<p>ASSOCIATION OF FORMER MEMBERS OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE</p><p>Brussels, 5 May 2008</p><p>CONCISE MINUTES of the Annual Assembly of the Association of Former Members of the European Economic and Social Committee held in Brussels on 10 March 2008</p><p>______</p><p>Presidents: Mr Meyer-Horn Mr Lustenhouwer ______</p><p>To the Members of the Association of Former Members ______</p><p>DI CESE 30/2008 EN/o EN - 2 -</p><p>The Annual Assembly of the Association of Former Members of the European Economic and Social Committee (AFM) was held at the Committee building in Brussels on 10 March 2008. The meeting was chaired by the Association President, Mr Klaus Meyer-Horn (the first part) and the newly elected President Mr Colin Lustenhouwer (the second part).</p><p>1. Members present</p><p>Mr/Ms</p><p>J.A. ANDREWS Ph. LEVAUX M. ATAIDE FERREIRA G. LIVERANI P. BOULNOIS C. LUSTENHOUWER R. BRIESCH G. MANTOVANI H. BURTON F. MARGOT H. BYRNE D. McLAUGHLIN H. BURTON Padre V. MELICIAS V. CAL D. MENGOZZI C. CARROLL Y. van der MENSBRUGGE D. CASHMAN K. MEYER-HORN C. CHRISTIE R. MORELAND S.COLOMBO M. NIEPOKULCZYCKA H. DANUSĒVIČS R. PELLETIER M. DE GRAVE M. REGNELL M. DIMPER C. RIBEIRO J. DONNELLY H. SALMON K. DOUVIS L. SANTIAGO Z. DRABKO R. SCHNIEDERS F. DRAGO F. SCHWEITZER R. FRANZ C. SCULLY J. FREEMAN R. STRASSER J. VAN GREUNSVEN D. STULIK T. HUNTJENS S. TODISCO A.A. JAARSMA M. TORNBERG A.A. JAKOBSEN U. TUKKER J. JASCHICK B. VEVER K. de KNEGT H. VOGLER L. KRITZ K. WALKER B. KRÖGER A. WILLIAMS G. LAPPAS</p><p>2. Members absent (apologies received)</p><p>Mr/Ms</p><p>A.L. ALVES CONDE T. GEORGIOU J.C. CLAVEL D. KORFIATIS A. DE VADDER A. LAUR E. EULEN M. LEMMETTY J.I. GAFO FERNANDEZ D. LE SCORNET</p><p>DI CESE 30/2008 EN/o .../... - 3 -</p><p>R. MACHADO VON TSCHUSI B. RANGONI MACHIAVELLI L.A. MORALES K. STÖLLNBERGER P.W.L. MORGAN G. VINAY T. PAPE</p><p>3. Secretariat of the European Economic and Social Committee</p><p>Mr/Ms</p><p>N. Alexopoulos T. Adamisova E. Wolff</p><p>*</p><p>* *</p><p>4. Bureau meeting</p><p>It is tradition for the Bureau meeting to immediately precede the annual assembly of the Association.</p><p>The President, Mr Meyer-Horn, welcomed Ms Tatiana Adamisova who replaced Ms Birgit Fular and is responsible for the secretarial support to the Association of Former Members (AFM). </p><p>Mr Meyer-Horn announced that 58 colleagues (from 154 members) were expected for the annual assembly. Since the last annual assembly only one new member has joined the association. </p><p>Concerning the agenda of the Annual assembly – unfortunately, Mr Guy Vanhaeverbeke was unable to participate in the annual assembly. Mr Meyer-Horn informed the members of the Bureau that he was going to be replaced by Ms Alma Williams, who was going to report about her activities in the Team Europe and Europe-Direct. In the afternoon the EESC Vice-President, Ms Jillian van Turnhout would speak about children's rights.</p><p>That year's study trip would take the AFM to Spain, Andalusia, at the invitation of the Spanish EESC member Mr Jose Isaias Rogriguez Garcia-Caro. The theme of the trip is "Immigration and temporary work" and would take the members of the AFM to Sevilla, Cordoba and Granada.</p><p>Mr Meyer-Horn in the 5th Newsletter of the AFM announced his resignation from the post of the president for health problems. Unfortunately the newsletter has not been finished yet and for that reason the resignation of Mr Meyer-Horn came as a surprise for the members of the Bureau. It was not easy to find an ideal candidate for the President, but Mr Meyer-Horn has finally decided to present a possible candidate for the post – Mr Colin Lustenhouwer, who is the Chief Compliance Officer at Delta NV in Middelburg. Mr Meyer-Horn asked the members of the bureau Mr Margot and Mr Jaarsma to present their opinion concerning the candidature of Mr Lustenhouwer.</p><p>DI CESE 30/2008 EN/o .../... - 4 -</p><p>Mr Margot – thanked Mr Meyer-Horn and expressed his regrets that for health problems he was not able to continue in his position as the president of the AFM. He gave a very positive evaluation of Mr Lustenhouwer.</p><p>Mr Jaarsma – expressed his positive assessment concerning the qualities of Mr Lustenhouwer. He thanked to Mr Meyer-Horn.</p><p>Mr Margot – noticed that according to the Statute, the Bureau was consisting of 1 member from each member state and that meant that when Mr Lustenhouwer would be elected he would replace the member from Netherlands. </p><p>Mr Mantovani – suggested that because of the insufficient time, the new president was not directly elected. His idea was to adopt an interim solution for a period of 12 month and just after that period appoint the new chairman.</p><p>Mr Vogler – confirmed that according to the Statute, it was the responsibility of the Bureau to appoint a new chairman.</p><p>Mr Pelletier – noticed that he was surprised that we was not consulted in the matter concerning the new chairman, but referring to the positive references of Mr Margot and Mr Jaarsma he expressed his support to the candidature of Mr Lustenhouwer.</p><p>Mr Cashman – thanked to Mr Meyer-Horn and expressed his support to the candidature of Mr Lustenhouwer.</p><p>Mr Meyer-Horn – reminded the members of the Bureau that his own election was made in the same way and he apologised for the rush and explained that he decided to act swiftly and present the candidature of Mr Lustenhouwer.</p><p>Mr Margot – confirmed that the previous election of the President was also made quickly and without an interim period. His opinion was that the Bureau should not postpone its decision and elect the new President on its today meeting.</p><p>Mr Mantovani – said he raised only a formal point, but as he was assured that the procedure was correct he confirmed that he has no other reason for the refusal of the candidature of Mr Lustenhouwer.</p><p>Mr Schweitzer – thanked Mr Meyer-Horn and expressed his appreciation for his style of work and the way he chaired the AFM.</p><p>Mr Meyer-Horn proceeded to the vote. All the present members of the Bureau voted for the candidature of Mr Lustenhouwer.</p><p>DI CESE 30/2008 EN/o .../... - 5 -</p><p>Mr Meyer-Horn declared that the candidature of Mr Lustenhouwer for the post of the President of the AFM was in unanimity accepted by the Bureau and that he could present the proposal of the Bureau to the annual assembly.</p><p>Mr Meyer-Horn thanked to the members of the Bureau for their support during his presidency.</p><p>He raised the problem that members from new member states should have their representatives in the Bureau. That question has to be re-examined at the next Bureau meeting.</p><p>*</p><p>* *</p><p>5. Annual assembly meeting</p><p>Mr Meyer-Horn welcomed the members of the AFM at the Annual Assembly. He especially welcomed Ms Santiago, the new Portuguese member of the Association. Mr Meyer-Horn stated that the AFM had 154 members, including 24 new members who decided to join the Association after the end of their mandate in the EESC in 2006.</p><p>5.1 Adoption of the agenda</p><p>Mr Meyer-Horn informed the assembly that for health reasons he had decided to resign from the post of the President of the AFM. A new President had been elected at the morning meeting of the Bureau – Mr Lustenhouwer. Mr Meyer-Horn asked Mr Lustenhouwer to present himself to the annual assembly.</p><p>Mr Lustenhouwer presented his activities as the youngest member and the representative of the Dutch small and medium enterprises in the EESC. Then he described his present position as the director for legal affairs in Delta N.A. (CV enclosed – Appendix No 1).</p><p>Mr Meyer-Horn wished Mr Lustenhouwer all the best in his new position and informed the annual assembly that he would continue to chair the morning part of the annual assembly, for the afternoon part he asked Mr Lustenhouwer to take over his new position and chair the annual assembly.</p><p>A minute's silence was held in memory of six members who had died:</p><p>Mr Enzo Beltrami (IT – Group I) Mr Ken Gardner (UK-Group I) Mr Jean Marvier (FR – Group III) Mr Jean Matteoli (FR – Group III) Mr Renato Ognibene (IT – Group III) Mr Athanasios Petropoulos (GR-Group I)</p><p>DI CESE 30/2008 EN/o .../... - 6 -</p><p>The annual assembly then approved the agenda, after agenda item No 6 had been changed. Mr Guy Vanhaeverbeke was not able to participate in the annual assembly and his report was replaced by the contribution of Ms Williams concerning her work in Team Europe and Europe Direct.</p><p>5.2 Approval of the minutes of the annual assembly meeting held on 12 March 2007</p><p>Since no comments or objections had been received, the minutes of the 2007 annual assembly were adopted.</p><p>5.3 President's annual report</p><p>The President's annual report was sent to the members on 21 January 2008. It focused on several events that took place in the EESC during the year 2007 and the study trip to Corsica in September 2007.</p><p>The annual assembly approved the annual report for the year 2007.</p><p>5.4 Financial report for the year 2007 and Budget proposal for the year 2008</p><p>The vice-president and treasurer, Mr Robert Pelletier, and the auditor, Mr Michel De Grave, were given the floor.</p><p>Mr Pelletier confirmed the correctness of the way the accounts had been managed, and asked for greater discipline with regard to the payment of contributions.</p><p>He gave the following detailed explanation on the accounts:</p><p>Year 2007 EESC contribution EUR 20 000.00 Chargeable expenditure EUR 19 641.99 To be reimbursed to the EESC EUR 358.01 Non-chargeable expenditure EUR 1 977.35 Total expenditure EUR 21 619.34</p><p>The amount collected from members as their membership contribution represented in year 2007 EUR 4 110.00</p><p>In the proposal of the budget year 2008 the membership contribution represents EUR 4 900.00 (based on the estimation of 70 members paying their yearly contribution in the amount EUR 70.00).</p><p>The EESC contribution for the year 2008 represents EUR 20 000.00.</p><p>DI CESE 30/2008 EN/o .../... - 7 -</p><p>The expenses planned in the budget estimation for year 2008 are in connection with the annual assembly and the annual study trip. Mr Pelletier noticed that the planned expenses could probably raise thanks to the increase of the members of the AFM as well as the increase of daily allowances and transport costs.</p><p>Mr De Grave had examined the AFM accounts, the corresponding invoices and bank statements at the secretariat's offices in February 2008. He had also checked the balances on the bank accounts at the beginning and end of the year, as well as all expenditure items. Mr De Grave confirmed the correctness of the documents submitted to the AFM's annual assembly.</p><p>Mr De Grave informed about the increase in the membership dues (from EUR 50,00/year to EUR 70,00/year). He opened also the problem of non-paying members and proposed to send a reminder letter to them. Mr De Grave proposed to open a long-term account for the surplus that is on the current account of the AFM.</p><p>Mr Pelletier read a letter he has prepared to all members concerning the problem of non-payment of the yearly membership due (Enclosed – Annex II).</p><p>Mr De Grave made an additional suggestion that the letter read by Mr Pelletier should be sent out to all members together with the minutes from the annual assembly and the annual report of the AFM.</p><p>Mr Vogler, Meyer-Horn, Pelletier, Margot, Jakobsen, Cashman, Strasser, Schmieders, Ms Wolff, Walkers, Mantovani, Vever, Drago, Ms Niepokulczycka and Lustenhouwer took part in the discussion which followed.</p><p>Mr Vogler – spoke about the necessity to make the AFM more attractive for its members. His first point was that a member who didn't pay his membership due for two years is no more a member of the Association. On the other side, it is important that the Association is more attractive for the paying members. He made the following suggestions:</p><p>- Access of the former members to the EESC plenary sessions with the right to speak - Access of the former members to the EESC intranet page - A new list of the former members (contact detail, possibility to contact the other former members) - The right of entry to the EU institutions (as the active members) - The documents concerning the AFM have to be sent out in advance - The active members leaving EESC have to be contacted and invited to join the AFM - Emphasis on the value attached to the AFM.</p><p>DI CESE 30/2008 EN/o .../... - 8 -</p><p>Mr Meyer-Horn – thanked Mr Vogler and directly reacted on the issues raised in his contribution. He explained that each active EESC member is contacted after the end of his mandate and is invited to the AFM. That explains the big number of new members who joined recently the AFM. He supported the idea of close cooperation with the EESC and proposed to prepare a report about the activities of the AFM and present it to the EESC Bureau.</p><p>Finally he informed the annual assembly that he has been invited together with Mr Lustenhouwer to a meeting with the EESC President Mr Dimitriadis during the lunch break of the annual assembly.</p><p>Mr Pelletier – thanked Mr Vogler for his proposals, but did not support the idea of forced resignation as he thought it could have unwished consequences (decrease of the number of AFM members, financial aspects). </p><p>Mr Margot - expressed his opinion that is was not realistic to demand the right to speak at the EESC plenary sessions for the former members. He thought the former members could participate but not speak as it is the right given only to active EESC members. </p><p>Mr Jakobsen – drew attention to more frequent use of the email (easier and cheaper communication). He proposed to offer the new members of the AFM the first year for free and let them then decide whether they would like to join the Association and pay the membership contribution. </p><p>Mr Cashman - expressed his opinion that participation is what counts (presence and payment of the membership contribution). </p><p>Mr Strasser - emphasised that each member of the association should pay his annual contribution, otherwise he should resign. He highlighted the importance of the issues mentioned before (access to the committee premises, access to the intranet page – information about EESC activities). </p><p>Mr Schnieders - agreed with Mr Vogel and drew attention to the need to create an updated list of the AFM. </p><p>Ms Wolff - explained that the list of the AFM is included in the EESC database which is very complex and for that reason cannot be distributed without modifications, but promised to make an effort in that matter. </p><p>Mr Walker – proposed that for the non-paying members the annual contribution could be deducted from the reimbursement of their expenses and that were not allowed to participate in the annual study trip. </p><p>Mr Mantovani - supported the suggestion of Mr Walker. </p><p>Mr Meyer Horn – concluded, that only the paying members were participating in the annual study trip. </p><p>DI CESE 30/2008 EN/o .../... - 9 -</p><p>Mr Vever – highlighted the importance of the discussion between the EESC members and the former members. </p><p>Mr Meyer-Horn – referred to the survey that has been made between the members of the AFM in October 2006 and where the former members could give their proposals in what way they would like to participate in the EESC activities. </p><p>Mr Drago – contributed to the discussion in the issue of the access of former members to the plenary sessions and the premises of EU institutions. That could make the aging Association attractive for the potential new members. </p><p>Ms Niepokulczycka – spoke about her experience with the non-paying members. In the NGO where she is working they have 2 categories of members – paying and non-paying (which they call sympathisers). They don't consider the sympathisers as regular members, but they still inform them about their activities and it happens very often that these people come back to the NGO and decide to cooperate in various matters. </p><p>Mr Lustenhouwer – emphasised that the membership in the AFM is changing, not all the members are retired and the former members are active in their professional life. That gives even more importance to the flow of information between the EESC and the AFM. </p><p>Mr Moreland – pointed out that in the question of the financial support from the EESC to the AFM the active members should not forget that they would become former members as well. </p><p>After that fruitful discussion the annual assembly approved the Financial report for the year 2007 and Budget proposal for the year 2008.</p><p>5.5 50th anniversary of the EESC and 25th anniversary of the AFM</p><p>Mr Meyer-Horn and Ms Adamisova spoke about the preparation of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the EESC. A book describing the history of the EESC is going to be published at that occasion. Mr Meyer-Horn was asked to make a contribution to that book.</p><p>For the 25th anniversary of the AFM nothing is planned yet, Mr Meyer-Horn would like to leave that task to the new President of the Association. </p><p>DI CESE 30/2008 EN/o .../... - 10 -</p><p>5.6 Address by Ms Alma Williams on her work in Team Europe and Europe Direct.</p><p>Ms Williams titled her contribution "Connections and citizens". She spoke about the Europe Direct project, which started in the year 2000 as an initiative of DG Communication with a single phone number. Europe Direct is aimed at ordinary citizens and provides information from various areas (work, study, living conditions, small and medium enterprises, consumer's protection, institutional problems, Constitutional Treaty). Ms Williams described her own experience when she tried to receive information with the help of Europe Direct about a certain market product.</p><p>Ms Williams drew attention to the European website www.europa.eu and the wide range of information a citizens can find there.</p><p>Then Ms Williams described her activities in the Team Europe which is an independent, flexible decentralised network of experts on national level who comment on the problems concerning Europe. What Ms Williams especially appreciated was that she was invited to join the Team Europe based on her activities as a member of EESC.</p><p>Mr Lustenhouwer, Mr Tukker, Mr Strasser, Mr Cashman and Mr Moreland took part in the discussion that followed.</p><p>Mr Lustenhouwer – thanked Mr Williams and highlighted the importance to be able to find the relevant information useful especially for small and medium enterprises.</p><p>Mr Tukker – highlighted the importance of the free phone number with the necessary information (available in all EU languages).</p><p>Mr Strasser – emphasised that is it necessary to inform the people about Europe Direct.</p><p>Mr Cashman – commented on the fact that the rejection of the Constitutional Treaty in certain EU member states showed the importance of correct and comprehensible information.</p><p>Mr Moreland – spoke about the plan "D" and the need to spread knowledge through discussion and dialogue.</p><p>DI CESE 30/2008 EN/o .../... - 11 -</p><p>5.7 2008 Annual study trip</p><p>This year's study trip would take the members to Spain, Andalusia, at the invitation of the Spanish member Mr Jose Issaias Rodriguez Garcia-Caro. The trip is planned between September 24 and 28, 2008 and will take the members of the AFM to Sevilla and Cordoba. The theme of the trip is "Immigration and temporary work". Ms Wolff gave the members detailed information about the trip. Further details concerning the programme of the trip and the accommodation will be communicated to the members.</p><p>5.8 Any other business</p><p>The former members were asked to give their postal and email addresses to the secretariat so that it can prepare and distribute a list of AFM to facilitate the contacts between the members.</p><p>*</p><p>* *</p><p>The afternoon part of the Annual Assembly of the AFM was chaired by Mr Lustenhouwer. The programme for the afternoon was as follows:</p><p>Address by Ms Jillian Van Turnhout, EESC Vice-President</p><p>Ms Jillian Van Turnhout, EESC Vice-President is the chief executive officer of the Irish Children's Rights Alliance. She spoke about the definition of the rights of children and the 4 P's of the rights of children (Promotion, Provision, Protection and Participation). She emphasised that special attention has to be paid to certain groups of children (girl child, child with disabilities and refugee child). She explained the EU strategy on the rights of the child and the way the Lisbon Treaty handles that subject. She spoke also about a "SOS" phone number for a child that has been recently established. It gives each child in troubles a possibility to talk on the phone in his mother tongue to somebody who can help him to solve his problem. Ms Van Turnhout mentioned other issues closely related to the rights of children such as trafficking women and children, sexual exploitation, discrimination and social exclusion.</p><p>Responses to Ms Van Turnhout address</p><p>Mr Carroll, Mr Vever, Ms Williams, Mr Mantovani, Mr Pelletier, Padre Melicias, Mr Moreland, Mr De Grave, Mr Jakobsen, Mr Briesch and Mr Boulnois took part in the discussion which followed.</p><p>Mr Carroll - thanked Ms Van Turnhout for her contribution and was interested in the practical meaning of the "SOS" phone number for a child.</p><p>DI CESE 30/2008 EN/o .../... - 12 -</p><p>Mr Vever – spoke about the EU dimension of the rights of the child and drew attention to the representativeness of children (children's parliament).</p><p>Ms Williams – highlighted the aspect of education and safety concerning the rights of child.</p><p>Mr Mantovani – drew attention to the issue of the support of the family.</p><p>Mr Pelletier – spoke about the relation between the rights of the child and the right to live and emphasised the importance of Christian values.</p><p>Padre Melicias – highlighted the importance of the representation of children and youth organisations and supported the idea to pay special attention to the rights of a migrant child.</p><p>Mr Moreland – expressed his opinion that also the problems of boys deserve more attention and spoke about the issue of drug culture in schools.</p><p>Mr De Grave – spoke about the rights and responsibilities of the children.</p><p>Mr Jakobsen – opened the question why the USA did not sign the UN declaration on Rights of a child.</p><p>Mr Briesch – commented on more issues concerning the rights of a child (cruelty, discrimination, education, problems in the family).</p><p>Mr Boulnois – drew attention to the need that EESC drafts opinions concerning that matter.</p><p>Ms Van Turnhout answered the questions of the members and appreciated their interest in the Opinion that has been elaborated in December 2006 on the EU strategy on the Rights of the Child.</p><p>Mr Lustenhouwer informed the annual assembly about the meeting he and Mr Meyer-Horn had had during the lunch break of the assembly with the EESC President Mr Dimitris Dimitriadis. The issues discussed during the morning part of the assembly (access to the plenary sessions, access to the EU premises, closer contacts with EESC members) have been presented to the EESC President who promised to inform accordingly the committee of the quaestors.</p><p>The President, Mr Lustenhouwer, closed the annual general assembly of the AFM.</p><p>Likely date of the next meeting The next meeting would probably take place in March 2009.</p><p>______</p><p>DI CESE 30/2008 EN/o .../...</p>
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