DDiirreeccttoorryy ooff PPoolliicciieess aanndd PPrroocceedduurreess ffoorr DDeeaaccoonnss RRoommaann CCaatthhoolliicc DDiioocceessee ooff PPhhooeenniixx with Change Pages thru September 2010 revised & approved by Bishop Olmsted Sept 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 4 1.1 Issuing Authority 4 1.2 Applicability 4 1.3 Background 4 2.0 Mission Statement of the Diaconate of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix 6 2.1 Scriptural Basis 6 2.2 Mission Statement 6 2.3 Implementation 6 3.0 Structure of the Diaconate in the Diocese of Phoenix 7 3.1 Organization Chart 7 3.2 Deacon Council 8 3.3 Deacon Personnel Board 8 3.4 Office of the Diaconate 8 3.4.1 Introduction 8 3.4.2 Director of Office of the Diaconate / Director of Deacon Personnel 9 3.4.3 Associate Director of Formation 10 3.4.4 Coordinators 11 3.5 Committees 11 3.6 The Deacon 11 3.6.1 General Norms 11 3.6.2 Duties 13 3.6.3 Bi-Ritual Deacons 13 3.6.4 Extern Deacons 13 4.0 Deacon Policies 14 4.1 Assignment and Ministry 14 4.1.1 General 14 4.1.2 Title 14 4.1.3 Attire 14 4.1.4 Faculties 16 4.1.5 Decree of Appointment 16 4.1.6 Post-Ordination Supervised Ministry and Formation 16 4.1.7 Length of Assignment 18 4.1.8 Changes in / Review of Assignment 18 4.1.9 Ministry Evaluation 19 4.1.10 Leaves of Absence 19 4.1.11 Sabbaticals 20 4.1.12 Incardination/Excardination 21 4.2 Continuing Education 21 4.2.1 Introduction 21 4.2.2 Policy 22 4.3 Spiritual Life 24 revised & approved 2 by Bishop Olmsted Sept 2010 4.4 Married Deacons 25 4.4.1 Introduction 25 4.4.2 Marriages Experiencing Difficulty 25 4.4.3 Separation / Civil Divorce 26 4.4.4 Remarriage 27 4.4.5 Deacon Widows Committee 27 4.5 Deacon Remuneration 28 4.6 Diaconate Communication List 29 4.7 Complaints Against Deacons 30 4.7.1 Guidelines 30 4.7.2 Complaint Management 30 4.7.3 Obedience and Respect to the Ordinary 31 4.7.4 Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with a Minor 32 4.7.5 Allegations of Inappropriate and Unprofessional Behavior 32 4.7.6 Complaints and Concerns Specific to/about Deacon Applicants and Candidates 32 4.7.7 Role of Pastor or Agency Supervisor 32 4.7.8 Deacon Complaint Review Board 33 4.7.9 Reconciliation with the Church and Others 34 4.8 Retirement 35 4.8.1 Introduction 35 4.8.2 Policies 35 4.9 Death of a Deacon 36 4.9.1 Introduction 36 4.9.2 Funeral Planning 36 4.9.3 Death Notification 36 4.9.4 Post Burial 37 5.0 Deacon Procedures 37 5.1 Assignment and Ministry 37 5.1.1 Evaluations 37 5.1.2 Sabbaticals 38 5.2 Continuing Education 38 5.2.1 Introduction 38 5.2.2 Notification and Reporting Procedures 39 5.3 Complaints Against Deacons 39 5.4 Retired Deacons 42 5.5 Death of a Deacon 42 5.5.1 Vesting the Deceased 42 5.5.2 Vigil 42 5.5.3 Funeral Mass 42 6.0 Definitions 45 7.0 Appendices 47 7.1 Deacon Council – Constitution and Bylaws 47 7.2 Deacon Personnel Board – Constitution 51 7.3 Deacon Job Description 53 revised & approved 3 by Bishop Olmsted Sept 2010 7.4 Faculties Pagellae for the Diocese of Phoenix 58a 7.5 Protocol for the Incardination/Excardination of Deacons 74 7.6 Annual Deacon Evaluation Form 98 7.7 Declaration of Intent for Deacons Form 101 7.8 Petition for the Assignment of an Additional Parish Deacon Form 102 7.9 Retention or Transfer Form 104 7.10 Funeral Planning Form 105 7.11 Decree of Appointment Form 107 7.12 Decree of Extra-Parochial Appointment Form 109 7.13 Decree of Seasonal Appointment Form 111 7.14 Supervised Deacon Ministry and Formation Plan Form 113 REFERENCES CITED Canon Code of Canon Law, Canon Law Society of America, 1983 National Directory National Directory for the Formation, Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States, USCCB, 2004 LG Lumen Gentium (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church), Vatican II, 21Nov64 revised & approved 3a by Bishop Olmsted Sept 2010 11...00 IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN 1.1 ISSUING AUTHORITY This Directory of Policies and Procedures for Deacons is issued under the authority of the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix. 1.2 APPLICABILITY This Directory applies to all deacons (and deacon candidates) actively engaged in ministry in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix. Regarding policies and procedures governing formation of deacon candidates see the National Directory for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States (2004). For information relating to liturgical procedures within the Diocese of Phoenix, refer to its Liturgical Manual for Deacons. 1.3 BACKGROUND Jesus the Christ, on the night He was betrayed, established the sacramental and communal Church with the First Eucharist. In the first generation of the Church, the Holy Spirit led the Apostles to select seven men as ―deacons‖ who could free the bishops of their more secular and temporal duties. Historical testimony of the generations that followed shows that the deacon at all times had a special link with the bishop, as the diaconate quickly became a recognized and important office in the Church. In the centuries that followed, the Church continued to grow under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Likewise, the work of the deacons evolved into three major areas: liturgical, doctrinal, and charitable. In regard to liturgy, they fulfilled such roles as proclaiming the Gospel at Holy Mass and exhorting the faithful, directing the Prayers of the Faithful, assisting the celebrant at the altar, and distributing Holy Communion. In regard to doctrine, teaching duties for deacons included giving instructions to prospective converts for initiation into the Christian community. In regard to charity, the deacons’ work consisted of reporting the needs of the community to the bishop and bringing his response and assistance to those in need and want. Over the centuries, the diaconate was displaced by seminarians in their final year of preparation for the priesthood. These were termed ―transitional‖ deacons. In Rome, in 1959, Caritas International requested that the ―permanent‖ diaconate be restored and from 4-16 October 1963, the subject was discussed during the deliberations of the Second Vatican Council. On 29 September 1964, in four separate votes, the Council Fathers approved the restoration of the diaconate as a permanent Order, in its own right, a full part of the three-fold hierarchy of Holy Orders: bishop, priest, and deacon. On 18 June 1967, Pope Paul VI issued “Sacrum Diaconatus Ordinem,” a document that re- established the permanent diaconate for the Western Church. In May of 1968, the Roman Catholic bishops of the United States petitioned the Holy See for permission to restore the diaconate in our country. The Apostolic Delegate informed our bishops on 30 August 1968 that Pope Paul VI had acceded to their request. Thus began the unprecedented growth of this 4 restored ministry in the Holy Catholic Church. Following upon the direction of the Vatican II, the Diocese of Phoenix re-established the diaconate with the ordination of its first deacons in May of 1972. This Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix Directory of Policies and Procedures Manual for Deacons reflects many hours of prayer, discussion, study, and collaboration among many people within the diaconate community, especially the Deacon Council. This Directory was revised to bring into compliance a diaconate that reflects the Basic Norms for the Formation of Permanent Deacons and The Directory for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons, two documents given to the Universal Church (respectively) by the Congregation for Catholic Education and the Congregation for the Clergy (1998). With the promulgation of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (19 March 2003), the National Directory for the Formation, Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States (26 December 2004), and the installment of Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted as the 5th Bishop of the Diocese of Phoenix (20 December 2003), this Roman Catholic Diocese Directory of Policies and Procedures for Deacons has been developed and published. It is a living document, to be revised as the diaconate continues to evolve in our Diocese and continues to strengthen the ministerial life of the Universal Church. 5 22...00 MMIISSSSIIOONN SSTTAATTEEMMEENNTT OOFF TTHHEE DDIIAACCOONNAATTEE OOFF TTHHEE DDIIOOCCEESSEE OOFF PPHHOOEENNIIXX 2.1 SCRIPTURAL BASIS “…He rose from supper and took off His outer garments. He took a towel and tied it around His waist. Then He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and dry them with the towel around His waist. “If I, therefore, the Master and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet. I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do…” (St. John 13:4-15) 2.2 MISSION STATEMENT Our goal is that every man, woman, and child, in every human community, at every moment of brokenness and during every quest for deeper meaning, will experience the healing love of Jesus the Deacon. As a diaconate dedicated to the salvific mission of the Roman Catholic Church of Phoenix, we hear the call to come together to be nourished in the Holy Eucharist, proclaim the Good News of Jesus the Christ, and serve the needs of all God’s people.
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