<p> BALTIC INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY</p><p>Academic Bachelor Study Programme </p><p>“Computer-aided design in microelectronics”</p><p>Code 43481</p><p>A C C R E D I T A T I O N M A T E R I A L S </p><p>Riga 2010 LIST OF CONTENTS </p><p>Application for the accreditation of the study programme……………………… 3</p><p>DOCUMENT APPENDANT TO THE APPLICATION FOR ACCREDITATION: Decision to open the study programme ………………………………….. 4 Applicant’contract of guarantee to continue education in case of liquidation …………….… 5 Licence……………………………….………………….….……….…... .. 7 SELF-EVALUTION REPORT: Introduction ……………………………………………………………………. 8 Bachelor study programme’s description ………………………………….. 8 Conformity of the study program to the LR Standard of Academic Higher Education……………………………………………………………………….. 11 Comparison of the study programme with the study programmes delivered at other higher education establishments in Latvia……………………………… 12 Comparison of the study programme with the study programmes delivered in other European states………………………………………………………….13 Public information and promotional efforts …………………………….….. 14 Financing the study programme ……………………………………….……….. 15 Implementation of the study programme ………………………………………..15 Forms and methods of studies …………………………………………...…15 Technical equipment and information resource used in the study programme…………………………………………………………………..16 E- study Environment ………………………………….………………….. 16 Duties and responsibilities of the teaching staff members…………………..16 Work of the teaching staff members with the students – work methods and organization…………………………………………..17 Multilingual method of instruction………………………………………….17 Assessment of the students’ achievements …………………………………17 Students’ survey and analysis of the data …………………………………..18 Students’ participation in the study process improvement …………………20 Study programme administration and management ………………………..20 Council of the study programme ……………………………………………20 Number of students in the study programme...... …….21 Material resources, facilities and infrastructure in the study programme………...21 implementation...... Plans for the programme expansion and development ...... 22 Description of BIA computer rooms ………………………………………...23 BIA library...... ………….24 Description of the BIA premises available for the study programme …….....27 Composition of the academic staff……………………………………………...... 28 Research and methods-related activities of the academic staff …………………..29 Publications …………………………………………………………….…….29 Research activities ………………...………………………………………… 36 External contacts of the study programme …………………………………...... 37 SWOT analysis …………………………………….…………………...... 38 Appendix 1. Synopses of the study courses……………………………………….. Appendix 2. Transport and Communication Institute study programme Appendix 3. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and University of 2 Newcastle study programme…………………………….………….. Appendix 4. Teaching staff CVs…………………………………………………..</p><p>Appendix 5. BIA financial statement...... Appendix 6. Survey questionnaire pattern……………………………………………… Appendix 7. Diploma pattern……………………………………………………</p><p>3 4 5</p><p>6 7 Introduction</p><p>The traditions related to electronics in Latvia are significant and deep-rooted. Major industrial electronic enterprises, such as VEF, Radiotehnika un Alfa used to work in Riga, requiring specialists to be prepared by the educational institutions of Latvia. Currently, there are a number of small and medium enterprises in Latvia involved with designing of microelectronic devices (Hanzas Elektronika, SAF Tehnika, Mikrotīkls and others). Information is available that the specialists in the field of electronics are in demand at the European labour market. Besides, research and educational institutions require specialists in electronics capable to conduct research and do pedagogical work. Methods to design electronic devices differ from those made use of 10-20 years ago, when the projects were worked out manually, after that a mock-up was made and tested making use of measurement equipment such as testers, oscillographs etc.), which subsequently were verified to minimize errors. Presently, the range of electronic components available has changed; which means that the project developers have at their disposal instead of transistors, resistors etc. of an earlier time, the so-called microchip comprising millions of components. This allows designing complex schemes on a single microchip. Such work cannot be performed manually. The process of design must be computerised. Besides, measurements for error minimization cannot be performed in the microchip environment. Testing should be performed based on computer modelling and testing. The goal of the programme is to prepare for Latvia, Europe and other countries of the world competitive IT specialists capable to work in a range of enterprises as well as to pursue education in master studies and doctor studies, to conduct research and perform pedagogical activities. Objectives of the study programme: 1) To offer the students the the opportunity to acquire knowledge in mathematics and computer science; 2) To equip the students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in software developments; 3) To develop with the students awareness concerning computer-aided design/ enginering systems and computer-aided design; 4) to equip the students with knowledge / comprehension/ awareness in computer systems development; 5) To equip the students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in modern microelectronics; 6) Based on state of art developments, to train the students in microelectronic chip computer- aided design Content-wise the study programme was designed to meet the above objectives. The field of computer-aided design is rapidly changing and transforming. For that reason the study programme is designed as an academic programme, not a professional one, in order to equip the students not only with the fundamental theoretical knowledge in the branch of science enabling they to actually function in the chosen field, but also lay the foundations for further expansion and amplification of the knowledge and skills. In order to promote the competitiveness of our graduates abroad the study programme intends to use in the study process textbooks published in Europe and USA, and deliver several study courses in English. The Director of the study programme has had experience in teaching the respective courses and conducting research in foreign universities in the Netherlands, UK, and South Korea.</p><p>8 The students having successfully completed the study programme will become qualified specialists in computer science possessing the following characteristics:</p><p>- skills and abilities to program in various programming languages and Professional competence operating systems; - ability to design, making use of computer systems and programming languages; - the ability to deal with design algorithms; - skills and understanding in modern computer systems architecture; - skills and abilities in application of modern designing methods; Communicative - ability to communicate effectively with colleagues and clients; competence - basic skills of an effective public speaker - ability to use the acquired foreign language in professional situations; Language competence - ability to use specialist literature in foreign languages; - ability to create a presentation for foreign partners; - ability to collaborate with foreign colleagues; - ability to use reference books, data books, encyclopedias, and various dictionaries; Learning competence - ability to find and select the information needed in a professional situation; - ability to develop professional skills and amplify knowledge making use of various information resources; - skills and abilities to choose, select, and arrange the information necessary for work; - skills and abilities to take part in various professional competitions, seminars and conferences </p><p>Bachelor study programme’s description </p><p>The study program offers full-time and part-time modes of studies. The full-time and part- time modes differ in only schedule. ● Admission requirements – a document to confirm general secondary education ● Amount of credit points – 120 credit points ● Length of studies: - Full-time (day and evening) studies: 3 academic years (6 semesters), - Part-time studies: 4 academic years (8 semesters), ● Academic degree awarded: Bachelor of Natural Science in Computer Science. The study subjects making up the Bachelor study programme can be viewed in the Tables 1a. (full-time studies) and Table 1b. (part-time studies).</p><p>Table 1a. Academic study programme “Computer-aided design in microelectronics” Providing for award of Bachelor of Natural Science in Computer Science full-time studies Curriculum</p><p>Nr Code Course title 1.ac.year 2.ac.year 3.ac.year Assessment CP 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th semester semester semester semester semester semester CP CP CP CP CP CP A. Mandatory courses 1. Higher 4 2 2 Exam. mathematics </p><p>9 2. Scientific and 2 2 Exam technical Latvian 3. Scientific and 4 2 2 Test/Exam technical English 4. Computer 4 4 Exam. architecture 5. Discrete 4 4 Exam. mathematics 6. Combinatorics 4 4 Exam.</p><p>7. Graph theory 4 4 Exam. 8. Structured 4 2 2 Test/Exam. programming (C language), 2 2 Test inc. course work 9. Object-Oriented 4 2 2 Test/Exam. Programming pr.(C++/Java) 2 2 Test Inc. course work 10. Visual 2 2 Exam. programming 2 2 test (VB) incl. course work 11. Algorithm 4 4 Exam. theory 12. Theory of 2 2 Exam. operating system 13. Open operating 2 2 Exam. system 14. Probability 4 4 Exam. theory 15. Information 4 4 Exam. theory 16. Modern 2 1 Exam. networks 1 incl. course project 17. Web 4 4 Exam. programming 18. Databases 4 4 Exam. 68 20 16 14 10 8 B. Obligatory-choice courses 19. Programming 4 4 Exam. language “Assembler” 20. Microelectronics 4 4 Exam. 21. Digital and 4 4 Exam. Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) logic circuits 22. Electric circuits 4 4 Exam. 23. Logic design of 4 4 Exam. circuits 24. VHDL language 4 4 Exam. 25. VHDL language 2 2 Test -project 26. Computer-aided 4 4 Exam. calculus 27. Microelectronic 4 4 Exam. chips and embedded systems 34 0 4 4 8 10 8</p><p>10 C. Free - choice courses 8 2 2 2 2 28. IT in 2 Test management 29. Management 2 Test 30. Accounting 2 Test 31. Social 2 Test psychology 32. Visual 2 Test communication resources 33. Intellectual 2 Test property rights 34. EC labour law 2 Test 35. Logic 2 Test Bachelor paper 10 10 120 20 20 20 20 20 20 120</p><p>Table 1b.</p><p>Academic study programme “Computer-aided design in microelectronics” Providing for award of Bachelor of Natural Science in computer science part-time studies Curriculum</p><p>N Code Course title 1.ac.year 2.ac.year 3.ac.year 4.ac.year Assessm CP 1.sem 2.sem 3.sem 4.sem 5.sem 6.sem 7.sem 8.sem. ent CP CP CP CP CP CP CP. CP. A. Mandatory courses 1. Higher mathematics 4 2 2 Exam. 2. Scientific and technical 2 2 Exam Latvian 3. Scientific and technical 4 2 2 Test/Exam English 4. Computer architecture 4 4 Exam. 5. Discrete mathematics 4 4 Exam. 6. Combinatorics 4 4 Exam. 7. Graph theory 4 4 Exam. 8. Structured programming (C 4 2 2 Test/Exam. language), incl. course work 2 2 Test 9. Object-Oriented 4 2 2 Test/Exam. Programming (C++/Java) incl. course work 2 2 Test 10. Visual programming (VB) 2 2 Exam./ incl. course work 2 2 Test 11. Algorithm theory 4 4 Exam. 12. Theory of operating 2 2 Exam. systems 13. Open operating systems 2 2 Exam. 14. Theory of probability 4 4 Exam. 15. Information theory 4 4 Exam.</p><p>11 16. Modern networks 2 1 Exam. incl. course project 1 17. Web programming 4 4 Exam. 18. Databases 4 4 Exam. 68 16 14 16 10 10 2 0 0 B. Obligatory-choice courses 19. Programming language 4 4 4 4 Exam. “Assembler” 20. Microelectronics 4 4 Exam. 21. Digital and Very-large- 4 4 Exam. scale integration (VLSI) logic circuits 22. Electric circuits 4 4 Exam. 23. Logic design of circuits 4 4 Exam. 24. VHDL language 4 4 Exam. 25. VHDL language -project 2 2 Test 26. Computer-aided calculus 4 Exam. 27. Microelectronic processors 4 Exam. and embedded systems 34 0 0 0 4 4 12 14 0 C. Free-choice courses 8 2 2 2 2 28. IT in management 2 Test 29. Management 2 Test 30. Accounting 2 Test 31. Social psychology 2 Test 32. Visual communication 2 Test resources 33. Intellectual property rights 2 Test 34. EC labour law 2 Test 35. Logic 2 Test Bachelor paper 10 10 120 16 14 16 14 16 16 16 12 120</p><p>Conformity of the study programme to the LR State Standards of Academic Higher Education </p><p>The study programme is designed in conformity with the LR MC Regulations Nr.2 of 3January, 2002 , “Regulations on State standards of academic professional higher education and Law on Higher Education. </p><p>Table 2.</p><p>Requirements of the State Standard Content of the Bachelor study programme mandatory courses (at least 50 Credit mandatory courses - 68 Credit Points Points), including the core propositions, principles, structure and methodology of the branch or sub- 32 Credit Points: branch (at least 25 Credit Points) Higher mathematics– 4CP Discrete mathematics – 4CP 12 Combinatorics– 4CP Graph theory– 4CP Structured programming (PASCAL/C) – 6CP Object-Oriented Programming (C++/Java)- 6CP Probability theory – 4CP</p><p>12 Credit Points:</p><p>Typical issues and line of developments in Algorithm theory– 4CP the branches and sub-branches of the Information theory– 4CP science (at least 10 Credit Points) Computer architecture – 4CP</p><p>24 Credit Points: Description of branches or sub-branches of Scientific and technical Latvian. – 2CP science and interdisciplinary aspects (at Scientific and technical English. – 4CP least 15 Credit Points) Visual programming (VB) – 4CP Operating systems – 4CP Web programming – 4CP Modern networks – 2CP Databases – 4CP Obligatory choice courses (at least 20 Obligatory choice courses – 34 Credit Credit Points) Points Free-choice courses Free-choice courses – 8 Credit points Programme credit value - 120 - 160 Credit Programme credit value – 120 Credit Points Points Bachelor thesis: at least 10 Credit Points Bachelor thesis – 10 Credit Points </p><p>Comparison of the study programme with study programmes delivered at other higher establishments in Latvia </p><p>The study programme is compared with the study programme “Bachelor of natural science in computer science” offered at Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) (table 3). Table 3</p><p>Higher Study programme Distribution across Education the blocks (%) Credit Establishment A B C points TSI Bachelor of natural 71 23 6 160 (Transport& science in computer Telecommunication Institute) science BIA Computer-aided design in 64 31 5 120 microelectronics</p><p>On comparison of the two study programme one can clearly see that the Block A study courses are similar in both programmes. The number of the study course comprising Block B in BIA programme is smaller compared to TSI study programme, while the specific weight of the courses is greater and content-wise they are more oriented towards computer-aided design.</p><p>Study programme comparison with study programmes offered in other EU states </p><p>13 The Bachelor study programme is compared with the study programmes concerned with computer-aided design implemented at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VTU, Lithuania) and University of Newcastle (UNL, UK) (table 4). It should be noted that VTU offers 4-year Bachelor programme, while UNL implements 3-year studies providing for the award of Bachelor degree. In order to carry out the comparison the study courses in the programmes are divided into groups, such as: MC – courses devoted to mathematics and physics; CC – courses concerned with computer; MEC – courses devoted to microelectronics; EC – courses devoted to economics and other courses in social science and liberal arts; LC – language courses. The study courses divided into groups and compared with the respective groups of courses in other study programmes are given in the Table, where also the specific weight of the courses in CP can be viewed. As the table shows, in our programme the list of the study courses in MC group is more detailed than in VTU or NCL. Also, the BIA programme has more courses in the groups CC and EC. The specific weight in CP of the groups of study courses at BIA is approximately the same as at VTU and NCL except for the MEC group, where the CP specific weight of the study courses in BIA programme is twice smaller than at VTU and NCL. However, the CP specific weight of BIA CC group of study courses is almost twice greater than at VTU, which is in tune with our intention to design a programme with concentration on computerization (and not electronics). </p><p>Table 4</p><p>Study courses BSA KP, CP (1 CP= 40ac. hrs ) CP specific Group weights BIA VTU NCL BIA VTU NCL Higher mathematics – 4CP Physics – 6CP Engineering Discrete Mathematics – 4CP Mathematics –16CP Mathematics – 20 CP Combinatorics - 4CP Discrete Mathematics- Discrete MC Graph theory – 4CP 3CP Mathematics-10 CP Probability theory – 4CP 23 20 14% Algorithm theory – 4CP % % Information theory – 4CP</p><p>Computer architecture-4CP Computer Graphics- Problem Solving, Modern networks – 2CP 4CP Program Design and Operating systems– 4CP Programming Implementation – Visual programming (VB) – Languages C, C++ - 20CP 4CP 5CP Operating Systems- Web programming – 4CP Script Programming- 10 CP Structured programming - 4CP Object-oriented 6CP Database-2 CP Program Design and Object-Oriented Programming Computer Architecture- Development – 20 CC (C++/Java)- 6CP 3CP CP 40 25 42% Programming language Microprocessors-3CP Computer Systems- % % “Assembler” -4CP Design and 20 CP VHDL language -4CP Technologies of Chips- Algorithm Design VHDL language – design -2CP 2CP and Analysis Computer-aided calculus - 4CP Multimedia-3CP Project-10CP Microprocessors and embedded Computer Systems-3CP systems -4CP Design with VHDL- 2KP IT in management – 2KP Philosophy-2 CP Introduction to Management - 2CP Economics- 2 CP Business Accounting – 2CP Man and Environment- Management-10 CP Social psychology - 2CP 2CP Intellectual property rights – Political Theory- 2CP EC 2CP Management-2 CP 14 EU labour law -2 CP History of the 13 10 5% Logic – 2CP Engineering- 2CP % %</p><p>Digital and (VLSI) circuits Introduction in Signals and logic – 4CP Electronics –3CP Communications-20 Electric circuits – 4 CP Electrical Engineering- CP Design of logic circuits – 4CP Fundamentals of Embedded Systems- Microelectronics – 4 CP Electronics – 4CP 10CP Electronic Devices –4 Design of VLSI CP Systems-10CP Signals and Circuits- 9 Electronics –20CP MEC CP Circuit Theory-20CP 15 41 39% Digital Circuits-4 CP % % Theory of Electromagnetic Fields- 3 CP Digital Signal Processing – 4 CP Microwave Technology – 3CP Computer Periphery and Computer Systems- 3 CP Computer Engineering – 3 CP Computer Aided Design – 3 CP Design of Integrated Circuits – 3 CP Technologies of Electronic Systems-3CP Technologies of Electronics Systems (complex project)-3CP Scientific and technical Latvian Language-2CP LC – 2CP Specialty Language 4% 4% 0% Scientific and technical English Culture-2CP – 4CP</p><p>Public information and promotional efforts </p><p>The study programme jointly with other BIA study programmes holds public information and promotion and campaigns according to preliminary plans and strategy. The campaign comprises a number of strands and is targeting the following audiences: high school graduates; their parents; individuals with secondary education and vocational secondary education; school teachers.</p><p>To market the study programme and create awareness about it in the course of the promotional campaign the following mass media are used in the LR and regions: TV, radio, and the press.Open door and information days are held. Starting from February till May, representatives of the study programme organize meetings with high school pupils at schools. During the meetings, the school pupils gain detailed information concerning the study process and the admission requirements. BIA Rector, heads of the programmes, employees and BIA students take part in the open-door days held by the Academy. The heads of the programmes and students on the regular basis take part in the annual exhibition “Skola”, held in Riga and other cities and towns of Latvia: Daugavpils, Liepāja, Rēzekne, Valmiera, and similar exhibitions in Viļnius, Tallinn, St-Petersburg, and Moscow. 15 To create awareness concerning the study programme advertisements and communications are placed in the following media: radio channels PIK, Mix FM 102,7, radio SWH; printed editions: collections “Augstskolas Latvijā”, “Izglītība ārzemēs”; periodical: “Digital Times”, “O & K”, ”Lauku avīze”, „Neatkarīgā rīta avīze”, “Diena”, “Latvijas santīms”, “Mērķis”, “Вести сегодня”, “Телеграф”, “Даугавпилс”, „Oбразование и карьера”; regional television channels: in Līvāni, Daugavpils, Dagda, Smiltene, Ogeē, Dobele, Talsi, Mālpils. catalogues “Izglītības ceļvedis”. Promotional booklets.</p><p>Financing the study programme </p><p>Financing of the Bachelor study programme comes from: financing from the founders; tuition fee paid by the students (see Table 5); income from the research activities; donations and charity.</p><p>Financial standing of BIA is secure (see Appendix 5.). At the end of each fiscal year the income exceeds the expenditure. The turnover cost-effectiveness in is 15-20%, and for a private educational establishment in Latvia this is a high figure. Table 5.</p><p>Tuition fee per semester (Ls) 2009/10 ac. year Day department (full-time studies) 550 Evening department (full-time 470 studies) Part-time studies -</p><p>Implementation of the study programme Forms and methods of studies In the study programme implementation the following teaching-learning methods are made use of:</p><p>Traditional teaching-learning methods:</p><p> Theoretical lectures with interactive elements and, if possible, slide demonstration; Laboratory classes, commonly at the compute; Practical classes – problem solving at the desk or at the table with a subsequent discussion of the methods used for the solution.</p><p>Independent work of students: written reports presented to the audience; annual / course paper;</p><p>16 project elaboration; homework – home assignments.</p><p>Technical equipment and information resource used in the study programme </p><p>Technical equipment (computers, OHP, projectors etc.) take a significant place in the study programme implementation. Slides are shown during the lectures, also, it is possible to view the lectures delivered by foreign lecturers, which are accessible at the Internet (for example, at http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Electrical-Engineering-and-Computer-Science/6-002Spring- 2007/VideoLectures/index.htm) or video study courses (such as VHDL language video course at http://www.appliedvhdl.com/course/part_one/). Besides, the slides are distributed in electronic form, as well as the guidelines for the laboratory assignments are.</p><p>E- study environment </p><p>Use of the Internet plays an important role in the study process. In the Internet the students find the information about the time-table, also, the changes in the timetables are accessible at the Internet. Besides, the students actively use the Internet as a source of study materials (to find articles and monographs), for correspondence with the teachers, to get advice from the tutors on the annual papers and from the scientific advisers of their diploma thesis, etc.). Therefore, use of the Internet for the study purposes may be considered as a resource providing for fast exchange of information, an interactive communication channel connecting the students and the teachers. The students’ forum is used by the students to share books, to discuss the approaches how to fulfil the home assignments, to cooperate in finding solutions for complex problems. </p><p>Duties and responsibilities of the teaching staff members.</p><p>Each academic staff member delivering lectures, holding seminars or practical classes has the following duties and responsibilities:</p><p> to formulate the requirements for the end-of-semester or final control (the self- check questions for the course materials and examination questions for the exams or tests), which should be submitted as an integral part of the course description; to compile a list of recommended reading; to assist the students in independent work organization; to take differentiated approach to organize the individual student’s independent work; to encourage the students’ interest for in-depth knowledge in the study discipline concerned to define the volume of the practical assignments in conformity with the study programme; provide methodical aids in delivering the study subject, i.e. create the methodical aids and materials (control assignments, tests, lecture notes, etc.).</p><p>In the ac. year 2009/2010 competency-based approach to assess the learning outcomes is actively introduced in the study process. </p><p>Work of the teaching staff members with the students – work methods and organization. </p><p>17 Semester curricula feature not only lectures, seminars, practical classes, but also teachers’ individual work with the students: scheduled consultations/tutorials and check-ups. Those activities take the following forms: o individual tutorials for the students, the student settling the underachievement debts; o control works or tests (also with the use of computers); o tutorials to help prepare the students to speak at the seminars ; o progress tutorials for the term papers and the diploma thesis elaboration and presentation.</p><p>In conformity with the confirmed study programme the teachers in their work with the students use both group-work and individual-work methods. Considerable emphasis is placed on the independent work of the students, such as projects, presentations, creative assignments, compiling the lists of the reading done by the students etc. For the consultations with the students the teachers use the Internet. Through the Internet the students can send their questions and requests for information anytime and receive answers promptly without having to wait for the scheduled consultations.</p><p>Multilingual teaching-learning methods </p><p>We believe, that the programme graduates will be more competitive both at the local and international labour market if they are fluent in three languages: Latvian, Russian and English. Therefore the students are offered multilingual instruction. The lectures are delivered in Russian, at the same time the slides, literature, methodical aids and manuals are also created in Latvian and English. </p><p>Assessment of the students’ achievements </p><p>The students’ knowledge and skills are evaluated based on the following forms of control: Tests and exams; Reports, course work, qualification work elaborated and produced by the students; Bachelor paper.</p><p>The following types of students’ skills and knowledge assessment on 10-point system.are carried out in the course of the study programme implementation: progressive assessment, end- of–semester assessment and final assessment Progressive: Control works, home assignments, course work, reports. End-of-semester: test and exams during the examination period. Final: Presentation of the qualification work. The students’ knowledge, skills and abilities are evaluated on 10-point system: (10 («with distinction»), 9 («excellent»), 8 («very good»), 7 («good»), 6 («almost good»), 5 («satisfactory»), 4 («almost satisfactory»). Evaluation of the students’ knowledge and skills is carried out as stipulated by the LR MC regulations and the BIA internal regulations The main principles of the students’ knowledge and skills assessment are: positive achievements are summarized and accumulated; evaluation is obligatory; requirements are clear and transparent; form of evaluation are various; evaluation is relevant and adequate.</p><p>18 The students are informed about the form of control already at the beginning of the study course, when they are familiarized with the study programme. Students’ knowledge and skills are assessed in all the study courses, project activities, course work, tests and exams. Assessment is carried out based on 10-point system. Exam is a written, oral, or visual form of control of the students’ knowledge, skills and abilities based on a ten-point system. Examination is passed if the evaluation is at least 4 points. Test is a written or oral form of examination of the students’ knowledge, skills and abilities based on a ten-point system. The weight of the exam and test in evaluation earned by the students is as follows: 30%- work during the semester, 70% - exam (test). The types of assessment are determined by the study programme, but the form of evaluation (written or oral) is decided on by the lecturer teaching the specific course. A student is allowed to attempt to pass an exam or a test twice in one specific study course. If the attempts have been unsuccessful, for the third time the students can try and pass the exam or test before a commission. Bachelor paper is evaluated on a 10-point system; the lowest satisfactory evaluation is 4 points. Presentation of the Bachelor paper takes place before a commission carrying out the final evaluation. The following principles are observed in the course of the Bachelor paper presentation and evaluation: presentation of the Bachelor paper takes place at the meeting of the commission carrying out the final evaluation; the commission is made up of at least five people; the commission is made up of the specialists working at the enterprises related to the field or members of the professional associations, heads of the similar programmes, and representatives of BIA; at least 50% of the composition of the commission must be the representatives of enterprises, also the Chairman of the commission must be either a member of a professional association or a representative of the field-related enterprise; the composition of the commission and the Chairman candidature are confirmed by the BIA Rector. The Diploma of Bachelor of natural sciences in computer science is awarded to the graduates who have successfully fulfilled the study programme requirements and have successfully presented the Bachelor paper. The curriculum of the study programme is examined and confirmed by the Programme Director. The quality of the teachers’ work and the contents of the study courses are evaluated by the Methodical Council. </p><p>Students’ survey and analysis of the data </p><p>Students’ survey at BIA is conducted on a regular basis at the end of each semester. Based on the questionnaires the students evaluate on a ten-point system the work of the teachers, organization of the study process, extra-curricular activities, provision of the study programme with technical equipment, state their wishes and suggestions for the study process improvement. (Fig.1). The questionnaires are filled out on a no-name basis, therefore the students can express their opinions without restraint. The data thus obtained are processed with the aid of computer. </p><p>19 1. Izvēle studēt BSA. 10. Ārpus studiju pasākumi. 2. Studiju programma .</p><p>9. Attiecības ar kursa biedriem. 3. Nodarbību saraksts.</p><p>8. Attieksme pret studentiem. 4. Nodarbību organizācija .</p><p>7. Iespēja izmantot datorklases un 5. Auditoriju tehniskais stāvoklis. "INTERNET". 6. Studentu nodrošinājums ar literatūru.</p><p>Fig.1 Questions in the student’s questionnaire: 1. Decision to study at BIA. 2. Study programme 3. The time-table 4.Organization of the study process.5. Technical condition of the classrooms 6.Provision of the students with the methodical aids 7. Access to computer rooms and the Internet 8. Attitude to the students 9. Peer relations 10. Extra0curricula activities </p><p>Izmainījās uz labo pusi Neizmainījās Izmainījās uz slikto pusi</p><p>3. kurss</p><p>2. kurss</p><p>1. kurss</p><p>0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%</p><p>Fig 2. Changes in the students’ opinion concerning the Academy Change for the better. No change. Change for the worse.</p><p>Rudens 2009/2010</p><p>8.80 8.47 8.40</p><p>8.00 7.81</p><p>7.60 7.45</p><p>7.20</p><p>6.80 Apmierinātības pakāpe Pasniegšanas kvalitāte Nodarbību m etodiskā ar mācībām institūtā nodrošinājum a līm enis Fig.. 3. Satisfaction with the studies at the academy. Quality of teaching. Provision with the methodical aids and materials. </p><p>The data obtained in the survey demonstrate that during the first semester the students were adjusting to the new study environment and methods different from the secondary school (Fig. 2). 20 The data obtained in the survey show, that the students on the whole are satisfied with the content of the programme and the quality of teaching (Fig.3). The teachers’ attitude to the students and peer relations ( relations with fellow students) earned a positive evaluation. </p><p>Students’ participation in the study process improvement</p><p>Internal quality control system (internal audit) is employed at BIA. The main directions of the system are: self-evaluation of the study programme carried out by the Programme Council on a regular basis; audit of the study programme carried out by the BIA Academic Methodical Council with participation of the teachers involved in the study programme and BIA administration; active participation of the students in the quality assurance of the study process.</p><p>Students’ participation in the study process improvement takes the following forms: the students’ survey data concerning the study process, quality of teaching, and the wishes of the respondents are taken into consideration while compiling the semester curricula; the students take part in creating schedules for the examination period; Students’ Parliament organizes the students’ life in the Academy and provides the information flow between the administration and the students; A representative from the students is included into the Programme Council Students’ Parliament organizes the students’ free-time activities and events (discotheques, tourist trips, hiking). In the organization of the study process the students’ opinion is significant. The data obtained from the students’ survey are discussed at the meetings of the Programme Council. If some problems become evident from the students’ survey which can be solved jointly with the students, the possibilities for the solutions are discussed with the students. </p><p>Study programme administration and management </p><p>The study programme administration and management is realized by the director of the study programme “Computer-aided design in microelectronics” Dr.Sc.Ing., ass. prof., I. Lemberskis and Programme Council which convenes on a regular basis and considers issues related to education and study process.</p><p>Council of the study programme </p><p>Council Chairman– Dr.Sc.Ing., asoc prof., I. Lemberskis Council members – Dr. Phys.Vocišs; Dr. Sc.Ing., doc. J. Žukovska Anna Zemmele, 3rd year student</p><p>Quality assurance of the study process is implemented through: open lectures; inspection of studies; visiting of the classes; students’ survey.</p><p>21 Feed-back from the students is effected through: regular meetings of the Programme Director with the group seniors; analysis of the students’ survey data; students’ participation in the activities of the Programme Council; regular meetings of the Programme Director with the students self-government.</p><p>The Programme Director teaches a number of specialists courses in the study programme, which allows him to be in close contact with the students on the day-to-day basis and expeditiously solve the problems related to the study process as they arise. </p><p>Number of the students in the study programme </p><p>Currently, the number of the students in the programme is 14 students, including 2 foreign students (1 person from Uzbekistan, 1 person from Azerbaijan). In 2009 7 students were matriculated, in 2008 - 6 students, 3 from whom interrupted the studies for various reasons (health condition, death, financial problems). One student came over from Riga Technical University. In 2007, 3 students were matriculated, who currently are successfully studying and in 2010 intend to present their Diploma theses and be awarded Bachelor degree (Table 6).</p><p>The students and the teachers of the study programme take an active part in the exhibition „SKOLA”, information events organised by BIA, Open Door Days, in the meetings at the secondary schools, meetings with the secondary school pupils etc. with the view to increase the number of the students entering the study programme. As the result the number of the students in the programme is continually growing. The dynamics of the students’ number can be viewed in the Table 6.</p><p>Table 6.</p><p>Form of studies 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Full-time 7(7) 4(6) 3(3) Part-time - - - Total 7 4 3</p><p>Note: the numbers in the brackets () refer to the students enrolled in the first study year </p><p>Material resources, facilities and infrastructure in the study programme implementation </p><p>Towards the beginning of the ac. year 2009/2010 the following new technical and technological resources, facilities and equipment were acquired to make provisions for the study process implementation: new computers, printers, scanners, photocopiers, software and other; the computer classes were modernised, BIA information system was developed and put into operation. Important improvements:</p><p> Local computer network and access to the Internet have been modified resulting in fast, stable high-security level BIA Intranet); IBN integrated business network Study courses registers and course registers, students’ register, employee register, financial control and management systems have been created.</p><p>22 The following resources and facilities are available for the BIA students and teaching staff:</p><p>1. Computer classes </p><p> Computers equipped with Intel Pentium, Celeron un Apple processors, licensed software, access to the Internet and other functions and systems: - 7 computer classes (154 computers) Lomonosova 4, - 2 computer classes (40 computers) Lomonosova 1/24; licensed software MS Windows, MS Office, antivirus software is installed in all the computers; special software to be used in our study programme is installed in computers: language compilers, platforms and development environment for visual programming languages, integrated software, LABVIEW, WEBPACK, OCTAVE and other. all the computers are connected to the BIA intranet, have access to the resources of the server and the Internet; the students and the employees can use BIA e-mail service; records of the students achievements and financial liabilities; BIA home page is maintained and up-dated, where all the important information concerning the study process (descriptions of the study courses, timetables etc.) is accessible.</p><p>2. Communication resources:</p><p> Every actual computer address is included into the local computer network thus forming the BIA Intranet domain. Web, DNS, e-mail servers are maintained.</p><p>Plans for the programme expansion and development </p><p>We believe that the study programme has the essential potentials and will take its rightful place among the study programmes implemented in the LR. Financing for the improvement of the study programme was received in 2010 from European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) according to „Modernizing facilities and equipment at higher education institutions to ensure the quality improvement of the study programmes and to ensure access to education for persons with functional disabilities”. Expansion of the number of the students in the programme is an urgent objective the programme is currently facing. The following efforts have been put on the list for the purpose to increase the number of the students:</p><p> To create awareness about the study programme in mass media; To pay information visits to schools and inform the high school pupils about the study programme; To take part in the annual exhibition „SKOLA 2011” and other information and promotional events, organised by BIA. Take part in Open Door days.</p><p>The financing allocated by the ERDF we are planning to use for:</p><p> Modernization and equipment of the computer classes; Purchasing the study books, also in English;</p><p>23 Purchasing the study facilities (Spartan-3E FPGA Starter Kit, http://www.xilinx.com/univ/hwboards.htm); Purchasing the licensed software (Labview, Sim and others) required for the computer- aided design purposes.</p><p>Description of BIA computer rooms Class N1: Computers (20): Pentium IV-3,0/1024/80/DVD/Sound/LAN/17' LCD/KBD/MouseMicrosoft Windows XP Pro, OpenOffice, Microsoft Office 2000, Kaspersky Antivirus, 7-zip, GNU C++ compiler, MASM, Webpack, Labview, Octave, Lazarus, Tilde Jumis, Octave, Opera, Mozilla FireFox, Adobe Acrobat Reader, FfdShow, Qtime, Macromedia Flash Player, Macromedia ShockWave player, Java RE Class N2: Computers (20): Pentium IV-3,0/1024/80/DVD/Sound/LAN/17' LCD/KBD/Mouse Microsoft Windows XP Pro, OpenOffice, Microsoft Office 2000, Kaspersky Antivirus, 7-zip, GNU C++ compiler, Lazarus, Opera, Mozilla FireFox, Adobe Acrobat Reader, FfdShow, Qtime, Macromedia Flash Player, Macromedia ShockWave player, Java RE Class N3: Computers (23): Apple G5 MacOS 10, Windows XP Pro, Adobe Creative Suite, AutoCAD, 3D MAX, Corel DRAW, OpenOffice Class N4: Computers (29): Processors: Pentium III-1000, atmiņa: 256 Mb, video atmiņa: 4-16 Mb, hard disks: 20-80 Gb, FDD, LAN, keyboard, mouse, pad, monitors: 18’ LCD, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Office 2000, OpenOffice, GIMP, Inkscape, Kaspersky Antivirus, 7-zip, Amadeus, Opera, Mozilla FireFox, Adobe Acrobat Reader, FfdShow, Qtime, Macromedia Flash Player, Macromedia ShockWave player, Java RE Class N5: Computers (29): Processors: Pentium III-1000, atmiņa: 256 Mb, video atmiņa: 4-16 Mb, hard disks: 20-80 Gb, FDD, LAN, keyboard, mouse, pad, monitors: 18’ LCD Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Office 2000, OpenOffice, GIMP, Inkscape, Kaspersky Antivirus, 7-zip, Trados, Opera, Mozilla FireFox, Adobe Acrobat Reader, FfdShow, Qtime, Macromedia Flash Player, Macromedia ShockWave player, Java RE Class N6: Datori (25): Apple G5 MacOS 10, Adobe Creative Suite, Corel DRAW, OpenOffice Class N7: Computers (18): Apple iMac MacOS 10, Parallel Desktop, Windows XP Pro, Adobe Creative Suite, AutoCAD, 3D MAX, Corel DRAW!, Open Office Class N8: Computers (14): Processors: Pentium IV-3,0, memory: 512 Mb, video memory: 128 Mb, hard disks: 120 Gb, FDD, LAN, keyboard, mouse, pad, monitors: 17’ CRT Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Office 2000, OpenOffice, Kaspersky Antivirus, 3D MAX, Corel DRAW, Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe Premiere, Macromedia Suite, AutoCAD, BCAD, 7- zip, Opera, Mozilla FireFox, Adobe Acrobat Reader, FfdShow, Qtime, Macromedia Flash Player, Macromedia ShockWave player, Java RE Class N9: 24 Computers(16): Processors: Celeron 1,8, memory: 512 Mb, Video memory: 64 Mb, hard disks: 40 Gb, FDD, LAN, keyboard, mouse, pad, monitors: 17’ CRT Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Office 2000, Kaspersky Antivirus, 3D MAX, Corel DRAW, Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe Premiere, Macromedia Suite, AutoCAD, BCAD, 7-zip, Opera, Mozilla FireFox, Adobe Acrobat Reader, FfdShow, Qtime, Macromedia Flash Player, Macromedia ShockWave player, Java RE</p><p>All the computers are connected to the local network and have Access to the global web Internet. Pieejamais materiāltehniskais nodrošinājums:</p><p>Table 7.</p><p>Technical and computer equipment available for the study programme Lomonosova 1/24 and 4 Computers 194 Printers 40 Scanner 10 Photocopiers 10 OHP (overhead projectors) 15 Tape recorders 10 Multimedia projectors 9 Laptops 3 Fax/printers 8 Fax 3</p><p>BIA library </p><p>The library stock used in the programme is classified according to UDC system.</p><p>33 Economy. National economy. Economics. 330+51 Econometrics 62 330+51(M) Mathematical methods in economics. 36 311Statistics theory. Statistical methods 52 681 Computer engineering. Computer technologies 65 681.1(M) Information Technologies 56</p><p>BIA library holds academic library accreditation. BIA library:</p><p> BIA Library is a LATABA member, Consortium of Law Libraries member; BIA Library is organized and work in conformity with the LR legislation on academic libraries;</p><p>Library stock as of 09.03.2010 form over 40543 copies (books, brochures, magazines). Including: In Latvian - 5296; In English - 2854; In Russian - 32384.</p><p>Library BIA In Russian In Latvian In English 25 copies Riga 40534 32384 5296 2854</p><p>Sources of the library stock completion: The book wholesale firms: «Janus», «Polaris», «LV-Akadēmiska grāmatnīca», «J.Rozes grāmatnīca», «Valters un Rapa». Moscow book wholesale warehouses: «Инфра – М»,«КноРус»,“ЮНИТИ”, “Волтерс Клувер”. Foreign publishing houses – «PEARSON Education», «WILEY», «ELSEVIER», «OXFORD University Press»; “CAMBRIDGE university press”.</p><p>Subscription to magazines and other periodicals: Subscription to magazines and other periodicals is carried out through the following structures: «Latvijas pasts»( “Latvia Post Office”, “Preses apvienība P.K.S.” In 2010 more than 150 titles were subscribed to. Journals are also available via Internet: Chip online: www.ichip.ru Информатика и образование: www.infojournal.ru Мир техники: www.publish.khv.ru Компьютер-пресс: www.copress.ru Компоненты и технологии: http://www.kit-e.ru un citi.</p><p>Methodological guidance of the library realizes:</p><p> Latvian National Library (systematization and catalogues of the library stock being compiled according to the UDC system; Academic Library of University of Latvia; LU Scientific Library European Union Information Library</p><p>Information activities of the library </p><p> Thematic catalogue of the library stock Electronic thematic catalogue Catalogue E-biblio -186 titles Catalogue CD-biblio – 90 titles Thematic list of the editions in the English language: EU policy, law, economics, psychology, interior design ( see: www.bsa.edu.lv) Master papers ( see: www.bsa.edu.lv ) Electronic catalogue – Internet – www.bsa.edu.lv/biblio Catalogue of periodical editions Bibliography lists of new additions to the to the library stock in all the fields of science (see : www.bsa.edu.lv ) Focused informative work with the teaching staff; programme directors and Rector Collection of audio and video resources Home page in the BIA Internet site www.bsa.edu.lv Data bases </p><p>26 EBSCO http://search.ebscohost.com</p><p>EBSCO – is a many-branched data base comprising a number of full-text and abstract databases of the humanities, social and exact science: Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, ERIC, Health Source - Consumer Edition, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, Master FILE Premier, MEDLINE, Newspaper Source, Regional Business News. EBSCO currently is the most popular and widely used foreign database. </p><p>HeinOnline + FILR http://www.heinonline.org</p><p>International data base of legal resources comprises the most notable publications on international law, including prominent yearbooks on international law worldwide, as well as the American Society of International Law,- the Hague International Court of Justice, and publications issued by other respectable institutions.</p><p>Latvijas Vēstnesis www.lv.lv Electronic version </p><p>On-line version of the LR official periodical “Latvijas Vēstnesis” allowing searching for information in the archive starting from 1993. Access to legislative acts and full texts of the articles published in “Latvijas Vēstnesis” and supplements.</p><p>Financial Times www.ft.com Electronic version </p><p>Electronic version and active news portal of the periodical “The Financial Times”. Letonika www.letonika.lv Letonika is an Internet service incorporating in one place most significant reference and encyclopedia resources about Latvia in the Latvian language. Letonika comprises Latvian Encyclopedia Dictionary, Terminological Dictionary, translation and explanatory computer dictionaries, computer encyclopedia “Latvijas vēsture” and index- tied catalogue of Internet pages.</p><p>Lursoft www.lursoft.lv</p><p>Lursoft periodical library is a sizable Internet collection of publications in Latvian periodicals and news agency BNS, amplified on daily basis with thousands of new publications from the latest issues of periodical editions. Access to more than 40 editions issued in Latvia. Comprises more than 3 millions of full-text publications.</p><p>NAIS Сomputerized legislation system offering thematically arranged set of different legal acts, laws, bills, and regulations. The data base is accessible only from the editorial computer at the BIA library.</p><p>27 Кодекс</p><p>Thematically arranged laws and legislation in the Russian language.The data base is accessible only from the editorial computer in the BIA library </p><p>RUBRICON www.rubricon.com</p><p>RUBRICON –universal reference resources full-text data base, effectively integrating search options throughout more than 60 encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and associated Internet resources. </p><p>УИС РОССИЯ http :// www . cir .ru</p><p>Database for research and education in the fields of economics, management, social science, philosophy, political science, linguistics, international relations and other liberal arts. The number of the information resources is growing continuously</p><p>Organization of the library members’ service:</p><p>The BIA library stock is located in reading halls; The working hours of the library are convenient for both the Day department and the Night Department students; Library Rules govern the book loans for the library members. Information booklets; Students’ survey. Organization of library stock: composition and structure:</p><p>Description of the BIA premises available for the study programme </p><p>For the study programme implementation BIA premises at the address: Rīgā, Lomonosova ielā 1/24, and Lomonosova ielā 4 are available.</p><p>Lomonosova 4 Lomonosova 1/24 Number Sq. Number of Sq. Meter.. of rooms Meter. rooms Study rooms and 24 1129.3 30 1355 rooms for laboratories Library 4 207 - - Computer rooms 2 101.5 7 235 Administration area 3 65 28 757 Cafeteria 1 113 1 117 Area for sports and 1 640 - - relaxation Other 7 97 25 968 2417.8 3432</p><p>28 Composition of the academic staff </p><p>On the whole 15 teachers are planned to take part in the study programme implementation (14 elected teacher staff members), 9 teachers hold doctoral degrees. All the teachers have extensive work experience, and are doing research related to the courses they teach. More detailed information is presented in the table below, the teachers’ biografies (Curriculum Vitae) can be viewed in the Appendices. </p><p>N Name , surname Degree, Study courses Academic Principal awarded by taught position place of (for the employm professor, ent where elected) 1 Mihails Adjutovs Dr.Sc.Math, LU Graph theory docent BIA Algorithm theory Combinatorics Discrete mathematics 2 Vladimirs Bagirovs Doct stud , Belarus Intellectual property docent BIA State Economic rights university, Minsk 3 Boriss Borisovs specialists, Audio-visual docent BIA All-Russian State communication University of Cinematography, Moscow 4 Vsevolods Kačans Dr.Phil, LU Logic ass.prof., LU BIA 5 Leons Kagans- Dr.Sc.Ing., RTU Probability theory docent BIA Barskis 6 Igors Lemberskis Dr.Sc.Ing., RTU Operating systems ass.prof., RTU BIA Microelectronic chips and built-in systems Programming language “Assembler” Web programming Computer architecture Digital and (VLSI) circuits VHDL language VHDL language design Logic design of circuits Electric circuits 7 Olga Pravarne Dr. Oec, LU Accounting docent BIA 8 Geršons Breslavs Dr. Habil. Psych., MSU Psychology ass.prof. PGS 9 Nadežda Rešetilova specialist, RPI EC labour law docent BIA 10 Natalija Sotikova Doct. student, BIA Scientific and docent BIA technical Latvian 11 Svetlana Stradiņa Dr.oec., LU Management docent BIA 12 Vladimirs Dr.Sc.Ing, Riga Modern networks prof., LU BIA Streļčonoks Aviation University Databases IT in management 13 Ludmila Vlasikova Mg. Paed. , LU Scientific and docent BIA technical English 14 Ludmila Zadornova Mg. Paed. , LU Scientific and docent BIA technical English 15 Jekaterina Žukovska Dr. Sc.Ing., RTU Higher mathematics docent RTU Visual programming Algorithm theory Information theory </p><p>29 Research and methods-related activities of the academic staff Publications </p><p>I. Lemberskis:</p><p>1. I. Lemberski, P. Fišer, Asynchronous Two-Level Logic of Reduced Cost, 12th IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Systems, April 15-17, 2009, Liberec, Czech Republic, pp. 68-73 2. I. Lemberski, P. Fišer, Multi-Level Implementation of Asynchronous Logic Using Two-Level Nodes, 4TH IFAC Workshop on Discrete-Event System Design (DesDes’09), October, 2009, Spain, pp. 90-96 3. I.Lemberski, Method of Asynchronous Two-Level Logic Implementation, IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, vol.35, issue 1, Hong-Kong, pp.60- 65 4. I. Lemberski , V. Gopeyenko, Method of Finite State Machine Optimal Implementation Targeting Look- up-Table Architecture, Computer Modelling and New Technologies, 2007, Vol.11, No.4, Transport and Telecommunication Institute pp. 34-41 5. I. Lemberski , V. Gopeyenko, XILINX4000 ARCHITECTURE - DRIVEN BOOLEAN NETWORK RE- DECOMPOSITION TARGETING PERFORMANCE, Computer Modelling and New Technologies, 2007, Vol.11, No.4, Transport and Telecommunication Institute pp. 30- 33 6.I. Lemberski, Cost Effecive Implementation of Asynchronous Quasi-Delay- Insensitive Two-level Logic, World Congress on Engineering, the 2007 International Conference of Computer Science and Engineering (ICCSE2007), 2-4 July, 2007, London, UK, 7 pp., accepted 7.I. Lemberski, Avoiding Hazards for Speed-Independent Logic Design, World Congress on Engineering, the 2007 International Conference of Computer Science and Engineering (ICCSE2007), 2-4 July, 2007, London, UK, 5 pp., accepted 8. I. Lemberski, Essential Hazards Elimination for Speed –Independent Circuit Design, Telecommunications and Electronics, Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, 2006, Riga, Latvia, 3 pp. 9. I. Lemberski, VLSI Systems Design”, tutorial broshure, March, 2006, GIST, Gwangju, S.Korea, pp.48 10. I. Lemberski, K. Kim, Delay – Insensitive Logic Two- and Multi-Level Implementation, Korea-Japan Joint Workshop 2006 on Advanced Digital Circuits and Systems, 2006, Osaka, Japan, pp.154-165 11. I. Lemberski, K. Kim, Method of Logic Function Multi-Level Speed-Independent Implementation, International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC- CSCC), 2005, Jeju, South Korea, pp.439-440 12. I. Lemberski, K. Kim, Multi-Level Implementation of Delay-Insensitive Logic”, IEEE TENCON’2004, 2004, Thailand, pp. 187-190 13. I. Lemberski, K. Kim, Model of Multi-Level Delay – Insensitive Logic Implementation with Intermediate Signaling”, 4th Asynchronous Circuit Design Workshop, ACiD’2004, 2004, Turku, Finland 14. I. Lemberski, M. Josephs, Optimal Two-Level Delay - Insensitive Implementation of Logic Functions, PATMOS2002, September 2002, Spain, pp. 109 – 119 15. I. Lemberski, M. Koegst, S.Cotofana, B.Juurlink, FSM Non-Minimal State Encoding 30 for Low Power, 23rd International Conference on Microelectronics, May, 2002, Nis, Yugoslavia, pp. 297 - 300 16. I. Lemberski , Automata State Encoding Procedure for Programmable Logic Implementation, IFAC Workshop on Programmable Devices and Systems, PDS2001, November, 2001, Poland, pp. 297 – 300 17. M. Koegst, S. Rulke, H. Suse, I. Lemberski, Derivation of Constraints for the Low Power FSM State Encoding, Telecommunications and Electronics, Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, 2001, Riga, Latvia, pp.99 – 104 18. M. Koegst, S. Rulke, H. Suse, I. Lemberski, Derivation of Constraints for the Low Power FSM State Encoding, 42nd Riga Technical University Conference, RTUCET’01, Riga, Latvia, October, 2001, pp.107 – 112 19. I. Lemberski, FSM Register Switching Activity Minimization for Low Power, 10th UK Asynchronous Forum, July, 2001, Edinburgh, UK, pp.23 – 31 20. I. Lemberski, Asynchronous FSM Hazard-Free Design Targeting CMOS Implementation, 9th UK Asynchronous Forum, December, 2000, Cambridge, UK, pp.61 – 64</p><p>V. Streļčonoks</p><p>1. Vladimir Strelchonok et al, Optimal Adaptive Inspection Planning Process in Service of Fatigued Aircraft Structures. Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications (ASMTA 2009): Proceedings of the 16 International Conference, June 2009, Madrid, Spain,-Berlin: Springer, 2009, pp. 354-369.(ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN-10 3-642-02204- 9, ISBN-13 978-3-642-02204-3). 2. V.Strelchonok et al, Recognition of Subsets of Informative Variables in Regression. Pattern Recognition and Information Processing (PRIP’2009): Proceedings of the 10 International Conference (19-21 May, Minsk, Republic of Belarus), -Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2009, pp. 371-376. 3. V.Strelchonok et al, Recognition of the Best Setting for the Target Value of an Industrial Process under Parametric Uncertainty. Pattern Recognition and Information Processing (PRIP’2009): Proceedings of the 10 International Conference, 19-21 May, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, - Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2009, pp. 377-382. 4. Стрельченок В., Особская И., Цюмак И. Оценка фрахта грузоперевозчика /Менеджмент и маркетинг: опыт и проблемы. Сборник научных трудов. Под редакцией д-ра экон. наук, проф.Акулича И.Л..-Мн.:ОДО “Рэйплац”, 2009, стр.397-399. 5. Vladimir F. Strelchonok et al, Optimal Adaptive Control of Preventive Maintenance Process of Aircraft Structures. /Proceedings of the 8 International Conference “Reliability and Statistics in transportation and communication”, Riga, 2008, pp. 186-194. 6. Vladimir F. Strelchonok et al, Finding Optimal Multi-Period Project Portfolio Investment Strategy under Uncertainty. /Proceedings of the 8 International Conference “Reliability and Statistics in transportation and communication”, Riga, 2008, pp. 194-204. 7. В.Стрельченок, Современные IT технологии как интегрирующая среда подготовки специалистов в области бизнеса./Материалы международной научно-практической конференции “Пространство высшего образования Европы: состояние, проблемы, перспективы”, Рига, 2008, стр.326-329. 8. В.Стрельченок, Методика анализа предметной деятельности мебельной фирмы в соответствии с методологией RAD./Менеджмент и маркетинг: опыт и проблемы. Сборник научных трудов.-Мн.: «Мэждик Бук», 2008, 9стр. .(ISBN 985-6544-47-5). 9. Vladimir Strelchonok et al, Finding Sampling Distributions and Reliability Estimators for Truncated Laws VIA Unbiasedness Equivalence Principle. /Proceedings of the 7 International Conference “Reliability and Statistics in transportation and communication”, Riga, 2007, pages 109-119.</p><p>31 10. Vladimir F. Strelchonok and others. Optimal Airline Multi_leg Flight Seat Inventory Control. AIP Conference Proceedings – Melville, New York, 2006; volume 839, pages 591-600. 11. V.Strelchonok et al. Prediction of Fatigue Crack Growth Process via Artificial Neural Network Technique. /International Journal of Computing, Vol.5, Issue 3, 2006, pages 21-32. 12. Стрельченок В.Ф. Эффективность внедрения функциональных информационных систем /Информация и космос. Научно-технический журнал. .-СПб.:Изд-во НП- ПРИНТ, 2006,№3 стр.100-103. 13. Vladimir F.Strelchonok et al, Statistical inferences for the Weibull distribution. /Proceedings of the 6 Inetrnational Conference “Reliability and Statistics in transportation and communication”, Riga, 2006, pages 46-52. 14. В.Стрельченок, А.Воциш. Бизнес стратегии компании в латвийском сегменте сети INTERNET. Материалы VII международной научно-практической конференция “Теория и практика менеджмента и маркетинга”: - Мн.: ООО «Мэджик Бук», 2006, стр.277-278 (ISBN 985-6544-79-3) 15. В.Стрельченок, Качественная и количественная оценки эффективности внедрения информационных систем /Экономика и управление: Сборник научных трудов. ЧастьII/Под редакцией д-ра экон. наук, проф.А.Е.Карлика.-СПб.:Изд-во СПбГУЭФ, 2006, стр.10-13. 16. Vladimir F.Strelchonok et al, Change Point Detection in a Sequence of Recognized Images. Pattern Recognition and Information Processing (PRIP’2005): Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference (18-20 May, Minsk, Republic of Belarus).-Minsk: Propilei, 2005, pages 276-279,(ISBN 985-6329-55-8, УДК 681.3). 17. Vladimir F.Strelchonok et al, Anticipatory Adaptive Credit Granting Policy. AIP Conference Proceedings – Melville, New York, 2004; volume 718, pages 525-532. 18. Vladimir F.Strelchonok et al, Anticipatory Adaptive Control for a Class of Stochastic Systems. With Incomplete Information. AIP Conference Proceedings – Melville, New York, 2004; volume 718, pages 243-254. 19. Акулич И., Стрельченок В., Математические методы и компьютерные технологии решения оптимизационных задач. – Рига, BKI, 2000г. , 340 стр. 20. Стрельченок В., Экономико-математические методы и модели. Компьютерные технологии решения: Учебное пособие – Мн.: БГЭУ, 2003 г., 348 стр. 21. V. Strelchonok, Anticipatory Adaptive Credit Granting Policy, CASYS03-SIXTH International Conference.-AIP. New York, 2004, pp. 525-535. 22. V. Strelchonok, Anticipatory Adaptive Control for a Class of Stochastic System with Incomplete Information. New York, 2004, pp. 243 - 254. 23. Стрельченок В., Подготовка менеджера XXI века – программный успех БРИ. Мир предпринимательства XXI век Nr1, 2003, стр. 3-4. 24. V. Strelchonok, Model of vehicle allocation problem with uncertain demands. “Transport and Telecommunication” Volume 4.N2, Rīga, 2003, pp. 119-124. 25. V. Strelchonok, Increasing communication efficiency with the transport facilities, “Transport and telecommunication” Volume 4, N2, Rīga, 2003, pp. 116-118. 26. Стрельченок В., Технологии продвижения товара в Интернет-сети. Менеджмент и маркетинг: опыт и проблемы. Сборник научных трудов./ под общ.ред. И.Л. Акулича.- Минск: БГЭУ, 2002-254 стр. 27. 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Система действующего законодательства в сфере интеллектуальной собственности Латвийской республики и Республики Беларусь / В.А. Багиров // Вестник Белорусского Государственного Экономического Университета. – 2009. - № 1 (72). – С.103-107. 14.Багиров, В.А. Основы регулирования интеллектуальной собственности в Латвии и Беларуси / В.А.Багиров // Сацияльна-эканамiчныя i прававыя даследаваннi. – 2009. - № 2 (16). – С. 177-183. 15.Интеллектуальная собственность. Сборник нормативных актов. Изд. 9-е доп. / Сост., вступит. статья, В.А. Багиров. – Рига : BIB, 2010. - 200 с. 16.Международная охрана интеллектуальной собственности. Конвенции. Соглашения. Договоры. Сборник международно-правовых актов / Сост. В.А. Багиров. – Рига : BIB, 2008. - 258 с. 17. Информационное право. Сборник нормативных актов. Изд. 3-е / Сост., вступит. статья, В.А. Багиров. – Рига : BIB, 2009. - 322 с.</p><p>V. Kačans</p><p>1. Kačans V., Zinātnes loģiski metodoloģiskie modeļi, Rīga, PA, 2. Sēj., 2002, 5-20.lpp 2. 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Humanities & Social Sciences, 1, 3-14,2008 4. G.Breslavs , The Love and Jealousy: The Friends or Enemies ? Communicator, 1/2, 178-181. (In Russian) 5.G. Breslavs, J. Tyumeneva , Is Hate an opposite to Love ? The paper presented at the 14th European conference on Personality, Tartu, July 16-20, 2008. 6. G. Breslavs, J. Tyumeneva , Development of the Russian version of Sternberg’s Love scale. The paper presented at the 14th European conference on Personality, Tartu, July, 16-20, 2008. 7. G. Breslavs, Vai mēs esam iecietīgi ?: Sabiedrības etniskās iecietības monitoringa metodikas izveide. (ar Abele, Derjabo, Pishinska, & Roze). Rīga, „Salus” ,2008 8. G. Breslavs, Psychology of Emotion (in Russian) 2nd Reprint. Moscow. Publishing Houses: Smysl & Academia, 2007</p><p>O.Pravarne</p><p>1. О. Праварне, Введение в бухгалтерский учет, Рига, SIA «Jānis Roze», 2001. 2. О. Праварне, Основы бухгалтерского учета, Рига, БРИ, 2000.</p><p>N.Rešetilova</p><p>1. А.Байков, Н.Решетилова, Трудовое право.Курс- конспект лекций и контрольные задания для заочного и дистанционного обучения. – Рига: БРИ, 2006. 217 с. 2. А.Байков, Н.Решетилова, Трудовое право Европейского Союза.Курс- конспект лекций и контрольные задания для заочного и дистанционного обучения. – Рига: БРИ, 2006. 156с.</p><p>N.Sotikova:</p><p>1. Н. Сотикова, Внутрикорпоративные коммуникации в туристическом и гостиничном бизнесе, Международная студенческая научно- практическая конференция «Глобальные и региональные коммуникации: настоящее и будущее», 3-5 декабря 2009.г., Санкт Петербург 2. Н. Сотикова, Использование объектов экотуризма для организации инсентив мероприятий» Конференция по международному проекту «M.I.C.E.-индустрия деловых встреч», 2009.g. 05.-07.05.2009, Рига 3. N. 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On Application of the Sufficient Empirical Averaging Method to System Simulation// In Proceedings of The 12th International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications, Khalid Al-Begain, Gunter Bolch, Miklos Telek (Eds.). – Riga: ASMTA 2005, 2005. – pp. 144 – 150. / Internet. – http://www.scs- europe.net/services/ecms2005/asmta2005%20papers.html 6. Andronov A., Zhukovskaya C. and Santalova D. On Mathematical Models for Analysis and Forecasting of the Europe Countries Conveyances// RTU Zinātniskie raksti, Datorzinātne, 5. sērija, Informācijas tehnoloģijas un vadības zinātne, 28. sējums. – Rīga: RTU, 2007. – 96. – 106. lpp. 7. Kopytov E. and Zhukovskaya C. Application of the Sufficient Empirical Averaging Method in for Inventory Control Problem Solving// In Proceedings of The International Conference: Biostat 2006 – Statistical Methods for Biomedical and Technical Systems, Filia Vonta ed. – Limassol: Nicosia 2006, 2006. – pp. 341 – 346. 8. Zhukovskaya C. Application of the Sufficient Empirical Averaging Method in the Statistic Problem of the Inventory Control// RTU Zinātniskie raksti, Mašīnzinātne un Transports, 6. sērija, Intelektuālās transporta sistēmas, 18. sējums. – Rīga: RTU, 2005. – 59. – 65. lpp. 9. Zhukovskaya C. Application of the Sufficient Empirical Averaging Method in one Statistical Problem Solving// In Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications, Khalid Al-Begain ed. – Bonn: ASMTA 2006, 2006. – pp. 138 – 142. 10. Нарусберг В., Шарапов В., Жуковская Е., Каган-Барский Л. Высшая математика. Часть 1. Элементы линейной алгебры, аналитической геометрии и математического анализа. Курс-конспект лекций и контрольные задания для дистанционного обучения. Рига: БМА, 2007.- 140 с. 11. Нарусберг В., Шарапов В., Жуковская Е., Каган-Барский Л. Высшая математика. Часть 2. Дифференциальное и интегральное исчисление функции нескольких перемен. Курс- конспект лекций и контрольные задания для дистанционного обучения. Рига: БМА, 2007.- 168 с.</p><p>36 12. Стрельченок В., Жуковская Е., Мартынова И., Особская И. Информатика 1. (Набор и редактирование текста, оформление претензий, работа в сети интернет). Курс-конспект лекций и контрольные задания. Рига: БМА, 2007.- 182с. 13. Zhukovskaya C. Use of Generalized Linear Model in Forecasting of Air Passengers Conveyances from EU Countries// Computer Modelling and New Technologies. – Riga, TSI, 2007. – Vol 11, No 1. – pp. 62 – 72. 14. Zhukovskaya C. A Model of Choosing an Air Flight by a Passenger// In Proceedings of the International Conference “Modelling of Business, Industrial and Transport Systems” (MBITS`08), Riga, Latvia, 7-10 May 2008 (pieņemta anotācija, tiek gatavots publikācijai). 15. Zhukovskaya C. Simulation model of choosing a flight by a passenger// RTU zināniskie raksti, Mašīnzinātne un transports, 6. Sērija, Mašīnzinātne un Transports, Transports. Aviācijas transports. 27. Sējums. – Rīga: Izdevniecība „RTU”, 2008. – pp. 436 – 442. 16. Zhukovskaya C. A Model of Choosing an Air Flight by a Passenger. // In Proceedings of the International Conference "Modelling of Business, Industrial and Transport Systems“ (MBITS`08). – Riga, TSI. - pp. 162-168. 17. Zhukovskaya C. A Simulation Model of choosing an Air Flight by a Passenger. Transport and Telecommunication. – Riga, TSI, 2008. – Vol 9, No 2.– pp. 46-51.</p><p>Research activities </p><p>I. Lemberskis:</p><p>2003. – 2006.g. – financial support: Ministry of Information and Communications, South Korea: programme: “Institute of Information Technology Assessment (IITA) Professorship Programme” 2003. – 2006.g. – financial support: Ministry of Information and Communications, South Korea, project: “Resource Management for Next Generation Multimedia Communication Systems”, responsible for the sub-project ” Development the Methodology of Two- and Multi-Level Implementation of Delay- Insensitive Logic for Multimedia Communications Systems” 2000. – 2002.g.- financial support: South Bank University, Ministry of Education, UK, projects: “Self-Timed Finite State Machine Design”, responsible for the sub- project ” Combinational Logic Design and State Encoding Targeting Self-Timed FSM Optimal Implementation” 1999. – 2000.g. - NATO grant (cooperation with Delft University for Technology, Delft, the Netherlands): “Efficient Controller State Encoding Method for Low Power”, researcher 1999. – 2000.g. - Latvijas Zinātnes Padomes grants: “Projektēšanas metožu izstrādāšana ātrdarbību secību loģisko iekārtu ar zemu izdalīto jaudu realizācijai PVM vidē”, projekta vadītājs un galvenais pētnieks</p><p>G.Breslavs:</p><p>2007.-2008.gg. - ES & Soros-Foundation-Latvia.grants “Forwarding social integration in Latvia”: “Sabiedrības etniskās iecietības monitoringa metodikas izveide” , vadītājs </p><p>V.Kačans</p><p>2006.g - firmas SIA “Atlase” (Rīga) pieteikums: “Rīdzinieku interese par nekustamā īpašuma iegādi un viņu </p><p>37 informētība par banku, firmu un speciālistu pakalpojumiem nekustamā īpašuma un keditēšanas jomā” 2006.g.- SIA “Latvijas fakti” pieteikums: „Darba tirgus pieprasījuma ilgtermiņa prognozēšanas sistēmas izpēte un pilnveidošanas iespēju analīze”. J. Žukovska:</p><p>01.2006.- 12.2006.g. - IZM-RTU projekts (U7107) : „Matemātisko modeļu un to novērtēšanas metodes izstrādāšana Baltijas reģiona transporta plūsmu analīzei un prognozēšanai”,. 01.2008.- 12.2008.g. - IZM-RTU projekts (R7326): „Matemātisko modeļu, algoritmu un datorprogrammu izstrādāšana Latvijas transporta sistēmas analīzei, attīstības prognozēšanai un optimizācijai”.</p><p>External contacts of the study programme </p><p>International cooperation mostly in the field of research is maintained with the following higher educational establishments abroad: - South Bank University (UK); - Gwangju Institute for Science and Technology (South Korea); - Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic); - University of Zielona Góra (Poland); - Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne (UK)</p><p>Cooperation is also maintained with the following higher educational establishments in Latvia:</p><p> Graduate School of Information Systems Management (ISMA); Transport and telecommunication institute (TSI)</p><p>The students and the teaching staff in the programme take part in the international student – and teacher-exchange programs. Within the frameworks of ERASMUS exchange program as.prof. I. Lemberskis visited Rašínova vysoká škola s.r.o., Brno, Czech Republic in 2009. On the whole , agreement on cooperation within the frameworks of ERASMUS project are made with 41 HE from 17 countries. SWOT analysis</p><p>Strengths Weaknesses</p><p>Teaching staff Teaching staff</p><p>- experience in teaching at HE abroad; - limited financing hindering participation in - active individual participation in research; research conferences and seminars abroad; - the ability of the teaching staff to deliver study - insufficient number of teachers specializing in subjects in several languages in motivating and narrow specialist disciplines. creative manner. Students Students</p><p>-good work relations between the teachers and - low level of skills and knowledge of the the students; secondary school graduates ; </p><p>38 - foreign students interested in education in the - students combining work with studies not always study programme; able to take active part in the events offered by the - students motivated for the studies and study programme; subsequent professional work. - the secondary school graduates and broad public not sufficiently well informed about the study programme; </p><p>Programma Programma</p><p>- the programme is well provided with teaching - shortage of financing not allowing the study and methodical aids and materials; programme to form a laboratory; - modern computer equipment and software - state budget financing not available for the employed in the study programme; programme implementation; - opportunity to deliver the programme in three - expensive books and methodical aids languages (Latvian, Russian, English); - the study courses making up the programme are well-balanced ensuring acquisition of skills and knowledge for the young professionals; - close international contacts and, in particular, in the field of research; - opportunities for student- and teacher-exchange;</p><p>Opportunities Threats </p><p>- opportunity to deliver the study courses – economic down turn and demographic in three languages; situation may have a negative impact on the - opportunity to receive state credit for the number of students; studies; – job cuts because of the economic recession. - opportunity to get financing from European foundations; - opportunity to take part in international student- and teacher-exchange programs (e.g. ERASMUS);</p><p>39 Appendix 1</p><p>40 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Higher mathematics </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: doc. J.Žukovska</p><p>STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4 CP 64 contact hours: Course length: 1, 2 semesters Taught during: 1st study years, 1st and 2nd semesters Assessment on course completion: exam</p><p>Course aim and objectives: are to develop the students logical and algorithmic analytical skills, to equip the students with simple numerical methods and the main methods applied to study and solve mathematical problems; to advance the mathematical skills in providing solutions for applied tasks.</p><p>Course outline:</p><p> Calculation of percentage. Determinants and matrices. Systems of linear equations. Vectors, vector space. Functions. Limits. Derivative. Functional study. Application of a derivative in economics. Integral evaluation. Multi-valued functions. Differential equations.</p><p>Literature: Шарапов В.Д., Жуковская Е.В. Методические рекомендации к выполнению домашних заданий по дисциплине «Высшая математика» с использованием персонального компьютера. – Ч.1. Линейная алгебра. – Рига: БРИ, 2002. Нарусберг В., Шарапов В., Жуковская Е., Каган-Барский Л. Высшая математика. Часть 1. Элементы линейной алгебры, аналитической геометрии и математического анализа. Курс-конспект лекций и контрольные задания для дистанционного обучения. Рига: БМА, 2007.- 140 с. Нарусберг В., Шарапов В., Жуковская Е., Каган-Барский Л. Высшая математика. Часть 2. Дифференциальное и интегральное исчисление функции нескольких перемен. Курс-конспект лекций и контрольные задания для дистанционного обучения. Рига: БМА, 2007.- 168 с. Augstākā matematika ar datoru lietojuma paraugiem uzdevumu risināšanai: mācību līdzeklis / Leonids Gringlazs, Jevgenijs Kopitovs; no krievu val. tulk. Māris Buiķis, Jānis Smotrovs. - Riga: RSEBAA, 2003. - 380 lpp. Further reading: 41 Rokasgrāmata matemātikā. Elementārā matemātika, augstākā matemātika / Biruta Silina, Karlis Steiners. - Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2006. - 367 lpp. Augstākā matemātika. Īss teorijas izklāsts. Uzdevumu risinājumu paraugi. I dala: mācību līdzeklis. / Volodko, Inta - Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2007. - 294 lpp. Augstākā matemātika III. 6.Viena argumenta funkcija. 7.Funkcijas robeža. 8.Funkcijas atvasinājums. 9.Atvasinājuma lietojumi. 10. Vairākargumentu funkcija. 11.Diferenciālģeometrijas elementi / K. Steiners, B.Silina. - R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 1998. - 192 lpp. Augstākā matemātika II. 3. Analītiskā ģeometrija. 4. Lineārās telpas. 5. Lineārās transformācijas / K. Steiners, B. Silina. - Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1998. - 115 lpp. Augstākā matemātika IV. Lekciju konspekts inženierzinātņu un dabaszinātņu studentiem. 12.-15. nodaļa. - Integralrekiņi. 16.-19. nodala. Diferencialvienadojumi / K. Steiners. - Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1999. - 168 lpp. Augstākā matemātika V. Lekciju konspekts inzenierzinātņu un dabaszinātnu studentiem. 20.-23. nodala. - Vairakargumentu. 24.-25. nodala. - Lauka teorijas elementi / K. Steiners. - Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2000. - 130 lpp. Augstākā matemātika VI. 26., 27. nod. - Skaitļu un funkciju rindas. 28. nod. - Furje rindas un integralis. 29., 30. nod. - Kompleksa mainiga funkciju teorijas un operatoru rekinu elementi / K. Steiners. - Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2001. - 208 lpp. Matemātika. Definicijas, formulas, aprekiņu algoritmi.- R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 1997. - 288 lpp. Автор: Buikis M., Silina B. Augstākā matemātika I. Lekciju konspekts inzenierzinātņu un dabaszinatņu studentiem. 1. Algebras elementi. 2. Vektori / K. Steiners, B. Silina. - Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1997. - 96 lpp. Kronbergs E., Rivža P., Bože Dz. Augstākā matemātika / Mācību līdzeklis. - Divās daļās, 2. daļa - Rīga, «Zvaigzne», 1988.</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, practical classes, home assignments, control works </p><p>Baltic International Academy </p><p>42 Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Scientific and technical Latvian </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: doc. N.Sotikova STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 2 CP 32contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 1st study year, 1st semester Assessment on course completion: exam</p><p>Course aim and objectives: are to develop language skills in scientific and technical Latvian. The study course is designed to assist the acquisition of specialist terminology in the study programme „Computer-aided design in microelectronics”. The topics are selected to develop the students’ understanding in the prospective profession and to improve their skills in the Latvian language. Given the specifics of the texts, the course is intended for the students with various initial skill levels.</p><p>Course outline Computer science, stages of development. Computer architecture. Computer equipment, maximum resolution, display, graphics card, operational memory. Memory and external device interface micro-schemes. Logic-element micro-scheme. New generation graphic micro-schemes. Analogue micro-scheme. Main characteristics of sound cards. Discrete mathematics, its applications. Fundamentals of cluster theory.</p><p>Literature: 1. Informāciju tehnoloģiju projekts uzņēmumā. Maija Mikose 2. Sergejeva L.Datortehnoloģiju pielietojums lietiško un zinātnisko uzdevumu risinājumiem. 2007.. 3. L. Sergejeva, V. Mirtovs, M. Mezītis. Datorgrafika elektroinženierijā. 4. L. Sergejeva, A. Spunīts Relāciju datu bāzes programmēšana, konstruēšana un administrēšana.Rīga, 2007. 5. Aldersons J. Kāpēc mēs tā sakām? R., Zvaigzne ABC, 2004. 6. Gulevska D., Miķelsone A., Porīte T. Pareizrakstības un pareizrunas rokasgrāmata. - R., Avots, 2002. 7. HolleV., Karters R., Laion L., Tannera E.Runāšanas nodarbības profesionāļiem. 2000. 8. Jundze. I., Liepiņa I. Latviešu valoda lietišķam cilvēkam. R., 1997 Krampuse V. Lietvārds 1. R., 1997 9. Krampuse V. Lietvārds 2. R., 1997 10. Ceplīte B., Ceplītis L. Latviešu valodas praktiskā gramatika .R., 1991</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, home assignments Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme 43 Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science</p><p>Course title: Scientific and technical English </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: doc. I. Popova / doc. L. Zadornova, L.Vlasikova</p><p>STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4 CP 64 contact hours: Course length: 2 semesters Taught during: 1st study year; 1st and 2nd semesters Assessment on course completion: graded test and exam </p><p>Course aim is to improve the students communicative competence in the foreign language related to the areas of their professional work. Course outline: Contemporary computer-aided management. Input devices. Memory devices. Basic software. Programming. The future of computers. </p><p>Literature: Santiago Remacha Esteras. „Infotech. English for Computer Users.”, Cambridge University Press. 2000. English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, International student Edition, Macmillan. Computing International Magazines. http://www.onlinenewspapers.com/magazines/magazines-computing-international.htm</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, home assignments, presentations, control works </p><p>Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme </p><p>44 Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Computer architecture </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass. prof. I. Lemberskis STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4 CP 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 1st study year, 1st semester Final assessment on course completion: exam</p><p>Course aim is to equip the students with knowledge of the contemporary computer architecture </p><p>Course outline: Contemporary computer architecture (RISC, CISC). Structure of processors and memory. Instruction systems and formats of instructions. Methods to accelerate the computer performance: conveyer processing (multi-processing), superscalar processing. SIMD instruction, VLIW . Cash (cache) memory, multi-core processing. Super calculators and parallel algorithms. Memory: dynamic, static, memory buses and generations. Computer performance and costs. Literature: У.Столлингс, Структурная организация и архитектура компьютерных систем, Москва, С.-П., Киев, 2002, 892 с. J.L. Hennessy, D.A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Morgan Kaufmann, 3rd ed., 2002 J.L. Hennessy, D.A. Patterson, Computer Organization and Design, Revised Printing, 3rd Edition , The Hardware/Software Interface, Morgan Kaufmann, 2007o</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, home assignments </p><p>Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme 45 Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Discrete mathematics </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass.prof. I.Lemberskis /doc. V. Adjutovs STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4 CP 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 1st study year, 1st semester Final assessment on course completion: exam</p><p>Course aim and objectives: to acquaint the students with the main methods and models of discrete mathematics </p><p>Course outline: Algebra of mathematical logic: formulas, Bool functions, full-function systems. Normal forms of formulas: DNF, KNF, PDNF, PKNF. Minimization of formulas (tables, Karno map). Finite automata structural theory. Automata synthesis and analysis, application of activity diagrams. </p><p>Literature: В.В. Тишин, Дискретная математика в примерах и задачах С. - П., 2008 И.А. Палий, Дискретная математика.Курс лекций. Эксмо, 2008, 352 с. K.H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Application, Mcgraw-Hill College, 6th ed., 2007 </p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, home assignments </p><p>Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme 46 Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science) </p><p>Course title: Combinatorics</p><p>Course compiled by /taught: as. prof. I. Lemberskis STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4CP 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 1st study year, 2nd semester Final assessment on course completion: exam </p><p>Course aim and objectives are to acquaint the students with the most popular sub-types of combinatorial problems, with the methods of solving combinatorial problems, with the most well- known concepts. </p><p>Course outline: Sets and multi-sets. Sampling. Variations, permutations. Combinations. Binomial coefficients. Numerical distributions and combinations with repetitions. Multi-set permutations. Multi-nomial coefficients. Substitutions. Transpositions. Distribution of transpositions. Cycles. Distributions of cycles. Generating function, its application. </p><p>Literature: В.В. Тишин, Дискретная математика в примерах и задачах С. - П., 2008 Ф.А. Новиков, Дискретная математика для программистов Питер, 2009 K.H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Application, Mcgraw-Hill College, 6th ed., 2007 Peter J. Cameron, Combinatorics: Solutions, Additions, Corrections, Cambridge University Press, 1996 Russell Merris, Combinatorics (Second Edition), Wiley-Interscience Series in Discrete Mathematics and Optimization, 2003</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, home assignments </p><p>Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme </p><p>47 Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Graph theory </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass. prof. I.Lemberskis /doc. V. Adjutovs STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4 CP 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 1st study year, 2nd semester Final assessment on course completion: exam</p><p>Course aim and objectives is to acquaint the students with the central notions of the theory, to explain their most important peculiarities and interrelations, and to instruct in finding solutions for various distinctive types of problems. Course outline: Definition of graph and graph conversion. Sub-graphs and factor graphs. Isomorphism and automorphism of graphs. Routes and cycles in graphs. Trees and tree-based kernel graph. Planar and “flat” graphs. Rooted trees and tree tops array. Graph coloring. Literature: В.В. Тишин, Дискретная математика в примерах и задачах. С. - П., 2008 И.А. Палий, Дискретная математика.Курс лекций. Эксмо, 2008, 352 с. В.А. Емеличев и др. Лекции по теории графов, Наука, 1990 R.Diestel, Graph Theory, Electronic Edition, 2005 J.Gross, J.Yellen, Graph Theory and its Applications, 2005, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 800p.</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, home assignments </p><p>Baltic International Academy 48 Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Structured programming (C language)</p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass. prof. I. Lemberskis STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION </p><p>Credit value: 6 CP (incl. course project 2CP) 64 contact hours Course length: 2 semesters Taught during: 1st study year, 1st and 2nd semester, Final assessment on course completion: graded test, course project, exam</p><p>Course aim and objectives are to equip the students with understanding of the main elements of the programming language C, its syntax and semantics, to improve and execute programs in language C. </p><p>Course outline: Data types, operations, expressions. Operators. Functions and program structure. Parameters. Data array. Input /output. Files. Language library. </p><p>Literature: С.Прата, Язык программирования С, Пер.с англ.,5-е изд., изд. дом “Вильямс”, Москва, 2006г. Б.Керниган, Д. Ритчи, Язык программирования С, Пер. с англ., изд. дом “Вильямс”, Москва, 2009г. Павловская Т.А. C/C++. Программирование на языке высокого уровня: Учебник для вузов, Питер, 2010, 464 стр Павловская Т.А., Ю. Щупак, C/C++. Структурное и объектно-ориентированное программирование. Практикум, 2010 год, 352 стр</p><p>Teaching method: lectures, seminars, laboratory works, home assignments, course project</p><p>Baltic International Academy 49 Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Object-oriented programming (C++, Java)</p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass. prof. I. Lemberskis STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 6 CP (incl. course project – 2CP) 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 2nd study year, 3rd semester Final assessment on course completion: exam </p><p>Course aim: to equip the students with the basic knowledge in object-oriented programming, its basic concepts: encapsulation, continuity and polymorphism. </p><p>Course outline: Main notion in object-oriented programming – classes, members, functions. Information concealment. Constructors and destructors. Operator overloading. Tandems. Array objects. Flow input and output. Exceptional situation processing. Consecutive access files processing. Direct-access files processing. </p><p>Literatura: С. Прата, Язык программирования C++: лекции и упражнения, Diasoft , 2005 Г.Шилд, Самоучитель С++, ВНV, С.-. П., 1998, 688 с Павловская Т.А., C++. Объектно-ориентированное программирование: Практикум, Питер, 2008 год, 272 стр Павловская Т.А., Ю. Щупак, C/C++. Структурное и объектно-ориентированное программирование. Практикум, 2010 год, 352 стр К.Джамса, Учимся программировать на языке С++, Мир, Москва, 1999, 320 с. Эккель, Б., Философия Java. Библиотека программиста. 4-е изд., Питер, 2010 год, 640 стр. Teaching method: lectures, seminars, laboratory works, course project</p><p>Baltic International Academy 50 Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Visual programming </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: doc. J.Žukovska</p><p>STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION </p><p>Credit value: 4 CP 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 1st study year, 2nd semester Final assessment on course completion: exam </p><p>Course aim and objectives are to develop with the students the skills and abilities to create software making use of contemporary computer technologies, to equip them with the virtual methods and technologies of programming.</p><p>Course outline: Programming environment Delphi (Lazarus). Introduction into Delphi environment (Object Pascal): program structures, data types, control structures, procedures and functions. Fundamentals of visual programming: forma and its modification, placement of new components, formation and design of applications. Event and processing, library of visual components, selection and input of visual components value. Project management in Delphi environment. File creating and peculiarities of file processing.</p><p>Literature:</p><p> М.В. Сухарев. Основы Delphi. Профессиональный подход - СПб.: Наука и Техника, 2004. - 600 с.: ил. Культин Н.Б. Delphi в задачах и примерах. – СПб.: БХВ – Петербург, 2005. Бобровский С.И. Delphi 7. Учебный курс. – СПб.: Питер, 2005. Нил Дж. Рубенкинг. Язык программирования Delphi для «чайников». Введение в Borland Delphi 2006. - М.: Диалектика, 2007. - 336 с. Хавьер Пашеку. Программирование в Borland Delphi 2006 для профессионалов. - М.: Вильямс, 2006. - 944 с. Teaching methods: lectures, practical classes, course work </p><p>Baltic International Academy </p><p>51 Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Algorithm theory Course compiled by /taught: doc. J.Žukovska</p><p>STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4 CP Contact hours:64 Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 1st study year, 2nd semester Final assessment on course completion: exam</p><p>Course aim and objectives are to acquaint the students with the fundamentals of the computing theory (finite automata, Turing machine, recursive functions) and algorithm analysis and design basics (algorithm complexity evaluation in terms of time and memory) P, NP and unsolvable problems class, main algorithm classes).</p><p>Course outline:</p><p> Rational address machine (RAM), examples. RAM computing functions, examples. Universal Turing machine. Primitive recursive functions and predicates. Logic operations with primitive recursive predicates. Finite sum and multiplication. Minimization operator and limited minimization operator. Natural numbers cortege coding. Partially recursive and fully recursive functions. Ackermann function. Standard outlook program, program concatenation. Partially recursive function connection with RAM computed functions. Measure of algorithm complexity. Reducibility. NP – complete problem.</p><p>Literatura:</p><p> Мальцев А.Н. Алгоритмы и рекурсивные функции. - М., Наука, 1986. - 366 с. Успенский В.А., Семенов А.Л. Теория алгоритмов: основные открытия и приложения. - М., Наука, 1987. -288 с. Гуц А.К. Математическая лоrика и теория алrоритмов. - Омск: Издательство Наследие. Диалог-Сибирь, 2003. - 108 с. Босс В. Лекции по математике. Т. 6: От Диофанта до Тьюринга. - М.: КомКнига, 2006. - 208 с. Босс В. Лекции по математике. Т. 10: Перебор и эффективные алгоритмы: Учебное пособие. - М.: Издательство ЛКИ, 2008. - 216 с. T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, and R. L. Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms, First Edition. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2001</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, laboratory works, home assignments, </p><p>Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme 52 Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Operating system theory</p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass. prof. I. Lemberskis STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4CP 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 2nd study year, 3rd semester Final assessment on course completion: exam</p><p>Course aim is to equip the students of understanding of the contemporary theory of operating systems. Course outline: Structure of a processor. Process and central processor design. Operational virtual memory, management of the file systems. Structure of secondary and tertiary. Protection and security. Main notions in evaluation of the computer systems performance. Process coordination.</p><p>Literatura: W.Stallings, Operating Systems. Internals and Design Principles, 2004 A.S. Tanenbaums, Modern Operating Systems, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, 2001 </p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, laboratory works, home assignments</p><p>Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme 53 Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Open operating systems </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass. prof. I. Lemberskis STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4CP 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 2nd study year, 3rd semester Final assessment on course completion: exam </p><p>Course aim and objectives is to equip the students with understanding of the structure of contemporary open operation systems (UNIX).</p><p>Course outline: File structure in open operating systems. UNIX command shell. File protection. Process and central processor ordering. Process coordination. System calls. UNIX administartion.</p><p>Literature: W.Stallings, Operating Systems. Internals and Design Principles, 2004 A.S. Tanenbaums, Modern Operating Systems, 2nd ed. , Prentice Hall, 2001 UNIX Tutorial for Beginners (http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/) С.В. Свиридов, Системные вызовы OC UNIX, Москва, 1992 М.Дансмур, Г.Дейвис, Операционная система и программирование на языке Си, Москва, 1989</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, laboratory works, home assignments, </p><p>Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme 54 Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Probability theory </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: doc. L. Kagans-Barskis STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4 CP 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 2nd study year, 3rd semester Final assessment on course completion: exam </p><p>Course aim and objective are to equip the students with the understanding how in terms of quantity to evaluate the outcomes of attempts and the probability of occurance of the desired event and the level of risk of the decision making in multivariate conditions of reality. Course outline: Classic theory of probability (random events including «contingency scheme»). Values of contingency and Contingency distribution law. Law of large numbers. Components of the theory of random function, statistical methods to process the data of observation. Main methods of verification of statistical hypothesis. Elements of dispersion and regression analysis. Literatura: Гмурман В.Е. Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика. - М.: «Высшая школа», 1999. Гринглаз Л., Копытов Е. Математическая статистика с примера-ми решения задач на компьютере: Учеб. пособие. - Рига: ВШЭК, 1999. Further reading:</p><p> Бережная Е.В., Бережной В.И. Математические методы моделиро- вания экономических систем: Учеб. пособие. - М.: Финансы и статис- тика, 2001. Бронштейн И.Н., Семендяев К.А. Справочник по математике для инженеров и учащихся втузов. - Лейпциг: "Тойбнер", М.: «Наука», 1981. Калинина В.Н., Панкин В.Ф. Математическая статистика: Учеб. для техникумов. - 2-е изд., стер. - М.: Высш. шк., 1998. Колемаев В.А., Староверов О.В., Турундаевский В.Б. Теория веро- ятностей и математическая статистика. - М.: «Высшая школа», 1991. </p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, practical classes</p><p>Baltic International Academy </p><p>55 Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Information theory </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: doc. J.Žukovska</p><p>COURSE OUTLINE Credit value: 4 CP Contact hours:64 Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 3rd study year, 5th semester Final assessment on course completion: exam</p><p>Course aim and objectives: to equip the student with knowledge of the main principles of formation of a technological system.</p><p>Course outline: Information. Information amount. Information measurement unit (Hartley, C.Shannon.) Entropy of the information source, its description. Information over-abundance and source productivity. Capacity of discrete communication channel. Harmonisations of discrete source and ideal channel. Central effective channel coding theorems. Effective codes. Shannon-Fano and Huffman coding methods. Binary code tree. Discrete source and noise channel harmonization.</p><p>Literature: Raymond W. Yeung. A. First Course in Information Theory Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2002. David J. C. MacKay. Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Lazarevs E. Binārie Heminga cikliskie kodi. Rīga: RTU Izdevniecība, 2007. - 38 lpp.</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, practical classes</p><p>Baltic International Academy </p><p>56 Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Modern networks Course compiled by /taught: prof. V.Streļčenoks STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 2CP (incl. 1CP for course project) 32 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 2nd study year, 4th semester Final assessment on course completion: exam</p><p>Course aim is to equip the students with the basic knowledge concerning the principles of computer networks design and possibilities in applications of network technologies. </p><p>Course outline:</p><p> Main principles of computer networks design. Administration through interactive activities. Data transmission protocols. Networks information security. Systems of telecommunication. Digital and satellite communication lines. Network commutations. Error control in the course of communication. Local networks. Network communication systems. PHP, HTML files creation for the Internet. Literature:</p><p>1. Уэнделл Одом, Компьютерные сети. Первый шаг , Computer Networking First-step. — М.: «Вильямс», 2005. — С. 432. — ISBN 1-58720-101-1 2. Cisco Systems, Inc., Программа сетевой академии Cisco CCNA 3 и 4. Вспомогательное руководство , Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA 3 and 4 Companion Guide. — М.: «Вильямс», 2006. — С. 944. — ISBN 1-58713-113-7 3. Хоникайт Дж. Использование Internet. Пер. С англ., Киев, Диалектика, 1997. 4. Гагин А. Сервисы Интернет - практическое рассмотрение. М., ]еt infosystems, 1996.</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, practical classes, laboratory work, course work, home assignments </p><p>Baltic International Academy </p><p>57 Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Web programming </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass.prof. I. Lemberskis STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4 CP 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 2nd study year, 4th semester Final assessment on course completion: exam</p><p>Course aim is to acquaint the students with Web-programming language HTML</p><p>Course outline:</p><p> Structure of a HTML document. Text formatting. Lists. Tables. Frames. Reference. Adding images Programming with HTML forms. </p><p>Literature: </p><p> Елена Полонская, Язык HTML. Самоучитель, Диалектика, Москва, 2005, 320 с. HTML tutorial, http://www.w3schools.com/html/ Mary Gillen, HTML, Intermediate Skills & Drills, IconLogic, 211 p, 2005</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, laboratory works</p><p>58 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Databases Course compiled by /taught: prof. V.Streļčenoks STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4 CP 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 2nd study year, 3rd semester Final assessment on course completion: exam </p><p>Course aim is to equip the students with the fundamentals and possibilities of database use, development and introduction of a system to support decision. Course outline: Notion of database (DB). Database design. Description of the DB real meaning. Link fixation in relational DB. Use of form to simplify data entry. Work with data, use of request. Data change using request. Use of request in SQL language. Formation of reporting. Development of complex object. Work with MACROS. Design of DB management shell. Course work. </p><p>Literature: 1. Кошелев В.Е. Access 2007. Эффективное использование. С-Пб., Бином-Пресс, 2008, 592c. ISBN: 978-5-9518-0221-7 2. Michael R. Groh, Joseph C. Stockman, Gavin Powell, Cary N. Prague. Access 2007 Bible. - Wiley Publishing, 2007, 1412 page. ISBN: 978-0-470-04673-9 3. К. Луни, М. Терьо, Oracle 9i. Настольная книга администратора, Питер, 2006 год, 800 стр 4. Вишневский А. В. Microsoft SQL Server. Эффективная работа, Питер, 2009 год, 544 стр</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, laboratory works, home assignments, course work</p><p>59 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Programming in “Assembler” language </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass. prof. I. Lemberskis STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4CP 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 1st study year, 2nd semester Final assessment on course completion: exam, course project</p><p>Course aim: to develop understanding of computer architecture from the programmer’s standpoint. Course outline: Computer construction: processor, register, random-access memory (RAM), its addressing. Input/output system. Instruction and operand addressing. Packed decimal numbers and symbolic data. Transformation number – text and text – number. Assembler compiler environment. Coordination of programme intercommunication. Macro language.</p><p>Literature: Зубков С.В. Ассемблер: Для DOS, Windows, Unix, ДМК, Москва, 1999 640с. В. Юров, Assembler: Учебник для вузов. 2-е изд., Питер, 2010 год, 640 стр В. Юров, Assembler: Практикум. 2-е изд., 2007 год, 400 стр R.Hyde, Art of Assembly Language, No Starch Press, 2003, 882 p.</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, laboratory works, course project</p><p>60 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Microelectronics </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass. prof. I. Lemberskis STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4 CP 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 2nd study year, 3rd semester Final assessment on course completion: exam </p><p>Course aim: to equip the students with knowledge in microelectronic CMOS technology. Course outline: CMOS elements and circuits. CMOS technology and transistors. Diode and transistor models and dependency graphs. Transistor switchover and transition processes. Liberated energy and its value calculation. </p><p>Literature: В.А Прянишников, Электроника, С-Петербург, 2009 Бобровников Л. З. , Электроника: Учебник для вузов. 5-е изд., перераб. и доп., 2005 год, 560 стр. Jaeger & Blalock, Microelectronic Circuit Design, 2005 R.Jaeger, Travis Blalock, Microelectronic Circuit Design, 2007 All about circuits, http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, laboratory works (Labview), home assignments</p><p>61 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Digital and VLSI circuit logic</p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass. prof. I. Lemberskis STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4CP 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 2nd study year, 4th semester Final assessment on course completion: exam</p><p>Course aim is: to acquaint the students with digital elements and VLSI circuits. Course outline: Logic functions and logic elements: triggers, counters, decoders, encoders, registers, arithmetic unit. Programmable logic (PLA, FPGA). Designing with the aid of PLA and FPGA. Permanent memory elements. Literature: В.М.Каган, М.М.Каневский, Цифровые вычислительные машины и системы, Москва, 1999 Проектирование микроэлектронных цифровых устройств, мод ред. С.А. Майорова, Москва, 1998 G. DeMicheli, Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1994. S. Devadas, A. Ghosh, and K. Keutzer, McGraw-Hill, Logic Synthesis, New York, 1994</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, laboratory works (Labview), home assignments</p><p>62 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science) Course title: Electric curcuits</p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass. prof. I. Lemberskis STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4 CP 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 2nd study year, 4th semester Final assessment on course completion: exam </p><p>Course aim: to equip the students with knowledge about the processes in electric curcuits. Course outline: Electric circuit and its elements. Sources of electric energy and working modes. Kirchoff’s circuit laws in DC circuits. Calculation of electric circuits with one energy source. Furcating DC circuits calculations, based on Kirchoff’s circuit laws. DC circuits power balance. Alternative current parameters. AC current voltage and power portrayal with wave-vector diagram and description through complex numbers. DC resistive circuit, correlation between voltage and power. DC inductive circuit, correlation between voltage and power. DC capacitive circuits, correlation between voltage and power. DC effective and average values. Series connected-elements in RL / DC circuits, voltage and resistance triangles. Series connected-elements in RC/ DC circuits, voltage and resistance triangles. Series connected-elements in RLC / DC circuits, vector diagram, resistance triangles Parallel connection of the elements R and L in DC circuit, power triangle. Parallel connection of the elements R and C in DC circuit, power triangle. Parallel connection of the elements R, L and C in DC circuit, power resonance. DC active, reactive and full power. Power triangle. Power coefficient, its meaning in technics and economy. Measurement of active power. Wattmeter design. Notion of transition processes, commutation laws.</p><p>Literature: К. Демирчян, Л. Нейман, Теоретические основы электротехники. Учебник для вузов. 5-е изд. Том 1,2 Н. Коровкин, Е. Селина, В. Чечурин, Теоретические основы электротехники. Сборник задач, 2006 год, 512 стр. Lectures online, http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Electrical-Engineering-and-Computer- Science/6-002Spring-2007/VideoLectures/index.htm All about circuits, http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, laboratory works (Labview), home assignments</p><p>63 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Logic circuit design </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass. prof. I. Lemberskis STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4 CP 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 3rd study year, 5th semester Final assessment on course completion: exam</p><p>Course aim is to equip the students with knowledge of the methods used in design of digital circuits. Course outline: Combinational circuits two- and multi-level design. ESPRESSO- two-level minimization tool. Decomposition. Circuit description and optimization based on binary decision diagrams. Digital electronic technology design. Low-load design. Memory Circuits design. Circuit description by graphics, tables and Petri net. Optimization: minimization and encoding. Optimization with various memory elements. SIS –logic circuit design tool.</p><p>Literature: Проектирование микроэлектронных цифровых устройств, мод ред. С.А. Майорова, Москва, 1998 E.M. Sentovich et al, SIS: A System for Sequential Circuit Synthesis, http://embedded.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/downloads/sis/index.htm Programmable Logic Design Quick Start Handbook, http://www.xilinx.com/publications/products/cpld/logic_handbook.pdf</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, laboratory works (ESPRESSO, SIS) home assignments</p><p>64 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: VHDL language </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass. prof. I. Lemberskis STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION </p><p>Credit value: 4CP 64 contact hours </p><p>Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 3rd study year, 5th semester Final assessment on course completion: exam </p><p>Course aims and objectives: to equip the students with knowledge of the VHDL language. Course outline: Language operators and data types. Operators. Main structures, object structure and design specification, object declarations. Object modeling. Signal and shift characteristics. Basics of design in WebPack environment.</p><p>Literature: Е.А. Суворова, Ю.Е. Шейнин, Проктирование цифровых систем на VHDL, БХВ, С.-П., 2003, 560 с. В.Ю. Зотов, Проектирование цифровых устройств на основе ПЛИС фириы XILINX в САПР WEBPACK ISE –2003, 624 с. Sudhakar Yalamanchili, VHDL Starters Guide, Prentice Hall, 2005, 256 pp Jan Van der Spiegel, VHDL Tutorial, http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~ese201/vhdl/vhdl_primer.html</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, laboratory works (WebPack), home assignments</p><p>65 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science) Course title: VHDL language - project</p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass. prof. I. Lemberskis STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 2 CP 40 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 3rd study year, 5th semester Final assessment on course completion: exam </p><p>Course aim: to design digital schemes in WebPack environment making use of VHDL language.</p><p>Literature: Е.А. Суворова, Ю.Е. Шейнин, Проeктирование цифровых систем на VHDL, БХВ, С.-П., 2003, 560 с. В.Ю. Зотов, Проектирование цифровых устройств на основе ПЛИС фириы XILINX в САПР WEBPACK ISE –2003, 624 с. ISE 8.2i Quick Start Tutorial, www.xilinx.com Sudhakar Yalamanchili, VHDL Starters Guide, Prentice Hall, 2005, 256 pp Jan Van der Spiegel, VHDL Tutorial, http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~ese201/vhdl/vhdl_primer.html</p><p>Teaching methods: seminars, presentations, laboratory works (WebPack), home assignments</p><p>66 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Computer-aided calculus </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: as. prof. I. Lemberskis STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4 CP 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 3rd study year, 6th semester Final assessment on course completion: exam </p><p>Course aim: to familiarise the students with the possibilities of Octave environment. Course outline: Octave as super calculator, as a tool of creating programs. Structure of the Octave environment. Octave tools and possibilities. Octave objects and data classes. Work with structural and mesh matrices. Text processing and regular expressions. Special matrixes and their applications. Data filtration. Solving of linear equations systems. Fitting curves to measurement data. Symbolic mathematic tools, use and possibilities (use of formulas). Comparison of Octave with other C languages. Scenarios and functions, development of recursive function. Numerical solving of integration equation: integration equations, types of integration equations, links between differential equations and integration equations. Green function, progressive approximation method, total sum method, Galerkin method, collocation method, the Big Square Small Square (GBSS) method, momentum methods.</p><p>Literature: J.W. Eaton et all, GNU Octave, Ed.3, 2007 Alfio Quarteroni, Fausto Saleri, Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave, 2006, 318 pages Е. Макаров, Mathcad. Учебный курс, 2009 год, 384 стр Е. Макаров, Инженерные расчеты в Mathcad 14 (+CD), 2007 год, 592 стр.</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, home assignments</p><p>67 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science) Course title: Microprocessors and embedded systems </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass. prof. I. Lemberskis STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 4 CP 64 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 3rd study year, 6th semester Final assessment on course completion: exam </p><p>Course aim and objectives is to equip the students with understanding of the fundamental principles of microprocessors and embedded systems, operating principles, manufacturing technologies and use in computer engineering. </p><p>Course outline: Process management (control). Digital and analogous management (control). Flexible automation. Laws and regularities of management (control). Algorithms of management (control). Use of microprocessors and embedded systems in process (control) management. Industrial computers. Programmable logic controller (PLC), setting for work, programming, connection. Control algorithm development.</p><p>Literature: С.Ф. Барретт, Д.Дж.Пак, Встраиваемые системы .Проектирование приложений на микроконтроллерах семейства 68HC12/ HCS12 с применением языка С, ДМК – пресс, Москва, 2007, 635 с. Ицкович Э. Л. Классификация современных контроллеров и их сетевых комплексов, Оборудование, № 7, 2004 F. Vahid and T. Givargis, Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction, John Wiley & Sons, 2002. J. Catsoulis, Designing Embedded Hardware, Second Edition, O'Reilly Media, 2005 Tim Wilmshurst Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers, Second Edition: Principles and Applications, 2009</p><p>Teaching method: lectures, seminars, laboratory works</p><p>68 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: IT in management Course compiled by /taught: prof. V.Streļčenoks STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 2 CP 32 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: optional Final assessment on course completion: graded test </p><p>Course aim to equip the students with the knowledge of basic applications of IT in management of small and medium businesses, as well as IT use in certain specific areas. Course outline: Classification of information technologies. Overview of the functional IT structure. Solving the planning problems with Solver sofrware. Solving scheduling problems with Solver software. Solving transportation problem with Solver software. Risk analysis methods in investment projects. Itaided risk analysis methods. </p><p>Literature: Радионова С.П., Радионов Н. В. Оценка инвестиционных русурсов предприятий, 2001 г. И.Л. Акулич, В.Ф. Стрельченок, Математические методы и компьютерные технологии решения оптимизационных задач. Рига- БРИ-2000 г. И.Л. Акулич, В.Ф. Стрельченок и др. Экономико-математические методы и модели. Учебное пособие-Минск, 2003 г. Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, home assignments, </p><p>69 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Social psychology </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass.prof. G.Breslavs STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 2 CP 32 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during : optional Final assessment on course completion: graded test </p><p>Course aim and objectives are: to develop the understanding and awareness related to the field of social psychology, to acquaint with the classic and contemporary theories and methods of social psychology. Course outline: The subject-matter of social psychology. Personality issues in social psychology . Socialization of a personality. Social orientation. Laws an regularities in human interactions. Human relations as communication. Human relations as interaction. Social perception. Types of social influence in the process of human interaction. Group issues in social psychology. Small group dynamics. Conflict in small groups. Inter-group cooperation issues. Main empirical research methods in social psychology. </p><p>Literature: Андреева Г. М. Социальная психология.М., Аспект-Пресс 2004. Берн Э. Лидер и группа. Екатеринбург, 2000. Бороздина Р. Психология делового общения.М. 1999. Майерс Дэвид Социальная психология. СПб 2001. Роберт С. Бэрон, Норберт Л. Керрб Социальная психология группы. Процессы, решения, действия. Пер.с англ. СПб. Питер. 2003. V. Renģe. Organizāciju psiholoģija. Rīga. 1999. V. Cerkiļevičs. Sociālā psiholoģija. BKI Rīga. 2002. Г. Крайг, Д. Бокум, Психология развития, 2010 год, 944 стр Teaching methods: lectures, practical classes, home assignments, control works</p><p>70 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Vizual communication resources </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: doc. B.Borisovs </p><p>STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 2 CP 32 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: optional Final assessment on course completion: graded test </p><p>Course aim and objectives: to equip the students with understanding of screen communication’s means and tools, to familiarise the students with marketing of goods and services.</p><p>Course outline:</p><p> Setting the goals and stating the objectives of PR product. Choice of media, topic, object, and genre; task definition. Public radio and commercial radio stations. Analysis of broadcasting network and selection of radio format. Radio interview, radio news, radio sketch, “round table”. Radio recording in studio and on-site. Digital processing (text processing and editing, music, rales). Directing in radio broadcasting. Television: the place and functions of the author, producer, director, camera man, and copy-reader. TV broadcasting in PR strategy. Principles of editing. Internet: text, photo, graphics. Placing of the PR materials in the Internet. Literature:</p><p> Sandra Veinberga, "Publiskās attiecības. PR teorija un prakse", Rīga, 2004.g. Sandra Veinberga, "Masmediji", Zvaigzne ABC, Rīga, 2005.g. Алешина И.В., «Паблик рилейшнз для менеджеров», Москва, 2001 г. Юджин Марлоу, «ПИАР в электронных СМИ», Москва, 2002 г. Шерель А.А., Радиожурналистика, Изд. МГУ, 2002 г. Иванов Г.П., Основы продюсерства. Аудиовизуальная сфера, 2003 г.</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, home assignments</p><p>71 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science) Course title: Management </p><p>Course compiled by /taught: doc. S.Stradiņa</p><p>STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 2 CP 32 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: optional Final assessement on course completion: graded test</p><p>Course aim and objectives are to equip the students with understanding of the main roles and functions of a manager in order to provide continuous control and coordination of a business operation and achievement of its. </p><p>Course outline: Introduction into management (the essence, goals and main categories, the process and evolution of management, modern theories of management). Functions of management (planning, organization, provision of individual motivation , control). Principles and methods of management. Styles and levels of management (the nature of a the managerial style and classification of styles in management). Management and manager (Personality-based models. Leadership. Authority. Modes of influence. Delegation). Conflict management, management of changes, stress management (methods of conflict resolution, organization, control and coordination while managing changes, stress management). Organization theory (the central notions, goals and types, life cycle stages, organization as a system). Communication (nature and goal of communication, types and forms of communication, barriers in communication, comunication networks ). Decision making (nature, groups and types of managerial decisions, the process of decision making ). Effectiveness of management (criteria and methods to evaluate the effectiveness of management). Control assignments. </p><p>Literature: 1. Дафт Р. Менеджмент. Учебник. - СПб.: Питер, 2002 2. Кунде Йеспер. Корпоративная религия/Пер. с англ. Стокгольмская школа экономики в С-Петербурге. 2002 3. Роббинс С., Коултер М. Менеджмент, 6-е изд./Пер. с англ. М.: Изд. дом «Вильямс». 2004 4. Иванус А.И. Код да Винче в бизнесе или гармоничный менеджмент по Фибоначии. – М.: Ленанд. 2005. 5. Конец менеджмента и становление организационной демократии / Кеннет Клок, Джоан Голдсмит. - Санкт - Петербург: Питер, 2004. </p><p>72 6. Современный менеджмент : теория и практика / А.С. Большаков, В.И. Михайлов. - 2-е изд, испр. и доп. – Санкт - Петербург: Питер, 2002. - 416 с. 7. Основы менеджмента: учебник / Майкл Мескон, Майкл Альберт, Франклин Хедоури; под общей ред. Л.И. Ивенко; пер. с англ. - 2-е изд. - Москва: Дело, 2004. 8. Менеджмент: учебное пособие / Дж. Кадем Лафта. - 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. - Москва: Велби, 2004. 9. Praude V. Beļčikovs, Menedžments Rīga, LU 2002 10. Caurkubule Ž. Menedžments. Rīga, BSA, 2008</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, control assignments, home assignments, written reports</p><p>73 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Accounting </p><p>Course compiled by /taught:doc. O.Pravarne STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 2CP 32 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: optional Final assessment on course completion: graded test </p><p>Course aim and objectives: to acquire a systematic approach to process financial and economic information within the accounting cycle starting with the making accounting entries (source documents) up to balance and financial statements. Course outline:</p><p> Subject-matter, scope, objectives and principles of financial accounting. Legal regulations on financial accounting in Latvia. Monetary means, billing records, debit and credit accounting. Long-term investments and accounting of the sources of financing. Fixed assets in accounting. Intangible assets in accounting. Financial investments and securities in accounting. Inventory and expenditure in accounting. Work, work payment and work costs in accounting. Operating expenses in accounting. Finished product, operating expenses and sales costs in accounting. Financial results and operating profit in accounting. Capital, stocks, and reserve accounts. Peculiarities of accounting of individual enterprises, different from legal persons. Peculiarities of accounting in varying branches of economy, as affecting the order of financial accounting. </p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, control assignments, home assignments</p><p>Literature: Сборник нормативных документов по бухгалтерскому учету. Bib. Rīga, 2007. Йорг Бетге. Балансоведение. Пер с англ. У.У. Оздемирова. М.: Бухгалтерсий учет, 2000 Стоун Д. Хитчинг К.. Бухгалтерский учет и финансовый анализ. Пер с англ. М.: Сирин, 1998 O.Pravarne. Ievads grāmatvedībā. – Jāņa Rozes apgāds, Rīga, 2001. Финансовый учет: Учебник. Под ред В.Г. Гетьмана. М.: «Финансы и статистика», 2002 Finanšu grāmatvedība /Jānis Benze/ Auditorfirma „Grāmatvedis”, Rīga, 1995. </p><p>74 7. Finanšu grāmatvedības pamati: mācību līdzeklis. I.Ievinga, Z.Sundakova. Rīga. RTU 2004. 8. Guntis Mālderis. Grāmatvedība, audits, revīzija. Turība. Rīga. 2002 9. A. Ludboržs. Finanšu grāmatvedība tirdzniecībā. SIA “Lietišķās informācijas dienests”. Rīga. 2003. Public Finanse. Xarvey S. Rosen. Mc Grow - Hill. USA. 2002 Financial Managerial Accounting. Belverd E. Needles, Huughton Mifflin Company. USA. 2002 Accounting for non-accountants. A manual for managers and students./ Graham Mott – Kogan Page 2005.</p><p>75 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Logic</p><p>Course compiled by /taught: ass. prof. V. Kačans STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 2CP 32 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: optional Final assessment on course completion: graded test</p><p>Course aim and objectives: to develop the skills to use the laws, approaches and operations of logic in practice: in the course of reasoning. In order to acquire and develop logical skills practice in solving logical problems is offered. </p><p>Course outline: The subject-matter of logic as study discipline. Terminology. Argument. Conclusion. Proofs and objections. Literature:</p><p> В.Я.Качан, В.Е.Никифоров, Логика. Методическое пособие для студентов ВУЗов, Рига, 1996. I.Vedins, Loģika. R., 1998, 2000. В.Ф.Берков, Яскевич Я.С., Павлюкевич В.И. Логика. Учебное пособие для высших учебных заведений. Минск: "ТетраСистемс",1997.- 415 с. Ивин А.А. Логика. Учебник. М. : Гардарика ,1999. - 347.с. Ивлев Ю.В, Логика. Учебник для вузов. 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Логос, 1999. - 272 с. Newton-Smith W.H., Logic. An Introductory Course. L., Routledge & Kegan Paul plc., 1999. –220 pp. Irving M. , C. Cohen Introduction to logic. Tenth Edition. © Prentice-Hall, Inc. USA1997, Copyright 1998, 714p.</p><p>Teaching method: lectures, seminars, control assignments, home assignments</p><p>76 Baltic International Academy Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: Intellectual property rights Course compiled by /taught:doc. V.Bagirovs STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 2CP 32 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 3rd ac.year, 6th semester Final assessment on course completion: graded test </p><p>Course aim and objective are to develop the understanding of modern methods to protect the rights of intellectual property in general and in particular, to focus on the protection of the rights for the topography of semiconductor products. Course outline:</p><p> Introduction into the study course. The notion of the intellectual property, types and principles. Subjects of the intellectual property rights. Sources of the intellectual property right. Peculiarities of protection of topography of semiconductor product. Possibility of legal protection for semiconductor product topography. Legal subjects of the rights for the semiconductor product topography. Registration of the semiconductor product topography. Rights resulting from the registration of the semiconductor product topography. Protection of legal rights for the semiconductor product topography in the LR Patent Office. International legal protection of topography of semiconductor products.</p><p>Literature:</p><p> Patentu likums. LR likums no 15.02.2007. Poļakovs Georgijs. Rūpnieciskā īpašuma īpašnieka tiesības. R., 2001. Pusvadītāju izstrādājumu topogrāfijas aizsardzības likums no 12.03.1998. Rozenfelds Jānis. Intelektuālais īpasums. R., 2004. Steiner J. EU Law. Oxford University Press. 9th ed., 2006. EBSCO Online datu bāze: www.ebsco.com LR likumi un normatīvie akti, NAIS. ES direktīvas atbilstošā jomā. Vienošana par intelektuāla īpašuma tiesību tirdzniecības aspektiem (TRIPS līgums), 1995. g.</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, home assignments</p><p>Baltic International Academy 77 Academic higher education study programme Computer-aided design in microelectronics Providing for award of Bachelor degree in the natural sciences (computer science)</p><p>Course title: EC labour law Course compiled by /taught:doc. N.Rešetilova STUDY COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit value: 2 CP 32 contact hours Course length: 1 semester Taught during: 3rd ac year, 6th semester Final assesment on course completion: graded test </p><p>Course aim and objectives are to equip the students with the understanding of legal regulations at the labour market, social partnership in the European Union and the role of the EU legal framework for the regulation of the social and labour relations. </p><p>Course outline:</p><p> General description of contemporary labour law. Main principles and sources of the EU labour law. EU individual labour law. EU collective labour law. Work safety.</p><p>Literature:</p><p> Angļu - latviešu Eiropas Savienības terminu vārdnīca. - Rīga: UNDP, 2004. Darbinieki – līdzvērtīgi sociālā dialoga partneri. Rokasgrāmata darbiniekiem un viņu pārstāvjiem.- Rīga, 2004. Darba algas un to ietekmējošie faktori. LR LM: Rīga, 2006. Darbaspēka ģeogrāfiskā mobilitāte. LR LM: Rīga. 2007. Dzimumu līdztiesības aspekti darba tirgū. LR LM : Rīga, 2006. Ievads Eiropas Savienibas darba tiesibas. Introduction to European Union Labour Law. - Riga: RSEBAA, 2004. - 240 lpp. Ievads Eiropas Savienības tiesibās (tiesu prakse un komentāri). Otrais papildinātais izdevums. – Rīga, 2006. Eiropas tiesības: mācību grāmata / Valdis Bluzma, Arnis Buka, Eduards Bruno Deksnis; galv. zin. red. Tālavs Jundzis. - Otrais papild. izd. - Rīga: Juridiskā Koledža, 2007. - 627 lpp Ehrenberg, R.G., Smith, R.S. Modern Labor economics. Teory and Public Polisy. Eight edition. Pearson Education, Inc. 2003. Gatawis S., Broks E., Bule Z. Eiropas tiesības.- Rīga: Latv. Universitāte, 2002. (215.-244., 327.-335.lpp.). Honeyball Simon, John Bowers. Labor Law. – Eighth edition. – Oxford University Press. 2004. George T.Milkovich, Jerry M.Newman, with the assistence of Carolyne Milkovich. Compensation, The McGrow-Hill Company, 2005. 78 Racenāja N. Darba mekletāja rokasgrāmata. - Rīga: Turība, 2008. – 78lpp. Ulmane V. Darba tiesības. Darba aizsardzība. Biznesa augstskola Turība, SIA.- Rīga., 2004. А.Байков, Н.Решетилова. Трудовое право Европейского Союза.. – Рига: МБА, 2006. Дэйвис К. Право Европейского Союза: Пер. со 2-го англ. изд. – К., 2005 Ильин Ю.Д. Лекции по истории и праву Европейского Союза. – М..: Спарк, 2002. Кашкин С.Ю. Введение в право Европейского Союза. Учебное пособие /Под ред. д.ю.н., проф. Кашкина С.Ю. – М. : Изд-во Эксмо, 2005. Meждународная организация труда: конвенции, документы материалы: справ. пособие.- М. Дело и Сервис, 2007. Милкович Джордж Т. Система вознаграждений и методы стимулирования персонала / Пер.с англ. – М., 2005. Трудовое и социальное право Европейского Союза: документы и материалы.- М.: “Права человека “ , 2005.</p><p>Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, home assignments</p><p>79 Appendix 2</p><p>(not available in an electronic form)</p><p>80 Appendix 3</p><p>81 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University</p><p>Computer Engineering University first cycle (undergraduate, Bachelor) studies Faculty: Faculty of Electronics Mode of studies: Full-time, daytime studies Name of qualification: Bachelor of Electronics Engineering Program description Semester 1 (16 + 4 = 20 weeks) Course number Course title Hours/Week Credits (PC) ECTS credits and description ELKIB01001 Introduction in Electronics 210 3,0 4,50 FMFIB01004 Physics 1 220 3,0 4,50 FMGSB01002 Engineering and Computer Graphics 111 3,0 4,50 FMITB01018 Programming Language C 210 2,0 3,00 FMMMB01002 Mathematics 1 303 5,0 7,50 HIKKB01001 Physical Training 1 004 2,0 3,00 Option (one of the following) HIKAB01009 German Language 1 003 2,0 3,00 HIKAB01010 French Language 1 003 2,0 3,00 HIKAB01019 English Language 1 003 2,0 3,00 Option (one of the following) HIHSB01001 Philosophy 201 2,0 3,00 HIHSB01002 Philosophy of Technology 201 2,0 3,00 Semester 2 (16 + 4 = 20 weeks) Course number Course title Hours/Week Credits (PC) ECTS credits and description FMFIB02005 Physics 2 211 3,0 4,50 FMGSB02002 Computer Graphics 130 4,0 6,00 FMITB02019 Programming Language C++ 220 3,0 4,50 FMMMB02002 Mathematics 2 403 5,0 7,50 FMMMB02004 Discrete Mathematics 301 3,0 4,50 HIKKB02002 Physical Training 2 004 2,0 3,00 Option (one of the following) HIKAB02009 German Language 2 002 2,0 3,00 HIKAB02010 French Language 2 002 2,0 3,00 HIKAB02019 English Language 2 002 2,0 3,00 Semester 3 (16 + 4 = 20 weeks) Course number Course title Hours/Week Credits (PC) ECTS credits and description ELAUB03001 Electrical Engineering 1 312 4,0 6,00 ELESB03001 Fundamentals of Electronics 310 4,0 6,00 ELESB03002 Script Programming 220 4,0 6,00 FMMMB03002 Mathematics 3 302 4,0 6,00 VVSEB03028 Economics 1 201 2,0 3,00 Option (one of the following) APASB03002 Man and Environment 200 2,0 3,00 HIHSB03003 Ethics 200 2,0 3,00 Semester 4 (16 + 4 = 20 weeks) Course number Course title Hours/Week Credits (PC) ECTS credits and description ELAUB04002 Electrical Engineering 2 310 3,0 4,50 ELESB04001 Electronic Devices 310 4,0(1,0) 6,00 ELESB04002 Signals and Circuits 1 411 5,0 7,50 ELKIB04001 Database 210 2,0 3,00 ELKIB04002 Cognitive Practice 000 2,0 3,00 FMMMB04010 Mathematics 4 201 2,0 3,00 VVIEB04010 Economics 2 201 2,0 3,00 Option (one of the following) HIHSB04020 Political Theory 200 2,0 3,00 HIHSB04030 Political Culture 200 2,0 3,00 HIHSB04040 Civil Psychology 200 2,0 3,00 Semester 5 (16 + 4 = 20 weeks) Course number Course title Hours/Week Credits (PC) ECTS credits and description Computer Technology ELESB05001 Digital Circuits 320 4,0 6,00 ELESB05002 Signals and Circuits 2 310 3,0 4,50 ELESB05009 Theory of Electromagnetic Fields 301 3,0 4,50 ELESB05010 Computer Architecture 410 3,0 4,50 VVSEB05029 Management 301 3,0 4,50 Option (one of the following) ELAUB05005 History of the Engineering 200 2,0 3,00 ELAUB05006 Mechatronics 200 2,0 3,00 ELESB05008 Human and Electronics 200 2,0 3,00 ELKIB05001 Technologies of Electronics 200 2,0 3,00 Option (one of the following) ELESB05005 Signals and Circuits 000 2,0(2,0) 3,00 ELESB05007 Digital Circuits 000 2,0(2,0) 3,00 ELESB05011 Computer Architecture 000 2,0(2,0) 3,00 Computer Aided Design ELESB05001 Digital Circuits 320 4,0 6,00 82 ELESB05002 Signals and Circuits 2 310 3,0 4,50 ELESB05009 Theory of Electromagnetic Fields 301 3,0 4,50 ELESB05010 Computer Architecture 410 3,0 4,50 VVSEB05029 Management 301 3,0 4,50 Option (one of the following) ELAUB05005 History of the Engineering 200 2,0 3,00 ELAUB05006 Mechatronics 200 2,0 3,00 ELESB05008 Human and Electronics 200 2,0 3,00 ELKIB05001 Technologies of Electronics 200 2,0 3,00 Option (one of the following) ELESB05005 Signals and Circuits 000 2,0(2,0) 3,00 ELESB05007 Digital Circuits 000 2,0(2,0) 3,00 ELESB05011 Computer Architecture 000 2,0(2,0) 3,00 Semester 6 (16 + 4 = 20 weeks) Course number Course title Hours/Week Credits (PC) ECTS credits and description Computer Technology ELAUB06004 Human Safety 210 2,0 3,00 ELESB06001 Digital Signal Processing 310 4,0 6,00 ELKIB06001 Microprocessors 320 3,0 4,50 ELKIB06004 Industrial Practice 000 4,0 6,00 ELKIB06005 Microwave Technology 310 3,0 4,50 ELKIB06010 Local Area Network 310 3,0 4,50 ELKIB06012 Microtechnologies 310 3,0 4,50 Option (one of the following) ELKIB06003 Microprocessors 000 2,0(2,0) 3,00 ELKIB06011 Local Area Network 000 2,0(2,0) 3,00 Computer Aided Design ELAUB06004 Human Safety 210 2,0 3,00 ELESB06001 Digital Signal Processing 310 4,0 6,00 ELKIB06001 Microprocessors 320 3,0 4,50 ELKIB06004 Industrial Practice 000 4,0 6,00 ELKIB06005 Microwave Technology 310 3,0 4,50 ELKIB06010 Local Area Network 310 3,0 4,50 ELKIB06013 Design and Technologies of Chips 310 3,0 4,50 Option (one of the following) ELKIB06003 Microprocessors 000 2,0(2,0) 3,00 ELKIB06014 Design and Technologies of Chips 000 2,0(2,0) 3,00 Semester 7 (13 + 3 = 16 weeks) Course number Course title Hours/Week Credits (PC) ECTS credits and description Computer Technology ELKIB07001 Computer Periphery and Computer Systems 310 3,0 4,50 ELKIB07005 Computer Engineering 420 3,0 4,50 ELKIB07007 Computer Audio System 320 3,0 4,50 ELKIB07008 Computer Engineering 000 2,0(2,0) 3,00 HILKB07012 Speciality Language Culture 101 2,0 3,00 Option (one of the following) ELKIB07009 Wide Area Networks 310 3,0 4,50 ELKIB07010 Distributed Operating Systems 310 3,0 4,50 Computer Aided Design ELKIB07001 Computer Periphery and Computer Systems 310 3,0 4,50 ELKIB07005 Computer Engineering 420 3,0 4,50 ELKIB07013 Computer Aided Design 320 3,0 4,50 ELKIB07014 Design of Integrated Circuits 000 2,0(2,0) 3,00 HILKB07012 Speciality Language Culture 101 2,0 3,00 Option (one of the following) ELKIB07009 Wide Area Networks 310 3,0 4,50 ELKIB07010 Distributed Operating Systems 310 3,0 4,50 Semester 8 (13 + 3 = 16 weeks) Course number Course title Hours/Week Credits (PC) ECTS credits and description Computer Technology ELESB08003 Multimedia 320 3,0 4,50 ELKIB08002 Computer Diagnostic 220 3,0 4,50 ELKIB08005 Computer System 420 3,0 4,50 ELKIB08006 Computer Systems (complex project) 002 3,0 4,50 VVTEB07008 Law 300 2,0 3,00 Option (one of the following) ELKIB08007 Design with VHDL 310 2,0 3,00 ELKIB08008 Network Security and Administration 310 2,0 3,00 Computer Aided Design ELESB08003 Multimedia 320 3,0 4,50 ELKIB08005 Computer System 420 3,0 4,50 ELKIB08009 Technologies of Electronic Systems 310 3,0 4,50 Technologies of Electronics Systems (complex ELKIB08010 002 3,0 4,50 project) VVTEB07008 Law 300 2,0 3,00 Option (one of the following) ELKIB08007 Design with VHDL 310 2,0 3,00 ELKIB08008 Network Security and Administration 310 2,0 3,00 Semester 9 (8 + 0 = 8 weeks) Course number Course title Hours/Week Credits (PC) ECTS credits 83 and description Computer Technology ELKIB09002 Final Thesis 000 8,0 12,00 Computer Aided Design ELKIB09002 Final Thesis 000 8,0 12,00</p><p>University of Newcastle,UK</p><p>Degree of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Electronics and Computer Engineering UCAS Codes: H652 (with Foundation Year H653) See also:</p><p> Stage 0 (Foundation Year) for all Degrees of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours and Master of Engineering with Honours </p><p>1. Stage 0 Candidates satisfying the prerequisites for Stage 1 may be exempted by the Degree Programme Director from Stage 0. Otherwise candidates shall proceed under the degree regulations relating to Stage 0. 2. Stage 1 (a) All Stage 1 modules are not core and do not contribute towards degree classification. (b) All candidates shall take the following compulsory modules: Code Credits Descriptive title CSC1001 (20) Problem Solving, Program Design and Implementation CSC1002 (20) Object-oriented Program Design and Development EEE1005 (20) Signals and Communications I EEE1002 (20) Electronics I EEE1003 (20) Circuit Theory ENG1001 (20) Engineering Mathematics 3. Stage 2 (a) All Stage 2 modules contribute towards degree classification. (b) All candidates shall normally take the following compulsory modules: Code Credits Descriptive title CSC2001 (20) Advanced Programming CSC2003 (20) Computer Systems and Networks EEE2004 (10) Information Theory and Coding EEE2006 (20) Electronic Circuits II EEE2007 (20) Computer Systems II EEE2008 (20) Project II EEE2011 (10) Discrete Mathematics (c) Transfer to the Degree of Master of Electronics and Computer Engineering. Candidates who have completed Stage 2 of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Electronics and Computer Engineering may transfer to the degree of Master of Engineering with Honours in Electronics and Computer Engineering, subject to a pass with Merit at Stage 2.</p><p>4. Stage 3 (a) All Stage 3 modules contribute to degree classification. 84 (b) All candidates shall normally take the following compulsory modules: Code Credits Descriptive title CSC2002 (20) Requirements Analysis adn Database Design or CSC2004 (20) Modelling and Computation or CSC2005 (20) Algorithm Design and Analysis and ENG2001 (10) Introduction to Business Management and EEE3095 (40) Project and Dissertation (20/20) or EEE3096 (40) Project and Dissertation (10/30) or EEE3097 (40) Project and Dissertation (30/10) (c) All candidates shall select optional modules, chosen with the approval of the Degree Programme Director, with a total value of 50 credits, from the following list: Code Credits Descriptive title CSC3001 (10) Operating Systems CSC3002 (10) Reliability and Fault Tolerance CSC3003 (10) Human-Computer Interaction CSC3004 (10) Understanding Programming Languages CSC3005 (10) Real-time Programming in Java CSC3101 (10) Distributed Systems CSC3102 (10) Systems and Network Security CSC3103 (10) Internet Technologies adn Electronic Commerce CSC3201 (10) Graphics EEE3001 (10) Control Systems EEE3007 (10) Digital Electronics III EEE3008 (10) Industrial Automation EEE3009 (10) Embedded Systems EEE3012 (10) Design of VLSI Systems EEE3013 (10) Image Processing and Machine Vision EEE3015 (10) Telecommunications EEE3016 (10) Optoelectronics Or other such modules as approved by the Degree Programme Director. 5. Assessment Methods The following assessment methods may be used: unseen written examination papers; in- course assessments of practical classes; in-course assessments of example classes; assessments of project work; assessments of periods of fieldwork or industrial experience; dissertation assessment. Details of the assessment pattern for each module are specified in the Degree Programme Handbook. 6. Degree Classification The Stage 2 module assessments together contribute at a weighting of 25 percent towards degree classification, whilst the assessment of modules from Stage 3 contributes towards degree classification at a weighting of 75 per cent. For candidates entering Stage 2 and 3 in 2006/2007 1. Stage 2</p><p>85 (a) All Stage 2 modules are Honours modules. (b) All candidates shall normally take the following compulsory modules: Code Credits Descriptive title CSC2001 (20) Advanced Programming CSC2003 (20) Computer Systems and Networks EEE2004 (10) Information and Theory Coding EEE2006 (20) Electronics II EEE2007 (20) Computer Systems and Microprocessors EEE2008 (20) Project and Professional Issues EEE2011 (10) Discrete Mathematics (c) Transfer to the Degeree of Master of Electronics and Computer Engineering. Candidates who have completed Stage 2 of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Electronics and Computer Engineering, may transfer to the degree of Master of Engineering with Honours in Electronics and Computer Engineeering, subject to a pass with Merit at Stage 2. 2. Stage 3 (a) All Stage 3 modules are Honours modules. (b) All candidates shall normally take the following compulsory modules: Code Credits Descriptive title CSC2002 (20) Requirements Analysis and Database Design or CSC2004 (20) Modelling and Computation and ENG2001 (10) Introduction to Business Management EEE2001 (10) Analogue Electronics II EEE3004 (10) Digital Signal Processing and EEE3095 (40) Project and Dissertation (20/20) or EEE3096 (40) Project and Dissertation (10/30) or EEE3097 (40) Project and Dissertation (30/10) (c) All candidates shall select optional modules, chosen with the approval of the Degree Programme Director, with a total value of 30 credits, from the following list: Code Credits Descriptive title CSC3001 (10) Operating Systems CSC3201 (10) Graphics CSC3003 (10) Human-Computer Interaction CSC3101 (10) Distributed Systems CSC3005 (10) Real-time Systems CSC3002 (10) Reliability and Fault Tolerance CSC3102 (10) Systems and Network Security CSC3103 (10) Internet Technologies and Electronic Commerce CSC3004 (10) Understanding Programming Languages EEE3001 (10) Control Systems EEE3007 (10) Digital Electronics III EEE3008 (10) Industrial Automation EEE3009 (10) Embedded Systems EEE4001 (10) Design Tools for Digital Systems 86 EEE3012 (10) Design of VLSI Systems EEE3013 (10) Image Processing and Machine Vision EEE3015 (10) Telecommunications EEE3016 (10) Optoelectronics EEE3018 (10) Digital Control Or other such modules as approved by the Degree Programme Director. 3. Assessment Methods The following assessment methods may be used: unseen written examination papers; in- course assessments of practical classes; in-course assessments of examples classes; assessments of project work; assessments of periods of fieldwork or industrial experience; dissertation assessment. Details of the assessment pattern for each module are specified in the Degree Programme Handbook. 4. Degree Classification The Stage 2 module assessments together contribute at a weighting of 25 per cent towards degree classification, whilst the assessment of modules from Stage 3 contributes towards degree classification at a weighting of 75 per cent.</p><p>Newcastle University, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom, Telephone: (0191) 222 6000 From outside the UK dial +44 191 222 6000</p><p>87 Appendix 4</p><p>88 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>89 Name, surname Mihails Adjutovs </p><p>Principle place of work BIA (BRI) (elected to the position) Docent (BIA Senate decision of 09.12.2008) Address Lomonosova 4, Rīga, LV 1019 67100540</p><p>Education Ed. establishment Graduation year Education acquired, Moscow State University 1987 degree awarded (MSU) Post-graduate studies Latvian State University 1976 Higher</p><p>Specialty Applied mathematics Qualification mathematician</p><p>Degree Doctor of Science (Mathematics), Dr.Sc.Math, University of Latvia (LU), 1992 Candidate of Science (Physics and mathematics), MSU, 1987 Academic title Leading research fellow, LU, 1994 Senior research fellow, SSSR State Commission for Academic degrees and titles, 1990</p><p>Work experience Ed. establishment Periods Position BIA (BRI) 2002- present Docent Pedagogical work LU Institute of 1994- present Laboratory Head Mathematics and Computer Science Computer technologies 1993 – 1994 Head study department Other work experience “GRĀDA” Ltd. 1994.- 1992. Executive director “MVVM” Ltd. 1994.-1998. Executive director . “Rīgas kulinārs” Ltd. 1993.-1999. Vice-President “Adversus” Ltd. 1991.-1996. Vice-President LSU Computation Centre 1987.-1993. Sr. research fellow LSU Computation Centre 1981.-1987. Jr. research fellow. LZA (Latvian Academy Sr. Engineer of Sciences) Institute of 1976.-1978 Engineer Inorganic Chemistry </p><p>Additional information Study courses taught Computer science Professional Program: pedagogical development of tertiary education staff / Innovations development in the system of higher education/ Management in education. LU. 2005. Scientific publications 29 titles</p><p>M.Adjutovs</p><p>90 CURRIKULUM VITAE Name, surname Vladimirs Bagirovs Principle place of BIA (BRI) work Elected to the Docents (. BRI Senate decision of 17.11.2004) position Address Lomonosova ielā 4, Rīga, LV 1019 Phone 67100540</p><p>Education Ed. establishment Graduation year Education acquired, degree awarded Belarus State Economic Post-graduate studies University LSU 1973 Higher Specialty Jurisprudence lawyer Qualification Work experience Ed. establishment Period</p><p>Pedagogical work BIA (BRI) 1994– present Ass .professor (executive position)., docent, lecturer</p><p>Additional BIA (BRI) 2002. - present Master’s studies director information S.P. “Neman-ES” Ltd. 1993. – 1994. Legal advisor Information Office “Stratēģija- Director V” Ltd. 1991. – 1992. “Latona” Ltd. 1991. Vice- President Publisher’s co-operative society Vice-Chairman “Kursīvs” Ltd. 1989. – 1990. Legal advisor SSSR Book Depository Baltic Legal advisor Branch “Paritāte” 1974. – 1989. Vice-Chairman All-Union Author’s Rights Legal advisor Agency LR Department All-Union Press LR Department 1972. – 1974. Attorney for author’s right Book Sales Department protection LSSR Academy of Sciences Institute of History 1970. – 1972. Inspector</p><p>1966. – 1970. Sr. laboratory assistant </p><p>Additional information Courses taught : Civil law. Inheritance law. Law of intellectual property. Notary’s office</p><p>Participation in Республиканский научно-практ.конференция «Формирование правовых основ international scientific инновационной экономики», Минск, 2008. Тема доклада: Нормативно-правовые conferences основы права на результаты интеллектуальной деятельности». 3 International research-to-practice conference «Theoretical foundations and practical aspects of expert examination”, Riga, 2008. Presentation: «Issues in expert examination of author’s rights”». International research-to-practice conference “Theoretical and practical aspects of expert examination’, Rīga, 2004. Институт правового режима интеллектуальной собственности в общей системе Scientific гражданско-правовых отношний // Вестник Академии МВД Республики Беларусь. publications - №2(16), 2008. – С.190-195. Понятие интеллектуальной собственности в контексте права Республики Беларусь, Российской Федерации и Латвийской Республики (в соавторстве с В.П.Штенком) // Вестник Академии МВД Республики Беларусь. - №2(16), 2008. – С.212 –216. Информация как объект правового регулирования // Балтийский юридический журнал. - №1 (11), 2008.</p><p>91 V.Bagirovs</p><p>12.03.2010. CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>Name, surname Boriss Borisovs </p><p>Principal place of work BIA (BRI) elected to the position Docent (BRI Senate decision of 04.10.2005) Address Lomonosova 4, Rīga, LV 1019, Phone 67100540</p><p>Education Ed. establishment Graduation year Education acquired, degree awarded All-Union State 1975 Higher institute of Cinematography Specialty Cinematography Qualification Cinematographer, copy-reader </p><p>Work experience</p><p>Periods Ed. Establishment Position Pedagogical work 1996 – present BIA (BRI) Ass .prof., docent</p><p>Other work experience Periods Structure, establishment Position </p><p>1998. – present Magazine Marketing AD&PR CommunicatoR Editor-in-chief 1993. – 1996. Russian –American joint Editor 1988. – 1993. venture “Paritāte” Baltic Producer Branch director Magazine “Kino” ex. secretary 1979. – 1988. Magazine “Kinomāksla” script-writer, 1968. – 1979. Latvian TV Broadcasting filmmaker, copy- editorial office reader </p><p>Additional information Courses taught : Technologies of advertising and PR. Practicum. Mass media relations management).</p><p>Rewards 1990 – Latvian Filmmakers Union Award ”Best Script Writer of the Year” 1989 - “Liels Kristaps” Award for the best documentary of the year .</p><p>B.Borisovs </p><p>92 CURRICULUM VITAE Name, Surname , Geršons Breslavs By-work BIA, Position Guest-lecturer Address Lomonosova ielā 4, Rīga, LV 1019 Education Graduation year Ed. establishment Education acquired, degree awarded 1977 MVU (Moscow State university) Post-graduate studies 1971 MVU (Moscow State university) Higher Specialty psychology Qualification Psychologist, teacher of psychology (Diploma Щ Nr.878172, issued 30.06.71.) 1992 – academic degree of Dr, habil .psych. Degree 1991 – Doctoral thesis in pedagogical and developmental psychology 1977 –Candidate of Science (psychology) s</p><p>Periods Ed. establishment Position Work experie nce 2009 - present Docent, assoc. professor Pedagogical 2003 – 2009. docent work 2001 - 2002 docent, Programme Director, Department Head 1999. – 2000. docent, Programme Director 1995. – 1999 Director 1992 – 1995 docent, Department Head 1978 – 1992. senior lecturer, docent, professor Other work 2005 – 2009 Consulting service at SPPA. experience 2006 International expert group member in accreditation procedure in Estonian Bachelor and Master study programmes. 2003 – 2005 Consulting service at Latvian family Centre. 2003 International expert group member in accreditation procedure in Daugavpils university, Master and doctoral study programmes in psychology Adaptation of survey in health psychology for Latvia (in co-operation with 2001 – 2002 international organization “Oxford Outcomes”) PARTICIPATION 2006 – International expert group member in accreditation procedure in Estonia for Bachelor and Master IN ACADEMIC AND study programmes. SCIENTIFIC EXPERTS GROUPS: MEMEBRSHIP IN Association of Professional psychologists of Latvia, founder and member. PROFESSIONAL EARA (European Association for Research on Adolescence) – member AND SOCIAL ESDP (European Society of Developmental Psychology, member ASSOCIATIONS APA (American Psychological Association) International Affiliate Member “For the mental health. Salus” – Board Chairman. 2009. – XIV European Conference on Developmental Psychology, August 18-22, Vilnius, Lithuania. Additional 2008. – 14th European Conference on Personality, Tartu, Estonia, July 16-20, Co-convenor of the informat symposium “Psychology of Love and Hate” and speaker. ion 2007-2008 Project “Development of the methods to monitor ethnic tolerance in society” head, EU grant “Forwarding social integration in Latvia” & the Soros-Foundation-Latvia. 2007. LPPA seminar “Issues related to the professional work of a psychologist at social help and Research projects educational structures” 12 hrs.</p><p>2009 - Psychology & power: „New man” in Soviet psychology – a retrospective from the 21st century. Scientific Communicator, 3/4, 152-162. (In Russian) publications 2009 – Psychology serving society: whose needs are met? Communicator, 1/2, 128-133. 2008 - Parenting Internalization and Correlations Between Parenting, Sentiments, and Self-satisfaction Variables in Adolescence and Adulthood. Journal of the Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 1, 3-14. 2008 – The Love and Jealousy: The Friends or Enemies? Communicator, 1/2, 178-181. (In Russian) 2008 - Is Hate an opposite to Love? The paper presented at the 14th European conference on Personality, Tartu, July 16-20, 2008 (with J. Tyumeneva). 2008 - Development of the Russian version of Sternberg’s Love scale. The paper presented at the 14th European conference on Personality, Tartu,93 July, 16-20, 2008 (with J. Tyumeneva). 2008 - Are we tolerant?: Development of the methods to monitor ethnic tolerance in society. (with Abele, Derjabo, Pishinska, & Roze). Rīga, „Salus” . 2007 – Psychology of Emotion (in Russian) 2nd Reprint. Moscow. Publishing Houses: Smysl & Academia. Russian) CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>Name, Surname Vsevolods Kačans Principal place of work BIA (elected to the position) Assoc .professor (LU Scientific Council’s decision of 01.07.2005) Address Phone Lomonosova ielā 4, Rīga, LV 1019 67100227 Education Ed. establishment Graduation year Education acquired, degree awarded Riga Technical 1978. Higher University </p><p>Mechanical engineer Specialty Light industrial machinery and apparatus Qualification Academic title of assoc, professor in philosophy,. Degree Academic title of docent Doctor of . philosophy Work experience Ed. establishment, Period other structure BSA (BKI) 2002. - present Director of the study Pedagogical work “Public relations’ LU 2001. – 2002. Ass. professors. Ass. .professors, docent, LU 1985. – 2002. lecturer Phil. and logic department 25 Riga evening (shift) 1982. -1984 methodology lab head secondary school School teacher </p><p>Other work 1984.-1985. Scientific Society Board assistant, lecturer experience 1978..-1982. Rīgas Modes Engineer-constructor, Technology Department deputy-head, Chief mechanic substitute. Additional information Courses taught: Research in logic and methodology. Social research: methods and methodology. Development of corporate identity. Introduction into “Public Relations”. T Kuhn philosophy. “Public Relations”. History of methodology. Contemporary concept of methodology. Self-regulation in creative activities. Introduction into philosophy as science. Logic. Fundamentals of philosophy </p><p>Professional May, 2000 – internship at Oxford University (England). November, 1998 – internship at Bremen University (Germany) development International conference “Issues of students se4lf-government. European Participation in experience”. Yalta, 2007. conferences 21,22 October, 2004. Daugavpils international research to practice conference e “Europe. Career. Time. Possibilities”. Social sciences section Chair </p><p>V.Kačans</p><p>94 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>Name, surname Leons Kagans-Barskis</p><p>Principal place of BIA work Docent (BIA Senate decision of 04.10.2005) Address Lomonosova 4, Rīga, LV 1019 Phone 67100540</p><p>Education Ed. establishment Graduation year Education acquired, degree awarded LSU 1954. Higher</p><p>Degree Candidate of tech. science , 1965. Work experience Period Position Pedagogical work 1998. – 2009. Guest-docent 1996. – present docents 1990. – 1996. Senior lecturer 1990. – 1997. Lecturer </p><p>Other work Period Place of work Position experience 1976 . - 1990. ZPA “GAUJA” Head of department 1966. – 1976. RNIIRP matemātiskā Senior staff member statistika Laboratory head Senior research fellow</p><p>Additional information Courses taught: Higher mathematics. Probability theory and mathematical statistics. Econometrics.</p><p>L.Kagans-Barskis CURRICULUM VITAE </p><p>95 Name, surname Igors Lemberskis Principle place of BIA work (elected to Ass. professors the position) RTU Scientific Council decision Nr.135 of 2008.12.03. Address Lomonosova ielā 4, Riga, LV 1019 Phone 67100591 Education Graduation year Ed. establishment Education acquired, degree awarded 1974 RTU Higher 1983 Electronics and Computer Candidate of Science Engineering Institute (ESTI) (engineering)</p><p>1992 RTU Dr. Sc. Ing. Specialty Computer science Qualification Software engineer Degree 1983.g.- Candidate of Science (engineering), Electronics and Computer Science Institute 1992.g.- Dr.Sc.Ing., RTU Work Period Ed. establishment experien ce 1999 – present ass. professor Pedagogical 2003-2006 Gwangju Institute of Science and professor Technology, Gwangju, South work Korea, 2000– 2002 South Bank University, research fellow London, UK 1993– 2006 Riga Aviation University docent, Transport and ass. professor 1986– 1992 Telecommunication Institute Riga Branch Tele- senior staff researcher 1974– 1986 Communication Institute, engineer, junior staff Electronics and Computer researcher Science Institute Courses taught: Computer science 1,2,3 Structured programming ASSEMBLER Operating systems Graph theory Computer architecture Object-oriented programming Digital and VLSI logic circuits Discrete mathematics </p><p>I. Lemberski, P. Fišer, Asynchronous Two-Level Logic of Reduced Cost, Scientific 12th IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Systems, April publications 15-17, 2009, Liberec, Czech Republic, pp. 68-73 2. I. Lemberski, P. Fišer, Multi-Level Implementation of Asynchronous Logic Using Two-Level Nodes, 4TH IFAC WORKSHOP ON DISCRETE-EVENT SYSTEM DESIGN (DesDes’09), October, 2009, Spain, pp. 90-96 3. I.Lemberski, Method of Asynchronous Two-Level Logic Implementation, IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, vol.35, issue 1, Hong-Kong, pp.60-65 4. I. Lemberski , V. Gopeyenko, Method of Finite State Machine Optimal Implementation Targeting Look- up-Table Architecture, Computer Modelling and New Technologies, 2007, Vol.11, No.4, Transport and Telecommunication Institute pp. 34-41 5. I. Lemberski , V. Gopeyenko, XILINX4000 ARCHITECTURE - DRIVEN BOOLEAN NETWORK RE- DECOMPOSITION TARGETING PERFORMANCE, Computer Modelling and New Technologies, 2007, Vol.11, No.4, Transport and Telecommunication Institute pp. 30-33 6. I. Lemberski, Cost Effecive Implementation of Asynchronous Quasi-Delay-Insensitive Two-level Logic, World Congress on Engineering, the 2007 International Conference of Computer Science and Engineering (ICCSE2007), 2-4 July, 2007, London, UK, pp.159-164 (Best Paper96 Award)</p><p>I.Lemberskis CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>Name, surname Olga Pravarne </p><p>Principal place of BIA (BRI) work elected to the position) Docents BRI Senate decision of 04.10.2005 Address Lomonosova 4, Rīga, LV-1019 Phone 67100540 Education Ed. Graduation year Education establishment acquired, degree awarded BKI 2004. Master studies </p><p>Voronezh Civil 1973. higher Engineering Institute </p><p>Specialty Industrial and civil engineering, 1973 Qualification Civil engineer, 1973. Degree Degree of Professional Master in Business Administration, BRI, 2004. Darba pieredze Periods Ed. establishment Position Pedagogical work 2002. – present Baltic Russian Institutes, docent, lecturer 1994. – 1996. “Prosistem”, Ltd. coordinator 1991. – 1994. Rīga 26 secondary school ., 61 teacher 1980. – 1991. secondary school laboratory head LR Ministry of Public Education Methodics 1978. – 1980. Department of Prof. training school master, teacher 13 VPTS laboratory assistant 1976 – 1978 teacher Rīgas20 evening school Other work Periods Establishment, Position experience structure 1976 Company “RIGAPROMSTROY” engineer 1974 - 1976 Company “ORGTECHSTROY” engineer Additional information Courses taught Fundamentals of accounting Corporate finance Accounting Accounting and analysis of economic performance Corporate accounting policy Professional development 2004. Institute of Financial Accountants</p><p>O.Pravarne CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>97 Name, surname Nadežda Rešetilova Principle place of work BIA (BRI), Address Lomonosova ielā 4, Rīga, LV1019 Position Personnel director. Phone 67100540 Education Ed. Graduation year Education acquired, establish degree ment awarde d RPI 1966. Higher</p><p>Specialty Automatics and tele-mechanics Qualification Electric engineer </p><p>Work experience Ed. establishment Periods Position</p><p>BRA(BRI) 1994. – 2009. Docent, lecturer Pedagogical work Commercial 1993 - 2002. Lecturer company MKF 2001. Lecturer EKA</p><p>2000 - present BIA(BRI) Personnel director Other work 1992 – 1998. LKSCS Turība. Complex experience “Latvian cooperative trade Personnel department equipment” engineer 1967 – 1992. Riga factory of automated electrical devices personnel director , labour organization and remuneration 1966. LPSR ZA department head, 1961- 1963. VEF office manager, senior engineer laboratory assistant radio equipment adjuster Additional information Courses taught Fire safety and work safety European labour law </p><p>Professional Study programme: Labour protection and safety – 20P 86200, 160 hrs, 2008. development Program: pedagogical development of tertiary education staff / Innovations in the system of higher education/ Management in education. LU. 2006. Seminars: Application of labour law for the employees of higher education establishments. 02.2008., Legal protection of a company head, 09.2007., Personnel accounting and labour legal relations, 01.2007., General requirements for the labour law in the EU and special requirements for Latvia, 2005., Work remuneration types and their peculiarities at educational establishments, , 10.2005. А.Байков, Н.Решетилова. Трудовое право. Курс- конспект лекций и Publications контрольные задания для заочного и дистанционного обучения. – Рига: БРИ, 2006. 217 с. А.Байков, Н.Решетилова. Трудовое право Европейского Союза.Курс- конспект лекций и контрольные задания для заочного и дистанционного обучения. – Рига: БРИ, 2006. 156с. V. Ulmane. Darba tiesības. Darba aizsardzība.- Turības mācību centrs. 2004.g. Reviewing of scientific papers 98 N.Rešetilova CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>Name, surname Natālija Sotikova</p><p>Principle place of work BSA (BKI) (elected to the position) Docents (04.10.2005. BKI Senāta lēmums) Address Lomonosova 4, Rīga, LV- 1019 Phone 67100540</p><p>Education Ed Graduation year Education establish acquired, degree ment awarded BIA Doctoral studies RKI 2005 Higher Professional education LVU 1985 Higher Philology Specialty Qualification Philologist</p><p>Degree Degree of professional master in business administration from, BRI, 2005.</p><p>Work experience Periods Ed. establishment Position</p><p>Pedagogical work 1996. - present BSA (BKI) Docents, lecturer</p><p>Other work experience 1985 - 1997. Latvian National Library Editor 1984 – 1985. VZRA “Zapryba” operator</p><p>Additional information Courses taught Latvian language, Communication psychology, Non verbal communication, Business etiquette, Artistic experience in contemporary speech.</p><p>Professional Program: pedagogical development of tertiary education staff / Innovations development in the system of higher education/ Management in education. LU. 2006.</p><p>Honorary distinction 16 November, 2004 – Diploma “BRI Best teacher” title awarded for ac. ear 2003./2004 N.Sotikova</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE 99 Name, surname Vladimirs Streļčonoks Principle place of BIA (BRI) Name, surname work (elected to the SvetlanaProfessor (LU Stradiņa Scientific Council’s decision of 12.05.2008.) Principleposition) place of BIA workAddress (elected to the DocentLomonosova ielā 4, Rīga. LV 1019, positionPhone BIA67100540 Senate decision of 4.10.2005. Address Lomonosova ielā 4, Rīga, LV 1019 PhoneEducation Ed. establishment Graduation year Education acquired, Education Graduation year Ed. establishment degree awardedEducation RAKIS 1978 Post-graduate studies RAKIS 1973 Higheracquired, degree awarded Specialty Aircraft management system Post-graduate studies Qualification 1982.Electrical engineer LU Higher 1967. Odessa Technological Degree Dr.Sc.Ing., RAU ( Riga AviationInstitute University), 1993 Candidate of Science (engineering), 1979 SpecialtyWork experience Management and economics of food industry </p><p>Qualification Engineer-economistPeriods Ed. establishment Position DegreePedagogical work Dr.oec.1993 –LU, present decision BIA№168 (BRI) of 18 February, 1993Professor, ass .profesors, , Department Dean, Head Work experience Periods Ed. establishment of the Chair, Deputy Head 1978-1991 RAKIS of the Chair, senior 2002.- present Asslecturer, .professor lecturer docent Pedagogical work 1998. - 2002. lecturer Work experience Periods Organization Position 1997. –1998. lecturer 1993-2000 Research-and-production Director complex “INTEKOMS” 1982.1994-1996 – 1997. Insurance company j/v Docent,Engineer senior -in- chief lecturer “NORDENS” Other work 1978.1991-1994 – 1979. ĶekavaResearch-and-production PMK economistsDesign manager experience 1977.1991-1993 – 1978. LPSRcomplex “VIRA” senior coordinator s 1974. – 1976. LPSRResearch-and-production ZA Econ. Institute juniorDeputy staff director researcher 1973. – 1974. PCAIIcomplex “ALNIS” senior laboratory Additional 1966. – 1970. ZPI assistant information senior economists AdditionalCourses taught: IT in management, Electronic tables information Computer science, Hardware tools , OS Windows programming Technologies of graphic information processing Academic hours Databases design InformationEd. establishment system design (C++) Computer networks and network technologies. Courses taught ManagerialAlgorithmic presentation of economicBIA task. Fundamentals of algorithmic64 accountingpresentation and programming InternationalBIA marketing 16 Prices and pricing Professional MicroeconomicsMVU (MESI) member of associationBIA devoted to teaching methods8 in development Macroeconomicscomputer science since 1998. BIA 8 Scientific adviser onManagement BIA 48 Adviser1. Курс-конспект on candidates лекций of science «Управленческий (engineering) thesis учет» elaboration Master and diploma Scientific 302. diplomaInternational theses, Scientificmaster theses Conference ‘The Increase of organization papers Doctoral student -1 publications (since Competitiveness in the Market of Forwarding Services’ 2009) 3. «Анализ тенденций развития Вузов Латвии» конференция БМА Publication of 1084. researchЭволюционный publications менеджмент. as incl. 16 certificates Курс-конспект of author лекций ship; и контрольные6 teaching aids, 2 scientific methodological notes research articles задания. Рига: БРИ, 2006-219 с. 5. Макроэкономика. Курс-конспект лекций и контрольные задания для заочного и дистанционного обучения. V.Streļčonoks Рига: БРИ, 2005 –115. 6. Экономические концепции и общественные проблемы. Рига: БРИ, 2005 –172.CURRICULUM VITAE 12.03.2010. S.Stradiņa 100 CURRICULUM VITAE 101 Name, surname Ludmila Vlasikova Principle place of BIA work (elected to the Docent position BSA Senate decision of 12.02.2008 Address Lomonosova ielā 4, Rīga, LV 1019 Phone. 67100540</p><p>Education Graduation year Ed. establishment Education acquired, degree awarded 2004 LU Master studies 1973 LVU higher Specialty English language and literature Qualification Philologist, teacher of the English language Degree Mg. Paed. Work experience Periods Ed. establishment </p><p>Pedagogical work 1995. - present Docent, lecturer</p><p>Other work 1995 -1998. Language courses SITA BIA Director experience 1980-1995. VEF ZPI translator 1973- 1980 Airport „Rīga” .Foreign interpreter department </p><p>Additional information Courses taught Foreign language Popova I., Zadornova L., Vlasikova L. Legal Matters.English for Lawyers. Part Scientific I. Riga, BKI, 2005. – 99 p. publications Vlasikova L., Popova I., Zadornova L. Legal Matters. English for Lawyers. Part 2: Mācību līdzeklis. Rīga: BKI, 2005.- 160 p.</p><p>L.Vlasikova</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>102 Name, surname Ludmila Zadornova Principle place of BIA work (elected to the Docent position) BIA Senate decision of 12.02.2008 Address Lomonosova ielā 4, Rīga, LV 1019, Phone . 67100540 Education Graduation year Ed. establishment Education acquired, degree awarded 1993 LU Master studies 1966 LVU Higher Specialty English language and literature Qualification Philologist, teacher of the English language Degree Mg. paed. Work experience Periods Ed. establishment</p><p>1994. - present Docent, lecturer, Pedagogical work 1993. -. teacher 1992. - Jūrmala Bulduri secondary director of studies, school teacher 1978. – 1982. Jūrmala educational 1966. – 1982. department, methodics educational department supervisor Jūrmala 6 senior school director of studies, teacher Other work 1982. – 1992. Latvian Pedagogical Executive secretary experience Society Additional information Foreign language for professional purposes Courses taught Business English Foreign business language Scientific publications I.Popova, L.Zadornova. Professional English for lawyers. – BSA, 2009. Popova I., Zadornova L., Vlasikova L. Legal Matters. English for Lawyers. Part I. Riga, BKI, 2005. – 99 p. Vlasikova L., Popova I., Zadornova L. Legal Matters. English for Lawyers. Part 2: Mācību līdzeklis. Rīga: BKI, 2005.- 160 p.</p><p>L.Zadornova</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>103 Name, Surname Jekaterina Žukovska</p><p>By-work BIA (BRI) Position Guest-lecturer Address Lomonosova 4, Rīga, LV-1019 Phone 67100540</p><p>Education Ed. establishment Graduation Education acquired, yea degree awarded r RTU 2004. Doctoral studies RAU 1996. Master studies m RCAII 1992. Higher </p><p>Specialty Automated engineering of radio electronic devices Qualification Radio engineer </p><p>Degree Dr.Sc.Ing, Doctor of Science (Engineering), RTU, 2008.g. Mg.Sc.Ing., RAU, 1996.g. Work experience Periods Ed. establishment</p><p>2004. – present RTU Docent, guest- Pedagogical work 1998. – present BIA (BRI) lecturer Guest-lecturer, 1994. - 1998. Riga Universal docent, lecturer commercial school Teacher of 1992. – 1993. Riga gymnasium mathematics “Rīnūži” Teacher of computer science </p><p>Additional information Courses taught: Electronic tables for economic calculations and databases Applied computer science, Computer science Computer hardware and operating systems Technologies of textual and graphic information processing </p><p>J.Žukovska</p><p>104 Appendix 5</p><p>105 BIA FINANCIAL STATEMENT</p><p>.«Baltic International Academy» Ltd.: Budget distribution and expenditure in 2009</p><p>I. «I. Higher education establishment’ incomings. Line I Types of earnings Amount code (thousand Ls) A B 1 900 Total earnings 4584524 901 Financing for the studies 4357239 902 Subsidy for the studies from general incomings 903 Including fom EU Structural Funds for education 904 Own incomings from tuition fees 4357239 905 Financing for education from international sources 906 Other financing for education 907 Financing for research 90344 908 State budget financing, including : 909 - Latvian Council of Science grants and other financing from LCS 910 - EU Structural Funds financing for research 24429 911 - Financing for the research base 912 - Financing within state research program 913 - Financing to promote research and scientific activities 914 Other financing for research from state budget (such as: market research financing, financing from ministries or self-governments etc.) 915 Financing for research projects from international foundations , total 65533 916 Incl. earnings from fulfilled contractual obligations with the foreign legal persons 917 Earnings from fulfilled contractual obligations with the LR legal 382 persons 918 Other financing for research (the principal ones) 919 920 921 Other earnings 136941 922 Own earning from rent 39539 923 Other earnings (retail sales) 97402 924 925 ...</p><p>106 II. Expenditures of the higher education establishment Amount % N. Type of expenditure Code ( thousand Ls) 1. Total payments 1100 2051463 59 including 1546589 Salary to the academic staff members 504874 2. LR employer’s social insurance obligatory payment 1200 418028 12.02 3. Business trips and other business travel expenses 1300 59345 1.71 4. Payments for services 1400 439145 12.63 5. Acquisition of material, energy resources , water 1500 249550 7.18 and inventory (value up to Ls 50,0 per unit ) Including central heating, lighting and acquisition of 1520 99377 energy carrier materials 6. Acquisition of books and magazines 1600 56545 1.63 7. Subsidies and financial assistance, total 3000 7.1. incl. studentships 3570 7.2. incl. compensation of transport expenses 3580 8. Capital expenditure , total 4000 86506 2.49 Incl. movable properties (value over Ls 50,0) 4100 86506 9. Other expenses 9.1. Acquisition of goods for retail selling 116130 3.34 9.2. Total expenditures 3476712 100</p><p>107 Appendix 6</p><p>(not available in an electronic form)</p><p>108 Appendix 7</p><p>109 Ar valsts pārbaudījuma komisijas</p><p>2010. gada 18. februāra lēmumu Nr. ABC-10/001</p><p>Vārds UzvārdsVvv</p><p> personas kods 000000-00000 0000</p><p> ieguvis</p><p>AKADĒMISKO BAKALAURA GRĀDU</p><p>Dabaszinātņu bakalaurs datorzinātnēs</p><p>Z.v.</p><p>Rektors A.Vocišs</p><p>Valsts pārbaudījuma oooooooo Komisijas priekssēdētājs Rīgā 2010. gada 11. martā Reģistrācijas Nr. A-008</p><p>111 PARAUGS</p><p>BALTIJAS STARPTAUTISKĀ AKADĒMIJA Diploma pielikums Diploma sērija AOC Nr. 2345</p><p>Diploma pielikums atbilst Eiropas Komisijas, Eiropas Padomes un Apvienoto Nāciju Izglītības, zinātnes un kultūras orga nizācijas (UNESCO/CEPES) izveidotajam paraugam. Pielikums sagatavots, lai sniegtu objektīvu informāciju un nodrošinātu kvalifikācijas apliecinošu dokumentu (piemēram diplomu, sertifikātu) akadēmisku un profesionālu atzīšanu. Diploma pielikumā ir iekļautas ziņas par diploma oriģinālā minētās personas sekmīgi pabeigto studiju būtību, līmeni, kontekstu, saturu un statusu. Tajā nevajadzētu iekļaut norādes par kvalifikācijas novērtējumu un līdzvērtību, kā arī ieteikumus tās atzīšanai. Informāciju sniedz visās astoņās sadaļās. Ja kādā sadaļā informāciju nesniedz, norāda iemeslu.</p><p>1. ZIŅAS PAR KVALIFIKĀCIJAS IEGUVĒJU 1.1. Vārds: Igors 1.2. Uzvārds: Petrovs 1.3. Dzimšanas datums: 01.01.85 1.4. Studenta identifikācijas numurs vai personas kods: 010185-10345</p><p>2. ZIŅAS PAR KVALIFIKĀCIJU 2.1. Kvalifikācijas nosaukums: Dabaszinātņu bakalaurs datorzinātnēs 2.2 Galvenā studiju joma (jomas) kvalifikācijas iegūšanai: datorzinātne 2.3. Kvalifikāciju piešķīrējas iestādes nosaukums un statuss: BALTIJAS STARPTAUTISKĀ AKADĒMIJA,valsts akreditēta (12.11.1999), juridisko personu dibināta neuniversitātes tipa augstskola 2.4. Studijas administrējošās iestādes nosaukums un statuss: tā pati, kas 2.3. punktā 2.5. Mācību valoda un eksaminācijas valoda (s): latviešu un krievu</p><p>3. ZIŅAS PAR KVALIFIKĀCIJAS LĪMENI 3.1. Kvalifikācijas līmenis: akademiskā bakalaura augstakās izglītības diploms , skat. 6.1. apakšpunktu 3.2. Oficiālais programmas garums: 3 gadi, 120 Latvijas kredītpunkti, 180 ECTS kredītpunkti. Programmas apguves sākuma datums: 01.09.2007., beigu datums: 30.06.2010 3.3. Uzņemšanas prasības: vispārējā vidējā vai augstākā izglītība</p><p>4. ZIŅAS PAR STUDIJU SATURU UN IEGŪTAJIEM REZULTĀTIEM 4.1. Studiju veids: pilna laika studijas 4.2. Programmas prasības: sniegt studentiem iespēju apgūt zināšanas matemātikas un datorzinātnes jomā; sniegt studentiem teorētiskas un praktiskas zināšanas programmatūras izstrādāšanā; iepazīstināt ar datorprojektēšanas sistēmām un projektēšanu, izmantojot datoru; sniegt studentiem zināšanas datorsistēmu izstrādāšanā; sniegt studentiem teorētiskas un praktiskas zināšanas mūsdienu mikroelektronikā; izmantojot jaunākos sasniegumus, apmācīt studentus mikroelektronikas iekārtu datorprojektēšanā.</p><p> lpp. no 3 1 4.3. Programmas sastāvdaļas:</p><p>Nr Kods Kursa nosaukums Latvijas ECTS Novertējums . kredītpunkti kredītpunkti</p><p>A. Obligātie priekšmeti 1. Augstākā matemātika 4 6 7(labi) 2. Zinātniskā un tehniskā 2 3 7(labi) latviešu valoda 3. Zinātniskā un tehniskā 4 6 7(labi) angļu valoda 4. Datoru arhitektūra 4 6 7(labi) 5. Diskrētā matemātika 4 6 7(labi) 6. Kombinatorika 4 6 7(labi)</p><p>7. Grafu teorija 4 6 7(labi) 8. Struktūrprogrammēšana 4 6 7(labi) (C valoda), t.s. kursa darbs 2 3 7(labi) 9. Objektorientētā 4 6 7(labi) programmēšana.(C+ +/Java) 2 3 7(labi) t.s. kursa darbs 10. Vizuālā programmēšana 2 3 7(labi) (VB) t.s. kursa darbs 2 3 7(labi) 11. Algoritmu teorija 4 6 7(labi) 12. Operētājsistēmu teorija 2 3 7(labi) 13. Atvērtās 2 3 7(labi) operētājsistēmas 14. Varbūtību teorija 4 6 7(labi) 15. Informācijas teorija 4 6 7(labi) 16. Modernie tīkli 2 3 7(labi) t.s. kursa projekts 17. Tīmekļa programmēšana 4 6 7(labi) 18. Datu bāzes 4 6 7(labi) B. Obligātās izvēles priekšmeti 19. Programmēšana 4 6 7(labi) “Assembler” valodā 20. Mikroelektronika 4 6 7(labi) 21. Ciparu un VLSI shēmu 4 6 7(labi) loģika 22. Elektriskās ķēdes 4 6 7(labi) 23. Shēmu loģiskā 4 6 7(labi) projektēšana 24. VHDL valoda 4 6 7(labi) 25. VHDL valoda-projekts 2 3 7(labi) 26. Datorvadību aprēķini 4 6 7(labi) 27. Mikroprocesori un 4 6 7(labi) iebūvētās sistēmas C. Brīvās izvēles priekšmeti 28. Menedžmenta 2 3 7(labi) informācijas tehnoloģijas 29. Menedžments 2 3 7(labi) 30. Grāmatvedība 2 3 7(labi) 31. Sociālā psiholoģija 2 3 7(labi) Bakalaura darbs 10 15 7(labi)</p><p> lpp. no 3 2 4.4.Atzīmju sistēma un, ja iespējams, norādījumi par atzīmju sadalījumu: </p><p>4.5.Kvalifikācijas klase: nav</p><p>5. ZIŅAS PAR KVALIFIKĀCIJU 5.1. Turpmākās studiju iespējas: tiesības stāties maģistratūrā 5.2. Profesionālais statuss: nav paredzēts piešķirt</p><p>6. PAPILDINFORMĀCIJA 6.1. Sīkāka informācija: &p611& &p612& 6.2. Papildinformācijas avoti: Baltijas Starptautiskā Akadēmija Akadēmiskās Informācijas Centrs Lomonosova 4, Rīgā, LV-1019 Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, Latvija, LV-1050, telefons: +371 67100626 , fakss: +371 67100636 telefons +371-7-225155, fakss +371-7-221006, e-pasts: [email protected] e-pasts: [email protected]</p><p>7. PIELIKUMA APSTIPRINĀJUMS 7.1. Datums: 30.06.2010. 7.2. Paraksts un tā atšifrējums: I. Lemberskis ______7.3. Pielikuma apstiprinātāja amats: programmas direktors 7.4. Zīmogs vai spiedogs:</p><p>8. ZIŅAS PAR AUGSTĀKĀS IZGLĪTĪBAS SISTĒMU VALSTĪ Skat. Pielik.</p><p>3 </p>
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