<p>41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018</p><p>THE FORTY FIRST ANNUAL GANDER KIWANIS MUSIC FESTIVAL SYLLABUS</p><p>MARCH 8 – MARCH 16, 2018 GANDER</p><p>ALL entry forms / music selections, MUST be submitted by December 8, 2017.</p><p>ALL entry fees (EXCEPT Choir & Band) MUST be submitted by December 8, 2017.</p><p>ALL Choir & Band entry fees AND membership lists MUST be submitted by DECEMBER 22, 2017.</p><p>Entries that are INCOMPLETE or submitted WITHOUT their selections/fees WILL be returned and a reprocessing fee of $10 per entry WILL be assessed.</p><p>Entries/fees/selections/lists MUST be completed online at kiwanisclubofgander.ca . Hand delivered entries WILL NOT be accepted.</p><p>1 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018</p><p>Festival Online Registration information</p><p>With the advent of a new festival software there are some changes to the application process we’d like to bring to your attention: Setting Up Your Profiles</p><p>Every Teacher, Parent, Accompanist, Student and Large Ensemble needs a profile. Teachers are responsible for understanding the syllabus of the festival, and students under the age of majority must be linked to a parent profile. Accompanists need to be linked to registrations as well. Teachers and Parents must create their profiles before students or ensembles do. Here is how you create your profile. 1. Visit http://gander.musicfestivalsuite.com on your Internet connected device.</p><p>2. On the “Create a Profile” section, check all the checkboxes that apply to you (you will use the same profile whether you are a teacher, parent, accompanist or entrant).</p><p>3. Read through the Terms and Conditions, click that you have read them, and choose Proceed.</p><p>4. Complete all the contact information fields shown on the screen.</p><p> a. Students will also need to enter the User IDs for their Parent(s) and Teacher(s), which they can get from their parents and teachers. User IDs tend to look like “ENT00008”. b. Passwords should be written down somewhere so you don’t lose them. If you are using the same email address as another user on the software, it is more difficult to recover your password if you lose it (it’s possible, but more difficult).</p><p>5. Once you have filled out all required fields and chosen “Create Profile”, you will be sent a confirmation email to the email address you provided. Click on the confirmation link in that email, and you have finished creating your profile!</p><p>Upon setting up profiles you are able to register for the festival itself. There is a link to a helpful guide to registering as well as a video tutorial. http://www.musicfestivalsuite.com/registering-in-a-festival.html. </p><p>**Important**</p><p>To all teachers registering entries into the following groups:</p><p>- Choral Section - Band, Orchestra, & Ensemble Section - Choral speech</p><p>The software presents us with a challenge in registering groups – we are working with the software vendor to a find solution. However for this festival year we have decided to go with a manual payment system for the groups listed above; all of the above groups are listed as zero fee on the program so they must be paid separately by cheque to the Kiwanis Club of Gander based on the fees listed in the Syllabus.</p><p>2 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018</p><p>Table of Contents</p><p>Clarifying Copyright 12</p><p>Festival Online Registration information 2</p><p>Scholarship Application 38</p><p>Provincial and National Festivals 11</p><p>Rose Bowl Competition 8</p><p>Rules and Regulations 4</p><p>Scholarship Rules 10</p><p>Scholarship Winners, Previous 11</p><p>Syllabus: Band, Orchestra and Ensemble Section 27</p><p>Brass Instrument Section 30</p><p>Campfire Groups 13</p><p>Choral Section 13</p><p>Family Music 13</p><p>Percussion Section 36</p><p>Piano Section 22</p><p>Special Piano Section 26</p><p>Speech 37</p><p>String Instrument Section 34</p><p>Vocal Section 14</p><p>Woodwind Section 32</p><p>Provincial/National Recommendation Section 11</p><p>3 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018</p><p>Rules and Regulations</p><p>1. The competition WILL be under the management of the Music Festival committee of the Kiwanis Club of Gander, which is hereinafter called “the Committee”.</p><p>2. All matters not dealt with in these rules WILL be referred to the Committee, whose decisions on such matters WILL be final and binding on all concerned.</p><p>3 The Committee WILL assume no responsibility for providing rehearsal facilities.</p><p>Eligibility</p><p>4. All competitions WILL be open to amateurs only, unless otherwise stated. For these competitions, an amateur WILL be defined as any person who, up to the date of closing of entries for the forthcoming festival, has not obtained from the profession or practice of music his or her principal means of livelihood, even if he or she, from time to time, accepts remuneration for musical services rendered.</p><p>5. Age limits apply to the competitor's age as of DECEMBER 31, 2017. This corresponds to the practice of the schools.</p><p>6. Competitors in Choral Groups, Orchestras, Bands and Ensembles MUST be bona fide members of their respective organizations, and where applicable MUST be enrolled as a student in the school represented. A list of such members MUST be submitted by DECEMBER 22, 2017.</p><p>7. Conductors may be either professional or amateur. Conductors may conduct any number of organizations in the same class or otherwise, but MUST NOT sing with their Choral Group or play with their Band, Orchestra or Ensemble.</p><p>8. In ALL competitive classes which are structured according to a progressive series of performance LEVELS, the age of the competitor WILL have no bearing upon his eligibility. Each competitor is encouraged to enter at the level that best represents his technical and musical aptitude.</p><p>9. In ALL competitive classes a competitor MUST fall within the same age group or level in any one section. This restriction does NOT apply to classes for Concert Groups, Complete Major Solos, Concerto Classes, Duets, Trios, Quartets, etc.</p><p>10. A participant may perform only once in each class.</p><p>11. University music majors may enter classes in their own age group or level only for recommendation to Provincial Festival and/or awards specific to those classes.</p><p>12. Use of digitally enhanced music, including microphones, is prohibited.</p><p>13. Selections MUST NOT contain any profanity and/or vulgarity. </p><p>14. In Choral and Vocal Classes transposition should be avoided if the key is part of the character being portrayed (Musical Theatre, Gilbert & Sullivan, Senior Vocal Solos). Art Song Solos are acceptable in any published key and may be further transposed to enable competitors to perform most artistically. In ALL other classes such as the Senior Vocal Solo test pieces MUST be performed in the prescribed key unless otherwise specified.</p><p>4 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 15. In all Vocal Solo Classes, test pieces are to be sung in the original language.</p><p>16. There are three memorization categories in this syllabus:</p><p>1. In classes where the section notes specify that memorization is required (Vocal Solos and the Piano Concert Group 16 years class and older classes considered for the Rose Bowl) test pieces MUST be performed from memory. Anybody using the printed score in such a class WILL be treated as if entered non- competitively. They will receive adjudication but WILL NOT be eligible for prizes or cash awards.</p><p>2. In the bulk of the festival classes no comment is made about memorization in the section notes. In these classes it is understood that memorization is expected and encouraged. The adjudicator may deduct marks for using the music if he or she considers that it makes a difference in the presentation, performance or demonstrated ability of the performer.</p><p>3. Finally there are some sections in which it is stated that memorization is NOT required (e.g., Beginning and Junior Instrumental). In these classes the adjudicator may NOT make memorization a factor in distinguishing between performances and in assigning marks. Please read section notes carefully to determine which memorization category applies. These categories apply to solo classes only. Duet and ensemble classes are exempt from memorization requirements.</p><p>17. Competitors MUST NOT exceed the performance time limit in classes where such a time limit is specified in the syllabus. Adjudicators WILL stop any competitor who exceeds such limit. Competitors WILL be penalized for obvious abuse of time limits.</p><p>18. In ALL classes marked "Own Choice”, the competitor MUST give the adjudicator an ORIGINAL of the music (Conductor's Full Score where applicable). This is to be given to the adjudicator’s Secretary immediately preceding the respective competition and recovered from the Secretary immediately following the competition. Please note that photocopies WILL NOT be accepted. (See rule 21 below).</p><p>19. In CONCERT GROUPS, ALL SECTIONS, competitors WILL be judged on the discrimination shown in their selections which MUST be from a standard concert repertoire and should be from the areas specified in the syllabus. Regard should be shown to the group arrangement, contrast, and appropriateness of keys, technique, interpretation and stage presence. Competitors MUST NOT include, in this class, any selection that they are already performing in the current festival.</p><p>20. Repeats WILL NOT be played unless specifically stated in the syllabus. Da Capo and Dal Segno repeats MUST be observed. This rule applies to ALL instruments.</p><p>21. Manuscript copying or photocopying of a Copyright piece of music is an infringement of the Copyright Act. See page 12 - "Copyright Clarification".</p><p>22. Competitors MUST NOT perform the same "Own Choice" selection from prior festivals.</p><p>5 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 Entry</p><p>23. Entries MUST be submitted on official entry forms Online.</p><p>24. Entries that do not include complete information about Own Choice selections or are otherwise incomplete WILL be returned and a reprocessing fee of $10 per entry WILL be assessed.</p><p>25. Entrants who at the time of the festival perform a different selection than the one listed in the program WILL be considered non-competitive.</p><p>26. Any entry can be specified a non-competitive entry by writing the letters NC after the class number on the entry form. Non-competitive entries WILL receive adjudication, but no marks.</p><p>27. No competitor may participate in more than 12 classes of which NOT more than 8 WILL be solo or small group (NOT more than 9 people) classes. "Sight Reading" classes are NOT included in this figure. Any competitor exceeding the limit runs the risk of having the excess entries refused by the secretary because of scheduling difficulties.</p><p>28. The Committee WILL determine the closing date for receiving entries.</p><p>29. The Committee reserves the right to reject any entry for any reason.</p><p>30. When registering online, particular attention should be given to the section marked "Group Classes Entered". It is NOT necessary for solo entrants to list other solo classes entered, however, ALL GROUP CLASSES entered, such as duets, trios, quartets, etc. as well as bands and choirs, MUST be listed by CLASS NUMBER.</p><p>31. Conflicts in scheduling the program can only be avoided if that section (rule 30) of the entry form is filled in correctly. It is also important to identify performers and schools correctly by name. Please do NOT use abbreviations.</p><p>32. Entry fees CANNOT be refunded except under circumstances in which the Committee rejects the entry. Competitors wanting to withdraw MUST do so IN WRITING to the Festival address as early as possible. Failure to participate in all classes entered and programmed WILL influence the awarding of scholarships.</p><p>33. Entry and list forms may be accessed from http://kiwanisclubofgander.ca . Entries and Fees MUST Be Completed Online to by December 8, 2017. Choir/Band membership lists and fees MUST be submitted by DECEMBER 22, 2017. </p><p>6 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018</p><p>Program Procedure</p><p>34. The Committee WILL decide the order in which classes will be taken, and the order of competitors in the classes. The Committee reserves the right to alter the order if necessary.</p><p>35. Special scheduling considerations MUST be requested at the time entries are submitted. Last minute scheduling changes, because of travel or bussing restrictions, volunteer availability, etc., WILL NOT be considered. 36. The Committee may split any class into groups of approximately equal numbers. Awards/Certificates WILL be awarded for each group, treating each as a separate class. 37. A competitor’s admission letter showing the dates, times and venues of the entrant's competitions WILL be sent to each competitor. This letter serves two purposes: (a) The letter is your admission to the session (with the accompanist where applicable) and should b e shown to the Platform Marshall immediately prior to the class competition. (b) In cases where an entrant has a conflict in time between two classes an immediate call might enable the Festival Secretary to resolve the problem. 38. A competitor may be disqualified if he or she is NOT ready to compete when called. A class WILL NOT be delayed to accommodate latecomers. Only revisions provided for above (rule 36) WILL be considered.</p><p>39. Each competitor requiring the services of an accompanist MUST provide his or her own accompanist. Classes WILL NOT be delayed to wait for an accompanist. (Also see rule 12, page 4) Providing accompanist information on the entry form will greatly assist scheduling and avoiding conflicts.</p><p>40. The Committee CANNOT assure competitors that conflicts in scheduling WILL NOT occur. Where a competitor is entered in time conflicting classes, he or she MUST elect to withdraw from sufficient classes in order to resolve the conflict.</p><p>41. The Adjudicators WILL have discretionary power to stop any performance at any time.</p><p>42. Prevailing circumstances and such pertinent regulations as may be considered advisable by the Committee WILL govern the admission of competitors and general public to auditoriums in which the competitions are being held.</p><p>43. The competition WILL be open to the public on payment of the price fixed by the Committee. Please note that general audiences are NOT allowed in “Sight Reading” classes.</p><p>44. The Committee WILL assume no responsibility for providing facilities for rehearsals.</p><p>Awards and Prizes</p><p>45. The marks awarded by the Adjudicator are FINAL.</p><p>7 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 46. At the discretion of the Committee, two or more competitors awarded the highest marks in their class may be selected by the adjudicators to compete in a final test.</p><p>47. Certificates will be awarded to the three entrants gaining the highest marks in each competitive class, but certificates WILL NOT be awarded unless the following percentages of the possible marks have been attained: 75 per cent in Choral, Orchestral and Band Classes, 80 per cent in all other classes.</p><p>48. In those classes for which trophies, cash awards, or plaques have been provided, 85 per cent of the possible marks WILL be necessary to obtain such trophy, cash award or plaque. This rule does NOT apply to Scholarships that are governed by their own rules.</p><p>49. Trophies, cash awards, plaques and certificates will be presented at a time decided upon by the Committee.</p><p>50. Any competitor with a mark of 85% may be chosen for the "Highlights" Concert, based on the absolute discretion of the Adjudicators. </p><p>51. Scholarships and cash awards are awarded at the absolute discretion of the adjudicators to competitors who show most promise of true development musically. Scholarships are NOT necessarily awarded to winners of first, second or third place.</p><p>Complaints and Protests</p><p>52. A complaint or protest MUST be made directly to the committee by submitting the same in writing to the Festival Secretary. A fee equivalent to the entry fee MUST accompany such complaint or protest for the class protested. The protest fee WILL be refunded if the Committee sustains the complaint.</p><p>53. Complaints SHALL NOT be addressed to an Adjudicator.</p><p>Rose Bowl Competitions Senior Rose Bowl Competitors from Concert Groups 16 yrs and over Junior Rose Bowl Competitors from Concert Groups 15 yrs and under</p><p>Choral Rose Bowl Choirs Elementary to High School & Auditioned Children’s Choir Classes</p><p>The Rose Bowl Competitions are open to bona fide residents of Gander and Area. (a) “ Bona fide resident” means a resident whose main residence has been in our boundaries three months prior to the closing date of Festival entries, and whose main residence is still within the boundaries at the time of the Festival. (b) The boundaries will include as far west as the community of Norris Arm, as far north as the communities of Fogo Island, and as far east as the community of Charlottetown. The adjudicators may recommend for each of the Senior Rose Bowl competition and the Junior Rose Bowl competition not more than two solo entrants from each of the Vocal, Piano, Brass, Woodwind, Percussion and String Concert Group sections; and for the Choral Rose Bowl, two choirs of at least 12 members, 8 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 competing in Elementary, Middle, High School and Auditioned Children’s Choir classes. The Choral Competition will be based on vocal performance only. The winners of the Senior Rose Bowl and Choral Rose Bowl will receive miniatures of the appropriate Rose Bowl and a five hundred dollar ($500.00) cash award. The winner of the Junior Rose Bowl will receive a miniature of that Rose Bowl and a two hundred dollar ($200.00) cash award. Names of the winners will be inscribed on the perpetual, publicly displayed Rose Bowl.</p><p>Entrants recommended for the Rose Bowl competitions shall perform on the date and at the time for which the competition is scheduled. An entrant who has been recommended for the competition and who cannot perform may NOT have the performance rescheduled. A competitor may enter the Rose Bowl competition in one section only in any given year. If recommended from two or more areas, the competitor MUST make a choice and the other section will be filled by the next eligible competitor, if recommended. To qualify for a Rose Bowl competition an entrant MUST receive a mark of NOT less than 85% in the class from which recommended. If two entrants are recommended from the same section, one of them may be a second-place winner in the class from which chosen provided the first-place winner in that class is also recommended. It is the absolute discretion of the adjudicator in each relevant section whether to make a recommendation, whether to recommend one or two entrants, and whom to recommend. In a solo Rose Bowl competition a performer shall perform two selections, one of which MUST come from the concert group. The second piece will be at the discretion of the adjudicator and may be taken from another class. In the Choral Rose Bowl the competitor MUST perform the same selections as they performed in the competitive session from which they were recommended. To be recommended for the Rose Bowl competition, competitors MUST be enrolled in grade school.</p><p>JUNIOR ROSE BOWL SENIOR ROSE BOWL</p><p>2006 Christopher Morrison Alison Pittman 2007 Christopher Morrison Stephanie Hillier 2008 Charlotte Gushue Riley Stairs 2006 Shelby Stuckless Christopher Morrison 2010 Catherine Siket Christopher Morrison 2011 Emily Fraser Noelle Slaney 2012 Hannah Wiseman Emily Fraser 2013 Kiera MacFadgen Aidan Saccary 2014 Erin McDonald Emily Fraser 2015 Anna Rumbolt Samantha Dillon 2016 Erin McDonald Anna Rumbolt 2017 Aiden Foote Laura Belbin</p><p>CHORAL ROSE BOWL</p><p>2010 Twillingate Island Elementary Choir 2011 Cardinal Chorus, St. Paul’s, Gander 2012 Gander Academy Elementary Choir 2013 Lewisporte Academy Elementary Choir 2014 Gander Academy Elementary Choir 2015 Gander Academy Elementary Choir 2016 Gander Academy Elementary Choir 2017 Beyond Youth Choir</p><p>9 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 Competitors WILL NOT be eligible to compete in the Senior or Junior Rose Bowl competition from the same concert group category in two consecutive years. If, however, a previous winner qualifies from another concert group category, then that individual WILL be eligible to compete in that category.</p><p>Gander and Area Kiwanis Music Festival The Catherine Steele $3,000 Scholarship</p><p>1. The Scholarship is open to bona fide residents of the Gander and Area and Clarenville and Area Kiwanis Music Festivals. (1.a) “ Bona fide resident” means a resident whose main residence has been in our boundaries three months prior to the closing date of Festival entries, and whose main residence is still within the boundaries at the time of the Festival. (1.b) The boundaries will include the former (pre-2015) electoral districts of Gander, Lewisporte, Isles of Notre Dame, Terra Nova, Bonavista North, Port Blandford to Little Harbour East (both inclusive) and shall include all communities on the Bonavista and Burin Peninsulas.</p><p>2. The Scholarship WILL be subject to application on a prescribed form and MUST be submitted by the entry deadline, December 1, 2017, with the regular festival applications.</p><p>3. Individuals who have previously been awarded the Gander and Area or Clarenville and Area Kiwanis Music Festival Scholarships are NOT eligible to reapply.</p><p>4. Applicants MUST perform as competitors in the current Festival and enter: (4.a) A Concert Group, and obtain a mark of 85 or greater (4.b) Sight Reading and (4.c) One other class of their own choice for the same instrument as professed on the application form. An interview may also be scheduled with the adjudicators.</p><p>5. Successful applicants will be required to obtain academic qualifications which will permit University admittance and have passed an entrance audition and been accepted to an accredited School of Music as a full-time student.</p><p>6. The Scholarship WILL be paid directly to the successful applicant upon receipt of proof of acceptance from an accredited school of music.</p><p>7. The Scholarship WILL be awarded at the discretion of the Adjudicators.</p><p>8. Applicants MUST be in Level 2 or Level 3 of the high school program.</p><p>9. The Scholarship shall NOT necessarily be awarded in any one year.</p><p>10. The $3,000 Scholarship will be paid out over a three-year period according to the following schedule – the beginning of the second, fourth and fifth semesters of study upon confirmation of registration from the School of Music.</p><p>10 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 11. Payment of the scholarship will be paid out as outlined in item 10 unless an extension is previously approved with the committee. Such approved extensions must begin within three years of the original date of the award and finish within five years of the adjusted date of award.</p><p>12. This Scholarship WILL be awarded to individuals only.</p><p>Previous Scholarship Winners</p><p>1978 Donald Boland 1979 William Way 1980 Heather Burry 1981 Karen O'Brien and Susan Picco 1982 Kim Stryde and Michelle Crann 1983 Karen Lane and Julian Smerdon 1984 Lesley Ann Moorcroft/ Heather Winsor 1985 Not Awarded 1986 Kelly Moorcroft 1987 Kim Wiseman 1988 Dana Pardy 1989 Rodney Simmons 1990 Dean Burry 1991 Lynn Tucker 1992 Catherine Adey and Janna Pardy 1993 Melanie Watkins 1994 Cathy Young 1995 Nicole Connolly 1996 Jennifer Worrall 1997 Heather Hillier 1998 Andrew Poirier 1999 Deborah Dawe 2000 Jennifer Bartlett 2001 Heather Pritchett 2002 Jennifer Norman 2003 Not Awarded 2004 Justin Guzzwell 2005 Susan Watkins 2006 Megan Thibeault 2007 Stephanie Hillier 2008 Not Awarded (No Application) 2009 Christopher Morrison 2010 Charlotte Gushue 2011 Jodine Chaulk 2012 Noelle Slaney 2013 Shelby Stuckless 2014 Aidan Saccary 2015 Rebecca Mills 2016 Samantha Dillon Anna Rumbolt 2017 Provincial and National Festivals</p><p>Every Music Festival in Canada is invited to participate in the National Competitive Festival of Music, subject to the General Regulations of the National Festival. Progression to this level of competition shall be via the Provincial and Local Festivals. At the local festival there may be one winner named to compete provincially in each of the available classes. For clarity, this year we have incorporated classes in each discipline from which only those entrants will be considered for recommendation to the provincial/national level. </p><p>The Provincial and National regulations and syllabus are available may be downloaded from the link on the Kiwanis Club of Gander website: http://kiwanisclubofgander.ca or directly from the Federation of Canadian Music Festival website: www.fcmf.org . We have incorporated the 9 classes to be considered for recommendation throughout the syllabus as appropriate.</p><p>11 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 MEMORY WORK is MANDATORY at the provincial level except for the instrumental ensemble class. Contestants MUST perform the selection on which they were recommended by the adjudicator at the local level. At the national level they MUST play all the movements of the sonata from the provincial level and may perform further movements of the own choice selection if time allows. The rules state that the winner who is recommended in each eligible Class shall be a Participant who displays the greatest musicianship, with a minimum of 85 marks.</p><p>Clarifying Copyright What Every Music Educator Needs to Know</p><p>Original excerpted from Festival Features, March 1995, a newsletter of The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited. Revised November 2004. Reprinted with permission. The term "copyright" refers to the rights of a creator of intellectual property, such as a work of music. Although the rights may NOT be easily tangible, a creative work is a valuable property.</p><p>The Canadian Copyright Act protects the rights of creators to retain control over, and be compensated for, the use of their intellectual property. Many people do NOT realize that the unauthorized reproduction of copyrighted materials, such as print music, is in essence, theft. As music educators, we all recognize the value of creativity.</p><p>Music teachers can play an important role in encouraging their students to respect composers' efforts by ensuring that students are made aware of the intent of the Canadian Copyright Act</p><p>Misconception 1: A teacher may copy music for educational purposes.</p><p>False. Many teachers may be under the impression that photocopying for educational use is legal. Although public school boards, colleges, and universities may have negotiated licenses to enjoy special copying privileges in defined situations, print music is excluded from this arrangement. This means that teachers - including independent studio music teachers - are NOT authorized to photocopy print music. The publisher, often acting as the representative of the composer, should be contacted directly to obtain permission to make copies of print music for any purpose.</p><p>Misconception 2: It is permissible to photocopy music in order to facilitate page turns.</p><p>False. Permission MUST be granted by the holder of the copyright (the publisher) on the composer's behalf in order for a copy to be made for any purpose, including the facilitation of page turns.* To understand the rationale underpinning this aspect of the Copyright Act, imagine that you wish to borrow your neighbor's shovel. Your neighbor WILL probably NOT say "no" or charge you a fee to use the shovel, but you would never borrow it without first seeking permission. As with your neighbor, a publisher's permission is required before you "borrow" an extra copy of print music on which the publisher holds the copyright.</p><p>Misconception 3: It is legal to photocopy music from out-of-print publications.</p><p>False. A creator's right to be compensated for the use of their creation continues after a book is no longer for sale. Copying out-of-print music still requires the permission of the copyright holder in order to avoid violation of the Copyright Act. On occasion, a teacher may wish his or her student to study a particular piece of music that is no longer available from music retailers. Contact the publisher of the music for permission to make a copy.</p><p>Misconception 4: Permission is NOT required to copy the works of long-dead composers.</p><p>False. Copyright exists both in a musical composition and in the physical notation of a musical score. This means that even if a composer's works themselves are in the public domain (for example, as Bach's are), a particular publisher's edition of those works may NOT be in the public domain. Therefore, if you wish to write out one of Bach's Inventions by hand, you may do so, but you may NOT photocopy it from a printed book</p><p>12 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 without the publisher's permission. (Note: the compositions of living composers or of composers who have been dead for fewer than seventy years should NOT be copied, either by hand or otherwise, without permission).</p><p>*With this public notice, The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited is pleased to grant permission to festival, recital, and examination participants to use one photocopy of one page of their original score published by The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited for the purpose of facilitating a page turn. This permission is granted for a one-time use only, with the understanding that the photocopy WILL be destroyed immediately following the performance.</p><p>SYLLABUS</p><p>CLASS 1000 1 - FAMILY MUSIC (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee per member $3 OWN SELECTIONS. Maximum 2 selections. Adjudication only. Parent or parents and/or child or children - no age limitations. This class is planned to foster music in the home and may be any family group. The accompanist need NOT be a member of the family; and if not, WILL NOT be considered as part of the entry.</p><p>CLASS 1000 2 - CAMPFIRE GROUPS (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee per member $3 OWN SELECTIONS. (Time NOT to exceed 5 minutes.) This class is open to Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, and other similar organizations.</p><p>CHORAL SECTION</p><p>CHORAL GROUPS</p><p>List of choir members and number of support staff MUST accompany each entry form. This is necessary for seating allocation. Own selection of TWO contrasting numbers. Fee per member $3</p><p>CLASS 10003 - CHURCH CHOIRS – UNISON - OPEN CLASS 10004 - CHURCH CHOIRS – SENIOR - SA OR SSA - (Please Specify) CLASS 10005 - CHURCH CHOIRS – SENIOR - SAB OR SATB - (Please Specify) CLASS 10006 - CHURCH CHOIRS – JUNIOR - UNISON CLASS 10007 - CHURCH CHOIRS – JUNIOR – PARTS CLASS 10008 - SECULAR OR FOLK - 19 YRS AND OVER CLASS 10009 - SECULAR OR FOLK - 18 YRS AND UNDER CLASS 10010 - SECULAR OR FOLK - 14 YRS AND UNDER CLASS 10011 - ACAPELLA - 19 YRS AND OVER CLASS 10012 - ACAPELLA - 18 YRS AND UNDER CLASS 10013 - GLEE CLUBS - 19 YRS AND OVER CLASS 10014 - GLEE CLUBS - 18 YRS AND UNDER CLASS 10015 - GLEE CLUBS - HIGH SCHOOL</p><p>SCHOOL CHOIRS</p><p>13 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 A list of choir members and number of support staff MUST be provided (with fees) by DECEMBER 22, 2017. This is necessary for seating allocation.</p><p>Own selection of TWO contrasting numbers. Fee per member $2 / Maximum fee of $150</p><p>CLASS 10016 - CHORAL GROUPS - HIGH SCHOOL - UNISON CLASS 10017 - CHORAL GROUPS - HIGH SCHOOL - 2 PARTS CLASS 10018 - CHORAL GROUPS - HIGH SCHOOL - 3 OR MORE PARTS CLASS 10019 - FEMALE CHOIRS - OPEN - 18 YRS & UNDER CLASS 10020 - MALE CHOIRS - OPEN - 18 YRS & UNDER CLASS 10021 - FEMALE CHOIRS - OPEN - 15 YRS & UNDER CLASS 10022 - MALE CHOIRS - OPEN - 15 YRS & UNDER CLASS 10023 - CHORAL GROUPS - MIDDLE SCHOOL - UNISON CLASS 10024 - CHORAL GROUPS - MIDDLE SCHOOL (GRADES 7-9) - 2 PARTS </p><p>CLASS 10025 - CHORAL GROUPS - MIDDLE SCHOOL (GRADES 7-9) - 3 PARTS CLASS 10026 - CHORAL GROUPS - MULTI GRADE SCHOOL - (Please Specify Grades) CLASS 10027 - ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CHOIRS - UNISON CLASS 10028 - ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CHOIRS - 2-PARTS CLASS 10029 - ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CHOIRS - 3-PARTS CLASS 10030 - PRIMARY SCHOOL CHOIRS – UNISON (NON-COMPETITIVE) CLASS 10031 - PRIMARY SCHOOL CHOIRS - 2-PARTS (NON-COMPETITIVE) CLASS 10032 - GRADE 8 CLASS 10033 - GRADE 7 CLASS 10034 - GRADE 6 CLASS 10035 - GRADE 5 CLASS 10036 - GRADE 4 CLASS 10037 - GRADE 3 (NON-COMPETITIVE) CLASS 10038 - GRADE 2 (NON-COMPETITIVE) CLASS 10039 – GRADE 1 (NON-COMPETITIVE) CLASS 10040 - KINDERGARTEN (NON-COMPETITIVE) CLASS 10041 - SIGN LANGUAGE CHOIR (NON-COMPETITIVE)</p><p>VOCAL SECTION</p><p>CONCERT GROUP</p><p>Competitors will be judged on the discrimination shown in their three selections, which MUST be from standard concert repertoire, and on the group allocation, having regard to contrast, appropriateness, keys, as well as technique, interpretation and stage presence. Competitors MUST NOT include in this class any selection which they are already performing in another class in the current festival. Performance times MUST be within the limits specified.</p><p>Note: A concert group WILL consist of: (1) An aria from opera or oratorio. (2) One lied. (3) One other song, which MUST NOT be a folk song. No song cycles permitted. Baroque era will also be considered instead of an aria from opera or oratorio for Concert group 15 YRS and 14 YRS and under classes.</p><p>CLASS 10088 – CONCERT GROUP – UNIVERSITY Fee$20 CLASS 1 0 096 - CONCERT GROUP - 17 YRS & OVER (Limit: 25 min) Fee $20 CLASS 10097 - CONCERT GROUP - 16 YRS (Limit: 25 min) Fee $20</p><p>14 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 CLASS 10098 - CONCERT GROUP - 15 YRS (Limit: 20 min) Fee $20 CLASS 10099 - CONCERT GROUP – 14 YRS & UNDER (Limit: 20 min) Fee $20</p><p>CLASS 095 -VOCAL SOLO, ANY VOICE PROVINCIAL CONSIDERATION Fee $20 Competitors must be recommended to Provincials from: 1. Senior Opera, with recitative where applicable, original key, original language; Senior Sacred Aria (Aria from an Oratorio, a work of J.S. Bach, or other major sacred work), with recitative where applicable; and at least one movement of a multi-movement work/song cycle; or 2. National Class, as provided for in the Provincial/Local Festival Syllabus.</p><p>MAJOR VOCAL SOLO</p><p>CLASS 10103 - ORATORIO/ART SONG SOLO - ANY VOICE - 18 YRS & OVER Fee $10 Own selection from any recognized sacred oratorio (or art song).</p><p>CLASS 10104 - ORATORIO/ART SONG SOLO - ANY VOICE - 17 YRS & UNDER Fee $10 Own selection from any recognized sacred oratorio (or art song).</p><p>SENIOR VOCAL SOLO</p><p>Own choice of one selection except where specified.</p><p>CLASS 10107 - SOPRANO SOLO - 19 YRS & OVER Fee $10 CLASS 10108 - SOPRANO SOLO - 18 YRS & UNDER Fee $10 CLASS 10109 - SOPRANO SOLO - 17 YRS & UNDER Fee $10 CLASS 10111 - MEZZO-SOPRANO SOLO - 19 YRS & OVER Fee $10 CLASS 10112 - MEZZO-SOPRANO SOLO - 18 YRS & UNDER Fee $10 CLASS 10113 - MEZZO-SOPRANO SOLO - 17 YRS & UNDER Fee $10 CLASS 10114 - MEZZO-SOPRANO SOLO - 15 YRS & UNDER Fee $10 CLASS 10115 - CONTRALTO SOLO - 19 YRS & OVER Fee $10 CLASS 10116 - CONTRALTO SOLO - 18 YRS & UNDER Fee $10 CLASS 10117 - TENOR SOLO - 19 YRS & OVER Fee $10</p><p>15 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 CLASS 10118 - TENOR SOLO - 18 YRS & UNDER Fee $10 CLASS 10119 - BARITONE / BASS SOLO - 19 YRS & OVER Fee $10 CLASS 10120 - BARITONE / BASS SOLO - 18 YRS & UNDER Fee $10 CLASS 10121 - BOY'S SOLO - CHANGED VOICE - 16 YRS & UNDER Fee $10</p><p>ART SONG SOLO</p><p>Own Choice selection according to the class description. May be sung in any key, although preferably in a published voicing as given to the adjudicator. MEMORIZATION IS REQUIRED.</p><p>19 YRS AND OVER Fee $10 per class</p><p>CLASS 10122 - ENGLISH ART SONG CLASS 10123 - GERMAN LIED CLASS 10124 - FRENCH ART SONG CLASS 10125 - ITALIAN ART SONG CLASS 10126 - OPEN</p><p>18 YRS AND UNDER Fee $10 per class CLASS 10127 - ENGLISH ART SONG CLASS 10128 - GERMAN LIED CLASS 10129 - FRENCH ART SONG CLASS 10130 - ITALIAN ART SONG CLASS 10131 – OPEN</p><p>ART SONG SOLO</p><p>16 YRS AND UNDER Fee $9 per class CLASS 10132 - ENGLISH ART SONG CLASS 10133 - GERMAN LIED CLASS 10134 - FRENCH ART SONG CLASS 10135 - ITALIAN ART SONG CLASS 10136 - OPEN</p><p>GIRL'S VOCAL SOLO Own Selection CLASS 10137 - Grade Five RCM or Conservatory Canada Series Fee $6 CLASS 10138 - Grade Four RCM or Conservatory Canada Series Fee $6</p><p>16 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 CLASS 10139 - Grade Three RCM or Conservatory Canada Series Fee $6 CLASS 10141 - Grade Two RCM or Conservatory Canada Series Fee $6 CLASS 10144 - Grade One RCM or Conservatory Canada Series Fee $6 CLASS 10146 - Introductory Level RCM or Conservatory Canada Series (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6</p><p>BOY'S VOCAL SOLO</p><p>Own Selection CLASS 10147 - Grade Five RCM or Conservatory Canada Series UNCHANGED VOICES Fee $6 CLASS 10148 - Grade Five RCM or Conservatory Canada Series CHANGED VOICES Fee $6 CLASS 10149 - Grade Four RCM or Conservatory Canada Series Fee $6 CLASS 10150 - Grade Three RCM or Conservatory Canada Series Fee $6 CLASS 10151 - Grade Two RCM or Conservatory Canada Series Fee $6 CLASS 10154 - Grade One RCM or Conservatory Canada Series Fee $6 CLASS 10156 - Introductory Level RCM or Conservatory Canada Series NON-COMPETITIVE Fee $6</p><p>MUSICAL THEATRE SET</p><p>Own choice of two selections consisting of the following: Musical Theatre Ballad and Musical Theatre Up- Tempo. Both selections are to be sung from a published score, in the published key (no transposition), of a staged musical and be gender/voice type appropriate. Competitors may use: costumes, one (1) hand prop per selection (Wearable items are not a prop: hat, scarf, gloves etc.) and stage movement (no dance break). A table, chair, and coat rack are provided. Spoken passages are allowed only if published in the score provided.</p><p>The term “Up-Tempo” is used to describe music with a lively tempo, often comedy, e,g. One Hundred Easy Ways (from Wonderful Town). The term “Ballad” is used to describe music with a slower tempo, often of a serious or introspective nature, e.g. On My Own (from Les Miserables). Time limit includes costume change.</p><p>CLASS 10 089 - MUSICAL THEATRE SET – UNIVERSITY (Limit: 20 min) Fee $20 CLASS 10 091 - MUSICAL THEATRE SET - 17 YRS & OVER (Limit: 20 min) Fee $20</p><p>CLASS 10 092 - MUSICAL THEATRE SET - 16 YRS (Limit: 20 min) Fee $20 CLASS 10 093 - MUSICAL THEATRE SET - 15 YRS (Limit: 15 min) Fee $20 CLASS 10 094 - MUSICAL THEATRE SET - 14 YRS & UNDER (Limit: 15 min) Fee $20 </p><p>CLASS 10090 – MUSICAL THEATRE SOLO, ANY VOICE PROVINCIAL CONSIDERATION Fee $20</p><p>All selections are to be sung from a published score, in any published key (no transposition), of a staged musical and be gender/voice type appropriate. Competitors may use: costumes, one (1) hand prop per selection (a table, chair, and coat rack is provided). Spoken passages are allowed only if published in the script/score provided. The</p><p>17 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 original copy can be the Broadway score, from an Anthology, or purchased online. Proof of purchase must be shown for all online purchases. The term “Up-Tempo” is used to describe music with a lively tempo, often comedy, e.g. – “One Hundred Easy Ways” (from Wonderful Town). The term “Ballad” is used to describe music with a slower tempo, often of a serious or introspective nature, e.g. – “On My Own” (from Les Misérables). The following is a definition of the Musical Theatre Standard Repertoire: • Tin Pan Alley era (1920 – 1942) – Composers such as Berlin, Kern, Gershwin, Porter, and Rodgers & Hart, Weill • The Golden Age (1943 – 1964) Composers such as Rodgers & Hammerstein, Lerner & Loewe, Bock &Harnick, and Sondheim • Contemporary Musical Theatre repertoire (1965 – present day) – Composers such as Sondheim, Kander& Ebb, Schwartz, Finn, and Jason Robert Brown </p><p>One selection by Sondheim is recommended. Selections are not to include operetta/light opera (e.g. Romberg, Johann Strauss, Lehár, and Offenbach).</p><p>MUSICAL THEATRE / MUSICAL MOVIE SOLO</p><p>Own selection from any recognized Musical Theatre or Musical Movie show. Please list title and name of musical or movie. Use of electronic piano is PROHIBITED. Solo only, no added parts. Competitors may use: costumes, one (1) hand prop per selection (Wearable items are not a prop: hat, scarf, gloves etc.) and stage movement (no dance break). A table, chair, and coat rack will be permitted. Spoken passages are allowed only if published in the score provided.</p><p>CLASS 10157 - ANY VOICE - 19 YRS & OVER Fee $8 CLASS 10158 - ANY VOICE - 18 YRS & UNDER Fee $8 CLASS 10159 - ANY VOICE - 17 YRS & UNDER Fee $8 CLASS 10160 - ANY VOICE - 16 YRS & UNDER Fee $8 CLASS 10161 - ANY VOICE - 15 YRS & UNDER Fee $8 CLASS 10162 - ANY VOICE - 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10163 - ANY VOICE - 13 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10164 - ANY VOICE - 12 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10165 - ANY VOICE - 11 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10166 - ANY VOICE - 10 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10167 - ANY VOICE - 9 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10168 - ANY VOICE - 8 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10169 - GILBERT AND SULLIVAN SOLO - ANY VOICE (18 YRS & OVER) Own selection from the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan. Fee $10 CLASS 10170 - GILBERT AND SULLIVAN SOLO - ANY VOICE (17 YRS & UNDER) Own selection from the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan. Fee $10</p><p>18 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018</p><p>NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR MUSIC</p><p>Own selection of music by Newfoundland & Labrador Composers.</p><p>CLASS 10171 - ANY VOICE - 18 YRS & OVER Fee $8 CLASS 10172 - ANY VOICE - 17 YRS & UNDER Fee $8 CLASS 10173 - ANY VOICE - 16 YRS & UNDER Fee $8 CLASS 10174 - ANY VOICE - 15 YRS & UNDER Fee $8 CLASS 10175 - ANY VOICE - 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10176 - ANY VOICE - 13 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10177 - ANY VOICE - 12 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10178 - ANY VOICE - 11 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10179 - ANY VOICE - 10 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10180 - ANY VOICE - 9 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10181 - ANY VOICE - 8 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6</p><p>19 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 TRADITIONAL FOLK SONG SOLO</p><p>Own selection of Traditional Folk Song, including Newfoundland Folk; that is songs originating in, and forming part of, a country's characteristic culture with words and music NOT attributable to any specific composer. Country of origin MUST be listed.</p><p>CLASS 10182 - ANY VOICE - 18 YRS & OVER Fee $8 CLASS 10183 - ANY VOICE - 17 YRS & UNDER Fee $8 CLASS 10184 - ANY VOICE - 16 YRS & UNDER Fee $8 CLASS 10185 - ANY VOICE - 15 YRS & UNDER Fee $8 CLASS 10186 - ANY VOICE - 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10187 - ANY VOICE - 13 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10188 - ANY VOICE - 12 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10189 - ANY VOICE - 11 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10190 - ANY VOICE - 10 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10191 - ANY VOICE - 9 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10192 - ANY VOICE - 8 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6</p><p>GOSPEL SONG SOLO</p><p>Own selection.</p><p>CLASS 10193 - ANY VOICE - 18 YRS & OVER Fee $8 CLASS 10194 - ANY VOICE - 17 YRS & UNDER Fee $8 CLASS 10195 - ANY VOICE - 16 YRS & UNDER Fee $8 CLASS 10196 - ANY VOICE - 15 YRS & UNDER Fee $8 CLASS 10197 - ANY VOICE - 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10198 - ANY VOICE - 13 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10199 - ANY VOICE - 12 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10200 - ANY VOICE - 11 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10201 - ANY VOICE - 10 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10202 - ANY VOICE - 9 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10203 - ANY VOICE - 8 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6</p><p>POP SONG SOLO 20 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 (Please note these classes are NOT for under Age 14)</p><p>CLASS 10270 - ANY VOICE - 18 YRS & OVER Fee $8 CLASS 10271 - ANY VOICE - AGE 16-17 Fee $8 CLASS 10272 - ANY VOICE - AGE 14-15 Fee $8</p><p>MODERN FOLK SONG SOLO MUST BE attributable to a specific composer Own selection.</p><p>CLASS 10204 - ANY VOICE - 18 YRS & OVER Fee $8 CLASS 10205 - ANY VOICE - 17 YRS & UNDER Fee $8 CLASS 10206 - ANY VOICE - 16 YRS & UNDER Fee $8 CLASS 10207 - ANY VOICE - 15 YRS & UNDER Fee $8 CLASS 10208 - ANY VOICE - 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10209 - ANY VOICE - 13 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10210 - ANY VOICE - 12 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10211 - ANY VOICE - 11 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10212 - ANY VOICE - 10 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10213 - ANY VOICE - 9 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10214 - ANY VOICE - 8 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6</p><p>VOCAL DUETS - ANY VOICES</p><p>Own selection.</p><p>CLASS 10215 - ANY VOICES - 18 YRS & OVER Fee $12 CLASS 10216 - ANY VOICES - 17 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10217 - ANY VOICES - 16 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10218 - ANY VOICES - 15 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10219 - ANY VOICES - 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10220 - ANY VOICES - 13 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10221 - ANY VOICES - 12 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 21 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 CLASS 10222 - ANY VOICES - 11 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10223 - ANY VOICES - 10 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $12 CLASS 10224 - ANY VOICES - STUDENT / TEACHER DUET (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $12 </p><p>VOCAL TRIOS - ANY VOICES</p><p>Own selection.</p><p>CLASS 10225 - 18 YRS & OVER Fee $18 CLASS 10226 - 17 YRS & UNDER Fee $18 CLASS 10227 - 16 YRS & UNDER Fee $18 CLASS 10228 - 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $18 CLASS 10229 - 12 YRS & UNDER Fee $18</p><p>SMALL VOCAL ENSEMBLE - ANY VOICE - (4 - 9 VOICES) Own selection.</p><p>CLASS 10230 - 18 YRS & OVER Fee $27 CLASS 10231 - 17 YRS &UNDER Fee $27 CLASS 10232 - 16 YRS &UNDER Fee $27 CLASS 10233 - 14 YRS &UNDER Fee $27 CLASS 10234 - 12 YRS &UNDER Fee $27</p><p>MUSICAL THEATRE / MUSICAL MOVIE DUET Own selection. Competitors may use: costumes, one (1) hand prop per selection (Wearable items are not a prop: hat, scarf, gloves etc.) and stage movement (no dance break). A table, chair, and coat rack may also be used. Spoken passages are allowed only if published in the score provided.</p><p>CLASS 10242 - 18 YRS & OVER Fee $12 CLASS 10243 - 17 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10244 - 16 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10245 - 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 22 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 CLASS 10246 - 12 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10100 - 10 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $12</p><p>MUSICAL THEATRE / MUSICAL MOVIE TRIO Own selection. Competitors may use: costumes, one (1) hand prop per selection (Wearable items are not a prop: hat, scarf, gloves etc.) and stage movement (no dance break). A table, chair, and coat rack may also be used. Spoken passages are allowed only if published in the score provided.</p><p>CLASS 10247 - 18 YRS & OVER Fee $18 CLASS 10248 - 17 YRS & UNDER Fee $18 CLASS 10249 - 16 YRS & UNDER Fee $18 CLASS 10250 - 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $18 CLASS 10251 - 12 YRS & UNDER Fee $18 CLASS 10101 - 10 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $18</p><p>MUSICAL THEATRE / MUSICAL MOVIE SMALL ENSEMBLE - (4 - 9 VOICES) Own selection. Competitors may use: costumes, one (1) hand prop per selection (Wearable items are not a prop: hat, scarf, gloves etc.) and stage movement (no dance break). A table, chair, and coat rack may also be used. Spoken passages are allowed only if published in the score provided.</p><p>CLASS 10252 - 18 YRS & OVER Fee $27 CLASS 10253 - 17 YRS & UNDER Fee $27 CLASS 10254 - 16 YRS & UNDER Fee $27 CLASS 10255 - 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $27 CLASS 10256 - 12 YRS & UNDER Fee $27 CLASS 10102 - 10 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $27</p><p>VOCAL SIGHT READING</p><p>The Adjudicator will select the test piece.</p><p>CLASS 10257 - 18 YRS & OVER Fee $6 CLASS 10258 - 17 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10259 - 16 YRS & UNDER Fee $6</p><p>23 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 CLASS 10260 - 15 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10261 - 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10262 - 13 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10263 - 12 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10264 - 11 YRS & UNDER Fee $6 CLASS 10265 - 10 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10266 - 9 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10267 - 8 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6</p><p>VOICE - OWN COMPOSITION</p><p>CLASS 10268 - PLEASE INDICATE AGE & LEVEL (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $10</p><p>PIANO SECTION</p><p>CONCERT GROUP</p><p>Own choice of three selections.</p><p>Competitors WILL be judged on the discrimination shown in their selections, which MUST be from standard concert repertoire and from three different eras, and on the group allocation, having regard to contrast, appropriateness and keys, as well as technique, interpretation and stage presence. Competitors MUST NOT include in this class any selection which they are already performing in another class in the current festival. Memorization is desirable. TO BE CONSIDERED FOR THE SENIOR ROSE BOWL, PERFORMANCE FROM MEMORY IS MANDATORY.</p><p>CLASS 10285 - UNIVERSITY LEVEL (Limit: 25 min) Fee $20 CLASS 10286 - 17 YRS & OVER (Limit: 25 min) Fee $20 CLASS 10287 - 16 YRS (Limit: 25 min) Fee $20 CLASS 10288 - 15 YRS (Limit: 20 min) Fee $20 CLASS 10289 - 14 YRS & UNDER (Limit: 20 min) Fee $20 </p><p>CLASS 10290 – PIANO SOLO PROVINCIAL CONSIDERATION Fee$20 Competitors must be recommended to Provincials from: 1. A Senior Sonata, Concerto or Concerted Work; or 2. National Class, as provided for in the Provincial/Local Festival Syllabus.</p><p>24 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018</p><p>PIANO CONCERTO</p><p>Own selection. One movement only. The solo PARTS only will be adjudicated. The Orchestral part is to be played on second piano, and may be performed by a professional musician if desired.</p><p>CLASS 10294 - UNIVERSITY LEVEL Fee $20 CLASS 10295 - 17 YRS & OVER Fee $15 CLASS 10296 - 16 YRS & UNDER. Fee $15 CLASS 10297 - 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $15</p><p>COMPLETE MAJOR PIANO SOLO</p><p>Own selection. MUST be a work of more than one movement; i.e., complete sonata, suite or similar large- scale work (in the Junior class a similar multi-movement work, such as Schumann's Kinderszenen, Kabalevsky's Sonatine or Debussy's Suite Bergamasque is acceptable). Competitors in this class MUST NOT perform ANY part of their selection in any other class in the current festival. In all complete major solo work classes, the work performed MUST be of ten minutes minimum duration.</p><p>CLASS 10298 - UNIVERSITY LEVEL Fee $25 CLASS 10299 - 17 YRS & OVER Fee $20 CLASS 10300 - 16 YRS & UNDER. Fee $20 CLASS 10301 - 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $20</p><p>PIANO - OWN COMPOSITION</p><p>CLASS 10302 - PLEASE INDICATE AGE (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $10</p><p>SOLO PIANO</p><p>Own selection from the current syllabi/books of the Royal Conservatory of Music and Conservatory Canada. Students entering this section are NOT eligible to enter "Special Piano" section.</p><p>LEVEL 10</p><p>CLASS 10307 - BAROQUE Fee $8 CLASS 10308 - CLASSICAL Fee $8 CLASS 10309 - ROMANTIC Fee $8 CLASS 10310 - POST-ROMANTIC TO 21ST CENTURY Fee $8 CLASS 10311 - POPULAR STYLE Fee $8</p><p>LEVEL 9</p><p>25 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 CLASS 10312 - BAROQUE Fee $8 CLASS 10313 - CLASSICAL Fee $8 CLASS 10314 - ROMANTIC Fee $8 CLASS 10315 - POST-ROMANTIC TO 21ST CENTURY Fee $8 CLASS 10316 - POPULAR STYLE Fee $8</p><p>LEVEL 8</p><p>CLASS 10317 - BAROQUE Fee $8 CLASS 10318 - CLASSICAL Fee $8 CLASS 10319 - ROMANTIC Fee $8 CLASS 10320 - POST-ROMANTIC TO 21ST CENTURY Fee $8 CLASS 10321 - POPULAR STYLE Fee $8</p><p>LEVEL 7</p><p>CLASS 10322 - BAROQUE Fee $8 CLASS 10323 - CLASSICAL AND CLASSICAL STYLE Fee $8 CLASS 10324 - ROMANTIC Fee $8 CLASS 10325 - POST-ROMANTIC TO 21ST CENTURY Fee $8 CLASS 10326 - POPULAR STYLE Fee $8</p><p>LEVEL 6</p><p>CLASS 10327 - BAROQUE Fee $8 CLASS 10328 - CLASSICAL AND CLASSICAL STYLE Fee $8 CLASS 10329 - ROMANTIC Fee $8 CLASS 10330 - POST-ROMANTIC TO 21ST CENTURY Fee $8 CLASS 10331 - POPULAR STYLE Fee $8</p><p>LEVEL 5</p><p>CLASS 10333 - BAROQUE Fee $8 CLASS 10334 - CLASSICAL AND CLASSICAL STYLE Fee $8 CLASS 10335 - ROMANTIC Fee $8 CLASS 10336 - POST-ROMANTIC TO 21ST CENTURY Fee $8 CLASS 10337 - POPULAR STYLE Fee $8</p><p>LEVEL 4</p><p>CLASS 10338 - BAROQUE Fee $8 CLASS 10339 - CLASSICAL AND CLASSICAL STYLE Fee $8 CLASS 10340 - ROMANTIC Fee $8 CLASS 10341 - POST-ROMANTIC TO 21ST CENTURY Fee $8 CLASS 10342 - POPULAR STYLE Fee $8 26 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018</p><p>LEVEL 3</p><p>CLASS 10343 - BAROQUE Fee $6 CLASS 10344 - CLASSICAL AND CLASSICAL STYLE Fee $6 CLASS 10345 - ROMANTIC Fee $6 CLASS 10346 - POST-ROMANTIC TO 21ST CENTURY Fee $6 CLASS 10347 - POPULAR STYLE Fee $6</p><p>LEVEL 2</p><p>CLASS 10348 - FIRST SELECTION Fee $6 CLASS 10349 - SECOND SELECTION Fee $6 CLASS 10350 - THIRD SELECTION Fee $6</p><p>LEVEL 1</p><p>CLASS 10351 - FIRST SELECTION Fee $6 CLASS 10352 - SECOND SELECTION Fee $6 CLASS 10353 - THIRD SELECTION Fee $6</p><p>INTRO LEVEL</p><p>CLASS 10354 - FIRST SELECTION (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10355 - SECOND SELECTION (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10356 - THIRD SELECTION (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6</p><p>PIANO DUET</p><p>Own selection.</p><p>CLASS 10357 - 17 YRS & OVER Fee $12 CLASS 10358 - 16 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10359 - 15 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10360 - 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10361 - 13 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10362 - 12 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10363 - 11 YRS & UNDER Fee $12</p><p>27 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 CLASS 10364 - 10 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $12 CLASS 10365 - 9 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $12 CLASS 10367 - 8 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $12 CLASS 10369 - 7 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $12</p><p>PIANO DUET: PUPIL/TEACHER</p><p>Classes 370 - 376 are NON-COMPETITIVE. General adjudication only. Own selection.</p><p>CLASS 10370 - OVER 18 YRS Fee $12 CLASS 10371 - 18 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10362 - 16 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10373 - 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10374 - 12 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10375 - 10 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10376 - 8 YRS & UNDER Fee $12</p><p>PIANO DUO</p><p>Own selection.</p><p>CLASS 10377 - 17 YRS & OVER Fee $12 CLASS 10378 - 16 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10379 - 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10380 - 12 YRS & UNDER Fee $12 CLASS 10381 - 10 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $12 CLASS 10382 - 8 YRS & UNDER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $12</p><p>PIANO DOUBLE DUO</p><p>Own selection. 28 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018</p><p>CLASS 10303 – 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $12</p><p>PIANO SIGHT READING</p><p>The Adjudicator WILL select the test piece.</p><p>CLASS 10383 - LEVEL 10 Fee $6 CLASS 10384 - LEVEL 9 Fee $6 CLASS 10385 - LEVEL 8 Fee $6 CLASS 10386 - LEVEL 7 Fee $6 CLASS 10387 - LEVEL 6 Fee $6 CLASS 10388 - LEVEL 5 Fee $6 CLASS 10389 - LEVEL 4 Fee $6 CLASS 10390 - LEVEL 3 Fee $6 CLASS 10391 - LEVEL 2 Fee $6 CLASS 10392 - LEVEL 1 Fee $6 CLASS 10393 - LEVEL INTRO (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6</p><p>SPECIAL PIANO SECTION</p><p>For students who have NOT had sufficient years of training to enable them to compete in appropriate RCM Levels. Students who perform in RCM Levels are NOT eligible for these classes. The competitor MUST provide original music for the adjudicator. Photocopies WILL NOT be accepted. All classes are NON- COMPETITIVE.</p><p>Own Selection from any recognized series, such as Alfred's Basic Piano Library Course, Leila Fletcher, Adventures in Music, etc.</p><p>CLASS 10394 - LEVEL 1 Fee $6 CLASS 10395 - LEVEL 2 Fee $6 CLASS 10396 - LEVEL 3 Fee $6</p><p>MUSIC FOR YOUNG CHILDREN 29 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018</p><p>ALL classes are NON-COMPETITIVE. One selection.</p><p>CLASS 10397 - SUNSHINE 2 Fee $6 CLASS 10398 - SUNBEAM 2 Fee $6 CLASS 10399 - SUNBEAM 3 Fee $6</p><p>BAND, ORCHESTRA, & ENSEMBLE SECTION</p><p>Four levels are listed but since there will be players of various levels in any band, the teacher’s discretion is the guide to the appropriate class to enter. </p><p>The time limit for each band will be a total of 20 minutes unless otherwise specified. This will include set up, tune up, warm up, and presentation. A list of all band members, together with the number of support staff MUST be submitted (with fees) by DECEMBER 22, 2017.</p><p>SMALL ENSEMBLE - UNLIKE INSTRUMENTS</p><p>Own selection of TWO contrasting numbers.</p><p>CLASS 10400 - SENIOR Fee $2 per person CLASS 10401 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $2 per person CLASS 10402 - JUNIOR Fee $2 per person CLASS 10403 - BEGINNER Fee $2 per person</p><p>SMALL ENSEMBLE - LIKE INSTRUMENTS</p><p>Own selection of TWO contrasting numbers.</p><p>CLASS 10404 - SENIOR Fee $2 per person CLASS 10405 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $2 per person CLASS 10406 - JUNIOR Fee $2 per person CLASS 10407 - BEGINNER Fee $2 per person RECORDER BAND</p><p>Own selection of TWO contrasting numbers.</p><p>CLASS 10 408 - ELEMENTARY (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee per member $2 / Maximum fee of $150 CLASS 10 409 - PRIMARY (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee per member $2 / Maximum fee of $150</p><p>30 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018</p><p>UKULELE GROUP</p><p>Own selection of TWO contrasting numbers.</p><p>CLASS 10410 - SENIOR Fee $2 per person CLASS 10411 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $2 per person CLASS 10412 - JUNIOR Fee $2 per person CLASS 10413 - BEGINNER Fee $2 per person RHYTHM BAND</p><p>Own selection of TWO short pieces in contrasting rhythm.</p><p>CLASS 10414 - GRADE 1 (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $2 per person CLASS 10415 - KINDERGARTEN (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $2 per person</p><p>BRASS BAND</p><p>Own selection of TWO contrasting numbers. Limit: 30 min.</p><p>CLASS 10 416 - SENIOR Fee per member $2 / Maximum fee of $150 CLASS 10 417 - INTERMEDIATE Fee per member $2 / Maximum fee of $150 CLASS 10 418 - JUNIOR Fee per member $2 / Maximum fee of $150 CLASS 10 419 - BEGINNER Fee per member $2 / Maximum fee of $150</p><p>ORCHESTRA</p><p>Own selection of TWO contrasting numbers. Limit: 30 min.</p><p>CLASS 10420 - ORCHESTRA - OPEN Fee $3 per person CLASS 10421 - ORCHESTRA - SCHOOL Fee $2 per person</p><p>SCHOOL STRING ORCHESTRA 31 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018</p><p>Own selection of TWO contrasting numbers. Limit: 30 min.</p><p>CLASS 10422 - SENIOR Fee $2 per person CLASS 10423 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $2 per person CLASS 10424 - JUNIOR Fee $2 per person CLASS 10425 - BEGINNER Fee $2 per person</p><p>JAZZ BAND</p><p>Limit: 30 min. TWO selections contrasted in tempo and style; i.e. one ballad, one up-tempo. IMPORTANT: Please specify individual names and instruments on separate sheet to be attached to entry form. </p><p>For the purposes of eligibility in the following classes, please observe the following: 1. 13 to 24 members 2. comprising trumpets, trombones, saxophones and a rhythm section 3. doubling instruments may be used as necessary</p><p>CLASS 10 426 - SENIOR Fee $2 per person CLASS 10427 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $2 per person CLASS 10428 - JUNIOR Fee $2 per person CLASS 10429 - BEGINNER Fee $2 per person</p><p>CONCERT BAND</p><p>Own selection of TWO contrasting numbers. Limit: 30 min.</p><p>CLASS 10 430 - SENIOR Fee per member $2 / Maximum fee of $150 CLASS 10 431 - INTERMEDIATE Fee per member $2 / Maximum fee of $150 CLASS 10 432 - JUNIOR Fee per member $2 / Maximum fee of $150 CLASS 10433 - BEGINNER Fee per member $2 / Maximum fee of $150</p><p>HANDBELL CHOIR</p><p>Own selection of TWO contrasting numbers.</p><p>CLASS 10434 - HANDBELL CHOIRS- OPEN Fee $3 per person</p><p>32 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018</p><p>BRASS INSTRUMENT SECTION</p><p>CONCERT GROUPS</p><p>Please specify instrument on entry form. Own choice of THREE selections. Memorization is encouraged.</p><p>Competitors WILL be judged on the discrimination shown in their selection, which MUST be from standard concert repertoire and from three different eras, and on the group allocation, having regard to contrast, appropriateness and keys, as well as technique, interpretation and stage presence. Competitors MUST NOT include in this class any selection which they are already performing in another class in the current festival.</p><p>CLASS 10495 - UNIVERSITY LEVEL - Limit: 25 min. Fee $20 CLASS 10496 - 17 YRS & OVER - Limit: 25 min. Fee $20 CLASS 10497 - 16 YRS - Limit: 25 min. Fee $20 CLASS 10498 - 15 YRS - Limit: 20 min. Fee $20 CLASS 10499 - 14 YRS & UNDER - Limit: 20 min. Fee $20</p><p>CLASS 10500 – BRASS SOLO PROVINCIAL CONSIDERATION Fee$20 Instrument must be stated on entry form. Competitors must be recommended to Provincials from: 1. A Senior Concerto, Concerted Work; or 2. National Class, as provided for in the Provincial/Local Festival Syllabus.</p><p>COMPLETE MAJOR SOLO WORK</p><p>33 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 Please specify instrument on entry form. Own selection. Memorization is encouraged.</p><p>In all complete major solo work classes, the work performed MUST be of ten minute minimum duration. Performers who wish to perform major solo work of shorter duration MUST have the prior approval of the committee. Competitors MUST NOT perform any PARTS of their selection for this class in any other class in the current festival.</p><p>CLASS 10502 - 17 YRS & OVER Fee $20 CLASS 10503 - 16 YRS & UNDER Fee $20 CLASS 10504 - 14 YRS & UNDER Fee $20</p><p>BRASS CONCERTO</p><p>Please specify instrument on entry form. Own selection. Memorization is encouraged. One movement only. </p><p>The SOLO PART only WILL be adjudicated. The orchestral part is to be played on piano and may be performed by a professional musician if desired.</p><p>CLASS 10505 - SENIOR Fee $15 CLASS 10506 - JUNIOR Fee $15</p><p>CORNET OR TRUMPET SOLO</p><p>Own selection. CLASS 10507 - SENIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10508 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $8 CLASS 10509 - JUNIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10510 - BEGINNER Fee $8 TROMBONE SOLO</p><p>Own selection. CLASS 10515 - SENIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10516 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $8 CLASS 10517 - JUNIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10518 - BEGINNER Fee $8 TUBA SOLO</p><p>Own selection. CLASS 10523 - SENIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10524 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $8 CLASS 10525 - JUNIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10526 - BEGINNER Fee $8 MISCELLANEOUS BRASS INSTRUMENT</p><p>Any brass instrument NOT listed above. Please specify instrument on entry form. </p><p>Own selection. 34 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 CLASS 10527 - SENIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10528 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $8 CLASS 10529 - JUNIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10530 - BEGINNER Fee $8</p><p>DUETS, ANY BRASS INSTRUMENTS</p><p>Please specify instrument on entry form. </p><p>Own selection. CLASS 10531 - SENIOR Fee $12 CLASS 10532 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $12 CLASS 10533 - JUNIOR Fee $12 CLASS 10534 - BEGINNER Fee $12 CLASS 10539 - STUDENT/TEACHER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $12</p><p>TRIOS, ANY BRASS INSTRUMENTS</p><p>Please specify instrument on entry form. </p><p>Own selection. CLASS 10535 - SENIOR Fee $15 CLASS 10536 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $15 CLASS 10537 - JUNIOR Fee $15 CLASS 10538 - BEGINNER Fee $15</p><p>WOODWIND INSTRUMENT SECTION</p><p>WOODWIND CONCERT GROUP</p><p>Please specify instrument on entry form. Own choice of THREE selections. Time limit: as specified. memorization is encouraged.</p><p>Competitors will be judged on the discrimination shown in their selection, which MUST be from standard concert repertoire and from three different eras, and on the group allocation, having regard to contrast, appropriateness and keys, as well as technique, interpretation and stage presence. Competitors MUST NOT include in this class any selection which they are already performing in another class in the current festival.</p><p>CLASS 10595 - UNIVERSITY LEVEL - Limit: 25 min. Fee $20 CLASS 10596 - 17 YRS & OVER - Limit: 25 min. Fee $20 CLASS 10597 - 16 YRS - Limit: 25 min. Fee $20 35 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 CLASS 10598 - 15 YRS - Limit: 20 min. Fee $20 CLASS 10599 - 14 YRS & UNDER - Limit: 20 min. Fee $20</p><p>CLASS 10599 – WOODWIND SOLO PROVINCIAL CONSIDERATION Fee $20 Competitors must be recommended to Provincials from: 1. A Senior Concerto, Concerted Work; or 2. National Class, as provided for in the Provincial/Local Festival Syllabus.</p><p>COMPLETE MAJOR WOODWIND SOLO</p><p>Please specify instrument on entry form. Own selection. Memorization is encouraged. </p><p>Competitors MUST NOT perform ANY part of their selection for this class in any other class in the current festival. In all complete major solo work classes, the work performed MUST be of ten minute minimum duration. Performers who wish to perform major solo work of shorter duration MUST have the prior approval of the committee.</p><p>CLASS 10602 - SENIOR Fee $20 CLASS 10603 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $20 CLASS 10604 - JUNIOR Fee $20</p><p>WOODWINDCONCERTO</p><p>Please specify instrument on entry form. Own selection. Memorization is encouraged. One movement only.</p><p>The SOLO PART only will be adjudicated. The orchestral part is to be played on piano and may be performed by a professional musician if desired.</p><p>CLASS 10605 - SENIOR Fee $15 CLASS 10606 - JUNIOR Fee $15</p><p>FLUTE SOLO</p><p>Own selection.</p><p>CLASS 10607 - SENIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10608 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $8 CLASS 10609 - JUNIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10610 - BEGINNER Fee $8</p><p>36 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 CLARINET SOLO</p><p>Own selection.</p><p>CLASS 10611 - SENIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10612 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $8 CLASS 10613 - JUNIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10614 - BEGINNER Fee $8</p><p>E FLAT ALTO SAXOPHONE SOLO</p><p>Own selection.</p><p>CLASS 10615 - SENIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10616 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $8 CLASS 10617 - JUNIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10618 - BEGINNER Fee $8</p><p>TENOR SAXOPHONE SOLO</p><p>Own selection.</p><p>CLASS 10619 - SENIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10620 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $8 CLASS 10621 - JUNIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10622 - BEGINNER Fee $8</p><p>MISCELLANEOUS WOODWIND INSTRUMENT SOLO</p><p>Any woodwind instrument NOT listed above. Please specify instrument on entry form. Own selection. </p><p>CLASS 10627 - SENIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10628 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $8 CLASS 10629 - JUNIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10630 - BEGINNER Fee $8</p><p>37 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 WOODWIND DUET</p><p>Please specify instruments on entry form. Own selection.</p><p>CLASS 10631 - SENIOR Fee $12 CLASS 10632 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $12 CLASS 10633 - JUNIOR Fee $12 CLASS 10634 - BEGINNER Fee $12 CLASS 10639 - STUDENT/TEACHER (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $12</p><p>WOODWIND TRIO</p><p>Please specify instruments on entry form. Own selection.</p><p>CLASS 10635 - SENIOR Fee $15 CLASS 10636 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $15 CLASS 10637 - JUNIOR Fee $15 CLASS 10638 - BEGINNER Fee $15 STRING INSTRUMENT SECTION</p><p>CONCERT GROUP</p><p>Please specify instrument on entry form. Own choice of THREE selections. Time limit: as specified.</p><p>Competitors WILL be judged on the discrimination shown in their selection, which MUST be from standard concert repertoire and from three different eras, and on the group allocation, having regard to contrast, appropriateness, and keys, as well as technique, interpretation and stage presence. Competitors MUST NOT include in this class any selection which they are already performing in another class in the current festival.</p><p>CLASS 10695 - UNIVERSITY LEVEL - Limit: 25 min. Fee $20 CLASS 10696 - 17 YRS & OVER - Limit: 25 min. Fee $20 CLASS 10697 - 16 YRS - Limit: 25 min. Fee $20 CLASS 10698 - 15 YRS - Limit: 20 min. Fee $20 CLASS 10699 - 14 YRS & UNDER - Limit: 20 min. Fee $20</p><p>38 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018</p><p>COMPLETE MAJOR STRING INSTRUMENT SOLO</p><p>Please specify instrument on entry form Own selection.</p><p>In all complete major solo work classes, the work performed MUST be of ten minute minimum duration. </p><p>Performers who wish to perform major solo work of shorter duration MUST have the prior approval of the committee.</p><p>Competitors MUST NOT perform any PART of their selection for this class in any other class in the current festival.</p><p>CLASS 10646 - COMPLETE MAJOR SOLO WORK - SENIOR Fee $20 CLASS 10647 - COMPLETE MAJOR SOLO WORK - JUNIOR Fee $20</p><p>CLASS 10645 - STRING SOLO PROVINCIAL CONSIDERATION Fee $20 Instrument must be stated on entry form. Guitar performers must enter Class 10660 Competitors must be recommended to Provincials from 1. A Senior Concerto, Concerted Work; or 2. National Class, as provided for in the Provincial/Local Festival Syllabus.</p><p>VIOLIN SOLO Own selection.</p><p>CLASS 10648 - SENIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10649 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $8 CLASS 10650 - JUNIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10651 - BEGINNER Fee $8</p><p>TRADITIONAL FIDDLE SOLO</p><p>Own selection of TWO short pieces.</p><p>CLASS 10652 - SENIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10653 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $8 CLASS 10654 - JUNIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10655 - BEGINNER Fee $8</p><p>39 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018</p><p>GUITAR SOLO</p><p>Own selection of TWO short pieces.</p><p>CLASS 10656 - SENIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10657 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $8 CLASS 10658 - JUNIOR Fee $8 CLASS 10659 - BEGINNER Fee $8</p><p>CLASS 10660 – CLASSICAL GUITAR SOLO PROVINCIAL CONSIDERATION Fee $20 Competitors must be recommended to Provincials from 1. A Senior Concerto, Concerted Work; or 2. National Class, as provided for in the Provincial/Local Festival Syllabus.</p><p>PERCUSSION SECTION</p><p>Participant who wishes to participate in this section please contact the Festival Secretary for assignment of Class number.</p><p>CLASS 10675 – PERCUSSION SOLO PROVINCIAL CONSIDERATION Fee $20</p><p>Instruments must be stated on entry form. Piano accompaniment is permitted, where appropriate. All works for single percussion instruments must be memorized. For multi- instrument works, memorization is encouraged, but not required. RECORDED COMPETITION RECORDINGS ARE ADJUDICATED AND THE WINNERS WILL BE NOTIFIED Repertoire requirements Competitors must be recommended to Provincials from: 1. A Senior Advanced work; or 2. National Class as provided for in the Provincial/Local Festival Syllabus. DUET FOR UNLIKE INSTRUMENTS</p><p>Please specify instrument on entry form. Own selection. MUST NOT include accompanying instrument as one of the two instruments. One voice may be considered to be an instrument.</p><p>40 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 CLASS 10676 - SENIOR Fee $12 CLASS 10677 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $12 CLASS 10678 - JUNIOR Fee $12 CLASS 10679 - BEGINNER Fee $12</p><p>INSTRUMENT SIGHT READING</p><p>Please state instrument on entry form. The Adjudicator WILL select the test piece. There will be no general audience for these classes. </p><p>CLASS 10680 - SENIOR Fee $6 CLASS 10681 - INTERMEDIATE Fee $6 CLASS 10682 - JUNIOR Fee $6 CLASS 10683 - BEGINNER Fee $6</p><p>SPEECH SECTION</p><p>CHORAL SPEECH</p><p>Indicate level or grade on entry card. Own choice of TWO contrasting selections.</p><p>CLASS 10800 - GRADE 11 & 12 Fee $2 per person CLASS 10801 - GRADE 9 & 10 Fee $2 per person CLASS 10802 - GRADE 7 & 8 Fee $2 per person CLASS 10803 - GRADE 5 & 6 Fee $2 per person CLASS 10804 - GRADE 4 (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $2 per person CLASS 10805 - GRADE 3 (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $2 per person CLASS 10806 - GRADE 2 (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $2 per person CLASS 10807 - GRADE 1 (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $2 per person CLASS 10808 - KINDERGARTEN (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $2 per person CLASS 10823 - OPEN Fee $2 per person</p><p>SOLO SPEECH</p><p>Own selection. 41 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018</p><p>CLASS 10809 - SHAKESPEARE - Limit: 7 min. Fee $8 CLASS 10810 - OPEN - Limit: 7 min. Fee $8 CLASS 10811 - GRADES 11 & 12 - Limit: 7 min. Fee $8 CLASS 10812 - GRADES 9 & 10 - Limit: 5 min. Fee $8 CLASS 10813 - GRADES 7-8 - Limit: 5 min. Fee $6 CLASS 10814 - GRADE 6 - Limit: 4 min. Fee $6 CLASS 10815 - GRADE 5 - Limit: 4 min. (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10816 - GRADE 4 - Limit: 4 min. (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10817 - GRADE 3 (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10818 - GRADE 2 (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10819 - GRADE 1 (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10820 - KINDERGARTEN (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10821 - PRESCHOOL (NON-COMPETITIVE) Fee $6 CLASS 10822 - OWN COMPOSITION - Limit: 7 min. (Please give Age/Grade) Fee $6</p><p>Catherine Steele $3,000 Scholarship</p><p>Application Form</p><p>Applicant’s Name: ______Address: ______Phone : ______Email: ______Name of School: ______Grade: ______Principal’s Name: ______Classes entered in festival (remember obligatory "Sight Reading" class): ______Years of Musical Training: ______Instrument or type of voice: ______</p><p>Music Teachers: 1. Name: ______Address: ______Phone : ______</p><p>2. Name: ______Address: ______Phone : ______3. Name: ______</p><p>42 41st Annual Gander Kiwanis Music Festival March 8 – March 16, 2018 Address: ______Phone : ______</p><p>Musical Goals: ______</p><p>Hobbies, Community Service, Other Interests: ______</p><p>Signature of Applicant: ______Date: ______</p><p>Applications are subject to conditions of award as appearing in Music Festival Syllabus Page 10. Submit this completed application form along with your festival entry forms by the stated deadline, December 8, 2017, to Kiwanis Music Festival; Box 95; Gander, NL; A1V 1W5.</p><p>43</p>
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