INDEX TO REPORT OF A COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO POSSIBLE ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES AND ASSOCIATED POLICE MISCONDUCT THE FITZGERALD REPORT 1989 OCCASIONAL MONOGRAPH NO 1 Prepared by Eve Francis QUEENSLAND PARLIAMENTARY LIBRARY Research Publications and Resources Section BRISBANE August 1997 ISSN 1329-4415 ISBN 0 7242 7367 0 © Queensland Parliamentary Library, 1997 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act 1968, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited, other than by Members of the Queensland Parliament in the course of their official duties, without the prior written permission of the Parliamentary Librarian, Queensland Parliamentary Library. Inquiries should be addressed to: Director, Publications & Resources, Queensland Parliamentary Library, Parliament House, George Street, Brisbane. Director: Ms Mary Seefried. (Tel: 3406 7116) Information about other Parliamentary Library Research Publications can be found on the Internet at: http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/library/research/index.html PREFACE The Commission of Inquiry into Possible Illegal Activities and Associated Police Misconduct, presided over by Commissioner Fitzgerald, lasted for just over two years from its instigation in 1987 to the handing over of the final report to Premier Ahern in July 1989. The Commission held public hearings on 238 days. One hundred and forty- two people were represented either by themselves or others and 339 witnesses appeared before the Inquiry. The transcripts totalled 21,504 pages and there were 2,304 exhibits. The final Report, now commonly referred to as the Fitzgerald Report, has 600 pages including the appendices. This index was prepared to remedy the fact that the Report has no index, which has made access to specific items difficult. Whilst there has been limited access to electronic versions of the transcripts, which have allowed some text-searching capability, no electronic version of the Report has been publicly available. This year is the tenth anniversary of the commencement of the Inquiry, and despite this passage of time, the Inquiry and its Report are still topical in the political and social culture of Queensland. The Report dealt with corruption issues of the time, and Commissioner Fitzgerald made recommendations for reform of public administration and criminal justice in Queensland. Another reason for the Report’s continuing seminal importance is that other states have been through similar experiences with long and probing inquiries - the WA Royal Commission into the Commercial Activities of Government and other Matters and the successive Western Australian Commission on Government inquiry, the South Australian Royal Commission into the State Bank and more recently the Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service under Commissioner Wood. This Index may assist observers to draw comparisons with the Queensland Fitzgerald inquiry and its findings. As well as more generic and specific subject terms, this Index pays particular attention to all names, aliases and familiar names which appear in the text and the appendices of the Report. The author has successfully tackled the indexing of a very complex report, and is to be congratulated on her initial foray into this field. Nick Bannenberg Parliamentary Librarian 8 August 1997 NOTES: 1. Except for its main entry, The Commission of Inquiry into Possible Illegal Activities and Associated Police Misconduct is referred to throughout as ‘the Inquiry’. 2. Information contained within square brackets is in addition to that contained within the text. 3. Page numbers preceded by ‘A’ refer to the appendices. 4. For reasons of time and space, the names of Inquiry staff who were required to appear as witnesses have not been indexed, although the substance of their evidence has. 5. Because of inconsistencies in the spelling of names and the usage of first names, it is possible that a few individuals may have more than one entry. Regrettably, there has not been the opportunity to verify the identities of all those concerned. ‘Abbott, Miss’ A75 Armstrong, Warren Earl (cont.) A.B.C. see Australian Broadcasting connection with Bulger A121-2, A123 Corporation connection with Kelly A125 ABCI see Australian Bureau of Criminal Arndt, Denis Keith A155, A172 Intelligence Ascough, Paul Leslie A77, A124 Abeyance Trust 106-7 ‘Mr Asia’ drug syndicate 76 Aboriginal communities, policing of Atkinson, Andre Leonard A62, A172 233, 381 Atkinson, Robert A70 Ackerie, Stefan A47, A74, A159 Atkinson, Thomas Sydney Charles 44, administrative appeals tribunals see 54-5, A47, A230 A242 judicial review connection with Angelo Vasta A221, administrative reform 7, 128-9, 143-4 A222 see also Electoral and Administrative gives evidence (statutory declarations) Review Commission A140, A155 Ahern, Michael John 15, 17, A160 named in evidence A55, A90, A110, A177, A207 A138, A142, A162, A165-6 becomes Premier A225 Atlas, Warren Nathan A155 aims of the Inquiry 4-10, 323, 357 Attorney-General 128, 138-9, 278, 359, priorities 24-5 371, 372-3 and limitations 13-15, 17-18, 26 Auditor-General 135, 145, 358, 371, see also termination of the Inquiry 372 Ainsworth, G. A117 Austin, Brian A149, A167 Alabar Pty. Ltd. 114-15 Austral Amusements 61-62, A103 Alcock, Michael Roy A134 Australian Broadcasting Corporation Alexander, John Barry A126 20, A48, A178 Allan, Glen A127 see also Moonlight State; Nationwide Allen, John Arthur A151 Australian Bureau of Criminal Allen, Thomas Glen A47, A108, A109, Intelligence 22, 78, 84, A60, A86 A111 as central intelligence gathering ‘Allenton, Glennan Robert’ A108 agency 169, 354-5 Allwood, Stanley John A94 Australian Democrats (Qld) 18 Ambrose, R.J. A80 Australian Labor Party (Qld) 54, 58, 82, ‘Anderson, Mrs’ A121 A207 Anderson, Christopher Ian A134, A136 political donations to 18-19, A160 Anderson, John Douglas Forrest A167 granted leave to appear A48, A178 Anderson, Neil William A167 presents written submission A174 Anderson, William George A155 Auto Theft Squad 15 Andrewartha, Barry John A105 Avery, John 22 Andrews, Justice Dormer George 97, A170 Background to the Inquiry 2, 30-70 Angove, Arthur Vey A152 ‘bagmen’ 36 Arappa Holdings A106 Baldey, Marilyn Joy A110 Archer, Frank 24 Baldwin, Anne Marie A101 Argyrou, Lou A61 Bale, (A.W.) & Son A114, A122 Arkstern Pty. Ltd. A102, A103, A115 Bale, Stewart Thomas A67, A231 Armstrong, Warren Earl A47, A65, A66- Bally Machine Company 61 7, A229 banks 22, 73-4, 165-6, 197 1 Barbeler, Alan Francis A154 Benhigh Pty. Ltd. A102, A103, A115 Barber, Jim A70 Berliat, Kristine A47 Barbi, Noel Ronald A67-8, A77, A178 Bertoni, Angelo Pietro Dante 86-7, Bargenquast, J.G. A239 A178 Barker, Alison A135 ‘bikie bandits’ 79, 84 Barlow, V.M. A82 Bill Acceptance Corporation 91-2, 110- Barnes, Alan Frederick A47, A155, 11, A153 A241 Bischof, Francis Erich [Frank] 31-2, 33, accused of corruption 204, A195, 35, 36, 201 A239 favours Lewis 41, 42, 48 named in evidence A60, A128, A147 retires 34, 35 Barnes, Suzanne A101 Bite, Tom A149 Barnett, W.F. A240 Bjelke-Petersen Enterprises 91, 93, Barratt, O.D. A127, A138 A169, A170 Bartels, Errol Reginald A155 Bjelke-Petersen, Lady Florence A170 Bartlett, Ivan Warwick A155 Bjelke-Petersen, Sir Johannes 2, 17, 35, Bartlett, John Colin 109, A153, A154 48, 86-96 Basha, Anthony George A47 and Lewis 58-60, 66, 70, 82-5, 201 Bastin, Brian Edward A155 promotes Lewis 44, 45-6 Batterham, Bruce James A155 relationship with Queensland Police Bauer, Norwin William 33, 34, 35, 48, Union 36, 42, 43, 80 201, A240 bans street marches 49-51 Bax, Ishabel Helen A47, A94, A95 learns of allegations against Jeppesen Bax, Robert Dean A47, A79, A80, A120 53, 55, A145-6 gives evidence A94, A95, A98 friendship with Sir Edward Lyons 96- Bayne, W.B. A111 100, A160 BCI see Bureau of Criminal Intelligence friendship with Sir Leslie Thiess 102- Queensland 3 Beakey, Noeline A134, A135 launches publicly funded defamation Beattie, Peter Douglas 19, A160 actions 118-20 Becker, Dynes Malcolmson 46, A162 negotiates settlement of defamation Beer, Ross Malin A57, A155, A241 action with Alan Bond 92, 93, Beer, W.J. A239 119 ‘Bell, Miss’ A83 resigns as Premier A229 Bell, Lawrence Bryan A156 gives evidence A161-72 Bell, (Peter) & Associates A67-8 Black, Daniel A74 Bell, Peter Albert A116 Black, Raymond 93 Bellino, Antonio A47, A57, A58, A87, Black, Ruth 93, A170 A178 A195 ‘Blake’, Miss A85 gives evidence A52 boards of review see judicial review Bellino, Geraldo 61, A47 A178, A195 Bond, Alan 92, 93, A171 gives evidence A51 Bond, Patricia Lorraine A120 named in evidence A54, A60, A61, Bond, Stanley A120 A67-8, A111, A127, A128 Bops, C. A239 Bellino v Sissons A51 Borbidge, R.E. A88 Bellino, Vincenzo A47, A163, A178, Borinetti, Ronald James A82, A164 A195 2 Borwick, D.J. A93 Bundaberg Maternity Hospital 86-7, Boulton, John William 33, A41, A148, A167 A156, A239 Burchill, Geoffrey Henry 114-116, granted indemnity A41, A229 A153-4 gives evidence A71-2, A110 Bureau of Criminal Intelligence Boundary Nominees No.1 Pty. Ltd. Queensland 49, 66, 69, 203, 269- A106 70 Bowd, Bruce A92, A93, A99 Buret, Jean-Pierre Andre A47 Boyd, Marshall A166 Buret, Susan Rae A47 B.P. Ltd. 94, 102-3 Burgess, Harry Reginald 64-5, 71, 74, Bracken, Leonard Roy A136, A241 A47 Bradbury, Donald A146, A147, A165, granted indemnity A41, A229 A241 named in evidence A127, A138, A148, Bradley, Douglas James A149 A156 Braithwaite, Donald John A49, A164 gives evidence A54, A62 Brame, Anthony Grant A76 Burleigh International Pty. Ltd. A114 Branch, Dennis Charles A156 Burley, Kenneth John A151 Brennan, Terrence James A70, A71 ‘Burns, Angela’ A69, A164 Brett, John Edward A171 Burns, Thomas James 118-19 Brian Gibbs Homes Pty. Ltd. A109 Burt, Roger John 113, A152 Brice, Robert Andrew Creeth A153 Butler, Brendan John A85, A123, A125, Bricknell, Ray A152 A168 Bridges, Kenneth Lloyd A47 Butler, Gwendoline A142 Brifman, Shirley Margaret 34, 36, 71, Butt, Colin Don A139 A81 Butterworth, Ian A132 Briggs, Harry A114 Byrne, Cedric Phillip A47, A106, A107 Brightwell (Detective) A73 Byrne, L.L.
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