Department of Educational Foundations and Literacy

Department of Educational Foundations and Literacy

<p> CAROL MIHALEVICH, PH.D. Professor of Literacy Education Department of Educational Foundations and Literacy</p><p>DEGREES 1972 BSE Elementary Education, University of Missouri-Kansas City</p><p>1978 MSE Master of Science in Reading Education, University of Missouri-Kansas City</p><p>1990 Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy in Reading Education, University of Missouri-Kansas City</p><p>PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES 1990-Present University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, Missouri Professor of Literacy Education, Department of Educational Foundations and Literacy; 1998 Professor of Literacy Education; 1994-1998 Associate Professor of Literacy Education; 1990-1994 Assistant Professor of Literacy Education</p><p>1977 – 1990 Shawnee Mission School District, Shawnee Mission, Kansas Reading Resource Teacher, Computer Instruction Coordinator for Building, Remedial Reading Teacher</p><p>1972 – 1976 Fort Osage School System, Independence, Missouri Fifth grade classroom teacher</p><p>TEACHING Courses Taught EDFL 3210 Methods of Reading EDFL 3220 Teaching Language Arts EDFL 4150 Summative Seminar EDFL 4215 Reading in the Content Fields EDFL 4220 Analysis and Correction of Reading Difficulties EDFL 4250 Practicum in Reading EDFL 5000 Advanced Assessment Techniques in the K-12 Classroom EDFL 5000 Supervising Assessment in the k-12 Classroom EDFL 5205 Evaluation of Materials and Methods for Reading EDFL 5210 Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Disabilities EDFL 5220 Practicum in Reading Diagnosis EDFL 5230 Practicum in Reading Instruction EDFL 5240 Investigations in Reading EDFL 6240 Supervision of Instruction in Reading </p><p>Mihalevich, P.1 CONTRIBUTIONS TO COURSE AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT 2008-2009 Program Coordinator, Literacy Education, Department of Educational Foundations and Literacy</p><p>2007-2008 Member of the Early Childhood/Elementary/Middle School Cluster to redesign the program assessment process and to prepare for the NCATE visit</p><p>Lead the literacy education faculty through the refinement of the MSE in Literacy Education program assessment in preparation for the NCATE/IRA accreditation review</p><p>2003 Revision of the Literacy Education undergraduate program Chaired the Literacy Cluster through redesign of the fourteen hours of undergraduate literacy education coursework to provide an integrated presentation of content with a professional development experience at each developmental level </p><p>2002 Development of the MSE in Literacy Education Program Chaired the Literacy Cluster through the redesign of the MSE K12 Education with an option in Reading Program to ensure full alignment with state certification requirements for Special Reading </p><p>2000 Implementation of an Electronic Portfolio for Student Assessment Student competency attainment for the courses EDFL 4220, EDFL 4250, and EDFL 4400 are evaluated via an electronic portfolio. The competencies for the courses have been stratified across the required projects in an effort to assess the students’ ability to demonstrate competency through a performance-based assessment. The students’ demonstrate their work on the exam day by displaying their electronic portfolio to the class.</p><p>2000-1992 Childhood/Elementary/Middle School Implementation of the CPI Model During the past eight years at Central, I have had the marvelous opportunity to collaborate with the Elementary/Early Childhood/Middle School Education Committee in an effort to integrate the program curriculums and assessments. The committee has worked hard to ensure the quality of the program through the enhancement and extension of the blocked, integrated methods courses; the development of entrance, exit, and benchmark program performance based assessments to monitor the competency level of our students as they move through the program; and the integration of the technology across our program. The committee has met an average of one hour every week to collaboratively bring the program to operationalization.</p><p>Mihalevich, P.2 1998 Integration of EDFL 4220/4250/4400 Dr. Snyder and I have worked together to integrate instruction, project development and assessment for EDFL 4220, EDFL 4250 and EDFL 4400 in an effort to enhance the integration of curriculum and field experience for the Elementary/Early Childhood Program. </p><p>1997 College of Arts and Sciences Continuous Process Improvement Mentor During the 1996-1997 academic year, I served as the Continuous Process Improvement mentor for the College of Arts and Sciences. This job required me to meet with nine departments from the college for professional development on the CPI process. I met with all nine departments at least once and many of the departments requested continued aid during the year. During our meetings, issues of implementation of the model would be discussed. This included professional development on the components of the CPI model; such as, development of program outcomes, communication of outcomes to students, alternative instructional methodologies, formative assessment and summative assessment.</p><p>1997-1994 Senate Assessment Council Serving as chair of the FSUAC, I have had the opportunity to be involved in major decisions that affect the policies and implementation procedures in the areas of curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment at Central. The committee has worked many long hours deliberating pros and cons of every adaptation requested of the thirty-four departments at Central. Fortunately, the committee has not only been requested to make these policy adaptations in the areas of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, we have had the opportunity to work interactively with the departments as they have began to implement assessment-as-learning principles. This interaction has provided valuable feedback that has resulted in professional development at all levels of the University.</p><p>MAP 2000 Regional Facilitator This opportunity allowed me to enhance the instructional abilities of the teachers in the program as we not only focused on assessment issues, but also on methodologies which included cooperative learning groups; active, hands-on participation; scaffolded instruction; constructivist approach to learning; and authentic learning environments. The majority of class time focused on the development of performance based assessments and rubrics. The MAP 2000 Senior Leaders would be responsible for inservicing their districts on the topics we covered in our sessions. Therefore, I feel that this allowed me to have a major impact on the curriculum development, instructional methodologies, and assessment practices in twenty-four school districts across the twenty-one counties that Central serves. In addition, I was involved in meetings across the state to enhance curriculum, methodology, and assessment procedures in the K-12 educational arena.</p><p>1997-1995 Quality Self-Assessment Team (QSAT) I have served on the QSAT team for the three years at Central. The team’s work was heavier during the first two years, but still requires on-going work in evaluating Central’s continuous </p><p>Mihalevich, P.3 movement in quality issues. Originally, the team as formed to determine if Central should apply for the Baldrige Quality Award in education. As a result, the committee charge was to complete a self-study in the areas of quality as delineated in the Baldridge manual. I cochaired one of the five focus groups with Mike Grelle. Our job was to train a focus group of Central faculty in the criteria for the award in the areas of curriculum and assessment to determine if Central had met the criteria. This work involved a critical review of curriculum and assessment at Central. Each focus group wrote an evaluation of Central for use in the development of a strategic plan for improvement by the Strategic Planning Council.</p><p>1997-1996 Professional Development School Committee The professional development school committee membership includes faculty from Central, Warrensburg School District and Clinton School District. The charge of the PDS committee was to research what was currently implemented in PDS sites across the nation and to envision possible formats for implementation at Central. Several teams were established to visit four current sites. I was assigned to the team that visited a PDS site in Colorado. Each team determined strengths and weaknesses of the site they visited to share with the committee. </p><p>The next step was to compile strengths and weaknesses of the implementation procedure of the different PDS sites in order to determine a possible direction for Central. During the meetings, the topics of curriculum revision, instructional methodologies, and assessment were reviewed. This work has led the to a new direction for the teacher education program at Central. It has required change at all levels: Central faculty, Warrensburg and Clinton faculty, university and public school administration, preservice teachers and PK-12 students.</p><p>1994 College Assessment Coordinator I have had the privilege of working as the College of Education and Human Services Assessment Coordinator for the Continuous Process Improvement Model. The main focus of this position is to facilitate the development of performance standards and curriculum redesign in each of the seven departments. I managed a $40,000 budget and worked with seven Departmental Assessment Coordinators toward implementation of the Continuous Process Improvement Model in the college.</p><p>Departmental Assessment Coordinator As Departmental Assessment Coordinator for the Elementary Education Continuous Process Committee, I have led the committee toward the development of performance standards for the Elementary Education Program. In this position, I have had to opportunity to work with administrators and practitioners in the field, along with the committee toward revision of the Elementary Education Program. </p><p>1994-1992 Developed curriculum for EDFL 4150 Summative Seminar Course This course focuses on the development of reflective teachers. Preservice teachers implement an action research project during their student teaching semester. The main emphasis is to develop research skills and lead preservice teachers toward reflective decision-making in their </p><p>Mihalevich, P.4 educational career. Students meet on campus four times during the student teaching semester to develop an awareness of the need for reflection in the classroom, learn the steps for implementing action research, and discuss trouble spots that could hinder successful implementation of action research in their classroom during student teaching. Each one-hour session is devoted to providing the student with an overview of action research, steps for implementation, measurement of intervention effects, paper production, and appreciation of successful implementation. </p><p>OTHER RELEVANT PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES</p><p>2007 National Reading Advisory Committee, Member, Educational Testing Services</p><p>Grant Reader: Reading First Grants, Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, State of Missouri. </p><p>2006 National Reading Advisory Committee, Member, Educational Testing Services</p><p>Grant Reader: Reading First Grants, Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, State of Missouri. </p><p>2005 Grant Reader: Reading First Grants, Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, State of Missouri. </p><p>2004 Grant Reader: Reading First Grants, Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, State of Missouri. </p><p>2003 Committee charged to review and contribute changes to standards in the Missouri Association of College Teacher Educators (MACTE) Literacy Education Work Group, Chair</p><p>1996 Missouri Organization of Teacher Educators of Reading, President</p><p>1995 Member of the Executive Board of the Missouri State Council of the International Reading Association, Chair of the Scholarship in Reading Award Committee for the State</p><p>Missouri Organization of Teacher Educators of Reading, President</p><p>1994 Member of the Executive Board of the Missouri State Council of the International Reading Association, Chair of the Scholarship in Reading Award Committee for the State</p><p>Mihalevich, P.5 Missouri Organization of Teacher Educators of Reading, President</p><p>Chair of the Exemplary Reading Award Committee of the Missouri State Council of the International Reading Association</p><p>1992 Steering Committee for the 20th Plains Regional Conference of the International Reading Association</p><p>AWARDS / RECOGNITION</p><p>2002 Recipient of UMC Byler Distinguished Faculty Award</p><p>1996 Faculty Award for Scholarship, College of Education and Human Services </p><p>1995 Member of the Executive Board of the Missouri State Council of the International Reading Association, Chair of the Scholarship in Reading Award Committee for the State</p><p>Missouri Organization of Teacher Educators of Reading, President</p><p>1991 Recipient of Missouri State Conference of International Reading Association’s Outstanding Dissertation Award</p><p>UNIVERSITY GOVERNMENT</p><p>2001 – 2000 Faculty Senator</p><p>1999-1998 Faculty Senate, President FS Executive Committee, Chair President’s Extended Cabinet Administrative Council Academic Council</p><p>1997 Faculty Senator for CEHS Executive Committee Member of the Faculty Senate</p><p>1996 Faculty Senator for CEHS</p><p>Mihalevich, P.6 Executive Committee Member of the Faculty Senate</p><p>1995 Faculty Senator for CEHS Teacher Education Assessment Committee</p><p>1994 Teacher Education Assessment Committee Teacher Education Ad Hoc STEP Committee</p><p>1993 Teacher Education Assessment Committee Teacher Education Oversight Committee</p><p>1992 Teacher Education Assessment Committee Teacher Education Oversight Committee</p><p>1991 Teacher Education Oversight Committee</p><p>COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES, GOVERNMENT</p><p>2005 CEHS Executive Committee</p><p>1995 Executive Committee Assessment Committee, Chair</p><p>1994 Executive Committee Assessment Committee, Chair</p><p>1993 Executive Committee Social Committee, Chair Assessment Committee, Chair</p><p>1992 Executive Committee Social Committee, Chair</p><p>Mihalevich, P.7 UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES</p><p>2005 Graduate Council</p><p>2002 Higher Learning Commission Committee (NCA) Faculty Senate Faculty Personnel Policies Committee</p><p>2001 Higher Learning Commission Committee (NCA) Academic Review Board Strategic Planning and Resource Committee</p><p>2000 Strategic Planning and Resource Committee Curriculum Review Committee</p><p>1999 University Start-Up Committee</p><p>1998 AAHE Summer Academy on Assessment, Vail, Colorado Presidential Screening Committee Faculty Senate University Assessment Council, Chair Funding for Results Committee PEW Leadership Award Committee Faculty Senate Budget Committee</p><p>1997 Faculty Senate University Assessment Council, Chair AAHE Summer Academy on organizing for learning, Snowbird, Utah. Faculty Senate University Assessment Council, Chair FIPSE II Grant FIPSE III Grant Funding for Results Committee Planned Placement Committee Quality Self-Assessment Committee Quality Self-Assessment Focus Group, Cochair PEW Leadership Award Committee Faculty Senate Budget Committee CBHE Teaching and Learning Committee</p><p>1996 Faculty Senate University Assessment Council, Chair FIPSE II Grant - Mentor for one of the eight universities participating in the project. </p><p>Mihalevich, P.8 Funding for Results Committee Ad Hoc Task Team for Quality Awards, Cochair Planned Placement Committee Quality Self-Assessment Committee Quality Self-Assessment Focus Group, Cochair PEW Leadership Award Committee Faculty Senate Budget Committee CBHE Teaching and Learning Committee UCM Assessment Retreat Committee</p><p>1995 Affirmative Action Committee Faculty Senate University Assessment Council, Chair FIPSE II Grant, Host for one of the eight universities participating in the project. Funding for Results Committee Planned Placement Committee Quality Self-Assessment Committee Quality Self-Assessment Focus Group, Cochair PEW Leadership Award Committee</p><p>1994 Provost Search Committee Committee on Committees Quality Self-Assessment Committee Affirmative Action Committee Teacher Education Assessment Committee Teacher Education Ad Hoc STEP Committee Data Systems Committee PreK-16 Seamless Education Committee</p><p>1993 Provost Search Committee Committee on Committee</p><p>1992 University Human Subjects Committee</p><p>1991 Ad Hoc Honors Program Review Committee Graduate Council Program Review Committee for MS. in Industrial Management</p><p>COLLEGE COMMITTEES</p><p>2007 PEF Program Coordinator</p><p>Mihalevich, P.9 2006 PEF Program Coordinator NCATE Conceptual Framework Committee CEHS Promotion and Tenure Committee COE Promotion and Tenure Task Force</p><p>2005 CEHS Promotion and Tenure Committee CEHS Promotion and Tenure Criteria Committee</p><p>2003 Charter School Task Force Charter School Review Committee CEHS Assessment Committee</p><p>2000 Charter School Task Force Charter School Review Committee CEHS Assessment Committee</p><p>1996-97 Dean Search Committee, Chair</p><p>1995 Assessment Committee Professional Development Center, Action team Professional Development Center Advisory Board</p><p>1994 Professional Development Center, Action team</p><p>1993 Social Committee, Chair Assessment Committee, Chair </p><p>1992 Social Committee, Chair Assessment Committee</p><p>1991 Secretary of Assessment Committee Secretary of Social Committee</p><p>Mihalevich, P.10 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEES</p><p>2007 Early Childhood/Elementary/MS Cluster Literacy Cluster, Chair Graduate Cluster Promotion and Tenure Committee Secondary Education Search Committee</p><p>2006 Early Childhood/Elementary/M.S. Cluster Literacy Cluster, Chair Graduate Cluster Promotion and Tenure Committee, Chair</p><p>2005 Promotion and Tenure Committee Literacy Education Cluster Literacy Education Search Committee Elementary Cluster Graduate Cluster</p><p>2002 Literacy Center Director MSE in Literacy Education Program Development, Chair Undergraduate Literacy Education Revision Committee, Chair MSE in K12 Education with Reading option Program Coordinator NCATE MSE Reading Folio, Author Professional Development School Site Coordinator Promotion and Tenure Committee Graduate Program Review Search Committee, Literacy Positions, Cochair with Ann Powell-Brown Elementary Education Program Committee (CPI)</p><p>2001 Literacy Center Director MSE in Literacy Education Program Development, Chair Undergraduate Literacy Education Revision Committee, Chair MSE in K12 Education with Reading option Program Coordinator NCATE MSE Reading Folio, Author Professional Development School Site Coordinator Promotion and Tenure Committee Graduate Program Review Search Committee, Literacy Positions Elementary, Chair Elementary Education Program Committee (CPI)</p><p>Mihalevich, P.11 2000 Literacy Center Director MSE in K12 Education with Reading option Program Coordinator NCATE MSE Reading Folio Professional Development School Site Coordinator Promotion and Tenure Committee Graduate Program Review Search Committee, Educational Psychology Instructor, Chair Search Committee, Literacy Position Elementary, Chair Elementary Education Program Committee (CPI)</p><p>1999 Professional Development School Site Coordinator Promotion and Tenure Committee Graduate Program Review NCATE - MSE Reading Folio Search Committee Literacy Position Elementary, Chair Search Committee Literacy Position Secondary, Chair Search Committee Early Childhood/Literacy Position Elementary/Early Childhood/Middle School Education Committee</p><p>1998 Professional Development School Site Coordinator Elementary/Early Childhood/Middle School Education Committee Promotion and Tenure Committee Literacy Search Committee, Elementary Position, Chair</p><p>1997 Professional Development School Committee Elementary and Middle School Education Committee NCATE Knowledge Base Committee NCATE Performance Standards International Committee</p><p>1996 Professional Development School Committee Elementary and Middle School Education Committee NCATE Knowledge Base Committee NCATE Performance Standards International Committee</p><p>1995 Elementary and Middle School Education Committee, Chair NCATE Knowledge Base Committee, NCATE Performance Standards Elementary and Middle School Education Committee Assessment Subteam, Chair</p><p>Mihalevich, P.12 Reading Faculty Search Committee</p><p>1994 Continuous Process Improvement Committee, Chair </p><p>1993 Middle School Program Committee Continuous Process Improvement Committee, Chair </p><p>1992 Faculty Cluster for Program Review of Elementary Education Program Faculty Cluster for Program Review of MSE in Reading Education Search Committee for faculty position in Reading Education</p><p>1991 NCATE Committee for Reflective Decision-making NCATE Elementary Education Major, 1 - 8, Committee for Program Description NCATE Committee for Review of Standard III.D NCATE Committee for Program Description for MSE Reading Specialist</p><p>RESEARCH AND CREATIVE ENDEAVORS</p><p>Publications</p><p>Book Chapters</p><p>1998 Mihalevich, C., & Carr, K. (1998). One university’s journey toward teacher education restructuring. In M. Diez (Ed.) Changing the practice of teacher education: Standards and assessment as a lever for change. Washington: American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Publications. (Refereed).</p><p>1993 Carr, K., & Mihalevich, C. (1992). The role of action research in developing reflective preservice teachers. In R. W. Joels (Ed.), Research Symposium Teacher Education in Reading: Worldwide Issues. Organization of Teacher Educators in Reading, International Reading Association. Fourteenth World Congress on Reading. (pp.31-36). University of Central Florida: Organization of Teacher Educators. (Refereed Journal)</p><p>Articles</p><p>1996 Mihalevich, C. (1996). Missouri’s educational reform initiative. The Missouri Reader, 21(2). (Refereed journal.)</p><p>Mihalevich, P.13 Mihalevich, C. (1996). Essential pieces in Missouri’s assessment puzzle. The Missouri Reader, 20(2), 26-27. (Refereed journal.)</p><p>1995 Mihalevich, C. (1995). Parent/Teacher partnerships: An old theme with a new twist. The Missouri Reader, 19 (2), 4-5. (Refereed Journal)</p><p>Mihalevich, C. (1995). Missouri’s educational reform initiative. The Missouri Reader, 20 (1), 33-34. (Refereed Journal)</p><p>Mihalevich, C. (1995). Central to house a professional development center. Network for New Teachers, 6, 2.</p><p>1994 Mihalevich, C. (1994). Three new programs focus on PreK-16 professional development. The Reading Network, 8 (1), 4. </p><p>Mihalevich, C. (1994). Missouri’s exemplary reading award announced at the Missouri State Conference. The Missouri IRA Newsletter, 16 (2), 10.</p><p>Mihalevich, C. (Spring, 1994). Restructuring for student success in the twenty-first century. College of Education and Human Services Newsletter.</p><p>1992 Emery, D., & Mihalevich, C. (1992). Directed discussion of story characters. Reading research and instruction, 31, 51. (Refereed Journal)</p><p>Mihalevich, C. (1993). Creative writing on-line pilot year research on the writing place. (Report No. S. B. 709, Video Grant). Jefferson City, MO: Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.</p><p>OTHER PUBLICATIONS</p><p>2009-2006 Reviewer, The Journal of Content Area Reading, an international journal of IRA’s SIG: Content Area Reading. </p><p>2008-2007</p><p>Associate Editor, The Dragon Lode, an international journal of IRA’s SIG: Children’s Literature and Reading. </p><p>1996-1997 Editorial board for Missouri Reader</p><p>Guest editor for Missouri Reader</p><p>Mihalevich, P.14 1991-1992 Editor of Network for New Teachers</p><p>REFERRED PRESENTATIONS</p><p>INTERNATIONAL</p><p>2007 Mihalevich, C., Powell-Brown, A., George, J., & Moley, P. (May 2007). Balanced literacy: Responding sensibly to National Reading Panel Mandates. 52nd International Reading Association Annual Convention, Toronto, ON</p><p>2002 Mihalevich, C., Moley, P., George, J., and Powell-Brown, A. (2002) Reading Comprehension: Philosophy, Theory, and Research Considerations for Effective Instruction. Paper presentation accepted for International Reading Association 19th World Congress on Reading, Edinburg, Scotland.</p><p>1995 Mihalevich, C. & Carr, K. (1995, May). Building integrated/thematic literacy curricula: Approaches to authentic interdisciplinary learning and assessment. Preconference Institute presented at the 40th Annual Convention of the International Reading Association, Anaheim. (Juried performance)</p><p>NATIONAL</p><p>2005 Yao, Y., Nickens, N., Thomas, M., Wallace, B., Aldrich, J., Mihalevich, C., Burkett, R., Foster, K., King, A., Powell-Brown, A., Frazier, R., & Lamson, S. (2005). Using real life data to investigate the scoring of electronic portfolios. Paper presented by N. Nickens at the Association for Educational Research 2005 Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.</p><p>2003 Carr, K., Buchanan, D., Powell-Brown, A., Pritchard, G. & Mihalevich, C. (December 2003). Developing global awareness: International picture books as visual narratives. 53 rd National Reading Conference (NRC), Scottsdale, Arizona.</p><p>2000 Snyder,M. & Mihalevich, C. (March, 2000). Electronic Portfolios. Presentation at 2000 Association and Supervision of Curriculum Development Annual Conference, New Orleans. (Juried performance)</p><p>Mihalevich, P.15 1999 Mihalevich, C. & Grelle, M. (November, 1999). Continous Process Improvement. Presentation at Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI. (Juried performance)</p><p>1998 Mihalevich, C., & Grelle, M. (July, 1998). Quality assessment in Higher Education. Presentation at the 1998 AAHE Summer Assessment Academy, Vail, CO. (Juried performance)</p><p>1997 Mihalevich, C., Mullin, R. & Grelle, M. (November, 1997). Taking Deming seriously: Reconceptualizing the Baldrige Quality categories and criteria for higher education. Paper accepted for the 1997 National Governor’s Conference on Quality in Education in Dearborn, MI (Juried performance)</p><p>Mihalevich, C. (July, 1997). Teaching to performance-based outcomes, criteria, assessment and feedback. Presentation at the AAHE Summer Academy, Snowbird, Utah. </p><p>Mihalevich, C. & Grelle, M. (July, 1997). Continuous process improvement: A new organizational model for learning. Presentation at the AAHE Summer Academy, Snowbird, Utah. </p><p>1996 Mihalevich, C., Garten, T., Carr, K., Hofmeister, D., Gilbert, C., Graham, J., McCulloch, M., Snyder, S., Gossen, H., & Wright, A. (February, 1996). Internationalizing teacher education. Paper presentation at Association of Teacher Educator’s National Conference, Saint Louis. (Juried performance)</p><p>Mihalevich, C., Belcher, C. & Vinson, G. (February, 1996). Professional Development Center. Presentation at Association of Teacher Educator’s National Conference, Saint Louis. (Juried performance)</p><p>1995 Mihalevich, C., Grisham, D., Speaker, R., & Seely, A. ( 1995, November). Analyzing literacy learning in the integrated curriculum. Presentation accepted for the Forty-fifth Annual Meeting of the National Reading Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. (Juried performance)</p><p>Mihalevich, C. (1995, September). Missouri’s assessment system. Presentation to Eisenhower High Plains Consortium for Mathematics and Science, Denver. (Juried performance)</p><p>1994 Mihalevich, C. & Carr, K. (1994, December) Self-reflection in teacher education: Using introspective methodologies--works, and workers, in progress. Paper presentation at the National Reading Conference, San Diego. (Juried performance)</p><p>Mihalevich, P.16 Mihalevich, C. & Mullin, R. (1994, November). The Seamless PK-16 System: Superseding the Carnegie Unit and Course-Credit Models. Workshop presentation at the American Association of Higher Education, Washington D. C. (Juried performance)</p><p>Mihalevich, C., Zelazek, J., Garten, T., Belcher, C. (November, 1994). Collaboration between school districts and universities: Restructuring the PreK-16 educational system. Presentation accepted for the Coalition of Essential Schools Conference, Chicago, November, 1994. (Juried performance)</p><p>Mihalevich, C., Carr, K., Wright, A., Garten, T., Hofmeister, D., Gossen, H., Lamson, S., & Snyder, S. (February, 1994). Faculty leadership of TQM: A practical model for reform which focuses on student diversity. Professional Clinic for the Association of Teacher Educators’ Annual Conference, Atlanta. (Juried performance)</p><p>REGIONAL</p><p>2007 Powell-Brown, A., Buchanan, D.L., & Mihalevich, C. (2007, November). And now a word from the dragon ladies: Editing a professional journal of The International Reading Association. 34th Plains Regional Conference of the International Reading Association, Overland Park, Kansas</p><p>Buchanan, D.L., Mihalevich, C. & Powell-Brown, A. (2007, November). Editing the Dragon Lode: Insights, suggestions, and encouragement for submitting papers to a peer-reviewed, international literacy journal. 54th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Educators, St. Louis, Missouri</p><p>2004 Powell-Brown, A. & Mihalevich, C. (2004). The teachers keep talking but I don’t get what they’re saying: One student’s odyssey. Day of Reading Secondary Conference, Chicago, Illinois.</p><p>1997 Mihalevich, C., Holt, D., & Oehler, D. (April, 1997). Performance assessment in higher education. Presentation at the Second Annual Midwestern Conference on Performance Assessment. Center for Learning, Evaluation, and Assessment Research, Kansas City, MO. (Juried performance)</p><p>1994 Mihalevich, C. & Carr, K. (November, 1994). Implementing authentic assessment in reading methods courses. Presentation accepted for the Missouri Association of Teacher Educators (MUATE), Osage Beach, MO.</p><p>Mihalevich, C., Carr, K., & Weiss, M. (May, 1994). Assessing metacognitive strategies. Microworkshop presentation for the 39th Annual Convention of the International Reading Association, Toronto. (Juried performance)</p><p>Mihalevich, P.17 Mihalevich, C., Carr, K., & Weiss, M. (May, 1994). The Effectiveness of preservice teachers’ reflective journals in analysis of reading problems. Roundtable paper presentation for the 39th Annual Convention of the International Reading Association for the Organization of Teacher Educators in Reading special interest group session of the International Reading Association, Toronto. (Juried performance) </p><p>Mihalevich, C. (March, 1994). Enhancing literacy development through portfolio assessment. Preconference Institute for the 27th Annual Spring Conference of the Missouri State Council of the International Reading Association, Kansas City, MO.</p><p>Mihalevich, C. & Carr, K. (February, 1994). Preservice teachers’ role awareness as a reflective decision-maker. Paper presentation for the Seventy-fourth Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators’ in Atlanta. (Juried performance)</p><p>1993 Mihalevich, C. ( November, 1993). Action research during student teaching. Paper presentation for the Missouri Association of Teacher Educators, Osage Beach.</p><p>Mullin, R., Grelle, M., & Mihalevich, C. (October, 1993). Continuous Process Improvement at University of Central Missouri. Presentation for the First Annual Missouri Quality Conference in Jefferson City. (Juried performance)</p><p>Mullin, R., Grelle, M., & Mihalevich, C. (July, 1993). TQM: Transforming the Core Learning Process, K-16. Presentation at the Fourth Annual Total Quality Symposium in Kansas City. (Juried performance)</p><p>Garten, T., Huber, J. & Mihalevich, C. ( June, 1993). Ensuring Priority/Visibility for Teacher Education Programs. Presentation at the American Association of State Colleges and Universities Teach America II Conference, Washington D.C. (Juried performance)</p><p>1992 Carr, K. & Mihalevich, C. (July, 1992). The Role of Action Research in Developing Reflective Preservice Teachers. Symposium presentation at the Fourteenth World Congress on Reading, Maui, HA. (Juried performance)</p><p>Carr, K. & Mihalevich, C. (February, 1992). The Role of Action Research in Developing Reflective Preservice Teacher. Paper presentation at the Association of Teacher Educators National Conference, Orlando, FL (Juried performance)</p><p>Mihalevich, C. & Powell-Brown, A. (March, 1992). Teaching Culturally Diversity in the Language Arts Program. Workshop presentation at the Missouri State Conference of the International Reading Association, Ozarks Beach. (Juried performance)</p><p>Mihalevich, P.18 Mihalevich, C., Powell-Brown, A., & Hofmeister, D. (November, 1992). Cultural Diversity in the Language Arts Program. Workshop presentation at the 20th Plains Regional Conference of the International Reading Association, Kansas City, MO. (Juried performance)</p><p>Mihalevich, C., Carr, K., & Weiss, M. (November, 1992). Teacher Collaboration: Synergism in Action. Workshop presentation at the 20th Plains Regional Conference of the International Reading Association, Kansas City, MO. (Juried performance)</p><p>1991 Mihalevich,C. & Carr, K. (November, 1991). The Role of Action Research in Developing Reflective Preservice Teachers. Paper presentation at the National Reading Conference, Palm Springs, CA. (Juried performance)</p><p>Grants and Awards</p><p>2001 Grant awarded from Central CAT to develop online course EDFL 5210, Assessment of Literacy Development. The proposal was funded for $10,000 for the 2000-2001 academic year.</p><p>1996 Grant awarded from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for the funding of MAP 2000 Regional Center. The proposal was funded for $106,000 for the 1996-97 academic year.</p><p>Award of $4000 from the Faculty Senate University Assessment Council for development of entry/exit and benchmark assessments for the Elementary/Middle School Programs. </p><p>Incentive Grant of $150 from the Faculty Senate University Assessment Council for the placement of entry/exit and benchmark assessments in the Elementary/Middle School Programs. </p><p>Grant awarded from the Professional Enhancement Committee focusing on the integration of technology in Elementary/Middle School Programs. The proposal was funded for $5,000 for the 1996-97 academic year.</p><p>1995 Grant awarded from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for the funding of MAP 2000 Regional Center. The proposal was funded for $71,000 for the 1995-96 academic year.</p><p>Grant awarded from the Faculty Senate University Assessment Council focusing on integration of Elementary/Middle School Program. The proposal was funded for $2,000 for the 1995-96 academic year.</p><p>Grant awarded from the Faculty Senate University Assessment Council focusing on the development of entry/exit and benchmark assessments for the Elementary/Middle School Programs. The proposal was funded for $650 for the 1995-96 academic year.</p><p>Mihalevich, P.19</p><p>1995 Grant awarded from the Professional Enhancement Committee focusing on the integration of technology in Elementary/Middle School Programs. The proposal was funded for $5,000 for the 1995-96 academic year.</p><p>1994 Grant coauthor to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for the funding of a Professional Development Center. The proposal was funded for $150,000 for the 1994-95 academic year, renewable for the next year.</p><p>Grant awarded from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for the funding of MAP 2000 Regional Center. The proposal was funded for $50,000 for the 1994-95 academic year.</p><p>1990 $2400 Grant awarded by the UCM Faculty Senate Assessment Committee. The title of the proposal was “Assessment of student learning outcomes resulting from implementation of EDFL 4150-Summative Seminar in conjunction with student teaching”. </p><p>Mihalevich, P.20</p>

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