<p>WSOLC – Western Seminary Online Campus Course Number: PCW 512XE – Fall 2014 Course Title: Women in Pain I Instructor: Beverly Hislop, D.Min. Credit Hours: 2 </p><p>COURSE SCHEDULE</p><p>This course is offered in both an 8 and a 16 week schedule. You can see a “Course Schedule by Week” in this syllabus. After enrollment in the course you can see a course schedule with specific dates in the learning center for your assignments. </p><p>COURSE DESCRIPTION</p><p>Increasing awareness of experiences that cause deep pain in women’s lives enables one to offer strategic pastoral care and referral when needed. Issues discussed include eating disorders, post abortion stress, suicide, pornography, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, same-sex attraction and breast cancer. Learn how from a biblical basis to help women grieve losses, begin transition to emotional health, and get professional help when needed. 2 credit hours.</p><p>COURSE OBJECTIVES </p><p>By the end of the course, you will …</p><p>1. increase compassion, awareness and understanding of women experiencing emotional pain related to the issues listed above.</p><p>2. learn how from a biblical basis to shepherd women who are grieving losses and transitioning to emotional health. </p><p>3. demonstrate more extensive pastoral understanding of one of issues discussed in a paper reflecting further research.</p><p>Competencies: (Please see “Course Assignments” for specific assignment requirements) </p><p>1. Course competency—To feel compassion and increase awareness and understanding of women experiencing emotional pain related to the issues listed above.</p><p>Assignment—Students will listen to personal stories of guest instructors and journal their personal reflections.</p><p>PCW512XE Syllabus 1 2. Course competency—To learn from a biblical basis how to shepherd women who are grieving losses and transitioning to emotional health.</p><p>Assignment—Students will read, respond in writing and class discussion to insights from additional authors key elements of biblical shepherding relevant to the issues discussed in class.</p><p>3. Course competency—To demonstrate a more extensive pastoral understanding and skill needed to minister to women dealing with one of the issues listed above.</p><p>Assignment—Students will submit an 8-10 final page paper reflecting extensive definition and understanding of the issue, the theological impact, and needed shepherding skills.</p><p>TEXTBOOKS</p><p>Required: Shepherding Women in Pain, Bev Hislop, Moody Publishers, ISBN-13:080- 2477054. MSRP: $14.99. </p><p>Choose One: – See Reading Report assignment Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Peter Scazzero, Integrity, 2006, ISBN- 13:159-1454522. MSRP: $19.99. Authentic Faith, The Power of a Fire-Tested Life, Gary Thomas, Zondervan, 2002, ISBN-13:031-0254191. MSRP: $14.99. The Gospel of Ruth, Carolyn Custis James, Zondervan, 2011, ISBN ISBN 978- 0310330851 $14.99 Into Abba’s Arms, Finding the Acceptance You’ve Always Wanted, Sandra D. Wilson, Tyndale House Publishers, 1998, ISBN-13: 978-0842324731. MSRP: $14.99.</p><p>Important Note: Required and recommended course texts are subject to change at any time. You are encouraged to purchase these titles through the Amazon.com associate program; you may use the links provided above, or the search option found on the Western website under “Students/Online”: http://www.westernseminary.edu/students/online </p><p>COURSE FORMAT</p><p>1. Course Audio/Video Materials. Shortly after your course registration, you will receive instructions about how to download your course using the Integr@te program (not earlier than three weeks from your start date). </p><p>2. Learning Center. You will also be given access to a web-based learning center which functions as your classroom for the course. There you will find:</p><p> The course syllabus. Please Note: The syllabus in your learning center is the governing course syllabus. Syllabi downloaded from the seminary website, or received from any other source, are for informational purposes</p><p>PCW512XE Syllabus 2 only. </p><p> A week-by-week schedule to help you successfully complete the course on time with the least amount of stress. To discuss changing the assignment due dates within the schedule, please contact Jon Raibley: [email protected]</p><p> A progress report for each lesson, by which you will indicate whether you completed your lesson requirements. While still allowing great scheduling flexibility, progress reports help us help you should you begin to fall behind.</p><p> Assignment summaries and links for uploading assignments.</p><p> Links to discussion forums, your course instructor and other students, the distance learning support team, as well as links to other helpful communication and instructional resources.</p><p>3. Responsibilities. Before the end of the first week of the session, you need to log onto the online learning center to complete and upload the course affirmation file. By federal law, we now need to ensure that students participate in courses for the full length of the course. So failure to complete the course affirmation on- time will result in a loss of course points and may impact your financial aid eligibility.</p><p>Students will receive on-time completion points for finishing their course work according to the schedule. This means students in the 8 week sessions are required to have all their course work into their course instructor by the end of week 7. Students in the 16 week sessions are required to have all their work into their course instructor by the end of week 15. If you have not been granted an extension, graded assignments turned in after 8:00 a.m. on Monday of the final week may be subject to a late penalty of up to 10% per day. No online completion points will be granted after that time.</p><p>4. Course Instructor. You will be assigned a course instructor who will participate as appropriate in classroom activities; review, grade, and provide feedback on course assignments; and interact with you on any questions you have about the course. When you receive your course materials, you will also receive contact information for your course instructor. Please contact your course instructor within two weeks of your course start date and maintain regular contact throughout the course.</p><p>ASSIGNMENTS</p><p>Written Assignments— Papers should be written at a graduate-level standard. Include a strong introduction paragraph (declare what you intend to show the reader) and conclusion paragraph. Qualities valued include clarity, succinctness, and precision. Minimum format standards include</p><p> 1” margins top, bottom and sides</p><p>PCW512XE Syllabus 3 Double-space; 12-point standard fonts; indent paragraphs .5 inch Underline section headings; Page numbers A cover page should contain the assignment title, class title and number, your name, mail box number, and date—no folders. There should be one staple in the top left corner. All work must reflect Master’s level use of the English language in grammar, idiom and spelling. Quotes and original ideas must be documented either within the text or by foot or end notes. Plagiarism will result in failure of the first assignment so discovered. A second instance will result in failure of the course. For samples and more directives, see http://www.westernseminary.edu/papers/Faculty/WGuideNu.doc</p><p>1. Participation Requirements. For each lesson, complete the items as instructed in your learning center, and submit the progress report verifying that you’ve done so. These progress reports are our primary means of verifying your attendance, and each is worth up to one point toward your final grade. If the progress report is submitted by the due date on your course schedule, you’ll receive 100% of the report grade. If you submit the progress report late, but within two weeks of the due date, you will receive 80%. If you submit the progress report more than two weeks late, you will receive 50%. And, of course, if you fail to submit a progress report at all, you will receive 0%. Certain changes are allowed within the course schedule, to allow for flexibility. You may contact Jon Raibley for details: [email protected].</p><p>In addition, you are to complete three activities that will allow us to verify your participation at key points within the course, in compliance with federal regulations. Failure to complete these activities within the designated times may impact the amount or timing of federal financial aid you receive.</p><p>. First week participation: Within the first week of the posted course dates, complete and upload the affirmation file.</p><p>. On-time verification. By the date listed in the schedule, submit your final assignments and complete the verification assignment, to confirm that you finished the course work on time.</p><p>. Course evaluation and reflection. Within the final week of the posted course dates, complete the course evaluation and reflection assignment; a link will be emailed to you at that time.</p><p>Points: 28 points possible (22 for progress reports, 1 for affirmation file, 5 for on-time verification Time: 20 reading hours & 25 media hours </p><p>A. Required Reading (all reading completed at familiarity level unless stated otherwise.) Read the following books</p><p>READ </p><p>PCW512XE Syllabus 4 Shepherding Women in Pain, Bev Hislop, Moody Publishers, 2010, pages 9-66, 307-314, and chapters 6, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 21 (212 pages). </p><p>READ ONE OF THESE BOOKS – See Reading Report assignment</p><p>Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Peter Scazzero, Integrity, 2006, 210 pages. The Gospel of Ruth, Carolyn Custis James, Zondervan, 2011, 210 pages Authentic Faith, The Power of a Fire-Tested Life, Gary Thomas, Zondervan, 2002, 253 pages. Abba’s Arms, Finding the Acceptance You’ve Always Wanted, Sandra D. Wilson, Tyndale House Publishers, 1998, 200 pages.</p><p>READ an additional 200 pages (book of your choice) for the Reflection Paper.</p><p>Recommended Reading –not required --Books that may be referred to during course, alphabetically by author</p><p>Larry Crabb, Connecting. Word Publishers, 1997, 202 pages. Larry Crabb, Shattered Dreams, WaterBrook, 2001, 218 pages. Robert D. Enright and Joanna North, Forgiveness, Univ. Wise Press, 1998, 186 pages. Beverly Flanigan, Forgiving the Unforgivable, Overcoming the Bitter Legacy of Intimate Wounds. Macmillan, 1992, 257 pages. Barbara A. Glanz, What Can I DO? Ideas to Help Thos Who Have Experienced Loss, Augsburg Books, 2007, 163 pages. Beverly White Hislop, Shepherding a Woman’s Heart, Moody Publishers, 2003, 196 pages. Cynthia Spell Humbert, Deceived by Shame, Desired by God. NavPress, 2001, 240 pages. Includes a Twelve-Week Bible Study, Women of Wisdom Series Carolyn Custis James, The Gospel of Ruth, Zondervan, 2008, 210 pages. Lisa Barnes Lampman, ed., Helping a Neighbor in Crisis. Tyndale House Publishers, 1997, 270 pages. C. S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain. Simon & Schuster, 1996 (Distributed by Broadman & Holman), 141 pages. C. S. Lewis, A Grief Observed. Harper Collins, 1996, 76 pages. Anne Graham Lotz, Wounded by God’s People: Discovering How God’s Love Heals Our Hearts, 2013, 240 pages, ISBN 978-0310262893, $19.99. Elisa Morgan, The Beauty of Broken, Thomas Nelson, 2013, 216 pages, ISBN 978-0-8499-6488-6, $15.00 Connie Neal, Holding on to Heaven While Your Friend Goes Through Hell, Word Publishers, 1999, 220 pages. Peter Scazzero, Emotionally Healthy Church, Zondervan, 2003, 224 pages. Ruth Senter, Longing for Love. Bethany House, 1997, 128 pages. Gerald L. Sittser, A Grace Disguised, How the Soul Grows Through Loss. Zondervan, 1995, 181 pages. Gerald L. Sittser, When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayer, Zondervan, 2003, 206 pages, ISBN 0-310-24326-2, $18.99.</p><p>PCW512XE Syllabus 5 Joni Eareckson Tada and Steven Estes, When God Weeps, Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty. Zondervan, 1997, 248 pages. Tullian Tchividjian, Glorious Ruin, How suffering Sets You Free, David C. Cook, 2012, 206 pages, ISBN 978-1-4347-0402-3, $17.99. S. J. Wolin and S. Wolin, The Resilient Self: How Survivors of Troubled Families Rise Above Adversity. Villard, 1993, 256 pages.</p><p>2. Journal Entries Briefly reflect on the 8 topics (presented by a guest instructor) in a journaling format. Submit one paragraph per topic, typed of course. Please include feelings and thoughts that you experienced during the presentation and/or after class. Putting your feelings and thoughts into words often clarifies and solidifies them. Please also include questions raised, decisions or determinations made, as well as increased compassion.</p><p>Time: 5 hours estimated time. Points: 20 points possible. </p><p>3. Reading Report Complete required reading choice and respond to the following 3 questions:</p><p>Choose EITHER Scazzero, James, Thomas or Wilson for this assignment. After reading the book, write a short essay (500 – 750 words) reflecting the author’s views as indicated below. </p><p>1. Concisely summarize the content of the book; show you understand the author’s perspective.</p><p>2. Evaluate its contents for veracity (Do you agree with the author’s perspective? Explain why or why not); summarize your perspective. </p><p>3. Relate the substance of the book to the issues discussed in class. Include the impact of your discoveries.</p><p>Time: 5 hours estimated time. Points: 20 points possible. </p><p>4. Reflection paper Write a reflection paper: Follow the guidelines for written assignments under “Course Policies.” This paper should be 8-10 double-spaced pages in length. Bibliography should include books (in addition to those listed in Required Reading), periodicals and Internet sites. Quotes and original ideas must be documented by footnotes or endnotes.</p><p>Expand shepherding insights Choose one of the issues listed in course description for further research, reading, and reflection. The paper should be written from the perspective of someone ministering to a woman dealing with this issue. Resources should go beyond required reading listed in syllabus. Include web resources, ministries and Scripture. Paper should include the following:</p><p>PCW512XE Syllabus 6 1. Give a definition of this issue. Show a clear understanding of the behavior, feelings, and thoughts of such a woman experiencing this issue. Include background information—causes or reasons that might precede a woman into the pain of this issue.</p><p>2. Choose one primary Scriptural text that gives you the understanding you need to shepherd a woman through the issue you have chosen for this assignment. Please identify the truth that this text brings to the issue and/or to your ability to shepherd more effectively. This is not necessarily a text you would give the women in pain, but is one primarily for YOU the shepherd. </p><p>3. What is the first step YOU will take when you suspect the cause of a woman’s pain is THIS issue? What will you recommend she do? </p><p>4. What does recovery look like? Give steps to recovery. When should you refer her to a professional counselor?</p><p>5. What are some good questions to ask her in helping her process her pain? Name choices she can make.</p><p>6. From a biblical perspective how would you help her grieve losses and begin the transition to health? How can you extend grace? What would a grace-filled environment provide for this woman? A healing community?</p><p>7. What Scripture(s) contribute to the foundational healing of this woman? How will you introduce women to the Great Shepherd, the One through whom she can receive grace and healing? How will your personal relationship with Jesus Christ impact this woman’s healing process? (Due by the course end date)</p><p>Time: 30 hours estimated time. Points: 100 points possible. </p><p>5. Discussion Forum Assignments (You will be sent information about accessing the learning center/forum after you are registered)</p><p>A discussion forum allows you to share your thoughts with, and receive feedback from, your course instructor and other students in the course. For each forum posting set, you will write an original posting and respond to someone else’s posting. </p><p>You’ll complete a total of 6 forum posting sets and one final forum. </p><p> Create 6 new messages, in which you interact with some of the material in the readings or lectures. This posting should be a minimum of 100 words in length. It could include such items as: o Questions or insights about the material covered thoughts about the class lectures, readings, and notes. </p><p>PCW512XE Syllabus 7 o Ways in which you've seen the course principles work (or not work) in ministry. </p><p> Respond to 6 other postings of someone else's. There is no minimum length for this response, but it should show thoughtful and constructive thought. It may include: </p><p> o Questions to clarify what they've written, o Points where you agree or disagree, and reasons why, o Personal illustrations of a point they've raised, o Additional thoughts on the scripture they've discussed, or related passages </p><p> On the 7th posting: </p><p> o 3 principles you've found in this course to help promote spiritual transformation, along with a specific plan for implementing one of these in your own life, or a report of how you have been implementing it in your life this semester, o 2 principles you've found in this course to help a believer minister more effectively, along with a specific plan for implementing one of these in your own ministry, or a report of how you have been implementing it in your ministry this semester. </p><p>Time: 5 hours Points: 20 points possible. (2 points per forum set & 8 point for last posting)</p><p>GRADING SCALE:</p><p>A+ A A- B+ B B- 99-100% 95-98% 93-94% 91-92% 88-90% 86-87% C+ C C- D+ D D- 84-85% 81-83% 79-80% 77-78% 74-76% 70-73%</p><p>ASSIGNMENT SUMMARY</p><p>Approx. Points Assignment Hours Possible 1. Participation Requirements Reading & Media Components 20+25 22 Policy Affirmation, On Time Verification, Course 6 Evaluation 2. Journal Entries (X8) 5 20 3. Reading Report 5 20 4. Reflection paper 30 100 5. Discussion forum assignments 5 20 Totals 90 188</p><p>PCW512XE Syllabus 8 COURSE SEQUENCE Important: See the course schedule in the learning center for the due dates of your assignments. </p><p>16- Lessons Assignments & Notes 8-Week Week (For each lesson, complete the progress report) 1 Read: Hislop pages 9-66 1 1. Pain, Loss and Grief Read: Hislop pages 307-314 2 1st forum posting 2. Eating Disorders Read: First 1/3 of the book you selected from the “Choose on of the following” list. 3 Read: Hislop: Ch 12 1st Forum response 2 3. Post Abortion Stress Read: Biblical stories of Hagar in Genesis 16 and 21:1-21 and Bathsheba in II Samuel 11-12:23. 4 Read: Hislop: Ch 11, 2nd forum posting 4. Hagar Read: Second 1/3 of the book you selected from the “Choose on of the following” list 5 Read: Hislop: 6 2nd forum response 3 5. Suicide Read: Hislop: 15 Read: Last 1/3 of the book you selected from the “Choose on of 6 the following” list 3rd forum posting 6. Pornography Read: Hislop: 19 7 Reading Report due: 4 3rd forum response 7. Emotional and Physical Abuse Read: Hislop: 16 8 Read: First 1/4 of 200 pages of “Additional Reading” 4th forum posting 8. Sexual Abuse Read: Hislop: 17 9 Read: Second 1/4 of 200 pages of “Additional Reading” 4th forum response 5 9. Forgiveness Read: Hislop: 18 10 Read: Third 1/4 of 200 pages of “Additional Reading” 5th forum posting 10. Same Sex Attraction Read: Hislop: 21 11 Read: Last 1/4 of 200 pages of “Additional Reading” 6 5th forum response 11. Breast Cancer Journal Entries paper due 12 6th forum posting 7 13 6th forum response 14 7th forum principles postings Reflection paper due:</p><p>PCW512XE Syllabus 9 On-time Verification (16 week course, ok to submit in week 15). 15 Course Evaluation and Reflection. If you 8 have not been granted an extension, graded 16 assignments turned in after 8:00 a.m. on Monday of the final week may be subject to a late penalty of up to 10% per day.</p><p>COURSE POLICIES</p><p>Attendance and Late Assignments: Student will receive on-time completion points for finishing their course according to the schedule. Students in the 8 week sessions are required to have all their course work into their course instructor by end of week 7. Students in the 16 week sessions are required to have all their work into their course instructor by end of week 15. If you have not been granted an extension, graded assignments turned in after 8:00 a.m. on Monday of the final week may be subject to a late penalty of up to 10% per day. No online completion points will be granted after that time.</p><p>Copyright Violation and Plagiarism: Research in secondary sources for the written project is permitted and welcomed. However, any appropriation of either ideas or wording taken from other sources, whether print or electronic, must be properly footnoted. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism which can result in substantial grade reduction or failure. Any unauthorized copying or use of copyrighted materials, including downloaded files of various kinds, can result in criminal charges and fines. For a fuller explanation of these issues or WS's copyright policy, see the Copyright Issues and Cheating" section of the Student Handbook: http://www.westernseminary.edu/academic/handbook-copyright.</p><p>Incompletes/Extensions: In the case of serious illness, family emergency, or other extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control, students may request one course extension of no more than 4 weeks. Registration for a distance education course is conditional upon the successful completion of any current course you are taking. If you have received an extension for your current course, you are expected to finish your current courses before your next Online Campus course start date to stay registered. </p><p>If students face a personal emergency that requires requesting an extension going beyond the end of the semester, it may affect their ability to receive financial aid in the next semester, and they may face the possibility that their next semester’s course registrations will be cancelled. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for assistance.</p><p>Audit/Enrichment Students: Enrichment students are encouraged, but not obligated, to participate in assignments and class discussions. Professors are not obligated to grade participation for these students, but may opt to do so depending on class size.</p><p>The Availability of Disability Services at Western Seminary: Western Seminary is committed to responding to the needs of students with disabilities </p><p>PCW512XE Syllabus 10 as outlined in both the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Western students are assisted individually as their needs dictate. It is the responsibility of students with disabilities to identify themselves and the nature of the disability. Any student who has a disability should contact the seminary’s Disability (Section 504) Coordinator, Ashley Mitchell, at 503-517-1819/1-877-517-1800, ext. 1819. Her office is at the Portland campus. Students at the northern California campuses may contact Student Services Coordinator – San Jose or Director of Student Services – Sacramento, or they may contact Ms Mitchell directly. Appropriate forms will be provided and must be submitted to the Disability Coordinator’s office. </p><p>Questions regarding this course or its materials should be directed to:</p><p>Western Seminary Online Campus 5511 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR, 97215 Attn: Jon Raibley Email: [email protected] 1-800-893-8567 - In Portland: 503-517-1899</p><p>PCW512XE Syllabus 11</p>
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