<p> CITY OF BOWDLE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 4, 2014</p><p>Mayor Rick Boschee called the meeting to order at 6:38 PM with the following members present: Shane Hanson, Dale Bieber, Wade Eisenbeisz, Tim Thomas and Amy Kappenman. Also present: Finance Officer Marjean Gab and for a portion of the meeti ng, Stuart Thomsen, Rodney Schlecht, Sandra Schlechter, and Lucas Turner.</p><p>Motion by Thomas, seconded by Eisenbeisz, to approve the agenda. All present voted yes. Motion carried.</p><p>Motion by Thomas, seconded by Eisenbeisz, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on January 6, 2014. All present v oted yes. Motion carried. </p><p>Receipts for the month of December: Cortrust Bank, Interest, $154.61; First State Bank, Interest, $82.39; Midcontinent Commun ications, Franchise Fee, $281.76; State of SD, Sales Tax, $15321.70; Edmunds County, Taxes, $7732.49; State Shared Revenue, County Revenue $620.34; Penalties and Interest $90.13; Skeeters Lease $875.00; Rubble Site Fees/Tax, $772.80; Misc. Revenue $200.00; Water/Sys Maint/Late Fees/ Reconnects/Meter Deposit, $8375.95; Sewer/Late Fees, $6182.50; Nursing Home, $146316.38 and Hospital, $446031.15.</p><p>The following claims were presented: JANUARY PAYROLL: Hospital/Nursing Home/Clinic Wages 229082.48 City Financial Administration Wages 753.75 Library Wages 912.50 Streets Department Wages 1598.06 Water Wages 1756.34 Sewer Wages 1691.96 IRS/CorTrust Bank, N.A. Payroll Taxes 59078.38</p><p>Accounts Management NH-employee payments 50.00 AFLAC Insurance 1858.02 Ameriprise Financial Personal Retirement Withheld 695.00 Bowdle Healthcare Foundation Foundation Contribution 392.04</p><p>Delta Dental Plan Dental Insurance 4112.82 Office of Child Supp NH-Employee Payments 427.44 Secure Benefits Syst Secure Benefits Payable 1622.80 VSP VSP Payable 237.30 Washington National Insurance 73.06 Wellmark Health Plan Health Insurance 50343.60</p><p>ARC City-Supplies 278.90 Bowdle Best Foods City-Shop Supplies 6.94 Bowdle Building & Hardware City-Supplies 26.80 Bowdle Hospital City-Payroll Payable to Hospital 14259.96 Dakota Radio Group City-Supplies 200.00 Dewalds City-Fuel 48.20 Edmunds County Highway Dept. City-2 - 6’ cutting edges 385.48 FEM City-Airport Utilities 46.00 G & O Electric, LLC City-Skeeters Water Break 367.45 McFleegs City-Supplies 9.59 Montana-Dakota Utilities City-Utilities 3196.37 North Central Farmers Elevator City-Supplies 35.00 North Star Energy City-Skeeters Water Break 187.46 Petty Cash City-Misc Supplies 30.93 Pride of the Prairie City-Publishing/Supplies 312.69 Quill City-Office Supplies 77.60 Reich, April City-Water Deposit Rtn/Less Water Bill 59.90 SD Assn of Towns City-Travel/Conf 268.50 SD Dept of Revenue City-Maint-Water 13.00 United States Post Office City-Stamps 117.00 Venture Communications City-Utilities 88.60 VISA City-Library Books/DVD’s 267.30 Walz, Gary City-Deposit Return 50.00 Waterworks City-Meter & Fittings Meter Gun 555.05 Web Water Devel Assoc. City-Supplies/Water 4275.80</p><p>A&B Business Solutions Admin-Maint/Svc Agreements/Supplies 122.15 Abler, Shari BC Transcription 793.91 Alere North America Lab Supplies 865.87 Avera E-Care Admin-Sve Agreements 61250.00 B.G. Marketing Admin Advertising Reimb 297.00 Baxter Healthcare Med Surg Svc Agreements/Supplies 328.09 Beyers, Patty RC Building Rental 350.00 Bimbo Foods Inc Dietary Foods 225.10 Bowdle Best Foods Dietary Supplies 310.23 Bowdle Building & Hardware Maint Supplies 83.50 Bowdle, City of Water 940.30 Bowdle, City of Insurance Ambulance 3138.00 Cam-Wal Electric HH Billable Supplies 253.00 Cardinal Health Rx Pharmacy-Drugs 14667.44 Cardinal Health Medicine Med Surg/Lab Supplies 375.48 Chubb & Son Insurance 10437.25 CompQuest Tech Maintenance Info Tec 967.45 Crest Health Care Med Surg General Supply 177.01 Daede, Roseanne BC Transcription 1897.42 Dakota Fire Equipment Purchased Maint 189.00 Dakota Supply Group Maint General Supply 831.61 Dakota Truck Underwr Insurance 943.82 Dewalds Fuel/Supplies 627.70 Direct Supply Inc. Med Surg General Supply 468.27 District IV EMS Assoc Ambulance Education 450.00 DMS Imaging Rad Pro Fees 9136.10 Dr. John Ottenbacher BC Purchased Coverage 8100.00 Ecolab Dietary Equip Rental 79.95 Eilers Purchased Maint 330.00 Emergency Medical Ambulance General Supply 97.15 Erv’s Furniture Maint General Supply 383.00 Eureka Lions Club Admin Advertising Reimb 75.00 EZ Way, Inc. Med Surg Minor Equipment 29.95 Fire Safety First LLC Maint Fire Safety 124.85 G & O Electric Purchased Maint 111.73 Graff, Leslie Radiology Travel Reimb 181.30 Grainger Maint General Supply 440.89 Grassland Goodies Dietary Food 90.00 Hannan, Kim OT Professional Fees 660.22 Hartung, Kindra BC Travel Reimb 22.20 Inpro Corporation Maint Minor Equip 130.90 J&J Healthcare Lab Supplies 410.77 Kaiser, Nancy RC/HC Travel Reimb 66.00 Kate’s Floral Benefits Employee Relations 60.00 KCI USA Med Surg General Supply 2733.96 Ken’s Food Fair Dietary Food 17.50 Kreisers, Inc Supplies 281.30 Les’s Standard Maint Purchased Maint 166.54 Medical Review Consultant Med Surg Consultant Fees 775.00</p><p>Medical Waste Transport Maint-Garbage 270.76 Menards Maint General Supply 348.83 Midco Maint-Utilities 398.97 Midwest Radiation Radiology Consultant Fees 2580.00 Mobile PC Medic Maint-Information Tech 534.70 Montana-Dakota Utilities Utilities – NH/Hosp 11606.61 Mortenson, Mica Radiology Travel Reimb 111.00 National Notary Assoc HIM General Supply 91.00 Neopost Admin Postage 279.00 Network Services Co NH/Housekeeping/Admin/Lab Supplies 2125.59 North Star Energy RC Utilities 947.20 Northwest Blade Admin Adv Reimb 154.00 NXC Imaging, Inc. Radiology General Supply 113.33 Olympus America Inc OR Svc Agreements 1088.47 Opus Medication Systems Pharmacy General Supply 75.94 Owens & Minor Med Surg General Supply 5644.49 Peacock Imaging LLC Radiology Purchased Coverage 1554.36 Perman, Clint ER/BC Purchased Coverage 3668.08 Petty Cash BHC & NH Miscellaneous 349.80 Philips Medical Capi Radiology SVC Agreements 2806.32 Pride of the Prairie Admin Advert 691.66 Quality Quick Print Admin SVC Agreements 139.29 Quality Welding, Inc Maint General Supply 26.08 Reuer Sanitation Garbage 556.00 Roscoe Municipal RC Utilities 39.00 Schmidt, Marvin J. Accounts Receivable 25.00 SD Dept of Labor Admin Misc 487.78 SD Dept of Revenue Lab Professional Fees 20.00 SD Dept of Revenue Sales Tax 352.33 SDN Communication Maint Information Tec 870.73 Servall Housekeeping Supplies 389.85 Siemens Healthcare Lab Supplies/Svc Agreements 14766.24 Smilemakers Central Supply 215.83 State Street RX Pharmacy Drugs 15.00 Steris Corporation Purchased Maint 1360.00 Titan Machinery Maint General Supply 54.30 Transmed, Inc. Rad Pro Fees 3789.00 Tri State Water BC/CR Supplies 24.20 Turner Drug Drugs/Pharmacy Consultant 4625.54 UHS ER/Med Surg Equip Rental 1255.00 US Bank COP Lease Payment 5773.45 US Foodservice Dietary Food 6447.10 Valley Telecommunications HC Phone 58.00 Venture Communications Telephone 1879.68 Visa Supplies/Equip/Travel 3331.32 Washenberger, Wayne BC Travel Reimb 1136.70 Wescom Solutions Inc Maint Information Tec 292.15 Western States Fire NH Construction in Progress 1000.00 Zambo, Sheila Home Health Travel Reimb 86.28 Zimmer, Mary PT Travel Reimb 59.20</p><p>Motion by Eisenbeisz, seconded by Bieber, to approve the payment of claims. All present voted yes. Motion carried.</p><p>Discussion was held regarding a garbage complaint, and council member Kappenman was at the residence before coming to the meeting and she was told the garbage would be gone by the end of the week. Mayor talked with Reuer Sanitation and he is getting a list together of the residence’s that do not pay for garbage pick-up or are delinquent with their bill so we can address the issue with them. Ordinance 16-8-16 states that a resident that has a water bill must pay for garbage pick-up and if delinquent with their garbage bill water can be shut off (Ordinance 16-2-11). Council asked F/O to include a copy of this ordinance to each resident with next month’s water bill.</p><p>F/O informed the council that through correspondence with Rob Kittay from DENR we no longer need to renew our contract for operator of water/wastewater system with Eric Stuwe because Rodney has the certification we need. Rodney will inform Eric that he is no longer on the City of Bowdle’s payroll.</p><p>Stuart Thomsen from Erv’s Furniture was present and explained the carpet and Karndean Tile bids. After some discussion, motion by Kappenman, seconded by Thomas to have the City pay $20,000 towards the project. There was 4 yes and 1 opposed vote. Motion carried. Motion by Eisenbeisz, seconded by Thomas to go with Lance Stuwe with the installation. All present voted yes. Motion carried.</p><p>Lucas Turner, CFO presented the December financial statements and statistics. They were reviewed by the council. Lucas reported also that the week of March 23-28th that the auditors will be here. </p><p>Sandra Schlechter, CEO/Administrator reported that Meditech kick-off that was on 1/16/14 went well. Sandra presented a Software Proposal from Medical Information Technology, Inc. for software that is needed for the Radiology department. She asked and the Board gave permission to purchase the MT to OV PACS Interface Suite software at the cost of $12,500. Schlechter presented to the Council Outpatient and Inpatient E-Consult Policies and Procedures. Motion by Thomas, seconded by Bieber to accept the Outpatient and Inpatient E-Consult Policies and Procedures. All present voted yes. Motion Carried.</p><p>Schlechter reported that the clinic being open till 7:00 on Tuesday evenings has not been utilized as much as hoped. Will be advertising again in the paper so public is more aware. Sandy brought to the Council’s attention that the Roscoe clinic is for sale. Wayne Washenberger would like to be able to continue his outreach services in Roscoe. Council asked Sandy to check what the Bowdle Hospital could purchase it for and report back at our March meeting.</p><p>Schlechter reported to the Council her concern of getting people to apply for positions in the kitchen due to the starting wage. After lengthy discussion a motion by Thomas, seconded by Eisenbeisz to increase the hourly wage by $.54 cents for the following departments; Dietary Aide, Cooks, Hskp/Laundry, Activity, Homemaker and CNA’s. All present voted yes. Motion carried.</p><p>Schlechter brought to the council’s attention the problem with the roof leaking at the hospital. Some of the problem came from Huff Construction in their Cat-Scan/ER Project. A proposal from Twin City Roofing Company, Inc.,who Huff Construction contracts with was gone over. Because they were part of the problem a discount was noted on the proposal. Council asked Sandy to check around and get some other bids before any decision would be made. The problem with the Boiler System/Multi Purpose Center was tabled till our March 3rd meeting due to the roof problem being top priority at this time.</p><p>Motion by Thomas, seconded by Kappenman, to approve the following new hire: Faith Hanson, Dietary Aide $9.46. All present voted yes. Motion carried.</p><p>The following wage adjustments were noted. Regina Jackson; change from Hskp/Laundry supervisor to staff position - $12.05 Timothy Jackson; Clinic TNCC increase - $21.59 Cynthia Lowens; Clinic PALS increase - $22.52; Hospital - $23.19 Dale McElhone; added job duties – Hskp/Laundry Supervisor - $14.00, Maintenance - $14.00 Sheila Zambo; added position Dietary Aide - $9.46</p><p>Mayor Boschee reported the following offices will become vacant: Mayor, Two Year Term; Ward One, One-Year Term; Ward One, Two-Year Term - Tim Thomas; Ward Two, One Year Term- Amy Kappenman; Ward Two, Two-Year Term – Dale Bieber; Ward Three, Two-Year Term– Shane Hanson. Petitions were available at the City Office on January 30, 2014, with deadline of Friday, February 28, 2014 for turning in your petitions. The City Office will be open on Friday, February 28th from 8:00am-5:00pm. Due to F/O having to work that Friday she will not be in the office on Monday, February 24, 2014</p><p>F/O presented the council with the Statements of Accounts and Monthly Receipts, the city balance sheet and profit/loss statement, and the water usage and loss report. </p><p>F/O informed the Council that she will be holding a Pet Clinic on Tuesday, February 11th from 3:00pm-5:00pm at the Crossroads Veterinary Clinic. Get your Rabies vaccinations and 2014 City License Tags at one location. </p><p>The next regular council meeting will be held Monday, March 3, 2014 at 6:30 pm.</p><p>The Equalization meeting will be held Monday, March 17th at 6:30 pm.</p><p>For other business F/O informed the council that she received a call from Keith Schurr, Edmunds County Auditor that the county would like to give us the Theater back and that they have the deed. Motion by Thomas, seconded by Hanson to take the Theater back. All present voted yes. Motion carried.</p><p>Motion by Thomas, seconded by Hanson to adjourn at 10:35 pm. All present voted yes. Motion carried. </p><p>______Rick Boschee Mayor Date Attest: ______Marjean Gab Finance Officer - City of Bowdle</p><p>Published once at the approximate cost of ______.</p>
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