<p>PROBATION DEPARTMENT COUNTY OF SAN MATEO John Keene Chief Probation Officer</p><p>Your juvenile case in the San Mateo County Probation Department has been closed. You may apply to seal your juvenile record if rehabilitation has been attained to the satisfaction of the Court since the closure of your case and you meet the following qualifications:</p><p> You have reached the age of 18, or it has been at least five years from the date you were terminated from probation, or at least five years from the date of your arrest if no petition was filed, and you have met all of the following conditions: • You have not been convicted of a felony after age 18. • You are not currently undergoing any type of adult criminal court action/or investigation (including traffic court) and/or you are not on any form of adult probation. • You have not been convicted as an adult of any misdemeanor offenses involving moral turpitude. • You have not been found by the Juvenile Court to have committed an offense listed in Section 707(b) of the Welfare and Institutions Code when you were 14 years or older. • You do not have a civil case pending based on any juvenile offense.</p><p>NOTE: THE COURT MAY NOT GRANT YOUR SEALING REQUEST IF: You have had a sustained petition after age 16, which is a “strike” under the three strikes law in California. Sections 667.5 and 1192.7 of the Penal Code list offenses that could be considered a “strike.” Refer to Penal Code sections for specific offenses (ex: residential burglary, robbery). or, If rehabilitation has not been attained to the satisfaction of the Court. Once the Juvenile Court orders a juvenile record sealed, a copy of that order is sent to each agency and official named by the applicant directing them to seal their records. Once these records have been sealed, the applicant may respond to any inquiry regarding a juvenile record that he/she has none. Sealing a juvenile record does not affect the ability of insurance companies to access records which are retained by the Department of Motor Vehicles in Sacramento. The cost for sealing of juvenile records, effective May 8, 2014, is $150.00 (non-refundable), payable to San Mateo County, to be submitted with the application. Applications to seal a juvenile record are available on the Probation Department website: probation.smcgov.org/juvenile-services-division or you can pick one up from the:</p><p>San Mateo County Probation Department, Juvenile Division, at: 222 Paul Scannell Drive, San Mateo, CA 94402 or 2415 University Avenue, East Palo Alto, CA 94303 Any questions regarding the procedure to apply to seal your record should be directed to Probation Services Assessment Center at (650) 312-5289. For free legal assistance with record sealing, please contact Community Legal Services at (650) 326-6440.</p><p>JD-53 Rev. 5/14 222 Paul Scannell Drive San Mateo, CA 94402</p><p>650-312-8816 800-310-8816 Fax: 650-312-5349 Su caso Juvenil con El Departamento de Libertad Condicionál (Probación) de El Condado de San Mateo ha sido cerrado. Usted puede aplicar para sellar su record juvenile; si ha logrado rehabilitación satisfactoria de la Corte desde que su caso ha sido cerrado y se encuentra con las calificaciones siguientes:</p><p> Si ha cumplido los 18 años, o han pasado minimo cinco años de la fecha que terminastes tu probacion, o han pasado minimo cinco años de la fecha de tu arresto si no hay una demanda archivada, y si ha cumplido con los siguientes requisitos:</p><p>• Que usted no ha sido convicto de una felonía despues de los 18 años.</p><p>• Que usted no este actualmente bajo de cualquier tipo de acción delictiva de la corte adulto o investigación (incluyendo la corte de tráfico) y/o que usted no este en ninguna forma de libertad condicional de adultos.</p><p>• Que usted no ha sido convicto como adulto de cualquier delito menor incluso torpeza moral. </p><p>• Que usted no ha sido encontrado por la Corte Juvenil, de haber cometido una ofensa de esta lista en la Sección 707(b) del Código de las Instituciones del Bienestar (Welfare and Institutions Code) cuando tenia 14 años o mayor.</p><p>• No tiene que tener ningun caso civil pendiente basado en ninguna ofensa juvenil. </p><p>NOTA: LA CORTE NO LE PODRA OTORGAR SU SOLICITUD PARA SELLAR; SI: Usted ha sostenido una petición despues de los 16 años, la cual ha sido “aplazada” bajo los tres aplazamientos de la ley de California. Secciónes 667.5 y 1192.7 de la lista de ofensas del Código Penal que pueden ser consideraradas como “aplazamiento.” Refiriendose a las secciónes del Código Penal que especifican ofensas (ejemplos: robo residencial, robo) o Si la rehabilitación no ha sido lograda a la satisfacción de la Corte.</p><p>A la vez que la Corte Juvenil autoriza el sellado del record juvenil, una copia de esa autorización es enviada a cada agencia y funcionario mencionados por el solicitante. Esta autorización instruye a cada agencia o funcionario a cerrar sus correspondientes records. Una vez cerrados los records, el solicitante puede responder a cualquier pregunta que no tiene record juvenil.</p><p>Sellando un record juvenil no afecta la abilidad a las compañias de seguro para tener acceso a los records de El Departamento de Vehículos Motorizados en Sacramento.</p><p>Efectivo 8 de Mayo, 2014, el costo para sellar un registro de menores es $150.00 (no reembolsable). Envie su pago al Condado de San Mateo, junto con su aplicación.</p><p>Aplicaciones para sellar un registro de menores están disponibles en el sitio web del Departamento de Libertad Condicional: probation.smcgov.org/juvenile-services-division o puede seleccionar uno del:</p><p>El Departamento de Probación Juvenil de El Condado de San Mateo: 222 Paul Scannell Drive, San Mateo, California, 94402 o 2415 University Ave, East Palo Alto, California, 94303</p><p>Cualquier pregunta respecto a este trámite, debe de ser dirigida a los Servicios de Libertad Condicional, a el numero de telefono (650) 312-5289. Para asistencia jurídica gratuita con el proceso de sellar su record juvenil, por favor póngase en contacto con la oficina de Servicios Jurídicos Comunitarios en (650) 326-6440. 707(b) WIC OFFENSES</p><p>11055(c) H S Manufacturing/ Selling ½ Oz. Or More of any Salt/Solution of a Controlled Substance</p><p>11055(e) Manufacturing/ Compound/Sell ½ Oz. Or More of Any Salt/Solution of Controlled Substance/Depressant</p><p>12020(a) P C Any Felony Offense in which the Minor Personally used a Weapon</p><p>12022.5 – P C Discharge Firearm at Vehicle/GBI/Death 12022.53</p><p>12034(c) P C Discharge Firearm From Motor Vehicle at Another Person not in a Motor Vehicle</p><p>1203.09 P C Crime Against Persons Sixty (60) Years or Older/Blind/ Paraplegics/Quadriplegics</p><p>12308 P C Attempt to Explode/Ignite Destructive Device/Explosive With Intent to Murder</p><p>136.1 – 137 P C Intimidation of Witness/Victims</p><p>187 – 189 P C Murder</p><p>192(a) P C Voluntary Manslaughter</p><p>205 P C Aggravated Mayhem </p><p>206 & 206.1 P C Torture</p><p>207 P C Kidnapping</p><p>208 P C Kidnapping Victim Under 14 Years of Age</p><p>208(D) P C Kidnapping With Intent to Commit Rape/Oral Copulation/Sodomy</p><p>209(a) – 209(b) PC Kidnapping for Ransom/Reward/Extortion/Robbery or Bodily Harm</p><p>209(b)(1) P C Kidnapping for Purpose of Robbery</p><p>209.5 P C Kidnapping During Carjacking</p><p>211 P C Robbery While Armed With Dangerous/Deadly Weapon</p><p>212.5 P C Robbery</p><p>215 P C Carjacking While Armed With Dangerous/Deadly Weapon 707(b) WIC OFFENSES Page 2 of 2 245(a)(1) or 245(a) P C Assault With a Firearm or Destructive Device (2)</p><p>245(b)(1) P C Assault By Any Means of Force Likely to Produce Great Bodily Injury</p><p>246 P C Discharge of a Firearm into An Inhabited or Occupied Building</p><p>261(a)(2) – 62(a)(1) P C Rape/Rape of Spouse by Force or Threat</p><p>261(2) P C Rape With Force or Violence or Threat of Great Bodily Harm</p><p>286(c) P C Sodomy by Force/Violence</p><p>286(c)(2) P C Sodomy By Force, Violence, Duress, Menace, or Threat of Great Bodily Harm</p><p>288A(c) P C Oral Copulation by Force/Violence</p><p>288A(c)(2) P C Oral Copulation by Force, Violence, Duress, Menace or Threat of Great Bodily Harm</p><p>288(b) P C Crimes Against Children /Lascivious With Force/Violence </p><p>289(a) P C Sexual Penetration With Foreign Object by Force/Violence</p><p>451(a) – 451(b) P C Arson Causing Great Bodily Harm/Arson of Inhabited Structure/Property</p><p>664/187 - 189 P C Attempted Murder</p><p>667.5(c) – P C Any Violent Felony Related to Participation In Criminal 186.22(b) Street Gang </p><p>871(b) P C Escape By Use of Force or Violence Inflicted Upon Juvenile Facility Employee</p><p>Any Violent Felony Related to Participation in a Street Gang</p><p>Any Felony Offense Where a Weapon was Used INFORMATION FOR SEALING OF RECORD</p><p>Answer all questions as completely as possible.</p><p>NAME: ______</p><p>BIRTHDATE: AGE: SOCIAL SECURITY # </p><p>CA. ID CARD # </p><p>BIRTHPLACE: DRIVER'S LICENSE # </p><p>PRESENT ADDRESS: PHONE # Number Street (during the day)</p><p>City State Zip Code</p><p>JUVENILE RECORD: (UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE )</p><p>List all contacts with police agencies, including traffic citations and accidents. *NOTE: Insurance companies can still obtain copies of your Department of Motor Vehicles records, in order to set policy rates, even after your record is sealed.</p><p>Police Agency Offense and Date Disposition and Date</p><p>(if additional space is required, use other side of form) ADULT RECORD: (OVER 18 YEARS OF AGE) List all contacts with police agencies, including traffic citations and accidents. Police Agency Offense and Date Disposition and Date</p><p>Were you on probation as a minor? (UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE)</p><p>YES NO In San Mateo County YES NO Other County or State YES NO (please identify where)</p><p>EMPLOYMENT: Where? How Long Name of School/City Last grade completed </p><p>RETURN TO: San Mateo County Probation Department 222 Paul Scannell Drive, San Mateo, CA 94402 Attn: Records Section STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN MATEO PROBATION DEPARTMENT - JUVENILE DIVISION</p><p>APPLICATION TO COMMENCE PROCEEDINGS IN JUVENILE COURT FOR SEALING OF RECORD</p><p>I, the undersigned, hereby make application to the probation officer to commence proceedings in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of San Mateo in session as a Juvenile Court.</p><p>Pursuant to Section 781 of the Juvenile Court Law, I request that a petition be filed requesting that the Juvenile Court order all records in this matter sealed.</p><p>I declare under penalty that:</p><p>Since the jurisdiction of this Court terminated and/or since the referral to the probation officer, I have not been convicted of a felony or of any misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.</p><p>Signed: </p><p>Dated: This day of , 20 .</p><p> I wish to submit a Financial Declaration Form for review of my financial status regarding my ability to pay the sealing fee. I understand this will delay sealing of my records until the financial review is completed, and that I will be required to provide proof of my financial status. COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT SEALING OF RECORDS</p><p>WHY HAVE A JUVENILE RECORD SEALED?</p><p>To insure the person that transgressions committed during age of minority will not affect his capacity to fulfill his duties, obligations, and aspirations of adulthood.</p><p>WHERE?</p><p>Application may be made to the Probation Department for sealing of your record in the county in which wardship was last terminated.</p><p>HOW?</p><p>In San Mateo County any person who, in his judgment, thinks he is eligible for sealing of his record may make application for sealing of his record, providing he has met the basic requirements listed on the first page.</p><p>HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?</p><p>A non-refundable fee for sealing of juvenile/traffic records is $150.00. Once the sealing investigation has begun, there will not be a refund of the fee.</p><p>HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE?</p><p>Depending on the complexity of your case; the number and nature of previous offenses; the number of law enforcement agencies involved; the court calendar schedule; and other factors, it may take from four to six months to complete the investigation and obtain a sealing order from the Court. Probation will notify all state and local agencies listed in the sealing order to seal your record. In turn, these agencies will send probation a confirmation that the sealing process has been completed. You should be advised that the sealing of records at the Federal level for the Department of Justice and FBI requires an additional 90 days total. This timeframe is an estimate and probation would suggest that you contact the DOJ Record Sealing Unit @ 916-227-3839 to confirm completion of sealing at the Federal level. </p><p>HOW WILL I KNOW WHEN MY RECORD HAS BEEN SEALED?</p><p>The Juvenile Court Clerk’s office will send you a signed copy of the Juvenile Court sealing order. If your mailing address changes during this time, it is essential that you notify juvenile probation and ask for the Legal Office Services Supervisor in charge of Record Sealing. Contact 650-312-8816, and they can direct your call.</p><p>WHAT IF I CAN’T REMEMBER EXACT DATES OR POLICE AGENCIES?</p><p>Do the best you can. However, we have your file and we will request the Court seal your juvenile record in San Mateo County. We will investigate your prior record.</p><p>IF I AM NOT ELIGIBLE FOR SEALING WILL I GET MY MONEY RETURNED? </p><p>NO, so please read carefully the information on the application prior to sending your check or money order to San Mateo County Probation Department. WHAT IS THE EFFECT OF A SEALED RECORD?</p><p>Following the order for sealing, all records, exhibits, documents, etc. in the possession of any agency are directed sealed. This, in essence, means that the Court, Probation Department, police agencies, and any other agency having information about the individual must physically seal the record and report to any request for information that they have no record. The applicant may respond to any inquiry regarding juvenile record that he has none. Do not indicate that your record is sealed.</p><p>Please Note: The actual destruction of your records will not occur until you are 38 years old, if the juvenile offense was a violation of Section 602 WIC or 23 years old, if it was a violation of Section 601 WIC.</p><p>CAN THE RECORD BE UNSEALED BY ANYONE?</p><p>Sealed records can be unsealed for three reasons only:</p><p>1. Upon a petition to the Court by the individual whose record has been sealed. 2. The Court may order a record opened in an action or proceeding based upon defamation. The information may be entered into evidence, following which the Court orders the record sealed. 3. Insurance Companies can obtain copies of the Department or Motor Vehicles records in order to set premium rates.</p><p>HOW DOES SEALING MY RECORD AFFECT MY AUTO INSURANCE RATES?</p><p>It does not. As noted above, Insurance Companies are authorized by law to obtain copies of DMV records in order to set your automobile insurance premium rate. Sealing your records in San Mateo County does not prevent Insurance Companies from access to your driving record, through the State Department of Motor Vehicles in Sacramento.</p>
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