<p>ARNOLD AIR SOCIETY COMMANDER AAS/CC Table of Contents</p><p>1. Duties and Responsibilities 2. Contact Information/References 3. Routing Deadlines 4. Projects/Additional Duties 5. Lessons Learned/Comments 6. Important Forms Duties and Responsibilities</p><p>Job Description The Arnold Air Society Commander acts as the liaison between Arnold Air Society and the CW/CC. The AAS/CC coordinates all AAS activities. The AAS/CC oversees training and education for the AAS and is the direct link to AAS Area Headquarters. The AAS/CC oversees the operation of all projects the CW/CC or the Arnold Air Society Advisor assigns. The AAS/CC will also complete a continuity folder and is an active member of the “GMC of the Quarter” board.</p><p>Duties and Procedures A. Weekly Meetings: Need to maintain weekly meetings to keep the members and the Cadet Wing Commander up-to-date on all projects and events. Keep track of the meeting minutes for reports due to the Area Commander at the 1st of every month. B. Standardized Monthly Reports (SMRs): Attached is the copy of the format for the SMRs. Will need to keep track of community service hours, the number of cadets in the training program and the attrition rate, the number of community service hours towards the Joint National Project (JNP), and the funds we have currently as well as the funds spent for the month. C. Continuity Folder: Maintain continuity folder for every semester. D. GMC of the Month Board: Participate in and help select the GMC of the month for both the AS100s and AS200s. E. Training and Education of Potential Members: Ensure the training and education is up to standards with the AAS-MAN1 as well as the Squadron’s standards. Contact Info/References</p><p> Arnold Air National Website Arnold-air.org</p><p> Area IV website http://sites.google.com/site/aasswarearegioniv/Home</p><p> Squadron Email Address At gmail.com email address is [email protected], password is officer172</p><p> To reserve the Atlanta Capitol contact the Georgia Building Authority at: Project Coordinator Georgia Building Authority 1 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Atlanta, Georgia 30334 404-657-7407 or online at http://gba.georgia.gov/00/channel_modifieddate/0,2096 ,59377335_67446706,00.html</p><p>*Attached are The Georgia and State Capitol and Grounds Policy, the Request Form for Capitol Public Space, and the Awareness Statement. </p><p> Governor Sonny Purdue The Honorable Sonny Perdue Governor, State of Georgia State Capitol Atlanta, Georgia 30334 ATTN: SCHEDULING DEPARTMENT Phone: 404-656-1776 Fax: 404-657-7332</p><p>*Attached is the Scheduling Request Form Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation [email protected]</p><p> Valdosta State University Event Services Before you call, know the following: Date/time of event Type/ title of event (ex., Awards Banquet/ Softball Banquet) Number of attendees Audio Visual Needs (Please refer to the list of A/V equipment) Type of set-up (banquet, classroom, auditorium) Extra set-up needs ( stage, dance floor, easels) Food? Contact the Catering Department Access time needed before the event/ time needed after the event Is a registration table needed?</p><p>Go to either the University Center – North to complete the paperwork or go to www.valdosta.edu/eventservices/outdoor to submit the paperwork electronically.</p><p> University President Dr. Patrick J. Schloss 229-333-5952</p><p> Target 229-242-0330 Attn: Kristi Routine Deadlines</p><p>Fall Semester Only</p><p>15 Oct: Fall Packet sent to the Det. (Sent to Det. in mail) 31 Oct: Fall Packets and Dues due to HQ 15 Nov: Newsletter Articles</p><p>Spring Semester Only</p><p>15 Jan: Newsletter Articles 01 Feb: Awards Packets, Intent to bid for Nat. HQ (Fig. 9-1 in AASMAN-1), Web Master Application, AAS-SW Scholarship Fund Application 15 Feb: Newsletter Articles, </p><p>Both Semesters</p><p>1st of every month: SMRs Projects/Additional Duties</p><p>1. POW/MIA Remembrance Run: A run from the front of VSU to the steps of the Atlanta Capitol. Things to do: 1. Logistics: a. The run i. Communications between vans and runners ii. Food and water for runners and drivers iii. Work/rest cycles for drivers iv. Someone needs to have the master spreadsheet in the main vehicle v. Transportations for runners to checkpoints vi. EMT volunteers? vii. Drive course and fin restroom, grocery stores, and gas stations at every mile along route viii. Contact all County and/or City police along route ix. How many vehicles b. Ceremonies i. Guest speakers 1. Governor 2. LLAB Speaker? ii. Equipment list for both ceremonies iii. Timelines for ceremonies iv. Reserve locations for ceremonies v. Buses to ceremony in ATL 2. Fundraising a. For AAS in order to put event on i. Advertising ii. Puts these funds into our AAS account iii. ideas 1. Target 2. Walmart 3. Chik-fil-a b. From Individuals i. Advertising ii. $5-10 per mile or as much as they can raise iii. Set up account to hold these funds</p><p> Ceremonies: Valdosta Ceremony: Outline of Events: 1. Welcoming remarks from President and one of our Cadre members – explanation of event 2. Guest speaker: LLAB? 3. POW/MIA table 4. Closing remarks made by______. Begin run (music?) Capitol Ceremony: Outline of Events: 1. Welcoming speech Col. Elledge? 2. POW/MIA table 3. Presentation of check to Veterans Organization 4. Guest Speaker? 5. Closing remarks and raising of the POW/MIA flag</p><p> Run route: Google Maps website URL for the specific route we chose http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=Valdosta+State+University+North+Campus+ %4030.864046,-83.287402&daddr=S+Church+St+%4030.990120,+-83.372290+to:US-41+ %4031.005890,+-83.375250+to:US-41+%4031.026587,+-83.384629+to:Union+St+%4031.043970,+- 83.393600+to:GA-37%2FGA-76+%4031.137830,+-83.420340+to:US-41+%4031.223491,+- 83.457747+to:E+Colquit+Ave+%4031.270990,+-83.463710+to:US-41+%4031.326560,+- 83.478340+to:US-41+%4031.381807,+-83.491601+to:US-41+%4031.445770,+-83.507210+to:GA- 7%2FUS-41+%4031.814338,+-83.723573+to:GA-7+N%2FUS-41+N+%4031.921540,+- 83.770830+to:24th+Ave+W+%4031.955100,+-83.787760+to:Coney+Rd+%4032.088030,+- 83.799430+to:GA-7%2FUS-41+%4032.135580,+-83.795800+to:GA-7%2FUS-41+%4032.187388,+- 83.764883+to:GA-7%2FUS-41+%4032.211540,+-83.759400+to:Elko+Rd %2FMartin+Luther+King+Jr+Dr+%4032.448810,+-83.739330+to:Ash+St+%4032.830270,+- 83.644730+to:33.446625,-84.147527+to:Washington+St+SW+%4033.749460,+- 84.388896&hl=en&geocode=14156118468972867722,30.864046,- 83.287402%3B3418035232857633132,30.990120,- 83.372290%3B11705874926453373466,31.005890,- 83.375250%3B10762583062084995430,31.026587,- 83.384629%3B10384257107051574498,31.043970,- 83.393600%3B12600129240172007660,31.137830,- 83.420340%3B3523869267490527700,31.223491,-83.457747%3B634747351812366349,31.270990,- 83.463710%3B17975224506685872020,31.326560,- 83.478340%3B11104328746947924393,31.381807,- 83.491601%3B12945135296306846895,31.445770,- 83.507210%3B2025975177134672431,31.814338,-83.723573%3B742933454199347026,31.921540,- 83.770830%3B18142221363309992100,31.955100,- 83.787760%3B6319911246269728741,32.088030,-83.799430%3B6832111178655056561,32.135580,- 83.795800%3B12803147008443586193,32.187388,- 83.764883%3B12094121946487833287,32.211540,- 83.759400%3B15302998315428967864,32.448810,- 83.739330%3B8924511149333166014,32.830270,-83.644730%3B %3B11820151127655061431,33.749460,- 84.388896&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=20&sz=16&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20&dirflg=w&sll=33.447306,-84.1436&sspn=0.009059,0.019226&ie=UTF8&ll=31.905541,- 81.057129&spn=4.718402,9.84375&z=7</p><p> Master Spreadsheet: Contains every gas station and rest stop along the route at each specific mile. Tells what mile each runner is at and what vehicle the next runners are in. * The Spreadsheet is attached</p><p>2. Raising and lowering the flag at football games: The game schedule can be found online at http://www.vstateblazers.com/mfootball/schedule.php. Only need to raise the flag for home games.</p><p>3. Antique Show: Hosted every Fall Semester in September by the Garden Center. Requires 8 to 10 volunteers over three days to assist with loading and unloading vendors into Mathis City Auditorium.</p><p>4. Veteran’s Day Ceremony: Held at Lowndes County High School on November 11. Will need four volunteers to perform the POW/MIA table while a fifth volunteer reads the narration. The Air Force hats worn by the volunteers for the ceremony can be found with the D&C Flight CC and the box with everything you need will be in the Dark Room. Note: The only things not supplied in the POW/MIA supply box are lemons and salt. Lessons Learned/Comments</p><p>1. Do not wait until the last minute to begin planning the POW/MIA run if you choose to tackle it. Even though the time span I had to bring it together was unrealistic I learned the hard way that time management is key.</p><p>2. Ensure you delegate and follow up with the members under you, and not just the ones on the officer roster form. Use EVERYONE! It is the only successful way to pull off the run.</p><p>3. Some things to consider: a) Updating the POW/MIA table supplies. 1. New table cloth 2. Glue fake lemons and salt to plate 3. Something to hold down the tablecloth for when performing the table outside 4. Female Service Caps b) Running for an Area or National position c) Improving the AAS office d) More POW/MIA or Veterans events Important Forms</p><p>1. AAS Form 1: Report of Initiation 2. AAS Form 3: Equipment Order Form 3. AAS Form 5: AAS/AFA Joint Membership Form 4. AAS Form 6: Officer Roster *Forms 1 – 4 cab found online at http://arnold-air.org/library/forms/ 5. The Georgia and State Capitol and Grounds Policy *Found online at http://gba.georgia.gov/00/channel_modifieddate/0,2096,59377335_67446706, 00.html 6. Form for Capitol Public Space 7. Awareness Statement for State Capitol *Found online at http://gba.georgia.gov/00/channel_modifieddate/0,2096,59377335_67446706, 00.html 8. Scheduling Request Form for Governor</p><p>ARNOLD AIR SOCIETY EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT CENTER 9 E. LOOCKERMAN ST., SUITE 2B DOVER, DE 19901-7343 </p><p>REPORT OF INITIATION </p><p>AREA </p><p>University Date of Report Squadron Number of New Members @ $45.00 each Date of Initiation Total Amount of Remittance NOTE: The above contribution includes cost of certificate, card, membership ribbon, cadet membership in AFA and Air Force Magazine. The following are the names of regularly enrolled AFROTC or Air Force Academy Cadets who are qualified to be Active Members of the Arnold Air Society, and (were) (will be) initiated into this squadron on the above date. Type names alphabetically by last name. Give full name as desired on membership certificate. (Membership certificates will be prepared EXACTLY as listed below. Therefore, please be precise.) First Middle Last Year of Graduation 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) </p><p>The following are the names of persons who (were) (will be) initiated into this Squadron as Honorary Members of the Arnold Air Society on the above date. Follow same instructions listed above. There is a $6.00 charge for Honorary Member Certificates. First Middle Last Rank if Military 1) 2) 3) 4) </p><p>Squadron Commander FORM AND DISTRIBUTION INFORMATION </p><p>1. ORIGINAL: Squadrons mail original to reach Executive Management Center not later than three weeks after the initiation. Original must be signed. A complete AAS/AFA Form 5 and full remittance for each new member must accompany this copy. </p><p>2. Make two copies. Send COPY 1 to Area Headquarters. Retain COPY 2 for Squadron reference. </p><p>AAS Form 1 (MS Word) DESTROY ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM 01 Aug 2008 </p><p>ARNOLD AIR SOCIETY EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT CENTER 9 E. LOOCKERMAN ST., SUITE 2B DOVER, DE 19901-7343 </p><p>EQUIPMENT ORDER FORM </p><p>SHIP TO: SQUADRON AREA: </p><p>AFROTC DET: UNIVERSITY: </p><p>ADDRESS: </p><p>ZIP CODE: </p><p>Mail original with FULL REMITTANCE to the Executive Management Center. Retain a copy for your files. </p><p>QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT </p><p>Official Candidate Button $3.00 $0.00 </p><p>Fourrageres (Blue/Gold) 8.00 0.00 </p><p>INSIGNIA: </p><p>2nd Lieutenant Rank 6.50 0.00 </p><p>1st Lieutenant Rank 6.50 0.00 </p><p>Captain Rank 6.50 0.00 </p><p>Major Rank 6.50 0.00 </p><p>Lieutenant Colonel Rank 6.50 0.00 </p><p>Colonel Rank 6.50 0.00 </p><p>Brigadier General Rank 6.50 0.00 </p><p>TROPHY RIBBONS: </p><p>Chennault 1.00 0.00 </p><p>Eagle 1.00 0.00 </p><p>LBJ 1.00 0.00 </p><p>Hagan 1.00 0.00 </p><p>Maryland 1.00 0.00 </p><p>Area Plaque Ribbons 1.00 0.00 </p><p>Oak Leaf Clusters 1.00 0.00 </p><p>CONTINUED ON BACK SUB-TOTAL THIS PAGE $0.00 </p><p>ARNOLD AIR SOCIETY </p><p>EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT CENTER 9 E. LOOCKERMAN ST., SUITE 2B DOVER, DE 19901-7343 </p><p>OFFICER ROSTER </p><p>Check One: Date: </p><p>Area HQ: Squadron: Area: </p><p>School: AFROTC Det: </p><p>NOTE: This report must be typed. Office Name E-Mail Address Commander </p><p>Vice Commander (Area HQ) </p><p>Deputy Commander (Squadron) </p><p>Operations Officer Information Management Officer </p><p>Financial Management Officer </p><p>Public Affairs Officer </p><p>Silver Wings Liaison Officer </p><p>Candidate Training Officer Support Officer </p><p>If additional officers have been created by your unit list names of the officers below and briefly outline duties. Use reverse side if necessary. </p><p>A d v i s o r : U S A F R a n k : S i g n a t u r e T y p e d </p><p>D I S T R I B U T I O N : O r i g i n a l - E x e c u t i v e M a n a g e m e n t C e n t e r C o p y 1 - N a t i o n a l H e a d q u a r t e r s C o p y 2 - A r e a H e a d q u a r t e r s C o p y 3 - R e t a i n i n f i l e s </p><p>I n f o r m a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t O f f i c e r </p><p>A A S F o r m 6 ( M S W o r d ) D E S T R O Y A L L P R E V I O U S E D I T I O N S O F T H I S F O R M 0 1 S e p 2 0 0 3 </p><p>Notes:</p>
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