<p> Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 1</p><p>SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: Studies included in meta-analysis.</p><p>Table 1 Characteristics of studies correlating perceived discrimination and mental health outcomes</p><p>Author, year, and Number of respondents Respondent type Discrimination type Health outcome measure Correlation document type Ashburn-Nardo et 316 College students Racial/ethnic Well being (Rosenberg) -.07 al., (MIBI) Well being (SWLS) -.06 2007 Psychological distress -.17 Manuscript Racial/ethnic Well being (Rosenberg) -.03 (RBRSQ) Well being (SWLS) +.07 Psychological distress -.12 Racial/ethnic Well being (Rosenberg) -.02 (Branscombe, 1999) Well being (SWLS) -.06 Psychological distress -.11 Banks et al., 2006 570 Community sample Unfair treatment Depression -.15 Journal article Anxiety -.20 Barnes & Lightsey, 114 College students Racial/ethnic Satisfaction with life +.01 2005 Perceived stress -.22 Journal article Barrett et al., 1991 110 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Depression -.29 Journal article Self-efficacy +.21 Self-esteem +.21 Bierman, 2006 2581 Community sample Unfair treatment Positive affect -.13 Journal article Negative affect -.18 Bird et al., 2004 110 HIV+ Individuals Racial/ethnic Depression -.30 Journal article Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder -.42 SES-based Depression -.42 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder -.35</p><p>Bond et al., 2004 208 Community Sample Gender (gendered Psychological distress -.17 Journal article conditions of work) Gender (individual) -.17 Gender (Sexism in the -.16 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 2</p><p> workplace) Borrell et al., 2006 1016 Community sample Racial/ethnic Depression -.06 Journal article (Females only) General mental health -.13 (Males only) Depression -.02 General mental health -.09 706</p><p>Bourguignon et al., 269 Community sample Racial/ethnic 2006 (personal) Self-esteem -.07 Journal article (group) +.12 178 Community sample Racial/ethnic (personal) -.06 (group) +.15 Branscombe et al., 139 Part college, part Racial/ethnic Well being -.09 1999 community (future attribution) Collective well being -.13 Journal article (membership) -.07 Racial/ethnic Collective well being (private) -.09 (past experience) Well being -.14 Collective well being -.07 (membership) Collective well being (private) Brody et al., 2006 897 (Wave I) National Dataset Racial/ethnic Depression -.25 Journal article 779 (Wave II) (Family and .-29 767 (Wave III) Community Health -.17 Study, FACHS) Broman, 1997 Not reported Community sample Racial/ethnic Life satisfaction -.17 Journal article Brown et al., 1998 586 Blacks only Racial/ethnic Depression -.11 Dissertation (life events) Psychological distress -.10 Well being -.17 Racial/ethnic Depression -.26 (daily hassles) Psychological distress -.27 Well being -.23 520 Whites only Racial ethnic Depression +.07 (housing) Psychological distress +.05 Well being +.09 Bynum et al., 2007 247 College students Racial/ethnic Psychological distress -.31 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 3</p><p>Journal article Psychological stress -.17 Campbell 2000 114 Community sample Gender Anxiety -.61 Dissertation (lifetime) Depression -.62 (recent) Anxiety -.64 Depression -.60 (appraisal) Anxiety -.48 Depression -.47</p><p>Caputo 2003 969 Community sample Unfair treatment General mental health -.12 Journal article Cassidy et al., 2005 154 Community sample Racial/ethnic Anxiety -.24 Journal article Depression -.21 Personal self-esteem -.20 Private collective self esteem -.18 Public collective self esteem -.39 Membership collective self- -.18 esteem 69 Subsample of gender Anxiety -.25 (men) Depression -.28 Personal self esteem -.33 Ethnic self esteem -.30 85 Subsample of gender Anxiety -.29 (women) Depression -.14 Personal self esteem -.06 Ethnic self esteem -.01 Chávez & French, 105 College students Racial/ethnic Depression -.10 2007 Anxiety -.27 Journal article Loss of Behavioral/Emotional -.11 Control -.01 Anxiety Clark 2000 39 College Students Racial/ethnic Anxiety -.15 Journal article Anger -.21 Clark 2003 64 College Students Racial/ethnic Anxiety on lab task +.25 Journal article Stress on lab task -.23 Combs et al., 2006 128 College Students Racial/ethnic Paranoia (non-clinical) -.40 Journal article Paranoia (clinical) -.24 Anger -.21 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 4</p><p>Depression -.04 Corning 2002 100 College students Gender Self-esteem -.10 Journal article Depression -.18 Anxiety -.13 125 College students Gender Self-esteem +.03 Depression -.23 Anxiety -.16 Dambrun 2007 141 College students Personal Gender Psychological Distress -.23 Journal article Discrimination Group Gender -.17 Discrimination Dietch et al., 2003 327 Community sample Unfair treatment Well-being -.18 Journal article 5,483 US Navy personnel Job specific well-being -.74 Emotional well-being -.34 Physical well-being -.25 8,311 US Navy personnel Job specific well-being -.75 Emotional well-being -.36 Physical well-being -.26 Dion et al., 1992 184 Community sample Unfair treatment Psychological symptoms -.20 Journal article Racial/ethnic -.16 92 Low hardiness Unfair treatment -.38 Racial/ethnic -.14 92 High hardiness Unfair treatment -.04 Racial/ethnic -.1 Eccleston & Major, 160 College students Unfair treatment Self-esteem 2006 (attributions) +.01 Journal article (globality) -.10 (severity) -.15 (stability) +.04 (uncontrollability) +.09 Fischer & Shaw, 119 College Students Racial/ethnic General mental health -.10 1999 (lifetime) Self-esteem +.00 Journal article Racial/ethnic General mental health -.14 (year) Self-esteem -.13 -.03 Fischer & Holz, 257 College students Gender – past year Public collective self-esteem -.21 2007 Private collective self-esteem -.03 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 5</p><p>Journal article Personal self-esteem -.10 Depression -.37 Anxiety -.29 Fisher et al., 2000 177 High school students Racial – institutional Self-esteem -.03 Journal article Racial – educational -.20 Racial – peer -.24 Foster & Tsarfati, 391 College students Gender Anger -.23 2005 151 Anxiety -.04 Journal article Anger -.04 Life satisfaction +.09 Performance state self-esteem +.05 Social self-esteem +.01 Foster et al., 2006 138 College students Group membership, Self-esteem -.14 Journal article chosen by participant Intergroup Anxiety -.11 Frable et al., 1997 825 Homosexual/bisexual Sexual orientation Journal article men (general stigma) Positive self-perceptions -.18 (stigma from family) -.26 (stigma for other gay -.23 men) Garstka et al., 2004 59 College students Age discrimination Self-esteem -.13 Journal article Life satisfaction -.13 60 Older adults Self-esteem -.24 Life satisfaction -.30 Gee, Spencer, 2047 National Datset Unfair treatment Any mental disorder -.30 Chen, (National Latino and Anxiety disorder -.36 Yip & Asian American Depressive disorder -.24 Takeuchi, Study, NLAAS) 2007 Journal article Gibbons et al., 897 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Depression -.09 2004 Depression -.30 Journal article Goldenhar et al, 211 Community Sample Gender Psychological distress -.24 1998 Journal article Greene et al., 2006 136 Wave 2 Racial/ethnic Self-esteem -.13 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 6</p><p>Journal article (from adults) Depression -.18 Racial/ethnic Self-esteem -.04 (from peers) Depression -.35 Wave 3 Racial/ethnic Self-esteem -.41 (from adults) Depression -.26 Racial/ethnic Self-esteem -.39 (from peers) Depression -.28 Wave 4 Racial/ethnic Self-esteem -.24 (from adults) Depression -.09 Racial/ethnic Self-esteem -.41 (from peers) Depression -.26 Wave 5 Racial/ethnic Self-esteem -.43 (from adults) Depression -.46 Racial/ethnic Self-esteem -.53 (from peers) Depression -.42 Wave 6 Racial/ethnic Self-esteem -.43 (from adults) Depression +.46 Racial/ethnic Self-esteem -.53 (from peers) Depression -.42 Harris et al., 2006 12,500 Community Sample Racial- physical attack Depression -.28 Journal article (New Zealand Health Racial-verbal attack -.20 Survey) Racial-any attack -.21 Unfair treatement -.36 (health) Unfair treatment -.20 (workplace) Unfair treatment -.12 (housing) Unfair treatment (any) -.22 Overall discrimination -.21 (ever) -.25 Overall discrimination (past 12 months) Heckman 2003 275 Community sample AIDS-related Life satisfaction -.27 Journal article 221 Males only -.19 53 Females only -.51 196 Whites only -.31 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 7</p><p>78 Blacks only -.21 Heckman et al., 83 HIV Infected AIDS-related Depression -.22 2002 Individuals Journal article Hocoy 1997 348 College Students Racial/ethnic Self-esteem -.15 Dissertation General mental health -.27 Black esteem -.21 139 Self-esteem -.53 Chinese esteem -.64 Hoyt et al. 40 Overall Racial/ethnic Well being +.43 Manuscript 28 Negative feedback +.35 28 Positive feedback -.22 Huebner 2002 361 Men who have sex Sexual orientation Depression -.03 Dissertation with men Huebner et al., 250 Men who have sex Sexual orientation Depression -.28 2005 with men Journal article Jackson et al., 1996 623 National Dataset Racial/ethnic Psychological distress -.02 Journal article (National Survey of Happiness -.10 Black Americans, Life satisfaction -.18 NSBA) Jackson & 288 National Dataset Racial/ethnic Psychological distress -.12 Mustillo, (National Survey of Antisocial behavior -.03 2001 Black Americans, Well being -.17 Journal article NSBA) Gender Psychological distress -.13 Antisocial behavior -.12 Well being -.19 James et al., 1994 89 Community Sample Organizational Self-esteem -.16 Journal article discrimination Collective self-esteem .10</p><p>Jasinskaja-Lahti & 2359 Developing Theory Racial/ethnic Well-being -.11 Liebkind, and Methodology in 2007 the Study of Journal article Discrimination and Marginalization Jaskinskaja-Lahti et 1783 Developing Theory Racial/ethnic Well-being -.12 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 8</p><p> al., and Methodology in 2007 the Study of Journal article Discrimination and Marginalization Jones et al., 2007 262 College students Racial/ethnic Depression -.35 Journal article Self-esteem -.08 Karlsen & Nazroo, 5196 National Dataset Racial/ethnic Depression 2002 (Fourth National (verbal abuse) -.33 Journal article Survey of Ethnic (physical abuse) -.38 Minorities, FNS) (employer Psychosis -.53 discrimination) -.17 Kessler et al., 1999 3032 National Dataset Not specified Depression -.22 Journal article (Midlife in the United States, MIDUS) King 1998 110 College students Racial/ethnic Psychological stress -.33 Dissertation Race and Gender Psychological stress -.32 Self-esteem -.19 King 2003 112 College Students Racial/ethnic Psychological stress -.33 Journal article State self-esteem -.11 Performance self-esteem -.06 Social self-esteem -.16 Appearance self-esteem +.01 Global self-esteem -.09 Gender Psychological stress -.18 State self-esteem -.14 Performance self-esteem -.12 Social self-esteem -.12 Appearance self-esteem -.05 Global self-esteem -.08 Race and Gender Psychological stress -.32 State self-esteem -.20 Performance self-esteem -.16 Social self-esteem -.22 Appearance self-esteem -.07 Global self-esteem -.12 King 2005 115 College Students Racial/ethnic Psychological stress -.33 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 9</p><p>Journal article Race and Gender -.32 Klonoff et al., 2000 163 Community sample Gender Somatization -.36 Journal article Obsessive compulsive -.39 Depression -.44 Anxiety -.36 Total symptoms -.48 Kwate et al., 2003 71 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Psychological distress Journal article (lifetime) -.40 (year) -.31 Lam 2007 122 College students Racial/ethnic Collective self-esteem -.14 Journal article Depression -.29 Anxiety -.29 Landrine & 153 University faculty, Racial/ethnic General mental health -.31 Klonoff, staff, students (recent) Obsessive compulsive subscale -.19 1996 Interpersonal sensitivity subscale -.39 Journal article Depression subscale -.29 Anxiety -.34 Somatization -.42 Racial/ethnic General Mental health -.32 (lifetime) Obsessive compulsive subscale -.21 Interpersonal sensitivity subscale -.37 Depression subscale -.30 Anxiety -.33 Somatization -.39 Racial/ethnic General Mental health -.38 (appraisal) Obsessive compulsive subscale -.32 Interpersonal sensitivity subscale -.43 Depression subscale -.33 Anxiety -.37 Somatization -.41 Lee 2003 91 College students Racial/ethnic Self-esteem +.04 Journal article 67 College students Racial/ethnic Depression -.46 Self-esteem -.49 Lee et al., 2004 67 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Well being -.35 Book Chapter General health -.16 Lee 2005 84 College students Racial/ethnic Depression -.28 Journal article Self-esteem -.36 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 10</p><p>Leonardelli & 132 College students Gender Self-esteem -.15 Tormala, 2003 Journal article Li & Moore, 1998 1266 Enrolled in state Disability discrimination Self-esteem -.32 Journal article rehab services Littrell & Beck, 91 Homeless men Racial/ethnic Self-esteem +.13 1999 Depression +.19 Journal article Anger +.09 Loo et al., 2001 300 Veterans Racial/ethnic Journal article (prejudice and Post traumatic stress disorder -.67 stigmatization) (bicultural identification -.53 and conflict) (racist environment) -.48 (total scale) -.68 (prejudice and General mental health -.68 stigmatization) (bicultural identification -.51 and conflict) (racist environment) -.43 (total scale) -.67 Major et al, 2007 191 College students Racial/ethnic Self-esteem -.04 Journal article Mak & Nesdale, 372 Community sample Racial/ethnic Psychological distress -.13 2001 Self-esteem -.01 Journal article Ethnic self-esteem +.05 McSwan 2000 106 Community sample Gender Depression Dissertation (lifetime) -.24 (recent) -.20 (appraised) -.20</p><p>Moghaddam et al., 104 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Anger +.32 2002 (personal mistreatment Anxiety +.16 Journal article due to race) Depression +.13 (general mistreatment of Anger +.38 Indians) Anxiety +.09 Depression +.14 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 11</p><p>(group membership Anger -.14 causes disadvantaged Anxiety -.36 status) Depression -.20 Moradi & Hassan, 108 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Self-esteem -.29 2004 Psychological distress -.32 Journal article Moradi & Subich, 187 Faculty and staff at Lifetime gender Psychological distress -.32 2002 university Recent gender -.43 Journal article Moradi & Subich, 133 Community sample Racial/ethnic Psychological distress -.28 2003 Gender Psychological distress -.35 Journal article Moradi & Subich, 104 College Students Gender Psychological distress -.32 2004 (lifetime) Self-esteem -.02 Journal article Gender Psychological distress -.39 (recent) Self-esteem -.08 Gender Psychological distress -.27 (appraisal) Self-esteem +.07 Moradi & Risco, 128 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Psychological distress -.45 2006 Self-esteem -.15 Journal article Murry et al., 2001 897 National Dataset Racial/ethnic Depression -.14 Journal article (Family and Anxiety -.16 Community Health Study, FACHS) Nyborg & Curry, 84 Ages 10-15 Racial/ethnic Internalizing behavior (YSR) -.34 2003 Externalizing behavior (YSR) -.46 Journal article Self concept -.34 Internalizing behavior (CBCL) +.10 Externalizing behavior (CBCL) -.27 Oh 2001 140 College Students Racial/ethnic Personal self-esteem -.01 Dissertation Collective self-esteem (total) +.07 Public collective self-esteem -.15 Private collective self-esteem +.07 Membership collective self- +.23 esteem +.08 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 12</p><p>Importance to identity subscale Peters 2004 162 Community Sample Racial/ethnic (Racism Anger -.09 Journal article and Life Experiences Anxiety -.09 Scale) Depression -.01 (Racial Discrimination Anger -.08 Questionnaire) Anxiety -.02 Depression +.06 Peters, 2006 162 Community sample Racial/ethnic Anger expression +.03 Journal article Trait anger -.10 Trait anxiety -.11 Trait depression -.04 Anger expression +.10 Trait anger -.08 Trait anxiety -.02 Trait depression +.06 Pieterse & Carter, 220 Community sample Racial/ethnic (past Perceived stress -.31 2007 month Well-being -.16 Journal article experiences) Psychological distress -.46 Perceived stress -.39 Racial/ethnic (past Well-being -.28 month Psychological distress -.44 stress) Perceived stress -.29 Well-being -.18 Racial/ethnic (past year Psychological distress -.39 experiences) Perceived stress -.39 Well-being -.39 Racial/ethnic (past year Psychological distress -.40 stress) Prelow et al., 2006 135 College Students Racial/ethnic Depression -.26 Journal article Life satisfaction -.18 Redman & Snape, 393 Police officers Age discrimination Life satisfaction -.33 2005 Journal article Rivera 2003 850 Community Sample Unfair treatment Depression -.31 Dissertation Rodriguez, 2004 3032 National Dataset Job Psychological distress -.18 Dissertation (Full sample) (Midlife in the Education -.11 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 13</p><p>United States, Inferiority -.20 MIDUS) Blatant -.15 Mistrustful -.12 Composite -.19</p><p>2485 Job -.21 (Whites) Education -.17 Inferiority -.21 Blatant -.16 Mistrustful -.16 Composite -.23</p><p>480 Job -.11 (Minorities) Education -.11 Inferiority -.12 Blatant -.12 Mistrustful -.01 Composite -.10</p><p>1318 Job -.13 (Males) Education -.07 Inferiority -.14 Blatant -.13 Mistrustful -.12 Composite -.15</p><p>1714 Job -.23 (Females) Education -.12 Inferiority -.25 Blatant -.18 Mistrustful -.16 Composite -.24</p><p>Romero & Roberts, 881 Middle school Racial/ethnic Self-esteem -.13 2003 students Journal article Sanders Thompson, 146 Community sample Unfair treatment Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 14</p><p>2006 (impact) Psychological distress- re- -.11 Journal article (experience) experiencing -.09 (current) -.09 (impact) Psychological distress- avoidance +.02 (experience) +.02 (current) -.18 Schmitt et al., 2002 40 College students Gender Collective self esteem (private) -.22 Journal article Personal self-esteem -.19 Schmitt et al., 2003 220 College students Journal article Subgroup of gender Gender (past prejudice Self-esteem -.14 (women) experiences) Positive affect -.18 Life satisfaction -.10 Depression -.13 Anxiety -.15 Gender (prejudice across Self-esteem -.14 contexts) Positive affect -.11 Life satisfaction -.07 Depression -.25 Anxiety -.12 203 Subgroup of gender Gender (past prejudice Self-esteem -.08 (men) experiences) Positive affect -.14 Life satisfaction -.19 Depression -.23 Anxiety -.13 Gender (prejudice across Self-esteem +.04 contexts) Positive affect +.00 Life satisfaction -.11 Depression -.09 Anxiety -.19 Schnieder et al., 110 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Life satisfaction -.32 2000 Psychological distress -.07 Journal article 63 Subgroup of gender PTSD -.16 110 Overall Life satisfaction +.02 Psychological distress +.05 63 Subgroup of gender PTSD -.27 295 Graduate Students Life satisfaction +.12 Life satisfaction -.12 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 15</p><p>Sellers et al., 2003 349 College students Racial/ethnic Psychological distress (time 1) -.23 Journal article Psychological distress (time 2) -.23 Sellers & Shelton, 555 Community sample Racial/ethnic Perceived stress -.23 2003 Psychological distress -.35 Journal article Sellers et al., 2006 314 Grades 7-10 Racial/ethnic Perceived stress -.22 Journal article Well-being -.11 Depressive symptomatology -.28 Shrake & Rhee, 217 Middle and high Racial/ethnic Internalizing problems, -.26 2004 school students withdrawal, anxiety, depression, Journal article somatic complaints Simons et al., 2002 810 National Dataset Racial/ethnic Depression -.31 Journal article (Family and Racial/ethnic -.21 Community Health (community level) Study, FACHS) Simons et al., 2003 312 (Males only) National Dataset Racial/ethnic Depression -.27 Journal article (Family and Anger -.18 378 (Females only) Community Health Depression -.32 Study, FACHS) Anger -.28 Simons et al., 2006 332 National Dataset Racial/ethnic Anger -.23 Journal article (Family and Community Health Study, FACHS) Soriano & 176 Community sample Racial/ethnic Anxiety +.19 Ramirez, Self-esteem +.03 1991 Depression -.01 Journal article Szalacha et al., 291 Puerto Rican born or Racial/ethnic Depression -.14 2003 heritage children Self-esteem -.01 Journal article Physical manifestation of stress -.14 Emotional manifestation at -.18 school -.19 Self-esteem Taylor & Turner, 897 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Depression -.13 2002 -.10 Journal article Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 16</p><p>Umaña-Taylor & 273 Adolescents Racial/ethnic Self-esteem -.24 Updegraff, Depression -.36 2007 Journal article Utsey et al., 2000 56 Clinical sample Racial/ethnic Depression -.18 Journal article Anxiety -.04 70 Normal sample Depression -.27 Utsey et al., 2002 127 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Mental health -.02 Journal article (cultural) Life satisfaction +.01 Psychological quality of life -.02 (institutional) Psychological quality of life -.09 Life satisfaction -.16 (individual) Psychological quality of life -.10 Life satisfaction -.08 Life satisfaction -.16 (collective) Psychological quality of life -.16 Life satisfaction -.03 Utsey 2002b 160 Community Sample Racial/ethnic (cultural) Psychological quality of life +.10 Journal article (institutional) Psychological quality of life +.00 (individual) Psychological quality of life +.13 Utsey et al., 2006 323 Racial/ethnic Journal article (individual) Quality of life -.02 (cultural) .10 (institutional) -.18 Verkuyten & 67 Community Sample Not specified Life satisfaction -.24 Nekuee, Self-esteem -.20 1999 Journal article Verkuyten & 67 Community sample Unfair treatment- Personal self esteem +.02 Neukee, 2001 personal Ethnic self-esteem +.12 Journal article Unfair treatment- Personal self esteem -.29 group Ethnic self-esteem +.08 Verkuyten & Thijs, 161 High school students Unfair treatment Self-esteem -.17 2004 Journal article Waldo 1999 287 Gay, lesbian, Sexual orientation Depression and anxiety -.36 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 17</p><p>Journal article bisexual sample (OTHI) Self-esteem -.36 Life satisfaction -.22 Sexual orientation Depression and anxiety -.38 (WHEQ) Self-esteem -.25 Life satisfaction -.17</p><p>Whitbeck 2001 195 American Indian Racial/ethnic (global) Withdrawal -.10 Journal article Children Depression and anxiety -.27 Anger (I get angry) -.21 Anger (I am quick tempered) -.24 Anger (I get mad) -.21 Racial/ethnic (authority) Withdrawal -.09 Depression and anxiety -.15 Anger (I get angry) -.17 Anger (I am quick tempered) -.20 Anger (I get mad) -.15 Racial/ethnic (school) Withdrawal -.06 Depression and anxiety -.22 Anger (I get angry) -.09 Anger (I am quick tempered) +.05 Anger (I get mad) -.11 Whitbeck et al., 220 Community sample Not specified Depression -.25 2002 Journal article Whitbeck et al., 452 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Psychological Distress -.41 2004 Journal article Yoo & Lee, 2005 155 College students Racial/ethnic Life satisfaction -.20 Journal article Zakalik & Wei, 234 Gay males Sexual orientation Depression 2006 (Verbal harassment and (CES-D) -.26 Journal article intimidation) (DASS) -.25 (Restricted rights and (CES-D) -.36 opportunities) (DASS) -.38 (Perceived Prejudice (CES-D) -.20 scale) (DASS) -.20 (Perceived (CES-D) -.18 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 18</p><p>Discrimination scale) (DASS) -.14 Composite Depression Composite -.44 Zamboni & 174 Gay/bisexual men Racial/ethnic Psychiatric symptoms -.27 Crawford, 2007 Psychiatric symptoms -.30 Journal article Sexual orientation Zucker & Landry, 179 College students Gender Psychological Distress -.38 2007 Journal article Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 19</p><p>Table 2 Characteristics of studies correlating perceived discrimination and blood pressure / reactivity / cardiovascular risk factors and/or disease</p><p>Author, year, and Number of respondents Respondent type Discrimination type Health outcome measure Correlation document type Brown et al., 2006 1549 National Dataset Unfair treatment Blood pressure +.02 Journal article (White) (Study of Women’s +.03 934 Health Across the -.02 (Black) Nation, SWAN) -.03 250 -.02 (Chinese) -.01 286 -.02 (Hispanic) -.06 281 -.07 (Japanese) -.06 3300 -.02 (All) +.04 Clark 2000 39 College Students Racial/ethnic Blood Pressure +.11 Journal article Clark 2003 64 College Students Racial/ethnic Systolic blood pressure +.11 Journal article Diastolic blood pressure -.04 Gee, Delva & 2095 National Datset Unfair treatment Cardio conditions -.19 Takeuchi, All Asian American (National Latino and 2007 520 Asian American -.23 Journal article Vietnamese Study, NLAAS) 520 .-07 Filipino American 600 -.19 Chinese American Harris et al., 2006 12,500 Community Sample Racial- physical attack Cardiovascular disease -.10 Journal article (New Zealand Health Racial-verbal attack -.20 Survey) Racial-any attack -.17 Unfair treatement -.22 (health) Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 20</p><p>Unfair treatment -.10 (workplace) Unfair treatment -.14 (housing) Unfair treatment (any) -.11 Overall discrimination -.30 (ever) Overall discrimination -.16 (past 12 months) Huebner 2002 361 Men who have sex Sexual orientation Hypertension +.01 Dissertation with men James et al., 1994 89 Community Sample Organizational Blood pressure -.17 Journal article discrimination Karlsen & Nazroo, 5196 National Dataset Racial/ethnic Blood pressure -.14 2002 (Fourth National (verbal abuse) Myocardial infarction -.19 Journal article Survey of Ethnic (physical abuse) Blood pressure -.20 Minorities, FNS) Myocardial infarction -.22 (employer Blood pressure -.19 discrimination) Myocardial infarction +.02 Lewis et al., 2006 181 National Dataset Chronic Coronary Artery Calcification -.38 Journal article (Study of Women’s Recent -.23 Health Across the Nation, SWAN) McNeilly et al, 15 No support group Racial/ethnic Systolic change scores – speaking -.28 1995 Diastolic change scores – -.24 Journal article speaking -.26 Heart rate change scores -.27 speaking -.08 Systolic change scores – listening -.01 Diastolic change scores – -.05 listening -.29 Heart rate change scores -.02 15 Support listening -.38 Systolic change scores – recovery -.10 Diastolic change sores – recovery -.58 Heart rate change scores recovery -.34 Systolic change scores – speaking -.11 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 21</p><p>Diastolic change scores – -.29 speaking -.25 Heart rate change scores -.00 speaking -.01 Systolic change scores – listening Diastolic change scores – listening Heart rate change scores listening Systolic change scores – recovery Diastolic change sores – recovery Heart rate change scores recovery Moghaddam et al., 104 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Systolic blood pressure +.27 2002 (personal mistreatment Diastolic blood pressure +.26 Journal article due to race) (general mistreatment of Systolic blood pressure +.20 Indians) Diastolic blood pressure +.14 (group membership Systolic blood pressure -.03 causes disadvantaged Diastolic blood pressure +.04 status) Peters 2004 162 Community Sample Racial/ethnic (Racism Systolic blood pressure +.02 Journal article and Life Experiences Diastolic blood pressure -.05 Scale) (Racial Discrimination Systolic blood pressure +.02 Questionnaire) Diastolic blood pressure -.06 Hypertension -.80 Peters, 2006 162 Community sample Racial/ethnic Systolic blood pressure +.02 Journal article Diastolic blood pressure +.05 Systolic blood pressure +.02 Diastolic blood pressure -.06 Poston et al., 2001 221 Pharmacists and RNs Racial/ethnic (job) Hypertension +.00 Journal Article in Houston area Racial/ethnic (public) +.00 Racial/ethnic (overheard +.00 statements) Ryan et al., 2006 666 Community sample Racial/ethnic Systolic blood pressure +.01 Journal article Diastolic blood pressure +.00 Steffen et al., 2003 69 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Clinic Systolic BP -.18 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 22</p><p>Journal article Clinic diastolic BP -.30 Waking systolic BP -.31 Waking diastolic BP -.34 Sleep systolic BP -.24 Sleep diastolic BP -.25 Drop in systolic BP -.02 Drop in diastolic BP +.01 Thompson 1999 127 Community sample Racial/ethnic Systolic BP +.09 Journal article (AAARSI) Diastolic BP +.03 Intramedial thickness +.11 Max Intramedial thickness +.11 Plaque +.06 Systolic BP changes +.09 Diastolic BP changes -.03 Heart rate changes -.06 Racial/ethnic Systolic BP +.03 (PRS year) Diastolic BP -.13 Intramedial thickness -.20 Max intramedial thickness +.18 Plaque +.06 Systolic BP changes -.19 Diastolic BP changes -.09 Heart rate changes -.08 Racial/ethnic Systolic BP -.01 (PRS lifetime) Diastolic BP -.15 Intramedial thickness +.11 Max intramedial thickness +.12 Plaque +.07 Systolic BP changes +.07 Diastolic BP changes +.09 Heart rate changes +.08 Racial/ethnic Systolic BP -.20 (Kreiger & Sidney, Diastolic BP -.27 1996) Intramedial thickness -.04 Max intramedial thickness +.02 Plaque -.04 Systolic BP changes +.19 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 23</p><p>Diastolic BP changes +.08 Heart rate changes -.08 Racial/ethnic Systolic BP -.21 (Williams – major Diastolic BP -.36 events) Intramedial thickness -.05 Max intramedial thickness -.02 Plaque -.02 Systolic BP changes +.11 Diastolic BP changes +.02 Heart rate changes +.03 Racial/ethnic Systolic BP -.18 (Williams – everyday) Diastolic BP -.33 Intramedial thickness +.09 Max intramedial thickness +.05 Plaque +.01 Systolic BP changes +.15 Diastolic BP changes +.07 Racial/ethnic Heart rate changes +.01 (composite of Williams Intramedial thickness +.00 and Kreiger) Max intramedial thickness +.13 Plaque -.00 Systolic BP changes +.15 Diastolic BP changes +.07 Heart rate Changes +.01 Troxel et al., 2003 109 National Dataset Attribution to racism Plaque -.48 Journal article (Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation, SWAN) Utsey & Hook, 83 College students Racial/ethnic Heart rate variability 2007 (male) (individual) -.03 Journal article (institutional) -.01 (cultural) -.02 132 College students (individual) -.12 (female) (institutional) -.01 (cultural) -.18 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 24</p><p>Table 3 Characteristics of studies correlating perceived discrimination and other physical health outcomes</p><p>Author, year, and Number of respondents Respondent type Discrimination type Health outcome measure Correlation document type Bianchi et al., 2004 140 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Obesity -.12 Journal article Sexual orientation Bird et al., 2004 110 HIV+ Individuals Racial/ethnic AIDS related symptoms -.39 Journal article General health -.26 SES-based AIDS related symptoms -.47 General health -.22 Bond et al., 2004 208 Community Sample Gender (gendered General physical health +.10 Journal article conditions of work) Gender (individual) -.10 Gender (Sexism in the -.15 workplace) Borrell et al., 2006 1016 Community sample Racial/ethnic Physical health -.02 Journal article (Females only) Self-rated health +.02 (Males only) Physical health +.00 Self-rated health +.01 706</p><p>Campbell 2000 114 Community sample Gender General physical health -.66 Dissertation (lifetime) Pre-menstrual symptoms -.37 (recent) General physical health -.55 Pre-menstrual symptoms -.42 (appraisal) physical health -.61 Pre-menstrual symptoms -.20 Caputo 2003 969 Community sample Unfair treatment General physical health -.08 Journal article Clark 2003 64 College Students Racial/ethnic Body Mass Index -.04 Journal article Din-Dzietham et 356 Community Sample Racial/ethnic BMI al., (from non-Blacks) -.01 2004 (from Blacks) -.20 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 25</p><p>Journal article Gee, Delva & 2095 National Datset Unfair treatment Respiratory conditions -.12 Takeuchi, All Asian American (National Latino and Pain conditions -.19 2007 Asian American Other conditions +.05 Journal article 520 Study, NLAAS) Respiratory conditions -.14 Vietnamese Pain conditions -.17 Other conditions -.04 520 Respiratory conditions -.27 Filipino American Pain conditions -.15 Other conditions -.06 600 Respiratory conditions -.06 Chinese American Pain conditions -.08 Other conditions +.21 Goldenhar et al, 211 Community Sample Gender Sleeping habits -.14 1998 Nausea in past year -.22 Journal article Headaches in past year -.16 Harris et al., 2006 12,500 Community Sample Racial- physical attack Self-rated health -.24 Journal article (New Zealand Health Physical functioning -.16 Survey) Racial-verbal attack Self-rated health -.25 Physical functioning -.14 Racial-any attack Self-rated health -.26 Physical functioning -.15 Unfair treatement Self-rated health -.43 (health) Physical functioning -.34 Unfair treatment Self-rated health -.29 (workplace) Physical functioning -.20 Unfair treatment Self-rated health -.09 (housing) Physical functioning -.13 Unfair treatment (any) Self-rated health -.28 Physical functioning -.22 Overall discrimination Self-rated health -.28 (ever) Physical functioning -.17 Overall discrimination Self-rated health -.17 (past 12 months) Physical functioning -.30 Heckman et al., 83 HIV Infected AIDS-related Physical well-being -.22 2002 Individuals Journal article Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 26</p><p>Huebner 2002 361 Men who have sex Sexual orientation Sick days -.21 Dissertation with men Doctor visits -.06 Total health problems -.18 Obesity +.00 HIV status -.03 Huebner & Davis, 334 Gay men Sexual orientation Days sick -.26 2007 Doctor visits -.07 Journal article HIV status -.01 Jackson et al., 1996 623 National Dataset Racial/ethnic Doctor reported illnesses +.06 Journal article (National Survey of Health disability +.04 Black Americans, NSBA) James et al., 1994 89 Community Sample Organizational Health questionnaire -.06 Journal article discrimination Jasinskaja-Lahti & 2359 Developing Theory Racial/ethnic Self-rated health -.28 Liebkind, and Methodology in 2007 the Study of Journal article Discrimination and Marginalization Jaskinskaja-Lahti et 1783 Developing Theory Racial/ethnic General health -.32 al., and Methodology in 2007 the Study of Journal article Discrimination and Marginalization Karlsen & Nazroo, 5196 National Dataset Racial/ethnic Poor health -.16 2002 (Fourth National (verbal abuse) Long-standing illness -.22 Journal article Survey of Ethnic Diabetes -.15 Minorities, FNS) Respiratory illness -.23 Racial/ethnic Poor health -.27 (physical abuse) Long-standing illness -.19 Diabetes +.01 Respiratory illness -.45 Racial/ethnic Poor health -.12 (employer Long-standing illness +.04 discrimination) Diabetes -.04 582 Racial/ethnic (verbal) Fair or poor health .-.10 (Carribbean) Racial/ethnic (physical) -.01 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 27</p><p>973 Racial/ethnic (verbal) -.24 (Indian) Racial/ethnic (physical) -.47 848 Racial/ethnic (verbal) -.28 (Pakistani/Bangladeshi) Racial/ethnic (physical) -.34 104 Racial/ethnic (verbal) +.18 (Chinese) Racial/ethnic (physical) -.09 Kwate et al., 2003 71 Community Sample Racial/ethnic General health questionnaire -.27 Journal article (lifetime) Diagnosed disease history -.23 Colds -.41 Racial/ethnic General health questionnaire -.19 (year) Diagnosed disease history -.03 Colds -.38 Lawson et al, 1999 323 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Pregnancy-related problem -.27 Journal article Allergies -.13 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease -.28 Treatment of Yeast Infection -.27 Lee et al., 2004 67 Community Sample Racial/ethnic General health -.16 Book Chapter McSwan 2000 106 Community sample Gender General health Dissertation (lifetime) +.02 (recent) -.07 (appraised) -.07 Pantzer et al., 2005 1402 12-18 year olds Any type of Health-related quality of life -.22 Journal article discrimnination Ryan et al., 2006 666 Community sample Racial/ethnic Health questionnaire -.16 Journal article Schnieder et al., 295 Graduate Students Racial/ethnic Symptom checklist -.12 2000 Health satisfaction +.02 Journal article Life satisfaction -.12 Health satisfaction -.07 Symptom checklist -.06 Smith et al., (in 103 College students Gender General health -.22 press) Days ill last month +.01 Manuscript Utsey et al., 2002 127 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Physical quality of life -.10 Journal article (cultural) Physical health -.14 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 28</p><p>(institutional) Physical quality of life -.16 (individual) -.01 (collective) -.15</p><p>Utsey 2002b 160 Community Sample Racial/ethnic (cultural) Physical quality of life -.08 Journal article (institutional) +.05 (individual) +.00 Utsey & Hook, 83 College students Racial/ethnic Physical health 2007 (male) (individual) -.12 Journal article (institutional) -.49 (cultural) -.13 132 College students (individual) -.19 (female) (institutional) -.34 (cultural) -.14 Vines et al., 2007 450 Community sample Racial/ethnic Waist-to-Hip Ratio +.00 Journal article (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Uterine Fibroid Study) Waldo 1999 287 Gay, lesbian, Sexual orientation Health conditions -.28 Journal article bisexual sample (OTHI) Health satisfaction -.19 Sexual orientation Health conditions -.32 (WHEQ) Health satisfactions -.27 Whitbeck 2001 195 American Indian Racial/ethnic (global) Somatic complaints -.23 Journal article Children Racial/ethnic (authority) -.14 Racial/ethnic (school) -.22</p><p>Zamboni & 174 Gay/bisexual men Racial/ethnic Sexual problems -.31 Crawford, 2007 Sexual orientation Sexual problems -.25 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 29</p><p>Journal article</p><p>Table 4 Characteristics of studies correlating perceived discrimination and health behavior outcomes</p><p>Author, year, and Number of respondents Respondent type Discrimination type Health outcome measure Correlation document type Bianchi et al., 2004 140 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Good health habits -.24 Journal article Bird et al., 2004 110 HIV+ Individuals Racial/ethnic Med. Adherence past 2 weeks -.12 Journal article Med. Adherence past week -.14 Med. Adherence past 2 days -.19 Missed appointments -.16 SES-based Med. Adherence past 2 weeks -.29 Med. Adherence past week -.32 Med. Adherence past 2 days -.32 Missed appointments -.23 Clark 2003 64 College Students Racial/ethnic Caffeine Intake +.15 Journal article Smoking Behavior +.17 Din-Dzietham et 356 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Smoking Behavior -.09 al., (from non-Blacks) 2004 (from Blacks) +.11 Journal article Gibbons et al., 897 Community Sample Racial/ethnic General substance use -.20 2004 -.12 Journal article Goldenhar et al, 211 Community Sample Gender Sleeping habits -.14 1998 Journal article Guthrie et al., 2002 105 Community sample Racial/ethnic Smoking behavior -.35 Journal article Harris et al., 2006 12,500 Community Sample Racial- physical attack Smoking behavior -.32 Journal article (New Zealand Health Racial-verbal attack -.15 Survey) Racial-any attack -.19 Unfair treatement -.20 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 30</p><p>(health) Unfair treatment -.11 (workplace) Unfair treatment -.20 (housing) Unfair treatment (any) -.14 Overall discrimination -.19 (ever) Overall discrimination -.22 (past 12 months) Huebner 2002 361 Men who have sex Sexual orientation Non-prescription medication use -.18 Dissertation with men Prescription medication use -.05 Huebner & Davis, 334 Gay men Sexual orientation Non prescription medicine use -.18 2007 Journal article Iyer et al., 2003 122 College students Racial/ethnic Eating attitudes -.31 Journal article Kwate et al., 2003 71 Community Sample Racial/ethnic Smoking behavior -.13 Journal article (lifetime) Alcohol use -.23 (year) Smoking behavior -.37 Alcohol use -.40 Yen et al., 1999 839 Community sample Race and gender Alcohol abuse -.15 Journal article 480 Blacks only -.16 Zucker & Landry, 179 College students Gender Alcohol Abuse -.21 2007 Smoking behavior -.20 Journal article Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 31</p><p>Supplementary Table 5 Characteristics of studies performing multivariate regression, SEM, HLM and other path modeling – mental health outcomes</p><p>Author, year, and Sample characteristics Modeling technique Outcome variable(s) Predictor variables Regression coefficient document type Ahern et al., 2007 1008 Multiple regression Overall mental health Alienation, perceived β = -.61 Journal article (community sample) Depression devaluation, age, β = .83 race/ethnicity, gender, income, education, social support, social networks, drug use frequency Amaro et al., 1987 303 Multiple regression Personal life Hispanic identity, Age, β = -.116 Journal article Women professionals satisfaction Income, Hispanic spouse, Professional life overall job stress, is job #1 β = -.083 ns satisfaction priority, marital status, Psychological distress kids, supported by spouse, β = -.093 ns 165 Personal life discrimination, peer Married women satisfaction support β = -.125 ns Professional life satisfaction β = -.087 ns Psychological distress β = -.16 Banks et al., 2006 570 Multiple regression Depression Age, gender, education, β = .17 Journal article Community sample income, having sought professional help, chronic stress, major life events, everyday discrimination, anxiety symptoms Age, gender, education, β = .09 ns income, having sought professional help, chronic stress, major life events, everyday discrimination, anxiety symptoms, interaction Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 32</p><p>Anxiety Age, gender, education, β = .07 income, having sought professional help, chronic stress, major life events, everyday discrimination, anxiety symptoms Age, gender, education, β = .28 income, having sought professional help, chronic stress, major life events, everyday discrimination, anxiety symptoms, interaction Barnes et al., 2004 3593 Multiple regression Depression Age, gender, education, b = -.062 Journal article Community sample income, race, unfair from Chicago Aging treatment, personal and Health Project rejection Barnes & Lightsey, 114 Multiple regression Perceived stress Discrimination, social β = .22 2005 College students support, avoidance, Journal article problem solving, interactions Beiser & Hou, 2006 647 Multiple regression Depression Age at immigration, β = .14 b = 1.59 (.44) Journal article University of Toronto female, married, Chinese, Department of level of education, ethnic Psychiatry Refugee ID, perceived Resettlement Project discrimination, unemployment, language difficulty Age at immigration, β = .12 b = 1.38 (.44) female, married, Chinese, level of education, ethnic ID, perceived discrimination, unemployment, language difficulty, interactions Bierman, 2006 2581 Multiple regression Positive affect Discrimnination, β = -.14 Journal article Community sample attendance, comfort, race Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 33</p><p>Discrimination, β = -.14 attendance, comfort, race, attendance*discrimination Discrimination, β = -.14 attendance, comfort, race, attendance*discrimination, comfort*discrimination Negative affect Discrimnination, β = .15 attendance, comfort, race Discrimination, β = .14 attendance, comfort, race, attendance*discrimination Discrimination, β = .15 attendance, comfort, race, attendance*discrimination, comfort*discrimination Bond et al., 2004 208 Univariate regression Psychological distress Gender discrimination β = .18 Journal article Community sample Sexism in the workplace β = -.17 Borrell et al., 2006 1016 Stepwise regression Age, income, education, Journal article (Females) Univariate Depression CES-D, skin color b = .32 Multivariate reflectance b = .41</p><p>Univariate Gen. Mental health b = -.52 Multivariate b = -.56</p><p>706 Stepwise regression Depression Age, income, education, b = .27 (Males) Univariate skin color b = .29 Multivariate b = -.14 Community sample Univariate Physical health b = -.13 From CARDIA Multivariate Bourguignon et al., 269 Multiple regression Self-esteem Perceived group β = -.17 2006 Community sample (personal) discrimination, perceived Journal article personal discrimination, age, gender Perceived group β = -.20 discrimination, perceived Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 34</p><p> personal discrimination, age, gender, identification (group) Perceived group β = .20 discrimination, perceived personal discrimination, age, gender Perceived group β = .17 discrimination, perceived personal discrimination, age, gender, identification 178 Multiple regression Perceived group β = -.14 ns Community sample (personal) discrimination, perceived personal discrimination, age, gender Perceived group β =- .18 discrimination, perceived personal discrimination, age, gender, identification (group) Perceived group β = .20 discrimination, perceived personal discrimination, age, gender Perceived group β = .20 discrimination, perceived personal discrimination, age, gender, identification Branscombe et al., 139 Multiple regression Group identification and 1999 Part college students, (future prejudice) Well being attribution to prejudice β = -.11 Journal article part community sample Membership collective β = -.16 self-esteem Private collective self- β = -.12 esteem Well being β = -.11 (past discrimination) Membership collective β = -.16 self-esteem Private collective self- β = -.12 esteem Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 35</p><p>Brody et al., 2006 897 Latent Growth Curve (Intercept for perceived Intercept for perceived Journal article Community sample Modeling discrimination) discrimination, initial level from FACHS Initial level of of depression, slope of β = .73 depression depression, SES, slope for β = -.34 Slope of depression perceived discrimination, initial level of conduct (Slope for perceived problems, slope of discrimination) conduct problems β = .31 Slope of depression Broman, 1997 Not reported Multiple regression Life satisfaction Age, sex, education, β = -.17, b = .086 Journal article Community sample family income, close White friend, racial discrimination Broman et al., 2000 312 Multiple regression Psychological distress Age, sex, education, Journal article Community sample (various contexts) income, discrimination b = 1.14 (getting job) b = 1.44 (at work) b = .881 ns (shopping) b = 1.04 (police/authorities) b = 1.36 Broudy et al., 2007 113 Multiple regression Sadness Journal article Community sample (unfair treatement) Gender, ethnicity/race, b = 5.67 (2.20) place of birth, income, perceived discrimnination Unfair treatment, b = .26 (.06) excluaionary treatment, harassing treatment (perceptions of Not reported ns harassment) (perceptions of b = .15 (.07) exclusionary treatment) (unfair treatement) Anger Gender, ethnicity/race, b = 6.63 (2.25) place of birth, income, perceived discrimnination Unfair treatment, b = .39 (.03) excluaionary treatment, harassing treatment (perceptions of b = .33 (.03) Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 36</p><p> harassment) (perceptions of Not reported ns exclusionary treatment) (unfair treatement) Nervousness Gender, ethnicity/race, b = 6.63 (2.25) place of birth, income, perceived discrimnination Unfair treatment, Not reported ns excluaionary treatment, harassing treatment (perceptions of b = .17 (.06) harassment) (perceptions of Not reported ns exclusionary treatment) Brown 1998 586 Multiple regression Depression Age, education, income, β = .087 ns Dissertation (Detroit Area Study) Psych. Distress ethnicity, discrimination, β = -.011 ns Community sample Well being discrimination x β = -.09 ns (Life events) Depression education, discrimination β = .218 (Daily hassles) Psych. Distress x discrimination, β = .151 Well being discrimination x β = -.062 ns 255 Depression discrimination x education β = .031 ns (Females, life events) Psych. Distress β = -.003 ns (Females, daily Well being β = -.08 ns hassles) Depression β = .309 Psych. Distress β = .251 298 Well being β = -.082 ns (Males, life events) Depression β = .27 Psych. Distress β = -.02 ns (Males, daily hassles) Well being β = -.08 ns Depression β = -.068 NR Psych. Distress β = -.029 ns (Low SES, life events) Well being β = .015 ns (Low SES, daily Depression β = -.012 ns hassles) Psych. Distress β = -.039 ns Well being β = -.013 ns NR Depression β = .235 (High SES, life events) Psych. Distress β = .166 (High SES, daily Well being β = -.073 ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 37</p><p> hassles) Depression β = .129 ns Psych. Distress β = .00006 ns Well being β = -.165 Depression β = .109 ns Psych. Distress β = .105 ns Well being β = -.072 ns Brown et al., 1999 779 Multiple regression Psych distress – wave 2 financial security, b = .22 Journal article National Survey of Depression – wave 2 education, region, age, b = .714 Black Americans Psych distress – wave 3 gender, racial b =.2 (NSBA) Depression – wave 3 discrimination b = .456 Bynum et al., 2007 247 Multiple regression Psychological distress Family income, gender, β = .32 b = .04 (.01) Journal article College students racism experiences, cultural pride, cultural resource coping, interactions Psychological stress Family income, gender, β = .21 b = .31 (.09) racism experiences, cultural pride, cultural resource coping, interactions Campbell 2000 114 Multiple regression Anxiety Age, discrimination, self- β = .67 Dissertation Community sample Depression esteem β = .711 Stress symptoms β = .597 Pre-menstrual β = .616 symptoms Caputo 2003 969 Multiple regression General mental health Discrimination, mastery, b = .347 Journal article Community sample SES, physical health, from the National heredity, father's health, Longitudinal Survey of mother's health, Youth 1999 data – background, age, HGC, NLSY family structure at age 14, poverty status in 1979, region lived in in 1979, urban environment at age 14, psychological- attitudinal, locus of control, self-esteem 1980, Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 38</p><p> self-esteem 1987, lifestyle, sexual intercourse, substances, alcohol, cigarettes, cocaine, marijuana, other, never examined by physician, never insured, years married, crack-cocaine use Cassidy et al., 2005 154 Multiple regression Anxiety Perceived discrimination, β = .11 ns Journal article Community sample personal self esteem, gender, interactions Perceived discrimination, β = .18 ns ethnic self esteem, gender, interacations Depression Perceived discrimination, β = .13 ns personal self esteem, gender, interactions Perceived discrimination, β = .18 ns ethnic self esteem, gender, interacations Chávez & French, 105 Multiple regression Depression Freshman status, B = .00 ns 2007 (College students) Anxiety discrimination types, out- B = .12 ns Journal article Loss of group conformity B = .00 ns behavioral/emotional pressure, stereotype control confirmation concern, General positive affect proactive racial B = -.01 ns socialization Chen et al., 2007 69 Multiple regression PTSD symptoms Gender, age, time since β = .28 Journal article (Hurricane Katrina Katrina, religiosity before survivors) Katrina Combs et al., 2006 128 Multiple regression Non-clinical paranoia Perceived racism, β = .18 b= .07 Journal article College students Clinical paranoia depression, hostility, β = .04 ns b= -.01 ns aggression, SES, gender, self consciousness Corning 2002 100 Multiple regression Anxiety Perceived discrimination, β = .11 ns Journal article College students Somatic complaints personal self-esteem, β = .1 ns 125 Self-esteem interaction β = .1 ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 39</p><p>Depression β = .27 Anxiety β = .19 Somatic complains β = .28 Dambrun 2007 141 Multiple regression Psychological distress Gender β = .195 Journal article (College students) Diaz et al., 2001 912 Multiple regression Psychological Social isolation, low self- b = .04 Journal article Gay and bisexual symptoms esteem, homophobia, b = .09 Latinos racism, poverty, resilience Diaz et al., 2004 300 Mutiple regression Psychological distress Homophobia, racism, β = .14 Journal article Gay and bisexual (homophobia) Difficult sexual poverty β = .16 Latinos situations Mutiple regression Psychological distress β = .10 (homophobia) Difficult sexual β = .14 situations Finch et al., 2000 3012 Multiple regression Depression SES, income, b = 1.836 Journal article Mexican-American employment, marital Prevalence and status, perceived Services Study discrimination, nativity/resident status, Mexican heritage, gender, age, area of residence, acculturation stress Fischer & Shaw., 1999 119 Multiple regression General mental health SRE year, TERS racism β = -1.57 Journal article College students struggles socialization</p><p>SRE year, SORS a racism β = .84 ns awareness teaching</p><p>SRE year, Self-esteem β = -1.08 β = .36 ns Fischer & Holz, 2007 257 Path model Public collective self- Sexist discrimination (past β = -.22 Journal article College students esteem year), public collective Depression self-esteem, private β = .32 Anxiety collective self-esteem, β = .27 personal self-esteem, depression, anxiety Forman 2003 374 Multiple regression Psychological distress Global racial Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 40</p><p>Journal article Detroit Area Study (perceived segmentation, personal b = .273 (DAS) discrimination) racial segmentation, region, gender, age, (perceived racial marital status, b= -.081 ns segmentation) occupational control, education, income, perceived discrimination, occupational status, substantive complexity, physical conditions at work, global segmentation x lower primary, global segmentation x upper primary, personal segmentation x lower primary, personal segmentation x upper primary Forman 2003 1199 Multiple regression Life satisfaction Global racial Journal article National Survey of (Global racial segmentation, personal b = .049 ns Black Americans segmentation at work) racial segmentation, NSBA) (Personal racial region, gender, age, b = -.129 segmentation at work) marital status, (Perceived occupational control, b = -.13 ns discrimination) education, income, perceived discrimination, occupational status, substantive complexity, physical conditions of work, global segmentation x lower primary, global segmentation x upper primary, personal segmentation x lower primary, personal segmentation x upper primary Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 41</p><p>Foster et. al., 2007 262 Univariate regression State anxiety β = .24 Manuscript College students Trait anxiety β = .24 Depression β = .13 Foster et al., 2004 159 Multiple regression Anger Journal article College students (perceived amount of β = .282 NR discrimination) (perceived β = .32 NR pervasiveness of discrimination) Foster et al., 2006 138 Multiple regression Self-esteem Meritorcracy beliefs, β = .53 ns b = .08 ns Journal article College students Intergroup anxiety discrimination β = -.04 ns b = -.44 ns Frable et al., 1997 825 Structural equation Positive self Gay networks, gay Journal article Homosexual/bisexual modeling perceptions visibility, stigma from men Model 1 (general stigma) family, stigma for other β = -.09 (family stigma) gay men, stigma in β = -.14 (other stigma) general, positive gay β = -.17 Model 2 (general stigma) identity, positive self- β = -.11 (family stigma) perception β = -.15 (other stigma) β = -.15 Franzini & Fernandez- 1745 Multiple regression General mental health Age, sex, foreign-born β = -.157 Esquer, 2004 Community sample English speakers, US born Journal article Spanish speakers, US born English speakers, social support, education, religiousity, vicitimization, trust, personal opportunity, racism, income Garstka et al., 2004 59 Path modeling Psychological well- Perceived discrimination, Journal article (College students) being age group identification, β = .00 ns 60 psychological well-being (Older adults) β = -.54 Gee 2002 1503 Hierarchical Linear Mental health Poverty, Chinese Journal article Community sample of Modeling Individual Model dissimilarity, housing β = -3.95 (1.13) Chinese Americans Multilevel Model values, redlined area, β = -3.95 (1.15) Positive symptom total employed, insured, family Individual Model income, education, age, β = 7.39 (1.33) Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 42</p><p>Multilevel Model reported discrimination, β = 7.13 (1.49) Positive symptom gender, acculturation, distress index social support β = .18 (.04) Individual Model β = .185 (.036) Multilevel Model Gee et al., 2007 2095 Multiple regression Lifetime disorders Age, gender, ethnicity, per b = .28 Journal article 520 (Vietnamese) capita income, education, b = .28 508 (Filipino) employment, marital b = .27 600 (Chinese) status, region, same b = .18 household, everyday Community sample discrimination from NLAAS Gibbons et al., 2004 897 Structural Equation SES, Parent T1 drug use, Journal article Community sample Modeling Parent T1 discrimination, (Parent T1 child T1 discrimination, discrimination) Time 1 distress T1 effective parenting, β = .12 Time 2 distress child T1 image, child T1 β = .10 (Child T1 Time 1 distress friends’ use, parent T1 β = .32 discrimination) Time 2 distress distress, child T1 distress, β = .17 child T1 vulnerability, parent T2 distress, parent T2 distress, parent T2 use, child T2 friends’ use, child T2 use Gold 2004 364 Multiple regression Depression Having more education, β = .212, b = .058 Journal article Community sample having some formal Jewish education, living in a large city, having a higher score on the BDI-II Goldenhar et al., 1998 211 Multiple regression Psychological distress Responsibility for safety β = .258 Journal article Community sample of others, skill underutilization, sexual harassment/discrimination, overcompensation at work Heckman, 2003 275 Stepwise regression Barriers to health care, Journal article Community sample Univariate physical well-being, β = -.270 Multivariate Life satisfaction support, coping β = .04 ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 43</p><p>21 Structural Equation Life satisfaction AIDS related β = .04 ns Community sample Modeling Physical well being discrimination, β = -.22 satisfaction with life, barriers to health care and social services, social support, physical well- being Heckman et al., 2002 83 Path model Depression Physical well-being, β = ns and not reported Journal article HIV infected engagement coping, individuals AIDS-related stigma, barriers to health care and social services, perceptions of social support, cognitive/affective symptoms of depression Hoyt et al., 40 Path model Well-being Stigma, attributions to Manuscript College students Exp 1 discrimination, well-being β = .36 Exp 2: negative β = .20 feedback β = -.27 Exp 2: positive β = .32 feedback Combined: negative feedback Huebner 2002 361 Multiple regression Depression Age, education, income, β = .37 b = .27 Dissertation Men who have sex Suicide ideation ethnicity, HIV status, β = .34 b = .62 with men discrimination, discrimination x education, discrimination x discrimination, discrimination x discrimination x education Huebner et al., 2004 1248 Multiple regression Journal article Gay and bisexual men (verbal harassment) Self-esteem Age, education, ethnicity, β = -.19 (discrimination) HIV status, sexual β = -.28 orientation, openness with Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 44</p><p> others regarding sexual orientation, verbal harassment, discrimination, physical violence Huebner et al., 2005 350 Multiple regression Depression Age, education, Latino β = .26 b = .19 Journal article (men who have sex code, income, other with men) ethnicity code, discrimination Age, education, Latino β = .15 b = .11 code, income, other ethnicity code, discrimination, hostility, neuroticism Path model Hostility, neuroticism, β = .15 depressive symptoms, perceived discrimination Jackson et al., 1996 623 Multiple regression Psychological distress Income to needs ratio, b = .01 ns Journal article National Survey of Happiness education, region, age, b = -.23 Black Americans, Life satisfaction gender, whites want to b = -.40 NSBA) keep blacks down, treated badly due to race Jackson & Inglehart, 4075 Path model Well-being Well-being, racism, 1995 Community sample Model 1 financial stress β = -.148 Book chapter Model 2 β = -.029 ns 2017 Model 1 β = -.282 (Black Americans) Jackson & Mustillo, 288 Multiple regression Psych Distress Fark skin tone, attractive, β = .11 ns 2001 National Survey of (Racial/ethnic) Antisocial behavior disability, family, work, β = 0 ns Journal article Black Americans, (Gender) Psych Distress black kept from jobs, β = -.02 ns NSBA) woman kept from jobs, denied job b/c black, racism in society, sexism in society, education, income, occupation Jasinskaja-Lahti 2006 3593 Univariate Regression Racial/ethnic Journal article Immigrants from (everyday/general discrimination Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 45</p><p> various countries discrimination) Psych stress b = .28 (work) b = .051 (everyday racism) b = .27 (racist crimes by b = -.01 ns police)</p><p>547 (everyday/general (Russian immigrants to discrimination) b = .39 Finland) (work) b = .07 (everyday racism) b = .35 (racist crimes by b = .07 police)</p><p>701 (everyday/general (Estonian immigrants discrimination) b = .26 to Finland) (work) b = .09 ns (everyday racism) b = .15 (racist crimes by b = .15 police)</p><p>453 (everyday/general (Vietnamese discrimination) b = .26 immigrants to Finland) (work) b = .12 ns (everyday racism) b = .13 (racist crimes by b = .15 ns police)</p><p>269 (everyday/general (Somali immigrants to discrimination) b = .27 Finland) (work) b = .02 ns (everyday racism) b = .18 ns (racist crimes by b = -.07 ins police)</p><p>382 (everyday/general b = .11 ns (Albanian immigrants discrimination) b = .03 ns to Finland) (work) b = .09 ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 46</p><p>(everyday racism) b = -.01 ns (racist crimes by police)</p><p>476 (everyday/general (Arab immigrants to discrimination) b = .03 ns Finland) (work) b = -.05 ns (everyday racism) b = .06 ns (racist crimes by b = .02 ns police)</p><p>767 (everyday/general (Finnish repatriates) discrimination) b = .16 (work) b = .06 (everyday racism) b = .13 (racist crimes by b = -.02 ns police) Jasinskaja-Lahti & 1783 Multiple regression Self-rated health Gender, age, mother Liebkind, 2007 (immigrants in tongue, Finnish language β = .10 Journal article Finland) skills, employment status, education, work specific group-level control beliefs Jasinskaja-Lahti & 2359 Structural equation Well-being Linguistic acculturation, β = -.31* Liebkind, 2007 (immigrants in modeling socioeconomic status, Journal article Finland) perceived discrimination, social support networks, general health status, psychological well-being, age, host support networks, ethnic support networks Jetten et al., 2001 100 Path model Collective self esteem Manipulation of perceived β = -.15 ns Journal article Those with body discrimination, group pierceings identification, collective self esteem Jones et al., 2007 262 Multiple regression Self-esteem Caribbean ethnic group, β = .11 ns Journal article (College students) Depression born in US, years in US, β = .25 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 47</p><p> identity attitudes, racial self-hatred, preecounter miseducation, preencounter assimilation, anti-white, afrocentric, multicultural, racist stress events, racist stress appraisals Kaiser et al., 2004 113 Multiple regression Well-being Optimism, discrimination β = -.03 b = .00 Journal article College students (gender) condition, gender, interactions Kessler et al., 1999 3032 Stepwise regression Psychological distress Age, gender, race, income, Journal article Midlife in the United (lifetime) education, marital status States (MIDUS) Univariate b = .52 Multivariate b = .52 (day-to-day) Univariate b = .2 Multivariate b = .22 King 1998 110 Multivariate regression Dissertation College students (Attribution to race) Psych. distress Demographics, attribution β = .37 b = .22 to racism,</p><p>Univariate Racism attribution, β = .33 b = .2 Multivariate centrality β = .1 ns b = .11 ns</p><p>(Attribution to race and Psych distress Demographics, prejudice, β = .35 ns b = .21 ns gender) attribution to ethgender prejudice</p><p>Univariate Psych distress Ethgender prejudice, β = .35 b = .21 Multivariate centrality β = .18 ns b = .11 ns</p><p>Self-esteem Year in school, global β = -.18 b = -.13 self-esteem, attribution to racism, prejudice King 2003 112 Multiple regression Mother's education, global Journal article College students (attribution to race) Psych distress self esteem β = -.33 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 48</p><p>Social self-esteem β = -.21 (attribution to gender) Psych distress β = .18 ns (attribution to race and Psych distress β = .3 gender) State self-esteem β = -.15 ns Social self-esteem β= -.19 King 2005 115 Stepwise regression Psychological stress Racism, centrality Journal article College students Univariate β = .33 b = .2 Multivariate β = .19 ns b = .11 ns</p><p>Univariate Ethgender discrimination, β = .35 b = .21 Multivariate centrality β = .18 ns b = .11 ns Lam 2007 122 Multiple regression Depression Discrimination, sense of B = .29 Journal article (College students) coherence Anxiety Discrimination, sense of B = .29 coherence Lee 2003 91 Multiple regression Self-esteem MEIM-EI, MEIM-other, β = .06 ns b = .06 ns Journal article College students RTS, interactions, MEIM- 67 Depression EI, MEIM-other, PDS β = .42 b = .37 Self-esteem depression, interactions β = -.41 b = -.39 Lee et al., 2004 67 Multiple regression Well being Gender, age, age at β = -.27 b = -.46 Book chapter Community sample adoption, PANAS, discrimination, Lee 2005 84 Multiple regression Depression Ethnic identity, cognitive β = .26 b = .26 Journal article College students Self-esteem clarity, ethnic identity β = -.19 b = -.19 affective pride, multigroup ethnic identity other group orientation, interaction of all Leonardelli & 132 Multiple regression Self-esteem Perceived discrimination β = -.15 Tormala, 2003 College students Perceived discrimination, β = -.23 Journal article ingroup identification Perceived discrimnination, β = -.08 ns ingroup identification, perceived ingroup status Liebkind & Jasinskaja- 1146 Multiple regression Psychological stress Length of residence, trust Lahti, 1999 Community sample (Overall) index, discrimination β = .36 Journal article (Everyday) index β = .29 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 49</p><p>(Work) β = .13 (Services) β = .1</p><p>596 (Overall) β = .33 (Females) (Everyday) β = .27 (Work) β = .09 ns (Services) β = .13</p><p>550 (Overall) β = .48 (Males) (Everyday) β = .39 (Work) β = .22 ns (Services) β = .08 ns</p><p>296 (Overall) β = .19 (Russian immigrants to (Everyday) β = .23 Finland) (Work) β = .08 ns (Services) β = -.06 109 (Vietnamese (Overall) β = .37 immigrants to Finland) (Everyday) β = .43 (Work) β = -.12 ns 129 (Services) β = .05 (Turkish immigrants to Finland) (Overall) β = .45 (Everyday) β = .39 96 (Work) β = .03 ns (Somali immigrants to (Services) β = .15 Finland) (Overall) β = .30 (Everyday) β = .42 221 (Work) β = .12 ns (Estonian immigrants (Services) β = .05 ns to Finland) (Overall) β = .26 123 (Everyday) β = .21 (Arab immigrants to (Work) β = .12 ns Finland) (Services) β = .08 ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 50</p><p>(Overall) β = .61 172 (Everyday) β = .39 (Finnish repatriates) (Work) β = .15 ns (Services) β = .27</p><p>(Overall) β = .47 (Everyday) β = .22 (Work) β = .32 (Services) β = .3 Liebkind et al., 2004 512 Structural equation Perceived Stress Experiences of parental β = .33 Journal article Adolescents modeling Self-Esteem support, proficiency in β = -.19 Finnish, Finnish identity, perceived discrimination, sense of mastery, Vietnamese identity, stress symptoms, global self- esteem, school adjustment Littrell & Beck, 1999 91 Multiple regression Depression Discrimination, structural β = -.21 Journal article Homeless men Self-esteem reasons for homelessness NR Anger NR Loo et al., 2001 300 Multiple regression Post traumatic stress Journal article Veteransl (racial prejudice and disorder Combat exposure, military β = .51 b = .85 (.07) stigma) rank, racial prejudice and stigma (bicultural Combat exposure, military β = .34 b = 1.45 (.21) identification and rank, bicultural conflict) identification and conflict (racist environment) Combat exposure, military β = .28 b = 1.37 (.24) rank, racist environment (total scale) Combat exposure, military β = .50 b = .55 (.05) rank, racism (prejudice and Brief symptom Combat exposure, military β = .54 b = 1.64 (.10) stigmatization) inventory rank, racial prejudice and stigma (bicultural Combat exposure, military β = .33 b = 2.55 (.40) identification and rank, bicultural Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 51</p><p> conflict) identification and conflict (racist environment) Combat exposure, military β = .24 b = 2.11 (.47) rank, racist environment (total scale) Combat exposure, military β = .51 b = 1.01 (.10) rank, racism</p><p>Major et al., 2003 87 Multiple regression Self-esteem Initial self-esteem, gender Journal article College students (ambiguous vs. overt) ID, non predudice vs. β =-.34 (overt vs. non- overt prejudice cues, β = -.21 prejudice) ambiguous vs. overt prejudice cues, attributions to iscrimination, interactions Major et al., 2007 191 Multiple regression Self-esteem Meritocracy ideology, β = -.04 ns Journal article College students discrimination Meritocracy ideology, Not reported discrimination, interactions 50 Multiple regression Self-esteem Meritocracy ideology, β = -.04 ns College students discrimination, interactions 58 Multiple regression Self-esteem Meritocracy ideology, Not reported, ns College students discrimination, interactions Mak & Nesdale, 2001 372 Multiple regression Psychological distress Gender, discrimination, 6 β = .15 Journal article coping resources, interactions Martin et al., 2003 2638 Multiple regression Discrimination, extent of Journal article Community Sample (discrimination) Alcohol use prejudice, schooling, anti- b = .555 (National survey of (extent of prejudice) black affect, income, b = -.081 black workers) (anti-black affect) occupational status, age, b = 0 ns employment status, gender, marital status, size of place, escape drinking motives McCoy & Major, 2003 54 Multiple regression Self-esteem Group identity, sexist β = -.02 ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 52</p><p>Journal article College students condition 36 Depressed emotion Group identity, sexist β = .26 condition, interaction Depressed emotion Group identification and β = .35 Hostile emotion attribution to prejudice β = .46 Meyer 1995 741 Stepwise regression Prejudice, age, ethnicity, Journal article Gay men Univariate General mental health income, read gay, β = .16 Multivariate ARC/AIDS, religious, β = .19 Sex problems closet, gay organization, Univariate ay network, coupled, β = .04 ns Multivariate Stigma, prejudice, control β = .06 ns Suicide ideation variables, internalized Univariate homophobia β = .12 Multivariate β = .11 Psych distress Univariate β = .17 Multivariate β = .17</p><p>Stepwise regression General mental health Stigma, prejudice, control Univariate variables, internalized β = .16 Multivariate Sex problems homophobia β = .17</p><p>Univariate β = .04 ns Multivariate Suicide ideation β = .05 ns</p><p>Univariate β = .12 Multivariate Psych distress β = .1</p><p>Univariate β = .17 Multivariate β =.15</p><p>Moradi & Hasan, 2004 108 Multiple regression Psychological distress Recent discrimination Β = .22 Journal article Community sample events, self esteem Moradi & Subich, 187 Multiple regression Psychological distress Age, SES, impression 2002 Faculty and staff at (lifetime gender management, self- β <.01 ns Journal article university discrimination) deceptive enhancement, (recent gender lifetime discrimination, β = .01 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 53</p><p> discrimination) recent discrimination, passive acceptance, revelation, embeddedess- emanation, synthesis, active commitment Age, SES, impression β =.02 management, self- deceptive enhancement, lifetime discrimination, recent discrimination, passive acceptance, revelation, embeddedess- emanation, synthesis, active commitment, interactions Moradi & Subich, 133 Path model Psychological distress Recent racist events, 2003 Community sample (racist/ethnic) recent sexist events, β = .12 ns Journal article (gender) interactions, age, β = .24 psychological distress Moradi & Subich, 104 Multiple regression Psychological distress Self-esteem, β = .27 2004 College students discrimination, lifetime Journal article Self-esteem, β = .31 discrimination recent Self-esteem, β = .26 discrimination - appraisal Moradi & Risco, 2006 128 Path model Self-esteem US acculturation, β = ns and not reported Journal article Community sample Distress perceived discrimination, β = .29 personal control – environmental mastery, self-esteem, psychological distress, Latina/o acculturation Mossakowski 2003 2109 Multiple regression Depression Gender, age, marital Journal article Community sample (lifetime) status, income, education, B = .056 ns from the Filipino (everyday) employed, immigrant, b = .033 ns American Community county, ethnic identity, Epidemiological Study lifetime racial Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 54</p><p> discrimination, everyday discrimination</p><p>(lifetime) Gender, age, marital b = .623 ns (everyday) status, income, employed, b = .044 ns education, immigrant, county, ethnic identity, lifetime discrimination, everyday discrimination, ethnic identity x lifetime discrimination, ethnic id x everyday discrimination</p><p>Noh & Kaspar, 2003 180 Multiple regression Depression Sex, Age, Marital Status, β = .19 Journal article Community sample Education, Income, from the Growing up Employment status, years Canadian Project, from in Canada Korean Mental Health Study Noh et al., 1999 647 Multiple regression Depression Age, female, married, b = 1.812 Journal article South east Asian employed, education, refugees discrimination, forbearance, confrontation, confrontation, ethnic identity, ethnic identity x discrimination, ethnic identity x forbearance, ethnic id x confrontation Noh et al., 2007 180 Structural Equation Overt discrimination Overt discrimination, Journal article From Korean Mental Modeling Emotional arousal subtle discrimination, B = .14 ns Health Study Positive affect positive affect, depressive B = -.34 Depressive symptoms B = .04 ns symptoms Subtle discrimination B = .42 Emotional arousal B = .07 ns Positive affect B = .35 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 55</p><p>Depressive symptoms Nyborg & Curry, 2003 84 Multiple regression Internalizing behavior Perceived discrimination, Not reported, sig Journal article Ages 10-15 (YSR) school percentage Perceived discrimination, Not reported, sig hostile attribution bias Perceived discrimination, β = .20 ns trait anger Externalizing behavior Perceived discrimination, Not reported, sig (YSR) school percentage Perceived discrimination, β = .40 hostile attribution bias Perceived discrimination, β = .10 ns trait anger Self concept Perceived discrimination, Not reported, sig school percentage Perceived discrimination, β = -.27 hostile attribution bias Perceived discrimination, β = -.13 ns trait anger Externalizing behavior Perceived discrimination, β = .28 (CBCL) income Perceived discrimination, Not reported, sig school percentage Perceived discrimination, Not reported, sig attribution bias Perceived discrimination, β = .07 ns trait anger Oh 2001 140 Multiple regression Personal self esteem Significant correlates of β = -.057 ns Dissertation College students Public collective self- self-esteem/demographics, β = -.151 ns esteem racism experiences, Private collective self- perceived legitimacy, β = .067 ns esteem reflected appraisals, Membership collective subscales of collective β = .228 self-esteem self-esteem, Importance to identity racism experiences, β = .08 ns subscale perceived group and Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 56</p><p> personal legitimacy, reflected appraisals Pavalko et al., 2003 1778 Multiple regression Depression work discrimination1984- β = 1.95 Journal article Community sample (work discrimination Functional limitation in 1989, work discrimination β = .29 National survey of from 1984 – 1989) 1989 1977-1982, age, years of mature women (work discrimination school, married, black, from 1977 to 1982) physical limitations, 1982, well being 1984, 1329 (work discrimination Depression emotional health 1981, β = 1.05 ns (White only) from 1984 – 1989) Functional limitation in gender role attitudes, β = .41 (work discrimination 1989 1982, job dissatisfaction, from 1977 to 1982) hours work per week, wage, government 449 (work discrimination Depression employee, self-employed, β = 2.09 (Black only) from 1984 – 1989) Functional limitation in managerial, clerical, sales, β = .39 1989 craft, operatives, laborers, Depression farm, private household, β = 1.32 Functional limitation in service β = .15 1989</p><p>(work discrimination Depression β = 1.5 from 1977 to 1982) Functional limitation in β = .88 1989 Depression β = .18 Functional limitation in β = .55 ns 1989</p><p>Portes & Zady, 2002 183 Multiple regression Self-esteem Grade, age, gender, β = .24 Journal article Cuban born or Cuban English language heritage 8th and 9th proficiency, inner city grade students school, parental SES, depression, perceived discrimination, ethnic pull, parent child conflict, familism, achievement motivation Prelow et al., 2006 135 Stepwise regression Racial discrimination and Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 57</p><p>Journal article College students Univariate Depression social support b =.184 Multivariate b = .108 ns</p><p>Univariate Life satisfaction b=-.144 Multivariate b-.055 ns Redman & Snape, 393 Multiple regression Life satisfaction Force tenure, age, gender, β = -.23 2006 Police officers role conflict, role Journal article ambiguity, perceived discrimination, social support - work, interaction Force tenure, age, gender, β = -.27 role conflict, role ambiguity, perceived discrimination, social support -non work, interaction Ren et al., 1999 1659 Multiple regression Race, age, gender, Journal article Community sample (Racia/ethnic) Mental health education, marital status, b = -6.24 from the National Depression income, unemployed, b = .72 Survey of Functional (SES-based) Mental Health discrimination, b = -9.15 Health Depression interactions b = .89 (Racial/ethnic and Mental health b = -9.7 SES-based) Depression b = .76 Rivera 2003 850 Multiple regression Depression Ethnicity x acculturation, b = .458 Dissertation Community sample ethnicity x family support, from the Transitions perceived discrimination x Study, wave 1 acculturation, family support x acculturation, ethnicity x perceived discrimination, acculturation, age, gender, us born, education, married, ethnicity, family financial situation in high school, perceived discrimination, family support Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 58</p><p>Rodriguez 2004 3032 Stepwise regression Psychological distress Discrimination, age, Dissertation Midlife in the United Job ethnicity, gender, States (MIDUS) Univariate education, household β = .183 Multivariate income, mastery, β = .145 Inferiority discrimination x mastery Univariate β = .204 Multivariate β = .188 Blatant Univariate β = .151 Multivariate β = .14 Mistrustful Univariate β = .118 Multivariate β = .131 Age, ethnicity, gender, Job Psychological distress education, household Univariate income, constraints, β = .183 Multivariate discrimination β = .119 Inferiority Univariate β = .204 Multivariate β = .131 Blatant Univariate β = .151 Multivariate β = .072 Mistrustful Univariate β = .118 Multivariate Discrimination, age, β = .084 ethnicity, gender, 2485 Job Psychological distress education, household (Whites) Univariate income, mastery, β = .205 Multivariate discrimination x mastery β = .18 Inferiority Univariate β = .24 Multivariate β = .198 Blatant Univariate β = .16 Multivariate β = .141 Mistrustful Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 59</p><p>Univariate Age, ethnicity, gender, β = .164 Multivariate education, household β = .152 income, constraints, Job Psychological distress discrimination Univariate β = .205 Multivariate β = .125 Inferiority Univariate β = .24 Multivariate β = .137 Blatant Univariate β = .16 Multivariate β = .141 Mistrustful Discrimination, age, Univariate ethnicity, gender, β = .164 Multivariate education, household β = .103 income, mastery, 480 Job Psychological distress discrimination x mastery (Minorities) Univariate β = .107 Multivariate β = .106 Inferiority Univariate β = .115 Multivariate β = .108 Blatant Univariate β = .115 Multivariate Age, ethnicity, gender, β = .137 Mistrustful education, household Univariate income, constraints, β = .013 Multivariate discrimination β =.051ns</p><p>Inferiority Psychological distress Univariate β = .116 Multivariate β = .086 Blatant Univariate Discrimination, age, β = .115 Multivariate ethnicity, gender, β= .062ns Mistrustful education, household Univariate income, mastery, β = .013 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 60</p><p>Multivariate discrimination x mastery β =.017ns</p><p>1318 Job Psychological distress (Males) Univariate β = .13 Multivariate β = .123 Inferiority Univariate β = .139 Multivariate β = .153 Blatant Age, ethnicity, gender, Univariate education, household β = .133 Multivariate income, constraints, β = .126 Mistrustful discrimination Univariate β = .117 Multivariate β = .121</p><p>Job Psychological distress Univariate β = .13 Multivariate β = .096 Inferiority Univariate β = .139 Multivariate Discrimination, age, β = .109 Blatant ethnicity, gender, Univariate education, household β = .133 Multivariate income, mastery, β = .061 Mistrustful discrimination x mastery Univariate β = .117 Multivariate β = .068</p><p>1714 Job Psychological distress (Females) Univariate β = .227 Multivariate β = .207 Inferiority Univariate β = .247 Multivariate β = .23 Blatant Univariate Age, ethnicity, gender, β = .181 Multivariate education, household β = .158 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 61</p><p>Mistrustful income, constraints, Univariate discrimination β = .16 Multivariate β = .157 Composite Univariate β = .16 Multivariate β = .114</p><p>Job Psychological distress Univariate β = .227 Multivariate β = .141 Inferiority Univariate β = .247 Multivariate β = .16 Blatant Univariate β = .181 Multivariate β = .087 Mistrustful Univariate β = .16 Multivariate β = .114</p><p>Romero & Roberts, 881 Multiple regression Self-esteem Gender, age, language, Not reported, - 2003 Middle school students discrimination, Journal article affirmation, interaction Structural equation Perception of β = -.09 modeling discrimination, self- esteem, 12 ethnic identitiy items Perception of β = -.10 discrimination, self- esteem, ethnic affirmation, ethnic exploration Rumbaut 1994 5127 Multiple regression Gender, age, us born, Journal article Children of immigrants (past discrimination) Depression foreign born, father's β = .071 b = .09 education, father's (future discrimination) Depression employment, father's β = .036 b = .022 absence, family economic β = -.055 b = -.028 Self-esteem situation, parent child Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 62</p><p> conflict, embarassed by parents, no one helps with homewrok, English proficiency, foreign language index, limited English proficiency, GPA, been discriminated against, expect discrimination, black, Filipino, Vietnamese Rusch et al., 2006 60 Multiple regression Self-esteem Depression, perceived β = -.019 Journal article Women with discrimination, group borderline personality identification, perceived disorder legitimacy of discrimination, diagnosis of BPD Ryff et al., 2003 3032 Multiple regression Well being Gender, ethnicity, b = -.01 Journal article Midlife in the United Environmental mastery employed, age, marital b =-.11 States (MIDUS) Purpose in life status, education, b =-.12 education x ethnicity, perceived daily discrimination, discrimination x gender Sanders Thompson, 146 Multiple regression Psychological distress- Impact of discrimination, b = .35 (.35) 2006 Community sample re-experiencing emotional discharge Journal article Impact of discrimination, b = .28 (.09) cognitive avoidance, logical analysis Psychological distress- Experience of b = .30 (.26) avoidance (whites discrimination, cognitive only) avoidance Sandfort et al., 2007 300 Multiple regression Mental distress Age, acculturation, b = 2.48 (.36) Journal article Gay and bisexual men recruitment site, childhood sexual abuse, verbally/physically abused by relative, rapted by relative, experienced Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 63</p><p> homophobia, verbally/physically abused by lover, raped by lover, social support Age, acculturation, b = 1.80 (.38) recruitment site, experienced homophobia, childhood sexual abuse, verbally/physically abused by relative, raped by relative, raped by lover, effeminacy Schmitt et al., 2002 220 Structural equation Psychological well- Ingroup identification, Journal article College students modeling being perceived discrimination β = -.18 (women) aginast ingroup, psychological well-being 203 β = .00 ns College students (men) Schnieder et al., 2000 110 Multiple regression Disposition, ethnicity, Journal article Community sample (verbal) Life satisfaction verbal harassment, β = -.32 Psych. Distress exclusion β = .11 ns (exclusion) Life satisfaction β = .23 ns Psych. Distress β = .03 ns 63 (verbal) PTSD β = -.02 ns (Women) (exclusion) β = .1 ns 295 (verbal) Life satisfaction β = .14 (Graduate students) (exclusion) β = 1.18 Schulz et al., 2006 343 Multiple regression Depression Education, income, b = .132 Journal article Community sample depression, discrimination, change in everyday discrimination Schulz et al., 2000b 479 Multiple regression Gender, race, everyday Journal article (Detroit Area Study) (high poverty, daily) Life satisfaction unfair treatment, acute β = -.019 ns b = -.095 ns Psych. Distress unfair treatment, β = .287 b = .433 (high poverty, acute) Life satisfaction education, income β = -.119 b = -.23 625 Psych. Distress β = .007 ns b = .085 ns (low poverty, daily) Life satisfaction β = -.106 b = -.215 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 64</p><p>Psych. Distress β = .301 b = .459 (low poverty, acute) Life satisfaction β = -.027 b -.126 Psych. Distress β = -.007 ns b = .059 ns Sellers & Shelton, 555 Path modeling Perceived stress Centrality wave 4,public β = .16 2003 regard wave 4, distress β = .14 Journal article wave 4, centrality wave 5, β = .25 Psychological distress public regard wave 5, β = .21 discrimination wave 5, stress wave 5 Sellers et al., 2006 314 Mutliple regression Perceived stress Age, gender, centrality, b = .10 (.03) Journal article Grades 7-10 private regard, public regard, discrimination Age, gender, centrality, b = .11 (.03) private regard, public regard, discrimination, int Depressive Age, gender, centrality, b = .14 (.03) symptomatology private regard, public regard, discrimination Age, gender, centrality, b = .18 (.03) private regard, public regard, discrimination, interactions eractions Age, gender, centrality, b = -.04 (.03) ns Well being private regard, public regard, discrimination Age, gender, centrality, b = -.06 (.03) ns private regard, public regard, discrimination, interactions eractions Shrake & Rhee, 2004 217 Multiple regression Internalizing problems, Age, gender, GPA, ethnic β = .25 b = 1.248 Journal article Middle and high school withdrawal, anxiety, identity level, other-group students depression, somatic attitudes, perceived complaints discrimination Simons et al., 2002 810 Multiple regression Depression Gender, income, β = .231 Journal article Family and (perceived uninvolved parenting, Community Health discrimination) ethnic identity, Study (FACHS) discrimination, criminal Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 65</p><p>(community level victimization, community β = .313 discrimination) poverty, community cohesion, community ethnic identity, prevalence of discrimination, prevalence of criminal victimization Simons et al., 2003 312 Structural Equation Anger Inept parenting, deviant β = .11 (.22) Journal article Community sample Modeling Depression peer group, β = .20 (.25) from FACHS discrimination, delinquency, aggression justified, anger, depression, system blaming, delinquency Simons et al., 2006 332 Multiple regression Anger Violent delinquency, b = .19 Journal article Family and hostile view, supportive Community Health parenting, anger, parental Study (FACHS) control, discrimination, discrimination x supportive parenting Smart Richman et al., 165 Structural Equation Depression Model 1: Discrimination, B = 2.34 2007 Community sample Modeling race, sex, SES, age In press Model 2: Discrimination, race, sex, B = 1.69 SES, age, hostility, optimisum, neuroticism Model 3: Discrimination, race, sex, SES, age, hostility, B = ns optimisum, neuroticism, social support, active coping, avoidant coping Stuber et al., 2003 873 Multiple regression General mental health Race, gender, income, age, b = .54 Journal article Community sample (Racial/ethnic) racial discrimination, b = 1.26 (Nonracial) black composition, no b = .74 discrimination, nonracial discrimination, nonracial Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 66</p><p> and racial discrimination, insurance, regular source of care, social support, neighborhood composition Swim et al., 2001 73 Hierarchical Linear Anger Psychological well-being G = .10 Journal article College students Modeling Anxiety at T1, gender, stereotype G = .06 Depression threat, feminist beliefs, G = .05 ns State self-esteem – modern sexism, number of G = -.07 social nonsexist hassles, number G = .10 ns State self-esteem – of sexist hassles G = -.01 ns appearance State self-esteem – performance Szymanski 2005 143 Multiple regression Psychological distress Education, income, recent Journal article Lesbian, bisexual, (sexual orientation ) sexist events, internalized β = .184 ambiguous sexual heterosexism, internalized orientation (gender) sexism, recent sexual β = .187 orientation based hate crime victimization Taylor & Turner, 2002 897 Multiple regression Depression Lifetime traumas, life Journal article Community sample (major events) events, chronic stress, b = .138 ns (day-to-day) gender, SES, race, major b = .025 ns discrimination, day to day discrimination Thompson et al., 2004 1827 Multiple regression General mental health Discrimination bases, β = .66 Journal article Current diagnosis of (bases for Psychosis symptoms discrimination stress, β = .56 serious mental illness discrimination) category contrast 1, (Stress from Psychosis symptoms category contrast 2 β = .17 discrimination) General mental health β = .24 Turner & Avison, 2003 899 Multiple regression Depression Gender, race, SES, recent Journal article Community sample (everyday) life events, daily b = .783 3rd wave investigation (lifetime) discrimination, lifetime b = -.852 ns of Miami-Dade public major events, chronic school system + panel stressors, lifetime major sample discrimination Umaña- Taylor & 273 Path analysis Self-esteem Ethnic identity, self- β = -.70 Updegraff, 2007 (Hispanic adolescents) Depression esteem, perceived β = .56 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 67</p><p>Journal article discrimination, depression, generational status, parental educational attainment, national origin Utsey & Payne, 2000 56 Univariate regression Depression β = .18 ns b=.532 ns Journal article Clinical sample Anxiety β=.4 b = 1.35 70 Depression β = .24 ns b = .72 ns Normal sample Anxiety β = .11 ns b = .25 ns Utsey et al., 2002 127 Multiple regression Psychological quality Age, sex, income, β = -.43 Journal article Community sample of life education, individual racism, institutional racism, cultural racism, collective racism Utsey et al., 2006 323 Multiple regression Quality of life Journal article (individual) Individual racism, cultural β = -.04 b = -.09 ns racism, cognitive ability, social support Individual racism, cultural β = -.03 b = -.07 ns racism, cognitive ability, social support, interactions Individual racism, cultural β = .02 b= .04 ns racism, cognitive ability, social support, interactions, 3 way interactions (cultural) Individual racism, cultural β = .04 b = .05 ns racism, cognitive ability, social support Individual racism, cultural β = .04 b = .05 ns racism, cognitive ability, social support, interactions Individual racism, cultural β = -.05 b= -.06 ns racism, cognitive ability, social support, interactions, 3 way interactions Verkuyten & Nekuee, 67 Multiple regression Life satisfaction Educational level, length β = -.11 ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 68</p><p>1999 Community sample Self-esteem of residence, family β = -.04 ns Journal article members, Dutch nationality, identification, discrimination, cultural conflict, acculturation Verkuyten & Thijs, 161 Multiple regression Self-esteem Educational performance, β = -.16 2004 High school students discrimination, Journal article interactions Waldo 1999 287 Structural Equation Model 1: Heterosexism Organizational climate, Journal article Community sample of Modeling Psychological outness, policies and β = .33 (.08) gays, lesbians, and distress resources, job gender bisexuals Model 2: Indirect context, heterosexism, job heterosexism satisfaction, health Psychological conditions, psychological β = .34 (.07) distress distress, job withdrawal, Model 3: Direct work withdrawal, health heterosexism satisfaction Psychological β = .28 (.07) distress</p><p>Whitbeck et al., 2002 220 Multiple regression Depression Social support, traditional b = .64 Journal article Community sample participation, current *Significance not from the Three financial stressors, life reported Villages Project events, discrimination, gender, age, education, income, parent alcohol problems, parental support and warmth, parental rejection, childhood events, conduct disorder problems, current financial stress Williams et al., 1997 1106 Multiple regression Well being Race, education, income, b= -.066 ns Journal article Detroit Area Study (3 item scale) Psychological distress household size, b = -.331 ns (9 item scale) Well being discrimination, everyday b = -.391 ns Psychological distress discrimination, chronic b = 2.215 ns stress, financial stress, life Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 69</p><p> events Wolitski et al., 2007 637 Multiple regression Depression Depression, perceived β = 3.35 Poster Homeless men Perceived stress stress, general mental β = 3.31 Mental health health score, general β = -5.1 Gen. mental health mental health subscale, β = -5.49 Role/emotions social functioning β = -3.94 Social functioning subscale, role/emotional β = -4.61 Vitality subscale β = -3.91 Yoo & Lee, 2005 155 Multiple regression Life satisfaction Gender, generation, SS- β = -.22 b = -.25 Journal article College students Cope, EI-total, discrimination, disc x EI- total, disc x SS-Cope, SS- Cope x EI-Total, SS-Cope x EI-total x disc Yoshikawa et al., 2004 192 Multiple regression Depression Age, born in US, earnings b = .31 ns β = 1.09 ns Journal article Gay PACIFIC/East (Experiences of in last year, ethnicity, islanders discrimination) racism x friend discussions, homophobia (Anti-immigrant x friend discussions, anti- b = .13 ns β = .74 ns discrimination) immigrant x friend discussions, partner/boyfriend, GAA intervention, racism, homophobia, anti- immigrant discrimination, discussions with friends about discrimination</p><p>(Experiences of Age, born in US, earnings b = .3 ns β = 1.07 ns discrimination) in last year, ethnicity, racism x family discussions, homophobia (Anti-immigrant x family discussions, anti- b = .12 ns β = .65 ns discrimination) immigrant x family discussions, partner/boyfriend, GAA intervention, racism, Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 70</p><p> homophobia, anti- immigrant discrimination, discussions with family about discrimination Zakalik & Wei, 2006 234 Structural equation Depression composite Attachment anxiety, β =.23 Journal article Gay males modeling discrimination composite, depression composite Depression composite Attachment avoidance, β = .46 discrimination composite, depression composite Zamboni & Crawford, 174 Path analysis Racial discrimination, 2007 Gay/bisexual men (racial/ethnic) Psychiatric distress psychiatric symptoms, β = .27 Journal article (sexual orientation) Psychiatric distress sexual problems β = .30 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 71</p><p>Supplementary Table 6 Characteristics of studies performing multivariate regression, SEM, HLM and other path modeling – blood pressure, reactivity, cardiovascular risk factors and/or disease</p><p>Author, year, and Sample characteristics Modeling technique Outcome variable(s) Predictor variables Regression coefficient document type Clark 2003 64 Stepwise regression Blood pressure Perceived racism Journal article College students Univariate Systolic composite, quantity of b = -1.12 Multivariate social support b =-.07</p><p>Univariate Diastolic b = .33 Multivariate b =-1.11</p><p>Univariate Systolic Perceived racism b = -1.12 Multivariate composite, quality of b =-1.35 social support Univariate Diastolic b = .33 Multivariate b =-.22 * did not report non- significance Clark & Adams, 2004 117 Multiple regression Systolic BP Perceived racism, John b = .26 ns Journal article College students Diastolic BP Henryism, John Henryism b = -.01 ns x perceived racism Clark 2006 214 Multiple regression Systolic BP Control variables (not b = .031 ns Journal article High school students Diastolic BP listed), perceived racism, b = .48 ns trait anger, racism x anger Clark 2006b 110 Stepwise regression Age, BMI, cigarettes per Journal article College students Univariate Systolic BP day, alcohol drinks per b = 2.56 Multivariate week, caffeine drinks per b = 2.49 week, annual household Univariate Diastolic BP income, task-induced b = .79 ns Multivariate anxiety, task-induced b = .81 ns anger, task-induced cynicism, subjective stressfulness of task, Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 72</p><p> baseline heart rate, oral contraceptive use, perceived racism, seeking social support, racism x seeking social support Hill et al., 2007 40 Multiple regression Daytime SBP Gender, BMI, academic ns Journal article (College students) Nighttime SBP racism ns Daytime DBP B = .33 Nighttime DBP B = .28 Huebner 2002 361 Multiple regression Hypertension Age, education, income, β = .01 ns b = .02 ns Dissertation Men who have sex ethnicity, HIV status, with men discrimination, discrimination x education, discrimination x discrimination, discrimination x discrimination x education Inman et al., 2007 81 Path model Heart rate increase Perceived racism, HR β = ns and not reported Presentation Community sample (during stressor) increase, attribution of stressor</p><p>39 Ethnicity, HR increase, β = .56 (women) perceived racism 42 β = -.04 ns (men) James 1994 89 Multiple regression Blood pressure Collective self-esteem, b = .13 ns Journal article Community Sample self-esteem, prejudice- discrimination, age, weight, health-product organization, machinery organization, nonprofit organization Pek 2007 63 Multilevel Modeling Systolic Blood pressure Sex, SES, BMI Significant Manuscript (community sample) (wake) Ns Systolic Blood pressure Significant (night) Ns Diastolic Blood Ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 73</p><p> pressure (wake) Ns Diastolic Blood pressure (night) Heart rate (wake) Heart rate (night) Peters, 2006 162 Structural equation Perceived racism, SES, Journal article Community sample modeling Blood pressure emotional regulation, β = .02 ns chronic stress emotions, blood pressure Ryan et al., 2006 666 Multiple regression Systolic blood pressure Sex, Age, black b = .69 Journal article Community Sample Diastolic blood immigrant, Latino b = .41 New Hampshire data pressure immigrant, discrimination set index, discrimination *Did not report index squared significance Steffen et al., 2003 69 Multiple regression Waking systolic BP Perceived racism, gender, b = .28 Journal article Community Sample Waking diastolic BP BMI/ perceived racism, b = .24 age, BMI, income Thomas et al., 2006 122 Multiple regression Systolic blood pressure Age, baseline systolic β = .18 b = 1.88 (1.83) ns Journal article Community sample reaction to blood pressure, cigarette phenylephrine smoking, ethnicity, discrimination Age, baseline systolic β = .32 b = 3.32 (2.18) ns blood pressure, cigarette smoking, ethnicity, discrimination, interactions Diastolic blood Age, baseline diastolic β = .41 b = 2.78 (1.17) pressure reaction to blood pressure, cigarette phenylephrine smoking, ethnicity, discrimination Age, baseline diastolic β = .47 b = 3.19 (1.39) blood pressure, cigarette smoking, ethnicity, discrimination, interactions Path model Diastolic blood Ethnicity, discrimination, β = .42 pressure reaction to diastolic responses to Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 74</p><p> phenylephrine phenylephrine Thompson 1999 127 Stepwise regression discrimination, systolic Dissertation Community sample Univariate Systolic BP blood pressure, sex, age, β = -.055 ns from Reactivity and Multivariate BMI, alcohol, income, β = .014 ns Cardiovascular Risk income x discrimination, Trial Univariate Diastolic BP education β = .009 ns Multivariate β = .004 ns</p><p>Univariate Intramedial thickness β = -.0006 ns Multivariate β = -.00006 ns</p><p>Univariate Max intramedial β = -.0009 ns Multvariate thickness β = -.0009 ns</p><p>Univariate Plaque β = -.0003 ns Multivariate β = .0004 ns</p><p>Stepwise regression Discrimination, systolic Univariate Systolic BP blood pressure, sex, age, β = -.055 ns Multivariate BMI, alcohol, income, β = -.01ns income x discrimination, Univariate Diastolic BP education β = .009 ns Multivariate β = .074 ns</p><p>Stepwise regression Discrimination year, sex, Univariate Systolic BP age, BMI, alcohol β = -.019 ns Multivariate β = -.006 ns</p><p>Univariate Diastolic BP β = .051 ns Multivariate β = .009 ns</p><p>Univariate Intramedial thickness β = -.001 ns Multivariate β = -.0004 ns</p><p>Univariate Max intramedial β = -.001 ns Multivariate thickness β = -.0005 ns</p><p>Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 75</p><p>Univariate Plaque β = -.0003 ns Multivariate β = .00007 ns</p><p>Stepwise regression Discrimination life, sex, Univariate Systolic BP age, BMI, alcohol β = .005 ns Multivariate β = -.02 ns</p><p>Univariate Diastolic BP β = .059 ns Multivariate β = .018 ns</p><p>Univariate Intramedial thickness β = -.0006 ns Multivariate β = -.0005 ns</p><p>Univariate Max intramedial β = -.0009 ns Multivariate thickness β = -.0008 ns</p><p>Univariate Plaque β = .0004 ns Multivariate β = .0004 ns</p><p>Stepwise regression Total discrimination, Univariate Systolic BP discrimination, sex, age, b = 4.021 Multivariate BMI, alcohol, education, b = 15.547 ns education x discrimination Univariate Diastolic BP b =3.831 Multivariate b = 5.214 ns</p><p>Univariate Intramedial thickness β = -.0004 ns Multivariate β = .06 ns</p><p>Univariate Max intramedial β =- .0126 ns Multivariate thickness β = .005 ns</p><p>Univariate Plaque β = .003 ns Multivariate β = .027 ns</p><p>Stepwise regression Total discrimination, Univariate Systolic BP discrimination, sex, age, b = 4.021 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 76</p><p>Multivariate BMI, alcohol, education, b = 8.824 education x discrimination Univariate Diastolic BP b = 3.831 Multivariate b = 3.916 ns</p><p>Univariate Intramedial thickness β = -.0004 ns Multivariate β = .041 ns</p><p>Univariate Max intramedial β = -.0126 ns Multivariate thickness β = .012 ns</p><p>Univariate Plaque β = .003 ns Multivariate β = .019 ns</p><p>Multivariate regression Systolic BP Transitional racial ID, b = -5.093 ns Diastolic BP total discrimination, blood b = -1.923 pressure Troxel et al., 2003 109 (Black) Multiple regression Cartoid intima-media age, composite stress, life Journal article (Unfair treatment) thickness events, ongoing stress, β = .18 ns b = .003 ns (Racism) economic hardship, unfair β = .15 ns b = .003 ns 225 (White) (Unfair treatment) treatment, biological risk β = .03 ns Community sample factors (HDL-c, BMI) Using study of women’s health across the nation Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 77</p><p>Supplementary Table 7 Characteristics of studies performing multivariate regression, SEM, HLM and other path modeling – other physical health outcomes</p><p>Author, year, and Sample characteristics Modeling technique Outcome variable(s) Predictor variables Regression coefficient document type Ahern et al., 2007 1008 Multiple regression Overall physical health Alienation, perceived β = -.59 Journal article (community sample) Health condition devaluation, age, β = .07 checklist race/ethnicity, gender, income, education, social support, social networks, drug use frequency Bianchi et al., 2004 140 Multiple regression Obesity Latino discrimination, gay b = .10 ns Journal article Community sample discrimination, us acculturation, perceived social status, income level, active coping Bond et al., 2004 208 Univariate regression General Physical health Gender discrimination β = -.11 Journal article Community sample Sexism in the workplace β = -.17 Borrell et al., 2006 1016 Stepwise regression Age, income, education, Journal article (Females) Univariate Physical health CES-D, skin color b = -.16 Multivariate reflectance b = -.25</p><p>706 Stepwise regression Age, income, education, (Males) Univariate skin color b = -.14 Multivariate b = -.13 Community sample From CARDIA Campbell 2000 114 Multiple regression General physical health Age, discrimination, self- β = .712 Dissertation Community sample Pre-menstrual esteem β = .616 symptoms General health β = .758 Chen et al., 2007 69 Multiple regression Health related quality Gender, age, time since β = -.11 ns Journal article (Hurricane Katrina of life Katrina, religiosity before survivors) Katrina Finch et al., 2001 3012 Stepwise regression Physical/mental health, Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 78</p><p>Journal article Mexican-American Univariate General physical health discrimination scale, age, b = -.164 Prevalence and Multivariate gender, area of residence, b = -.058 Services Study marital status, SES, Univariate Chronic education, income, b= .3 Multivariate conditons/morbidity employment, English b= .101 ns acculturation, nativity/residence, acculturative stress, social support Franzini & Fernandez- 1745 Multiple regression General physical health Age, sex, foreign-born β = -.013 ns Esquer, 2004 Community sample English speakers, US born Journal article Spanish speakers, US born English speakers, social support, education, religiousity, vicitimization, trust, personal opportunity, racism, income Gee 2002 1503 Hierarchical Linear Physical functioning Poverty, Chinese Journal article Community sample of Modeling Individual Model dissimilarity, housing β = .20 (.53) ns Chinese Americans Multilevel Model values, redlined area, β = .24 (.55) ns General health employed, insured, family Individual Model income, education, age, β = -2.93 (1.95) ns Multilevel Model reported discrimination, β = -2.57 (1.93) ns Physical functioning gender, acculturation, Individual Model social support β = .118 (.026) Multilevel Model β = .121 (.027) Gee et al., 2006 2095 Multiple regression Lifetime disorders Age, gender, ethnicity, per b = .28 Journal article 520 (Vietnamese) capita income, education, b = .28 508 (Filipino) employment, marital b = .27 600 (Chinese) status, region, same b = .18 household, everyday Community sample discrimination from NLAAS Heckman, 2003 275 Stepwise regression Barriers to health care, Journal article Community sample Univariate Physical well-being physical well-being, β = -.33 Multivariate support, coping β = -.22 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 79</p><p>221 Community sample Structural Equation AIDS related β = -.22 Modeling discrimination, satisfaction with life, barriers to health care and social services, social support, physical well- being Huebner 2002 361 Multiple regression Total health problems Age, education, income, β = .15 b = .15 Dissertation Men who have sex ethnicity, HIV status, with men discrimination, discrimination x education, discrimination x discrimination, discrimination x discrimination x education Huebner et al., 2007 334 Multiple regression Sick days HIV status, education, B = .40 (.10) Journal article (men who have sex Doctor visits discrimination B = .13 (.11) ns with men) Jackson et al., 1996 623 Multiple regression Doctor reported serious Income to needs ratio, b = .24 ns Journal article National Survey of illness education, region, age, Black Americans, Health disability gender, whites want to b = .76 NSBA) keep blacks down, treated badly due to race James 1994 89 Multiple regression Health questionnaire Collective self-esteem, b = .15 ns Journal article Community Sample self-esteem, prejudice- discrimination, age, weight, health-product organization, machinery organization, nonprofit organization Jasinskaja-Lahti 2006 3593 Univariate Regression Racial/ethnic Journal article Immigrants from (everyday/general discrimination various countries discrimination) Gen. Health b = .06 (work) b = -.04 (everyday racism) b = .1 (racist crimes by b = -.03 ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 80</p><p> police)</p><p>547 (everyday/general (Russian immigrants to discrimination) b = .23 Finland) (work) b = -.04 (everyday racism) b = .25 (racist crimes by b = .08 police)</p><p>701 (everyday/general (Estonian immigrants discrimination) b = .01 to Finland) (work) b = .0004 ns (everyday racism) b = .03 (racist crimes by b = -.04 ns police)</p><p>453 (everyday/general (Vietnamese discrimination) b = .02 ns immigrants to Finland) (work) b = -.019 ns (everyday racism) b = -.01 (racist crimes by b = .01 ns police)</p><p>269 (everyday/general (Somali immigrants to discrimination) b = .06 ns Finland) (work) b = -.12 ns (everyday racism) b = .07 ns (racist crimes by b = .33 police)</p><p>382 (everyday/general (Albanian immigrants discrimination) b = .02 ns to Finland) (work) b = .34 (everyday racism) b = -.055 ns (racist crimes by b = .34 police) Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 81</p><p>476 (everyday/general (Arab immigrants to discrimination) b = .01 ns Finland) (work) b = .33 (everyday racism) b = .08 ns (racist crimes by b = .33 police)</p><p>767 (everyday/general (Finnish repatriates) discrimination) b = .12 (work) b = .26 (everyday racism) b = .02 ns (racist crimes by police) Jasinskaja-Lahti & 1783 Multiple regression Self-rated health Gender, age, mother β = .10 Liebkind, 2007 (immigrants in tongue, Finnish language Journal article Finland) skills, employment status, education, work specific group-level control beliefs Lee et al., 2004 67 Multiple regression General health Gender, age, age at β = .16 b = .1 Book chapter Community sample adoption, PANAS, discrimination, Loo et al., 2001 300 Multiple regression Journal article Veteransl (prejudice and Brief symptom Combat exposure, military stigmatization) inventory rank, racial prejudice and β = .54 b = 1.64 (.10) stigma (bicultural Combat exposure, military identification and rank, bicultural β = .33 b = 2.55 (.40) conflict) identification and conflict (racist environment) Combat exposure, military β = .24 b = 2.11 (.47) rank, racist environment (total scale) Combat exposure, military β = .51 b = 1.01 (.10) rank, racism Combat exposure, military rank, racial prejudice and stigma Combat exposure, military rank, bicultural Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 82</p><p> identification and conflict Combat exposure, military rank, racist environment Combat exposure, military rank, racism Pantzer et al., 2005 1402 Multiple regression Health related quality Immigrant category, age, b = -1.19 (.25) Journal article 12-18 year olds of life gender, FAS category, psychological distress, bullying, discrimination, social support Pavalko et al., 2003 1778 Multiple regression Functional limitation in work discrimination1984- β = .29 Journal article Community sample (work discrimination 1989 1989, work discrimination National survey of from 1984 – 1989) 1977-1982, age, years of mature women (work discrimination school, married, black, from 1977 to 1982) physical limitations, 1982, well being 1984, 1329 (work discrimination Functional limitation in emotional health 1981, β = .41 (White only) from 1984 – 1989) 1989 gender role attitudes, (work discrimination 1982, job dissatisfaction, from 1977 to 1982) hours work per week, wage, government 449 (work discrimination Functional limitation in employee, self-employed, β = .39 (Black only) from 1984 – 1989) 1989 managerial, clerical, sales, Functional limitation in craft, operatives, laborers, β = .15 1989 farm, private household, service</p><p>Functional limitation in β = .88 (work discrimination 1989 from 1977 to 1982) Functional limitation in β = .55 ns 1989 Ren et al., 1999 1659 Multiple regression Race, age, gender, Journal article Community sample (Racia/ethnic) General health education, marital status, b = -1.86 ns from the National (SES-based) income, unemployed, b = -5.63 Survey of Functional (Racial/ethnic and discrimination, b = -8.85 Health SES-based) interactions Ryan et al., 2006 666 Multiple regression Health questionnaire Sex, Age, black b = -1.44 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 83</p><p>Journal article Community Sample immigrant, Latino *Did not report New Hampshire data immigrant, discrimination significance set index, discrimination index squared Schnieder et al., 2000 295 (verbal) Symptom checklist Disposition, ethnicity, β = -.09 ns Journal article (Graduate students) Health satisfaction verbal harassment, NR (exclusion) Health satisfaction exclusion NR Symptom checklist β = -.05 ns Schulz et al., 2006 343 Multiple regression General health Education, income, b = -.11 ns Journal article Community sample depression, discrimination, change in everyday discrimination Smith et al., (in press) 103 Multiple regression General health Field of study, stigma β = -.22 Manuscript College students Days ill last month consciousness, gender β = -.22 typical/atypical Stuber et al., 2003 873 Multiple regression General physical health Race, gender, income, age, Journal article Community sample (Racial/ethnic) racial discrimination, b = .2 ns (Nonracial) black composition, no b = .17 ns (Racial and nonracial) discrimination, nonracial b = .16 discrimination, nonracial and racial discrimination, insurance, regular source of care, social support, neighborhood composition Utsey et al., 2002b 160 Multiple regression General overall health Ethnic identity, cultural β = -.2 b = -.11 Journal article Community sample racism Waldo 1999 287 Structural Equation Model 1: Heterosexism Organizational climate, Journal article Community sample of Modeling Health conditions outness, policies and β = .13 (.06) gays, lesbians, and Model 2: Indirect resources, job gender bisexuals heterosexism context, heterosexism, job Health conditions satisfaction, health β = .08 (.07) Model 3: Direct conditions, psychological heterosexism distress, job withdrawal, Health conditions work withdrawal, health β = .13 (.06) satisfaction Williams et al., 1997 1106 Multiple regression General physical health Race, education, income, b = -.03 ns Journal article Detroit Area Study (3 item scale) Days in bed household size, b = -.029 ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 84</p><p>(9 item scale) General physical health discrimination, everyday b = .047 ns Days in bed discrimination, chronic b = .079 ns stress, financial stress, life events Williams et al., 1999 586 Multiple regression General physical health Mastery, self-esteem, b = -.12 ns Book chapter Detroit Area Study Health problems racial/ethnic self-concept, b = -.01 ns (Blacks, everyday) General physical health racial/ethnic identity, b = .06 ns (Blacks, acute) education, household size, 514 Health problems household income, age, b = .27 ns (Whites, everyday) General physical health gender, marital status, b = .044 ns Health problems chronic everyday b = -.19 ns (Whites, acute) General physical health discrimination, acute b = -.03 ns Health problems discrimination, role- b= -.01 ns related stress, financial stress, major life events stress Wolitski et al., 2007 637 Multiple regression Gen. phys. Health Depression, perceived β = -2.76 Poster Homeless men Gen. phys. Health stress, general mental β = -4.86 Physical function health score, general β = -2.8 Role/physical mental health subscale, β = -3.2 Bodily pain social functioning β = -3.29 Vitality subscale, role/emotional β = -3.91 subscale Zamboni & Crawford, 174 Path analysis Racial discrimination, 2007 Gay/bisexual men (racial/ethnic) Sexual problems psychiatric symptoms, β = .16 Journal article (sexual orientation) sexual problems β = .10 ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 85</p><p>Supplementary Table 8 Characteristics of studies performing multivariate regression, SEM, HLM and other path modeling –health behavior outcomes</p><p>Author, year, and Sample characteristics Modeling technique Outcome variable(s) Predictor variables Regression coefficient document type Bianchi et al., 2004 140 Multiple regression Good health habits Latino discrimination, gay b = -.24 ns Journal article Community sample discrimination, us acculturation, perceived social status, income level, active coping Diaz et al., 2004 300 Mutiple regression Difficult sexual Homophobia, racism, β = .16 Journal article Gay and bisexual (homophobia) situations poverty Latinos β = .14 Gibbons et al., 2004 897 Structural Equation SES, Parent T1 drug use, Journal article Community sample Modeling Parent T1 discrimination, (Parent T1 child T1 discrimination, discrimination) Time 2 drug use T1 effective parenting, β = .13 (.02) Time 2 drug use of child T1 image, child T1 β = .01 (.01) ns child friends’ use, parent T1 (Child T1 Time 2 drug use distress, child T1 distress, β = .10 (.10) discrimination) Time 2 drug use of child T1 vulnerability, β = .01 (.01) ns child parent T2 distress, parent T2 distress, parent T2 use, child T2 friends’ use, child T2 use Guthrie et al, 2002 105 Stepwise regression Smoking behavior Daily hassles, Journal article Community sample Univariate discrimination β = .32 from the Female Multivariate β = .27 Adolescent Substance *Significance not Experience Study reported Huebner et al., 2007 334 Multiple regression Nonprescription HIV status, education, B = .19 (.07) Journal article (men who have sex medication use discrimination with men) Iyer et al., 2003 122 Mutliple regression Eating attitudes Distress, self-esteem, body β = .23 Journal article College students mass, SES, racial teasing, Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 86</p><p> ethnic identification, acculturation Martin et al., 2003 2638 Multiple regression Discrimination, extent of Journal article Community Sample (discrimination) Alcohol use prejudice, schooling, anti- b = .555 (National survey of (extent of prejudice) black affect, income, b = -.081 black workers) (anti-black affect) occupational status, age, b = 0 ns employment status, gender, marital status, size of place, escape drinking motives Sabik & Tylka., 2006 256 Mutliple regression Journal article College students (lifetime gender Disordered eating Ethnic group membership, β = -.01 ns discrimination) lifetime gender discrimination, passive acceptance, interaction Ethnic group membership, β = -.07 ns lifetime gender discrimination, revelation, interaction Ethnic group membership, β = -.03 ns lifetime gender discrimination, embeddedness emanation, interaction Ethnic group membership, β = -.02 ns lifetime gender discrimination, synthesis, interaction Ethnic group membership, β = -.01 ns lifetime gender discrimination, active commitment, interaction (Recent gender Ethnic group membership, β = .04 ns discrimination) lifetime gender discrimination, passive acceptance, interaction Ethnic group membership, β = .01 ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 87</p><p> lifetime gender discrimination, revelation, interaction Ethnic group membership, β = .04 ns lifetime gender discrimination, embeddedness emanation, interaction Ethnic group membership, β = .03 ns lifetime gender discrimination, synthesis, interaction Ethnic group membership, β = .04 ns lifetime gender discrimination, active commitment, interaction Whitbeck 2001 195 Structural Equation Substance abuse Discrimination, substance Journal article American Indian Modeling Baseline model abuse, age, gender, family β = .37 children income</p><p>+ internalization Model 1 β = .35 + anger Model 2 β = .27 (for anger) β = .41 + anger, delinquent Model 3 behavior β = .15 β = .43 Whitbeck et al., 2004 452 Structural Equation Alcohol Use Spiritual activity, culture Journal article Community sample of Modeling Model 1: Historical identity, traditional β = -.05 ns Native Americans loss activity, enculturation, β = .22 (women) Model 2: discrimination, alcohol β = .23 ns (men) Enculturation abuse, historical loss, age, β = .03 ns (women) feelings, loss β = .11 ns (men) β Model 3: Combined Yoshikawa et al., 2004 192 Multiple regression Total unprotected anal Age, born in US, earnings b = .05 ns Journal article Gay PACIFIC/East (Experiences of intercourse in last year, ethnicity, Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 88</p><p> islanders discrimination) Total unprotected racism x friend b = .02 ns intercourse with discussions, homophobia primary partner x friend discussions, anti- Total unprotected immigrant x friend b = .05 ns intercourse with discussions, secondary partner partner/boyfriend, GAA intervention, racism, (Anti-immigrant Total unprotected anal homophobia, anti- b = .15 ns discrimination) intercourse immigrant discrimination, Total unprotected discussions with friends b = .11 ns intercourse with about discrimination primary partner Total unprotected b = .23 ns intercourse with secondary partner</p><p>(Experiences of Total unprotected anal Age, born in US, earnings b = .06 ns discrimination) intercourse in last year, ethnicity, Total unprotected racism x family b = .01 ns intercourse with discussions, homophobia primary partner x family discussions, anti- Total unprotected immigrant x family b = .08 ns intercourse with discussions, secondary partner partner/boyfriend, GAA intervention, racism, (Anti-immigrant Total unprotected anal homophobia, anti- b = .11 ns discrimination) intercourse immigrant discrimination, Total unprotected discussions with family b = .09 ns intercourse with about discrimination primary partner Total unprotected b = .15 ns intercourse with secondary partner Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 89</p><p>Supplementary Table 9 Characteristics of studies included in moderator analysis of social support</p><p>Author, year, Sample Discrimination Support type Modeling Outcome Predictor variables Interaction and document size type technique variable(s) coefficient type Barnes & 94 Racial/ethnic Support seeking Regression Life satisfaction Discrimination, social β = .12 ns Lightsey, interaction Psychological support, avoidance, problem β = -.02 ns 2005 stress solving, Journal discrimination*social article support, discrimination*problem solving, discrimination*avoidance Clark, 2003 64 Racial/ethnic Quantity of SS Regression Systolic blood Perceived racism, social b = 3.07 Journal interaction pressure support, racism*social article Diastolic blood support b = 2.87 pressure Quality of SS Systolic blood b = 1.44 ns pressure Diastolic blood b = 3.53 pressure Clark, 2006 110 Racial/ethnic Instrumental and Regression Systolic blood Perceived racism, social b = -2.02 (.65) Journal emotional support interaction pressure support, perceived article seeking (composite) Diastolic blood racism*social support, age, b = -.47 (.49) ns pressure body mass index, cigarettes per day, alcohol drinks per week, caffeine drinks per week, annual household income, task-induced anxiety, task-induced anger, task-induced cynicism, subjective stressfulness of task, baseleing heart rate, oral contraceptive use, parental Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 90</p><p> history of hypertension Finch, et. al., 3012 Racial/ethnic Instrumental Regression Depression Nativity/resident status, Not reported ns 2000 Emotional interaction Mexican heritage, Not reported ns Journal demographics, Acculturation article to English, acculturation to stress, SES, income, martial status, perceived discrimination, social support, social support*discrimination Finch et. al., 1576 Racial/ethnic Instrumental Regression Alcohol abuse/ Age, time in US, monthly OR = 1.34 2001 interaction dependence family income, years of 95% CI: 1.01- Journal education, gender, work 1.78 article status, marital status, religious attendance, instrumental social support, employment frustration, instrumental social support*employment frustration Fischer & 119 Racial/ethnic Within-group Regression Global mental Discrimination (year), social β = -.56 ns Shaw, contacts interaction health support, interaction 1999 Goldenhar et. 211 Gender Workplace support Regression Psychological Job demands, job certainty, Not reported ns al., interaction Symptoms safety climate, training, daily 1998 Insomnia exposure, discrimination, Not reported ns Journal Headaches overcompensating at work, Not reported ns article Nausea skill under-utilization, Not reported ns responsibility for safety for others, support supervisors/male co-workers, job satisfaction, support*discrimination, support*control Guttieres, et. al., 687 Gender Workplace and ANOVA Health problems Discrimination, ethnicity, Means for whites 1995 family support social support not affected by Book chapter (composite) discrimination. Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 91</p><p>Hispanics reported fewer health problems when social support was high (M = 16.44) than low (M = 17.05) regardless of discrimination level. However, with weak support, Hispanics showed more health problems when more discrimination was present (M = 21.19, M = 14.50)</p><p>McNeilly, et. 30 Racial/ethnic Support given by a MANOVA Anger Racist provocation, social F(1,27) = 6.54 al., confederate Cynicism support, interaction Not reported, ns 1995 Resentment Not reported, ns Journal Anxiety Not reported, ns article Heart rate Not reported, ns Systolic blood Not reported, ns pressure Diastolic blood Not reported, ns pressure Noh & Kaspar 180 Racial/ethnic Ethnic support Regression Depression Discrimination, emotion, (by coping style) interaction coping, ethnic support, Personal discrimination*coping, β = .45 ns confrontation emotion*coping, Taking formal discrimination*coping*ethnic β = .53 ns action support, Seeking social emotion*coping*ethnic β = -.14 ns support support Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 92</p><p>Passive β = -1.13 acceptance Emotional β = .75 ns distraction</p><p>Prelow, et. al, 136 Racial/ethnic Guidance, Regression Depression Discrimination, social β = .05 ns 2006 reassurance of interaction Life satisfaction support, β = -.06 ns Journal worth, social discrimination*social support article integration, attachment, reliable alliance (composite) Redman & 393 Age Non-work based Regression Life satisfaction Force tenure, age, gender, β = .15 Snape, 2006 emotional support interaction role conflict, role ambiguity, Journal Work-based perceived discrimination, β = .01 ns article emotional support social support, discrimination*social support Salgado de 140 Racial/ethnic Access to support Not reported Depression Social support networks, Not reported, ns Snyder, 1987 systems (general acculturative stress, Journal and spousal) support*acculturative stress article Smart Richman, 165 Unfair Belonging, Structural Depressive Race, sex, SES, age, b = -.08 (.03) Et. al., 2008 treatment appraisal help, and equation model symptoms hostility, optimism, Manuscript tangible support neuroticism, social support, (composite) active coping, avoidant coping, discrimination, discrimination*social support, discrimination*active coping, discrimination* avoidant coping Utsey, et. al., 323 Racial/ethnic Not reported Regression Quality of life Individual racism, Cultural 2006 (MDSS) interaction (individual racism, cognitive ability, β = -.03 ns Journal racism – 2 way) social support, individual Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 93</p><p> article (individual racism*cognitive ability, β = -.17 racism – 3 way) cultural racism*cognitive (cultural racism ability, individual β = .06 ns – 2 way) racism*support, cultural (cultural racism racism*support, cognitive β = .28 – 3 way) ability*support, individual racism*cognitive ability*support, cultural racism*cognitive ability*support Zamboni & 174 Racial/ethnic Not reported (SSQ) Regression Sexual problems Discrimination, social Not reported, ns Crawford, Gay discrim. interaction support, Not reported, ns 2006 discrimination*social support Journal article Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 94</p><p>Supplementary Table 10 Characteristics of studies included in moderator analysis of coping</p><p>Author, year, and Sample Discrimination Coping type Modeling Outcome variable(s) Predictor variables Interaction document type size type technique coefficient Barnes & 94 Racial/ethnic Avoidance Regression Life satisfaction Discrimination, social β = -.10 ns Lightsey, interaction Psychological stress support, avoidance, problem β = -.03 ns 2005 Problem solving Life satisfaction solving, β = .06 ns Journal article Psychological stress discrimination*social β = -.09 ns Seeking social Life satisfaction support, β = .12 ns Support Psychological stress discrimination*problem β = -.02 ns solving, discrimination*avoidance Bynum, et. al. 247 Racial/ethnic Cultural resource Regression Psychological distress Family income, gender, β = -.09 ns 2007 coping interaction Psychological stress racism experiences, cultural β = -.22 Journal article pride, cultural resource coping, racism*cultural pride, racism*cultural resource coping Clark & Adams, 117 Racial/ethnic John Henryism Regression Systolic blood Perceived racism, John b = 1.90 2004 (active coping) interaction pressure Henryism, Perceived Journal article Diastolic racism*John Henryism b = 2.17 blood pressure Foster, et. al., 194 Unfair Self-distraction Regression Positive mood Group, condition, coping β = .23 ns 2007 treatment interaction Negative mood strategy, group*coping, Not reported Manuscript Anxiety group*condition, ns Substance use Positive mood coping*condition, Not reported Negative mood coping*group*condition ns Anxiety β = .36 Behavioral Positive mood Not reported disengagement Negative mood ns Anxiety Not reported Positive mood ns Acceptance Negative mood β = -.08 ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 95</p><p>Anxiety Not reported ns Not reported ns β = .33 Not reported ns Not reported ns Moghaddam, et. 104 Racial/ethnic Passive coping ANOVA Anger Passive coping, F(1,63) = 6.50 al., 2002 & Unfair Systolic blood discrimination NR ns Journal article treatment pressure Diastolic NR ns blood pressure Anxiety NR ns Depression NR ns Noh, et. al., 1999 647 Racial/ethnic Forbearance Regression Depression Age, gender, marital status, Not reported, Journal article interaction employed, education, sig. buffer Confrontation discrimination, forbearance, Not reported, confrontation, identity, ns identity*discrimination, identity*forbearance, identity*confrontation Noh & Kaspar 180 Racial/ethnic Confrontation Regression Depression Discrimination, emotion, β = -.52 2003 Take formal action interaction coping, perceived β = .28 ns Journal article Social support discrimination*coping, β = -.13 ns seeking emotion*coping Passive acceptance β = .44 ns Emotional β = .44 ns distraction Confrontation Discrimination, Emotion, β = .32 ns Take formal action Coping, Acculturation, β = .00 ns Social support discrimination*coping, β = .57 ns seeking emotion*coping, Passive acceptance discrimination*coping*accult β = .65 Emotional uration, β = -.01 ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 96</p><p> distraction emotion*coping*acculturatio n Smart Richman, 165 Unfair Active coping Structural Depressive symptoms Race, sex, SES, age, b = -4.10 Et. al., 2008 treatment equation hostility, optimism, (2.26) ns Manuscript model neuroticism, social support, Avoidant coping active coping, avoidant b = 4.81 (3.31) coping, discrimination, ns discrimination*social support, discrimination*active coping, discrimination* avoidant coping Yoo & Lee, 2005 155 Racial/ethnic Problem solving Regression Life satisfaction Gender, generation, Cope, β = -.04 ns Journal article interaction Positive affect EI-Total, Discrimination, β = -.01 ns Negative affect Discrimination *EI-Total, β = .15 Cognitive Life satisfaction Discrimination*Cope, β = -.05 ns restructuring Positive affect Cope*EI-Total, Cope*EI- β = -.06 ns Negative affect Total*Discrimination β = .02 ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 97</p><p>Supplementary Table 11 Characteristics of studies included in moderator analysis of group identification group</p><p>Author, year, and Sample Discrimination Identification type Modeling Outcome Predictor variables Interaction document type size type technique variable(s) coefficient Jones, et. al., 262 Racial/ethnic Regression Ethnic group membership, 2007 (appraisal) Assimilation interaction Self-esteem immigrant status, racial β = -.06 ns Journal article Miseducation identity attitudes, racist β = -.02 ns Racial Self-Hatred stress events, racist stress β = .14 Anti-White appraisals, identity β = -.13 ns Afrocentric variables, identity β = -.01 ns Multicultural variables*racist stress β = .00 ns (stress events) Assimilation appraisals or racist stress β = -.01 ns Miseducation events β = -.01 ns Racial Self-Hatred β = .09 ns Anti-White β = -.05 ns Afrocentric β = -.02 ns Multicultural β = .02 ns</p><p>(appraisal) Assimilation Depression β = .06 ns Miseducation β = -.02 ns Racial Self-Hatred β = .06 ns Anti-White β = .01 ns Afrocentric β = -.03 ns Multicultural β = -.12 (stress events) Assimilation β = .03 ns Miseducation β = -.04 ns Racial Self-Hatred β = .10 ns Anti-White β = .04 ns Afrocentric β = -.05 ns Multicultural β = -.14 Lee, 2003 91 Racial/ethnic Ethnic identity Regression Self-esteem Ethnic identity, other Not reported, Journal article interaction Social well- group orientation, ns being minority group Not reported, Community discrimination, ethnic ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 98</p><p> well-being identity*minority group Other-group orientation Self-esteem discrimination, other Not reported, Social well- group ns being orientation*minority Community group discrimination Not reported, well-being ns Not reported, 67 Racial/ethnic Ethnic identity Self-esteem Gender, generation status, ns Social well- Indian language skill, being ethnic identity, other- Not reported, Depression group orientation, sig. buffer personal ethnic Other-group orientation Self-esteem discrimination, ethnic Not reported, Social well- identity*personal ethnic ns being discrimination, other- Not reported, Depression group ns orientation*personal ethnic discrimination Not reported, ns</p><p>Not reported, ns Not reported, ns</p><p>Not reported, ns</p><p>Lee, 2005 84 Racial/ethnic Ethnic identity pride Regression Depression Ethnic identity clarity, Not reported, Journal article interaction ethnic identity pride, sig. buffer Social well- other-group orientation, Not reported, being perceived discrimination, sig. buffer Self-esteem EI-clarity*discrimination, Not reported, Ethnic identity clarity Depression EI-pride*discrimination, ns Social well- other-group Not reported, being orientation*discrimination ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 99</p><p>Self-esteem Not reported, Other-group orientation Depression ns Social well- being Not reported, Self-esteem ns Not reported, ns Not reported, ns</p><p>Not reported, ns Major, et. al., 87 Gender Importance to identity Regression State self-esteem Initial self-esteem, gender 2003 interaction (ambiguous vs. identification, β = .07 ns Journal article overt prejudice manipulation of cues to cues) prejudice, attribution to discrimination, attribution (non-prejudice to discrimination*cues to β = .09 ns vs. overt prejudice interaction, prejudice cues) identity *cues to interaction, attribution to (attribution to discrimination*identity, β = -.06 ns discrimination) three way interaction</p><p>McCoy & Major, 54 Gender Importance to identity Regression State self-esteem Group identification, β = 1.52 2003 interaction Depressed sexist condition, β = -1.54 Journal article emotion interaction Moradi & 191 Gender Passive acceptance Regression Psychological Age, SES, impression β = .11 Subich, 2002 (FIDS) interaction distress management, self- Journal article deceptive enhancement, recent discrimination, passive acceptance, passive acceptance*recent discrimination Mossakowski, 2109 Racial/ethnic Ethnic identity salience Regression Depressive Gender, age, marital 2003 (lifetime) interaction symptoms status, income, education, β = -.26 (.06) Journal article employment status, Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 100</p><p> immigrant status, Country, ethnic identity, lifetime discrimination, everyday discrimination, ethnic identity*lifetime discrimination</p><p>(everyday) Gender, Age, marital β = -.01 (.01) status, income, education, employment status, immigrant status, Country, ethnic identity, lifetime discrimination, everyday discrimination, ethnic identity*everyday discrimination</p><p>(lifetime) Gender, Age, marital β = -.24 (.06) (everyday) status, income, education, β = -.01 (.01) employment status, ns immigrant status, Country, ethnic identity, lifetime discrimination, everyday discrimination, ethnic identity*lifetime discrimination, ethnic identity*everyday discrimination Noh, et. al., 1999 647 Racial/ethnic Ethnic salience Regression Depression Age, gender, marital b = 1.949 Journal article interaction status, employed, education, discrimination, forbearance, confrontation, identity, identity*discrimination, identity*forbearance, identity*confrontation Romero & 881 Racial/ethnic Ethnic affirmation Regression Self-esteem Gender, age, language, β = .58 Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 101</p><p>Roberts, 2003 (MEIM) interaction perceived SES, Journal article discrimination, affirmation, affirmation*discrimination Rüsch, et. al., 60 Perceived Centrality Regression Self-esteem Perceived discrimination, Not reported, 2006 stigma interaction perceived legitimacy of ns Journal article discrimination, group identification, depression, index diagnosis, perceived discrimination*perceived legitimacy, perceived discrimination*group identification, perceived legitimacy*group identification Sabik & Tylka, 256 Gender FIDS Regression Disordered Ethnic group membership, 2006 Passive acceptance interaction eating lifetime discrimination, β = .42 ns Journal article Revelation identity, identity*lifetime β = -.87 ns Embeddedness- discrimination β = -.56 ns emanation Synthesis β = -1.71 Active commitment β = -1.25</p><p>Passive acceptance Ethnic group membership, β = .43 ns Revelation recent discrimination, β = -.52 ns Embeddedness- identity, identity*recent β = -.69 ns emanation discrimination Synthesis β = -1.34 Active commitment β = -1.29 Sellers, et. al., 555 Racial/ethnic Centrality Structural Perceived stress Not reported High centrality 2003 equation model buffered the effect of discrimination on stress Sellers, et. al., 314 Racial/ethnic Public regard Regression Depression Age, gender, centrality, b = .08 (.03) 2006 interaction Perceived stress private regard, public b = .06 (.03) Well-being regard, discrimination, b = -.11 (.03) Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 102</p><p>Private regard Depression centrality*discrimination, b = .05 (.04) ns Perceived stress private b = .04 (.04) ns Well-being regard*discrimination, b = -.01(.04) ns Centrality Depression public b = -.01(.04) ns (MIBI-teen) Perceived stress regard*discrimination b = -.05(.04) ns Well-being b = .04 (.04) ns Yoo & Lee, 2005 155 Racial/ethnic Not reported (MEIM Regression Life satisfaction Gender, generation, Social β = .06 ns Journal article measure) interaction Positive affect Support, EI-Total, β = -.02 ns Negative affect Discrimination, β = .05 ns Discrimination *EI-Total, Discrimination*SS, SS*EI-Total, SS*EI- Total*Discrimination Williams, et. al., 586 Unfair Regression Age, gender, marital 1999 (Blacks) treatment interaction status, everyday Journal article Racial identity (Everyday Self-reported discrimination, acute Not reported, discrimination) health discrimination, income, ns Chronic health household size, education, problems racial/ethnic identity, Not reported, (Acute Self-reported raci/ethnic self-concept, sig. buffer discrimination) health self-esteem, mastery, Not reported, Chronic health interaction terms ns problems Racial self-concept (Everyday Self-reported Not reported, discrimination) health sig. buffer Chronic health problems Not reported, (Acute Self-reported ns discrimination) health Chronic health Not reported, problems ns 520 (Whites) Racial identity (Everyday Self-reported Not reported, discrimination) health marginal buffer Chronic health Not reported, problems ns (Acute Self-reported Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 103</p><p> discrimination) health Not reported, Chronic health ns problems Racial self-concept (Everyday Self-reported Not reported, discrimination) health ns Chronic health problems Not reported, (Acute Self-reported ns discrimination) health Chronic health Not reported, problems ns</p><p>Not reported, exacerbating Not reported, ns</p><p>Not reported, ns</p><p>Not reported, ns Perceived Discrimination and Health Outcomes 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