<p> 1 Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation on the growth and phosphorus nutrition</p><p>2 of Populus euramericana c.v. Ghoy</p><p>3</p><p>4 D.C. Rooney1,4, J. I. Prosser2, G. D. Bending3, E. M. Baggs2, K. Killham2, A. Hodge1* </p><p>5</p><p>6 Manuscript for Biomass and Bioenergy</p><p>7</p><p>8 Address:</p><p>9 1Department of Biology, Area 14, University of York, Wentworth Way, York, YO10 10 5DD, UK.</p><p>11 2Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, 12 Cruickshank Building, St. Machar Drive, Aberdeen, AB24 3UU, UK.</p><p>13 3School of Life Sciences, Wellesbourne Campus, University of Warwick, Warwick, 14 CV35 9EF, UK.</p><p>15 4Present address Agriculture Section, Askham Bryan College, Askham Bryan, York, 16 YO23 3FR, UK.</p><p>17</p><p>18 *Author for correspondence:</p><p>19 Dr Angela Hodge, Area 14, Department of Biology, University of York, Wentworth 20 Way, York, YO10 5DD, UK.</p><p>21 Telephone: +44 (0)1904 328562</p><p>22 Fax: +44 (0)1904 328505</p><p>23 E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>24</p><p>25 Keywords: Populus, Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Phosphorus, Biomass, Symbiosis, 26 Ecological Sustainability.</p><p>27</p><p>1 28 Abstract</p><p>29</p><p>30 Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are known to associate with a range of Populus</p><p>31 species particularly in the early stages of development yet there is little information</p><p>32 on their potential role in sustainable biomass production. Moreover, while the AM</p><p>33 association may enhance plant establishment, growth and nutrition, different AM</p><p>34 fungi (AMF) vary in their ability to confer such benefits. In this study we investigated</p><p>35 the impact of four different AMF on growth and phosphorus nutrition of Populus</p><p>36 euramericana c.v. Ghoy. Plant biomass, particularly root biomass, was generally</p><p>37 reduced by AMF colonisation and the extent of this reduction varied with the AMF</p><p>38 species that had colonised the roots. This growth reduction was not simply due to</p><p>39 differences in root colonisation, which ranged from 59 to 71% by the end of the</p><p>40 experiment at 105-d and did not vary among the AMF screened. Phosphorus content</p><p>41 was also lower in some AMF treatments than in non-AMF controls after growth for</p><p>42 105 d although P concentration in aboveground tissues (stems and leaves) was</p><p>43 higher. The possible interaction between AMF and poplar in converted arable</p><p>44 systems is discussed.</p><p>45</p><p>46</p><p>2 47 1. Introduction</p><p>48 Biomass crop production has largely been driven by the ability of fast-growing</p><p>49 members of the Salicaceae, such as Populus (poplar) and Salix (willow), to</p><p>50 regenerate vegetatively following coppicing, which typically takes place every 4-5</p><p>51 years [1] in short-rotation coppice (SRC) plantations. SRC plantations promote</p><p>52 agricultural sustainability, as they often require minimal nutrient input once</p><p>53 established, without further need for tillage or intensive land management. The</p><p>54 contribution of biomass-derived energy to the global renewable energy market is</p><p>55 significant (~50% in 2004), but two major concerns exist: (1) the sustainability of high</p><p>56 biomass yield and (2) the diversion of quality agricultural land away from food</p><p>57 production. Mineral fertilisers are often added in SRC forestry to maintain yield but</p><p>58 could potentially be replaced by the exploitation of processes carried out by essential</p><p>59 soil microorganisms, such as mycorrhizal fungi and symbiotic bacteria, to</p><p>60 facilitate/enable sustainable (minimal fertilisation, minimal pesticide application,</p><p>61 minimal tillage) production of biomass-derived energy for the future [2].</p><p>62 Understanding such plant-soil relationships may also offer opportunities to exploit the</p><p>63 ecosystem services that mycorrhizas can provide to their associated poplar host</p><p>64 including increased resistance to drought [3], and phytoremediation of marginal or</p><p>65 waste land [3,4], rather than targeting valuable agricultural land for biomass</p><p>66 plantations.</p><p>67</p><p>68 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form symbiotic associations with the majority of</p><p>69 land plants. Although AMF, unlike many of the fungi involved in the ectomycorrhizal</p><p>70 (ECM) association [5,6], have no known saprotrophic capability (see [7,8]) they play</p><p>71 a major role in nutrient acquisition for their associated host plant. This includes the</p><p>3 72 acquisition of the key nutrients phosphorus [9,10] and nitrogen [11-13], making them</p><p>73 a fundamental component of the soil microbial community. AMF obtain</p><p>74 photosynthetically derived carbon from their host plants, and in return offer both</p><p>75 enhanced nutrient uptake and a range of other benefits, such as protection against</p><p>76 pathogens [14,15] and soil stability [16]. Carbon from the plant is also used to</p><p>77 construct extensive extraradical hyphal networks throughout the soil that act as an</p><p>78 interface between plant roots and the soil environment and for other activities</p><p>79 associated with completion of the fungal life history, such as spore production</p><p>80 [17,18]. </p><p>81</p><p>82 Mycorrhizas are associated with a range of Populus species [19-21], yet there is little</p><p>83 information on their potential role in sustainable biomass production. Members of the</p><p>84 Populus genus can form both AM and ECM associations, sometimes with both</p><p>85 present in the same root system [22,23]. Many studies focus on ECM associations</p><p>86 of Populus species. For example, Quoreshi and Khasa [21] suggest that inoculation</p><p>87 of poplar seedlings with appropriate ECM fungi and selected bacteria in commercial</p><p>88 nursery systems may enhance poplar establishment at plantation sites. However,</p><p>89 there is also evidence that AM colonisation is more important in young poplar</p><p>90 seedlings with ECM associations dominant only later in more established trees</p><p>91 [21,24]. Evidence from other studies using a number of different plant and AM fungal</p><p>92 species suggests host plant performance can vary depending on the AMF species</p><p>93 present [25], even when the plants and fungi co-exist [26]. Despite evidence that</p><p>94 diverse AM fungi associate with poplar [27], the functional significance to the plant of</p><p>95 the AM symbiosis remains unclear. Hooker et al. [28] found that colonisation of</p><p>96 poplar by three AMF species (Scutellispora calospora, Glomus sp E3 and Glomus</p><p>4 97 caledonium) did not significantly affect overall plant growth, although colonisation</p><p>98 rates were low, and effects on nutrition were not investigated.</p><p>99</p><p>100 Despite the near ubiquity of AMF and the importance of poplar as a biomass crop</p><p>101 there are few studies of the impacts of AMF on poplar growth and nutrition.</p><p>102 Investigation of the colonising potential of AMF species in the early growth stages of</p><p>103 poplar offers the potential for future manipulation of biomass crop species prior to</p><p>104 establishment on plantation sites, with possible favourable consequences for nutrient</p><p>105 cycling and crop nutrition and minimal inputs. In particular, the ability of AMF to</p><p>106 acquire phosphorus for their associated host [5] is likely to become increasingly</p><p>107 important in low input bioenergy systems in which fertiliser inputs are reduced. There</p><p>108 may also be other benefits such as increased carbon flow belowground and</p><p>109 incorporation into the soil organic matter pool [29] but, as AM colonised roots often</p><p>110 have increased respiration rates [30,31], this would only be beneficial if incorporation</p><p>111 exceeded C loss. Thus, the development of sustainable, productive agricultural and</p><p>112 forestry systems must consider the important roles of soil microbes and soil</p><p>113 processes in soil nutrient management [15,32] and carbon sequestration [33].</p><p>114</p><p>115 Understanding the relationship between mycorrhizas and biomass crop species and</p><p>116 how mycorrhizas affect the growth and nutrition of such species, may contribute to</p><p>117 more sustainable practices in the future. We therefore investigated the effects of four</p><p>118 different AMF species on poplar growth and phosphorus nutrition. Phosphorus</p><p>119 acquisition was targeted, as exhaustion of global supplies of rock phosphate, a non-</p><p>120 renewable resource used in the production of high quality fertilisers, is predicted</p><p>5 121 within the next century [34,35]. Our specific objectives in this study were to</p><p>122 determine (i) whether all AM fungi colonised poplar cuttings equally and (ii) whether</p><p>123 the consequences of colonisation were dependent on the AMF. We determined the</p><p>124 latter by following the impact on the host poplar plant via biomass production and</p><p>125 phosphorus nutrition and the extent of the external mycelium produced by the AMF. </p><p>126</p><p>127 2. Materials and methods</p><p>128</p><p>129 Plant material and arbuscular mycorrhizal inocula</p><p>130 Populus euramericana (a hybrid of P. nigra x P. deltoides) c.v. Ghoy cuttings</p><p>131 (obtained from Bowhayes Trees, Devon, UK) of 6-8 cm in length (to include a node)</p><p>132 were washed for 15 s in 70% (v/v) ethanol, rinsed in sterile deionised water at least</p><p>133 three times and placed immediately in the experimental growth medium (see below).</p><p>134 AMF inocula were Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerdemann & Trappe (isolate</p><p>135 BEG 12; Biorhize, Dijon, France), Glomus intraradices (isolate BB-E; Biorhize, Dijon,</p><p>136 France), Glomus hoi (University of York (UY) isolate number UY110) and Gigaspora</p><p>137 rosea (Biorhize, Dijon, France). Cultures of the above fungi (with the exception of Gi.</p><p>138 rosea) were established at least c. 3 months before use in pots with Plantago</p><p>139 lanceolata L. (Emorsgate Wild Seeds, Nottingham, UK) in a sand and Terragreen®</p><p>140 (a calcinated attapulgite clay soil conditioner; Oil-Dri, Cambridge, UK) mixed (1:1,</p><p>141 v/v) with 0.25 g l-1 of bone meal. The AM inocula consisted of 60 g fresh weight (FW)</p><p>142 of culture (including root pieces and the sand:Terragreen® growth medium), with the</p><p>143 exception of Gi. rosea inoculum which consisted of 60 g dry weight (DW) of the pot</p><p>144 culture. Non-AM controls received 60 g of the combined AM fungal inoculum which</p><p>145 had been autoclaved (121oC; 30 min). As bacteria can also be present in the AM</p><p>6 146 inoculum, the non-AM controls each received 20-ml of the combined AM inoculum</p><p>147 washing solution following filtration to remove AM propagules and prior to the</p><p>148 inoculum being autoclaved [36]. </p><p>149</p><p>150 The AMF species used in this experiment were selected for the following reasons.</p><p>151 G. hoi (UY 110) was originally isolated from a woodland site in North Yorkshire, UK</p><p>152 where it associates almost exclusively with another woody host, sycamore (Acer</p><p>153 pseudoplatanus) [37]. G. intraradices is widely used in AM research as it occurs in a</p><p>154 large number of ecosystems [7], it readily colonises a wide range of plant species</p><p>155 (including poplar and many agriculturally important crops) and, because of its</p><p>156 association with poplar, was selected as the first AMF for genome sequencing [38].</p><p>157 G. mosseae is frequently detected as among the dominant AMF in arable soils [37]</p><p>158 thus, if arable land is converted to the production of bioenergy crops G. mosseae</p><p>159 would be expected to be present. Finally, Gi rosea was selected as it is a different</p><p>160 genus from the other (Glomus) AMF screened [7]. </p><p>161</p><p>162 Experimental system </p><p>163 Washed poplar cuttings were planted in 2.5-l pots (30 cm height, 10.2 cm diameter) </p><p>164 in sterilised sand:Terragreen® (1:1; v/v) mix with the AMF inocula (as above) and </p><p>165 0.5 g l-1 bone meal. Sand:Terragreen® growth medium is commonly used in AM </p><p>166 experimental systems as it is low in nutrients, permits good AM establishment and </p><p>167 facilitates AMF hyphal extraction [13,36]. The base of each pot was covered by a </p><p>168 700-µm, metal mesh (Plastok® Birkenhead, UK). Four replicates of each AMF type </p><p>7 169 were prepared and grown for up to 105 d in controlled glasshouse conditions from </p><p>170 August-November 2007 with a 16-h photoperiod and a mean temperature of 18.6 ± </p><p>171 0.1oC. Maximum and minimum temperatures over the experimental period were 24.2</p><p>172 and 17.0oC respectively. Plants were fed twice weekly with 50-ml Rorison’s nutrient </p><p>173 solution but containing reduced (i.e. 0.1-mM) phosphate. </p><p>174</p><p>175 Harvest and sample analysis</p><p>176 After growth in the glasshouse for 77 and 105 d, pots were destructively harvested</p><p>177 and FW of leaves, stems and roots, stem length and the number of leaves were</p><p>178 determined. Samples of root and growth medium were taken for mycorrhizal</p><p>179 assessment. Leaf area was determined using a Li-300A area meter (LiCor</p><p>180 Biosciences, Nebraska, USA), and leaf material was then dried at 700C for</p><p>181 calculation of specific leaf area (SLA m2 kg-1) [39]. </p><p>182</p><p>183 Subsamples of fresh root material were cleared with 10% KOH, acidified with 1%</p><p>184 HCl and stained with acid fuchsin ([40], but omitting phenol). Percentage total root</p><p>185 length colonisation (%RLC; the percentage of total root intercepts with AMF</p><p>186 structures) and arbuscule and vesicle presence were assessed at x250</p><p>187 magnification using the gridline intercept technique for a minimum of 100 root</p><p>188 intersections for each sample [41]. AMF extraradical mycelium (ERM) was extracted</p><p>189 from two 5-g (FW) samples of the sand:Terragreen® growth medium using a</p><p>190 modified membrane filter technique [42] and a minimum of 50 fields of view, counted</p><p>191 at x125 magnification using the gridline intercept technique [36]. AMF hyphal length</p><p>192 was then converted to hyphal length density g-1 DW. The FW of the remainder of the</p><p>8 193 root sample was determined and the samples then dried at 700C in an oven to</p><p>194 constant dry weight (5 d). Dried plant material was separated into roots, stems and</p><p>195 leaves and milled to a fine powder and phosphate was determined after triple</p><p>196 digestion using the molybdenum blue method [43].</p><p>197</p><p>198 Data analysis </p><p>199 Where possible, data were analysed by a two way analysis of variance (ANOVA)</p><p>200 with AMF treatment and harvest time as the main factors. All data were checked for</p><p>201 normality and were transformed, if necessary, to meet the requirements of</p><p>202 homoscedasticity. In cases where data showed a non-parametric distribution, even</p><p>203 after transformation, when both harvest points were included, data were analysed by</p><p>204 a one-way ANOVA at each time point separately with AMF treatment as the factor.</p><p>205 The Bonferroni mean comparison post-hoc test was applied for comparisons among</p><p>206 AMF treatments. If homoscedasticity was still not possible a Mann-Whitney U test</p><p>207 was used to compare non-AMF and AMF treatments. At the first harvest (77 d) there</p><p>208 was insufficient stem material for determination of phosphorus content in two</p><p>209 replicates from the G. hoi treatment and one from the G. intraradices treatment. The</p><p>210 entire G. hoi treatment was therefore excluded from both the stem and total</p><p>211 phosphorus content analyses at this time, and n = 3 for the G. intraradices treatment.</p><p>212 In all cases, a randomised block design was used. All results were analysed using</p><p>213 SPSS 17.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).</p><p>214</p><p>215 3. Results and discussion</p><p>9 216 In this study we followed the impact of one-to-one interactions between different AM</p><p>217 fungi and P. euramericana cuttings compared to a non-AM control. These conditions</p><p>218 are rather artificial as the ‘non-AM control’ in the natural environment would not exist</p><p>219 and the poplar roots would be colonised, often by more than one AMF. However,</p><p>220 such conditions, widely used in mycorrhizal research [13,30,36], enable the impact of</p><p>221 individual fungi to be analysed without the complicating factors of multiple</p><p>222 colonisation events and confounding impacts of differing environmental conditions</p><p>223 that would occur in the field. Thus, they are a first stage in understanding how</p><p>224 different AMF may impact upon poplar growth and P nutrition.</p><p>225</p><p>226 At the end of the experimental period (105-d), AM colonisation in general had a large</p><p>227 negative impact on root and total DW production of P. euramericana cuttings,</p><p>228 although stem length (with the exception of cuttings colonised by G. hoi) and leaf</p><p>229 number were largely unaffected (Table 1). AMF colonisation has previously been</p><p>230 demonstrated to have positive, neutral or negative impacts on plant biomass</p><p>231 depending on the host plant-fungal combination and the experimental conditions</p><p>232 used [44-46]. The reduction in plant growth observed in this study (Table 1) was</p><p>233 likely due to the added burden for the poplar cutting associated with mycorrhizal</p><p>234 growth. The proportion of total plant carbon partitioned to mycorrhizal symbionts</p><p>235 differs widely (e.g. 4-20%), although values of c. 10% are common [47]. In the field</p><p>236 such costs are generally less, as developing seedlings can link into already</p><p>237 established common mycorrhizal hyphal networks [48] rather than establishing the</p><p>238 fungus de novo, as in the present study. However, certain agricultural practises,</p><p>239 such as high fertiliser input and ploughing, severely disrupt the mycelial network and</p><p>240 necessitate repeated establishment. Thus, our results suggest that conversion of</p><p>10 241 land from intensive crop production to production of bioenergy crops may reduce</p><p>242 growth in the early phases, when mycorrhizas are establishing. However, reduction</p><p>243 in early stage biomass production is not necessarily reflected in biomass during later</p><p>244 developmental stages (reviewed by [10]) and must also be viewed in the context of</p><p>245 other potential benefits including enhanced soil stability [16] and increased carbon</p><p>246 storage [29].</p><p>247</p><p>248 Hooker et al. [28] using three different AMF (i.e. S. calospora, Glomus sp E3 and G.</p><p>249 caledonium) found no effect on leaf area of 115 d old poplar seedlings. In contrast, in</p><p>250 this study specific leaf area (SLA, m2 kg-1) was higher in the AMF treatments, except</p><p>251 for plants colonised by G. intraradices and G. mosseae, which did not differ from</p><p>252 non-AMF controls (Table 1). The difference in SLA was presumably due to</p><p>253 significantly higher leaf DW in the non-AMF plants at both the 77 d (Mann-Whitney U</p><p>254 test, P = 0.012) and 105 d harvests (P < 0.001; 4.61 ± 0.30 g non-AMF vs 1.78 ±</p><p>255 0.27 g across all AMF treatments). Leaf DW produced by the AMF fungal treatments</p><p>256 at 105 d did not differ significantly, as determined by a Bonferroni post-hoc test.</p><p>257 Stem DW, a key parameter in the production of bioenergy crops, did not differ (F4,19 =</p><p>258 2.80; P = 0.064) among the various treatments (mean across all treatments = 0.59 ±</p><p>259 0.13 g) at 77 d. By 105 d, however, stem DW in the non-AMF controls was higher</p><p>260 (F4,19 = 12.35; P < 0.001) than in all the AMF treatments which did not differ (2.46 ±</p><p>261 0.31g non-AMF vs 0.74 ± 0.13 g across all AMF treatments). Harvest time was</p><p>262 significant for root DW, total DW and SLA but not for either stem length or leaf</p><p>263 number. The interaction between harvest time and AMF treatment was not</p><p>264 significant in any case.</p><p>11 265</p><p>266 Phosphorus content at 77 d in the non-AMF roots was significantly higher than in</p><p>267 those colonised by G. hoi or G. mosseae. Leaf and stem P content did not differ (Fig</p><p>268 1A), although G. hoi was excluded from the stem analysis at 77 d due to insufficient</p><p>269 material. By 105 d overall P content had increased but there was still no difference in</p><p>270 leaf P content among treatments (H1,4 = 9.14, P = 0.058; Fig. 1B). Stem, root and</p><p>271 total P contents in the non-AMF cuttings were significantly higher than in cuttings</p><p>272 colonised by either G. hoi or Gi. rosea but not G. intraradices or G. mosseae (Fig.</p><p>273 1B). In addition, root and total P contents of both G. mosseae and G. intraradices</p><p>274 colonised seedlings at 105 d were higher than that of G. hoi but not different to Gi.</p><p>275 rosea (Fig. 1B). The negative impact of colonisation by G. hoi on poplar was</p><p>276 particularly surprising. This isolate, originally obtained from a woodland site in North</p><p>277 Yorkshire, UK [26], has previously been shown consistently to out-perform other</p><p>278 AMF species screened under controlled conditions (similar to those used in this</p><p>279 study) and improved both growth and P acquisition for 4 out of 5 woodland plant</p><p>280 species tested [26]. Moreover, it was the only AMF species of the 4 screened to</p><p>281 colonise and improve P acquisition for A. pseudoplatanus, the only woody tree</p><p>282 species examined [26]. Thus, we expected this fungus to benefit the host P.</p><p>283 euramericana, but our results demonstrate that G. hoi consistently had a negative</p><p>284 impact on both growth and total P nutrition of its host plant. </p><p>285</p><p>286 AM uptake of P is complex. Acquisition of P via the symbiotic pathway can down-</p><p>287 regulate direct plant P uptake, even in the absence of a growth response [9,10], but</p><p>288 the extent of this phenomenon depends on the AM fungi present [44,49]. At the end</p><p>12 289 of the experimental period (105 d) P concentration of roots and leaves did not differ</p><p>290 among the various treatments (stem and total P concentrations were not normally</p><p>291 distributed, even after transformation, and were therefore not tested). However,</p><p>292 when the AMF treatments were tested as one group against the non-AM treatment</p><p>293 by a non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test, the AM treatments contained significantly</p><p>294 (P < 0.05) higher P concentrations in their leaves (8.26 ± 0.61 mg P g -1 AM vs 5.42 ±</p><p>295 0.20 mg P g-1 non-AM) and stems (8.28 ± 1.01 mg P g-1 AM vs 4.94 ± 0.19 mg P g-1</p><p>296 non-AM) than the non-AM controls. In contrast, root P concentration did not differ.</p><p>297 Thus, the AM plants contained more P per unit D.W. in aboveground tissues than the</p><p>298 non-AM controls. The difference in aboveground but not belowground tissues is</p><p>299 important because it suggests that enhanced P capture by the AMF was passed to</p><p>300 the plant rather than potentially still being held in AMF tissue [see 50].</p><p>301</p><p>302 Total %RLC did not vary significantly among the AMF treatments but increased from</p><p>303 46% (± 2%) at 77 d to 66% (± 2%) at 105 d (Fig. 2). This value is similar to the 69%</p><p>304 colonisation of 6-month old hybrid (Populus X euramericana cv. 1-214) poplar</p><p>305 cuttings inoculated with G. mosseae reported by Lopez-Aguillon and Garbaye [24]</p><p>306 and at the upper range of the 20-50% colonisation found in 5-year old poplar clone</p><p>307 stands in Alberta, Canada [20]. These studies did not report the frequency of</p><p>308 arbuscules, the diagnostic structure of a functioning AM symbiosis, or the presence</p><p>309 of vesicles, believed to be fungal storage structures [7]. Arbuscule turnover can be</p><p>310 relatively rapid but depends on the plant species, (being more rapid in fast growing</p><p>311 plant species) and the type (e.g. Arum- or Paris-type) of arbuscule structure formed</p><p>312 [51,52]. Environmental factors can also influence arbuscule development and</p><p>313 turnover [52,53]. At the end of the present study, arbuscules were less frequent</p><p>13 314 when roots were colonised by G. hoi than by Gi. rosea (Fig. 2). Arbuscule frequency</p><p>315 also increased with time (c. 20% at 77 d to c. 26% at 105 d). Vesicles, were rarely</p><p>316 observed except in roots colonised by G. intraradices, where vesicle frequency was</p><p>317 significantly higher than in all the other AMF treatments (at 105 d 11.7 ± 1.5%</p><p>318 vesicles in G. intraradices roots vs 2.4 ± 0.6% across the other AMF treatments). No</p><p>319 AMF structures were observed in the non-AM control roots at either harvest.</p><p>320</p><p>321 There was a strong relationship between plant P content and %RLC even after the</p><p>322 effect of time was eliminated (Fig. 3) indicating that the relationship was not simply</p><p>323 due to both parameters increasing with time. Although arbuscules are the site of P</p><p>324 transfer from the fungus to the plant [7,54], as noted above, their turnover can be</p><p>325 rapid, and arbuscule frequency recorded at harvest may not necessarily reflect P</p><p>326 transfer to the plant over the duration of the experimental period. In contrast, hyphae</p><p>327 internal to the roots, which dominate %RLC, are much longer lived [7], which may</p><p>328 explain why the relationship was still apparent for total %RLC and plant P content.</p><p>329 Colonisation by AMF may down-regulate root P acquisition [10], in some cases to</p><p>330 such a degree that the fungus acquires all of the P [55]. The significant overall</p><p>331 relationship seen in plants colonised by the AMF does suggest that these fungi did</p><p>332 play an active role in P capture for their associated poplar host in this study. </p><p>333</p><p>334 While the presence of arbuscules is important in determining if the symbiosis is</p><p>335 mutual, extraradical mycelium development is important for nutrient acquisition from</p><p>336 the soil environment [56,57] and as a conduit for carbon flow below-ground [58,59].</p><p>337 Although low levels of aseptate hyphae were observed in the non-AMF controls at 77</p><p>14 338 d (0.03 ± 0.01 m g-1 DW) and 105-d (0.02 ± 0.005 m g-1 DW), hyphal length density in</p><p>339 the AMF treatments was an order of magnitude higher at 77 d (mean across AMF</p><p>340 treatments 0.67 ± 0.15 m g-1 DW) and two orders of magnitude higher at 105 d (1.02</p><p>341 ± 0.08 m g-1 DW). Although G. intraradices produced 4.5 x the hyphal lengths of G.</p><p>342 hoi at 77 d, potential differences among treatments at either harvest may have been</p><p>343 obscured by considerable variation among replicates (Fig. 4). However, the data in</p><p>344 Fig. 4 demonstrate that reductions in poplar growth as a result of different AMF</p><p>345 colonisation (Table 1) are not simply explained by the extent of ERM development</p><p>346</p><p>347 4. Conclusions</p><p>348 AMF colonisation had a large negative impact on root growth, although importantly</p><p>349 for a biomass crop, stem weight was also reduced. Plant P content was, however,</p><p>350 related to %RLC in the AMF treatments and overall P concentration in the</p><p>351 aboveground structures (stems and leaves) of AMF colonised plants was higher than</p><p>352 in non-AM controls. Strikingly, there was little difference among the four AMF</p><p>353 screened on their impact on poplar growth and host plant nutrition, although there</p><p>354 was some evidence that G. hoi had the largest negative impact (Table 1). This was</p><p>355 particularly surprising given that this AMF was originally isolated from a woodland</p><p>356 site where it associates almost exclusively with the woody A. pseudoplatanus. By</p><p>357 the end of the experiment, G. intraradices and G. mosseae arguably had the least</p><p>358 negative impact on poplar P nutrition. G. intraradices is often present in commercially</p><p>359 available inocula because it both colonises roots rapidly and, unlike many other</p><p>360 AMF, establishes well under in vitro conditions [8]. While, G. mosseae is often</p><p>361 detected as either the dominant, or among the dominant, AM fungi in arable soils</p><p>362 [37,60,61], it sporulates abundantly and readily colonises host plant roots from</p><p>15 363 spores. These characteristics may enable this species to tolerate high disturbance</p><p>364 events such as tilling, crop removal and so forth, all common features in arable</p><p>365 situations. Thus, arable systems converted to bioenergy crops may already harbour</p><p>366 G. mosseae species, but if the cuttings are treated with inocula, G. intraradices will</p><p>367 likely be present and both these AMF had the least negative impact on poplar total P</p><p>368 nutrition in this study. </p><p>369</p><p>370 Acknowledgements</p><p>371 This work was funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research</p><p>372 Council (BBSRC) [BB/E014879/1, BB/E017304/1, BB/E016359/1], UK which is</p><p>373 gratefully acknowledged. 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At 77 d there was insufficient stem material for phosphorus</p><p>564 analysis in the plants colonised by G. hoi and stem and total phosphorus contents</p><p>565 from this treatment were excluded from statistical analysis. Data are means ± S.E. (n</p><p>566 = 4, except at 77 d for stems of plants colonised by G. intraradices where n = 3).</p><p>567 Note the difference in the scale on the Y-axis between the two harvest points. </p><p>568</p><p>569 Fig. 2. Percentage total root length colonised (%RLC; white bars) and percentage </p><p>570 arbuscules (black bars) in the AMF treatments at 105 d. Data are means ± S.E (n = </p><p>571 4). Different letters represent significant differences among the treatments as </p><p>572 determined by a Bonferroni post hoc test.</p><p>573</p><p>574 Fig. 3. Relationship between percentage root length colonisation (%RLC) and total</p><p>575 plant P content (mg) for G. intraradices (filled squares), G. hoi (squares), G.</p><p>576 mosseae (filled circles) and Gi rosea (circles). The overall relationship for all the</p><p>577 fungal treatments was fitted by a significant regression (Plant P content (mg) = (-)</p><p>2 578 3.36 + 9.50 %RLC.; P < 0.001, F1,27 = 22.74, R = 45.7%). Phosphorus contents</p><p>579 were square-root transformed and %RLC were arcsin transformed prior to statistical</p><p>580 analysis. Data are from both harvests (77 and 105 d) and the relationship was</p><p>581 confirmed by a partial correlation eliminating the effect of time (r = 0.379, P < 0.001),</p><p>582 n = 29 (note: for the individual AMF species n = 8, except for G. hoi (n = 6) and G.</p><p>25 583 intraradices (n = 7) as there was insufficient stem material at the first (77 d) harvest</p><p>584 to conduct phosphorus analysis). </p><p>585</p><p>586 Fig. 4. The influence of AMF inoculation on external hyphal length density (m g-1 DW)</p><p>587 after 77 d (white bars) and 105 d (black bars). Data are means ± S.E (n = 4). </p><p>588 Different lower case letters represent significant differences among the treatments at</p><p>589 77 d while upper case letters indicate significant differences after 105 d as </p><p>590 determined by a Bonferroni post hoc test.</p><p>591</p><p>592</p><p>593</p><p>26 594</p><p>595 Table 1. The impact of different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on plant growth</p><p>596 compared to non-mycorrhizal controls (non-AMF) at the last harvest (105 d). Data</p><p>597 are means ± standard errors (n = 4). Data were analysed by a one-way ANOVA.</p><p>598 Different letters within a column denote significant (P < 0.05) differences as</p><p>599 determined by a Bonferroni post-hoc test. SLA is specific leaf area (m2 kg-1). In a</p><p>600 two-way ANOVA the interaction term between harvest time and AMF treatment was</p><p>601 never significant for the parameters shown below with the exception of leaf DW and</p><p>602 stem DW which were not normally distributed and thus excluded from the two-way</p><p>603 ANOVA analysis. This indicates that differences due to AMF did not differ between</p><p>604 the two sampling points. </p><p>Root SLA Stem Stem Leaf Leaf Total DW (g) (m2 DW (g) Length DW (g) Number DW (g) kg-1) (cm) non- 16.8 ± 12.1 ± 2.46 ± 59.0 ± 4.61 ± 30 ± 23.9 ± AMF 4.31b 0.8a 0.31b 5.6b 0.30b 8a 4.64b</p><p>G. hoi 1.37 ± 19.6 ± 0.33 ± 17.0 ± 0.93 ± 14 ± 2.63 ± 0.48a 1.8b 0.25a 8.9a 0.72a 4a 1.34a G. 14.0 ± 0.89 ± 34.8 ± 2.54 ± 19 ± 7.67 ± intraradi 4.25 ± 1.4ab 0.10a 2.7ab 0.18a 1a 0.93a ces 0.71a G. 16.6 ± 1.18 ± 35.5 ± 2.34 ± 20 ± 8.12 ± mossea 4.60 ± 2.5ab 0.33a 9.6ab 0.50a 4a 1.69a e 1.09a Gi. 2.49 ± 20.1 ± 0.55 ± 48.3 ± 1.32 ± 21 ± 4.36 ± rosea 0.50a 0.2b 0.05a 3.8b 0.08a 2a 0.42a 605</p><p>606</p><p>607</p><p>608</p><p>27 609 610 A</p><p>611</p><p>612 B</p><p>613</p><p>614</p><p>615 Fig. 1. Phosphorus content of stems (grey bars), leaves (white bars) and roots</p><p>616 (black bars) of P. euramericana cuttings after 77 d (A) and 105 d (B). Different letters</p><p>617 in lower case indicate significant differences among treatments within the plant parts</p><p>618 analysed while different letters in upper case indicate significant differences in total</p><p>619 plant phosphorus. At 77-d there was insufficient stem material for phosphorus</p><p>620 analysis in the plants colonised by G. hoi and stem and total phosphorus contents</p><p>621 from this treatment were excluded from statistical analysis. Data are means ± S.E. (n</p><p>622 = 4, except at 77 d for stems of plants colonised by G. intraradices where n = 3).</p><p>623 Note the difference in the scale on the Y-axis between the two harvest points. </p><p>624</p><p>28 625 Fig 2 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 Fig. 2. Percentage total root length colonised (%RLC; white bars) and percentage </p><p>635 arbuscules (black bars) in the AMF treatments at 105 d. Data are means ± S.E (n = </p><p>636 4). Different letters represent significant differences among the treatments as </p><p>637 determined by a Bonferroni post hoc test.</p><p>638 639 640</p><p>29 641 Fig. 3. </p><p>642</p><p>643 Fig. 3. Relationship between percentage root length colonisation (%RLC) and total</p><p>644 plant P content (mg) for G. intraradices (filled squares), G. hoi (squares), G.</p><p>645 mosseae (filled circles) and Gi rosea (circles). The overall relationship for all the</p><p>646 fungal treatments was fitted by a significant regression (Plant P content (mg) = (-)</p><p>2 647 3.36 + 9.50 %RLC.; P < 0.001, F1,27 = 22.74, R = 45.7%). Phosphorus contents</p><p>648 were square-root transformed and %RLC were arcsin transformed prior to statistical</p><p>649 analysis. Data are from both harvests (77 and 105 d) and the relationship was</p><p>650 confirmed by a partial correlation eliminating the effect of time (r = 0.379, P < 0.001),</p><p>651 n = 29 (note: for the individual AMF species n = 8, except for G. hoi (n = 6) and G.</p><p>652 intraradices (n = 7) as there was insufficient stem material at the first (77 d) harvest</p><p>653 to conduct phosphorus analysis). </p><p>654</p><p>655</p><p>656 657 Fig 4 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 Fig. 4. The influence of AMF inoculation on external hyphal length density (m g-1 DW)</p><p>669 after 77 d (white bars) and 105 d (black bars). Data are means ± S.E (n = 4). </p><p>670 Different lower case letters represent significant differences among the treatments at</p><p>30 671 77 d while upper case letters indicate significant differences after 105 d as </p><p>672 determined by a Bonferroni post hoc test.</p><p>673</p><p>674 675 676 677</p><p>678</p><p>31</p>
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