Achievements of 45 Years' Peaceful Construction Since The

Achievements of 45 Years' Peaceful Construction Since The

<p>Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44</p><p>First Session of the Ninth NPC</p><p>The First Session of the Ninth National build China into a strong, prosperous so- People’s Congress was held from May 5-29 cialist country with high degree of demo- in Beijing, which produced the new state cracy and advanced culture and ethics by leadership after approving the government the time the Republic celebrates its centen- report of former administration and other nial. By then, China will have reached the relevant decisions. Newly-elected state level of a medium-developed country, with leaders are as follows: Mr. Jiang Zemin, its people enjoying common prosperity on President of the People’s Republic of China the basis of modernisation. The Chinese na- and Chairman of the Central Military Com- tion will succeed in bringing about the mission; Mr. Li Peng, Chairman of the great national rejuvenation, a great vision Standing Committee of the Ninth National in conformity with the aspirations of all the People’s Congress; Mr. Zhu Rongji, Premi- nationalities in China. However, it is un- er of the State Council and Mr. Hu Jingtao, avoidable that difficulties and risks will Vice-President of the People’s Republic of prop up on the way ahead. But any China. obstacles and risks by no means can keep Both Mr. Jiang Zemin and Mr. Li Peng the Communist Party of China and the delivered speeches at the closing session of Chinese people from marching on. We are the Ninth NPC. In his speech, President Ji- sure to be able to reach the objective of the ang emphasised that the objective for China modernisation. This magnificent program is to basically achieve modernisation and shall be realised and can be realised.</p><p>1 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44</p><p>China to Develop Ties with EU in All-dimensional Way</p><p>During his official visit to the Netherlands had effective consultations and cooperation in February 1998, Mr. Li Peng, then Premier in international affairs. of the State Council, expounded to the emin-  Both sides are in favour of the international ent figures from business and financial principles of mutual respect for sovereignty circles the China’s reform and opening-up and non-interference in each other’s internal program, Sino-European relations and the affairs, which are enshrined in the UN policies towards EU. Charter for handling state to state relations. Ex-Premier Li said, China and EU are  With national advantages in cultural and both major players in the contemporary inter- education development, both sides have the national arena. To develop long-term stable desire to expand exchanges and coopera- relations of mutual benefit and cooperation tion in this regard. with EU as well as the member states consti- The two sides attach importance to the issues tutes an important part of China’ s dip- concerning survival and progress of mankind, lomacy. In recent years, the ties between and have made concerted efforts in meeting China and the EU member states have been the global challenges of terrorism, environ- rapidly restored and developed as manifested mental deterioration and international crimes, with continuously expansion and deepening etc.. of cooperation in political, economic fields, Mr. Li believed that the converging in- etc.. Sound economic and trade relations terests of both sides should be firmly born in have laid a solid foundation for all-dimen- mind in order to establish just and rational in- sional expansion of the bilateral relations. ternational economic relations of mutual Mr. Li noted, on the threshold of the 21st complementarity and common progress on century, China and EU share more and more the basis of the principles of equality and mu- points in common under the new circum- tual benefit. China and Europe enjoy many stance of accelerating multipolarization as favourable conditions for mutual beneficial follows: cooperation. The two sides are in a very good  There is no conflict of fundamental in- position to expand economic, trade and tech- terests between the two sides. Both sides are nological cooperation by drawing on each committed to safeguarding peace and stabil- other’s merits. Sino-Europe economical co- ity in their respective regions and the world operation should be realised in various forms at large with the common aspirations for a and through different channels. China estim- new century of peace, stability and prosper- ates a total import and export volume of $400 ity. billion by the year 2000. The European entre-  Both sides largely complement to the each preneurs who wish to take a share in the other in such fields as economy, trade and Chinese market should demonstrate their technology, and ready to conduct extensive farsightedness by facing the reality on the cooperation on the basis of equality and mu- one hand and looking into the future on the tual benefit. other.  Both sides hold identical or similar views on many major international issues, and have</p><p>2 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44</p><p>China’s Economy and its Prospect for Development</p><p>On February 1, 1998 at the Workshop additional investment in public sectors in- on China’s Economy during the Annual cluding capital construction of agricultural Conference of the World Economic Forum and water conservancy projects, highway, in Davos, Switzerland, Vice-Premier Li railway and other basic facilities, environ- Lanqing delivered a speech entitled “Chin- ment-friendly projects, high-tech industry, a’s Economy and its Prospect for Develop- technical upgrading of enterprises as well ment” as urban housing construction. Vice-Premier Li said, China has Premier Li emphasised, positive efforts achieved sustained economic growth since will be made to develop the rural con- the adoption of the reform and opening-up sumers market. The advantage of China’s policy in the late 1970s. The average annu- economic development lies in its huge do- al growth rate was 9.8% during the period mestic market with great potentials. Recent from 1979 to 1997. As China’s reform, years have witnessed increasing demand opening-up and modernisation drive contin- for consumer goods and means of produc- ue to advance in an all-around way, the na- tion by the farmers thanks to the steady tional economy maintains good develop- growth of agricultural production. Hence, ment momentum characterised with high effective measures shall be taken to guaran- growth and low inflation. tee to consumer goods to be smoothly and He pointed out, China is still a develop- excessively shipped into the rural areas. the ing country. The target is to achieve an av- vast rural market constitutes a driving erage economic growth of 8% per annual in fierce for the dynamics of China’s eco- the last three year end within the century nomy. In addition, development and open- and ensure an annual growth of 7% in the ing-up of the central and western parts of first decade of the next century. On this the country will be enhanced, and invest- basis in the following three to four decades ment environment will be further improved by the middle of the next century, efforts to attract more overseas investments. RMB are to be made to basically realise modern- yuan under current account is convertible isation of the national economy so as to without any restraint. By 2005, the average build China into a prosperous country with custom tariff p of manufactured products high degree of democracy and advanced will drop down to 10%. Since January 1, ethics and culture, and ensure the Chinese 1998, china has reiterated the preferential people to enjoy the same standard of living policy of exempting custom duties and im- as those in the medium-level developed port VATS on imported equipment’s for countries. the projects encouraged and supported by Mr. Li said, while the construction of of- the government. fices and hotels as well as industrial pro- He further explained, China achieved fa- jects for general processing continue to be vourable balance of foreign trade with sur- under tight control, the priority is to make plus of over US$40 billion and recorded a</p><p>3 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44 net capital inflow of US$34 in 1997. With Therefore, the supply-demand relation is the Central Bank’s procurement of foreign unlikely to experience any reverse down- currency equivalent to US$34.8 billion, turn. To ensure the stability of RMB is not supply exceeds demand in the domestic for- only in the interests of China’s stable eco- eign exchange market. Since the beginning nomic development, but can also play a of 1998, steps have been taken to cut down positive role in stabilising the Asian curren- trade surplus, which would leave a large cies and boosting people’s confidence. room to cushion the impact of the relative Vice-premier Li stressed, China’s re- fluctuations of exchange rates in Asian cur- form and opening-up process will be fur- rencies. There will be no fundamental ther deepened and accelerated. He is fully change in the momentum of direct overseas confident of the steady growth of China’s investment this year. Besides, China has economy. US$140 billion of foreign currency reserve.</p><p>China’s Defence Policy</p><p>General Chi Haotian, Vice-Chairman fence, resist foreign aggression, defend the of the Central Military Commission and nation’s territory, territorial air and sea and Defence Minister of the PRC delivered a maritime rights as well as maintain the na- speech at Japan’s National Institute for tional unity and security. Strategic Studies, expounding China’s de- Second, the construction of national fence policy during his visit to Japan in defence must subordinate itself to and serve January 1998. the overall interests of its national econom- Chi Haotian pointed out that China ic construction. This is a long-term basic is a developing socialist country, the nature principle. of its social system and the interests of its Third, the building of the armed national security decide its adherence to a forces must stick to its own road character- national defence policy with defensive in ised by fewer but better troops. nature, which mainly includes the follow- Fourth, China’s defence policy is ing points : maintaining world peace and promoting First, the goal of China’s defence progress of mankind. policy is to consolidate the national de-</p><p>4 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44</p><p>General Chi Haotian stressed that, benefit and peaceful co-existence. This is to seek a lasting peace, a new security the political basis and premise for global concept under the current situation should and regional security. be established. The security system in the --All countries should strengthen mu- Cold War period based on military blocs tual-beneficial co-operation in economic and military build-up has turned out to be a field, open to each other, eliminate unequal failure in securing peace. Under new cir- phenomenon and discriminatory practices cumstances, neither the expansion of milit- in economic and trade exchanges, gradually ary blocs nor the reinforcement of military narrow the gap of development between alliances is conducive to security. The countries, so as to seek mutual prosperity. achievement of security should rely on mu- This is the economic basis for global and tual trust and mutual benefit. The new se- regional security. curity concept and approaches should in- --All countries should enhance mutu- clude the following aspects: al understanding and trust through dialogue --The state-to-state relations should and co-operation, undertake to solve dis- be established on the basis of five prin- putes and conflicts between countries by ciples of mutual respect for each other’s peaceful means. This is the practical way sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual for the assurance of peace and security. non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual</p><p>5 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44</p><p>China’s National Defence</p><p>Information Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China July 1998, Beijing (excerpts)</p><p>I. The International Security Situation The influence of armed conflicts and Peace and development are the major local wars on the overall international situ- themes of the present era. The striving for ation has been remarkably weakened. In the peace and co-operation, and the promotion past, when the two major military blocs of development have become irresistible confronted each other, armed conflicts and historical trends. local wars in some regions seriously dis- In general, the present international se- turbed world security and stability. curity situation has continued to tend to- For a time in the post-Cold War period, ward relaxation. With the end of the cold regional conflicts were still frequent, even war, a tendency toward multipolarity has showing a trend of escalation. In the past further developed both globally or region- few years, however, some conflicts and ally in the political, economic and other wars that had lasted for many years have fields as various world forces are experien- been settled, and some are being put on the cing new splits and realignments. track of political settlement, or are gradu- The relations among the major powers ally being cooled down. are undergoing significant and profound re- At present, armed conflicts and local adjustments; various kinds of partnerships wars touched off by disputes about territ- are gradually developing along the line of ory, natural resources, ethnicity or religion institutionalisation; and each country is en- are relatively limited in terms of scale, in- hancing its consciousness of independence, tensity and region, and are under control to unity for strength, and co-ordinated devel- varying degrees. The international com- opment. munity is making more and more efforts to The overall strength of the developing mediate such disputes, with its capability to countries is growing, and they are becom- do so improving constantly. ing an important force on the international Military factors still occupy an import- stage. The sustained development of the ant position in state security. In the new in- multipolarity tendency and economic glob- ternational security environment, while alization has further deepened their mutual stressing the settlement of disputes through reliance and mutual condition and helped political, economic and diplomatic means, toward world peace, stability and prosper- most countries still regard military means ity. The factors for safeguarding world and the reinforcement of military strength peace are growing constantly.</p><p>6 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44 as important ways to safeguard their own as the means could not be conducive to security and national interests. peace during the Cold War. Under the new Economic security is becoming daily situation, especially, enlarging military more important for state security. In inter- blocs and strengthening military alliances national relations, geopolitical, military se- run counter to the tide of the times. Secur- curity and ideological factors still play a ity cannot be guaranteed by an increase in role that cannot be ignored, but the role of arms, nor by military alliances. Security economic factors is becoming more out- should be based on mutual trust and com- standing, along with growing economic mon interests. contacts among nations. We should promote trust through dia- Therefore, more and more countries re- logue, seek security through cooperation, gard economic security as an important as- respect each other’s sovereignty, solve dis- pect of state security. The financial crisis in putes through peaceful means and strive for Asia has made the issue of economic secur- common development. ity more prominent, and has set out a new To obtain lasting peace, it is imperative task for governments of all countries to to abandon the Cold War mentality, cultiv- strengthen co-ordination and face chal- ate a new concept of security and seek a lenges together in the course of economic new way to safeguard peace. China be- globalization. lieves that this new concept and way should The political security situation in the include the following: Asia-Pacific region is relatively stable. The --The relations among nations should be development of the trend toward multi- established on the basis of the Five Prin- polarity in this region is being quickened, ciples of Peaceful Coexistence: mutual re- and the relations among the big nations are spect for territorial integrity and sover- being readjusted strategically and greedily eignty, mutual non-aggression, non-inter- becoming stable. ference in each other’s internal affairs, In May 1998, in defiance of strong op- equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful position by the international community In- coexistence. These are the political basis dia flagrantly carried out nuclear tests, thus and terms of global and regional security. provoking a nuclear arms race in South Each country has the right to choose its Asia. Then Pakistan followed suit, in re- own social system, development strategy sponse to India’s nuclear tests. and way of life, and no country should in- The nuclear tests successively conducted terfere in the internal affairs of any other by India and Pakistan have seriously im- country in any way or under any pretext, peded the international nuclear weapons much less resort to military threats or ag- non-proliferation efforts and produced gression. grave consequences on peace and stability --In the economic field, all countries in the South Asian region and the rest of should strengthen mutually beneficial co- the world. The task for the international operation, open up to each other, eliminate community to strengthen non-proliferation inequalities and discriminatory policies in mechanisms has become even more press- economic and trade relations, gradually re- ing now. duce the development gaps between coun- History has proved that the concepts and tries and seek common prosperity. Such systems of security with military alliances steps can form the economic basis of global as the basis and increasing military might and regional security. Maintaining a normal 7 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44 and sound economic, trade and financial or- tion with all countries on the basis of the der calls for not only a perfect macro-eco- Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and nomic management system as well as a other commonly recognised international re- sound system of economic operations, it lationship norms. China is willing to make also calls for strengthening regional and in- unswerving efforts to safeguard world ternational economic contacts and coopera- peace and promote international security tion, so as to jointly create a stable and se- togather with other countries. cure external economic environment. --All countries should promote mutual II. National Defence Policy understanding and trust through dialogue The Chinese government firmly pursues and cooperation, and seek the settlement of a national defence policy that is defensive in differences and disputes among nations nature. The Constitution of the People’s Re- through peaceful means. These are the real- public of China (PRC) clearly specifies the istic ways to guarantee peace and security. tasks of the armed forces of the PRC as be- Security is mutual, and security dialogues ing to consolidate national defence, resist and cooperation should be aimed at pro- aggression, defend the motherland, safe- moting trust, not at creating confrontations, guard the people’s peaceful labour, particip- still less at directing the spearhead against a ate in national construction and strive to third country or infringing upon the secur- serve the people. ity interests of any other nation. China’s state interests, social system, for- As a country in the Asia-Pacific region, eign policy and historical and cultural tradi- China places great importance on the re- tions postulate that China will inevitably ad- gional security, stability, peace and devel- opt such a national defence policy. opment. China’s Asia-Pacific security China has always attached primary im- strategy has three objectives, i.e., China’s portance to safeguarding the state’s sover- own stability and prosperity, peace and sta- eignty, unity, territorial integrity and secur- bility in its surrounding regions, and con- ity. ducting dialogue and cooperation with all After a protracted, persistent and heroic countries in the Asia-Pacific region. struggle, the Chinese people won independ- Hence China devotes its efforts to pro- ence for their country and the emancipation moting equal treatment and friendly cooper- of the nation; therefore they hold dear their ation with other countries, and attaches im- hard-earned right to independence. Defend- portance to developing healthy and stable ing the motherland, resisting aggression, relations with all countries and all major safeguarding unity and opposing any split forces in the region; actively participates in are the starting point and underpinning of regional economic cooperation and pro- China’s defence policy. motes and open type of regionalism; insists China is now confronted with the ex- on handling and settling disputes among tremely heavy task of economic construc- countries through peaceful means; and takes tion, so the work in defence must be subor- an active part in the dialogue and coopera- dinate to and in the service of the nation’s tion process aimed at regional security.. overall economic construction. The social The Chinese government steadfastly fol- system, development strategy and way of lows an independent foreign policy of life that China has chosen conform to the peace, and stands for establishing and devel- actual conditions of the country, and no oping relations of friendship and coopera- 8 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44 factors prompting invasion of another coun- The Chinese People’s Liberation Army try can emerge. (PLA) is organised in accordance with a The development of China requires an system whereby the General Staff Depart- environment of long-term international ment, the General Political Department, the peace, especially a favourable peripheral General Logistics Department and the Gen- environment. China unswervingly pursues eral Armament Department are placed under an independent foreign policy of peace, the leadership of the CMC. advocates handling international affairs in The armed forces of the PRC are com- light of the fundamental interests of the posed of the PLA, both the active and re- Chinese and other peoples of the world, serve components, the Chinese People’s and refrains from forming alliances with Armed Police Force and the militia. any big power or any group of countries. China holds that conflicts and disputes Military Legislative Work among countries should be solved in a China attaches importance to the build- peaceful way through consultation, and ing of a military legal system, regarding the opposes the use or threat of use of force, improvement of the work in this regard as a hegemonism and power politics. China ad- basic approach and important guarantee for vocates establishing a new fair and ration- realising defence modernisation and the reg- al international political and economic or- ularization of the armed forces. In order to der, and developing relations of friendship meet the needs of defence and army build- and cooperation with all countries on the ing in the new historical period, the state basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful has laid down the principles for administrat- Coexistence. ing the armed forces along legal lines. It has China will always be an important force improved its military legislative work com- defending world peace and regional stabil- prehensively to ensure that China’s defence ity. Even when China becomes strong and and army building advance along a legal powerful in the future, it will by no means track and to propel it in that direction. take to the road of foreign aggression and expansion. Defence Expenditure The defensive nature of China’s nation- China has always stressed a rational scale al defence policy also springs from the expenditure on defence. The costs of de- country’s historical and cultural traditions, fence are allocated based on the needs of which shows that throughout history the defence and the country’s financial capacit- Chinese people have longed for peace in ies and the principle of overall balance. the world and for relations of friendship Since the introduction of the policies of re- with the people of other countries. form and opening to the outside world, the Chinese government has strictly controlled III National Defence Construction its defence expenditure at a comparatively Defence System low level so that it can concentrate on eco- In accordance with the Constitution, the nomic construction. National defence Law and other relevant The Chinese government has consistently laws, China has established and improved stuck to the principle of strict control, strict its national defence system. The state exer- management and strict supervision of de- cises unified leadership over defence-related fence spending; it has established and per- activities. fected a complete administrative and regu- 9 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44 latory system. Chinese government has Even so, defence spending in the total state strictly controlled its defence expenditure at expenditure declined annually in the same a comparatively low level so that it can con- period, accounting for 9.3, 9.1 and 8.8 per- centrate on economic construction. cent respectively. China’s expenditure on national defence The composition of China’s defence ex- falls into the following categories: person- penditure in 1997 (Table 1) was as follows; nel expenses, mainly including pay, food 29.162 billion yuan for personnel expenses, and clothing of military and non-military accounting for 35.89 percent; 26.536 billion personnel; costs for maintenance of activit- yuan for maintenance of activities, 32.66 ies, mainly including military training, con- percent; and 25.559 billion yuan for equip- struction and maintenance of facilities and ment, 31.45 percent. running expenses; and costs for equipment, From the above, we can see that most of including research and experimentation, the defence outlay went to the personnel’s procurement, maintenance, transportation living costs and maintenance of normal and storage. activities. In addition, more than four billion In terms of the scope of logistic support, yuan, or about 5 percent, was spent to fund these expenditures cover not only active ser- activities associated with social welfare. vice personnel, but also militia and reserve requirements. In addition, a large amount of Reducing Military Personnel spending are used to fund activities associ- In September 1997 China solemnly an- ated with social welfare, mainly pensions nounced that it would reduce the number of for some retired officers, schools and its military personnel by 500,000 within the kindergartens for children of military per- coming three years on the basis of its dis- sonnel, training personnel, training person- armament wove in the 1980s, In 1985 the nel competent for both military and civilian government decided unilaterally to cut its services, supporting national economic con- troops by one million men in real terms. By struction, and participation in emergency 1990, the total reduction had reached 1.039 rescues and disaster relief efforts. million men. Since 1990 the size of the PLA From 1979 to 1994 defence spending in- has further shrunk through successive ad- creased by 6.22 percent annually in absolute justments. When the drawdown of 500,000 terms, which represented in real terms a has been completed, the total size of the negative growth of 1.08 percent compared PLA will be 2.5 million men. to the 7.3 percent annual increase of the Different from many other countries, country’s general retail price index of com- China includes all its border and coastal de- modities in the same period. fence forces, military service mobilisation China’s annual defence outlay from 1995 organs, administration organs of milit- to 1997 came to RMB 63.672,72.006 and ary-run agricultural and sideline produc- 81.257 billion yuan, respectively. The annu- tions, civil cadres and active service person- al increase in defence outlay went for the nel in the reserve service forces in the over- most part to ensure that the living standards all strength of the PLA. of military personnel keep up with the na- China’s latest disarmament move will be tion’s social and economic development and carried out actively and steadily, and com- with the increase of the per capita incomes o pleted within the planned three years. The urban and rural residents, so as to improve reductions in the land, naval and air forces the living conditions of officers and men. 10 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44 account for 19 percent, 11.6 percent and 11 percent respectively. As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and a large coun- Stationing a Garrison in Hong Kong try in the Asia-Pacific region, China at- The Chinese government resumed exer- taches great importance to, and takes an act- cise of sovereignty over Hong Kong on July ive part in, international security coopera- 1, 1997, and stationed a garrison of the PLA tion by sticking to its principles and prom- in the Hong Kong Special Administrative ises, treating others in a sincere and friendly Region (HKSAR) to take charge of its de- way, and developing cooperation. fence affairs. The stationing of the PLA In recent years, China has actively car- troops in the Region is an important symbol ried out exchanges with foreign armed of the Chinese government’s resumption of forces on the basis of mutual equality and exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong. It mutual benefit. is also an important guarantee for the pre- So far, Chinese armed forces have estab- servation of state sovereignty and security lished relations with the armed forces of and the maintenance of the Region’s long- more than 100 other countries. term prosperity and stability. China has set up military attaches offices The PLA troops entered Hong Kong in more than 90 Chinese embassies abroad, strictly in accordance with provisions of the and some 60 countries have set up their mil- law. The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Spe- itary attaches offices in China. cial Administrative Region of the PRC, In the last 20 years, more than 1,300 passed at the Third Session of the Seventh Chinese military delegations, of which some NPC in April, 1990, clearly stipulated that 180 were headed by senior officers, have the Central People’s Government shall be visited over 80 countries. responsible for administrating the defence The positive, extensive foreign military affairs of the HKSAR. contacts on the part of the Chinese armed The Garrison Law of the Hong Kong forces have promoted mutual understanding Special Administrative Region of the PRC and trust between the PLA and other armed was approved at the 23rd meeting of the forces. Standing Committee of the Eighth NPC in The Chinese armed forces, which have December 1996, and came into effect on gone among the international community, July 1, 1997. have presented themselves before the world The Garrison Law stipulates that the as a civilised force and a force of peace, a Hong Kong Garrison shall not interfere in force which has made its due contributions the local affairs of the HKSAR; that its du- to keeping regional peace and peace ties are to perform routine defence service, throughout the world. administrate military facilities, handle relev- ant foreign-related military affairs, and en- sure the security and stability of Hong Promoting Confidence-building Meas- Kong; that its expenditures shall be borne ures by the Central People’s Government; and China places great stress on and actively that the garrison troops shall be rotated. promotes cooperation in confidence-build- ing measures(CBM), considering the estab- IV International Security Cooperation lishment of mutual trust between nations as an effective way to maintain security. 11 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44</p><p>In recent years, China has reached agree- ground while reserving differences, and pro- ments with some neighbouring countries on ceeding in an orderly way and step by step. confidence-building measures and reduction of military forces in border areas, which is Since 1993, when the NEACD was foun- an important step China has taken to devel- ded, China has attended all NEACD meet- op relations with other countries and pro- ings and, in 1996, hosted its fourth confer- mote regional peace and stability. ence in Beijing. Along with other member In April 1996, China and Russia, Kaza- states, China has also helped the NEACD to khstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan signed achieve unanimity on the guiding principle the Agreement on Confidence-Building in of cooperation between Northeast Asian the Military Field Along the Border Areas. countries. In November 1996, China and India China has held consultations in different signed the Agreement on Confidence-Build- forms with the United States, Russia, Japan, ing Measures in the Military Field Along France, Canada and Australia on issues of the Line of Actual Control in the China-In- common interest in the areas of security and dia Border Areas. defence. In addition, in 1994, China and Russia Officials and scholars of China’s Min- signed the Agreement on Prevention of dan- istry of National defence and other related gerous Military Activities and the Joint departments have participated, in increasing Statement by the President of the People’s breadth and depth, in various discussions Republic of China and the President of the and other activities on Asian-Pacific secur- Russian Federation on Non-First-Use of ity, which has promoted understanding and Nuclear Weapons and Detargeting of trust between China and the countries con- Strengthen Military Maritime Safety. cerned, and shown China’s positive inten- In June of the same year, President Jiang tions and efforts to maintain lasting peace in Zemin of China and President Bill Clinton the Asia-Pacific region. of the United States an announced that the two sides had decided not to target each oth- Participating in the UN Peace-Keeping er with the strategic nuclear weapons under Operations their respective control. As a permanent member of the UN Se- In addition, confidential direct hot-line curity Council, China has consistently en- telephone communication links have been gaged in efforts to maintain international established between the head of state of peace and security. China and the heads of state of Russia and Chinese personnel assisting UN peace- the United States. keeping operations have conscientiously fulfilled their responsibilities and made Regional Security Cooperation great contributions to world peace. Some of China advocates regional-security dia- them have even sacrificed their lives. logue and cooperation at different levels, through various channels and in different forms. Such dialogue and cooperation V. Arms Control and disarmament should follow these principles: participa- Since the end of the Cold War the inter- tioin on an equal footing, reaching unanim- national security situation has tended to re- ity through consultation, seeking common lax, and great advances have been made in international arms control and disarmament. 12 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44</p><p>But in spite of such progress, there are overhauled and rectified comprehensively, still some problems crying out for solutions and a fair and rational international non-pro- in the sphere of disarmament. The United liferation system should be set up through States and Russia still keep their large nuc- negotiations on the basis of universal parti- lear arsenals. In addition, a few military cipation. powers continue to stick to their Cold War China has steadfastly attended multilater- mentality and nuclear deterrence policy, al negotiations on arms control and disarma- strenuously developing highly advanced and ment, and some related international confer- sophisticated weapons, especially advanced ences. In April 1997, China and Russia, missile defence systems. The nuclear tests Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan conducted by India, and then by Pakistan, in signed the Agreement on Mutual Reduction May 1998 have not only seriously impeded of Military Forces in the Border Areas. international non-proliferation efforts, but China has also set up bilateral arms control have produced a grave impact on regional consultation mechanisms with many other and world peace and stability. countries. China has signed or ratified al- The Chinese government highly stresses most all the multilateral arms control treat- the importance of arms control and disarma- ies, and faithfully fulfilled its obligations ment work, and takes it as an important under those treaties, making a positive con- component of its overall diplomacy and de- tribution to the progress of international fence policy. The Chinese government arms control and disarmament. holds that the international community should promote fair, rational, comprehens- The Issue of Nuclear Weapons ive and balanced arms control and disarma- As a unclear-weapon state, China vigor- ment; the purpose of disarmament should be ously supports and participates in the inter- to reinforce, not weaken or undermine, the national non-nuclear proliferation efforts, security of all countries; the universality of promotes the process of nuclear disarma- the international arms control treaties ment and works hard for the realisation of should be enhanced; new treaties should be the final goal of the complete prohibition concluded through a broadly representative and thorough destruction of nuclear multilateral negotiations mechanism; those weapons world-wide. countries having the largest and most soph- China has consistently advocated the isticated conventional and nuclear arsenals complete prohibition and thorough destruc- should continue to fulfil their special re- tion of nuclear weapons. At the 51st Session sponsibilities for disarmament; efforts of the UN General Assembly in 1996 China should be made to prevent a few countries clearly put forward a five-point proposal on directing the target of disarmament at a nuclear disarmament: 1. The major nuclear broad spectrum of developing countries in powers should abandon the nuclear de- order to deprive them of their legitimate terrence policy, and the states having the right and means for self-defence, at the largest nuclear arsenals should continue to same time taking advantage of their own ad- drastically reduce their nuclear weapons vanced military technology and superior stockpiles; 2. All nuclear-weapon states economic strength to seek absolute security should commit themselves not to be the first and military superiority; the existing dis- to use nuclear weapons at any time and in criminatory and exclusive export control any circumstances, undertake uncondition- mechanisms and arrangements should be ally not to use or threaten to use nuclear 13 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44 weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states ations on the CTBT from beginning to end, or nuclear-weapon-free zones, and conclude and signed it on September 24, 1996, the a legally binding international document as first day the treaty was opened for signature. soon as possible; 3. All states which have China supports the early conclusion of the deployed nuclear weapons outside their bor- Convention on Banning the Production of ders should withdraw all these weapons Fissile Materials for Nuclear Weapons or home, and all nuclear-weapon states should Other Nuclear Explosive Devices (FMCT). pledge to support the proposal on establish- For this purpose, the foreign ministers of ing nuclear-weapon-free zones, respect the China and the United States issued a joint status of such zones and undertake corres- statement in October 1994, saying that the ponding obligations; 4. No state should ne- two countries would make joint efforts to gotiate and conclude an international con- promote an early conclusion of a multilater- vention on the complete prohibition and al, non-discriminatory and effectively veri- thorough destruction of nuclear weapons. fiable FMCT as soon as possible on the From the first day it possessed nuclear basis of the mandate contained in the Shan- weapons, China has solemnly declared its non Report. China supports the IAEA’s Pro- determination not to be the first to use such gram for Strengthening the Effectiveness weapons at any time and in any circum- and Promoting the Efficiency of the Safe- stances, and later undertook unconditionally guard System (93 “2 Program), and prom- not to use or threaten to use nuclear ises that, on the basis of voluntary safe- weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states guard, China will negotiate and conclude or nuclear-weapon-free zones. China vigor- with the IAEA a legally binding document ously supports the efforts of the relevant at a proper time, and will adopt measures countries to establish nuclear-free zones on corresponding to the obligations China un- a voluntary basis, and has signed and ap- dertakes in accordance with the first article proved the relevant protocols of the Treaty of the NPT. for the Prohibition on Nuclear Weapons in As the international situation is tending Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of to relax and relations between the major Tlatelolco), the south Pacific Nuclear-Free powers continue to improve, China believes Zone Treaty (Treaty of Rarotonga) and the that the conditions are now ripe for nuclear- African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty weapon states to undertake not to be the (treaty of Pelindaba). In April 1995 China first to use nuclear weapons against each issued an official statement, reiterating its other. So, in January 1994, China formally commitment to unconditionally provide presented a draft for the Treaty on the Non- non-nuclear-weapon states and nucle- First-Use of Nuclear weapons to the United ar-weapon-free zones with negative security States, Russia , Britain and France, propos- assurance, and for the first time promised to ing that the five nuclear-weapon states hold provide them with positive security assur- discussions on the treaty as soon as pos- ance. sible. China holds that such a treaty will In March 1992 China acceded to the help to promote mutual trust among nucle- NPT and has faithfully fulfilled its interna- ar-weapon states and further reduce the tional obligations to prevent the prolifera- danger of nuclear war. While energetically tion of nuclear weapons and made contribu- promoting negotiations for conclusion of a tions to the indefinite extension of the multilateral treaty, China also actively treaty. China was represented at the negoti- seeks, together with other nuclear-weapon 14 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44 states, to undertake, on a bilateral basis, not poses to benefit mankind. To this end, be the first to use nuclear weapons against China stands for the complete prohibition each other. So far, China and Russia have and thorough destruction of weapons de- already made such a promise to each other. ployed in outer space. It opposes the devel- The Issue of Chemical and Biological opment of anti-satellite weapons. As early Weapons as at the founding of the Ad Hoc Committee The Chinese government has always of the Conference on Disarmament on the stood for the complete prohibition and thor- Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space, ough destruction of chemical weapons. China submitted to it a paper on China’s po- China signed the CWC in January 1993, rat- sition on the Prevention of an Arms Race in ified the convention in December 1996 and Outer Space (CD/579). Many countries deposited the instruments of ratification on have supported China’s position. April 25, 1997, thus becoming an original The Issue of Anti-Personnel Land- signatory state to the CWC. mines China has been a victim of chemical China has all along attached great im- weapons. Large quantities of chemical portance to the problem of threat to inno- weapons abandoned by Japanese aggressor cent people caused by the indiscriminate use troops are found in China to this day, which of antipersonnel landmines (APLs). It is in still threaten the lives and property of the favour of imposing proper and rational re- local people and the environment in which strictions on the use and transfer of APLs in they live. In view of this China demands a bid to achieve the ultimate objective of that, in keeping with the stipulations of the comprehensive prohibition of such land- convention, any country that has left chem- mines through a phased approach. In the ical weapons in another country destroy, as meantime, the Chinese government main- soon as possible, such weapons wholly and tains that in addressing the problem of thoroughly. APLs, consideration should be given to both China advocates the complete prohibition humanitarian concern and the legitimate de- and thorough destruction of biological fence requirements of sovereign states. To weapons. It opposes the production, devel- safeguard the safety of their people by sov- opment and stockpiling of biological ereign states through legitimate military weapons by any country, and the prolifera- means, including the use of APLs in accord- tion of such weapons and related technology ance with the purposes and principles of the in any form by any country. In November Charter of the United Nations itself is part 1984 China acceded to the Convention on and parcel of humanitarianism. the Prohibition of the development, Produc- The Chinese government has all along tion and Stockpiling of Bacteriological adopted a very prudent and responsible atti- (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on tude toward landmine export. In December Their Destruction (BWC). As a state party 1994, China joined in the UN General As- to the BWC, China has fully and conscien- sembly’s consultation on its resolution con- tious fulfilled its obligations under the con- cerning the moratorium on the export of vention. APLs. In April 1996, the Chinese govern- The Issue of Keeping Outer Space ment solemnly declared its suspension of Weapon-Free export of APLs that are not compatible with Outer space belongs to all mankind, and those APLs provided for in the Amended should be used exclusively for peaceful pur- Landmine Protocol to the CCW. 15 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44</p><p>Control of the Export of Sensitive Ma- conflicting with the purpose of the conven- terials and Military Equipment tion. The Chinese government agrees that ne- With regard to the transfer of military cessary measures should be adopted to ap- equipment and related technology, China re- ply effective international control to the spects the right of every country to inde- transfer of sensitive materials and technolo- pendent or collective self-defence and to ac- gies in order to prevent the proliferation of quisition of weapons for this purpose in ac- weapons of mass destruction and their carri- cordance with the principles contained in ers. However, at the same time, China holds the Charter of the United Nations, but at the that international efforts to prevent such same time it is concerned about the adverse proliferation should follow the principle of effects on world security and regional sta- fairness and rationality, and opposes a bility arising from excessive accumulations double standard whereby anti-proliferation of weaponry. is used as a pretext to infringe upon the sov- For many years until the early 1980s, ereignty of other countries and harm normal China did not engage in weapons exports, international cooperation and exchanges in and since then the volume of such exports the fields of economy, trade and science and has been limited. Beginning in the mid- technology. 1980s, China’s export of military products China attaches great importance to con- has been on the decrease: The volume of trol over the export of sensitive materials, contracted business was just over two bil- and has implemented a series of administra- lion US dollars worth in 1987, dropped to tion measures regarding the transfer of sens- 600 million US dollars worth in 1991, and itive materials on the basis of international did not exceed one billion US dollars within practice. the following years. The 1993-97 records of Regarding nuclear exports, China, a sig- the UN register of conventional arms ex- natory to the NPT, has pursued a policy of ports and imports of various countries show not supporting, encouraging or engaging in that China’s exports of conventional the proliferation of nuclear weapons and not weapons are small compared to those of assisting any other country to develop such some other countries. weapons. It has laid down three principles China practices strict control of the trans- regarding nuclear exports: They should fer of conventional military equipment and serve peaceful purposes only; they should related technologies, and observes the fol- accept the safeguards of the IAEA; and they lowing principles: The export of weapons should not be retransferred to a third coun- must help the recipient nation enhance its try without China’s consent. capability for legitimate self-defence; it China has always been cautious and re- must not impair peace, security and stability sponsible regarding the exports administra- of the relevant region and the world as a tion of chemicals. It does not export chem- whole; and it must not be used to interfere icals that can be used to manufacture chem- in the recipient state’s internal affairs. Since ical weapons, nor does it export related 1992 China has participated in the United technologies and equipment. It supports Nations’ register of conventional arms normal international cooperation in chemic- transfers (Tables 5 and 6). al materials in accordance with the CWC, In October 1997, the Chinese govern- and opposes any export control mechanism ment published the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Control 16 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44 of Military Products Export, stipulating that the Chinese government promised to ob- a licensing system shall be practised for serve the then guidelines and parameters of China’s weapons exports, and all external the MTCR in February 1992. In October transfers of domestic military products shall 1994, China reaffirmed its promise and un- be carried out by the departments authorised dertook the obligation of not exporting by the government and companies approved ground-to-ground missiles inherently cap- and registered by the government, that con- able of reaching a range of at least 300 kilo- tracts of military products transfers must re- metres with a payload of at least 500 kilo- quire approval from the relevant competent grams. In line with the above policy, China government departments before taking ef- has exercised strict and effective control fect, and that important items of arms ex- over the export of missiles and related ma- ports must be submitted to the State Council terials and has never done anything in viola- and the Central Military Commission for tion of its commitments. approval . The principles and measures to prevent China has been consistently cautious and the proliferation of weaponry and unwarran- responsible regarding the transfer of mis- ted transfers of military equipment that siles. China is not a member state of the China has consistently upheld have helped Missile Technology Control Regime to promote the development of international (MTCR) and has not joined its formulation arms control and disarmament in a whole- and revision, but, in accordance with Chin- some way, and to maintain world peace and a’s consistent position on non-proliferation regional stability. and its principles concerning arms exports,</p><p>17 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44</p><p>China Strives for Sustained Development</p><p>The Agenda 21 was adopted at the UN In this regard, thoughtful economic pro- Environment & Development Conference gramme should be worked out in the in- at Rie de Janeiro in 1992. At the Summit terests of our descendants with view of cre- Session of the Conference, Mr. Li Peng, ating better conditions for the future devel- then Premier, on behalf of the Chinese gov- opment. We should by no means follow the ernment explained that China is committed beaten track of wasting resources and pol- to sustained development, a historical com- luting the environment, and then taking mitment for a better future for the coming measures to eliminate it, still less should we generations in the largest developing coun- exhaust what our forefathers have left over try across the world. and leave nothing to the generations to A few years passed before the strategy come for a living. of sustained development has gained na- The sustained development is defined as tion-wide popularity in China, and also re- an important guideline and strategy in corded notable progress in its environment- China’s Ninth Five-year Plan and the 2010 al protection work in some key areas. The Long-term Program for Social and Eco- sustained development, a necessary option nomic Development, a major policy-de- to meet the needs of advancing the national cision for advancing economic and social economy and the society, is showing full progress. vigour and vitality. By introducing the strategy of sus- In March 1994, China’s Agenda 21---a tained development, China strives to bring White Paper on China’s Population, Envir- about a new mode of development so as to onment and Development in the 21st Cen- bring the national economy and social de- tury---was adopted at an executive meeting velopment onto the right and smooth track. of the State Council presided over by Over the years, the means of production Premier Li Peng, which defined the sus- and subsistence, way of thinking, and hu- tained development as the strategic object- man relations have all been undergoing ive for promoting growth of the national changes in the history-honoured China. economy and co-ordinated development of The past experiences show that there society, resources and environment. would be no sustained development to To advance a prosperous and stable speak of if a country remains backward and China into the 21st century, CPC General poor economically. While speeding up its Secretary Jiang Zemin pointed out with vis- national economic development, China ion at the 4th National Environmental Pro- takes major environmental protection meas- tection Meeting; We must make the sus- ures, reflected in the pollution eradication tained development the top priority of our projects covered as follows: modernisation drive. Population, environ- In conformity with the overall plan of ment and resources must be taken into con- the State, preventive and pollution-elimina- sideration when developing our economy. tion measures are strictly enforced in such</p><p>18 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44 areas as the Huaihe River, the Haihe River, lished through out the country. With trees- the Liaohe River, the Taihu Lake and the planting and key afforestation projects Chaohu Lake, and in key areas subjected to pressed foreword further, notable progress direct impact of sulphur dioxide and acid have been made in some wind-and- rain. Of these projects, prevention and dust-stricken areas. elimination of the pollutants in the Huaihe In addition to efforts made to enforce the River so far have recorded unmatched pro- sustained development-related policies, gress. China continues to upgrade law enforce- Work is being done actively in light of ment, strengthen supervision and crack the National Plan on Control of Pollutant down illicit actions which seriously pro- Discharge(NPCPD for short) and the Na- duce pollution or do damage to the environ- tional Programme on Trans-century Affor- ment. estation Project. Since the end of 1997, The rapid economic growth and urban- more than 700 projects have gone into op- isation process in China have caused eration with a half of the input totalled enormous strain on resources and environ- 86.98 billion Yuan RMB. One hundred and ment. Implementing the strategy of sus- eighty projects have been completed with a tained development, China faces quite a total investment of 10.66 billion Yuan few difficulties and challenges as follows: RMB. the huge population is a major source of Marked progress has been recorded in strain; the per capita arable land, water, environmental protection in both urban forest and some major mineral resources areas and natural reserves. Twenty-eight will decrease further in years to come; the cities including Shanghai, Nanjing, Beijing, quality of national economy on the whole is etc. have begun releasing the weekly air still poor due to heavy industrial pollution; quality-test data through the city-based me- different regions still face uneven economic dia. With the richest natural species in the development; there are still 50 million of world, China has set up over 900 natural re- rural population even without adequate serves and over 200 refugee centres to pro- food and clothing; inadequate input in agri- tect wildlife and plants from extinguishing culture, infrastructure facilities, weakness across the country. in fighting disasters as well as the arduous Carrying out the adjustments in product- task of well managing the State-owned en- s-mix and industrial restructuring, local terprises all stand in the way of pollution-e- governments have suspended and closed a liminating work. So pollution and ecologic- total of 65244 enterprises involving small al degradation are becoming worse in gen- paper mills, printing shops, dyeing mills, eral. leather-making mills and coke ovens with By adopting the sustained development heavy pollutants and waste. Twenty strategy, the Chinese government encour- provinces, autonomous regions and muni- ages diligence and devotion to giving full cipalities have given special attention to play to science and technology as the bringing the heavy pollution problems un- primary productive force. It attaches equal der tight control. importance to both prevention and elimina- Inspired by the achievements made in tion of industrial pollution and protection of ecological agriculture zones nation-wide, ecological balance. It also takes preventive another 100 similar ecological agriculture measures to eliminate air pollution by in- zones at provincial level have been estab- dustrial restructuring and turning out more 19 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44 environment-friendly products. Water and standardise pollutant discharge for all in- soil conservation work will be stepped up dustrial sectors by 2000. in the Yellow River Valley. Meanwhile, it Implimenting the strategy of sustained will change its mode of agricultural produc- development, China will surely take an en- tion in the hope of bringing about an earlier tirely new look in the new century after implementation of the NPCPD and the Af- overcoming these difficulties and problems. forestation programme. China plans to</p><p>20 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44</p><p>Lies Unable to Shadow Splendid Contributions Made by Chinese People for Maintaining Peace</p><p>By Huang Xuehui</p><p>Over the past period, especially around armament steps generally appreciated in the last May during which India wantonly con- international community. China completed ducted nuclear tests, some important Indian the reduction of the armed forces by over government figures viciously spread one million from 1985 to 1987. China has “China threat” fallacy and slandered China controlled the defence budget at the neces- as a India’s No. 1 hidden threat in order to sary low level, whose proportion of the seek pretexts for its development of nuclear GDP came down to 1.09 percent in 1997 capability. However, the fact speaks louder, from 4.64¡ppercent in 1987. Having carried and lies are unable to cover up the reality. out the military conversion program in a As its is known for a quite long time that planned way, China has converted a large active defence is a long-tern military stra- number of the military facilities including tegic principle of the new China since its military airports and ports to civilian use or founding. Just as the late senior leader for use by both the military and civilian, Deng Xiaoping repeatedly emphasised, our opened to the society several hundred spe- strategy is always defence, it should also be cial military railway lines, and the national the strategic defence after 20 years ... It defence industry shifted to civilian produc- should be the strategic defence again even tion on large scale. China is modernised in the future. This In September 1997, CPC General Sec- strategy is decided by the state system and retary Jiang Zemin declared solemnly, the fundamental policy of the country, and China will reduce its armed force by also reflected the national overall develop- 500,000 in three-year period on the basis of ment strategy in the military field. Since cutting the military down by over a million 1978, China has persistently carried out re- strong in the 1980s. The fact that China has form and opening-up policies, whole- taken active actions in disarmament heartedly engaged in the socialist economic demonstrates to the world that China firmly construction in conformity with the overall adheres to the military strategic principle of national strategy of “taking the economic active defence. The China’s defence build- construction as the central task”. In order to ing is not directed at any country, and does concentrate the limited resources on the na- not constitute any threat to any country. tional reconstruction and economic devel- Internationally, China has actively parti- opment, the Chinese government, under cipated in the arms control and the disarma- the conditions of keeping the necessary de- ment negations, and proposed practical and fence force so as to safeguard the national rational proposals aimed at promoting the sovereignty and independence, has taken a international arms control and disarmament lead in adopting a series of unilateral dis- process. As far as 1963, the Chinese gov- 21 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44 ernment put forward the idea of banning tual respect for sovereignty and territorial and destroying nuclear weapons compre- integrity, mutual non-aggression, mutual hensively, thoroughly, completely and res- non-interference in each other’s internal af- olutely. Far back on the very first day when fairs, equality and mutual benefit and possessing nuclear weapons, China sol- peaceful coexistence. These principles ex- emnly undertook commitments to the tensively cristylize the norms of the inter- world: China will not be the fist to use nuc- national laws and reflected the essential lear weapons at any time and under any cir- feature of the new type of international re- cumstances, will not use or threaten to use lations, welcomed and supported by the nuclear weapons against non-nuclear broad peace-loving countries and peoples, weapon states and nuclear-weapons-free and increasingly show its powerful vitality. zones. China is the only nuclear weapon Just like the late Chinese leader Deng state that has the courage and determination Xiaoping pointed out, the Five Principles of to undertake such commitments. In addi- Peaceful Coexistence have withstood the tion, China has signed and ratified a series test of the times. It can serve countries with of treaties on international arms control and different systems, and countries at different disarmament, not only seriously performed development stages, can serve all the its duties, but also unilaterally undertaken neighbouring countries. China is among the some obligations that other countries re- initiators of the Five Principles and its also fused to do so. China has issued a state- loyal performer. The Five Principles of ments on security assurance to other con- Peaceful Coexistence has been written into tras, undertaking to take actions within the the Constitution of the PRC. Over the past UN Security Council so as to provide a ne- decades under the guidance of the Five cessary assistance to the nuclear-attacked Principles, China has enhanced solidarity county and to level strict and effective and co-operation with the largest number of sanctions against the striking-country developing countries, has fairly and ration- whichever a non-nuclear country is at- ally settled the complicated border prob- tacked. In July 1996, responding to the re- lems inherited from history with the neigh- quests of the broad non-nuclear weapons bours, hence, setting up a typical model for states and to promote the negations on the other regions and countries in the world to NBT with deeds, China announced peacefully solve border problems. Regard- moratorium on the nuclear test. In Septem- ing the Nansha Islands and Diaoyu Islands ber of the same year after the UN General whose sovereignty belonging to China, the Assembly adopted the treaty, it is China Chinese government, in conformity with that took a lead in signing it. All these hard Deng Xiaoping’s vision of shelving the facts incontrovertibly argues that China fol- disputes for common development, has lows the military strategy of active defence, been actively exploring the channels to ease which does not constitute any threat to any and solve contradictions with the countries country. concerned in the spirit of mutual respect It shall not be forgotten that 44 years and consolations on equal footing, which ago, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Indian has earned the increasing understanding Prime Minister Nehru and Marie Prime and support of the international community. Minister U Nu together promoted and es- At the same time, China has established in- tablished five principles to be followed in creasingly close friendly relations of co-op- handling state-state relations, namely, mu- eration with the developed countries in 22 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44 areas of politics and trade and other fields, Chinese people are industriously sow the and has made positive contributions to the seed of peace, their genuine endeavour to global peace, stability and prosperity. contribute to the cause of peace has and Over 100 years before 1949, the shall bear out that China is always a posit- Chinese people, suffered from the invasion, ive factor and a staunch force for maintain- bullying and cut-up for a long time by the ing regional stability and world peace, pro- imperialist powers , do not only hate ag- moting the common development of man- gression and expansion and treasure the in- kind. dependence and peace achieved at then cost China and India, located as neighbour- of blood and lives given by numerous mar- ing countries, both are ancient civilisations, tyrs, but also wish to build their homes in a between which the friendly exchanges and peaceful environment and live a stable and traditional friendship on written record can happy life. “Do not do to others what you be traced back over 2000 years ago. It can would not have them do to you” The be acknowledged that China and India have Chinese people shall never inflict their past been good friends and good neighbours sufferings onto others. Currently, holding since ancient times. The two countries high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping shared a lot in common in the history, and Theory, the Chinese people are pushing now are confronted with the identical task forward the cause of building socialism of developing the national economy and with Chinese characteristics into the 21st improving the people’s life. The Chinese century in an all-dimensional way. As a de- people value the traditional friendship with veloping country with the biggest popula- the Indian people, and fully aware that the tion, the Chinese people are well aware that adherence to neighbouring relations in China is closely linked with the destiny of amity, development of friendship, expan- the people in Asia and the whole world. sion of co-operation are not only meeting The development of China cant be separ- the fundamental interests of the two ated from Asia and the world, and the de- peoples, but can also produce major impact velopment of Asia and the world also needs on peace in Asia as well as in the world. I China. Therefore, China shall consistently firmly believe that the traditional friendship follow the independent foreign policy of between the peoples of the two countries peace, and continues to expand the friendly will bound to break through all obstacles, relations of co-operation with all countries and shall continuously flow like the Yang- in the world on the basis of the Five Prin- zhi River and the Ganges River. ciples of Peaceful Coexistence. The (The author is a CPAPD Co-ordinator)</p><p>23 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44</p><p>Military Conversion in China</p><p>The year of 1979 marked the start of a having played an important part in strength- strategic shift of China’s national defence ening national defence and safeguarding industry(NDI) characterised by military national security. With a scientific judge- conversion to civilian production. As a res- ment on the international situation, the ult of nearly two decades of unremitting ef- Chinese government gradually shifted the forts coupled with a series of major read- priority of domestic work on the economic justments, the outstanding contributions to development and initiated conversion of the the national economic development and military industrial enterprises. Armaments rocketing achievements in the military con- plants with pure products for the military version by China NDI have attracted world are converted to manufacture both military attention in its shift to the civilian services. and civilian products, with only responsib- China’s military conversion received a ility for scientific research and production little international attention when it first to responsibility for operation and market- started in response to the changes in the in- ing, from self-closed mode to opening-up ternational situation and shift of the nation- to the outside world, from the highly cent- al priorities. Not until the end of the Cold ralised system to the socialist market sys- War when there were military conversion tem. Deng Xiaoping, then in charge of the waves around the world, did people realise Central Military Committee, said, the na- that China had played a leading role in tional defence industry should combine the transforming its military enterprises in the production for both military and civilian world. As early as in 1993 when the Inter- purposes, should make the service to the national Conference on Military Conver- military as the central task, and engage in sion was convened in Hong Kong, the fol- combination of military and civilian pro- lowing comments were made: it is China duction. The general principle is that at that has done the best in the global military least half of the staff employed can engage conversion and it is the military enterprises in civilian production. When automation is in the South-west of China that have done in place in the future, even 2/3 of the em- the best job. After visiting respectively a ployees can be assigned to civilian produc- number of military facilities in the South- tion. It was then that China began the ef- west of China, the President of the Organ- forts to convert its military enterprises to isation of Economic Cooperation and De- civilian production. velopment and an American Observation In the early days of the conversion, Delegation commented that the success China’s NDI encountered a great deal of achieved there is worthwhile for the United difficulties due to lack of experience, and States and Russia to learn from. failed to tap the potentials of the military By the end of the 1970s, China’s NDI industrial enterprises. Under the circum- had developed into a sizeable industrial stances, in order to facilitate the conversion system with complete functions, co-ordin- process, governmental departments con- ated facilities and a huge working team, cerned have intensified the guidance and</p><p>24 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44 research on the work of integrating the mil- the NDI into the overall strategy for eco- itary with the civilian production, outlined nomic development. plans for the development of civilian To date, China’s NDI has established products by military factories so that the 600-pus production lines for civilian pur- military conversion is going in-depth poses, capable of manufacturing 15,000 gradually. It can be viewed that the full types of civilian products falling into 50 decade of the 1980s marked a period of categories, which cover almost all the ma- sound development of the Chinese military jor sectors of the national economy includ- conversion. ing telecommunications, energy, transport- Since the late 1980s, the Chinese gov- ation, textile, health, construction etc.. Ci- ernment has actively taken measures and vilian production by the NDI in recent steps in response to the changing condi- years has recorded progressive annual tions, thus enriching and expanding the growth rate of more that 20% and the total conversion, and raising the conversion output value of the civilian products ac- work to a new stage. counted for as high as 80% of the total out- Regarding the military conversion, Pres- put value of by the NDI. The total output ident Jiang Zemin has point out in explicit value of civilian products by the military terms that to conduct the military -civilian facilities in the South-west of China has cooperation constitutes an important com- been growing at an average rate of 32% an- ponent of the national economic develop- nually and its total output value against the ment strategy and push the NDI to serve the total output value in the South-west jumped national economic development and mod- to around 93% currently as compared to ernisation of the national defence. The re- 11% in 1979. It can be believed that civil- sponsibilities in this regard rest not only on ian production of the NDI has become a the relevant departments in charge of sci- significant contributor to local and national ence and technology of the NDI alone, but economic growth. also local governments at all levels across Taking active steps to engage in interna- the country. He added that in places where tional co-operation and exchanges, China’s the military industrial enterprises relatively NDI has so far established economic and concentrate, the provincial leadership technical links with scores of countries and should give special attention to conducting regions in the world. a serious and comprehensive studies on ways to incorporate resources available to</p><p>25 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44</p><p>Five Years of Marked Progress in Tibet</p><p>At a press conference held on the side- 600 projects. The projects from the central lines of the First Session of the Ninth Na- government and other provinces have con- tional People’s Congress(Chinese Parlia- tributed enormously to the rapid economic ment )in March 1998, Mr. Redi, Director of growth, exchanges between the Region and the Standing Committee of the People’s the hinterland of the country, unity between Congress of the Tibetan Autonomous Re- Tibetans and other ethnic groups. It can be gion, and Mr. Jiangcun Loubu, Governor of said that the past 5 years have been one of Tibet, both gave brief account of current the best periods of stability and prosperity economic and social development and also in Tibet. answered reporters’ questions. Mr. Redi pointed out, Tibet constitutes Mr. Redi told the press conference that an important member of the Chinese nation Tibet today enjoys a gratifying situation as a big family. The Tibetan people have a characterised by political stability, econom- glorious tradition of loving the motherland, ic growth, social progress, unity among eth- combating foreign aggression and opposing nic groups and fortified defence on the na- splittist attempts. The Tibetan people firmly tional border. Although part of Tibet was believe that only Tibet remains a part of the hit by devastating snowstorms in 1997, the motherland and follows unswervingly the economic situation as a whole maintained path of socialism with Chinese characterist- good momentum for development. The ics under the leadership of the Communist GDP amounted to 7.35 billion yuan RMB, Party of China, can it have a bright future. up 10% from the previous year in real Making Tibet more prosperous has been terms, recording a double-digit growth rate not only an ardent expectation of the Party for 4 years in a row and bumper harvest of and the government, but also the common grain production for 10 years running. The desire of the people of various ethnic Tibetan people have enjoyed a higher groups in Tibet. standard of living and overall progress in As a witness of both the old and the new various social undertakings. New steps Tibet, Mr. Redi briefed the reporters about have been taken to promote socialist ethical the tremendous changes Tibet has under- and cultural progress, improve democracy gone by his personal experiences. He said and the legal system, comprehensively and that Tibetans like him, who had lived correctly implement the policies of the through the old Tibet, have more day on the Party and the government on freedom of re- period being the best during which the ligious belief. In addition to the 62 projects greatest changes occurred. financed by the central government, which Mr. Redi described the period since the was decided at the Third Conference on reform and opening-up as one of the best Assisting Tibet, it has in recent years re- periods protecting Tibetan traditional cul- ceived assistance in varied forms from the ture, during which remarkable progress is rest of the country, involving more than made. Since the end of the “Cultural Re-</p><p>26 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44 volution”, the central government has taken education, science and technology, but still a series of measures to implement policies remains relatively backward compared with on ethnic groups, has spent hundreds of the rest of the country. Some progress has millions of yuan RMB repairing monaster- been made in implementing the strategy of ies and temples and protecting cultural rel- “invigorating Tibet through science and ics. In today’s Tibet, the people enjoy a technology”. Presently, education is devel- happy life with freedom of religious beliefs oping soundly, with fast growth of all types and normal religious activities legally guar- of schools at different levels. anteed. He said that in the course of developing When asked about Tibet’s future eco- the economy, government at all levels nomic development and environment pro- across Tibet have paid due attention to en- tection, Governor Jiangcun Loubu told re- vironmental protection .Both the Standing porters that any measure taken for the eco- Committee of the People’s Congress and nomic development has to be based on the the government of Tibetan Autonomous actual conditions in Tibet. It is, therefore, Region have enacted a number of laws and necessary for Tibet to take advantage of its regulations governing the protection of abundant natural resources and turn re- wildlife and ecological environment. To sources advantage into economic advantage date, 13 nature reserves have been set up, so as to speed up economic development. accounting for 28% of the total area. Mr. Jiangcun Loubu noted it is true that Tibet has achieved remarkable progress in</p><p>27 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44</p><p>Mongolian Peace Activists Visit China</p><p>At the invitation of the Chinese People’s ducive to communicating feelings of people Association for Peace and Dis- of different countries and to enhancing their armament(CPAPD), a four-member delega- mutual trust and understanding, and eventu- tion of the Federation of Mongolian Peace ally leading to development of the state re- and Friendship Organisations headed by its lations. president Mr. Ch. Batjargal visited China Member of the National Committee of last April. the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Mme. He Luli, Vice-Chairwoman of Conference and CPAPD Vice-President, the Standing Committee of the National Mr. Zhu Shanqing chaired a working ses- People’s Congress and President of the sion with the visiting delegation, exchan- CPAPD met with the visiting delegation ging views on a wide range of issues such and hosted a dinner in its honour in Beijing. as the international situation, Asian region- She expressed warm welcome to the deleg- al security, expansion of cooperation ation and hoped the cooperation between between the two peace organisations and the two organisations will be further expan- some other issues of common concern. ded in the future. Touching on exchanges In addition to Beijing, the delegation between non-governmental organisations, took a trip to Xian, where it toured places she believed that the mutual exchanges of historical interest, an economic develop- between NGOs in different countries is an ment zone, factories and villages, etc. The important component of state-to-state rela- delegation is deeply impressed by and con- tions. Exchanges through multiple-channels siderably satisfied with the visit. and in multi-forms between NGOs are con-</p><p>28 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44 CPAPD Delegation Attends Conferences by World Peace Council at Senegal</p><p>At the co-invitation of the World Peace proved the 1998 Program for Action, WPC. Council(WPC) and Senegal Peace Move- The Executive Council also adopted an ment, a 3-member delegation of the emergency declaration on situation in the CPAPD headed by Secretary-General Chen Gulf, strongly denouncing the threat of a Jifeng attended in the capacity of observer war imposed upon Iraq by the US. the International Seminar on Peace and De- Making a special speech at the Seminar, velopment, the African Regional Commit- Secretary-General Chen Jifeng expounded tee Meeting, WPC and WPC Executive the relationship between peace and devel- Council Meeting held in Dakar, Senegal opment and gave brief account of the de- from February 19-22, 2998. velopments on reform and opening-up in Nearly a hundred delegates from 20 or China. His speech was very well received. so countries were present at the three meet- Having a broad contact with participants of ings. The International Seminar on Peace various countries, the CPAPD delegation and Development focused on peace and de- held a series of bilateral meetings with velopment within Africa and approaches to leaders of some peace organisations and conflict prevention, economic development came up with some tentative ideas on bilat- and aid in particular. The fact that more eral exchanges. than half of the participants came from The meetings promoted understanding Africa provided the CPAPD delegation and friendship between the CPAPD and the with a chance to listen to views and solu- WPC as well as its member organisation. It tions of Africans colleagues on problems in especially enhanced our understanding of the process of seeking peace and develop- Senegal, the host country. ment. The WPC Executive Council ap-</p><p>29 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44</p><p>CPAPD Delegation Attends Seminar in Commemoration of AAPSO 40 Anniversary</p><p>At the invitation of AAPSO, a five mem- progress in the Afro-Asian countries. They ber delegation of the Chinese People’s As- also pointed out that the AAPSO was neg- sociation for Peace and atively influenced by the confrontation Disarmament(CPAPD) headed by CPAPD between the two superpowers, and hope to Vice-President and Member of the National make serious summary through the convoc- Committee of Chinese People’s Political ation of the seminar so as to give its role to consultative Conference, Mme. Huan an international NGO in the complex global Guoying in the capacity of observers atten- circumstances. ded the seminar entitled Afro-Asian Peoples On the basis of the key-note speeches by Solidarity Organisation: Experience and AAPSO President Galleb and Secretary- Future Perspective in commemoration of General Razzak, centring on the 5 topics of AAPSO 40 anniversary, and after the sem- South-South Coopearation in globalization, inar paid a good-will visit to Egypt from 4- Southeast Asian Financial Crisis, Demo- 10 May. Participants represented national cracy and Human-rights particularly in the AAPSOs from 14 countries such as Russia, developing countries, Ethnic conflict as India, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Morocco, well ad the role of the NGOs in meeting the Mozambique. National AAPSOs of Japan, challenge of the 21st century, the parti- Sri Lanka and Pakistan sent congratulatory cipants conducted heated discussions messages to the seminar. Both Egyptian CPAPD Vice-President, Mme. Huan Foreign Minister and Arab League Secret- Guoying delivered a speech at the seminar, ary-General designated personal represent- giving positive interpretation of the histor- atives to attend the seminar and deliver con- ical role played by the AAPSO, briefing the gratulatory addresses. Diplomats from 8 Chinese independent foreign policy of Embassies including Cuba, DPR. Korea, peace and reform and opening-up policies, Singapore, Tunisia, Germany, etc. present at taking an active part in the discussions, ex- the seminar. pressing her personal understandings of the AAPSO President M. Ghalleb and Sec- East-Asian financial crisis as well as the retary-General N. A. Razzak respectively worthwhile lessons to be learnt from the made key-note speeches at the seminar in out-break of the financial crisis. Vice-Pres- commemoration of the founding of the ident Huan Guoying was also interviewed AAPSO. They both emphasised the fact by the Cairo Evening News, expressing that objective of AAPSO is enshrined in the heartfelt thanks to the Egyptian people on spirit and objective of the Bandong Confer- behalf of the CPAPD, and wished the ence, and the AAPSO has done a lot of use- friendship between the people of the two ful work and made due contributions to the ancient civilisations ever last. cause of co-ordinating and promoting the During the seminar in session, Mme. maintenance of the national independence Huan also met with Mr. M. L. Titarenko, and sovereignty, developing national eco- President of the Russian Society for Co- nomy and strengthening social stability and operation with Asian-African Countries. 30 Peace June-September 1997 Serial No.44</p><p>Other delegation members also separately has given new image to the pyramids, the met with Mr. C. Yadav, First-Vice Presid- Sound and Light Program makes the pyr- ent of Indian AAPSO, Mr. Biswas, General amid even more magnificent. The delega- -Secretary of All-Indian Peace and Solidar- tion visited the Alexandra Port as well, ity Organisation, Mr. Anisuzzaman of through which it experienced the busy work Bangladesh AAPSO and Mr. B. Asdech of and colourful life of the Egyptian people. Maroc AAPSO. The meetings helped en- What is attracting the sight of the delega- hance mutual understanding between the tion is the green areas in the desert along CPAPD and other counterpart organisa- the high way between Cairo and Alexandra, tions, both sides expressed the hope to keep which reflected the efforts made by the in contact, exchange publications so as to people for harnessing desert. facilitate further exchanges. The delegation also called on the Inter- After the seminar, the CPAPD delega- national Strategic Research Centre, the Pyr- tion paid a short visit to Egypt. So it had a amid Newspaper, and exchanged views on great opportunity to tour the well-known the Mid-East peace process. pyramid, saw with their own eyes the `mag- Through attendance of the seminar and nificence of the ancient civilisation and ar- visit to the host country, mutual under- chitecture created by the industrious and standing has been enhanced between the creative Egyptian people. The development CPAPD and the relevant AAPSOs so that a of the electronic optics in the 21 century good foundation is laid for further develop- ment of bilateral relations in the future.</p><p>31</p>

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