<p>1 English Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Cycle A EYFS objectives covered over the year in response to children’s interests. </p><p>Reception Traditional and fairy tales* Instructions Stories about imaginary worlds* Information texts Animal Welfare Poems on a theme Year 1/2 Labels, lists and Stories with familiar Recounts Stories from a range of Non Chronological Pattern and captions settings cultures Reports rhyme</p><p>Information Texts Poetry Silly Stuff Information Texts Instructions Reports Stories from other Authors and letters Recounts and cultures –fables explanation texts Year 3/4 Stories that raise Plays Performance Poetry issues. Greek Myths Persuasive writing Poetry – Language play</p><p>Year 5/6 Biography and Fiction genres Stories with Stories from other Classic novels Science fiction autobiography flashbacks cultures Historical stories Journalistic writing Choral and The Power of imagery Instructions performance </p><p>2 Maths 1.1 Number Sense 1.3 Geometric Reasoning 1.6 Number Sense 1.8 Number Sense 1.10 Geometric Reasoning 1.13 Multiplicative (3 weeks) (2 weeks) (2 weeks) (2 weeks) (2 weeks) Reasoning Pupils can represent and Pupils can recognise and Pupils can represent and Pupils can represent and explain Pupils can recognise and (3 weeks) Year 1 explain what identify shapes in their explain what happens when how to use their counting to identify shapes in Pupils can represent and happens when counting environment and justify their counting in two and tens and measure lengths, weights and their environment and justify explain what happens (Fractions and forwards and thinking. connect this with adding and capacities. their thinking and create when doubling and Measurement test need backwards in ones and can Properties of Shape subtracting two and ten. Number and Place Value simple repeating patterns. halving in the context of adding) compare two Position an direction They can explain how they Measurement Properties of Shapes both discrete objects and measures and describe the Geometry Test 1 know which numbers are Number and Place Value Test 2 Position and Direction continuous relationship multiples of ten and which Geometry Test 2 measures. They can show Number , Place value and 1.4 Number Sense are multiples of two. 1.9 Additive Reasoning and tell the time, Rounding (1 week) Number and Place Value (2 weeks) Assessment ½ termly on an analogue clock, on Measurement Pupils can represent Measurement Pupils can solve, represent and the hour and half past. Number and Place Value Test and explain how they know one record 1.11 Number Sense Number and Place Value 1 more or one less than any given 1.7 Multiplicative Sense addition and subtraction problems, (2 weeks) Multiplication and number and read and compare (3 weeks) appropriately choosing and using Pupils can represent and division 1.2 Additive Reasoning numbers under 100. Pupils can represent and their explain what happens when Fractions (3 weeks) Number and Place value explain how to solve number facts and counting (using counting in different steps Measurement Pupils can solve addition and Measurement problems involving numbers up to 20). and connect this with adding Multiplication and subtraction problems using Number and Place Value Test 1 multiplying and dividing by Number and Place Value and subtracting and Division Test 3 their knowledge of one more two and ten, with Addition and Subtraction measuring. They can explain and one less and number 1.5 Additive Reasoning support. Measurement how they 1.14 Geometric bonds. (2 weeks) Number and Place Value Addition and Subtraction Test 2 know which numbers are Reasoning Number and Place Value Reasoning Multiplication and Division multiples of two, five and (2 weeks) Addition and Subtraction Pupils can solve addition and Measurement ten. Pupils can use their Measurement subtraction Time Number and Place Value understanding of halves problems using their number Multiplication and Division Measurement and quarters Assessment ½ termly bonds for Test 1 Number and Place Value Test to talk about shapes and ten to derive bonds for 20 and 3 movement (turns) and their Assessment ½ termly solve related problems. knowledge of one more and Fractions one less. 1.12 Additive Reasoning Properties of shape Number and Place Value (3 weeks) Position and direction Addition and Subtraction Pupils can solve, represent Geometry Test 3 Addition and Subtraction Test and record addition and 1 subtraction problems, Assessment ½ termly appropriately choosing and Assessment ½ termly using their number facts and counting (using numbers up to 20 Number and Place Value Addition and Subtraction Addition and Subtraction Test 3</p><p>3 Year 2 2.1 Number Sense 2.3 Geometric Reasoning 2.6 Number Sense 2.8 Number Sense 2.10 Geometric 2.13 Multiplicative (3 weeks) (2 weeks) (2 Weeks) (2 weeks) Reasoning Reasoning (Fractions & Pupils can represent and Pupils can recognise and identify Pupils can use their Pupils can measure in different (2 weeks) (3 weeks) understanding of counting in contexts, choosing appropriate unit Pupils can represent and Measurement tests explain what happens when shapes in their environment and Pupils can identify different counting forwards and explain the properties of the 2s,5s, and 10s to interpret and equipment and reading scales possible 3-D shapes form explain how to find need adding) backwards in tens shapes including lines of data. They can represent and to the nearest number. seeing one of their faces and halves, thirds and quarter and can compare and order symmetry explain difference between Number and Place Value describe the properties of the in the context of both Properties of shapes two-digit numbers odd and even numbers and Measurement face (2 D shape) and the 3-D discrete objects and Geometry Test 1 in different contexts. use this understanding to Number and Place Value Test 2 shape continuous measure. Number 2.4 Number Sense identify large multiples of 2.9 Additive Reasoning Properties of shape 2d & 3D They can show and tell Place Value (1 weeks) two. (2 weeks) Position and direction the time on an analogue Rounding Pupils can represent and explain Number and Place Value Pupils can represent and solve patterns 7 directions clock including quarter Measurement how they know ten more and ten Multiplication and Division addition and subtraction problems Geometry Test 2 past and quarter to the Statistics less than any given number and Statistics involving 2 digit numbers in hour. read, compare and record Number and Place Value Assessment 2.6 different contexts, appropriately Assessment ½ termly comparisons of numbers up to choosing and using number facts, Multiplication and 2.2 Additive Reasoning 100 Division 2.7 Multiplicative understanding of lace value and 2.11 Number Sense (3 weeks) Number and place value Fractions Reasoning counting (2 weeks) Pupils can represent and Measurement Measurement –time (3 weeks) Number and Place Value Pupils can measure in solve addition and Statistics Multiplication and Pupils can represent and Addition and subtraction different contexts, choosing subtraction problems in Number and Place Value Test 1 Division Test 3 different contexts, 2.5 Additive Reasoning explain how to sue their Measurement the appropriate unit and multiplication facts to solve Statistics equipment and reading scales appropriately choosing and (2 Weeks) 2.14 Geometric Pupils can represent, explain and division problems. They can Addition and Subtraction Test 2 to the nearest number using number facts, Reasoning record the relationship between represent and solve Number and Place Value understanding of place value (2 weeks) addition and subtraction. They multiplication and division Measurement and counting Pupils can sue their can represent and solve addition problems in different Statistics Number and Place Value understanding of fractions and subtraction problems in contexts. Number and Place Value Test Addition and Subtraction to talk about shapes and different contexts, appropriately Number and Place Value 3 Measurement movement (turns) and choosing and using number facts, Multiplication and Division solve related problems understanding place value and Measurement 2.12 Additive Reasoning Assessment ½ termly counting. Properties of shape Assessment 2.7 (2 weeks) Number and Place Value Position and Direction Pupils can represent and solve Addition and subtraction Fractions Multiplication and Division addition and subtraction Measurement Geometry Test 3 Statistics Test 1 problems involving 2 2digit numbers in different contexts, Addition and Subtraction Test 1 Assessment ½ termly Assessment ½ termly appropriately choosing and Assessment ½ termly using number facts, understanding of place value and counting. Number and Place Value Addition and subtraction Statistics Addition and Subtraction Test 3</p><p>4 3.1 Number Sense 3.3. Multiplicative Reasoning 3.6 Additive Reasoning 3.8 Multiplicative Reasoning 3.9 Geometric Reasoning 3.13 Multiplicative (3 weeks) (3 weeks) (3 weeks) (3 weeks) (2 weeks) reasoning Pupils can explain and show Pupils can explain and Pupils can solve addition and Pupils can explain and represent Pupils can recognise and (3 weeks) how and when their counting represent multiplication as both subtraction problems in multiplication as both repeated identify horizontal and Pupils can explain and is useful for addition and repeated addition and scaling different contexts (including addition and scaling; and division as vertical line and pairs of represent multiplication subtraction. They can make and division as both sharing and extracting the necessary both sharing (including finding perpendicular and parallel as both repeated addition appropriate decisions about grouping. They us this information form graphs, fractions and grouping. They use line and justify their thinking. and scaling, and division when to use their understanding to derive facts charts and tables), this understanding to derive facts They can identify acute, as both sharing (including understanding of place value and sole problems. appropriately choosing and and solve problems. obtuse and right angle finding fractions) and for solving problems, Number and Place value using number facts, Number and Place Value triangles in the context of 2D grouping. They use this including adding and Multiplication and Division understanding of place value Multiplication and Division shape and justify their understanding to derive subtracting Multiplication and Division and counting, They can Fractions thinking facts and solve problems Number and Place Value Test 1 explain their decision making Multiplication and Division Test 2 Properties of shape – 2d & 3D including two-digit by 3.4 Geometric reasoning and justify their solutions. horizontal and vertical line one-digit multiplications 3.2 Additive Reasoning (2 weeks) Addition and Subtraction 3.10 Number Sense and triangles Number and Place Value (3 weeks) Pupils can explain and show Measurement (2 weeks) Geometry Test 2 Multiplication and Pupils can solve addition and angle as a measure of turn and Statistics Pupils can explain and show how Assessment ½ termly Division subtraction problems in can draw, make and identify Addition and Subtraction Test 2 and when their counting is useful 3.11 Additive Reasoning Fractions different contexts, shapes with right angles for adding and subtracting. They (2 weeks) Measurement appropriately choosing and Properties of Shape Number Sense 3.7 can explain and show how to tell Pupils can solve addition and Multiplication and using number facts, Position and Direction –right ( 2 weeks) the time and use knowledge of subtraction problems in Division Test 3 understanding of place value angles Pupils can represent fractions different units of time to solve different contexts, and counting. They can Geometry Test 1 as numbers and explain and problems appropriately choosing and 3,14 Geometric explain decision making and show how they know that for Number and Place Value using number facts, Reasoning justify their solutions 3.5 Number Sense unit fractions, as the Measurement understanding of place value (2 weeks) Addition and Subtraction (1 weeks) denominator increases, the Statistics and counting and mental and Pupils can measure the Measurement Pupils can explain and show size of the number decreases Number and Place Value Test 2 written methods, they can perimeter of simple 2-D Statistics how and when their counting is Number and Place value explain their decision and shapes and describe Addition and Subtraction Test 1 useful for adding and Fractions justify the solution. properties of the shapes subtracting and make Addition and subtraction related to angles Assessment ½ termly appropriate decisions about Measurement Properties of shape when to sue their Statistics Geometry Test 3 understanding of place value Addition and Subtraction Test 3 for solving problems including 3.12 Number Sense adding and subtracting (2 weeks) Number and Place Value Pupils can represent fractions Measurement as numbers and explain and Fractions show how they know one Number and Place Value Test 1 fraction is bigger than or equivalent to another Number and Place Value Fractions Number and Place Value Test 3</p><p>2.11 5 Year 4 4.1 Number Sense 4.3 Multiplicative Reasoning 4.6 Additive Reasoning 4.8 Multiplicative Reasoning 4.9 Geometric Reasoning 4.13 Multiplicative (3 weeks) (3 weeks) (3 weeks) (2 weeks) (2 weeks) Reasoning Pupils can make appropriate Pupils can explain the Pupils can solve addition and Pupils can explain the relationship Pupils can explain how to locate (3 weeks) points on a grid in the first decisions about when to use relationship between subtraction problems in between multiplication, division Pupils can solve problems quadrant and use this knowledge their understanding of multiplication and division and different contexts, and fraction, they use this involving multiplication, (Fractions, and understanding to solve counting, place value and the distributive and associative appropriately choosing and understanding to derive facts and problems division and fractions in Measurement, statistics rounding to solve problems laws, they sue this using number facts, solve problems Properties of shape different contexts, tests need adding including adding and understanding t derive facts understanding of place value Number and Place Value Position and direction – grids appropriately choosing subtracting and solve problems and counting and mental and Multiplication and division Geometry Test 2 and using number facts, Number and Place Value Number and Place Value written methods, They can Fractions Assessment ½ termly understanding of place 4.11 Additive Reasoning Multiplication and division explain and justify their Measurement value and counting and (2 weeks) 4.2. Additive Reasoning Multiplication and Division solutions Multiplication and Division Test 2 Pupils can solve addition and mental and written (3 weeks) Test 1 Addition and Subtraction subtraction problems in different methods, explain their Pupils can solve addition and 4.4 Geometric Reasoning Measurement contexts, appropriately choosing decision making and subtraction problems in ( 2 weeks) Statistics and using number facts, justify their solutions. different contexts, Pupils can explain the Addition and Subtraction Test 2 4.10 Number Sense understanding of place value and Number and Place Value appropriately choosing and properties of different triangle’s (2 weeks) counting and mental and written Multiplication and methods. They can explain their using number facts, and quadrilateral including 4.7 Number Sense ( Pupils can make appropriate Division decision making and justify their (2 weeks) understanding of place value angels and lines of symmetry decisions when to use their solutions. Fractions and counting and mental and Properties of shape Pupils can represent and knowledge of counting( including Addition and Subtraction Measurement written methods. They can Geometry Test 1 explain the multiplicative counting below zero) place value, Statistic Multiplication and explain decision making and nature of the number system and rounding for solving problems Fractions Division Test 3 justify their solutions 4.5 Number Sense including how it extends to including adding and subtracting, Measurement Addition and subtraction (1 week) decimal numbers, as whole They can explain how to tell the Addition and Subtraction Test 3 4.14 Geometric 4.12 Number Sense Measurement Pupils make appropriate numbers are divided by 10 or time in both 12 and 24 hour clocks Reasoning (2 weeks) 100 and connect this Statistics decisions about when to use and can solve problems using their Pupils can represent and explain (2 weeks) Addition and Subtraction Test 1 their understanding of counting understanding to units of understanding of how to convert the multiplicative nature of the Pupils can explain how to (including counting below zero) measure. Pupils can different units of time. number system including how it find the perimeter and Assessment ½ termly place value and rounding for represent and explain the Number and Place Value extends to decimal numbers, as area of a shape and how solving problems including relationship between Measurement whole numbers are divided by 10 to complete a adding and subtracting, Pupils decimals and fractions. They Statistics or 100 and connect this symmetrical shape with a understanding to units of can explain the representations use this understanding to Number and Place Value Test 2 given line of symmetry, measure. Pupils can represent solve problems. of two-digit positive numbers as and explain the relationship using this knowledge and Roman Numerals Fractions between decimals and fractions. understanding to solve Number and Place Value Measurement They use this understanding to problems Number and Place Value Test 1 solve problems. Properties of shape Fractions Measurement – Assessment ½ termly Measurement perimeter/ area Number and Place Value Test 3 Geometry Test 3 Assessment ½ termly Assessment ½ termly</p><p>6 Year 5 5.1 Number Sense 5.3 Multiplicative Reasoning 5.6 Additive Reasoning 5.8 Multiplicative Reasoning 5.9 Geometric Reasoning 5.13 Multiplicative (3 weeks) (3 weeks) (3 weeks) (2 weeks) ( 2 weeks) Reasoning Pupils can represent and Pupils can solve problems involving Pupils can solve addition and Pupils can explain and show properties Pupils can explain how t reflect ( 3 weeks) multiplication and division in of prime, composite, square and cube and translate shapes on a grid in explain he multiplicative subtraction problems in Pupils can solve problems different contexts appropriately numbers and explain factor pairs related the first quadrant and use this nature of the number system, choosing and using numbers facts, different contexts, to these sets of numbers, They knowledge and understanding to involving multiplication understanding how to understanding place value and appropriately choosing and understand and can explain the solve problems and division in different multiply and divide by 10, 100 mental and written methods, they using number facts, relationship between multiplication, Properties of shape contexts appropriately and 1000. Pupils make can explain their decision making understanding of place value division, fractions and percentages, Position and direction choosing and using appropriate decisions about and justify their answers. and mental and written They use this understanding to derive Geometry Test 3 numbers facts, when to use their Multiplication and Division methods, they can explain facts and solve problems. 5.11 Additive Reasoning understanding place value Measurement Multiplication and division understanding of counting, their decision making and (2 weeks) and mental and written Multiplication and Division Test 1 Fractions (including percentages and Pupils can solve addition and place value and rounding for 5.4 Geometric thinking justify their solutions decimals) methods, they can explain solving problems including (2 weeks) Addition and Subtraction Measurement subtraction problems in their decision making and adding and subtracting Pupils can explain angel as a Fractions (including decimals Multiplication and Division Test 2 different contexts, justify their solutions. Number ad Place Value measure of turn, draw and measure and percentages) appropriately choosing and They can explain and Multiplication and division angles and use their understanding Measurement 5.10 Number Sense using number facts, represent the connection Fractions (including decimals’ of angle to describe the properties Statistics (2 weeks) understanding of place value between fractions and of different shapes and percentage) Addition and Subtraction Test 2 Pupils can use their understanding of the and mental and written division. Properties of shape Measurement multiplicative nature of the number methods, they can explain Multiplication and Geometry Test 1 system to convert between different 5.7 Number Sense their decision making and Division 5.5 Number Sense units of measure,, using how to multiply (2 weeks) justify their solutions 5.2 Additive Reasoning (1 weeks) and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000. Pupils Fractions, decimals and (3 weeks) Pupils can make appropriate Pupils can represent and make appropriate decisions about when Addition and Subtraction percentages Pupils can solve addition and decisions about when to use their explain the relationship to use their understanding of counting Fractions (including decimals Measurement subtraction problems in understanding of counting (Including between decimals, fractions (including in fractions) , place value and and percentages) Multiplication and counting below zero) pace value and different contexts, and percentages. They use rounding for solving problems including Measurement Division Test 3 rounding for solving problems appropriately choosing and this understanding to solve adding and subtracting. Statistics including adding ad subtracting. Number and Place Value using number facts, problems. Addition and Subtraction Test 3 5.14 Geometric Pupils can explain the Multiplication and Division Multiplication and Division 5.12 Number Sense understanding of place value representation of three-digit Fractions, decimal and percentages Reasoning (2 weeks) and mental and written positive numbers a Roman Fraction Measurement (2 Weeks) methods, they can explain Numerals Number and Place Value Test 2 Pupils can represent and Pupils can explain how to their decision making and Number and Place Value Assessment ½ termly explain the relationship find the perimeter and Multiplication and Division justify their solutions between decimals, fractions area of a shape and how Fractions (including decimals and Assessment ½ termly and percentages and how Addition and Subtraction percentages) to complete a decimals and fraction fit into Measurement Measurement symmetrical shape with a Statistics Number and Place Value Test 1 the number system. They use given line of symmetry, Addition and Subtraction Test 1 this understanding to solve using this knowledge and Assessment ½ termly problems. understanding to solve Multiplication and Division problems Assessment ½ termly Fractions (including decimals’ Properties of shape and percentage) Positing and Direction Measurement Measurement – Number and Place Value Test 3 perimeter/ area Geometry Test 3</p><p>7 Year 6 6.1 Number Sense 6.3 Multiplicative Reasoning 6.6 Additive Reasoning 6.8 Multiplicative Reasoning (2 weeks) 6.9 Geometric Reasoning ( 2 6.13 Multiplicative (3 weeks) (3 weeks) (3 weeks) Pupils can explain the relationship weeks) Reasoning Pupils can represent and Pupils can solve problems involving Pupils can solve addition and between multiplication, division , ratio Pupils can explain how to reflect multiplication and division and and proportion. They use this and translate shapes on a grid (3 weeks) explain he multiplicative nature subtraction problems in fractions and percentages in understanding to derive facts and solve with four quadrants and use this Pupils can solve of the number system, different contexts, understanding how to multiply different contexts appropriately problems. knowledge and understanding to calculation problems in choosing and using numbers facts, appropriately choosing and Addition, subtraction, multiplication and solve problems, They can explain and divide by 10, 100 and 1000. understanding place value and using number facts, division how to find the volume of cubes different contexts Pupils make appropriate mental and written methods. They understanding of place value Ration and Proportion and cuboids and use this including those decisions about when to use can explain their decision making and mental and written Algebra understanding to solve problems. involving ratio and their understanding of methods They can explain their and justify their solutions. Measurement Properties of shape proportion, counting, place value and Addition, Subtraction Multiplication decision making and justify Statistics Position and direction rounding for solving problems and Division their solutions and levels of Multiplication and Division Test 2 Algebra appropriately choosing including adding and Fractions, decimals and percentages accuracy 6.10 Number Sense (2 weeks) Measurement and using operations, subtracting Ratio and Proportion Number and Place Value Pupils can use their understanding of the Ratio and proportion number facts, Number ad Place Value Algebra multiplicative nature of the number Geometry Test 2 Addition, Subtraction, understanding of place Fractions (including decimals’ Measurement Multiplication and Division system to convert between different 6.11 Additive Reasoning Statistics units of measure,, knowing when it si (2 weeks) value and mental and and percentage) Fractions (including decimals’ Multiplication and Division Test 1 appropriate to use their understanding Pupils can solve calculation Measurement and percentage) written methods. They 6.4 Geometric Reasoning of how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 problems in different contexts Algebra can explain their 6.2 Additive Reasoning (2 weeks) and 1,000. Pupils make appropriate appropriately choosing and suing Pupils can sue their understanding Measurement decisions about when to use their operations, number facts, decision making and (3 weeks) of angle and properties of shapes to Statistics understanding of counting (including in understanding of place value and Pupils can solve addition and justify their solutions solve problems fractions), place value and rounding for mental and written methods. subtraction problems in and levels of accuracy. Properties of shape 6.7 Number Sense solving problems including adding and They can explain their decision Addition, Subtraction, different contexts, Algebra subtracting. making and justify their solutions (2 weeks) Multiplication and Division appropriately choosing and Measurement Number and Place Value and levels of accuracy. Pupils can represent and using number facts, Geometry Test 1 Multiplication and Division Addition, Subtraction, Fractions (including understanding of place value 6.5 Number Sense explain the relationship Fractions, decimal and percentages Multiplication and Division decimals’ and percentage) and mental and written (1 weeks) between decimals, Measurement Fractions (including decimals’ and Ratio and Proportions Algebra methods They can explain their Pupils can make appropriate fractions and Number and Place Value Test 2 percentage) decision making and justify decisions about when to use their Algebra Measurement percentages. They use their solutions and levels of understanding of counting (Including Measurement Statistics accuracy counting below zero) pace value and this understanding to Statistics Multiplication and Division Addition, Subtraction, rounding for solving problems solve problems. Addition and Subtraction Test 2 Test 3 Multiplication and Division including adding ad subtracting. 6.12 Number Sense 6.14 Geometric Reasoning Number and Place Value Fraction, decimals and (2 weeks) Fractions (including decimals’ (3 weeks) Multiplication and Division percentage Pupils can represent and explain and percentage) Pupils can use their Fractions (including decimals and Algebra the relationship between Algebra understanding of properties percentages) Measurement decimals, fractions and od shapes, area and volume Measurement Measurement percentages and how decimals to solve problems and make Statistics Number and Place Value Test 1 Statistics and fractions fir into the number generalisation Addition and Subtraction Test 1 Fractions and percentages system. They use this Properties of shape Test 1 understanding to solve problems. Position and direction Fraction, decimals and percentage Algebra Algebra Measurement Measurement Ratio and proportion Statistics Geometry Test 3 Number and Place Value Test 3</p><p>8 Science Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Cycle A Reception EYFS objectives covered over the year in response to children’s interests. </p><p>Year 1/2 Humans Materials Living Things and Plants Light their habitats. What do humans What materials are How do plants Where does light need to be healthy? strongest? grow? come from?</p><p>Animals, including Sound Living Things and their Habitats Plants Rocks Year 3/4 Humans</p><p>Year 5/6 Forces Electricity Evolution Light Living things</p><p>What happens when How can circuits Why do animals look How does light Life cycles things move? change? different? travel?</p><p>9 Computing Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Cycle A Reception EYFS objectives covered over the year in response to children’s interests. </p><p>Year 1/2 Algorithms Internet Safety Creative Computing Programming Digital Control ICT beyond school</p><p>Purple mash Data handling Bee-bots 2simple Robots 2code</p><p>Data handling Programming Networks Algorithms Internet Safety Digital Media / ICT in the wider world Year 3/4 Purplemash Collecting and representing data. 2code Communication (Email) Year 5/6 Programming Networks Algorithms Data Handling Internet Safety Digital Media / ICT in the wider world Collecting, analysing, evaluating and Purplemash Communication presenting data. 2code (Blogging)</p><p>10 Geography Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Cycle A Reception EYFS objectives covered over the year in response to children’s interests. </p><p>Year 1/2 Europe Amsterdam Gallipolis Islands Cockshutt Brazil V Manchester Where on Earth Great American Do you like to be Road Trip beside the seaside? Year 3/4 Locate the world’s countries using Locate the world’s Name geographical maps countries using regions and their maps, including identifying North and South characteristics in the America. UK Year 5/6 What a Difference Rivers: National Parks: Possible football the Channel Makes! /rugby World Cup/ Nile Snowdonia Olympic topics Human & Physical contrasts between V V France and England The Severn Yellowstone (link to language). Review Water-cycle Incl. land-use; climate Cities, coasts & change & landforms/ Fieldwork counties mountains</p><p>Mapping</p><p>11 12 History Cycle A Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Reception EYFS objectives covered over the year in response to children’s interests. </p><p>Year 1/2 Florence Nightingale Victoria v Elizabeth Vincent Van Gogh v Charles Darwin Castles Homes v Mary Seacole II LS Lowry (L,Lo,) Then and Now – (L,Co) (co, L) awareness of the Mini-beasts past; words & (Christmas) phrases, Remembrance (W,L,Co) Manchester gallery chronological Shrewsbury framework… (E) Church Cockshutt</p><p>Earliest Civilisations Ancient Greece A Local history Study – overview Year 3/4 Castles</p><p>Year 5/6 Invaders or Settlers? What did the Ancient Wales v England: the Britain, the Anglo- Egyptians do for Us? Marcher Lords Saxons and the Scots In-depth study of A Local History Study Roman withdrawal & achievements and Whittington fall civilisation /Shrewsbury/ Conwy Christian conversion – Canterbury, Iona and Lindisfarne</p><p>13 Art and Design Autumn Spring Summer Cycle A</p><p>Reception Drawing as main focus for term Painting as main focus Printing and Craft. </p><p> Creating shapes. Colour mixing Printing with different equipment. Finger/hand painting nature design for Horticultural show. Year 1/2 Painting as main focus – Lowry & Bruegel`</p><p>Drawing as main focus for term Colour Printing and Craft.</p><p>• Line and shape. Using print to design and make. Vegetable printing nature design for Horticultural show</p><p>Year 3/4 Drawing as main focus for term Painting as main focus Printing and Craft.</p><p>• Sketching, shading and colour. Use a range of paints for different Design and make using print and effects. craft. Make 3D flowers for Horticultural show Year 5/6 Impossible drawings (abstract) the work of - Can I be an Impressionist? Printing and Craft. M.C. Escher Design and make using print and Sketching, observational. craft. Decorate a flower pot for Horticultural show</p><p>14 D and T Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Cycle A Reception EYFS objectives covered over the year in response to children’s interests. </p><p>Year 1/2 Mechanisms Textiles Food Sliders and Levers Templates and Preparing fruit and joining skills. vegetables</p><p>Year 3/4 Mechanical Structures Food systems Shell Structures Healthy and varied Levers and diet Linkages Year 5/6 Textiles Electrical systems Food Combining More complex Seasonality and different fabric switches and culture circuits.</p><p>15 Cockshutt Primary School Long-Term Plan for Music CLASS 2</p><p>Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2</p><p>CYCLE A OURSELVES ANIMALS MACHINES OUR SCHOOL STORYTIME TRAVEL Musical Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Focus: Pitch Beat Exploring sounds Exploring sounds Performance Exploring Subject Link: Subject Link: Subject Link: Subject Link: Subject Link: sounds PE PSHE Geography English PE Subject Link: History WEATHER SEASONS PATTERN OUR BODIES WATER Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Beat Musical Focus: NUMBER Exploring sounds Pitch Beat Subject Link: Pitch Musical Subject Link: Subject Link: Subject Link: Science Subject Link: Focus: Beat Geography Science Mathematics Art Subject Link: Mathematics CYCLE B OURSELVES OUR LAND ANIMALS STORYTIME WEATHER WATER Musical Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Focus: Exploring sounds Pitch Exploring sounds Exploring sounds Pitch Exploring Subject Link: Subject Link: Subject Link: Subject Link: Subject Link: sounds Geography PE English Geography Science Subject Link: English OUR BODIES NUMBER SEASONS PATTERN TRAVEL Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Beat Musical Focus: TOYS Beat Beat Pitch Subject Link: Performance Musical Subject Link: Subject Link: Subject Link: Mathematics Subject Link: Focus: Beat PE Mathematics Science English Subject Link: PSHE</p><p>16 Cockshutt Primary School Long-Term Plan for Music CLASS 3</p><p>Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2</p><p>CYCLE A ENVIRONME SOUNDS CHINA IN THE PAST HUMAN BODY ANCIENT NT Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: WORLDS Musical Exploring sounds Pitch Pitch Structure Musical Focus: Focus: Subject Link: Subject Link: Subject Link: Subject Link: Structure Composition Geography Mathematics PE Science Subject Link: Subject Link: History Geography POETRY TIME COMMUNICATION SINGING FRENCH Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Pitch FOOD AND BUILDING Performance Beat Composition Subject Link: DRINK Musical Subject Link: Subject Link: Subject Link: Languages Musical Focus: Focus: Beat English Mathematics Computing Performance Subject Link: Subject Link: DT DT</p><p>CYCLE B POETRY SOUNDS BUILDING ANCIENT COMMUNICATION IN THE PAST Musical Musical Focus: Musical Focus: WORLDS Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Focus: Exploring sounds Beat Musical Focus: Composition Notation Performance Subject Link: Subject Link: Structure Subject Link: Subject Link: Subject Link: Science PSHE Subject Link: English PE English History RECYCLING AROUND THE TIME FOOD AND ENVIRONME Musical Focus: WORLD SINGING Musical Focus: Beat DRINK NT Structure Musical Focus: SPANISH Subject Link: Musical Focus: Musical Subject Link: Pitch Musical Focus: Mathematics Performance Focus: Art Subject Link: Pitch Subject Link: Composition Geography Subject Link: DT Subject Link: Languages Science</p><p>17 Cockshutt Primary School Long-Term Plan for Music CLASS 4</p><p>Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2</p><p>CYCLE A OUR SOLAR SYSTEM LIFE CYCLES KEEPING AT THE MOVIES CLASS AWARDS COMMUNITY HEALTHY Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Listening Structure Musical Focus: Composition Award show Focus: Beat performance Performance Subject Link: Subject Link: Subject Link: Science PSHE Subject Link: English Subject Link: Subject Link: PE Cross-curricular History CYCLE B WORLD JOURNEYS GROWTH ROOTS CELEBRATION MOVING ON UNITE Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Focus: Musical Song cycle Street dance Mini musical Performance Leaver’s assembly Focus: Step performance performance performance performance dance Subject Link: performance Subject Link: Subject Link: Subject Link: English Subject Link: PSHE Geography English Computing Subject Link: PE</p><p>18 PE Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Cycle A Reception EYFS objectives covered over the year in response to children’s interests. </p><p>Year 1/2 Basic Movements, Basic Movements, Basic Movements, Basic Movements, Running, jumping, Running, jumping, developing skills developing skills developing skills developing skills catching catching</p><p>Team Games Team Games Dancing Dancing Football Netball Gymnastics Dance Tennis Athletics Year 3/4 Tag Rugby Basketball Dance Hockey Cricket</p><p>Swimming Swimming Year 5/6 Football Netball Gymnastics Dance Tennis Athletics</p><p>Tag Rugby Basketball Dance Hockey Cricket</p><p>Swimming Swimming</p><p>19 RE Autumn Spring Summer Cycle A Reception EYFS objectives covered over the year in response to children’s interests. Year 1/2 How do people express their beliefs How do people make sense of life Where do people’s beliefs come from? RQ 13 about truth? RQ 11 & death? RQ 12 (Special journeys & Pilgrimages) (The Bible) (Growing as a Christian) How do people make sense of hardship & How should I lead my life? RQ 4 Who am I? RQ 1 suffering? RQ 7</p><p>(Joseph ) (I’m special / Jesus is special) (St Francis)</p><p>Why do people’s beliefs & practices How do people express their differ? RQ 14 beliefs through worship & celebration? RQ 2 (Light) (Worship / Easter) Where do I belong? RQ 5( Judaism – beliefs, customs, Shabbat, Hanukkah, Where do people’s beliefs come Torah) from? RQ 13 (Homes / Special places)</p><p>20 Where do I belong? RQ 5 Who am I? RQ 1 How do people make sense of hardship & suffering? RQ 7 Year 3/4 (Judaism – beliefs, customs, Shabbatt / (Beginnings) Sabbath, Pesach / Passover) (Dealing with suffering – Mother Theresa, St How should I lead my life? RQ 4 Francis, Christian Aid) Where do people’s beliefs come from? (Rules & choices) RQ 13 How do people express their (Synagogue visit) beliefs throughout worship & Why do people’s beliefs & practices celebration? RQ 2 differ? RQ 14 (Easter – Why is Easter important (Christmas stories from other countries) to Christians?)</p><p>Year 5/6 How do people express their beliefs How do people make sense of life Where do people’s beliefs come from? RQ 13 about truth? RQ 11 & death? RQ 12 (Journeys & Pilgrimages) (The Bible) (Endings)</p><p>Where do people’s beliefs come from? RQ 13 Why do people’s beliefs & practices How should I lead my life? RQ4 (Islam / Hinduism) differ? RQ 14 (Leaders) (Festivals of Light)</p><p>How is belief expressed through symbols & actions? RQ 10</p><p>( Easter – What is Maundy Thursday about? Why is Easter important to Christians?)</p><p>21 PHSE (Cycle A) Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2</p><p>Core Theme: Core Theme: Health Core Theme: Health Core Theme: Core Theme: Living in Core Theme: Living in Relationships and Wellbeing and Wellbeing Relationships the wider world the wider world Feelings and emotions Healthy Lifestyles Growing and changing Valuing difference Valuing difference Taking care of the environment APPRECIATION GENEROSITY UNDERSTANDING PERSERVERANCE SHARING RESPONSIBILITY JOY HOPE HUMILITY LOVE UNITY</p><p>Year 1/2 Healthy Lifestyles Healthy Lifestyles Growing and changing Valuing difference Valuing difference Taking Care of the To learn about good To understand what To know the names for To share their opinions To understand that environment and not so good constitutes a healthy the main parts of the on things that matter people and other living To learn what feelings, a vocabulary lifestyle including the body (including to them and explain things have needs and improves and harms to describe their benefits of physical external genitalia) and their views through that they have their local, natural and feelings to others and activity, rest, healthy the similarities and discussions with one responsibilities to built environments and simple strategies for eating and dental differences between other person and the meet them (including about some of the manging feelings health (3wks) (Yr1 / boys and girls (1wk) (Yr whole class (1wk) (Yr being able to take ways people look after (2wks) (Yr 1 / 2C) 2A) 1G / 2H) 1 /2 K) turns, share and them (1wk)(Yr 1 / 2 E) Sense CD 1.6,1.7 understand the need Sense CD Unit 4.4 Sense CD 3.2 Sense CD Units To identify and respect to return things that Feelings and Emotions 1.1,1.2,1.3 To think about the differences and have been borrowed) SUMO To communicate their themselves, to learn similarities between (1wk) (Yr 1 /2 C) Ditch Doris Day feelings to others, to from their experiences, people (1wk) Yr 1 /2 L) To recognise what To learn that they recognise how others to recognise and Move Up week they like and dislike belong to various show feelings and how celebrate their Sense CD 2.2 (how to make real and groups and Rights and to respond (2wk)(Y1 / strengths and set informed choices that communities such as Responsibilities 2 A) simple but challenging To recognise what is improve their physical family and school To learn how to goals (1wk) ( Yr 1H / Yr fair and unfair, kind and emotional health), (1wk) (Yr 1 /2D) contribute to the life of To recognise how their 2 I) and unkind, what is and that choices can the classroom (1wk) behaviour affects right and wrong (1wk) SENSE 4.5 have good and not so Sense CD 4.1 (Yr 1 /2A) other people (1wk) (Yr good consequences (Yr1D/ 2J) 1C /2B) SUMO (2wks) (Yr1 /2B) SUMO To help construct, and SUMO Hippo time is OK Sense CD Behaviour 4. Change your T-shirt Fruity Thinking (1wk) agree to follow, group We understand the (Road Safety Week, British Values: and class rules and to consequence of our Walk to school week) British Values: understand that the understand how these actions SUMO acceptance that freedom to hold other rules help them (1wk) 22 Learn Latin (1wk) people having faiths and beliefs is (Yr 1 /2B) SUMO different faiths or protected in law Entrepreneurial Remember the beliefs to oneself Entrepreneurial Project: Beachball (1wk) (or having none) We treat everyone Project: should be accepted equally British Values: and tolerated, and We listen and respect understand how should not be the other people’s citizens can influence cause of prejudicial or opinions and values decision-making discriminatory through the behaviour democratic process – an understanding of House Captain and the importance of Vice-Captain elections identifying and (1wk) combatting discrimination (1wk We try to help other +RE+ St. Georges Day) people Entrepreneurial Project:</p><p>23 PHSE (Cycle A) Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2</p><p>Core Theme: Core Theme: Health Core Theme: Health Core Theme: Core Theme: Living in Core Theme: Living in Relationships and Wellbeing and Wellbeing Relationships the wider world the wider world Feelings and emotions Healthy Lifestyles Growing and changing Valuing difference Valuing difference Taking care of the environment APPRECIATION GENEROSITY UNDERSTANDING HUMILITY SHARING RESPONSIBILITY JOY HOPE PERSERVERANCE PATIENCE UNITY Feeling and Emotions Healthy Lifestyles Growing and Changing Healthy relationships Rights and Taking Care of the To be able to recognise To learn how to make To reflect on and To be able to listen Responsibilities Environment Year 3/4 and respond informed choices celebrate their and respond To research, discuss To research, discuss appropriately to a (including recognising achievements, identify respectfully to a wide and debate topical and debate topical wider range of feelings that choices can have their strengths, areas range of people, to issues, problems and issues, problems and in others (1wk) (Yr3 /4 positive, neutral and for improvement, set feel confident to raise events concerning events concerning the A) negative high aspirations and their own concerns, to health and wellbeing, environment offer consequences) and to goals (1wk) recognise and care and offer their their To deepen begin to understand about other people’s recommendations to recommendations to understanding of good the concept of a Growing and Changing feelings and try to see, appropriate people appropriate people and bad feelings (1wk) ‘balanced diet)(1/2 About change, respect and if (1wk) Yr3 /4A (1wk) )Yr 3 /4K) (Yr 3 /4 E) wk) (Yr 3/ 4 A) including transitions necessary Taking care of the (between key stages constructively To explore and critique Environment Healthy relationships To recognise and schools), loss, challenge, their points how the media present To understand that To learn that their opportunities to make separation, divorce and of view (1wk) (Yr 4M) information (1wk)Yr3 / resources can be actions affect their own choices bereavement (2wk) 4I) Valuing Difference allocated in different themselves and others about food, what To be able to listen To recognise the ways and that these (1wk) (Yr3 /4 G) might influence their SUMO and respond consequences of anti- economic choices choices and the Change your T-shirt respectfully to a wide social and aggressive affect individuals, SUMO benefits of eating a range of people, to behaviours such as communities and the Remember the balanced diet. (1wk) feel confident to raise bullying and sustainability of the Beachball (Yr 3/ 4b) their own concerns, to discrimination on environment SUMO recognise and care individuals and British Values: Learn Latin about other people’s communities (2wk) (Yr SUMO understand how Entrepreneurial feelings and try to see, 3 /4 F) Ditch Doris Day citizens can influence Project: respect and if SUMO MOVE UP decision-making necessary Hippo time is OK through the constructively Rights and British Values: 24 democratic process – challenge, their points understand that the Responsibilities House Captain and of view ( Yr 4M- Yr 3 / freedom to hold other That there are Vice-Captain elections 4H) faiths and beliefs is different kinds of protected in law responsibilities, rights We try to help other British Values: and duties at home, at people acceptance that We treat everyone school, in the people having equally community and We understand the different faiths or towards the consequence of our beliefs to oneself We listen and respect environment (1wk) ( Yr actions (or having none) other people’s 3 /4 G& L) should be accepted opinions and values and tolerated, and should not be the Entrepreneurial cause of prejudicial or Project: discriminatory behaviour</p><p> an understanding of the importance of identifying and combatting discrimination</p><p>Entrepreneurial Project:</p><p>25 PHSE (Cycle A) Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2</p><p>Core Theme: Core Theme: Health Core Theme: Health Core Theme: Core Theme: Living in Core Theme: Living in Relationships and Wellbeing and Wellbeing Relationships the wider world the wider world Feelings and emotions Healthy Lifestyles Growing and changing Valuing difference Valuing difference Taking care of the environment APPRECIATION GENEROSITY UNDERSTANDING HUMILITY SHARING RESPONSIBILITY JOY HOPE PERSERVERANCE PATIENCE UNITY Year 5/6 Feelings and Emotions Keeping Safe Growing and changing Valuing difference Rights and Rights and To recognise and To deepen their To understand how To recognise and Responsibilities Responsibilities respond appropriately understanding of risk their body will change challenge stereotypes To resolve differences To research, discuss to a wider range of by recognising, as they approach and (1wk) (Yr 5L/6I) by looking at and debate topical feelings in others predicting and move through puberty. alternatives, seeing issues, problems and (1wk) (Yr 5 /6A) assessing risks in (ii) To recognise how To realise the nature and respecting others’ events concerning different situations images in the media do and consequences of points of view, making health and wellbeing Healthy Lifestyles and deciding how to not always reflect discrimination, teasing, decisions and and offer their To extend their manage them reality and can affect bullying and aggressive explaining choices recommendations to vocabulary to enable responsibly (including how people feel about behaviours (including (1wk) appropriate people them to explain both sensible road use and themselves. (4wk)( Yr cyber bullying, use of Healthy Lifestyles the range and intensity risks in their local 5/6E) prejudice-based To explore and critique To reflect on and of their feelings to environment) and to Sense CD 1 Puberty language, towards all how the media present celebrate their others. To recognise use this as an protected (1wk) achievements, identify that they may opportunity to build To learn about human characteristic groups Taking Care of the their strengths, areas experience conflicting resilience.(2wk) (YR reproduction including (including gay, lesbian, Environment for improvement, set emotions and they 5/6I) conception (2wk) bisexual and To research, discuss high aspirations and might need to listen to To learn about taking transsexual and those and debate topical To develop strategies goals (2wk) (YR 5B/6D their emotions or care of their body, suffering from poor issues, problems and for keeping physically overcome them(1wk) understanding that mental health), and SUMO events concerning the and emotionally safe they have autonomy (Yr 5/6B) how to respond to Hippo time is OK environment offer including road safety, Sense CD 2 and the right to protect them and ask for help) their safety in the Communication their body from (Yr6M) British Values: recommendations to environment and inappropriate and understand that the appropriate people safety online unwanted contact; Sense CD Prejudice Healthy relationships freedom to hold other (1wk) understanding that (including social and difference/ faiths and beliefs is To recognise that their actions, such as female media, the responsible Bullying protected in law Taking care of the actions affect genital mutilation use of ICT and mobile We treat everyone Environment themselves and others (FGM) constitute SUMO phones). To learn the equally To understand that abuse, are a crime and Fruity Thinking importance of resources can be 26 protecting personal how to get support if British Values: allocated in different SUMO information, including they have fears for acceptance that ways and that these We listen and respect Remember the passwords, addresses themselves or their people having economic choices other people’s Beachball and images (2wk) (Yr peers. (Yr 5/6F) different faiths or affect individuals, opinions and values 5J/ 6G) beliefs to oneself communities and the British Values: Sense CD Internet Sense Cd 1Sex/ (or having none) sustainability of the Hygiene We understand how Safety should be accepted environment citizens can influence and tolerated, and Sense CD Litter SUMO decision-making To understand that should not be the Change your T-shirt through the pressure to behave in cause of prejudicial or SUMO democratic process – an unacceptable, discriminatory Ditch Doris Day House Captain and unhealthy or risky way behaviour Move Up Vice-Captain elections can come from a an understanding of variety of sources, To understand that the importance of We try to help other including people they there are different identifying and people know and the media kinds of combatting (2wk) (Yr 5L /6J) responsibilities, rights discrimination We understand the Sense CD Peer and duties at home, at consequence of our Influence Entrepreneurial school, in the actions SUMO Project: community and Learn Latin towards the environment (1wk) British Values: We know right from Entrepreneurial wrong Project:</p><p>Entrepreneurial Project:</p><p>27</p>
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