<p>Property Services</p><p>Service Plan 2013/14</p><p>Date 31/03/13 v1.0</p><p>Directorate: Environment Foreword</p><p>Our Vision and Focus for the Service Welcome to the Property Services 2013/14 Service Plan which sets out our vision, objectives and activities for the next 12 months, and outlines how we will balance frontline service needs with corporate property objectives and available resources. This plan has been developed in collaboration with staff across the entire Property Service so thanks to all staff involved for your valuable input. Peter Marsh Head of Property Property Services continues to play a fundamental role in Services and the success of authority; ensuring the estate is effectively Interim Director and efficiently managed for the benefit of frontline of Environment services and the public. Directorate We transferred to the new ‘Environment’ Directorate in January 2013. The move allows for more integrated management of the Council’s broad asset base and will provide opportunities through more joined-up working with the Transportation, Waste and Environment Service.</p><p>We have achieved a great deal over the last 12 months. We have continued to forward plan and rationalise the estate, maximised income, improved our operating efficiency and data quality, whilst continuing to ensure the Council’s buildings are safe, compliant and fit for purpose. Despite a depressed property market we have Bert Biscoe achieved capital receipts of over £10million, increased Portfolio Holder income from the commercial estate and since embarking for Environment on the office rationalisation programme reduced office Directorate space across the Council by 25%. We have also successfully delivered £25million in capital schemes, achieved our carbon reduction targets and continued with innovative renewables projects such as Kernow Solar Farm, all in the challenging context of reduced budgets and large scale organisational change. </p><p>I would like to thank all staff for their continued hard work and commitment in ensuring a consistent level of service is provided to the Council, its partners and customers. While further challenges lie ahead I am confident we will meet these and deliver on the ambitious plan set out below. </p><p>Peter Marsh</p><p>Head of Property Services</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 2 31.01.13 V1.0 1. Property Services is a Service within the Environment Directorate of Cornwall Council.</p><p>2. Our vision, mission and values have been developed in consultation with our staff and are set out below:</p><p>Our mission To deliver innovative integrated, sustainable and efficient corporate property solutions that meet service and partner needs.</p><p>Our vision To be recognised as a forward-thinking, proactive service which puts the Council, its customers, partners and staff at the heart of everything we do. We will achieve this by:</p><p> Providing clear leadership and direction for the Council’s property estate, maximise income and growth, and providing our customers, partners and communities with best value for money</p><p> Continually strengthening the links between our teams and functions, supporting each other to achieve shared objectives </p><p> Ensuring we have a flexible, committed and commercially aware workforce with the right skills to deliver a high quality service to our customers, now and in the future</p><p>Our values We value personal leadership, ownership, and integrity, alongside the Council’s core values of pride, pace, passion and professionalism</p><p>3. We will achieve our mission and vision and support Cornwall Council’s long term priorities through a range of core activities delivered by the following Property units:</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 3 31.01.13 V1.0 31.01.13 V1.0 2013/14 Property Plan Service 4. UnitAsset & Business Management Estates Delivery Unit UnitConstruction Services business andenergybusiness management activities. broad management,estatesassetmanagement, range strategic of programme, ensurestatutory a undertake compliance of andthe estate We estate. oftheproperty elements lead on capital construction wellas as managing ofbusinesses, the and farms family commercial Counciland within provide Weaccommodation forservices the its Strategic Asset and Management and Strategic Energy Asset andBusiness DevelopmentChange Property Development Management Estate Workplace Management Commercial Management Capital Projects and Property Compliance Maintenance Strategic Planningand Standards • • • Maintenanceprovisions Buildingdesign standards RenewableEnergyand Standards CarbonandManagement Reduction EnergyManagement Utilitiesand PropertyPolicy Standards and Corporate PlanningAsset and Management Management Financial Support and Business Propertydata Systems and ITManagement planning,budgetBusiness performance and management changetransformationBusiness andprojects and Disposal ofsurplusredevelopmentassets capitalandrevenue ReceiptsOptimisation of andRating valuations Commercial rent reviews and collection Management estateof non-operational managementContractsoft contracts FM of movesCoordination ofoffice Operationalestatemanagementoftheoffice Management commercial of Construction operations projectsofcapitalbuild Delivery Frameworkcontract management TestingStatutory Compliance planned and Reactive repairs and maintenance 4 5. Through the delivery of repairs and maintenance activity we ensure that the Council meets its statutory building compliance responsibilities and duty of care under relevant health and safety legislation. </p><p>The Challenges and Opportunities we Face</p><p>6. Property Services joined the Environment directorate in January 2013, alongside the Transportation, Waste and Environment Service. This presented an opportunity to better integrate the management of the Council’s broad range of assets, and exploit synergies with teams in the Transportation, Waste and Environment Service. </p><p>7. While there has been no increase in Council Tax in Cornwall this year, the government continue to reduce public spending and further savings of £1.218 million must be made within the Service. Coupled with the growing maintenance backlog (currently £104.8million including schools) this will place further pressure on our ability to maintain safe and compliant buildings. Savings will be made by continuing estate and contract rationalisation, exploiting commissioning opportunities and increasing income from energy projects, alongside other initiatives set out in our annual savings plan. </p><p>8. Our budget faces further pressure from increases in utility prices, with a 5% increase in energy costs and a 4.3% increase in water costs expected in 2013/14. These mirror the increases charged in the previous year, and highlight the importance of reducing energy and water consumption to the absolute minimum across the estate. Other budget pressures include postage, which has seen significant price increases in recent years (18% on first and second class post in 2011/12) and inflationary increases on building and construction costs. </p><p>9. From a Property perspective the Localism Act continues to provide opportunities to rationalise the estate and transfer assets to community groups and local parish councils, promoting local ownership, increasing our estate efficiency and producing capital receipts. The Estate Rationalisation programme achieved £11.3m in sales in 2012/13 and since the commencement of this programme, total office space has reduced by 25%, resulting in annual savings of £720,000. </p><p>10. In 2012/13 we consolidated 28 separate contracts into three framework agreements covering Facilities Management, Maintenance and Mechanical and Electrical services. The new frameworks have shifted our focus from operational delivery to strategic contract management, improving efficiency whilst presenting new challenges in terms of the skills, data and resources required to adopt our new ‘client’ role successfully. This year will see the second phase of the Property commissioning review, as we continue to explore alternative ways of delivering our services to provide best value for money.</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 5 31.01.13 V1.0 11. The depressed economy has hindered our ability to increase rent charges, and while there is scope for increasing rent revenue in certain areas to better reflect market rents, this has been tempered with pressure to maintain rents at an affordable level. The increased pressure on businesses is also likely to impact on rent collection and increase the amount of unrecoverable debt owed to the Service.</p><p>12. As the Council continues to commission services and reduce its budgets, the need for accurate and complete property data, and a clear understanding of costs and charges has become critical. As the number of alternative service delivery models increases we will increasingly be compared to the private sector, and to this end we will continue developing our commercial focus and improving our data quality, underpinning this with robust financial, business and performance management frameworks and fit for purpose business technology. </p><p>13. The Council’s Green Cornwall Strategy (2011) aims for a 40% reduction in its carbon emissions by 2020. With a specific focus on property assets, the Strategic Carbon Management Plan (2011) sets the aim of a 30% reduction in those carbon emissions by 2016 (18% in 2013/14) and a saving of £6.85m per year against the Carbon Trust’s ‘business as usual’ projection, where both costs and consumption are predicted to increase. Last year utilities spend including gas, electricity and water totalled £12.4million (including £1.6million for street lighting).</p><p>14. We will need to continue to drive down carbon emissions at a rate of 6% per year, with a profiled cumulative target of 18% for 2013/14. There is the dual threat of both increasing energy costs coupled with the financial implications of the Carbon Reduction Commitment if the Council does not reduce its energy consumption. Performance information suggests that the Council will not reach the target unless significant investment is made and appropriate action taken, particularly in leisure centres and schools. </p><p>15. Opportunities exist for the production of renewable energy. We recently completed Kernow Solar Park, the UK’s largest council-owned solar farm. The Service has also invested in small scale solar PV (rooftop solar panels) and potential has been identified for the development of other renewable energy solutions, including wind and hydro.</p><p>16. Climate change represents a growing threat to the Council. Our Climate Change Impact Assessment outlines how we aim to adapt our services to respond to increased storm, rainfall, drought and temperature changes and combat the financial and physical impact of these factors. Possible options include building adaptations, increased maintenance of properties to improve weather resistance, increasing use of solar power and the early disposal of vulnerable buildings.</p><p>17. In order to deliver a cost-effective, joined-up service, it is essential that the various teams across our Service work together effectively, are clear about their role in the overall property lifecycle and understand </p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 6 31.01.13 V1.0 how their actions and use of property information impacts upon the success of other teams. This will become even more important as we develop and embed new ways of delivering our services, and this has therefore been identified as workforce development aim for this year. Understanding Our Customers</p><p>18. As an internal Service our direct customers are the Services and partners of Cornwall Council, but ultimately we serve the needs of all service users. It is essential that we shape the property estate to meet these needs.</p><p>19. Our Corporate Asset Management Plan sets out how we will strategically align the Council’s estate with corporate priorities. We will continue to develop Service Asset Statements this year in consultation with Services, which help us balance corporate needs with those of frontline services and assist with forward planning of the estate.</p><p>20. A Customer Satisfaction Survey conducted in 2012/13 across the Council’s directorate leadership teams highlighted specific concerns with regards to the lack of ongoing property maintenance, and improving understanding of property costs and services. </p><p>21. This year sees the implementation of Property Service Level Agreements, which set out the core services we provide to our customers. These will be supported by regular performance review meetings and quarterly property consumption statements, whichwill allow Services to better understand and reduce their property consumption costs, thereby contributing to corporate savings.</p><p>22. The lack of capital investment in the estate remains an issue and the Council now has backlog maintenance in excess of £104.8m (including the schools backlog which totals £75m). Revenue spend on reactive maintenance remains on a ‘health and safety only’ basis. We must continue to prioritise maintenance work according to greatest need as identified through condition surveys, and ensure our buildings meet statutory requirements.</p><p>23. Effective public sector asset management is essential to ensure the best use is made of property in Cornwall. We chair the Cornwall Public Sector Property Group and we are leading on the creation of a public sector asset management plan for the county. This will challenge the property needs of the sector and identify opportunities for integrated asset management, including opportunities for co-location, joint procurement and more effective use of the wider public sector estate.</p><p>24. To respond to the needs of schools, we have introduced the Property Compliance Management Service (replacing the PCS Statutory Compliance Package) as part of the wider Council’s ‘Services for Schools’ offer. For signed up schools, we will provide technical advice about statutory compliance testing and reports regarding mechanical and electrical equipment. This will give schools greater flexibility in </p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 7 31.01.13 V1.0 making financial decisions over minor repairs and equipment replacement. Schools who also sign up to our mechanical and electrical framework contract offer will have access to the testing and compliance services provided by our framework contractor. Our Key Service Objectives </p><p>25. The following table sets out our key objectives for the next 12 months. These objectives will be achieved through the delivery of this Service Plan and a set of aligned Property team plans, linking directly to individual staff PDS objectives and clearly demonstrating how each member of staff contributes towards Service and corporate priorities. </p><p>No./Ref Key Objectives for 2013/14</p><p>P1 Increase customer satisfaction through proactive engagement with our customers and partners, and clear communication of corporate property objectives</p><p>P2 Provide a modern, safe and compliant working environment for the Council, its customers and partners</p><p>P3 Maximise income generation from the estate and realise cost efficiencies through innovative service delivery solutions</p><p>P4 Reduce our carbon footprint and increase energy efficiency through the delivery of sustainable energy projects and energy management services</p><p>P5 Continue to embed excellent business, performance and financial management practices which reflect those of a high performing commercial business</p><p>P6 Improve levels of service and increase efficiency by continuing to develop the Property Services commissioning model </p><p>P7 Develop a culture of ownership and accountability for data quality across the Service and continue to align Property’s systems and processes with business needs</p><p>P8 Improve integration between property teams and develop our staff to ensure we have the right skills to deliver our services now and in the future</p><p>26. The strategy map in appendix A (to be added on publication of the Environment Directorate Plan) demonstrates how the Service key objectives align with Directorate priorities and the 5 Corporate Asset Management Plan themes. </p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 8 31.01.13 V1.0 27. Appendix B contains our workforce plan which has been developed in parallel with the service objectives.</p><p>28. Appendix C sets out the strategic risks for the Service, in relation to each of the key objectives above. What we achieved last year</p><p>Objective 1: Contract Rationalisation 29. We successfully consolidated 28 separate contracts into three framework agreements covering elements of facilities management, maintenance and mechanical and electrical services, reducing costs, increasing flexibility and improving predictability and levels of service. </p><p>Objective 2: Compliance</p><p>30. We implemented a new compliance data and cost management system which will be utilised by our framework partners to manage a testing and compliance programme across our estate in 2013/14.</p><p>Increased Estate Efficiency</p><p>31. We continued to deliver the office rationalisation programme which has resulted in a 25% reduction in total office space and annual savings of £720,000 for the Council since its initiation.</p><p>32. We successfully delivered 9 co-location projects; this included bringing Health and Adult Care and Support staff together at the Tresillian building (Old County Hall) and Dolcoath as part of the new early interventions service. </p><p>33. We delivered £25million in capital project schemes including a major office block at HWIC (£11.4M) and the first Phase of the New County Hall refurbishment (£3.9M).</p><p>Maximising returns from our Estate</p><p>34. We exceeded our void property targets and brought in £312,461 by re- letting these properties.</p><p>35. We realised £11.3m in sales through capital receipts as part of the ongoing office rationalisation programme.</p><p>36. We reduced the Council’s rates liability by £1.1m by vacating properties, monitoring occupation, undertaking rating appeals and claiming empty rates.</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 9 31.01.13 V1.0 Carbon Reduction</p><p>37. We achieved our target of reducing the Council’s carbon emissions by 12% against the 2010 baseline and achieved the Carbon Saver Gold Standard, demonstrating a year on year reduction in carbon emissions.</p><p>38. We invested £3million in our buildings to reduce energy consumption including LED lighting in libraries, improved heating controls and biomass boilers at New County Hall and Dolcoath.</p><p>39. We completed the Kernow Solar Park project which will produce 5mW of power and create an annual income stream of £700,000 for the Council, in addition to a further £500,000 per year gained from small scale rooftop solar installations.</p><p>Data Quality</p><p>40. We embarked on a comprehensive data quality programme, delivering a broad range of improvements to our property information, systems and business processes and aligning them with business needs.</p><p>41. We rolled out an integrated performance management framework and implemented dashboards at team and service level to improve the way we use data to manage our performance.</p><p>42. We developed a Property consumption reporting application aligned to the Property Core Services SLA, providing clarity on property occupation and responsibilities, and allowing services to understand and reduce their property consumption costs. </p><p>Staff Training and Development</p><p>43. We successfully delivered our first workforce plan, placing a number of staff on relevant professional training courses and developing a succession plan to help future-proof the Service.</p><p>44. We implemented monthly staff 1-1s and team meetings, and embedded the corporate PDS system, with 100% of staff receiving a PDS and individual objectives for the year.</p><p>45. We engaged with staff across the Service to develop an understanding of our vision and key objectives for the coming 12 months.</p><p>46. We set up a staff focus group to tackle a variety of operational challenges and address issues arising from the staff survey. </p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 10 31.01.13 V1.0 What resources we have available</p><p>Our Budget </p><p>44. Our budget for this year is £11.425 million, broken down as follows:</p><p>2013/14 £m Employees 5.005 Premises 9.232 Transportation 0.096 Supplies & Services 1.686 </p><p>Recharges 7.772 </p><p>Additional Savings (0.130) CONTROLLABLE COSTS 23.661 </p><p>Government Grants - Other Grants, Reimbursements & Contributions (0.085) Customer & Client Receipts (4.920) Internal Recharges (7.269) CONTROLLABLE INCOME (12.274) Contribution to Capital & Reserve Movements 0.038 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE COSTS / (INCOME) 11.425 45. In addition to the budget above our approved capital programme budget totals £20,059,249 for 2013/14, split down as the following:</p><p>Summary of Capital Programme Budget 2013/14</p><p>County Offices 14,891,684 </p><p>Corporate Property 305,000 </p><p>Maintenance Strategy 451,869 </p><p>Green Cornwall 3,439,696 </p><p>Farms 309,000 </p><p>Communities 110,500 </p><p>Adult Care & Support 551,500 Our Assets</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 11 31.01.13 V1.0 46.The Council’s property portfolio extends to 10,000 hectares and is worth over £1 billion. The portfolio comprises:</p><p> Over 3000 operational property assets – these are used for service delivery purposes, e.g. schools, libraries, etc.</p><p> 1000 non operational property assets – these support economic regeneration initiatives, e.g. industrial units, and also those held for the benefit of the community, e.g. public open space</p><p> Over 2000 assets such as domestic garages forming part of the housing portfolio (managed through our central asset database).</p><p>Our Workforce</p><p>47. The Property establishment contains the equivalent of 108 FTE (not including the Postage and Despatch Team, who will transfer out of the Service shortly after April 1st). Within the establishment there are 25 staff with line management responsibility, representing a management / staff ratio of 1:5.</p><p>48. In order to continue delivering our services to a consistent standard it is essential that we have the right people, doing the right things, in the right places. Our workforce plan (Appendix B) has been developed in consultation with staff and sets out how we will align our workforce with the needs of the business over the next 12 months. </p><p>49. Our workforce activities have been developed to address specific people issues associated with the delivery of our objectives, and are aligned to the 6 Directorate ‘People Priorities’:</p><p> Developing Manager and Leadership Skills Creating a High Performance Culture Growing and Developing Talent Maximising Employee Engagement Embracing Change and Improvement Promoting Employee Wellbeing</p><p>50. Appendix D contains a high level structure chart for the Service.</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 12 31.01.13 V1.0 Key objectives 2013/14 Objective 1 – Increase customer satisfaction through proactive engagement with our customers and partners, and clear communication of corporate property objectives Business plan priority: Integrate and transform Cornwall’s public services to achieve efficiencies and improvements</p><p>Outcome: Property Service customers get best value for money from Property Services, understand corporate property objectives and costs, and are able to contribute towards corporate savings by reducing consumption Equality & Diversity / Safeguarding: </p><p>Project/Activity Objective/Outcome/Evidence Key Performance 2012/13 2013/14 Target Risk (see risk Measures Outturn table)</p><p>Roll out Core Services SLA to all Services understand what is included SLAs agreed N/A All SLAs signed by services and implement the in annual property recharge, how 31.06.13 Service Asset Schedules Property Service Level Property Services is performing, what updated Asset Statement and performance framework elements of the corporate estate they Service Schedules occupy and who holds budget Service Level Performance updated by 31.03.13 responsibility for the various property reports produced bi-annually service elements. Framework Framework Performance Performance targets Measures Deliver programme of Service Clear understanding of service needs No. of Service Asset New PI 100% Asset Statements in consultation and communication of corporate Statements completed in due PR1: Failure to with services property objectives for forward year meet Customer planning of the estate Expectations Deliver quarterly office To ensure all services are aware of Communications produced N/A Quarterly rationalisation update via disposals, acquisitions and office quarterly communications corporate communications moves in a timely manner Deliver project to improve Increased customer satisfaction and Project RAG N/A N/A Property call centre handling increased efficiency Maintain up to date and relevant Improved communication with No. of Website Hits New PI N/A Property intranet pages customers and staff</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 13 31.01.13 V1.0 Objective 2 – Provide a modern, safe and compliant working environment for the Council, its customers and partners</p><p>Business plan priority: Manage public resources well and always look to improve Outcome: The Council’s estate meets required health and safety standards and is fit for purpose Equality & Diversity: Access to buildings is an important component of compliance and is monitored through questionnaires to premises coordinators, existing access audits and feedback from access groups and mystery shopper exercises. Safeguarding: Statutory compliance and Safeguarding within premises is directly linked to the Council’s Property Compliance Scheme for schools, regular auditing of premises and the provision of statutory compliance services to non schools premises. Specifically control of asbestos, fire risk, legionella risk, gas and electrical safety as well as protocols for sound maintenance and premises management. Project/Activity Objective/Outcome/Evidenc Key Performance Measures 2012/13 2013/14 Target Risk (see risk e Outturn table)</p><p>Deliver Property Compliance The Council’s estate meets % Building Compliance TBC 100% Testing Programme relevant legislation Deliver targeted programme of To assess the suitability of the No. of suitability reviews N/A Complete programme property suitability reviews Council’s estate and identify / completed by 31.08.14 target deficiencies Deliver reactive maintenance and To maintain safe and compliant CMIS Performance Dashboard N/A TBC repairs to the Council’s estate on buildings a health and safety priority basis Delivery of compliance and health Capital programme delivery Programme RAG N/A N/A & safety projects at schools as part of backlog and ex-PFI PR2: Statutory programme Compliance of Buildings Deliver schedule of office moves Office moves are carried out in Programme RAG N/A N/A in line with programme plan line with programme Deliver schedule of condition To allow for the prioritisation of No. of condition surveys completed N/A N/A surveys maintenance and repairs work Delivery of construction elements Safe efficient delivery of % of (Property Services capital 100% 100% of capital programme construction projects programme) projects less than 5% over time % of (Property Services capital programme) projects +/- 5% cost</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 14 31.01.13 V1.0 Objective 3 – Maximise income generation from the estate and realise cost efficiencies through innovative service delivery solutions Business plan priority Integrate and transform Cornwall’s public services to achieve efficiencies and improvements</p><p>Outcome Services delivered by Property represent best value for money and contributions towards corporate savings and budgets are maximised Equality & Diversity Key strategy documents are subject to EIAs and consultation carried out with affected groups, notably disability groups or staff with disabilities where outcomes of the strategies impact directly on those affected groups. In all instances rationalisation of the estate seeks to improve the quality of the residual estate. Releasing capital from surplus assets provides funds for investment in the improvement of the operational property estate to enhance access for the wider community and those with ‘protected characteristics’. Safeguarding Impacts on Safeguarding will be mainly positive as less suitable property is released and disposed of and capital receipts utilised to improve facilities including safeguarding provisions on the residual estate. Savings from an increasingly efficiently run estate feed back into Council finances and make an indirect contribution to frontline service delivery through allocation of budgets, where there is a direct impact on Safeguarding. Project/Activity Objective/Outcome/Evidence Key Performance Measures 2012/13 2013/14 Target Risk Outturn</p><p>Deliver Office Rationalisation Increased efficiency of building % Reduction in number of CC N/A N/A Programme usage and occupancy of space offices leading to reduced running costs Leasehold disposals annual rent and increased capital receipts saving Programme RAG Maximise creation of capital Maximise income through Income generated through £11.3million TBC receipts including small sales production of capital receipts capital receipts PR3: Loss of Continue with investment in Reduced running costs and Income generated through self- TBC N/A income renewables reduction in carbon footprint generated green energy</p><p>Maximise income from Income generation maximised % Rent Reviews completed TBC 100% commercial estate through through commercial rents and within due year efficient and effective caseload leasehold disposals Rent Arrears as % of rent roll management and use of diary alarms dashboard % of Overall Diary Case Management Completed within </p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 15 31.01.13 V1.0 due year % of Rent Reviews Completed within due year % of Break Date Reviews Completed within due year % Expiry Date Reviews Completed within due year % of Holding Over Reviews Completed within due year % of Option to Renew LI Reviews Completed within due year % of Option to Renew LO Reviews Completed within due year Deliver schedule of property Reduce business rates on Council Reduction in rating achieved £1.1m N/A revaluations property</p><p>Reduce number of void properties Property usage maximised to Void Property Level – 37 TBC and maximise income through re- realise efficiency savings Commercial Estate letting Increase co-location of buildings Partners share Council buildings to Number of co-location projects 9 TBC to increase efficiency increase efficiency and increase launched rental income Procurement of all property Projects are delivered in the most N/A N/A N/A construction projects through efficient and cost effective manner frameworks to ensure best value for money Rationalisation of Soft FM Increased efficiency of the estate TBC N/A N/A Contracts through contract consolidation Deliver Office Waste and Increased efficiency of the estate Project RAG N/A N/A Recycling Project through contract consolidation</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 16 31.01.13 V1.0 Objective 4 – Reduce our carbon footprint and increase energy efficiency through the delivery of sustainable energy projects and energy management services Business plan priority Minimise waste and generate sustainable energy</p><p>Outcome: The Council’s carbon footprint is reduced, minimising our impact on the environment and avoiding CRC penalty fees</p><p>Equality & Diversity / Safeguarding Links between Safeguarding and the Council’s carbon reduction commitment are very much in the long term, although increased energy efficiency also releases streams of funding for frontline services engaged directly in Safeguarding vulnerable adults and young people.</p><p>Project/Activity Objective/Outcome/Evidence Key Performance Measures 2012/13 2013/14 Risk Outturn Target</p><p>Deliver efficient energy billing Energy cost efficiency maximised N/A N/A N/A service through TEAM and savings found where appropriate PR5: Carbon Deliver Strategic Carbon The Council’s carbon footprint is Reduced CO2 emissions from 11.89% 18% Reduction Management Plan reduced in line with the Carbon Council Buildings Reduction Commitment Deliver agreed programme of Increased efficiency, reduced See Asset & Energy team plan N/A N/A renewable energy projects costs, reduced carbon footprint including solar/wind/biomass</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 17 31.01.13 V1.0 Objective 5 – Continue to embed excellent business, performance and financial management practices which reflect those of a high performing commercial business Business plan priority Manage public resources well and always look to improve</p><p>Outcome: Effective Business transformation and continuous improvement of Property Services in line with budget savings and changing priorities of the Council Equality & Diversity / Safeguarding</p><p>Project/Activity Objective/Outcome/Evidence Key Performance Measures 2012/13 2013/14 Target Risk Outturn</p><p>Continue to develop the Improved business performance TBC N/A N/A integrated Property Planning and through effective performance Performance Framework management Set up electronic payment of Reduced invoice processing time SWW billing is paperless and bulk N/A Billing process SWW billing and improved management of billed for the council’s estate implemented by energy billing 31.06.13 Deliver phase 2 of Property USSE Services benefit from quarterly Project RAG N/A N/A Consumption Statement Project consumption statements to better understand property costs and contribute to corporate consumption savings Deliver Property budget Budgets are managed effectively financial management dashboard N/A All milestones met PR6: ERP Impact management framework project and efficiently and budget on Business as Budget Mgr challenge meetings managers are accountable for their Usual budgets Quarterly budget forecasting Effective and efficient processing Income generation and processing % Invoices paid within 30 days New PIs TBC of income / expenditure including efficiency maximised % of duplicate payments implementation of financial performance dashboard % of wrong codes on orders % of wrong codes on invoices No. of retrospective orders No. of disconnection notices (SWW) % Supplier invoices paid within 14 days (SWW) % Rents paid by due date</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 18 31.01.13 V1.0 % committed orders outstanding on the ERP system</p><p>Develop 2014/15 Property Service Service has clearly understood As per planning milestones N/A March 2014 Plan and aligned Team Plans vision, and teams have clear focus and objectives Conduct a comprehensive review Increase efficiency of project TBC N/A TBC of construction project mgmt methodology and processes management processes and related data sharing arrangements Conduct review of ETCi timesheet More efficient Property time TBC N/A TBC system recording system maximising cost efficiency and income Develop annual refresh of Forward planning of the corporate CAMP deadlines N/A N/A corporate asset management plan estate and alignment with corporate priorities</p><p>Embed PDS system aligned to All staff have clear objectives and % PDS completion 100% 100% Team / Service Plans standardised ratings in preparation % Mid Year PDS Review 64% 100% for CRP Establish robust processes for Improved efficiency Set up electronic payment (EDI) N/A N/A efficient and accurate bulk utility of SWW billing bill checking, auditing and Audit bills on TEAM database to payment. ensure accuracy. Set up cost monitoring reports against budget profiles</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 19 31.01.13 V1.0 Objective 6 – Improve levels of service and increase efficiency by continuing to develop the Property Services commissioning model Business plan priority Integrate and transform Cornwall’s public services to achieve efficiencies and improvements</p><p>Outcome: Property Services provides a consistent level of service at the lowest possible cost</p><p>Equality & Diversity Procurement and commissioning documentation will include criteria for assessing contractors’ commitment to E&D, and supporting E&D when delivering contracts and services. Fewer contractors increase the Council’s ability to communicate and embed issues of E&D within their working methodology. Safeguarding Fewer contractors enhances the Council’s ability to communicate with and ensure that contractors follow Council’s policy and protocols on Safeguarding where contractors visiting premises are likely to come into contact with vulnerable adults or children. Project/Activity Objective/Outcome/Evidence Key Performance Measures 2012/13 2013/14 Target Risk Outturn</p><p>Deliver Property Services Property Services are Programme RAG Status N/A N/A PRO-R3: Commissioning Review Project: commissioned where it provides Failure to fully tangible benefit in order to reduce Options Appraisal mobilise new costs, increase flexibility and framework improve levels of service Framework Development agreements Contract Rationalisation Mobilisation and development of Increased efficiency and higher As per implementation N/A N/A new Reactive maintenance and level of service programme PRO-R7: repairs framework agreements Failure to adapt to new ways of working and deliver efficiencies through commissioning</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 20 31.01.13 V1.0 Objective 7 – Embed a culture of ownership and accountability for data quality across the Service and continue to align Property’s systems and processes with business needs</p><p>Business plan priority Manage public resources well and always look to improve Outcome: Improved decision-making and greater efficiency leading to improved property outcomes for our customers Equality & DiversityProperty Services holds several data sets on the number of buildings that have had access audits and outputs from self audits submitted on survey monkey and provide the means to monitor performance and implement improvements to accessibility Safeguarding Improved quality of data provides improved intelligence and management of statutory compliance on the Council’s 850 operational sites to provide a safer working environment. Project/Activity Objective/Outcome/Evidence Key Performance Measures 2012/13 2013/14 Target Risk Outturn</p><p>Deliver the ten projects forming To improve property data, Programme RAG Status / N/A Programme completed the Business & Data Quality business processes and systems, Milestones to plan Improvement Programme and and embed a culture of shared Internal Audit Rating Fair/Good audit rating conduct follow-up system review ownership and accountability for data quality Measures as per benefits plan Benefits realised PRO-R8: Conduct Occupancy Audit Refresh Improved data to feed quarterly N/A N/A Audit complete Jan Data quality (Main Offices) consumption statements, SLAs and 2014 service asset statements Conduct in-house audit of ‘Other Buildings’ Property list to improve occupancy data Deliver quarterly service Services understand true cost of Consumption performance to be N/A N/A for 2013/14 consumption statements and Property support services and can plotted and reviewed through continue to develop USSE reduce consumption leading to formal SLA review meetings application and associated core corporate savings property data sets</p><p>Objective 8 – Improve integration between property teams and develop our staff to ensure we have the right skills to deliver our services now and in the future</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 21 31.01.13 V1.0 Business plan priority Manage public resources well and always look to improve</p><p>Outcome: The cradle to grave property lifecycle is managed seamlessly as a single process and we have the right people doing the right things in the right places, at the lowest cost Equality & Diversity / Safeguarding Property Services promotes E&D / Safeguarding training and monitors attendance of its managers and staff. Project/Activity Objective/Outcome/Evidence Key Performance Measures 2012/13 2013/14 Target Risk Outturn</p><p>Deliver Property Workforce Plan See Workforce Plan See Workforce Plan for measures N/A TBC</p><p>PRO-R9: Team Integration Embed team planning, team Staff are clear on what is required % PDS completed 100% 100% performance management and of them and prepared for % PDS Mid-year reviews 64% 100% PDS / PDP /CRP system across implementation of CRP completed Property</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 22 31.01.13 V1.0 Appendix B: Property Workforce Plan 2013/14</p><p>People Theme Why is this important? Our Ambition Service-level Activities Measures</p><p>Our Managers at all levels All individuals and CLA Strategic Leadership Award No. of staff provide leadership, teams benefit Programme (Identified staff) - April / May completing direction and support for from excellent identified training colleagues and set the leadership, CLA Middle Mgmt Development Programme successfully (March cultural feel within our providing clear (Identified staff) – April / May 2014) Developing Service. We need to direction, creating Manager and ensure our leadership and a positive and Property Job Shadowing Programme Staff Survey Leadership Skills management style evolves productive (Details TBC – Quarters 3-4) Improvement with the Service in order to environment and (Areas / Targets to create a more productive role modelling Corporate PDS Training (All managers) be agreed) and motivating behaviour environment for us all. Median Service rating for ‘leadership’ competency in PDS (March 2014)</p><p>The organisation aims to All Individuals and Delivery of structured Team Plans aligned % Team plans become a high performing teams know what to Service Plan for 2013/14 completed council embedding a they need to do, positive culture of how to do it and Development of Team Plans for 2014/15 % Staff with on- performance management. how to improve it (Jan-Feb) time PDS (Planning) Finance Service faces Creating a High ongoing challenges to Embedding of Monthly Team Performance % Staff with on- Performance provide high quality Dashboards time Mid-Year PDS Culture services to our customers, Review requiring us to adopt a Completion of PDS planning / Mid-Year proactive approach to Reviews / End of Year Reviews learning and continuous improvement with strong All staff role profiles updated in new role leadership and effective profile template (by March 2014) performance management processes Monthly team meetings held across Service (Monthly)</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 23 31.01.13 V1.0 Monthly 1-1s held across the Service (Monthly) Creating a High Performance Online Property Performance Portal further Culture (cont.) developed and promoted</p><p> Smarties / Directorate awards nominations made for deserving staff</p><p>As a Service we have All individuals and Development of Property Job Shadowing % of Staff with challenging plans and teams have the Programme (Details TBC) completed PDP therefore we need to skills, knowledge develop, retain and attract and behaviours Property Succession Plan Refresh % Identified staff the right people within our that fit the needs (December) attended agreed services, enabling us to of the business, training set out in improve our overall our own All staff to complete PDP as part of PDS PDS performance and build and aspirations and Process (May) Growing and maintain the skills we need the long term Developing Talent to meet our business direction of the Baselining review of median PDS ratings objectives and vision for Council against core behaviours the future Tailored Contract Mgmt Training (identified staff) (Date TBC) </p><p> Corporate ERP Training (identified staff) (Date TBC)</p><p> Staff Data Management Training (in line with BDQ Improvement outputs)</p><p>It is the overall contribution All individuals and Staff Focus Group held monthly for Staff Survey Maximising and commitment of every teams feel resolution of staff issues and consultation improvement Employee one of us that determines committed to our on management proposals (details TBC) Engagement our success and organisation and performance as a Service. what we are trying Collaborative business planning framework By improving engagement to achieve used to develop 2014/15 Service Plan we will be developing a </p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 24 31.01.13 V1.0 culture of trust whereby Development of Action Plan to address staff feel empowered, weaknesses identified in staff survey motivated and enjoy results (May / June) coming to work as Maximising advocates of Cornwall Property Staff E-Letter distributed monthly Employee Council. Engagement Structured programme of quarterly mixed- (continued) team seminars delivered to staff to improve communication and understanding of team functions</p><p> EMT meetings held quarterly</p><p> Structured programme of HOS Office Walkabouts </p><p>Cornwall Council will All individuals and Property Services Redesign Project (Details Project RAG Status always face significant teams are fully TBC) changes in its operating engaged in change Embracing environment. We need to and have a desire Staff co-location review (Details TBC) Change and be able to react and to do things better Improvement respond to these changes and more Staff Focus Group used to embed change through the deployment of effectively. within Service a flexible and innovative workforce to meet customer needs</p><p>There is a recognised link All individual and Team volunteering days promoted among Corporate Staff between health and teams have the teams Sickness KPIs wellbeing and productivity. opportunity to Promoting Promoting the wellbeing of have their Occupational Health Policy communicated Staff Survey results Employee employees brings benefits psychological, and adhered to Wellbeing for the Service and physical and social No. of Occupational individuals by reducing needs met. Relevant corporate courses including stress Health Referrals sickness absence, mgmt promoted through monthly e-letter increasing morale, improving decision making and reducing stress.</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 25 31.01.13 V1.0 Appendix C: Property Services Strategic Risk Register</p><p>Risk Score Risk Objective the Risk Name Risk Definition Likelihood Number risk links to X Impact Likelihood: 4 PRO-R1 Failure to meet The risk is that Property Services will fail to meet customer P1 Impact: 3 Customer expectations due to limited budget or conflicting property priorities, Expectations resulting in service disengagement and increased difficulty in gaining Risk Score: 12 buy-in for the delivery of corporate property objectives.</p><p>PRO-R2 Statutory The risk that a lack of investment in the corporate estate continues to Likelihood 3 P2 Compliance of increase the planned maintenance backlog and results in failure to Impact 5 Buildings maintain buildings to a sufficient standard, leading to building closures and service interruption, potential breaches of Health and Safety Risk Score 15 legislation, potential loss of life or injury and consequential prosecution and reputational damage The risk is that Property Service will be unable to mobilise the new PRO-R3 Failure to fully Likelihood: 3 P2 framework agreements effectively, resulting in gaps in servicing, poor mobilise new contractor performance and failure to meet compliance testing Impact: 5 framework standards agreements Risk score: 15</p><p>PRO-R4 Loss of income The risk is Property Services will receive reduced levels of income from Likelihood 3 P3 capital receipts and the commercial estate as a result of the depressed Impact 4 property market and a failure to put into place efficient estates management procedures, resulting in reduced income and an inability Risk Score 12 to meet the 2013/14 Service Budget. </p><p>PRO-R5 Carbon Reduction The risk is Property Services will fail to reduce carbon as a result of Likelihood 4 P4 failing to reduce its consumption or influence others to do so or failure Impact 4 to deliver green energy projects. Risk Score 16</p><p>PRO-R6 ERP Impact on The risk is that ERP implementation, related finance processes, Likelihood 3 P5 Business as Usual insufficient training and lack of additional resourcing will impact on the Impact 4 service's ability to pay invoices within terms, resulting in reputational damage to the Council, loss of contractors / suppliers and potential Risk Score 12 legal costs for the service. </p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 26 31.01.13 V1.0 Risk Score Risk Objective the Risk Name Risk Definition Likelihood Number risk links to X Impact PRO-R7 Failure to adapt to The risk is that Property Services will not adapt to new ways of working Likelihood: 2 P6 new ways of through development of the commissioning model and/or be unable to Impact: 4 working and realise cost efficiencies through this process, resulting in a failure to deliver efficiencies meet savings targets and a reduction in service levels Risk score=8 through commissioning</p><p>PRO-R8 Data Quality The risk is that Property Services will fail to improve and maintain its Likelihood 4 P7 property and financial data quality, resulting in poor decision-making, Impact 5 inefficiencies and an inability to effectively manage performance. Risk Score 20</p><p>PRO-R9 Team Integration The risk is that property teams fail to integrate effectively, resulting in Likelihood: 4 P8 poor data quality, communication and ultimately reduced levels of Impact: 3 service</p><p>PRO-R10 Directorate The risk is that the integration of the Directorate does not align with Likelihood: 3 P7 Integration the reorganisation of Property, resulting in inefficiencies and ineffective Impact: 4 structures </p><p>Appendix D: Property Structure Chart (Extended Management Team)</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 27 31.01.13 V1.0 Head of Property Services (Acting)</p><p>Alan Chapman</p><p>Strategic Construction Estates Property Services Services manager manager Manager (Interim) Jonny Bryan (Vacant) Alford Skinner</p><p>Strategic Business Project Commercial Maintenance Strategic Workplace General Asset & Change & Groups Manager & Planning & Manager Estate Property Energy Development manager Compliance Standards Manager Development Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager</p><p>Michael Ben David Matthew Martyn Peter Adam Rod Ben Colman Bennett Plummer Malen Beardmore Flew Woodford Birchall Porter </p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 28 31.01.13 V1.0 Prepared by: Ben Plummer</p><p>Business Change & Development Manager</p><p>Property Services</p><p>2018 年 5 月 8 日</p><p>If you would like this information in another format please contact:</p><p>Cornwall Council County Hall Treyew Road Truro TR1 3AY</p><p>Telephone: 0300 1234 100</p><p>Email: [email protected] www.cornwall.gov.uk</p><p>Property Service Plan 2013/14 29 31.01.13 V1.0</p>
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