University of Jordan s1

University of Jordan s1

<p>University of Jordan General Biology (304102), 3 Credit Hrs. Dept. of Biological Sciences Academic Year 2006-2007 Text book: Biology 7th ed. (2005); Campbell, N.A., Reece, J.B. SYLLABUS Lect. # Chapt. Chapter Topic Page # 1 - INTRODUCTION AND ORIENTATION 2-6 42 CIRCULATION AND GAS EXCHANGE 867 42.1 Circulatory Systems: Open and Closed Circulatory Systems 869 Single and double Circulations 42.2 Double Circulation in Mammals: ------871 . The Mammalian Heart: A closer look------872 . Maintaining the Heart’s Rhythmic Beat------873 42.3 Physical Principles of Blood Circulation ------874 . Blood Vessels Structure and Function ------874 . Blood Flow Velocity ------875 . Blood Pressure ------876 . Capillary Function ------877 . Fluid Return by the lymphatic system ------878 42.4 Blood is a Connective Tissue with Cells Suspended in ------879 Plasma . Blood Composition and Function 879 . Plasma------879 . Cellular Elements ------880 . Stem Cells and Replacement of Cellular Elements ------881 . Blood Clotting ------882 . Cardiovascular Diseases------882 42.5 GAS EXCHANGE ACROSS RESPIRATORY ------884 SURFACES . Mammalian Respiratory Systems------887 42.6 Breathing Ventilates the Lungs------888 . How a Mammal Breathes------888 . Control of Breathing in Human ------890 42.7 Respiratory Pigments and Transport of Gases ------891 . The Role of Partial Pressure Gradient ------891 . Respiratory Pigments ------892 . Oxygen Transport------892 . Carbon Dioxide Transport------893 7-9 44 Osmoregulation and Excretion 922 44.1 Osmoregulation Balances the Uptake and Loss of Water - 922 and Solutes 44.2 Animal’s Nitrogenous Wastes------927 44.3 Excretory Systems and Excretory Processes ------929 . Vertebrate Kidneys ------931 44.4 Nephrons and Associated Blood Vessels are the 931 FunctionalUnits of the Mammalian Kidney------. Structure and Function of the Nephron ------931 . From Blood Filtrate to Urine------933 44.5 Solute Gradients and Water Conservation ------935 . Regulation of Kidney Function ------936 10-14 48 NERVOUS SYSTEMS 1011 48.1 Nervous Systems Consist of Neurons and Supporting Cells 1012 . Information Processing ------1013 . Neuron Structure ------1013 . Supporting Cells------1014 48.2 Ion Pumps and Ion Channels Maintain Resting Potential - 1015 . The Resting Membrane Potential------1016 . Gated Ion Channels ------1017 48.3 Action Potentials are the Signals Conducted by Axons -- 1017 . Production of Action Potentials------1018 . Conduction of Action Potential ------1020 48.4 Neurons Communicate with Other Cells at Synapses ---- 1021 . Direct Synaptic Transmission ------1022 . Summation of Postsynaptic Potentials ------1023 . Indirect Synaptic Transmission ------1023 . Neurotransmitters ------1024 48.5 VERTEBRATE NERVOUS SYSTEMS------1026 . Peripheral Nervous System------1026 . Central Nervous System – Brain ------1029 . The Brainstem ------1029 . The Cerebellum------1030 . The Diencephalon ------1030 . The Cerebrum------1031 15-16 49 SENSORY AND MOTOR MECHANISMS 1045 . Sensing and Acting ------1045 49.1 Sensory Receptors Transduce Stimulus Energy ------1046 . Functions Performed by Sensory Receptors ------1046 . Types of Sensory Receptors ------1048 49.6 Muscles Move Skeletal Parts by Contracting ------1066 . Vertebrate Skeletal Muscle ------1066 . The Sliding Filament Model of Muscle Contraction ------1067 . The Role of Calcium and regulatory proteins ------1068 . Neural Control of Muscle Tension ------1069 . Types of muscle Fibers ------1071 . Other Types of Muscle ------1072</p><p>17-18 46 ANIMAL REPRODUCTION------964 46.1 Asexual and Sexual Reproduction ------964 . Mechanisms of Asexual Reproduction------964 . Reproductive Cycles and Patterns ------965 46.3 Reproductive Organs Produce and Transport Gametes: 969 Focus on Humans------. Female Reproductive Anatomy ------969 . Male Reproductive Anatomy ------971 46.4 In Human and Other Mammals, A Complex Interplay of 973 Hormones Regulate Gametogenesis ------. The Reproductive Cycle in Female ------973 . Hormonal Control of the Male Reproductive System ------977 46.5 In Human and Other Placental Mammals, an Embryo 978 Grows into a Newborn in the Mother's Uterus . Conception, Embryonic Development and Birth 978 . Contraception and Abortion 982 . Modern Reproductive Technology 983 19-20 36 TRANSPORT IN PLANTS 738 36.1 Physical Forces Drive the Transport of Materials in Plants 738 Over a Range of Distances ------738 . Selective Permeability of Membranes ------739 . The Central Role of Proton Pumps ------740 . Effect of Differences in Water Potential ------743 . Three Major Compartments of Vacuolated Plant Cells ------743 . Functions of Symplast and Apoplast in Transport ------743 . Bulk Flow in Long – Distance Transport ------36.2 Roots Absorb Water and Minerals From the Soil 744 . The Role of Root Hairs, Mycorrhizae and Cortical Cells ------744 . The Endodermis: A Selective Entry------744 36.3 Water and Minerals Ascend From Roots to Shoots though the Xylem ------746 . Factors Affecting the Ascent of Xylem Sap------746 . Xylem Sap Ascends by Bulk Flow------748 36.4 Stomata Regulate the Rate of Transpiration ------749 . Effect of Transpiration on Wilting and Leaf Temperature ---- 749 . Stomata: Major Pathways for Water Loss ------750 36.5 Organic Nutrients are Translocated Through the Phloem 751 . Movement From Sugar Sources to Sugar Sinks ------752 . Pressure Flow: Mechanism of Translocation in Angiosperms 753</p><p>21-22 38 ANGIOSPERM REPRODUCTION & BIOTECHNOLOGY 771 38.1 Pollination Enables Gametes to Come Together Within a 771 Flower ------771 . Flower Structure ------772 . Gametophytes Development and Pollination ------774 . Mechanisms That Prevents Self - Fertilization ------775 38.2 After Fertilization, Ovules Develop into Seeds and 776 Ovaries into Fruit. 776 . Double Fertilization ------777 . From Ovule to Seed ------778 . From Ovary to Fruit ------779 . Seed Germination ------781 38.3 Many Flowering Plants Clone themselves by Asexual 781 Reproduction ------781 . Mechanisms of Asexual Reproduction ------781 . Vegetative Propagation and Agriculture ------783 38.4 PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY------23-24 39 PLANT RESPONSES TO INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL 788 SIGNALS ------788 39.1 Signal Transduction Pathways Link Signal Reception to Response ------788 . Reception, Transduction and Response ------789 39.2 Plant Hormones Coordinate Growth, Development ….etc 791 . The Discovery of Plant Hormones ------792 . A Survey of Plant Hormones ------793 . Auxin,Cytokinin, Gibberellins, Abscisic Acid and Ethylene 794 39.3 Responses to Light are Critical For Plant Success ------802 . Biological Clocks and Circadian Rhythms ------805 . Response to Gravity 809 ------809 . Response to Mechanical Stimuli------25-26 27 PROKARYOTES 534 27.1 Structural, Functional and Genetic Adaptations ------534 . Cell Surface Structures ------534 . Motility ------536 . Internal and Genomic Organization ------537 . Reproduction and Adaptation ------537 27.2 Nutritional Diversity and Metabolic Adaptations ------538 . Metabolic Relation to Oxygen 539 . Nitrogen Metabolism and Metabolic Cooperation------539 27.3 Molecular Systematics and Prokaryotic Phylogeny ------540 . Lessons From Molecular Systematics ------540 . Bacteria and Archea ------541 27.4 Prokaryotes and Biosphere 544 ------544 . Chemical Cycling ------545 . Symbiotic Relationships ------545 27.5 Prokaryotes Have Both Harmful and Beneficial Impacts 545 . Pathogenic Prokaryotes ------546 . Prokaryotes in Research and Technology ------27-28 28 PROTISTS 549 28.1 Protists are a Diverse Assortment of Eukaryotes 549 . Endosymbiosis in Eukaryotic Evolution ------550 28.2 Diplomonads and Parabasalids ------552 28.3 Euglenozoans have Flagella with a Unique Internal ------553 Structure ------555 28.4 Alveolates have Sacs Beneath the Plasma Membrane 556 . Dinoflagellates,Apicomplexans and Ciliates. 558 28.5 Stramenopiles have Hairy and Smooth Flagella ------558 . Oomycetes ( Water Molds and Their Relatives ) ------559 . Diatomes, Golden Algae, Brown Algae, Human Uses of 560 Seaweeds, and Alternation of Generations ------560 28.5 Cercozoan and Radiolarians have Thread like ------563 28.6 Pseudopodia . Foraminiferans ( Forams ), and Radiolarians ------563 28.7 Amoebozoans have Lobe-Shaped Pseudopodia ------563 . Entamoebas, and Slime Molds ------564 28.8 Red Algae and Green Algae ------567 . Red Algae, and Green Algae ------567 FUNGI------608 31.1 Fungi are Heterotrophs that Feed By Absorption ------608 29-30 31 . Nutrition and Fungal Life Style ------608 . Body Structure ------609 31.2 Fungi Produce Spores Through Sexual / Asexual Cycles 610 . Sexual Reproduction ------610 . Asexual Reproduction ------611 31.4 Fungi have Radiated into a Diverse Set of Lineages ------612 . Phylum Chytridiomycota ------613 . Phylum Zygomycota ------613 . Phylum Ascomycota ------616 . Phylum Basidiomycota ------618 31.5 Fungi have a Powerful Impact on Ecosystem and Human 620 . Decomposers, Symbionts, Pathogens and Practical Uses of 623 Fungi ------31-32 29 PLANT DIVERSITY I: HOW PLANTS COLONIZED LAND ------573 29.1 Land Plants Evolved from Green Algae ------573 . Morphological and Biochemical Evidences ------573 . Genetic Evidences ------574 . Adaptations Enabling the Move to Land ------574 29.3 The Life Cycles of Mosses and Other Bryophytes are ------584 Dominated by the Gametophyte Stage . Bryophyte Gametophyte ------580 . Bryophyte Sporophytes ------580 29.4 Ferns and Other Seedless Vascular Plants 584 . Origins and Traits of Vascular Plants ------584 . Homosporous and Heterosporous spore production------586 . Classification of Seedless Vascular Plants ------586 . Phylum Lycophyta: Club Mosses, Spike Mosses and 586 Quillworts ------. Phylum Pterophyta: Ferns, Horsetails and Whisk Ferns</p><p>33-34 30 PLANT DIVERSITY II:EVOLUTION OF SEED PLANTS 591 30.1 Reduced Gametophytes are Protected in Ovules and 591 Pollen Grains . Advantasges of Reduced Gametophytes ------591 . Heterospory: The Rule Among Seed Plants ------592 . Ovules and Production of Eggs ------592 . Pollen and Production of Sperms ------592 30.2 Gymnosperms Bear " Naked " Seeds ------593 . Gymnosperm Evolution ------596 . The Life Cycle of Pine------596 30.3 The Reproductive Adaptations of Angiosperms Include --- 598 Flowers and Fruits . Characteristics of Angiosperms: Flowers and Fruits ------598 33-34 30 . The Angiosperm Life Cycle ------599 30.4 HUMAN WELFARE Depends Greatly on Seed Plants ----- 605 . Products from Seed Plants ------605 . Threats to Plant Diversity ------606 INTRODUCTION TO ANIMAL EVOLUTION ------626 32.1 Animals are Multicellular, Heterotroph Eukaryotes ------626 35 32 . Nutritional Mode, Cell Structure, Reproduction and Life 626 Development ---- 630 32.3 Animals can be Characterized by " Body Plans " ------630 . Symmetry, Tissues and Body Cavities ------631 . Protostomes and Deuterostomes Development ------633 32.4 . Leading Hypothesis Agree on Major Feature of Animal 633 Phylogenetic Tree: Points of Agreement ------634 . Disagreements over the Bilaterians ------35-37 33 - INVERTEBRATES ------638 33.1 Sponges are sessile and have a porous body and 642 choanocytes ------642 33.2 Cnidarians have radial symmetry, a gastrovascular------643 cavity and cnidocytes------644 Hydrozoan------644 33.3 Most animals have bilateral Symmetry Flatworms, 646 Turbellarian------646 . Monogeneans,Trematoda Tapeworms------647 33.4 Molluscs have a muscular foot, a visceral mass, and a 648 mantle. The basic body plan------650 33.5 Annelids are Segmented worms. Anatomy of an 654 Earthwor:------651 33.6 Nematodes are nonsegmented Pseudocoelomates covered 655 by a tough cuticle ------655 33.7 Arthropods are Segmented Coelomates that have an 656 exoskeleton and jointed appendages. General 656 Characteristics of Arthropods ------656 Insects 660 33.8 Echinoderms and Chordates are Deuterostomes. Anatomy 655 of Sea Star------665 . Phylum Echinodermata------. Class Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea, Holothuroidea- 38 34 VERTEBRATES 671 34.1 Chordates have a notochord and a dorsal, hollow nerve 671 Cord------673 . Derived Characters of Chordates------673 34.2 Craniates are Chordates that have a Head------675 . Derived Characters of Craniates------676 34.3 Vertebrates are Craniates that have a Backbone------678 34.4 Gnathostomes are Vertebrates that have Jaws-Derived 679 . Characters of Gnathostomes------679 . Chondrichthyans ------680 . Actinopterygii, Actinistia and Dipnoi ------682 34.5 Tetrapods are Gnathostomates That Have Limbs and Feet 684 . Characters of Tetrapods ------684 . Class 685 Amphibia------687 34.6 Amniotes are Tetrapods That Have Terrestrially ------688 Adapted Eggs ------694 . Characters of Amniotes ------. Reptiles and Birds------34.7 Mammala are Amniotes That Have Hair and Produce ---- Milk ------701 34.8 Humans are Bipedal Hominoids with a Large Brain ------39-41 50 AN INTRODUCTION TO ECOLOGY& BIOSPHERE: 50.1 The Scope of ecology------. Organisms and the Environment ------1080 50.2 Interactions Between Organisms and the Environment --- 1080 Limit the Distribution of Species ------1081 . Biotic factors ------1083 . Abiotic factors ------. Climate ------1085 50.3 Abiotic and Biotic Factors Influence the Structure and --- 1086 Dynamics of Aquatic Biomes ------1087 50.4 Climates Largely Determines the Distribution and ------1092 Structure of Terrestrial Biomes ------1098</p><p>GRADING POLICY:</p><p>First Hr. Exam.: 20 Marks Mid Term. Exam.: 30 Marks Final Exam.: 50 Marks </p>

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