<p> GENERAL INFORMATION</p><p>The organising committee of Dundee City Disability Sport (DCDS) would like to extend a warm welcome to all competitors and invite you to enter this event. </p><p>This will be our 17th year of organising Discovery Games, we hope to host a truly fair and competitive event that will allow true sportsmanship to shine through.</p><p>The 2014 Discovery Games will be held between Monday 1 and Sunday 14 September 2014 within Leisure and Culture Dundee facilities, The Brae - Riding for the Disabled Centre and Ward Road Gym. Our thanks are extended to all these partners for allowing us to use their excellent facilities.</p><p>This year we are delighted to introduce two new sports to our games. Powerchair Football and Wheelchair Rugby League.</p><p>Monday 1 September 2014</p><p>EVENT VENUE TIME Who can attend Bowlers V Coaches Lynch Sports Centre 3pm - 5pm Dundee Bowlers and Coaches only Lawn Bowls Match Lawn Bowling Green</p><p>Saturday 6 September 2014</p><p>EVENT VENUE TIME Who can attend Powerchair Football DISC 10am - 4pm All Areas</p><p>Wednesday 10 September 2014</p><p>EVENT VENUE TIME Who can attend Equestrian The Brae 10.00am - 3.00pm Tayside + Invited areas only</p><p>Saturday 13 September 2014</p><p>EVENT VENUE TIME Who can attend Boccia DISC 10.30am - 5.00pm All Areas Carpet Bowls Douglas Sports Centre 10.00am - 5.00pm All Areas</p><p>Dundee City Disability Sport is a registered Scottish charity. 1 Charity Number SCO 22333 Sunday 14 September 2014</p><p>EVENT VENUE TIME Who can attend Swimming Olympia Leisure Centre 10.00am - 5.00pm All Areas Table Tennis Ward Road Gym 10.00am - 4.00pm All Areas</p><p>The above facilities are easily accessible by all modes of transport.</p><p>Details of programme times etc will be forwarded to all entrants and teams.</p><p>Please note that all entries must be returned with appropriate entry fee and a T-shirt ordering Form to the following address by Friday 15 August 2014. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED.</p><p>Gordon Quinton Network Manager Leisure and Culture Dundee Lynch Sports Centre South Road Dundee DD2 4SR</p><p>Tel: 01382 436962 Mob: 07949 076233 Email: [email protected] Web: www.dundeedisabilitysport.co.uk </p><p>PHOTOGRAPHY AT THE EVENT</p><p>Members of the public are not permitted to take photographs at DCDS events. DCDS operates a policy of obtaining parental consent to enable Sport Co-ordinators and members of the press to take photographs for official use only. If you DO NOT give permission for your son/daughter/self to be photographed during this event you must inform the organisers. All photographs taken by an official photographer may be posted on DCDS website and/or for official use only.</p><p>Dundee City Disability Sport is a registered Scottish charity. 2 Charity Number SCO 22333 ENTRY CRITERIA</p><p>1 ELIGIBILITY</p><p>1.1 Entries are accepted from individuals, clubs, organisations and branch teams. 1.2 Entries will only be accepted from individuals who have knowledge of the rules of the event entered and have undergone an appropriate period of coaching and training. The fitness of the individual entrant is the responsibility of the individual, club and branch team. 1.3 Entries will only be accepted with the appropriate entry form and fee. The entry form should include the individual competitor's most recent performance for their given event. 1.4 The organisers reserve the right to disqualify or remove an individual from an event where it is clearly obvious that they are unfamiliar with the event rules and procedures, or further participation affects their own safety or the safety of other competitors and/or officials. Disqualification may also result from individuals being inappropriately prepared for the event eg late arrivals, deficient or absent equipment, non-athletic clothing etc.</p><p>2 GAMES FORMAT</p><p>Where there are fewer than three competitors in an event, the organisers reserve the right to amalgamate other classes and make the event an open event.</p><p>3 SUBMISSION OF ENTRIES </p><p>3.1 Although indicated that entries will be accepted from individuals, it is hoped that all individuals will link up with their respective branch/local team. 3.2 It is the team manager's responsibility to ensure that:</p><p> a) athletes are prepared before submitting an entry form b) call offs are notified in writing to organisers at least 30 minutes before start of the event c) athletes are present at the start of the event d) programme details are correct for their team members e) athletes appear at the appropriate time for medal presentations f) the welfare of the team members is safeguarded at all times.</p><p>3.3 Participating teams are expected to provide sufficient staff to ensure that the competitors arrive safely and on time for their events. 3.4 Please note that all entries must be returned with appropriate entry fee by Friday 15 August 2014. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED.</p><p>4 OTHER INFORMATION</p><p>4.1 If protest is necessary, this should be lodged in writing no more than 30 minutes after the end of race/end etc, with the Sports Co-ordinator at the particular venue. If it cannot be resolved at this level, it will be passed to the referee or, if necessary to the event organiser whose decision will be final. 4.2 The Games will be governed by the rules of Scottish Disability Sport. 4.3 Along with their entry forms, teams and individuals will be asked to complete and return the T- shirt Request Form at the back of this entry pack. Failure to return the form will mean you will not be guaranteed a t-shirt of your size at the event. 4.4 There will be an entry fee of £5.00 per person per sport. This should be sent to the event organiser and cheques made payable to “Dundee City Disability Sport”.</p><p>5 Photographs</p><p>5.1 Members of the public are not permitted to take photographs at Dundee City Disability Sport events. The Dundee City Disability Sport operates a policy of obtaining parental consent to enable Section Officers and members of the press to take photographs for official use only. Team Managers must inform the Sports Coordinators if they DO NOT give permission for anyone in your team/individuals photograph to be taken for Dundee City Disability Sport official use only</p><p>Dundee City Disability Sport is a registered Scottish charity. 3 Charity Number SCO 22333 Carpet Bowls Competition for Bowlers with a Physical, Sensory and Learning Disability</p><p>COMPETITION RULES</p><p>1 OFFICIALS</p><p>1.1 JURY OF APPEAL</p><p>Three officials of DCDS shall be appointed a Jury of Appeal to deal with any disputes concerning eligibility to compete, use of aids and adaptations, and all other matters related to the disabled aspect of the championships.</p><p>1.2 REFEREE</p><p>A referee, who shall be a Senior Official of a Bowling Association or an experienced member of the DCDS, shall be appointed to perform the duties of that office.</p><p>1.3 UMPIRES</p><p>Umpires shall be competent playing members of clubs affiliated to the Scottish Bowling Association but in the event of an insufficiency of such umpires, other persons experienced in bowling competitions may be appointed to act.</p><p>2 ELIGIBILITY</p><p>The competition is open to all bowlers with a physical, sensory and/or learning disability</p><p>3 FORMAT</p><p>Each tie will last approximately 35 minutes or finish when a player reaches 21 shots. Four bowls per player each end, and burned ends will not count. In the event of a tie, at the end of a match one extra end will be played. When the hooter sounds for the end of the tie, an extra bowl may be played to ensure that each player has delivered the same number of bowls.</p><p>4 EQUIPMENT</p><p>4.1 Each rink will measure 10 yards x 2 yards (9 metres x 2 metres). The centre of the rink will be marked at each end by a mat or marked box measuring approximately 45cm (18 inches) in width. 4.2 A spar or spindle approximately 45cm (18 inches) in length shall be placed across the centre of the rink equi-distant from each end. A bowl striking this spar becomes a burned bowl. 4.3 No bowl shall exceed 10cm (4 inches) in diameter, nor 769 grammes (1 pound 10 ounces) in weight, nor shall it have a less bias than No 3.</p><p>5 RULES</p><p>5.1 The Umpire will toss a coin to determine who plays first. The winner will have the choice. In all subsequent ends the individual who wins the previous end will play first. Bowlers will play their bowls alternately and no bowler will play until his opponent's bowl has come to rest. Any bowl that comes to rest between the player and the spindle shall be counted “dead” and removed from the rink. 5.2 The leading player at each end may place the jack in the centre of the rink not less than 90cm (3 feet) or more than 185cm (6 feet) from the end. 5.3 Players will be given a trial end on the first occasion that they play a tie. Thereafter, trial ends may only be played if the signal to start has not been given.</p><p>Dundee City Disability Sport is a registered Scottish charity. 4 Charity Number SCO 22333 5.4 Each player when delivering his bowl, must take up a stance, or position his wheelchair in such a way that the bowl leaves the hand within the outer lines of the marked box or movable rubber mat. Chairs or feet may not be any further forward than the front edge of the box or mat. Any delivery that infringes this ruling will be stopped by the Umpire and removed from the rink. 5.5 Should the jack be driven by a bowl in play wholly beyond the limits of the rink, it shall be counted “dead” and the end SHALL NOT be played again. The following end will be played from the opposite end of the mat. If the jack is driven to the side of the rink but not wholly beyond its limits, play will continue. 5.6 If a bowl is played beyond the limits of the rink or strikes the spindle on its way to the jack, it will be counted “dead” and take no further part in the game. 5.7 If the jack or a bowl is accidentally interfered with or displaced, otherwise than by a bowl in play, the Umpire shall place it in its original position. If the Umpire considers this action difficult, he/she has the choice of asking for the end to be played again. 5.8 No measuring shall be allowed until the end has been played out. Neither jack nor bowls shall be moved until both sides are agreed as to the shots. The Umpire will keep score and announce the state of the game at the completion of each end. 5.9 When a tie for the first shot occurs, it shall be counted a played end and a point added to each players score. 5.10 If a bowl, requiring to be measured, is resting on another bowl which prevents its measurement, the best means available shall be taken to secure it in its position, whereupon the other shall be removed. The same course shall be followed when more than two bowls are involved. 5.11 Spectators must remain at either end of the mat and NO coaching is allowed during a match. Assistance may be given to position an individual before the act of delivering his/her bowl. A breach of this ruling will mean a bowl is counted “dead” and not replayed. 5.12 NO substitutes will be allowed on the day. Substitutions may be made up to seven days before the championships date. 5.13 Teams must be checked in on the day by team managers ONLY.</p><p>6 EVENTS</p><p>Singles competitions only will be held.</p><p>7 ENTRY FEES</p><p>The entry fee will be £5.00 per person. Cheques should be made payable to “Dundee City Disability Sport".</p><p>8 CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES</p><p>All entries must be received by Friday 15 August 2014. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED.</p><p>All forms must be returned to:</p><p>Gordon Quinton Network Manager Leisure and Culture Dundee Lynch Sports Centre South Road Dundee DD2 4SR</p><p>Dundee City Disability Sport is a registered Scottish charity. 5 Charity Number SCO 22333 DISCOVERY GAMES 2014 T-SHIRT ORDER FORM</p><p>In recent years, we have been asked to devise a method of ensuring that we have the correct size of t-shirt for our athletes. In order to do this, we require each team/area/individual to supply us with their size requests prior to the event.</p><p>Please complete and return this form with your entry form. Failure to do so will mean that you might not be guaranteed a t-shirt of your size at the event.</p><p>TEAM NAME ……………………………………………………………</p><p>Team/Area/Individual SPORT T-shirt Size Number EXAMPLE Swimming Small 14 Medium 16 Dundee Swimming Team Large 4 X Large 5 XX Large 1 Equestrian Small Medium Large X Large XX Large Motor Activities Small Medium Large X Large XX Large Boccia Small Medium Large X Large XX Large Carpet Bowls Small Medium Large X Large XX Large Swimming Small Medium Large X Large XX Large Table Tennis Small Medium Large X Large XX Large</p><p>CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES All entries must be received by Friday 15 August 2014.</p><p>Dundee City Disability Sport is a registered Scottish charity. 6 Charity Number SCO 22333 DISCOVERY GAMES 2014</p><p>Carpet Bowls Competition Saturday 13 September 2014 Douglas Sports Centre</p><p>ENTRY FORM</p><p>BRANCH ______</p><p>CONTACT PERSON ______</p><p>ADDRESS ______</p><p>______</p><p>POSTCODE ______TEL NO ______</p><p>CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES IS FRIDAY 15 AUGUST 2014</p><p>Group 1 - Section 1 Totally Blind Bowlers (4 entries) MEN LADIES 1. 1. 2. 2.</p><p>Group 2 - Section 2/3 Wheelchair Users (4 entries) Bowlers must bowl from their wheelchair MEN LADIES 1. 1. 2. 2.</p><p>Group 3 - Section 4/5 Ambulant Bowlers + B3 (4 entries) MEN LADIES 1. 1. 2. 2.</p><p>Dundee City Disability Sport is a registered Scottish charity. 7 Charity Number SCO 22333 Group 4 - Section 6/7 Ambulant Bowlers + B2 (4 entries) MEN LADIES 1. 1. 2. 2.</p><p>Group 5 - Section 2/3/4/5/6/7Juniors - PH Bowlers (4 entries) BOYS GIRLS 1. 1. 2. 2.</p><p>Group 6 - Section 8/9 Juniors - LD Bowlers (4 entries) BOYS GIRLS 1. 1. 2. 2.</p><p>Group 7 - Section 8/9 Bowlers with a Learning Disability (4 entries) MEN LADIES 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4.</p><p>Entry forms PLUS entry fees AND T-SHIRT SIZES FORM, should be returned to:</p><p>Gordon Quinton Network Manager Leisure and Culture Dundee Lynch Sport Centre South Road Dundee DD2 4SR</p><p>Dundee City Disability Sport is a registered Scottish charity. 8 Charity Number SCO 22333</p>
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