<p> KRHA Board of Directors</p><p>Meeting Minutes</p><p>February 25, 2015</p><p>Member Attendees: Dr. Brent Wright, Sheri Erwin, Denise Bingham, Melody Nall, Dale Skaggs, Andrew Bledsoe, David Bolt, Debbie Duff, Bryant Hileman, Jan Hurst, John Isfort, Anna Jones, Mike Muscarella, Kelcey Rutledge. Others attending: Ernie Scott, Ex Officio, Tina McCormick, Ex. Director, Steve Fisher, Governance Committee Chair</p><p>Meeting called to order by President, Dr. Brent Wright at 11:03 am (CT)</p><p>Approval of Minutes: David Bolt made the motion to approve the minutes of the January 15, 2015 as written. Denise Bingham seconded the motion. After the board vote the motion carried.</p><p>Committee Reports:</p><p>Public Information (Andrew Bledsoe) – Andrew reported that after the committee was given the task to update the website for KRHA, he and Chris Salyers obtained estimates for website redesign from three companies, all using the Wild Apricot platform. After seeing the large estimates, Chris offered to work on updating the site (on his own time and if it was not a conflict of interest with his KORH responsibilities) to see if it could be updated without the major expense while still pleasing the membership with an updated, fresh design. The committee approved and recommended that Chris be compensated with $500 for his work. Andrew asked for feedback from the changes made to date on the website (for example: new home page with Facebook feed) that Chris has implemented after 50 hours of work. If there are any changes that the board would like to see contact Andrew and Chris. Andrew recommended to the board to increase the compensation for Chris from $500 to $1000 for his many hours of work so far and with more planned in the near future, as the $2500 Technical Assistance grant from NRHA was earmarked for website redesign and Mike Muscarella made the motion to increase the amount of money to $1000 that Chris will be paid for his work on the web site. Anna Jones seconded the motion. Dr. Wright asked that regular reports on the work be obtained from Chris and that the committee monitor the progress. After the vote the motion passed. </p><p>Finance (Dale Skaggs) – Dale presented the finance committee’s fee structure recommendation (emailed out with the agenda) for the board’s approval. Basically the individual membership will increase from $30 to $50, the organizational fees will increase by $50 for both non-profit and for profit ($175 and $300 respectively) and conference registration fees will increase as well as outlined in the proposal. Dr. Wright thanked the committee for the work and for all of the members that have been involved in discussions related to this topic and asked the board to accept the recommendation. David Bolt made the motion to accept the recommendation and Sheri Erwin seconded. After the vote the motion passed and the new fee structure will now be in effect. Dale shared the budget worksheet prior to the meeting through email with members and stated that we ended January with $37,465 in the checking account. Debbie Duff asked about the payments for the legislative day that was cancelled. Dale stated that those checks were cut but not sent out since the event will not be rescheduled. </p><p>501c3 Status (Colleen McKinley) – Colleen was not available for the call. Dr. Wright called the board’s attention to the document “Update on Tax Exemption Issues” that was emailed with the board agenda. This details how KRHA will move forward with 501c3 status by developing the KRHA foundation. Ernie Scott asked to have a discussion with Dr. Wright and Dale Skaggs regarding the State Office of Rural Health being fiscal agent of both the Association and the Foundation. He would like to know workload and expectations related to adding the Foundation. Dr. Wright agreed and they will set a time to talk. </p><p>Legislative Day (Denise Bingham, Jerald Combs) – Denise reported that winter weather cancelled the event and caused the legislature to cancel sessions and meetings for that entire week. At this late date in the short session, there will not be time to reschedule the event. The information cards about AHEC and KRHA were delivered to Frankfort and will be distributed to each legislator’s mailbox. Jan Hurst asked that a copy of that information be sent out to the board to assist members when they talk with their representatives. Andrew Bledsoe will send those out to board members. Tina asked the board’s wishes regarding our level of involvement with the state auditor’s report on rural hospitals. Discussion followed but a clear decision was not reached on KRHA’s involvement at this time. </p><p>Education/Programs (Ernie Scott) – Ernie reported that the Save the Dates are out and on the website. The committee is meeting monthly and is making progress with filling the agenda and the specific tracks. Dr. Wright complimented Ernie and the committee for the agenda for the conference planning work so far. Dr. Wright asked if the induction of the new President should be held during the first day of the conference to allow the President to preside over the day and the business meeting. After discussion from the board, David Bolt made the motion to change the President’s induction to the first day of the conference, Andrew Bledsoe seconded the motion, motion passed.</p><p>Membership (Chris Workman) – Chris Workman was not available for the call. Dr. Wright asked us to move this report to the March 19th Executive Committee meeting. Nomination Committee (Sheri Erwin) – Sheri was on the call but did not have a report at this time. </p><p>Governance Committee (Chairman Search – Brent Wright) – Dr. Wright shared that Steve Fisher will join the call to discuss moving the Student Ad Hoc committee to a standing committee for KRHA. </p><p>Executive Director Update (Tina McCormick) – Tina asked if there were any questions from the report and other items she emailed out prior to the board meeting. She added that she attended the KAPA legislative day in Frankfort and that was not on the report. Ernie Scott added that the NRHA Policy Institute was one of the best this year and it was disappointing to not have KRHA Representation there this year and hopes that next year we can send officers and/or the Ex. Director. </p><p>NRHA Supplemental grant resolution – After board discussion of the supplemental grant and letter that Tina sent out before the meeting, Dave Bolt made the motion to support the application as written. Anna Jones seconded the motion. The motion passes with the board vote. Tina reminded the board that KRHA did not receive this grant last year. </p><p>Student Ad Hoc Committee – (Paula Arnett/Steve Fisher) Dr. Wright spoke with Steve and according to bylaws the committee will continue as an ad hoc committee until the conference and the membership can vote for it to become a standing KRHA committee. Steve shared the following algorithm for student chapters to be formed and recognized by KRHA:</p><p>Student Rural Health Organizations in Kentucky 1. Students at a higher education institute that have an interest in rural health care issues in Kentucky may form a student organization at their institution and apply for membership in the Kentucky Rural Health Association (KRHA). 2. Student membership in KRHA will be granted in accordance with the KRHA bylaws which include a student membership category and entitles student members to vote in KRHA matters. 3. Student membership dues will be $0 unless decided differently by the KRHA board. 4. Student organizations must submit the following to apply for inclusion in the KRHA: A. Bylaws that conform to both the KRHA student organization bylaws generic version 1.0 dated 6-14. The student organization bylaws must also conform to any specific requirements of the educational institution. B. A statement of authentication by the educational institution as a valid student organization. C. A list of student organization members including officers. 5. The point of contact for any potential student organization will be the chair of the KRHA Student Organization Committee. This committee is charged with providing the necessary information to any students interested in forming a student rural health organization. The committees will also aide the Annual Conference organizers with opportunities for student participation at the KRHA annual meeting. 6. The Student Organization Committee chair will assemble the appropriate documents from any potential student organization and present them to the KRHA board for approval. The chair and committee will then communicate the results of the board vote to the student organization and facilitate participation in KRHA activities.</p><p>David Bolt made the motion to accept the recommendation from the student ad hoc committee for the procedure (as outlined) for those schools to become student affiliates of the Kentucky Rural Health Association. Mike Muscarella seconded the motion and the motion passed after the vote.</p><p>Two schools have completed the appropriate steps and paperwork to request affiliation as a student chapter of KRHA. Steve Fisher and Paula Arnett presented and recommended Alice Lloyd College to be the first student chapter of KRHA and Western KY University as the second student chapter of KRHA. David Bolt made the motion to accept the recommendations. Mike Muscarella seconded the motion and the motion carried. Dr. Brent Wright, KRHA President, welcomed the Alice Lloyd College student chapter and the Western KY University student chapter to the membership of KRHA. He complimented and thanked Steve Fisher and Paula Arnett for all of their work.</p><p>David Bolt asked if a certificate could be given to the schools announcing their membership. Steve Fisher will see that this is done. </p><p>The next executive board meeting will be March 19, 2015 at 11 am (CT) and the next full board meeting will be April 16, 2015 at 11 am (CT)</p><p>The meeting adjourned at 11:58 am.</p><p>Respectively submitted,</p><p>Melody Nall, KRHA Secretary</p>
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