Qi Don't just do it? A plea for debt relief 1 Nike-affiliated schools joining the A Law School alumnus encourages support for Thursday WRC may lose Nike sponsorship. a loan forgiveness program at Notre Dame. News+ page 2 Viewpoint+ page 15 APRIL 6, 2000 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's 1 VOL XXXIII NO. 116 7"'- HTTP://OBSERVER.N D.EDU Saint Mary's reps Conference explores pro-life movement promote abortion from receiving largest pro-lifn organization in the to help shape By SARAH RYKOWSKI fedora! family planning funding. world. Saint Mary's News Editor Smith has also advocated legisla­ "It's really good that Notre Dame tion for maternal and child wel­ and Saint Mary's are taking the fledgling WRC Taking a nwolutionary stand in farA in the developing world and lead in this and underscoring how the pro-life movement at tlw ~olle­ has initiated legislative measures important all life giate level, thn Hight to Life clubs dealing with adoption and mater­ "Our Duty is at all stagPs, By MOLLY McVOY of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's nal health. born and S;tint :\!.trv·s Editot will host a con­ "A lot of people think that pro­ to Serve, unborn. f"nnm~n nntitled lifers are extremists," Moriarty. Our Call to Moriarty said. .\s Saint i\-lary's CollPge takes its first stnp in "Our Duty to said. "But that's not what the pro·­ Lead" Dr. John thP fight against sweatshops, n~prnsPntativns Serve, Our Call lifc movement is about." Crosby, profPssor from tlw C:oiiPgP will trav<'l to thP Worker to Lead" this SAveral other noted members of +Series of of philosophy and Hights Consortium founding conf"Prnncn this weekend. the pro-life community will also pro-life lectures Chairman of WPPkl'lld. "This is the speak at thn conference. Graduate + Friday through Tlw eoffpgn join1•d tlw Consortium on March first time any­ Janet Smith, professor of philos­ Philosophy at 2 1). H1•prc•spntativns from thl' invnstigativn work­ one has over ophy at thA University of Dallas, Sunday Franciscan tried to host a will speak on "Abortion, University of ing group on swPatshops will att!'nd tlw first Smith +College of llll'Pting of lht~ consortium this Friday in New national colle­ Contraception and Our Culture" Steubenville. York Citv. giate pro-life and present pro-life argumAnts Business Ohio, will address "This ·WI'PkPrHI. thP \\"HC: will bncoml' a reality conferencn." said Emily Moriarty, against the contraceptivn mentali­ Administration the "Dignity of and will lwgin its task of nmpownring worknrs to president of Saint Mary's Hight to ty. Smith founded thA Women's !Iuman Persons. irnprovP conditions in f"aetorins around the Life. "It's really exciting that we'rn Care crisis pregnancy nl'twork in Both Born and world." said KatiP l'oyntPr. a junior attPrHiing a part of this." South Bend in 1984. See Also Unborn," pursu­ Moriarty and Hight to Life mem­ "We had a meeting to try to find ing the abortion tlw confPn'nl"l'. "As a founding tllPrnbPr and "House bans conf"PrPn1·1• participant. Saint Mary's has the ber Hachl'l Hichmond are co­ different pro-life leaders who had debate from a opportunity to lwlp shapl' tlw way in which thP chairing the event. U.S. a Christian focus." Richmond said 'partial-birth' philosophical wnc will opnraln." Hepresentative Chris Smith (N.J.), of the sel!~ction process for speak­ abortions" context. Crosby is To datn. 2R coffpgps and univnrsitins havn Co-Chairman of the llousP l'ro-Lifn ers. the author of joinPd thP consortium with Saint Mary's. This Caucus, will deliver tlw keynote Father Matthew llabigcr. page 9 "Tlw SPlf"hood of \\"l't'kl'rHI's conf"••rpncl' \rill sl'rvP a number of address on Friday night in whi~h President Emeritus and Chairman thP !Iuman inl"ormational and aclministrativl' purposes. he will discuss pro-life leadership of the Board of Human Life Person." CurTPnt wnc nwmlwrs will P!Pct tlw governing and human rights abuses. A International. will give a talk on Fatlwr Joseph !toward. director board. According to tlw bylaws of tlw \VHC. tlw strong advoratp of human rights "Constructing a Culture of Life," to or thP American Biol'!hics gm·prning hoard will consist or thrt•f' Voting (:Oill- and child lwalth. Smith is known teach stud<mts how to spread the Advisory CornrnittPP. will tPach for his lngislative victories banning pro-life movement in society. see WRC/page 6 overseas groups that pnrform and Human Life International is the see PRO-LIFE/page 4 ----- --~-=--:=--=--=---------======:.:_---=============~==============::.......=======::-================================= Students serve as 'good neighbors' to local community + ND and SMC in tlw arPa, including tutoring in English and assistancP filling volunteers help out job applications. El Buen Vecino "I vvant to help our communi­ ty to lwtll'r the life or our fami­ impact families li<~s." said llaber. "El Buen Vncino is unique in tlw commu­ nity because [it[ is the only By ERIN LaRUFFA agency that assists tlw low As.,ist.llll ;\lcws Fdiror income families - rnostlv Onl' yPar ago. a 2-and-a-half" r llispanirs - that come to ttl;~ ~···ar old boy wandnrl'd away community ... The family noeds rr o rn his South B P IHI horn n. all thf~ support [it] can get." quill' rurious about thn cars he llaber runs much of the orga­ saw whizzing by him. nization lwrspff. but also relies Ill' walkPd about tlmw blocks on tlw assistance of student vol­ bl'!"orP a woman found him unteers from NotrP Dame and standing r~t•ar tlw sidn of tlw Saint Mary's. road. BPrausc slw spok<' only Notre Dame junior Susan English and he spoke only Palladino decided to serve at El Spanish. she had to take him to Buen Veeino at the beginning of the polieP station. Police oiTi­ her sophornorA year after cPrs W<~rn nvnntually able to spending time in Mexico. She lind his parPnts - immigrants has volunteered on a weekly from t\IPxico who spoke no basis ever since. English. AuthoritiPs rhargPd "The placA is never boring - till' par<'nts with rwglnct and thcm•'s always something going look tlw boy away from thnm. on. It's always so busy that your Ttw ramify was I'VI'ntually head spins on some days," able to rPgain custody of the Palladino said. A Notre Dame student helps children with a craft project at El Buen Vecino in South Bend. Many students at the University and Saint Mary's College volunteer regularly at the organization. child. in part through tlw lwlp At first, Palladino primarily of Sara I Iaber. tutored adults and played llalwr. a Cuban immigrant, gamns with children. This year working there, she dAcidcd to attuned into the community, unteer at the organization has worked for over 30 years she is involvncl in program pursue management of non­ where often times thn business alongsidn her. Campus groups. with llispanirs in the United administration and grant writ­ profit organizations. world falls short." such as Circle K, send volun­ States. Eight years ago. she ing. When she startf~d volun­ "I think working there really "Susan has been a daughtPr tPers every week. Tlwn~ is also foundl'd 1·:1 Bul'n Vpc·ino. which tt~ering at El Buen VPcino, she solidified my direction," to me," Haber said. "It's amaz­ one intern from NotrP Dame nwans "Tiw (;oml NPighbor." It knew she wantPd to be a busi­ Palladino said. "The non-profit ing how she's ht~lped me." who is earning credit for his is now located in its own build­ ness major but did not have a world has a different pace than Other residents of Palladino's work at El Buen Vec~ino, and ing in South Bnnd and olTI'rs specific career goal. Aftnr the businPss world. They're dorm, Howard Hall, often vol- nunwrous programs to familiPs see VECINO/page 6 page 2 The Observer+ INSIDE Thursday, April 6, 2000 INSIDE COLUMN THIS WEEK AT NOTRE DAME/SAINT MARY's Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Apple Juice + lecture: "The Problem + lecture: "New +Event: Junior Mom's +Event: Junior Mom's of State- Building in Challenges for Urban Weekend; Saint Mary's Wnekend; Saint Mary's "Why can't we name her apple juice, Mom? Postcommunism," Venelin Governance in a Global +Event: 5K, 10K. plus 2- + Concert: Notn~ Damn It's my favorite drink and I think it's a great name." Garvny, Kellogg Visiting Context;" Saskia Sasson; mile walk; Prnceeds bene- Collegium Musieum: It has been 20 years since my sister request­ Fellow; 12:30 p.m. 3 p.m.; llesburgh 11t Christmas in April; R p.m.; Basillica of' the ed to name me Apple Juiee. I'm not exactly sure of her reasoning, but llesburgh Center Auditorium 11 a.m.; Hegister in Sacred !teart thank God my parents did advance at Holt's not to give in to her plead­ + Event: Acoustic Cafe; ing. 9 p.m.; LaFortune "Oh no! Elizabeth! I can't get the wagon to stop! We're detlnitely going to 11y off the bridge into the creek!" I don't understand OUTSIDE THE DOME Compiled from U-Wire reports how 12 years have passed since my sister and I decid­ ed to take our little red Laura Rompf Nike contracts threatened by WRC wagon and go-eart down the huge hill on Hedbud MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. the factorii)S," Pestridge said. Lane. Assistant University of' Minnesota President "What you're saying with the WHC "Mom! Laura poured glue News Editor Mark Yudofs decision last month to is that we don't know how to do that." in my hair! It's gross and join the Worker Rights Consortium So far Brown.
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