<p> TOWN OF MANGONIA PARK MINUTES OF TOWN COUNCIL MEETING July 1, 2008</p><p>The Town Council meeting was held at 1755 East Tiffany Drive, Mangonia Park, Florida. Mayor Albury called the meeting to order at 6:25 p.m. Present were Vice Mayor Trueblood, Councilwoman Cook, Councilman McConnell, Town Manager Leffingwell, Engineer Matt Woods of Calvin-Giordano & Associates, and Attorney Davis of Corbett & White, P.A. Councilwoman Johnson offered the invocation followed by the pledge of allegiance. </p><p>APPROVAL OF AGENDA:</p><p>3A. Town Manager Leffingwell asked that Commissioner Addie Greene and her staff be allowed to make a presentation before the Town Council as Item 4B and Item 4B be presented before 4A. </p><p>Vice Mayor Trueblood asked that Miscellaneous Item 7F be heard out of order as well under its title of Miscellaneous Items.</p><p>MOTION made by Councilwoman Cook, seconded by Councilwoman Johnson approving the Agenda as amended. Vote was unanimous.</p><p>PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS:</p><p>4B. Presentation by Commissioner Greene's Office Regarding a Special Event to be Held at the old "Jai Alai" Fronton, 1415 45th Street, More Specifically, a Car Show.</p><p>Commissioner Greene summarized the "Spring Bling" event held in the City of Riviera Beach's Singer Island location for the past two years. She explained that initially there was a lot of problems with the spill over traffic but the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office handled it most impressively along with the City of Riviera Beach and the City of West Palm Beach's Law Enforcement Units. Commissioner Greene continued by stating that "Spring Bling" was such a great success that Palm Beach County invited them back and gave the event $75,000. She stated that she felt that the "spill over" traffic created the idea of a car show wherein the attendees of "Spring Bling" and others like them, could "show off" their vehicles. </p><p>Chief Aide to Commissioner Greene, Shirley Meeks, reiterated Commissioner Greene's comments and informed the Town Council that meetings and or conversations had already taken place with the owner, Don King Productions/Henrietta Realty, the Palm Beach Sheriff's Office, the City of Riviera Beach, Town Manager Leffingwell and others regarding this idea. </p><p>Vice Mayor Trueblood asked if the contracted buyer for the site had been Page 2 Min. of Reg. Mtg., 7/1/08 contacted as well and Ms. Meeks confirmed that they had. </p><p>Ms. Meeks introduced Tahrie Anderson, who provided a visual overview for the proposed "Palm Beach AutoFest 2008" to be held tentatively on 09/06/08. </p><p>A detailed discussion followed wherein it was the general consensus of the Town Council to allow Commissioner Greene's presentation to move forward.</p><p>4A. Crime Report Submitted by the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.</p><p>Sergeant Nicholson entertained questions regarding the submitted report. </p><p>A brief discussion followed.</p><p>PALM BEACH COUNTY LEAGUE OF CITIES:</p><p>Attorney Davis gave a brief report on two (2) of several lawsuits within the County and announced the next League of Cities meeting will be a Candidates Forum to be held at the North Palm Beach Country Club, July 23, 2008 @ 1:00 p.m. </p><p>ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS:</p><p>6A. Ordinance 08-05 - (First reading) Attorney Davis read by title only. (recommendation from the Local Planning Agency)</p><p>AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MANGONIA PARK, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR A BIOSCIENCE OVERLAY ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF MANGONIA PARK, FLORIDA; WHICH PROPERTY CONSISTS OF ALL PROPERTY CONTAINED IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE AND PROFESSIONAL DISTRICT, THE COMMERCIAL RECREATION DISTRICT, THE COMMERCIAL LIMITED DISTRICT, THE SHOPPING CENTER DISTRICT, THE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT AND THE PLANNED COMMERCE CENTER DISTRICT; PROVIDING THAT SAID PROPERTY SHALL BE INCLUDED WITHIN THE TOWN’S BIOSCIENCE OVERLAY; PROVIDING A DESCRIPTION OF SAID OVERLAY; PROVIDING THAT THE ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF MANGONIA PARK SHALL BE AMENDED TO REFLECT THE BIOSCIENCE OVERLAY; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES.</p><p>MOTION made by Vice Mayor Trueblood, seconded by Councilwoman Cook adopting Ordinance 08-05 on first reading. Vote was unanimous. Page 3 Min. of Reg. Mtg., 7/1/08</p><p>6B. Ordinance 08-06 (First Reading) - Attorney Davis read by title only.</p><p>AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MANGONIA PARK, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 14. LICENSES AND BUSINESS REGULATIONS. OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN OF MANGONIA PARK AT ARTICLE II. CHANGING ALL NOTATIONS OF THE TERM “OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE” TO THE TERM “BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT” IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECENT AMENDMENTS TO FLORIDA STATUTES, CHAPTER 205; PROVIDING THAT EACH AND EVERY OTHER SECTION AND SUBSECTION OF CHAPTER 14. LICENSES AND BUSINESS REGULATIONS. SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT AS PREVIOUSLY ENACTED; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES.</p><p>Town Manager Leffingwell stated that adopting this ordinance allows a 5% increase per state statute. </p><p>MOTION made by Vice Mayor Trueblood, seconded by Councilwoman Johnson adopting Ordinance 08-06 on first reading. Vote was unanimous.</p><p>MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS:</p><p>7F. Discussion on the Consideration to Name the 53rd Street Park, 1233 53rd Street and its Recreational Facilities at the Town's Park (@ Vice Mayor Mark K. Trueblood's Request).</p><p>Vice Mayor Trueblood introduced the idea of naming the 53rd Street Park and several of its recreational facilities. He provided a very detailed history and background for each name presented and stated their attributes.</p><p>His recommendations were as follows:</p><p>George Washington Carver Park; Willie J. Thomas, Sr., Picnic Grounds; Addie L. Greene Youth Playground Center; Jackie Robinson Youth Ball Field; Floyd Andrews (basketball) Court; Clarence R. McConnell Pavilion; Earl L. Mixon, Jr. (town hall) Hall; and William H. Albury, III (Council Chambers) Chambers.</p><p>A brief discussion ensued regarding the notoriety of Commissioner Greene and Vice Mayor Trueblood's list of her contributions over the past several years were reiterated. It was the general consensus of the Town Council to reconsider and name the Park after Commissioner Addie L. Greene. Page 4 Min. of Reg. Mtg., 7/1/08</p><p>It was the general consensus of the Town Council to consider and approve the following:</p><p>The Town's 53rd Street Park to be named "Addie L. Greene Park" The location of the picnic tables and picnic grounds to be named "Willie J. Thomas Picnic Grounds". The baseball field to be named the "Jackie Robinson Youth Ball Field". The basketball court to be named the " Floyd Andrews Basketball Court". The pavilion to be named the "Clarence R. McConnell Pavilion". The Town Hall Administrative Office to be named the Mangonia Park Municipal Center to include "Earl L. Mixon Administrative Office". The Town Council Chambers to be named the "William H. Albury, III, Chambers.</p><p>MOTION made by Councilwoman Cook, seconded by Councilwoman Johnson approving the names as submitted, reviewed, altered and consensus given.</p><p>Vice Mayor Trueblood thanked everyone for allowing him to present these ideas and make them a reality. He stated that he had taken the liberty of contacting some of the individuals and/or entities previously and it was well received. Vice Mayor Trueblood confirmed that he would place these approved names on the town's website. </p><p>Councilwoman Johnson asked that the approved items for the Town's Park be placed in the Town's newsletter. </p><p>7A. Discussion on the Approval (Authorization for Signature) of the Distribution of the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) previously known as the Byrne Formula and Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) Program Funds for Specified Projects in Palm Beach County. </p><p>Town Manager Leffingwell stated this is the standard annual letter and funding had been cut for all agencies. </p><p>MOTION made by Vice Mayor Trueblood, seconded by Councilwoman Cook approving the Authorization of Signature for the Distribution of the JAG. Vote was unanimous.</p><p>7B. Request for Approval of Payment to the Palm Beach County Health Department in the Amount of $4,200.00 in Accordance With File No. HD-010-08-58, Page 4 of 20 of the Long Form Consent Order Dated May 7, 2008 ( from the June 3, 2008 Agenda). </p><p>Town Manager Leffingwell reiterated the information discussed at the June 3, 2008 Council Meeting. She also added that the Council had been provided with Page 5 Min. of Reg. Mtg., 7/1/08 additional information as well as the updated Consent Order.</p><p>Matt Woods, P.E., of Calvin-Giordano & Associates, proceeded to provide the Town Council with a detailed accounting of each item listed in the Consent Order. </p><p>Additional information pertaining to the language of the Consent Order wherein the wording repair and replace was changed to repair or remove. </p><p>A brief discussion ensued between Matt Woods, Vice Mayor Trueblood and Mayor Albury. </p><p>Attorney Davis elaborated on the actual Consent Order. He stated that Palm Beach County Health Department would be waiving their right to seek a penalty if the Town executed the Order and the Town would be waiving their right to the appeal process. However, if the Town fails to execute the document, penalties begin immediately. </p><p>Mayor Albury requested that the Town submits along with the executed Consent Order, a cover letter that would confirm the completed corrections listed in the Consent Order. </p><p>Attorney Davis also mentioned scrivener's error in Sections 4D and 4G.</p><p>MOTION made by Councilwoman Cook, seconded by Vice Mayor Trueblood approving a cover letter and the execution of the Consent Order plus the $4,200 Civil Penalty, File No. HD-010-08-58; and the $500 Administrative Processing Fee, "Program 58 - EHE Costs", to the Palm Beach County Health Department. Vote was unanimous.</p><p>7C. Request for Approval of Payment to the Palm Beach County Health Department in the Amount of $500.00 in Accordance With File No. HD-010-08-58, Page 4 of 20 of the Long Form Consent Order Dated May 7, 2008 ( from the June 3, 2008 Agenda). </p><p>Motion applies to Miscellaneous Items 7C and 7D.</p><p>7D. Consideration for the Approval of the Purchase of a Network System Upgrade Inclusive of a Switch Replacement, Cash Drawer/Receipt Printer, Server, Two PC Workstations; and Implementation in an Amount not to Exceed $11,000.00 From the Town's Software Contractor, Information Management Services (Tabled from the June 3, 2008 Agenda). </p><p>A brief discussion ensued. </p><p>MOTION made by Vice Mayor Trueblood, seconded by Councilwoman Cook Page 6 Min. of Reg. Mtg., 7/1/08 approving a contract/agreement between the Town of Mangonia Park and Information</p><p>Management Systems, Inc., aka IMS, in an amount not to exceed $14,365 as listed in the backup for Miscellaneous Agenda Item 7D and the monthly hardware maintenance fee of $304.70. Vote was unanimous.</p><p>7E. Consideration for the Approval of an Agreement Between the Town of Mangonia Park and Interim Town Manager, Lee Leffingwell, for the Provision of Managerial/Administrative Services obo the Town as Cited in Chapter 2. Administration. Section 2-21. Town Manager.</p><p>It was the general consensus of the Town Council to execute a contract between the Town of Mangonia Park and Lee Leffingwell as Town Manager for 2008-2009. </p><p>A brief discussion ensued regarding specific items in the current contract to be determined at a later date..</p><p>MOTION made by Vice Mayor Trueblood, seconded by Councilman McConnell approving a contract for one year between the Town of Mangonia Park and Lee Leffingwell as Town Manager. Vote was unanimous.</p><p>PUBLIC COMMENTS:</p><p>Town resident Addie L. Greene reiterated how important communication is within a municipality's local elected officials and the public. She commended Town Manager Leffingwell on her relationship with the community and thanked the Town Council for their recent approval of the Decorative Lighting Project. Commissioner Greene also complimented the Town Council on their willingness and cooperation with the landscaped entrances @ South Place and Jeffery Avenue in the Bryn-Mawr Subdivision. </p><p>REPORTS:</p><p>A. Attorney Davis gave an update on his conversation with Tony Newbold from FPL regarding the renewal of the power franchise within the Town via Town Manager Leffingwell's office. He also introduced Corbett & White's newest associate, Michael Steinman, Esquire. </p><p>B. Town Manager Leffingwell informed the Town Council that the Palm Beach County Health Department had included in their report, the necessity of inspecting the Town's two (2) ground storage tanks. She stated that she had secured a bid from</p><p>Pittsburg Tank & Tower for the amount of $5000. Town Manager Leffingwell Page 7 Min. of Reg. Mtg., 7/1/08 asked that the bid amount be awarded to them for compliance with the Health Department's Consent Order. </p><p>MOTION made by Vice Mayor Trueblood, seconded by Councilwoman Johnson awarding a contract between the Town of Mangonia Park and Pittsburg Tank & Tower, Inc., in the amount of $5000. Vote was unanimous.</p><p>Town Manager Leffingwell continued by reiterating the proposed FPL franchise agreement from Attorney Davis' report. She stated that she had met with a representative from FPL and a copy of the ordinance is forthcoming. She said the old agreement ends in 2013 but the new one will reflect an additional $11,000 in generated revenue. Town Manager Leffingwell also met with the Palm Beach Sheriff's Office and negotiated a 6.75% increase, down from the 7.5% as stated in the original negotiations from 2007. She added that the PBSO is interested in a contract for a longer period as in five (5) to ten (10) years. Town Manager Leffingwell stated Fire Chief Ridgeway from the City of West Palm Beach was no longer there and she was awaiting figures from another representative regarding that proposed increase. </p><p>It was the general consensus of the Town Council to host a preliminary budget workshop on either July 8, 2008 @ 6:00 p.m. or July 10, 2008 @ 6:00 p.m. Both dates were left open for staff completion. </p><p>COUNCIL COMMENTS:</p><p>Councilwoman Johnson stated that she would be interested in the Florida League of Cities' Annual Conference to be held in Tampa, Florida in August. She asked if any money was left in the budget for her seat.</p><p>Mayor Albury reiterated the procedure for council conferences and training plus travel. </p><p>Councilwoman Cook expressed her appreciation of the volunteers and staff at the Town's June 28, 2008 Festival at the Park. She said it was great success and she was grateful for all of the help given. </p><p>Vice Mayor Trueblood concurred with Councilwoman Cook. He asked that consideration be given to naming it next year, the Heritage Festival. It was the general consensus of the Town Council to allow it. Vice Mayor Trueblood publicly thanked resident Betty Stringer for all of the cooking at the Festival.</p><p>MOTION made by Vice Mayor Trueblood, seconded by Councilwoman Cook </p><p>Page 8 Min. of Reg. Mtg., 7/1/08 adjourning the meeting @ 8:40 p.m. Vote was unanimous. </p><p>TOWN OF MANGONIA PARK</p><p>______WILLIAM H. ALBURY, III, MAYOR</p><p>(SEAL) ATTEST:</p><p>______Sherry Albury, Town Clerk Minutes approved July 15, 2008</p>
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