<p> 2018 DWD MTG – ATTACHMENT 6c</p><p>Current rule: RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF DANCES WITH DOGS COMPETITIONS (ENCOMPASSING FREESTYLE AND HEELWORK TO MUSIC)</p><p>Qld Proposal: FOR THE CONDUCT OF CANINE MUSIC SPORTS COMPETITIONS (ENCOMPASSING FREESTYLE AND HEELWORK TO MUSIC)</p><p>Qld Rationale: The term ‘Dances with Dogs’ gives an impression that the dog and/or handler ‘dance’ in the common understanding of that term. This tends to create an expectation among the general public of dogs walking on their hind legs and even wearing costumes, which demeans the sport. It can also be a deterrent to prospective handlers who consider themselves to have no ability or capacity to develop the ability to ‘dance’. Using ‘Canine Music Sports’ as the umbrella discipline title would help overcome these misconceptions. </p><p>Consequential changes would be made throughout the document; these have not been made at this point, pending endorsement or otherwise of the proposal. </p><p>AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CANINE CONTROL</p><p>EFFECTIVE 1 JANUARY 2019</p><p>CONTENTS {{consequential changes to be made later}} Page</p><p>1 2018 DWD MTG – ATTACHMENT 6c</p><p>Current rule: RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF DANCES WITH DOGS COMPETITIONS (ENCOMPASSING FREESTYLE AND HEELWORK TO MUSIC)</p><p>Qld Proposal: RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF {New Name – see suggestions above} COMPETITIONS (ENCOMPASSING FREESTYLE AND HEELWORK TO MUSIC)</p><p>Current rule: 1.0 INTRODUCTION</p><p>1.1 Dances with Dogs competitions provide handlers and their dogs with an opportunity to demonstrate a skilful, choreographed routine, performed to music. 1.2 Dances with Dogs encompasses two separate divisions: (a) Freestyle and (b) Heelwork to Music. 1.3 Dances with Dogs has its foundation in traditional obedience heelwork. However, in the discipline of Dances with Dogs, the inclusion of innovative and creative moves, and movement in time to and interpretation of the music are expected. 1.4 The discipline requires a good rapport between dog and handler, reflected in a high level of teamwork. 1.5 Dances with Dogs performances should have spectator appeal. 1.6 In the event that interpretation of these Rules is required, clarification should be sought, in writing, through the relevant member body, from the Dances with Dogs Committee of the ANKC, the decision of which will be binding. 1.7 Any person making an entry in a Dances with Dogs competition does so at their own risk. 1.8 The National Dances with Dogs Committee shall review and may recommend to the ANKC change(s) to these Rules at five-yearly intervals.</p><p>Qld Proposal:</p><p>1.1 Dances with Dogs competitions provide handlers and their dogs with an opportunity to demonstrate a skilful, choreographed routine, performed to music. </p><p>1.2 Dances with Dogs encompasses two separate divisions: (a) Freestyle and (b) Heelwork to Music.</p><p>1.3 The purpose of these rules is to encourage the owners, trainers and handlers to further develop and extend their skills by participating in the discipline of Dances with Dogs. The rules are designed in such a way that all breeds are able to compete on an equal footing and the welfare of the dog is guaranteed. </p><p>1.4 The objective in DWD is for the dog and handler to devise and perform together an artistic routine combined with music and presented with obvious co-operation between a dog that is willing and working well and a supportive handler. The training involved for this discipline will increase the dogs’ willingness to respond to their handlers and thus their overall behaviour in everyday life. Trained dogs will contribute to the acceptance of dogs and their owners and owners in the society in general. </p><p>2 2018 DWD MTG – ATTACHMENT 6c</p><p>1.5 In the event that interpretation of these Rules is required, clarification should be sought, in writing, through the relevant member body, from the Dances with Dogs Committee of the ANKC, the decision of which will be binding. </p><p>1.6 Any person making an entry in a Dances with Dogs competition does so at their own risk.</p><p>1.7 The National Dances with Dogs Committee shall review and may recommend to the ANKC change(s) to these Rules at five-yearly intervals.</p><p>Qld Rationale: The revised text is based on the FCI Rules for Dog Dancing Competitions and describes the sport in a very positive manner which is more encouraging of participation than some of the current wording which it is proposed to replace.</p><p>2.0 DEFINITIONS</p><p>Current rule: “Freestyle”: a division of Dances with Dogs, in which the dog works off lead and in which the routine may, subject to the provisions of these Rules, encompass a variety of moves, including heelwork and non-heelwork moves to present an interpretation of their music; there is no prescription as to the nature of moves or the level of heelwork required in Freestyle routines. </p><p>Qld Proposal: “Freestyle”: a division of Dances with Dogs, in which the dog works off lead and in which the routine may, subject to the provisions of these Rules, encompass a variety of moves, including heelwork and non-heelwork moves to present an interpretation of their music; any moves that are not covered by the definition of Heelwork to Music below are regarded as Freestyle moves. There is no prescription as to the nature of moves other than that the safety of the dog must not be compromised.</p><p>Both the Freestyle and Heelwork to Music moves must be taken into account in awarding the score.</p><p>Qld Rationale: Clarification may be required that any non-HTM position or move falls within the description of Freestyle and that all elements of a routine are considered in judging.</p><p>Current rule: “Heelwork to Music”: a division of Dances with Dogs in which the dog works off lead in any of the following heel positions, moving at any pace and in any direction:</p><p>(a) Dog on Right Hand Side of handler: 1- facing forwards 2- facing backwards (b) Dog on Left Hand Side of handler 3- facing forwards 4- facing backwards (c) Dog across front of handler: 5- facing left 6- facing right (d) Dog across back of handler: 7- facing left 8- facing right The dog must: (a) move parallel to the handler in one of the nominated heelwork positions; (b) keep the same distance in relation to the handler in all positions;</p><p>3 2018 DWD MTG – ATTACHMENT 6c</p><p>(c) move in the same direction as the handler; (d) move at the same pace as the handler.</p><p>Qld Proposal: Add the following after the listing of positions: A dog may be regarded as in one of the above heelwork positions if it meets the positional requirements above and is moving in position while on four or three legs or momentarily static in a stand or sit position.</p><p>Qld Rationale: Providing additional postures in which the dog may perform the heelwork positions provides greater flexibility and allows for greater creativity in HTM routines.</p><p>Current rule: At any class level a minimum of 70% of a Heelwork to Music routine must consist of heelwork, during which the dog’s shoulder should be reasonably close to the handler’s leg; the percentage of heelwork in a routine is based on the time spent undertaking heelwork positions. The remainder of the routine may consist of freestyle. </p><p>Qld Proposal: At any class level a minimum of 70% of a Heelwork to Music routine must consist of heelwork, during which the dog’s shoulder should be reasonably close to the handler’s leg; the percentage of heelwork in a routine is based on the time spent undertaking heelwork positions; a routine which contains less than 70% in heelwork will be awarded a non- qualifying score and the result will be recorded as NQ. The remainder of the routine may consist of freestyle. Both the Heelwork to Music and non-Heelwork to Music moves must be taken into account in awarding the score.</p><p>Qld Rationale: Clarification that failure to include at least 70% in heelwork positions results in a non-qualifying score and that all elements of a routine are considered in judging. At present the rules talk about must be 70% heelwork but there is nowhere where a penalty is prescribed where there is less than 70% heelwork.</p><p>4.0 TITLES</p><p>4.1 Qualifying Certificates</p><p>Qld Proposal: Add the following after paragraph (e):</p><p>(f) ‘FS.Gr.Ch’/’HTM.Gr.Ch’ signifying Freestyle Grand Champion/Heelwork to Music Grand Champion in connection with, and before the name of, each dog which has gained its Freestyle/Heelwork to Music Championship and thereafter gains a further five (5) Qualifying Certificates in the Freestyle Advanced class in the relevant Division, with aggregate scores of 165 points or more, under at least three (3) different Judging Panels.</p><p>Those additional five (5) Qualifying Certificates must include at least two (2) pieces of music different from those used for the Advanced or Championship titles. Evidence of the use of different pieces of music must be supplied to the member body when applying for the Grand Championship title.</p><p>4 2018 DWD MTG – ATTACHMENT 6c</p><p>Qualifying Certificates towards the title of Grand Champion must be achieved after 1 January 2019.</p><p>Qld Rationale: Providing separate Grand Champion titles for each of the HTM and Freestyle Divisions recognises the distinct range of skills required for each and affirms the distinctiveness of each Division. </p><p>160 points is the minimum score required for Championship level; it is proposed that a higher standard – 165 points or more (91.6% of total marks) – be required for the title of Grand Champion The requirement for a Grand Champion of a minimum of 5 qualifying scores of 165 points (91.6%) or more following completion of the Championship title is similar to that for Obedience, viz 5 qualifying scores of 185 points (92.5%) or more under at least 3 different judges, subsequent to the UDX and Champion titles.</p><p>It is considered that the two pieces of music should be different from those used both in attainment of both their Advanced title and in their Championship title.</p><p>Current rule: 4.2.3 The following is a summary of the requirements for titles at each level. Only the highest Dances with Dogs title in each division awarded to the dog shall be used in connection with the name of the dog.</p><p>Class Starter Novice Intermediate Advanced Champion Title FS.S FS.N FS.I FS.A FS.Ch HTM.S HTM.N HTM.I HTM.A HTM.Ch Number of 3 3 3 3 7 (subsequent to certificates Advanced title) with aggregate scores of 160 points or more and including at least 3 different pieces of music Minimum 2 2 2 2 3 number of Judging Panels</p><p>Qld Proposal: </p><p>Class Starter Novice Intermediate Advanced Champion Grand Champion Title FS.S FS.N FS.I FS.A FS.Ch HTM.S HTM.N HTM.I HTM.A HTM.Ch Number of 3 3 3 3 7 (subsequent to 5 (subsequent to certificates Advanced title) with the Champion title) aggregate scores of with aggregate 160 points or more scores of 165 and including at points or more and least 3 different including at least 2 pieces of music pieces of music not used for Advanced or Champion title Minimum 2 2 2 2 3 3 number of Judging Panels</p><p>5 2018 DWD MTG – ATTACHMENT 6c</p><p>5.0 RINGS</p><p>Current rule: 5.8 Dogs, other than exhibits, must not be within four (4) metres of the competition ring perimeter. </p><p>5.9 The ring may be available for access by all competitors and their dogs prior to commencement of the competition, as advised by the Competition Manager or nominee in consultation with the Judging Panel. 5.10 No dog or handler shall be permitted to enter the competition ring after the Judging Panel has confirmed the suitability of the ring, except for the purpose of competition. </p><p>5.11 No food, toy or motivator shall be used within 6 metres of the competition ring.</p><p>Qld Proposal: 5.8 Dogs, other than exhibits, must not be within five (5) metres of the competition ring perimeter. </p><p>5.9 The ring may be available for access by all competitors and their dogs prior to commencement of the competition, as advised by the Competition Manager or nominee in consultation with the Judging Panel. Unless otherwise specified, no competitor may enter the ring later than 15 minutes prior to commencement of competition. After that time the ring must not be used for any reason other than actual competition.</p><p>No food/training toys/motivators are to be used or taken into/worn in the competition ring at any time.</p><p>5.10 No dog or handler shall be permitted to enter the competition ring after the Judging Panel has confirmed the suitability of the ring, except for the purpose of competition. </p><p>5.11 No food, training toy or motivator shall be used within five (5) metres of the competition ring.</p><p>Qld Rationale: 5.8 and 5.11 are consistent with the provisions re exclusion zones in Obedience and Rally O. Where space constraints apply in a particular venue, permission for variation of this requirement can be obtained.</p><p>5.9 is clarification/simplification only.</p><p>6.0 EXHIBIT REQUIREMENTS</p><p>Current rule: 6.3.3 Appropriate1 footwear is required to be worn by all handlers in the ring. . Qld Proposal: 6.3.3 Competitors should wear some type of appropriate2 footwear, that complies with the safety requirements of the Member Body and at the same time complements the costume designed for the routine. </p><p>1 Excludes thongs, scuffs and bare feet. 2 Excludes thongs, scuffs and bare feet.</p><p>6 2018 DWD MTG – ATTACHMENT 6c</p><p>Qld Rationale: Clarification.</p><p>Current rule: 6.3.5 Music checks will be available at least thirty minutes before commencement of the competition. Handlers are responsible for the quality of recorded material.</p><p>Qld Proposal: 6.3.5 Music checks will be available before commencement of the competition. Handlers are responsible for the quality of recorded material.</p><p>Qld Rationale: Music checks typically commence once vetting opens, but any individual piece of music may not necessarily have been checked 30 minutes before commencement of the competition.</p><p>7.0 REMOVAL OF A DOG</p><p>Qld Proposal: Add an additional sub-rule as follows: 7.1 Competitors are under the jurisdiction of the Judging Panel the entire time they are in the competition ring, not just during the performance of the routine.</p><p>Qld Rationale: Clarification of scope of this rule. Renumber subsequent sub-rules.</p><p>Current rule: 7.2 The Judging Panel may order the removal from competition of any dog which is deemed disorderly or unmanageable, any handler who interferes wilfully with another competitor or a competitor’s dog or whose behaviour is objectionable, and shall exclude or order the removal from competition of any dog which the Judging Panel considers unfit to compete.</p><p>Qld Proposal: 7.3 The Judging Panel – (a) may order the removal from competition of any dog which is deemed disorderly or unmanageable, or any handler who interferes wilfully with another competitor or a competitor’s dog or whose behaviour is objectionable and (b) shall exclude or order the removal from competition of any dog which the Judging Panel considers unfit to compete </p><p>Qld Rationale: Clarification through numbering of paragraphs. </p><p>Current rule: 9.2 Dog attire</p><p>9.2.1 Dogs may only wear a decorative/co-ordinated neck collar, scarf and/or a buckle collar, or no collar.</p><p>9.2.2 Dogs must not wear: (a) any kind of prong, choke, or slip collars (made of chain or any other material); or</p><p>7 2018 DWD MTG – ATTACHMENT 6c</p><p>(b) anything other than mentioned in 9.2.1.</p><p>9.2.3 A dog may not be artificially coloured.</p><p>Qld Proposal: Add an additional sub-rule as follows: 9.2.4 A rubber hair band (on the head) for long coated dogs is allowed in order to allow the dog to see clearly. The purpose is primarily to improve visibility of the dog, and the hairband should not be considered decoration. </p><p>Qld Rationale: The inserted text is based on the FCI Rules and provides clarification which may be beneficial in the case of some long coated breeds.</p><p>10.0 COMPETING</p><p>Qld Proposal: Add an additional sub-rule as follows: 10.1 Competitors (dogs and handlers) are subject to the jurisdiction of the Judging Panel from the point of entry to the ring to their departure from the ring and the behaviour of both dog and handler is subject to assessment for the duration of their presence in the competition environs.</p><p>Qld Rationale: Clarification. Renumber subsequent sub-rules.</p><p>Current rule: 10.6 For the duration of the competition, all dogs must be on a lead (or otherwise restrained [e.g. in a crate]) except when competing or practising prior to the competition. Dogs will enter and leave the competition ring on lead under the control of the handler. At any point after entering the ring, the competitor may remove the lead and hand it to the ring steward who will return it to the handler, inside the ring, on completion of the routine.</p><p>Qld Proposal: 10.6 For the duration of the competition, all dogs must be on a lead (or otherwise restrained [e.g. in a crate]) except when competing or practising prior to the competition. Dogs will enter and leave the competition ring on lead under the control of the handler. At any point after entering the ring, the competitor may remove the lead and hand it to the ring steward who will return it to the handler, inside the ring, on completion of the routine.</p><p>Qld Rationale: Minor clarification and renumbering consequential on addition of sub-rule 10.1.</p><p>11.0 JUDGES AND JUDGING</p><p>Current rule: 11.1 Composition of Judging Panels</p><p>11.1.1 Each class in a titling Dances with Dogs competition will be judged by a Judging Panel comprised of three licensed Judges. </p><p>8 2018 DWD MTG – ATTACHMENT 6c</p><p>11.1.2 Persons participating in a Judging Panel at any titling Dances with Dogs competition must have been approved by the relevant member body for judging at the relevant level.</p><p>Qld Proposal: 11.1.3 The Judging Panel will nominate one of its members as Head Judge for that competition. </p><p>If during the competition any incident occurs which is not dealt with in these Rules or the Rules of the Member Body, the Head Judge shall decide how to proceed or how to evaluate the incident. The Head Judge may negotiate the matter with the Judging Panels before making a decision. The Head Judge’s decision is final and no competitor shall impugn that decision. </p><p>Qld Rationale: This change, which reflects the FCI Rules, authorises the appointment and clarifies the role of the Head Judge. This is already being done in principle at many competitions.</p><p>Current rule: 11.2 Judges’ marking criteria </p><p>Each judge will mark all three sections of the Judging criteria as follows:</p><p>(a) Routine Content – 20 points (i) The routine is varied with no excessive repetition of moves, befitting the class entered. (ii) Degree of difficulty in respect of the type of moves. (iii) Teamwork displays harmony, a strong relationship and enjoyment between dog and handler.</p><p>(b) Technical Merit – 20 points (i) Accuracy of the moves and the dog’s speed in responding; a smooth flow from one move to the next by both handler and dog. (ii) Quality of moves and the extent of mistakes and/or refusals. (iii) Accuracy of heelwork (Heelwork to Music division only). (iv) The dog works in a natural and willing manner.</p><p>(c) Musical Interpretation – 20 points (i) Interpretation of the music, reflecting rhythm and phrasing of the music in changes and moves. (ii) Movements are complementary to the routine’s concept. (iii) Choreography is apparent and flowing. The routine includes balance, structure, and design and makes best use of available space. (iv) Costume enhances interpretation of the routine.</p><p>Qld Proposal: Each judge will mark all three sections of the Judging criteria as follows:</p><p>(a) Routine Content – 20 points (i) Variety of moves/ positions. (ii) Degree of difficulty in respect of the type of moves/positions. </p><p>(b) Technical Merit – 20 points (i) Accuracy of positions/ moves; the extent of mistakes and/or refusals. (ii) Fluency of dog’s response to cues; smoothness of transitions from one move/position to the next by both dog and handler.</p><p>9 2018 DWD MTG – ATTACHMENT 6c</p><p>(c) Musical Interpretation – 20 points (i) Interpretation of the music, reflecting rhythm and phrasing of the music in changes and moves. Apparent and flowing choreography and use of available space. (ii) Level of teamwork, harmony and relationship demonstrated between the dog and handler. Natural and willing manner of working demonstrated by the dog. (iii) Extent to which costume and props (if any) are appropriate to and enhance the routine.</p><p>Qld Rationale: The elements relating to teamwork and do not readily fit within the categories of Content and Technical Merit respectively. It is suggested that they be retained (with slight modification of wording) but included under Musical Interpretation.</p><p>The remaining criteria under Routine Content and Technical Merit simplify the existing statements of requirements but retain the existing allocation of points; consistency of grammar is also addressed.</p><p>11.3 Penalties</p><p>Current rule: 11.3.4 Physical management or manipulation of the dog during the routine shall incur a penalty up to disqualification, according to the level of management/ manipulation undertaken.</p><p>Qld Proposal: 11.3.4 Physical management or manipulation of the dog or harsh verbal commands or corrections in the competition ring shall incur a penalty up to disqualification, according to the level of management/manipulation or harsh verbals undertaken.</p><p>Qld Rationale: Changed for consistency with Rule 11.4. It clarifies that harsh verbal commands/corrections shall also incur a penalty. It is also consistent with FCI Rules.</p><p>11.4. Disqualification</p><p>Current rule: 11.4.1 The following shall result in disqualification of the dog and handler and their immediate removal from the ring: ….. (g) (i) using a real or replica weapon3 of any kind; (ii) using any prop in a manner which simulates or portrays threatening, attacking, injuring or otherwise harming the dog or any person, or other violence or aggression; (iii) using live or recorded weaponry or explosive sounds4;</p><p>Qld Proposal: Amend footnote 4 to read: </p><p>3 Toy weapons may be used 4 All music/sounds must be orchestral or instrumental in origin. </p><p>10 2018 DWD MTG – ATTACHMENT 6c</p><p>All music/sounds must be orchestral, instrumental or vocal in origin. APPENDIX A Current rule:</p><p>DANCES WITH DOGS JUDGES’ MARK SHEET</p><p>Club Date </p><p>Competitor number Starter Category Freestyle Class NoviceHTM Intermediate Judge Advanced Judge’s Signature</p><p>Maximum Score Judging category points available</p><p>Routine Content (Max 20) The routine should be varied with no excessive repetition of moves, befitting the category entered 10</p><p>Degree of difficulty in respect of the type of moves 5</p><p>Teamwork displays harmony, a strong relationship and enjoyment between 5 dog and handler</p><p>Technical Merit (Max 20)</p><p>Accuracy of the heelwork/positions/moves and the dog’s speed in responding; 10 a smooth flow from one move to the next by both handler and dog</p><p>The quality of moves and the extent of mistakes and /or refusals 5</p><p>The dog works in a natural and willing manner 5</p><p>Musical Interpretation (Max 20) Interpretation of the music, reflecting rhythm and phrasing of the music in 6 changes and moves Movements are complementary to the routine’s concept 6</p><p>Choreography is apparent and flowing. The routine includes 6 balance, structure, design and makes best use of the available space</p><p>Costume is appropriate to and enhances the routine 2 Sub Total Deductions </p><p>TOTAL</p><p>11 2018 DWD MTG – ATTACHMENT 6c</p><p>Qld Proposal:</p><p>Club Date</p><p>Competitor No</p><p>Judge Judge’s Signature</p><p>Judging category Maximum Score Sub-total points available</p><p>Routine Content (Max 20)</p><p>Variety of moves/positions 10 --</p><p>Degree of difficulty in respect of the type of moves/positions 10 --</p><p>Sub-total Routine Content --</p><p>Technical Merit (Max 20)</p><p>Accuracy of positions/moves 10 --</p><p>Extent of mistakes and/or refusals 5 --</p><p>Fluency of dog’s response to cues 5 -- Smoothness of transitions from one move/position to the next by both dog and handler</p><p>Sub-total Technical Merit --</p><p>Musical Interpretation (Max 20)</p><p>Interpretation of the music, reflecting rhythm and phrasing of the music in 10 -- changes and moves. Apparent and flowing choreography and use of the available space</p><p>Level of teamwork, harmony and relationship demonstrated between the 8 -- dog and handler Natural and willing manner of working demonstrated by the dog</p><p>Extent to which costume and props (if any) are appropriate to and 2 -- enhance the routine</p><p>Sub-total Musical Interpretation --</p><p>Sub-Total --</p><p>Deductions --</p><p>TOTAL --</p><p>Qld Rationale: Revised, consequential upon proposed change to Rule 11. </p><p>An extra column has been added to the right of the Score column in which to record the sub- totals for each category. This way, the sub-totals will be more obvious and not buried among </p><p>12 2018 DWD MTG – ATTACHMENT 6c the scores for each criterion. This should help both judges and score stewards when calculating/checking the total score.</p><p>13</p>
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