Curriculum Vitae M.A. Crawford

Curriculum Vitae M.A. Crawford

<p> CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>Michael Angus Crawford, </p><p>BSc (Edinburgh), PhD (London University), FSB, FRCPath. </p><p>Contents: Page</p><p>Title Table of contents 1</p><p>Summary 2</p><p>Honours, Societies, Affiliations 3</p><p>Academic activities 4</p><p>Business & Government 5</p><p>Bibliography Part I Science and popular books 6</p><p>Bibliography Part II Academic papers and letters. ……………………….. 7-30</p><p>36 Regent's Park Road, London NW1 7SX. Tel 020 71 33 29 26 (Day), 020 77 22 99 96 (Home), Fax mobile +44 (0) 7725250541 E-mail michael,[email protected]</p><p>MAC May 2012. Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 2 Curriculum Vitae: Academic Summary</p><p>Michael Angus Crawford, BSc., PhD., CBiol., FIBiol., FRCPath. </p><p>Nationality: British. Married: Sheilagh Inglis, 1956 (Founder member and trustee of Parents for Children) (Deceased 1993). 4 children (2 adopted). Mandy Walton 8th December 1998. Address: London: 36 Regent's Park Road, NW1 7SX.</p><p>Education and Professional Qualifications: 1948 Fort Augustus School, Invernesshire (Captain of Cricket & Rugby). 1952 BSc Chemistry, Edinburgh University 1960 PhD in Chemical Pathology, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, University of London. 1988 Fellow of the Institute of Biology 1996 Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists. 2012 Good Clinical Practice.</p><p>Present appointment 2010- Visiting Professor, Imperial College, Department of Cancer and Surgery, Division of Reproductive Physiology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Campus, London SW10 9NH, UK</p><p>Previous positions 1989- 2010 Director The Institute of Brain Chemistry and Human Nutrition, Until 1997 at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children, of St Bartholomew’s Medical School, London E2 8PS then at London Metropolitan University N7 8DB 1965-1989 Head of Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition Nuffield Institute of Comparative Medicine, London NW1 4RY and:- 1982 -1998 Professor. Department of Applied Biochemistry and Nutrition, School of Agriculture, University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD 1960-1965 Lecturer and Head of Department of Biochemistry Makerere University Medical School, Kampala, Uganda 1962-1972 Makerere: Leader of Overseas Development Research Group on The role of nutrition in tropical heart disease and cancer in East Africa. 1963 Wellcome Visiting Research Fellow, to Professor Ernst Baranay, Department of Pharmacology, University of Uppsala, Sweden 1956-1960 Assistant to Professor M.D. Milne Postgraduate Medical School. 1954-1956 Post-graduate studies in pre-clinical medicine, Edinburgh University.</p><p>Military: 1952-1953 Royal Canadian Air Force - Winnipeg – Polar Navigation Wings. 1953-54 Royal Air Force, Fighter Command, British Army of Occupation of the Rhine, Assistant Flying Wing Adjutant, Oldenburg, Germany, Rank: Flying Officer. Private Pilot's Licence. Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 3 Honours: </p><p>1981 Gold Medal 1st International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids. 1995 The International Award for Modern Nutrition for work on unsaturated fatty acids in early human development and health. 1996 Centenary Award from Hoffman la Roche for ‘outstanding contribution to the biological understanding of the significance of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and for his research on preterm & term infant brain development’. 2000-2001 Millennium - Danone Chair at the University of Ghent, Belgium.. 2000 -- Honorary Professor at the Albert Schweitzer International University, Geneva, Switzerland. 2002 Co-President of the Vth Congress of the International Society for the Study of Fats and Lipids (ISSFAL), Montreal, Canada, 2003 Gold Medal for Science and Peace, Albert Schweitzer International University, Geneva, Switzerland. 2004 President of the VIth Congress of ISSFAL, Brighton, England. 2008 Gold Medal from the Ministry of Fisheries Wealth, Government of Oman for contributions to the science of the brain and for advice on policy. 2010 Royal Society of Medicine – Inscription in the Hall of Fame by colleagues. Award from University of Louisiana – for Neuroscience and Medicine. 2013 Elected Brain of the Year, - Brain Trust. </p><p>Societies: American Association for the Advancement of Science American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. British Science Association. Institute of Biology International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL) McCarrison Society National Trust New York Academy of Sciences Nutrition Society Royal College of Pathologists Royal Society of Medicine</p><p>Current Directorships and Affiliations Founder and Director: Mother and Child Foundation Founder Trustee of the Little Foundation Consultant to Shida Kanzume Co. Japan. International Editorial Board on Nutrition and Health. Editorial Board: "Current Psychiatry Reviews". Trustee: Fundación Manuela Martínez para los Niños con Enfermedades Metabólicas Laboratorio de Investigación, Barcelona, Spain Trustee: Institute for Food Brain and Behaviour.</p><p>Leisure interests Music (piano), bee-keeping, scuba-diving (PADI certified), skiing, chess, travel, theatre, the Planetary Society and Stock market. Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 4 Key Academic activities</p><p>1963 Dr. A Rankin(clinical) & M. Crawford (pre-clinical) designed and founded the Muhimbili Medical School and initiated teaching in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania with Rockefeller funding. 1975-1990 Parents for Children: Founder member of: Council and Panel member. 1976-1988 Coronary Prevention Group: (Royal College of Physicians) - Founder secretary. 1978-1980 Children's Nutrition Centre, Houston, Texas, USA: Joint chairman with Dr. Buford Nichols for design of start-up research programme. 1978-1979 Medical Research Council: Working Party on Multiple Sclerosis. 1979 Royal Society/British Council: Lecture tour for India 1979-81 Golden Jubilee International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids And Prostaglandins: Programme co-ordinator and Editor. 1980-1986 Action Research into Multiple Sclerosis: Management Committee. 1984-1986 Principle Organiser IInd International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids, Prostaglandins and Leukotrienes to celebrate the Nobel Prize for Bergstrom, Samuelsson and Vane, London, UK (Prog Lipid Res 1986 vol 25) 1990-1992 British Nutrition Foundation ‘Task Force- unsaturated fatty acids’. 1991 "The Health of the Nation depends on the Mother & Child": Conference organiser at the Royal Society of Medicine 1997 IVth International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids & Eicosanoids, Organising Committee - University of Edinburgh. 1999-2001 March of Dimes Foundation for Birth Defects: International Advisory Working Group co-chair with Dr Richard Decklebaum, NY, USA. 1999 “Maternal and Child Health” Conference organiser -Royal Society of Medicine. 2000 Organising committee for the International Society for the Study of Fats & other Lipids. Millennium Congress, in Tsukuba, Japan. 2000 Coordinated conference on “Human Origins” with Professor Philip Tobias Sept 22nd, at the Zoological Society of London. 2005. Poitiers IVth International Congress “Molecular and Cell Biology”. Organised - section on “Docosahexaenoic acid and the Brain” 2008-2010 Co-cordinator of an FP6 EU project on nutrition and diabetes in pregnancy. 2008 Declaration of Muscat, Oman Conference for the Ministry of Fisheries Wealth 2009 Patron - Staunton Memorial International Chess Tournament. London. (UK versus Netherlands) 2010 Patron - International Congress on Health and the Survival of Oceanic Re- sources , Melbourne, Australia . 2010 Brief for Lord Hameed of Hamstead to lead a debate in the House of Lords on Neurodevelopmetal Disorders and Mental Ill Health. 2010- Guest of Honour at the International Conference on the Discovery of DHA- Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK May 26-27th. 2011 Government of Western Australia, Global Conference - Nutrition & Mental Health. 2011 Leader for international congress of nutrition and mental health – Sudan and Oman. 2011 DG MARE EU invited submission - fisheries for human mental sustainability. 2012 Opened UN-FAO Conference at EXPO 2012, Jeosu, S. Korea. “The Oceans”. Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 5 General and Government Activities</p><p>1966-1970 H. J. Heinz UK, collaboration with the Chairman Mr A Beresford, 1968.1982 Unilever, Vlaardingen, Holland: Consultant to Dr. Jan Boldingh (research Director) and Dr. David van Dorp on role of dietary fats and oils. 1970-1978 Reckitt & Coleman - Board interaction on arachidonic and DHA for infants. 1971-82 Hoffman la Roche, UK, collaboration with the Director of Research. 1976-1978 World Health Organisation (WHO): Consultant and rapporteur for the Joint Expert Consultation with the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations and raporteur fo Nutrition Report no 3 : ‘Dietary Fats & Oils in Human Nutrition’ FAO, Rome. 1979-1981 WHO/FAO Codex Alimentarius: Technical advisor to UK delegation on dietary fats and health implications consequent on the 1978 FAO/WHO.. 1979-1984 Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food: Analysed and compiled data on Fatty acid composition of foods for the Government Food Tables.. 1980-1983 European Commission: Scientific Committee on Olive Oil.. 1986-1988 NATO: Organisation of the Advanced Workshop on Dietary Fats. 1988.1997 Milupa, Germany and Nutricia, Holland: - new infant formula. 1988.92 Nestlé, Switzerland. Consultant to Research Director Dr. Umberto Bracco. .. 1990.91 Japanese Government advisor and lecture tour on “Advantages of the traditional Japanese DHA rich diet for health, intelligence, food and fishery policy”.. 1992 Advisor to Nutricia, Holland and Toxicological study on Martek’s (USA) arachidonic & DHA oils for infant formula. 1993-1995 WHO/ FAO Expert Consultation on “The Role of Dietary Fats in Human Nutrition” . WHO consultant representative. 1992.1994 Ministry of Health Indonesia: consultant on pregnancy and mental retardation”</p><p>1997-1998 Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries & Food Working Party dietary fats 1997-2002 Martek Biosciences, USA: Grand Round lectures at 8 medical centres in the USA 2002 -2004 Committee on Borderline Substances, for the Department of Health.</p><p>2008-2010 WHO-FAO Expert Consultation on “The Role f Dietary Fats and Oils in Hu- man Nutrition.” 2010- Government of Oman: Advisor to The Research Council. 2012- Consultancy Board of International Forum for Public Health (IFPH - UK)</p><p>Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 6 M. A. Crawford - Bibliography Part I</p><p>Scientific Books, collected papers, edited proceedings:</p><p>Influence of pH on the excretion of some weak acids and bases. PhD Thesis, University of London, 1960.</p><p>Comparative nutrition of wild animals. Symposium No. 21 of The Zoological Society of London. (Organiser and Editor).</p><p>The role of dietary fats and oils in human nutrition. Rapporteur for a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation, Nutrition report no 3. FAO, Rome, 1978.</p><p>Essential fatty acids, prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Progress in Lipid Research, Pergamon Press, Oxford. 1986. (Editor).</p><p>The role of dietary fats in human nutrition. Academic Press, London, 1989. (Joint editor with A. Vergroessen).</p><p>Dietary Imbalance and the Fetus: Essential Fatty Acids and Alcohol. (1995) by M. A. Crawford, J.O. Beattie and E.W.H.M. Fredrix. In Food and the Human Condition, Text Book of the Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen, DPG b.v. Landgraaf. pp55 – 67.</p><p>The equation between food production, nutrition and health. By Michael Crawford and Keb Ghebremeskel, In Food Ethics, ed Ben Mepham, Routeledge, London. 1996, pp64-100.</p><p>Poly-unsaturated Fatty Acids, Neural Function & Mental Health The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters ed O. Mouritsen & M A Crawford 2007.</p><p>Docosahexaenoic and Arachidonic acids in Hominid Evolution by Michael A Crawford. In Book on “Environmental Influences on Human Brain Evolution “– eds Kathy Stewart & Stephen Cunnane Wiley-VCH published 2011</p><p>Books: What we eat today by M.A. Crawford and S.M. Crawford. Neville Spearman, London, 1972 (Foreword by Sir Frank Fraser-Darling.).SBN 85435 360 7. </p><p>Earth in Danger: Conservation by M.A. Crawford. Aldus Books Ltd., London, 1976. (Foreword by Sir David Attenborough.)</p><p>The driving force: food evolution and the future by M.A. Crawford with D. Marsh. W. Heinemann (UK), 1989. Harper and Rowe (USA), 1989. Paperback edition: Mandarin 1991. </p><p>Nutrition and Evolution: American edition: Keats Publ. Inc. New Canaan, CT, 1995. New edition 2015. Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 7 Bibliography Part II</p><p>Peer reviewed academic papers and letters:</p><p>1. Milne, M.D., Rowe, G.G., Somers, K., Meuhrcke, R.C. and Crawford, M.A. (1957) Observations on the pharmacology of mecamylamine. Clin. Sci. 16: 599-614.</p><p>2. Milne, M.D., Scribner, B.J. and Crawford, M.A. (1958) Non-ionic diffusion and the excretion of weak acids and bases. Am. J. Med. 24: 709-729.</p><p>3. Scribner, B.H., Crawford, M.A. and Dempster, W.J. (1959) Urinary excretion by non-ionic diffusion. Am. J. Physiol. 196: 1135-1140.</p><p>4. Crawford, M.A., Milne, M.D., Loughbridge, L. and Scribner, B.H. (1959) The effect of calcium gluconate on citrate excretion. J. Clin. Path. 12: 524-529.</p><p>5. Milne, M.D., Crawford, M.A., Girao, C.B. and Loughridge, L. (1959) The metabolic abnormality of the Hartnup disease. Biochem. J. 72: 30.</p><p>6. Crawford, M.A., Milne, M.D., Loughridge, L. and Scribner, B.H. (1959) The effects of changes in acid-base balance on urinary citrate in the rat. J. Physiol. 149: 413-423.</p><p>7. Saunders, S.J., Irvine, R.O.H., Crawford, M.A. and Milne, M.D. (1960) The intracellular pH of potassium deficient voluntary muscle. LANCET (i): 468-496.</p><p>8. Crawford, M.A. and Milne, M.D. (1960) Renal tissue citrate and citrate excretion in the rat. Biochem. J. 76:23.</p><p>9. Milne, M.D., Crawford, M.A., Girao, C.B. and Loughridge, L. (1960) The excretion of indolylacetic acid and related indolic acids in man and the rat. Clin. Sci. 19: 165-179.</p><p>10. Edwards, K.D.G., Crawford, M.A., Dempster, W.J., Milne, M.D. and Sicinski, A. (1961) The localisation of the renal mechanisms of excretion of mecamylamine and indolylacetic acid in the dog. Clin. Sci. 21: 175-188.</p><p>11. Milne, M.D., Crawford, M.A., Girao, C.B. and Loughridge, L. (1961) The metabolic disorder of the Hartnup disease. Q. J. Med. 29: 407-421.</p><p>12. Crawford, M.A., (1961) A comparison of the effects of fluoroacetate and malonate on the in vivo accumulation of citrate within renal tissues and on urinary Krebs cycle acids. Int. Cong. Biochem. 5 sec. 23, No. 2147.</p><p>13. Edwards, K.D.G., Mody, N.J., and Crawford, M.A. (1962) Citrate utilisation by the renal tubules in primates. S. Afr. J. Med. Sci. 27: 45-50.</p><p>14. Crawford, M.A. (1962) Excretion of 5-hydroxyindolylacetic acid in East Africans. LANCET (i): 352-353. Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 8 15. Crawford, M.A. (1963) Carcinoidosis and endomyocardial fibrosis: a common denominator. Am. Heart J. 66: 273-276.</p><p>16. Crawford, M.A., (1963) Some recent developments in the theory of renal function. E. Afr. Med. J., 40: 157-170.</p><p>17. Crawford, M.A. (1963) The effects of fluoroacetate, malonate and acid base balance on the renal disposal of citrate. Biochem. J. 88: 115-120.</p><p>18. Baker, B.A., Mwasi, L. and Crawford, M.A. (1963) Oxygen-citrate glucose extraction and utilisation by the baboon kidney (Papio anubis vigilis). Biochem. J. 89:68.</p><p>19. Crawford, M.A., Nguli, K. and Crawford, S.M. (1963) Metabolism and transport of Krebs cycle acids in the kidneys. Biochem. J. 89:66.</p><p>20. Patel, R.Z. and Crawford, M.A. (1963) Comparative studies on the conjugation of indolylacetic acid and phenylacetic acids in primates and lower animals. Biochem. J. 89:81.</p><p>21. Banwell, J. and Crawford, M.A. (1963) The identification and occurrence of indolylacrylglycine, an unexpected metabolite of tryptophan in the urine of East Africans. Biochem. J. 89:69.</p><p>22. Crawford, M.A. (1964) Degradation of amino acids in the large gut on East Africans and its possible significance. E. Afr. Med. J. 41: 228-238.</p><p>23. Crawford, M.A. (1964) Large gut degradation of amino acids. VI Int. Congr. Biochem. New York.</p><p>24. McKinney, B. and Crawford, M.A. (1965) Fibrosis in the guinea pig heart produced by plantain diet. LANCET (ii): 880-882.</p><p>25. Crawford, M.A. and Hansen, I.L. (1966) An isotope dilution technique applied to the problem of de novo synthesis and secretion of citrate by the kidney. J. Physiol. Lond. 183: 80-81.</p><p>26. Crawford, M.A. (1966) Thin layer chromatography of indolyacrylylglycine and other urinary indoles. J. Chromat. 22: 330-335.</p><p>27. Brown, R.E., Shaffer, R.D., Hansen, I.L., Hansen, H.B. and Crawford, M.A. (1966) Health survey of the El Molo. E. Afr. Med. J. 43: 480-488.</p><p>28. Hansen, I.L., Brown, R.E., Shaffer, R.D. and Crawford, M.A. (1966) Biochemical findings on the El Molo tribe. E. Afr. Med. J. 43: 489-500.</p><p>29. Lopez, A. and Crawford, M.A. (1967) Aflatoxin content of groundnuts sold for human consumption in Uganda. LANCET (i): 1351-1354.</p><p>30. Crawford, M.A. (1968) Discussion of indole metabolism in Hartnup disease. Adv. Pharmacol. 6 (b): 176-177.</p><p>31. Hansen, I.L. and Crawford, M.A. (1968) Bacterial degradation of the aromatic amino acid side chain. Biochem. Pharmacol. 17: 338-342. Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 9 32. du Boulay, G.H. and Crawford, M.A. (1968) Nutritional bone disease in captive primates. Symp. Zool. Soc. Lond. No. 21: 223-236.</p><p>33. Crawford, M.A. (1968) Fatty acid ratios in free-living and domestic animals. LANCET (i): 1329-1333.</p><p>34. Crawford, M.A. (1968) Food selection under natural conditions and the possible relationship to heart disease in man. Proc. Nutr. Soc. 27: 163-172.</p><p>35. Crawford, M.A. (1968) Stability of habitats in relation to food selection. Proc. R. Soc. Med. 61: 159.</p><p>36. Crawford, M.A. (1968) Possible use of wild animals as future resources of food in Africa. Vet. Rec. 82: 305-314.</p><p>37. Crawford, M.A., Patterson, J. and Yardley, L. (1968) Nitrogen utilisation by the Cape Buffalo (Syncerus caffer) and other large mammals. Symp. Zool. Soc. Lond. No. 21: 367-379.</p><p>38. Crawford, M.A. (1969) Polyunsaturated fatty acids, structural lipid, and atheroma. LANCET (ii): 379-380.</p><p>39. Crawford, M.A. (1969) Dietary prevention of atherosclerosis. LANCET (ii): 1419-1420.</p><p>40. Gale, M.M. and Crawford, M.A. (1969) The different rate of incorporation of glucose and fructose into plasma and liver lipids in the guinea pig. Metabolism 18: 1021-1025.</p><p>41. Crawford, M.A. (1969) Lactase deficiency and human diets. Nature, Lond. 223: 742.</p><p>42. Gale, M.M. and Crawford, M.A. (1969) The effect of dietary histidine and arginine on growth in the guinea pig as a test of the amino acid imbalance in plantain and cassava. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 63: 826-832.</p><p>43. Gale, M.M. and Crawford, M.A. (1969) The effect of African Staple food stuffs on guinea pig growth curves. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 63: 821-825.</p><p>44. Crawford, M.A., Hansen, K.L. and Lopez, A. (1969) The excretion of 3-hydroxyanthranilic and quinolinic acid in Uganda Africans. Br. J. Cancer 23: 644-654.</p><p>45. Crawford, M.A., Gale, M.M. and Woodford, M.H. (1969) Linoleic acid and linolenic acid elongation products in muscle tissue of Syncerus caffer and other ruminant species. Biochem. J. 115: 25-27.</p><p>46. Crawford, M.A. (1969) The polyenoic acids and their elongation products in the muscle tissue of Phacochoerus aethiopicus: are-evaluation of 'animal fat'. Biochem. J. 114: 68p.</p><p>47. Crawford, M.A., Gale, M.M. and Woodford, M.H. (1970) Muscle and adipose tissue lipids of the Warthog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus). Int. J. Biochem. 1: 654-658.</p><p>48. Crawford, M.A., Gale, M.M., Woodford, M.H. and Casperd, N.M. (1970) Comparative studies on fatty acid composition of wild and domestic meats. Int. J. Biochem. 1: 295-305. Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 10 49. Crawford, M.A., Crawford, S.M. and Berg Hansen, I. (1970) Plasma structural lipids in groups at high and low risk to atherosclerosis. Biochem. J. 122: 11-12.</p><p>50. Crawford, M.A., Hansen, I.L. and Somers, K. (1970) Studies on platelet 5-hydroxytryptamine in East Africans. Br. J. Nutr. 42: 385-392.</p><p>51. Crawford, M.A., Gale, M.M., Somers, K. and Hansen, K.L. (1970) Studies on plasma amino acids in East African adults in relation to endomyocardial fibrosis. Br. J. Nutr. 24: 393-403.</p><p>52. Crawford, M.A. (1970) Alterations in balance of long chain metabolic derivatives of linolenic acid in the fat deficient guinea pig. FEBS Lett. 11: 117-120.</p><p>53. Crawford, M.A. (1971) Balancing the inner man. Wld. Med. 7: 17-20.</p><p>54. Sinclair, A.J. and Crawford, M.A. (1971) Low-fat diets and the survival of newborn rats. Biochem. J. 126: 18-19.</p><p>55. Crawford, M.A. (1971) Epidemiological interactions. In Symposium on mycotoxins in human health: 231-244. Purchase, I.F.H. (ed). Proceedings of a Symposium in Pretoria, 1970. London: MacMillan.</p><p>56. Crawford, M.A. and Woodford, M.H. (1971) Fatty acid composition in liver, aorta, skeletal and heart muscle of two free-living ruminants. Int. J. Biochem. 2: 493-496.</p><p>57. Crawford, M.A. (1972) Chemical evolution. In Biology of Nutrition 18: 27-44. Fiennes, R.N.T.-W. (Ed.) Int. Encycl. Food Nutrition. Oxford & New York: Pergamon.</p><p>58. Crawford, M.A. (1972) Chemical evolution in relation to advanced life forms. In Biology of nutrition 18: 251-256. Fiennes, R.N.T.-W. (Ed.). Int. Encycl. Food Nutrition. Oxford and New York: Pergamon Press.</p><p>59. Crawford, M.A. (1972) Current nutritional research: implication of the new proteins. Nutrition, Lond. 26: 76-82.</p><p>60. Crawford, M.A. and Sinclair, A.J. (1972) The limitation of whole tissue analysis to define linolenic acid deficiency. J. Nutr. 102: 1315-1321.</p><p>61. Crawford, M.A. and Sinclair, A.J. (1971) Nutritional influences in the evolution of the mammalian brain. In Lipids, malnutrition and the developing brain: 267-292. Elliot, K. and Knight, J. (Eds.). A Ciba Foundation Symposium (19-21 October, 1971). Amsterdam, Elsevier.</p><p>62. Sinclair, A.J. and Crawford, M.A. (1972) The accumulation of arachidonate and docosahexaenoate in the developing rat brain. J. Neurochem. 19: 1753-1758. </p><p>63. Sinclair, A.J. and Crawford, M.A. (1972). The incorporation of linolenic and docosahexaenoic acid into liver and brain lipids of developing rats. FEBS Lett. 26: 127-129.</p><p>64. Sinclair, A.J. and Crawford, M.A. (1973) The incorporation of linoleate and arachidonate into liver and brain lipids of developing rats. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 1: 462-463.</p><p>65. Crawford, M.A. (1973) The relationship of dietary fats to the chemistry and morphological Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 11 development of muscle, liver and brain. Rivta Ital. Sostanze Grasse 51: 302-309.</p><p>66. Sinclair, A.J. and Crawford, M.A. (1973) The effect of a low fat maternal diet on neonatal rats. Br. J. Nutr. 29: 127-137.</p><p>67. Fiennes, R.N.T.-W., Sinclair, A.J. and Crawford, M.A. (1973) Essential fatty acid studies in primates: linolenic acid requirements of Capuchins. J. Med. Prim. 2: 155-169.</p><p>68. Crawford, M.A. (1974) Structural lipids and risk factors to cardiovascular disease. World Congr. Int. Soc. Fat Res. 12:</p><p>69. Crawford, S.M. and Crawford, M.A. (1974) An examination of systems of management of wild and domestic animals based on African ecosystems. In: Animal agriculture: 218-234. Cole, H.H. and Ronning, M. (Eds.). W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco.</p><p>70. Crawford, M.A. (1974) The case for new domestic animals. Oryx 12: 351-360. </p><p>71. Crawford, M.A. (1974) A new approach to the nutrition value of meat based on the lipids for brain construction. In: Proc. Int. Meat Meeting, Madrid: 515-531.</p><p>72. Crawford, M.A. (1974) Meat as a source of lipids. In: Meat. Proceedings of the 21st Easter School in Agricultural Science. University of Nottingham 1974: 451-470. Cole, D.T.A. and Lawrie, R.A. (Eds). Butterworths.</p><p>73. Rivers, J.P.W. and Crawford, M.A. (1974) Maternal nutrition and the sex ratio at birth. Nature, Lond. 252: 297-298.</p><p>74. Sinclair, A.J., Fiennes, R.N.T.-W., Hay, A.W.M., Watson, G., Crawford, M.A. & Hart, N.G. (1974) Linolenic acid deprivation in Capuchin Monkeys. Proc. Nutr. Soc. 33: 49A.</p><p>75. Crawford, M.A., Sinclair, A.J., Msuya, P.M. and Munhambo, A. (1974) Structural lipids and their polyenoic constituents in human milk. In Dietary lipids and postnatal development: 41-56. Galli, C., Jacini, G. and Pecile, A. (Eds.). New York: Raven Press.</p><p>76. Crawford, M.A., Stevens, P., Msuya, P. and Munhambo, A. (1974). Lipid composition of human milk: Comparative studies on African and European mothers. Proc. Nutr. Soc. 33: 50A.</p><p>77. Crawford, M.A., Sinclair, A.J. and Stevens, R. (1974). Specificity of brain grey matter fatty acids in land and marine animals. Paper No. 37 at the 48th Annual Meeting, American Oil Chemists's Society.</p><p>78. Williams, G., Hassam, A. and Crawford, M.A. (1974) Chain elongation and desaturation of essential fatty acids in fetal development. Congr. Inst. Soc. Fat Res. 12 (No. 238).</p><p>79. Crawford, M.A. and Hall, B. (1975) Breast feeding and maternal nutrition Br. Med. J. (3): 232-233.</p><p>80. Crawford, M.A. and Hassam, A.G. (1975) Diagnostic test for multiple sclerosis. Br. Med. J. (1): 150-151.</p><p>81. Hassam, A.G., Sinclair, A.J. and Crawford, M.A. (1975) The incorporation of orally fed Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 12 radioactive gamma-linolenic acid and linoleic acid into the liver and brain lipids of suckling rats. Lipids 10: 417-420.</p><p>82. Rivers, J.P.W., Sinclair, A.J. and Crawford, M.A. (1975). "Inability of the cat to desaturate essential fatty acids." Nature 285: 171-173.</p><p>83. Crawford, M.A. (1975). A re-evaluation of the nutrient role of animal products. Plenary lecture in Proc. Third World Conf. Animl. product. (Melbourne 1973): 21-35. Reid, R.L. (Ed.). Sydney University Press.</p><p>84. Crawford, M.A. (1975) A re-evaluation of the nutrient role of animal products. Rural Life 20: 3-15.</p><p>85 Rivers, J.P.W., Sinclair, A.J., Moore, D.P. and Crawford, M.A. (1976) The absence of 6 desaturase activity and the abnormal metabolism of EFA in the cat. Proc. Nutr. Soc. 35: 66A-67A.</p><p>86. Rivers, J.P.W., Hassam, A.G., Crawford, M.A. and Brambell, M.R. (1976) The inability of the lion, Panthera leo L. to desaturate linoleic acid. FEBS Lett. 67: 269-270.</p><p>87. Fripp, P.J., Williams, G. and Crawford, M.A. (1976). The differences between the long chain polyenoic acids of adult Schistosoma mansoni and the serum of its host. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 53B: 505-507.</p><p>88. 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Multiple Sclerosis: immunological, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. Eds. F.C. Rose and R. Jones. 26: 189-199.</p><p>161. Crawford, M.A. (1987) Essential fatty acids and brain development. Lipids in Modern Nutrition. Eds. M. Horisberger and U. Bracco. 13: 67 - 78.</p><p>162. Crawford, M.A., Doyle, W., Drury, P.J., and Meadows, N. (1987) Food intakes of children, the DHSS and the prevention of heart disease. Nutr. and Health. 5: 65 - 77.</p><p>163. Crawford, M.A., Doyle, W. and Meadows, N. (1987) Gender differences at birth and differences in fetal growth. Hum. Reprod. 2: 517 - 520.</p><p>164. Crawford, M.A. (1987) The requirements of long chain n-6 and n-3 fatty acids for the brain. Proceedings of the AOCS short course on Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Eicosanoids. Biloxi, USA, Ed. W.E.M Lands. Chap. 33, pp. 270-295. </p><p>165. Leyton, J., Drury, P.J. and Crawford, M.A. (1987) In vivo incorporation of labelled fatty acids in rat liver lipids after oral administration. 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Crawford MA.(1990) The early development and evolution of the human brain. Ups J Med Sci Suppl.48:43-78.</p><p>189. Wynn AHA, Crawford MA, Doyle Wendy and Wynn SW. (1991) Nutrition of women in anticipation of pregnancy. Nutr. and Health, 7: 69 - 88.</p><p>190. Vericel, E., Budowski, P. and Crawford, M.A. (1991) Chick Nutritional Encephalomalacia and Prostanoid Formation. J. Nutr. 121: 966 - 969.</p><p>191. Cunnane, C.S., Chen, Z-Y., Yang, J., Leide, A.C., Hamadeh, M. and Crawford, M.A. (1991) -linolenic acid in humans: direct functional role or dietary precursor? Nutrition 7: 1-3.</p><p>192. Crawford, M.A. (1991) Fat animals - fat humans. in World Health, WHO, Geneva, July-August: 23 - 25</p><p>193. Crawford, MA. (1991) Folic acid to prevent neural tube defects. LANCET 338: 380.</p><p>194. Crawford, M.A., Budowski, P., Drury, P., Ghebremeskel, K., Harbige, L ., Leighfield, M., Phylactos, A. and Williams, G. (1991) The nutritional contribution to Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy. Nutr. and Health 7: 61 - 68.</p><p>195. Ghebremeskel, K. Harbige, L.S., Williams, G., Crawford, M.A. and Hawkey, C. (1991) The effect of dietary change on in vitro erythrocyte haemolysis, skin lesions and alopecia in common marmosets Callithrix jaccus Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 100: 891 - 896.</p><p>196. Harbige, L., Ghebremeskel, K. and Crawford M.A. (1991) Captive Rhinos. New Scientist 1794: 63.</p><p>197. Ghebremeskel, K., Williams, G., Gardner D.A. and Crawford, M.A. (1991) Plasma metabolites in Macaroni penguins (Eudyptes chrysolophus) arriving on land for breeding and moulting. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 99A: 245- 250.</p><p>198. Ghebremeskel, K., Williams, T.D., Williams, G., Gardner D.A. and Crawford, M.A. (1992) Dynamics of plasma nutrients and metabolites in moulting macaroni (Eudyptes chrysolophus) and gentoo (Pygoscelis papua) penguins, Comp. Bioch. Physiol. 101A: 301-307.</p><p>199. 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In Polyunsaturated fatty acids in Human Nutrition, Ed: U. Bracco and R.J. Deckelbaum, Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series 28: 93 - 108.</p><p>204. Crawford, M.A. (1992) The role of dietary fatty acids in biology: their place in the evolution of the human brain. Nutr. Rev. 50: 3 - 11.</p><p>205. Leaf, AA, Leighfield MJ, Costeloe KL, Crawford MA. (1992) Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in fetal growth. Early Hum. Dev. 30: 183 - 191.</p><p>206. Crawford, MA. (1992) Essential fatty acids and neurodevelopmental disorder. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 318: 307 - 314.</p><p>207. Doyle, W, Wynn, HA, Crawford, MA, and Wynn, SW. (1993) Nutritional Counselling and supplementation in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, a study in a London population. J. Nutr. Med. 3: 249 - 256. </p><p>208. Crawford, M.A. (1993) The role of essential fatty acids in neural development: implications for perinatal nutrition. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 57 (suppl): 703S-710S.</p><p>209. Leighfield. M., Ghebremeskel, K., Doyle, W. and Crawford, M.A. (1993) Proximate composition of some ready meal foods - Total fat, fatty acids and tocopherol. J. Hum. Nutr. Dietet. 6: 51-62.</p><p>210. Crawford, M.A., Doyle, W., Leaf, A., Leighfield, M., Ghebremeskel K. & Phylactos, A. (1993) Nutrition and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Nutr. and Health 9: 81-97.</p><p>211. Crawford, M.A., Cunnane, S.C. and Harbige, L.S. (1993) A new theory of evolution: quantum theory. IIIrd International Congress on essential fatty acids and eicosanoids, Am. Oil Chem. Soc. ed A.J. Sinclair, R. Gibson, Adelaide, 87-95.</p><p>212. Phylactos, A., Harbige L.S., Crawford, M.A. (1994) Essential fatty acids alter the activity of manganese-superoxide dismutase in rat heart. Lipids 29: 111-115.</p><p>213. Worthington, J., Jones, R., Crawford, M.A. and Forte, A. (1994) Pregnancy and Multiple Sclerosis - a 3-year prospective study. J. Neurol. 241: 228-233.</p><p>214. Ghebremeskel, K., Crawford, M.A. (1994) Nutrition and health in relation to food production Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 21 and processing. Nutr. Health 9: 237-253.</p><p>215. Wynn, S.W., Wynn, A.H.A., Doyle, W. and Crawford, M.A. (1994) The association of maternal social class with maternal diet and the dimensions of babies in a population of London Women. Nutr. Health 9: 303-315.</p><p>216. Doyle, W., Jenkins, S., Crawford, M.A., Puvandendran, K. (1994) Nutritional status of schoolchildren in an inner city area. Arch. Dis. Child. 70: 376-381.</p><p>217 Leaf A.A., Crawford, M.A., Phylactos, A.C. (1994) Omega-3 fatty acids - biochemistry and neurodevelopment. Rec. Adv. Clin. Nutr. 3: 165-171. </p><p>218. Cunnane, S.C., Williams, S.C.R., Bell, J.D. Brookes, S., Craig K., Iles, R.A. and Crawford, M.A. (1994) Utilization of uniformly labelled 13C-polyunsaturated fatty acids in the synthesis of long chain fatty acids and cholesterol accumulating in the neonatal rat brain. J. Neurochem., 62: 2429-2436.</p><p>219. Phylactos, A., Ghebremeskel K, Costeloe, K., Leaf, A.A., Harbige, L.S. Crawford, M.A. (1994) Polyunsaturated fatty acids and anti-oxidants in early development: Possible prevention of oxygen induced disorders. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr. 48: S2.S17-S23.</p><p>220. Ghebremeskel, K., Burns, L., Burden, T.J., Costeloe, K., Powell, J.J. and Crawford, M.A. (1994) Vitamin A and related essential nutrients in cord blood: relationships with anthropometeric measurements at birth. Early Hum. Dev. 39: 177-188.</p><p>221. Ghebremeskel, K., Leighfield, M., Leaf, A., Costeloe, K. and Crawford, M.A. (1995) Fatty acid composition of plasma and red cell phospholipids of preterm babies fed on breast milk and formulae. Eur. J. Pediatr. 154:46-52.</p><p>222. Crawford, M.A. (1995) Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and aortic plaques. LANCET, 345: 256.</p><p>223. Suzuki, H., Tamura, Wada, S. and Crawford M.A. (1995) Comparison of docosahexaenoic acid with eicosapentaenoic acid on lowering effect of endogenous plasma cholesterol in adult mice. Fisheries Science, 61: 525-526.</p><p>224. Crawford, M.A., Ghebremeskel K. and Phylactos A. (1995) The biochemistry of unsaturated fatty acids and development of preterm infants. Clinical Practice, s80: 3-6.</p><p>225. Phylactos AC, Leaf AA, Costeloe K and Crawford MA (1995) Erythrocyte cupric/zinc superoxide dismutase exhibits reduced activity in preterm and low birthweight infants at birth. Act Paediatr 84: 1421-1425.</p><p>226. Harbige, L.S., Yeatman, N., Amor, S. and Crawford, M.A. (1995) Prevention of experimental auto-immune encephalomyelitis in Lewis rats by a novel fungal source of gamma-linolenic acid. Br. J. Nut., 74: 701-715.</p><p>227. Suzuki, H., Manabe, S., Wada O and Crawford, MA., (1997) Rapid incorporation of docosahexaenoic acid from dietary sources into brain microsomal, synaptosomal and mitochondrial membranes in adult mice. Internat. J. Vit. Res., 67: 272-278 Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 22 228. Crawford, M.A., Costeloe K, Ghebremeskel K, Phylactos A., Skirvin L, Stacey F. (1997) Are deficits of arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids responsible for the neural and vascular complications of preterm babies? Am J. Clin. Nutr. 66: 1032S-1041S.</p><p>229. Crawford MA (1997) Health Inequality: The UK’s biggest health issue. LANCET 349: 1915 (letter).</p><p>230. Leigh Broadhurst C., Cunnane. S.C. and Crawford M.A. (1998) Rift Valley lake fish and shellfish provided brain specific nutrition for early Homo. Br J. Nutr. 79: 3-21.</p><p>231. Ghebremeskel, K., Thomas, B., Min Y., Stacey, F., Koukkou, E., Lowy, C., Erskine, K. and Crawford M.A. (1998) Fatty acids in pregnant diabetic women and their neonates: Implications for pre and post-natal development. In Proceedings of the IVth International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids and their Eicosanoids. J. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and EFAs, </p><p>232. Koukkou, E., Bitsanis, D., Ghebremeskel, K., Lowy, C., Poston L. and Crawford M.A (1997) Both diabetes and maternal diets rich in saturated fatty acids alters fetal liver lipid composition and vascular reactivity. In Proceedings of the IVth International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids and their Eicosanoids. J. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and EFAs, , 57: 268</p><p>233. Ghebremeskel, K., Thomas, B., Faldon E.J., Harbige, Crawford, M.A. and L.S., Pearson T. (1997) Membrane fatty acids in patients with sickle cell disease: implications for membrane fluidity and painful crises. In Proceedings of the IVth International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids and their Eicosanoids. J. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and EFAs, 57: 215.</p><p>234 Crawford MA, Costeloe K., Ghebremeskel K. and Phylactos A (1998),The inadequacy of the essential fatty acid content of present preterm feeds. Eur. J. Pediatr. 157: S1: S23-S27.</p><p>235 Crawford MA, Lowy C, Koukkou E, Poston L, Thomas B, and Ghebremeskel K (1998) Sex ratio, diabetes and essential fatty acids. LANCET letter 351: 6-7.</p><p>236. Crawford MA (1998) Cheap Sell for Health. LANCET (letter) 351: 1741-1742. See Also BSE Lancet 6th June 1998 p 1741-1742</p><p>237. Rambeck WA, Kursa J, Kroupova V, Delange,F and Crawford MA (1998) Prevention of iodine disorders in Southeast Asia: Enrichment of iodine in the Food Chain. Minerastoffe und Spurenelemete 12, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente Würzburb 1996, 161-164.</p><p>238. Ghebremeskel K, Crawford MA (1998) The role of essential fatty acids and anti-oxidants in neurovascular development and complications of prematurity. in Text Book of Perinatal Medicine, Ed Asim Kurjak. Parthenon Publishing Group, London, New York for the European Association of Perinatal Medicine. Vol 1: 853-859.</p><p>239. Bloom M, Linseisen F, Lloyd-Smith J and Crawford MA (1999) Insights from NMR on the Functional Role of Polyunsaturated Lipids in the Brain. In: "Magnetic Resonance and Brain Function - Approaches from Physics" Proceedings of the 1998 Enrico Fermi International School of Physics, Enrico Fermi Lecture, Course #139, Varenna, Italy, pp 1-27, ed. B. Maraviglia. </p><p>240. Ghebremeskel K , Bitsanis D, Koukkou E, Lowy C, Poston L, Crawford, MA, (1999) Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 23 Saturated fat maternal diet in the pregnant rat, reduces docosahexaenoic acid in liver lipids of the neonate and suckling pups Br J Nutr 81: 395-404.</p><p>241. Cunnane SC, Menard CR, Likhodi SS, Brenna JT, Crawford MA (1999) Carbon recycling into de novo lipogenesis is a major pathway in neonatal metabolism of linoleate and -linolenate. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential fatty Acids. 60: 387-392.</p><p>242. F Doyle</p><p>243.. Doyle W, Crawford MA, Srivastava A, Costeloe KL (1999) Interpregnancy nutrition intervention with mothers of low-birthweight babies living in an inner city area: a feasibility study. J Human Nutrition & Dietetics, 12: 517-527.</p><p>244.. Ghebremeskel K, Bitsanis D, Koukkou E, Lowy C,Poston L, Crawford MA (1999). Postnatal modulation of heart and liver phosphoglyceride fatty acids in pups. Nutr Metab,43: 365-373.</p><p>245. Crawford MA. (1999) Genetically modified foods. LANCET; 353(9163):1531.</p><p>246. Crawford MA (2000) The placental delivery of arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids: implications for the lipid nutrition of the preterm infant. Am J Clin Nutr. 71:275S-284S.</p><p>247. Ghebrmeskel K, Crawford MA, Lowy C, Min Y, Thomas B, Golfetto I, Bitsanis D, Costeloe K. (2000) Arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids are strongly associated in maternal and neonatal blood. Eu J Clin Nutr; 54: 50-56. </p><p>248. Min Y, Ghebremeskel K, Crawford MA, Nam JH, Kim A, Koo JN, Suzuki H (2000) Pregnancy reduces arachidonic and docosahexaenoic in plasma triacylglycerols of Korean Women. Int J. Vitam Nutr Res 70 (2): 70-75..</p><p>249. Doyle W, Crawford M, Costeloe K (2000) Maternal nutrition and birth weight. These factors are related. BMJ, 320: 941-2 </p><p>250. Crawford MA (2000) Commentary on the workshop statement. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, 63(3):131-4.</p><p>251. Thomas A, Ghebremeskel K, Offley-Shore B, Lowy C and Crawford MA (2000) Fatty acid composition of maternal milk from insulin dependent diabetic, gestational diabetic and healthy control women. Proc Nutr Soc 59A</p><p>252. Min Y, Thomas B, Ghebremeskel K, Crawford MA, Offley-Shore B, Lowy C (2000) Do gestational diabetics have abnormal membrane fatty acid composition? Scientific Program, Fourth Congress of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids. P. 87.</p><p>253. Ghebremeskel K, Min Y, Crawford MA, Nam JH, Kim A, Koo JN, Suzuki H. (2000). Blood fatty acid composition of pregnant and nonpregnant Korean women: red cells may act as a reservoir of arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid for utilization by the developing fetus. Lipids. 2000 May;35(5):567-74. Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 24 254. Crawford M, Galli C, Visioli F, Renaud S, Simopoulos AP, Spector AA (2000) Role of plant-derived omega-3 fatty acids in human nutrition. Ann Nutr Metab 2000;44(5-6):263-265.</p><p>255 . Crawford MA, Bloom M, Cunnane S, Holmsen H, Ghebremeskel K, Parkington J, Schmidt W, Sinclair AJ and Leigh Broadhurst C (2001) Docosahexaenoic acid and cerebral evolution. In Fatty Acids and Lipids – New Findings, ed Hamazaki T, Okuyama H., World Rev. Nutr. Diet, Basel, Krager, 88: 6-17. </p><p>256. Cunnane SC, Francescutti V, Brenna JT, Crawford MA. (2000) Breast-fed infants achieve a higher rate of brain and whole body docosahexaenoate accumulation than formula-fed infants not consuming dietary docosahexaenoate. : Lipids 2000 Jan;35(1):105-111.</p><p>257. Visioli F., Crawford M., Galli C. (2001) Neonatal Salt Intake and Blood Pressure. LANCET, 357: 1880-1881.</p><p>258. Ghosh P, Butsanis D, Ghebremeskel K, Crawford M A, Poston L (2001) Abnormal Fatty acid composition and small artery function in offspring of rats fed a high fat diet in pregnancy. Journal of Physiology. 533.3, 815-822. </p><p>259. Doyle W, Srivastava A, Crawford MA, Bhatti R, Brooke Z, Costeloe KL. (2001) Inter-pregnancy folate and iron status of women in an inner-city population. Br J Nutr 86(1):81- 87.</p><p>260. Golfetto I, Min Y, Wang Y, Ghebremeskel K, Crawford MA. (2001) Serum cholesterol and haemorrhagic stroke. LANCET; 358(9280):508 LANCET 2001 Aug 11;358(9280):508 </p><p>261 Crawford M.A. (2001) Insights into the hominid skeleton [Book Review], Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 16:10:587.</p><p>262. Golfetto I, Crawford MA, Campo R. (2001) Treatment of Hemorrhagic Stroke with Arachidonic Acid. Nutritional Neuroscience. 4: 75-79.</p><p>263. Ghosh P, Bitsanis D, Ghebremeskel K, Crawford MA, Poston L (2001) Abnormal aortic fatty acid composition and small artery function in offspring of rats fed a high fat diet in pregnancy. J Physiol;533(Pt 3):815-22 </p><p>264. Crawford MA, Galli C, Simopoulos A, Reifen R (2002) The International Inequality of Health: LANCET 359: 268-269.</p><p>265. Leigh Broadhurst C,Wang Y, Crawford MA, Cunnane SC, Parkington JE, Schmidt WE. (2002) Brain-specific lipids from marine, lacustrine, or terrestrial food resources: potential impact on early African Homo sapiens. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; 131 (4), 653-673. </p><p>266. Ghebremeskel K, Bitsanis D, Koukkou E, Lowy C, Poston L, Crawford M.(2002) Liver triacylglycerols and free fatty acids in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats have atypical n-6 and n-3 pattern. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol;132(3):349-354.</p><p>267 Crawford MA (2002) Cerebral evolution. Nutr Health 2002;16(1):29-34. Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 25 268. Crawford M.A., Golfetto I, Bistanis D, Ghebremeskel K, Min Y, Moodley T, Poston L, Phylactos A, Cunnane S, Schmidt W. (2003) Arachidonic and Docosahexaenoic Acids in Protection Against Central Nervous System Damage in Preterm Infants. Lipids 38 (4), 303-315. </p><p>269 Wang Y, Crawford MA, Chen J, Ghebremeskel K, Campbell TC, Fan W, Parker R, Leyton J. (2003) Fish consumption, blood docosahexaenoic acid and chronic diseases in 65 Chinese rural populations, Comp. Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A; 136 : 127-40.</p><p>270. McGraedy R, Simpson JA, Arunjerdja R, Golfetto I, Ghebremeskel K, Taylor A, Siemieniuk A, Mercuri E, Harper G, Dubowitz L, Crawford M, Nosten F (2003) Delayed visual maturation in Karen refugee infants, Ann Trop,. Ped 23: 193-204</p><p>271 Broadhurst LC, Schmidt WF, Crawford MA, Wang Y, Li R. (2004) 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Natural Undiluted Lipids: Docosahexaenoic-Rich Phospholipid and Triacylglycerol from Fish. J Agric Food Chem, 52(13):4250-5.</p><p>272. Muskiet FA, Fokkema MR, Schaafsma A, Boersma ER, Crawford MA (2004) Is docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) essential? Lessons from DHA status regulation, our ancient diet, epidemiology and randomized controlled trials. J Nutr. 134(1):183-6. </p><p>273. Min Y, Crawford MA (2004) Essential Fatty Acids. In The Eicosanoids, ed Peter Curtis Prior, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., West Sussex, England Chap 22: pp257-276..</p><p>274. Crawford MA, Golfetto I, Bitsanis D, Min Y, Thomas B, Ghebremeskel K (2004) Is arachidonic acid a prerequisite for vascular and neural development in the human embryo and fetus? J. Neurochem, 90: Supplement 1: p 83.</p><p>275 Crawford M. A. (2004) Docosahexaenoic acid and the evolution of the brain: a message for the future. Lipid Technology, 16 (3), 53-57.</p><p>276 Thomas B, Ghebremeskel K, Lowy C, Min Y, Crawford MA (2004) Plasma AA and DHA levels are not compromised in newly diagnosed gestational diabetic women. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 58: 1492-1497</p><p>277 Zou D, Zaiger G, Ghebremeskel K, Crawford MA, Reifen R. (2004) Vitamin A deficiency reduces liver and colon docosahexaenoic acid levels in rats fed high linoleic and low alpha- linolenic acid diet. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids;71(6):383-9.</p><p>278 Min Y, Ghebremeskel K, Lowy C, Thomas B, Crawford MA (2004) Adverse effect of obesity on red cell membrane arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids in gestational diabetes. Diabetologia 47(1): 75-81</p><p>279 Ghebremeskel K, Thomas B, Lowy C, Min Y, Crawford MA. (2004) Type 1 diabetes compromises plasma arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids in newborn babies. Lipids. 39(4):335-42. </p><p>280. Zhou D, Zaiger G, Ghebremeskel K, Crawford MA, Reifen R (2004) Vitamin A deficiency reduces liver and colon docosahexaenoic acid levels in rats fed high linoleic and low alpha- linolenic acid diet. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2004 Dec;71(6):383-9. Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 26 281. Thomas BA, Ghebremeskel K, Lowy C, Offley-Shore B, Crawford MA. (2005) Plasma fatty acids of neonates born to mothers with and without gestational diabetes. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids;72(5):335-41. </p><p>282. Ren H, Okpala I, Ghebremeskel K, Ugochukwu CC, Ibegbulam O, Crawford M. (2005) Blood mononuclear cells and platelets have abnormal fatty acid composition in homozygous sickle cell disease.Ann Hematol.; 84(9):578-83.</p><p>283. Ren H, Obike I, Okpala I, Ghebremeskel K, Ugochukwu C, Crawford M. (2005) Steady- state haemoglobin level in sickle cell anaemia increases with an increase in erythrocyte membrane n-3 fatty acids. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2005 Jun;72(6):415-21</p><p>284 Rees G Doyle W, Srivastava A, Brooke ZM, Crawford MA, Costeloe KL (2005) The nutrient intakes of mothers of low birth weight babies – a comparison of ethnic groups in East London, UK, Maternal and Child Nutrition, 1, 91–99.</p><p>285. Bitsanis D, Crawford MA, Moodley T, Holmsen H, Ghebremeskel K, Djahanbakhch O. (2005) Arachidonic acid predominates in the membrane phosphoglycerides of the early and term human placenta. J Nutr.135(11):2566-71.</p><p>286. Min Y, Lowy C, Ghebremeskel K, Thomas B, Bitsanis D, Crawford MA.(2005) Fetal erythrocyte membrane lipids modification: preliminary observation of an early sign of compromised insulin sensitivity in offspring of gestational diabetic women. Diabet Med. 22(7):914-20.</p><p>287 Min Y, Lowy C, Ghebremeskel K, Thomas B, Offley-Shore B, Crawford M. (2005) Unfavorable effect of type 1 and type 2 diabetes on maternal and fetal essential fatty acid status: a potential marker of fetal insulin resistance. Am J Clin Nutr;82(6):1162-8.</p><p>288. Crawford MA, Ghebremeskel K, Hibbeln JR, House S, Hunter D, Morley DC, Nicholson P, Stuart K. (2005) The Lancet and the Royal Society are both right and wrong. Lancet; 366(9487):714-5</p><p>289. Thomas B, Ghebremeskel K, Lowy C, Crawford M, Offley-Shore B. (2006) Nutrient intake of women with and without gestational diabetes with a specific focus on fatty acids. Nutrition;22(3):230-6.</p><p>290. Min Y, Nam JH, Ghebremeskel K, Kim A, Crawford M. (2006) A distinctive fatty acid profile in circulating lipids of Korean gestational diabetics: A pilot study.Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 73(2):178-83.</p><p>291. Ren H, Magulike N, Ghebremeskel K, Crawford M. (2006) Primary open-angle glaucoma patients have reduced levels of blood docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids;74(3):157-63.</p><p>292. Ren H, Ghebremeskel K, Okpala I, Ugochukwu CC, Crawford M, Ibegbulam O. Abnormality of erythrocyte membrane n-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in sickle cell haemoglobin C (HbSC) disease is not as remarkable as in sickle cell anaemia (HbSS). Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2006 Jan;74(1):1-6. Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 27 293. Zhou D, Ghebremeskel K, Crawford MA, Reifen R. (2006) Vitamin A deficiency enhances docosahexaenoic and osbond acids in liver of rats fed an alpha linolenic acid-adequate diet. Lipids; 41(3):213-9. </p><p>294. Hieu NT, Gainsborough M, Simpson JA, Thuy NT, Hang NN, Taylor AM, Ghebremeskel K, Crawford M, Golfetto I, Dubowitz L, Farrar J. (2006) Neurological status of low-risk Vietnamese newborns: a comparison with a British newborn cohort. J Health Popul Nutr 24(1):57-63.</p><p>295. Bitsanis D, Ghebremeskel K, Moodley T, Crawford MA, Djahanbakhch O. (2006) Gestational diabetes mellitus enhances arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids in placental phospholipids. Lipids; 41(4):341-6.</p><p>296. Visioli F, Crawford MA, Cunnane S, Rise P, Galli C. (2006) Lipid transport, dietary fats, and endogenous lipid synthesis: hypotheses on saturation and competition processes. Nutr Health. 2006; 18(2):127-32.</p><p>297. Crawford MA. (2006) Docosahexaenoic acid in neural signaling systems. Nutr Health;18(3):263-76</p><p>298. Crawford MA (2007) A role for lipids as determinants of evolution and hominid brain development : in Poly-unsaturated Fatty Acids, Neural Function & Mental Health. Biologiske Skrifter 56, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters ed O. Mouritsen & M A Crawford.</p><p>299. Izzeldin HS, Crawford MA, Jooste PL. (2007) Population living in the Red Sea State of Sudan may need urgent intervention to correct the excess dietary iodine intake. Nutr Health; 18(4):333-41.</p><p>300. Golfetto I, McGready R, Ghebremeskel K, Min Y, Dubowitz L, Nosten F, Drury P, Simpson JA, Arunjerdja R, Crawford MA.(2007) Fatty acid composition of milk of refugee Karen and urban Korean mothers. Is the level of DHA in breast milk of Western women compromised by high intake of saturated fat and linoleic acid? Nutr Health; 18(4):319-32.</p><p>301. Cunnane SC, Plourde M, Stewart K, Crawford MA. (2007) Docosahexaenoic acid and shore-based diets in hominin encephalization: a rebuttal. Am J Hum Biol:19(4):578-81</p><p>302. Stark AH, Crawford MA, Reifen R. (2008) Update on alpha-linolenic acid. Nutr Rev; 66(6):326-32.</p><p>303. Ren H, Ghebremeskel K, Okpala I, Lee A, Ibegbulam O, Crawford M. (2008) Patients with sickle cell disease have reduced blood antioxidant protection. Int J Vitam Nutr Res;78(3):139-47.</p><p>304. Crawford MA. (2008) The elimination of child poverty and the pivotal significance of the mother. Nutr Health;19(3):175-86.</p><p>305. Crawford MA, Leigh Broadhurst C, Galli C, Ghebremeskel K, Holmsen H, Saugstad LF, Schmidt F, Sinclair AJ, Cunnane SC (2008) The Role of Docosahexaenoic and Arachidonic Acids as Determinants of Evolution and Hominid Brain Development. In Fisheries for Global Welfare and Environment: K. Tsukamoto, T. Kawamura, T. Takeuchi, T. D. Beard, Jr. and M. J. Kaiser, eds., 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008, pp. 57–76 , Terrapub, Tokyo. Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 28</p><p>306. Brough L, Rees GA, Crawford MA, Dorman EK. (2009) Social and ethnic differences in folic acid use preconception and during early pregnancy in the UK: effect on maternal folate status. J Hum Nutr Diet;22(2):100-7.</p><p>307. Gow RV, Matsudaira T, Taylor E, Rubia K, Crawford M, Ghebremeskel K, Ibrahimovic A, Vallée-Tourangeau F, Williams LM, Sumich A (2009) Total red blood cell concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids are associated with emotion-elicited neural activity in adolescent boys with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 80(2-3):151-6.</p><p>308. Izzeldin SH, Crawford MA, Ghebremeskel K. (2009) Salt fortification with iodine: Sudan situation analysis. Nutr Health; 20(1):21-30.</p><p>309. Schmidt W, Mookherjia S, Crawford MA (2009) Unit cell volume and liquid-phase immiscibility in oleate–stearate lipid mixtures. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 158; 10–15.</p><p>310. Moodley T, Vella C, Djahanbakhch O, Branford-White CJ, Crawford MA (2009). Arachidonic and Docosahexaenoic Acid Deficits in Preterm Neonatal Mononuclear Cell Membranes. Nutr Health, 20: 167-185 </p><p>311. Sumich A, Matsudaira T, Gow RV, Ibrahimovic A, Ghebremeskel K, Crawford M, Taylor E. (2009) Resting state electroencephalographic correlates with red cell long-chain fatty acids, memory performance and age in adolescent boys with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Neuropharmacology. 57(7-8):708-14.</p><p>312. Caraveo-Patin J, Wang Y, Soto LA, Ghebremeskel K, Lehane C, Crawford MA (2009) Eco-physiological repercussions of dietary arachidonic acid in cell membranes of active tissues of the Gray whale. Marine Ecology, Marine Ecology (2009) 1–11</p><p>313. Wang Y, Lehane C, Ghebremeskel K, Crawford MA. (2009) Modern organic and broiler chickens sold for human consumption provide more energy from fat than protein. Public Health Nutr; 4:1-9.</p><p>314. Crawford MA, Bazinet RP, Sinclair AJ. (2009) Fat intake and CNS functioning: ageing and disease. Ann Nutr Metab;55(1-3):202-28.</p><p>315. Zhang J, Wang Y, Meng L, Wang C, Zhao W, Chen J, Ghebremeskel K, Crawford MA. (2009) Maternal and neonatal plasma n-3 and n-6 fatty acids of pregnant women and neonates in three regions in China with contrasting dietary patterns. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr.; 18(3):377-88.</p><p>316. Gow RV, Matsudaira T, Taylor E, Rubia K, Crawford M, Ghebremeskel K, Ibrahimovic A, Vallée-Tourangeau F, Williams LM, Sumich A (2009) Total red blood cell concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids are associated with emotion-elicited neural activity in adolescent boys with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids;80(2-3):151-6</p><p>317 Wang Y, Lehane C, Ghebremeskel K, Crawford MA (2010) Modern organic and broiler chickens sold for human consumption provide more energy from fat than protein. Public Health Nutr;13(3):400-8.</p><p>319. Louise Brough, Gail A Rees, Michael A Crawford, R. Hugh Morton and Edgar K Dorman (2010) Effect of multiple-micronutrient supplementation on maternal nutrient status Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 29 and infant birth weight and gestational age at birth in a low income, multi-ethnic population. B J Nutr, Apr 23:1-9. </p><p>320. Kirby A, Woodward A, Jackson S, Wang Y, Crawford MA. (2010) Childrens' learning and behaviour and the association with cheek cell polyunsaturated fatty acid levels. Res Dev Disabil. 31(3):731-42</p><p>321. Kirby A, Woodward A, Jackson S, Wang Y, Crawford MA. (2010) .A double-blind, placebo-controlled study investigating the effects of omega-3 supplementation in children aged 8- 10 years from a mainstream school population. Res Dev Disabil.31(3):718-30.</p><p>322. Brand A, Crawford MA, Yavin E. (2010) Retailoring docosahexaenoic acid-containing phospholipid species during impaired neurogensis following omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid deprivation. J Neurochem. 114(5):1393-404.</p><p>323. Kuipers RS, Luxwolda MF, Janneke Dijck-Brouwer DA, Eaton SB, Crawford MA, Cordain L, Muskiet FA. (2010) Estimated macronutrient and fatty acid intakes from an East African Paleolithic diet. Br J Nutr. 23:1-22.</p><p>324 Nyuar KB, Min Y, Ghebremeskel K, Khalil AK, Elbashir MI, Cawford MA.(2010) Milk of northern Sudanese mothers whose traditional diet is high in carbohydrate contains low docosahexaenoic acid. Acta Paediatr.c;99(12):1824-7. </p><p>325. Nyuar KB, Ghebremeskel K, Crawford MA. (2012) Sudanese women's and neonates' vitamin A status. Nutr Health; 21(1):45-55.</p><p>326. Daak AA, Ghebremeskel K, Elbashir MI, Bakhita A, Hassan Z, Crawford MA (2011) Hydroxyurea TherapyMobilises Arachidonic Acid from Inner Cell Membrane Aminophospholipids in Patients with Homozygous Sickle Cell Disease. Journal of Lipids, Article ID 718014, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2011/718014</p><p>327 Crawford MA, Broadhurst CL. (2012) The role of docosahexaenoic and the marine food web as determinants of evolution and hominid brain development: The challenge for human sustainability. Nutr Health.;21(1):17-39</p><p>328. Msika O, Brand A, Crawford MA, Yavin E. (2012) NGF blocks polyunsaturated fatty acids biosynthesis in n-3 fatty acid-supplemented PC12 cells. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1821(7):1022-30.</p><p>329. Neville MM, Geppert J, Min Y, Grimble G, Crawford MA, Ghebremeskel K. (2012) Dietary fat intake, body composition and blood lipids of university men and women. Nutr Health. Jul;21(3):173-85.</p><p>330. Daak AA, Ghebremeskel K, Hassan Z, Attallah B, Azan HH, Elbashir MI, Crawford M (2012) Effect of omega-3 (n-3) fatty acid supplementation in patients with sickle cell anemia: randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. AJCN. First published ahead of print November 28, 2012 as doi: 10.3945/ajcn.112.036319.</p><p>331. Crawford MA, Leigh Broadhurst C, Guest M, Nagar A, Wang Y, Ghebremeskel K, Schmidt WF (2013) A quantum theory for the irreplaceable role of docosahexaenoic acid in neural cell Curriculum vitae M.A. Crawford 30 signaling throughout evolution Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids (PLEFA); 88(1):5-13. doi: 10.1016/j.plefa.2012.08.005. PMID: 23206328.</p><p>332. Gow RV, Vallee-Tourangeau F, Crawford MA, Taylor E, Ghebremeskel K, Bueno AA, Hibbeln JR, Sumich A, Rubia K.(2013) Omega-3 fatty acids are inversely related to callous and unemotional traits in adolescent boys with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids.Jun;88(6):411-8.</p><p>333. Sumich AL, Matsudaira T, Heasman B, Gow RV, Ibrahimovic A, Ghebremeskel K, Crawford MA, Taylor E. (2013) Fatty acid correlates of temperament in adolescent boys with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids.Jun;88(6):431- 6</p><p>334. Crawford MA, Broadhurst CL, Cunnane S, Marsh DE, Schmidt WF, Brand A, Ghebremeskel K, Nutritional Armour in Evolution: Docosahexaenoic acid as a Determinant of Neural Evolution and Hominid Brain Development. Military Medicine: in press,</p><p>335. Cr.awford MA (2014) Diet, Cancer and Heart Disease, Nutr Health 1-11 DOI: 10.1177/0260106014523361</p><p>335. Crawford MA, Hussein I, Nyuar K, Leigh Broadhurst C The Global Crisis in Brain Nutrition and the Rise Mental-Ill Health. J. Human Evol. In press.</p><p>336. Brenna JT, Burdge GC, Crawford MA, Clayton P, Cunnane SC, Gow R, Hibbeln JR, Sinclair AJ, Stein J, Willatts P. (2014) RE: Plasma phospholipid fatty acids and prostate cancer risk in the SELECT trial. J Natl Cancer Inst.106(4):dju015. doi: 10.1093/jnci/dju015. Epub 2014.</p><p>337. Cunnane SC, Crawford MA. (2014) Energetic and nutritional constraints on infant brain development: Implications for brain expansion during human evolution. J Hum Evol. pii: S0047- 2484(14)00105-5.</p>

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