Scos Goals and Objectives s1

Scos Goals and Objectives s1

<p> Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p>HM Back to School Days 1-4 1.01 Use phonics knowledge and structural 1. What are the parts of a word?  Word Matters 1. Identify root word to construct analysis to decode regular multi-syllable 2. How do I examine the parts of a  Magnetic Letters meaning words when reading text. word?  Word Wall Cards 2. Decode patterns with closed  Sound Spelling Cards syllables: vccv (rabbit, tablet) -Consonant Sounds  Blending Routine Cards 3. Decode patterns with open -Consonant Clusters  Highlighting Tape syllables: ti/ger words v/cv (pilot) -Consonant Digraphs  Buddy Study 4. Decode patterns with closed -Short Vowel Sounds syllables: cam/el words vc/v  HM Phonics Library -Long Vowel Sounds (robin)  HM Workbook -Syllables  Phonics Book (blue and white) 2.01 Read and comprehend text (fiction, 1. How do I read different types of  Leveled Books 1. Monitor own reading and nonfiction, poetry, and drama) appropriate genre?  Theme Big Books comprehension by asking: Does it for grade two. 2. What can I do to demonstrate  Library Books sound right? Does it • make predictions understanding of different types of  Theme Paper backs look right? Does it make sense? • ask questions genre?  Dictionary 2. Identify text structure • locate information for specific  Student Anthology  bold-faced print reasons/purposes -Predict and Infer  Poetry: Powerful Thoughts in Tiny  italicized words • recognize and apply text structure -Evaluate Packages (Calkins and Parsons)  captions • determine fact and opinion  headings  subheadings  table of contents  maps  index  Glossary  text boxes</p><p>Revised 2009 1 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p>2.03 Read expository materials for answers 1. Where do I find the answers to 1. Analyze nonfiction literature to to specific questions. specific questions in nonfiction text? answer questions related to text</p><p>2.04 Pose possible how, why, and what if 1. How do I construct how, why, and 1. Create how, why, and what if questions to understand and/or interpret text. what if questions to understand what I questions to interpret text. read?</p><p>2.05 Self-monitor own difficulties in 1. How do I analyze and choose 1. Self-correct for meaning comprehending independently using several appropriate strategies to self-monitor my 2. Analyze text using context strategies. comprehension independently? clues 3. Predict and confirm predictions 4. Reread 5. Model think aloud (students ask themselves questions as they read) 6. Retell story in a sequential order 7. Summarize plot of story in a few sentences 2.06 Recall main idea, facts and details from 1. How do I analyze the text to find the 1. Retell facts and details directly a text. main idea, facts, and details? from text 2. Locate supporting facts and details in text</p><p>HM Theme 1 Silly Stories- First Nine Weeks 1.01 Use phonics knowledge and structural 1. What are the parts of a word?  Word Matters 1. Identify root word to construct analysis (e.g., knowledge of syllables, 2. How do I examine the parts of a  Magnetic Letters meaning suffixes) to decode regular multi-syllable word?  Word Wall Cards 2. Apply knowledge of suffixes in words when reading text.  Sound Spelling Cards reading and spelling: -ing -Blending two syllable words with short  Blending Routine Cards 3. Decode patterns with closed A, E, I, O, U syllables: vccv (rabbit, tablet)</p><p>Revised 2009 2 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p>-Isolate phoneme in words with long A  Highlighting Tape 4. Decode patterns with open and I  Buddy Study syllables: ti/ger words v/cv (pilot) -Blend long vowel words  HM Phonics Library “Len and Linda’s 5. Decode patterns with closed -Short A, E, I, O, U Picnic” “An Ice Cream Crash” “Big syllables: cam/el words vc/v -Spelling Patterns CVCe / VCCV / Hog’s House Hunt” “Robin’s Farm” (robin) CVCe + ing “Jane’s Mistake” “The Big Surprise”  I Love Reading Books 1-7 1.03 Self-monitor decoding by using letter- 1. How do I decode using letter-sound  HM Workbook 1. Decode short vowels sound knowledge of all consonants and knowledge?  Phonics Book (blue and white) 2. Decode long vowels vowels. -Blending two syllable words with short A, E, I, O, U -Isolate phoneme in words with long A and I 1.02 Read most high frequency and many 1. What site words can I identify?  See Word Work (HM) On-going 1. Read high frequency words irregularly spelled words accurately in text. -HFW –bought, front, kitchen, roll, until, component brought, reason, special, surprise,  High Frequency Word Assessment different, floor, letter, move, poor, word 1.04 Apply knowledge of all sources of 1. How do I cross check information to  On-going 1. Apply previously learned information (meaning, language, read a new text silently?  Work stations phonemic and phonological graphophonics) to read a new text silently  Does it make sense?  Leveled Readers awareness skills and independently.  Does it sound right?  Guided Reading 2. Analyze text for meaning  Can I say it that way?  Decodable Texts Anthology “Dragon 3. Cross-check text using  Does it look right? Gets By” “Julius” “Mrs. Brown Went meaning, syntax, and visual cues. to Town” 1.05 Use a variety of strategies and skills to 1. How do I choose books at my  Accelerated Reader; Media, Classroom 1. Choose books according to read self-selected texts independently for 20 independent reading level? Library, Leveled Books independent reading level (above minutes daily. Self-selected texts should be 2. How do I build stamina for reading?  Read Aloud, Guided Reading, Theme 94% consistent with the student’s independent Big Books (HM), Student Conferences accuracy in comprehension and reading level.  Reading log, Reader’s response, word Journal, Story Maps recognition)  Independent Reading, Theme Paper 2. Make predictions about story </p><p>Revised 2009 3 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> backs (HM) using picture and context clues 3. Recall and synthesize information from story during teacher/student conferencing 4. Record information about book title, author, and date in a SSR log (other information may be recorded based on teacher preference) 5. Demonstrate the ability to sustain reading with a gradual increase to 20 minutes 2.01 Read and comprehend text (fiction, 1. How do I read different types of  Leveled Books 1. Monitor own reading and nonfiction, poetry, and drama) appropriate genre?  Theme Big Books comprehension by asking: Does it for grade two. 2. What can I do to demonstrate  Library Books sound right? Does it • determine purpose (reader’s and author’s) understanding of different types of  Theme Paper backs look right? Does it make sense? • make predictions genre?  Dictionary 2. Identify text structure • ask questions  Student Anthology  bold-faced print • locate information for specific - Story Structure  Poetry: Powerful Thoughts in Tiny  italicized words reasons/purposes -Fantasy and Realism Packages (Calkins and Parsons)  captions • recognize and apply text structure -Predict Outcomes  headings • determine fact and opinion -Predict and Infer  subheadings • make inferences and draw conclusions  table of contents  maps  index  glossary  text boxes 2.05 Self-monitor own difficulties in 1. How do I analyze and choose  Student Anthology 1. Self-correct for meaning comprehending independently using several appropriate strategies to self-monitor my  Theme Book 2. Analyze text using context strategies. comprehension independently?  Teacher’s Edition (HM) clues 3. Predict and confirm predictions</p><p>Revised 2009 4 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p>-Monitor / Clarify 4. Reread 5. Model think aloud (students ask themselves questions as they read) 6. Retell story in a sequential order 7. Summarize plot of story in a few sentences 2.06 Recall main idea, facts and details from 1. How do I analyze the text to find the 1. Retell facts and details directly a text. main idea, facts, and details? from text 2. Synthesize text to name main -Summarize idea 3. Locate supporting facts and details in text 2.07 Discuss similarities and differences in 1. How do I compare and contrast 1. Demonstrate knowledge of events, characters, and concepts within and events, characters, and concepts in texts? similarities and across texts. 2. How do I compare and contrast differences through various events, characters, and concepts across forms: different texts?  Venn diagram  illustration -Summarize  written paper -Story Structure  Compare and contrast -Fantasy / Realism multiple forms of media:  text to text  text to video  text to self  among genre (example: short story to poetry OR fiction to nonfiction)  text to world 2.08 Interpret information from diagrams, 1. How do I analyze data from diagrams,  HM Theme 1 1. Read a table charts, and maps. charts and maps? 2. Read a graph</p><p>Revised 2009 5 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p>3. Interpret information on graphs and maps 4. Infer meaning of bold print and text format 3.01 Use personal experiences and 1. How can I use what has happened in  HM Teacher’s Edition: On-going 1. Activate prior knowledge to knowledge to interpret written and oral my life to understand this story?  Small Moments: Personal Narrative interpret: messages. Writing (Calkins and Oxenhorn)  lists -Predict / Infer  signs  messages  questions  problem/solution  labels  directions  notes  personal narratives  descriptions  captions  rules 3.04 Increase oral and written vocabulary by 1. Now that I have read this selection,  Theme Books 1. Identify, discuss, and listening, discussing, and composing texts how can I use my new vocabulary?  Student Anthology participate by using key when responding to literature that is read  Theme Big Books vocabulary during read aloud, and heard. (e.g., Read aloud by teacher, -Homophones  Reader’s Response Journal shared reading, interactive literature circles, interest groups, book -Synonyms  Writer’s Workshop Folders reading, guided reading, and clubs). -Multiple Meaning Words  About the Authors (Wood Ray) teacher directed reading, literature -Vocabulary- balanced, dairy, hungry, circles shopper, shopping, diet, vegetables, 2. Use new vocabulary during crumbs, imitation, noise, slurped, spread, journal writing or writer’s commotion, voted, delivered, tire, workshop to respond to literature feathers, released, wearing 3. Use new vocabulary in spoken language 4. Ask questions 3.05 Locate and discuss examples of an 1. How does the author use type of  HM Theme 1, Focus on Genre 1. Recognize and identify </p><p>Revised 2009 6 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS author’s use of: sentence, punctuation, order of characteristics of genre(s): • genre(s) and specific word choice(s). paragraphs, specific word choice with  poetry (short poems, word this genre? plays, alliteration, rhyme) 3.06 Discuss the effect of an author’s 1. How does the author use specific  Student Anthology 1. Identify, discuss, and give choices for nouns, verbs, modifiers, and vocabulary to help the reader  Theme Books examples of nouns, verbs, specific vocabulary which help the reader comprehend?  Theme Big Books modifiers (adjectives and comprehend a narrative or expository text.  Craft Lessons (Fletcher and Portalupi) adverbs), and specific vocabulary -Multiple Meaning Words (key vocabulary from text) within literature and student writing 4.01 Begin to use formal language and/or 1. How do I apply the use of formal  Writing Trainer’s Notebook 1. Demonstrate use of formal literary language in place of oral language and/or literary language in my writing?  Integrated Theme Test language (Standard American patterns, as appropriate.  Theme Books English) in writing -Homophones  Student Anthology 2. Demonstrate use of literary -Synonyms  Theme Big Books language in writing -Multiple Meaning Words  Reader’s Response Journal  beginning hooks (once upon a -Vocabulary- balanced, dairy, hungry,  Writer’s Workshop Folders time; in a land far, far away) shopper, shopping, diet, vegetables,  About the Authors (Wood Ray) crumbs, imitation, noise, slurped, spread, commotion, voted, delivered, tire, feathers, released, wearing 4.03 Read aloud with fluency and 1. How do I read with fluency and  Phonics Library 1. Reads smoothly pausing at expression any text appropriate for early expression?  Leveled Readers commas and stopping at independent readers.  Classroom Library appropriate punctuation 2. Reads at appropriate rate with appropriate volume 3. Reads with expression 4.04 Use oral communication to identify, 1. How do I discuss information with  HM Theme 1 1. Participate in oral discussion organize, and analyze information. others?  Leveled Readers with others for the purpose of  Theme Big Books analyzing information -Scan  Teacher’s Edition 2. Use clear and precise language -Use diagram  Think-Alouds to paraphrase message 3. Take turns to speak 4. Stay on subject or topic</p><p>Revised 2009 7 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p>5. Express opinions 6. Ask questions 7. Use a variety of words to convey meaning 4.05 Respond appropriately when 1. What are the appropriate behaviors  HM Theme 1 1. Clarify, speak, and write participating in group discourse by adapting when working in a group?  Teacher’s Edition clearly to communicate goal and language and communication behaviors to 2. How do I communicate effectively  Think-Alouds complete task the situation to accomplish a specific with a group? 2. Distinguish between purpose. appropriate language used during small group work and large group presentation HM Theme 2 Nature Walk-Selection 1 First Nine Weeks Selection 2 and 3 Second Nine Weeks 1.01 Use phonics knowledge and structural 1. What are the parts of a word?  Word Matters 1. Identify root word to construct analysis (e.g., knowledge of syllables, 2. How do I examine the parts of a  Magnetic Letters meaning suffixes, prefixes, root words) to decode word?  Word Wall Cards 2. Apply knowledge of suffixes in regular multi-syllable words when reading  Sound Spelling Cards reading and spelling: -ing, text. -CVCe words with long O, U, E  Blending Routine Cards 3. Decode patterns with closed -Hard and soft /g/  Highlighting Tape syllables: vccv (rabbit, tablet):, -Blend long vowel words adding –ing  Buddy Study vcccv (hundred, monster) -Consonant clusters –rls 4. Decode patterns with open  HM Phonics Library “Miss Pig’s -Hard and soft /c/ syllables: ti/ger words v/cv (pilot) Garden” “Mike and Dave Sleep -Double Consonants 5. Decode patterns with closed Outside” “A Trip to Central Park” -Spelling patterns VCV syllables: cam/el words vc/v “Zeke and Pete Rule” “In the Woods” -Final consonants –ck and -k (robin) “A Snake Sheds Its Skin”  I Love Reading Books 8-21  HM Workbook  Phonics Book (blue and white) 1.02 Read most high frequency and many 1. What site words can I identify?  See Word Work (HM) On-going 1. Read high frequency words irregularly spelled words accurately in text. component -HFW –beautiful, even, quiet, straight,  Second Grade High Frequency Word </p><p>Revised 2009 8 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> year, busy, important, later, touch, Assessment young, across, brother, great, stand 1.04 Apply knowledge of all sources of 1. How do I cross check information to  On-going 1. Apply previously learned information (meaning, language, read a new text silently?  Work stations phonemic and phonological graphophonics) to read a new text silently  Does it make sense?  Leveled Readers awareness skills and independently.  Does it sound right?  Guided Reading 2. Analyze text for meaning  Can I say it that way?  Decodable Texts 3. Cross-check text using  Does it look right?  Anthology “Henry and Mudge and the meaning, syntax, and visual cues. Starry Night” “Exploring Parks with Ranger Dockett” “Around the Pond” 1.05 Use a variety of strategies and skills to 1. How do I choose books at my  Accelerated Reader; Media, Classroom 1. Choose books according to read self-selected texts independently for 20 independent reading level? Library, Leveled Books independent reading level (above minutes daily. Self-selected texts should be 2. How do I build stamina for reading?  Read Aloud, Guided Reading, Theme 94% consistent with the student’s independent Big Books (HM), Student Conferences accuracy in comprehension and reading level.  Reading log, Reader’s response, word Journal, Story Maps recognition)  4. Independent Reading, Theme Paper 2. Make predictions about story backs (HM) using picture and context clues 3. Recall and synthesize information from story during teacher/student conferencing 4. Record information about book title, author, and date in a SSR log (other information may be recorded based on teacher preference) 5. Demonstrate the ability to sustain reading with a gradual increase to 20 minutes 2.01 Read and comprehend text (fiction, 1. How do I read different types of  Leveled Books 1. Determine author’s purpose nonfiction, poetry, and drama) appropriate genre?  entertain</p><p>Revised 2009 9 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS for grade two. 2. What can I do to demonstrate  Theme Big Books  inform • determine purpose (reader’s and author’s) understanding of different types of  Library Books  persuade • make predictions genre?  Theme Paper backs  describe • ask questions  Dictionary 2. Monitor own reading and • locate information for specific -Question  Student Anthology comprehension by asking: Does it reasons/purposes -Fact and Opinion  Poetry: Powerful Thoughts in Tiny sound right? Does it • recognize and apply text structure -Evaluate Packages (Calkins and Parsons) look right? Does it make sense? • comprehend and examine author’s -Understanding Fables  Student Anthology 3. Identify text structure decisions and word choice -Predict and Infer  Theme Book  bold-faced print • determine fact and opinion  Teacher’s Edition (HM)  italicized words • recognize and comprehend figurative  captions language  headings • make inferences and draw conclusions  subheadings  table of contents  maps  index  glossary  text boxes 2.03 Read expository materials for answers 1. Where do I find the answers to 1. Analyze nonfiction literature to to specific questions. specific questions in nonfiction text? answer questions related to text</p><p>2.04 Pose possible how, why, and what if 1. How do I construct how, why, and 1. Create how, why, and what if questions to understand and/or interpret text. what if questions to understand what I questions to interpret text. read?</p><p>2.05 Self-monitor own difficulties in 1. How do I analyze and choose 1. Self-correct for meaning comprehending independently using several appropriate strategies to self-monitor my 2. Analyze text using context strategies. comprehension independently? clues 3. Predict and confirm predictions -Monitor / Clarify 4. Reread 5. Model think aloud (students ask themselves questions as they </p><p>Revised 2009 10 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> read) 6. Retell story in a sequential order 7. Summarize plot of story in a few sentences 2.07 Discuss similarities and differences in 1. How do I compare and contrast  Leveled Books 1. Demonstrate knowledge of events, characters, and concepts within and events, characters, and concepts in texts?  Theme Big Books similarities and across texts. 2. How do I compare and contrast  Library Books differences through various events, characters, and concepts across  Theme Paper backs forms: different texts?  Dictionary  Venn diagram  Student Anthology  illustration  Poetry: Powerful Thoughts in Tiny  written paper Packages (Calkins and Parsons)  Compare and contrast  Student Anthology multiple forms of media:  Theme Book  text to text  Teacher’s Edition (HM)  text to video  text to self  among genre (example: short story to poetry OR fiction to nonfiction)  text to world 2.08 Interpret information from diagrams, 1. How do I analyze data from diagrams,  HM Theme 2 1. Read a map key charts, and maps. charts and maps? 2. Read a table 3. Read a legend 4. Read a graph 5. Interpret information on graphs and maps 6. Infer meaning of bold print and text format 3.01 Use personal experiences and 1. How can I use what has happened in  HM Teacher’s Edition: On-going 1. Activate prior knowledge to knowledge to interpret written and oral my life to understand this story?  Small Moments: Personal Narrative interpret: messages. Writing (Calkins and Oxenhorn)  lists</p><p>Revised 2009 11 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p>-Predict and Infer  signs  messages  questions  problem/solution  labels  directions  notes  personal narratives  descriptions  captions  rules 3.02 Connect and compare information 1. Compare _____to______in this  Thinking Maps 1. Demonstrate knowledge of within and across selections (fiction, selection/or previous selections. How are  Workbook (HM) similarities and differences nonfiction, poetry, and drama) to experience they alike/different? through various forms: and knowledge.  Venn diagram  illustration  written paper 3.03 Explain and describe new concepts and 1. How can I tell about new concepts  HM Workbook 1.Retell and express the following information in own words (e.g., plot, and information based on this selection  Story Map Transparency; information in own words: setting, major events, characters, author’s in my own words?  Key Word Cards  plot-summarize events in text message, connections, topic, key  HM Teacher Edition- On-going in 3-5 sentences vocabulary, key concepts, text features).  setting-where and when the story takes place  major events-action, problem/solution  characters-identify and describe main characters  author’s message-moral or theme of story  connections- find relation between self, world, or other text</p><p>Revised 2009 12 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> topic- main idea  key vocabulary- 3-5 words needed to comprehend text  key concepts-ideas or points in text student needs for comprehension  text features- bold-faced print, italics, captions, text boxes, maps, table of contents, index, glossary, headings, subheadings 3.04 Increase oral and written vocabulary by 1. Now that I have read this selection,  Theme Books 1. Identify, discuss, and listening, discussing, and composing texts how can I use my new vocabulary?  Student Anthology participate by using key when responding to literature that is read  Theme Big Books vocabulary during read aloud, and heard. (e.g., Read aloud by teacher, -Compound Words  Reader’s Response Journal shared reading, interactive literature circles, interest groups, book -Exact Words (verbs)  Writer’s Workshop Folders reading, guided reading, and clubs). Vocabulary –camping, tent, campfire,  About the Authors (Wood Ray) teacher directed reading, literature hike, backpack, climbed, doe, fawn, circles rainbow, lanterns, ranger, urban, tasks, 2. Use new vocabulary during tours, statues, protect, habitat, wades, journal writing or writer’s exploring, bank, crater, edge, moss, path, workshop to respond to literature swamp, azalea, shallow, dangles, 3. Use new vocabulary in spoken terrapin, containers, scolds, swishy, language mussel 4. Ask questions 3.05 Locate and discuss examples of an 1. How does the author use type of  Mentor Texts (Author’s Craft) 1. Apply knowledge of types of author’s use of: sentence, punctuation, order of  Theme Books sentences in written language • genre(s) and specific word choice(s). paragraphs, specific word choice with  Theme Big Books 2. Recognize and use this genre?  Daily Language Transparencies capitalization in reading and  HM Focus on Genre writing: -Understanding Fables  I  proper nouns  beginning of a sentence</p><p>Revised 2009 13 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> Recognize and use punctuation in reading and writing:  periods  question marks  exclamation points  commas in dates  commas in the middle of a sentence (pause)  quotation marks (introduce dialogue)  commas in a series (introduced) 6. Recognize and identify characteristics of genre(s):  fiction (realistic, fantasy, mystery and detective) 4.01 Begin to use formal language and/or 1. How do I apply the use of formal  Writing Trainer’s Notebook 1. Demonstrate use of formal literary language in place of oral language and/or literary language in my writing?  Integrated Theme Test language (Standard American patterns, as appropriate. English) in writing -Compound Words 2. Demonstrate use of literary -Antonyms language in writing -Multiple Meaning Words  beginning hooks (once upon a -Verbs time; in a land far, far away) 4.02 Use expanded vocabulary to generate 1. What other words could I use in place  Thesaurus 1. Identify and classify synonyms synonyms for commonly over used words to of _____?  Mentor Text (Author’s Craft) in literary text and written work increase clarity of written and oral 2. Replace commonly used words communication. -Verbs with synonyms 3. Demonstrate use of a thesaurus 4.03 Read aloud with fluency and 1. How do I read with fluency and  Phonics Library 1. Reads smoothly pausing at expression any text appropriate for early expression?  Leveled Readers commas and stopping at independent readers.  Classroom Library appropriate punctuation 2. Reads at appropriate rate with </p><p>Revised 2009 14 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> appropriate volume 3. Reads with expression 4.04 Use oral communication to identify, 1. How do I discuss information with  Leveled Readers 1. Participate in oral discussion organize, and analyze information. others?  Theme Big Books with others for the purpose of  Teacher’s Edition: Think-Alouds analyzing information -Using a map /graph 2. Use clear and precise language to paraphrase message 3. Take turns to speak 4. Stay on subject or topic 5. Express opinions 6. Ask questions 7. Use a variety of words to convey meaning 4.05 Respond appropriately when 1. What are the appropriate behaviors  Teacher’s Edition: Think-Alouds 1. Clarify, speak, and write participating in group discourse by adapting when working in a group? Modeled clearly to communicate goal and language and communication behaviors to 2. How do I communicate effectively complete task the situation to accomplish a specific with a group? 2. Distinguish between purpose. appropriate language used during small group work and large group presentation HM Theme 3 Around the Town- Selections 1 and 2 Second Nine Weeks Third Nine Weeks Selections 3 and 4 1.01 Use phonics knowledge and structural 1. What are the parts of a word?  Word Matters 1. Identify root word to construct analysis (e.g., knowledge of syllables, 2. How do I examine the parts of a  Magnetic Letters meaning suffixes, prefixes, root words) to decode word?  Word Wall Cards 2. Apply knowledge of suffixes in regular multi-syllable words when reading  Sound Spelling Cards reading and spelling: text. - Consonant Digraphs –ch (tch)  Blending Routine Cards -ly, -est, -er, -tion –th –wh –sh  Highlighting Tape 3. Decode patterns with closed -Word Endings –er and –est  Buddy Study syllables: vccv (rabbit, tablet):, -Vowel pairs –ai and -ay vcccv (hundred, monster)  HM Phonics Library “Sunshine for the -Compound Words 4. Decode patterns with open Circus” “Mother’s Day Parade on Park -Vowel Pairs -ow –ou –ee –ea syllables: ti/ger words v/cv (pilot)</p><p>Revised 2009 15 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p>-Suffixes –ly –ful Street” “Jay the Mailman” “Watch out 5. Decode patterns with closed -Common syllables –tion -ture for Thick Mud!” “Mouse’s Crowded syllables: cam/el words vc/v House” “Hurray for Main Street” "The (robin) Clean Team” “Big Hound’s Lunch”  I Love Reading Books 22-36  HM Workbook  Phonics Book (blue and white) 1.02 Read most high frequency and many 1. What site words can I identify?  See Word Work (HM) On-going 1. Read high frequency words irregularly spelled words accurately in text. component -HFW –during, lion, heard, winter,  High Frequency Word Assessment clothes, guest, order, behind, soldier, story, believe, lady, whole 1.03 Self-monitor decoding by using letter- 1. How do I decode using letter-sound  HM Theme 3 1. Decode vowel digraphs (oo, sound knowledge of all consonants and knowledge? ew, ui, aw) vowels. 2. Decode vowel diphthongs (oi, -Vowel pairs –ai –ay –ow –ou –ee –ea oy, ou, ow) 3. Decode short vowels 4. Decode long vowel 1.04 Apply knowledge of all sources of 1. How do I cross check information to  On-going 1. Apply previously learned information (meaning, language, read a new text silently?  Work stations phonemic and phonological graphophonics) to read a new text silently  Does it make sense?  Leveled Readers awareness skills and independently.  Does it sound right?  Guided Reading 2. Analyze text for meaning  Can I say it that way?  Decodable Texts 3. Cross-check text using  Does it look right?  Anothology “ChinaTown” “A Trip to meaning, syntax, and visual cues. the Firehouse” “Big Bushy Mustache” “Jamaica Louis James” 1.05 Use a variety of strategies and skills to 1. How do I choose books at my  Accelerated Reader; Media, Classroom 1. Choose books according to read self-selected texts independently for 20 independent reading level? Library, Leveled Books independent reading level (above minutes daily. Self-selected texts should be 2. How do I build stamina for reading?  Read Aloud, Guided Reading, Theme 94% consistent with the student’s independent Big Books (HM), Student Conferences accuracy in comprehension and reading level.  Reading log, Reader’s response, word Journal, Story Maps recognition)</p><p>Revised 2009 16 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> 4. Independent Reading, Theme Paper 2. Make predictions about story backs (HM) using picture and context clues 3. Recall and synthesize information from story during teacher/student conferencing 4. Record information about book title, author, and date in a SSR log (other information may be recorded based on teacher preference) 5. Demonstrate the ability to sustain reading with a gradual increase to 20 minutes 2.01 Read and comprehend text (fiction, 1. How do I read different types of  Leveled Books 1. Determine author’s purpose nonfiction, poetry, and drama) appropriate genre?  Theme Big Books  entertain for grade two. 2. What can I do to demonstrate  Library Books  inform • determine purpose (reader’s and author’s) understanding of different types of  Theme Paper backs  persuade • make predictions genre?  Dictionary  describe • ask questions  Student Anthology 2. Monitor own reading and • locate information for specific -Problem Solving  Poetry: Powerful Thoughts in Tiny comprehension by asking: Does it reasons/purposes -Predict / Infer Packages (Calkins and Parsons) sound right? Does it • recognize and apply text structure -Evaluate look right? Does it make sense? • comprehend and examine author’s -Question 3. Identify text structure decisions and word choice  bold-faced print • determine fact and opinion  italicized words • recognize and comprehend figurative  captions language  headings • make inferences and draw conclusions  subheadings  table of contents  maps  index</p><p>Revised 2009 17 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> glossary  text boxes 4. Participate in author study 2.02 Use text for a variety of functions, 1. How do I apply text in a variety of  Non-Fiction 1. Read text to: including literary, informational, and ways?  Teacher-Selected Texts  inform practical.  Independent Reading  follow directions  select menu choices  follow board game directions  problem solve  enjoy  recognize different types of genre: fiction (including: realistic fiction, historical fiction, mystery and detective fiction) , fables, folktales, tall tales, nonfiction (also called expository), biographies, autobiographies, poetry, drama, legend 2.04 Pose possible how, why, and what if 1. How do I construct how, why, and  HM Theme 3 1. Create how, why, and what if questions to understand and/or interpret text. what if questions to understand what I questions to interpret text. read? 2.06 Recall main idea, facts and details from 1. How do I analyze the text to find the  HM Theme 3 1. Retell facts and details directly a text. main idea, facts, and details? from text 2. Synthesize text to name main -Summarizing idea -Topic / Main Idea / Supporting Details 3. Locate supporting facts and details in text 2.08 Interpret information from diagrams, 1. How do I analyze data from diagrams,  HM Theme 3 1. Read a map key charts, and maps. charts and maps? 2. Read a table</p><p>Revised 2009 18 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p>3. Read a legend -Reading a diagram 4. Read a graph -Using a schedule 5. Interpret information on graphs -Using the phone book and maps -How to take notes 6. Infer meaning of bold print and -Understanding the calendar text format -Using an encyclopedia -Dictionary guide words 3.01 Use personal experiences and 1. How can I use what has happened in  HM Teacher’s Edition: On-going 1. Activate prior knowledge to knowledge to interpret written and oral my life to understand this story?  Small Moments: Personal Narrative interpret: messages. Writing (Calkins and Oxenhorn)  lists -Making Judgments  signs  messages  questions  problem/solution  labels  directions  notes  personal narratives  descriptions  captions  rules 3.02 Connect and compare information 1. Compare _____to______in this  Thinking Maps 1. Demonstrate knowledge of within and across selections (fiction, selection/or previous selections. How are  Workbook (HM) similarities and differences nonfiction, poetry, and drama) to experience they alike/different? through various forms: and knowledge.  Venn diagram  illustration  written paper 3.03 Explain and describe new concepts and 1. How can I tell about new concepts  HM Workbook 1.Retell and express the following information in own words (e.g., plot, and information based on this selection  Story Map Transparency information in own words: setting, major events, characters, author’s in my own words?  Key Word Cards  plot-summarize events in text message, connections, topic, key  HM Teacher Edition- On-going in 3-5 sentences</p><p>Revised 2009 19 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS vocabulary, key concepts, text features).  setting-where and when the story takes place  major events-action, problem/solution  characters-identify and describe main characters  author’s message-moral or theme of story  connections- find relation between self, world, or other text  topic- main idea  key vocabulary- 3-5 words needed to comprehend text  key concepts-ideas or points in text student needs for comprehension  text features- bold-faced print, italics, captions, text boxes, maps, table of contents, index, glossary, headings, subheadings 3.04 Increase oral and written vocabulary by 1. Now that I have read this selection,  Theme Books 1. Identify, discuss, and listening, discussing, and composing texts how can I use my new vocabulary?  Student Anthology participate by using key when responding to literature that is read  Theme Big Books vocabulary during read aloud, and heard. (e.g., Read aloud by teacher, -Alphabetical Order to the third letter  Reader’s Response Journal shared reading, interactive literature circles, interest groups, book -Using context clues  Writer’s Workshop Folders reading, guided reading, and clubs). -Dictionary Entry Words  About the Authors (Wood Ray) teacher directed reading, literature -Rhyming Couplet circles -Vocabulary –apartment, delivery, 2. Use new vocabulary during graceful, handcarts, tai chi, cobbler, journal writing or writer’s arrive, restaurant, market, celebrations, workshop to respond to literature</p><p>Revised 2009 20 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> favorite, furious, medicinal, herbal, 3. Use new vocabulary in spoken musty, herbs, seafood, sizzle, crackle, language woks, clang, barely, kung fu, develop, 4. Ask questions chief, dispatch, emergencies, fire, engine, firefighter, gear, bushy, costume, disguise, mirror, handsome, sword, mustache, booth, plaque, station, subway, token, mayor, worry, halfway, tile, blending, collection, swoosh, recipe, spatula, ingredients 3.06 Discuss the effect of an author’s 1. How does the author use specific  Student Anthology 1. Identify, discuss, and give choices for nouns, verbs, modifiers, and vocabulary to help the reader  Theme Books examples of nouns, verbs, specific vocabulary which help the reader comprehend?  Theme Big Books modifiers (adjectives and comprehend a narrative or expository text.  Craft Lessons (Fletcher and Portalupi) adverbs), and specific vocabulary -Author’s Purpose (key vocabulary from text) within literature and student writing 4.01 Begin to use formal language and/or 1. How do I apply the use of formal  Writing Trainer’s Notebook 1. Demonstrate use of formal literary language in place of oral language and/or literary language in my writing?  Integrated Theme Test language (Standard American patterns, as appropriate.  Dictionaries English) in writing -Alphabetical Order in the dictionary  Thesaurus 2. Demonstrate use of literary -Dictionary Guide Words  Mentor Text (Author’s Craft) language in writing  beginning hooks (once upon a time; in a land far, far away)  figurative language (similes, metaphors, idioms) 4.02 Use expanded vocabulary to generate 1. What other words could I use in place 1. Identify and classify synonyms synonyms for commonly over used words to of _____? in literary text and written work increase clarity of written and oral 2. Replace commonly used words communication. with synonyms 3. Demonstrate use of a thesaurus 4.03 Read aloud with fluency and 1. How do I read with fluency and  Phonics Library 1. Reads smoothly pausing at expression any text appropriate for early expression?  Leveled Readers commas and stopping at independent readers. appropriate punctuation</p><p>Revised 2009 21 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> Classroom Library 2. Reads at appropriate rate with appropriate volume 3. Reads with expression 4.05 Respond appropriately when 1. What are the appropriate behaviors  Teacher’s Edition: Think-Alouds 1. Clarify, speak, and write participating in group discourse by adapting when working in a group? Modeled clearly to communicate goal and language and communication behaviors to 2. How do I communicate effectively complete task the situation to accomplish a specific with a group? 2. Distinguish between purpose. appropriate language used during small group work and large group presentation HM Theme 4 Amazing Animals- Third Nine Weeks 1.01 Use phonics knowledge and structural 1. What are the parts of a word?  Word Matters 1. Decode patterns with r- analysis (e.g., knowledge of syllables, 2. How do I examine the parts of a  Magnetic Letters controlled syllables vr/cvc suffixes, prefixes, root words) to decode word?  Word Wall Cards (mar/ket) regular multi-syllable words when reading  Sound Spelling Cards 2. Identify root word to construct text. -R Controlled Vowels –ar –or  Blending Routine Cards meaning –ore  Highlighting Tape 3. Apply knowledge of suffixes in -Word with –nd –nt –mp –ng –nk  Buddy Study reading and spelling: -Vowel Pairs –oa –ow –ee -ea -y, -ly, -less, -ness, -ment, -est,  HM Phonics Library “A Park for -Base words and endings -able, -ful, -er, -ible, -s, -es, -ed, Parkdale” “Arthur’s Book” “Hank’s -Substitute Phonemes -ing, -sion, -tion Panda” “Marta’s Larks” “Crow’s Plan” -Suffixes –ly -ful 4. Apply knowledge of prefixes in “Brent Skunk Sings” reading and spelling for example:  HM Workbook re, dis, un, pre, tri, bi, sub  Phonics Book (blue and white) 5. Decode patterns with closed  I Love Reading Books 34-46 syllables: vccv (rabbit, tablet):, vcccv (hundred, monster) 6. Decode patterns with open syllables: ti/ger words v/cv (pilot) 7. Decode patterns with closed syllables: cam/el words vc/v (robin)</p><p>Revised 2009 22 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p>1.02 Read most high frequency and many 1. What site words can I identify?  See Word Work (HM) On-going 1. Read high frequency words irregularly spelled words accurately in text. component -HFW – board, listen, told, between,  High Frequency Word Assessment care, weigh, ago, field, half, war 1.04 Apply knowledge of all sources of 1. How do I cross check information to  On-going 1. Apply previously learned information (meaning, language, read a new text silently?  Work stations phonemic and phonological graphophonics) to read a new text silently  Does it make sense?  Leveled Readers awareness skills and independently.  Does it sound right?  Guided Reading 2. Analyze text for meaning  Can I say it that way?  Decodable Texts 3. Cross-check text using  Does it look right?  Anthology “Officer Buckle and Gloria” meaning, syntax, and visual cues. “The Great Ball Game” “Ant” 1.05 Use a variety of strategies and skills to 1. How do I choose books at my  Accelerated Reader; Media, Classroom 1. Choose books according to read self-selected texts independently for 20 independent reading level? Library, Leveled Books independent reading level (above minutes daily. Self-selected texts should be 2. How do I build stamina for reading?  Read Aloud, Guided Reading, Theme 94% consistent with the student’s independent Big Books (HM), Student Conferences accuracy in comprehension and reading level.  Reading log, Reader’s response, word Journal, Story Maps recognition)  4. Independent Reading, Theme Paper 2. Make predictions about story backs (HM) using picture and context clues 3. Recall and synthesize information from story during teacher/student conferencing 4. Record information about book title, author, and date in a SSR log (other information may be recorded based on teacher preference) 5. Demonstrate the ability to sustain reading with a gradual increase to 20 minutes 2.01 Read and comprehend text (fiction, 1. How do I read different types of  Leveled Books 1. Determine author’s purpose</p><p>Revised 2009 23 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS nonfiction, poetry, and drama) appropriate genre?  Theme Big Books  entertain for grade two. 2. What can I do to demonstrate  Library Books  inform • determine purpose (reader’s and author’s) understanding of different types of  Theme Paper backs  persuade • make predictions genre?  Dictionary  describe • ask questions  Student Anthology 2. Monitor own reading and • locate information for specific -Drawing Conclusions  Poetry: Powerful Thoughts in Tiny comprehension by asking: Does it reasons/purposes -Text Organization Packages (Calkins and Parsons) sound right? Does it • recognize and apply text structure -Summarize look right? Does it make sense? • comprehend and examine author’s -Cause and Effect 3. Identify text structure decisions and word choice -Question  bold-faced print • determine fact and opinion -Monitor / Clarify  italicized words • recognize and comprehend figurative -Evaluate  captions language -Biographies  headings • make inferences and draw conclusions -Making Inferences  subheadings -Predicting Outcome -Making Judgments  table of contents -Noting Detail  maps -Information and Study Skills  index -Using a glossary  glossary -Compare and Contrast  text boxes -Critical Thinking 4. Participate in author study -Problem Solving -How to read a caption -Using directions 2.02 Use text for a variety of functions, 1. How do I apply text in a variety of  Non-Fiction 1. Read text to: including literary, informational, and ways?  Teacher-Selected Texts  inform practical.  Independent Reading  follow directions  select menu choices  follow board game directions  problem solve  enjoy</p><p>Revised 2009 24 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> recognize different types of genre: fiction (including: realistic fiction, historical fiction, mystery and detective fiction) , fables, folktales, tall tales, nonfiction (also called expository), biographies, autobiographies, poetry, drama, legend 2.03 Read expository materials for answers 1. Where do I find the answers to  HM Theme 4 1. Analyze nonfiction literature to to specific questions. specific questions in nonfiction text? answer questions related to text 2.04 Pose possible how, why, and what if 1. How do I construct how, why, and  HM Theme 4 1. Create how, why, and what if questions to understand and/or interpret text. what if questions to understand what I questions to interpret text. read? 2.05 Self-monitor own difficulties in 1. How do I analyze and choose  Student Anthology 1. Self-correct for meaning comprehending independently using several appropriate strategies to self-monitor my  Theme Book 2. Analyze text using context strategies. comprehension independently?  Teacher’s Edition (HM) clues 3. Predict and confirm predictions 4. Reread 5. Model think aloud (students ask themselves questions as they read) 6. Retell story in a sequential order 7. Summarize plot of story in a few sentences 2.06 Recall main idea, facts and details from 1. How do I analyze the text to find the  HM Theme 4 1. Retell facts and details directly a text. main idea, facts, and details? from text 2. Synthesize text to name main -Summarizing idea 3. Locate supporting facts and details in text</p><p>Revised 2009 25 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p>2.07 Discuss similarities and differences in 1. How do I compare and contrast  HM Theme 4 1. Demonstrate knowledge of events, characters, and concepts within and events, characters, and concepts in texts? similarities and across texts. 2. How do I compare and contrast differences through various events, characters, and concepts across forms: different texts?  Venn diagram  illustration  written paper  Compare and contrast multiple forms of media:  text to text  text to video  text to self  among genre (example: short story to poetry OR fiction to nonfiction)  text to world 2.08 Interpret information from diagrams, 1. How do I analyze data from diagrams,  HM Theme 4 1. Read a map key charts, and maps. charts and maps? 2. Read a table 3. Read a legend 4. Read a graph 5. Interpret information on graphs and maps 6. Infer meaning of bold print and text format 3.02 Connect and compare information 1. Compare _____to______in this  Thinking Maps 1. Demonstrate knowledge of within and across selections (fiction, selection/or previous selections. How are  Workbook (HM) similarities and differences nonfiction, poetry, and drama) to experience they alike/different? through various forms: and knowledge.  Venn diagram  illustration  written paper 3.03 Explain and describe new concepts and 1. How can I tell about new concepts  HM Workbook 1.Retell and express the following information in own words (e.g., plot, and information based on this selection  Story Map Transparency information in own words:</p><p>Revised 2009 26 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS setting, major events, characters, author’s in my own words?  Key Word Cards  plot-summarize events in text message, connections, topic, key  HM Teacher Edition- On-going in 3-5 sentences vocabulary, key concepts, text features).  setting-where and when the story takes place  major events-action, problem/solution  characters-identify and describe main characters  author’s message-moral or theme of story  connections- find relation between self, world, or other text  topic- main idea  key vocabulary- 3-5 words needed to comprehend text  key concepts-ideas or points in text student needs for comprehension  text features- bold-faced print, italics, captions, text boxes, maps, table of contents, index, glossary, headings, subheadings 3.05 Locate and discuss examples of an 1. How does the author use type of  Mentor Texts (Author’s Craft) 1. Locate and discuss kinds of author’s use of: sentence, punctuation, order of  Theme Books sentences within literature and • kinds of sentences (declarative, paragraphs, specific word choice with  Theme Big Books student writing: interrogative, exclamatory) this genre?  Daily Language Transparencies  declarative: statement • capitalization (titles, dates and days, names sentences of countries)  interrogative: question • punctuation (exclamation marks, commas sentences in dates, and to introduce dialogue and  exclamatory: exclamation </p><p>Revised 2009 27 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS quotations). sentences • use of paragraphs in texts and their effects 2. Apply knowledge of types of on the reader sentences in written language • genre(s) and specific word choice(s). 3. Recognize and use capitalization in reading and writing:  I  proper nouns  beginning of a sentence  Recognize and use punctuation in reading and writing:  periods  question marks  exclamation points  commas in dates  commas in the middle of a sentence (pause)  quotation marks (introduce dialogue)  commas in a series (introduced) 5. Recognize and use paragraphs in reading and writing  indent in writing 6. Recognize and identify characteristics of genre(s):  fiction (realistic, fantasy, mystery and detective)  nonfiction (newspapers, telephone books, signs and labels, biographies)  poetry (short poems, word </p><p>Revised 2009 28 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> plays, alliteration, rhyme)  drama (plays, skits) 4.02 Use expanded vocabulary to generate 1. What other words could I use in place 1. Identify and classify synonyms synonyms for commonly over used words to of _____? in literary text and written work increase clarity of written and oral 2. Replace commonly used words communication. with synonyms 3. Demonstrate use of a thesaurus 4.03 Read aloud with fluency and 1. How do I read with fluency and  Phonics Library 1. Reads smoothly pausing at expression any text appropriate for early expression?  Leveled Readers commas and stopping at independent readers.  Classroom Library appropriate punctuation 2. Reads at appropriate rate with appropriate volume 3. Reads with expression 4.04 Use oral communication to identify, 1. How do I discuss information with  Leveled Readers 1. Participate in oral discussion organize, and analyze information. others?  Theme Big Book with others for the purpose of  Teacher’s Edition: Think-Alouds analyzing information 2. Use clear and precise language to paraphrase message 3. Take turns to speak 4. Stay on subject or topic 5. Express opinions 6. Ask questions 7. Use a variety of words to convey meaning 4.05 Respond appropriately when 1. What are the appropriate behaviors  Teacher’s Edition: Think-Alouds 1. Clarify, speak, and write participating in group discourse by adapting when working in a group? Modeled clearly to communicate goal and language and communication behaviors to 2. How do I communicate effectively complete task the situation to accomplish a specific with a group? 2. Distinguish between purpose. appropriate language used during small group work and large group presentation</p><p>Revised 2009 29 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p>HM Theme 5 Family Time- Fourth Nine Weeks 1.01 Use phonics knowledge and structural 1. What are the parts of a word?  Word Matters 1. Decode patterns with r- analysis (e.g., knowledge of syllables, 2. How do I examine the parts of a  Magnetic Letters controlled syllables vr/cvc suffixes, prefixes, root words) to decode word?  Word Wall Cards (mar/ket) regular multi-syllable words when reading  Sound Spelling Cards 2. Identify root word to construct text. -Word Endings –er –ly in two syllable  Blending Routine Cards meaning words  Highlighting Tape 3. Apply knowledge of suffixes in -Contractions  Buddy Study reading and spelling: -Sound of /y/ at the end of long words -y, -ly, -less, -ness, -ment, -est,  HM Phonics Library “My Sister Joan” -Prefix –un -able, -ful, -er, -ible, -s, -es, -ed, “The Big Party Plan” “Lost and Found” -Base words and –ed –ing endings -ing, -sion, -tion “What Will Lester be? “Aunt Lizzy -Silent /gh/ /k(n)/ /b/ 4. Apply knowledge of prefixes in Finds her Cake” “My Brother” “Eight -Homophones reading and spelling for example: Daughters” “The Family Garden” -Substitute syllables re, dis, un, pre, tri, bi, sub  HM Workbook -Segment syllables 5. Decode patterns with closed -Blend final phonemes /e/ with words  Phonics Book (blue and white) syllables: vccv (rabbit, tablet):, ending in y  I Love Reading Books 47-58 vcccv (hundred, monster) -Blend phonemes in words with silent 6. Decode patterns with open consonants syllables: ti/ger words v/cv (pilot) 7. Decode patterns with closed syllables: cam/el words vc/v (robin) 1.02 Read most high frequency and many 1. What site words can I identify?  See Word Work (HM) On-going 1. Read high frequency words irregularly spelled words accurately in text. component -HFW – middle, trouble, uncle, early,  High Frequency Word Assessment hair, instead, aunt, million, pair, air, child, heavy, hour 1.03 Self-monitor decoding by using letter- 1. How do I decode using letter-sound  HM Theme 5 1. Decode vowel digraphs (oo, sound knowledge of all consonants and knowledge? ew, ui, aw) vowels. 2. Decode vowel diphthongs (oi, oy, ou, ow) 3. Decode R or L controlled </p><p>Revised 2009 30 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> vowels (er, ar, ir, or, ur, al) 4. Decode beginning digraphs (wr, kn, gn) 5. Decode short vowels 6. Decode long vowels 7. Double consonants 8. Consonant clusters 9. Hard and soft sounds 10. Contractions 11. Words with nd, nt, np, ng, nk 1.04 Apply knowledge of all sources of 1. How do I cross check information to  On-going 1. Apply previously learned information (meaning, language, read a new text silently?  Work stations phonemic and phonological graphophonics) to read a new text silently  Does it make sense?  Leveled Readers awareness skills and independently.  Does it sound right?  Guided Reading 2. Analyze text for meaning  Can I say it that way?  Decodable Texts 3. Cross-check text using  Does it look right?  Anthology “Brothers and Sisters” meaning, syntax, and visual cues. “Jalapeño Bagels” “Carousel” “Thunder Cake”</p><p>1.05 Use a variety of strategies and skills to 1. How do I choose books at my  Accelerated Reader; Media, Classroom 1. Choose books according to read self-selected texts independently for 20 independent reading level? Library, Leveled Books independent reading level (above minutes daily. Self-selected texts should be 2. How do I build stamina for reading?  Read Aloud, Guided Reading, Theme 94% consistent with the student’s independent Big Books (HM), Student Conferences accuracy in comprehension and reading level.  Reading log, Reader’s response, word Journal, Story Maps recognition)  Independent Reading, Theme Paper 2. Make predictions about story backs (HM) using picture and context clues 3. Recall and synthesize information from story during teacher/student conferencing 4. Record information about book</p><p>Revised 2009 31 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> title, author, and date in a SSR log (other information may be recorded based on teacher preference) 5. Demonstrate the ability to sustain reading with a gradual increase to 20 minutes 2.01 Read and comprehend text (fiction, 1. How do I read different types of  Leveled Books 1. Determine author’s purpose nonfiction, poetry, and drama) appropriate genre?  Theme Big Books  entertain for grade two. 2. What can I do to demonstrate  Library Books  inform • determine purpose (reader’s and author’s) understanding of different types of  Theme Paper backs  persuade • make predictions genre?  Dictionary  describe • ask questions  Student Anthology 2. Monitor own reading and • locate information for specific -Drawing Conclusions  Poetry: Powerful Thoughts in Tiny comprehension by asking: Does it reasons/purposes -Text Organization Packages (Calkins and Parsons) sound right? Does it • recognize and apply text structure -Summarize look right? Does it make sense? • comprehend and examine author’s -Cause and Effect 3. Identify text structure decisions and word choice -Question  bold-faced print • determine fact and opinion -Monitor / Clarify  italicized words • recognize and comprehend figurative -Evaluate  captions language -Biographies  headings • make inferences and draw conclusions -Making Inferences  subheadings -Predicting Outcome -Making Judgments  table of contents -Noting Detail  maps -Information and Study Skills  index -Using a glossary  glossary -Compare and Contrast  text boxes -Critical Thinking 4. Participate in author study -Problem Solving -How to read a caption -Using directions 2.02 Use text for a variety of functions, 1. How do I apply text in a variety of  Non-Fiction 1. Read text to:</p><p>Revised 2009 32 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS including literary, informational, and ways?  Teacher-Selected Texts  inform practical.  Independent Reading  follow directions  select menu choices  follow board game directions  problem solve  enjoy  recognize different types of genre: fiction (including: realistic fiction, historical fiction, mystery and detective fiction) , fables, folktales, tall tales, nonfiction (also called expository), biographies, autobiographies, poetry, drama, legend 2.03 Read expository materials for answers 1. Where do I find the answers to  HM Theme 5 1. Analyze nonfiction literature to to specific questions. specific questions in nonfiction text? answer questions related to text 2.04 Pose possible how, why, and what if 1. How do I construct how, why, and  HM Theme 5 1. Create how, why, and what if questions to understand and/or interpret text. what if questions to understand what I questions to interpret text. read? 2.05 Self-monitor own difficulties in 1. How do I analyze and choose  Student Anthology 1. Self-correct for meaning comprehending independently using several appropriate strategies to self-monitor my  Theme Book 2. Analyze text using context strategies. comprehension independently?  Teacher’s Edition (HM) clues 3. Predict and confirm predictions 4. Reread 5. Model think aloud (students ask themselves questions as they read) 6. Retell story in a sequential order</p><p>Revised 2009 33 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p>7. Summarize plot of story in a few sentences 2.07 Discuss similarities and differences in 1. How do I compare and contrast  HM Theme 5 1. Demonstrate knowledge of events, characters, and concepts within and events, characters, and concepts in texts? similarities and across texts. 2. How do I compare and contrast differences through various events, characters, and concepts across forms: different texts?  Venn diagram  illustration  written paper  Compare and contrast multiple forms of media:  text to text  text to video  text to self  among genre (example: short story to poetry OR fiction to nonfiction)  text to world 3.01 Use personal experiences and 1. How can I use what has happened in  HM Teacher’s Edition: On-going 1. Activate prior knowledge to knowledge to interpret written and oral my life to understand this story?  Small Moments: Personal Narrative interpret: messages. Writing (Calkins and Oxenhorn)  lists -Generalizing  signs -Evaluate  messages -Follow Directions  questions -Question  problem/solution -Making Judgments  labels -Predict and Infer  directions -Sequence of Events  notes -Monitor and Clarify  personal narratives -Understanding Chapter Books -Summarize  descriptions  captions</p><p>Revised 2009 34 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> rules 3.02 Connect and compare information 1. Compare _____to______in this  Thinking Maps 1. Demonstrate knowledge of within and across selections (fiction, selection/or previous selections. How are  Workbook (HM) similarities and differences nonfiction, poetry, and drama) to experience they alike/different? through various forms: and knowledge.  Venn diagram  illustration  written paper 3.03 Explain and describe new concepts and 1. How can I tell about new concepts  HM Workbook 1.Retell and express the following information in own words (e.g., plot, and information based on this selection  Story Map Transparency information in own words: setting, major events, characters, author’s in my own words?  Key Word Cards  plot-summarize events in text message, connections, topic, key  HM Teacher Edition- On-going in 3-5 sentences vocabulary, key concepts, text features).  setting-where and when the story takes place  major events-action, problem/solution  characters-identify and describe main characters  author’s message-moral or theme of story  connections- find relation between self, world, or other text  topic- main idea  key vocabulary- 3-5 words needed to comprehend text  key concepts-ideas or points in text student needs for comprehension  text features- bold-faced print, italics, captions, text boxes, maps, table of contents, index, glossary, headings, </p><p>Revised 2009 35 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> subheadings 3.04 Increase oral and written vocabulary by 1. Now that I have read this selection,  Theme Books 1. Identify, discuss, and listening, discussing, and composing texts how can I use my new vocabulary?  Student Anthology participate by using key when responding to literature that is read  Theme Big Books vocabulary during read aloud, and heard. (e.g., Read aloud by teacher,  Reader’s Response Journal shared reading, interactive literature circles, interest groups, book  Writer’s Workshop Folders reading, guided reading, and clubs).  About the Authors (Wood Ray) teacher directed reading, literature circles 2. Use new vocabulary during journal writing or writer’s workshop to respond to literature 3. Use new vocabulary in spoken language 4. Ask questions 3.05 Locate and discuss examples of an 1. How does the author use type of  Mentor Texts (Author’s Craft) 1. Locate and discuss kinds of author’s use of: sentence, punctuation, order of  Theme Books sentences within literature and • kinds of sentences (declarative, paragraphs, specific word choice with  Theme Big Books student writing: interrogative, exclamatory) this genre?  Daily Language Transparencies  declarative: statement • capitalization (titles, dates and days, names sentences of countries)  interrogative: question • punctuation (exclamation marks, commas sentences in dates, and to introduce dialogue and  exclamatory: exclamation quotations). sentences • use of paragraphs in texts and their effects 2. Apply knowledge of types of on the reader sentences in written language • genre(s) and specific word choice(s). 3. Recognize and use capitalization in reading and writing:  I  proper nouns  beginning of a sentence  Recognize and use punctuation </p><p>Revised 2009 36 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> in reading and writing:  periods  question marks  exclamation points  commas in dates  commas in the middle of a sentence (pause)  quotation marks (introduce dialogue)  commas in a series (introduced) 5. Recognize and use paragraphs in reading and writing  indent in writing 6. Recognize and identify characteristics of genre(s):  fiction (realistic, fantasy, mystery and detective)  nonfiction (newspapers, telephone books, signs and labels, biographies)  poetry (short poems, word plays, alliteration, rhyme)  drama (plays, skits) 4.01 Begin to use formal language and/or 1. How do I apply the use of formal  Writing Trainer’s Notebook 1. Demonstrate use of formal literary language in place of oral language and/or literary language in my writing?  Integrated Theme Test language (Standard American patterns, as appropriate. English) in writing -Compound Words 2. Demonstrate use of literary -Antonyms language in writing -Multiple Meaning Words  beginning hooks (once upon a -Verbs time; in a land far, far away) 4.02 Use expanded vocabulary to generate 1. What other words could I use in place 1. Identify and classify synonyms </p><p>Revised 2009 37 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS synonyms for commonly over used words to of _____? in literary text and written work increase clarity of written and oral 2. Replace commonly used words communication. with synonyms 3. Demonstrate use of a thesaurus 4.03 Read aloud with fluency and 1. How do I read with fluency and  Phonics Library 1. Reads smoothly pausing at expression any text appropriate for early expression?  Leveled Readers commas and stopping at independent readers.  Classroom Library appropriate punctuation 2. Reads at appropriate rate with appropriate volume 3. Reads with expression 4.04 Use oral communication to identify, 1. How do I discuss information with  Leveled Readers 1. Participate in oral discussion organize, and analyze information. others?  Theme Big Book with others for the purpose of  Teacher’s Edition: Think-Alouds analyzing information 2. Use clear and precise language to paraphrase message 3. Take turns to speak 4. Stay on subject or topic 5. Express opinions 6. Ask questions 7. Use a variety of words to convey meaning 4.05 Respond appropriately when 1. What are the appropriate behaviors  Teacher’s Edition: Think-Alouds 1. Clarify, speak, and write participating in group discourse by adapting when working in a group? Modeled clearly to communicate goal and language and communication behaviors to 2. How do I communicate effectively complete task the situation to accomplish a specific with a group? 2. Distinguish between purpose. appropriate language used during small group work and large group presentation HM Theme 6 Talent Show- Fourth Nine Weeks 1.01 Use phonics knowledge and structural 1. What are the parts of a word?  Word Matters 1. Decode patterns with r- analysis (e.g., knowledge of syllables, 2. How do I examine the parts of a  Magnetic Letters controlled syllables vr/cvc suffixes, prefixes, root words) to decode word? (mar/ket)</p><p>Revised 2009 38 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS regular multi-syllable words when reading  Word Wall Cards 2. Identify root word to construct text. -Substitute phonemes with Vowel Pairs  Sound Spelling Cards meaning –oo –ew –ue- ou  Blending Routine Cards 3. Apply knowledge of suffixes in -Base words and endings –ed –ing  Highlighting Tape reading and spelling: -Base words with dropped final e with –  Buddy Study -y, -ly, -less, -ness, -ment, -est, ed -ing  HM Phonics Library “Our Classroom -able, -ful, -er, -ible, -s, -es, -ed, -Substitute phonemes with Long I –igh – Zoo Book” “Jade’s Drumming” -ing, -sion, -tion ie “Dwight the Knight” “Who Drew the 4. Apply knowledge of prefixes in Cartoon” reading and spelling for example:  HM Workbook re, dis, un, pre, tri, bi, sub 5. Decode patterns with closed  Phonics Book (blue and white) syllables: vccv (rabbit, tablet):,  I Love Reading Books59-65 vcccv (hundred, monster) 6. Decode patterns with open syllables: ti/ger words v/cv (pilot) 7. Decode patterns with closed syllables: cam/el words vc/v (robin) 1.02 Read most high frequency and many 1. What site words can I identify?  See Word Work (HM) On-going 1. Read high frequency words irregularly spelled words accurately in text. component -HFW – heart, mind, alphabet, below,  High Frequency Word Assessment neightbor 1.04 Apply knowledge of all sources of 1. How do I cross check information to  On-going 1. Apply previously learned information (meaning, language, read a new text silently?  Work stations phonemic and phonological graphophonics) to read a new text silently  Does it make sense?  Leveled Readers awareness skills and independently.  Does it sound right?  Guided Reading 2. Analyze text for meaning  Can I say it that way?  Decodable Texts 3. Cross-check text using  Does it look right?  Anthology “Brothers and Sisters” meaning, syntax, and visual cues. “Jalapeño Bagels” “Carousel” “Thunder Cake” 1.05 Use a variety of strategies and skills to 1. How do I choose books at my  Accelerated Reader; Media, Classroom 1. Choose books according to read self-selected texts independently for 20 independent reading level? Library, Leveled Books independent reading level (above </p><p>Revised 2009 39 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS minutes daily. Self-selected texts should be 2. How do I build stamina for reading?  Read Aloud, Guided Reading, Theme 94% consistent with the student’s independent Big Books (HM), Student Conferences accuracy in comprehension and reading level.  Reading log, Reader’s response, word Journal, Story Maps recognition)  Independent Reading, Theme Paper 2. Make predictions about story backs (HM) using picture and context clues 3. Recall and synthesize information from story during teacher/student conferencing 4. Record information about book title, author, and date in a SSR log (other information may be recorded based on teacher preference) 5. Demonstrate the ability to sustain reading with a gradual increase to 20 minutes 2.01 Read and comprehend text (fiction, 1. How do I read different types of  Leveled Books 1. Determine author’s purpose nonfiction, poetry, and drama) appropriate genre?  Theme Big Books  entertain for grade two. 2. What can I do to demonstrate  Library Books  inform • determine purpose (reader’s and author’s) understanding of different types of  Theme Paper backs  persuade • make predictions genre?  Dictionary  describe • ask questions  Student Anthology 2. Monitor own reading and • locate information for specific -Drawing Conclusions  Poetry: Powerful Thoughts in Tiny comprehension by asking: Does it reasons/purposes -Text Organization Packages (Calkins and Parsons) sound right? Does it • recognize and apply text structure -Summarize look right? Does it make sense? • comprehend and examine author’s -Cause and Effect 3. Identify text structure decisions and word choice -Question  bold-faced print • determine fact and opinion -Monitor / Clarify  italicized words • recognize and comprehend figurative -Evaluate  captions language -Biographies  headings • make inferences and draw conclusions -Making Inferences</p><p>Revised 2009 40 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p>-Predicting Outcome  subheadings -Making Judgments  table of contents -Noting Detail  maps -Information and Study Skills  index -Using a glossary  glossary -Compare and Contrast  text boxes -Critical Thinking 4. Participate in author study -Problem Solving -How to read a caption -Using directions 2.03 Read expository materials for answers 1. Where do I find the answers to  HM Theme 6 1. Analyze nonfiction literature to to specific questions. specific questions in nonfiction text? answer questions related to text 2.04 Pose possible how, why, and what if 1. How do I construct how, why, and  HM Theme 6 1. Create how, why, and what if questions to understand and/or interpret text. what if questions to understand what I questions to interpret text. read? 2.06 Recall main idea, facts and details from 1. How do I analyze the text to find the  HM Theme 6 1. Retell facts and details directly a text. main idea, facts, and details? from text 2. Synthesize text to name main idea 3. Locate supporting facts and details in text 2.07 Discuss similarities and differences in 1. How do I compare and contrast  HM Theme 6 1. Demonstrate knowledge of events, characters, and concepts within and events, characters, and concepts in texts? similarities and across texts. 2. How do I compare and contrast differences through various events, characters, and concepts across forms: different texts?  Venn diagram  illustration  written paper  Compare and contrast multiple forms of media:  text to text  text to video</p><p>Revised 2009 41 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> text to self  among genre (example: short story to poetry OR fiction to nonfiction)  text to world 2.08 Interpret information from diagrams, 1. How do I analyze data from diagrams,  HM Theme 6 1. Read a map key charts, and maps. charts and maps? 2. Read a table 3. Read a legend 4. Read a graph 5. Interpret information on graphs and maps 6. Infer meaning of bold print and text format 3.01 Use personal experiences and 1. How can I use what has happened in  HM Teacher’s Edition: On-going 1. Activate prior knowledge to knowledge to interpret written and oral my life to understand this story?  Small Moments: Personal Narrative interpret: messages. Writing (Calkins and Oxenhorn)  lists -Author’s Viewpoint  signs -Evaluate  messages -Noting Details  questions -Summarize  problem/solution -Problem Solving  labels -Question  directions -Cause and Effect  notes -Summarize  personal narratives -Predicting Outcome -Making Judgments  descriptions -Making Inferences  captions -Study skills using a newspaper  rules -Study skills chapter titles and headings -Study skills captions 3.02 Connect and compare information 1. Compare _____to______in this  Thinking Maps 1. Demonstrate knowledge of within and across selections (fiction, selection/or previous selections. How are  Workbook (HM) similarities and differences </p><p>Revised 2009 42 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS nonfiction, poetry, and drama) to experience they alike/different? through various forms: and knowledge.  Venn diagram  illustration  written paper 3.03 Explain and describe new concepts and 1. How can I tell about new concepts  HM Workbook 1.Retell and express the following information in own words (e.g., plot, and information based on this selection  Story Map Transparency information in own words: setting, major events, characters, author’s in my own words?  Key Word Cards  plot-summarize events in text message, connections, topic, key  HM Teacher Edition- On-going in 3-5 sentences vocabulary, key concepts, text features).  setting-where and when the story takes place  major events-action, problem/solution  characters-identify and describe main characters  author’s message-moral or theme of story  connections- find relation between self, world, or other text  topic- main idea  key vocabulary- 3-5 words needed to comprehend text  key concepts-ideas or points in text student needs for comprehension  text features- bold-faced print, italics, captions, text boxes, maps, table of contents, index, glossary, headings, subheadings 3.05 Locate and discuss examples of an 1. How does the author use type of  Mentor Texts (Author’s Craft) 1. Locate and discuss kinds of author’s use of: sentence, punctuation, order of  Theme Books sentences within literature and </p><p>Revised 2009 43 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p>• kinds of sentences (declarative, paragraphs, specific word choice with  Theme Big Books student writing: interrogative, exclamatory) this genre?  Daily Language Transparencies  declarative: statement • capitalization (titles, dates and days, names sentences of countries)  interrogative: question • punctuation (exclamation marks, commas sentences in dates, and to introduce dialogue and  exclamatory: exclamation quotations). sentences • use of paragraphs in texts and their effects 2. Apply knowledge of types of on the reader sentences in written language • genre(s) and specific word choice(s). 3. Recognize and use capitalization in reading and writing:  I  proper nouns  beginning of a sentence  Recognize and use punctuation in reading and writing:  periods  question marks  exclamation points  commas in dates  commas in the middle of a sentence (pause)  quotation marks (introduce dialogue)  commas in a series (introduced) 5. Recognize and use paragraphs in reading and writing  indent in writing 6. Recognize and identify characteristics of genre(s):</p><p>Revised 2009 44 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p> fiction (realistic, fantasy, mystery and detective)  nonfiction (newspapers, telephone books, signs and labels, biographies)  poetry (short poems, word plays, alliteration, rhyme)  drama (plays, skits) 3.06 Discuss the effect of an author’s 1. How does the author use specific  Student Anthology 1. Identify, discuss, and give choices for nouns, verbs, modifiers, and vocabulary to help the reader  Theme Books examples of nouns, verbs, specific vocabulary which help the reader comprehend?  Theme Big Books modifiers (adjectives and comprehend a narrative or expository text.  Craft Lessons (Fletcher and Portalupi) adverbs), and specific vocabulary (key vocabulary from text) within literature and student writing 4.02 Use expanded vocabulary to generate 1. What other words could I use in place 1. Identify and classify synonyms synonyms for commonly over used words to of _____? in literary text and written work increase clarity of written and oral 2. Replace commonly used words communication. with synonyms 3. Demonstrate use of a thesaurus 4.03 Read aloud with fluency and 1. How do I read with fluency and  Phonics Library 1. Reads smoothly pausing at expression any text appropriate for early expression?  Leveled Readers commas and stopping at independent readers.  Classroom Library appropriate punctuation 2. Reads at appropriate rate with appropriate volume 3. Reads with expression 4.04 Use oral communication to identify, 1. How do I discuss information with  Leveled Readers 1. Participate in oral discussion organize, and analyze information. others?  Theme Big Book with others for the purpose of  Teacher’s Edition: Think-Alouds analyzing information 2. Use clear and precise language to paraphrase message 3. Take turns to speak 4. Stay on subject or topic</p><p>Revised 2009 45 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide/ Grade 2 SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ESSENTIAL TASKS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS</p><p>5. Express opinions 6. Ask questions 7. Use a variety of words to convey meaning 4.05 Respond appropriately when 1. What are the appropriate behaviors  Teacher’s Edition: Think-Alouds 1. Clarify, speak, and write participating in group discourse by adapting when working in a group? Modeled clearly to communicate goal and language and communication behaviors to 2. How do I communicate effectively complete task the situation to accomplish a specific with a group? 2. Distinguish between purpose. appropriate language used during small group work and large group presentation</p><p>Revised 2009 46</p>

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