<p>Kindergarten Reading Comprehension - Unit 1</p><p>Updated: July 5, 2012 Kindergarten Reading Comprehension - Unit 1 Key insights from teaching this unit in the pilot:</p><p> This was a great unit to kick off the year in K. The skills taught and the texts used were very appropriate for K students at the beginning of the year. The habits lessons 1-5 were a great start to the year and really helped set the stage for reading expectations for all of the reading block We found that aim 6 and 7 were best practiced with students Independent books and needed a couple days for students to master. We found that aim 8 was too big and needed to split into smaller bite-sized chunks. We spent 3 days on each component. We found that aim 13 and 14 need a couple of days each. </p><p>Updated: July 5, 2012 Kindergarten Reading Comprehension - Unit 1 Nursery Rhymes</p><p>Overview: This is the first unit of Kindergarten Reading Comprehension. This unit focuses on setting the stage for building a strong reading comprehension community and developing the preliminary reading skills necessary to set scholars up for successfully accomplishing the kindergarten reading goals over the course of the year. There are two focuses over the course of this unit. The first part of the unit is devoted mainly to setting up the reading classroom and developing the effective reading structures and processes that are at the heart of successfully accomplishing all of the Kindergarten grade level reading expectations. Students will learn the routines and systems for the reading comprehension class, be able to describe the expectation for becoming an active participant in the reading comprehension community and develop a sense of why reading comprehension is important to becoming a strong reader all while engaging in shared reading of classic nursery rhymes. The second part of the unit will focus on developing students understanding of text and print concepts. Students will learn the names and purposes for each part of a text and by the end of the unit will be able to explain and use some common text conventions when shared reading nursery rhyme stories (1 to 1 correspondence, left to right tracking etc.) </p><p>Common Core Standards: F.K.1 Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. a. Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. b. Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. c. Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. d. Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet. F.K.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). a. Recognize and produce rhyming words. RL.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.</p><p>Essential Questions: How do we use text, symbols, and pictures to find meaning? • How do we recognize a sentence? • How do we read text? • How are sentences and words identified?</p><p>Updated: July 5, 2012 Kindergarten Reading Comprehension - Unit 1 Unit Goals: Habits By the end of the unit student will be able to: Describe how a strong Kindergarten reader looks, sounds, acts in reading comprehension class using the reading comprehension expectations Demonstrate active listening and reading behaviors during a reading comprehension lesson by sitting on the carpet, participating in shared reading using an appropriate voice, tracking the speaker appropriately, responding to questions in a loud and proud voice. Knowledge: By the end of the unit students will understand Nursery Rhymes are silly short stories that usually rhyme and are song like and were written a long time ago. In books, text moves from left to right. A book usually has the following parts: o Front Cover o Back Cover o Author o Illustrator o Title Page o Illustrations/Pictures o Words o Sentences Books may have patterns in the sentences and words. Readers use these patterns to help them read text. Readers use the information from the pictures and the words to make meaning of what they read Readers make sure they understand a story by retelling the parts by explaining who the story is about Skills: Students demonstrate one to one correspondence by tracking words with finger from left to right as words are being read. Students will distinguish between sentences, words and letters in a story. Students will describe the parts of a book by identifying the front and back cover, title, title page, illustrations, words, author and illustrator when reading. Students will identify patterns in text by identifying rhyming words. Student will understand that pictures combined with words tell a story.</p><p>Unit Assessment: The summative assessment for this unit is the STEP assessment. Teachers should use data from students Retell and response on the assessment to determine mastery of Unit goals.</p><p>Updated: July 5, 2012 Kindergarten Reading Comprehension - Unit 1 Unit Texts: The Real Mother Goose Published by Scholastic Inc. Jack and Jill by R.A. Herman Hickory Dickory Dock by Keith Baker To Market To Market by Anne Miranda Baa Baa Black Sheep as told by Iza Trapani Humpty Dumpty Climbs Again by Dave Horowitz</p><p>Aims Sequence: Part 1: Routines and Systems for Reading Comprehension 1. SWBAT establish reading norms by creating a Reading Bill of Rights with reading comprehension expectations 2. SWBAT demonstrate active listening during Reading Comprehension by sitting still, tracking the reader/speaker with their eyes and silently listening. 3. SWBAT demonstrate talk with a partner by turning, making eye contact, talking in a whisper voice and listening to their partner. 4. SWBAT demonstrate how to ask and answer a question by raising their hand and waiting to be called on by the teacher. 5. SWBAT read as a class by echo reading text in a loud, clear and proud voice keeping pace with each other and modeling the teacher’s tone.</p><p>.Part 2: Print Concepts 6. SWBAT identify and explain the parts of a book by pointing to the front cover, the back cover, the title, the illustrations, and the text and describe each parts purpose. 7. SWBAT demonstrate how to read a book correctly by holding the book right side up, turning the pages from front to back and reading the words from left to right. 8. SWBAT identify and distinguish between letters, words, and sentences by pointing to each and counting the letters in a word and words in a sentence 9. SWBAT demonstrate one to one correspondence by pointing to words in a sentence as they are read aloud. 10. SWBAT identify the character by pointing out whom the story is about. 11. SWBAT describe the events in the story by explain what happened in the story 12. SWBAT sequence the events in a story by arranging event cards in order of what happened first, next, last. 13. SWBAT retell the story by describing who the story is about and what happens in the story first, next, last.</p><p>Updated: July 5, 2012 Kindergarten Reading Comprehension - Unit 1 Pacing Guide</p><p>Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Aim: SWBAT establish Aim: SWBAT demonstrate Aim: SWBAT demonstrate Aim SWBAT demonstrate Aim: SWBAT echo reading reading norms by creating a active listening during talk with a partner by how to ask and answer a text by modeling the Reading Rock Star Rules chart reading comprehension by turning, making eye contact, question by raising their teachers tone, pace, with reading comprehension sitting still, tracking the talking in a whisper voice and hand and waiting to called on emphasis while reading expectations reader/speaker with their listening to their partners. by the teacher together as a class eyes and silently listening. Text: The Itsy Bitsy Spider Text: Twinkle Twinkle Little Text: To Market To Market Text: Humpty Dumpty Text: Jack and Jill Star</p><p>Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Aim: SWBAT identify the Aim: SWBAT demonstrate Aim: SWBAT identify and Aim: SWBAT demonstrate FLEX parts of a book by pointing to how to read a book correctly distinguish between letters, one to one correspondence the front cover, the back by holding the book right side words, and sentences by by pointing to words in a cover, the title, the up, turning the pages from pointing to each and sentence as they are read illustrations, and the text. front to back, and read the counting the letters in a word aloud. words form left to right. . and words in a sentence. Text: Hickory Dickory Dock Text: Little Miss Muffet Text: The Wheels on the Bus Text: Hey Diddle Diddle Little Jack Horner Twinkle Twinkle Little Star</p><p>Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Aim: SWBAT identify the Aim: SWBAT describe the Aim: SWBAT sequence the Aim: SWBAT retell the story FLEX characters in the story by events in a story by events the events in a story by describing who the story is pointing out people, animals explaining what happened to by arranging event cards in about and what happens in or things in the story the character. order of what happened first, the story first, next, last. next, last. Text: I’m a little Teapot Text: The Itsy Bitsy Spider Text: Miss Mary Mack Text: Row, Row, Row Your Boat</p><p>Updated: July 5, 2012 Unit Visual Anchor</p><p>Reading Rock Star Rules</p><p>To become AWESOME Kindergarten Readers we will follow these rules:</p><p> Readers should have silent mouths.</p><p> Readers should sit still. </p><p> Readers listen to the book. </p><p> Readers will raise their hand.</p><p> Readers should track the reader/speaker. </p><p>Updated: July 5, 2012 Unit Assessments Below are descriptions of and links to the diagnostic, formative and summative assessments for Unit 1. The formative assessments are suggestions that may be used daily, weekly, and in combination to measure scholars’ progress toward unit goals. The diagnostic exam is directly aligned to the summative assessment, which should be delivered uniformly across the grade in order to accurately measure scholars’ achievement. </p><p>Diagnostic Formative Summative F&P/STEP scores and Do Nows F&P/STEP scores and analysis Class work artifacts from analysis reading notebooks, graphic organizers, class or small-group discussions, etc. Scholar-teacher conferences Exit tickets </p><p>Updated: July 5, 2012</p>
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