Speaker S List 2005

Speaker S List 2005

<p>SPEAKER’S LIST 2005 District #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability District #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability GERRY & SHARON 3840 Old Almonte Road Landscaping With Herbs; To Be Discussed Anytime CHANNER Almonte, Ontario Herbs As A Business; Gardening With Herbs; during April K0A 1A0 Herbs In The Kitchen Garden; Herbs Make Good Sense; (613) 256-0228 Herbal Delights From The Kitchen; Planning and (near Ottawa) Planting Your Herb Garden; Getting Acquainted -- [email protected] Knowing Your Herbs; Maintaining Your Herb Garden; Harvesting Your Herbs; Harvesting & Using Everlastings.</p><p>IAN 1909 Broadmoor Ave. Iris; Ottawa Botanic Garden Project Travel Cost To Be Anytime EFFORD Ottawa, Ontario Covered K1H 5B3 (613) 526-4427 [email protected]</p><p>ISABELLE 408-59 Bayshore Drive Photography of Nature and Wildlife $75 + Most times except NICOL Nepean, Ontario slides for each season, wildflowers, insects, depending on Friday evenings and K2B 7G8 birds, etc. mileage Saturdays (613) 820-1406 [email protected]</p><p>PHIL 3328 Diamondview Road Ornamental Grasses; All Season Bloom; $200 + mileage Anytime REILLY Kinburn, Ontario Slide Shows on New York, Philadelphia, of 35c /km K0A 2H0 Quebec City, Montreal, Over 100 Perennials; (613) 832-2965 ~~ many others -- ask for list (near Carp, Ottawa) [email protected] </p><p>District #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability DAVID Box 69 Organic Vegetable Gardening. To Be Arranged To Be Arranged ALGUIRE Delta, Ontario K0E 1G0 (613) 928-2850</p><p>DOUG 2234 Hallecks Rd. W. Bedding Plants; Perennials - see website; To Be Arranged Fall/Winter Best AVERY Brockville, Ontario Hangers. K6V 5T3 (613) 342-8514 (near Brockville) [email protected] www.averysgardenmarket.com</p><p>PHILIP 182 Norman Rogers Drive Horticultural Photography To Be Arranged To Be Arranged BAUD Kingston, Ontario (613) 545-9825</p><p>TURID RR 1, Elgin, Ontario Garden Photography To Be Arranged To Be Arranged FORSYTH K0G 1E0 (613) 359-5061</p><p>DR. CLIVE 9 Country Lane, Explanations of Irradiation; Genetic Modification; To Be Discussed Anytime GREENSTOCK Petawawa, Ontario Chemicals and Health; Natural Medicines; K8H 3E2 Nuclear Energy and the Environment; Food irradiation; (613) 687-8011 Nuclear Medicine To Diagnose and Cure Disease; (near Pembroke) Cancer: What Causes It and How to Avoid It; Aging: [email protected] How to Prolong Life; GM Food: What Is It All About; What Is Radiation and Where Does It Come From; Diet and Health: How To Prevent Disease; Risk: How To Cope With It and the Media Paranoia. BARRY RR 2, Bloomfield, Daylilies To Be Arranged To Be Arranged MATTHIE Ontario K0K 1G0 (613) 393-2864</p><p>WILMA P. O. Box 201 All Horticultural Subjects + Workshops To Be Arranged To Be Arranged KENNY Sydenham, Ontario K0H 2T0 (613) 376-3804</p><p>DAVID 586 Davis Drive Citrus Plants - History, Varieties, Culture To Be Arranged To Be Arranged TESSIER Kingston, Ontario K7M 7Y3 (613) 634-2323</p><p>ANN RR 2, Getting Going In The Garden To Be Arranged To Be Arranged TOKARUK Carelton Place, Ontario K0A 1J0 (613) 257-1755 District #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability MINA 1006 Ontario St. N. Winter Containers; Exhibiting From A To B To Be Arranged March thru Nov. B. Cobourg, Ontario Judge’s Point of View; Basic Gardening - CLAPPISON K9A 3C7 What To Grow. (905) 372-4217 cell: (905) 269-4217 (near Cobourg, Ottawa,Peterborough)</p><p>JOE AND HAZEL 681 Fife’s Bay Road Delphinium Elatum: Growing and Hybridizing To Be Arranged Anytime COOK/ RR #2 BLOSSOM HILL Peterborough, Ontario SERVICES K9J 6X3 (705) 742-9923 [email protected] www.pipcom/~blossomh </p><p>GORD 10173 Danforth Rd. Pruning Trees and Shrubs; How To Build A To Be Arranged During Winter DEVRIES RR #5, Cobourg, Ontario Stone Wall; A Garden For All Seasons; K9A 4J8 Continuous Blooms In Your Perennial Border; (905) 373-8888 How To Choose The Right Contractor For A Job; [email protected] Property Management - the when to do what job Schedule; Pricing and Estimating Your Back Yard Interlocking Project.</p><p>LAURA Box 3054 Roses - History and Culture; Gardens of the To Be Arranged To Be Arranged HAFERKORN Brighton, Ontario North Atlantic; 2002 Floriade in Amsterdam. (eastern Ont. only) (905) 355-2786 [email protected]</p><p>BERYL 3015 Freeburn Lane Roses; Putting Your Garden To Bed; To Be Arranged March thru Oct. HARRIS Youngs Point Getting Your Garden Started In The Spring; 100 km distance K0L 3G0 General Gardening; Composting; Creating A (705) 654-3881 12-Month Garden. near Peterborough) [email protected]</p><p>TONY RR #1 Tallgrass Prairie – Restoration in Eastern Ontario, To Be Arranged Anytime KENNY Bailieboro, Ontario Rice Lake Plains, K0L 1B0 Maple Syrup (705) 939-6995 [email protected]</p><p>KRISTIE 277 Kenrei Road Shoreline Naturalization, To be Arranged Anytime McCABE RR # 1 Native Plants, Lindsay, Ontario Conservation Issues, K9V 4R1 Habitat Gardens- Birds and Butterflies (705) 328-2271 Invasive Species [email protected]</p><p>PAULINE RR #1, Hobby Bee Keeping - slides, favourite flowers, $75 + mileage Anytime PLOOARD Minden, Ontario honey types. K0M 2K0 . 705) 286-1590 (near Lindsay) [email protected]</p><p>SIAN P.O. Box 238 General Knowledge - ask regarding topics. To Be Arranged To Be Arranged PRITCHARD Grafton, Ontario, K0K 2G0 (905) 349-3504 (near Cobourg) [email protected]</p><p>GEORGINA 1443 Elizabeth St., Pressed Flowers; Drying Flowers -- not including To Be Arranged Mon. to Sat. M. RR #1, arranging. 100 km limit ROSE Campbellcroft, Ontario L0A 1B0 (905) 797-3415 (near Port Hope) [email protected]</p><p>DAWN 136 County Rd. #4 Daylilies; Hostas; Shade Gardening; $75. under 25 kms.; Sept. thru June TACK Peterborough, Ontario Gardening With Daylilies; The Many Uses of Daylilies; + travel expenses K9L 1V6 Low Maintenance Perennials. after 25 kms. (705) 742-5918 (bus tours available). [email protected] www. gardensplus.ca</p><p>AUDREY 1010 Ontario Street Flora and Fauna of Pategonia; Monarch Butterflies - Negotiable Anytime E. Cobourg, Ontario Research (Sept.). WILSON K9A 3C7 (905) 372-3937</p><p>District #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability SANDY c/o Arcadian Daylilies Slide Presentations and Discussions Dealing with the To Be Arranged To Be Arranged CARLTON/ 72 Hendrick Avenue History of the Daylily, Evolution of Modern Cultivars; ARCADIAN Toronto, Ontario Daylily Forms, Types, Traits and Habits, Awards and Honors; DAYLILIES M6G 3S5 Daylilies on the Popularity Poll, Leading Edge Cultivars and 416) 657-1444 Future Introductions; Care and Maintenance of Daylilies; [email protected] Guided Tour along the Stout Silver Medal Beds of the [email protected] Humber Arboretum for groups of 5 or more.</p><p>ROSEMARY Houseplants: Growing and Showing , Spring Flowering Bulbs, To Be Arranged To Be Arranged DOBSON Toronto, Ontario Summer Flowering Bulbs, How to Grow Lilies, (416) 293-9036 How to Grow Dahlias, City Gardening, Vegetable Gardening, [email protected] Tips on Entering Flower Shows and What Judges Look For Garden Shows (Floral Designs/Horticultural Exhibits, Public Gardens Worth Visiting, Demonstrations: Creative Floral Designs</p><p>DENIS 122 Beryl Ave. Landscape Design for the New Homeowner; $200 + travel Anytime FLANAGAN Stouffville, Ontario Care of Tropical Plants; Tales of a TV Gardener; L4A 7Y2 Gardening for the Four Seasons; (905) 640-8094 Basic Botany -- The Language of Plants; (near Markham) Award Winning Gardens (slide program). [email protected]</p><p>JOAN 3 Thyra Ave. Peonies - herbaceous and tree; Photograph Open to Offers Anytime deGREY Toronto, Ontario Your Garden; Erythronium; Species Tulips; Locally except Tues. M4C 5G4 North American Wildflowers; Clematis. evenings (416) 698-9854 (near East York) [email protected]</p><p>LAURA 27 Taylor Drive Gardening with Perennials, Annuals and Wild Flowers; $150. + mileage Anytime during GRANT Toronto, Ontario Water Gardening; Orchids for Novices; Locally Winter M4C 3B4 How To Grow Rhododendrons; (416) 422-2164 Plant Hunting in Montenegro; Alpine Plants of (416) 250-9000 Alaska, Colorado and Montenegro; Rhododendron [email protected] Gardens Of The East and West Coast. ANNA 2593 St. Clair Ave. E. Shade Gardening; Rock Gardening; Vines; $120. + mileage Anytime LEGGATT East York, Ontario Gardens and Plants in Different Parts of the World; if longer distances M4B 1M2 Climbers - like Clematis; Container Gardening; (416) 755-2325 Birds, Butterflies and Small Reptiles; Ground Covers; (near Toronto) Japanese Gardening; Water Gardening; Wild Flowers; Lawns; Perennials; Plants For Problem Areas; Shrubs For Home Landscaping; Travelogues - Several Places Around The World; Soils; Structures and Ornaments; Unusual Trees; Fruit Trees.</p><p>ALEX 830-109 Front Street E. Memoriam Book –View and Explain it’s History, How to Enter To Be Arranged April thru Oct. McINTOSH Toronto, Ontario a Friend’s Name- Answer Questions -- 20 minutes, + .25 mileage Mon./Thurs./Fri. M5A 4P7 Leave by 9:30 (416) 681-9149 Max. Dist. 150 klm [email protected] from Toronto </p><p>PETER 2152 Maple Grove Road Growing Clematis In Canada $100. within Anytime By KEEPING Bowmanville, Ontario 75 klm. Appointment L1C 3K7 (905) 697-7842 (near Toronto) [email protected]</p><p>TERRY 15 Wilmac Court, Design Principles and Elements; Orchid Secrets; $100. if sales To Be Arranged KENNEDY Vandorf, Ontario Just About Anything About Orchids and are permitted) L0H 1G0 Their Display. (905) 727-3319 (near Aurora) [email protected] JIM Box 63 Vegetables: Dahlias; Chrysanthemums. To Be Arranged To Be Arranged McWILLIAMS Pickering, Ontario L1V 2R2 (905) 686-2834 (near Toronto) [email protected]</p><p>LORRAINE 4681 Lloydtown/Aurora Rd. Perennial Design for a Healthy Bio-Diversity; $150. Aug. thru Feb. MENNEN RR 2, Kettleby, Ontario Perennial Collections for Spring Borders; 100 km limit To Be Arranged PATHWAYS L0G 1J0 Perennial Design for Long Seasonal Bloom; TO PERENNIALS (905) 939-8680 or Using Native Perennials for Groundcover Solutions; 1-800-551-0355 Fabulous Shade Perennials; Gardening for Wildlife; (near Schomberg/Aurora) Easy to Grow Perennials for Beginners; [email protected] The Container Craze is On; Perennials For Hot Stuff; Sociable Gardens; Perennial Combos For Professional Results; Outdoor Living Rooms.</p><p>VINCENT 4720 Old Scugog Road How to Grow Garlic – Organically To Be Arranged To Be Arranged POWERS Bowmanville, Ontario How to Grow Grass/Lawn - Organically L1C 3K2 How to Grow Vegetables - Organically (905) 263-9907 (905) 263-2944 How to Grow Hot Peppers - Organically The.spruce.treeon.aibn.com (near Oshawa)</p><p>MARK 17468 Warden Ave. Plant Health Care; Pruning Trees and Shrubs To Be Arranged Best Times VANDERWOUW Newmarket, Ontario Fall and Winter LEWIS L3V 4W1 ARNOLD (905) 733-5906 [email protected] NIKOLA Box 608 Alpine Troughs - construction, planting, types of plants; To Be Arranged To Be Arranged WARNOCK Sutton, Ontario Xeriscaping; Water Gardening; How To Balance L0E 1R0 Your Pond Naturally; Gardening In China; Perennials; (905) 722-6035 Scree and Alpine Gardens. (near Newmarket) [email protected] District #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability DAVID 36 Cedar Street Spring Flowering Bulbs; $75 + mileage Anytime COLLINS Paris, Ontario Roses - History & Culture. N3L 3E3 Perennials (519) 442-6495 (near Brantford/Woodstock) [email protected]</p><p>BILL 20 Mohawk Ave. Alternatives To Pesticides - will bring handouts $120 + mileage To Be Arranged FERRIER Port Credit, Ontario L5G 3R4 (905) 891-1629</p><p>BELINDA RR #3, Georgetown, $75. - $100. Anytime GALLAGHER Georgetown, Ontario Annuals That ArePerennial and Perennials That Are L7G 4S6 Annual; Perennials Through The Seasons; Perennials - depending on event. (905) 877-7523 Forget The Tried and True, Try Something New; Unusual +plants for sale in season (near Mississauga, Oakville) and Rare Perennials For Our Region; Vine and Perennials +always a gift prize brought [email protected] That Will Knock Your Socks Off; The Really, Really Mixed Up Border; Ponding - Water Features From The Ground Up; Coping With Unusual Seasons - Too Wet or Too Dry; It’s A Jungle Out There - a short, humorous talk on garden tasks; You Have To Have Grasses; What’s In A Name - you have to have proper nomenclature in gardening; Container Gardening - Pots and Pots of Pretty Things; Flower Arranging 101; Flower Design For Competition; Using End of Season Bits For Fall Arrangements; “Oh Those Holiday Greens” - Christmas Arrangements. MARIA RR #1 Plant Propagation: Cuttings and Starting Seeds To Be Arranged Anytime HILTS Puslinch, Ontario Gardens of England Week-ends N0B 2J0 Growing Garlic and Evenings (519) 836-7657 Hostas [email protected] </p><p>KAREN 2133 Concession 4 West To Be Arranged Under 50 $50 Anytime HUNT Troy, Ontario 50 – 100 $100 6-8 Week L0R 2B0 100+ $200 Advance (519) 647-3332 Notice [email protected] (near Hamilton/Cambridge) </p><p>JACK Box 804 Hostas; Daylilies; Peonies. To Be Arranged To Be Arranged KENT/ Cayuga, Ontario POTTING SHED N0A 1E0 (905) 772-7255 (near Simcoe, Hamilton) [email protected] www.pottingshed.org</p><p>PHYLLIS 127 Brant Road Bromelias. To Be Arranged Spring & Fall, KITCHEN RR #1, Paris, Ontario N3L 3E1 (519) 448-1191 (near Brantford)</p><p>LEN 461 Gowland Cresc. Success With Roses - roses for sale. $75 + mileage To Be Arranged LEE Milton, Ontario L9T 4G6 (905) 878-4085 (near Toronto)</p><p>KAREN RR #3, The Pleasure Of Herbs; Herbs For All Uses. $100 + mileage To Be Arranged MICHAUD Puslinch, Ontario N0B 2J0 (905) 659-7327 (near Brantford)</p><p>FRED P.O. Box 78012 Indoor Plants - The Basics; Propagation of $100 + mileage Anytime except PRESCOD Westcliffe Postal Outlet Indoor Plants; The Facts of Light (Natural and Wed. evenings Hamilton, Ontario Artificial) For Indoor Plants; Indoor Plants as Air L9C 7N5 Purifiers; Clean Air Machines You Can Grow; (905) 387-4717 Interior Plantscaping; What’s Wrong With My Houseplant?; [email protected] Hydroponics for the Home Gardener; Terrarium Gardening. LARRY c/o Sheridan Nurseries, That Spot In Your Garden - slides covering evergreens, $125 in GTA; To Be Arranged SHERK RR 4, Georgetown, Ontario trees, shrubs, vines and perennials; Roses - new and $150 outside GTA + L7G 4S7 old favourites; Rose Care; Vegetable & Fruit Gardening; expenses + mileage Sheridan Nurseries (905) 798-7970 ext. 243 Adding Color To The Fall and Winter Garden; Strictly Ask for Nancy Silva (near Toronto) For The Birds; Fall Gardening (Aug., Sept. & early Oct. only); [email protected] Artist’s Gardens, Music Garden in Toronto; Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Kalmias, Pieris, etc. and other acid soil plants including new varieties and old favourites.</p><p>DAWN RR #4 Growing Lilies - the ‘true’ lilies; Growing To Show - T o Be Arranged To Be Arranged SUTER Hagersville, Ontario Preparing for Horticultural Shows and What the Judges N0A 1H0 Are Looking For; Growing Orchids in the Home; (905) 768-0467 The Bog Garden; Writing A Design Show Schedule. (near Hamilton, Brantford) [email protected] District #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability NINA RR #3 Shade Gardening; Woodland Gardens; Mixing Natives $100 + mileage No May 1 - July 1; ADRILE/ Clifford, Ontario and Exotics; Vines the Crowning Glory of the Garden; for distances evenings JOHN N0G 1M0 Starting From Scratch On The Cheap; Scented Plants HARRIS (519) 338-3228 & Herbs; Wild Flowers; Plant Photography; Natural (near Mount Forest) Landscape Planting; Propagation; Ornamental Vegetables. CLARA 7025 Wellington Rd. 109 Make Wreaths with Fresh Materials; To Be Arranged Any time during BAUMAN RR #1, Moorefield, Ontario. Growing Plants From Seeds. spring, summer, fall N0G 2K0 (519) 638-2942 (near Drayton, Palmerston) [email protected]</p><p>GLEN 26 Maplewood Drive Pelargoniums. To Be Arranged To Be Arranged COX Guelph, Ontario N1G 1L8 (519) 824-5053</p><p>CHUCK RR #1 Spring Wild Flowers (slides); All About Iris - To Be Arranged To Be Arranged CHAPMAN (8790 WR124) hybridizing, genetics, etc. Guelph, Ontario N1H 6H7 (519) 856-4424</p><p>MITCHELL c/o Homewood Health Centre Horticultural Therapy with Specialized Populations; To Be Arranged To Be Arranged HEWSON 150 Delhi Street Horticultural Therapy and Alzheimer’s Disease; Guelph, Ontario Horticultural Activities and Special Projects For Groups; N1E 6K9 Designing Raised Beds for Older Persons; The Best (519) 824-1010 Herbs and Vegetables To Grow; Psycho Aroma Therapy [email protected] Using Herbs and Essential Oils; Botanical Prints from the Ontario Landscape; Teaching Horticultural Groups to Work with Specialized Populations; Designing a Miniature Japanese Garden; Designing Terrariums; Innovative Christmas Designs from Nature.</p><p>KAREN c/o Thornbrook Herbs Anything To Do With Herbs; To Be Arranged To Be Arranged ADELE 7357 Maryborough SR 12, Available to Play Scottish Small Bagpipes. KURG RR #1, Moorefield, Ontario N0G 2K0 (519) 638-5272 (near Drayton) [email protected] PATRICIA RR #5 The Mae Wests Of The Garden - Big, Bold and Beautiful $100 To Be Arranged SYMONS Hockley Meadows Farm (creating High Impact Areas in the Garden) + mileage Orangeville, Ontario Gardens That Glow –Plants Accessories and Techniques over 30 klm L9W 2Z2 to Make Your Garden a Magical Place The Joys and Hazards of a Large Country Garden – How to be a Passionate Gardener Survive Marriage to a Farmer ( He Sees Cows I See Manure Gardening the Blues – Blue Flowers Foliage and Accessories Xeriscaping: Yesterday’s Fad Today’s Necessity – Hints, Plants and Tecnniques Good Gardening Practices District #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability WAYNE P. O. Box 43 Tips on Flower Arranging; Design Classes. To Be Arranged To Be Arranged E. Ayton, Ontario N0G 1C0 PFEFFER (519) 665-7756 (near Hanover, Mt. Forest) [email protected]</p><p>District #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability</p><p>ALLISON 9425 Rec’l Road #20 Any Horticultural Topic To Be Arranged Not April, BARR Smithville, Ontario May or June L0R 2A0 (near St Catherines/Hamilton [email protected] </p><p>DARRELL 11Brimley Crescent Monitoring Insects; Year-Round Color To Be Arranged Mon. - Fri. Evenings, BLEY St. Catharines, Ontario Using Trees and Shrubs. not more than 30 kms. L2M 7A7 Sept. - Apr. (905) 934-0496 (near Niagara Falls)</p><p>RUSSELL 7370 Sandy Court Mixed and Perennial Borders; Home Garden To Be Arranged 50-60 kms; BOLES Niagara Falls, Ontario Design Workshops; Down To Earth Gardening; Any time L2G 7R3 Container Gardening; Ground Covers. Spring/Summer/Fall (905) 354-7250 (near Cambridge, Hamilton)</p><p>THERESA 4066 Robin Avenue Peeking Through the Garden Gate(visits to $75 Anytime M. Niagara Falls, Ontario private gardens in the Niagara Peninsula); ($100 outside Fall/winter/spring FORTE L2H 2R1 Some Like It Hot (color therapy in the garden using Niagara + travel) best for slides (905) 374-1505 warm colors); Rhapsody In Blue (color therapy in the [email protected] garden using cool colors); Learning To See Shape & Form (shape, form, texture and movement in perennial gardens - special emphasis on perennial grasses); Daytrips For Gardeners (visits to public gardens with history of their owners); Spa In A Basket (hands-on basket planting with aromatic herbs & flowers, history and uses of plants included -- best May/June).</p><p>CHARLOTTE Box 977 The How-tos of Photographing Flowers. $100. + mileage To Be Arranged LETKEMANN 480 Gate Street Niagara On The Lake, Ont. L0S 1J0 (905) 468-2533 (near St. Catharines/Niagara Falls) [email protected] ANDREW 1537 Fourth Avenue Water Gardening and Ponds To Be Arranged Anytime LOHAZA RR #3 Not Available St. Catherines, Ontario March to June L2R 6P9 (905) 984-8503 [email protected] </p><p>JIM c/o Vineland Nurseries Dwarf and Unusual Evergreens in the Landscape; $110. To Be Arranged LOUNSBERY 4540 Martin Road Rhododendrons, Azaleas and Companion Plants in the + mileage for long Beamsville, Ontario Landscape; Plants For The Winter Landscape; distances L0R 1B1 Bamboo In The Landscape; Shrubs and Trees in the (905) 562-4836 (ph/fax) Landscape; Hydrangeas; Pruning Demonstrations. [email protected]</p><p>ARLENE 1177 York Road Growing and Using Culinary Herbs; Growing and To Be Arranged Jan./Feb./Mar./ MILLS RR 4, Niagara On The Lake Using Scented Herbs; (will talk on most herb related Sept./Nov. L0S 1J0 topics except using medicinal herbs). Tues. to Fri. evenings (905) 262-5690 (near St. Catharines) www.niagaraherbfarm.com [email protected]</p><p>JEAN 407-33 Robinson Street Pruning: When, How and Why $95 To Be Arranged SIMPSON Hamilton, Ontario Perennials: Planting, Care,Low Maintenance, Reliable + .25 klm L8P 1Y8 Low Maintenance Garden Design : Shapes, Plants over 50 klm (905) 524-4244 Plants for Long Narrow Lots and Design for [email protected] Designing fot Increased Shade or Privacy</p><p>JENNIFER 56 Rose Avenue Any Horticultural Topic- Will research specialty request topics To Be Arranged Minimum ST.DENIS Welland,Ontario 2 months L3C 2X1 notice (905) 734-1625 District #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability SHIRLEY RR 1 African Violets; Houseplants For Your Health; $75. + Only close BELLOWS Arva, Ontario Seasonal Talks on Houseplants -- ie: Christmas Gift estimated distances in N0M 1C0 Plants; Gardening With Nature (Organic Gardening) mileage winter; (519) 660-8068 Attracting Wildlife To Your Garden; Heritage Seeds; Only within (near London) Saving Your Own Seeds; Growing Kitchen Sprouts; 45 minute drive [email protected] Starting Seeds Organically; Vegetable Gardening from London Organically; Gardening and Nature Throughout The Seasons; What Is The Judge Looking For?; Organic Lawn Care; Putting Your Garden To Bed; Growing and Propagating Houseplants; Hummingbird and Butterfly Gardens; Attracting Wild Birds To Your Garden. IRENE Box 141 My Personal Philosophy of Gardening; Butterfly To Be Arranged Anytime BOURIS Sparta, Ontario Gardening; Gardening With Natives; Woodland/Shade N0L 2H0 Gardening; The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (helpful (519) 775-2680 and not so helpful bugs and critters); Xeriscaping; (near London, St. Thomas) Sex in the Garden ... also universal topics, just call and ask.</p><p>STAN 46 Kingspark Crescent Insects and Plants $50 + mileage To Be Arranged CAVENEY London, Ontario within 1 hr. drive N6H 4C4 of London (519) 472-6103 [email protected]</p><p>MARGO 4897 Irish Drive Hostas and Companion Plants $50. + Preferably DARGATT/ Appin, Ontario mileage for after Thanksgiving HOSTA’S N0L 1A0 farther distances til spring CHOICE (519) 289-5471 (near London, St. Thomas, Glencoe, Dutton)</p><p>STEVE 71 Agincourt Gardens Hot New Perennials for 2004; Xeriscaping - Reducing To Be Arranged Nov. - May/June; DONNELLY London, Ontario Your Water Bills; Low Maintenance Gardening. Mon.-Wed., Sat., Sun.; N5Z 4E7 Evenings (519) 685-1424 [email protected]</p><p>JOHN Greenbelt Farm Landscaping Roses; Trees; Landscape Gardening. To Be Arranged To Be Arranged DRUMMOND RR #5 Mitchell, Ontario N0K 1N0 (519) 347-2725 (near Stratford, Kitchener)</p><p>BRENDA 650 Grosvenor Street Attracting Birds and Butterflies to Your Garden; $50. + within 80 km of London, GALLAGHER London, Ontario Growing and the Various Uses of Herbs; mileage not available April or May, N5Y 3T4 Wildflowers Along the Roadside. weekdays and evenings (519) 439-9081</p><p>LORRAINE 54 Finch Crescent Koi Fish and Propagation; To be discussed By Appointment GREGSON London, Ontario Demonstrates Making A Bio-Filter N6E 2E5 ~~ accepts groups at home business (519) 649-5019</p><p>GEORGE 164 Ballantyne Ave. Slides on Gardens We $100 + mileage To Be Arranged. & ALICE Stratford, Ontario Have Visited In Canada & U.S.A. -- 3 screen, not during winter HERBERT N5A 3A7 4 projector slide show with music. (519) 271-1169 (near Kitchener & London) JIM 312 Simcoe Street Gardening Tips & Tricks; Forcing Spring Bulbs; To Be Discussed Anytime MABEE Tillsonburg, Ontario Showing to Win -- What The Judges Are Looking For; N4G 2J6 Floral Designing On A Shoestring; Floral Designs of the (519) 842-9829 Past; African Violets; Planting Roses; Attracting Birds and (near London, Simcoe) Butterflies to Your Garden; Design Workshops & Classes [email protected] (some topics include slides)</p><p>JOAN 4 Bellevue Ave Container Gardening; Shade Gardening; To Be Discussed Anytime PIERSON London, Ontario How To Use Garden Catalogues; N6C 4A5 Colour In Your Garden Throughout The Year; (519) 438-9941 All About Planting Bulbs; Gardening With Children</p><p>WILLIAM RR 2 Birds; Bird Houses; Carolinian Forests; To Be Discussed Late fall PREIKSAITIS Rodney, Ontario Rhododendrons to early spring N0L 2C0 (519) 785-0176 (near Chatham, London)</p><p>MARLIE 21 Gablewood Crescent Ferns - 75% outdoors, 25% indoors To Be Discussed Anytime ROBERTS London, Ontario N6G 2Z8 (519) 472-3930</p><p>LORNE 9447 Union Road Trees To Be Arranged To Be Arranged SPICER Shedden, Ontario N0L 2E0 (519) 764-2070</p><p>DIANE 234 Sunset Drive Spring Bulbs; David Austin Roses; Peonies; Local - $35 Anytime VAUGHAN St. Thomas, Ontario Gardening Disney Style; Containers; Houseplants; Elgin County - $50 N5R 3C3 The Story Behind Perennials; Christmas Plant Stories; Others - To Be Discussed (519) 633-3213 Gardening for Birds and Butterflies; Dutch Treat -- a (near London) slide presentation of Floriade, Keuckenhoff gardens and [email protected] various parts of Holland) ~~ most topics have slides or overheads. CYNTHIA 87 Front Street Gardens and Art History of Italy – Visit Gardens in Rome, $80 Requires Transportation VENABLES Shatford, Ontario Florence, Lucca, Ravello, The Cinque Terra, Ninfa, and Tivolli or To be Arranged N4Z 4G8 (519) 272-0577 [email protected]</p><p>ISA 22049 Hyde Park Rd. N. Opening The Pond In Spring; Pond Installation; $50 per hour up to 50 kms, WEBB RR 1, Ilderton, Ontario Aquatic Plants and Their Role In The Pond; Fish and Mar. after 5 p.m. only; N0M 2A0 Water Quality (30 min); Pond Maintenance and Sept. thru Dec. 23 after (519) 666-0132 Over-wintering; Dreamscapes Landscaping Software. 5 p.m. only; (near London) (each topic approx. 1 hr. -- overhead projector required) April after 7 p.m. only [email protected] *products avail. for purchase *free catalogues *gift certificate donated District #11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability MATHIS Orford Ridges Native Plants Native Plant Community of Southwestern Ontario; $150. locally; To Be Arranged, NATVIK c/o Mathis Natvik Carolinian Trees, Shrubs, Wildflowers and Grasses. To Be Arranged NOT in April RR #1, Muirkirk, Ontario for further distances N0L 1X0 (519) 674-3866 cell: (519) 358-3323 fax: (519) 678-3291 (near Ridgetown) [email protected] www.carolinianplants.com District #12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability KEES 173 Columbus Ave. How To Use Color Effectively; Annuals To Be Arranged Any time; STRYLAND Timmins, Ontario For Color; Attractive Uses for Summer Flowering 150 km limit P4N 3H7 Bulbs; Dahlias and Gladiolus. on driving (705) 264-3416 bus: (705) 264-1331 ext. 329</p><p>District #13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability</p><p>SUZANNE 122 Palace Drive Organic Gardening: History, Practices, Composting, Mulches, HANNA Sault Ste Marie Wildflower Folklore, P6B 5H5 Natural Pest and Disease Control, Bio-dynamics, Companion (705) 759-2893 Planting, Water Conservation, Use of Organic Products [email protected] Pesticide free lawns Creating Back-yard Habitats Attracting Wildlife: Birds, Bats, Butterflies and Beneficial Insects Sanctuary Gardens: Healing, Medieval and Tea Herbs: Starting, Design, Edible Flowers, Containers, Culinary Uses, Medicinal, Wreaths, Crafts and Fragrant Products Wreath Making: Preserving Flowers and Natural Material, Cutting Gardens Weeds – A Gardeners Best Friend, Community Gardening, Sex in the Garden Extensive list of topics…Please contact for full details </p><p>KEITH 2601 Derry Road Alpines - rock garden plants from the mountains of $125 + mileage Nov. thru March SQUIRES RR #3, Campbellville, Ont the world to your garden; Families & Friends - a look beyond 50 kms of inclusive L0P 1B0 at some of the larger families such as Aster, Campanula, Campbellville; ph/fax: (905) 875-3199 Dianthus and Geranium; On The Shady Side - plants for $30 deposit requested. full shade, dappled shade and sun-shade; High Points of Interests - interesting perennials from 2 to 12 feet; The New, The Novel and The Rare - new introductions, unknown beauties and conversation pieces; Skipping Through The Perennial Scene - random selection of hardy plants available to Ontario gardeners; The Scree Garden - break all the rules, no soil, no fertilizer, no water and plants love it; Worldwide Perennials In Ontario Gardens - from China, Africa, Europe and South America; North American Wildflowers in Your Perennial Garden. District #14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability District #15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability JIM 8 Melville Crescent Growing Beautiful Roses - General Care, Modern To Be Arranged To Be Arranged ANDERSON Brampton, Ontario Roses, David Austin Roses and Winter Hardy Roses. L6W 2S4 (905) 459-6518 [email protected]</p><p>BERT 202-50 Baif Blvd. Delphiniums; Pelargoniums; Houseplants To Be Arranged To Be Arranged CARD Richmond Hill, Ont. L4C 5L1 with Humour. (905) 508-7306 (near Toronto) [email protected]</p><p>MIRIAM RR #3 Wildflower Gardening; Creating a Wildflower Meadow; To Be Arranged To Be Arranged, GOLDBERGER Schomberg, Ontario Woodland Wildflowers; Subdivision Gardening Solutions; Fall and Winter L0G 1T0 Wildflower Gardening at the Cottage; Creating a 100 to 150 kms (905) 859-0286 Wildflower Cutting Garden; Dried Flowers; Dried Flower 00-GRO-WILD (476-9453) Crafts. (near Newmarket, Brampton) [email protected] MARION 37 Thornheights Rd. Designing With Shade Plants; Bog Gardening; $150 To Be Arranged JARVIE Thornhill, Ontario Rock Gardening; Perennials - Extending Your Garden L3T 3L9 In The Fall. (905) 731-1800 (near Toronto)</p><p>FRANK 55 Lambeth Road Ghost Gardens of Ontario; Treasurers of Earlier Years; To Be Arranged To Be Arranged, KERSHAW Etobicoke, Ontario Weird, Wacky and Wonderful Plants for the Garden; 150 km travel limit M9A 2Y8 Shrubs For The Home Landscape; Travelogues -- ask (416) 233-7472 for list. (near Toronto)</p><p>LOUISE #142-3044 Bloor St. W. Annuals for Various Locations; Composting; To Be Arranged Mar. thru Nov. PEACOCK Toronto, Ontario Container Gardening; English Gardens; M8X 2Y8 Suitable Plants For Shade Gardening; Herbs; (416) 233-3989 Houseplants; Perennials; Shrubs; Groundcovers; [email protected] Vegetable Gardening In Containers; Plants for Hot Dry Locations; Changing Your Soil; Trees For Small Gardens; Vertical Gardening; Garden Structures and Paths; Lawns and Lawn Maintenance; Chemical Free Gardening; Starting Plants From Seeds.</p><p>PATRICIA 4 Elmvale Boulevard Insect and Disease Identification and Control; To Be Arranged To Be Arranged THOMSON Stouffville, Ontario Pesticide Use and Safety; Alternatives to Pesticides; L4A 7X3 Abiotic Conditions of Trees, Care and Identification (905) 640-8695 of Trees. fax: (416) 281-5844 [email protected]</p><p>PAUL 14 Edwalter Avenue Specific Perennial Groups -- Hosta, Daylilies, Lilies $120. Evenings; ZAMMIT Toronto, Ontario or Sedum; Gardening for All Four Seasons; Gardening not available late April M8Y 1Z3 Without Flowers; Small Space Gardening or Space to early June (416) 231-2495 C onscious Gardening; Container Gardening for Four fax: (416) 231-2604 Seasons of Interest; Creative Container Combinations; (near Etobicoke) Plants That Like It Hot -- Both Tender Treasure and [email protected] Hardy Garden Performers; Lighting The Way -- Bright Selections for the Shade Garden; Spring/Fall Gardening Practices; Planning and Planting for All Seasons of Interest District #16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability JOHN 90 Doran Road An Introduction to Gesneriads (African Violet Family); $50. + Anytime BEAULIEU P.O. Box 118 Hybridizing and Growing from Seed; 25c/km Anytime Midhurst, Ont. L0L 1X0 Native Orchids, Ferns and Other Wild Flowers; one way (705) 726-7363 The Hardy Geraniums; Houseplants; African Violets. within 2-3 hrs. drive (near Barrie) [email protected]</p><p>MARJORIE RR #3 Flowering Shrubs; Bulbs; Principles and Elements To Be Arranged To Be Arranged BELL Shanty Bay, Ontario of Floral Design; Houseplants - why they don’t do well; L0L 2L0 Roses - growing, winterizing, diseases, insects, and (705) 722-8732 showing.</p><p>JANE RR #1 Perennials; Shrubs, Public Gardens of Canada; To Be Arranged To Be Arranged BLACKSTOCK Shanty Bay, Ontario Wild Flowers; A Travelogue of New Zealand, maximum of 50 kms. L0L 2L0 Norway, Ireland, Nepal, Tanzania, Arizona-Utah (705) 721-0483 Canyons, China, Arctic Adventures; Wildflowers (near Barrie, Orillia) of the Western Arctic. [email protected]</p><p>EDNA RR #1 Growing of Flowers and Techniques for Drying; To Be Arranged Any time, CALDWELL Shanty Bay, Ontario Exhibiting Tips - What Judges Look For; Review of prefer not weekends, L0L 2L0 the Revised Ontario Judging and Exhibiting Standards up to 150 kms. (705) 721-0484 (Publication 34). (near Barrie, Orillia) [email protected]</p><p>GARY RR #1 Daylilies - growing, care, hybridizing, types, To Be Arranged To Be Arranged CARLSON 31 Maplewood Prkwy. where to buy. Orillia, Ontario L3V 6H1 (705) 326-4044 [email protected]</p><p>JACK 5 Dawson Drive Agricultural and Horticultural Topics; To Be Arranged Evening or Afternoon, COULSON Unit 327 Issues Relating to Environmental and Discussed Thurs., Fri. and Sat., Collingwood, Ont. L9Y 4T9 Economic Trends during winter (705) 444-6872</p><p>KATIE Box 9 New and Exciting Annuals; To Be Arranged Prefer DAWSON Glencairn, Ont. L0M 1K0 Flowers For Cutting and Drying. Feb/Mar/April (705) 424-9319 (near Barrie) [email protected]</p><p>DIANE 96 Concession 15 W. Let’s Talk Colour and Combinations; To Be Arranged To Be Arranged GREENFIELD Penetanguishene, Ontario Light and Dry - Gardening Without Water in L9M 2H7 Lean Soils; Lazy and Low Maintenance - (705) 533-3037 Techniques and Plant Choices to Save You Time In [email protected] The Garden; The Love and The Lost - Broken Romances of the Garden; Antiques and Aliens - Historical Contest for Our Garden Perennials; Time, History, The Universe and Gardening; Top Trends; Revision - Looking at Garden Design in Your Garden; Unusual Perennials For Your Garden; A Natural Christmas Using Garden Greenery.</p><p>KEVIN 36 Yonge St. N., Bulbs For All Seasons; Putting Your Garden To Be Arranged To Be Arranged HEALEY Elmvale, Ontario To Bed and Spring Clean-Up; Meaning and L0L 1P0 Practice of Organic Gardening; Floriade in Holland (slides); (705) 322-1675 3 Weeks in Australia (slides); 2 Weeks in France (slides); (near Barrie) Cape Breton and Newfoundland (slides). [email protected]</p><p>PEGGY 6 Oakridge Drive Dry Shade Gardening; Barrie’s Arboretum, A To Be Arranged To Be Arranged. WONG Barrie, Ontario Community Project. Locally L4N 6N7 (705) 737-3910 [email protected] District #17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability MARJORIE 35220 Durham Rd. #1 Inspiration from Gardens Around the World; $250 Anytime MASON RR #4 Annuals From My Aspect; Spring and Summer + mileage Uxbridge, Ontario Flowering Bulbs; Container Gardening; L9P 1R4 Xeriscaping; Geraniums/Pelargoniums; (905) 649-3532 Gardening Travelogues -ask for list. (near Pickering) [email protected] CECIL 1670 Coates Road West Miniature Roses - Planting, Care throughout the $70 + mileage No winter LAMROCK Port Perry, Ontario Season (including fertilizing, insect and fungus to be discussed at months L9L 1B3 control, pruning, showing, winter protection, etc); time of booking including Mar. (905) 985-5462 All Types of Roses (selection for hardiness and (near Oshawa) disease resistance, care through the season, [email protected] winter protection, etc.) www.lamrockslittleroses.com</p><p>DAVID 97 Chalk Lake Rd. Oak Ridge Moraine - includes forestry and wildlife; To Be Arranged To Be Arranged McQUEEN RR #4 max. 150 kms. Uxbridge, Ontario L9P 1R4 (905) 649-5276 (near Toronto)</p><p>JOHN SHAW RR 1 Using Stone re: walls, historical, integrating $100 Anytime RIMMINGTON Cannington, Ontario into settings, good/bad examples L0E 1E0 (705) 432-3239 (near Uxbridge)</p><p>SHANNON 20 Mason Street The Art of Vegetable Gardening: Style Art and Design To Be Arranged To Be Arranged ROSNAK Box 52 Gardens from Down Under: Tour Gardens of New Blackstock, Ontario Zealand and Australia L0B 1B0 Irish Garden Getaway: Castles, Arboretum and Gardens (near Port Perry/Oshawa) Boston, (905) 986-0405 Gardens Through the Seasons From Spring to Fall [email protected] Ornamental Grasses: A Guide to the Most Desirable Container Gardening Create a Stunning Miniature Garden Maintaining Your Garden: Soil, Dividing Perennials Pruning and More With Hands On Opportunities…</p><p>VICKI 31 Bolton Drive Perennials; Perennials in Containers; Designing with $75 Available only TAYLOR-SCOTT Uxbridge, Ontario Containers; Four Season Containers; Container + mileage Oct. 1 thru Mar. 31 L9P 1A3 Gardening; Eco Gardening; Xeriscaping; Gardening (905) 852-9643 with Children; Landscape Design; Phenology -- using (near Toronto) nature’s signals. [email protected]</p><p>KOIDU RR #2 A Shakespeare Garden in Herbs; Herbal Wreaths $100 To Be Arranged SULEV Uxbridge, Ontario and Potpourri; Native Herbs - The Folklore and Uses; + mileage L9P 1R2 Herbs in Containers; Herbs to Relieve Stress - teas, (705) 228-8108 tonics and fragrance; General Herb Related Topics. (near Toronto)</p><p>BARBARA 1996 Liverpool Road What to Do In The Garden Now (Spring or Fall) $75 Local To Be Arranged TWINER Pickering, Ontario Making Evergreen Pot Displays (Oct.- Nov.) orTo Be Arranged L1V 1W5 Growing for Showing (905) 839-7600 Making Planters (Demo or Workshop) Also Perennials, Annuals, Tropicals, Bulbs, (Selection and Care of) Judging Tips</p><p>ANNA RR 2, Beaverton, Ontario Herbs and how make creams and tinctures; $100 Not in November, VAN MARIS L0K 1A0 Weeds - The Treasurers We Toss. + mileage any time on (705) 426-2914 weekdays only, (near Lindsay, Orillia) prefer Tues., Wed., [email protected] or Thurs. www.sweetdoveherbs.com District #18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability MARJORIE 23 Marie Street Flowering Shrubs; Bulbs; Principles and Elements To Be Arranged To Be Arranged BELL Box 110 of Floral Design; Houseplants - why they don’t do well; South River, Ontario Roses - growing, winterizing, diseases, insects and P0A 1X0 showing. (705) 386-2935 (near North Bay, Huntsville)</p><p>ELAINE RR #1 Low Maintenance Gardening; Cottage Gardening; To Be Arranged To Be Arranged VIDA Rosseau, Ontario Landscape Design; Annuals; Container Gardening; P0C 1J0 Insects - natural control using household products; (705) 732-6338 Native Plants; Perennials. (near Orillia, Barrie) [email protected]</p><p>District #19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaker Contact Topic Fees Availability GWYNEDD RR 2 Water Gardens; Rock Gardens; Winter Gardens; $50 Locally Anytime except BRUNDRETT Baden, Ontario Vegetable Gardening; Herbs; The World of Lilies; May and June N0B 1G0 Ornamental Vegetables (Potagers); Organic (519) 634-8500 Growing Techniques; Perennials; Collecting, Cleaning, (near Waterloo) Saving and Exchanging Seeds; Flora and Fauna of [email protected] Western Australia; Vines; Ontario Wild Flowers; How My Family Landscaped My Garden (a biography of Wanakiwin); Some Gardens of Great Britain.</p><p>ALAIN 45 Mill Street Garden History - Color In The Garden; $75 + mileage Fall/Winter CHAREST Kitchener, Ontario Garden Design; Water Gardening; Xeriscaping; Evenings N2G 2Y2 Specific Genuses (dianthus, verbascum, (519) 745-9442 campanula, sedum, etc). [email protected]</p><p>BETTY 6728 18th Sideroad Daylilies To Be Arranged To Be Arranged FRETZ RR #3 Moorefield, Ontario (near Kitchener-Waterloo) (519) 638-3937 [email protected] </p><p>MARY ANN 292 Normandy Ave. Container Gardening; Growing and Pressing Herbs; To Be Arranged To Be Arranged, GILHULY Waterloo, Ontario Easy Care Perennials; Roses for Canadian Gardeners; Spring/Summer/Fall N2K 1X7 Organic Gardening. (519) 746-8456 (near Guelph) [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>MARION 8 High Street, Roses: Hardy and Antique Varieties, Care and Selection Sponsored by Local Nurseries Sept- Mid April HESSE Elmira Ontario Perennials : All Aspects of…Including Grasses IF 1 hour outside of Fergus/Elmira Preferred N3B 2M2 Planting Trees : Spring Vs Fall, How to and Care .30 per klm charge applies (519) 669-3623 Foundation Planting : Design Basics [email protected] Putting Your Garden To Bed Water-Wise Gardening……..Xeriscaping DAVID 162 Herron Place A Look At The Lighter Side Of Gardening - $75 for up to 100; To Be Arranged HOBSON Waterloo, Ontario humorous and entertaining with tons of tips; $150 plus for larger N2T 1H2 Gardening for Aging Gardeners; From A Lawn audiences (519) 576-2498 to a Garden, Building A Path or Patio. [email protected] www.gardenhumour.com</p><p>BRIE 54 Royal Orchard Place Shade Gardening; Container Gardening; To Be Arranged To Be Arranged TANGNEY Kitchener, Ont. N2N 1Z6 Garden Design; Herbs. (519) 744-6695 [email protected]</p><p>PAUL 170 Shade Street Down The Garden Path -- a humorous look at No fee, BUT By Appointment KNOWLES New Hamburg, Ontario at gardening and gardeners opportunity to sell but always N3A 4J2 and sign books a must! ready to come (519) 662-6757 Lengthy travel - a per km (near Kitchener/Stratford) travel expense to be [email protected] discussed.</p><p>MARYANNE 84 Old Huron Court All Aspects of Annuals; Rock Gardening and To Be Arranged To Be Arranged WEILER Kitchener, Ontario Types of Plants; Woodland Gardening; Nov. to Mar. N2P 2B8 Growing for Topiary. (519) 896-0606</p><p>ELAINE 374 Manchester Rd. Bulbs; Designing Using Color; Easy Care Gardening; $75 + mileage To Be Arranged ZINK Kitchener, Ontario Xeriscape Gardening; Perennials; Shrubs . Fall/ Winter N2B 1A5 (519) 579-2275 [email protected]</p>

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