<p> UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS LOWELL Comprehensive Professional Vitae</p><p>NAME: Morgan, Betty Diane DATE: November 8, 2006</p><p>DEPARTMENT: Nursing COLLEGE: School of Health and Environment RANK OR TITLE: Assistant Professor FIELD: Nursing</p><p>A. EDUCATIONAL AND ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS</p><p>1. Education 1 2003 Ph.D. Nursing, William F. Connell School of Nursing, Boston College Dissertation: Knowing How to Play the Game: Hospitalized Substance Abusers’ Strategies for Obtaining Pain Relief.</p><p>1987 M.S.N. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Yale University School of Nursing Master’s Thesis: Families with Sudden Death: Emergency Room Needs</p><p>1983 B.A. Legal Services/Labor Studies</p><p>University of Massachusetts/Boston Boston, Massachusetts</p><p>1968 Diploma Grace-New Haven School of Nursing, New Haven, Connecticut</p><p>Additional Education Programs</p><p>2001 End-of-Life Nursing Train the Trainer Program Education Consortium American Association of Colleges of Nursing and City of Hope Cancer Center 2</p><p>1 Dates in bold face indicate work undertaken or published since appointment as an assistant professor at the University of Massachusetts Lowell</p><p>1996 Clinical Training in Mind/Body Institute Mind/Body Medicine Beth/Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts</p><p>1996 Postgraduate Certificate School of Social Work, Program for Alcoholism Boston University, Boston and Drug Abuse Massachusetts</p><p>1987 Certification Clinical Specialist in Adult Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing, ANA Certification 2. Experience</p><p> a. Academic Experience:</p><p>2002-present Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, Massachusetts</p><p>2002 Instructor, Department of Nursing, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, Massachusetts</p><p>1996-2005 Faculty, Tufts University School of Medicine</p><p>1992-2002 Clinical Instructor, Lecturer, Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions</p><p>1984 Instructor, Legal Studies Program College of Public and Community Service,</p><p>University of Massachusetts Boston</p><p>1977.1978 Instructor, Kennebec Valley Vocational Technical Institute, Waterville, Maine</p><p> b. Clinical Experience</p><p>2002-present Consultant/Individual Psychotherapist Community Medical Alliance/Neighborhood Health 3</p><p>Plan, Boston, MA </p><p>2002-present Consultant, Lemuel Shattuck Hospital Jamaica Plain, MA. 1987.2002 Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist, </p><p>HIV/AIDS Program, Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts </p><p>1985.1987 Staff Nurse, Connecticut Mental Health Center, New Haven, Connecticut</p><p>1985 Psychiatric Nurse, Emergency Room, Boston City Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts </p><p>1980.1985 Staff Nurse, Human Resource Institute, Brookline, Massachusetts</p><p>1978.1989 Nursing Administrative Assistant, Mid- Maine Medical Center, Waterville, Maine</p><p>1976.1978 Head Nurse, Psychiatric Unit, Mid-Maine Medical Center, Waterville, Maine</p><p>1974.1976 Psychiatric Liaison Nurse, Kennebec Valley Mental Health Center, Waterville, Maine</p><p>1973.1974 Team Leader, Androscoggin Home Health Service, Auburn, Maine</p><p>1969.1972 Staff Nurse, McLean Hospital, Belmont, Massachusetts</p><p>1968.1969 Charge Nurse, Medical Unit, Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut </p><p>B. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES</p><p>1. Professional Association Participation a. Membership and Participation in Professional Societies:</p><p>2002-present Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association 2005-present Steering Committee for new Boston Chapter HPNA</p><p>2001-present Massachusetts Association of Registered 4</p><p>Nurses</p><p>1998-present Eastern Nursing Research Society</p><p>1994-present NURS (Nurses United for Responsible Service) 1994.1998 Secretary 1998-present Board Member 2004-present Secretary 2005-present Directory/Newsletter committee</p><p>1988-present American Psychiatric Nurses Association 2004-2006 Bylaws Committee</p><p>1988-present International Society of Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurses</p><p>1987-present American Nurses Association</p><p>1987-2001 Massachusetts Nurses Association</p><p>1987-present Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 1999-2005 Awards Committee 2000-present Boston Chapter, Board Member 2004-present Palliative Care Committee 2005-present Secretary, Boston Chapter</p><p>1986-present Sigma Theta Tau International 1986-present Delta Mu Chapter, Yale School of Nursing 1999-present Alpha Chi Chapter, Boston College 2004-present Eta Omega, UMASS Lowell, Graduate Faculty Advisor 1996-present International Nurses Society on Addictions</p><p>1996-present American Society of Pain Management Nurses 2000-present Board Member, Eastern Massachusetts Chapter 2003-2005 President, Eastern Massachusetts Chapter b. Invited Papers/Speeches</p><p>2007 “Pain, Psychiatric Co-morbidities and Issues of Chemical Dependency” AIDS Rounds, Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, January 8, 2006. 5</p><p>2006 “Knowing How to Play the Game: Hospitalized Substance Abusers’ Strategies for Obtaining Pain Relief: Implications for Psychiatric Nurses.” Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: Riding the Wave of Transformation Through Practice, Education and Research, American Psychiatric Nurses Association 20th Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA. October 14, 2006.</p><p>“Pain Management and Issues of Chemical Dependency.” The Greater Boston Provisional Group of Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, October 3, 2006.</p><p>“Knowing How to Play the Game: Hospitalized Substance Abusers’ Strategies for Obtaining Pain Relief: Implications for Addictions Nurses.” International Nurses Society on Addictions, September 30, 2006.</p><p>“Pain Management in the Chemically Addicted Patient: Dilemmas in Care” presented at The Clinical Psychopharmacology Institute, American Psychiatric Nurses Association, June 23, 2006.</p><p>“Compassion Fatigue” presented for staff of Mental Health Association of Greater Lowell, May 3, 2006. </p><p>“Dealing with Pain Control in the Substance Abusing Population” presented at Nursing: A Clinical Update, MGH Nurses’ Alumni Association, April 7, 2006</p><p>“Dealing with Pain in a Substance Abusing Popultaion” presented at AIDS Rounds, Boston Medical Center, March 1, 2006.</p><p>“Dealing with Pain in a Substance Abusing Population” presented at AdCare Hospital, Worcester, MA. January 11. 2006. </p><p>“Pediatric Pain Management” presented at Massachusetts Hospital School, Canton, MA. January 9, 2006.</p><p>2005 “Dealing with Traumatic Stress and Bereavement: A Workshop for Providers” presented at Victory Programs, Boston, MA. December 6, 2005.</p><p>“Dealing with Pain in a Substance Abusing Population” presented at Grand Rounds Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, November 21, 2005.</p><p>“Knowing How to Play the Game: Hospitalized Substance Abusers’ Strategies for Obtaining Pain Relief” presented at multiple forums: Brockton Multiservice Center (3/2/05); Springfield Health Center 6</p><p>(3/15/05); Hope House (5/4/05), AIDS Rounds, Lemuel Shattuck Hospital (5/9/05).</p><p>End of Life Nursing Education, Hospice Federation of Massachusetts April 6, 2005; St. Anne’s Hospital at Whites’s of Westort, MA. October 18 & 19, 2005</p><p>Keynote speaker, Community Alcohol and Substance Abuse Meeting (CASA), June 10, 2005</p><p>“Rhythm and Blues Revisited: Sleep and Rhythm Dysregulation in Depression” presented with Dr. Geoffry McEnany PhD, APRN-BC Healthcare Review Job Fair, January 11, 2005</p><p>2004 “Knowing How to Play the Game: Hospitalized Substance Abusers’ Strategies for Obtaining Pain Relief” presented at multiple forums: American Society of Pain Management Nurses (March 2004), Eastern Nursing Research Society (April 2004), Dimock Health Center (June 2004), Massachusetts General Hospital (August 2004), Health Care for the Homeless Coalition, Boston, MA. (October 2004), Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (November 2004).</p><p>Invited Lecturer: Connecticut Perinatal Assoication, October 13, 2004 “Managing the Chemically Addicted Pregnant Woman in Pain”</p><p>2003 "Pain Management in Substance Abusing Patients" Grand Rounds, Massachusetts Mental Health Center</p><p>"Pain Management in Substance Abusing Patients" CASA Conference, Boston Massachusetts</p><p>"Knowing How to Play the Game: Hospitalized Substance Abusers' Strategies for Obtaining Pain Relief" ASPMN, Eastern Massachusetts Chapter</p><p>"Knowing How to Play the Game: Hospitalized Substance Abusers' Strategies for Obtaining Pain Relief" ANAC, Boston Chapter</p><p>2000 "Psychiatric Aspects of HIV/AIDS Care" Speaker, "A Generation of HIV/AIDS: Lessons from the Past, Challenges of the Future". JFK Library, Boston Massachusetts, November 29, 2000.</p><p>"Management of the Depressed and Suicidal Patient". Speaker, Nurse PractitionerAssociates for Continuing 7</p><p>Education, November 16, 2000.</p><p>"Psychosocial Issues and HIV/AIDS" Speaker, HIV/AIDS Update for NP's and PA's. New England AIDS Education and Training Center. Sturbridge, Massachusetts, December 3, 2000</p><p>1998 "Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of HIV Disease" and</p><p>"Treatment of Substance Abuse in Psychiatric Disorders in the Medically Ill". Psychiatric Nursing, Contemporary Forums, April 17, 1998. 1994 “Chronic AIDS Caregivers: Responding to Psychosocial Needs of Hospital Staff." Speaker, Association of Death Education and Counseling, Portland, Oregon, April, 1994.</p><p>1989 “AIDS Patients and the Discussion of Whether to Resuscitate: Implications for Care". "AIDS: The Social Work Response" Boston. Massachusetts, June 1989. c. Speeches and Presentations</p><p>2002 "End of Life Care" Series of presentations Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, April-August 2002</p><p>1999 "Pain Management". Speaker, Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, series of presentations. February- October, 1999.</p><p>1997 "HIV, Women and Addiction". Speaker, AIDS Action Committee, January 21, 1997.</p><p>1996 “AIDS Dementia". Speaker, "Focus on the Future, 3rd Annual AIDS Conference", Bay Cove Mental Health Center, December 11, 1996.</p><p>"Nursing Care Challenges". Speaker, "Challenges in the Care of AIDS Dementia" Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, October 16, 1996</p><p>"Care vs. Cure: A Compassionate Response to the Sick and Dying Patient". Speaker, Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, May 28, 1996.</p><p> d. Other Creative Activities (Non-refereed publications)</p><p>2007 Palliative Care Corner. ANACDOTES: Newsletter of the Association of 8</p><p>Nurses in AIDS Care. January/February/March, 2007, 13. 2006 Palliative Care Corner. ANACDOTE: Newsletter of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. April/May/June, 2006, 9.</p><p>1991 Critique and contributor to "Searching for Women: A Literature Review on Women, HIV and AIDS in the United States". University of Massachusetts Boston, March, 1992.</p><p>2. Professional Honors and Awards</p><p>2006 Research in Addictions Nursing Award, The International Nurses Society on Addictions, September, 2006.</p><p>2005 Faculty Teaching Award, UMASS Lowell, Department of Nursing</p><p>2003 2nd Place Dissertation Presentation Award ENRS, April 2004</p><p>2003 Honorable Mention, Kenneth B. Schwartz Compassionate Caregiver Award, 2004</p><p>1999 Vera Condon Scholarship, Boston College</p><p>School of Nursing, Boston, Massachusetts</p><p>1998 Vera Condon Scholarship, Boston College</p><p>School of Nursing, Boston, Massachusetts</p><p>1998 Association of Nurses in AIDS Care HIV Doctoral Fellowship, 1998</p><p>3. Non-teaching Activities (Consulting and Other Professionally Related Work)</p><p>2005-present Support group for Community Medical Alliance, Nurse Practitioner group providing care to HIV/AIDS population</p><p>2002-present Clinical Practice with Community Medical Alliance, Neighborhood Health Plan, Boston, MA. Work with a small number of individual clients with HIV disease, substance abuse and mental health problems.</p><p>2002-present Consultation: Community Medical Alliance, Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, other AIDS related community organizations 9</p><p>RESEARCH</p><p>1. Grants and Contracts:</p><p>2007 “Nursing Attitudes Towards Substance Abusers in Pain”</p><p>Eta Omega Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau</p><p>Research Grant, $2000</p><p>2003 "Hospitalized Substance Abuser's Perceptions of Pain Relief" American Society of Pain Management Nurses Research Grant, $4000</p><p>2002 "Hospitalized Substance Abuser's Perceptions of Pain Relief" submitted to American Society of Pain Management Nurses, Eastern Massachusetts Chapter, Research Grant, $500.</p><p>2. Academic & Professional Publications:</p><p> a. Peer Reviewed Publications</p><p>Morgan,B., Hultman T. & Zhan, L. (2007) End of life care: A case analysis of an HIV patient.. Journal of Chinese PLA, 27(4). 25-30. </p><p>Morgan, B. (2006). Peer consultation: a unique experiential model for P/MHNP students. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care: The Journal for Advanced Psychiatric Nurses, 42 (4), 238-244.</p><p>Morgan, B. (2006). Knowing How to Play the Game: Hospitalized Substance Abusers’ Strategies for Obtaining Pain Relief. Pain Management Nursing, 7 (1), 31-41.</p><p>Morgan , B. , White, D. , & Wallace, A. (2005). Substance abuse in older adults. In K. Melillo and S. Houde (Eds.). Geropychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.</p><p>Arnstein, P., Vidal, M., Wells-Federman, C., Morgan, B., & Caudill, M. (2002). From Chronic Pain Patient to Peer: Benefits and Risks of Volunteering. Pain Management Nursing, 3(3), 95-103. 10</p><p> b. Research Abstracts (peer reviewed):</p><p>2006 Poster: Morgan, B. & Kochan, K. Single Clinical Case: Complex Issues in HIV Care through the 1990’s to 2000’s. Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 27, 2006. </p><p>2004 Poster: Foley, K., Kumahia, B., Sullivan, P., & Morgan, B. A Nurse Practitioner Clinical Group’s Symptom Survey Pilot Project. Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, November 2004</p><p>Poster: Kumahia, B., Foley, K., Sullivan, P., & Morgan, B. Nurse Practitioners Brainstorming Produce Positive Outcome. Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, November 2004.</p><p>1999 Poster: Morgan, B. & Rossi, A. "Difficult to Manage HIV Clients with Psychiatric Illness, HIV Dementia and Substance Abuse Problems: A Collaborative Practice with Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialists". Association of Nurses in AIDS Care Conference, Puerto Rico, November, 2000.</p><p>C. INSTRUCTION RELATED ACTIVITY</p><p>1. Teaching</p><p>Present Experience</p><p>Department of Nursing, School of Health and Environment, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, Massachusetts</p><p>33.620 Adult Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing I, Graduate program Classroom Teaching, 5 years</p><p>33.623 Adult Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing I, Graduate program Practicum Clinical Teaching, 5 years</p><p>33.621 Adult Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing II, Graduate program Classroom Teaching, 5 years</p><p>33.624 Adult Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing II, Graduate program Practicum, Clinical Teaching, 5 years</p><p>33.622 Adult Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing III, Graduate program Classroom Teaching/Clinical Teaching, 5 years</p><p>33.557 Geropsychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Post BSN Certificate, 11</p><p>Classroom teaching, 2 years</p><p>33.703 Research in Nursing and Health Promotion Taught l class: Healthy People 2010: Mental Health Issues</p><p>N420 Introduction to Nursing Research, UMASS Amherst, guest lecturer, Qualitative Research Methods, November 2006/ </p><p>Past Experience</p><p>1991.2001 Adjunct Professor, Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions, Boston, Massachusetts Classroom and clinical teaching</p><p>3. Other Activity and Accomplishments Related to the Instructional Function</p><p>D. SERVICE ACTIVITIES</p><p>Community Activities Related to Professional Field</p><p>2005-present Education Committee, Jewish Rehabilitation Center for Aged of North Shore</p><p>2004-present Professional Education Council, Massachusetts Pain Initaitive American Cancer Society</p><p>2004 Board Member, Mental Health Association of Greater Lowell 2005-present President of Board, Mental Health Association of Greater Lowell </p><p>2002 Peer Training, HIV Education, Boston Living Center, Boston, Massachusetts</p><p>Committee Activities</p><p>2005-present Faculty Senate Representative (elected 5/05)</p><p>2004-present Faculty Advisor, Graduate Nursing Student Association</p><p>2004 College of Health Enrollment Committee, School of Health and Environment, University of Massachusetts, Co-Chair</p><p>2003-present Recruitment and Marketing Committee, Department of Nursing University of Massachusetts Lowell 12</p><p>2002-present Faculty Orientation Committee, Department of Nursing, University of Massachusetts Lowell</p><p>3. Other Service to the University</p>
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