<p> WORD DISSECTION VOLUME IV (L. 1-30)</p><p>LESSON ONE LESSON FIVE tang = touch rrhage/rrhagy/rrhagia = rupture (burst/bleeding) sal = salt corona = crown frang = break esce = become (begin/produce/make) sopor = deep sleep bronch/broncho/bronchi = windpipe scrut/scruta/scrutin = examine (investigate/understand) saur/saurus/sauro/sauri = lizard brady = slow nasc = birth fung/fungi = fungus gluc/gluca/gluco = sweet (sugar)</p><p>LESSON TWO LESSON SIX mitig = soften (lessen) mendac = false (lying) evit/evita = avoid (shun) vinc = conquer (overcome) leuco/leuko = white (colorless) laud/plaud = praise (worthy) surg = rise nepho/nephelo = cloud tacheo/tacho/tachy/tachisto = rapid (swift/fast) myc/myco/myceto = fungus prehend/prehens = grasp (seize/take) jolli = jolly (joyous/merry) corp/corpor/corpus = body etymo = word origin</p><p>LESSON THREE LESSON SEVEN chiro/cheiro = hand ___ary = place for (person who/thing that/htdw) esthes/esthesio/esthesia = sensation/feeling spasm = contraction (twitching/cramp) odyno/odyne/odynia = pain (ache) chemi/chemo/chem. = chemical trus = thrust (push) nova = new epi = upper (above/on/over/upon) deutero = second (secondary) jact = boast mensura = measure rhizo = root glutin/gluten = glue (sticky substance)</p><p>LESSON FOUR LESSON EIGHT al____ =to/toward (against) supra = above/beyond bel/bell/belli/bellum = war (fight) luna/lune = moon pulmo/pulmon = lung luna/lune = insane person chlor/chloro = green (greenish substance) digit/digiti = finger/toe arbor = tree stom/stoma/stomato/stomata = mouth (opening) roy = king xanth/xantho = yellow dodeca = 12 frond = leaf LESSON NINE reg/regi/regn = rule/king (reign) ___ar = pertaining to (resemble/htdw) sculpt = carve LESSON 13 ponder = weigh (hang) ___ice = being carcino = crab potam/potamos/potamia = river carcino/carcinomato = cancer plasm/plasma/plasmo = mass (growth/mold) saga/sagac = wise (shrewd) suad/suade = urge (encourage) dens/dense = think palpit = throb (beat) cumber/cumbr = burden (obstruct) quiesce/quiesc = yield (agree/quiet) supine =lying—face up</p><p>LESSON 10 sol = sun LESSON 14 hidro/hidros = sweat unct/unctu = anoint (smear oil/soothe) cure/cura/curi = care (cure) ecto = outside (external) drome = running (course/runway) pulver = dust (to grind to dust) mache/machy = fight/fighting (compete) sarco = flesh frag = break phthong = vowel sound (sound/voice) hor/horr/horri = fear (fright/hate) acu/acuti/acute = needle/sharp (severe) ulter = other (another/beyond)</p><p>LESSON 11 ne = not LESSON 15 sine = without cauter = burn embryo/embryon = germ cell blast = bud (sprout/embryonic cell) hippo = horse petal = petal nate/natus = born tepid/tep/tepe = mind/diaphragm blepharo = eyelid dors/dorse/dorsi = back (backside) vener/venera = respect/honor just = fair (lawful/correct)</p><p>LESSON 12 LESSON 16 para = beside just = fit (beyond/abnormal/against/pseudo/around/near) tot/toti/totum = whole (all/entire) ___clasm = breaking (destroying/bending) ___para = birth (produce/bear) infra___ = below (underneath) mascul = male (man) carp = fruit femina/femin = female (woman) stetho = chest ___lyte = process of breaking down ___ulence = full of (loosening/dissolving) pnea/pneo = breathe (breathing/breath) LESSON 21 </p><p>___lyse/lyse = loosen/dissolve (destroy/break down)</p><p>LESSON 17 Sino = China/Chinese nomin/nomen = name meningo/meningeo = membrane (thin cover) angio = vessel (blood or lymph) pred/preda = hunt (prey/rob/kill/injure) naso = nose (nostril) ___tome = cutting instrument (surgical cutting tools) Gallo = French lacer = tear (rip/mangle) vitre/vitri = glass align = to line prole = offspring (unskilled/working class) necro = corpse (dead/death) LESSON 22 litera = letter (learning/word)</p><p>LESSON 18 trepid = fear (terror/tremble) loc/loca = place clat = call out (announce) ur/uro/uria = urine phlebo = vein nata = swim mana = flow phas/phaso/phasia = speech sure = secure (guarantee) ept/epti = fit (efficient) caulo/cauli = stem (stalk) octa/octo/octu/octon = eight ed/ede = eat LESSON 23 ger = produce (carry/bear)</p><p>LESSON 19 ___gerous = producing (carrying/bearing) ___arian/tarian = person who is (pertaining to) claustro = close place pneumo/pneumono = lung/lungs (air/gas) tergi/tergo/tergum = back ___ula/ule = small (slight) hibern = winter vise/visco/viscid = sticky (thick) sanct/sancti/sanctu = holy (sacred) histo/histio = tissue (body) calci = lime trop/tropo/trophy = turn (rotate/twist)</p><p>LESSON 24 </p><p>LESSON 20 mnes/mnesia = memory (remember/recall) Hellen = Greek mnemo/mnemon = memory (remember) cumb = lie (lean) joc = joke (playful/merry) diplo = double (two) procto = anus (rectum) suas = urge entomo = insect costa/costo = rib (ridge) gyro = rotate (spin/whirl) hept/hepta = seven fruct/fructi/fructu = fruit mendic = beg (poor) thanato/thanasia = death LESSON 25 LESSON 28 ___mony = being (state of being) ___ad = toward (the ___ side) thrombo = clot vapor = steam acumen/acumin = sharpness (keenness) ___opia/ops/opsia/opsis/opsy = vision palli/pallia = soften (lessen/ease) (eye sight/observation/view) hedon = pleasure venom/venen = poison lapse/lapsus = fall (slip) maxilla/maxillo = upper jaw (jawbone) sens/sensi = feel (sense/know) judic/jud = judge (law/wisdom/judgment) cell/celli = cell</p><p>LESSON 26 maxim = most (greatest/largest/highest/best) LESSON 29 minim = smallest (least) ento = within (inner) aud/audac = bold (dare) fraud = cheat (deceit) lacon = brief (short) tacit/taciturn = silent thorac/thorac/thoracico/thorax = chest vitriol = bitter (glassy) caust = burn didact = teach uter/utra = either octogen = eighty enerv = weaken</p><p>LESSON 27 ped/pedo = child LESSON 30 truc = fierce (cruel/rude) omin = omen (threaten/forewarn) fratern/fratri = brother parsi = stingy (tight-fisted) orect/orex/orexia = appetite hib/hibit = hold (keep) sati/satis = fill (full/enough) hedr/hedron = base (side/seat) ventro/ventri = belly (abdominal side) os___ = against (toward) ___esque = like a (resembling) mea = pass (flow) sinister/sinistro = left (evil)</p>
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