<p>25.02.10 PERSHORE TOWN COUNCIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING 25th February 2010 Minutes of the meeting of Pershore Town Council, held at the Town Hall, 34 High Street, Pershore, Commencing at 7.30pm.</p><p>Present:- Cllr C D Parsons MBE (Mayor) Cllr G Amphlett Cllr J T Grantham MBE Cllr G B M Hughes MBE Cllr P Merry Cllr J Palfrey Cllr T D G Rose Cllr K E P Rowe Cllr M Rowe Cllr D M Shaw Cllr C W Smith Cllr C G J Tucker Cllr V Wood a. There were no items brought by members of the public b. Cllr G B M Hughes declared a prejudicial interest in agenda item 13, flood defences</p><p>884. Apologies</p><p>Apologies were accepted from Cllr D Hughes as he was away. Apologies for late attendance were accepted from Cllr K Rowe</p><p>885. Declarations of Interest</p><p>Cllrs Parsons and Rose declared a personal interest in agenda item 13, Allotments Cllrs Amphlett, Parsons, Grantham and Smith declared personal interests in agenda item 8 Pershore Riverside Youth Centre Cllr Shaw declared a personal interest in agenda item 13 flood defences Cllr Smith declared a personal interest in agenda item 19 Talking Newspaper</p><p>886. Mayor’s Announcements a. Cllr Parsons advised members that he had received a letter from Mr Amies following his representing the Town Council at Mr Amies daughter’s funeral. b. Cllr Parsons advised members that he and the Mayoress would be holding a coffee morning the following Saturday in aid of the Rotary Club’s End Polio Now campaign. Chairmans c. Cllr Parsons presented Mr Taylor, who had recently retired as caretaker for the Town Initials Hall, with a certificate of recognition and a small gift.</p><p>97 25.02.10</p><p>887. Items brought to members attention by the Town Clerk</p><p>The Clerk advised members of an invitation from the Pershore Volunteer Centre to attend a conference on 24th March at 5.30pm </p><p>888. Minutes</p><p>It was proposed by Cllr Wood, seconded by Cllr M Rowe and RESOLVED that the minutes of 19th January and 21st January be accepted subject to the amendment to minute 877a. that Cllr Wood did not say “but the loss of car parking spaces had been too high a price to pay” but actually said “but chevron parking was considered too difficult and dangerous”.</p><p>889. Matters of report from the minutes a. Members were advised that a response was still awaited from Wychavon D.C. regarding car parking charges for residents using the Leisure Centre. b. The Clerk advised that Sir Michael Spicer had signed the early day motion in support of the Rt Hon Alistair Burt M.P.’s Sustainable Communities Amendment Bill.</p><p>890. Finance a. Members approved the budget comparison to end of January as presented. b. It was proposed by Cllr Daniels, seconded by Cllr Rose and RESOLVED that the cheque payment list for the month of February 2010 be accepted.</p><p>Vchr. Cheq. Cde. Name Description Amount 994 211 60 Paperstation Ltd Stationery 48.55 995 212 94 Lamps and Tubes Christmas Lights 2,377.77 996 213 83 Hunter Roofing Cemetery Chapel roof repairs 175.75 997 214 69 Catalyst Property Services Ltd Drainage report 713.85 998 215 89 Severn Trent Water at Allotments 155.71 999 216 80 Severn Trent Town Hall Water 560.19 1000 217 85 Protec Direct Ltd Safety Boots and gloves 65.72 1001 218 69 Castons King Quantity Surveyor 5,770.94 1002 219 88 Cox's Cars Ltd Fuel 41.96 1003 219 83 Cox's Cars Ltd Fuel for cemetery 26.99 Subtotal Cheque No. 219 68.95 1004 220 84 County Security Ltd Town Hall locking up 143.94 1005 221 84 Executive Cleaning (Worcs) Ltd Town Hall cleaning 256.74 1006 222 83 Ron Smith & Co Ltd Motor Mower 269.00 1007 223 83 Vale Heating & Plumbing Ltd Gas service at Cemetery Lodge 211.50 1008 224 86 W L Brown Tools 4.25 1009 225 62 Petty Cash Petty Cash 40.00 1010 226 60 Post Office Ltd Postage stamps 60.00 1011 227 85 Orion Plumbing Repairs to toilet 97.00 1012 228 96 CPRE Subscription 29.00 Chairmans 1013 229 84 Lift Engineering Services Ltd Lift service contract 267.02 Initials 1014 230 83 Mrs Ann Dobbins Maps for Cemetery 43.48 1015 231 60 West Mercia Supplies Stationery 43.43 98 25.02.10 1016 232 83 OHMS Ltd Strimmer repair 23.50 1017 233 61 Opal Telephone 56.87 1018 233 90 Opal Telephone 18.60 Subtotal Cheque No. 233 75.47 1019 234 83 BT Cemetery telephone 165.58 1020 235 83 Budget Skips Cemetery Skip Hire 170.01 1021 236 85 CPC Security alarm for workshop 176.41 1022 237 64 Konica Minolta Copier lease 350.62 1030 238 82 Salary 7 Salary 913.87 1031 239 82 Salary 9 Salary 38.48 1032 240 1 Inland Revenue Tax and NIC 776.90 1033 240 5 Inland Revenue Tax and NIC 206.52 1034 240 4 Inland Revenue Tax and NIC 2.42 1035 240 3 Inland Revenue Tax and NIC 144.00 1036 240 82 Inland Revenue Tax and NIC 81.20 1037 240 82 Inland Revenue Tax and NIC 170.14 1038 240 82 Inland Revenue Tax and NIC 58.96 1039 240 9 Inland Revenue Tax and NIC 431.54 Subtotal Cheque No. 240 1,871.68 1040 241 5 Worcestershire CC Superannuation 83.58 1041 241 82 Worcestershire CC Superannualtion 67.97 1042 241 9 Worcestershire CC Employers Pension Conts 213.44 1043 241 82 Worcestershire CC Employee Pension Conts 191.23 Subtotal Cheque No. 241 556.22 1023 DD 68 Barclays Bank Investment fees 1,156.00 1024 DD 1 Salary 1 Salary 2,249.18 1025 DD 5 Salary 2 Salary 995.70 1026 DD 6 Salary 3 Salary 575.99 1027 DD 3 Salary 5 Salary 346.56 1028 DD 4 Salary 6 Salary 496.96 1029 DD 82 Salary 8 Salary 325.05</p><p>21,890.07 c. Members accepted the latest valuation of investments to end of January 2010 and were pleased to see a further small improvement.</p><p>891. Election of Mayor Elect</p><p>It was proposed by Cllr Grantham, seconded by Cllr Amphlett that Cllr Parsons serve a further one year term as Mayor for the year 2010/2011. There being no further nominations, it was RESOLVED that Cllr Parsons be duly elected as the Mayor Elect for the coming year.</p><p>892. Election of Deputy Mayor Elect</p><p>It was proposed by Cllr Betty Hughes, seconded by Cllr Merry that Cllr Grantham serve a further year as Deputy Mayor for the year 2010/2011. There being no further nominations, it was RESOLVED that Cllr Grantham be duly elected Chairmans as Deputy Mayor for the coming year. Initials</p><p>99 25.02.10 893. Items from the Finance and Property Committee a. Members considered the estimate obtained by the Clerk to convert the top floor of the Town Hall into flat at a cost of approximately £18,000 to £20,000. Members generally felt that residential accommodation would be a better investment than offices in the current climate as it may be difficult to find business tenants. Cllr Tucker advised members that no decision was required at this meeting and full details would be brought to the next meeting of the Finance and Property committee for a recommendation to the Council at their April or May meeting. Cllr Betty Hughes suggested that the accommodation could prove useful as part of a package for a caretaker at the Town Hall who could also undertake various minor repair works and possibly, in due course, some grounds maintenance. Members agreed this may be an option to consider in the future. Members agreed that the Clerk continue to investigate all options for the top floor and bring a report to the next meeting of the Finance and Property Committee for consideration. b. It was proposed by Cllr Amphlett, seconded by Cllr Wood and RESOLVED that the revised Council Risk Assessment be accepted. c. Cllrs Wood and Tucker from the Internal Monitoring Panel confirmed that all internal arrangements for audit were satisfactory with some minor amendments to be made for clarification purposes. </p><p>894. Items from the Cemetery Committee a. It was agreed the Clerk contact Wychavon D.C. to ascertain whether double glazed windows could be installed at Cemetery Lodge prior to applying for planning permission for replacement sash windows. b. The Clerk reported that she would be bringing detailed plans for a proposed new Garden of Remembrance to the next meeting of the Committee. c. It was proposed by Cllr Shaw, seconded by Cllr Rose and RESOLVED that from 1st April 2010 grants of grave space would be for 70 years instead of the present 100 years.</p><p>895. Items from the Pershore Community Youth Council a. Councillors considered the design and location of the proposed youth shelter/bandstand and members were generally supportive. The Clerk outlined various grant applications that had been submitted and explained the public consultation that had been undertaken. To date one person had responded negatively but the remainder had been most positive. Members agreed unanimously to give their support for the project and the Clerk reminded the meeting that the location of the structure would be determined by Wychavon D.C. as landowners. b. The issue of a pedestrian crossing in Station Road was raised by the Youth Council who felt that at times it was difficult crossing the road to get to the High School and to Cherry Orchard First School. Members agreed that a crossing was needed and the issue had been raised by the PACT meeting on more than one occasion. It was agreed that members supported the need for such a Chairmans crossing and it was suggested that the Clerk write to the County Council on behalf of the Initials Youth Council to request its consideration.</p><p>100 25.02.10 c. The Youth Council requested the Town Council’s support for additional Community Support Officers in the Town and it was agreed the Clerk write on behalf of the Youth Council to Inspector Sean Kent to ask for his consideration of this request. d. Cllr Parsons advised members that the arrangements for the Music Festival were progressing well and a report would be brought to the next meeting of the Youth Council.</p><p>896. Allotments a. The Clerk updated members with plans for the flood defences and advised of tree work currently being undertaken on the allotments. Cllr Tucker asked for clarification of the plans for an ancient tree in the pond area of the defences and the Clerk agreed to check what was stated on the plans.</p><p>Cllr Merry asked permission from members to attend the Development Control Committee meeting the following week to speak on the Flood Defence application and the Abbey Park bund. He advised members of the Planning Committee’s comments requesting a condition on any approval to ensure that emergency plans for pumps be completed before the defences are completed. Councillors agreed to authorize Cllr Merry to speak on behalf of the Town Council and the Clerk will advise Wychavon D C accordingly. b. Cllr Parsons advised members of current problems on the allotment site due to Muntjak deer which were very difficult to control. Cllr Wood suggested obtaining some ion manure from the local safari park which she assured members could be most effective. The Clerk will seek further advice and report to the Amenities and Environment Committee.</p><p>897. Public Transport a. It was agreed that comments on the Worcester Transport Strategy be submitted by members individually or be handed to the Town Clerk for collation and forwarding to the County Council. b. Cllr Palfrey advised that a letter had now been drafted to Network Rail concerning the car parking at the Railway Station and it was hoped responses would be received in time for the next Council meeting.</p><p>898. Hill Close</p><p>Cllr Parsons advised members that the Hill Close play area had been closed some time ago due to undesirable behaviour in the area. Residents had been consulted on its future use and the majority had asked for the area to be shared by neighbouring householders. Members agreed that if this was the view of the residents then members would have no objection to this use and the Clerk will advise Wychavon D C accordingly.</p><p>899. 10/10 Campaign</p><p>Members agreed there were a number of measures that could be taken to try to reduce the Council’s carbon footprint over the coming year. It was agreed that the loft needed additional lagging, temperatures should be monitored and hirers reminded to keep doors closed when radiators were on and switch radiators off when they leave the room. It was also noted that these measures Chairmans should be continually monitored and other suggestions on the Clerk’s report should also be Initials implemented as far as possible. It was agreed the item be a regular agenda item for the Amenities and Environment Committee. 101 25.02.10 Members also considered an article for the Council newsletter concerning the hydropower project and it was agreed that, with a minor amendment, the article could be published.</p><p>900. Rooftop Housing</p><p>Cllr Palfrey advised members of the damage being caused by parked cars to the grass verges in various areas of the town including Avon Road, Mill Lane and Railground. It was agreed this was an ongoing problem and as a meeting was planned shortly with Rooftop Housing it was felt this should be an item on the agenda. The Clerk will ascertain some convenient dates and arrange the meeting.</p><p>901. Pershore Riverside Youth Centre</p><p>Members considered the plans for an extension to the Riverside Youth Centre. It was proposed by Cllr Wood, seconded by Cllr M Rowe and RESOLVED that the Clerk write to the Riverside Centre advising them that the Council were pleased to agree to their plans.</p><p>902. Town Hall a. It was agreed that the Talking Newspaper can continue to use the top floor until they move to Number 8 and can keep their postbag at the Town Hall after their move. The Clerk will write accordingly. b. Cllr Amphlett stated that she and other members of the Council had felt that the discussion at the previous meeting in confidential session had been rushed and at the end of the meeting which had meant that the agenda item had not been debated as fully as it should have been. Cllr Amphlett felt that additional services should be offered by the Visitor Information Centre during the winter months and that the Centre should be the subject of a working party who would investigate all possibilities and report back to the Council in due course. She felt the priority should be a successful summer and to plan ahead for the winter. Cllr Parsons suggested that all interested members should be able to join the working party and Cllr Tucker agreed that no interested councilor should be excluded. Cllr Daniels stated that only those who would discuss the Centre positively should be on the group although Cllr Parsons said he hoped everyone would be discussing it positively. Cllr Wood reminded members that tourism was the 3rd largest industry in the country and should be taken seriously. Cllr Grantham expressed his concern over a small group being set up when the whole Council needed to be involved. Cllr Daniels asked members to consider whether they felt the Centre was important and it was proposed by Cllr Daniels, seconded by Cllr Parsons and RESOLVED unanimously that members felt it important to have a Visitor Information Centre in the town. Cllr Betty Hughes said she felt it was important that all members have the opportunity to give their opinion and that membership of the working party should be open to any councilor who was interested. It was proposed by Cllr Amphlett, seconded by Cllr Wood and RESOLVED that a working party be set up to include all interested councilors and report back to a future meeting.</p><p>903. Standing Orders</p><p>The Clerk advised members of proposed new model Standing Orders and it was agreed a report be brought to the next meeting highlighting the changes for members consideration.</p><p>904. Reports from outside bodies Chairmans Initials Cllr Smith reported on plans for Time4u session to be held at the Pershore Riverside Youth Centre and Cllr Wood reported on funding for the Citizens Advice Bureau. 102 25.02.10</p><p>Cllr Grantham reported that the County Association of Local Councils had been successful in obtaining a grant which secured its future. It was anticipated that the acting Chief Executive would be soon made permanent and that the proposed insurance scheme had now been dropped.</p><p>Cllr Shaw advised members that Ms Barrett Mold had been appointed the Chief Executive of the Chiltern Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and she would be attending the Vale Landscape Heritage Trust to talk about tree management.</p><p>905. County Council Services a. Following debate it was agreed that two 20 mph repeater signs were required in Bridge Street, one in each direction and Cllr Wood would liaise with Cllr E Tucker regarding their position. b. It was agreed that members had no comment to make of the County Council Planning Validation Document out for consultation. c. Cllr Shaw advised that the Council may be closer to appointing a school crossing person for Newlands.</p><p>Cllr Wood asked that a post in Broad Street car park be moved as it was in danger of being knocked over.</p><p>The Clerk advised members of waste lorries using the B4084 in contravention of the routing agreement and members agreed to report any lorries they may see, to include their number.</p><p>It was proposed by Cllr Merry, seconded by Cllr Shaw and RESOLVED that the meeting be closed to hear a report from Cllr E Tucker from the County Council. Following her report it was proposed by Cllr Shaw, seconded by Cllr Amphlett and RESOLVED that the meeting be reopened.</p><p>906. District Council Services</p><p>There was nothing to report</p><p>907. Items for Information a. The Clerk advised that newsletters from in the members’ room for information:- Community First Winter 2010 Pershore Volunteer Centre February 2010 Pershore High School January/February 2010 Were in the members’ room for information. b. The Clerk advised that the sum of £20 had been received through the courts in respect of compensation for criminal damage caused at the Town Council in January 2000. c. The Clerk advised that Wychavon D.C. had required land owners to clear the ditch running from Defford Road, adjacent to the Severn Trent Pumping Station, to the river. Chairmans Initials</p><p>103 25.02.10 908. Items for future agenda a. Portfolio Responsibilities (Cllr Parsons) b. Investors in People and Customer Service Excellence awards (Cllr Parsons) c. Opening hours of walkway (April agenda as agreed) d. Rooftop Community Fund e. Pershore grant funding of £75,000 (JG)</p><p>EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS</p><p>Owing to the confidential nature of the following agenda items it was proposed by Cllr K Rowe seconded by Cllr Grantham and RESOLVED “that in accordance with the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, 1960, as amended by the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting owing to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted” ie: agenda item 26 Legal issues and 27 Staffing issues</p><p>909. Legal Issues a. The Clerk updated members on progress with issues relating to the Town Hall b. The Clerk advised members that she was currently waiting for a letter from the Football Club who were meeting that evening. c. Members agreed the Clerk contact Wychavon D.C. regarding the area of land put forward for consideration.</p><p>910. Staffing Issues</p><p>Cllrs Parsons and Rowe advised members of the Town Clerk’s satisfactory appraisal recently undertaken and members agreed to assist the Clerk in some areas if possible when they were requested to do so. It was agreed a vertical blind be purchased which could be drawn across when the Clerk was unavailable.</p><p>Signed…………………………………………….. Date…………………………………………..</p><p>Chairman</p><p>Chairmans Initials</p><p>104 25.02.10 County Council Services Cllr E Tucker reported on the 20mph repeater signs and various suggestion for their location were raised. The Station Road pedestrian crossing was still under consideration and Cllr Tucker felt a letter from the Youth Council could be helpful.</p><p>Cllr Tucker advised members that she was still waiting for a list of the footway works to be undertaken and it may be appropriate for residents to approach Rootftop to see if they could help to fund some of the works.</p><p>Cllr Tucker reminded members that the Worcester Transport consultation was significant as it dropped the dualling of the Southern Link.</p><p>Chairmans Initials</p><p>105</p>
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