U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Prepared in cooperation with the OPEN-FILE REPORT 2007-1010 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY U.S. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE PLATE 3 OF 3 LIST OF MAP UNITS EXPLANATION [Detailed descriptions of map units are in the accompanying pamphlet] Contact Dashed where approximately located, dotted where concealed Strike and dip of bedding SURFICIAL DEPOSITS Horse Spring Formation (middle and lower Miocene and upper Oligocene) MESOZOIC AND PALEOZOIC ROCKS o15 Inclined af Artifical fill and other land disturbances (Holocene) Thu Horse Spring Formation, undivided(middle and lower Miocene and upper Oligocene) Kmg Muscovite granite at Walker Wash (Upper Cretaceous) v Vertical Qa Young alluvium (Holocene) Thl Lovell Wash Member, limestone and sandstone facies (middle Miocene) 22 Foreland basin deposits s Overturned Qct Colluvium and talus (Holocene to Pleistocene) Thlb Lovell Wash Member, interbedded basalt flows and vents (middle Miocene) Baseline Sandstone (Upper? to Lower Cretaceous) Horizontal e Qe Eolian deposits (Holocene to Pleistocene) Thbl Bitter Ridge Limestone and Lovell Wash Members, undivided (middle Miocene) Kbo Overton Conglomerate Member (Upper? to Lower Cretaceous) Igneous foliation Qp Playa deposits (Holocene to Pleistocene) 18 Thblv Bitter Ridge Limestone and Lovell Wash Members, undivided, with intercalated dacite and basalt flows (middle Miocene) Kbr Red sandstone member (Upper? to Lower Cretaceous) ¦ Inclined Q1a Intermediate-age sidestream alluvium (upper to middle Pleistocene) Thb Bitter Ridge Limestone Member (middle Miocene) Kbw White sandstone member (Lower Cretaceous) Strike and dip of metamorphic foliation Q1m Intermediate-age mainstream alluvium (upper to middle Pleistocene) 35 Thbx Bitter Ridge Limestone Member, breccia facies (middle Miocene) Kbc Conglomerate (Lower Cretaceous) ¹ Inclined Q1s Spring deposits (upper to middle Pleistocene) Thumb Member (middle Miocene) Kw Willow Tank Formation (Lower Cretaceous) ½ Vertical Qu Undivided inactive alluvium (Pleistocene) Thtf Thumb Member, fine-grained facies Formations exposed in upper plate of Dry Lake thrust Joint QTl Landslide deposits (Pleistocene to Pliocene?) Thtl ThtlThumb Member, algal limestone facies 82 Ã Inclined PMb Bird Spring Formation (Lower Permian to Upper Mississippian) QTs Spring deposits (Pleistocene to Pliocene?) Thtg Thumb Member, gypsum facies Vertical Mm Monte Cristo Group (Upper and Lower Mississippian) Å Q2k Calcrete (middle to lower Pleistocene) Thtc Thumb Member, conglomeratic rocks Fault Long dash where approximately located, short dash where inferred, dotted MDcp Crystal Pass Limestone (Lower Mississippian and Upper Devonian) where concealed, queried where doubtful Q2a Older sidestream alluvium (middle to lower Pleistocene) Thtv Thumb Member, interbedded mafic volcanic rocks Dg Guilmette Limestone (Upper and Middle Devonian) F Normal Bar and ball on downthrown side Q2m Older mainstream alluvium (middle to lower Pleistocene) Thtb Thumb Member, breccia and landslide masses Oes Ely Springs Dolomite (Upper Ordovician) Strike-slip Arrows show relative direction of lateral offset Q2s Spring deposits (middle to lower Pleistocene) Thr Rainbow Gardens Member (lower Miocene and upper Oligocene) $ Oe Eureka Quartzite (Middle Ordovician) " Low-angle normal Slip surface less than 45 degree dip, hachures on upper plate QTk Calcrete (lower Pleistocene to upper Pliocene) PLIOCENE AND MIOCENE VOLCANIC AND PLUTONIC ROCKS O_p Pogonip Formation (Middle Ordovician to Upper Cambrian) ( Thrust Solid sawteeth on upper plate QTa Sidestream alluvium (lower Pleistocene to upper Pliocene) Tgb Basalt flows and minor gravels of Grand Wash (lower Pliocene) Formations exposed in upper plate of Muddy Mountain thrust ) Reverse Open sawteeth on upper plate; fault dips steeper than 50 degrees QTm Mainstream alluvium (lower Pleistocene to upper Pliocene) Tgbg Interbedded mainstream gravels (lower Pliocene) Pkt Kaibab and Toroweap Formations, undivided (Lower Permian) !!!! Black mylonite and cataclasite zone T1a Sidestream alluvium (upper Pliocene) Tfb Fortification Hill basalt (upper Miocene) Pr Dike T2k Calcrete deposits (lower Pliocene) Tbi Basaltic dikes (upper Miocene) Permian red beds, undivided (Lower Permian) Pp Pakoon Limestone (Lower Permian) ? Anticline Showing axis and direction of plunge; dashed where inferred, dotted where T2a Sidestream alluvium (lower Pliocene) Tdi Diorite (upper to middle Miocene?) F concealed PMb Bird Spring Formation (Lower Permian to Upper Mississippian) ? T2m Mainstream alluvium (lower Pliocene) Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Callville Mesa (upper Miocene) M S Syncline Showing axis and direction of plunge; dashed where inferred, dotted where concealed Tcm Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Callville Mesa, undivided Mm Deposits of Jumbo Pass (Pliocene?) Monte Cristo Group (Upper and Lower Mississippian) Monocline Showing axis; dotted where concealed. Arrow indicates dip direction of steep limb Tje Eolian sandstone Tcm4 Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Callville Mesa, unit 4 MDs Sultan Limestone (Mississippian and Devonian) Tj Limestone, roundstone conglomerate and sandstone Tcm3 Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Callville Mesa, unit 3 Op Pogonip Formation (Lower Ordovician) Tg Gravel (Pliocene to upper Miocene?) Tcm2 Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Callville Mesa, unit 2 _n Nopah Formation (Upper Cambrian) Tcm1 Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Callville Mesa, unit 1 _bk Bonanza King Formation (Upper and Middle Cambrian) BASIN-FILL DEPOSITS Muddy Creek Formation (upper Miocene) Tb Basalt (upper Miocene) Autochthonous rocks exposed below Muddy Mountain and Dry Lake thrusts Tm Muddy Creek Formation, undivided Tbgb Basalt of Gold Butte (upper Miocene) Ja Aztec Sandstone (Lower Jurassic) Tmm Mainstream fluvial facies Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Hamblin-Cleopatra volcano (upper and middle Miocene) Jmk Moenave and Kayenta Formations, undivided (Lower Jurassic) Tmf Fine-grained facies Tvh Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Hamblin Mountain, undivided ^c Chinle Formation (Upper Triassic) Tmg Gypsum facies Tvhu Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Hamblin Mountain, upper unit ^m Moenkopi Formation (Middle? and Lower Triassic) Tmt Tuff bed Tvhm Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Hamblin Mountain, middle unit Pkt Kaibab and Toroweap Formations, undivided (Lower Permian) Tml Limestone facies Tvhl Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Hamblin Mountain, lower unit Phe Hermit Formation and Esplanade Sandstone, undivided (Lower Permian) Tmml Marl and limestone facies Tvc Volcanic rocks of Cleopatra volcano PMpc Pakoon Limestone and Callville Formation, undivided (Lower Permian to Upper Mississippian) Coarse-grained facies Tmc Ti Intrusive sills and plugs (upper and middle Miocene) Mr Redwall Limestone (Upper and Lower Mississippian) Tmv Lava flows interbedded with Muddy Creek deposits Volcanic rocks of Boulder Wash (middle Miocene) Dtb Temple Butte Formation (Upper and Middle Devonian) Tmb Breccia and landslide masses Tbwr Rhyolitic flows _u Cambrian rocks, undifferentiated (Cambrian) Th Hualapai Limestone (upper Miocene) Tbwrb Rhyolitic flow breccias _n Nopah Formation (Upper Cambrian) Rocks of Overton Arm (upper and middle Miocene) Tbwd Dacite flows _m Muav Formation (Middle Cambrian) Toac Conglomerate facies Tbwdb Breccia carapace of dacite flows _tb Tapeats Sandstone and Bright Angel Shale, undivided (Middle and Lower Cambrian) Toacg Conglomerate facies, bearing Gold Butte Granite clasts Tbwdt Tuffaceous facies of dacite rocks PROTEROZOIC ROCKS Toacl Conglomerate facies, bearing limestone clasts Ydg Diorite and gabbro (Middle Proterozoic) Volcanic rocks of the River Mountains (middle Miocene) Toacv Conglomerate facies, bearing volcanic clasts Yg Gold Butte Granite (Middle Proterozoic) Trmd Dacite flows and breccias Toas Sandstone, siltstone and mudstone facies YXb Granite of Burro Spring (Middle to Early Proterozoic) Trmb Basalt flows Toag Gypsiferous facies Xu Metamorphic and plutonic rocks, undivided (Early Proterozoic) Trmi Intrusive stock Toam Manganiferous sandstone facies Xlg Leucogranite and pegmatite gneiss (Early Proterozoic) Trmip Composite plutons Toab Breccia facies Xlgb Leucogranite and pegmatite gneiss, brecciated (Early Proterozoic) Trmv Volcanic flows and domes Rocks of the Grand Wash Trough (upper and middle Miocene) Xwe Granite of Lime Wash, equigranular phase (Early Proterozoic) Trmvb Flows, breccias and volcanogenic sedimentary rocks Tgws Sandstone and siltstone facies Xwp Granite of Lime Wash, porphyritic phase (Early Proterozoic) Tvhd Volcanic rocks of Hoover Dam, undivided (middle Miocene) Tgwc Conglomerate facies Xgw Porphyritic granite of Whitney Ridge (Early Proterozoic) Wilson Ridge pluton (middle Miocene) Tgwcl Conglomerate facies, bearing limestone clasts Xhg Hornblende granite gneiss (Early Proterozoic) Twr Wilson Ridge pluton, Teakettle Pass suite Tgwcp Conglomerate facies, bearing granitic and metamorphic clasts Xum Mafic and ultramafic metamorphic rocks, undivided (Early Proterozoic) Twd Wilson Ridge pluton, Horsethief Canyon diorite Tgwcb Limestone-clast breccia facies Xgg Granitic gneiss (Early Proterozoic) Tril Rhyolite intrusive of Lava Butte (middle Miocene) Tgwcx Proterozoic-clast breccia facies Xqs Quartz syenite gneiss (Early Proterozoic) Tpp Paint Pots pluton of Mills, 1994 (middle Miocene) Red Sandstone unit (upper and middle Miocene) Xqd Quartz diorite gneiss (Early Proterozoic) Trs Red sandstone unit, undivided Tthd Tuff of Hoover Dam (middle Miocene) Xc Charnokite gneiss (Early
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