<p> CROFT PARISH COUNCIL</p><p>NOTES OF THE MEETING OF CROFT PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY 6TH SEPTEMBER 2010 </p><p>A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 6th September 2010 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall, Pinchbeck Lane.</p><p>PRESENT: MR E PEACOCK (CHAIRMAN), MR J AISTHORPE, MRS P THOMPSON, MR C MOORE, MR N DOWLMAN, MR P CHAMPION, COUNCILLORS N & P COOPER & PCSO J RICHARDSON. NO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC IN ATTENDANCE. </p><p>OPEN FORUM</p><p>Lincolnshire Police – PCSO Richardson discussed the following matters: speeding on Drummond Road, Skegness – several tickets have recently been issued by the local beat manager; a damaged Neighbourhood Watch sign on Church Lane, Croft has been replaced; there have been several attempts within the space of a week at stealing lead from the church at Wainfleet St Mary, one such attempt resulting in the discovery of what looked like tools which could potentially be used for the removal of lead. It is hoped there may be some DNA on the tools, which might lead Police to their owners. PCSO Richardson left a fundraising poster and the September Neighbourhood Policing Newsletter before excusing herself at 7.15pm. </p><p>1. CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS</p><p>The Chairman brought forward item 10. on the Agenda, as Mr J Aisthorpe could only spare a limited amount of time for the meeting. Due to there being no members of the public present, the councillors spent the first 7 minutes of the meeting outside, in the Car Park, determining the criteria when requesting formal tenders.</p><p>After exploring the possibility of block paving, which was eventually decided to be too expensive, it has been agreed by all present that the Clerk should write to all the contractors who have provided quotations, and invite them to submit formal tenders for the resurfacing of the Village Hall Car Park. They should be asked to mark the envelopes ‘Formal Tender’, with strict ‘like for like’ criteria quoted for. There should be a strict deadline policy, and the Clerk agreed that she would e-mail a copy of the completed plan to Mr J Aisthorpe prior to sending out, so that he could check that the correct specifications had been conveyed to the contractors.</p><p>These specifications were unanimously agreed by all, and Mr J Aisthorpe excused himself at this point.</p><p>2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE</p><p>Mr G Bowser, Mrs M Barry. </p><p>3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2000 LGA </p><p>None declared.</p><p>4. NOTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 5TH JULY 2010 </p><p>The notes of the meeting held on Monday 5th July 2010 were unanimously approved as the minutes and signed by the Chairman. </p><p>5. REPORTS FROM OUTSIDE BODIES</p><p>LCC – None.</p><p>ELDC – Councillor P Cooper confirmed that following the recent Planning Committee meeting, the application to remove a tree from a property on Church Lane, Croft had been refused, and the Parish Council could expect notification of this in writing in the very near future.</p><p>1 Councillor N Cooper asked if the Parish Council had received notification of a seminar being held at the Embassy Theatre on 7th September 2010. The seminar is in relation to planning and local growth. Although the invitation had indeed been received, no-one present thought they would be able to attend.</p><p>Councillor N Cooper talked at length about local planning issues, and the impact on local businesses and residents. </p><p>6. CLERK’S REPORT ON MATTERS OUTSTANDING</p><p>The Clerk reported on the following:</p><p>On 19th August 2010 a letter was written to Chief Superintendent Hardy at Skegness Police Station to request some funding towards street lights in ‘The Avenue’ off Church Lane, and to also request a contribution towards the cost of employing a Custodian, as this appears to have had a noticeable effect on petty crime and antisocial behaviour in Croft. The Clerk has not yet received any reply or acknowledgement of the letter being received.</p><p>Councillor N Cooper suggested that the Clerk might write to Jack Whyman at New Linx Housing Trust. She said she would do this.</p><p>The Clerk read out an e-mail from the Waste Enforcement Officer at ELDC, which states that the matter of the alleged fly tipping on Gutherham Drove is a matter for the land owner to resolve, and it is clear that this land is considered to be private property. A similar response from the Senior Highways Officer at LCC has also been received by e-mail.</p><p>Councillor C Moore is adamant that the land concerned is not private property, but it was generally considered by all that this is really a matter for the owner of the adjacent field to deal with, if ELDC and LCC are not claiming ownership.</p><p>The Clerk has received a letter from ELDC’s Planning Enforcement Team regarding ‘Kerryfield’s’. It seems this property is already under investigation, and the Parish Council will now be kept informed of future progress on the matter.</p><p>The Traffic Survey was shown to all present, and it was agreed that it had been a useful exercise. The volunteers were commended for the hours put in at several different locations, and it was interesting to note that many of the instances applied to the same culprits, although the degree of exceeding the speed limit was not quite as bad as was originally thought. It was generally agreed that the efforts to curb speeding within the Parish should continue, and Councillor N Cooper suggested that the Clerk might write to the Community Beat Officer at Spilsby, and send a copy of the Speed Indicating Device report, with a view to enlisting some extra help on this matter. The Clerk said she would do this. </p><p>7. FINANCIAL MATTERS</p><p>Cheques in settlement of the following were approved and signed:</p><p>Mr A Marshall - £86.67 (Custodian’s retainer) Mr G Bowley - £78.30 (hours worked during August 2010) Mrs A Eyre - £215.92 (basic monthly salary, £5.00 heat & light allowance, and expenses) Clement Keys Chartered Accountants - £158.63 (Statutory Audit of Annual Return)</p><p>Cheques approved and signed during the summer recess:</p><p>Mr A Marshall - £86.67 (Custodian’s retainer) Mr G Bowley - £103.07 (hours worked during July 2010, plus expenses) Mrs A Eyre - £183.49 (basic monthly salary, and £5.00 heat and light allowance) Mr M Carson - £136.00 (garden maintenance at Village Hall and Playing Field) Veolia - £84.98 (cutting Playing Field grass)</p><p>8. PLANNING MATTERS 2 The following Planning Application has been received:</p><p>Mr S Dennis – Planning Permission – To retain a first floor portacabin for office use (retrospective). Location – Hollytree Farm, Croft Bank, Croft, Lincolnshire, PE24 4RE.</p><p>The following Planning Application was received during the summer recess. As the deadline for observations was 1st September 2010, Councillors were consulted and the application supported:</p><p>Mr & Mrs D Adams – Planning Permission – Extension and alterations to existing dwelling to provide a family room and erection of a detached single garage on the site of an existing garage and store which are to be removed. Location – 364 Drummond Road, Skegness, PE25 3BB.</p><p>The following Planning Applications have been approved:</p><p> a) Spencer Farm Produce – Planning Permission – To use existing car park and land as a touring caravan site, construction of associated access tracks, erection of a shower/toilet block and relocation of car park. Location – The Hollies, High Lane, Croft, Skegness, PE24 4SH.</p><p> b) Mr & Mrs G A Jagger – Planning Permission – Change of use, conversion of and alterations to existing dwelling into 1no. dwelling and 2.no holiday cottages and 1no. existing vehicular access to be permanently closed up. Location – Rose Cottage, Croft Lane, Croft, Lincolnshire, PE24 4PF.</p><p> c) Mr E Dennis – Planning Permission – Change of use and conversion of existing training suite to provide a self contained holiday home. Location – XL Garage, Croft Bank, Croft, Lincolnshire, PE24 4AN.</p><p>The following Approval of Reserved Matters has been received:</p><p>Parkers of Wainfleet Limited – Detailed Particulars relating to the erection of 1 no. pair of semi-detached houses and construction of vehicular access, outline Planning Permission Ref. No. S/194/02305/09 ‘outline erection of 9 no. dwellings with associated garages and formation of a public footpath link to Skegness Road’, as granted on the 18th February 2010.</p><p>The following Environmental Impact Assessment notifications have been received: </p><p> a) Entec – Environmental Impact Assessment (E.E.C. Directive 85/337/E.E.C. as amended by Council Directive 97/11E.C.) for a scoping opinion with respect to the erection of 6no. wind turbines. Location – Land off, Good Dike Bank, Wainfleet St Mary.</p><p> b) Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm Ltd – Proposed offshore wind farm off the Lincolnshire Coast, Triton Knoll.</p><p>9. CORRESPONDENCE</p><p>Various items of correspondence were received, including an e-mail from Stefan Krause (Skegness Town Centre Manager), with profuse apologies for missing our July meeting. The Clerk has invited him to attend a future meeting at his earliest convenience, but has had no reply to date. Also included was a notification from LCC of an impending traffic restriction on Croft Marsh Lane due to essential maintenance works by Network Rail.</p><p>10. TO DISCUSS QUOTES AND MAKE A DECISION ON WHICH CONTRACTOR TO USE FOR THE RESURFACING OF THE VILLAGE HALL CAR PARK; ALSO TO DISCUSS THE ALTERNATIVE OF BLOCK PAVING</p><p>Chairman’s Remarks (1.) refers. </p><p>11. TO DISCUSS QUOTE RECEIVED FOR REPAIRS TO THE VILLAGE HALL GUTTERING </p><p>The quote from Dave Cumberlidge of £102.00 plus VAT was unanimously approved on the condition that any replacement materials are on a ‘like for like’ basis. The Clerk said she would arrange this.</p><p>3 12. TO DISCUSS RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CONTRACTOR REGARDING REPAIRS/RENOVATIONS TO THE PLAY AREA.</p><p>After discussing the various permutations detailed by the approved Contractor, it was agreed that the Clerk should contact another person who may be able to competently repair the rope walk and attend to the rough areas on the slide, and also to get some prices for jet-washing the tiles. When these two jobs have been attended to, the Parish Council will re-consider engaging the services of the approved Contractor to fit the rope net, and carry out any other essential repairs.</p><p>13. TO DISCUSS OWNERSHIP OF LAND NEAR MONSON HOUSE, WHICH IS OVERGROWN WITH LINSEED </p><p>This, apparently, has been attended to since the last meeting, but ownership has probably now been established for future matters.</p><p>14. DISCUSS SOURCES OF GRANTS/FUNDING FOR PLAY AREA, RESURFACING VILLAGE HALL CAR PARK, CYCLE PATH ETC WITH STEFAN KRAUSE (SKEGNESS TOWN CENTRE MANAGER)</p><p>Mr Krause did not attend the meeting (item no.9 refers).</p><p>15. DISCUSS SITING OF BOLLARDS ON SPILSBY ROAD/WAINCROFT CLOSE JUNCTION</p><p>It seems that these bollards were originally further down Spilsby Road, outside Thorncroft Lodge, and over time have either been damaged, or vandalised. The Clerk agreed to write to Lincolnshire Highways and request that they replace the bollards.</p><p>16. DISCUSS RESULTS OF SPEED INDICATING DEVICE </p><p>Item no. 6 refers.</p><p>17. DISCUSS PROVISION OF GRIT BINS FOR THE COMING WINTER</p><p>Croft apparently has some grit bins ‘in situ’, but the location of these needs to be established, and Councillor N Cooper suggested that the Clerk should write to the Highways Department and request that they are filled with salt at the appropriate time of year. The Councillors feel that the potential cost of new bins is not a feasible option until the whereabouts of the existing ones is firmly established.</p><p>18. ITEMS TO BE PUT ON THE NEXT AGENDA/MATTERS ARISING</p><p>Mr C Moore asked about the trees the Parish Council normally gets for the Parish through an automatic funded scheme at this time of year. The Clerk had received no appertaining correspondence for such a scheme, but had received correspondence which invited the Parish Council to apply for a grant after the trees had been purchased. The Clerk said she would peruse the forms and make the application before the deadline.</p><p>Although Planning Permission has been approved, the Parish Council have continued concerns about the occupancy of the self-contained holiday home at the XL Garage, and the Clerk has been asked to write to the Planning Enforcement Team to voice these concerns at the earliest opportunity.</p><p>Mr N Dowlman asked why the plans for the proposed new Play Area appeared to have come to a halt, and the Clerk said that she had been under the impression from the outgoing Clerk that Croft Parish Council had failed to meet several aspects of the criteria required in order to apply for funding. In addition to this, it had been hoped that Mr Stefan Krause was going to offer invaluable help and advice in how to make sure all criteria was met satisfactorily. The Clerk said that she would study the forms, and at some stage, e-mail them to Mr N Dowlman for his thoughts on how to proceed. In addition to this, quotes for the necessary groundworks would be sought, as well as additional quotes for the new Play Area itself. Councillor N Cooper suggested some possible sources where grants might be obtained for the Clerk to contact.</p><p>19. PASS A RESOLUTION TO EXCLUDE PUBLIC AND PRESS 4 This wasn’t necessary, as no members of the public and press were present.</p><p>20. DISCUSS THE TERMS OF THE PARISH COUNCIL’S INSURANCE</p><p>To ensure that the terms of the Parish Council’s insurance are met, Mr C Moore has agreed to request from his doctor written evidence that he is physically fit enough to carry out his duties as a Parish Councillor. It was proposed by Mr N Dowlman and seconded by Mr E Peacock that any cost incurred by Mr Moore in providing this evidence, should be borne by the Parish Council. This was unanimously agreed by all present. </p><p>21. DISCUSS TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE EMPLOYEES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL</p><p>As there currently is no PAYE system operated within Croft Parish Council, it has been decided by all present, that there must be a definitive policy in place, to ensure that all employees of the Parish Council are officially and legally responsible for their own contributions to HMRC. Councillor N Cooper suggested that some employees may be happy to operate as a contractor instead of an employee, but it has been unanimously agreed that all of the personnel concerned should be consulted in the near future, and a decision made at a later date.</p><p>22. TO AGREE THE DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING</p><p>The date of the next Parish Council meeting will be on Monday 4 th October 2010 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall, Pinchbeck Lane, Croft. </p><p>As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 10.15pm.</p><p>5</p>
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