<p> Curriculum Vitae</p><p>Personal Information</p><p>First name Surname Ana KAPAJ (Mane) Address(es) Rruga Ferrit Xhajko, 65/4, Ap. 12. Tirane, Albania. (Personal address)</p><p>Agriculture University of Tirana, Faculty of Economy and Agribusiness, Koder Kamez, Tirana, Albania (Work address)</p><p>Telephone(s) 222 78 87 Mobile: 068 40 13 723 Fax(es) - E-mail [email protected] Nationality Albanian Date of birth 09 June 1978 Gender Female</p><p>Work Experience</p><p>Occupation or position Since September 2001 held Lecturer, PhD </p><p>Main activities and Teaching in Statistics and Econometrics. responsibilities Responsible and contact person for the modules taught in first level diploma; Bases of Statistics and Applied Statistics, Faculty of Economy and Agribusiness, AUT. Collaborator for the module taught in second level diploma; Diagnosis of Rural Areas, Faculty of Economy and Agribusiness, AUT. Collaborator for the module “Econometrics”, taught in Master Course, Faculty of Economy and Agribusiness, AUT. Name and address of Faculty of Economy and Agribusiness, Agriculture University of Tirana, Koder employer Kamez, Tirane. Type of business or Public University sector Education </p><p>September 2014</p><p>PostDoc degree at the University of Hohenheim, Institiute of Computer Applications and Business Management in Agriculture</p><p>July 2012 Title of qualification Associate Professor awarded Agricultural University of Tirana Name and type of organisation providing education and training</p><p>December 2008 Title of qualification PhD degree awarded Principal Agriculture economics and Policies, Assessing the comparative advantage of subjects/occupational olive oil production in Albania, trade potential of olive oil in Albania, Focus on skills covered the policies developed by the government and the policy makers in order to enhance the olive oil production in Albania. Name and type of Agricultural University of Tirana organisation providing education and training Level in national or ISCED, Level 8 international classification</p><p>Dates March 2002 – September 2004 Title of qualification Master of Science, M.Sc. awarded Principal Private and social profitability of olive oil production in Albania-PAM approach. subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of Agriculture Faculty, Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany. organisation providing education and training Level in national or ISCED, Level 7 international classification</p><p>Dates September 1996 - March 2001 Title of qualification Agriculture Economist awarded Principal University studies in “Farm and Agribusiness Management” subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of Department of “Farm and Agribusiness Management”, Faculty of Agriculture, organisation providing Agriculture University of Tirana. education and training Level in national or ISCED, Level 6 international classification Personal skills and competences</p><p>Mother tongue(s) Albanian</p><p>Other language(s) English, Italian, German Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken Spoken interaction production English C Proficient C Proficient C Proficient C Proficient C Proficient 2 user 2 user 2 user 2 user 2 user Italian C Proficient C Proficient C Proficient C Proficient C Proficient 2 user 2 user 2 user 2 user 2 user German Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages</p><p>Social skills and - Good ability to adapt to multicultural environments, gained through my study competences experience abroad; - Very good communication skills gained from my work experience as Lecturer in University. - Good knowledge on social rules and tradition in, Eastern-Western Europe and USA - Good understanding of the EU institutional framework due to the participation in different collaboration projects</p><p>Technical skills and Expert in Statistic and Econometric tools, data collection, data procesing, competences questioner design. Competent in Consumer Bahaviuor studies. Very good knowledge in qualitative data analysis, with special focus in agri food enterprices. A number of proffesional training in the area of Agricultural Economics, statistical softwares. Computer skills and - Windows operation system (XP, Vista); Microsoft Office 2003 and later (Word, competences Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher), skills gained from experience - Very good skills in Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, gained from experience and various courses - Very good skills in Statistical Software in Social Sciences SPSS , gained from a course and from independent learning - Basic knowledge in SAS and EViews (Statistical Software) - Very good skills in Adobe Acrobat, Reader and Distiller+</p><p>Driving licence Driving Licence, level B Publications Conference Participation </p><p>1. KAPAJ A. (first Author), “Factors affecting olive oil market in Albania”, Alb-Shkenca, September 2014, Prishtine, Kosovo. http://iash-takimet.org/tv2014/programi/programi_ekonomia_2014.pdf 2. KAPAJ A., “Study on Albanian agribusiness enterprises needs for future leaders”, Alb- Shkenca, September 2014, Prishtine, Kosovo. http://iash-takimet.org/tv2014/programi/programi_ekonomia_2014.pdf 3. KAPAJ A., “Consumer perception of quality of wine”, Alb-Shkenca, September 2014, Prishtine, Kosovo. http://iash-takimet.org/tv2014/programi/programi_ekonomia_2014.pdf 4. KAPAJ, A. (first Author), “Trends of olive oil production: case of Mediterranean region”, International scientific days 2014- Improving performance of agriculture and the economy: Challenges for Management and Policy, Nitra, Slovakia, 21-23 May 2014 5. KAPAJ, A., “Quality Assurance and Food Safety in Albania”, International scientific days 2014- Improving performance of agriculture and the economy: Challenges for Management and Policy, Nitra, Slovakia, 21-23 May 2014 6. KAPAJ, A. (first Author), “Quality and Safety on Olive Oil Production – Albania”, 6th Annual National Value-Added Agriculture and The Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development Conference, Baltimore, USA, 13-15 May 2014 http://aese.psu.edu/nercrd/agenda-pdf-4-11-2014/view 7. KAPAJ, A. (first Author), “Producer’s and consumer’s perspectives on olive oil quality Albania’s case”, 4thInternational Conference of Ecosystems (ICE2014), Tirana, Albania, 23-26 May 2014. 8. KAPAJ, A., “Food Processing Industry in Albania”, 4thInternational Conference of Ecosystems (ICE2014), Tirana, Albania, 23-26 May 2014 9. KAPAJ A. (first Author), “Faktorët Social-ekonomik që ndikojnë konsumin e Vajit të Ullirit në Shqipëri”’ Alb-Shkenca, September 2013, Tirane. 10. KAPAJ A., co-author (2013), “Dairy Products Trends in Albanian Consumption”, Alb- Shkenca, September 2013, Tirane. 11. KAPAJ A, co-author (2013), “Quality Management Systems in Meat Processing Industry in Albania - Quantifying Factors that Influence its Implementation”, 3° International Conference on Human and Social Sciences, ICHSS 2013, Rome Italy. 12. KAPAJ A, co-author (2013), “Household Consumption of Dairy Products - An Analysis of Consumer Behavior in Albania”, 3° International Conference on Human and Social Sciences, ICHSS 2013, Rome Italy 13. KAPAJ A, co-author (2013), “Butchers Willingness to Pay for Packed Lamb Meat: Case of Tirana Butcher Shops”, 3° International Conference on Human and Social Sciences, ICHSS 2013, Rome Italy. 14. KAPAJ A. (first Author), “Olive Oil Consumption In Albania Based On Its Socio- Economic Determinants”, Anual Conference of IFAMA (International Food &Agribusiness Management Association), 23th Anual World Symposium, Atlanta USA, June 2013 15. KAPAJ A. co-author “Agribusiness and Food Industries in Albania: What do They Need From Future Leaders?”, Anual Conference of IFAMA (International Food &Agribusiness Management Association), 22th Anual World Symposium, Shanghai-China, June 2012 16. KAPAJ A. (first Author), “Enhancing Rural Women’s Role in Albanian Agriculture”, Anual Conference of IFAMA (International Food &Agribusiness Management Association), 22th Anual World Symposium, Shanghai-China, June 2012 17. KAPAJ A. co-author, “Rritja e rolit te gruas ne Bujqesine Shqiptare”, International Annual Conference, Faculty of Economy and Agribusiness, AUT, Tirane, Qershor 2012 18. KAPAJ A. (first Author), “Milk market segmentation: Study on consumer preferences in urban Albania”, Anual Conference of IFAMA (International Food &Agribusiness Management Association), 21th Anual World Symposium, Frankfurt, Germany, June 21, 2011 19. KAPAJ A., (first Author), “Preferencat konsumatore te tregut te Qumeshtit ne Shqiperi”, International Annual Conference, Faculty of Economy and Agribusiness, AUT, Tirane, Qershor 2011 20. KAPAJ A. co-author, “Agro-tourism - an alternative for the rural family income growth in Korca region”, International Conference of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Korce, May 2011 21. KAPAJ A. co-author, “Ewes’ nutrition and metabolic blood profile”, International Conference of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Korce, May 2011 22. KAPAJ A. co-author, “Identifying some key indicators Benchmarks (Competitive Benchmark) helping meat processors in Albania improving their management decisions”, Anual Conference of IAMA (International Food &Agribusiness Management Association), 20th Anual World Symposium, Boston, USA, June 20, 2010 23. KAPAJ A. co-author, “What to produce and for whom to produce” Albanian case”, Anual Conference of IAMA (International Food &Agribusiness Management Association), 20th Anual World Symposium, Boston, USA, June 20, 2010 24. KAPAJ A. (first Author), “Investiogation of production oportunities and resource use efficiency in agricultural production in Albania”, Anual Conference of IAMA (International Food &Agribusiness Management Association), 20th Anual World Symposium, Boston, USA, June 20, 2010 25. KAPAJ A., (first Author), “Mundesite prodhuese dhe eficenca e perdorimit te burrimeve ne prodhimin bujqesor”, International Annual Conference, Faculty of Economy and Agribusiness, AUT, Tirane, Qershor 2010 26. KAPAJ A. (2009) co-author, “New Perspectives on Financing Agriculture and Small Business by Solid Financial Institutions”, International Conference-Economies in Transition, during and After, Shkoder, 4 December 2009. 27. KAPAJ A. (2009): (first Author), “Identifying some key indicators Benchmarks helping meat processors in Albania improving their management decisions” Alb-Shkenca, September 2009. 28. KAPAJ A. (2009) co-author: “Konsolidimi i Institucioneve te Mikrofinances ne Shqiperi” Alb-Shkenca, September 2009. 29. KAPAJ A. (2009) (first Author), “Assessing the comparative advantage of olive oil production in Albania”, Anual Conference of IAMA (International Food &Agribusiness Management Association), 19th Anual World Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, June 20- 23 2009 30. KAPAJ A. (2009) co-author: “Assessing quality and safety of food & beverage products. An analysis of agribusiness enterprises in Tirana district/Albania”, Anual Conference of IAMA (International Food &Agribusiness Management Association), 19th Anual World Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, June 20-23 2009 31. KAPAJ A. (2009) co-author, “Vertical Integration in the Wine Industry, a Benchmark Analysis”, IAMO Forum, 17-19 June 2009. 32. KAPAJ A. (2009) co-author, Market Oriented Strategies to Revitalize Albania’s Agricultural Industry-Symposium-Special Session, IAMA 19th Anual World Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, June 20-23 2009 33. KAPAJ A. (2009) (first Author), “Meat processing industry in Albania – focus on quality management”, International Conference, ASECU, University of Tirana. 34. KAPAJ A. (2009) (first Author), “Perkatesia gjinore dhe punesimi ne Shqiperi”, National Conference, Roli i Gruas ne Boten Rurale, Ekserienca dhe prespektiva ne Tranzicionin Shqiptar. 35. KAPAJ A. (2008) “Vaji i Ullirit dhe Potencialet e tij Prodhuese ne Shqiperi”, “Takimi i Trete i Institutit Alb-Shkenca” 36. KAPAJ A. (2008) “Olivokultura dhe Kontriduti i saj ne Bujqesine Shqiptare”, “Takimi i Trete i Institutit Alb-Shkenca 37. KAPAJ A, co-author (2006) “Comparative Advantage of Olive Oil Production in Albania”, Timishoara, Rumania (2006)</p><p>Scientific Paper publication</p><p>1. KAPAJ A, co-author (2013), “Quality Management Systems in Meat Processing Industry in Albania - Quantifying Factors that Influence its Implementation”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 4, No.10, 470-473. http://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/mjss/search/results 2. KAPAJ A, co-author (2013), “Household Consumption of Dairy Products - An Analysis of Consumer Behavior in Albania”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 4, No.9, 104-109. http://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/mjss/search/results 3. KAPAJ A, co-author (2013), “Butchers Willingness to Pay for Packed Lamb Meat: Case of Tirana Butcher Shops”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 4, No.9, 554-558. http://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/mjss/search/results 4. KAPAJ A, co-author (2013), “Land and agricultural productivity: Evidences from Albania”, Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment-JFAE, ISSN: 1459- 0255, Volume 11, Issue 3&4, http://www.world-food.net/scientificjournal.php 5. KAPAJ A, co-author (2013), “Assessing the situation of food and beverage enterprises regarding implementation of the quality management systems (Case of Tirana/Albania)”, Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON), http://www.agriculturejournals.cz/web/agricecon.htm 6. KAPAJ A, (2013), “Consumers Behavior towards Milk Products: study from urban Albania”, Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment-JFAE, ISSN: 1459- 0255, Volume 11, Issue 2, http://www.world-food.net/scientificjournal.php 7. KAPAJ A, co-author (2012), "Measuring the effect of production factors on yield of greenhouse tomato production using multivariate model”, European Scientific Journal, Vol.8, No.23. http://eujournal.org/index.php/esj/issue/view/48 8. KAPAJ A, co-author (2012), “Capacity buildings new opportunity for development of rural areas (case of Preza commune), Albania”, International journal of ecosystems and ecology science ISSN 2224-4980, Vol.2/2. https://sites.google.com/site/injournalofecosystems/template/volume-2-1-2012/volume-2- 2-2012 9. KAPAJ A., (2012), “Milk Consumers’ preferences in Urban Albania”, Advances in Management and Applied Economics, ISSN 1792-7544, International Scientific Press. http://www.scienpress.com/journal 10. KAPAJ A.(2011), “Analiza e preferencave të konsumatorit për produktin e qumështit, në fokusin e segmentimit të tregut në Shqipëri”, Journal of Economy and Agrobusiness, No 3, ISNN 2223-7658 11. KAPAJ A. (2011), “Identifying some key indicators Benchmarks (Competitive Benchmark) helping meat processors in Albania impoving their management decisions”, Valahian Journal of Economic Studies, Volume 2 (16), issue 1/2011, ISSN 2067-9440, http://www.vjes.eu/index.php/archive/89-2011/99-vjes-volume-2.html 12. KAPAJ A. co-author (2011), “Theoretical and Practical Estimates Related with the Problems of Sustainable Rural Development in Albania”, Valahian Journal of Economic Studies, Volume 2 (16), issue 3/2011, ISSN 2067-9440, http://www.vjes.eu/index.php/archive/89-2011-2011/86-vjes-volume-2-issue-3.html 13. KAPAJ A., (2011), “Mundesite prodhuese dhe eficenca e perdorimit te burrimeve ne prodhimin bujqesor”, Journal of Economy and Agrobusiness, No 2, ISBN 978-99956-92- 11-7 14. KAPAJ. A. (2010), “Assesing the Comprative Advantage of Albanian Olive Oil Production”, IFAMR International Food &Agribusiness Management Association, Volume 13, issue 1, 2010, https://www.ifama.org/publications/chainletter/cmsdocs/9i1.pdf 15. KAPAJ A., (2009), “Gruaja në zonat Rurale, Përkatësia gjinore dhe punësimi në Shqipëri”, Ekonomia dhe Tranzicioni, Nr. 4 (59) 16. KAPAJ. A. (2008), “Prodhimtaria e ullirit dhe e vajit të ullirit në Shqipëri”, ‘Buletin of agriculture sciences”, Nr.1/2008, pg. 139-144 17. KAPAJ. A. (2005), “Konkurrueshmeria dhe Avantazhet Krahasuese te Prodhimit te Misrit ne Shqiperi”, ‘Revista Shqiptare e Shkencave Bujqesore’ journal, Nr.6/Vol.4, pg. 45-49. 18. KAPAJ. A. (2005), “Olive Oil Production in Albania”, Quart.Jour.Armenian Agricultural Academy, 2005/2, Yarevan 2005 19. KAPAJ. A. (2003), “Konkurenca e prodhimit te vajit te ullirit”, ‘Shkenca Bujqesore’ journal, Nr.1/2003, pg. 82-93 Other Publications University Books</p><p> KAPAJ. A. “Statistics 1”, 2008, Publishing House “Ngjyrat e Kohes” KAPAJ. A. “Statistics 2“, 2009, Publishing House “Ngjyrat e Kohes”</p><p>Other book publication</p><p> KAPAJ A., “Resource Use Efficiency of Olive oil production in Albania”, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-3-659-26515-0, March 2014, https://www.lap- publishing.com/catalog/details//store/gb/book/978-3-659-26515-0/resource-use- efficiency-of-olive-oil-production-in-albania </p><p> KAPAJ A. (coauthor), “Agricultural Markets in a Transitioning Economy: An Albanian Case Study", CABI Publishing, ISBN-13: 9781780641003, http://www.cabi.org/bookshopbeta/book-details/?pid=2522 </p><p> KAPAJ A. (coauthor), “Olive Oil, Constituents, Quality, Health Properties and Bioconversions”, INTECH-open, December 2011, ISBN 978-953-307-921-9, http://www.intechopen.com/books/olive-oil-constituents-quality-health-properties-and- bioconversions</p><p>Training September 2013-September 2014, Post-Doctoral Research at the Hohenheim University, St6uttgart, Germany. July 2013, “Training in Agriculture Cooperatives”, supported by Ohio State University and Department of Agriculture, Ohio, USA. August 2012, “New experiences in Strategic Planning-Faculty level”, University of Hawaii, USA February 2009, Participation in Workshop “Priority Settings in Research Projects”, AHEED (Albania-Hawaii Higher Education and Economic Development) , AUT, Tirana /Albania February 2009, Participation in Workshop “Grant Writing”, AHEED (Albania-Hawaii Higher Education and Economic Development), AUT, Tirana /Albania April 2002, Training course in microfinance, held in Hohenheim University, Stuttgart Germany. 1999, Participation in Autumn Academy ‘Agricultural economist’ 1999, organized from Hohenheim University Stuttgart/Germany. Tirana/Albania.</p><p>Member of Scientific Boards</p><p> Member of the Scientific review board of: Journal of Business and Finance, ISSN: 2305-1825</p><p> International Food and Agribusiness Management Association, USA</p><p> Member and researcher within the Institute of Economic Studies and Knowledge Transfer, Tirana, Albania</p><p>Projects and monitoring experience</p><p> 2008 -2012: Coordinator of AHEED-Albania/Hawaii Higher Education and Economic Development Project, in collaboration with University of Hawaii. Short description: Strengthening the Faculty of Economy and Agribusinesses capacity to provide quality graduate education and to build capacity for effective training, research, consulting and advising to the Ministry of Agriculture, and other stakeholders. 2011 Collaborator/Evaluator expert of the Project “Zhvillimi i turizmit përmes promovimit të vlerave më të mira të zonës” financed by Excellence program (Ministry of Education) 2011 USAID (Main investigator),”Consumers Preferences towards milk products in Albania”. 2010 USAID (Main investigator),”Woman’s role in Albanian Agriculture”. 2010 USAID, Collaborator/Evaluator expert, SWAT analysis of the Albanian Agriculture sector, AAC-Albanian Agriculture Competitivenes 2008 PHARE - ACE” Program. A cooperation project, between the Agricultural University of Tirana, and the Macedonia University of Macedonia of Thessaloniki, Greece 2007 TEMPUS, Project, UM-JEP 17083-2005, Year 2006, “Creation of a National Centre for Agricultural Training </p><p>Prof.Ass.Dr. Ana KAPAJ (Mane)</p><p>September 2014 </p>
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