<p> FLOYD COUNTY SCHOOLS 106 NORTH FRONT AVENUE PRESTONSBURG, KY 41653</p><p>PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING FOR A CERTIFIED POSITION</p><p>Applicants MUST furnish certified references (form attached), transcript of credits, completed application, NTE scores (if applicable), and a valid Kentucky Teaching Certificate to being considered as an applicant for a teaching position.</p><p>------</p><p>TO: All Applicants for Teaching Positions in the Floyd County Schools</p><p>When you complete this application, you will be given careful consideration for a teaching position in the Floyd County Schools. It is our obligation to staff the school with the best available teachers and for that reason we are looking for teachers who:</p><p> Have a genuine interest in children, want to help them learn, and are willing to work hard to accomplish the task. Become active in the community and interested in Floyd County in general. Realize that students are the center of the educational process, treat them in a courteous and kind manner and expect the same in return. Regard the acceptance of a position as binding/and not accept another position after being employed for the school year. Are willing to work a reasonable amount of time on occasion beyond the school day.</p><p>If you are the person we are looking for, please complete this application.</p><p>EMPLOYMENT PROCEDURES</p><p>1. The applicant will be responsible for completing all parts of the application. 2. Completed applications will be: a. forwarded to principal if vacancy is governed by SBDM. b. forwarded to Hiring (screening) Panel if District/other. 3. Selected applicants will be notified of an interview by either the school or the Human Resources staff.</p><p>Position Applied For: ______106 North Front Avenue FLOYD COUNTY SCHOOLS Prestonsburg, KY 41653 CERTIFIED STAFF APPLICATION Schools: ______Phone: 606-886-2354</p><p>“AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMLOYER” ______</p><p>PERSONAL INFORMATION ______Name ______Last First Middle Social Security No.</p><p>Mailing Address ______Street or Route City State Zip</p><p>Phone ______Alternate Phone ______</p><p>EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION (PLEASE ATTACH COPIES OF ALL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS)*</p><p>High School Attended ______Address ______</p><p>Undergraduate College or University ______Address ______</p><p>Date Entered ______Date Completed ______</p><p>Degree ______Major ______2nd Major or Minor ______</p><p>Graduate College or University ______Address ______</p><p>Graduate Hours Earned ______Degree ______Major ______</p><p>KENTUCKY CERTIFICATION (PLEASE ATTACH A COPY)*</p><p>Do you hold a valid Kentucky Teaching Certificate or Certificate of Eligibility? Yes _____ No _____</p><p>If yes, has any type of sanction ever been issued by the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB)? Yes _____ No _____</p><p>If no, have you applied for Kentucky Certification? Yes _____ No _____ (If no, letter from University must be attached)</p><p>Date of Application ______</p><p>Rank III (BA/BS) ______11 (MA/5th Year Program) ______I (MA+30/6th Year Program) ______</p><p>TEACHING EXPERIENCE (ENTER MOST RECENT EMPLOYMENT FIRST) Note: If you are employed by the Floyd County School District, it will be your responsibility to furnish this office with verification of your prior teaching experience in order to determine your salary level.</p><p>School/District Subject or Grade From: To: Address: Street, City & State</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>Total No. Years Teaching Experience ______Total No. Accumulated Sick Leave Days ______OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>Employee Address: City, State, Zip Code Position From: To: Reason for Leaving</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>FOR THIS TYPE OF EMPLOYMENT, STATE LAW REQUIRES A CRIMINIAL RECORD CHECK AS A CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT</p><p>Have you ever been convicted of an offense against the law or forfeited collateral, or are you now under charges for any offense against the law? You, may omit: (1) traffic violations for which you paid a fine of $75.00 or less; and (2) any offense committed before your 18th birthday which was finally adjudicated in a juvenile court or under a Youth Offender law.</p><p>No ______Yes ______</p><p>If your answer is yes, give details on a separate sheet of paper. Show for each offense: (1) date, (2) charge, (3) place, (4) court, and (5) action taken.</p><p>REFERENCES (Enter name and address of three references. Indicate position, i.e., critic teacher, instructor, banker, etc.)</p><p>1. ______Name Position</p><p>______Street City State Zip Phone</p><p>2. ______Name Position</p><p>______Street City State Zip Phone</p><p>3. ______Name Position</p><p>______Street City State Zip Phone</p><p>PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS AND OFFICES HELD</p><p>Name of Organization Office Number of Years Membership</p><p>1. ______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>3. ______</p><p>EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITES</p><p>I feel that I could effectively sponsor for coach the following activities and could arrange my personal schedule to devote a reasonable amount of time to them:</p><p>_____ Department Chairperson _____ Athletic Coaches _____ Yearbook Sponsor _____ Football _____ Newspaper Sponsor _____ Girls Basketball _____ Student Council Sponsor _____ Boys Basketball _____ Speech & Drama Sponsor _____ Wrestling _____ Band/Choral Music Sponsor _____ Cross Country _____ Flag Corp Sponsor _____ Cheerleading _____ Senior Sponsor _____ Softball _____ National Honor Society Sponsor _____ Volleyball _____ Academic Competition Sponsor _____ Baseball _____ Beta Club Sponsor _____ Soccer _____ FFA Sponsor _____ Track _____ FHA Sponsor _____ Tennis _____ FBLA Sponsor _____ Golf _____ Debate Coach _____ Other _____ Teens Who Care Sponsor ______</p><p>In past assignments I have sponsored or coached the following activities or sports:</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>Please complete the following:</p><p>(1) A BRIEF STATEMENT ON WHY YOU HAVE CHOSEN TEACHING AS A PROFESSION.</p><p>Are you related to the Superintendent or a Board Member of the Floyd County Schools?</p><p>YES ______NO ______If yes, what relation ship ______</p><p>Date ______Signature ______</p><p>I hereby affirm that all information given in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any material misrepresentation or deliberate omission of fact in my application may be justification for refusal of, or if employed, termination of employment. I further understand that this is an application for employment not an offer of employment. I fully understand that before I can be officially employed by the Superintendent of the Floyd County Board of Education, I must complete a pre-employment physical examination which could include a drug screening test, and criminal records check.</p><p>______Date Signature FLOYD COUNTY SCHOOLS 106 NORTH FRONT AVENUE PRESTONSBURG, KY 41653 Phone (606) 886-2354 Fax (606) 886-8862</p><p>CERTIFIED REFERENCE FORM</p><p>TO: ______Reference Name Title</p><p>______Address City State Zip</p><p>______Telephone Number</p><p>Position applied for: ______</p><p>APPLICANT’S WAIVER OF RIGHTS OF ACCESS TO CONFIDENTIAL FORM I hereby give you permission to complete and release this reference for to the Floyd County Schools. I agree that the information requested will become a part of my personnel file as an applicant or employee of the Floyd County Schools, and I agree that the information will not be disclosed to me, but is to be treated as confidential by the Floyd County Schools, I waive my right to see this information. I further release and agree to hold harmless the Floyd County Schools and the persons and/or legal entities completing the reference form from any and all claims, demands, actions, and causes of actions which I might have resulting or to result from the furnishing or utilization of information requested and/or provided.</p><p>______Date Applicant’s Signature Social Security Number</p><p>The above named person has filed an application for employment with the Floyd County Schools. In completing the application, the applicant has indicated that you may be able to help us in evaluating his/her potential as an employee. Will you please help us by completing the inquiry on the reverse side of this letter and adding any comments you may care to make? Your cooperation and promptness in returning this inquiry to us will be greatly appreciated.</p><p>TO THE APPLICANT: Please send this form to all references listed in your employment application. You should include a pre-addressed, stamped envelope to be mailed directly to:</p><p>Floyd County Schools Human Resources Dept. OVER 106 N. Front Ave. Prestonsburg, KY 41653 OFFICIAL CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION</p><p>Based on your experience, please rate the applicant as follows:</p><p>PLEASE INDICATE OUTSTANDING ABOVE AVERAGE FAIR BELOW UNKNOWN BY CHECKING AVERAGE AVERAGE Professional reliability and attitude Participation in school and community activities Maturity in social and intellectual areas Regularity of attendance Responsibility in areas of morale Supports school policies Acceptance of constructive supervision Cooperation with administration and faculty Concern for the individual child Success in teaching Capability in curriculum materials, techniques Ability to control classes Enthusiasm for profession Professional Appearance Verbal communication skills Written communication skills Punctuality How long have you know applicant? ______Would you recommend employment of applicant as a teacher? __ YES __ WITH RESERVATIONS __ CANNOT RECOMMEND Would you want this person to work with your child in an educational setting?______YES ______NO Information given above is based on (Check all items that apply): ___ Personal acquaintance with applicant ___ Worked under my supervision ___ A co-worker ___ Student in my classes at school ___ Student teacher under my supervision ======REMARKS:</p><p>======</p><p>______PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE</p><p>______FIRM OR SCHOOL POSITION</p><p>______MAILING ADDRESS DATE TELEPHONE #</p><p>PLEASE RETURN IMMEDIATELY TO THE FLOYD COUNTY SCHOOLS FLOYD COUNTY SCHOOLS 106 NORTH FRONT AVENUE PRESTONSBURG, KY 41653 Phone (606) 886-2354 Fax (606) 886-8862</p><p>CERTIFIED REFERENCE FORM</p><p>TO: ______Reference Name Title</p><p>______Address City State Zip</p><p>______Telephone Number</p><p>Position applied for: ______</p><p>APPLICANT’S WAIVER OF RIGHTS OF ACCESS TO CONFIDENTIAL FORM I hereby give you permission to complete and release this reference for to the Floyd County Schools. I agree that the information requested will become a part of my personnel file as an applicant or employee of the Floyd County Schools, and I agree that the information will not be disclosed to me, but is to be treated as confidential by the Floyd County Schools, I waive my right to see this information. I further release and agree to hold harmless the Floyd County Schools and the persons and/or legal entities completing the reference form from any and all claims, demands, actions, and causes of actions which I might have resulting or to result from the furnishing or utilization of information requested and/or provided.</p><p>______Date Applicant’s Signature Social Security Number</p><p>The above named person has filed an application for employment with the Floyd County Schools. In completing the application, the applicant has indicated that you may be able to help us in evaluating his/her potential as an employee. Will you please help us by completing the inquiry on the reverse side of this letter and adding any comments you may care to make? Your cooperation and promptness in returning this inquiry to us will be greatly appreciated.</p><p>OVER OFFICIAL CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION</p><p>Based on your experience, please rate the applicant as follows:</p><p>PLEASE INDICATE OUTSTANDING ABOVE AVERAGE FAIR BELOW UNKNOWN BY CHECKING AVERAGE AVERAGE Professional reliability and attitude Participation in school and community activities Maturity in social and intellectual areas Regularity of attendance Responsibility in areas of morale Supports school policies Acceptance of constructive supervision Cooperation with administration and faculty Concern for the individual child Success in teaching Capability in curriculum materials, techniques Ability to control classes Enthusiasm for profession Professional Appearance Verbal communication skills Written communication skills Punctuality How long have you know applicant? ______Would you recommend employment of applicant as a teacher? __ YES __ WITH RESERVATIONS __ CANNOT RECOMMEND Would you want this person to work with your child in an educational setting?______YES ______NO Information given above is based on (Check all items that apply): ___ Personal acquaintance with applicant ___ Worked under my supervision ___ A co-worker ___ Student in my classes at school ___ Student teacher under my supervision ======REMARKS:</p><p>======</p><p>______PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE</p><p>______FIRM OR SCHOOL POSITION</p><p>______MAILING ADDRESS DATE TELEPHONE #</p><p>PLEASE RETURN IMMEDIATELY TO THE FLOYD COUNTY SCHOOLS FLOYD COUNTY SCHOOLS 106 NORTH FRONT AVENUE PRESTONSBURG, KY 41653 Phone (606) 886-2354 Fax (606) 886-8862</p><p>CERTIFIED REFERENCE FORM</p><p>TO: ______Reference Name Title</p><p>______Address City State Zip</p><p>______Telephone Number</p><p>Position applied for: ______</p><p>APPLICANT’S WAIVER OF RIGHTS OF ACCESS TO CONFIDENTIAL FORM I hereby give you permission to complete and release this reference for to the Floyd County Schools. I agree that the information requested will become a part of my personnel file as an applicant or employee of the Floyd County Schools, and I agree that the information will not be disclosed to me, but is to be treated as confidential by the Floyd County Schools, I waive my right to see this information. I further release and agree to hold harmless the Floyd County Schools and the persons and/or legal entities completing the reference form from any and all claims, demands, actions, and causes of actions which I might have resulting or to result from the furnishing or utilization of information requested and/or provided.</p><p>______Date Applicant’s Signature Social Security Number</p><p>The above named person has filed an application for employment with the Floyd County Schools. In completing the application, the applicant has indicated that you may be able to help us in evaluating his/her potential as an employee. Will you please help us by completing the inquiry on the reverse side of this letter and adding any comments you may care to make? Your cooperation and promptness in returning this inquiry to us will be greatly appreciated.</p><p>OVER OFFICIAL CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION</p><p>Based on your experience, please rate the applicant as follows:</p><p>PLEASE INDICATE OUTSTANDING ABOVE AVERAGE FAIR BELOW UNKNOWN BY CHECKING AVERAGE AVERAGE Professional reliability and attitude Participation in school and community activities Maturity in social and intellectual areas Regularity of attendance Responsibility in areas of morale Supports school policies Acceptance of constructive supervision Cooperation with administration and faculty Concern for the individual child Success in teaching Capability in curriculum materials, techniques Ability to control classes Enthusiasm for profession Professional Appearance Verbal communication skills Written communication skills Punctuality How long have you know applicant? ______Would you recommend employment of applicant as a teacher? __ YES __ WITH RESERVATIONS __ CANNOT RECOMMEND Would you want this person to work with your child in an educational setting?______YES ______NO Information given above is based on (Check all items that apply): ___ Personal acquaintance with applicant ___ Worked under my supervision ___ A co-worker ___ Student in my classes at school ___ Student teacher under my supervision ======REMARKS:</p><p>======</p><p>______PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE</p><p>______FIRM OR SCHOOL POSITION</p><p>______MAILING ADDRESS DATE TELEPHONE #</p><p>PLEASE RETURN IMMEDIATELY TO THE FLOYD COUNTY SCHOOLS</p>
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