<p>M.S.D.S Page 1 of 3 Eucalyptus Oil Poison Information Centres in each State Capital city can provide additional assistance for scheduled poisons. Material Safety Data Sheet INGESTION: Rinse mouth with water. Give water to drink provided victim is conscious. Do Not induce vomiting. Chemical Improvement Co. P/L Seek immediate medical attention!. 1 Southey St., WILLIAMSTOWN 3016 EYE CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of wa- Ph: 03 93973322 7am – 4pm Mon - Friday ter holding eyelids open. If irritation persists, seek med- 1. Identification of Preparation ical attention. Product Name: SKIN CONTACT: Remove contaminated clothing.Flush affected area with plenty of water. If irritation persists, Eucalyptus Oil seek medical attention. Synonyms: INHALATION: Remove victim from exposure to fresh air. If not breathing, apply artificial respiration. If breathing is CAS-No.: 8000-48-4 difficult, give oxygen. Seek medical attention.. Molecular Formula: Notes to physician: Treat symptomatically based on in- dividual reactions of patient and judgement of doctor. Note for advice in an emergency. Contact a poisons in- 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients formation centre.(Australia 13-11-26) Recommended use: Sanitiser/Cleaner Appearance: odourless clear liquid 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Chemical entity c.a.s. no. proportion Eucalyptus Oil 8000-48-4100 Extinguishing Media In case of fire, appropriate extin- 1,8-cineole 470-82-6 60-90 guishing media include foam, dry powder, carbon diox- ide or vapourizing liquids. Terpene Hydrocarbons 10-30 Other Components 10 Hazards from Combustion Products Flammable liquid, Vapours are heavier than air and may travel a long dis- tance and accumulate in low lying areas. Flash back may occur. Incompatible with oxidizing agents, acids, Al- 3. Hazards Identification kalies, bases, organic peroxides, combustible materials The substance is classified as Hazardous accord- and sources of ignition. When involved in a fire, this ing to the Approved Criteria for Classifying Haz- product may generate carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide ardous Substances [NOHSC:1008(2004)] 3rd Edi- and hydrocarbons. tion. Dangerous According to the Australia Code for the trans- Special Protective Precautions and Equipment for Fire port of Dangerous Goods. Fighters Fire fighters should wear a positive-pressure Classified as Dangerous Goods According to NZS self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and protect- 5433:1999 ive fir fighting clothing (includes fire fighting helmet, FLAMMABLE coat, trousers, boots and gloves). Clear fire area of all Risk Phrases R10 Flammable. non-emergency personnel. Stay upwind. Keep out of R36/38 Irritating to eyes and skin. low areas where gases or fumes can accumulate. Do R43 May cause sensitisation by skin contact. not use direct water stream. Eliminate ignition sources. R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. Flammable Conditions Safety Phrases S2 Keep out of reach of children. Additional Information S13 Keep away from food, drink and animal feeding Hazchem Code 3[Y] stuffs. S16 Keep away from sources of ignition- No Smoking. S24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes. 6.ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES S26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with Flammable liquid. Avoid naked flames. Ventilate area of plenty of water and seek medical advice. spill. Eliminate all sources of ignition. Clean up person- S36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and nel should wear proper protective equipment/clothing. eye /face protection. Absorb material with suitable absorbent and containerise S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Seek medical for disposal. advice immediately and show this container or label. ERMA New Zealand Approval Code HSR000978 HSNO Hazard Classification 3.1C 6.1D 6.1E 6.3A 6.4A 9.2D 9.4C. This material safety data sheet may not provide exhaust- ive guidance for all HSNO Controls assigned to this sub- stance. The ERMA WED SITE should be consulted for a full list of triggered controls and cited regulations. Pois- ons Schedule (Aust)/Toxic Substance (NZ): S5</p><p>M.S.D.S Page 2 of 3 Eucalyptus Oil 4. FIRST AID MEASURES 7. HANDLING & STORAGE Flash Point Closed Cup 43-56 Ph N/A Precautions for Safe Handling.: Ensure an eye bath and Lower Explosion N/A safety shower are available and ready for use. Observe 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPER- good personal hygiene practices and recommended pro- TIES cedures. Wash thoroughly after handling. Take precaution- Upper Explosion Limit N/A ary measures against static discharges by bonding and Ignition Temperature N/A grounding equipment. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and Specific Heat Value N/A clothing. Do not inhale product vapours. Containers, even Particle Size N/A those that have been emptied, can contain vapours.Do not Flame N/A cut, drill weld or perform similar operations on or near Propogation/Burning empty containers. Rate of Solid Materials Conditions for Safe Storage (including any Incompat- Properties of Materials that may initiate or Contribute to ibles) Store in a cool, dry,well ventilated, fire-proof fire intensity N/A area .Keep containes tightly sealed when not in use. In- Potential for dust explosion N/A spect regularly for deficiencies such as damage or leaks. Reactions that Release Flammable Gases N/A Protect against physical damage. Ground and bond all Fst of Intensely Burning Characteristics N/A equipment. Store away from incompatible materials in- Non-flammables that could Contribute Unusual Hazards cluding oxidizing agents, acids, bases, alkalies, organic to a Fire N/A peroxides, combustible materials and sources of ignition. Release of Invisible Flammable Vapours and Gases N/A Protect from air, direct sunlight, moisture and electrostatic Decomposition Temperature N/A discharges. Store away from foodstuffs. This product has Additional Information Molecular Weight: 154.25 Refract- a UN classification of 1993 and a Dangerous Goods Class ive Index : 1.4550-1.4800 (20’C) Optical Rotation: Between- 3 (flammable) according to The AUSTRALIAN Code for 20 and + 10 (20’C0 the Transport of Dangerous Goods By Road and Rail. % Volatile by volume 100 Evaporation Rate: n/av Container Type Packaging must comply with require- N Ap = Not applicable N Av = Not Available ments of Hazardous Substances (Packaging) Regulations 2001. Store in original packaging as approved by manu- 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY facturer. NOTE: Use ‘flammable liquid’ storage contain- ers. Stability: Stable. Avoid heat, sparks, open flames and strong oxidising agents.static discharge 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL 11. TOXOLILOGICAL INFORMATION PROTECTION Toxicity Data: Oral LD50 Rat; 2.48g/Kg Subcutaneous National Exposure Standards LD50 Mouse: 50mg/Kg Intramuscular LDLo G-pig: No exposure standard has been establishes fir this product 2250mg/Kg Sibcutaneous LDLo Dog; 1500MKkG by the Australain Safety and Compensation Council (ASCC) No adverse health effects expected if the product is handled in Biological Limit Values accordance with the Safety Data Sheet and the label. Symp- No information available on biological limit values for this toms that may arise if the product is mishandled are: product. Ingestion: Harmful: may cause lung damage if Swallowed. Engineering Controls. Harmful if ingested in quantity causing internal irritation, naus- A system of local and / or general exhaust is recommended ea, vomiting, dizziness, muscular weakness, rapid pulse and to keep employee exposures as low as possible Local ex- difficulty in breathing. In severe cases, delirium and convul- haust ventilation is generally preferred because it can control sions may occur. the emission of the contaminant at its source, preventing dis- Eye contact: A severe eye irritant. persion of it into the general work area. Use a flame proof Skin contact: Contact with skin may result in skin irritation. exhaust ventilation system. May cause sensitization by skin contact. PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT Inhalation: Potential irritant. Over-exposure at high levels may Respirator: Wear an approved respirator with Type A result in mucous membrane irritation of the nose and throat and Organic vapour and dust/mist filter if engineering controls coughing are inadequate (AS1715/1716). Eye protection: Chemical splash goggles (AS1336/1337). 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Hands: PVC or rubber gloved (AS2161). No information available for product Other protective equipment: Wear impervious coveralls and anti-static footwear (AS3765/2210). 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPER- Refer to State Land Waste Management Authority. TIES Form/Colour/Odour: Colourless to pale yellow liquid 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION Formula Unspecified Odour fresh camphor-like Classified as Dangerous Goods for the purpose of transport by odour road or rail. Vapour Pressure N/A Vapour Density N/A UN No.: 1993 Class: 3 Boiling Point 174-176 deg C Melting Point 1.5 deg Hazchem Code: 3[Y] EPG: 14 C Packaging Group: III Solubility in Water Practically insol. Proper Shipping Name: Flammable Liquid N.O.S (Euca- Specific Gravity 0.8850-0.9280 (20”C) (Water= 1) lyptus Oil) Segregation Dangerous Goods: Dangerous goods for trans- port. Not to be loaded with strong oxidants. M.S.D.S Page 3 of 3 Eucalyptus Oil 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION The Australian Standards for the following classes of Dangerous Goods form an important part of the Dangerous Goods frame- The substance is classified as Hazardous accord- work and contain useful guidance for the control of the hazards ing to the Approved Criteria for Classifying Haz- associated with these classes of Dangerous Goods. Class 2 - Gases ardous Substances [NOHSC:1008(2004)] 3rd Edi- AS/NZS 1596 The storage and handling of LP gas. tion. AS 1894 Code of practice for the safe handling of cryogenic flu- ids. Dangerous According to the Australia Code for the trans- AS 2022 SAA anhydrous ammonia code. port of Dangerous Goods. AS 2927 The storage and handling of liquefied chlorine gas. Classified as Dangerous Goods According to NZS AS 3961 Liquefied natural gas – storage and handling. 5433:1999 AS 4332 Storage and handling of gases in cylinders. Class 3 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids FLAMMABLE AS 1940 The storage and handling of flammable and combustible Risk Phrases R10 Flammable. liquids. R36/38 Irritating to eyes and skin. Class 5 - Oxidizing Agents and Organic Peroxides R43 May cause sensitisation by skin contact. AS 2714 The storage and handling of hazardous chemical mater- ials - Class 5.2 substances (organic peroxides). R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. AS 4326 The storage and handling of oxidising agents. Poisons Schedule (Aust)/Toxic Substance (NZ): SHEDULE Class 6 - Toxic Substances 5 POISON AS/NZS 4452 The storage and handling of toxic substances. AS 4081 The storage, handling and transport of liquid and lique- fied polyfunctional isocyanates. 16. OTHER INFORMATION Class 8 - Corrosive Substances Issue Date: 4/3/10 Author: C.I. Bright AS 3780 The storage and handling of corrosive substances. Class 9 - Miscellaneous Poisons Information Centres All states: 131126 AS/NZS 4681 The storage and handling of Class 9 (miscel- laneous) Dangerous Goods and articles. Mixed Classes 17. DISCLAIMER AS/NZS 3833 The storage and handling of mixed classes of Dan- gerous Goods in packages and intermediate bulk containers. Subscription details at: <http://www.standards.com.au</p><p>4. EXPOSURE STANDARDS Exposure Standards for Atmospheric Contaminants in the Occupational Environment. Exposure Standards Database. NOHSC (National Occupational Health & Safety Commis- sion). The Exposure Standards database is a searchable database provid- ing the airborne concentrations of individual chemical substances, which according to current knowledge should neither, impair the health of, nor cause undue discomfort to, nearly all workers. The exposure standards serve as guides only. APPENDIX 1 - INFORMATION SOURCES 5. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 1. HAZARD CLASSIFICATION (SEE ALSO CARCINOGENS) HAZARDTEXT List of Designated Hazardous Substances Micromedex. NOHSC (National Occupational Health & Safety Commis- HAZARDTEXT information to assist with the management of haz- sion). ardous chemical incidents such as spills or leaks - toxicity, fire A database of the more common hazardous substances, which and explosion data, chemical reactivity, personal protective provides guidance on the appropriate Risk and Safety informa- equipment and disposal guidelines. A good source of information tion for the MSDS. on personal protective equipment. Free at: Subscription details at: <http://www.micromedex.com> <http://www.nohsc.gov.au/OHSInformation/Databases/Hazard- Hazardous substances, chemical spills, emergency procedures, ousSubstances/> and personal protective equipment. Classification, hazardous substances, Risk phrases and Safety 6. TOXICITY REVIEWS phrases. The following sources provide full text reviews of the toxicity of Approved Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Substances chemical substances. NOHSC (National Occupational Health & Safety Commis- Environmental Health Criteria sion). International Programme on Chemical Safety. This document outlines the approved Australian classification cri- These criteria are reviews of environmental and toxicological lit- teria used in determining whether a substance is hazardous. erature on chemicals and physical agents published as a joint Free at: http://www.nohsc.gov.au/OHSInformation/NOHSCPublica- venture of the United Nations Environment Programme, the In- tions/fulltext/standards/nohsc1008_toc.htm ternational Labour Organization and the World Health Organiza- tion. 2. NOHSC CODES OF PRACTICE Free at: http://www.inchem.org/pages/ehc.html The following codes of practice provide useful information on hazardous substances and Dangerous Goods. Hazardous Substances END OF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET National Code of Practice for the Control of Workplace Hazardous Substances [NOHSC:2007(1994)]. Free at: <http://www.nohsc.gov.au/OHSInformation/NOHSCPublications/ fulltext/toc/H3-12.htm> National Code of Practice for the Control of Scheduled Carcino- genic Substances [NOHSC:2014(1995)]. Free at: <http://www.nohsc.gov.au/OHSInformation/NOHSCPublications/ fulltext/toc/H3-20.htm> Dangerous Goods National Standard for the Storage and Handling of Workplace Dangerous Goods [NOHSC:1015(2001)]. Free at: http://www.nohsc.gov.au/pdf/standards/NOHSC-2017- 2001_COP_pt01.pdf 3. AUSTRALIAN STANDARDS </p>
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