One Pub. NA 31 .B795 2008</p><p>Art, Modern—20th century Arnason, H. H. (2010). History of modern art: painting, sculpture, architecture, photography. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. N 6490 .Ar61 2010</p><p>Art—Sulu—History Amilbangsa, L. F. (2005). Ukkil: visual arts of the Sulu archipelago. Quezon City: Ateneo De Manila University Press. N 7328 .Am53 2005b</p><p>Athletic trainers Prentice, W. E. (2011). Principles of athletic training: a competency-based approach. 14th ed., [McGraw- Hill International student ed.]. New York: McGraw-Hill. RC 1210 .P918 2011</p><p>Attention Attention. (2009). Los Angeles: SAGE. BF 321 .At81 2009</p><p>Auditing, Internal Pickett, K. H. S. (2010). The internal auditing handbook. 3rd ed. Chichester, U.K.: John Wiley. HF 5668.25 .P586 2010</p><p>Auditing Cabrera, M. E. B. (2010). Applied auditing. 2010 ed. Manila: GIC Enterprises. HF 5667 .C112a 2010</p><p>Authors, Filipino—20th century—Biography Lorenzo, C. S. (2009). Talambuhay ng mga manunulat. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. PN 466 .L887 2009</p><p>Baking Pagrach-Chandra, G. (2009). Warm bread and honey cake: an inspiring collection of international recipes for the home baker. London: Pavilion Books. TX 763 .P149 2009 Baking Baking handbook for quick bread, yeast bread, cookies, cakes, pies and pastries. (2009). Pasig City: Anvil. TX 763 .B179 2009</p><p>Baking—Philippines The Complete guide to baking: with 101 recipes. (2002). Pasig City: Anvil Pub. TX 763 .C738 2002</p><p>Banking law—Philippines Dizon, E. L. (2009). Banking laws and jurisprudence. Manila: Rex Book Store. KPM 885 .D648 2009</p><p>Bartending—Vocational guidance—Philippines Roldan, A. S. (2008). Food service and bartending. Rev. ed. Paraänaque City: AR Skills Development & Management Services. TX 911.3.V62 .R643 2008</p><p>Basic education—Philippines—Curricula Cruz, I. R. (2003). The basic education curriculum in 17 easy lessons. Manila: Anvil. LB 2806.15 .C889 2003</p><p>Basketball—Philippines Juliano, M. S. (2008). The DLSU FWTeams basic basketball instructional manual: the physical education instructional manual series. Quezon City: C & E Pub. GV 885.35 .J942 2008</p><p>Beadwork—Handbooks, manuals, etc. Creative beading, vol. 4: the best projects from a year of Bead&Button magazine. (2009). Waukesha, WI: Kalmbach Books. TT 860 .C860 2009</p><p>Beauty contests—Philippines—Drama Cruz, I. R. (2006). Ms. Philippines. Manila: De La Salle University Press. PL 6165.4.C93 .M879 2006</p><p>Beauty, Personal Iman. (2005). The beauty of color: the ultimate beauty guide for skin of color. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. RA 778 .Im18 2005</p><p>Beer Beer. (2007). London: Dorling Kindersley. TP 577 .B392 2007</p><p>Bells—Philippines Of war and peace: Lantakas and bells in search for foundries in the Philippines. (2009). Manila: UST Pub. House. CC 250.P6 .Of1 2009</p><p>Bengson, Cesar, 1896- Ventura, S. M. (1996). Chief Justice Cesar Bengson: a Filipino in the world court. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. K 19.B4 .V567 1996</p><p>Biology, Economic—Mathematical models Clark, C. W. (2010). Mathematical bioeconomics: the mathematics of conservation /Colin W. Clark. 3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. QH 705 .C547 2010</p><p>Biology Belk, C. (2010). Biology: science for life. 3rd ed., [International ed.]. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings. QH 307.2 .B412 2010</p><p>Biomass energy Biofuels refining and performance. (2008). New York: McGraw-Hill. TP 339 .B520 2008</p><p>Biotechnology—Philippines Straight talk on biotechnology. (2008). Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. TP 248.195.P6 .St81 2008 v.2</p><p>Biotechnology—Philippines Straight talk on biotechnology. (2008). Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. TP 248.195.P6 .St81 2008</p><p>Boats and boating—Safety measures—Handbooks, Meisel, T. (2006). On-board emergency handbook: your indispensable guide for handling any challenge at sea. Camden, ME: International Marine/McGraw-Hill. GV 777.55 .M478 2006</p><p>Books—Philippines—History Jurilla, P. M. B. (2008). Tagalog bestsellers of the twentieth century: a history of the book in the Philippines. Quezon City: Ateneo De Manila University Press. Z 8.P6 .J978 2008</p><p>Botany Parker, R. (2010). Plant and soil science: fundamentals and applications. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar/Cengage Learning. QK 45.2 .P228 2010</p><p>Broadcasting—United States McGregor, M. A. (2010). Head's broadcasting in America: a survey of electronic media. 10th ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. HE 8689.8 .H34 2010</p><p>Building materials—Purchasing Benton, W. C. (2010). Construction purchasing & supply chain management. New York: McGraw-Hill. TH 438 .B446 2010</p><p>Building—Details—Drawings—Standards Architectural graphic standards: student edition. (2008). 11th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. TH 2031 .Ar25</p><p>Business enterprises—Computer network resources Sharp, J. A. (2009). Design and launch an online social networking business in a week. [Irvine, Calif.]: Entrepreneur Press. HF 54.56 .Sh23 2009</p><p>Business mathematics Shim, J. K. (2009). The art of mathematics in business: analyzing facts and figures for smart business decisions. Cranbrook, Kent, UK: Global Professional Pub. HF 5691 .Sh62 2009</p><p>Business planning Bowhill, B. (2008). Business planning and control: integrating accounting, strategy, and people. Chichester, England: Wiley. HD 30.28 .B678 2008</p><p>Business tax—Philippines De Leon, H. S. (2009). The law on transfer and business taxation: with illustrations, problems, and solutions. 2009 ed. Manila: Rex Book Store. HJ 3620.P6 .D377 2009</p><p>Business—Encyclopedias Encyclopedia of business in today's world. (2009). Los Angeles: SAGE. HF 1001 .En19 2009</p><p>C++ (Computer program language) Horstmann, C. S. (2009). Big C++. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. QA 76.73.C153 .H788 2009 Calculus—Textbooks Hoffmann, L. D. (2010). Calculus for business, economics, and the social and life sciences. Brief 10th ed., [McGraw-Hill International ed.]. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. QA 303 .H675b 2010</p><p>Catechisms, English Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Philippine ed. Manila: Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic Education. BX 1959.3.E5 .C286 2005</p><p>Catholic Church—Liturgy Salazar, J. C. (1999). Kasalo: batayang-aklat sa Eukaristiya para sa mababang paaralan. Manila: De La Salle University Press. BX 1970 .Sa31 1999</p><p>Catholic Church—Catechisms—Tagalog Lovasik, L. G. (2003). Katesismong pampamilya nagbubuklod sa pamilya, parokya, at paaralan: ang Diyos, Santisima Trinidad, ang paglikha, at ang pagkakasala ng tao. Las Piñas City: Apostolate for Family Consecration. BX 1966.T28 .L94 2003 bk. 1</p><p>Catholic Church—Philippines—Catechisms Catechism for Filipino Catholics. (2005). Special subsidized ed. for Filipino catechists. Manila: Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic Education. BX 1959 .C282c 2005</p><p>Cebuano fiction—Collections Cebuanon fiction = Sugilanong Sugboanon. (2009). Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. PL 6172.4 .C321 2009</p><p>Cellular telephones—Philippines Txt-ing selves: cellphones and Philippine modernity. (2002). Manila: De La Salle University Press. HE 9715.P6 .T949 2002</p><p>Chemistry, Forensic Bell, S. (2009). Drugs, poisons, and chemistry. New York, NY: Facts On File. RA 1057 .B413 2009</p><p>Child development Annual editions: child growth and development 09/10. 16th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. RJ 131 .An78 2009</p><p>Children's plays, Philippine Samu't saring dulang pambata. (2007). Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. PL 6164.3 .Sa49 2007</p><p>Christian ethics—Catholic authors—Congresses Catholic theological ethics in the world church: the plenary papers from the first cross-cultural conference on catholic theological ethics. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. BJ 1249 .C286 2008</p><p>Christian ethics—Catholic authors—Congresses Applied ethics in a world church: the Padua conference. (2009). Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. BJ 1249 .Ap58 2009</p><p>Church history A people's history of Christianity. (2010). Minneapolis: Fortress Press. BR 121.3 .P390 2010</p><p>Church music—Philippines—Bohol—Baclayon—History Chua, M. A. I. (2010). Kirial de Baclayon, aäno 1826: hispanic sacred music in 19th century Bohol, Philippines. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. ML 3051.P6 .C470 2010 Cities and towns—Encyclopedias Great cities. Basingstoke, UK: AA Pub. HT 108.5 .G798 2006</p><p>Classroom management A handbook for classroom management that works. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Pearson. LB 3013 .H191 2009</p><p>Client/server computing McBee, J. (2010). Mastering Microsoft Exchange server 2010. Indianapolis, Ind.: Wiley. QA 76.9.C55 .M121 2010</p><p>Climatic changes Ibon primer on climate change. (2008). Quezon City: IBON International. QC 981.8.C5 .Ib6 2008</p><p>Cocktails—Philippines Gonzales, G. R. (2001). The little bar book. Pasig City: Anvil. TX 951 .G589 2001</p><p>Cognitive learning Call, N. (2010). The thinking child: brain-based learning for the early years foundation stage. 2nd ed. London: Continuum. LB 1062 .C130 2010</p><p>College students' writings, Philippine In their own voice: the art of being and becoming. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila Unviersity Loyola Schools PS 9992.5 .Ag35 2009 v.1</p><p>Commercial statistics Bowerman, B. L. (2009). Business statistics in practice. 5th d., [McGraw-Hill International student ed.]. Boston: McGraw-Hill. HF 1017 .B676c 2009</p><p>Commercial statistics Doane, D. P. (2011). Applied statistics in business and economics. 3rd ed., [McGraw-Hill International student ed.]. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. HF 1017 .D65 2011</p><p>Communist Party of the Philippines—History Abreu, L. M. (2009). Agaw-dilim, agaw-liwanag. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. JQ 1419.A53 .Ab86 2009</p><p>Computer crimes Crime online. (2007). Portland, OR: Willan Pub. HV 6773 .C868 2007</p><p>Computer crimes—Investigation—Handbooks, Marcella, A. J. (2008). Cyber forensics: a field manual for collecting, examining, and preserving evidence of computer crimes. 2nd ed. New York: Auerbach Publications. HV 8079.C65 .M331 2008</p><p>Computer games—Programming Goodwin, S. (2007). Game developer's open source handbook. Boston, Mass.: Charles River Media. QA 76.76.C672 .G637 2007</p><p>Computer graphics Dayley, L. D. (2010). Photoshop CS5 bible. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley. T 385 .D334 2010</p><p>Computer networks—Law and legislation—Philippines Amistad, E. C. (2009). Primer on internet and cyberspace law: (notes, comments and selected cases). 2009 ed. Manila: Rex Book Store. KPM 80.C65 .Am57 2009 Computer network protocols CCNA exploration course booklet. (2010). Indianapolis, IN: Cisco Networking Academy. TK 5105.55 .C319 2010</p><p>Computer networks—Security measures—Examinations—Study guides CCNA security lab manual. (2010). Indianapolis, Ind.: Cisco Press. TK 5105.59 .C319c 2010</p><p>Computer networks—Security measures—Textbooks CCNA course booklet. (2010). Indianapolis, IN: Cisco Press. TK 5105.59 .C319 2010</p><p>Computer security Britz, M. (2009). Computer forensics and cyber crime: an introduction. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. QA 76.9.A25 .B778 2009</p><p>Computer security—Management Managing information security. Burlington, MA: Elsevier/Syngress. QA 76.9.A25 .M311 2010</p><p>Constitutional law—Philippines De Leon, H. S. (2008). Textbook on the Philippine constitution. 2008 ed. Manila: Rex Book Store. JQ 1431 .D455 2008</p><p>Contract system (Labor)—Philippines Azucena, C. A. (2010). Employment and outsourcing under Philippine law. 2010 ed. Manila: Rex Book Store. KPM 1229 .Az84 2010</p><p>Cookery Blake, S. (2008). The 5 a-day menu planner. London: Duncan Baird Publishers. TX 915 .B581 2008</p><p>The Maya Kitchen. (2009). I hate to cook! cookbook: quick and no-fuss recipes. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. TX 715 .M451 2009</p><p>Cookery (Ham) Weinstein, B. (2010). Ham: an obsession with the hindquarter. New York: Stewart Tabori & Chang. TX 749.5.H35 .W433 2010</p><p>Cookery (Herbs) Boxer, A. (2008). The hamlyn herb book. London: Bounty Books. TX 819.H4 .B69 2008</p><p>Cookery, Korean Chun, I. (2004). The food of Korea: 63 simple and delicious recipes from the Land of Morning calm. Singapore: Periplus Editions. TX 724.5.K65 .C472 2004</p><p>Ji, S. C. (1986). Korean cooking for everyone. Tokyo, Japan: JOIE Inc. TX 724.5.K65 .J56 1986</p><p>Cookery, Mexican Kennedy, D. (2008). The art of Mexican cooking: traditional Mexican cooking for aficionados.[2nd ed.]. New York: Clarkson Potter/Publishers. TX 716.M4 .K381 2008</p><p>Cookery, Philippine Alejandro, R. G. (2005). Authentic recipes from the Philippines: 81 easy and delicious recipes from the pearl of the orient. Singapore: Periplus. TX 724.5.P6 .Al25 2005</p><p>Barretto, G. R. (2006). Flavors of the Philippines: a culinary guide to the best of the Islands. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. TX 724.5.P6 .B275 2006</p><p>Diego, A. (2008). Feast of flavours from the Filipino kitchen: a step-by-step culinary adventure. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International (Asia). TX 724.5.P6 .D563 2008</p><p>Gonzalez, G. R. (2008). The little coconut book. Pasig City: Anvil. TX 724.5.P6 .G589l 2008</p><p>Besa, A. (2006). Memories of Philippine kitchens: stories and recipes from far and near. New York: Stewart Tabori & Chang. TX 724.5.P6 .B463 2006</p><p>Gonzalez, G. R. (2003). The little pulutan book. Pasig City: Anvil. TX 724.5.P6 .G589p 2003</p><p>Gonzalez, G. R. (2003). The little ulam book. Pasig City: Anvil. TX 724.5.P6 .G589 2003</p><p>Sta. Maria, F. P. (2006). The Governor-General's kitchen: Philippine culinary vignettes and period recipes, 1521-1935. Pasig City: Anvil. TX 724.5.P6 .St11 2006</p><p>Cookery (Spices) Boxer, A. (2008). The hamlyn spice book. London: Bounty Books. TX 819.A1 .B69 2008</p><p>Cooking, Asian Gonzalez, G. R. (2007). Going East: a merging of Asian culinary styles. Pasig City: Anvil. TX 724.5.A1 .G589 2007</p><p>Cosmetics Toselli, L. (2009). The complete makeup and beauty book. London: New Holland. RA 778 .T639 2009</p><p>Counseling Key issues for counselling in action. (2008). 2nd ed. London: SAGE. BF 637.C6 .K520 2008</p><p>Covention Cruz, Z. L. (2006). Convention and event management. 2nd ed. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. PB 6 .C889 2006</p><p>Crime—Dictionaries Agas, J. L. (2008). Criminology glossary. Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading. HV 6017 .Ag16 2008</p><p>Criminal behavior, Prediction of Serial crime: theoretical and practical issues in behavioral profiling. 2nd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press. HV 6080 .Se67 2009</p><p>Criminal investigation Castillo, R. O. (2008). Forensic documents investigation. 2nd ed. Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading. HV 8073 .C278 2008</p><p>Criminalistics. Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading. HV 8073 .C868 2009</p><p>Criminal investigation—Philippines Cacdac, A. G. (2009). SOCO: Scene of the Crime Operation. Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading. HV 8073 .C113 2009</p><p>Garcia, M. A. (2009). Organized crime investigation: a lecture series for criminal justice students and practitioners. Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading. HV 8073 .G165o 2009</p><p>Soriano, O. G. (2008). Fundamentals of criminal investigation: principles and procedures. Quezon City: Great Books Pub. HV 8073 .So68f 2008</p><p>Criminal investigation—United States Houck, M. M. (2009). Science versus crime. New York, NY: Facts On File. HV 8073 .H812s 2009</p><p>Criminal justice, Administration of—Philippines Manwong, R. K. (2009). Criminal justice system: settings & procedures. Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading. KPM 3409 .M319 2009</p><p>Criminal law—Philippines Ros, R. G. (2009). Fundamentals of criminal law. Quezon City: C & E Pub. KPM 3800 .R710 2009</p><p>The revised penal code: criminal law : Act No. 3815, as amended. 2009 ed., lawyers ed. Quezon City: Central Book Supply. KPM 3794.31932 .P538 2009b</p><p>Criminal law—United States—Cases Gardner, T. J. (2009). Criminal justice law. Philippine ed. Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd. KF 9219 .G176 2009b</p><p>Criminology—Dictionaries Mojica, M. L. (2008). Diksyunaryo Ingles-Filipino pangkriminolohiya. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. HV 6017 .M729 2007</p><p>Criminology Williams, F. P. (2010). Criminological theory. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall. HV 6018 .W671 2010</p><p>Criminology Montojo, F. G. (2006). Police intelligence: lessons for criminology students. Manila: National Book Store. F HV 6025 .M768p 2006</p><p>Criminology—Study and teaching—Philippines Manwong, R. K. (2008). Fundamentals of criminology. 3rd ed. Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading. HV 6024 .M319 2008</p><p>Crisis management Crandall, W. (2010). Crisis management in the new strategy landscape. Los Angeles: SAGE. HD 49 .C850 2010</p><p>Critical thinking Evangelista, F. J. N. (2007). Critical thinking: a college student's introduction to logic. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. B 105.T54 .Ev14 2007</p><p>Crop improvement Xu, Y. (2010). Molecular plant breeding. Wallingford, UK: CABI. SB 106.I47 .X8 2010</p><p>Cross—cultural counseling Handbook of multicultural counseling competencies. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. BF 637.C6 .H191m 2010</p><p>Culture shock—Canada Pang, G. (2009). CultureShock! Canada: a survival guide to customs and etiquette. 6th ed., Marshall Cavendish ed. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International (Asia). F 1021.2 .P193 2009 Culture shock—Germany Lord, R. (2008). Cultureshock! Germany: a survival guide to customs and etiquette. Cavendish ed. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International (Asia). DD 290.26 .L884 2008</p><p>Culture shock—Hawaii Massey, B. (2009). Cultureshock! Hawaii: a survival guide to customs and etiquette. 2nd ed., Marshall Cavendish ed. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International (Asia). DU 622 .M385 2009</p><p>Culture shock—Italy Flower, R. (2008). Cultureshock! Italy: a survival guide to customs and etiquette. 6th ed., Marshall Cavendish ed. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International (Asia). DG 451 .F669 2008</p><p>Culture shock—Japan Bramble, P. S. (2008). Cultureshock! Japan: a survival guide to customs and etiquette. Marshall Cavendish ed. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International (Asia). DS 822.5 .B731 2008</p><p>Culture shock—Korea Vegdahl, S. B. (2008). Cultureshock! Korea: a survival guide to customs and etiquette. 7th ed., Marshall Cavendish ed. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International (Asia). DS 904 .V523 2008</p><p>Culture shock—Malaysia Munan, H. (2008). Cultureshock! Malaysia: a survival guide to customs and etiquette. Marshall Cavendish ed. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International (Asia). DS 594 .M92 2008</p><p>Culture shock—New Zealand Oettli, P. H. (2009). Cultureshock! New Zealand: a survival guide to customs and etiquette. 3rd ed., Marshall Cavendish ed. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International (Asia). DU 418 .Oe8 2009</p><p>Culture shock—United States Wanning, E. (2008). Cultureshock! USA: a survival guide to customs and etiquette. Marshall Cavendish ed. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International (Asia). E 169.Z83 .W188 2008</p><p>Curiosities and wonders Ash, R. (2010). Top 10 of everything 2011. London: Hamlyn. AG 243 .As31 2010</p><p>Curriculum Planning—Philippines Bauzon, P. T. (2009). Foundations of curriculum development and management. 2nd ed. Mandaluyong City National Book Store. LB 2806.15 .B329 2009</p><p>Cyberbullying Shariff, S. (2009). Confronting cyber-bullying: what schools need to know to control misconduct and avoid legal consequences. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. K 5210 .Sh23 2009</p><p>Decision making—Mathematical models Loma, E. J. (2009). Quantitative decision models: introduction to operations research and its business applications. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. HD 30.23 .L837 2009</p><p>Design—Dictionaries Lidwell, W. (2010). Universal principles of design. Gloucester, Mass.: Rockport Publishers. NK 1165 .L619 2010</p><p>Desserts Choate, J. (2009). The fundamental techniques of classic pastry arts. New York: Stewart Tabori & Chang. TX 773 .C451 2009 Ramsay, G. (2010). Gordon Ramsay's desserts. London: Quadrille Pub. TX 773 .R148 2010</p><p>Wemischner, R. (2010). The dessert architect. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar/Cengage Learning. TX 773 .W472 2010</p><p>Developmental disabilities—Handbooks, manuals, Handbook of developmental disabilities. New York: Guilford Press. RJ 506.D47 .H191 2007</p><p>Developmental psychology—Social aspects—Philippines Ortigas, C. D. (2009). Psychology of transformation: the Philippine perspective: philosophy, theory and practice. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press BF 713 .Or85 2009</p><p>Differentiable dynamical systems Campbell, S. L. (2008). Introduction to differential equations with dynamical system. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. QA 614.8 .C153 2008</p><p>Distance education—Philippines Librero, F. (2008). Distance education in the Philippines: issues and concerns. Los Baänos, Laguna: University of the Philippines Open University. LC 5808.P6 .L616 2008</p><p>Domestic fiction Lamb, W. (2008). The hour I first believed: a novel. New York: HarperCollins Publishers .L169Ho 2008</p><p>Domestic relations—Philippines The family code of the Philippines annotated. (2009). 2009 rev. ed. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store K 670.A7 .N721 2009</p><p>Domestics—Philippines Arnado, J. M. (2003). Mistresses and maids: inequality among Third World women wage earners. Manila: De La Salle University Press. HD 8039.D52 .P637 2003</p><p>Drama—Collections Perez, T. (2009). The collected works of Tony Perez. Manila: UST Pub. House PL 6165.4.P49 .C685 2009</p><p>Dreams Enriquez, M. R. (2008) Aklat ng mga panaginip at mga kahulugan. Quezon City: Amos Books. BF 1091 .En72 2008</p><p>Drug abuse—Philippines—Handbooks, manuals, etc. Soriano, O. G. (2006). Comprehensive drug education manual. Rev. ed.; with RA 9165. Quezon City: Great Books Pub. HV 5840.P6 .So68 2006</p><p>Early childhood education Deiner, P. L. (2010). Inclusive early childhood education: development, resources, and practice. 5th ed., [International ed.]. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. LB 1139.23 .D368 2010</p><p>Early childhood education—United States Planning and administering early childhood programs. 9th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Pearson. LB 1139.25 .D357 2009</p><p>Educational psychology Ormrod, J. E. (2011). Educational psychology: developing learners. 7th ed., [International ed.]. Boston: Pearson. LB 1051 .Or5e 2011</p><p>Educational technology Sampath, K. (2007). Introduction to educational technology. 5th rev. ed., low price ed. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers. LB 1028.3 .Sa47i 2007</p><p>Educational technology Garo, C. D. (2008). Theories and principles of educational technology. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. LB 1028.3 .G19 2008</p><p>Educational technology Lever-Duffy, J. (2011). Teaching and learning with technology. 4th ed., [International ed.]. Boston: Pearson. LB 1028.3 .L576 2011</p><p>Educational tests and measurements Gutierrez, D. S. (2007). Assessment of learning outcomes. Malabon City: Kerusso Pub. House. LB 3051 .G985</p><p>Education-Philippines 21st Century trends, issues and challenges in Philippine education. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. LA 1292 .T918 2010</p><p>Education—Philippines—Curricula Palma, J. C. (2009). Curriculum development system: a handbook for school practitioners in basic education. 2nd ed. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. LA 2806.15 .P18 2009</p><p>Education—Philosophy—Philippines Estioko, L. R. (2008). Philosophy of education: a Filipino perspective. Manila: Logos Publications. LA 21 .Es86 2008</p><p>Elections—Corrupt practices Schaffer, F. C. (2009). The hidden costs of clean election reform. Quezon City: Ateneo De Manila University Press. JF 1083 .Sch14 2009</p><p>Electric circuits Floyd, T. L. (2010). Principles of electric circuits: conventional current version. 9th ed., [International ed.]. Boston: Pearson. TK 454 .F669 2010</p><p>Electronic data processing—Moral and ethical Ethical, legal, and social issues in computing. London: Thomson. QA 76.9.M65 .Et37 2008</p><p>Electronic data processing personnel—Certification Andrews, J. (2007). A+ guide to managing and maintaining your PC. 6th ed., comprehensive. Boston, Mass.: Thomson/Course Technology. QA 76.3 .An26 2007</p><p>Electronic data processing personnel—Certification Principles of computer security: CompTIA security+ and beyond. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. QA 76.3 .P935 2010</p><p>Emigration and immigration—Religious aspects Faith on the move: toward a theology of migration in Asia. (2008). Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. BV 639.14 .F172 2008</p><p>Emotion—focused therapy Power, M. J. (2010). Emotion-focused cognitive therapy. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. RC 489.F62 .P871 2010</p><p>Emotions Handbook of emotions. (2008). 3rd ed. New York: Guilford Press. BF 561 .H191 2008</p><p>Emotions—Religious aspects Riis, O. (2010). A sociology of religious emotion. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. BL 65.E46 .R449 2010 Employee fringe benefits—United States Martocchio, J. J. (2011). Employee benefits: a primer for human resource professionals. 4th ed., [McGraw-Hill International ed.]. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. HD 4928.N62 .M367 2011</p><p>Energy conservation—Handbooks, manuals, etc. Robert, H. M. (2009). Handbook of energy conservation. Singapore: Alkem Company (S) Pte Ltd. TJ 163.3 .R540 2009</p><p>Engineering mathematics—Data processing Chapra, S. C. (2006). Numerical methods for engineers. 5th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. TA 345 .C368 2006</p><p>Engineers—Biography James, I. M. (2010). Remarkable engineers: from Riquet to Shannon. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. TA 139 .J233 2010</p><p>English language—Dictionaries English, L. J. (1977). English-Tagalog dictionary. Manila: National Book Store. PL 6056 .En36e .En3 1977b</p><p>English language—Dictionaries Collins COBUILD advanced dictionary. (2009). Boston, MA: Heinle Cengage Learning. PE 1628 .C692 2009</p><p>English language—Grammar Carillo, J. A. (2008). English plain and simple: no-nonsense ways to learn today's global language. [2nd updated ed.]. Manila: The Manila Times Pub. Corp. PE 1112 .C191 2008</p><p>English language—Philippines Philippine English: linguistic and literary perspectives. Manila: Anvil. PS 9992 .P538 2009</p><p>English language—Pronunciation—Dictionaries Jones, D. (2006). Cambridge English pronouncing dictionary. 17th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. PE 1137 .J713 2006</p><p>English language—Synonyms and antonyms- McCutcheon, M. (2010). Descriptionary. 4th ed. New York, NY: Chechmark Books. PE 1591 .M139 2010</p><p>English language—Synonyms and antonyms- Historical thesaurus of the Oxford English dictionary: with additional material from "A Thesaurus of Old English. (2009). Oxford: Oxford University Press. PE 1591 .H629 2009</p><p>English language—Terms and phrases—Dictionaries Brewer's dictionary of modern phrase & fable. 2nd ed. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. PN 43 .B758 2006</p><p>Environmental engineering Environmental management: readings and cases. (2008). 2nd ed. Los Angeles: SAGE. TD 153 .En89 2008</p><p>Environmental law—Philippines Environmental laws in the Philippines. (2005). 3rd ed., rev. & enl. Manila: Central Book Supply. KPM 1507 .En89 2005</p><p>Environmental policy—Philippines—Citizen After the romance: communities and environmental governance in the Philippines. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. GE 190.P6 .Af89 2008 Environmental protection—Juvenile literature Perini, J. (2008). Environment: saving our planet. Sydney, Australia: Young Reed. TD 170.15 .P418 2008</p><p>Ethics Reyes, R. C. (2009). Ground and norm of morality: ethics for college students. Rev. ed. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. BJ 1012 .R33 2009</p><p>Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea Grafton, A. (2006). Christianity and the transformation of the book: Origen, Eusebius, and the library of Caesarea. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. BR 67.2 .G759 2006</p><p>Excavations (Archaelogy)—Philippines—Lemery, Locsin, C. Y. (2008). A Lemery archaeological sequence. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. GN 855.P6 .L819 2008</p><p>Exercise—Physiological aspects Nieman, D. C. (2011). Exercise testing and prescription: a health-related approach. 7th ed., [McGraw-Hill International ed.]. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. QP 301 .N554 2011</p><p>Experimental films—Philippines Kino-sine: Philippine-German cinema relations. (2007). Manila: Goethe-Institute Manila. PN 1995.9.E96 .K624 2007</p><p>Figures of speech Butardo, E. C. (2006). Rhetorical devices: hundreds of figures of speech, defined, explained, and illustrated. 2006 ed. Quezon City: ECB Publications. PE 2839 .B97 2006</p><p>Filipino Americans—Ethnic identity Pimentel, B. (2008). Pareng Barack: Filipinos in Obama's America. Manila: Anvil. E 184.F4 .P649 2008</p><p>Filipino Americans-Social conditions Espiritu, Y. L. (2008). Homebound: Filipino American lives across cultures, communities, and countries. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. E 184.F4 .Es65 2008</p><p>Filipino fiction Sicat, E. L. (2009). Unang ulan ng Mayo. Manila: Anvil. PL 6165.4.S574 .Un14 2009</p><p>Filipino language—Study and teaching (Higher) Ampil, R. de L. (2010). Akademikong Filipino sa komunikasyong global. Manila: UST Pub. House. PL 6051 .Am74 2010</p><p>Filipino language—Dictionaries English, L. J. Tagalog-English dictionary. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. PL 6056 .En36t 1986b</p><p>Filipino language—Rhetoric Mendoza, E. D. (2009). Pabigkas at pasulat na pakikipagtalastasan: tula, deklamasyon, talumpati, kuwento, balagtasan at debate. Binagong ed. Mandaluyong :City National Book Store. PL 6054 .M523 2009</p><p>Filipino language—Rhetoric Burador. (2010). Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. PL 6054 .B89 2010</p><p>Filipino literature Batan, C. M. (2010). Batong bahay: naratibo ng kahirapan at tagumpay ng isang karaniwang pamilyang Pilipino. Manila: UST Pub. House. PL 6061 .B311 2010 Filipino poetry Popa, A. C. (2009). Basta. (2009). Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. PL 6165.4.P793 .B295 2009</p><p>Filipino poetry Ramos, B.A. (2009). Ang bulkan at iba pang kuwento. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. PL 6165.4.R35 .B872 2009</p><p>Filipinos in literature Matute, G. E. (2005). Diaspora at iba pang mga kwento. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. PL 6165.4.M41 .D543 2005</p><p>Filipinos-China-Biography Beyond the great wall: a family journal. Manila: Anvil Pub. CT 1797.5.M53 .B468 2006</p><p>Filipinos—Foreign countries—Employment San Juan, E. (2006). Filipinos everywhere: displaced, transported overseas, moving on in the diaspora. Quezon City: IBON Books. JV 8685 .Sa58 2006</p><p>Film criticism—Philippines Huwaran/hulmahan atbp: the film writings of Johven Velasco. (2009). Quezon City: The University of the Philippines Press. PN 1995 .H89 2009</p><p>Finance—Mathematical models—Encyclopedias Encyclopedia of quantitative finance. Chichester, England: Wiley. HG 106 .En19 2010</p><p>Fingerprints Cacdac, A. G. (2008). AFIS: automated fingerprint identification system. [Quezon City]: Wiseman's Books Trading. HV 6074 .C113 2008</p><p>Fingerprints Badua, J. B. (2009). Simplified manual laboratory workbook in dactyloscopy. Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading. HV 6074 .B144 2009</p><p>Fingerprints Poschor-Depayso, V. (2000z). The basics of fingerprint. Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading. HV 6074 .P841 2000z</p><p>Fingerprints—Identification Hueske, E. E. (2009). Firearms and fingerprints. New York, NY: Facts On File. HV 6074 .H871 2009</p><p>Fire investigation Icove, D. J. (2009). Forensic fire scene reconstruction. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall. TH 9180 .Ic7 2009</p><p>Fire investigation—Philippines Bustria, L. (2006). Fire behavior and arson investigation. Manila: Wiseman's Book Trading. TH 9180 .B969 2006</p><p>Fire prevention—Law and legislation—Philippines Aralar, R. B. (2010). Comments on Fire Code of the Philippines. 2010 ed. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. KPM 1568.A32008 .Ar12 2010</p><p>First aid in illness and injury-Handbooks, Lipscombe, S. (2008). First aid handbook: a complete guide to emergency procedures in the home, the workplace and outdoors. Manila: WS Pacific Publications. RC 86.8 .L668 2008 Flower arrangement Durbridge, J. (2010). Easy flowers: ideas for every room in your home. London: Ryland Peters & Small. SB 449 .D932 2010</p><p>Flower arrangement Benjamin, P. (2008). Arrangements: creativity with flowers. Belgium: Stichting Kunstboek. SB 445 .B438 2008b</p><p>Food service management—Philippines Perdigon, G. P. (2009). Food service management in the Philippines. [3rd ed.]. Quezon City: C & E Pub. TX 911.3.M27 .P412 2009</p><p>Food service The Maya Kitchen. (2004). Food service and catering management: a practical guide. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. TX 943 .M451 2004.</p><p>Food service—Cost control Dittmer, P. R. (2009). Principles of food, beverage, and labor cost controls. 9th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. TX 911.3.C65 .D639p 2009</p><p>Food service—Cost control Ojugo, C. (2010). Practical food & beverage cost control. 2nd ed. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar/Cengage Learning. TX 911.3.C65 .Oj7 2010</p><p>Food service—Sanitation Alvarez, H. U. (2010). Food safety, sanitation and hygiene. Manila: Mindshapers Co. TX 911.3.S3 .Al86 2010</p><p>Food service—Sanitation Ang, M. J. C. (2010). Food safety and sanitation. Quezon City: C & E Pub. TX 911.3.S3 .An41 2010</p><p>Food—Dictionaries Labensky, S. (2008). The Prentice Hall essentials dictionary of culinary arts. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. TX 349 .L112p 2008</p><p>Food—Packaging—Philippines Espiritu, M. N. (2008). Wrap them, store them, peddle them: the Filipino way. [Manila]: ArtPostAsia. TP 374 .Es65 2008</p><p>Forensic ballistics Grimares, E. M. (2006). Forensic ballistics. [Manila]: Wiseman's Books Trading. HV 8077 .G881 2006</p><p>Forensic ballistics Peckley, M. F. (2009). Firearm and firearm safety. Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading. HV 8077 .P337 2009</p><p>Forensic biology Gaensslen, R. E. (2009). Blood, bugs, and plants. New York, NY: Facts On File. QH 313.5.F67 .G118 2009</p><p>Forensic engineering. Bohan, T. L. (2009). Crashes and collapses. New York, NY: Facts on File. TA 219 .B634 2009</p><p>Forensic sciences Turvey, B. E. (2008). Forensic victimology: examining violent crime victims in investigative and legal contexts. London: Academic. HV 8073 .T869 2008</p><p>Forensic sciences—Statistical methods Data analysis in forensic science: a Bayesian decision perspective. (2010). Chichester, UK: Wiley. HV 8073 .D262 2010</p><p>Forest management Forest management and planning. (2009). Burlington, MA: Elsevier/Academic Press. SD 431 .F761 2009</p><p>Forgery Bell, S. (2009). Fakes and forgeries. New York, NY: Facts On File. HV 6675 .B413 2009</p><p>French language Conversation and phrase books—English Steves, R. (2008). Rick Steves' French phrase book & dictionary. 6th ed. Berkeley, Calif.: Avalon Travel. PC 2121 .St48 2008</p><p>Futures market—United States Kolb, R. W. (2006). Understanding futures markets. 6th ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub. HG 6024.U6 .K830 2006</p><p>Gardens—Philippines—Pictorial works Sanders, S. B. (2010). Philippine gardens. Quezon City: GBSI. SB 466.P6 .Sa56 2010</p><p>Gastrointestinal system—Diseases—Popular works Greenberger, N. J. (2009). 4 weeks to healthy digestion: a Harvard doctor's proven plan for reducing symptoms of diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, and more. New York: McGraw-Hill. RC 806 .G829 2009</p><p>Gazetteers Smith, D. (2006). Countries of the world: essential facts about the countries of the world and their people. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series. G 103.5 .Sm54 2006</p><p>German language—Dictionaries—English Berlitz German concise dictionary: German - English = Englisch – Deutsch. (2007). Springfield, N.J.: Berlitz Pub. PF 3640 .B455 2007</p><p>Gerontology Hooyman, N. R. (2011). Social gerontology: a multidisciplinary perspective. 9th ed., [International ed.]. Boston: Pearson. HQ 1061 .H769s 2011</p><p>Gestalt therapy Joyce, P. (2010). Skills in Gestalt: counselling & psychotherapy. 2nd ed. London, UK: SAGE. RC 489.G4 .J854 2010</p><p>Gift shops Kimball, C. (2009). Design and launch an online gift business in a week. [Irvine, Calif.]: Entreprenuer Press. HF 5469.6 .K561 2009</p><p>Gifted children—Education—United States—Encyclopedias Encyclopedia of giftedness, creativity, and talent. (2009). Los Angeles : SAGE. LC 3993.2 .En19 2009</p><p>Globalization Rivero B., O. de (2003). The myth of development: non-viable economics of the 21st century. Manila: IBON Books. HC 59.7 .R524 2003</p><p>Grading and marking (Students) O'Connor, K. (2009). How to grade for learning, K-12. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin. LB 3060.37 .Oc56 2009</p><p>Graph theory Marcus, D. A. (2008). Graph theory: a problem oriented approach. Washington, D.C.: Mathematical Association of America. QA 166 .M334 2008</p><p>Graphic arts—21st century Francisco, M. (2009). Atlas of graphic designers. Beverly, Mass.: Rockport Publishers. NC 998.4 .F847 2009</p><p>Gurrea, Adelina Tardio, B. A. (2009). Writing athwart: Adelina Gurrea's life and works = La Escritura entrecruzada de Adelina Gurrea. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. PQ 8837.E5 .T173 2009</p><p>History, Modern—21st century Time: the year in review 2009. (2009). New York, NY: Time Books. D 410 .T482 2009</p><p>History—Philosophy Quito, E. S. (2002). Critique of historical theory. Manila: De La Salle University Press. D 16.8 .Q48 2002</p><p>Holistic education—United States Brown, J. L. (2008). Educating the whole child: an ASCD action tool. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. LC 995 .B813 2008</p><p>Horticulture Acquaah, G. (2009). Horticulture: principles and practices. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. SB 318 .Ac75 2009</p><p>Hospitality industry—Management Tesone, D. V. (2010). Principles of management for the hospitality industry. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann. TX 911.3.M27 .T284 2010</p><p>Hospitality industry—Marketing McCabe, S. (2009). Marketing communications in tourism and hospitality: concepts, strategies and cases. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. TX 911.3.M3 .M123 2009</p><p>Hostages—Fiction Patterson, J. (2010). Worst case: a novel. New York: Grand Central Pub. .P277Wo 2010</p><p>Hotel management Santos, B. (2010). Introduction to hotel and resort management. Quezon City: C & E Pub. TX 911.3.M27 .Sa59 2010</p><p>Hotels—Law and legislation—Philippines Maranan, M. H. (2007). Pertinent laws on hospitality management: tourism laws. 2007 ed. Manila: Mindshapers Co. KPM 1030.3.H66 .M325 2007</p><p>HTML (Document markup language) Shelly, G. B. (2009). HTML: comprehensive concepts and techniques. 5th ed., [International ed.]. Boston, MA: Course Technology/Cengage Learning. QA 76.76.H94 .Sh44h 2009</p><p>Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng Bayan Pomeroy, W. J. (2010). The Forest: a personal history of the Huk Guerrilla struggle in the Philippines Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. DS 686.5 .P771f 2010</p><p>Human physiology Guyton, A. C. (2006). Textbook of medical physiology. 11th ed., [International ed.]. Philadelphia: Elsevier/Saunders QP 34.5 .G989t 2006</p><p>Human services—United States—Evaluation Royse, D. D. (2010). Program evaluation: an introduction. 5th ed., [International ed.]. Australia: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. HV 91 .R816 2010</p><p>Human—computer interaction Smith-Atakan, S. (2006). Human-computer interaction. London: Thomson. QA 76.9.H85 .Sm51 2006</p><p>Ilocos Sur (Philippines) —History Savellano, D. V. B. (2009). Ilocos Sur: an illustrated history. [S.l.]: Sanicua Publication. DS 688.I346 .Sa93 2009</p><p>Iloko literature—History and criticism Galam, R. G. (2008). The promise of the nation: gender, history, and nationalism in contemporary Ilokano literature. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. PL 6176 .G13 2008</p><p>Image analysis Rough fuzzy image analysis: foundations and methodologies. (2010). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis. TA 1637 .R755 2010</p><p>Income tax—Law and legislation—Philippines Aralar, R. B. (2009). Income tax law and jurisprudence with the national internal revenue code of 1997: (in the tax reform act of 1997, R.A. 8424), as amended up to R.A. 9504 and revenue regulation #10-2008 dated July 8, 2008. 2009 ed. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. KF 5616.82 .Ar12 2009</p><p>Income tax—Law and legislation—Philippines De Leon, H. S. (2009). The law on income taxation: with illustrations, problems, and solutions. 13th ed. Manila: Rex Book Store. HJ 3626 .T264 2009</p><p>Indigenous peoples—Philippines Coben, H. M. (2009). Verbal arts in Philippine indigenous communities: poetics, society, and history. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. GN 671.P6 .C638 2009</p><p>Indigenous peoples Indigenous people's self-determined development: towards an alternative development paradigm. (2010). Baguio City: Tebtebba Foundation. GN 380 .In27 2010</p><p>Indigenous peoples—Philippines—Luzon Meyer, A. B. (2008). Tipos Filipinos. Manila: National Historical Institute. GN 671.P6 .M575 2008</p><p>Industrial safety Asfahl, C. R. (2010). Industrial safety and health management. 6th ed., [International ed.]. Boston: Pearson. T 55 .As28i 2010</p><p>Industrial safety—United States Goetsch, D. L. (2008). Occupational safety and health for technologists, engineers, and managers. 6th ed., [Pearson International ed.]. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall. T 55 .G555o 2008</p><p>Industrial—security measures Peckley, M. F. (2008). Industrial security management: review handbook for criminologists licensure examination. Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading. HV 8290 .P337 2008</p><p>Industries—Security measures—Management Soriano, O. G. (2008). The art and craft of industrial security management with R.A. 5487, P.D.s. 11, 100 and 1919. Quezon City: Great Books Pub. HV 8290 .So68 2008</p><p>Information technology—Management Handbook in business technology: for business students and LET reviewees. Manadaluyong City: National Book Store. HD 30.2 .H191 2010 Information technology Cordoba-Pachon, J. (2010). Systems practice in the information society. New York: Routledge. HC 79.I55 .C859 2010</p><p>Rainer, R. K. (2007). Introduction to information systems :: supporting and transforming Business. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. T 58.5 .R134i 2007</p><p>Insurgency—Philippines—History—20th century Brokering a revolution: Cadres in the Philippine insurgency. (2008). Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. DS 686.5 .B787 2008</p><p>Insurgency—Philippines Yabes, C. (2009). The boys from the barracks: the Philippine military after EDSA. Updated ed. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. DS 682 .Y1 2009</p><p>Intellect Carter, P. J. (2009). Ultimate IQ tests: 1000 practice test questions to boost your brain power. London: Kogan Page. BF 431.3 .C243u 2009</p><p>Intellectual property—Philippines Amador, V. B. (2007). Intellectual property fundamentals. Quezon City: C & E Pub. KPM 1100 .Am12 2007</p><p>Intelligence service Manwong, R. K. (2008). Handbook in police intelligence. Quezon: City Wiseman's Book Trading. JF 1525.I6 .M319 2008</p><p>Interior architecture Relax!: best of spa design. (2009). [Berlin, Germany]: Braun. NA 2850 .R279 2009</p><p>Interior decoration Home!: best of living design. [2nd ed.]. Berlin: Braun. NK 2115 .H752 2009</p><p>Interior decoration-Vocational guidance Gibbs, J. (2005). Interior design. New York: Harry N. Abrams. NK 2116 .G354 2005</p><p>Internal revenue law—Philippines National Internal Revenue Code (Republic Act 8424): with notes and comments. Quezon City: C & E Pub. KPM 2784.31997 .P538n 2010</p><p>International economic relations Pugel, T. A. (2009). International economics. 14th ed., [McGraw-Hill International ed.]. Boston: McGraw- Hill Irwin. HF 1411 .L631 2009</p><p>International relations Encyclopedias The international studies encyclopedia. (2010). Chichester, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell. JZ 1160 .In82 2010</p><p>Interpersonal relations Agas, J. L. (2008). Human behavior and crisis management. Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading. HM 1106 .Ag16 2008</p><p>Inventions—History 1001 inventions that changed the world. London: Cassell Illustrated. T 15 .A15 2009 Islands—Guidebooks Top islands of the world. London: New Holland. G 500 .T62 2006</p><p>Jacinto, Pacita Pestaäno—Diaries Jacinto, P. P. (2002). Living with the enemy: a diary of the Japanese occupation. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. DS 686.4 .J119 2002</p><p>Japan—Social life and customs Transnationalizing culture of Japan in Asia: dramas, musics, arts and agencies. (2009). Quezon City: Japanese Studies Program Ateneo de Manila University. DS 821 .T687 2009</p><p>Java (Computer program language) Horstmann, C. S. (2010). Big Java. 4th ed., International student version. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. QA 76.73.J38 .H788b 2010</p><p>Jazz—Philippines Quirino, R. C. (2008). Mabuhay jazz: jazz in postwar Philippines. Manila: Anvil. ML 3509.P6 .Q482 2008</p><p>Jesuits—Education—Philippines—History Arcilla, J. S. (2009). 150: the Ateneo way. Quezon City: Media Wise Communications. LG 221.Q4 .Ar26 2009</p><p>Jesus Christ De Mesa, J. M. (1989). Doing Christology: the re-appropriation of a tradition. Quezon City: Claretian Publications. BT 304.9 .D394 1989b</p><p>Jesus Christ—Sermons Villegas, S. B. (1993). Only Jesus, always Jesus: homilies at the EDSA Shrine. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. BT 202 .V714 1993</p><p>Jews—History—Maps Gilbert, M. (2010). The Routledge atlas of Jewish history. 8th ed. London: Routledge. G 1030 .G374 2010</p><p>Rizal, Jose, 1861-1896 El Filibusterismo Rizal, J. (2009). El Filibusterismo. 5th ed. [Manila]: Guerrero Pub. PQ 8897.R5 .G937e 2009</p><p>Rizal, J. (2009). Noli Me Tangere. 3rd ed. [Manila]: Guerrero Pub. PQ 8897.R5 .G937 2009</p><p>Journalism—Asia Doronila, A. (2008). Afro-Asia in upheaval: a memoir of front-line reporting. Pasig City: Anvil. PN 5360 .D737 2008</p><p>Journalism—Handbooks, manuals, etc. Ramirez, J. B. (1989). Philippine journalism handbook. 3rd ed. Manila: National Bookstore. PN 5424 .R145 1989</p><p>Journalism—Philippines Malinao, A. L. (2009). Journalism for Filipinos. 3rd ed. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. PN 4793.P6 .M295 2009</p><p>Juvenile deliquency Guevara, R. M. (2008). Juvenile delinquency and crime prevention. Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading. HV 9069 .G939 2008</p><p>Labor unions—Philippines—Drama Chua, A. B. (2009). Simulain : dulambayan ng manggagawa sa konteksto ng militanteng kilusang unyonismo, (1980-1994). Quezon City: The University of the Philippines Press. PL 5068.9.C48 .Si59 2009</p><p>Land reform Borras, S. M. (2008). Competing views and strategies on agrarian reform. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. HD 1333.P6 .B644c 2008</p><p>Land titles Wilson, D. A. (2008). Forensic procedures for boundary and title investigation. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. HD 1181 .W692 2008</p><p>Language and languages—Dictionaries Crystal, D. (2010). The Cambridge encyclopedia of language. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. P 29 .C889 2010</p><p>Language and languages—Study and teaching Ur, P. (1996). A course in language teaching: practice and theory. Cambridge [England]: Cambridge University Press. P 51 .Ur11 1996</p><p>LawLanguage Hutton, C. (2009). Language, meaning and the law. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press. PE 1479.L3 .H979 2009</p><p>Law—PhilippinesExaminations, questions, etc. Tupaz, A. R. (2005). 24 hours before the bar. Quezon City: C & E Pub. KPM 53.55 .T839 2005</p><p>Learning disabilities—Encyclopedias Ayers, H. (2006). An A to Z practical guide to learning difficulties. London: David Fulton. LC 4704 .Ay24 2006</p><p>Legal documents—Identification Gonzales, J. A. (2008). Forensic questioned document examination. Quezon City: Wiseman's Book Trading. HV 8074 .Id26 2008</p><p>Legal photography Villarba, W. H. (2008). Forensic photography: for criminology students and practitioners. Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading. TR 822 .V712 2008</p><p>Leisure industry—United States—Marketing Sayre, S. (2008). Entertainment marketing & communication: selling branded performance, people, and places. [Pearson International ed.]. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall. GV 188.3.U6 .Sa99 2008</p><p>Leisure—Social aspects—Dictionaries Blackshaw, T. (2009). The SAGE dictionary of leisure studies. Los Angeles: SAGE. GV 11 .B567 2009</p><p>Leisure—Sociological aspects Best, S. (2010). Leisure studies: themes and perspectives. London: SAGE. GV 14.45 .B464 2010</p><p>Leisure—Sociological aspects Rojek, C. (2010). The labour of leisure: the culture of free time. London: SAGE GV 14.45 .R638 2010</p><p>Letters Santos, B. N. (1995). Letters. Pasig City: Anvil. PS 9993.S238 .L569 1995 Library science—Encyclopedias Encyclopedia of library and information sciences. 3rd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Z 1006 .En19 2010</p><p>Literature—Study and teaching—Philippines Tabotabo, C. V. (2007). A travel to the literatures of the world. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. PN 70 .T114 2007</p><p>Local area networks (Computer networks) CCNA exploration course booklet. LAN switching and wireless version 4.0. Indianapolis, IN: Cisco Press. TK 5105.7 .C319 2010</p><p>Local government—Law and legislation—Philippines Local Government Code of 1991: annotations and jurisprudence. 2009 ed. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. KPM 2300.A31991 .P538l 2009</p><p>Local government—Laws and legislation—Philippines The Local Government Code of 1991 annotated: with August, 1993 addendum and update up to 2002. 2004 ed. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. KPM 2300.A31991 .P538 2004</p><p>Local taxation—Law and legislation—Philippines Dimaampao, J. B. (2008). The essentials of local government and real property taxation. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. KPM 3230.A311991 .D591 2008</p><p>Machine—tools—Numerical control—Programming— Smid, P. (2006). CNC programming techniques: an insider's guide to effective methods and applications. New York, N.Y.: Industrial Press. TJ 1189 .Sm42 2006</p><p>Malay fiction—Women authors—History and Kintanar, T. B. (2008). Her story: women's narratives in modern Southeast Asian writing. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. PL 3508.4 .K626 2008</p><p>Management games Scannell, E. E. (2010). The big book of brain-building games: fun activities to stimulate the brain--for better group learning, communication, and understanding. New York: McGraw-Hill. HD 30.26 .Sca63 2010</p><p>Management information systems Turban, E. (2010). Information technology for management: transforming organizations in the digital economy. 7th ed., [International student version]. [Singapore]: John Wiley & Sons (Asia). T 58.6 .T841i </p><p>Management—Statistical methods Statistics for managers using Microsoft Excel. 5th ed., [Pearson International ed.]. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall. HD 30.215 .L578t 2008</p><p>Manila Metropolitan Area (Philippines) —Maps Manila street atlas. 1st ed. [Singapore]: Periplus. G 2394 .M314 2009</p><p>Marketing research Jeffery, M. (2010). Data-driven marketing: the 15 metrics everyone in marketing should know. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. HF 5415.2 .J362 2010</p><p>Marketing Medina, R. G. (2008). Principles of marketing. Rev. ed. Manila: Rex Book Store. HF 5415 .M468 2008</p><p>Salvador, S. M. (2009). Principles of marketing. [Manila]: Allen Adrian Books. HF 5415 .Sa38 2009 Martial arts—Philippines Martinez, A. P. (2007). Ang sining ng pakikipagtunggali at pagtatanggol (Martial Arts). Quezon City: Isa- Jecho Pub. GV 1101 .M366 2007</p><p>Mass media Branston, G. (2010). The media student's book. 5th ed. London: Routledge. P 90 .B735 2010</p><p>Mass media—Influence The SAGE handbook of media processes and effects. Los Angeles : SAGE. P 94 .Sa18 2009</p><p>Mastication—Congresses Feeding and the texture of food. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. QP 149 .F32 2008</p><p>Mathematical analysis Howland, J. S. (2010). Basic real analysis. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. QA 300 .H843 2010</p><p>Mathematics—Study and teaching—Research International handbook of research on teachers and teaching. New York: Springer. QA 11.2 .In82 2009</p><p>Mathematics Haggard, G. (2006). Discrete mathematics for computer science. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Brooks/Cole. QA 39.2 .H122 2006</p><p>Mathematics—History Burton, D. M. (2011). The history of mathematics: an introduction. 7th ed., [McGraw-Hill International ed.]. Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education (Asia). QA 21 .B953h 2011</p><p>Mathematics—Study and teaching (Elementary) —Great Britain Briggs, M. J. (2008). Creative teaching: mathematics in the early years and primary classroom. London: Routledge. QA 135.6 .B768 2008</p><p>Mathematics—Study and teaching (Secondary) Jensen, P. A. (2006). Speed math: subtraction & division. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. QA 11 .J453 2006</p><p>Mathematics—Study and teaching (Secondary) Jensen, P. A. (2005). Speed math: multiplication & addition. Pasig City: Anvil. QA 11 .J453 2005</p><p>Mechanical engineering—Handbooks, manuals, etc. Hicks, T. G. (2003). Mechanical engineering formulas: pocket guide. New York: McGraw-Hill. TJ 151 .H529 2003</p><p>Medicinal plants Kurian, J. C. (2010). Amazing healing plants. Manila: Philippine Pub. House. QK 99 .K87 2010</p><p>Microbial ecology Madsen, E. L. (2008). Environmental microbiology: from genomes to biogeochemistry. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub. QR 100 .M267 2008</p><p>Microcomputers—Maintenance and repair Andrews, J. (2008). PC troubleshooting pocket guide for managing and maintaining your PC. 5th ed. Boston: Thomson/Course Technology. TK 7887 .An26p 2008 Microelectromechanical systems Lyshevski, S. E. (2005). Nano- and micro-electromechanical systems: fundamentals of nano- and Microengineering. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. TK 7875 .L996 2005</p><p>Microsoft Visual Basic for applications Mansfield, R. (2010). Mastering VBA for Office 2010. Indianapolis, Ind.: Wiley. QA 76.73.B3 .M317 2010</p><p>Mindanao Island (Philippines)—History Abinales, P. N. (2010). Orthodoxy and history in the Muslim-Mindanao narrative. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. DS 688.M2 .Ab58o 2010</p><p>Mindanao Island (Philippines)—History Edgerton, R. K. (2008). People of the middle ground: a century of conflict and accommodation in Central Mindanao, 1880s-1980s. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. DS 688.M2 .Ed36 2008</p><p>Motion pictures—Philippines—Reviews The Urian anthology, 1990-1999: articles, reviews, and interviews by the Manunuri ng Pelikulang Pilipino on the Filipino cinema, 1990-1999. Quezon City: University of the Philippines. PN 1993.5.P6 .Ur3 2010</p><p>Motor vehicle driving—Philippines Ang Drayber na Pinoy sa bagong milenyo (batay sa BLT manual: ang drayber na Pinoy): traffic safety guide: a driver's manual. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. TL 152.55.P6 .D797 2001 </p><p>Motor vehicles—Bodies—Maintenance and repair Thomas, A. (2010). Collision repair and refinishing: a foundation course for technicians. Clifton Park, N.Y.: Delmar/Cengage Learning. TL 152 .T361 2010</p><p>Music— Instruction and study Rivadelo, R. F. (1987). Music education: materials and methods. Mandaluyomg City: National Bookstore. F MT 6 R52 1987</p><p>Natural history—Miscellanea—Pictorial works Bright, M. (2007). 1001 natural wonders you must see before you die. London: Cassell Illustrated. QH 46 .B768 2007</p><p>Negotiable instruments—Philippines Aralar, R. B. (2008). Negotiable instruments: law and jurisprudence. 2008 ed. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. KPM 880 .Ar12 2008</p><p>Neopaganism Nature religion today: paganism in the modern world. (1998). Edinburgh, England: Edinburgh University Press. BP 605.N46 .N219 1998</p><p>Nutrition Worsley, T. (2008). Nutrition promotion: theories and methods, systems and settings. Australia: Allen & Unwin. RA 784 .W898 2008</p><p>Operations research—Handbooks, manuals, etc. Blumenfeld, D. (2010). Operations research calculations handbook. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. T 57.6 .B626 2010</p><p>Organizational change Spector, B. (2010). Implementing organizational change: theory into practice. 2nd ed., [International ed.]. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. HD 58.8 .Sp31 2010</p><p>Otolaryngology—Philippines Self-instructional learning modules for year level III medical students on hearing and balance olfaction and gustation phonation and facial expression. 2nd ed. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. RF 46 .Se48 2008</p><p>Palm frond weaving—Philippines Nocheseda, E. I. (2009). Palaspas: an appreciation of palm leaf art in the Philippines. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. TT 877.5 .N672 2009</p><p>Parent and teenager Fernandez, K. G. (2010). Connecting with today's teens: a parent's guide for motivating, supporting, and communicating with them. Quezon City: Ateneo De Manila University Loyola Schools. PS 9992.5 .Ag35 2010 v.3</p><p>Performing arts—Dictionaries Pickering, K. (2010). Key concepts in drama and performance. 2nd ed. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. PN 1579 .P586 2010</p><p>Personality development Magalona, E. (2008). Personality development and human relation: a practical approach. Manila: Mindshapers Co. BF 723.P4 .M270 2008</p><p>Personality Apruebo, R. A. (2009). Personality psychology.. 2009 ed. Manila: Educational Pub. House. BF 698 .Ap69 2009</p><p>Handbook of personality: theory and research. 3rd ed. New York: Guilford Press. BF 698 .H191 2008</p><p>Personnel management DeCenzo, D. A. (2010). Human resource management. 10th ed., [International student version]. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons (Asia). HF 5549 .D355h 2010</p><p>Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598 Re-shaping the world: Philip II of Spain and his time. (2008). Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press DS 673.8 .R220 2008</p><p>Philippine culture Lakbay sining: readings on cultural development in the Philippines. (2007). [Manila]: Cultural Center of the Philippines and Anvil Pub. DS 664 .L148 2007</p><p>Philippine drama—Collected works Reyes, S. (2009). Tara na sa entablado!: mga dulang pang-classroom ng mga kuwento ni Lola Basyang ni Severino Reyes. Pasig City: Anvil. PL 6155 .R330 2009</p><p>Philippine drama—Collected works Villanueva, R. O. (2009). Sisiw si Balagtas!: at iba pang dulang pang-high school. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. PL 6155 .V712 2009</p><p>Philippine drama—History and criticism Casanova, A. P. (2009). Kasaysayan at pag-unlad ng dulaang pantinedyer sa Pilipinas. Manila: UST Pub. House. PL 6163.2 .C263k 2009</p><p>Philippine essays (English)—Collected works Reyes, S. S. (2009). From Darna to ZsaZsa Zaturnnah: desire and fantasy : essays on literature and popular culture. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. PS 9993.R4655 .F925 2009</p><p>Philippine essays—Collections I am because we are: reflections of love, relationships, and life. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Schools. PS 9992.5 .Ag35 2009 v.4</p><p>How, how the carabao: tales of teaching English in the Philippines. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Schools. PS 9992.5 .Ag35 2009 v.2 Philippine fiction Laurel, P. (2005). Only if you can find me. Manila: Anvil Pub. PS 9993.L39 .On5 2005</p><p>Philippine fiction (Filipino) Balde, A. M. (2009). Sibago. Manila: UST Pub. House. PL 6165.4.B164 .Si11 2009</p><p>Contemporary fiction by Filipinos in America. Pasig City: Anvil. PS 9992.4 .C767 1997</p><p>Groyon, V. G. (2003). The sky over dimas: a novel. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. PS 9993.G78 .Sk91 2003b</p><p>Philippine literature Lopez, C. R. (2002). From coffee to cocktails. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. PS 9993.L58 .F925 2002</p><p>Perez, T. (1994). Cubao midnight express: mga pusong nadiskaril sa mahabang riles ng pag-ibig. Mandaluyong Cacho Pub. House. PL 5548.4.P47 .C891 1994</p><p>Tales of klitorika. Quezon City: PSICOM Pub. PL 5532 .T143 2009</p><p>Philippine literature—History and Arrogante, J. A. (2004). Panitikang Filipino Antolohiya. Binagong edisyon. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. F PL 6141 .Ar69 2004</p><p>Philippine literature—History and criticism Philippine literature: a history and anthology. (2005). English ed. Pasig City: Anvil. PL 5531 .L97p 2005</p><p>Philippine literature—History and criticism Almario, V. S. (2010). Muling-pagkatha sa ating bansa: o bakit pinakamahabang tulay sa buong mundo ang tulay Calumpit. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. PL 6142 .Al62m 2010</p><p>Philippine literature—History and criticism Bernad, M. A. (2008). The waiter and the fisherman and other essays in literature and culture. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. PS 9993.B4 .W134 2008</p><p>Philippine poetry (English) Toledo, J. M. (2008). Chiaroscuro: poems. Manila: UST Pub. House. PS 9993.T6 .C431 2008</p><p>Philippine poetry (English) Abueg, J. M. A. (2009). Bird lands, river nights and other melancholies. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. PS 9993.A185 .B532 2009</p><p>Ypil, L. L. (2009). The highest hiding place: poems. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. PS 9993.Y67 .H537 2009</p><p>Philippine poetry Gracio, J. B. (2009). Aves. Quezon City: The University Press. PL 6165.4.G6454 .Av38 2009</p><p>Philippines—Description and travel—Guidebooks Philippines. (2005). updated ed. Singapore: Apa Publications. DS 654 .P538 2005 Philippines—Environmental conditions The state of the Philippine environment. (2006). 3rd ed. Quezon City: IBON Databank and Research Center. GE 160.P6 .St29 2006</p><p>Philippines—Politics and government—1986- Quimpo, N. G. (2008). Contested democracy and the left in the Philippines after Marcos. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. DS 686.614 .Q419 2008</p><p>Philippines—Social life and customs Jocano, F. L. (1968). Sulod society: a study in the kinship system and social organization of a mountain people of Central Panay. Quezon City: The University of the Philippines Press. GN 671.P5 .J618 1968</p><p>Philippines—Antiquities—Exhibitions Lumina pandit: a collection of historical treasures. (2010)Manila: UST Miguel de Benavides Library. DS 661 .L971 2010</p><p>Philippines—Biography Guingona, T. T. (1993). The gallant Filipino. Expanded ed. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. DS 676.8.A1 .G947 1993</p><p>Philippines—Constitutional law The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines: explained. (2009). English-Filipino version, 2009 rev. ed. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. KPM 1744.51987 .N721 2009</p><p>Philippines—Description and travel Reyes, E. V. (2001). Exciting Philippines: a visual journey. Michael Stachels. Singapore: Periplus Editions. DS 660.3 .R33 2001</p><p>Philippines—Description and travel Peters, J. (2009). Philippines travel guide. 3rd ed., [new updated ed.]. Bermen, Germany: J. Peter Publications. DS 660.3 .P442 2009</p><p>Philippines—Description and travel Boyer, R. H. (2010). Sundays in Manila. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. DS 660 .B695 2010</p><p>Philippines—Description and travel Hicks, N. (2010). Presenting the Philippines. Oxford: Beaufoy Books. DS 665 .H529 2010</p><p>Philippines—Economic conditions—21st century Sharing prosperity. (2009). Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Schools. HC 455 .Ag35 2009 v.4</p><p>Philippines—Environmental conditions—Philippines Galang, A. P. (2009). The Philippine environment in the ecozoic age: principles of environmental science in the Philippine setting. Pasig City Anvil Pub. GE 160.P6 .G131 2009</p><p>Philippines—Foreign relations—Japan—Congresses The past, love, money and much more: Philippines-Japan relations since the end of the Second World War. (2008). Quezon City: Japanese Studies Program Ateneo de Manila University. DS 673.J3 .P268 2008</p><p>Philippines—History Francia, L. H. (2010). A history of the Philippines: from Indio Bravos to Filipinos. New York: Overlook Press. DS 655 .F846 2010</p><p>Philippines—History Journey of 100 years: reflections on the centennial of Philippine independence. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. DS 668 .J826 1999b</p><p>Philippines—History—1521- Chirino, P. (2009). History of the Philippine province of the society of Jesus. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. DS 674 .C445 2009</p><p>Philippines—History—1812—1898 Reyes, R. A. G. (2009). Love, passion and patriotism: sexuality and the Philippine Propaganda Movement, 1882-1892. Quezon City: Ateneo De Manila University Press. DS 675 .R330 2009</p><p>Philippines—History—1898—1946 Mactal, R. B. (2009). Buhay sibilyan: at iba pang kuwento ng kabayanihan sa loob at labas ng bayan, 1896-1902. Manila: UST Pub. House. DS 685 .M25 2009</p><p>Philippines—History—1986- San Juan, E. (2008). Balikbayang sinta: an E. San Juan reader. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. DS 668 .Sa58 2008</p><p>Philippines—History—19th century—Pictorial work. Muijzenberg, O. D. (2008). The Philippines through European lenses: late 19th century photographs from the Meerkamp van Embden collection.Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. DS 675 .M896 2008</p><p>Philippines—History—Addresses, essays, lectures Constantino, R. R. (1978). Neocolonial identity and counter-consciousness: essays on cultural Decolonization. London: Merlin Press. DS 686.5 .C766 1978b</p><p>Philippines—History—Philippine American War— Mactal, R. B. (2010). Ang pang-araw-araw na buhay sa Maynila sa panahon ng digmaang Pilipino- Amerikano, 1898-1901. Manila: UST Pub. House. DS 679 .M25 2010</p><p>Philippines—Maps, Tourist E-Z map Philippines travel atlas. (2009). 3rd ed. Angeles City: United Tourist Promotions. G 2391.E635 .Un3 2009</p><p>Philippines—Politics and government Rabbon, C. (2008). Government and politics: special textbook for Criminology students. Quezon City: Wiseman's Book Trading. JA .R112 2008</p><p>Philippines—Politics and government Democratizing governance. (2009). Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Schools. HC 455 .Ag35 2009 v.1</p><p>Philippines—Politics and government—1898- Diaz, C. L. (2009). The other Philippine history textbook: the American period to the present. Manila : Anvil. DS 668 .D543 2009 bk. 2</p><p>Philippines—Politics and government—1986- Philippine politics: democratic ideals and realities. (2010). Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. DS 686.614 .P538p 2010</p><p>Philippines—Politics and government—19th century Blanco, J. D. (2009). Frontier constitutions: Christianity and colonial empire in the nineteenth-century Philippines. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. DS 675 .B598 2009</p><p>Philippines—Relations—Japan Tatlong Nikkeijin and six photos: culture, people and state power. (2008). Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press Japanese Studies Program. DS 673.J3 .T188 2008 Philippines—Social life and customs—Fiction Matute, G. E. (2009). O, sintang lupa at iba pang mga kuwento. Quezon City: New Day Publishers. PL 6165.4.M4 .O18 2009</p><p>Philippines—Social life and customs—Fiction Somera, V. V. (2007). Buhay Pinoy overseas. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. DS 663 .So53 2007</p><p>Philosophical anthropology Ariola, M. M. (2009). Philosophy of human person (a simplified text). Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading. BD 450 .Ar43 2009</p><p>Philosophy, Filipino Timbreza, F. T. (2008). Filipino philosophy today: a source book in teaching Filipino Philosophy. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. B 5221 .T481f 2008</p><p>Philosophy, Modern Nabor-Nery, M. I. (2006). Modern and contemporary philosophy. Manadaluyong City: National Book Store. B 804 .N359 2006</p><p>Philosophy, Philippine Gripaldo, R. M. (2009). Filipino philosophy: traditional approach. 3rd ed. Quezon City: C & E Pub./Council for Research in Values and Philosophy. B 5222 .G886 2009 pt.1, sec.1</p><p>Philosophy The philosophical landscape: a panoramic perspective of philosophy. (2008). 5th ed. Quezon City: C&E Pub. B 29 .P549 2008</p><p>Philosophy—Dictionaries Ballena, C. T. (2007). English-Filipino dictionary of philosophy. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. B 41 .B212 2007</p><p>Photographers—Biography Photographers and filmmakers. (2001). New York: Macmillan Reference USA. TR 139 .P566 2001</p><p>Photography—Digital techniques—Amateurs' Coe, C. (2010). Creative dslr photography: the ultimate creative workflow guide. Boston, MA: Elsevier/Focal Press. TR 267 .C650 2010</p><p>Photography—Vocational guidance Careers in focus Photography. (2009). 2nd ed. New York, NY: Ferguson. TR 154 .C180 2009</p><p>Physical education and training Service-learning in physical education and related professions: a global perspective. (2011). Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. GV 365 .Se69 2011</p><p>Physical education and training-Curricula Standards-based physical education curriculum development. (2010). 2nd ed. Sudbury, Mass. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. GV 363 .St24 2010</p><p>Physical education and training—Curricula—Handbooks, manuals, etc. Stevens, C. A. (2008). Service learning for health, physical education, and recreation: a step-by-step guide. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. GV 365 .St47 2008</p><p>Physical education teachers—Training of—United States Graham, G. (2008). Teaching children physical education: becoming a master teacher. 3rd ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. GV 363 .G760 2008 Physical fitness Concepts of physical fitness: active lifestyles for wellness. (2009).15th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill. RA 781 .C744 2009</p><p>Physics—Laboratory manuals Reyes, S. B. (2010). Physics laboratory manual. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. QC 35 .P569 2010</p><p>Pipelines—Handbooks, manuals, etc. Pipeline rules of thumb handbook: quick and accurate solutions to your everyday pipeline problems. (2009). 7th ed. Amsterdam: Gulf Professional/Elsevier. TJ 930 .P66 2009</p><p>Play therapy Play therapy for preschool children. (2010). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. RJ 505.P6 .P698l 2010</p><p>Play therapy Carandang, M. L. A. (2009). The magic of play: children heal through play therapy. Manila : Anvil. RJ 505.P6 .C176 2009</p><p>Poems Katigbak, M. (2008). The Proxy eros: poems. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. PN 6101 .K156 2008</p><p>Police—Dictionaries The Sage dictionary of policing. (2009). London: SAGE. HV 7901 .Sa18 2009</p><p>Police—Philippines Philippine national police laws and its implementing rules and regulations: includes NAPOLCOM memorandum circulars, related republic acts, executive orders, SC/DOJ/OMB issuances and others. (2007). 2nd ed., rev. Quezon City: Central Book Supply. KPM 1550 .P538 2007</p><p>Politics and government Mercado, L. N. (2006). Political and legal philosophies: Western, Eastern and Filipino. Rev. ed. [S.l.] Logos Publications. JA 83 .M533 2006</p><p>Pollution—Law and legislation—Philippines Pe Benito, G. R. A. (2009). Environmental law: pollution control. Quezon City: Central Book Supply. KPM 1510 .P31 2009</p><p>Poultry Poultry farming. (2010). Oakville, ON: Apple Academics. SF 487 .P864 2010 Poultry—Tropics Poultry production in the tropics. (2010). Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. SF 488.T65 .P864 2010</p><p>Poverty—Developing countries Mercado, C. M. (2009). Reinventing social technologies for developing countries: behavioral approach to fighting poverty in the 21st century. Quezon City: Development Center for Asia Afria Pacific (DCAAP). HC 59.72.P6 .M533 2009</p><p>Power resources—Dictionaries Dictionary of energy. (2009). [Expanded ed.]. Amsterdam: Elsevier. TJ 163.28 .D561 2009</p><p>Power resources—Handbooks, manuals, etc. Doty, S. (2009). Energy management handbook. 7th ed. Lilburn, GA: Fairmont Press. TJ 163.2 .T859 2009 Preventive health services Conyne, R. K. (2010). Prevention program development and evaluation: an incidence reduction, culturally relevant approach. Los Angeles : SAGE. RA 425 .C769 2010</p><p>Private security services—Management Hipolito, L. M. (2008). A primer in industrial security management. [Quezon City]: Wiseman's Books Trading. HV 8290 .H611 2008</p><p>Private security services—Philippines—Management Montojo, F. G. (2006). Security and safety management: lessons for criminology students. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. HV 8291.P6 .M768 2006</p><p>Production management Nahmias, S. (2009). Production and operations analysis. 6th ed., [McGraw-Hill International ed.]. New York McGraw-Hill/Irwin. TS 155 .N141 2009</p><p>Production management Reid, R. D. (2010). Operations management: an integrated approach. 4th ed., [International student version]. [Singapore]: John Wiley & Sons (Asia). TS 155 .R272o 2010</p><p>Production management Krajewski, L. J. (2010). Operations management: processes and supply chains. 9th ed., global ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. TS 155 .K857p 2010</p><p>Project management Koster, K. (2010). International project management. London: SAGE. HD 69.P75 .K848 2010</p><p>Project management Pinto, J. K. (2010). Project management: achieving competitive advantage. 2nd ed., [International ed.]. Boston: Pearson. HD 69.P75 .P658p 2010</p><p>Proverbs, Tagalog Mga Bugtong at salawikain para sa bagong henerasyon. (2002). Pasig City: Anvil Pub. PN 6519.T3 .B866 2002</p><p>Proverbs, Tagalog Belvez, P. M. (2009). Salawikain, kawikaan, at bugtong. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. PN 6519.T2 .B419 2009</p><p>Proverbs, Tagalog Mga Gintong salita. (2003) Manila: Anvil Pub. PN 6519.T2 .M579 2003</p><p>Psycholinguistics—East Asia The handbook of East Asian psycholinguistics. (2006). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. P 37.45.E18 .H191 2006</p><p>Psychology, Pathological Beltran, J. Q. (2008). Abnormal psychology. Manila: REX Book Store. RC 454 .B419 2008</p><p>Psychology, Pathological Current directions in abnormal psychology. (2009). 2nd ed. Boston: Pearson. RC 467 .C936c 2009</p><p>Psychology—Encyclopedias Chaudhary, J. (2006). Encyclopaedia of psychology. New Delhi: Anmol Publications. BF 31 .C393 2006 Psychology—Research—Methodology Evans, J. (2007). Your psychology project: the essential guide. Los Angeles: SAGE. BF 76.5 .Ev15 2007</p><p>Psychotherapy Bager-Charleson, S. (2010). Reflective practice in counseling and psychotherapy. [UK]: Learning Matters. RC 480.5 .B146 2010</p><p>Public speaking Tapalla, W. C. (2009). Public speaking and personality development. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. PN 4121 .T16 2009</p><p>Public speaking—Philippines Bauzon, P. T. (2006). Handbook in public speaking, argumentation and debate: including parliamentary Procedures. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. PN 4181 .B329 2006</p><p>Quality control Gryna, F. M. (2007). Juran's quality planning and analysis: for enterprise quality. 5th ed., [McGraw-Hill International ed.]. [Singapore]: McGraw-Hill Education (Asia). TS 156 .G929j 2007</p><p>Radio broadcasting—Philippines Egargo, F. N. (2008). Community radio broadcasting in the Philippines. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. HE 8699.P6 .Eg16 2008</p><p>Radio—Law and legislation—Philippines. Payumo, P. R. (2006). Philippine and international radio laws and regulations: with explanations : telecommunications laws and regulations, e-information, and e-communications laws and regulations. 13th & 14th ed. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. HE 8670.P5 .P37 2006 </p><p>Ramon Magsaysay awards Asia's gems: inspiring words from the Ramon Magsaysay awardees. (2009). Manila: Anvil. AS 911.R39 .R147 2009</p><p>Reading comprehension White, N. L. (2009). Linking assessment to reading comprehension instruction: a framework for actively engaging literacy learners, K-8. Boston: Pearson/Allyn & Bacon. LB 1573.7 .W584 2009</p><p>Reading comprehension Developing comprehension in young readers: lesson plans from RAP conventions. (2008). Pasig City: Reading Association of the Philippines/Anvil Pub. LB 1573.7 .R227 2008 v.1</p><p>Reading Snowling, M. J. (2007). The science of reading: a handbook. Pbk. ed. Malden, Ma.: Blackwell Pub. LB 1050 .Sc27 2007</p><p>Recursion theory Roberts, E. (2006). Thinking recursively with Java. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. QA 9.6 .R541 2006</p><p>Refugees—Philippines—Mindanao Canuday, J. J. (2009). Bakwit: the power of the displaced. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. HV 640.4.P6 .C169 2009</p><p>Religion and politics Conflict, religion, and culture: domestic and international implications for Southeast Asia and Australia. (2009). Quezon City: Philippines-Australia Studies Network Ateneo de Manila University. BL 65.P7 .C760 </p><p>Religion and politics—Philippines—History Kessler, C. (2008). Give Jesus a hand!: charismatic Christians: populist religion and politics in the Philippines. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. BL 65.P7 .K485 2008 Renewable energy sources Da Rosa, A. V. (2009). Fundamentals of renewable energy processes. 2nd ed. Amsterdam ; Elsevier/Academic Press. TJ 163.2 .D11 2009</p><p>Research Breach, M. (2009). Dissertation writing for engineers and scientists. Student ed. Harlow, England: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Q 180.A1 .B740 2009</p><p>Research—Methodology Plano Clark, V. L. (2010). Understanding research: a consumer's guide. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Pearson. Q 180.55.M4 .P693 2010</p><p>Research—Methodology Zulueta, F. M. (2010). Methods of research thesis writing and applied statistics. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. LB 2369 .Z84 2010</p><p>Restaurant management Villanueva, B. V. (2010). Restaurant and cafeteria management service. Manila: Mindshapers Co. TX 911.3.M27 .V712 2010</p><p>Restaurants—Marketing Restaurant marketing competency guide. (2007). Chicago. IL: National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. TX 911.3.M3 .R313 2007</p><p>Restaurants—Decoration Drink!: best of bar design. (2009).[Berlin, Germany]: Braun. NK 2195.R4 .D832 2009</p><p>Revolutionary literature, Philippine (English) Ocampo, A. R. (2009). 101 stories on the Philippine revolution. Pasig City: Anvil. DS 679 .Oc1 2009</p><p>Rhetoric, Ancient An introduction to classical rhetoric: essential readings. (2009). Chichester, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell. PA 3265 .In89 2009</p><p>Rizal, Jose, 1861-1896—Makamisa—Criticism, Ocampo, A. R. (2008). Makamisa: the search for Rizal's third novel.[New ed.] Manila: Anvil. DS 675.8.R49 .Oc1m 2008</p><p>Rizal, Jose, 1861-1896—Criticism, Textual Anderson, B. R. O'G. (2008). Why counting counts: a study of forms of consciousness and problems of language in Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. DS 675.8.R47 .An23 2008</p><p>Roller bearings Harris, T. A. (2007). Essential concepts of bearing technology. 5th ed. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis. TJ 1071 .H243 2007</p><p>Salads Super salads: more than 250 fresh recipes from classic to contemporary. (2008). Sydney: (N.S.W.) Readers Digest. TX 740 .Su76 2008</p><p>Sales—Law and legislation Diaz, V. M. (2007). Sales, agency and bailments, with selected provisions of documentary stamps, executive order no. 273(value-added tax law) and revenue regulations, no. 5-87 . Pasig City: Avil Pub. KPM 863 .D543 2007</p><p>Samals (Philippine people) Cojuangco, M. D. R. (2005). The Samals in history and legend. Manila: UST Pub. House. DS 666.S3 .C667 2005</p><p>Santos, Rica Bolipata—Anecdotes Santos, R. B. (2010). Lost and found and other essays. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. PS 9993.S38 .L899 2010</p><p>Schiller, Friedrich, 1759-1805, Wilhelm Tell- Guillermo, R. (2009). Translation & revolution: a study of Jose Rizal's Guillermo Tell. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. PT 2477 .G944 2009</p><p>Science—Social aspects Garcia, M. I. O. (2010). Twenty-one grams of spirit and seven ounces of desire: measure and meaning. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. Q 175 .G165 2010 sears—Biomathematics Neuhauser, C. (2011). Calculus for biology and medicine. 3rd ed., [International ed.]. Boston: Pearson. QH 323.5 .N395 2011</p><p>Self—defense Vargas, N. (2008). Street rapid defense systems. Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading. GV 1111 .V426 2008</p><p>Semantics Riemer, N. (2010). Introducing semantics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. P 325 .R444 2010</p><p>Set theory Anderson, K. W. (2009). Sets, sequences and mappings: the basic concepts of analysis. Dover ed. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications. QA 248 .An23 2009</p><p>Sex—Religious aspects Sex, marriage, and family in world religions. (2006). New York: Columbia University Press. BL 65.S4 .Se91 2006</p><p>Shells—Philippines—Panay Laureta, L. V. (2008). Compendium of the economically important seashells in Panay, Philippines. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. QL 426.P6.L374 2008</p><p>Short stories, Philippine (English) Bautista, B. (2008). Stories from another time. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. PS 9993.B3266 .St74 2008</p><p>Short stories, Philippine (English) Arcellana, F. (2009). Favorite Arcellana stories. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. PS 9993.A678 .F279 2009</p><p>Short stories, Filipino Lee, R. (2008). Para kay B: o kung paano dinevastate ng pag-ibig ang 4 out of 5 sa atin: Nobela. Quezon City: Writers Studio Philippines. PL 6165.4.L44 .P21 2008</p><p>Short stories—Philippine (Fiction) Kuwentong bayan: noong panahon ng Hapon: everyday life in a time of war. (2006). Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. PL 6063.K43 .K969 2006</p><p>Silverlight (Electronic resource) Professional Silverlight 2 for ASP.NET developers. (2009). Indianapolis, Ind.: Wiley Pub. QA 76.575 .P942 2009</p><p>Six sigma (Quality control standard) Shankar, R. (2009). Process improvement using Six Sigma: a DMAIC guide. Milwaukee, Wis.: ASQ Quality Press. HD 62.15 .Sh18 2009 Small business—Management Mazzarol, T. (2006). Small business management: an applied approach. Australia: Tilde University Press. HD 62.7 .M458 2006</p><p>Social change Payne, A. (2010). Development. Cambridge, UK: Polity. HD 75 .P293 2010</p><p>Social groups Tria, G. E. (2009). Group dynamics. Manila: REX Book Store. HM 131 .T730 2009</p><p>Social psychology Apruebo, R. A. (2009). Introductory social psychology. 1st ed.-rev. Manila: Educational Pub. House. HM 251 .Ap69 2009</p><p>Social psychology Zastrow, C. (2010). Understanding human behavior and the social environment. 8th ed., [International ed.]. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning. HM 251 .Z19u 2010</p><p>Social sciences—Encyclopedias The social science encyclopedia. (2009). 3rd ed., [pbk. ed.]. London: Routledge. H 41 .So13 2009</p><p>Social sciences—Fieldwork Barrett, C. B. (2010). Overseas research: a practical guide. 2nd ed. London: Routledge. H 62 .B275 2010</p><p>Social sciences—Methodology Research design: the logic of social inquiry. ([2010]). 1st transaction pbk. ed. New Brunswick [NJ]: AldineTransaction. H 61 .R311e 2010</p><p>Social sciences—Research Practical research and evaluation: a start-to-finish guide for practitioners. (2010). London: SAGE. H 62 .P881 2010</p><p>Social sciences—Research—Methodology Silverman, D. (2010). Doing qualitative research: a practical handbook. 3rd ed. Los Angeles: SAGE. H 62 .Si39 2010</p><p>Spanish language—Conversation and phrase books Steves, R. (2008). Rick Steves' Spanish phrase book & dictionary. [2nd ed.]. Berkeley,CA: Avalon Travel. PC 4121 .St48 2008</p><p>Spanish language—Grammar Collins easy learning complete Spanish in colour. (2009). Great Britain: HarperCollins Publishers. PC 4112.5 .C692 2009</p><p>Spanish language—Dictionaries—English Williams, E. B. (2004). Webster's Spanish-English/English-Spanish Dictionary. New York: Gramercy Books. PC 4640 .W671 2004</p><p>Spanish language—Dictionaries—English Berlitz Spanish concise dictionary: Spanish-English = Inglâes-Espaänol. (2009). New York: Berlitz Pub. PC 4640 .B455 2009</p><p>Special events—Guidebooks 501 must-be-there events. (2009). London: Bounty Books. GT 3405 .A83 2009 Sports—Dictionaries Tomlinson, A. (2010). A dictionary of sports studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. GV 567 .T597 2010</p><p>Sports—Marketing Fullerton, S. (2010). Sports marketing. 2nd ed., [McGraw-Hill International ed.]. [Singapore]: McGraw- Hill Education (Asia). GV 716 .F959 2010</p><p>Stage machinery Hendrickson, A. (2008). Mechanical design for the stage. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Focal Press. PN 2091.M3 .H384 2008</p><p>Statesmen—Biography—Dictionaries Biographical dictionary of modern world leaders: 1900-1991. (2004). New York, NY: Facts on File. D 412 .B52 2004</p><p>Stone buildings Meyhofer, D. (2009). Set in stone: rethinking a timeless material. [Salenstein, Germany]: Braun. NA 4130 .M576 2009</p><p>Store decoration—Pictorial works Flagship stores. (2008). Singapore: Page One Pub. NK 2195.S89 .F597 2008</p><p>Sulu Archipelago (Philippines)—History Yabes, C. (2010). Sarena's story: the loss of a kingdom. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. DS 688.S9 .Y1 2010</p><p>Table setting and decoration Chalmers, E. (2009). Table inspirations: original ideas for stylish entertaining. Pbk. ed. London: Ryland Peters & Small. TX 879 .C353t 2009</p><p>Tagbanua (Philippine people)—Land tenure- Dressler, W. H. (2009). Old thoughts in new ideas: state conservation measures, development and livelihood on Palawan Island. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. DS 666.T3 .D817 2009</p><p>Taxation—Law and legislation—Philippines Villanueva, A. A. (2006). Taxation for Filipinos. Quezon City: C & E Pub. KPM 2790 .V712 2006b</p><p>Taxation—Law and legislation—Philippines Duncano, D. A. (2010). Philippine taxation handbook: a simplified course with easy matrix guide to all internal revenue taxes based on the Internal Revenue Code as amended by Republic Act Nos. 9337, 9361 (E-VAT Law), 9504 (Tax Exemption of Minimum Wage Earners), 9648 (DST Exemption on Stock Exchange Transactions). KPM 2790 .D912 2010</p><p>Taxation—Law and legislation—Philippines—Outlines, syllabi, etc. De Leon, H. S. (2010). Comprehensive review of taxation. 8th ed. Manila: Rex Book Store. KPM 2790 .D377c 2010</p><p>Teachers, Training of Fraser, J. (2011). TEACH. New York: McGraw-Hill. LB 1707 .F863 2011</p><p>Teachers—Philippines San Diego, E. S. (2005). Teacher power. Quezon City: Lorimar Pub. LB 1025.3 .Sa56 2005 Teaching Jensen, E. (2009). Super teaching: over 1000 practical strategies. 4th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. LB 1025.3 .J453 2009</p><p>Teaching Jacobsen, D. A. (2009). Methods for teaching: promoting student learning in K-12 classrooms. 8th ed. Boston: Pearson/Ally & Bacon. LB 1025.3 .J156m 2009</p><p>Teaching Murphy, L. (2009). Education studies: an introduction. Maidenhead, England: McGraw-Hill Open University Press. LB 1025.3 .M955 2009</p><p>Teaching—Evaluation Nem Singh, R. P. (2009). Innovative teaching and evaluation. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. LB 1027 .N34 2009</p><p>Teaching—Technique Zulueta, F. M. (2002). Teaching strategies and educational alternatives. Quezon City: Academic Pub. LB 1025.3 .Z84t 2002</p><p>Teams in the workplace Scannell, M. (2010). The big book of team motivating games: spirit-building, problem-solving, and communication games for every group. New York: McGraw-Hill. HD 66 .Sca63 2010</p><p>Technical writing—Vocational guidance Forornda, M. A. (2009). Technical report writing for criminal justice education. Quezon City: Wiseman's Books Trading. T 11 .F769 2009</p><p>Technological innovations—Management—Encyclopedias Encyclopedia of technology and innovation management. (2010). Chichester, UK: Wiley. HD 45 .En19 2010</p><p>Teresa, Mother, 1910-1997 Van Biema, D. (2010). Mother Teresa: the life and works of a modern Saint. Special commemorative ed. New York, NY: Time Books. BX 4406.5.Z8 .V273 2010</p><p>Theology—20th century De Mesa, J. M. (1990). Doing theology: basic realities and processes. Quezon City: Claretian Publications. BV 4501.2 .D394 1990b</p><p>Thomas,Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274 Aureada, J. A. E. (2009). An angelic mind in a human face: St. Thomas Aquinas: his life in visuals. Manila : UST Pub. House. B 765.T54 .Au63 2009</p><p>Tourism Glaesser, D. (2006). Crisis management in the tourism industry. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Butterworth- Heinemann. G 155.A1 .G455 2006</p><p>Libosada, C. M. (2007). Introduction to tourism: a comprehensive guide to the travel and tourism industry. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. G 155.A1 .L616 2007</p><p>Santos, B. (2010). Principles of tourism 2. Quezon City: C & E Pub. G 155.A1 .Sa59 2010</p><p>Vibal, V. R. (2010). Principles of tourism. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. G 155.A1 .V659 2010</p><p>Tourism—Developing countries Telfer, D. J. (2008). Tourism and development in the developing world. London: Routledge. G 155.A1 .T236 2008b Tourism—India Sharma, L. (2010). Dynamics of modern tourism. New Delhi: Centrum Press. G 155.I4 .Sh23 2010</p><p>Trace analysis Houck, M. M. (2009). Trace evidence. New York, NY: Facts on File. HV 8073 .H812t 2009</p><p>Travel agents Davis, C. (2009). Design and launch an online travel business in a week. [Irvine, Calif.] : Entrepreneur Press. G 154 .D291 2009</p><p>Travel—Guidebooks 1001 natural wonders you must see before you die. (2009). 2009 ed. London: Cassell Illustrated. QH 46 .B768 2009</p><p>Travel—Guidebooks Lonely Planet's best in travel 2009: 850 trends, destinations, journeys & experiences for the year ahead. (2008). Victoria, Australia: Lonely Planet Publications. G 153.4 .L847 2008</p><p>Umali, Concepcion H. Berthelsen, N. U. (2002). The tayabas chronicles: the early years (1886-1907). Pasig City: Anvil Pub. HF 5386 .B461 2002</p><p>United States—Insular possessions—History Go, J. (2008). American empire and the politics of meaning: elite political cultures in the Philippines and Puerto Rico during U.S. colonialism. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. F 970 .G533 2008</p><p>University of the Philippines 50 kuwentong peyups. (2009). Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. PL 6156 .L628 2009</p><p>Vera Cruz, Philip, 1904—1994 Scharlin, C. (2002). Philip Vera Cruz: a personal history of Filipino immigrants and the Farmworkers movement. Philippine ed. Manila: Anvil Pub. HD 6515.A292 .Sch17 2002</p><p>Victims of crimes—United States Jerin, R. A. (2010). The victims of crime. Upper Saddle: River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall. HV 6250.3.U5 .J477 2010</p><p>Video recordings—Production and direction—Philippines Casul, M. (2008). The media kit: a frame-by-frame guide to visual production. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. PN 1992.94 .C279 2008b</p><p>Vocational guidance—United States—Handbooks, 150 great tech prep careers. (2009). 2nd ed. New York, NY: Ferguson. HF 5382.5.U5 .A18 2009</p><p>Water supply—Philippines Promoting sustainable development: managing water for sustainable future. (2009). Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Schools. HC 455 .Ag35 2009 v.3</p><p>Water—Purification Environmental engineering. (2009). 6th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. TD 430 .En89 2009</p><p>Web sites—Design Spaanjaars, I. (2010). Beginning ASP.NET 4 in C# and VB. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley. TK 5105.8885.A26 .Sp11 2010</p><p>Welfare economics Jha, R. (2010). Modern public economics. 2nd ed. London: Routledge. HB 846 .J559 2010</p><p>Wide area networks (Computer networks) CCNA exploration booklet. (2010). Accessing the WAN version 4.0 /Cisco Networking Academy. Indianapolis, IN: Cisco Press. TK 5105.87 .C319 2010</p><p>Wireless communication systems—Security Hoffman, D. V. (2007). Blackjacking: security threats to Blackberry devices, PDAs, and cell phones in the enterprise. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley. TK 5103.2 .H675 2007</p><p>Women in the professions Mukhi, L. (2006). Smart moves for working women. Pasig City: Anvil Pub. HD 6054 .M896 2006</p><p>World records Guinness world records 2011. (2010). London: Guinness World Records. AG 243 .G948 2010</p><p>World War, 1939-1945—Prisoners and prisons, Lim, J. (2004). Sold for silver: an autobiography of a girl sold into slavery in Southeast Asia. Singapore: Monson Books. D 805.J3 .L628 2004</p><p>Yachting—France—Brittany—Guidebooks Cumberlidge, P. (2008). North Brittany & Channel Islands cruising companion. 2nd ed. Chichester, UK: Wiley Nautical. GV 817.F7 .C91 2008</p><p>Young adult literature—Study and teaching Cole, P. B. (2009). Young adult literature in the 21st century. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. PN 1009.A1 .C675 2009</p>
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