PART Β' DOCUMENTS * » * OFFICE FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES PART Β: DOCUMENTS * ob ** OFFICE FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES This publication is also available in the following languages: ES ISBN 92-825-6769-9 DA ISBN 92-825-6770-2 DE ISBN 92-825-6771-0 GR ISBN 92-825-6772-9 FR ISBN 92-825-6774-5 IT ISBN 92-825-6775-3 NL ISBN 92-825-6776-1 PT ISBN 92-825-6777-X Luxembourg: Office for Officiai Publications of the European Communities. 1987 ISBN 92-825-6773-7 Catalogue number: FX-46-86-315-EN-C Printed in Luxembourg Introduction The annual catalogue of publications of the European nology), is based mainly on analysis and subsequent Communities is divided into two parts. redefinition of the document using keywords or key expressions contained in the EUROVOC thesaurus. Part A comprises the monographs and series pub­ This thesaurus will be supplied to subscribers or lished by the Institutions of the European Communi­ users on request. ties as well as the yearly periodicals. The index contains from one to five keywords for Part Β comprises the bibliographic notices of the each document, set out in alphabetical order with as COM Documents, EP Reports and ESC Opinions many permutations as there are keywords. This published during the year on paper and microfiche, makes for easier searches. The keywords are fol­ by the Institutions of the European Communities. lowed by a reference number. This number refers to the sequence number in the catalogue (see detailed This makes it easier for users to follow the progress explanation on page 5). of a COM document, since the ESC Opinions and EP Reports usually refer to a COM document. This Part III — The numerical index comprises all the catalogue contains all the publications for these documents in ascending numerical order, with the English-language documents, supplied on paper and corresponding microfiche number. microfiche. The catalogue is also available in the other official languages of the European Communi­ ties. Subscription system Format An attractive system of selective subscriptions is on offer for each of the three series of documents (COM The catalogue is divided into three parts. documents, ESC Opinions (CES) and EP Reports (PE DOC) ). A selective/combined subscription covering Part I — The classified index provides a classifica­ the three series of documents can also be taken out tion by subject, of the titles, under 19 headings (see at favourable rates. 'List of Headings' on page 6). This list is largely based on that used for the 'Directory of Community legisla­ This system of selective/combined subscriptions, tion in force '. available on paper only, allows subscriptions by people who have so far done without this important' Each complete entry is preceded by a sequence source of information because of the cost. number, which appears only once for each document title. The title of a document, however, may some­ Microfiche subscriptions are still only possible for times appear under more than one heading by virtue each entire series, but attractive rates are available of the subject matter, and in this case the sequence for those interested in all three series. number is given on the right-hand side of these secondary entries but there is no bibliographic refer­ ence (see detailed explanation on page 5). More information can be obtained from the sales offices, whose addresses are given on the third page of the cover. Part II — The alphabetical index comprises all the keywords or key expressions appearing in the docu­ ment. The list, compiled using the EUROVOC Note: Public documents are indexed in part A of thesaurus (multilingual list of Community termi- the catalogue: 'Publications'. Institutions PARLAMENTO EUROPEO ­ EUROPA­PARLAMENTET ­ EUROPÄI­ COMITÉ ECONÓMICO Y SOCIAL ­ DET ØKONOMISKE OG SOCIALE SCHES PARLAMENT ­ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΟ ΚΟΙΝΟΒΟΥΛΙΟ - EUROPEAN UDVALG ­ WIRTSCHAFTS­ UND SOZIALAUSSCHUSS ­ ΟΙΚΟΝΟ­ PARLIAMENT - PARLEMENT EUROPÉEN ­ PARLAMENTO EURO­ ΜΙΚΗ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ ­ ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PEO ­ EUROPEES PARLEMENT ­ PARLAMENTO EUROPEU COMMITTEE ­ COMITÉ ÉCONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL ­ COMITATO ECONOMICO E SOCIALE ­ ECONOMISCH EN SOCIAAL COMITÉ ­ COMITÉ ECONÓMICO E SOCIAL Secrétariat général du Parlement européen Direction générale du greffe et des services généraux L­2920 Luxembourg Division « Presse, information et publications » Tél.: 4 3001 Rue Ravenstein 2, B­1000 Bruxelles Tél.: 512 39 20 CONSEJO DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEAS ­ RADET FOR DE EUROPÆISKE FÆLLESSKABER ­ RAT DER EUROPÄISCHEN GE­ MEINSCHAFTEN ­ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟ ΤΩΝ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΩΝ ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΤΩΝ BANCO EUROPEO DE INVERSIONES ­ DEN EUROPÆISKE INVESTE­ - COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES - CONSEIL DES RINGSBANK ­ EUROPÄISCHE INVESTITIONSBANK ­ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΗ COMMUNAUTÉS EUROPÉENNES ­ CONSIGLIO DELLE COMUNITÀ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΕΠΕΝΔΥΣΕΩΝ - EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK - EUROPEE ­ RAAD VAN DE EUROPESE GEMEENSCHAPPEN ­ BANQUE EUROPÉENNE D'INVESTISSEMENT ­ BANCA EUROPEA CONSELHO DAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEIAS PER GLI INVESTIMENTI ­ EUROPESE INVESTERINGSBANK ­ BANCO EUROPEU DE INVESTIMENTO Secrétariat général du Conseil Direction « Information et documentation > Division « Information/Relations publiques » Rue de la Loi 170, B­1048 Bruxelles L­2950 Luxembourg Tél.: 234 61 11 Tél.: 4379­3142 COMISIÓN DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEAS ­ KOMMISSIONEN FOR DE EUROPÆISKE FÆLLESSKABER ­ KOMMISSION DER EURO­ TRIBUNAL DE CUENTAS DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEAS ­ DE PÄISCHEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN ­ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ ΤΩΝ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΩΝ EUROPÆISKE FÆLLESSKABERS REVISIONSRET ­ RECHNUNGSHOF ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΤΩΝ - COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES DER EUROPÄISCHEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN ­ ΕΛΕΓΚΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ - COMMISSION DES COMMUNAUTÉS EUROPÉENNES ­ COMMIS­ ΤΩΝ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΩΝ ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΤΩΝ - COURT OF AUDITORS OF THE SIONE DELLE COMUNITÀ EUROPEE ­ COMMISSIE VAN DE EURO­ EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES - COUR DES COMPTES DES COMMU­ PESE GEMEENSCHAPPEN ­ COMISSÃO DAS COMUNIDADES EU­ NAUTÉS EUROPÉENNES ­ CORTE DEI CONTI DELLE COMUNITÀ ROPEIAS EUROPEE ­ DE REKENKAMER VAN DE EUROPESE GEMEENSCHAP­ PEN ­ TRIBUNAL DE CONTAS DAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEIAS Division IX­C­1 Rue de la Loi 200, B­1049 Bruxelles 29, rue Aldringen Tél.: 235 11 11 L­2010 Luxembourg Tél.: 4773­1 TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICIA DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEAS ­ DOMSTOLEN FOR DE EUROPÆISKE FÆLLESSKABER ­ GERICHTS­ HOF DER EUROPÄISCHEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN ­ ΔΙΚΑΣΤΗΡΙΟ ΤΩΝ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΩΝ ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΤΩΝ - COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE EURO­ PEAN COMMUNITIES - COUR DE JUSTICE DES COMMUNAUTÉS EUROPÉENNES - CORTE DI GIUSTIZIA DELLE COMUNITÀ EUROPEE - HOF VAN JUSTITIE VAN DE EUROPESE GEMEENSCHAPPEN - TRIBUNAL DE JUSTIÇA DAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEIAS Service intérieur L-2920 Luxembourg Tél.: 4 7621 Information offices BELGIQUE - BELGIË GRAND-DUCHÉ DE LUXEMBOURG Quinta Bienvenida Valle Arriba Rue Archimede 73 - Centre européen Calle Colibrí Archimedesstraat 73 Bâtiment Jean Monnet B/0 Distrito Sucre 1040 Bruxelles — 1040 Brussel 2920 Luxembourg Caracas Tél.: 235 26 15/235 38 44 Tél. 430 11 Venezuela Tel. 91 47 07 NEDERLAND DANMARK Lange Voorhout 29 AUSTRALIA Hojbrohus Den Haag Østergade 61 Tel. 46 93 26 Capital Centre Postbox 144 Franklin Street 1004 Kobenhavn K PO Box 609 UNITED KINGDOM Tlf. : 14 41 40 Manuka ACT 2603 8, Storey's Gate Canberra a.c.t. London SW1Ρ 3AT Tel. (062) 95 50 00 DEUTSCHLAND Tel. 222 81 22 Zitelmannstraße 22 Windsor House CANADA 5300 Bonn 9/15 Bedford Street Tel. 23 80 41 Inn of the Provinces Belfast Office Tower Kurfürstendamm 102 Tel. 407 08 Suite 1110 1000 Berlin 31 4 Cathedral Road Sparks' Street 350 Tel. 8 92 40 28 Cardiff CF1 9SG Ottawa. Ont. KIR 7S8 Tel. 238 64 64 Erhardtstraße 27 Tel. 37 1631 D 8000 München 7 Alva Street Tel. 89/2399-2900 INDIA Edinburgh EH2 4PH Telex 5218135 Tel. 225 2058 Press and Information Service YMCA Building FRANCE ESPAÑA (4th & 5th floors) Jai Singh Road 61. rue des Belles-Feuilles Calle de Serrano. 41. 5'pi. New Delhi 110001 75782 Paris Cedex 16 28001 Madrid Télex: 61315 EURO IN Tél. 45 01 58 85 Tel. 474 11 87 Tél.: 34 42 22, 35 04 30 2. rue Henri Barbusse PORTUGAL F Marseille 13241 Cedex 01 NIPPON Tél. 91/08 62 00 35. rua Sacramento à Lapa Kowa 25 Building 1200 Lisboa 8-7 Sanbancho Tel.: 66 75 96 GRÈCE Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo 102 2. Vassilissis Sofias SCHWEIZ ­ SUISSE ­ SVIZZERA Tel. 239 04 41 TK. 1602 Athina 134 Case postale 195 Tel: 724 39 82/724 39 83/724 39 84 37-39, rue de Vermont THAILAND 1211 Genève 20 Tél. 34 97 50 Bangkok IRELAND Thai Military Bank Bldg TURKIYE 34. Phya Thai Road 39. Molesworth Street Tel. 282 1452 Dublin 2 15. Kuleli Sokak Tel 71 22 44 Gazi Osman Paqa UNITED STATES Ank3r3 ITALIA Tel. 27 61 45/27 61 46 2100 M Street. NW Suite 707 Via Poli. 29 AMERICA LATINA Washington. DC 20037 00 187 Roma Tel. 862 95 00 Tel. 678 97 22 Avda Ricardo Lyon 1177 Santiago de Chile 9 1 Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza Corso Magenta. 61 Chile 245 East 47th Street 20 123 Milano Adresse postale: Casilla 10093 New York. NY 10017 Tel. 87 51 17/80 59 209/80 52 643 Tel. 25 05 55 Tel. 371 38 04 4/87 Part I Classified index heading number title of heading ~4 Fisheries sequence number — -365 PE DOC A 2-162/85 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights on the enforcement title - bibliographic of the common fisheries policy reference Rapporteur: Lord O'HAGAN 28.11.1985 - 25 pages ISBN 92-77-10187-3 catalogue number- -AY-CO-85-209-EN-C microfiche number- -EN - 85 - 66 Part II Alphabetical index -sea fishing fisheries policy, European cooperation 365 sequence keywords -fisheries policy number European cooperation, sea fishing 365 — in catalogue -European cooperation sea fishing, fisheries policy 365 — Part III Numerical index Number of document Sequence number Microfiche number PE DOC A 2-162/85 365 EN - 85 - 66 Note: Each series of documents has an ISSN number: COM Documents: 0254-1475 EP Reports: 0256-2375 CES Opinions: 0255-0717 List of headings 01 General, political and 0502 law and working conditions 13 Industrial policy and internal institutional matters 0503 European Social Fund (ESF) market 0101 general 0504 vocational training 1301 industrial policy: sectoral 0102 European integration.
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