Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigra{ia volume I u I numero 3 pagine 249-266 Dicembre 1995 UPPER PERMIAN.TRIAS SIC FACIES ZONES IN THE TRANSDANUBIAN RANGE JANOS HAAS* & TAMAS BUDAI** Key-'utords: Upper Permian-Triassic, facies pattern, paleogeo- Alpine relationship of the Mesozoic section of the graphic reconstruction, Transdanubian Range, Hungary. Transdanubian Range was noticed as early as the second Riassunto. Yiene analizzata in quesro anicolo la distribuzione half of the last century (Peters, 1859; Hauer, 1862;Hof- delle facies del Permiano superiore e de1 Triassico nell'ambito della mann, 1871.; Bóckh, 1873). Later on, at rhe beginning of Catena Transdanubiana. Sono state compilate cane di {acies per sei this century others (Taeger, 1912, 1913; Lóczy, 1916) interualli di tempo, sulla base di dati di superficie e sottosuolo, che confirmed these sono state uti\jzzate per le ricostruzioni paleogeografiche. Conside- statements. In accordance with generai rando l'intervallo Permiano superiore-Triassico, le unità della Catena contemponneous concepts, the plausible relationship Transdanubiana mostrano una precisa polarità: la porzione a nordest was explained by assuming narrow seaways between the rappresenta il lato verso il mare aperto, mentre la porzione a sudovest Alpine sedimentary basins and the areas the island costituisce il lato in direzione della terraferma. IJna pane imponante of delle facies può essere correlata con facies coeve del Sudalpino e delle mountains within the Pannonian Basin (I-nczy, 1.91.6; falde dello Austroalpino superiore, fornendo un significativo stru- TelegdiRóth, 1.929 ; Yadlsz, 19 6Q). mento per la ricostruzione della posizione originale delle unità della General acceptance of the mobilistic plate rectonic Catena Transdanubiana. concept established the idea that the Transdanubian Abstract, Facies patterns of the Upper Permian and Triassic Range Unit broke away from its original location and formations within the Transdanubian Range are presented. Based on reached its present-day position as a result of consider- surface and subsurface data, facies maps were compiled for six time able dislocations. slices which served as a basis of the paleogeographic reconstructions. Considering the entire Late Permian - Triassic interval, the Transda- Based on the setting of the Upper Permian facies nubian Range unit shows a definite polarity: its nonheastern pan boundaries, Majoros (1980) suggested a large-scale strike- represents the seaward (internal) side, whereas its southwestern part slip motion of the Transdanubian Range from the South represents the landward (external) side. A remarkable pan of facies units of the Transdanubian Range could be correlated with time equi- Alpine region along the Periadriatic lineament. Later valent facies in the Southern Alps and the Upper Austroàlpine nap- on, a great number of workers (Balla, 1982; Kàzmé4 pes, providing an effective tool for the reconsrrucrion of the original position of the displaced Transdanubian Range Unit. Introduction. In the last decades, many studies have proved the heterogeneity of Paleozoic - Mesozoic - Early Tertiary sequences making up the basement of the Pannonian Basin. Based on these studies it has been shown that the present-day setting of the structural units of the base- ment (Fig. 1) is a result of complicated plate-tectonic rearrangements just prior to the beginning of the evoiu- tion of the Late Tertiary Pannonian Basin. Since the present-day setting does not reflect the original rela- tionships of the structural units, reconstruction of their 0 100 km MT = MID.TRANSDANUBIAN paleo-position became one of the key problems of the structural evolution and paleogeography of the entire Fig. 1 - Megatectonic serting of the Transdanubian Range (Haas et Alpine-Carpathian-Dinarid region. al.,1995). 'r Academic Research Group. Department of Geologn Eòtvós Lorónd University of Sciences. Múzeum karit 4/a. H-1088 BUDAPEST. Hungary. 'r'r F{ungarian Geological Institute. Stefónia út 14, H-i143 BUDAPEST, F{ungary. 250 f. Haas & T. Budai LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY SI.]BREGIONS 2M 205 DACHSTEIN LMST FM; -J:KOSSEN FM- 2to (/)F 2r5 F.1 z E MAIN DOLOMITE FM v)F O 220 U v) 225 V) BUDAORS DOLOMITE FM. 230 /, t- 235 LMST FM ITE FM -ISZKAHEGYI LMST FM 240 N-N--N-NPN-N MARL FM- N N - N-N--N---N-N- -CSOPAK - 245 DOL. DINNYÉS 250 r[î\Tîl 2Fì:! 3W 4Ftr; 5l-::l 6[l.l Tfnrl B[y-Tl F;q ) Stratigraphic chart of the Upper Permian-Triassic formations of the Transdanubian Range (chronostratigraphic scale after Gradstein et a1., 1994). Arrows indìcate the discussed stratigraphic horizons. Abbr.: FÒ - Felsóórs Limestone Fm.; MA - Mótyóshegy Fm.; ED - Ederics Limestone Mb.; SV - Sédvólgy Dolomite Mb.; VA - Vadasken Dolomite Mb.; SH - Sóndorhegy Fm.; FH - Fekerehegy Fm. Legend: 1) shallow-water limestones; 2) dolomites; 3) deep-water limestones; 4) marls; 5) marine sandstones and siltstones; 6) conti- nental sandstones; 7) evaporites; 8) volcanic tuffs. Permian-Triass ic Tran sdanubian Range 251, 1984; Kizmér & Kovócs, 1985; Brezsnyinszky & FIaas, stinction of the Late Permian-Triassic facies zones and 1986; Haas, 1987; Csontos et al., 1992) discussed this to draft facies patterns for several reievant time levels problem, generally accepting the concept that the Tran- within the Transdanubian Range Unit, and b) rc di sdanubian Range Unit was located between the Sout- scuss possibilities and problems of the reconsrruction hern and the Eastern Alps (Upper Austroalpine nappes) of the original position of the Transdanubian Range in in the early period of the Alpine evolutionary phase; the framework of the Alpine system based on correla- however, they differently explained the history and me- tion of the facies zones. In accordance with the main chanism o[ the dislocations. aim of our study, we selected stratigraphic intervals char- The reconstruction of the original setting of the acterized by remarkable facies differences. They are indi- Transdanubian Range (i.e. its setting prior to the major cated in Fíg. 2, where time and space relationships of orogenic movements) is based fundamentally on the fit- the Upper Permian-Triassic iithostratigraphic units o{ ting of the Late Permian-Triassic facies zones of the di- the study a(ea are shown. In Fig. 3 lateral thickness- slocated units (Haas et al., 1995). Flowever, in the paper changes of the lithostratigraphic units are presented by a of Haas et al. (tWS) and also in other previous papers, schematic cross section running along the strike of the the Late Permian and the Norian facies zones were Transdanubian Range. The reference line of the section mainly considered and constrains of facies boundaries is the base of the Main Dolomite Formation. Data to be were generaily missing. This might be the reason, why displayed include results of the latest mapping project in distinction and limitation of the facies zones have been the study area (Fig. 4), studies in the framework of the subject of many debates in the past years. Since outcome national key section project, and other important core of these debates may profoundly influence the recon- data. Fig. 4 also shows localities referred in the text. structions and the interpretation of the structural evolu- tion of the Pannonian Basin and the surrounding re- Facies pattern of the selected stratigraphic intervals. gions, more detailed studies on the facies setting and further evidences for the facies correlation seemed to be Upper Permian (Fig. 5). necessary. Consequently, our paper has two main goals, a) The Upper Permian sequence of the Transdanu- to summarize da-.a which may serve as a basis for di- bian Range can be divided into three, coeval formations SW BAKONY MTS +BALATON HICHLAND DACHSTEIN LIMESTONE base of M.D .^-J---^ VES ZPRÉM M ARL --- 010 F;- 1 Schematic cross section along the strike of the Transdanubian Range unit fron the Buda Hills to the Zala Basin. Reference line is the base of the Main Dolomite Formation. Abbr.: TA - Tagyon Fm.; MA - MÉtyàshegy Fm.; VE - Veszprém Marl Fm.; SH - S:indorhegy Fm.; VA - Vadasken Dolomite Mb.; FH - Feketehegy Fm. Buchenstein Gr. includes the Felsòórs, Buchenstein and Fiired Formations. For legend see Fig. 2. 252 /. Haas & T. Budai ./---.4 --: Diósjenúrin1_:B:rtt: Csdvdr block 0 10 20 30km NORTH A f - 651; Lower Paleozoic metamorphic l-- complex lilîl Pe.mian rìeî --=------------Zat 1--Li r flasslc \-_-_-lJ----;=;>--L--- ^lslr-- - - l___] --)_-_-_-_-_- -t-. ! Jurassic pp;1 Lower-Middle Cretacmus of the ll--]'-u Bakony Mts. WZ l-nwer-Middle Cretaceous of the GetecseMls. ^f- f ----l Upper Cretaceous Fig. 4 - Simplified geological map of the Transdanubian Range (Haas et a1., 1995) showing the referred locations. / // z-\ Upper Permian \ Budapest \ \ 0 20km h I l) 1V7-V z l--;l 3 Fl..l 1[f-n --<lal 5 6 'l 8l +JH+n -.- --- - Fig. 5 - Present-day exrension of the Upper Permian lithofacies of the Transdanubian Range. 1) Dinnyés Dolomite; 2) Tabaid Evaporite; 3) Balatonfelvidék Sandstone; 4) Pre-Permian formations; 5) facies boundary; 6) main tectonic line; Z) outcrop; 8) borehole Permian-Triassic Transdanubian Ranpe 253 (Ftilop, 1990) representing characteristic facies zones of in the eastern part of the SE foreiand of the Vértes the continental margin during the Late Permian rrans- Mountains and S of Lake Velence, on the sourhern gression. flank of the Velence anticline. The Balatonfelvidék Sandstone Formation is a flu- Exact drawing of the boundaries of the aforemen- vial facies association made up by cyclic alternation of tioned units is not possible at present. Flowever, lateral conglomerate, sandstone and siltstone layers. Thickness relations of the Upper Permian formations clearly indi- is 400-800 metres, and significantly decreases (to 150 m) cate that transgression reached first the NE part of the northeastward (Fig. 3), where the unit is partially substi- Transdanubian Range (according to the present-day tuted by coastal (Tabajd Fm.) and marine facies (Din- orientation), then it progressed toward S\f, whereas a nyés Fm.).
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