S8130 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 27, 2009 DISCLOSURE OF CONGRESSIONALLY DIRECTED 3 to the Hubble, every scientific instru- those debates in the Senate, but they SPENDING ITEMS ment on the Hubble Space Telescope are debates for another day. I certify that the information required by has been made by Boulder, Colorado- Today is about honoring the crew of rule XLIV of the Standing Rules of the Sen- based Ball Aerospace. Ball also built STS–125. Our thanks go out to Scott ate related to congressionally directed the corrective optics to fix the tele- Altman, Gregory Johnson, John spending items has been identified in the scope’s flawed vision upon installation Grunsfeld, Michael Massimino, Andrew committee report which accompanies S. 1436 and that the required information has been in 1993. Ball Aerospace played an essen- Feustel, Michael Good and Megan available on a publicly accessible congres- tial part in the Hubble story, and I am McArthur, and all of the other Hubble sional Web site at least 48 hours before a extremely proud of the contributions it caretakers over the years. They have vote on the pending bill. has made to Hubble’s success. steadied Hubble’s gaze, sharpened its f We should not forget that there was a vision and extended its reach. Thanks time when it appeared this mission to them we can keep our eyes focused COMMENDING THE CREW OF STS– would never occur. Following the on the heavens, touch the face of God 125 Space Shuttle Columbia tragedy, NASA and learn a little more about the uni- Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Madam initially decided to cancel all further verse and ourselves. President, today I wish to congratulate missions to Hubble, arguing that it was f and honor the crew of STS–125, who too risky. At the time, I was a member conducted NASA’s fifth and final mis- of the House of Representatives COMMENDING DETROIT SHOCK sion to the Hubble Space Telescope Science Committee’s Space and Aero- Mr. LEVIN. Madam President, this earlier this year. The crew—Com- nautics Subcommittee, and I strongly afternoon, I had the pleasure of joining mander Scott D. Altman, Pilot Greg- urged NASA to reconsider its decision. President Obama on the South Portico ory C. Johnson and mission specialists I believed that we should not abandon of the White House for a ceremony to John M. Grunsfeld, Michael J. the world’s greatest scientific instru- honor the Detroit Shock on winning Massimino, Andrew J. Feustel, Michael ment when servicing missions were no the 2008 WNBA championship. This is T. Good and Megan McArthur—bril- riskier than missions to the Inter- the third WNBA Championship in 6 liantly executed a mission that in- national Space Station, which NASA years for the Shock, an outstanding ac- cluded an unprecedented five was planning to continue. I was pleased complishment for the WNBA’s first ex- spacewalks in 5 consecutive days to in- that, after some deliberation, NASA pansion franchise and one in which stall two new instruments, repair two changed course and decided to go for- many across the State of Michigan others and add necessary upgrades to ward with the final servicing mission. take great pride. As one of only two extend the life of the Hubble. Most im- Hindsight being what it is, it is easy teams to win three or more champion- portantly, they returned safely to to say that continuing the Hubble serv- ships in the league history, the Detroit Earth. icing mission was the right choice to Shock is clearly a part of an elite I would like to specifically acknowl- make. But for me, it was always the group in the WNBA. edge Dr. Grunsfeld, whom I have had best option. As Dr. Grunsfeld said dur- The Shock completed a hard fought the pleasure of knowing for many ing the mission, the Hubble is about title run with a three game sweep of years. Prior to the mission, the New humanity’s quest for knowledge. Over the San Antonio Silver Stars, capped York Times referred to Dr. Grunsfeld the past 19 years, the Hubble Space by a 76–60 victory in the final game be- as the ‘‘keeper of the Hubble’’ because Telescope has opened fantastic win- fore an elated home crowd. Those in at- of his long commitment to the pro- dows into the universe. With it we have tendance, as well as those in Detroit gram, including three servicing mis- seen the pillars of creation and the and across Michigan, were pleased with sions. I cannot imagine a better care- death throes of distant stars. We have the poised performance of this veteran taker. Without him, the Hubble would seen signs of supermassive black holes team. Through persistence, persever- not be the unparalleled success it is at the centers of galaxies and evidence ance and hard work, this team defeated today. I am also thrilled that Dr. that our universe is expanding at an two quality opponents, the Indiana Grunsfeld will be joining the faculty of ever increasing rate. And we have Fever and the New York Liberty, en the University of Colorado at Boulder found planets similar to our own orbit- route to earning a spot in the WNBA after an extraordinary career at NASA. ing stars much like the Sun, reigniting finals. I had the pleasure of meeting with old debates that force us to ask if we Led by the determined play of Katie the crew last week. We talked about are alone in this universe. That is a Smith, the Shock maintained their the marathon spacewalks needed to in- quest we should not easily give up. focus throughout a grueling regular stall upgrades to Hubble that often re- I find it fitting that the crew of STS– season and their ensuing march toward quired on-the-spot improvisation by 125 visited Capitol Hill on the same the 2008 WNBA title. Katie Smith aver- the astronauts. It is a testament to the week as the 40th anniversary of the aged 21.7 points per game in the finals crew’s professionalism, teamwork and Apollo 11 Moon landing. For an agency and won the 2008 WNBA Finals Most resourcefulness that the spacewalks that has had its fair share of tragedies Valuable Player award. were so successful given such chal- and triumphs, surely the Apollo 11 mis- This championship win was yet an- lenging conditions. We also discussed sion and the Hubble Space Telescope other milestone in the storied career of what each astronaut will be doing stand out as shining examples of the head coach Bill Laimbeer, who was at next—most will be returning to the as- heights NASA can reach. They are ar- the helm of each of the Shock’s cham- tronaut corps awaiting their next mis- guably the agency’s greatest successes pionship runs. He has amassed a total sion— and how the microgravity of in manned and unmanned space explo- of five professional basketball titles, space adds an inch or more to your ration. which includes two as a player for the height. I appreciate the time they gave As high water marks of the past, Detroit Pistons. This was also the sixth me and am always honored to visit they also offer useful perspective on championship for Detroit Shock owner with these extraordinary Americans. the future of NASA. NASA is at a Bill Davidson’s Detroit sports teams. It isn’t widely known, but the State crossroads, where we must answer Fortunately, he was able to enjoy this of Colorado and NASA have deep con- questions about the future balance of championship before his recent death nections. The University of Colorado manned versus unmanned space explo- in March. receives more research funding from ration, about whether we should set Each member of the Detroit Shock NASA than any other university. Colo- our sights next on the Moon, Mars or organization made valuable contribu- rado enjoys the second largest aero- some other goal, about how to cope tions through the season and during space economy in the country, behind with completion of the International this memorable championship run, in- only California, including significant Space Station and retirement of the cluding Kara Braxton, Cheryl Ford, endeavors in both civilian and military Space Shuttle in coming years. And we Alexis Hornbuckle, Taj Mcwilliams- aerospace. After this final servicing must answer all of these questions dur- Franklin, Deanna Nolan, Plenette Pier- mission, which added the cosmic ori- ing the most difficult economic condi- son, Elaine Powell, Sheri Sam, gins spectrograph and widefield camera tions of a generation. I look forward to Olayinka Sanni, Kelly Schumacher, VerDate Nov 24 2008 00:59 Jul 28, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27JY6.007 S27JYPT1 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with SENATE July 27, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8131 Ashley Shields, and Katie Smith, as crease the number of behavioral health itude, I would like to thank and honor well as head coach, Bill Laimbeer, and specialists to ensure the military has the brave Arkansans who served as assistant coaches Rick Mahorn, Cheryl enough doctors trained to identify and Women Airforce Service Pilots—or Reeve, and Laura Ramus. I know my prevent suicide and post-traumatic WASPS, as they were more commonly colleagues join me in congratulating stress disorder. It also directs DOD to called—during World War II. the Detroit Shock on their third cham- devise strategies for electronic medical During the war, women were re- pionship in franchise history. The peo- record exchanges between the military cruited to fly noncombat missions ple of Michigan look forward to wit- medical and Veterans Administration under the Army Air Corps, so that nessing the Shock continue to build on systems.
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