<p> General Rules and Regulations Of Redmond West Little League COAST Softball Revised a/o February 17, 2007</p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 1 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS...... 2 SECTION ONE...... 3 I. COAST RELEASE POLICY...... 3 II. SETTING NUMBER OF COAST TEAMS...... 4 III. COAST EVALUATIONS...... 5 IV. PARITY...... 5 V. COAST DRAFT [1998 RWLL]...... 6 VI. TRADING PLAYERS...... 7 VII. FILLING COAST VACANCIES DURING SEASON...... 8 SECTION TWO...... 10 VIII. RULES THAT AFFECT PLAYING THE GAME...... 10 IX. STANDINGS...... 14 X. RECOGNITION...... 14 XI. "MOVE-UPS" FOR CITY PLAYOFFS...... 15 XII. 10/11 TOURNAMENT TEAM...... 15 XIII. 9/10 YEAR OLD TOURNAMENT TEAM...... 19</p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 2 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) SECTION ONE</p><p>I. COAST RELEASE POLICY [With a policy change beginning with the 1998 season, it is anticipated that Coast Teams shall be disbanded at the conclusion of each season, all Coast Players released from their Teams and a complete redraft held each year. However, should for any reason a future Board make the decision to not conduct a complete re-draft, then the following Release Policy shall be the guide.]</p><p>A. Players may be released for justifiable reasons per Regulation III of Little League’s “Official Regulations and Playing Rules” with Board Approval. Players requesting release who are intending to continue playing with RWLL, shall, in addition to providing detailed information regarding the reason for the release, provide documentation supporting steps the Player has taken to rectify the problem(s). Players who register for the upcoming season and then find they must resign from the League shall provide notice as soon as possible. A Player may petition to be released from his/her team by following either Step 1 or Step 2 below. 1. The Player may file a petition for request for release to the Manager of his/her team, stating the specific reason(s) (such as moving, illness, injury, etc.). The Manager shall immediately let the Player Agent know that the Player has made a request for release. 2. If the Player feels uncomfortable dealing directly with the Manager, the Player may petition the Player Agent directly in writing stating the specific reasons for the request for release.</p><p>B. Petitions. 1. It is desirable that petitions citing Manager, Coach or team-related problems which existed during the season be received by the Manager and/or Player Agent within 30 days of the Player's last scheduled game. This allows the League time to investigate and make a determination prior to announcement of the following season's Managers. 2. If at all possible, petitions citing anticipated problems with newly-appointed Managers/Coaches for the upcoming season must be received by the Manager and/or Player Agent within 10 days of announcement of Managers, and no later than two weeks prior to the Draft. The list of Manager candidates, if available, should come with the registration mailing. 3. Petitions citing non-Manager-related problems must be received within 10 days of the time that 4. the problem becomes evident. </p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 3 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) C. Once a petition has been received by the Player Agent, the Player Agent shall notify the President and the Manager of the request for release. Once notified, the Manager shall not initiate any conversations with the Player or the Player's family regarding the petition. Should the Player Agent or the President have an apparent or potential conflict of interest in the matter, then the petition shall be referred to a neutral Officer or Board Member. 1. The Player Agent (or designated official) shall investigate the circumstances by contacting the Player, the Manager, and any other relevant sources. The Player Agent (or designee) shall determine if the situation is "solvable." If so, he/she shall attempt to rectify the problem. 2. Should the petition specifically state a problem with the behavior of the Manager or Coach, then the President shall immediately be notified and the matter shall be referred to the Manager Committee. The Manager Committee shall make a determination as to whether the Manager/Coach should continue in his/her position. If the Manager/Coach is to be released then the Player should withdraw his/her petition. </p><p>D. If the Player still wishes to be released, the Player Agent shall determine whether or not to recommend release. Release shall only be recommended if he/she is convinced that the Player has made a reasonable effort to solve the problem and that it is in the best interest of the Player and the League. Team standings, color of team uniforms, perceived team potential, lack of friends on the team, "no particular reason," and things of this nature shall not be considered justifiable reasons. 1. The Player Agent (or designee) shall then contact the Manager, indicate whether release is appropriate, and ask if the Manager wishes to release the Player. The Player Agent (or designee) shall come to the Board with the Player's petition, the Manager's decision, and his/her recommendation. 2. The Board or its duly-authorized committee shall make the final decision. Board members with an "interest" in the outcome (anyone with a son/daughter on a Coast team) shall excuse themselves during the vote. If the Player is to be released, then the Board shall direct the Manager to release the Player in accordance with Regulation III of Little League’s “Official Regulations and Playing Rules”. Managers shall comply or be relieved of their duties. 3. Players will be notified of the decision of the Board in a timely manner. Players so released must attend evaluations to be considered for a Coast assignment. There is no guarantee a Released Player will be placed on a Coast team.</p><p>II. SETTING NUMBER OF COAST TEAMS At least one week prior to the Coast evaluations and after assessing the number of potential candidates, the total number of registrants, and the breakdown of ages, the Board shall set the number of Coast teams, keeping in mind the goal of a 2-1 ratio of Minors (Coast, AAA) to Majors teams. [1998 RWLL]</p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 4 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) III. COAST EVALUATIONS</p><p>A. All Majors and Coast candidates will participate in the same scheduled Evaluations/Player Assessments and all AAA candidates will participate in separate Player Assessments. All evaluations are for RWLL and Players will be assigned to divisions based on age and ability and per the draft process. [1997 RWLL]</p><p>All Majors and Coast candidates (10, 11 and 12-year olds, as well as those 8 and 9-year olds who have specifically requested and been granted the opportunity to “play-up”) will participate in the same scheduled Evaluations/Player Assessments. Those candidates not first selected to a Majors team shall be placed in the Coast pool of eligible candidates and shall then be drafted to Coast teams. 1. All Coast candidates must present proof of birth acceptable (original birth certificates) to Little League. The Board shall insure that adequate evaluation opportunities exist for Coast candidates. There shall be a minimum of two evaluations (on different days of the week). One of these may be an outdoor evaluation. The final evaluation date must be indoors unless everyone is committed to holding an outdoor evaluation regardless of weather conditions. The optimal situation would be to reserve a gym and an outdoor location on the same days so that evaluations could be moved indoors if necessary. 2. All Coast candidates must attend the evaluations to be eligible to be drafted to a Coast team. Each candidate must participate and be evaluated in each of the evaluation events/stations (e.g., hitting, fielding grounders, fielding fly balls, running, throwing and pitching). If a candidate cannot meet this requirement, then he/she must notify the Player Agent who shall then notify the Board of the reason for the absence. With majority approval the Board may waive the evaluation requirement. [1996 RWLL]</p><p>B. Players who do not attend evaluations or who register after evaluations shall be placed at AAA or the level of RWLL that they participated in the previous year, whichever is higher. [2000 RWLL]</p><p>The Player Agent must approve any exception. Player Agent shall determine if such a player should be considered as a possible Coast candidate should an opening occur during the season. If this is the case, then the Player Agent shall notify the Coast Managers of the addition to the pool of Coast "move up" candidates. [1997 RWLL]</p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 5 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) IV. PARITY Coast teams shall carry 12 Players at all times. No more than eight Players of any one age are allowed on a team’s roster.</p><p>V. COAST DRAFT [1998 RWLL]</p><p>A. All candidates for Coast shall participate in Evaluations/Player Assessments and be rated in several skills, including fielding grounders, fielding fly balls, running, pitching, hitting and throwing. A common rating sheet will be given to each Manager prior to the Coast draft indicating the rank sort from top to bottom of all eligible Players trying out. Teams shall be drafted in a serpentine fashion as outlined in the Little League Softball Operating Manual (The Draft System, Plan A”, as described for leagues in their first year of operation). Managers shall draw numbers to establish the order of selecting Players. For illustration, the Manager drawing number one makes the following player selections: 1st choice in round one, the last choice in round two, the 1st choice in round three, and so on. The Manager drawing the last number (determined by the number of teams) makes the last choice in round one, the first choice in round two, and so on until all rounds are completed. 1. A serpentine method shall be used, and the Managers shall draft in order from all eligible Majors candidates beginning with round one and ending with round twelve without regard to Players’ ages. [1996 RWLL] 2. Alternatively, a blind draft, or partial blind draft may be utilized to attain parity. This determination will be made by the Softball Commissioner in conjunction with the Player Agent.</p><p>B. Managers may submit “Options” on a maximum of three (3) Players only. Options must be in writing and submitted to the Player Agent at least 7 days prior to the draft for the following circumstances (see the Little League Operating Manual): [1996 RWLL] 1. Options on: Sons/daughters/brothers/sisters of Manager. 2. Options on: Sons/daughters/brothers/sister of Head Coach. 3. Options on: Siblings of a Player currently on roster. IF PARENT SPECIFICALLY REQUESTS DIFFERENT TEAMS, OPTIONS MAY NOT BE PLACED. THERE WILL BE NO GUARANTEE MADE TO PARENT THAT SUBSEQUENT SIBLINGS WILL BE PLACED ON MAJORS TEAM. 4. The limit of three Options per Manager/Team does not preclude that Manager from drafting a Player who, because of the request of Parents, is to be drafted along with a </p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 6 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) sibling. Every attempt will be made by the League to honor the following Parent requests: [1996 RWLL] a. If both (all) siblings are selected then they must be on the same team. b. If both (all) siblings are selected then they must be on different teams.</p><p>C. Placement of optioned players shall occur after the order of draft is determined. [2000 RWLL]</p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 7 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) D. Exercising Options. Keeping in mind the Little League rules regarding draft rounds (see the Little League Operating Manual), the exact round in which Optioned Players shall be placed shall be according to talent. The Placement Process shall be as follows: [1996 RWLL] 1. For Placement of Sons/Daughters of Managers and Head Coaches: • Player Agent calls meeting of all Managers and Coaches prior to the Draft; • Player Agent shall provide a list of all Players in Combine Score Order according to overall scores (for the current and the previous year, if available). Player Agent shall also present Player Evaluations from last year’s Managers, and any other data/information which would assist in the process; • It shall initially be assumed that a Player shall be Optioned in the round indicated by his/her ranking in the current Combine Score (e.g., if there are 7 teams and the Player is ranked, say, in the top 7 of all eligible candidates, he/she shall be considered a first round Option; if he/she is ranked, say, number 18, he/she would be considered a third round Option, and so on); • Parent/Manager of Player shall be asked to agree or make cogent argument of why Player should not be placed in the round indicated by the Combine Scores; • Remaining Mangers shall be asked to make cogent arguments of why that Player should or should not be placed in the round indicated by the Combine Scores; • Player shall then be placed by consensus decision of all Managers; IF CONSENSUS DECISION CANNOT BE REACHED, PLAYER AGENT SHALL MAKE THE DECISION BASED ON ALL AVAILABLE INFORMATION. 2. For Placement of Sibling(s) of Player Currently on Manager’s Roster: The process above shall be followed, except for the fact that the non-Manager Parent of the sibling shall not participate in the process. 3. For Placement of Siblings, neither of which are currently on a Majors Roster: If a Manager drafts a Player who is to be drafted onto the same team with his/her sibling(s), at their Parent’s request, then the sibling(s) automatically becomes that Manager’s draft selection in the round(s) as determined by the process in “2” immediately above -- that is the case whether either round is an “Open Draft Round” or a “Parity Draft Round”. Should the sibling’s “target” round already have passed, then the sibling shall become the Manager’s very next round selection. [1997 RWLL]</p><p>E. THE PLAYER AGENT SHALL ANNOUNCE THE DATE AND TIME AT WHICH MANAGERS MAY NOTIFY PLAYERS OF ASSIGNMENT. PREMATURE NOTIFICATION WILL CAUSE THE BOARD TO TAKE DISCIPLINARY ACTION AGAINST THE MANAGER AND/OR COACH INVOLVED.</p><p>VI. TRADING PLAYERS At the conclusion of the Draft the Player Agent shall allow 10 minutes for trades to be made. All trades shall be made through and with the approval of the Player Agent. [1996 RWLL]</p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 8 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) VII. FILLING COAST VACANCIES DURING SEASON A Vacancy is defined when a player permanently leaves a team and is released from that team for the remainder of the season. A single game or two consecutive games does not constitute a vacancy.</p><p>A. Vacancies occur regularly throughout the season for a variety of reasons (Players move out of the area, injuries force Players to quit, Players sometimes decide for personal reasons to no longer play and occasionally it is necessary for the team to give a Player an involuntary release. Managers must notify the Player Agent immediately upon becoming aware that a Player may leave the team for any reason. [1997 RWLL]</p><p>Moreover, Managers must notify Player Agent of any Player who misses three (3) preseason practices without notifying Manager or who misses or will miss three (3) consecutive games. Player Agent shall then decide if Player replacement is necessary.</p><p>B. Should a Manager fail to notify the Player Agent of a potential vacancy as outlined above, disciplinary action may be taken and the Player Agent shall immediately take steps to determine if it is appropriate to remove and replace the Player on the team’s roster. [1997 RWLL]</p><p>C. Once it has been determined that it is appropriate to replace a Player on a Majors roster, the following steps shall be taken: 1. The Released Player must be released from his/her team in writing by the President and he/she is no longer the property of that team. A Released Player must be treated as a new registrant the following season. This notification shall be sent "return receipt requested" to the last known address. 2. The Player Agent shall immediately submit a list of eligible candidates to the Manager. Eligible candidates shall be defined as those Players who were subject to the draft or any late registrant that the Player Agent has determined should be considered for selection. [1997 RWLL] a. Coast softball replacements cannot be eligible 9 year old Players unless no eligible 10, 11 or 12 year old Players remain in the AAA League. If there are no eligible [2001 RWLL] Players in the AAA League who participated in Evaluations, or if all eligible candidates decline to move up, then the Player Agent may approach Players who did not try out. If no candidate can be found to move up, then the team may play short a Player. b. The Player Agent shall instruct the Coast Manager that all communications regarding the replacement shall go through the Player Agent. No one, except the Player Agent, may discuss the "move-up" with the replacement candidate, the candidate’s parents, the candidate’s current AAA Manager, or anyone else. IT IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT THAT NO ELEMENT OF THE MOVE-UP BE </p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 9 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) DISCUSSED WITH ANY PLAYERS (OTHER THAN THE CANDIDATE HIMSELF) AT ANY LEVEL PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF THE PROCESS. [1997 RWLL] 3. Prior to the start of regular season play, the Manager shall then have a maximum of seven (7) days within which to submit a list back to the Player Agent ranking in order the Manager’s top three choices for move-up. Thereafter the manager shall have a maximum of three (3) days in which to submit the list. [2000 RWLL] The Player Agent shall then, without delay, approach the first Player on the Manager’s list in a manner as outlined in “6” below. If the Player declines, the Player Agent shall then approach the second ranked Player in a similar fashion and continue in order until a candidate accepts. The Manager may change his/her ranking any time prior to the time the Player Agent has made contact with the candidate. [1997 RWLL ] 4. The Player Agent shall approach the Player directly in the presence of the parent after private consultation with the parent if possible. The Player shall be informed that he/she has been drafted to a Coast team, without disclosing the name of the team. a. Should the Player agree to move up, he/she will be informed as to which team has drafted him/her. The Player Agent shall immediately notify the Player's parents, current Manager and receiving Manager that the Player has agreed to fill the open position effective immediately. b. Should the Player decline to join the Coast team, the Player shall NOT be moved, but shall be advised that he/she will not be allowed to move-up at any time in the current season, including in any post-season play. [1997 LL] c. The Player/Parent shall then be given another opportunity to accept the Coast assignment. d. The Player’s current AAA Manager and the Coast Manager shall be notified as to the decision of the Player as soon as possible. e. All Managers, Parents and other members of the League shall do everything possible to ensure that the Player is encouraged to move up. Any Manager or Coach who encourages a Player to stay at the AAA level shall immediately be suspended from his/her position pending Board review of the situation (see Bylaws). f. In the event a manager does not submit move-up names to the Player Agent with the required timeframe, the Player Agent will assign the player he deems the most appropriate. NOTE: The Player Agent will make every effort to avoid moving up more than two (2) Players from any one AAA team during the season, so as to not unfairly reduce that team’s ability to be competitive. This policy is not intended to deny the opportunity to a qualified Player to move-up to Coast; therefore, it is conceivable that a third Player from the same team could be moved up if deemed appropriate, and with Board approval. [1997 RWLL]</p><p>D. In no event shall a roster vacancy be filled on a Coast team later than the day after the date of such team's fifth to last regularly scheduled game (does not include rescheduled games). If a team falls below eleven (11) players the Player Agent may override this rule with Board Approval.</p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 10 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) SECTION TWO </p><p>VIII. RULES THAT AFFECT PLAYING THE GAME Please note: All playing rules described in the Official Regulations and Playing Rules handbook apply unless otherwise amended by these RWLL Local Rules RWLL Local rules are subject to the interpretation of the "intent of the rule" by the Board of Directors. It should be understood that the accumulation of words are always open to interpretation; therefore, the Board reserves the right to do so. Recommendations for rule changes may be submitted in writing to the Board by November 30 for consideration for the following season.</p><p>A. Team Responsibilities. 1. Home Team. (Always occupies 3rd base dugout) Provide Scorekeeper. Provide two game balls, plus towels. Bring a copy of the Local Rules and the National Rules. Prepare the field. If there is no game to follow, replace base plugs and put bases and equipment away. If game is rained out everything must be put away. Cover mound and home plate. Clean stands, dugout, score booths. 2. Visitor and Home Team. Clean stands, dugout, score booths.</p><p>B. General Rules 1. On-field Discipline. It is the Manager's responsibility to maintain order in the dugout and to keep the players in the dugout. Per the Little League regulation as of 1996, there shall be no ondeck batter. Only one person shall be in the cage at any one time and that Player shall not swing a bat. [1996 LL] 2. Playing Time. Each Player in attendance at a game, except in extenuating circumstances (if for disciplinary reasons, Manager must follow procedures outlined in Section One, VII. D., “Minimum Playing Times”) shall play a minimum of three defensive innings. [1997 RWLL] 3. Time Limit. When there is a game to follow (whether our league or another league) in the next playing time slot, the game shall be played under strict time limits. No new inning may start after 2 hours and the game must be stopped at 2 hours and 30 minutes. The Scorekeeper shall record the Official Start Time of the current game, and shall notify the Plate Umpire at the precise moment that time limits are reached. A new inning begins at the moment the third out is made on the Home Team. When the game reaches its time limit, the Scorekeeper shall inform the Plate Umpire and the Plate Umpire shall allow any play in progress to complete and then SHALL IMMEDIATELY CALL THE GAME WITHOUT ALLOWING ANY ADDITIONAL PLAY, INCLUDING EVEN A SINGLE PITCH TO THE CURRENT </p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 11 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) BATTER. For record-keeping purposes, that batter’s “at-bat” shall be recorded just as it would be in a case where a final out of a game were called on a runner while a batter was at the plate. The outcome of the game shall be determined by Official Little League Rules 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12. [1996 RWLL] In accordance with Little League Rule 4.10(e), the “ten-run rule” is in effect. 4. Weather Delays. If, due to weather conditions, the field must be prepared prior to play (e.g., fence blown down or large puddles of water on the infield), on-field warm-ups and/or drills maybe canceled so that the game can get underway. 5. Line-Ups. Completed white Line-Up sheets, including Players' full name and number, shall be given to the Official Scorekeepers 15 minutes prior to game time. All pitchers who pitched in the last seven (7) days must be listed and any Players who may pitch in the current game should be listed (an unlisted pitcher may be used, but must be checked against "pitchers book"). One copy of the Line-Up sheet goes to the opposing Manager and one is retained. At the end of the game the Manager must sign the "Line-Up" sheet indicating that the outcome of the game and the pitch counts are correct. He or she may check the defense innings played at a later date, but must insure information is correct within ten (10) days of game. 6. Batter Out of Order at Coast, the Scorekeeper shall not notify Umpire or either Manager of a batter out-of-order -- it is an appeal play to be made by Managers only. [1996 RWLL] 7. Batting Cages. When there are two (2) Majors games, Majors shall have the cages. The two Visitors teams have the cage one and one half (11/2) hours prior to the scheduled start for 30 minutes. The Home Teams may then have the cage for 30 minutes. If there is one Majors game and one Coast Game the Majors and Coast teams shall share cages as above. Players shall not swing bats while outside the cage. One adult from each team must be present inside the cage and one must be present outside the cage any time the cage is in use. [2000 RWLL] 8. Warm-up Times. For weeknight games, the visiting team will begin infield warm-up 25 minutes before game time and be off the field at 15 minutes before game time, at which time the home team will take the field for 10 minutes. At 5 minutes before game time, the field crew and Umpires will do final preparation of the field. For weekend games, the time available before the game starts will be split between the two teams for warm-ups. In either case, no team will start infield warm-up before 25 minutes before game time. REMINDER: No Manager or Coach (or any non-Player) may warm-up the pitcher at any time per Official Little League Regulations and Rules. 9. Rainouts and Games Called Prior to Being Regulation Games. When a game is "rained out" or the field is otherwise declared unplayable, the Master Scheduler shall be immediately notified. The first available rain-out date on the schedule as determined by the Master Scheduler will be used, even if this results in a team playing games on back-to-back days or playing three games in a week (four games in a week shall not be scheduled unless absolutely necessary). If a game is called before it has become a regulation game, but after one (1) or more innings have been completed, it shall be resumed exactly where it left off. In such case, all records, including pitching records, shall be counted. [LL 1996]</p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 12 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) Responsibility for ensuring that the game is properly rescheduled shall rest with the Managers of the teams involved, in conjunction with the Master Scheduler. [1997 RWLL] 10. Not Enough Players. The following is the league policy regarding rescheduling a game when one or both teams cannot field 9 Players at the start of the game. If a Team cannot field 9 Players, that Team shall forfeit the game. [1998 RWLL] Exception: Managers who have advance notice that they cannot field a team due to a school or League sponsored event, must immediately, and no later than two (2) weeks prior to the event, notify the opposing Manager and the Master Scheduler. [1997 RWLL] In addition he must provide to the League President the names of the players who must miss the game and the reasons. [1999 RWLL] After consulting with the League President, the Master Scheduler shall release the game slot to the pool of "rain-out" slots. In addition, the game must be re-scheduled within two weeks of the original game. [1998 RWLL] Each team involved in the game in question shall be allowed one rescheduling opportunity as determined by the Master Scheduler. If a team cannot field enough Players for the game in question twice in a row, then that team shall forfeit the game. (Example: Team A cannot field Players for the original game, Team B cannot field Players for the rescheduled game, Team B cannot field Players for the next rescheduling opportunity, then Team B forfeits.) [1998 RWLL] b. If a game begins and a team drops below 9 players due to injury or illness before the game is a regulation game, then the game is suspended. [2000 RWLL] 11. Tie Game Playoffs. When tie regulation games must be ended prior to determining the outcome, the game shall, if possible, be resumed 45 minutes prior to the start of the next game between the same two teams and shall be played until the outcome of the game is determined (see "19" below for pitching rule regarding pitching limitations in resumed suspended games). If there are no additional scheduled games or no games where an early start is possible, arrangements shall be made with the Master Scheduler to arrange a date and time to complete the game. Home teams must arrange for the Complex Manager to arrive early and must insure Umpires are obtained. 12. Tie Game Resumption -- Pitching Rules. The local rules regarding pitching and substitution for suspended games shall be interpreted as follows: Pitching: See rule 17 for pitching limitations. Eligibility. We will follow the guidelines in the CaseBook Comments written by Cy Livoti. Rule 3.03(4) comments state that "a Player that is picked up between the end of a Regulation Drawn Game and the resumption of the game is eligible to play in this game. This also applies to a Player who is on that team roster but was absent during the Regulation Draw Game. Managers retain their right to protest the game based on the use of an ineligible Player (other than Player(s) selected by the opposing Manager to reenter the game) (4.19). [1997 RWLL] 13. Early Weekday Games. In May and June if it becomes necessary to schedule early weekday games because of excessive rainouts, these games may start no earlier than 4:30 p.m. However, these teams must be off the field no later than 6:00 p.m., no matter what time the game starts and even if play would otherwise continue under the time limits rule set forth above.</p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 13 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) 14. Protective Gear. All male Players are required to wear an athletic supporter and a baseball cup protector. All catchers are required to wear a mask (equipped with a “dangling type” throat protector), shin guards, chest protector, cup and supporter. 15. Roster as Batting Order. A team’s complete roster shall constitute the batting order for each game. [1999 RWLL] In the case of a Player who reaches base safely and must be removed from the game due to injury, his place on the bases shall be taken by the last Player above him in the batting order who made an out. The next Player on the roster will replace a batter, unable to complete an “at bat” due to injury. This player shall assume the count of the injured batter. A player who is obviously injured, ill, or who leaves the park prior to the conclusion of the game shall be removed from the line-up without penalty and may not re-enter the game. Players suffering a “temporary illness”, “injury” or “other problem” who cannot take a turn at bat shall cause an out to be recorded, unless the Opposing Manager agrees to “skip” the batter. Opposing Managers shall agree to skips in cases where the injury is clearly temporary (bee stings, wind knocked out of Player, etc.) Managers shall keep in mind that the goal is to have kids playing ball and that batters shall not be skipped simply because they are “stressed.” 16. Modified "Free" Substitution. So long as the format of the complete roster being the batting order is used, the following shall apply: Each Player in attendance shall play a minimum of three defensive innings. All Visitor team substitutes must be in the defensive line up no later than the bottom of the third inning. All Home team substitutes must be in the defensive line up no later than the top of the fourth inning. Any Player (starter or substitute) may re-enter the game on defense, provided that a pitcher may not re-enter the game as a pitcher. Penalty: The League shall apply the same penalty as provided for in Regulation IV (i) of the Official Regulations and Playing Rules. [2000 RWLL] Defensive substitutions should take place between innings unless injury forces a Player to be removed while an inning is in progress. Substitutions shall be made as follows: Managers shall notify the Umpire and Scorekeeper of Player substitutions by first indicating the Player coming out and then indicating the Player taking the removed Player's place. Once all Player substitutions have been indicated, then the Manager shall notify the Scorekeeper of position changes. 17. Pitching Limitations. All playing rules described in the Official Regulations and Playing Rules handbook apply. Managers are encouraged to use three pitchers each calendar week to develop players. 18. Season. Depending on the number of teams at the Coast level, it is desirable that the regular season consist of each team playing each other at least three and no more than five times -- or a total of approximately 12-18 regular season games. If there are 4 Coast teams, for example, the regular season would consist of each team playing each other team five times for a total of 15 games. When deemed practicable, 3-4 preseason games shall be scheduled for the benefit of Players, Coaches, Umpires and Scorekeepers. There shall be no League-scheduled practice or preseason games after the start of the regular season.</p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 14 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) 19. Preseason games. Making up preseason games that are rained out is not required. Managers may agree to make up a rained out preseason game at their own discretion and in consultation with the Master Scheduler. For preseason games, the rule limiting pitchers per game to 5 shall be waived. The Managers should use the preseason games for experimentation; accordingly, rules regarding substitutions shall be waived. However, the Little League rules requiring specific rest periods for pitchers between games will be strictly adhered to. [1997 RWLL]</p><p>IX. STANDINGS</p><p>A. Place Determination. The first through last place teams shall be based on winning percentage. The team with the highest winning percentage shall be the first place team. The team with the second highest winning percentage shall be the second place team, etc. Winning percentage will be calculated per the following formula: (one point for every win + ½ point for every tie) / number of games played Ties will be broken as follows: 1. Two team ties: a. Head to head b. Play off if time permits (Board decision); c. Fewest runs scored "against" team in games between tied teams. (Games split. Team A wins first game 6-4, loses second game 10-3. Team A has 14 runs scored against. Team B has 9 runs scored against. Team B is ranked higher.); d. Coin Toss. 2. Three or more team ties (these rules apply until two teams are left, then follow 2.a above): a. Consider the head-to-head play amongst the tied teams, if appropriate; b. Two teams with most wins against all other teams that are tied; c. The two teams with the most wins in the half of the season (if equal halves) or the last two (2) rounds of competition (assuming three rounds constituted an entire season); d. If time permits (decision of the Board), round robin, three inning game, most total runs scored if there is a tie; may be played off site if necessary; e. Coin Toss.</p><p>X. RECOGNITION</p><p>A. A budgeted amount for recognition may be presented for approval to the General Membership as part of the budget. 1. Adult Umpires may be provided with hats, shirts and clickers. Youth Umpires may be presented with honorariums provided state and federal guidelines regarding honorariums are followed. 2. The League may provide graduating 12 year olds with a recognition gift from the League such as a pin, certificate, medallion or other item of this nature (see Little League Regulation XII). 3. The League may purchase pins for Manager/Coach recognition. Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 15 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) 4. The League should purchase All-Star pins for the Majors All-Stars. 5. The League may budget an amount up to $5.00 per Board Member and Chairperson per year served to provide recognition in the form of a plaque, certificate, pin, medallion, flowers, or other form of recognition as may be appropriate. 6. The League may purchase a trophy or plaque for the winner of the league “championship game.”</p><p>B. Teams may separately collect funds for end of season parties and present items of recognition to Players, Coaches, Managers and other volunteers (see Little League Regulation XII). Items of recognition shall not be made on the basis of skill, and must be nominal in value.</p><p>XI. "MOVE-UPS" FOR CITY PLAYOFFS</p><p>A. Move-ups in cases where Player(s) shall be lost for entire Tournament: [1997 RWLL] 1. Teams, which cannot field a minimum of 11 Players prior to the City Tournament , may pick up a Player(s). Teams picking up Players shall not exceed 12 Players on their rosters. The first place teams shall have first option on picking up Players, then the second place team, etc. Should Teams drop below 11 Players after the start of the tournament, they may pick up Player(s) at the point they have dropped below 11 Players and they shall pick in order of regular season standings. 2. Coast teams may select any Player from any Coast or AAA level team not participating in any Official Little League post-season play. This Player shall be released from the team by the Board at the conclusion of playoffs, but, particularly in the case of a AAA Player, must be guaranteed a Coast assignment the following season. Teams may not bring up a AAA Player who declined to move up mid season.</p><p>B. Move-ups in cases where Player(s) shall be lost for a part of City Tournament: [1997 RWLL] 1. Teams that anticipate losing two or more Players after playing one or more games in the City Tournament may pick up Players prior to the start of the Tournament. In such case, the Team may not pick up more than two Players (regardless of how many Players will be lost). And, though added to the Team’s roster at the beginning of the Tournament, those Players may not participate in any game, in any manner while the Player they are to replace is currently available. For example, Team A is aware that two Players are leaving on vacation and will only be available for the Team’s first two Tournament Games. Team A may pick up two Players in anticipation of losing two Players, but the replacement Players become eligible only when the Players they are to replace are no longer available.</p><p>XII. 10/11 TOURNAMENT TEAM As a league, Redmond Softball League strives to make sure that the regular season offers as much opportunity to play and experience softball as possible. </p><p>When it comes to All-Star teams, Redmond Softball League wants to field the most competitive team it can for the All-Star tournament. The All-Star team needs to be made up of the very best </p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 16 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) players in the league in a team size sufficient for easy substitution and adequate playing time for both the MVP’s on the team and the substitutes.</p><p>Redmond Softball League believes that it is important to include the players in the league in the selection process and that the process be fair to all kids. All of the best softball players need to have an opportunity to make the team regardless of popularity, school affiliation, parental influence, or manager prejudice.</p><p>All decisions regarding All-Star teams need to be made with these guidelines in mind.</p><p>A. Team Composition. It shall be the intent to select and announce the 10/11 Tournament Team at the earliest time allowable by Little League Softball, in order to allow the Team to begin practicing at the earliest allowable date (Tournament Rules for the current year are provided by Little League Softball). The Redmond Little League Tournament Team selection shall be made with that timeline in mind and in the following manner: 1. Eligible Players. The 10/11 All-Star team will be made up of players who are 10 or 11 years of age who played in the Redmond Softball Major or Minor leagues during at least ½ of the regular season. 2. The players shall be listed by team in alphabetical order and the age of the players shall be indicated (e.g., by listing a team's 11 year olds first and then its 10 year olds). 3. Evaluation process. The selection committee for the All-Star teams will consist of a representative from every team. A manager who chooses not to participate in the evaluation evaluations or team selection process must elect an alternate from his coaching staff to represent his team. Should he not have an assistant coach, he may elect a representative from his base of parents. 4. Each player chosen in the selection process will be given an opportunity to demonstrate his/her skills before the selection committee. The evaluation will consist of an organized, one-time, evaluation period. There will be no reschedules or make-ups. The selection committee for the 10 and 11-year-old teams will consist of ALL the managers or a representative from the team(s). Evaluations are only a part of a player’s evaluation to make the team. 5. Managers' Balloting. The Managers shall meet to discuss selection of the Tournament Team. The Managers shall discuss amongst themselves at this meeting the qualifications of Players prior to casting their ballots for the Tournament Team. It is recommended that each team Manager have previously consulted with the Coach or Coaches of his/her team. Following the evaluations the selection committee will meet to select the All-Star team. All players selected to the Tournament Team must receive a majority of the votes. The voting will proceed as follows: a. Round 1: Managers shall vote for their top five players from all players who were selected for a Try-out. Players (1-5) b. Round 2: Managers shall vote for their next two top players. Players (6-7) c. Round 3: Managers shall vote for their next two top players. Players (8-9) d. Round 4: Managers shall vote for their next top player. Player (10) e. Round 5: Managers shall vote for their next top player. Player (11) f. Round 6: Managers shall vote for their next top player. Player (12) Discussion will be encouraged following each round to “evaluate the team” as the voting continues. All players selected for a evaluation are eligible to be selected to the All-Star </p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 17 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) team whether or not they actually tried out. These ballots shall be turned over to the League President who shall count the ballots in conjunction with the Player Agent and Vice President as soon as possible. [2006 RWLL] 6. Ballots Confidential. The contents of any and all ballots and the vote totals will be held strictly confidential between the League President, Player Agent and Vice President. No Player or 7. Player Availability for Tournament Play. Prior to the ballot of the Managers in Paragraph 3 above, each Manager shall ascertain from the parents of the Players on his team listed on the Tournament Team ballot whether or not their child will be able to make the commitment to being available for Tournament Team practices and games during the course of the summer. To be eligible to be selected onto the all-star team a player must be available for ALL practices and games (beginning the date of the first allowable practice and continuing until the team is eliminated or the tournament concludes). If there is more than one unexcused absence from a game or practice, the player may be removed form the team. An excused absence would be a medical or family emergency. All other absences are unexcused unless approved by the Player Agent. [1999 RWLL] Each team Manager shall provide this information in writing to the League President at a date to be determined prior to Manager voting. </p><p>B. Letter of Commitment. The Player Agent shall, prior to Evaluations, deliver to and receive from each Player eligible for the Tournament Team a letter of commitment containing the following information: Name of Player. Address of Player. Telephone number of Player. Confirmation that the above information is accurate. Confirmation that Player can produce an original government issued certified birth certificate, King County card, or passport within three (3) days of notification of acceptance to the roster. (Parents understand that they may have registered with improper documents and that they were asked to verify before the season started that the document shown was an original and not a copy.) Players without original documentation may not be listed on the roster. Dates and places of tournament. Statement of availability of Player. Statement of parent responsibility and possible expense involved. Space for Player and parent signature indicating availability and understanding of commitment. The Player shall return this letter, signed by both the Player and the parents indicating availability status, to the Player Agent immediately. The letter will include a short statement regarding rules for playing time for Tournament Teams. PLAYERS WHO DO NOT TURN IN THIS LETTER OF AVAILABILITY SHALL BE CONSIDERED UNAVAILABLE. Unavailable players will not be candidates for the Tournament Team and will not be voted on. [1999 RWLL] After the announcement of the Tournament Team, if a player on the team becomes unavailable as determined by the Player Agent, the Tournament Team Manager shall select a replacement from amongst the same pool of the next highest 6 available vote getters. The pool of Players from which the Manager can choose shall not be expanded until there are no Players left in the original pool.</p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 18 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) C. Tournament Team Manager Selection. 1. The Tournament Team Manager Elegibility. The Manager and Coach(es) seleted to coach the RWLL Tournament Team must be Managers or Coaches who coached in the Redmond Softball Major or Minor leagues during at least ½ of the regular season. 2. The Tournament Team Manager and Coach(es). The Manager and Coach(es) selected to coach the RWLL Tournament Team are expected to be more that just “good coaches” -- they are considered to be ambassadors of RWLL. To be selected, the Tournament Team Manager must: a. Possess a good knowledge of the game of Little League Softball; and know and consistently practice its rules; b. Have demonstrated an ability and willingness to teach individual Players the fundamentals of softball as well as the concept of “team play”; c. Have consistently demonstrated a fair and positive attitude toward Players and have a good rapport with Players and their Parents; d. Indicate a willingness to become knowledgeable in the Little League Tournament Rules and plan to consistently adhere to them; e. Conduct himself or herself in an exemplary fashion both on and off the field at all times; and consistently show respect for umpires and all League Officials; 3. Other Considerations: The Manager Committee shall, in the selection process, take into consideration the following: a. The number of years of positive contributions by the prospective Manager as a Manager and/or Coach in RWLL; b. The willingness of the Manager over the years to attend and participate in League and District sponsored coaches clinics; c. The Manager’s history of being supportive of the League and being a positive contributor to its overall efforts; 4. Selection Process. The Tournament Team Manager shall be selected per the process outlined below. Interested candidates shall make their interests known via an application process. The Softball Commissioner and Softball Player Agent shall convene an All Star Manager committee of not fewer than 3 parties and not include potential candidates. This body shall recommend the all star manager. Once a manager is recommended the President will approve or disapprove the candidate. [RWLL 2006] 5. In the event no one steps forward to manage the team, the Softball Commissioner shall form a committee from a number of the families in order to bring in another manager.</p><p>D. Tournament Team Assistant Coach(es) Selection. The selected Tournament Team Manager shall be asked to recommend Assistant Coach(es). The Manager Committee shall then apply the same criteria as that applied in the selection of the Tournament Manager (including the review of Coach Evaluations by the Parents. Assuming the recommended Coach(es) are deemed qualified and suitable, the Manager Committee shall be inclined to accept the Tournament Team Manager’s recommendations. ULTIMATELY, THE SELECTED TOURNAMENT TEAM MANAGER AND COACH(ES) MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT.</p><p>E. Announcement of Tournament Team, Manager, and Coach(es). The Tournament Team, Manager, and Coaches shall be announced at a time, place and in a manner determined by the Board. However, every attempt shall be made to assure that the selection process is completed so that the Team may be announced in sufficient time to allow the Team to begin practicing at the earliest date allowed by Little League Softball (generally, around June 15). The announcement should take place only after the following have occurred: (1) the Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 19 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress) Tournament Team balloting by the Managers has been concluded; (2) the Tournament Team Manager and Coach (es) have been selected; and (4) the availability of Players for tournament play has been ascertained. Only those 12 Players who have been selected and have indicated an ability, willingness, and commitment to playing on the Tournament Team throughout the tournament shall be placed on the Tournament Team roster. Note: There shall be no “Honorable Mention” of players who do not qualify for the Tournament Team. [1999 RWLL]</p><p>F. Tournament Rules. Tournament rules are published separately (see Little League Regulation XVII (b) regarding practice games). NO PRACTICE GAMES MAY BE HELD WITH PLAYERS IN UNIFORM OR WHICH INCLUDE PLAYERS WHO ARE NOT IN THE SAME DIVISION AND THE SAME LEAGUE AS THE ROSTERED ALL-STARS.</p><p>G. If a manager fails to follow the tournament minimum playing time rules the following actions will be taken by the Board in addition to any actions taken by tournament officials: First offense – 1 game suspension for the next tournament or regular season game, whichever occurs first for that manager. Second offense- Permanent suspension as a post season manager within RWLL.</p><p>XIII. 9/10 YEAR OLD TOURNAMENT TEAM</p><p>A. Team Composition. It shall be the intent to select and announce the Tournament Team the earliest time allowable by Little League Softball, in order to allow the Team to begin practicing at the earliest allowable date (Tournament Rules for the current year are provided by Little League Softball). The Redmond Little League Tournament Team selection shall be made with that timeline in mind and in the following manner: 1. Eligible Players. All Players on a Major or Minor Roster who are 10 or 11 years of age who played in the Redmond Softball leagues during at least ½ of the regular season. The Players shall be listed by team in alphabetical order. 2. Players Balloting. There will be no player balloting at 10/11 year old level 3. Managers' Balloting [SEE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR 10/11 ALL-STARS ABOVE] 4. Composition of Tournament Team. [SEE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR 10/11 ALL-STARS ABOVE] 5. Ballots Confidential. [SEE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR 10/11 ALL-STARS ABOVE] 6. Player Availability for Tournament Play. [SEE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR 10/11 ALL-STARS ABOVE]</p><p>B. Letter of Commitment. [SEE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR COAST ALL-STARS ABOVE]</p><p>C. Tournament Teams Manager Selection. [SEE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR COAST ALL-STARS ABOVE]</p><p>Rules Updates/Revisions/Clarifications 20 Noted Throughout Text as [year/authority] e.g. [1998 RWLL] Redmond Little League or [1998 LL] (Little League Baseball Congress)</p>
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