WORDENS PAST CUMULATIVE PLACE NAMES INDEX Volumes 1–40 Pages 1–3596 May 1980–February 2020 Compiled by Richard G. Hutchins, Gilbert S. Bahn, and June D. Van Alstyne for the WORDEN FAMILY ASSOCIATION © Worden Family Association, Inc. 2020 American states are listed individually. All other countries/localities are listed by continent or geological location (i.e. Oceania). Central America and the Caribbean are listed separately. Middle Eastern countries/regions are listed under Asia. Countries within continents are bold faced. Items like mountain ranges, rivers, etc. that pass through many individual states or countries are listed separately where they fall alphabetically. If a town was listed without a state or country and that place was not easily identifiable in the context of the article or record it is listed separately alphabetically. Places are listed as shown in the newsletter article. If there is a misspelling and the correct spelling was easily found it is shown in parenthesis. When a county is indicated in the context the word (County) is shown in parenthesis. Places of historical interest as well as cemeteries, colleges, and universities are included. Adriatic Sea 2572 ALABAMA, cont. AMERICA, cont. Mobile Co. 66 2222, 2238, 2240, 2252, AFRICA 1691, 2152 Montgomery 124, 500, 630, 2323, 2391, 2421, 2473, Egypt 3063 2380-82, 2457, 2464, 2704- 2482, 2489, 2506, 2514-15, Damietta 2195-6, 2892 5, 2803, 3231 2529, 2539, 2557, 2644, Gold Coast 1841 Mt. Vernon 66 2798-800, 2914, 2947, Libya Oxford 506 3101, 3113, 3215, 3220, Benghazi 2169 Stevenson 59 3223, 3235 3250, 3261, Libyan Desert 2168 Camp Stevenson 59 3275, 3300, 3311, 3318, Tripoli 140, 2572 Washington Co. 66 3333, 3336, 3339-40, 3355, Mediterranean Africa 2025 3357, 3371-2, 3381-2, North 2168, 2571, 3067 ALASKA 1835, 3067 3391, 3403, 3410, 3418, Rhodesia 2152 Wrangell 267 3425, 3437, 3453, 3475, S. Africa 3488, 3492, 3495, 3503, University of Cape Town AMERICA (see also United 3517, 3525-6, 3547, 3560, 341 States of America) 3565, 3575, 3577 West 2458 36, 75, 108, 178, 341, 365, 373, 410, 477, 486-9, 513, American Colonies 82 ALABAMA 66, 578, 2167, 516, 533, 537, 541-2, 560, Appalachian Mountains 2542 2280, 2748, 3210, 3330, 573, 583, 587, 594, 609, 3589 612, 673, 679, 682, 705-6, ARIZONA 18, 273, 696, Anniston 1211 709, 717, 728, 731, 733-4, 1856, 1906, 3317 Benton Co. 867 745, 760, 767, 791, 834, Congress 273 Bridgeport 24, 3588 864, 869-71, 935-6, 958, Ft. Rock 273 Citronelle area 66 1046, 1058, 1070-1, 1079, Graham 1193 Cullman 1857 1090, 1092, 1197, 1201-4, Hackberry 273 Gulf Shores 1128, 1438 1210, 1255, 1344, 1347, Kingman 742 Huntsville 2920 1366, 1378, 1409, 1438, Kirkland 273 Lacey’s Spring 1364 1546, 1548-9, 1589, 1596, Naco 1607 Lexington 1540, 1560 1548, 1569, 1589, 1596, Phoenix 273-4, 699, 2492, Mobile 239, 1212, 2168, 1598, 1793, 1827, 1831, 3349 2542, 3378 1842, 1879, 2041, 2049, Prescott 148, 162, 216, 267, Mobile Bay 2542 2072, 2106, 2123-3, 2219, 273, 1818, 3349 WORDENS PAST CUMULATIVE PLACE NAMES INDEX Volumes 1–40 Pages 1–3596 ARIZONA, cont. ARKANSAS, cont. ASIA, cont. Safford 1193 Prairie Grove 591 Macedonia 2740-1, 2743 Seligman 2492 Searcey (Searcy) 7 Mesopotamia 314 Skull Valley 273 Searcy 50 Middle East 2025, 2571, Sun City 1180, 1708, 1908 Springdale 1308 3198, 3250 Tombstone 1607, 2492 Stone Co. 36, 50 Morocco 2390 Tucson 133, 149, 195, 223, Weiner 2756, 2759-61, 3500 Sale (Sali, Sallee) 2390 255, 274, 293, 404, 579, White County 2416 Orient 3033 857, 874, 1106, 1180, White Co. 7 Pakistan 2741 1349, 2434 Worden 2416 Palestine 314, 2196, 2573 University of Arizona 3420, Persian Gulf 413, 758 3451 ASIA Philippine Islands 1561, Varnell 273 Afghanistan 2741, 2966 2543 Walnut Creek 273 Asia Minor Samaria 3425 W. Sedona 363, 411, 547, Tarsus 1344, 1367, 1571, South Korea 776 1597, 1895, 1948, 2036, Inchon 2940 Wickenburg 273, 790 2390-1, 2420, 2500, Syria 2742, 3063 2572 Thrace 2742-3 ARIZONA TERRITORY China 1165, 2264, 3035, Turkey 125 Ft. Mojave 975 3289, 3407, 3451 Anatolia 2740, 2742, 2953 Shanghai 3289-90 Antioch 2572 ARKANSAS 36, 50, 2279- China/Taiwan 107 Byzantium 2236 81, 2666, 3329-30, 3500-1 Holy Land 2195, 2571 Constantinople 2236, 2572 Bay 1412, 1906, 1908 Hong Kong 1328 Istanbul 2236, 2572 Benton County 3142 Idumea (Edom) 3425 Nicaea 2572-3 Booneville 2490 India 2708, 2740 Vietnam 2761, 2965-6, 2994 Clay County 3567 Iran 1902, 3063 Da Nang 1402 Conway 36, 1327 Iraq 3063 Quang Nam 1401-2 Muddy Bayu (Bayou) Israel 2473, 3063 Quang Nam Province 2965 Country 36 Acre 2573, 2892 Devall’s Bluff 169 Jerusalem 336, 2572-4, Atlantic Coast 33 Garland County 1558 3272 Atlantic Ocean 3491, 3550 Fairfield County 1412, 1906, Japan 588, 1561, 3033-6, 1908 3286, 3289 AUSTRALIA 2433, 2982, Faulkner 1327 Aoyama 3034 3147, 3248 Faulkner Co. 36 Okinawa 995, 1403, 1561, South 1561, 2578 Hickory Ridge 2761 3066 Hot Springs 1588 Naha 995 BERMUDA 2387 Judsonia 7 Tokio (Tokyo) 3034 Little Rock 6, 7, 12, 50, 169, Yokohama 588, 3033-5, British Colonies 562 1165, 2416 3288 British Empires 559 Logan County 2490 Jordan 3063 British North America 86 Marshall 50 Judea 3425 Cadez (Cadiz?) Cemetery Mena 1247 Korea 3280 105 Mt. Vernon 50 Lebanon 3063 Mt. View 50 Levant 2740 CALIFORNIA 19, 30, 75, Poinsett County 3500 77, 84, 133, 254, 520, 627, 690, 696, 720, 747, 855, WORDENS PAST CUMULATIVE PLACE NAMES INDEX Volumes 1–40 Pages 1–3596 CALIFORNIA, cont. CALIFORNIA, cont. CALIFORNIA, cont. 882, 884, 895-6, 922, 945, Folsom State Prison 3286-90 Moorpark 661, 678, 705, 1070-1, 1112, 1312, 1403, Fort Bliss 2816 726, 749, 772, 798, 801, 1455, 1571, 1759, 1859, Fremont 1340, 1438 811, 819, 843, 869, 894, 1906, 1964, 2262, 2300, Fresno 742, 1706, 1727, 918, 941, 963, 986, 1010, 2435, 2714, 2746, 2893, 1730, 1753-4, 1776 1042, 1057, 1082, 1104, 2902, 3005, 3041, 3285-6, Glendale 1585, 1684 1131, 1153, 1176, 1201, 3288-9, 3377, 3572 Granite Township 3290 1260, 1291, 1315, 1343, Alameda 223, 1179-80, 3537 Healdsburg 3036 1366, 1396, 1447, 1465, Altadena 1585 Hemet 1993 1497, 1516, 1543, 1568, Anaheim 120, 240 Hollister 747 1591, 1615, 1639, 1664, Angels Camp 1381 Huntington Beach 177, 246 1688, 1713, 1716-17, 1727, Arcadia 16, 132, 440 Idyllwild 195 1740, 1760, 1786, 1788, Bakersfield 6, 20, 3560 Indio 3350 1809 Beaumont 148 La Canada 2966 Moraga 1872 Berkeley 287, 874, 2885 La Mesa 41, 363 Mountain View 231, 3009 Bethel Island 1070, 1116, La Mirada 345 N. Highlands 781, 1043, 1180, 1486 Laguna Hills 699 1051 Burbank 3147 LaGuna (Laguna) Niguel National City 1166 Calaveras Co. 3580 327, 826 Newhall 1232 California Institute of Lake Co. 1581 Oakland 9, 1180 Technology 3421 Lakeport 1581 Mountain View Cemetery 9 Camarillo 36, 50, 226 Lankershire (Lancaster) 231 Orange County 1078, 2578 Camino 767 Lassen 3535 Orinda 1180 Campbell 287 Le Mesa 363 Oxnard 1141 Canaan 3059 Livermore 2145, 2676 Pacific Palisades 317 Carlsbad 49, 51, 410, 574, Lodi 1165-6 Pasadena 1585, 1588 972, 1150 Long beach 2060 Paso Robles 120, 1099, 1576, Carmichael 662 Los Angeles 149, 231, 250, 1585 Carsons (Carson) 1381 284, 293, 301, 404, 406-7, Piedmont 2048 Cazadero 231 552, 699, 830, 954, 1016, Placer 2718, 2718 Chico 268 1191, 1361, 1380, 1450, Pomona 830, 1198 Citrus Heights 1540, 1564, 2492, 2577-8, 2641, 2817, Porterville 37 1881, 1908, 2516 2843, 2878, 2958, 3035-6, Portola Valley 790 Clovis 1778, 1800-2, 1822, 3289 Red Bluff 2748 1844, 1846 Los Osos 1585 Redlands 1198, 2167 Conejo 1041 Mare Island 2379, 2457, Represa 3286 Costa Mesa 2817 2459 Riverside 3287, 3289 Davis 2920 Mare Island Navy Yard Riverside County 1993 Delano 906 3444 Roseville 1179 Downey 925 Martinet 1565 Sacramento 1388, 1585, El Cajon 857 Maxwell 77, 240, 690 2355, 2492, 2723, 2748, El Centro 3314-15 Mill Valley 1253 3285 Escondido 133, 579, 1106, Modesto 148, 2601 Sacramento County 3286, 1150, 1636 Moffett Field 231 3290 Fallbrook 1198, 1477, 1794 Mojave Desert 1851, 3350 Salton Sea 3350 Fillmore 248 Montecito 1585 San Bernardino 2492 Folsom 1501 WORDENS PAST CUMULATIVE PLACE NAMES INDEX Volumes 1–40 Pages 1–3596 CALIFORNIA, cont. CALIFORNIA, cont. CANADA, cont. San Diego 120, 301, 1178-9, Van Nuys 964 British Columbia 1438, 2082, 2206, 2577, Ventura 1585 Olympic Peninsula (see 2920, 3441 Walnut Creek 2676 also Washington) 2938 San Dimas 2227 Watsonville 345, 409 Prince George 595, 600 San Francisco 204, 293, 301, Westminster 551, 579, 2578 University of British 404-9, 488, 612, 627, 760, Wethersfield 105 Columbia 3451 896, 906, 1059, 1174, Wildomar 1451 Victoria 2938, 3055 1180, 1372, 1812, 1915, Wilton 1501 Bronte 873 2093, 2416, 2457, 2460, Woodland 3285 Brunswick 120 2492, 2880, 2884, 2814-15, Yolo County 3285-6 Hudson’s Bay 2737 2920, 2925, 2930, 3005, Yorba Linda 3173 Labrador 1202 3034, 3085, 3091, 3122, Yuba City 978 Manitoba 3473 3287, 3289, 3350, 3421, Austin 804 3472, 3490; Chinatown 407 California Coast 407 Ninette 3473 San Francisco Bay 408 California Del Norte 1581 Winnepeg (Winnipeg) 714 San Francisco Theological Winnipeg 239, 715, 1540 Seminary 3421 CANADA (see also East New Brunswick 13, 132, San Jose 1540 Canada, Upper Canada; 142, 210, 235, 252, 370, San Quentin 1851, 2492 West Canada) 41, 45, 67, 373, 378, 466-7, 469-70, San Ramon 1684 87, 129, 143, 162, 210, 220, 570, 696, 737-8, 760, 897, Santa Ana 1308, 2766 400, 469, 478, 486-7, 491, 1069, 1173, 1176, 1197, Santa Barbara 77, 316 528, 544, 601, 712, 761, 1303, 1563, 1628, 1680, Santa Clara 84 803-4, 871, 873, 878, 968, 1877, 1947-8, 2087, 2106, Santa Maria 1043 990, 992, 994, 1000, 1031- 2128, 2150, 2172, 2433, Santa Rosa 742, 761, 767, 2, 1040,
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