<p> DRIVER TRAINING POLICY</p><p>Date: May 2013</p><p>Prepared by: FRSTC VERSION CONTROL</p><p>VERSION PREPARED APPROVED DATE ACTION No. BY BY ISSUED 1.0 New Policy AGC White</p><p>01f91eed208c5683489e7ef961d390fe.doc DRIVER TRAINING POLICY</p><p>CONTENTS</p><p>Page No</p><p>1 INTRODUCTION 3</p><p>2 AIMS AND SCOPE OF THE POLICY 3</p><p>3 EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES 3</p><p>4 NIFRS DRIVERS 3</p><p>4.1 The Law 3 4.2 Driver Selection 4 4.3 Driver & Vehicle Categories 4 4.4 Driving Licences 4 4.5 Driver Risk Rating 5 4.6 Driving Assessments/Tests 6 4.7 Occupational Health 7</p><p>5 DRIVER TRAINING PROGRAMMES 7</p><p>5.1 Initial Training & Assessment 7 5.2 Large Goods Vehicle (LGV) Driver Training 7 5.3 Emergency Fire Appliance Driver (EFAD) Training 8 5.4 Emergency Light Vehicle Driver (ELVD) Training 9 5.5 Specialist Appliances 9 5.6 Refresher Training 9</p><p>APPENDICES</p><p>Appendix ‘A’ - LGV & EFAD Driver Training Appendix ‘B’ - EU Vehicle Categories Appendix ‘C’ - Driver Risk Rating (SC83) Appendix ‘D’ - NIFRS Driver Instructors, Examiners and Tests</p><p>2 1 INTRODUCTION</p><p>1.1 NIFRS drivers have to operate to the highest professional standards. Whether responding to emergency incidents or performing routine driving duties, NIFRS drivers must demonstrate professionalism, care and consideration at all times and not endanger other road users.</p><p>1.2 Driver training contributes directly to improved road safety standards and is a key component in the overall management of occupational road risk. NIFRS has a legal responsibility to ensure that anyone undertaking driving duties in the course of their employment is properly trained. Individual members of staff also have a legal responsibility to exercise a duty of care and to adhere to Road Traffic Regulations. </p><p>2 AIMS AND SCOPE OF THE POLICY</p><p>2.1 This policy provides the framework within which all driver training will take place and its principal aim is to ensure that NIFRS drivers are competent to perform their duties to a high standard</p><p>2.2 The policy’s primary objectives are:</p><p> To contribute to a reduction in occupational road risk through the provision of high quality driver training; To set standards for driver training, supervision and assessment To establish selection criteria and procedures.</p><p>2.3 This policy applies to all NIFRS employees who are required to drive emergency response vehicles including under emergency conditions. The policy also applies to any NIFRS employee engaged in providing driver training or conducting driving assessments/tests. </p><p>3 EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES</p><p>3.1 The Driver Training Policy applies equally to all operational personnel and it provides equality of opportunity in the provision, delivery and assessment of driver training.</p><p>4 NIFRS DRIVERS</p><p>4.1 The Law</p><p>4.1.1 All NIFRS drivers are subject to the provisions of the Road Traffic Regulations (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 and other associated legislation. These Regulations provide certain exemptions when Fire Service vehicles are being used for emergency purposes.</p><p>3 4.1.2 Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work (NI) Regulations 2000 and NIFRS Health and Safety Policy on The Management of Occupational Road Risks, NIFRS drivers have a duty of care to their work colleagues and to other road users. This responsibility extends to the Officer-in-Charge of the vehicle as the person in authority.</p><p>4.1.3 NIFRS drivers are also required, by law, to ensure the safety of their vehicle whilst being driven and for the safe positioning of vehicles at operational incidents.</p><p>4.2 Driver Selection</p><p>4.2.1 NIFRS must maintain a sufficient number of suitably trained and qualified drivers to ensure that it meets service delivery demands. Driver selection will therefore be made on the basis of organisational need. This need will be dictated at a local level.</p><p>4.2.2 It is important that personnel who are required or selected to become NIFRS drivers have the necessary aptitude and attitude to become safe and skilful drivers.</p><p>4.2.3 Further information on the nomination and selection process for LGV and Emergency Fire Appliance Driver training is contained at Appendix ‘A’.</p><p>4.3 Driver & Vehicle Categories</p><p>4.3.1 NIFRS personnel will be trained to drive the relevant category of vehicle under emergency or non-emergency conditions in order to fulfil their role as a driver.</p><p>4.3.2 NIFRS operates a large fleet of vehicles, which includes the vehicle categories listed at Appendix ‘B’.</p><p>4.3.3 When a driver has successfully completed the appropriate driver training course and obtained the necessary driving experience, where required, they will only be eligible to drive the classification of vehicle for which they are qualified.</p><p>4.4 Driving Licences </p><p>4.4.1 All drivers have a legal responsibility to ensure that they have a valid driving licence for the category of vehicle that they are required to drive.</p><p>4.4.2 Each driver has a personal responsibility to ensure that their driving licence is renewed with the Driver & Vehicle Agency Northern Ireland (DVA) before the expiry date of the licence is reached.</p><p>4 4.4.3 Personnel required to drive NIFRS vehicles will have their driving licence renewed by NIFRS. It is the personal responsibility of each driver to inform his/her line manager 6 months prior to the expiry date of the licence.</p><p>4.4.4 It is the responsibility of each driver to ensure that his/her line manager and DVA are informed of any material changes to their driving licence, such as a change of address, vehicle categories, etc.</p><p>4.4.5 An NIFRS driver who receives an endorsement on their driving licence must advise his/her line manager immediately, in writing, by completing Form SC83 (see Appendix ‘C’). Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.</p><p>4.4.6 Driving licences will be subject to recording and audit as part of NIFRS District and Station Audit Programme.</p><p>4.5 Driver Risk Rating</p><p>4.5.1 NIFRS uses a process of Driver Risk Rating. The purpose of this process is to enable line managers to identify individual drivers who may represent a higher risk and to address any potential training issues.</p><p>4.5.2 A driver’s risk rating may be affected if:</p><p>(a) The driver is recently qualified (ie, less than 12 months); (b) The driver has a history of culpable accidents (ie, 2 in a rolling 12-month period); (c) The driver has accumulated more than 6 penalty points for motoring offences in a rolling 36-month period; (d) The driver has any unspent convictions for motoring offences; (e) The driver has been identified as a higher risk as a result of a driving assessment; (f) The driver has a history of driving related Customer Service Standards complaints (ie, 2 in a rolling 24-month period); (g) There any adverse observations, comments or recommendations from his/her line manager.</p><p>4.5.3 A driver who has been identified as a ‘high risk’ will be referred to the Fire & Rescue Training Centre for an assessment to determine if refresher training is required. A driver may also be required to attend for assessment if his/her line manager has identified a particular training need.</p><p>5 4.5.4 Driver risk details are to be recorded on Form SC83 (see Appendix ‘C’). This Form will be completed by the driver’s line manager. The driver will have an opportunity to read his/her line manager’s report and sign it accordingly. On completion, Form SC83 will be sent to District/Area Command where a decision will be made, in conjunction with Fire & Rescue Training Centre, on the type of training necessary to develop the driver to the required standards. In certain circumstances this may involve suspension of NIFRS driving duties pending the outcome of any assessment</p><p>4.6 Driving Assessments/Tests</p><p>4.6.1 Personnel may be required to undergo a driving assessment due to their –</p><p> Role requirement; Need to undertake a higher level of specialist training; Driving and accident history; Extended absence from driving or operational duties.</p><p>4.6.2 An assessment of driver competence may be conducted either at the end of a driver training course or as a stand- alone assessment. The purpose of a driving assessment is to confirm that a student possesses the necessary driving skills and abilities to perform competently. The assessment may also be used to identify any training needs required to address weaknesses in a student’s performance.</p><p>4.6.3 A driving assessment will normally take place over approximately 90 minutes but may be extended at the discretion of the Instructor. Personnel not demonstrating the required driving competencies may be required to undergo remedial refresher training, the length and content of which will be dependent on the circumstances of each case.</p><p>4.6.4 In extreme cases, drivers who are deemed to be unsafe on the road following an assessment will have their authorisation to drive NIFRS vehicles amended or suspended until further training has been successfully undertaken. Re-training will be structured to address the individual’s needs and a full training course may not always be necessary.</p><p>4.6.5 Driving tests may be carried out by the Driver & Vehicle Testing Agency or by a suitably qualified NIFRS Driving Examiner. Further information on NIFRS procedures regarding Driving Examiners and tests is contained at Appendix ‘D’.</p><p>6 4.7 Occupational Health</p><p>4.7.1 Personnel will undergo a medical health check when applying for an LGV licence for the first time. Additionally, a driver over 45 years old will also require a Doctor’s report when renewing their LGV licence.</p><p>4.7.2 It is the personal responsibility of each driver to notify his/her line manager and DVA immediately of any serious illness or disability that is likely to last more than 3 months.</p><p>5 DRIVER TRAINING PROGRAMME</p><p>5.1 Initial Training & Assessment</p><p>5.1.1 The aim of driver training is to raise the standard of a student’s driving to a high level and to provide each student with the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence to drive under differing road, weather and traffic conditions. Driver training may be undertaken as part of an initial training course or as part of subsequent refresher training.</p><p>5.1.2 An NIFRS driver will only be able to drive NIFRS vehicles when they have successfully completed all the necessary training and have been assessed by a suitably qualified Examiner/Assessor.</p><p>5.2 Large Goods Vehicle (LGV) Driver Training</p><p>5.2.1 In order to be eligible to drive a NIFRS Large Goods Vehicle (LGV) Class C (rigid chassis) or LGV Class C+E (articulated chassis) personnel must be in possession of a valid licence for the class of vehicle they are required to drive.</p><p>5.2.2 The LGV qualification does not confer entitlement to drive a fire appliance under emergency conditions or operate a specialist appliance (eg, turntable ladder, hydraulic platform, multi-purpose vehicles, etc) for which additional training is required.</p><p>5.2.3 Personnel nominated to undertake the LGV Driver Training Course must hold a DVA provisional driving licence applicable to the class of vehicle, and must have successfully completed the required Theory and Hazard Perception Test.</p><p>5.2.4 Driver training will be carried out by a qualified NIFRS Driving Instructor. Students will be required to produce both sections of their driving licence and a successful Theory Test Certificate prior to commencing the LGV Training Course.</p><p>7 5.2.5 The duration of the Course will normally be for a period of 5 days, the 5th day to include the Driving Test, based on the individual’s needs. Where a student has reached the required standard prior to the 5th day, they may be nominated to undertake the test in a shorter timeframe.</p><p>5.2.6 On successful completion of the Driving Test, the Examiner will be responsible for ensuring that the student’s driving licence and relevant documentation is forwarded to DVA for updating.</p><p>5.2.7 Upon receipt of the updated driving licence, individuals will be permitted to undertake non-emergency driving duties in an operational appliance whilst accompanied by a qualified Emergency Fire Appliance Driver who will take over the appliance in the event of an emergency call.</p><p>5.2.8 The LGV course is a precursor to attending the Emergency Fire Appliance Driver (EFAD) Course. This Course must be successfully completed before a driver can drive an appliance under emergency conditions. Further information on the nomination and selection of emergency appliance drivers is provided in Appendix ‘A’.</p><p>5.3 Emergency Fire Appliance Driver (EFAD) Training</p><p>5.3.1 Personnel progressing to undertake the Emergency Fire Appliance Driver (EFAD) Training Course must hold a full DVA driving licence and provide evidence that they have completed 8 hours familiarisation driving.</p><p>5.3.2 Driver training will be carried out by a qualified NIFRS Driving Instructor and students will be required to produce both sections of their driving licence.</p><p>5.3.3 Where a NIFRS Driving Instructor identifies that a driver is not performing to the required EFAD standards, subsequent training will be made available to develop the driver.</p><p>5.3.4 Emergency Fire Appliance Drivers will be required to undertake a one day refresher course at periods not exceeding 5 years.</p><p>8 5.4 Emergency Light Vehicle Driver (ELVD) Training</p><p>5.4.1 Personnel undergoing the ELVD Training Course must hold a full DVA driving licence applicable to the class of vehicle. </p><p>5.4.2 The ELVD qualification will be gained by attending the 5 day training course which will be carried out by a qualified NIFRS Approved Driving Instructor. </p><p>5.4.3 Emergency Light Vehicle Drivers will be required to undertake a one day refresher course at periods not exceeding 5 years.</p><p>5.5 Specialist Appliances</p><p>5.5.1 A specialist appliance is defined as an appliance that requires specialised driving skills and also knowledge of the appliance and its role within the organisation. Classification typically includes –</p><p> Aerial Appliances; Rescue Pumps; Water Carriers De-mountable Vehicles; Command Support Units; 4x4 Off Road Vehicles.</p><p>5.5.2 NIFRS personnel who are required to drive a specialist appliance under emergency conditions must:</p><p> Be in possession of valid driving licence for that class of vehicle; Be a qualified Emergency Fire Appliance Driver; Have completed training, including under emergency conditions, specific to the vehicle type; Have familiarised themselves with any specific/unique features of the vehicle.</p><p>5.5.3 Specialist drivers will be required to undertake a one day refresher course at periods not exceeding 5 years.</p><p>5.6 Refresher Training</p><p>5.6.1 Under guidance from the relevant National Occupational Standards, NIFRS drivers will carry out refresher training periodically, normally within periods not exceeding 5 years. Training needs may be assessed at any time to ascertain the appropriate level of instruction required.</p><p>9 5.6.2 Refresher training will normally include technical updates, new driving procedures, amended NIFRS policy, maintenance of skills and knowledge levels, etc.</p><p>5.6.3 A member of staff who has been absent from their normal duties and has not driven an emergency response vehicle or operated a specialist appliance for a period exceeding 6 months will be required to undergo refresher training. </p><p>10 Appendix ‘A’</p><p>LGV & EFAD DRIVER TRAINING</p><p>Shortfall identified in Qualified Emergency Watch/Station driver levels Refresher training Fire Appliance Driver or self-nomination every 5 years or otherwise at the discretion of the GC P&T Request submitted for LGV Pass EFAD Course Course</p><p>Pass LGV medical examination Nominated for EFAD Course</p><p>Application submitted for LGV provisional licence Complete Pump Operators Course Pass LGV Theory and Hazard Perception Test</p><p>Nominated for LGV Driving familiarisation of Course 8 hours to include varying road and traffic conditions </p><p>Pass LGV Course Appendix ‘B’</p><p>EU VEHICLE CATEGORIES</p><p>Vehicle Category Description Minimum Type Age Motor car, light van or 4 x 4 with up to B 8 passenger seats and up to 3500kg 17 with a trailer up to 750kg. Vehicle between 3500kg and 7500kg C1 18 with a trailer up to 750kg. Vehicle over 3500kg with trailer up to C *17, 21 750kg Small passenger-carrying vehicle with *17, 21 D1 9 to 16 passenger seats with a trailer up to 750kg Any bus with more than 8 passenger D 18, 21 seats with a trailer up to 750kg Vehicle between 3500kg and 7500kg 18, 21 C1 & E with a trailer over 750kg – combined weight not more than 12000kg Vehicle over 3500kg with a trailer over C & E *17, 21 750kg</p><p>* Minimum age limit for members of the armed forces authorised by the Ministry of Defence or a registered trainee within the Young Large Goods Vehicle Driving Scheme Appendix ‘C’ SC83 NORTHERN IRELAND FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE</p><p>DRIVER RISK RATING FORM</p><p>THIS FORM IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DRIVER AND DRIVER'S LINE MANAGER, AS INDICATED</p><p>RECORDING OF INFORMATION (BY LINE MANAGER) ON SIGHT OF DRIVER’S LICENCE </p><p>NAME: SERVICE NO: STN/DEPT: LICENCE NO:</p><p>9 10 11 12 13 A1 14 A B1 B C1 C D1 D BE C1E CE D1E DE Copy details from driver’s licence onto the template above NB: The individual to whom this form refers has a responsibility to notify their Line Manager of any change of circumstance in relation to their driving licence. This includes additions of classes, restrictions, fixed penalty points, disqualification or renewal.</p><p>PENALTY POINTS: ACCIDENTS: </p><p>ISSUE OFFENCE NO OF DATE DETAILS DATE POINTS</p><p>DRIVING RELATED CITIZEN'S CHARTER CONVICTIONS FOR MOTORING COMPLAINTS: OFFENCES:</p><p>DATE NATURE DATE DETAILS - 2 -</p><p>COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS CHECK (BY LINE MANAGER): </p><p>Drivers should be considered in the High Risk Category if:</p><p>▪ He/She has accumulated more than 6 penalty points in a rolling 36 month period. ▪ He/She has a history of culpable accidents (2 in rolling 12 months). ▪ He/She has had 2 or more driving related Citizen's Charter complaints in rolling 24 months.</p><p>HIGH/LOW RISK COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS</p><p>ACTION BY LINE MANAGER IN RESPECT OF DRIVERS DEEMED HIGH RISK</p><p>DECLARATION BY DRIVERS:</p><p>The use of private motor vehicle for NIFRS purposes (if applicable). In order to use your private motor vehicle for the above use you must be able to confirm:</p><p>1 Your motor insurance arrangements include that the vehicle is covered for Class 1 business insurance (as described by the Institute of Insurance Brokers) which also indemnifies NIFRS as their employer against all third party claims including those concerning passengers, arising out of the use of the vehicle for NIFRS business purposes. YES NO</p><p>2 The vehicle is mechanically safe to drive, to the driver’s knowledge. YES NO</p><p>3 The vehicle has a valid Vehicle Excise Duty disc (Tax disc). YES NO </p><p>4 The vehicle has a valid MOT certificate (if applicable). YES NO </p><p>Delete as appropriate NB: The individual to whom this form refers has a responsibility to notify their Line Manager of any change of circumstance in relation to the above before use of a private motor vehicle.</p><p>I DECLARE THAT THE ABOVE-MENTIONED INFORMATION IS TRUE AND ACCURATE.</p><p>SIGNED: DATE: (Employee)</p><p>I VERIFY THE ABOVE-MENTIONED INFORMATION IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE.</p><p>SIGNED: DATE: (OFFICER-IN-CHARGE/LINE MANAGER) SC83(a) NORTHERN IRELAND FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE Primary Employment Work Declaration (Wholetime Personnel)</p><p>As a result of EU Directive 561/2006 driving legislation, NIFRS are required by law to identify which of our employees may be affected by ‘In-scope’ regulations. The following information is required on an Annual basis and should be completed as part of the Driver Risk Rating process.</p><p>NOTE: A driver ‘In-scope’ of the EU Directive 561/2006 is defined as “the driver of a goods vehicle over 3.5 tonnes (excluding NIFRS vehicles), or a passenger vehicle with 9 or more seats”. </p><p>Name: Service No:</p><p>Role: Station:</p><p>NIFRS Driver: Yes No </p><p>1 Does the ‘In-scope’ Regulations as defined above apply to you? </p><p>Yes If ‘Yes’, please complete Sections 2 & 3, read the declaration then sign, date and return.</p><p>No If ‘No’, please read the declaration then sign, date and return. </p><p>2 Is the vehicle you drive for your secondary employers *'in excess of 3.5 tonnes' or a vehicle *‘which can carry more than 9 persons including the driver’.</p><p>3 I am *employed/self employed. Please complete Employer or Self Employed details? </p><p>Employer Business:</p><p>Employer Name:</p><p>Employer Address:</p><p>Postcode:</p><p>Telephone Number:</p><p>DECLARATION</p><p>I confirm that the above details are accurate at the time of completion. I am aware that my responsibility in regards to this legislation is ongoing and that any changes in my secondary employment or duties undertaken in relation to driving (including being a mobile worker) will need to be notified to my Station/District Line Manager. I understand this information will be considered by Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service in relation to my contract of employment.</p><p>I note a copy of this declaration may be forwarded to my Secondary Employer(s).</p><p>Signed: Date: Print Name:</p><p>(* Delete if appropriate) SC83(b) NORTHERN IRELAND FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE Primary Employment Work Declaration (Retained Personnel)</p><p>As a result of EU Directive 561/2006 driving legislation, NIFRS are required by law to identify which of our employees may be affected by ‘In-scope’ regulations. The following information is required on an Annual basis and should be completed as part of the Driver Risk Rating process.</p><p>NOTE: A driver ‘In-scope’ of the EU Directive 561/2006 is defined as “the driver of a goods vehicle over 3.5 tonnes (excluding NIFRS vehicles), or a passenger vehicle with 9 or more seats”. </p><p>Name: Service No:</p><p>Role: Station:</p><p>NIFRS Driver: Yes No </p><p>1 Does the ‘In-scope’ Regulations as defined above apply to you? </p><p>Yes If ‘Yes’, please complete Sections 2 & 3, read the declaration then sign, date and return.</p><p>No If ‘No’, please read the declaration then sign, date and return. </p><p>2 Is the vehicle you drive for your primary employer *'in excess of 3.5 tonnes' or a vehicle *'which can carry more than 9 persons including the driver'.</p><p>3 I am *employed/self employed. Please complete Employer or Self Employed details? </p><p>Employer Business:</p><p>Employer Name:</p><p>Employer Address:</p><p>Postcode:</p><p>Telephone Number:</p><p>DECLARATION</p><p>I confirm that the above details are accurate at the time of completion. I am aware that my responsibility in regards to this legislation is ongoing and that any changes in my primary employment or duties undertaken in relation to driving (including being a mobile worker) will need to be notified to my Station/District Line Manager. I understand this information will be considered by Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service in relation to my contract of employment.</p><p>I note a copy of this declaration may be forwarded to my Primary Employer(s).</p><p>Signed: Date: Print Name: (* Delete if appropriate) Appendix ‘D’</p><p>NIFRS DRIVER INSTRUCTORS, EXAMINERS AND TESTS</p><p>1 NIFRS LGV Instructors will be qualified to instruct subject to the requirements of the Driver & Vehicle Agency Northern Ireland DVA.</p><p>2 Class B instruction will only be carried out by a qualified Approved Driving Instructor.</p><p>3 Driving Examiners are responsible for carrying out tests in accordance with the current guidance and procedures as directed by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) as amended or revised from time to time.</p><p>4 The manoeuvring area at the Fire & Rescue Service Training Centre may be used for LGV C Tests.</p><p>5 LGV C+E manoeuvring tests must be carried out at a site approved by DVA.</p><p>6 Test routes must be those approved by DVA.</p><p>7 Driving Instructors will be present during the driving test.</p><p>8 Pass Certificate Books will be retained at the Fire & Rescue Service Training Centre.</p>
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