<p> PERKINS DATA FILE July 31, 2011</p><p>File Description: </p><p>The Perkins Data File contains the information needed to provide the Federal Office of Vocational Education performance and follow-up data associated with the Carl Perkins Funding. The file will track participants and concentrators in Career and Technical Education programs at USHE campuses. The Perkins Data File is submitted once each year. </p><p>Submission Schedule:</p><p>The file must be submitted to the Utah Board of Regents by August 15th of each year.</p><p>Data Elements: *See Elements P-01 through P-29 for specific format information. UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-01 ELEMENT NAME: Institution/Campus Number</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_INST</p><p>DEFINITION: The code used to identify the USHE institution where the student is enrolled for training. </p><p>Field Field Attributes and Examples Effective Date Value 3671 Dixie State College - St. George July 1, 1998 3676 College of Eastern Utah – Price July 1, 1998 0063 College of Eastern Utah – Division of Workforce Education July 31, 2009 3677 Utah State University – Logan July 1, 1998 3678 Southern Utah University - Cedar City July 1, 1998 3679 Snow College – Ephraim July 1, 1998 3680 Weber State University – Ogden July 1, 1998 4027 Utah Valley State College – Orem July 1, 1998 5220 Salt Lake Community College - Salt Lake City July 1, 1998 5221 Salt Lake Community College – Skills Center July 1, 1998</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified July 31, 2009 UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-02 ELEMENT NAME: Report Year</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_YEAR</p><p>DEFINITION: The code used to identify the USHE institution where the student is enrolled for training. </p><p>Field Value Field Attributes and Examples Effective Date YYYY The calendar year of the Spring semester is June 15, 1998 used in this field. The report year is defined as Summer Term of the previous year through Spring Semester of the current year. Thus 2008 would be used in this field for the 0708 academic year.</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified July 7, 2006 UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-03</p><p>ELEMENT NAME: Social Security Number</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_ID</p><p>DEFINITION: Unique Identifier for enrolled student. Social Security Number shall be used (to facilitate student tracking). except in the rate case where the student does not have SSN (i.e. international student) where an institutionally defined number is used.</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified August 5, 2005</p><p>REFERENCE: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-04</p><p>ELEMENT NAME: Institutionally Assigned ID</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_BANNER_ID</p><p>DEFINITION: The unique institutionally assigned identification number for each student.</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified July 31, 2009</p><p>REFERENCE: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2010 Element: P-05</p><p>ELEMENT NAME: Unique USOE State Student Identifier</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_SSID</p><p>DEFINITION: The unique Utah State Student Identifier as assigned to each Utah public education student by the Utah State Office of Education. This 9 digit number will appear on all high school transcripts beginning the 2006-2007 academic year. Purpose: to coordinate public education and higher education information technology systems to allow individual student academic achievement to be tracked through both education systems in accordance with 53A-1-603.5 and 53B-1-109.</p><p>Field Value Field Attributes and Examples Effective Date 099929999 Student SSID as issued the USOE. January 1, 2007</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified April 2, 2007</p><p>REFERENCE: H.B. 82 – 2006 General Session, State of Utah</p><p>VALIDATION TABLE: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2010 Element: P-06</p><p>ELEMENT NAME: P_NAME</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_LAST P_FIRST P_MIDDLE P_SUFFIX</p><p>DEFINITION: The legal combination of names by which the student is known. </p><p>Field Value - L Field Attributes and Examples Effective Date <student specific> Last name of student. July 1, 2002</p><p>Field Value - F Field Attributes and Examples Effective Date <student specific> First name of student. July, 1, 2002</p><p>Field Value - M Field Attributes and Examples Effective Date <student specific> Middle name of student. July 1, 2002</p><p>Field Value - S Field Attributes and Examples Effective Date <student specific> Student’s Suffix. July 1, 2002</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified May 1, 2002</p><p>REFERENCE: </p><p>BANNER SOURCE: Spriden_last_name Spriden_first_name Spriden_MI Spbpers_name_suffix UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-07 ELEMENT NAME: Ethnic Origin</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_GENDER</p><p>DEFINITION: A code indicating the gender of the student</p><p>Field Value Field Attribute and Examples Effective Date M Male June 15, 1998 F Female June 15, 1998 N Unspecified July 1, 2004</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified March 23, 2004</p><p>REFERENCE:</p><p>BANNER SOURCE: Spbpers_sex</p><p>VALIDATION TABLE: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-08 ELEMENT NAME: Ethnic Origin</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_ETHNIC</p><p>DEFINITION: The racial and ethnic categories used to classify students.</p><p>Field Value Field Attribute or Examples Effective Date H Hispanic or Latino: A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto February 24, 1999 Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. A Asian: A person having origins in any of the original February 24, 1999 peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asian, or the Indian subcontinent including for example Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. B Black or African American: A person having origins in any February 24, 1999 of the Black racial groups of Africa. I American Indian or Alaskan Native: A person having February 24, 1999 origins in any of the original peoples of North America and South America (including Central America) and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community attachment. P Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: A person having February 24, 1999 origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. W White: A person having origins in any of the original February 24, 1999 peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. N Non Resident Alien: A person who is not a citizen or June 15, 1998 national of the United States and who is in this country on a visa or a temporary basis and does not have the right to remain indefinitely. U Unspecified June 15, 1998</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified April 25, 2008</p><p>REFERENCE: IPEDS Glossary – 2008 – Race/Ethnicity </p><p>BANNER SOURCE: Spbpers_ethn_code (I,A,P,B,H,W,U), Gorvisa_vtyp_code (N)</p><p>VALIDATION TABLE: ETHNIC UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-09 ELEMENT NAME: IPEDS Ethnic Field</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_IPEDS_ETHNIC</p><p>DEFINITION: Combining the eight ethnicity fields into a single field according to IPEDS guidelines. This element is derived from the P_ETHNIC fields.</p><p>Field Value Field Attribute or Examples Effective Date IPEDS RACE/ETHNICITY PRECEDENCE July 1, 2010 N 1) Nonresident Alien U 2) Race and Ethnicity unknown H 3) Hispanics of any race</p><p>For non-Hispanics only: I 4) American Indian or Alaska Native A 5) Asian B 6) Black or African American P 7) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander W 8) White M 9) Two or more races</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified February 22, 2010</p><p>REFERENCE: http://nces.ed.gov/IPEDS/news_room/ana_Changes_to_10_25_2007_169.asp</p><p>BANNER SOURCE: Spbpers_ethn_code (I,A,P,B,H,W,U), Gorvisa_vtyp_code (N)</p><p>VALIDATION TABLE: ETHNIC UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-10 ELEMENT NAME: Degree Type</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_DEG_TYPE</p><p>DEFINITION: The Level of Degree or Certificate Completed for the award conferred. These are meant to only be one to two year degrees or certificates. Only degrees with an IPEDS award level code of 2 or 3 are included. </p><p>Value** Name Degree Level Effective Date AA Associate of Arts Associate Nov 18, 1999 AAS Associate of Applied Science Associate Nov 18, 1999 AAT Associate of Applied Technology Associate July 1, 2002 AC Associate of Science in Criminal Justice Associate July 10, 2001 APE Associate of Science in Pre-Engineering Associate Nov 18, 1999 AS Associate of Science Associate Nov 18, 1999 ASB Associate of Science in Business Associate Nov 18, 1999 ASN Associate of Science in Nursing Associate Nov 18, 1999 C1Y Certificate one year Certificate July 1, 2002 CER Certificate of Proficiency Certificate Nov 18, 1999 CNA Certified Nurse Assistant Certificate Nov 10, 2004 DIP Diploma Certificate Nov 18, 1999</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified: August 5, 2005</p><p>REFERENCE: (Adapted from IPEDS Completion Survey General Instructions, June 1, 1996.) Report all degrees and other formal awards conferred by your institution between July 1 of the previous calendar year and June 30 of the current calendar year. Awards/degrees earned but not yet conferred should be reported in next year’s submission file. If an individual received two degrees at different levels (e.g., a bachelor’s degree at the end of the summer session and a master’s degree at the end of the academic year), report each degree in its appropriate classification. Include awards/degrees in occupational/vocational as well as academic programs.</p><p>VALIDATION TABLE: DEGREE_TYPE UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-11</p><p>ELEMENT NAME: Graduation Date</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_GRAD_DATE</p><p>DEFINITION: The calendar date the formal award was conferred by the institution.</p><p>Value format Field Attributes Effective Date YYYY Four position Year of Graduation. (i.e. Student July 1, 2007 graduated in 1978, would have 1978 listed) MM Two position Calendar Month the student July 1, 2007 graduated. DD Two position Day of the month in which the July 1, 2007 student graduated.</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified April 4, 2007</p><p>REFERENCE: (Adapted from IPEDS Completion Survey General Instructions, June 1, 1996.) Report all degrees and other formal awards conferred by your institution between July 1 of the previous calendar year and June 30 of the current calendar year. Awards/degrees earned but not yet conferred should be reported in next year’s submission file. Suggestion: If an institution cannot verify/audit graduation requirements by August 15 of each year, then this date should be utilized as a cut-off date and those student’s whose audits are not completed should be reported in the upcoming year’s graduation submission file. This will keep the USHE Graduation submission file lined-up with the Graduation Rate Survey (IPEDS) which is submitted in November of each year. If an individual received two degrees at different levels (e.g., a bachelor’s degree at the end of the summer session and a master’s degree at the end of the academic year), report each degree in its appropriate classification. Include awards/degrees in occupational/vocational as well as academic programs.</p><p>VALIDATION TABLE: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-12</p><p>ELEMENT NAME: Perkins CIP Code</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_CIP</p><p>DEFINITION: This field is assigned to each student based on this hierarchy:</p><p>1. Completers are given a CIP based on their completed degree or certificate in a Perkins related CIP code. 2. Concentrators are given a CIP based on the Perkins Course List and this process: a. The student’s combined course hours within a particular Perkins field of study is totaled. Fields of study are based on the course prefixes which are associated to a CIP code. b. The prefix with the most credits becomes the student’s Perkins CIP. c. If there is a tie, the student’s declared CIP (s_curr_cip) is checked. If there is a match, the matching CIP is assigned as the Perkins CIP. d. If the CIP does not match, one of the tied CIPs is chosen randomly. 3. Participants are assigned a CIP based on their latest cip in the S_CURR_CIP field.</p><p>Field Value Field Attribute and Examples Effective Date <Program Specific> See Classification of Instructional Program, NCES, June 15, 1998 2000. 240102 General Studies (default) for unknown July 1, 2002</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified February 22, 2010 REFERENCE: State ATC/ATCSR SIS Reporting Procedures - Updated September 3, 1999. Page 3, Paragraphs 5 and Page 4, Paragraph 6: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-13</p><p>ELEMENT NAME: Approved Perkins CIP</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_PERKINS_CIP_FLAG</p><p>DEFINITION: This field identifies CIP codes that are in the approved list. This should only pertain to participants only since all concentrators and completers should already have approved CIPs.</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified February 22, 2009</p><p>REFERENCE: Perkins_Approved_CIP_2009 table provided by Academic Affairs UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-14</p><p>ELEMENT NAME: Part Time/Full Time</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_PT_FT</p><p>DEFINITION: Part-Time/Full-Time Status of student. Part-time will be the default. (This allows us to cover the non-credit students). Full-time student undergraduate--A student enrolled for 12 or more semester credits, or 24 or more contact hours a week each term. Full-time student graduate—A student enrolled for 9 or more semester credits, or a student involved in thesis or dissertation preparation that is considered full-time by the institution.</p><p>Field Value Field Attributes Effective Date P Default. For students that do not meet the Full- November 12, 1999 time specifications above. F Student is considered a Full-Time student. November 12, 1999</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified May 1, 2002 </p><p>REFERENCE: IPEDS Glossary</p><p>BANNER SOURCE: Sfbetrm_tmst_code</p><p>VALIDATION TABLE: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-15 ELEMENT NAME: Institution/Campus Number</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_INST2</p><p>DEFINITION: This code identifies the institution where the student was enrolled the year following the reporting year. For instance, if the report year was 2008-09, this field would list the student’s enrolled institution for Summer or Fall 3rd Week of 2009-10.</p><p>Field Field Attributes and Examples Effective Date Value 3671 Dixie State College - St. George July 1, 2010 3676 College of Eastern Utah - Price July 1, 2010 0063 College of Eastern Utah – Division of Workforce Education July 1, 2010 3677 Utah State University - Logan July 1, 2010 3678 Southern Utah University - Cedar City July 1, 2010 3679 Snow College - Ephraim July 1, 2010 3680 Weber State University - Ogden July 1, 2010 4027 Utah Valley State College - Orem July 1, 2010 5220 Salt Lake Community College - Salt Lake City July 1, 2010 5221 Salt Lake Community College – Skills Center July 1, 2010</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified February 22, 2010 UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-16 ELEMENT NAME: Age at 3rd week of last semester enrolled</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_AGE</p><p>DEFINITION: The age of the student at third week extract date. The most recent age is applied.</p><p>Field Value Field Attributes and Examples Effective Date 025 Student is 25 years of age at the end of 3rd week. Nov 12, 1999 0 Default if no age given July 1, 2001</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified May 1, 2002 </p><p>REFERENCE: </p><p>BANNER SOURCE: Spbpers_birth_date (calculated values, from function.)</p><p>VALIDATION TABLE: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-17 ELEMENT NAME: Cumulative Institutional Undergraduate Hours</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_CUM_HRS</p><p>DEFINITION: Total number of credit hours the student has earned as an undergraduate student at this institution as of last semester enrolled. Hours should be semester hours. Value should be zero for graduate students (see element S-18) (Does not include transfer hours)</p><p>Field Value Field Attributes and Example Effective Date (Example) 01235 Student has earned 123.5 hours at your institution (excluding February 24, 1999 transfer credit) as an undergraduate. 00000 Student has no earned credit from this institution or is a February 24, 1999 graduate student.</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified May 1, 2002 </p><p>REFERENCE: </p><p>BANNER SOURCE: Shrgpa_hours_earned</p><p>VALIDATION TABLE: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-18 ELEMENT NAME: Cumulative Membership Hours</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_CUM_MEMBERSHIP</p><p>DEFINITION: Total number of credit hours the student has earned as an undergraduate student at this institution as of last semester enrolled. Hours should be semester hours. Value should be zero for graduate students (see element S-18) (Does not include transfer hours)</p><p>Field Value Field Attributes and Example Effective Date (Example) 01237 Student has earned 123.7 hours at your institution (excluding July 1, 2003 transfer hours). 00000 Student has no earned hours from this institution. July 1, 2003</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified May 1, 2002 </p><p>REFERENCE: </p><p>BANNER SOURCE: Shrgpa_hours_earned</p><p>VALIDATION TABLE: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-19 ELEMENT NAME: Participant</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_PART</p><p>DEFINITION: A participant is any student who has taken at least one career and technical education course during the academic year. Concurrent Enrollment courses (budget codes of ‘BC’ or ‘SF’) are not included.</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified February 22, 2010</p><p>REFERENCE: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-20 ELEMENT NAME: Concentrator</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_CONC</p><p>DEFINITION: A concentrator is a participant who has at least 12 cumulative credit hours. . Six of those hours must be within a single approved prefix matching an approved Perkins program of study. Completers are also flagged as concentrators.</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified February 22, 2010</p><p>REFERENCE: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-21 ELEMENT NAME: Completer</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_COMP</p><p>DEFINITION: A completer must have earned a one or two year certificate or diploma within a Perkins approved CIP code during the report year. </p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified February 22, 2010</p><p>REFERENCE: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-22</p><p>ELEMENT NAME: Economically Disadvantaged Status</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_ECON_DIS</p><p>DEFINITION: Economically Disadvantaged: Economically disadvantaged family or individual means a) family income is at or below national poverty level, b) participant or parent(s) or guardian of the participant is unemployed, c) participant or parent of participant is recipient of public assistance, d) participant is institutionalized or under state guardianship. On the secondary level this can be operationally determined by a student participation in a free or reduced-price lunch program, AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children), or a work-study program. On the post-secondary and adult level, this can be operationally determined by participation in BEOG’s or similar financial and/or work-study program.</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified July 31, 2009</p><p>REFERENCE: State ATC/ATCSR SIS Reporting Procedures - Updated September 3, 1999. Page 3, Paragraphs 5 and Page 4, Paragraph 6: </p><p>UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-23</p><p>ELEMENT NAME: Student Limited English Proficiency Status</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_LEP </p><p>DEFINITION: Students limited in English language skills such that they are unable to participate in, or benefit from, regular or special education school instructional programs, and who need some kind of language training or assistance to succeed.</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified July 31, 2009</p><p>REFERENCE: State ATC/ATCSR SIS Reporting Procedures - Updated September 3, 1999. Page 4, Paragraph 7: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-24</p><p>ELEMENT NAME: Student Disability Status</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_DISABLED </p><p>DEFINITION: Disabled: 1) Any individual who has been evaluated under part B of the IDEA and determined to be an individual with a disability who is in need of special education and related services. 2) Any individual who is considered to be disabled under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 3) Any individual who a) has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of that individual: b) has a record of impairment described in paragraph a of this definition; or c) is regarded as having an impairment.</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified July 31, 2009</p><p>REFERENCE: State ATC/ATCSR SIS Reporting Procedures - Updated September 3, 1999. Page 4, Paragraph 8: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-25</p><p>ELEMENT NAME: Displaced Homemaker</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_DIS_HOME</p><p>DEFINITION: Any individual who a) is an adult; and b) has worked as an adult primarily without remuneration to care for the home and family, and for that reason has diminished marketable skills, has been dependent on public assistance or on the income of a relative but is no longer supported by such income, is a parent whose youngest dependent child will become ineligible to receive assistance under AFDC within the next two years, or is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining any employment or suitable employment, as appropriate; or c) is described in subparagraph a or b and is a criminal offender.</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified July 31, 2009</p><p>REFERENCE: State ATC/ATCSR SIS Reporting Procedures - Updated September 3, 1999. Page 3, Paragraphs 5 and Page 4, Paragraphs 9 - 13: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-26</p><p>ELEMENT NAME: Single Parent</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_S_PARENT</p><p>DEFINITION: Any individual who a) is unmarried or legally separated from a spouse; and b) has minor child or children for which the parent has either custody or joint custody</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified July 31, 2009</p><p>REFERENCE: State ATC/ATCSR SIS Reporting Procedures - Updated September 3, 1999. Page 3, Paragraphs 5 and Page 4, Paragraphs 9 - 13: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-27</p><p>ELEMENT NAME: Pell Grant Recipients</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_PELL</p><p>DEFINITION: Pell grant recipients must be defined consistent with Pell guidelines with postsecondary/adult students enrolled at least half-time (based on the Pell definition of half-time), and have declared themselves as a major in an approved Perkins Program of Study or in an approved alternate CIP code. NOTE*** if students are multiple recipients of Pell or BIA they must only be listed once in the following order: First, Pell; Second, BIA.</p><p>Information submitted from all institutions is subject to audit. Any institution expected to receive more than a 10 percent increase in funding over the prior year (not counting any overall increase in the grant) will be audited. </p><p>Records from Finance, which show the students name, SSN, and number of hours that the student was registered, and Pell records will be audited to determine eligibility for Pell.</p><p>Documentation: Each recipient must maintain documentation from the service provider verifying each student's eligibility for services.</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified July 31, 2009 REFERENCE: UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-28 ELEMENT NAME: BIA Recipients</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_BIA</p><p>DEFINITION: BIA recipients shall include all Native American postsecondary/adult students who are sponsored by a Native American organization because of their economic need and who have declared themselves as a career and technical education major. NOTE*** if students are multiple recipients of Pell or BIA they must only be listed once in the following order: First, Pell; Second, BIA.</p><p>Information submitted from all institutions is subject to audit. Any institution expected to receive more than a 10 percent increase in funding over the prior year (not counting any overall increase in the grant) will be audited. </p><p>Documentation: Each recipient must maintain documentation from the service provider verifying each student's eligibility for services.</p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified July 31, 2009</p><p>REFERENCE: </p><p>UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (USHE) Data Element Dictionary Perkins Data -- Version: 7-31-2011 Element: P-29 ELEMENT NAME: DWS Recipients</p><p>FIELD NAME: P_DWS</p><p>DEFINITION: DWS information is provided by the Department of Workforce Services. DWS services recipients include all postsecondary/adult students receiving DWS services. Students must be enrolled in applied technology education training. </p><p>COMMENTS: Last modified July 31, 2009</p><p>REFERENCE: </p>
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